
ubuntu_but has been replaced in the defaults by banshee00:00
ubuntu_but sometime in the last week, rhythmbox has lost the radio capability as far as I can tell00:03
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Dougie187Has anyone had any success setting up google chrome on 11.10 yet?01:44
Stanley00Dougie187: yes?01:47
Dougie187How did you get it to install? Every time I download the 64 bit deb it won't install for me.01:47
Stanley00Dougie187: chrome? why dont you use chromium? and how did you "install" it? dpkg -i? double click? or else?01:49
Dougie187Ionno, I was using chrome before. but I could just use chromium. I tried both sudo dpkg -i and double click01:49
Dougie187neither worked.01:50
Dougie187dpkg says "Errors were encountered while processing:"01:50
Dougie187double click says "Internal Error"01:50
Dougie187Got it.02:01
Dougie187it was just missing dep's02:01
=== Chotaz is now known as Chotaz`Bed
famgodwhat the package that has gnome3 advance settings on it? related gnome--session-fallback?  i had it previously installed with an alpha build of 11.1002:07
famgodjust reinstalled 11.10 and I cant remember the name of it02:07
famgodit has a bunch of options of theme options and settings in it02:07
famgodfound it...gnome-tweak-tool i beleive02:08
bjsniderthat's it02:08
albechisnt sun java in the partner repos anymore?02:09
bjsnideri think that's added only after the final release02:09
itaylor57i have sun java in the repos02:14
itaylor57and installed and running02:14
jbichapersonally, icedtea does 95+% of what I need02:14
albechunfortunately my net bank authentication applet doesnt allow anything but sun java and it does detect iced as not being a sun java :(02:22
jbichastupid banks02:26
albechjbicha, yeah.. trust me this authentication applet is stupid.. part of a national electronic ID and authentication system.. NOTHING works02:27
jbichaoh even better, banks and the national government ;)02:28
albechwell its been like that for many years already :(02:28
famgodwith ubuntu 64 do I have to install 32-bit libs or anything?02:53
pmp6nlDoes anyone know why the Ubuntu countdown timer is not working?02:59
johnjohn101thank you ubuntu. 11.10 is sweet03:04
jbichapmp6nl: http://www.ubuntu.com/community/countdown ?03:04
bjsniderfamgod, to do what?03:05
pmp6nljbicha: yea.  It says 8 days for me in all my browsers03:05
johnjohn101i guess if i'm up to date, there won't be too much to update on 10/13 right?03:06
famgodbjsnider, i was having trouble with the quakelive plugin....tried running an oldversion of firefox and was getting 32bit compatability errors03:07
bjsniderjohnjohn101, you'll have to download the secret dvd and go through a very complicated...03:07
famgodbut i found a hacked version of the quakelive plugin that seems to work03:07
johnjohn101bjsnider.  i'll keep my eye open for that.    I did notice that firefox and flash not working03:08
bjsnideroh, sure they are03:09
johnjohn101seems to want to use gnash03:09
johnjohn101how do i fix this?03:09
bjsniderpurge flashplugin-installer and install adobe-flashplugin03:09
bjsnideractually purge flashplugin-downloader too03:10
bjsniderand you might have to do more if you did something very foolish and manually installed a userland flash plugin or something03:11
johnjohn101nope all ubuntu03:12
bjsniderand purge gnash of course03:14
pmp6nljbicha: you having the same issue?03:15
famgodhow can i set what program opens a default file from nautilus? ie I want video files to open with VLC player instead of movie player or banshee03:16
jbichapmp6nl: good catch, you should probably reply to https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-website/2011-October/001180.html03:18
jbichaor see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Website03:19
pmp6nljbicha: ok cool, thanks for the suggestions.  I will try03:20
johnjohn101still doesn't work in firefox03:20
bjsnidergo to about:config03:21
bjsnideris flash there?03:21
johnjohn101i downloaded from adobe directly03:21
johnjohn101works now03:21
johnjohn101do you want me to uninstall? and try again?03:22
bjsniderwhat did you download?03:22
johnjohn101the deb that you can download for 10.0403:23
bjsniderfor 10.0403:23
johnjohn101still works in 11.10 and it's the current version....    tell me what you want me to try03:23
bjsniderdid it force adobe-flashplugin out?03:24
johnjohn101i think so03:24
johnjohn101oh wait..  in software center i removed the adobe03:25
johnjohn101and then it brought up software center again and i installed from there03:25
bjsnideradobe-flashplugin couldn't have failed03:26
bjsniderif it installed properly it worked03:26
johnjohn101i will remove  using software center03:27
famgodanyone else have a problem with vlc player delaying audio? it seems that my audio is always between 200-400 ms behind the video when using VLC player03:27
famgodits sort annoying cuz VLC lets me put my audio up to 400% which is significally louder then other video players will let me03:29
bjsniderwhat graphics driver?03:29
famgodhappens with both gallium 3d and fglrx03:30
johnjohn101bjsnider: it worked from the software center   - adobe flash but didn't seem to work from synaptic03:31
bjsniderjohnjohn101, run ls /etc/alternatives/xulrunner-addons-flashplugin -l03:31
johnjohn101lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 48 2011-10-10 23:29 /etc/alternatives/xulrunner-addons-flashplugin -> /usr/lib/flashplugin-installer/libflashplayer.so03:32
johnjohn101anything you want me to do03:34
bjsnidersudo apt-get purge flashplugin-installer flashplugin-downloader gnash03:34
bjsnidersudo apt-get install adobe-flashplugin03:34
bjsniderthen repeat the ls command above03:34
johnjohn101ls: cannot access /etc/alternatives/xulrunner-addons-flashplugin: No such file or directory03:35
bjsniderjohnjohn101, ls -l /usr/lib/adobe-flashplugin/libflashplayer.so03:39
jetsaredimis there a package for some of the gnome-shell extensions?03:39
bjsnidernot in ubuntu03:39
bjsniderwebupd8's ppa has it03:39
johnjohn101ls: cannot access /usr/lib/adobe-flashplugin/libflashplayer.so: No such file or directory03:40
bjsniderok, there's something you're not telling me03:40
bjsnideradbone-flashplugin installs that file03:40
bjsniderso it can't be installed right now03:40
johnjohn101i've seen it in two different ubuntu distros..03:40
johnjohn101let me try from synaptic again03:40
bjsniderlook at synaptic for a minute03:41
bjsnidersearch for it and check it's properties page. it has the list of installed files for that package03:41
jetsaredimbjsnider: https://launchpad.net/~nilarimogard/+archive/webupd8 ?? I don't see anything related to gnome-shell there03:41
bjsniderwell, just check the blog because he posted a recent article about it03:42
johnjohn101bjsnider. ok it works.  maybe just a one time glitch. I'm not worried03:43
cyphaseah yea, oneiric this thursday03:43
bjsniderjohnjohn101, you have that correct path right?03:43
bjsniderok then03:43
johnjohn101as long as it works with new installs, i don't have a problem fixiing03:44
bjsnideradobe has the wrong package on their site because the new one has been backported to lucid03:46
bjsniderbut anyway, it's nice to see them releasing 32/64 simultaneously03:46
bjsnidersomebody's kicking butt over there03:46
johnjohn101all over the linux world they've made huge strides03:47
bjsnidernot in photoshop. you're talking about adobe right?03:47
johnjohn101i mean just linux stuff03:48
johnjohn101kernel, flash, unity..03:49
johnjohn101liboffice,  freerdp will have an upgrade soon.   it's all so so so good03:49
zenroxlinux in general has come a long way03:49
bjsniderwhat about photoshop?03:49
johnjohn101not sure what you mean?03:50
bjsniderit's native to mac, but they ported it to windows. what about linux?03:51
cyphasethere' imagemagick03:51
zenroxgimp on linux03:51
johnjohn101does't photoshop work under wine?03:52
needhelp1did the rc ever come out today?04:01
needhelp1im assuming it didnt04:02
zenroxthay dint do rc in this cycle04:02
needhelp1it looks like they decided to do an rc04:03
needhelp1one sec04:03
needhelp1i'll link04:03
needhelp1kate stewart from canonical said they are coming04:03
zenroxfull releace comming out on the 13th04:04
johnjohn101two day release candidate?04:05
zenroxhold on trying to find info04:06
needhelp1zenrox, that article i linked seems to indicate an RC due sun/mon04:06
dank_I'm running Wine tests on Oneiric.  Have to use gcc-4.5, the gcc-4.6 in Oneiric is buggy.  Also saw new error "PulseAudio: Unable to create stream: Connection terminated" once, don't know how repeatable that is.04:08
zenroxhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/OneiricReleaseSchedule <--thats it04:08
johnjohn101i wish there was a way to get the snow effect into 11.10 compiz04:09
