
mhall119pleia2: and puppet helps users manage/update applications on Ubuntu00:06
pleia2mhall119: yeah, I'm familair with puppet :)01:02
akgranerThe Fedora Community actually pulled off Beefy Miracle as the Release Name for Fedora 17 :-)01:19
mhall119they did?01:20
akgraneryeppers :-)  just got the release name announcement01:20
mhall119I'm a bit surprised, I got the impression that the Fedora devs were opposed to it in the last cycle01:21
akgranerI dunno but according to the vote that's what won out.01:26
pleia2it still creeps me out, but at least now that it's done I don't need to hear all the campaigning for it for another cycle ;)01:27
akgranerAt FUDCon the t-shirts were hilarious (at least the first draft I saw of them)01:28
mhall119oh boy, I can't wait until a fedora user starts saying that people won't take animal named releases seriously01:28
akgranerI think it was more of a community stand kinda thing, but I don't have anyone to quote on that01:33
akgranerthough I am working on getting one :-)01:34
mhall119heck, if all you need is a quote, I'll say almost anything ;)01:35
mhall119are you allowed to use anonymous sources?01:35
pleia2she'll say it's from an "Unnamed Canonical employee"01:36
pleia2that'll go well, always does01:36
mhall119I used fedora once, can't I still claim that?01:39
pleia2oh sure :)01:40
mhall119wait, less than 300 people voted?01:42
pleia2hmm, I wish the cloud blog had a "previous posts" button01:42
pleia2(I took a break for dinner, but now I'm back at it)01:43
pleia2oh hey, this is great http://blog.dustinkirkland.com/2011/08/formal-introduction-to-ubuntu-orchestra.html01:45
pleia2http://voices.canonical.com/shang.wu/2011/08/31/oneiric-ubuntu-orchestra-server-provision-server-setup/ winner \o/01:56
akgranerpleia2, dustin has some awesome blog posts and does great interviews02:00
pleia2akgraner: yeah, I just wish this stuff made its way to proper documentation, it took me far too long to find it02:01
pleia2or at least linked somewhere, this stuff was just hanging out there in the tubes02:02
pleia2and when you're on a 3g modem, that's not awesome :)02:02
akgranerIs the cursor going to show up in the url bar by Thursday>02:15
=== Martyn^ is now known as Martyn
akgranerThere isn't just a -P sprint02:30
akgraneryou can only choose "Linaro Connect Q4.11 and UDS P"  there  is no choice for just "UDS P"02:31
MartynHey there Amber02:32
akgranerok so it shows up as UDS-P on the blueprint whew :-)02:32
akgranerand I think I actually got the name convention right this time  - let's hope so02:33
akgranerok so that blueprint is off my list :-) yay02:52
jonohey folks04:09
jonojcastro, around?04:16
jonojcastro, actually, ignore04:17
ejatczajkowski : r u here?04:19
Pendulumejat: she's probably asleep04:21
* ejat need canonical staff person contact detail (US) for my VISA application … can someone help?04:22
ejator UDS Person in charge contact information ..04:23
jonoejat, for UDS?04:23
ejatjono .. yes04:23
jonoejat, one sec04:24
jonoejat, marianna.raffaele@canonical.com04:24
jonoshe handles UDS travel04:24
jonoshe should be able to help with your Visa04:24
ejatyeah .. i already send her email …04:24
jonono response?04:24
ejatbut online application require me : Contact Person or Organization in the United States04:24
jonoejat, ahhh I see04:25
jonoejat, I think Marianna can provide the best person - I will see her in a few hours and will ask her to reply to your email04:25
ejatstuck cannot proceed to the next form ..04:25
ejatjono : did canonical have office in US ?04:26
jonoejat, we do04:26
jonoejat, but I want to ensure Marianna gives you the right details04:26
ejatcan i have US office number or is it at the website ?04:26
ejatand address ..04:27
jonoejat, Marianna will provide these to you04:27
jonojust wait a few hours and she will respond04:27
ejatcan i use that ?04:27
jonoejat, please, sorry to repeat myself, but wait for Marianna to reply04:27
jonoshe will advise04:27
jonoI don't want to tell you to use the wrong info04:27
ejatok .. i will ..04:28
jonothanks ejat04:29
ejati should thanks to u :)04:29
jonoejat, looking forward to seeing you at UDS!04:33
ejatyeah .. me too .. thats y i wanna proceed the visa application a.s.a.p :)04:34
jonoejat, don't worry, we will get it sorted04:35
jonohopefully they will process it in time04:35
jonosometimes it takes the US Gov't a while to process visas04:35
ejatyeah .. or else .. ill be miss the UDS :( … yeah .. need the interview session some more ..04:36
doctormoHey jono, got your email, just responded.04:46
jonothanks doctormo!04:47
* jono grabbing breakfast05:40
jonoback soon05:40
czajkowskiejat: I am whats up05:41
czajkowskierw: ah you're sorted so, jono is looking after it, I have nthing to do with UDS05:42
jonoczajkowski, :-)06:23
jonoyikes, is anyone seeing an error at http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/ /06:29
* jono reports bug06:30
dpmgood morning all06:46
nigelbjono: Out of memory error, wworks now06:48
nigelbits a transient problem we've been having on the machiinie06:48
jonothanks nigelb06:49
jonohey dpm06:49
dpmmorning jono :)06:50
czajkowskijono: standard bug these days on that machine06:51
czajkowskithe lads know about it06:51
czajkowskiI'll poke someone in IS when they're up06:52
czajkowskijono: bug is gone06:52
jonothanks czajkowski!06:52
czajkowskijono: no bother NG and the folks in there know about the machine I reguarly threaten to wallop it with a sledge hammer but nobody has yet told me the location of the server06:52
czajkowskijono: you down in the plaza as well or gone to Mill bank may see you on my way to work06:53
nigelbczajkowski: Its in Canonical's london data center I think. (leased from Level 3?)06:54
jonosweet, I found http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_VTtW31-prA&hd=106:54
nigelbMorning popey!06:55
jonohey popey06:55
nigelbI didn't realize how much work went into the countdown website.06:55
nigelbIts *awesome* :-)06:55
czajkowskijono: mind if I makr your bug invalid as ng mhall119 and all others know the issue with the machine06:57
nigelbIts already invalid. I marked it earlier when I told him about it.06:57
czajkowskiit's more annoyin when I get the errors when I;m adding team data06:57
jonoczajkowski, sure, thanks!06:57
