
RAOFAaah, good.  That's not a new crash, just an old one :/00:45
jbichaI committed a fix for bug 855100 but which series should I push it to?00:59
ubot2Launchpad bug 855100 in totem "python plugins not working" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/85510000:59
=== eeejay is now known as eeejay_is_afk
bjsniderjbicha, what was the reason for holding back totem 3.2?01:39
jbichait depends on clutter-gst and at least in the past clutter hasn't worked on quite a bit of hardware01:44
jbichawe should get totem 3.2 in the GNOME3 PPA though01:45
bjsniderseems to work on nvidia01:46
bjsniderso far01:46
jbichamaybe just ARM, I don't really know01:48
jbichait would be good to figure out before UDS where it works & doesn't work though01:48
bjsniderwant the scripts so you can build/install it on yours? that would eliminate intel01:51
jbichabjsnider: yeah you can send me what you've got; I started on totem 3.2 but I didn't get all the way yet01:57
jbichaand you should ask tomorrow what the criteria for joining the GNOME3 team is, as I don't know01:58
TheMusoI've heard reports of clutter having problems on ATI in the past, that may be resolved now though.02:00
jbichaI think GNOME Shell fglrx users are still waiting for next month's version to finally get gshell more usable02:03
bjsniderthat's ridiculous02:03
bjsniderbut unsurprising02:04
RAOFIt of course also means that unless you've got 3D you can't play videos.02:17
RAOFWhich is perhaps just a *little* bit aggressive :)02:17
jbichaah, then there's quite a bit of hardware where 3D isn't working02:25
bjsniderRAOF, they can use something else to play videos02:38
RAOFThat's true.02:38
RAOFBut the thing we'll pop up by default, and the only video player we install by default, won't work.02:38
bjsnideris it going to be substantially different in 6 months?02:39
RAOFWe have six months to fix it? :)02:40
bjsnider6 months to get everybody on 3d02:41
smspillazRAOF: llvmpipe ?02:41
=== smspillaz is now known as smspillaz|o
RAOFbjsnider: Or 6 months to add a non-3d fallback to totem.  Or to fix clutter on swrast.02:43
bjsnidermaybe there's already a fallback02:43
bjsnideri haven't tested it02:43
=== _Tommeh is now known as Tommeh
pittiGood morning04:14
TheMusoHey pitti.04:16
RAOFHey pitti!04:17
pittihey TheMuso, hey RAOF, how's downunder?04:21
RAOFDamp and cold, apparently.04:22
TheMusoMore like spring these days thanks.04:22
RAOFSpring is here!04:22
TheMusoYep, warmer weather being the spring I am referring to. :)04:22
pittiah, we just turned from "nice summer" to "cold and windy", brrrr04:23
* ajmitch would like summer to come around a bit faster04:24
* RAOF would like to be proved wrong about his understanding of gnome-desktop's crtc assignment algorithm04:26
jbichapitti: what series should I push the totem plugin fix to?04:29
pittijbicha: just saw your upstream commit pointer, nice!04:29
pittijbicha: oneiric-proposed, please04:29
pittijbicha: I can accept it already, so that people can test it04:29
RAOFsmspillaz|o: You're fixing all those problems in an SRU, right? :)05:04
smspillaz|oRAOF: its not possible to fix them 'all' unless I can reproduce them 'all' first05:10
smspillaz|oRAOF: though I did give didrocks some patches which fixed a few cases, not sure if that's been uploaded yet05:10
smspillaz|osee here's what sucks about writing window managers05:11
smspillaz|owhen you write a normal application and a user reports a bug about how they did something crazy and then it did something crazy in return05:11
smspillaz|oyou can just say05:11
smspillaz|o'dont do that'05:11
smspillaz|owhen you write a display server or window manager, what on earth are you supposed to tell the user05:12
smspillaz|o'dont use your desktop?05:12
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smspillazInconsistency detected by ld.so: ../sysdeps/x86_64/dl-machine.h: 466: elf_machine_rela_relative: Assertion `((reloc->r_info) & 0xffffffff) == 8' failed!05:12
smspillazwonder what's up with that05:12
* smspillaz reboots05:12
smspillazRAOF: also, whenever someone says the word "stacking" I just think of this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U9SEVop9sc0&feature=related05:19
didrocksgood morning06:15
RAOFHey didrocks06:18
didrockshey RAOF!06:18
didrocksRAOF: I again had a X stopping on too much write06:19
didrocksRAOF: in addition to Xorg.log, I have dmesg output, interested?06:19
RAOFYes please!06:19
pittibonjour didrocks06:20
didrocksgood morning pitti! Seems you didn't sleep much, how are you?06:20
pittididrocks: I'm fairly well, cold is almost gone06:21
pittididrocks: I got 8 hours, from 10 to 6, that's quite enough :)06:21
didrockspitti: great! you should take some rest though in addition to just answering bugs from 9:30 and starting again at 6:20 :-)06:21
pittiwow, I'm being watched :)06:22
RAOFWe have your best interests in mind :)06:22
didrockspitti: heh! ;)06:23
didrocksRAOF: http://people.canonical.com/~didrocks/xcrash/06:26
RAOFdidrocks: And that dmesg includes the crash?  It's depressingly silent.06:28
didrocksRAOF: well, the "stop" at least, not sure if it's a real crash :)06:28
didrocksbut yeah, it contains this "zomg, no more Xorg"06:28
* RAOF hates on Xorg's backtrace handler that we don't quite manage to stop messing up crash dump production.06:31
RAOFAt least it seems to be consistently crashing in evdev.  I'll think about how best to grab useful state.06:34
didrocksRAOF: keep me posted :)06:35
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RAOFBigWhale: Greetings, fellow Human!07:11
BigWhaleFunny thing saying this to a whale :>07:12
didrockspitti: compiz and compiz-plugins-main into -proposed FYI07:17
didrockslot of fixes from smspillaz :)07:18
pittiyay, thanks07:19
pittismspillaz: great work, thanks for all these fixes07:28
smspillazmore coming next week :)07:28
RAOFchrisccoulson: You've prodded the bowels of gnome-desktop's RANDR code recently - am I correct in my analysis that it can fail to accept a valid configuration because it's stupid about the restrictions on CRTCs?07:42
pittibonjour seb12808:09
seb128hey pitti, how are you?08:09
pittiseb128: quite well, thanks!08:10
didrockssalut seb12808:10
seb128pitti, did you get over your cold?08:11
seb128lut didrocks08:11
seb128pitti, it's meeting reminder day!08:11
pittiseb128: mostly, yes08:11
pittiseb128: ooh, right08:11
seb128great ;-)08:11
seb128ok, proposed is getting quite some activity, I'm torned between testing what will be on the CD or switching to proposed ;-)08:13
* pitti is on -proposed08:14
pittiI have my mini10 on a fresh install from this morning without -proposed08:14
seb128I've my 10v on a fresh install for yesterday afternoon08:15
pittiand I'm finally enjoying some quiet hours for apport hacking :)08:15
seb128need to rsync and redo an install today08:15
seb128pitti, yeah, apport hacking \o/08:15
pittiseb128: the bcmwl installation is really great these days, did you notice?08:15
pittijust bug 872119 which stands between "now" and "perfect"08:15
ubot2Launchpad bug 872119 in ubiquity ""Error occurred while copying the network settings" on bcmwl machine" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/87211908:15
pittiev is on it08:15
seb128pitti, well, I had wifi working on the liveCD for most of the cycle but yesterday's install had no wifi listed in ubiquity08:16
seb128need to try again08:16
pittihm, worked here08:16
pittiit automagically installed bcmwl at the start of ubiquity08:16