zenroxso katestewart is wrong04:10
zenroxits FUD04:10
johnjohn101doesn't matter now.  3 days04:12
zenroxi am running it now any way04:13
johnjohn101me too, i love it04:13
zenroxit wouldent do a upgrade04:14
zenroxbut it did do a full install04:14
zenroxfrom a usb drive04:14
johnjohn101i was able to upgrade my 11.0404:14
zenroxit crashed at "reinstalling packages"04:15
zenroxno big deal as i use a seprate /home dir04:15
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johnjohn101i had that for about a week but somehow ti figured a way around it04:15
zenroxso no need to louse important data04:15
zenroxso i just did a fresh install04:16
FirefisheI'm trying to install 11.10 beta 2 on an HP Mini 110-3700 netbook.  I installed 11.10 to a usb stick, and it boots up well, and everything seems to run smoothly.  Wi-fi works, and Unity functions flawlessly.  Does anybody know if HP uses firmware BIOS or a file on the h/d?04:23
zenroxi know my hp g60 lappy (16" screen) use firmware04:30
zenroxnot shure on the mini04:30
sarujihello, could anyone tell me why am I being asked to insert a cd labeled 11.10 every single time I sudo apt-get install anything04:36
jbichasaruji: go to Software Sources>Other Software and uncheck the CD line04:45
Firefishezenrox: thanks04:46
jbichaOneiric was never scheduled to have an official Release Candidate for everyone to use04:46
zenroxFirefishe, how did i help04:47
Firefishezenrox: I figured out how to not mess with the partitions on the mini.  Whether or not I'm able to do a win7/starter system recovery to the existing free space I do not know.04:47
jbichathere are pre-release images being tested now, but that's not really what you're asking for04:47
zenroxok good i kept my hp recovery partions till my warenty ran out04:48
Firefishezenrox: There is a \SYSTEM partition on the mini that has a few folders and files in it, and the HP_Tools partition which seems to have some BIOS stuff in it.  Based on that info, I don't know if the BIOS is actually on the drive or in on-board firmware.04:49
zenroxi notices that on a newer version of my lappy04:49
jbichaFirefishe: https://secure.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/wiki/BIOS it should always be on-board firmware04:50
Firefishejbicha: thank you04:50
Firefishezenrox: Do you know if running a system recovery from the 3 DVD's I made will recognize empty freespace and install win 7/starter to that free space?04:51
Firefishezenrox: or if it would overwrite the entire drive?04:52
zenroxprobly not it will clear the whole hdd and start over04:52
zenroxin my experance04:53
zenroxit will clear the whole drive and start over04:53
Firefishezenrox: I see04:53
zenroxbut if you have the dvds id wipe the drive is this test works for you04:53
famgodhow do I get back the gallium 3d driver if I uninstall fglrx?  the other day I did I fresh install of 11.10 and the gallium 3d ATI driver worked fine for most stuff, but one program I couldnt get to work with...so I install 'fglrx'....now today I remove fglrx and am getting ligGl errors which im assuming means the gallium driver isnt working04:53
zenroxbrb need to reboot04:56
Firefishewb zenrox05:07
zenroxjust finishing my install05:08
zenroxhad to get my nvidia drivers worken05:08
zenroxinstalled and 1 quick reboot and bam worked05:08
famgodanyone know how I can get the gallium 3d driver working again after removing fglrx? im assuming this is a common problem05:08
Firefishezenrox: did oneirc just go release?05:11
famgodgot another issue, how can I stop my laptop from going into sleep mode when closing the lid?05:12
zenroxlet me look05:12
Firefishefamgod: perhaps a gong alongside the laptop? *duck* ;)05:12
zenroxcheck in power manager05:12
zenroxyour answer is in thare05:12
famgodahhh, didnt see that05:13
Firefishezenrox: sorry, not really a gen chat chan05:13
famgodthanks :)05:13
* zenrox farts at Firefishe 05:13
FirefisheI resemble that remark ;)05:13
Firefishejust ask my wife ;)05:13
Firefishezenrox: anyway, 11.10 has installed, and I am upgrading now.05:15
okeeIs version 11.10 as stable as 11.04?05:16
anotherstifflerDoes anyone have experience with installing/activating drivers that do not currently exist?05:16
okeeAnything negative?05:16
Firefisheokee:  I had nothing but trouble with 11.04 on my Asus G50V.05:16
zenroxFirefishe, let take this offtopic talk to #ubuntuforums (my fav offtopic area05:16
okeeFishe>  What version you recommend?05:16
okeeHmm.  I don't see anything in the heading that indicates this is off topic.  Perhaps it isn't your topic??05:17
okeeFirefishe are you running 11.10?05:19
Firefisheokee: Yes05:19
Firefisheokee: I'd get the 11.10 .iso, install it, then do an upgrade immediately.  If you want stable, you can always go 10.04.3 LTS.05:20
Firefisheokee: But I'm very happy with 11.10.  I'm using it on the same asus I mentioned earlier.  It's very nice.05:21
Firefisheboth kde and gnome/unity work very well for me.05:21
okeeThanks for the tip.....05:21
Firefisheunity is looking very nice on my HP Mini 110 I just got.  Win starter 7 was driving me nutso.05:21
Stefan80no updates today either is there a freeze?05:52
jbichaStefan80: yes, seems there's a Ubuntu release this week ;)05:57
Stefan80oh so thats why it's been rather stable since last week :P05:58
IbisI don't think theres going to be a fix for nvidia geforce fx graphic card users. -.-06:11
kdub__hey all, with 11.10, 'service gdm stop' says 'unknown instance'. any one else see this?07:18
zniavreligtdm maybe ?07:19
vltHello. Is this the right place to post problems I experienced while using Ubuntu 11.10?07:26
rwwvlt: for support with them, yes. for bug reports, use the usual place07:27
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.07:27
vltrww: Thank you.07:28
vltWhen I open the examples folder in my home dir and click on one of the ogg files banshee opens. Then when I close it the music continues playing and I can't stop it. Is this a bug or am I doing it wrong?07:30
rwwI don't use Unity, so I may be wrong about this, but I think that's intended behavior and you use the music indicator or something.07:31
vltrww: When I press the pause button in the music indicator nothing happens.07:32
rwwperhaps that's a bug then :\07:33
GirlyGirlAll gtk3 apps and gnome-shell are very slow here ... by slow I mean just the UI, like when placing the mouse on a selection it takes time to annimate and scrolling lags. Even when I launch the apps under kde same thing.07:43
fredrikjHi all. The last couple of days I haven't seen any package updates at all for oneiric when I use apt-get update/upgrade. Is that normal this late in the release cycle? (I'm using the swedish mirror)07:47
jbichafredrikj: yes, you could enable proposed if you want some updates that haven't been verified to work yet07:50
fredrikjjbicha: ok, thanks!07:53
GirlyGirlfredrikj: Try switching the mirror to something else too. The uk mirror didn't have updates for me but main did07:53
Ian_jbicha, that's just cruel08:25
=== Ian_ is now known as Ian_Corne
pr0dHi all, Im having severe problems with my nvidia card and the latest 3.0.0-12 kernel since updating last night09:38
pr0dMy main monitor in my dual head configuration is flashing only when oneiric is loaded09:39
pr0dI have tryed reinstalling nvidia-current via cli and removed old with --purge09:40
pr0dnot really sure where to go from here, any help would be hugely appreciated09:40
howlymowlyhi poeple..   short question, as I got some problems, with aptitude:   http://pastebin.com/J01rq1SS09:43
howlymowlywhen I do the upgrade using "sudo aptitude safe-upgrade --full-resolver"  i get this: http://pastebin.com/9BhUz6i609:45
howlymowlythat' doesn't seem rigth to me as there are a lot of packages, from kde for example09:46
howlymowlybut I use the kde desktop so they should not be removed09:46
psypher246hi all, i have just installed oneiric on my laptop, been running it in vm for a while, and I am currently experiencing major graphical issues which will stop me from upgrading until fixed. what really concerns me is that I have been logging various bugs, even before natty, about graphics issues  and none of those have been been acknowledged and assigned. So i am very worried about rolling out oneiric. How do i get developer attention to these issu10:48
psypher246es so that they can be fixed before oneiric is released??10:48
JohnFluxUbuntu+1 failed to boot for me, because a disk was missing in the softraid11:01
JohnFlux11.04 works just fine, but 11,10 has changed the behaviour and now fails to boot11:01
JohnFluxinstead it asks a question "Continue to boot? y/N"11:02
JohnFluxbut it ignores any keypresses, then times out after about 4 seconds and drops to emergency bash11:02
vega-JohnFlux: i have the same error11:28