czajkowskiright to work07:00
czajkowskibusy day ahead07:00
dholbachgood morning07:07
dpmhey dholbach07:07
dholbachbon dia dpm07:08
dpmhey :)07:09
nigelbhi dholbach!07:11
nigelbनमस्ते dholbach :D07:12
nigelbHrm, my Hindi is rusty07:12
dholbachnigelb, you're mean! you know how I can stare at foreign alphabets for hours07:13
nigelbdholbach: I did not know that!07:13
* nigelb hugs dholbach 07:13
dholbachthere's something about slowly being able to decipher once you start learning it which is just great - it must be the constant stream of a-ha moments ... if you're doing it right07:14
dholbachand it a lot of cases it just looks beautiful07:15
nigelbMy learning Hindi as a child was constant stream of ugh moments :)07:15
nigelbNot great in languages.07:15
dholbachugh moments07:16
* dholbach hugs nigelb07:16
* nigelb hugs dholbach :)07:17
nigelbejat: You're in Malaysia or Indonesia?07:17
ejatnigelb : Malaysia07:17
nigelbejat: KL?07:17
ejatnigelb : yes07:17
ejatnigelb : anything that i can help with /07:18
nigelbejat: I *may* be visiting in November :) We should meet :)07:18
ejatnigelb : after UDS ?07:18
nigelbI won07:18
nigelbI won't be at UDS07:18
ejatvacation or biz trip ?07:18
ejatowh u wont be at the UDS ?07:18
ejatowh okie .. then we shall meet after that …07:18
nigelbI got invited to Mozilla's Asia Camp07:18
ejatowh okie ..07:19
nigelbWell, I won't be at UDS in person, but I will be remote :)07:19
ejatill be there too … already got email from gen already …07:19
ejatnigelb : owh okie07:19
nigelbejat: w00t \o/07:19
doctormonigelb: Nor will I, can't be in Florida if I'm to be a dad.07:23
nigelbdoctormo: :)07:23
nigelbdoctormo: when is the big day?07:23
doctormonigelb: But I still dearly wish to meet you at an event.07:23
nigelbdoctormo: Yeah, me too!07:23
ejatdoctormo also coming to mozilla asia camp ?07:24
doctormoMe and the spirit world aren't talking, so they won't tell me when the day is. But wife is full term, so any day between now and two weeks from now.07:24
doctormoejat: Unfort' not.07:24
ejatdoctormo : owh okie ..07:24
nigelbdoctormo: Ah, nice!07:24
ejatbaby ubuntu :)07:24
ejatdoctormo : boy or girl ? sorry .. no up2date ..07:26
doctormoejat: Unknown, we know it's human.07:47
ejatdoctormo : not doing the screening/checking ?07:48
doctormoejat: Why bother?07:48
* ejat just asking … here .. all parent excited to know their baby .. so easier to do the preparation .. 07:49
czajkowskinah I agree with doctormo I'd like it to be a surprise07:50
czajkowskithere are little surprises left in the world knowing the sex of the baby is 107:50
doctormoejat: a) Extra reason to push, b) Wonderful surprise, c) Annoying people who put too much weight on sex as any indicator of anything.07:51
doctormoMy sister has be a hoot, 'But I won't know if I should buy blue or pink' lol07:52
popeyand white07:56
jussiyeah, we have had same, everyone wants to know if we know the sex07:56
czajkowskicant go wrong07:56
popeywe didnt ask for ours07:56
jussiIf we have a boy it can wear pink, same for a girl with blue.07:56
doctormoWe have lots of hand-me-downs anyway, so pink and blue are both available.07:56
jussiits not like the baby cares.07:56
doctormo_it's a baby_07:57
jussiwe know, but not telling anyone. (it isnt sure anyway)07:57
* popey has some advice for the new fathers. :D07:57
jussidoctormo: +++++07:57
jussipopey: go on!07:57
popey"There is only one thing worse than a tired parent.07:57
popeyTwo tired parents."07:57
jussiso make sure she gets loads of sleep?07:57
doctormoIt's 4am here, I'm formatting for the night shift :-P07:57
popeyI used to read HHGTTG on my palm pilot whilst rocking Sophie to sleep :D07:58
jussidoctormo: hehe07:58
popeyread those books over and over07:58
jussipalm pilot... :D07:58
popeywell, Palm IIIx07:58
jussiI think I might have to get a tablet/kindle/something...07:59
popeythe palm was good for being in total darkness07:59
popeyhad a very dim backlight07:59
doctormopopey: We just finished BFG, Sophie is a name I would have loved to use, but my sister used it first. drat.07:59
popeyyeah, Sophie is quite popular over here too08:00
czajkowskidoctormo: yeah there is nothing worse than duplicates of names in the one family08:00
czajkowskimy grandfather is John08:00
czajkowskimy uncle is John08:00
czajkowskitheir first cousin is John08:00
czajkowskiand there are 2 other 2nd cousins Johns08:00
czajkowskiso no Father Jnr or mother Jnr is wise08:01
doctormoSo instead we have a whiteboard full of names. Trying to convince wife not to pick a silly middle name though.08:01
doctormoEach of us can veto a name with a cross.08:01
czajkowskiI'm named after my gran08:02
czajkowskiand my sister is named after great gran08:02
czajkowskiall on mums side08:02
czajkowskiand reason we don't have irish names is dad and his family can't pronounce irish names correctly08:02
doctormoEoghain is hard to pronounce?08:03
czajkowskithey expect to see Eoin08:03
czajkowskior Ian08:04
doctormoI expect to see Owen, but my name's Welsh.08:04
popeyWhen we had Sam I asked the LUGRadio channel for name suggestions08:04
popeyI wanted him to have a geeky acronym as a name08:04
popeyHaving P as last initial opens up lots of opportunity for HTTP, FTP, SMTP etc08:05
popeyin the end we went with SMP :D08:05
czajkowskipopey: how does the real popey deal wit you08:05
jussiczajkowski: irish people spell funny :D08:05
czajkowskiit's a language....08:05
czajkowskipopey: again how does she put up with you :)08:06
jussiczajkowski: hahahah08:06
jussithats epic08:06
doctormojussi: I know they spell Halloween Samhain ;-)08:06
popeySophie's middle name is Niamh which we both like08:07
jussiI only learnt how to say that during the last few months in ireland08:07
czajkowskiNiamh is a nice name08:08
jussiI kinda like Siobhan08:08
popeyyeah, but it reminds me of punk08:09
czajkowskijussi: with a fada http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Siobh%C3%A1n08:09
AlanBellAoife, Catriona, Cormac are our offspring middle names08:09
jussiczajkowski: yeah, I dunno where that is on my keyboard :D08:09
popeyhow on earth do you pronounce Aoife?08:10
jussioohhh... It's currently 2011-10-11!08:10
AlanBellá is alt+gr + ; a08:12
czajkowskiERROR 0x484558: SIGNAL DROPPED08:14