seb128pitti, right, that's what I mentioned to you at the rally iirc, wifi was working for me on the liveCD this cycle, you didn't believe me by then :p08:17
seb128well wifi was up but I had no network listed in ubiquity08:17
pittiseb128: yeah, I didn't realize that we shipped gcc, dkms, toolchain, bcmwl-kernel-source on the desktop CDs08:17
seb128it didn't pick my ap for some reason08:17
seb128by maybe it was just being slow to pick it up and I didn't wait or something, I will try again in a few08:18
seb128I also didn't bother much because I figured most people who install online so I wanted to test an offline install ;-)08:18
seb128pitti, oh, you improved your sru script to pick names? ;-)08:19
pittiseb128: yes, it hardcodes "Dear seb, plz test everything, love pitti"08:20
jasoncwarner_morning everyone08:21
pittiit was done to more clearly point out that we actually expect and appreciate feedback from the original reporters, not (just) QA team08:21
pittihey jasoncwarner_08:21
seb128oh, a jasoncwarner_08:21
seb128let's pretend we are working!08:21
pittijasoncwarner_: are you in London now?08:21
jasoncwarner_hey seb128 and pitti, how are things?08:21
seb128jasoncwarner_, working hard!!! ;-)08:21
jasoncwarner_pitti: yup! finally made it. boy, I love traveling ;)08:21
* pitti ignores the blatantly huge irony tag there08:22
pittijasoncwarner_: had to rebuild during the night, and today's testing again uncovered some warts, but nothing earthshattering so far08:22
jasoncwarner_seb128 pitti , how are things looking?08:22
jasoncwarner_pitti: oh, ok...08:22
jasoncwarner_either of you know how lightdm multi-=monitor is looking? I didn't catch robert this morning08:23
pittijasoncwarner_: us having the time and nerve to do bad jokes is usually a good sign :)08:23
seb128jasoncwarner_, no real surprise desktop wise, we are good, not great but good08:23
seb128jasoncwarner_, some SRUs start flowing in proposed already08:23
pittijasoncwarner_: bryceh did some analysis on http://people.canonical.com/~bryce/ExternalMonitor/results.html08:23
jasoncwarner_seb128 pitti cool, I'm going to be putting in some blueprints this week then...get ready for P!08:23
chrisccoulsonRAOF, what sort of restrictions?08:23
chrisccoulsonhello btw :)08:23
pittijasoncwarner_: seems bearable on the lightdm side08:23
chrisccoulsonand good morning everyone08:23
seb128jasoncwarner_, great08:23
seb128hey chrisccoulson08:24
pittihey chrisccoulson, good morning; how are you?08:24
chrisccoulsonhi seb128, how are you?08:24
jasoncwarner_morning chrisccoulson !08:24
chrisccoulsonhi pitti - i'm good thanks, how are you?08:24
chrisccoulsonhi jasoncwarner_, how's london?08:24
pittipretty well, thanks08:24
seb128chrisccoulson, I'm fine, you?08:26
jasoncwarner_chrisccoulson: not rainy? ;) seems nice so far. never been here.08:26
chrisccoulsonseb128, yeah, good thanks08:26
chrisccoulsonjasoncwarner_, oh, it's not raining?08:27
jasoncwarner_chrisccoulson: saw the river, london bridge...all good so far08:27
chrisccoulsoni guess that's because you're 3 hours away from birmingham!08:27
jasoncwarner_chrisccoulson: I know, right? I thought it always rained in london08:27
seb128bryceh, pitti, jasoncwarner_: just for the record it's likely that login screen and the Unity (GNOME) session should behave differently with multimonitor, lightdm has this point let xorg deal with screens where Unity (GNOME) has gnome-settings-daemon reacting to xorg events08:27
chrisccoulsoni haven't been to london for years. in fact, i don't think i've been since i joined canonical08:27
chrisccoulsonwhich is a bit strange ;)08:28
chrisccoulsonpitti - i fixed ubufox being disabled on upgrade to the firefox beta yesterday, although you'll need to manually reenable it if it's already disabled08:29
chrisccoulsonbut the new version won't be disabled on upgrade now08:29
chrisccoulsoni really don't see the point in this new feature in firefox08:29
chrisccoulsonwhen it's so easy to bypass08:29
chrisccoulsoni've already fixed all of our extensions to work around it ;)08:30
BigWhaleYou people are chatty this morning. :>08:32
seb128not only this morning ;-)08:33
pittiBigWhale: it's not Internet Relay Silence :)08:33
seb128pitti, what do you think about bug #84085808:33
ubot2Launchpad bug 840858 in gnome-control-center "No obvious way to disable Ubuntu startup sound" [Low,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84085808:33
pittiseb128: OK for me for an SRU, although it really feels like a workaround08:34
pittiit's the last place someone woudl look for sound events08:34
pittibut at least it's some way, so fine for an SRU08:35
seb128it is a workaround but Jeremy and some other feels like it's a frequent request and the workaround is better than not having the option08:35
pittinot a solution for precise, though08:35
seb128we will08:35
seb128- turn it off by default in precise08:35
seb128- change the sound configuration dialog to have a checkbox for turn it on, off08:35
pittisounds great08:36
pittiseb128: do you know if GNOME has a startup sound?08:36
pittias there's no option for it, I figure "no"?08:36
seb128define "GNOME", "GNOME OS"? ;-)08:36
pittiupstream gnome 3.2 install, I mean08:36
seb128well, the autostart is part of libcanberra08:36
seb128so it's really a matter of how distribution package and ship libcanberra binaries08:37
pittiperhaps they'll take at least that checkbox then08:37
seb128there is not a reference GNOME desktop that would allow to answer about what upstream recommends08:37
seb128yeah, let's see ;-)08:37
seb128to be honest if we turn it off I don't care much about the checkbox08:38
seb128not sure how many users actually want a login sound08:38
pittisame here08:38
pittiit feels like a thing of the past century08:38
pittiwithout mobile devices to annoy your fellows08:39
pittiheck, we took the systray away, we can certainly get away with killing that effing login sound :)08:40
seb128I was wondering yesterday if screensavers are from the previous century as well :p08:42
didrocksit's weird, windows8 as well removed the screensaver08:42
jasoncwarner_seb128 pitti john and connor said we could remove startup sound08:42
seb128well, screensavers are useful to not damage physically crt screens08:43
seb128that's an issue we don't have nowadays08:43
seb128jasoncwarner_, yeah, we ack-ed that decision and are happy about it, we just missed to do it before uif in Oneiric so we will do in next cycle08:43
didrocksseb128: indeed, and as it's quick to shut down one, contrary to monitor which have to be warmed08:44
jasoncwarner_seb128: :) it does feel like "polish" anyway...cleaning it up ;)08:44
pittiseb128: actually, the indicator icons managed to burn into my TFT; I was quite surprised08:44
seb128didrocks, well, it's rather than crt screens can get marked if a static image stay for too long, should be the case with tft ones08:45
seb128though pitti is making me lie apparently now :p08:45
pittiwell, I bought this screen in 2003, it's admittedly not the shiniest one around08:46
pittiI'm not really using screen savers, if I'm away from the computer for longer than 20 mins or so I just switch it off08:46
didrocksseb128: yeah, the other solution would have been to shutting down tft which takes time as I told, that's what is used for crt now as the screen is disabled quite quickly as it can be brought back quickly08:46
pittino reason to waste 30 W08:47
pittididrocks: I thought that already happened?08:47
pittiit does work here (when I forget to turn it off before lunch break or so)08:47
