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ppisatianyone with a beagle xm rev.c willing to do a test, please contact me09:41
ogra_xranby, thanks for taking over10:10
* ogra_ hugs xranby 10:10
xranbyyoure welcome10:10
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ndecogra_: what do you think of bug 87217812:45
ubot2Launchpad bug 872178 in jasper-initramfs "ROOTDEV export not working" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/87217812:45
ogra_ndec, hmm, it is used in all other installs12:54
ogra_do you avoid _growroot with some hack or so ?12:54
ndecogra_: i asked XavB to join, as he is the one that knows this stuff..12:57
ndecXavB: (2:54:37 PM) ogra_: do you avoid _growroot with some hack or so ?12:57
ogra_XavB, it works on all other installs, so there must be something special in the way you use jasper12:57
XavBogra_: not sure if other are using mmcblk112:58
XavBogra_: as soon as you ar eusing mmcblk0, no issue, because a default value is set.12:59
ogra_hmm, i thought we added a way to override that...12:59
ogra_let me take a look at the code, one sec12:59
XavBif you add trace to jasper_setup, you will see that the export form ROOTDEV is not seen into jasper_setup12:59
ogra_did you try setting root= on the cmdline ?13:00
XavBogra_: in fact I reviewed the code and it seems OK, the only problem is the export from _growroot that is not visible into _setup13:00
XavBogra_: yes I have root=/dev/mmcblk1p213:01
ogra_well, export exports to the full environment, you should see it unless its actually unset13:01
ogra_hmm, that should actually pick up the right bits then13:01
XavBThe _growroot part is working fine, ROOTDEV is computed correctly, the resize of mmcblk1p2 is OK13:01
XavBbut then the UUID is computed on mmcblk0p2 and after the reboot we are using FS on eMMC not SD13:02
ogra_well, i dont see why the export wouldnt work, it is the same shell13:02
XavBogra_: adding traces demonstrate that the export don't work, I promise...13:03
ogra_infinity, any idea why an export from one initrd script to another wouldnt work ? even though they should be inside the same environment13:04
janimoogra_, so mx5 install actually works if I do not tick automatic login13:08
janimojust takes very very long13:08
janimothe packages are removed, adn you get into lightdm13:08
janimobut only 15 minutes after the ubiquity GUI disappears13:08
janimoogra_, re the ROOTDEV bug, I saw jasper setup script (?) set rootdev explicitly in case it is not set in growroot13:09
janimowhich seemed one of the weird places in the code as growroot has exports13:10
janimobut they may be run from different shell sessions so the exports do not carry over13:10
brandinijanimo: how do you install lightdm13:10
janimobrandini, it is on the image by default13:10
brandinihow did you enable it?13:11
brandinistart lightdm?13:11
ndecbrandini: it's supposed to be enabled by default.13:11
ndecwhat's the problem?13:11
ogra_janimo, thats just a fallback, growroot should actually have exported the right thing13:11
brandiniI don't have any X running on my machine13:11
janimoogra_, well the fact there is a fallback shows the export does not always work13:12
brandiniI plug in my TV to the hdmi out and all I see is the login prompt13:12
ndecbrandini: is it intentional?13:12
janimoso we should either see why it does not work, or just set it anew in setup13:12
brandinindec: I'm running 11.10 server so I dunno13:12
janimoof course not for O :)13:12
ndecbrandini: what do you call login prompt with no X?13:12
ndecah... on the console13:12
ogra_janimo, i just added it to make sure we succeed in any case even if the user adds soemthing weirtd to root=13:13
ndeci didn't use the server image. is ubuntu-desktop package available?13:13
* brandini looks13:14
brandinindec: you're right :)13:15
ogra_well, better use the task than the metapackage13:15
ogra_apt-get install ubuntu-desktp^13:15
ogra_(note the caret, its important)13:17
brandinitoo late?13:17
infinityogra_: export exports to children, it can't export "up" to the parent.13:18
ogra_argh !13:20
ogra_i thought it exports on the same level13:20
ogra_not sure what made me think that13:20
infinityogra_: If it was exported by the parent, then children can change it.  But children can't export to the parent.13:50
ogra_so i need a tmpfile or some such13:50
ogra_to put the value in and make the second script read it13:51
infinityogra_: What are you mangling?13:51
ogra_how ugly13:51
ogra_Bug 87217813:51
ubot2Launchpad bug 872178 in jasper-initramfs "ROOTDEV export not working" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/87217813:51
ogra_infinity, ^^^13:51
ogra_TI has probs with a blaze install13:51
infinityDon't we use more or less the same detection routine twice?13:52
ogra_only once13:52
infinityOr is it just hardcoded in _setup?13:52