JohnFluxvega-: support my bug report: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/87222011:37
ubottuUbuntu bug 872220 in Ubuntu "Fails to boot when there's problems with softraid" [Undecided,New]11:37
JohnFluxAs a workaround, you can add "bootdegraded=true" to the kernel boot options.11:37
sagaciis the ubuntu monospace font just installed by default or is it the active default font for terminal... ie. do I have to switch to using it or is it already set?11:41
Stanley00sagaci: It's there by default, afaik.11:54
johnjohn101is there a schedule for 12.04?12:00
IbyssWhat's with the .04, .10, .04 pattern?12:00
FleckIbyss april and october12:01
johnjohn101i can't wait to see the goal from 12.04.  but i won't have to update my brother from 10.04 anytime soon.  It has 1.5 more years right?12:02
IbyssAh, that makes sense.12:03
th_it's gonna be released april 2012 ;)12:03
th_version number itself is the schedule12:03
johnjohn101the last month or so before the release has to be tough to get everything in12:04
IbyssI'm really hoping I can finally use Unity 3D.12:05
IbyssNo matter what nvidia driver I install. I still will not be able to see unity icons (left side bar).12:06
vsync_Ibyss try ccsm12:07
vsync_and enable them from there12:07
GirlyGirlUnity had trouble for me always .... never worked right ... in 11.10 both unity and gnome-shell work well12:07
GirlyGirlExcept that everything gtk3 is a bit laggy12:07
Prometheshi, i am trying to install gnome-shell and apt says to me: "gnome-shell: Depends libcogl2 (>= 1.7.4) but it is not going to be installed". Anyone knows how to install gnome-shell?12:08
Ibyssvsync_: I did, some stuff were enabled already. (I'm assuming you want me to enable unity plugin for it and such.)12:08
th_ati drivers still don't work with gnome-shell :/12:08
vsync_Ibyss no not just the unity plugin12:09
vsync_Ibyss open up ccsm->desktop->desktop wall12:10
vsync_If i recall correct12:11
IbyssOkay. I'll be right back.12:12
IbyssActually, it's Ubuntu unity plugin, unless you want me to do something else with desktop wall12:12
vltHello. When there's something happening with my network (connection established for example) there's this black popup near the upper right screen corner. When I move the mouse there it gets blurry but doesn't disappear. Is this intentional behaviour?12:13
Ian_CorneIt's anotification12:13
Ian_Cornebut it should have some text12:13
vsync_Ibyss no i don't. I just remember that the thing for the left menu wasn't enabled for me by default12:13
vltIan_Corne: Yes, there's text. I just don't understand why it gets blurry on mouseover ... hmmm12:18
vltIan_Corne: Aah .... now I see. The mouse still interacts with the window under the notification. That's why.12:19
GirlyGirlPromethes: any ppa or something you added12:19
GirlyGirlPromethes: also try sudo apt-get update and try again12:20
BluesKajHiyas all12:29
johnjohn101will it be possible to move unity bar to the right side of the screen?12:30
zniavreno yet im thinking12:30
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PromethesGirlyGirl: no ppa, clean install of 11.10 beta, updated12:39
Promethesin final 11.10 will be possible to install gnome-shell without problems?12:45
BluesKajhmm, just updated , update-alternatives: warning: forcing reinstallation of alternative /usr/lib/nvidia-current/ld.so.conf because link group x86_64-linux-gnu_gl_conf is broken.  This seems to happen with every nvidia update . Is there a reason this han't been fixed ..not important or doesn't affect the graphics etc...?12:52
vega-hmm, i haven't gotten any updates in last 4-5 days or so12:53
gnomefreaki havent cheaked my emnAIL IN ~2 weeks but maybe due to freeze?12:54
gnomefreakanyone know if we enabled screensaver settings yet? also dose fglrx drivers work yet?12:55
Ian_Cornegnomefreak: fglrx doesn't work for me12:55
Ian_Corneand my computer doesn't suspend/hibernate anymore12:55
GirlyGirlany idea why lsb_release gives No LSB modules are available.12:55
BluesKajGirlyGirl, it always gives that message12:56
gnomefreakIan_Corne: thanks. they have been broken for a long time now maybe ~2 months12:57
jbichagnomefreak: it's way past feature freeze, no there won't suddenly be a screensaver chooser at this point12:57
GirlyGirlBluesKaj: Its not supposed to identify the release?12:57
BluesKajlsb_release -a12:57
gnomefreakof course why remove screensavers from a release12:57
jbichagnomefreak: they weren't removed from a release, they never were in Oneiric! ;)12:58
GirlyGirlBluesKaj: Ah I see I forgot the -a ... silly me ... thanks12:58
BluesKajfor some reason it doesn't give the not available message here anymore12:58
BluesKajwhich is good :)12:58
jbichagnomefreak: please direct your frustrations with screensavers to gnome12:58
gnomefreakjbicha: yes they were. i was able to set a screensaver and have it show up12:58
Ian_Corneoh like that gnomefreak12:59
jbichagnomefreak: what do you mean? setting a specific screensaver has not been possible since before Oneiric Alpha 112:59
jbichayou can try installing xscreensaver12:59
* gnomefreak not frustratede in the least i just think it was stupid to remove the settings but keep the screensaver packages in 13:00
gnomefreakjbicha: i was able to use them13:00
gnomefreakjbicha: already have it13:00
jbichathe black screen is considered a screensaver and is the only part of gnome-screensaver left13:00
jbichagnomefreak: when? I think you're mistaken13:00
GirlyGirlOn the kde, side the settings are there but there are no screensavers ... an notification to install them comes up but this is understandable as kubuntu always has trouble packaging the cd iso less than 700mb13:01
gnomefreakjbicha: http://paste.ubuntu.com/706041/13:01
GirlyGirlMaybe ubuntu did it for the same reason?13:01
gnomefreakthose packages have screensavers in them, so it is not possable to only have gnome-screensaver package with only a black screen13:02
jbichagnomefreak: yes you can install those but GNOME removed the chooser when they released 3.013:02
gnomefreakjbicha: at least for this release any way. i will check on Oneiric but i am 90% sure i could set a screensaver13:03
* gnomefreak just doesnt understand the reason behind remmoving the settings13:04
jbichagnomefreak: gnome is trying to remove complexity13:05
gnomefreakfor end users?13:05
jbichawe have like 18 patches to gnome-control-center, but no one got to restoring a screensaver chooser13:05
gnomefreakhint win* has a settings for screensavers and i dont hear people having issues with it being to complex13:06
Ian_Cornegnomefreak: it was a source of many virusses tho :D13:06
Ian_Corneooh britney spears naked screensaver!13:06
jbichagnomefreak: Windows is not the perfect UI...13:07
Ian_Cornetbh; i couldn't care less about screensavers13:07
Ian_Cornei want my screen to go into stand-by13:07
* gnomefreak doesnt much care what it is but it should be somethiong other than a black screen(this is not a screensaver) it is however the monitor going into "rest" for lack of better word13:07
Ian_Cornewhen a screensaver would pop up13:07
FernandoMiguelinstalling debian sid minimal into a VM... 13:08
FernandoMiguelI missed it13:08
gnomefreaks/"rest"/"rest mode"13:08
gnomefreakbe back need a smoke13:08
FernandoMiguelit's weird how old the karnal is13:09
Ian_Cornewhat kernel FernandoMiguel ?13:10
Ian_Cornein SID?13:11
FernandoMiguelIbis: it's a joke.... karnal.... :D13:11
=== Mkaysi|ZNC is now known as Mkaysi
gnomefreakit seems for some reason importing wallpapers set one. close setting box than open it again and not all the wall papars are there. it my case out of 30 or so it least at most 1013:23
gnomefreaki guess i will file a bunch of bugs tomorrow or when ever i can get back online13:25
jMCgIs there a good reason why suspending my machine should only work *once* ?13:27
IbisjMCg: What happened AFTER you suspended your machine? (hibernate)13:30
jMCgIbis: no. suspend. Hibernate is no longer supported, for whatever reason. And: Nothing. It hangs trying to suspend. I get a blinking cursor. Hard to tell what the machine does in that kibnd of state.13:31
FernandoMigueljMCg: do you have a swap bigger then your RAM?13:31
FernandoMiguelif not, you can't hibernate13:32
FernandoMigueleverytime I suspend, I loose my trackpad and bluetooth13:32
jMCgwhat the.... http://sprunge.us/SRic13:32
jMCgFernandoMiguel: *not* Hibernate. suspend.13:32
jMCgWho set this machine up..?13:33
* jMCg usually assigns double swap as there is RAM.13:34
FernandoMigueljMCg: you said you can't hibernate.... hence me asking13:34
jMCgFernandoMiguel: I said I can't hibernate any more. Since after the update.13:35
IbisjMCg: I never really got that feature to work, it's been buggy with me for such a long time. I never really did like suspend anyway.13:37