seb128well anyway it's not a rational thing, some users just like screensavers it seems ;-)08:47
didrocksI'm really unsure we should bring it back though08:48
seb128well I just don't see it being enough of a priority to get done08:48
smspillaz(on this point, its simple enough for me to technically do this, would take me about 15h to get working fully)08:48
SweetsharkG'morning all.08:49
seb128smspillaz, well, we are speaking about "hacks", i.e screensaver animations08:49
smspillazyeah, I know08:49
seb128smspillaz, we still want compiz to do the locking if you can get that done so we can use lightdm as a frontend for lock screen and switch users08:49
* Sweetshark is a bit scared now that he sees on the weekly summary how much he has to do at the Libreoffice conference ...08:50
smspillaznow that I come to think of it, I'm not a fan of compiz doing the locking08:50
seb128hey Sweetshark08:50
smspillazI'm more a fan of08:50
smspillazhaving the lock screen run a compositor and window manager inside of itself08:50
pittiSweetshark: heh, but don't plan to stop sleeping08:50
smspillazwhich replaces compiz08:50
smspillazbut that would be ... difficult to do architecturally08:51
seb128smspillaz, how would that work?08:51
smspillazseb128: well, the idea would be that it takes the compositor selection away from compiz so compiz stops doing compositing08:51
smspillazor compiz keeps compositing into an offscreen window08:51
smspillazwhile the onscreen one is the lockscreen08:51
smspillazor something08:51
seb128smspillaz, could one process composite different xorg sessions?08:51
smspillazthis would be an external process08:52
smspillazmaybe I'd need to write it all down one day and nut it out08:52
smspillazbut the idea is to have compiz' compositing redirected into an offscreen window08:52
seb128doesn't seem like a lts cycle thing ;-)08:52
smspillazno, it isnt08:52
seb128well all we want is to make sure you can't go back from lightdm to open sessions08:52
smspillazand then have the "lock screen" take over the "real" compositing from X08:52
Sweetsharkpitti: I work 24 hours a day and if that isnt enough I'll work nights ...08:52
seb128one other way would be to make sure you can't vt switch08:52
smspillazseb128: oh, I was thinking more stability08:53
smspillazseb128: like, as in, if you can make compiz crash, you won't have a lock screen08:53
smspillazwith this, you are minimizing what can crash08:53
smspillazbut its complicated08:53
seb128let's see what we can get done ;-)08:53
smspillazrequires a bit more thought, but I sort of came up with it today in light of the handoff stuff I did a few days ago08:53
seb128what we don't need is complicated things to add on the compiz list for next cycle :p08:54
smspillazseb128: yeah, it's definitely not for next cycle that for sure08:54
smspillazseb128: however, getting compiz to do the screenlocking is something we can do this cycle08:54
seb128smspillaz, btw in compiz gsettings in a ready to land state for UDS?08:54
smspillazseb128: since I've already done it ;-)08:54
seb128would be nice to start by landing that early08:54
smspillazseb128: should be.08:54
seb128smspillaz, noted for the locking, let's see at UDS what is the compiz list and make sure we don't overcommit08:55
seb128like if I had my say it would be gsettings and then bug fixing and stabilization for the cycle: p08:55
tkamppeterpitti, hi09:00
pittihey tkamppeter09:00
seb128hey rodrigo_09:01
rodrigo_hi seb12809:01
tkamppeterpitti, seems that the reporter of bug 653132 has disappeared. Can you test it to verify whether it is fixed? On the desktop of a second account try the actions add printer, change options, delete printer and check whether the right things happen when canceling, entering nothing, wronmg, correct credentials, and whether, once correct credentials (the ones of the first user) are entered, the user is not asked for credentials any more un09:09
tkamppetertil closing s-c-p.09:09
ubot2Launchpad bug 653132 in system-config-printer ""Add Printer" dialog requests root password if user is not in Configure Printers group" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/65313209:09
pittitkamppeter: added to my todo list09:11
tkamppeterpitti, thanks in advance.09:12
* pitti fixes four year old bug 13290409:22
ubot2Launchpad bug 132904 in apport "Ignore crashes for programs which got updated in between the crash and reporting" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/13290409:22
smspillazpitti: that remidns me09:23
smspillazpitti: is it possible to allow apport to still give you the backtrace (eg, install dbgsym, retrace locally and give it to you) even if you have some outdated packages ?09:24
pittismspillaz: apport-retrace doesn't care about outdated packages, you can call that locally09:24
smspillazah awesome09:24
pittismspillaz: oneiric's version even doesn't make a mess out of your workstation, it just works in a temp dir without any root rights09:24
smspillazyeah, I figured there must have been09:25
pittismspillaz: http://www.piware.de/2011/08/apport-retrace-made-useful/09:25
smspillazsince there's nothing more than "hey X crashed" "ooh, can I have a backtrace?" "nope, you have an outdated libnobodycaresabout" "FFFFUUUUU"09:25
smspillaz*more annoying than :)09:26
smspillazpitti: <309:26
pittismspillaz: if you actually want to report that, you can also run APPORT_IGNORE_OBSOLETE_PACKAGES=1 apport-bug /var/crash/...09:27
pitti(see man apport-bug)09:27
pittismspillaz: bug 75901 is on my precise agenda, too09:27
ubot2Launchpad bug 75901 in apport "Integrate apport-retrace into GUI" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/7590109:27
pittithat should make it a lot more enjoyable for developers09:27
smspillazpitti: in other news, I fixed the bug in compiz where the apport dialogs would come to the front and then not get focus and then you wouldn't be able to stack your other window on top of them unless you focused the apport dialog first09:28
pittinice! I didn't see that for a while, though09:30
pittiseems current oneiric's version at least made this a whole lot less frequent09:31
seb128I get that bug often with update-manager09:31
seb128so yeah for fixing \o/09:32
seb128i.e I often run it on an different workspace, click upgrade, go back to where I was and since it's a bit slow I get the "download" dialog on that ws09:32
seb128which often lands on front and not focussed09:33
smspillazit was a one line typo09:35
seb128smspillaz, is the fixed in the sru uploaded today?09:36
smspillazshould be09:37
OwaisLpitti, hey could you please take a look at https://code.launchpad.net/~loneowais/python-distutils-extra/gobject-introspection09:45
pittiOwaisL: hello09:45
OwaisLHi :)09:45
pittiOwaisL: that's on my radar, many thanks for this09:45
OwaisLCool, thanks!09:46
seb128yeah, 'launcher not revealing" issues are fixed with the compiz sru ;-)09:59
seb128rodrigo_, btw if you didn't notice I'm filling your bug list regularly ;-)10:01
rodrigo_seb128, yeah, I've seen it :)10:02
seb128rodrigo_, there are some bug fixes for oneiric but it's mostly next cycle work on g-c-c10:02
rodrigo_seb128, which one do you refer to?10:03
seb128rodrigo_, bug fixing or next cycle?10:03
rodrigo_for next cycle10:03
seb128rodrigo_, bug #869080 bug #845915 bug #74254410:04
ubot2Launchpad bug 869080 in ayatana-design "Launcher - Add launcher configuration option to System Settings Appearance dialogue" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/86908010:04