AlanBellall to do with the aliens08:14
AlanBellit is a fantastic thing the advert team have done there08:15
popeynot exactly wide appeal though08:15
popeyfun for a very small number of people who have clue / time / motivation to solve the puzzles08:16
AlanBellsadly not, but it is the cleverest and most engaging thing I have seen for ages08:16
czajkowskiaye but there was that whole fuss on G+ about who was behind it no disclaimers08:17
popeysome people will bitch and moan no matter what we do08:17
popeyfab and jan are examples of such people08:18
czajkowskiJan's not the worst08:18
czajkowskiIve just blocked Fab, his feed was making G+ unbearable08:18
doctormoWhat was fab doing? and who is fab anyway08:21
AlanBelldoes some podcast thing08:21
AlanBellgot cross with Jono about thisisthecountdown.com on google plus, can't remember why, he wanted to know all about it and whether it was canonical backed or not08:22
AlanBellin the end when we found out and explained it all it turned out he couldn't care less08:22
czajkowskihe gets cranky about a lot of things not just jono or canonical, mostly canonical08:23
AlanBelloh, initial point of crankyness was that the page didn't have a button link to identi.ca of all things08:24
AlanBellwhich doesn't have buttons08:25
czajkowskicant remember the last time I used that acc08:25
jussithere seem to be a lot of people in our community like this, is it something we are doing wrong? or just we attract cranky people?08:26
czajkowskijussi: he's not in our community though, he's fedora08:27
AlanBellbit of friendly rivalry from our redhat associates really08:27
jussiczajkowski: its not just him though is it - I know several like this.08:28
AlanBellthe redhat/fedora bunch are OK really08:28
czajkowskiyup they are08:29
czajkowskiI think there are people in every community who are rather vocal and anti any other other community08:29
czajkowskithe rest of people just want to get along and get FOSS out there08:29
* czajkowski has her redhat interviews next month08:31
doctormoMy dealings with the fedora guys has been extreme. extremly good and extremly bad.08:42
jussiwe have a fedora guy in our work, he is a crazy genius... :D08:44
doctormojussi: I think we breed passion for doing the right thing and sticking to your opinions. Imagine, we need a culture that can stand up to the contemporary thinking on software production and say: 'No, that's not the right way' and I think not many people are selective about what they're stubborn about and what they're tribal about.08:44
doctormoBrother Bear is really an underrated film IMO08:45
* doctormo just watched it for apropos.08:45
czajkowskimeh I blieve in stuff, but not to the point I'm gonna cut my nose off, someone got royually shirty with me recently as I said I use skype and twitter to communicate with people and I'd never give up Skype08:46
doctormoczajkowski: Aye but conversely when we use tools that mock our culture we have to have good reasons. Skype is a good enough reason IMO.08:47
czajkowskigood enough reason to ?08:48
doctormoczajkowski: to excuse it's use, and I mean that in the way that we all have exceptions which don't weaken our principles but we have to have them in order to function.08:50
czajkowskithe only principle I have is I want to talk to my mates family and I'm not gonna make them use empathy, identi.ca or diaspora08:51
doctormoczajkowski: You don't have any? no morals? there is nothing you wouldn't do to another person in order to talk to your mates family? I'd hate to get between you and a BT phone card.08:53
czajkowskiI have morals, just not about what tool I use to communicate to people08:54
doctormoczajkowski: That's not logical.08:55
czajkowskifair enough08:55
czajkowskiright better get back to work08:55
doctormoI'm going to talk to myself for a second, don't no pony take any notice, I just like to get things out.08:57
doctormoWhen confronted with cognitive dissonance I think we have two choices, we can remove conflicting ideas or we can merge ideas together causing dialectics.08:58
doctormoIf we support FOSS in our world view prior to using skype, then we must somehow make the idea of supporting foss and the idea of not supporting foss work in our heads.09:00
doctormoOnce we really need to use it.09:00
doctormoBut what if say instead of making a palatable exception of skype, we weaken the idea of foss as a principle. That still allows both ideas to hold in a single world view; of course someone who has weak foss support isn't going to spend much time supporting alternatives, but that's a personal choice once you've got into that world view.09:04
doctormoI'm sticking to my own view that foss is a good principle to have, worthy of support and that skype is an exception that I will spend some small amount of time of resolving should the opportunity present itself. And in that I have no need to critise people who spend time trying to resolve their inner conflicts or even people who use skype. It's all rather a matter for a persons own thinking.09:09
doctormoOK, that makes sense. Off to lunch.09:09
duanedesignhello and have a nice lunch doctormo09:12
jussiduanedesign: just the man I was looking for.09:29
jussiduanedesign: pm?09:29
jussiaww he ran away :(09:33
jussiright, food time.09:55
duanedesignjussi: helllo10:55
duanedesignnigelb: helo10:55
duanedesignhmm, cant seem to get the right number of l's in hello10:55
nigelbhey duanedesign :)11:02
nigelbduanedesign: (the trick is to use "hey" or "hi" :P)11:02
Pendulumdholbach: ping11:04
dholbachPendulum, pong11:04
=== dholbach_ is now known as dholbach
akgranerNot seeing where my cursor is in the url bar is frustrating...11:20
akgranerwait - Good Morning is what I meant to type first :-)11:20
jussias is the search in unity menu's being rubbish.11:20
nigelbjussi: wait, you're using unity? O_O11:23
* nigelb asplodes11:23
akgranernah you know when you have wiki page and you know you need to add /something b/c you need another page - if you click in the url bar (or whatever the technical name is for it) you don't know where your cursor is - so you just have to start typing and hope it's in the right place11:23
jussinigelb: at home I have been trying it out, yes11:23
nigelbjussi: NICE!11:24
jussinigelb: no....11:24