jMCgIbis: I know it only takes 15 seconds to boot, but.. still.. going through all the motions when I could simply suspend. I don't care how much you like it or not. I need it as a device productivity.13:38
ali1234on this machine suspend takes significantly longer than rebooting13:39
ali1234like 5 minutes13:39
jMCgali1234: suspend or hibernate?13:39
ali1234for most of the 5 minutes, the monitor turns on and off for no reason13:40
ali1234it's quite amusing to watch13:40
jMCgali1234: how can that be? hibernate should copy the entire RAM into swap (freeing swap in the process if necessary) -- suspend should only freeze everything and keep the power running to refresh the RAM.13:41
ali1234i dunno13:41
jMCgOne is an OS function, the other is a hardware function.13:41
ali1234how can it "free swap" anyway?13:41
jMCgWriting dirty pages to disk for instance.13:42
IbisjMCg: Understood.13:43
IbisjMCg: I see a topic named "Suspend only works once" on Launchpad for bug report, I'm not sure if that's even fixed. So the first time you did this, worked if I understoof you properly.13:45
jMCgIbis: first time works, second time hangs.13:47
IbisjMCg: Might want to take a look here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1359382             Not sure this will solve the problem for users of Ubuntu 11.10 beta though13:47
jMCgNot immediate wakeup. Hangup.13:48
madjoeHow can I reinstall compiz?13:49
madjoeI think I've lost it in recent upgrades13:50
AtamiskHello, i'm debugging a small issue with LightDM's unity-greeter, and i noticed something odd. the log file for unity-greeter can't be created. The lightDM log thhrows a Permission Denied error for Unity-greeter's log. any idea why?13:50
Ibismadjoe: http://www.webupd8.org/2011/04/how-to-reset-unity-launcher-icons-or.html                         For "resetting compiz to default".13:51
madjoeIbis: thnx13:52
Ibismadjoe: To install compiz (Assuming it's removed, or doesn't exist): sudo apt-get install compiz compizconfig-settings-manager13:52
madjoeIbis: would it warn me if it's installed properly?13:52
IbisI have no idea. I never go far to the point I would need to reinstall compiz. O_O13:53
IbisRemoving compiz may result  in catastrophic effects. (So think 3 times before trying).13:54
Atamiskanybody know why lightDM seems to have logfile permissions errors? Just curious14:15
=== Girly-Girl is now known as GirlyGirl
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bizzerleeHello. I am playing with 11.10. I have an ati ( VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc RV710 [Radeon HD 4350] ) card using the radeon driver. The contents of nautilus become distorted - big black bars appear - when I scroll. Any ideas?15:04
bizzerleethe distortion also occurs in dialogue boxes eg select a keyboard15:04
sonicatedI have upgraded my VM to oneiric and it won't boot. If I follow the OMGBroken instructions I can get it back up and it appears to be ok but still won't reboot, the virtual console last displays "mount request for 'tmpfs' at '/run/shm'". Can anyone advise me how I can get it to cleanly reboot?15:06
BluesKajbizzerlee, the recommended driver or the default that was installed with the OS? if so check admin >additional drivers for the recommended ati driver.15:06
jetsaredimis there any way to get rid of the black bar at the top of the screen with "File/Edit/View/Go/Bookmarks/Help" on it?15:09
jetsaredimI've installed gnome-shell and then changed the theme to something with a bit of transparency and there seems to be a type of status bar that was hiding under the gnome shell bar15:10
sonicatedI have upgraded my VM to oneiric and it won't boot. If I follow the OMGBroken instructions I can get it back up and it appears to be ok but still won't reboot, the virtual console last displays "mount request for 'tmpfs' at '/run/shm'". Can anyone advise me how I can get it to cleanly reboot?15:15
silverarrowI have burned both Ubuntu and lubuntu from this list http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/15:17
charlie-tcaUm, those just finished rebuilding again15:17
silverarrowis it rebuilding all the time now?15:19
charlie-tcaEvery time there is a critical bug found, it will be fixed and the images rebuilt15:19
silverarrowIf I burn and install the latest version, is there a chance it works well enough to update to final release?15:20
silverarrowI see15:20
charlie-tcaI show Lubuntu imges being rebuilt according the ISO tracker15:20
charlie-tcayes, there is a chance15:20
silverarrowI suppose there are not such thing as a totally bug free os15:20
charlie-tcano, but critical bug free is important.15:20
silverarrowi installed last Friday's daily and it was a mess15:21
silverarrowI tried Ubuntu live, and it seemed to work15:21
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dr_willisbeta has been very good for me. so far15:23
silverarrowubuntu or lubuntu?15:23
silverarrowI like Totem, but on one of my laptops, it just is too much15:23
dr_willisi am on a headless box so  neither. :-)15:24
silverarrowheadless nick15:24
dr_willis10 plus days uptine right now15:24
silverarrowthat's pretty good, might update to final release15:25
genii-arounddr_willis: Are you using ksplice for updates?15:25
dr_willisgenii-around:  i just havent rebooted..15:25
genii-arounddr_willis: Heh, OK15:25
dr_willisits a desktop box.. i just newded the monitor and keybord for anorheer box15:26
dr_willis11 days so far.15:27
silverarrowonly two to go,15:27
* genii-around twitches in anticipation!15:28
dr_willisits running my znc server mainly15:28
silverarrowI need to get lubuntu going15:28
silverarrowI was too optimistic and installed 11.10,15:28
silverarrowdid not work at all with package manager, or updates15:29
silverarrownot in terminal either15:29
silverarrowI hope they don't mess too much with driver packages15:29
GirlyGirlAny one running Kubuntu oneric can you confirm gtk3 kde integration does not work15:32
BluesKajGirlyGirl, what do mean by integration ?15:34
BluesKajyou mean15:34
yofelGirlyGirl: there is no gtk3 theme, thus no integration15:35
* genii-around likes yofel's logic15:35
BluesKajGirlyGirl, you choose the desired desktop at login15:35
GirlyGirlyofel: Ah ok ... maybe I'll create one later15:35
silverarrowwhat kind of connotations is oneric suppose to give15:36
GirlyGirlBluesKaj: I was referring to running a gtk3 app under KDE15:36
yofelyou can install a gtk3 theme if you want, I don't know when the oxygen team will add gtk3 support15:36
BluesKajGirlyGirl, as far graphics is concerned , don't expect much ...the app should run in KDE but it will still look like a kde app15:37
yofelBluesKaj: no it won't it'll look gtk1 style - as we have no gtk3 theme in kubuntu15:37
BluesKajyofel, and that's the way it should be IMO ..if you want gtk3 then use agnome desktop15:39
yofelwell, just saying. There's not much we can do right now at least, the most we care about is firefox, which is gtk2 and fine15:40
* BluesKaj doesn't want cartooney gnome apps cluttering up his clean kde install :)15:41
silverarrowwhat does the line across the name mean ? http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/15:43
GirlyGirlBluesKaj: Generally I don't too but occasionally users will encounter gtk apps15:43
* BluesKaj makes one exception with synapticc15:43
GirlyGirlfortunately gimp is gtk215:43
alkisgHow can I change the default session to gnome-session-fallback for *all* users in my system?15:43
BluesKajyeah, GirlyGirl , we have to take the good with bad :)15:44
BluesKajor the reverse15:45
lee__ ello using Kubuntu 11.10. and noticed soe really things, any one in here?16:03
BluesKajBBL...stuff to do16:04
voozeHey guys, i recently disable globalmenu extension, and after that i still dont see the "normal menu" i have ofcouse retryed, restart, ALT + F2: r, etc.etc. what am i missing?16:13
voozegnome shell btw.16:13
Silviu-Hello, have a small "problem" with Ubuntu 11.10 RC x64 . I installed it today on my PC, graphic card nvidia 9800 GTX+ graphic drivers 280.13 monitor is a Benq FP93gwa with a resolution of 1440x900 , and a USB KVM with 4 ports . Problem is that Ubunto won`t recognize my resolution and when i manually set it from nvidia X server it is "bigger" then my screen i must move the mouse to see settings16:21
Silviu-button for example or Unity dock bar16:21
Silviu-Anyone ? :P also tryed to downgrade drivers to 173 series and tryed to update to 285 drivers, point when X would not start anymore and had to reinstall16:25
alkisgHow can I change the default session to "gnome-fallback" for *all* users in my oneiric system?16:33
suhelgirlygirl here?16:38
suhelGirlyGirl waht could be the possible problem then?16:39
GirlyGirlsuhel: I would not not advice downgrading the kernel like than to a maverick one. I will break the system16:39
