
bodhizazen'lo lubuntu00:00
hyperair'lo bodhizazen00:00
* hyperair → class.00:00
phillwhyperair: i have not done, It is a mistake I accept the invite ubuntu-irc-council onto our channels, I regret it deeply.00:01
wxlaw foo just when i was hoping for a netboot ppc, nada00:08
phillwwb hyperair00:31
hyperairhi phillw00:33
phillwwxl: keep your self contained... it is theortically possible, but a lot of people are going to hate me :)00:33
phillwhiyas hyperair you have email00:33
hyperairphillw: yeah i noticed.00:34
* hyperair wonders who the blanked out quote is from00:34
Unit193Heh, easy00:34
Unit193Can you remove the Council if you decide it's not the best thing?00:34
Unit193mind = blown?00:36
hyperairphillw: you have /query messages.00:37
=== m4v is now known as m4vE
silverarrowis there a good hack for old XP still available ?00:46
silverarrowlike minimal version ?00:46
silverarrowor regular00:46
=== m4vE is now known as m4v
draiochwha u mean like miminal xp00:50
draiochbeen using that for years http://www.litepc.com/xplite.html00:53
draiochcause u want revert easyily to full blown version00:53
silverarrowdraioch, and I can do updates ?01:03
Lithos84Hello! Is there a way to start Lubuntu without the panel?01:49
wxlthx for the ppc plug phillw :D02:19
ridz16according to the article found @ http://lifehacker.com/5844150/browser-speed-tests-firefox-7-chrome-14-internet-explorer-9-and-more   opera uses less memory than chrome...  and I wanted to suggest that to lubuntu.net but I couldn't find any forum.03:59
Unit193The chances of Lubuntu switching to a browser that isn't even in the repos, is basically nothing :P04:01
ridz16I've use chrome/ium for awhile now since it was created but its lagging behind, I hope we can have it as default for 11.1004:01
Unit193And as 11.10 is released in a few days, way too late anyway :)04:01
ridz16:O when is the release of 11.10?04:03
ridz16wait i think i remember seeing a countdown04:04
ridz16ya i think it was this site but it shows error now http://thisisthecountdown.com/04:05
ridz16i put lubuntu on a 4 Gb usb thumbdrive and is what i use at office, just in case there's a keylogger on the win7 os. lols safety precautions04:05
peccohi... i just installed new lubuntu and he dont ask for root password... just - create a new user...... what ist the default root password? please help07:04
micahgpecco: Ubuntu doesn't have a root user with a password by default, just an admin user07:14
john_ramboDoes Sylpheed had new mail sound notification feature ?07:15
john_ramboI didnt find it07:15
wxlwoo hoo i got 11.10 installed08:19
wxl/etc/hosts was the key to getting around the choose-mirror problem08:26
wxlthere's other hurdles to bound over but they're way smaller08:26
wxlit's WAAAY faster08:27
wxlprocesser scaling doesn't seem to be an issue08:27
wxljockey is going to have its ass kicked, tho08:28
wxlah i should be patient and upgrade first08:28
wxlgrr repos aren't behaving08:30
bioterrorchoose another ;)08:31
wxlyeah true true08:31
wxlso much is working so much better08:33
wxloh i am gleeful08:34
wxlall better10:37
wxlgotta figure out what's up with my sound tho10:37
bioterrorrun alsamixer and check volume levels and if there's something muted (MM)10:37
wxlsound card "soundbylayout?" i think not10:41
wxloh nevermind10:41
wxlpcm was down and i was trying to play a wav10:42
wxlhm processor was running hot again10:42
wxlok i'm gonna load mac on linux and get to bed10:48
wxlwoot too excited.. staying up late :D10:48
silverlightningtons of bugs in the release candidate11:54
M0hirelease candidate?11:54
silverlightningI mean, 11.10 testing11:55
silverlightningsince last night three have been detected11:55
silverlightningdo you know if this is an updated dowload site ? http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/11:56
silverlightningcontinuously updated I mean ?11:56
silverlightninghi T4411:58
* silverlightning wonders if bioterror is much like anthrax 11:58
* silverlightning puts on protective suit and gloves 11:58
=== Mkaysi|ZNC is now known as Mkaysi
=== Pupuser-1 is now known as silverarrow
silverarrowanyone booted in the latest 11.10 version?15:08