czajkowskijono: if someone has feedback for you but isn't a member can they mail you feedback11:24
akgranerjcastro just added the Ubuntu Friendly Session, waiting for Rick to tell me what time slot he wants - that leaves 5 slots open to fill today11:29
akgranerhopefully we can accomplish that :-)  if hggdh will do a bug filing session that will only leave 4 slots (hggdh - hint hint :-D)11:30
akgranerbbiab - I'm taxing kids to school this morning...11:30
=== dholbach_ is now known as dholbach
mhall119taxing them huh? 'bout time they started paying their fair share14:09
akgranermhall119,  probably :-)14:12
hggdhakgraner: what is it I was volunteered to do?14:15
hggdhand good morning :-)14:15
akgranerhggdh, hey! :-) nigelb volunteered you to teach a session on filing bugs14:16
akgranersince I said unless a little box pops up telling me I need to file a bug - I don't really know how14:16
hggdhakgraner: nice of nigelb, I have to remember to clobber him next time ;-)14:16
hggdhakgraner: when?14:17
akgranerhggdh, next week let me show you timetable14:17
hggdhnext. week. huh.14:17
akgranerhggdh, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuOpenWeek/Timetable  - if you can't do you know someone who is as awesome as you could do it?14:17
* hggdh does not know awesomeness even when looking at a mirror14:18
akgranerthen you can voluntell them :-) you both can clobber nigelb (and I mean that in the nicest way possible :-D)...14:18
* akgraner hugs nigelb and hopes he knows I am teasing :-)14:20
hggdhakgraner: OK. I am a sucker, anyways, for a nice request...14:22
hggdhplease set me up for Thursday14:23
akgraneraww thank you :-)  (I wanted this session for 100% selfish reasons - I need to become a better bug filer)14:23
akgranerWhat do you want me to call the session - How to file a bug?14:24
akgranerhggdh, 1400 or 1500 UTC14:24
hggdhakgraner: 1500, it is never good to start a day with bugs14:26
jcastroakgraner: woo, got 3 more coming in14:42
akgranerhggdh, :-)14:45
akgranerjcastro cool!14:45
AlanBellakgraner: do you have an accessibility session yet?14:47
akgranerwanna give one14:47
AlanBellif Pendulum wants to help :)14:48
akgranerhggdh, up looks like it's going to have to be 1400 on Thursday14:48
akgranerkirkland snagged the 1500 slot14:48
akgranerjcastro, I'll work on updating the calendars and getting links to the session leaders names etc14:53
akgranerjcastro only 5 slots left....15:11
jcastro2 more coming15:12
akgranersweet :-)  happy dance time :-)15:12
jcastroI'm going to take an early lunch though to avoid the crowd15:12
jcastrobbia little bit15:12
akgranermhall119, czajkowski others who are working on the LD - maybe an intro to the LoCo directory...how teams can make better more efficient use of it or something15:13
czajkowskiakgraner: maybe talk to the developers there, they know more about i15:13
jonojcastro, ping?15:13
czajkowskiI just file issues with it and add blogs to it15:13
czajkowskijono: ello me old sod15:13
jonoczajkowski, oi oi savaloy :-)15:14
jonoczajkowski, looking forward to seeing you on Thurs :-)15:14
czajkowskijono: it will be the highlight of my week, no the month!15:14
czajkowski<--- day of writing documents will make you sarcastic :)15:14
akgraner:-)  that's more than I do....I need to do more with it but somehow I always forget it's there (makes me sad)15:14
czajkowskiI've 2 fucntions specs15:14
czajkowskiwire frames a site15:14
czajkowskiand tested another15:14
czajkowskiFUN day15:14
czajkowskiso need a drink15:15
czajkowskijono: can a cannical emmployee who's a non member give you feedback ?>15:15
jonoczajkowski, totally15:15
jonojust send me an email :-)15:15
czajkowskiakgraner: I'd suggest cjohnston but he may crack out the whip for teams not using it right, ask mhall119 he'll be gentle and ease them in15:15
czajkowskimessage passed on15:16
czajkowskitick off my to do list15:16
mhall119akgraner: what day is this?15:19
mhall119czajkowski: I'm very harsh, jusk ask my kids ;)15:19
czajkowskimhall119: you're mixing you up with your other half15:19
czajkowskiI'll not cross that lady no way15:19
akgranermhall119, we have 5 open slots right now - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuOpenWeek/Timetable  take your pick from those for next week15:19
czajkowskipencil you are my new favourite tool but I do wish you'd stop crashing on me on windows15:20
czajkowskisoo handy for wire frames15:20
czajkowskidone and dusted15:20
mhall119akgraner: I can to 1600 on the 17th, what topic would you like me to discuss?15:25
akgranerHow LoCo teams can make better and more effective and efficient use of loco.ubuntu.com15:26
akgraneror something like that15:26
akgranerthat's a ridiculously long ass title15:27
akgraneroops I mean just long titel15:27
akgranersorry about that15:27
mhall119czajkowski: do you think locos need that kind of session?15:27
czajkowskimhall119: about why they should use it15:28
czajkowskias not all teams are15:28
czajkowskiA) lanauge seems to be a issue15:28
czajkowskiB) they're getting annoying they use a wiki a website ml and now LD15:28
czajkowskiso we kinda need them to just add their events there15:29
pleia2the server problems last month made my team members grumpy15:29
czajkowskiand not anwyerhe else15:29
czajkowskior else pull rss feed to werbsite15:29
mhall119pleia2: not nearly as grumpy as they made us devs15:29
pleia2(we were testing out the meeting thing, and the directory was down during our meeting)15:29
czajkowskipleia2: if it made them grumpy can you image what it did to me15:29
czajkowskiI've to manually add teams blog to it and it kept crashing15:29
pleia2we're back to wiki for meetings, I don't want to push it :\15:30
pleia2but we do use it for events15:30
mhall119akgraner: okay, put me down for "Getting the most out of LoCo Teams Portal"15:31
mhall119I'll who else i can round up to co-lead with me15:32
akgranergreat!  mhall119 thank you!15:33
akgranermhall119, on the schedule just let me know who else I need to add to it..15:35
akgranerthanks again :-)15:35
mhall119cjohnston: ping ^^ would you be available on the 17th at 12am our time to co-lead a session on using the LTP?15:37
akgranermhall119, cjohnston is on a boat :-P15:41
mhall119oh, right15:41
akgranerok so I've been waiting to use that line15:41