GirlyGirlsuhel: Why do you want to downgrade it firstly16:40
suhelgirlygirl I was skeptical about it too but the one who gave me the advice was pretty sure16:40
GirlyGirlsuhel: What was the issue for?16:40
suhelGirlyGirl as a measure to test the power bug, you remember?  I'd a long discussion with you and Joedublin on Saturay?16:41
GirlyGirlThat "bug" is really fixed and has nothing to do with your issue at all16:41
suhelgirlygirl the description of the bug exactly matches my problem16:42
GirlyGirlsend the bug link again16:42
suhelgimme a second16:42
suhelGirlyGirl https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/76013116:44
ubottuUbuntu bug 760131 in linux (Ubuntu Natty) "Power consumption raised significantly in natty" [High,Fix committed]16:44
GirlyGirlsuhel: Install a program called "batterycare" on windows and remove ac and monitor the discharge rate, then boot ubuntu and check the discharge rate with "cat /proc/acpi/battery/BAT0/state" and compare with the windows value ... use same brightness, wifi bluetooth settings for both tests16:47
GirlyGirlsuhel: Also check battery health with "cat /proc/acpi/battery/BAT0/info"16:48
yofelyou can monitor the power usage with 'upower --dump' - look for energy-rate16:48
suhelgirlygirl before I download and check it, I just have used for 3hours on windows7 today and it still had juice... and with the same settings and things I'd done16:49
suhelon ubuntu I got battery around 1 hour 5mins approx16:49
yofelsuhel: does adding 'pcie_aspm=force' to your kernel options help ?16:49
suhelyofel no, I already tried it16:49
yofelthen at least file a new bug, that one's become a mess16:49
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suhelyofel yeah they closed it today, said file new bugs with system specs in new thread16:50
yofelthere's really no proper way to close a bug like that, so might as well close it in *some* way16:51
yofelI've got a bug for my system16:51
GirlyGirlsuhel: Does using an older version of ubuntu with an old kernel help?16:52
suhelyofel this is what they said "This patch improves the situation for at least one person (#168) so I'm16:52
suhelmarking this verification-done. Furthermore,  this bug report has become16:52
suhelunmanageable. We'll be looking at this issue during the LTS development16:52
suhelcycle, so everyone please start your own bug with your hardware16:52
suhelspecifics attached."16:52
yofelyes, it'll help if you have a new enough system with a cpu that supports EBP16:53
yofelmine doesn't so the fix doesn't help me16:53
suhelGirlygirl like I said  I'm not seeing the old kernel version in my boot menu.. dats the reason I wanted to test old version to check if tis fault with kernel16:53
suhelyofel I donno about it but I got a new laptop just 4 months old16:54
yofelsuhel: you can get a mainline build from http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/16:54
yofelsuhel: does 'cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep -i ebp' show something?16:54
suhelyofel am new to Ubuntu so donno the jargons, whats main line hehe16:54
suhelyofel nope nothing guess I got an old system lol16:55
yofelsuhel: mainline = unpatched linux kernel. As the ubuntu one has quite a few modifications and backported fixes16:55
suhelyofel is it really safe to use a mainline kernel? just want to be on the safe side for now16:55
yofelsuhel: well, depends - read this if you're interested: http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=article&item=ubuntu_linux_epb&num=116:55
yofelsuhel: well... mostly, unreleased new versions *might* have a risk, but if it's just an older one it should work16:56
bjsniderof course it's safe16:56
yofelas long as your system isn't so new that an old kernel won't support it16:56
suhelyofel yeah I've that patched kernel installed already, on my boot menu it says 3.0.1 the one that link is talking about16:57
yofelsuhel: if you file a kernel bug you'll be asked to test the newest mainline build anyway16:57
suhelbjsnider yofel is there a specific way to install the kernel? would 'sudo dpkg -i <kernel>' do?16:57
yofelthat'll do16:58
GirlyGirlsuhel: If you want you can compile the kernel with your own config ... mind you there are loads of config options16:58
suhelyofel *sighs* I tried that with a maverick kernel but the boot menu dont show it16:58
GirlyGirl!kernel | suhel16:58
ubottusuhel: The core of Ubuntu is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, and if you need to troubleshoot issues, you can try a !Mainline kernel instead, but if you insist, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile (see also !Stages)16:58
yofelsuhel: see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/MainlineBuilds16:58
yofel!grub2 | suhel16:58
ubottusuhel: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)16:58
suhelgirlygirl that would be too advance for a newbie like me16:58
yofelsuhel: since grub2 the boot menu doesn't show up by default16:59
suhelyofel I did a sudo grub-update16:59
yofela) it's sudo update-grub, b) unless you uncommend the hidden options that won't change a thing and you'll still have to hold left shift pressed at boot to get to the boot menu17:00
GirlyGirlsuhel: is the image in /boot ?17:00
suhelyofel yes sorry typo :)17:00
yofelsuhel: wait, what did you install?17:00
suhelgirlygirl didnt get you? should I check the /boot directory17:00
GirlyGirlsuhel: yes list the file contents in there17:01
suhelyofel sounds odd but I tried to install the 2.6.35 kernel, (hides my face behind the curtain lol)17:01
yofelthe *image* - right?17:01
suhelyofel the file name is 'kernel-image-2.6.35-24-generic-di_2.6.35-24.42_amd64.udeb' am using 64bit17:02
suhelgirlygirl no mention of 2.6.35 anywhere in /boot17:02
yofeluh... that should be .deb, not udeb17:02
suhelyofel i downloaded it from http://packages.ubuntu.com17:02
yofelsuhel: just take a mainline build for 2.6.37 - that was the last kernel before the regression17:03
FernandoMiguelsuhel: I like to use launchpad bette17:03
suhelyofel what version it would be in ? natty?17:04
GirlyGirlsuhel: hmm this is my battery status on oneric ... but I don't believe its a correct value http://paste.ubuntu.com/706230/17:04
bjsnideryofel, what is the problem?17:04
yofelbjsnider: he wanted to do some power measuring on 2.6.37 to compare it with the current one17:04
suhelFernandoMiguel for what17:04
yofelor on << 2.6.38 for that matter17:04
yofelsuhel: take the image .deb from http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/v2.6.37.6-natty/17:05
suhelgirlygirl how can I generate such a stat?17:05
GirlyGirlupower --dump' - look for energy-rate17:05
suhelyofel but tis mainline? do Ive to compile it? I have no knowledge of compilation17:05
GirlyGirlcat /proc/acpi/battery/BAT0/info17:05
GirlyGirlcat /proc/acpi/battery/BAT0/state17:05
yofelsuhel: if you read .deb you only have to dpkg -i it17:06
suhelyofel thanks I would try it..17:06
yofelsuhel: and make sure you get to the grub menu, or the system will simply boot the newer one17:06
FernandoMigueldesign capacity:         5000 mAh17:07
FernandoMiguellast full capacity:      3116 mAh17:07
FernandoMiguelit's dead Jim17:07
suhelyofel didnt get the thing17:07
suhelyofel you mean I have to do the update-grub thingy?17:07
yofelsuhel: no, dpkg will take care of that17:08
yofelsuhel: I mean you have to get to the grub menu as the grub2 wiki page explains17:08
GirlyGirllast time I tried an old kernel on a new ubuntu release, it resulted in kernel panick ... makes the keyboard lights blink like a hazard light!17:08
alkisgTo answer my own question, "gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.session session-name gnome-fallback" didn't work, but editing lightdm.conf did it17:09
suhelGirlygirl http://paste.ubuntu.com/706232/17:09
suhelyofel I would read it thanks17:10
GirlyGirlsuhel: Try "cat /proc/acpi/battery/BAT0/info"17:12
suhelGirlygirl http://paste.ubuntu.com/706236/17:15
suhelyofel you still here?17:15
GirlyGirlsuhel: There we go dell battery already damaged17:16
suhelgirlygirl damaged?17:16
suhelgirlygirl how exactly?17:16
GirlyGirlsuhel: see lines 2 and 3 in your last paste17:16
GirlyGirlThe last total capacity is less than the total designed capacity for the battery17:17
suhelGirlygirl but the difference aint too much? my battery capacity says 86% in ubuntu battery stats17:17
yofelwell, that's not *that* bad, depend on the age and use of the battery ofc.17:17
GirlyGirlyofel: its a 4 month old comp he has!17:18
FernandoMiguelthat's a lot17:18
suhelyofel dude, am so lost... what do you mean by get to the grub menu, that grub page is damn confusing lol17:18
FernandoMigueldesign capacity:         5000 mAh17:18
FernandoMiguellast full capacity:      3116 mAh17:18