ubot2Launchpad bug 845915 in gnome-control-center ""All Settings" is confusing" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84591510:04
ubot2Launchpad bug 742544 in gnome-control-center "Launcher is shown on the wrong screen in some multi-monitor setups" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/74254410:04
seb128rodrigo_, well it's basically the other items from the google doc we didn't have time for this cycle10:05
seb128rodrigo_, i.e having the all settings in the g-c-c shell changed to be location aware, i.e all settings> region10:05
seb128the xrandr panel has well to be a bit more unity like visually10:05
* Sweetshark just got the ultimate nerdshirt: GSoC201110:07
seb128rodrigo_, bug #845915 we could perhaps start by opening a bug on bugzilla about it?10:17
ubot2Launchpad bug 845915 in gnome-control-center ""All Settings" is confusing" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84591510:17
rodrigo_seb128, yes, I just want john to do the convincing, he knows better what he wants10:18
rodrigo_but yes, I'll open the bug myself with his info10:18
seb128rodrigo_, good luck, design tend to be busy and not know "upstream" well10:18
seb128i.e I'm not sure that's going to happen10:18
rodrigo_yeah, I know10:19
seb128but it's worth trying, you should probably discuss it directly on IRC with John though10:19
rodrigo_it's a try to not have to be discussing with 2 design teams :)10:19
seb128not sure that the bug comment will be enough10:19
rodrigo_seb128, yes, already waiting for him10:19
seb128rodrigo_, oh, I've also dropped some bugs from your list now10:22
seb128rodrigo_, i.e g-s-d natty issues that I don't think we will work on now since natty is not a LTS and Oneiric is the current focus10:22
seb128smspillaz, the fix for bug #748840 doesn't work or is not enough for the update-manager case10:36
ubot2Launchpad bug 748840 in unity "Windows should not automatically be focused when opened if the focus is on another application" [Critical,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/74884010:36
smspillazseb128: the update-manager case is probably different then10:40
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seb128smspillaz|d, ok11:00
=== smspillaz|d is now known as smspillaz
AlanBelldid we drop tsclient?11:13
seb128see the first line it has the reason11:17
AlanBellDebian bug #54731411:17
ubot2Debian bug 547314 in ftp.debian.org "RM: tsclient -- ROM: unmaintained, better alternatives" [Normal,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/54731411:17
seb128remmina is the recommended option nowadays11:18
* AlanBell installs11:18
AlanBelllooks good11:20
seb128great ;-)11:21
smspillazRAOF: around ?11:34
smspillaztseliot: around ?11:34
tseliotsmspillaz: sure, what's up?11:34
smspillaztseliot: is there an nvidia-glx package thats supposed to exist ? I installed the binary driver to test something but it didn't seem to install nvidia's libgl11:35
smspillaz(I've got nvidia-current installed now)11:35
smspillaz(at least, I've noticed that I've still got mesa's libgl installed)11:35
tseliotsmspillaz: nvidia-current is the only package you need. what's the output of update-alternatives --display x86_64-linux-gnu_gl_conf ?11:36
smspillazhang on11:36
smspillaz(don't see a libgl)11:37
smspillaztseliot: I'm happy to install it from nvidia's website, though I understand that's a slightly more involved process these days11:37
tseliotsmspillaz: that would mean breaking your system11:38
smspillazI figured11:38
* smspillaz remembers the good old days where that actually worked11:38
smspillaztseliot: any ideas then ?11:38
tseliotsmspillaz: what does "ldconfig -p | grep GL" say?11:38
smspillazlibGL.so.1 (libc6,x86-64) => /usr/lib/nvidia-current/libGL.so.111:39
smspillazhm, interesting11:39
smspillazError: couldn't find RGB GLX visual or fbconfig11:39
smspillaz<- at least that's what I get on a simple glxinfo11:39
smspillazso I figure that maybe it's not loading that11:40
* smspillaz tries LD_PRELOAD11:40
smspillazooook so it works with LD_PRELOAD11:40
smspillaz*shrug* good enough for me11:40
smspillazsmspillaz@XPS-UNITY:~$ ldd /usr/bin/glxinfo  | grep GL libGL.so.1 => /usr/lib/libGL.so.1 (0x00007f99863db000)11:41
smspillazor I could jump symlink11:41
tseliotdon't do that11:41
smspillaztseliot: don't worry, I used arch linux, I'll be fine [tm] :)11:42
tseliotsmspillaz: I'm wondering what the X log says11:42
smspillaztseliot: nothing particularly of interest there11:42
smspillaz(no WW or EEs11:42
smspillaztseliot: I'll probably just export the LD_PRELOAD for now. used to switch graphics drvers around tons back in the day, should be fine11:43
tseliotsmspillaz: ok, it's still weird though11:43
* tseliot -> lunch11:44
smspillaztseliot: I compile tons of stuff from source, didn't expect it to all work :)11:45
* rodrigo_ lunch12:00
=== MacSlow|lunch is now known as MacSlow
pittipopey: hey, how are you? did you see my question in bug 795475?12:33
ubot2Launchpad bug 795475 in libimobiledevice "[iOS5 devices do not work] Unhandled lockdown error (-4)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/79547512:33
popeyno pitti I hadn't12:33
* popey looks12:33
tseliotsmspillaz: ok, that's understandable then ;)12:44
popeypitti: left a comment, let me know if there's anything else you need12:46
jasoncwarner_Sweetshark: ping?13:07
=== m_conley_away is now known as m_conley
pittipopey: hm, weird; I used the very same patch you pointed to13:27
seb128rodrigo_, there?13:46
Sweetsharkjasoncwarner_: pong.13:51
jasoncwarner_Sweetshark: see my dm to you13:51
mterrytremolux, am I supposed to see "for purchase" apps in oneiric yet?13:51
mterrypitti, I'm looking at bug 871895.  pkgstriptranslations seems to correctly make a _static_translations.tar.gz file (as well as a _i386_translations.tar.gz for the mo files), but I don't see the files in language-pack-gnome-fr-base (for example)13:52
ubot2Launchpad bug 871895 in deja-dup "Deja-dup help translations are not packaged in Ubuntu" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/87189513:52
pittimterry: ah, that would be bug 86981513:53
ubot2Launchpad bug 869815 in langpack-o-matic "does not properly install mallard help files" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/86981513:53
pittimterry: I suppose the next oneiric langpack update that we do will need to be a full -base refresh, to pick up the lost translations13:54
pittisorry about that13:54
pittiI hacked around this for ubuntu-docs, but didn't pick up the other files any more13:54
mterrypitti, ah, ok13:55
tremoluxmterry: heyo, for purchase apps are not yet deployed for Oneiric, but will be very soon I expect13:58
mterrytremolux, ah, ok.  I read a pre-review that talked about apps for purchase, but they must have just been anticipating based on natty.  I thought something might be wrong on my end.  Guess not!13:59
tremoluxmterry: I'll try to get an ETA, I'm curious myself14:00
rodrigo_seb128, yes14:02
seb128rodrigo_, unping, I was having some bug in g-c-c with the search but seems like LANG impacts on the ui but it was still searching on french keywords14:03
Sweetsharkjasoncwarner_: sorry for the late reply, I madly creating presentation slides ;)14:03
seb128rodrigo_, with a correct setup it works ;-)14:03
rodrigo_seb128, ah ok :)14:03
jasoncwarner_Sweetshark: no worries14:08
jasoncwarner_Sweetshark: just confirmed on robbie's machine14:09
Sweetsharkjasoncwarner_: yikes14:09
Sweetsharkjasoncwarner_: what kind of X drivers do you guys have?14:10