mhall119that might cause some latency issues15:41
czajkowskimhall119: maybe one of the toics is confirm the name of the system :) so everyone calls it the same thing :p15:41
mhall119czajkowski: where's the fun in that?15:42
czajkowskimhall119: I'll stop calling it the LD as will the rest of the community :)15:42
mhall119czajkowski: we're just going to pick a new name this UDS anway15:42
czajkowskimhall119: so help me I am gonna throttle you15:42
czajkowskiso call it the LD then for this session15:42
mhall119I'm voting for "The LoCo Teams Beefy Miracle"15:42
czajkowskiI vote the LD - for Lauras sake15:43
akgranermhall119, now that is funny!15:43
akgranerand if you were in my head right now - I am sure the images for the t-shirts would be disturbing but funny non-the less...15:44
hggdhakgraner: OK, Thur 140015:44
czajkowskiohh my onieirc tee has arrived15:44
czajkowskicant wait to try it on and then maybe never waear it again15:45
czajkowskithem paws look like they are in the wrong place for a woman15:45
mhall119akgraner: I get the feeling it would always be disturbing being in your head :P15:45
akgranerhggdh, thank you again!15:45
akgranermhall119, I happen to like my reality :-)  but I know it's not for everyone nor the faint of heart...15:46
czajkowskijono: is Aq around15:54
jonoczajkowski, he is today but I think he goes home today too15:54
czajkowskino drinkies with Aq15:55
czajkowskijono: give him a hug from me so and tell him how awesome U1 is please15:55
czajkowskidrinkies with Aq is fun15:56
jonoczajkowski, I can do the hugging, but I am sure he would love to hear the kudos from you in a mail15:56
czajkowskijono: he hears it all the tie I often tweett my lovoe for U115:56
czajkowskiI've just backed up my work there15:56
czajkowskias it's safer there than on local server as stuff went missing last week15:56
czajkowskiand on windows so can use the windows versaion15:56
czajkowskijono: you and aq so hug15:57
czajkowskiit's finding ye together and not hugging adn sober is the issue :p15:57
dholbachalright my friends16:14
dholbachI call it a day16:14
dholbachsee you all tomorrow16:14
jcastrojono: hey16:58
jcastroif you close your skype16:58
jcastrowhere does it go?16:58
jcastromine is like, hiding16:58
jcastroit's not on the launcher, alt-tab, or my panel, I see its notifications though16:58
popeyis it not being whitelisted properly?17:00
dpmjcastro, that happens to me too, but not always, I think. When it happens I have to end up killing skype to close it17:06
bkerensajcastro: Are you about?17:42
bkerensajcastro: Do you think in the future Canonical might be able to put together geographical mailing lists of Canonical employees for LoCo's ?17:43
jcastrowhat do you mean?17:43
bkerensaI have talked about this with a good handful of Canonical people during PuppetConf... For instance Portland has a lot of Canonical employees and I dont know half of them and therefore I have no way of inviting them to LoCo events17:43
AlanBellreally good idea17:44
bkerensaAccording to a few people Portland is one of Canonical's largest cities for employees17:44
jcastrowell, they should probably be subscribed to their local loco mailing list17:44
jcastroyeah, there's quite a few people there17:44
bkerensaand we have almost zero participation from Canonical on the LoCo level17:44
AlanBellthere is a super secret UK canonical list I happened to see in a mail I was copied on17:44
bkerensajcastro: Right now I notice about 3-4 subscribed but I hear there are upwards of 15 people at Canonical living here in Portland :P17:45
jcastromight want to mail one the 3-4 and ask them to tell the others to join?17:47
bkerensaWill do17:48
AlanBellI use the "train to Millbank and stick some paper on the fridge door" method of communicating with the UK office17:49
bkerensaAlanBell: Well they dont have a office here and they all live out in the woodworks somewhere17:49
AlanBellyeah, it isn't a method that scales globally17:50
bkerensaThe few Canonical employees I do know locally... I have tried every trick in the book to get them to come to stuff17:50
bkerensalike telling them we have a keg of premium local beer :)17:50
AlanBellwe have been reasonably successful in tempting them out with beer17:52
pleia2jono doesn't come to ubuntu california events, but he has hosted a few himself in the past17:52
pleia2this release is sad though, jono, grantbow and I are all out of town17:52
AlanBellhttp://people.ubuntu.com/~alanbell/happyhour.pdf <- last thing I stuck on the fridge17:53
AlanBellpleia2: we borrowed jono :)17:53
pleia2AlanBell: indeed!17:53
pleia2philly borrowed me, I'm going to the pennsylvania release party17:53
pleia2I went to dublin's last year17:53
pleia2I am never home in october17:53
bkerensapleia2: Expensive travel :)17:55
pleia2bkerensa: not really, both trips I'm a tag-along for google events (my fiance was working at the dublin office, now I'm in philly for a conference)17:56
pleia2so I just pay for my plane ticket17:56
AlanBellpleia2: set a date yet?17:57
pleia2AlanBell: spring of 2013 is as much as we've got :)17:57
bkerensaAlanBell: http://www.flickr.com/photos/bkerensa/6111457584/in/set-72157627463903131/ <-- Our global jam..17:57
pleia2so what happened with the thisisthecountdown site? it's today, but it's broken...18:09
AlanBellnot broken!18:10
AlanBellwell, kind of broken, by the alien transmission18:10
AlanBell0x484558 in hex is "HEX" in ascii18:10
AlanBellwhich is a clue pointing to the hex codes of the 5 colour bars18:11
AlanBell4a2e6d 702f61 65726f 737061 63657218:12
AlanBellwhich is J.mp/aerospacer18:12
jcastrohey akgraner18:12
jcastroakgraner: didn't you say Rick was interested in some sessions?18:12
jcastrowe only have 2 left.18:13
pleia2AlanBell: I see, found the askubuntu link :)18:13
AlanBellwhich in turn bounces you to http://soundcloud.com/worldspaceagency/02-traveler/s-lrAhQ which is some mysterious music18:13
jcastrothis whole puzzle thing is brilliant18:13
akgranerjcastro, yep18:13
akgranerhe hasn't told me what slot he wants18:13
akgranerhe said something about thursday18:13
akgranerbut that's full18:13
jcastrowe can shuffle18:14
dpmjcastro, how do the FAQs for tagged questions in askubuntu exactly work?18:20
jcastroit's like a mix of votes, views, and # of duplicates a question has18:21
