
=== API is now known as Guest47601
=== Guest47601 is now known as apinheiro
=== API is now known as apinheiro
charlie-tcaAny one volunteer to lead an accessibility session for Open Week yet?15:32
macowhich one is open week again?15:33
apinheirocharlie-tca, where is UDS this year?15:34
macoorlando, same hotel as last year15:34
charlie-tcaOpenWeek is next week, for users.15:34
charlie-tcamaco: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuOpenWeek15:35
macoim not sure what one would say in an open week session15:36
macoa newbie-developer one sure... "fill in the stuff in glade, gosh darnit"15:36
Pendulumit seems those people UDSing will now have to put up with me as well ;-)15:38
charlie-tcaYou coming to Orlando?15:40
charlie-tcaI think they are really tired of hearing me complain about the a11y stuff now 15:42
charlie-tcaYou haven't complained in a bit, so there's hope again!15:43
Pendulumbtw, I'm having an a11y call with jono next week15:43
Pendulum(Can you tell I'm feeling better now? ;-) )15:43
charlie-tcagood. I am really frustrated that we can not have a11y working completely in Oneiric, but there is ppa that has it all working15:45
charlie-tcamaco: I think for users it should be more about what is available, what works, what we want to have working16:00
charlie-tcaand a bit of what we want to see for the next release is always good :)16:00
charlie-tcaI am going to grab the Friday at 15:00 UTC slot for us, and I will lead the session. Anyone want to help/co-lead/assist?16:06
AlanBelljust done a screencast of the installer, encoding now23:33

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