ogra_it is hardcoded to a fallback of mmcblk013:52
ogra_if the export doesnt get through13:52
ogra_which doesnt harm us on any installs atm13:53
ogra_since all our images use mmcblk0 ... the blaze cant13:53
infinityWell, you could do this two ways.  You could find it in growroot and write a tempfile, or you could break the detection out into a utility that you install to /bin13:53
ogra_well, i could also add it to initramfs-tools, the value i set in a child should persist for the other child then, no ?13:53
ogra_though it feels very wrong to add jasper vars there13:54
infinityIf you export ROOTDEV= in init, then it would persist.13:54
infinityBut that seems silly.13:54
ogra_no, i mean if i set ROOTDEV to a value in growroot, that should get handed over to _setup13:55
ogra_if the var is owned by init13:55
infinityThat's what I meant.13:55
infinitySee the list of exports in init.13:56
ogra_well, not the solution for now though13:56
ogra_(and actually a bit to late for a solution in general i think)13:56
ndecogra_: why exactly do we have to hardcode mmbblk0 in initramfs?13:56
infinityYeah, I'm not sure this is something we should care about for release.13:56
ogra_ndec, its a fallback value13:56
infinityndec: We don't have to, and shouldn't, it's a bug IMO.  But not an RC one, given that the images all work as designed on their respective targets.13:57
ogra_it gets only used if the first script doesnt hand the info to the second (which sadly seems to be a default)13:57
infinityBut yes, the ROOTDEV stuff is all broken/wrong, IMO.13:57
ndecwhat do we do in the non fallback solution?13:57
ogra_hack jasper :(13:57
ogra_xranby, was it you who filed that gconf bug where gconf looks in the wrong path ?15:41
* ogra_ needs the bug #15:41
ThersiTI've got a usb to serial adapter I'm trying to use to get to an Arcturus module. For the life of me I can't get minicom to connect to my module. However if I run WinXP in a virtualbox I can get Putty to connect. Have any of seen this before?16:11
GrueMasterWhy use minicom?  Use screen, much easier.  screen /dev/ttyUSB0 11520016:12
ThersiTScreen won't work either. The adapter is being recognized. Here is my dmesg output. [ 5880.414017] usb 5-1: generic converter now attached to ttyUSB016:15
GrueMasterok.  What does screen output when launched?16:16
ThersiTScreen gives me nothing but a flashing cursor. I'm in the dialout group too.16:17
ThersiTUsed the same cmd you just posted.16:18
GrueMasterWhat speed settings do you use in Putty?  Any other comm settings?16:18
ThersiT115200 8N1 no flow control.16:18
ThersiTI've been all over the web, I'm really at a lost here.16:20
GrueMasterVery interesting.  I am using the same settings on 8 different USB serial cables here with no problem.16:21
GrueMasterTry sudo screen /dev/ttyUSB0 115200.  Also, try unplugging the usb cable from your host and re-plugging it in and checking dmesg to verify it is ttyUSB0.16:22
ThersiTAhh, sudo gives me an error in screen "ioctl failed"16:25
ThersiT"Interrupted system call"16:26
ThersiTIs that any help?16:26
GrueMasterVery interesting.16:26
GrueMasterAnything in dmesg?16:26
ThersiTAlso I've tried this in 10.04, 11.04, and Backtrack 5.16:29
GrueMasterThis is very odd.  My desktop is 10.04, and I have a dedicated serial console (serial-killer) running 11.04, neither have had these issues.16:30
GrueMasterMake sure your usb device isn't being taken over by the VM.16:31
ThersiTYea, It's really kicking my butt. VM has'nt been open since a reboot.16:32
ThersiTI modprobed the adapter myself after boot.16:33
GrueMasterSo dmesg does show the ttyUSB device?16:34
ThersiTYup. ttyUSB016:35
GrueMasterWhat does "sudo lsof ./dev/ttyUSB0" show?  May be modem-manager getting in the way.16:36
ThersiTIt's 660. Owned by root:dialout. Letme look.16:36
ogra_nromally ubuntu users are in the dialout group by default16:37
GrueMasterI don't think it is a permissions issue.  I think some other app is taking control of the device in the background.16:38
ThersiTsudo lsof /dev/ttyUSB016:39
ThersiTlsof: WARNING: can't stat() fuse.gvfs-fuse-daemon file system /home/wstraus/.gvfs16:39
ThersiT      Output information may be incomplete.16:39
GrueMasterlsof should show who/what has the device open16:39
GrueMasterIgnore the gvfs stuff.16:40
ThersiTHow do you quit screen?16:41
GrueMaster<ctrl>-a k16:41
ThersiTI had a bunch of screen's open, they were listed in lsof and I killed the pids.16:43
ThersiTBut after killing all of those nothing gets listed from lsof16:44
GrueMasterok, that is a good thing.  Now try launching screen again.16:44
obarthelemyHi... sorry, dumb question... what are the user+root accounts and pwd for oneiric-core-armel ?16:45
GrueMasterYou may have to do something on your test system as well to get any output (like reset).16:45
GrueMasterobarthelemy: There is no passwd.  You should be able to use it as a chroot environment w/o problem.16:46