* popey wonders if there's likely to be any progress on broken tomboy sync by release time14:10
jasoncwarner_Sweetshark: I see two issues14:10
Sweetsharknvidia here.14:10
popeybug 853098 if anyone has time to look14:11
ubot2Launchpad bug 853098 in tomboy "Oneiric Tomboy sync auth doesn't complete (dup-of: 845321)" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/85309814:11
ubot2Launchpad bug 845321 in tomboy "Unable to setup Ubuntu One sync with Tomboy" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84532114:11
Sweetsharkjasoncwarner_: intel sucks in other ways too https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libreoffice/+bug/81607514:12
ubot2Launchpad bug 816075 in xserver-xorg-video-intel "X crashes when Impress antialiasing on Lenovo X220 Intel drivers" [Undecided,Incomplete]14:12
jasoncwarner_Sweetshark: this only happens with libreoffice app, not writer, calc or others but just the main libreoffice splash app14:13
jasoncwarner_Sweetshark: I'm having a bunch of problems with that app, fyi....main libreoffice apps (calc, writer etc) are working, but the generic libreoffice launcher app is having launcher, menu and alt+tab issues as well. Something is going on...14:18
jasoncwarner_Sweetshark: can you test this? open libreoffice and click on new spreadsheet. Do you have a double menu? one is nautilus. Do you have it in the launcher (I don't) and do you have it in alt+tab?14:24
Sweetsharkjasoncwarner_: urgh. yes, I can reproduce it now.14:28
* Sweetshark bets it is a bamf issue again, not being able to handle the startcenter.14:28
jasoncwarner_Sweetshark: can you run this down?14:29
jasoncwarner_Sweetshark: not sure what needs to get done, but grab jay or njpatel and see what you can find...thanks!14:29
seb128jasoncwarner_, you can count it on the list of "known unity issues assigned to dx for 2 cycles"14:29
jasoncwarner_seb128: this one feels new to me, though?14:30
njpatelseb128, feeling grumpy today?14:30
seb128njpatel, lol, not at all ;-)14:30
jasoncwarner_seb128: I could swear this was working for me just like two weeks ago...?14:30
* Sweetshark backs with seb128 ;)14:30
seb128njpatel, but we had a workaround for the startcenter in natty that we dropped in Oneiric because you guys were supposed to make it work ;-)14:30
jasoncwarner_njpatel: libreoffice startcenter app...not calc or wrtier, but the app called 'libreoffice'14:31
jasoncwarner_njpatel: right now I'm seeing a couple of pretty icky probs with it14:31
njpateljasoncwarner_, what problems? I can ask DBO to put them on the SRU1 list14:32
jasoncwarner_njpatel: search dash for libreoffice, open it. you should see some graphics glitches, maybe a menu issue and no window controls (if fullscreened)14:32
jasoncwarner_njpatel: then, click on an new spreadsheet14:32
njpatel(if they are fixable in time, of course)14:32
DBOjasoncwarner_, you have found waldo14:33
jasoncwarner_njpatel: you should then see that there is no launcher, no alt+tab and a possibly a double menu (one is nautilus)14:33
DBOthe WORST possible application in the world14:33
DBOthe libre-office launcher thing14:33
DBOyou cant work with it, it's just evil...14:33
DBOwe need to remove its .desktop file if you ask me14:33
seb128bug #73241214:33
ubot2Launchpad bug 732412 in unity-2d "LibreOffice Writer has no icon in Unity and is labeled "LibreOffice Small Device Format Importer"" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/73241214:33
njpateljasoncwarner_, sorry, I keep getting document recovery that keeps failing, so I can't reproduce it here14:33
jasoncwarner_DBO and njpatel are you guys seeing those?14:33
seb128jasoncwarner_, ^ is that this bug?14:33
DBOunity-2d is the only thing I have seen with the no-menu controls bug14:34
* njpatel deletes some libreoffice folders14:34
jasoncwarner_seb128: this is in 3d for me (looks closely at bug)14:34
seb128jasoncwarner_, well, the bot picked one component but it affacts both14:34
DBOseb128, if we got rid of the libre-office start launcher thing?14:34
DBOwould that be bad?14:34
njpateljasoncwarner_, ah, got the renderering errors14:34
jasoncwarner_seb128: I think _part_ of it ..yeah.14:34
seb128DBO, we did and put it back in Oneiric because it was a workaround and you said you would fix bamf14:34
jasoncwarner_njpatel seb128 Sweetshark DBO I'll record my desktop once I'm out of thise meeting so you can see what I'm seeing14:35
DBOseb128, I never said I could fix that14:35
seb128DBO, but I've no opinion, talk to Sweetshark he maintains libreoffice ;-)14:35
njpatelSweetshark, what graphics chip do you have? (intel/nvidia/?)14:35
njpatelSweetshark, you see the same issue, right? (Renderering)?14:35
DBOseb128, there is literally no way to fix this short of me making bamf just ignore that .desktop file14:35
Sweetsharknjpatel: nvidia14:36
Sweetsharkyes, I see it now.14:36
=== kancerman_ is now known as kancerman
* Sweetshark guesses killing the .desktop file in the install yet again would be quite simple, but rebuilding libreoffice takes three days on armel14:40
ogra_thats definitely a no-go for release ... but you could do an SRU14:40
didrockspitti: apart from a small glitch in the bookmarks (not sure why I have "foo" with quotes), all seems very great for the french respin, keyboard, live or installer correct, first screen ok, radios…14:40
smspillazdidrocks: seb128: do you know if there's a bug # off hand for this "window decorations don't appear on the spread" bug ?14:42
smspillazI just fixed14:42
jasoncwarner_DBO njpatel seb128 Sweetshark video emailed...14:42
seb128smspillaz, bug #86569614:42
ubot2Launchpad bug 865696 in compiz "Windows from other workspaces missing decorations in window spread" [Low,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/86569614:42
smspillazok, that is not fix committed14:43
* smspillaz reverts the status :)14:43
smspillazseb128: thanks!@14:43
didrockssmspillaz: you told it was fixed, hence why it's fix committed :)14:43
smspillazdidrocks: I think I confused it for another bug14:43
smspillazdidrocks: there was a similar one with expo14:44
seb128jasoncwarner_, do you have libreoffice-filter-mobiledev installed?14:44
mterrydidrocks, oh hey, btw, thanks for fixing glade2 and quickly.  A long time ago, I knew that would cause a problem if not taken care of, but forgot to take care of it14:44
didrockssmspillaz: it's not reproduceable with the -proposed version?14:44
smspillazdidrocks: I'm running up to date trunk and reproduced and fixed it :)14:44
didrockssmspillaz: the bug is about windows in other ws missing decorations14:44
smspillazdidrocks: right, so the expo one and this one are kind of similar but fundamentally different in one way14:44
didrocksmterry: no worry, was interesting to deal with that :)14:44
jasoncwarner_seb128: no14:45
didrockssmspillaz: ok14:45
smspillazthe expo one was about windows that were visible in expo losing their decorations sometiems when you switched workspaces. this one is about windwos losing their decorations when transformed but not on a transformed screen14:45
smspillaz(subtle difference, which is why I confused it)14:45
seb128didrocks, smspillaz: the title is misleading, it happens on the same workspace as well, they seem to be there sometime and flicker a bit, it's still happening with the proposed version14:45
smspillazseb128: yeah, that's why I got confused14:46
smspillazI thought you meant "spread" as in "expo view" not "scale view"14:46