jcastrodpm: got your mail, I'm in the IRC channel now18:33
dpmjcastro, yeah, we need to start promoting all these public channels. I'm away tomorrow and I don't think it's a good idea to do it on Thursday, so I'll write a blog post on Thursday announcing the ways community can get involved in app development18:34
* jcastro nods18:35
jcastromaybe someone will respond to my one mail at some point. :)18:35
dpmI'll write a blog post on *Friday, I meant18:35
dpmjcastro, yeah, if they don't do it now that I pointed them to it, I'll try to chase the myapps guys to answer that one18:36
dpmtime to call it a day, looking forward to a chilled out bank holiday tomorrow...18:37
dpmgood night everyone!18:37
jcastrojust a few more days!18:37
jcastroand then we can party!18:37
jcastrohaha no, we start all over.18:37
czajkowskijcastro: :p19:10
czajkowskiparty like it's 199919:10
czajkowskisong is now in my noggin19:10
senseczajkowski: Maybe a good tip for other LoCo's: we're currently having an intern from a polytechnic university (internships are mandatory part of that education level here) in the translation team and maybe we'll get one for the documentation.19:16
senseWait, the apostrophe rules are the other way around in English! 'LoCos'19:16
czajkowskidepends on the course and college in -ie19:17
czajkowskimy uni and sister uni do co-op like an internship19:17
czajkowski6-0 months work experience19:17
senseThat sounds a bit like what we're having too. But I thought it could be a nice way for LoCos to have skilled people contributing.19:17
pleia2in the US you need to pay interns19:18
senseBut it is a school thing!19:18
akgranersome companies can get away with unpaid interns but it's really frowned upon in the us19:18
pleia2if people weren't paid they wouldn't be able to do internships (school is very expensive, you need to make money when you're on break)19:18
czajkowskipleia2: aye same over here19:19
senseHere the education is state sponsored, so it would be a bit unfair if you would make money with it.19:19
czajkowskiusally about 18K19:19
senseIf you need money, you take a different job.19:19
czajkowskisense: same in -ie19:19
czajkowskiour registeration though is 1K a year19:19
sense1.7k here19:19
czajkowskiand most people don't get a grant to go to college19:19
Pendulumtbh, in the US the rules are pretty strict so most unpaid internships would be illegal anyway (or are illegal, just not enforced)19:20
senseHere everyone does.19:20
czajkowskiI was fortunate to live 15 mins from Uni19:20
sensePendulum: Even for non-profits?19:20
czajkowskithere is a thing atm that people are looking for free internsuips19:20
senseczajkowski: We get a free-throughout-the-whole-country public transport thing! Yay for that.19:20
Pendulumsense: it's complicated. Nonprofits don't usually have interns, just volunteers over here19:20
senseLess professionalised?19:21
akgranerdepends on the company and how they are incorporated and how the intern is being used etc19:21
mhall119less lawyer-ized19:21
pleia2schools sometimes work with non-profits, but it's not an internship, it's volunteerism as part of classwork (and so done during the school term)19:21
czajkowskione of my mates left uni in boston to come to ireland to study19:21
akgranerstate and federal labor laws in the US are interesting to say the least19:21
senseThat is a nice goal!19:21
czajkowskiit was cheaper for 4 years of living here and flights, and paying fees than to do her degree in USA19:21
czajkowskishe's gone on to do her masters, and phd,19:21
senseWait, that was tv.19:21
Pendulumofficially in the US any unpaid intern can't be used in any way that benefits the company, and instead it should be for things that further the education of the intern only19:22
senseThat is weird19:22
czajkowskiand now married an irish guy living in UK, so flip side, she's never going back to usa to her family there19:22
senseThat is a shame. But do non-EU-nationals also get cheap education in Ireland?19:22
senseWe only do that for EUs19:22
senseEnglish and Germans flock to our country because of that.19:22
senseGBP 9000 or EUR 1713 per year! Your choice.19:23
sensePendulum: But what can an intern do that does not benefit the company he/she works for?19:23
senseI mean, who came up with that?19:23
czajkowskisense: aye so say my degree if I were to repeat it cost 5K a year19:24
czajkowskito an USA it's like 11K-15K19:24
czajkowskiand to an EU it's about 7-8K19:24
Pendulumsense: that's the point. if you read the US labor law unpaid interns shouldn't be benefitting the company, the company should be benefitting the intern. If it's a paid internship it's different19:24
pleia2yeah, you can go to a cheap community college for 5K USD /yr19:24
sense5k a year is a lot19:24
pleia2but most are more like 15-30k19:24
czajkowskiyeah I had to repeat a year cost me 5K19:25
czajkowskiset fees for every course across the unis19:25
czajkowskiobviously medicine is about 50K19:25
czajkowskibusiness would be about 8K19:25
czajkowskidepends on the degree tbh19:25
czajkowskipublic admin is about 3.5K19:25
senseAll courses have the same fee for EUs, but non-EUs pay different fees per type.19:25
Pendulumsense: the laws are set up so that people don't use unpaid interns rather than hiring actual workers (which is turning into a big issue)19:26
czajkowskihistory politics and social studies about 350019:26
senseMedical stuff is the most expensive here with 32000 EUR a year, but beta is 9400 EUR and divinity only 3900 for non-EUS.19:28
senseI am pissed, by the way. Sweden somehow managed to lead with 3-2 against us! czajkowski: I heard something about Ireland, Henry and hands. What was that story?19:28
senseFrance won unfairly again?19:29
czajkowskieh ?19:29
czajkowskioh round ball sport19:29
czajkowskino idea19:29
senseYou only watch weird ball sport?19:29
czajkowskiI follow the oval shapped ball19:29
czajkowskido ye not know me at all  by now19:29
Pendulumsense: if it's not rugby, don't expect czajkowski to know about it19:29
senseBut she is European!19:29
senseI mean, even the English are like the continentals when it comes to football!19:30
czajkowskisense: I will smack you19:30
czajkowskiand pleia2 is already due one smack today19:30