ogra_obarthelemy, -core is for building your own images, its just enough OS to run apt, nothing more, no user or configuration16:46
ThersiTJust rebooted the module with screen running, got nothing.16:47
ThersiTI should see it booting then a login prompt.16:48
ThersiTlet me try sudo screen.16:49
ThersiTNothing using sudo either.16:50
obarthelemyI know core is very bare, that' what i want... I'm stuck at the login prompt though, root/blank don't work, blank/blank neither, tried temppwd which was the correct pwd for the minimal-omap rootfs, no luck either16:50
ogra_right, as i said, no users, no passwd, no config16:51
ogra_you would have to create a rootpw before booting the rootfs16:52
obarthelemyok, ill dot hat then, thanks16:53
ThersiTDo you guys know a good adapter that works well with linux? I can go buy a new one.16:53
gildeani remember reading about the same problem somewhere16:57
GrueMasterThersiT: All of mine are TrendNet USB Serial.16:57
GrueMasterEssentially anything with a pl2303 converter chip should work well.16:58
GrueMasterWhat does dmesg say your USB cable has for a converter?16:58
gildeanhmm, here it was, don't know if this is any help: http://www.trimslice.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=52&t=33516:58
* ogra_ never checked, i'm just buying them as i lose them16:58
ogra_and never had one that didnt work16:58
ThersiTGrueMaster: cool I'll go looking. dmesg says "usbserial_generic 5-1:1.0: generic converter detected" but it's a TIUSB341017:02
ThersiTgildean: I'm looking at that now.17:02
ThersiTThanks guys. I'm just gonna try a new one.17:15
GrueMasterThersiT: Make sure you do a little research before you just buy one.  You should be able to google the specs easily enough.17:16
ThersiTYea, I'm gonna try to find one with that PL2303 chipset.17:18
prpplagueor has an ftdi chipset17:18
prpplagueboth are reasonably stable17:18
* GrueMaster has had excellent luck with the TrendNet brand, and a few others that have the pl2303 in them.17:19
GrueMasterOne of my cables is actually a 4 serial port hydra cable.  1 USB<>4 Serial heads.  Other than enumerating, it works very well.17:20
GrueMasterBut I doubt a lot of people are using multiple usb-serial adapters on a single system to control 8+ arm systems.17:21
ThersiTI read in that forum gildean showed me to short pins 2 and 3 to make a loop back and that failed. I think this adapter in just not linux friendly.17:22
GrueMasterHighly possible.  I also found a bunch of issue reports when I googled for TIUSB3410 Linux.17:24
GrueMasterTo be fair, there "may" be a module that just isn't being loaded for some reason.17:24
GrueMasterBut I doubt that is the issue.17:24
ThersiTI did have to add a udev rule to load usbserial.17:25
GrueMasterThersiT: Check lsmod to see if ti-usb-3410* is loaded.17:26
ThersiTTried lsusb | grep ti and got nothing relevant.17:27
GrueMasterThen try "sudo modprobe ti_usb_3410_5052".17:28
ThersiTtried it, no change. what is the 5052?17:32
ThersiTlsmod says ti_usb is using ttyUSB0 tho.17:33
GrueMasterOk, different kernel, different module.17:36
ThersiTI'm on Ubuntu Desktop 10.04 2.6.32-34-generic17:39
GrueMasterInteresting, I'm on the same kernel.17:40
GrueMasterWell, -pae.17:41
ThersiTYup, been messing with it for a few days. Installed that WinXP vbox last night and hated every minute of it. heh17:43
ThersiTOn a side note I'm new to these modules. Is uClinux the way to go?17:51
GrueMasterNo idea.  Never worked with that.17:52
ogra_does uClinux still exist ?17:52
ogra_i thought that died long ago17:53
ThersiTOh, that would suck. This Arcturus module was bought about 2 years ago and uClinux is what came on it.17:54
ThersiTWhat do you guys use?17:55
ogra_well, you are in #ubuntu-arm17:55
ogra_so make a guess ;)17:55
ThersiTAh heh heh, yup I should have thought of that.17:57
martynHow can I get a PPA compiled on the ARM farm?19:50
martyn( Specifically : http://nginx.org/packages/ubuntu/dists/lucid/nginx/ )19:50
martyncompiled in Oneieric19:50
GrueMastermartyn: Not sure, but I believe heavy bribing with beer may be involved.  :P19:52
GrueMasterSeriously, I wouldn't know.19:53
GrueMasterI can pull it locally and see if it builds on one of my pandas if that is what you are looking for.19:55
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GrueMastermartyn: We already have nginx in the pool (universe).  I'm sure it will get resync'd and rebuilt after next week.20:08
martynGrueMaster: That would be helpful20:13
martynGrueMaster: My buildd is down, having been "borrowed" for a corporate demo20:13
martynSo it's migrated from PPA to universe?20:14
GrueMasterYes, but it is at 1.05-1.  Building 1.08 for you now.  Shouldn't take too long.20:20
GrueMasterbtw:  Are you coming to UDS-Orlando?20:20
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