silverarrowI am on the page bioterror posted last night15:12
silverarrowhi bodhi15:14
shellyI have a Kodak EasyShare that works fine in ubuntu, but not in lubuntu; what do you suppose I'm missing?15:21
silverarrownot sure, should work relaly15:21
silverarrowshelly, have you tried the default picture manager in lubuntu?15:31
shellysilverarrow, not sure.  What was that?  I just isntalled camera.app but I'm wondering if I need a reboot; I missed what was going by in the terminal15:33
silverarrowdoes any of the lubuntu builders hang around here?15:37
silverarrowlubuntu comes of as the most stable reliable of the lighter distros,15:37
silverarrowmuch the same as the main15:38
shellysilverarrow, ok, that didn't work15:40
silverarrowI see15:41
silverarrowwhat are you trying to do really?15:41
silverarrowdownload photos to laptop?15:41
silverarrowor edit?15:41
shellyPC.  Trying to get them off of an old kodak easyshare on shelly's computer.  She's a recovering xp user.  I have the camera dumping ok to my laptop (regular ubuntu) but it won't show up when I plug in the usb to this lubuntu pc15:43
shellyI'm sure it's something dumb...15:43
shellylsusb gives me Bus 004 Device 003: ID 040a:05a7 Kodak Co. Digital Camera15:45
silverarrowhmm, it should really15:46
silverarrowyou sort of drag on drop folders in filemanager?15:47
silverarrowor direct from camera?15:47
silverarrowI have been rather lucky with cameras, it was detected and managed by default15:47
silverarrowkodak too,15:48
shellyit doesn't get mounted anywhere.  I was hoping it would show up in /media, then we could drag it and whatever.  This is why I personally stopped buying all Kodak products...15:48
silverarrowI'm not in lubuntu now, but have you seen in hidden too15:50
silverarrowunder mount15:50
silverarrowthat would be one above root I think15:50
silverarrowproblem is usb not getting detected15:51
silverarrowhmm, ls usb shows the camera15:52
silverarrowsorry, a bit slow15:52
silverarrowshelly, it is probably there some where15:53
silverarrowthere is a new release today I think, of 11.1015:54
silverarrowjust a few minutes ago15:55
silverlightninglatest lubuntu iso is not available?16:05
=== silverlightning is now known as silverarrow
silverarrowshelly, any progress?16:24
=== Pupuser-1 is now known as sharparrow
* wxl yawns18:30
* wxl is trying to caffinate sufficiently to make up for the lack of sleep due to the late night success and subsequent excitement in installing ocelot on the powerbook18:31
silverlightningI just installed todays oneric18:55
silverlightningit seems to work18:55
silverlightningat least package manager and update manager doesn't crash18:55
silverlightninghow dependent is lubuntu of swap?18:55
=== TheDaniel0108 is now known as Daniel0108
=== TheDaniel0108 is now known as Daniel0108
silverlightningwhat packages would conflict with the mplayer-gecko setup?19:58
silverlightningI installed restricted packages, as only thing extra in lubuntu19:59
silverlightningfrom packge manager19:59
silverlightningnobody really knows do they20:00
silverlightningdoes anyone know what plugins work to stream online tv?20:29
bioterrorwindows 720:31
silverlightningwell yes20:42
silverlightningI am however trying to make mplayer-gecko work too20:42
silverlightningand it really should20:42
bioterroryou've asked these same questions every day for the last month ;)20:47
silverlightningI have20:49
silverlightningbut now I have a fresh lubuntu install20:50
silverlightningI no reason to wait for next20:50
silverlightningwas it the lubuntu extras that did it in?20:50
silverlightningthe mplayer gecko combo?20:50
silverlightningor am I missing a plugin?20:50
silverlightningI am willing to pay for someone taking a look at my gecko-mplayer issue21:11
bioterroryou should point us a webpage with that stream21:13
bioterroror do you have to pay for that stream?21:13
silverlightningno it is free21:15
silverlightningjust before I deleted 11.04 it was working21:15
bioterrorare you using chromium or firefox?21:15
silverlightningand I really had not done anything in particular21:16
silverlightningIn puppylinux I can stream fine in either Opera, Chromium, or Firefox,21:16