didrocksseb128: seem to be hw/driver dependant, I really don't get it there14:46
smspillazdidrocks: it should happen on everything, it was a software thing :)14:46
smspillazanyways I've fixed it now14:46
seb128jasoncwarner_, hum ok, so probably a different bug from the one I pointed, the "buggy" .desktop is coming from that binary14:46
didrockssmspillaz: hum, can do a screenshot14:46
didrocksbut I swear I have them :)14:46
didrocksor maybe you just mean on maximized apps?14:47
smspillazdidrocks: move a window partly offscreen and press super-w14:47
smspillazthe decoration will be clipped incorrectly14:47
seb128didrocks, open 2 gedits on a workspace and click on the gedit icon in the launcher and move your mouse around the screen while in the spread14:47
seb128smspillaz, is that bug #87092514:48
ubot2Launchpad bug 870925 in unity "Windows dragged to another workspace in expose don't have decoration" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/87092514:48
smspillazseb128: nope14:48
smspillazsee, this is why I said it's confusing :)14:48
seb128smspillaz, i.e when you dnd in workspace overview between 2 workspaces it "cut" the decoration at the limit14:48
smspillazseb128: right, I've fixed that in -proposed14:48
smspillazor at least it should be14:48
seb128smspillaz, no you didn't14:48
smspillazI didn't ?14:48
seb128I'm running proposed, it's still cut while the dnd happen14:48
didrocksI get seb128's bug about a window between 2 ws14:49
seb128it comes back when youn unpress14:49
smspillazI wonder if we missed a patch then14:49
* smspillaz looks at whats in -proposed14:50
didrockssmspillaz: it's what you told me to put in :)14:50
didrockssmspillaz: + the additional mess cleanup you are aware about14:50
didrockssmspillaz: so, if you are not speaking about that one, which bug are you talking about? (test case?)14:50
ubot2Launchpad bug 865696 in compiz "Windows from other workspaces missing decorations in window spread" [Low,Fix committed]14:51
njpatelalso, please add jittery windows fix14:51
smspillaznjpatel: it needs to be reviewed first!14:51
xclaesseis it known that nautilus crash a lot in oneiric?14:51
didrockssmspillaz: ok, in spread, not expo, got it!14:51
smspillazdidrocks: s/spread/scale/14:51
smspillazI get confused otherwise14:51
didrocksyeah ;)14:51
xclaesseit keeps crashing when I open some folders here14:51
* kenvandine waves14:51
seb128xclaesse, Hey kenvandine14:51
didrockssmspillaz: can you retitle to remove the confusion, please?14:51
didrockshey xclaesse14:52
didrockshum, the ubuntuone fix hasn't been pushed?14:52
didrockskenvandine: ? ^14:52
smspillazdidrocks: so it looks like we're missing it in the package, but that doesn't matter since the fix I did for this bug will add the same fix for the other one in the patch anyways14:52
didrockssmspillaz: ok, so for next SRU?14:52
seb128jasoncwarner_, is your screen corrupted this way or is the video corrupted? that seems pretty broken indeed14:52
seb128jasoncwarner_, njpatel: works mostly fine for me14:52
njpatelsmspillaz, good point, please see if DBO can do it14:53
DBOIm right here14:53
smspillazDBO: my active reviews14:54
DBOon it14:54
smspillazand compiz-team/s active reviews14:54
smspillazexcept the big_fbo one14:54
seb128jasoncwarner_, njpatel: well in any case I'm not getting that issue on my fresh install from yesterdya14:54
smspillazthere's a driver bug on nvidia that I have to hack around *sigh*14:54
kenvandinedidrocks, the ubuntuone bug that was crashing nautilus was fixed and uploaded14:54
smspillazthis is why you should use nouveau14:54
kenvandinemust be another bug14:54
didrockskenvandine: ok, thanks, so xclaesse issue should be something else14:55
seb128kenvandine, when, where?14:55
didrocksxclaesse: stacktrace?14:55
jasoncwarner_seb128: :) for you :( for me. I'd take :| for everyone !14:55
kenvandineseb128, last week, remember?14:55
seb128kenvandine, the bug I pointed to you before? it didn't get backported14:55
kenvandineoh... i haven't looked at that one14:55
seb128kenvandine, no, that's the double unref one he's talking about14:55
kenvandinethe other one was fixed14:55
seb128didrocks, xclaesse: it's pending upload14:55
didrocksso, yeah, this one needs in -proposed14:55
* didrocks didn't do all the debug for dobey for nothing :)14:55
kenvandinebug 86511514:56
ubot2Launchpad bug 865115 in ubuntuone-client-gnome "nautilus crashed with SIGSEGV in gconf_client_get(), if both nautilus-open-terminal and ubuntuone-client-gnome are installed" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/86511514:56
seb128xclaesse, ^14:56
xclaesseI get a long list of (nautilus:18976): GLib-GObject-CRITICAL **: g_value_get_object: assertion `G_VALUE_HOLDS_OBJECT (value)' failed14:56
xclaessethen crash14:56
seb128dobey, that bug keeps taking nautilus down for users :p14:56
didrocksdobey: we are talking about the patch you fixed, kenvandine need to sponsor it :)14:56
seb128xclaesse, the list of warning is tedg's fault14:56
kenvandinedobey, eta on that?14:56
kenvandineoh, it is ready to be sponsored?14:56
seb128kenvandine, the fix got merged upstream so I guess so14:57
dobeykenvandine: soon. we have some other fixes we need to put in SRU also14:57
xclaesseand yes, the crash is in gconf_client_get14:57
seb128xclaesse, remove one of the 2 nautilus-...14:57
xclaesseseb128, ok thanks for the workaround14:57
dobeyseb128: do we need to get it in release, or SRU is still good enough?14:58
xclaessecool, that fixed it :)14:58
seb128dobey, too late for release14:58
seb128dobey, but get a SRU out today, if your other fixes are not ready you will do another SRU next week14:59
didrocksdobey: SRU is fine as nautilus-open-terminal isn't installed by default14:59
didrocksso upgrade can be safely dealt with14:59
dobeyseb128: the other fixes are ready in upstream branch as well.14:59
dobeyseb128: so yes, should have it ready later today15:00
dobeywill upload it to -proposed and bug kenvandine when ready :)15:00
seb128dobey, well if you can upload no need to bug kenvandine ;-)15:01
seb128you need to bug pitti for approvals :p15:01
dobeyactually, that might be the only one for ubuntuone-client gnome. we have some ubuntuone-client fixes also15:01
seb128njpatel, jasoncwarner_: weird, I get lo to act weird on my laptop install, not on my netbook though15:01
dobeysorry, blanked for a minute. the -gnome fix will need sponsored :)15:01
kenvandinedobey, just shout when it is ready15:03
didrockshum, with a11y on on the live, orca isn't launched there15:04
didrocksjibel: is that known ? ^15:04
pitti*munch* *munch* yay icecream15:06
pittiway to reward yourself for the way from the supermarket :)15:06
pittiand our Italian ice cafe closes on the 23rd15:07
seb128pitti, him, icecream ;-) weather is winter like here today though :-(15:08
pittioh, uh; after some days of rain, 18 degrees and sunny again here15:08
didrockspitti: seb128: really? it's summer there :)15:09
didrockssunny and 25 °C ;)15:09
didrocksseb128: we maybe don't have extra 2 slacking days stolen from Germany there, but at least, we have sun!15:09
pittinice trade15:10
seb128didrocks, oh, sunny and 25°C, that's what I call winter weather15:10
seb128summer is 35° and lot of sun ;-)15:10
didrocksseb128: ahah, try to fake it now ;)15:10
kenvandine35 sounds pretty hot15:11
seb128indeed, 25°C is way better ;-)15:11
jasoncwarner_seb128 Sweetshark DBO njpatel at the manager's sprint, just confirmed that 3/5 people have issues I have.15:12
njpateljasoncwarner_, yeah, I get it too, will see if it's something compiz side or unity side15:12