senseMaybe I should start running now.19:31
Pendulumpleia2: what'd you do?19:31
Pendulumpleia2: btw, I will see you end of this month!19:31
pleia2Pendulum: it's best if I don't repeat it :) and yay! coming to UDS?19:31
czajkowskitis most definately best my dear19:32
* czajkowski peers at pleia2 19:32
senseI won't be there, so I will be spared from the smacking!19:32
senseYou, however, will not.19:32
bkerensajcastro: I wish Canonical had big guy Ubuntu shirts and polos made :P20:30
bkerensaI would buy a polo right now if you had my size ;D20:31
jcastroyeah, most of mine are "fat man in little coat"20:31
jcastroeuropean XL is american S20:31
bkerensajcastro: You a bigger guy?20:31
jcastrolately, I was doing ok last year20:31
czajkowskihate the womens tee20:31
czajkowskireally wanna smack the person who signed off on it20:32
bkerensajcastro: jono had ceiz send me a XL ( I wear 2-3X20:32
bkerensaso yeah the shirt is uber tight :P and I have to wear a button up over it otherwise its unreal :D20:32
jcastroerward: yo yo20:33
jcastrooh right, you should be in London20:33
AlanBellczajkowski: with the gropey paw20:34
czajkowskijcastro: thought you were coming to london20:34
jcastroI was then I wasn't20:34
czajkowskiAlanBell: tis a bit **20:34
jcastronot for this week though20:34
czajkowskijcastro: poo poo20:34
jcastroit was for some rackspace thing that got cancelled20:35
bkerensarackspace are fun people :P20:36
JanCbkerensa: well, we have XXL locoteam t-shirts, but they are "European XXL" I suppose  :P20:52
bkerensaJanC: I imagine European XXL is smaller then the American variant?20:52
JanC(I doubt anything larger is healthy though...)20:52
bkerensaJanC: for our global jam I ordered almost every size direct from customink and for our release party we have shirts being printed20:53
JanCin any case, it might be larger than XL20:53
bkerensaBut I exclude myself from getting shirts or anything that our loco gets20:53
bkerensaI need to find a better deal on shirt printing because this order that just got placed cost $34020:54
bkerensaseems a bit steep to me20:54
JanCdepends on the # of t-shirts  ;)20:54
bkerensaalthough our sponsor did ask if we needed $500 or $200020:54
bkerensaJanC: 15 shirts20:54
bkerensaMind you shipping is free20:55
bkerensaRight now trying to find a good company in the U.S. to have our banner printed20:55
JanCwe sold our locoteam t-shirts for 12 € at FOSDEM, at made a profit (for the locoteam) on that20:56
JanCand that's a reasonable quality organic & fairtrade t-shirt, not the cheapest child-labor crap20:57
JanCbut 15 t-shirts is not enough to get a good price of course20:58
bkerensaJanC: Yeah I hear some LoCo's sells stuff.... I really dont wanna go that way... U.S. has to much regulatory issues for organizations20:58
JanCbkerensa: you should buy 100 t-shirts or so20:58
* bkerensa doesnt wanna handle money on behalf of the LoCo anyways20:58
JanCbkerensa: hm20:58
JanCwe have a locoteam bank account  ;)20:59
bkerensaJanC: When we get stuff sponsored I have the vendor send a Purchase Order to whomever sponsors20:59
bkerensaJanC: Yeah see in the U.S. you have to register with the state and federal government20:59
bkerensalots of paperwork20:59
JanCbkerensa: no local registered non-profit that can handle the financials for you?20:59
bkerensaJanC: Yeah we have lots I just have to talk to them about it21:00
* AlanBell agrees with bkerensa, easiest to have no money changing hands21:00
bkerensaJanC: I reached out to one already but they are slow in responses21:00
bkerensaAlanBell: Indeed21:00
JanCAlanBell: I disagree  ;)21:00
bkerensaAlanBell: If or when I'm not team lead it would be up to the LoCo to decide to go that way but I will not go that way21:00
AlanBellit is great for the teams who can manage it21:01
JanCubuntu-be had > 2000 € until we bought the rollups (which we would have been unable to buy otherwise)21:01
JanCubuntu-fr has money too21:03
JanCand I think our rollups look better than Canonical's :P21:04
AlanBellcanonical have got rollups with the circle of friends rotated wrong21:05
AlanBellit very specifically says in the toolkit that when you write "ubuntu" vertically on a rollup the circle of friends is *not* rotated21:06
JanCwell, ours have the Ubuntu logo + a bunch of icons below + a question mark, then the icons are explained on our flyers21:06
AlanBell^^ wrong!21:09
JanCAlanBell: well, Canonical doesn't have to follow the rules in this, legally  ;-)21:10
AlanBellsure, but when they produce explicit guidelines it is funny when they mess up21:12
JanChttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/BelgianTeam/PromotionMaterial/Rollup2011 --> rollups21:12
JanChttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/BelgianTeam/PromotionMaterial/Flyers2011 --> flyers21:13
AlanBellvery nice21:13
JanCI didn't make them, and I certainly agree they look pretty good  ;)21:14
JanCanyway, any locoteam can get a reasonable amount of money from things like t-shirt sales if they want, and it's really useful to have21:17
JanCbut sometimes it's legally complicated21:17
JanCbkerensa: are you really sure you need all that paperwork BTW?21:18
bkerensaJanC: Yeah... You have to register with the State and Federal Government as a Non-Profit21:18
bkerensaIn order to open a bank account21:19
JanCbkerensa: but do you need tha tfor everything, or only for company gifts, for example?21:19
bkerensaand until the IRS grants 501(c)3 status then you have to pay taxes and do reporting21:19
bkerensafor everything21:19
bkerensauntil they grant status too your considered a business21:19
JanCwell, we are in grey zone about that  ;-)21:19
bkerensaand sometimes the IRS apparently takes years to do that21:20
doctormobkerensa: Shouldn't you be going after a 501(c)7?21:20
bkerensaYou europeans get it easy21:20
JanCbkerensa: actually, things differ a lot inside Europe21:20
bkerensadoctormo: No idea... I'm not going after anything thats why I think keeping money out of the LoCo is good21:20
JanCmaybe there could be an ubuntu-us non-profit, that handles money for the local teams?21:21
doctormobkerensa: The Massachusetts team has money, I think about $20 left, but we used to have $2,000 or so from the sale of case badges and tshirts.21:21