silverlightningwith mplayer-gecko21:17
silverlightningyou dowload browser from a package manager there too21:17
silverlightningcomes with no browser,21:17
silverlightningI was surprised when it suddenly worked again21:18
silverlightningI have downloaded restricted packages only this time21:18
silverlightningtwo restricted plugins, and something else21:19
silverlightningtons of stuff21:19
silverlightningI know vlc mozilla will mess up mplayer gecko combination21:19
silverlightningare there any other  known conflicting stuff ?21:20
silverlightningunfortunately I didn't try stream before I added restricted in package manager21:21
silverlightningwould be great to make everything work in lubuntu21:22
silverlightningpuppy is so flimsy21:22
silverlightningtrouble is I have no idea how to go about it21:25
bioterroron my desktop computer it loads with gecko21:28
bioterrorbut stops right after21:28
bioterrorand now I'm off to bed21:30
silverlightningexactly what i get21:30
silverlightninghave a good night21:30
silverlightningsleep tight21:30
bioterrorhttp://www.nrk.no/nett-tv/klipp/55320/ this worked for example21:36
bioterrorhttp://www.nrk.no/nett-tv/klipp/792869/ no problems with this neither21:37
silverlightninghm, ja funker her ogs21:41
silverlightningworks here too21:41
silverlightningsorry, I am on two channels21:42
silverlightningget languages mixed up21:42
silverlightningbut even more strange21:42
silverlightningI can boot puppy linux right now, and it would work21:43
silverlightningall, live, all the archived shows21:43
silverlightningI am in norway, should be no blockage21:44
silverlightning??? !!!21:44
bioterrorbut now, good night21:44
silverlightninggoon night21:47
silverlightningI have a troll in  my computer21:47
silverlightningmessing stuff up21:47
=== chheap is now known as Cheapshot
silverlightninganyone here?22:12
silverlightningdo this plugin come with default or with extra packages ? port25.technet.com/videos/downloads/wmpfirefoxplugin.exe.22:12
silverlightningor there might be some know conflicts?22:13
IbisHey guys, does Ubuntu software center  installs Gnome too by any chance?22:20
silverlightningis it all right to install medibuntu in lubuntu?22:39
Lithos84sliverlightning: It is all right :)22:57
silverlightningI manage to mess up22:59
meetingologysilverlightning: Error: "£$!"#¤" is not a valid command.22:59
silverlightninghow observant23:00
KM0201silverlightning: http://samiux.blogspot.com/2011/05/howto-moonlight-on-ubuntu-1104.html23:47
silverlightningit is working now23:48
silverlightningnot sure what is working really, but it is streaming : )23:48
KM0201what's so miraculous about it?23:48
silverlightningit should have worked with the restricteds really23:49
silverlightningnot that it did23:49
KM0201yeah, it should have.23:49
silverlightningit streams, now, and I the setting for windows media player, and not silverlight/monlight ?23:50
silverlightninghowever, i did get moonlight too23:50
silverlightningfrantic plugin hunt23:50
silverlightningKM0201: where are you?23:51
silverlightningI'm in Norway23:51
KM0201indpls, IN (US)23:51
silverlightningoh far away then23:51
silverlightningI'm not sure if you can make it stream where you are23:52
silverlightningthey add all kinds of blocks these days23:52
silverlightningfreedom is not common on earth23:52
KM0201yeah, doesn't look like it,   i hit play and it says connecting, then "stopped"23:53
KM0201wait, now its working23:53
silverlightningstopped is what I got too23:53
silverlightningand I have a norwegian ip23:54
silverlightningnot sure really, I am in norway at lest lol23:54
KM0201well, it worked for a second23:54
KM0201now it stopped again23:54
silverlightningmy trouble too23:54
silverlightninghowever, something changed it23:54
silverlightningit works23:54
KM0201yeah, i'm over it23:55
silverlightningthere is a setting on top of the page, where you can choose wm player or silverlight23:55
silverlightningnever mind, it's not interesting for people in us23:55
silverlightning; )23:55
silverlightningthanks again23:55
silverlightningyou have more TV than you ever get to watch I suspect23:56

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