seb128jasoncwarner_, I've it as well on my laptop15:13
njpateljasoncwarner_, for SRU1, though, we're at the limit for SRU015:13
smspillazMORE BUGS FOR ME WOOOO15:13
jasoncwarner_thanks, njpatel15:13
smspillaz(sorry couldn't help it, I'm addicted to bugs these days)15:13
didrockssmspillaz: come on, you fix stuff on plugins we don't use by default, like the "command" one! you need more challenging things ;-)15:13
smspillazdidrocks: that was actually a patch someone gave me15:14
Sweetsharksmspillaz: you can have some bugs from me, I trade them against finished slides for the Libreoffice conference ...15:14
didrockssmspillaz: I know, just kidding :-)15:14
pittijasoncwarner, Sweetshark, bryceh, chrisccoulson, didrocks, tremolux, Riddell, kenvandine, cyphermox, mterry, rodrigo_, seb128, tkamppeter, pedro_: reminder, meeting in 1515:14
smspillazdidrocks: and come on, I just fixed like 3 severe geometry issues today :p15:14
smspillazand a graphical corruption bug15:14
didrocks(saw the "ooppssss I didn't merge that sooner, sorry ;)")15:14
Sweetsharksmspillaz: great value!15:14
Sweetsharkpitti: o/15:14
smspillazdidrocks: :p15:15
didrocksSweetshark: that's the webcam behind you15:15
Sweetsharkdidrocks: dont talk about webcams to me, Im still shocked by oneiric showing my ugly face without asking on install and proposing to make it my avatar!15:19
didrocksnjpatel: gnome-settings-daemon was the #1 package uploaded in oneiric, it's not unity, what have you done dude??? :-)15:20
didrocksSweetshark: heh, I have on my tablet a win8 preview to play with, my avatar is quite weird on it ;)15:20
dobeyhow does one propose a branch to oneiric-proposed, if there is no oneiric-proposed branch?15:24
kenvandinepropose it to the oneiric branch15:24
kenvandinebut with oneiric-proposed in changelog, the sponsor will deal with it15:24
dobeykenvandine: https://code.launchpad.net/~dobey/ubuntu/oneiric/ubuntuone-client-gnome/fix-crash/+merge/79000 deal with it :)15:25
dobeyWe need to deal with lunch :)15:26
* kenvandine restarts before meeting, brb15:26
kenvandinedobey, "We" again :)15:26
seb128didrocks, g-s-d was the first package uploaded to oneiric?15:28
didrocksseb128: in number of uploads, see ubuntu-devel ML15:29
pittijasoncwarner, Sweetshark, bryceh, chrisccoulson, didrocks, tremolux, Riddell, kenvandine, cyphermox, mterry, rodrigo_, seb128, tkamppeter, pedro_: meeting o'clock15:30
* pedro_ waves15:30
* kenvandine waves15:30
seb128njpatel, you lost to the spanish mafia, shame on you :p15:30
seb128hey pitti15:30
kenvandineand wow... we have jasoncwarner_ for our meeting!15:31
kenvandinemaybe :)15:31
pittiso first, congrats everyone for oneiric15:31
seb128kenvandine, not sure it's a wow, he keeps complaining about bugs this week :p15:31
pittiso it became a reasonably usable and stable release after all :)15:31
seb128yesterday banshee, today libreoffice15:31
seb128pitti, \o/15:31
seb128works pretty fine for me as well15:31
seb128install and runtime ;-)15:31
pittistill needs to pass the WAF test15:31
pitti(here at least)15:32
njpatelseb128, I only recognise the French mafia, they are the ones that rule my life15:32
seb128njpatel, ;-)15:32
pittikenvandine: anything to discuss for partner this week?15:32
kenvandinenjpatel, and don't you forget it15:32
* pitti hopes kenvandine doesn't have a list of "ten things utterly broken in oneiric"15:32
kenvandinepitti, it's on the wiki, tedg just got back from a week sprinting then summit over the weekend15:32
njpatelchrisccoulson, your multi monitor bug is fixed courtesy of Trevinho15:32
pittiah, reloading FTW15:33
chrisccoulsonnjpatel, excellent, thanks15:33
kenvandinehe will get me a list of planned SRUs later today and i'll link them on the wiki15:33
kenvandineand i have dobey's u1 fix i am about to sponsor15:33
kenvandinethat is all i have right now15:33
pittididrocks: thanks for the unity update15:33
pittinew SRU looking good, lots of +1 already15:33
didrocksyeah, I leverage the french forum :-)15:33
didrocksso that njpatel knows more that he is really ruled by the french mafia :)15:33
didrockswill do the same tomorrow with unity15:34
pitti14 left on http://status.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-oneiric/canonical-desktop-team.html, but I was monitoring that, nothign serious there15:34
pittiwill just postpone to P15:34
pittiso we got 389 work items done,15:34
njpatelI don't mess with the French forum. As gord says, there are a lot of of you.15:35
pittiI'll do some stats over the past cycles to have an estimate what we can go for in precise15:35
pittiso, nothing from me this week except for "go out and test images and SRUs" :)15:35
pittidoes anyone have something we should discuss?15:35
Sweetsharkpitti: no more updates, not even security ones for OpenOffice.org available, even if Apache OOo would come around one day it would be completely different.15:36
Sweetsharkpitti: so maybe consider backporting Libreoffice to lucid, maverick?15:37
pittiSweetshark: you don't think that the odd security update can be backported?15:37
pittithere haven't been terribly many USNs for OO.o/LibO so far15:37
Sweetsharkpitti: Im not sure, but LO has gone through some major code cleanups since OOo times.15:38
pittiif the affected part of LibO didn't change fundamentally, then the patches ought to be backportable; and if it did, it might not even apply15:38
pittiSweetshark: do we have any currently outstanding CVEs which we could look at?15:39
mdeslauruhm, security isn't a valid reason to get LO into old releases15:40
Sweetsharkpitti: http://blog.documentfoundation.org/2011/10/05/the-document-foundation-publishes-details-of-libreoffice-3-4-3-security-fixes/ CVE-2011-2713 would likely apply also to OOo15:40
ubot2Sweetshark: ** RESERVED ** This candidate has been reserved by an organization or individual that will use it when announcing a new security problem.  When the candidate has been publicized, the details for this candidate will be provided. (http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2011-2713)15:40
pittichrisccoulson: for "Review update plan for extensions with security team", has this been discussed?15:40
chrisccoulsonpitti - no, but there isn't much to discuss anymore. i've got that all pretty much figured out15:41
pittichrisccoulson: ah, good; setting to "done" then15:41
pittiSweetshark: is that such a huge patch?15:41
pittiSweetshark: this sounds like the kind of issue which is usually an one-liner with an additional boundary check15:42
Sweetsharkpitti: no, IIRC those patches are rather small.15:43
Sweetsharkpitti: however, WMF exploits might not even work on linux anyway.15:43
pittiSweetshark: due to our fortified toolchain?15:43
Sweetsharkpitti: But I am bringing the topic more in a general sense -- maybe needs a more careful discussion on UDS.15:44
pittiSweetshark: can do; my gut feeling is that we should just apply the security patches and otherwise leave it alone; we could consider a PPA for people who really want it, of course15:45
Sweetsharkpitti: well, or because we dont do anything with the WMFs anyway, while on windows the exploit might wreck havoc with windows services ...15:46
pitti@all: any other topics we need to discuss? otherwise let's adjourn15:46
pittiSweetshark: perhaps; but in principle such attacks work under linux, too, just with different code, of course, and the fortified toolchain makes stuff a lot harder in many cases15:47
pittiok, so thanks everyone!15:49