FernandoMiguelmine is almost 4yo17:18
yofelsuhel: hold left shift pressed on / after the bios screen17:18
GirlyGirlMine is 2 years ...17:19
GirlyGirlpresent:                 yes17:19
suhelyofel short and sweet thanks lol17:19
GirlyGirldesign capacity:         4300 mAh17:19
GirlyGirllast full capacity:      4577 mAh17:19
GirlyGirlbattery technology:      rechargeable17:19
GirlyGirldesign voltage:          10800 mV17:19
GirlyGirldesign capacity warning: 256 mAh17:19
GirlyGirldesign capacity low:     0 mAh17:19
GirlyGirlcycle count:              017:19
GirlyGirlcapacity granularity 1:  43 mAh17:19
GirlyGirlcapacity granularity 2:  43 mAh17:19
GirlyGirlmodel number:            1005HA17:19
GirlyGirlserial number:17:19
GirlyGirlbattery type:            LION17:19
* yofel isn't sure what the guarantee rules for batteries are these days17:19
GirlyGirlOEM info:                ASUS17:19
GirlyGirlsorry for the flood17:19
yofel!paste | GirlyGirl17:19
ubottuGirlyGirl: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.17:19
GirlyGirlyofel: I know, I though I copied only two lines17:19
suhelgirlygirl I guess all that problem occured after I started using 11.1017:20
GirlyGirlsuhel: did 11.04 work?17:20
yofelhm, Battery 0: design capacity 4158 mAh, last full capacity 3376 mAh = 81%17:20
yofeland that's ~4y too17:20
suhelgirlygirl yes quite well17:20
yofelwell, then we at least know that 2.6.37 or 35 won't help17:21
yofelas natty had 2.6.3817:21
suhelyofel I was told by Girlygirl that Dell batteries suck lol17:21
suhelgirlygirl you had your dell batteries dead in a year?17:21
yofelsuhel: more like you should look up how old the battery is and the guarantee rules. If it dies to fast you might be able to get a replacement17:22
GirlyGirlsuhel: My brothers actuall xps m153017:22
suhelyofel lets see how much do they last, I was really dying to make a transition from Windows to Ubuntu but this bug killed all the enthusiasm17:23
suhelI've downloaded the old kernel lets see how things go, thanks yofel Girlygirl & (fernandomiguel for the intermittent comments) , will let you know guys asap17:24
GirlyGirlsuhel: its just that Dell for some reason dies to fast with there newer comps (considering the people I know who bought dells) http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&biw=1024&bih=460&site=webhp&q=+site:en.community.dell.com+dell+battery+problems17:24
suhelGirlygirl just a general question... can I use other manufacturer's battery in place of Dell's?17:26
yofelnope, at least not unless it fits into your notebook17:26
yofeland has the same specs17:26
GirlyGirlsuhel: There are after market things unsupported by "dell"17:26
suhelyofel darn, am stuck with dell lol... bye for now :)17:27
GirlyGirlbut I saw an interesting external battery that plugs in AC one day17:27
GirlyGirlgoogle instant search suggests "dell battery not charging" when you type "dell battery" and everybody's dell lowers battery life then stops charging17:27
suhelGirlygirl yeah I saw that just now, I would soon join the elite list I guess lol17:27
GirlyGirlsuhel: But actually why don't you remove the battery if you use ac a lot17:28
BluesKajGirlyGirl, have you tried A/C without the battery installed ...on most laptops it won't work , because the battery is part of the circuit17:42
GirlyGirlBluesKaj: it works on all laptops I have used after 200517:43
GirlyGirlBluesKaj: That's the mobile phone concept17:43
BluesKajwish daughter would return my laptop, so i could try that :P17:44
gunkstaAny gear-heads in here today? When I start up Kontact (updated Kubuntu 11.10), the akonadi connections to my work email (POP) and gmail account (IMAP) are turned off every single time. I can use akonadi console to start them, but I really shouldn't have to do that. Thoughts?18:23
kyle__There's probably going to be a really easy answer for this but...18:38
kyle__Why isn't netbeans in the repos for 11.10?  How can we get it back?18:38
Picikyle__: Take a look at bug #82275318:40
ubottuLaunchpad bug 822753 in netbeans (Ubuntu) "Please remove netbeans package from Ubuntu Oneiric universe repo" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/82275318:40
=== Chotaz`Bed is now known as Chotaz
kyle__Awe.  It was never cumbersome or unstable, just a little dated.  It's like scite, even old versions are an invaluable programming tool.18:43
kyle__Having it in the repo made it really easy for multi-machine administration.18:43
kyle__I wonder why they didn't just repackage the official, like the oracle-jdk-6 package does.18:45
bjsnider"there is no enough resources to support and update the packages." interesting18:45
bjsniderit's such a fast-moving target that the debian maintainer can't keep up?18:45
kyle__I really didn't think it was.  Major updates what, once a year?  patches every month or so?18:46
bjsnideris there not a ppa?18:49
icerootkyle__: its not allowed to put java in a package anymore18:54
icerootkyle__: thanks to oracle18:54
silverlightningdo you know how dependent lubuntu/buntu is on swap?18:56
jtaylordepends on how much ram you have18:59
jtaylorlast I used xubuntu is a while ago, but there 1GB ram was more than enough to never swap18:59
jtaylorlubuntu should be even better18:59
silverlightningI have 1GB ram19:00
silverlightningI did add swap though19:00
jtaylorshould be fine with minimal swap19:00
silverlightningit said installation might go wrong if there was no swap19:00
icerootif the system is swapping it doesnt mean its out of ram19:00
silverlightningI got the advice to have twice the swap of ram?19:00
jtaylor1*ram is enough if you hibernate19:01
jtaylorwhen you don't you can often do with less19:01
silverlightningstill, I have 2gb swap, cannot be bad?19:01
silverlightningbooted fine19:01
jtaylortoo much swap is just wasted diskspace but is no harm19:01
silverlightningthen i will just keep it, install seem to work19:02
jtaylorswap is not so important anymore with supercheap ram and disks still as slow as 20 years ago19:02
silverlightning7200rmp is still nice though19:03
silverlightningor even 540019:03
jtaylorthe latency stil sucks, and that is what is important for memory19:03
bjsnidericeroot, netbeans can't be built against external openjdk packages?19:03
silverlightningis package manager different from 11.04?19:07
charlie-tcaalso, having a swap file/partition does not mean it will get used19:07
silverlightningpackages available I mean19:08
silverlightningthat would be a waste19:08
charlie-tcaThere is a little difference, yes19:08
charlie-tcasilverlightning: most of the changes will never be seen by normal users19:09
silverlightningjust figuring out how to mark of for restricted19:09
silverlightningi see19:09
silverlightningit looks like restricteds have to be downloaded from terminal19:13
silverlightningdo I dare go for this version, and treat it like main os?19:14
silverlightningI downloaded FreeBSD19:14
silverlightningthere was a guy bragging something awful about it19:15
phibxrsilverlightning, did you search for 'restricted' in ubuntu software center?19:15
phibxrsilverlightning, strange, it showed up here. and still does19:15
silverlightningone more try19:16
silverlightningI hope the critical bugs are sorted out, at least quickly by update19:16
phibxrhttp://img687.imageshack.us/img687/2045/restrictedp.png <- this is what it looks like for me right now19:18
silverlightningfound them19:19
silverlightningodd they didn't appear at once?19:19
phibxrmy only explanation would be that they are a bit shy after all the patent wars raging everywhere.19:19
silverlightningyes, very likely19:20
silverlightningbuntus are up against strong forces19:20
silverlightningPuppy linux have sort of the same issues, but worked around it a bit different19:21
phibxrhehe, haven't tried that one.19:21
silverlightningI hope I need most of the metapackage19:21
silverlightningit it nice, light, a bit flimsy at times19:22
silverlightningdepending very much on hardware19:22
silverlightninghtml5 works fine?19:23
phibxrseems to be working great in chromium under 11.10. :)19:24
silverlightningmicrosoft corefront installer? what?19:25
silverlightningI like the FF addon, flash video replacer19:26
silverlightningmight add firefox19:26
silverlightninghave any of you tried BSD?19:27
silverlightningI wonder if os proper and grub2 would handle it as dual boot19:27
silverlightninghi again19:35
silverlightningdo builders ever consider softmaker for buntus?19:35
silverlightningit is much lighter than open office19:36
silverlightningquite nice19:36
silverlightningSoftmaker is open source and 2008 version is free19:38
silverlightningSoftmaker is open source and 2008 version is free19:38
silverlightningNo one thinks well of SoftMaker?19:40
silverlightningit's full featured, and comparable to MS Office19:40