doctormobkerensa: Now technically the group didn't have any money, since it was actually the property of members. Which meant we paid tax on it as income.21:21
doctormoWhat the 501(c) gives you is organizational status so income can be owned by the incorporated entity. Otherwise it's owned by which ever member owns the sold property.21:22
JanCthat would mean only 1 registered non-profit & related work instead of 52 (or how many states there are now)?21:22
bkerensadoctormo: http://www.doj.state.or.us/charigroup/howtobe.shtml21:23
doctormoJanC: 46 states, 4 common wealths and the Dominican Republic ;-)21:23
bkerensaJust to handle money it would cost the LoCo money21:23
bkerensabecause we would have to file with the state and irs21:23
JanCdoctormo: and the DoC, makes 52 ?21:23
bkerensaNot sure how much Oregon requires for such registrations but I know bylaws are required among many other things21:24
doctormoJanC: They're not technically states, they're nations. But *shrug*21:24
bkerensadoctormo: Oregon - A fee (sometimes as much as $900) must accompany applications for tax-exempt status.21:25
AlanBellbkerensa: here we can open a bank account as a club or association - a group of friends can do that21:25
bkerensayeah see forget that21:26
JanCdoctormo: whatever they are called21:26
doctormobkerensa: What about as a non-tax-exempt incorperation?21:26
bkerensa$900 just for the application and then we have to register with the state as a non-profit corporation and then whatever that 501(c)7 for the IRS21:26
JanCdoctormo: I'm mostly thinking about different locoteams anyway21:26
bkerensadoctormo: But then we would be conducting business21:26
doctormobkerensa: No, you'd be conducting organisational activities. You don't have to be a business to be a corperation.21:27
JanCAlanBell: sounds more or less like what we have in Belgium21:27
doctormoI think you have to stand on your head and eat a goat in England :-P21:28
AlanBellthe bunch of friends thing works for stuff like oggcamp or little groups who want to do something21:28
AlanBellbut if it is to be "owned" by a general collective then you can't really do that sensibly21:29
JanCwell, that's mostly a metter of trust, really?21:29
AlanBellwell kind of21:29
JanCobviously, legally it might get hairy if one trusted person runs off with the money...21:30
AlanBellthats why you need a charter and articles of incorporation and such21:31
JanCwe have been thinking about all that, but it's also a lot of work, costs money, and involves legal work & money expenses every year?21:32
doctormoAlanBell: that's why charters and incorperation exist.21:32
doctormoJanC: To be fair the legal work isn't much.21:32
JanCit still has to be done21:32
JanCand preferably on time  ;)21:32
bkerensadoctormo: I just checked it would cost $50 to register in Oregon plus we would have to put together bylaws etc etc21:33
doctormoIf it's a 20 page form once per year then only the hardiest of procastinators could fail.21:33
bkerensathen if we didnt wanna have to pay taxes on any revenue we would have to pay up to $900 for Tax Exempt status21:33
doctormobkerensa: You might be able to find a good bylaw template online, that's what lawyers do ;-)21:33
bkerensadoctormo: Yeah but adding finance and legal work even if once a year to my already busy load can be to much21:34
doctormobkerensa: Is the tax on revenue significant?21:34
* bkerensa is already the person who does everything for the loco :P no shared help with meetings work, events etc21:34
doctormoAh well, this is an investment and that's really why we're talking about it.21:34
* bkerensa is still trying to find someone to handle or wiki and minute meetings months later :P21:35
JanCdoctormo: but like I said: why not have a national tax-exempt entity for the whole US?21:35
doctormoJanC: Then you need per-state dealing, and I'm not sure how national orgs work with groups in each state.21:36
bkerensaJanC: If there Ubuntu Foundation was not a shell that would be nice21:36
mhall119there's SPI21:36
bkerensathen the Ubuntu Foundation could handle all of this stuff on a international level21:36
JanCthe Ubuntu Foundation isn't there for that purpose21:36
bkerensadoctormo: What do you guys use for your org name in MA?21:37
mhall119JanC: Software in the Public Interest operates an a non-profit umbrella organization for various FLOSS projects21:37
JanCthe Ubuntu Foundation manages money to keep ubuntu running for a couple of years in case Canonical goes bankrupt or so21:37
JanCmhall119: yes, that would be one possible organization that could help21:38
mhall119does the Ubuntu Foundation even take donations?21:39
AlanBellThe Foundation was established on July 1st 2005 with an initial funding commitment of US$10 million, to ensure the continuity of the Ubuntu project and create a legal vehicle that represents the community structures of the project.21:39
mhall119AlanBell: yeah, but it really hasn't done the latter21:39
AlanBellso far21:40
mhall119it's been like a $10m insurance policy for anyone investing in Ubuntu in their infrastructure21:40
JanCmhall119: something like that  ☺21:40
AlanBellyes, and that bit should be left well alone21:40
AlanBellbut if the community needs a legal vehicle to represent it's structure . . .21:41
JanCit can't be a legal vehicle outside the jurisdiction where it's registered anyway?21:41
JanC(or jurisdictionS)21:42
AlanBellwhere is that then?21:46
JanCno idea ;)21:46
JanCmy guess would be Isle of Man or the UK ?21:49
AlanBellor south africa, or america somewhere (it is in $)21:50
jcastrothe guidebook is awesome, and almost done21:58
AlanBellSIGNAL FOUND. RECONNECTING... http://www.thisisthecountdown.com/22:00
bkerensaAlanBell: What do you think it is?22:05
AlanBella game22:10
mhall119bkerensa: shuttleworth is going to announce that Ubuntu is switching to Arch22:20
mhall119and the popey is gonna shut it all down22:21
* mhall119 needs another meme to joke about22:22
jcastroAlanBell: kudos on the highly detailed analysis on AU22:27
AlanBellI just started it, and made it a community wiki22:44
AlanBellthe Ubuntu Mono font is on the google font API site already which is pretty cool22:44
nigelbhggdh: heh, I know you love me too :)23:02
hggdhnigelb: :-)23:07

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