vltHello. What program is used as calender and contacts app in 11.10?19:41
silverlightningvlt, osmo19:42
gunkstasilverlightning:softmaker is not FOSS.19:42
vltsilverlightning: Now gedit seems to be default program for calendar data ...19:43
gunkstasilverlightning:short hand for open source19:43
silverlightningsee, hmm, are you sure?19:43
silverlightningmaybe that's why it's not in package manager19:44
silverlightningthere is a version that would work with buntus I think though19:44
silverlightningoh, it is the 2008 version that is free19:44
gunkstasilverlightning: free does not automatically mean open source. Example - Flash19:45
phibxranother example: headache.19:46
silverlightningunfortunate, SM is lighter19:47
silverlightninghowever, I installed libre office two seconds ago19:47
silverlightningand launches quicker19:48
NoTV__I want to put Ubuntu on an empty USB. What type/format should the USB be and what file system should I use?19:48
silverlightningdo I have gecko by default in lubuntu?19:50
icerootNoTV__: ext3 or ext4, what you like more19:53
icerootNoTV__: if you mean "install to usb"19:53
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NoTV__iceroot: I'm trying the Startup Disk Creator right now.19:53
NoTV__iceroot: We'll see if it works in a couple of minutes.19:54
silverlightningwhat packages would conflict with mplayer-geck setup?19:58
silverlightningnobody really knows do they20:01
icerootsilverlightning: apt-get and aptitude knows it20:01
icerootsilverlightning: why not asking them?20:01
silverlightningi did use package manager to install restricted packages20:01
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silverlightningwhich would mean apt-get?20:02
silverlightningwith gui20:02
icerootsilverlightning: aptitude is much better for something like that20:02
icerootsilverlightning: to find out why something is not working20:02
silverlightningwhy does this keep happening20:06
icerootyou know what a beta is?20:07
jtaylora beta two days to release and in deep freeze :)20:13
jtaylorissues hit now will most likely also be in the release20:13
kyle__so, issues like, can't alter the sound, and webcam drivers being all wonky, won't be fixed in the release?20:19
lucas-argsolution, dont upgrade until all major bugs are fixed20:20
kyle__Unfortunately enough is wrong with 11.04 that some major bugs are better than the instability.20:21
lucas-argin linux, latest doesnt mean always the best20:22
kyle__lucas-arg: I'm quite aware of that.  I'm also aware of the fact that 10.x was rock solid on my laptop, until some update that gave me corrupted graphics when scrolling.  So 11.04 was necessary to use my machine for day to day purposes.  And 11.10 (finally) includes a driver for the SD card reader, which is awfully nice to have.20:24
lucas-argi dont understand why, but instead of progressing sometimes devs go backwards in each release... they should make them more stable secure and easy to install or upgrade, but its always a pain in the a"#20:26
lucas-argfor me 11.04 is great, i tried 11.10 and it was really unstable unity crashed, sound with pulseaudio crashed with skype... etc etc etc20:27
kyle__lucas-arg: It's why projects with paid teams end up doing so well.  Everyone likes coding the cool fun part of it: pretty graphics, new features, a neat trick. People volunteer to do that part.  But nobody likes profiling code, hadling nasty edge cases, etc.20:28
lucas-argi always compare ubuntu with osx, osx is always better, copyin ideas from other or whatever, but its always better.... maybe as time goes by, we will have a really cool 11.10 release and just when its stable and cool enough, a new release will came up20:29
kyle__lucas-arg: Hum.  There were issues for me, primarily if you walk away while it's under heavy mem usage, it screensavers, then crashes. I did run memtest86, all seems OK....20:30
silverlightningI'm on  a new mac daily, not that fantastic?20:31
silverlightningor rather, latest desktopmodel20:31
kyle__silverlightning: So, mc'mini, iMac, or MacPro?20:31
silverlightningthe one with everything sort of integrated in the screen,20:33
silverlightninglarge screen20:34
silverlightningit is really nice20:34
silverlightninghowever, does have some issues20:34
silverlightningit mess up schematics at work, the program they use to set up pay/hours20:35
silverlightningthat is a horror really20:35
silverlightningand it keeps disconnecting from the router20:35
silverlightningfor no apparent reason20:35
silverlightningwhich mess up printing, cause printer is set up via router20:36
silverlightningIT gang at work have been working on it for ages, and still the same on the newest macs20:37
silverlightningfor some reason windows computers are not affected20:37
silverlightningthe issue with wireless disconnecting, is on one particular computer20:37
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silverlightningmac osx has to be better than Ubuntu what ever they do, unless Ubuntu guys are allowed to choose hardware, make a drivers,20:39
kyle__silverlightning: Is it wirelessly connected?  I've had some apple hardware be really finicky about wireless access.20:39
silverlightningyes, really annoying with the mac wireless20:39
* kyle__ finds OSX to be a perfectly acceptible unix, unless you want to admin it like a normal unix...20:40
silverlightningand only on the mac, not other computers, linux or windows20:40
silverlightningdid you ever fix issues with wireless on macs kyle__?20:40
kyle__By using an apple airport at home.  Although we had one airport that actually caused the issue, and apple replaced it without a word, even though it was 4 months out of warantee.20:41
kyle__They're pretty awesome when it comes to that sort of service.20:41
silverlightningapple center in my town is sort of iffy20:44
silverlightningnot so good service and they could20:44
silverlightninghope they are this time20:44
silverlightningthey have offered to take computer in for service and checkup, and will keep it for two weeks20:45
vsync_they really branded os x as an unix as a pr-trick20:45
silverlightningwell, at least minimum one week20:45
vsync_rotten apples, jobs 6 feet under20:46
kyle__vsync_: yea, the fact you can boot into single user mode and it runs a BSD kernel is just a facade.....20:47
silverlightninghere apple brag about lasting hardware, stable os,20:47
silverlightningwhich to an extent is true20:47
silverlightningI'm not sure I understand really20:48
* kyle__ was being sarchastic.20:49
vsync_yes I know20:49
kyle__Ubuntu bug locked up on me.20:49
vsync_BSD is sorta, unix-like20:49
vsync_But i was referring to their big news some years ago when they officially branded os x as "unix"20:49
* kyle__ nods20:50
kyle__With ubuntu's departure from a standard init, BSD is closer to unix than ubuntu you know.20:50
vsync_you know, you can run a bsd-kernel with a linux system20:50
* kyle__ nods20:50
vsync_but yes i get your point20:51
kyle__Debian makes a release, but I've known some one-offs as well.  BSD kernel with a GNU userland.  Havn't actually seen the inverse, but it's just as possible.20:51
silverlightningI burnt freeBSD a few hours ago20:51
vsync_yeah sorry, what I meant was gnu with a bsd kernel, ehh it's 12pm here20:51
* kyle__ understands20:52
vsync_used to run gentoo with a freebsd kernel many years ago, to try it out20:52
kyle__teething infant kept me from getting my 6 hours last night.20:52
kyle__silverlightning: FBSD is a fun OS to play with.  Quite good for servers.  Desktop usage isn't wasn't as pelesant, but I've done it.20:53
vsync_I have bad vibes out of the Ports system20:53
silverlightningoh I see20:54
silverlightningkyle__: there is a pcBSD too20:55
vsync_I guess bsd with a linux-kernel could make sense. At least linux is developed faster I'd assume20:55
vsync_silverlightning there's many flavors of BSD, FreeBSD, NetBSD, OpenBSD...20:55
kyle__vsync_: It never bothered me, but then I used to use NetBSD all the time on savlaged sparc hardware.20:55
silverlightningsome BSDs that work for laptops?20:55
silverlightningand preferably light20:55
vsync_it doesn't quite work that way with bsd's20:56
kyle__silverlightning: FreeBSD and NetBSD can both do quite well on a laptop.  Their X drivers used to lag a bit behind those of linux (even though they use the same xorg/xfree86), so latest-greatest laptops may not have drivers.20:57
vsync_If you're into this whole taking a walk on the wild side -thing, why not HaikuOS?20:58
kyle__MMM BeOS alike.20:58
vsync_Yeah, it bases on this long-dead failed OS called BeOS21:01
silverlightningI see21:01
silverlightningI would rather have one that works though21:02
vsync_BeOS fell short back in the 90's, and the new open source haikuos continues from that. But well, it's not proving out to be ... pretty much anything21:02
silverlightningI was searching for a light running os, and someone mentioned freeBSD21:03
silverlightningas much better than debian21:03
kyle__BeOS was a beautiful thing.  It only failed because of a complete lack of drivers, an italian-car-inspired network stack (very fast, when it worked, which wasn't consistant), increadibly late releases, and a lack of software.21:04
jtaylorsilverlightning: debian has a bsd kernel as option21:04
silverlightningkyle__: seems like it needed more time in development21:04
* kyle__ agrees, FBSD is better than deb in many ways.21:05
* kyle__ nods21:05
vsync_debian's just a bit dated. For an OS that runs 'lightly', I'd go with arch21:05
silverlightningjtaylor: never new that !21:05
jtaylorvsync_: on what is arch based?21:05
jtaylorand what is fbsd oO21:05
silverlightningarch is like gentoo, you spend a week to get anything going?21:05
vsync_jtaylor actually I can't remember21:06
kyle__jtaylor: Arch is it's own thing.  Maybe they used LFS or crux as a starting point, but it's its own thing.21:06
jtaylorwhat package management?21:06
kyle__I apologize for the first "it's".  Should be its.21:06
vsync_Thing is, there are some differences between distros, sure. But as to getting shit run lightly, you can pretty much strip every distro to it's bare bones to get it running lightly. Now with arch (pacman is probably the best package manager I've used), the installation is very very vanilla21:07
vsync_and it runs very light by default, which is what you were looking for I think21:07
vsync_configuring arch is a bit harder though, it leaves a lot to the end-user21:08
vsync_which is good if you know what you're doing, of course21:08
ali1234does arch have unity?21:09
vsync_You can get unity on arch, sure21:09
jtaylorony ubuntu has unity21:09
ali1234but is it packaged?21:09
vsync_There seems to be unity from the AUR21:09
jtaylorI was not aware of any ports21:09
ali1234obviously i can compile it myself21:09
jtaylorits not even in debian21:09
jtaylorwhich is the obvious first palce for it to go21:10
vsync_AUR is user (not dev) maintained21:10
17WAAGX0Yanyone been using Kubuntu 11.10? how is it looking?21:53
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silverlightninganyone still here?22:15
sebsebsebsilverlightning: hi22:16
silverlightningdo you know if wmp firefox plugin comes as default in lubuntu?22:16
silverlightningIt is suppose to work with chromium and opera too22:16
silverlightningwindows media plugin22:17
silverlightningsebsebseb: are you testing 11.10 too?22:17
silverlightningi have installed restricted extra packages from synaptic22:18
hotte76Hello. I've just installed 11.10 Daily Biuld on my Thinkpad. Its an IntelI Core 2 Duo Machine with Intel onboard Graphics. It performed well under 11.04. But now in 11.10. the Intel Grafik isn't recognized. Its "unknown". DO you know why? Went out of the box at 11.04....   Everything is slow now, ans Unity in 2D....22:18
silverlightningand I am wondering if I have it, or might have something conflicting22:18
silverlightninghmm, do you get any picture at all hotte76?22:19
saulotoledoWhy GTK3.x on KDE do not load themes?22:19
hotte76Yes, of course. But the whole machine runs slower than on 11.04. WHen i check the Graphic card it is said "unknown"22:20
silverlightningyou activated additional drivers?22:20
nico_Is this for help?22:20
silverlightningnico_:  if you are lucky22:21
hotte76Where can i do this? I just searched for drivers22:21
nico_i've been trying to get my system fixed for 2 days now, and can't seem to figure it out. i really don't want to install a fresh system :/22:21
silverlightningmenu-preferances-additonal drivers22:22
silverlightningnico_:  are you in 11.10?22:22
hotte76i did that. After the search it is said (in german): There are no "propriet" drivers on this system22:23
nico_I was in 11.04, but it may have upgraded to 11.1022:23
silverlightningnico_: might not have, it takes for ever and huge upgrade, you would have noticed22:26
silverlightninghotte76: you must go on a driver hunt22:26
hotte76Or try to use linuxmint or something22:27
nico_do you think i should continue trying to fix this system, or install a fresh 11.1022:27
hotte76Is that an option? Mint?22:27
silverlightning11.10 comes in two days22:28
silverlightningnico_: what's wrong?22:28
nico_to be honest, i'm not even sure what's the problem at this point. my laptop turned off the other day due to a power issue, and once i had restarted it i couldn't boot my system. i've been off and on my live-cd since trying various things to fix the problem such as fsck.22:29
nico_when i try to boot up my default system now it takes forever to load and eventually I get a black screen that says unity login:22:30
nico_when i attempt to login my desktop account it tells me "pam error     critical! abort"22:31
famgodcan anyone help me with installing wordpress? I followed the instructions here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WordPress ...i followed the instructions, i think everything working, apache is running, but when i got it downloads a file named 'Download' with this inside it http://pastebin.com/43TuPnfX23:00
ali1234famgod: you did not enable php properly23:01
famgodalia1234 hmmm23:05
famgodany suggestions on how to enable it?23:05
famgodi installed php5 libapache2-mod-php523:05
dersony vaio touchpad doesn't work in ocelot23:06
derdidn't work in 11.04 too23:06
deri see there's no classic gnome support in 11.1023:06
derim doomed23:06
deranyone else hate unity?23:06
famgodi do23:09
famgodthat has everything you need to get rid of unity23:09
famgodand use gnome classic23:09
derfamgod, i just detest it, i don't know how it passed quality control23:10
derbeen using 10.10 for as long as i can23:10
famgodi can see it being okay23:10
famgodfor a touchpad23:10
famgodor maybe a low res netbook23:10
dermy fan seems to never shut up since installing ocelot23:11
derits a dual core 4 gb ram23:11
derit's like they've dumbed down linux for the masses23:11
derhalf the options to config and tweak are missing23:11
derhow does one remove the broadcast account or switched accounts at the top in taskbar ?23:12
deri think it must be an error, can't even get properties with a right click23:13
deri think im gonna go back to using gnewsense23:17
popschI just upgraded my machine to 11.10 and nautilus crashes constantly with a segmentation fault: #0  0x00007fc5583258be in gconf_client_get () from /usr/lib/libgconf-2.so.423:18
deryeah unity is the new windows virus23:18
jbichapopsch: try uninstalling nautilus-open-terminal or any other nautilus extensions you have23:19
sebsebsebder: Like Gnome Shell?23:19
sebsebsebder: http://gnome3.org23:19
dersebsebseb, are they going to merge at some stage?23:20
sebsebsebder: what you mean merge?23:20
DaekdroomWhatever he means, I don't think so.23:20
sebsebsebder: it's in the 11.10 repos, but personally I would juse use Gnome Shell in other distros23:21
deri think they're more designed for tablets23:21
sebsebsebder: however yep  Ubuntu Classic Desktop is not in Gnome 2 at all, also Gnome 3 has a fall back mode that's more Gnome 2 like, again in the 11.10 repos23:22
sebsebsebis not in 11.10 at all, I meant above23:22
deryup at least 11.04 has fallback option to classic23:22
popschjbicha, removing nautilus-open-terminal did the trick. I assume it's a known problem then.23:22
sebsebsebder: some distros still using Gnome 2 as well23:22
derfor a system that's no longer got evolution as the default mail client23:23
derthey've sure as hell left alot of config files and such lying around23:23
sebsebsebder: oh?23:23
derdo a locate evolution23:24
sebsebsebyep Thunderbird is the default email client now, howver evolution is in the repos23:24
jbichapopsch: bug 865115 maybe it's fixed with the new proposed ubuntuone-client-gnome23:25
ubottuLaunchpad bug 865115 in nautilus-open-terminal (Ubuntu Oneiric) "nautilus crashed with SIGSEGV in gconf_client_get(), if both nautilus-open-terminal and ubuntuone-client-gnome are installed" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/86511523:25
* der when 11.10 comes out I is setting my homepage to distrowatch.com for a new home :)23:26
popschjbicha, well, also the incremental search doesn't work and now it crashed on libc. will be fun times now23:26
sebsebsebder: heh :D23:27
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Johnny_GigglesI like to do a lot of coding in C.  I use nano, gcc, clang, and the bash Terminal.  Can anyone tell me why I should upgrade from 11.04 to 11.10?23:52
zenroxnewer viersions of thoes tools23:53
Johnny_GigglesCan 11.10 be virtualized within virtualbox on Windows 7 okay?23:58

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