pittilet's release that15:49
pittilet's release that sleepy big cat15:49
seb128thanks pitti15:49
didrocksthanks pitti :)15:49
pittiSweetshark: enjoy the conference next week! should be a relatively short ride, I guess?15:51
pittiSweetshark: how long does that take to Paris, 4 hours on the train or so?15:51
Sweetsharkpitti: one hour with air france (unless the ATC strike)15:52
pittioh, good luck then, crossing fingers15:52
tkamppeterpitti, my fixes on s-c-p concerning authentication of admin users were all accepted upstream by Tim Waugh.15:57
pittigood night everyone16:17
seb128'night pitti16:19
tremolux good night pitti16:20
didrocksgood night pitti16:24
seb128mvo, could you check on https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/software-properties/+bug/85323116:37
ubot2Launchpad bug 853231 in software-properties "Make the software-properties .policy file dynamically translatable" [Undecided,Confirmed]16:37
seb128mvo, seems trivial and worth including in the next upload ;-)16:37
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mvoseb128: indeed16:41
seb128mvo, thanks16:41
mvoseb128: I uploda that to proposed now16:41
seb128mvo, bug #854818 seems to get some duplicates16:41
ubot2Launchpad bug 854818 in software-properties "software-properties-gtk crashed with AttributeError in toggle_source_use(): 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'disabled'" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/85481816:41
seb128mvo, when disabling ppas they say16:41
seb128if it's an easy one you might want to squeeze that in the same upload ;-)16:42
seb128though I can't confirm it16:43
mvoseb128: this may actually be a dupe of #82002816:45
seb128bug #82002816:45
ubot2Launchpad bug 820028 in software-properties "software-properties-gtk crashed with UnicodeEncodeError in RemoveSource(): 'ascii' codec can't encode characters in position 99-100: ordinal not in range(128)" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/82002816:45
seb128mvo, oh ok16:47
seb128mvo, sorry, reviewing the component bugs while I'm at it, I can confirm bug #83850716:47
ubot2Launchpad bug 838507 in software-properties "apt-add-repository --remove doesn't remove deb-src entry" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83850716:47
mvothanks seb12816:47
mvoI check it out16:47
mvoseb128: I go for dinner now, if you find more, please mail it to me or tell me tomorrow morning :)16:48
seb128mvo, ok16:48
* mvo waves16:48
seb128mvo, should I just assigned them to you you can review the list and unassign if you have no interest?16:48
seb128mvo, enjoy!16:48
kenvandinedobey, i uploaded ubuntuone-client-gnome16:55
dobeykenvandine: thanks16:56
kenvandinelet me just say wow... amazing number of dupes on that one :)16:56
kenvandinealthough i couldn't reproduce the crash...16:56
dobeyWe could reproduce it easily on 11.04, actually, without nautilus-open-terminal16:57
dobeydifferent backtrace, but same issue16:57
dobeybut that's what happens when you corrupt memory :)16:57
kenvandinethe fix was obviously correct16:57
kenvandineclearly a bug :)16:58
kenvandinejust weird it isn't reliably reproduce-able on 11.1016:58
dobeyyeah, really weird that it "works" without nautilus-open-terminal installed16:58
kenvandinewfm with it installed16:59
didrockskenvandine: it is with nautilus-open-terminal installed16:59
didrockskenvandine: did you killall nautilus?16:59
kenvandineeven restarted my session16:59
kenvandineno crash..16:59
kenvandinetried 3 times... oh well16:59
didrockskenvandine: I got a 70% crash16:59
dobeyit's a heisenbug16:59
kenvandineit was clearly a bug though16:59
dobeylike most mem corruption bugs are16:59
dobeydon't know why it was so easy to crash on 11.04 though17:00
dobeyprobably gtk3 tries to be "smarter" about memory allocation, and does the weird stuff with GSlice17:00
dobeyand nautilus 2.x didn't or something17:01
didrocksgood night everyone17:02
dobeyoh right, someone has to approve it going into -proposed17:04
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kenvandinedobey, hopefully nobody complains about the 2 fixes being together17:05
kenvandinedepends on who reviews it i guess17:05
* kenvandine is happy to get both fixes in17:05
dobeykenvandine: well, technically they both fix the bug in slightly different ways :)17:07
dobeybut they are also separate issues that needed to be dealt with17:07
kenvandineok, we can use that argument if it comes up :)17:07
dobeykenvandine: so the missing config.h was causing that file to be built using gconf API instead of gsettings, while the rest of the code was using gsettings17:08
kenvandineoh... ugly17:08
dobeykenvandine: and the double-unref was in the gconf-using code :)17:08
dobeyreally, it could have been a much worse problem, but luckily it seems to only happen, probably when another gconf-using extension is installed17:09
dobeysince we were corrupting the default gconf client instance, but if all the extensions use gsettings, they'll never hit the invalid memory :)17:10
dobeybut since nautilus-open-terminal apparently uses gconf still, it hit it17:11
dobeyguess that's why it was easier to debug on 11.0417:11
dobeyanyway, the patch fixes all those issues :)17:12
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federico1who here knows some internals of Unity or something like jumplists?19:35
broder!ask | federico119:36
ubot2federico1: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience19:36
kenvandinefederico1, check in #ayatana too19:39
kenvandinefederico1, check in #ayatana too19:39
kenvandinefederico1, quite a few unity developers hang out there19:40
kenvandinefederico1, i would point you at DBO, but he isn't online right now19:43
federico1kenvandine: cool, thanks19:44
kenvandinefederico1, and if you don't find anyone... email ayatana-dev@lists.ubuntu.com19:45
seb128tedg is probably a good person to ask as well19:45
kenvandinefederico1, yeah, if your question is really about dbusmenu which is what the quicklists use19:45
kenvandinetedg is your man19:45
federico1kenvandine: (who's dbo?)19:45
* kenvandine tries to remember his last name... 19:46
kenvandinehe did a lot of the launcher work19:46
kenvandineseb128, hehe.. i knew it was something common :)19:46
kenvandinei've called him DBO for years though :)19:46
seb128federico1, he's from the unity team, he has been working on compiz and gnome-do before19:47
federico1ah, okay :)19:47
jbichakenvandine: smith :)19:49
seb128hey jbicha19:49
seb128jbicha, not sure that the totem patch you dropped and the upstream one are the same thing19:49
jbichaat least it's not something crazy like my last name ;)19:49
jbichaseb128: they aren't the same, upstream used a different bbc plugin (named iplayer)19:51
jbichaI can't really test the functionality as I don't have a UK IP address :(19:51
seb128jbicha, I think those are different bbc services19:51
seb128chrisccoulson or other uk people might know better19:52
jbichaok, it was disabled anyway but we can easily readd it if it's something different & useful19:52
seb128well I doubt it's get ranked high enough in our priorities to be worked19:53
seb128but yeah, if we need it it's easy enough to get the patch back ;-)19:53
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kenvandinehey seb12820:32
kenvandinei just noticed the patch adding the static quicklists to gedit got dropped20:32
kenvandinelooking at the changelog it was probably accidental :(20:32
seb128kenvandine, hum20:33
seb128kenvandine, seems like upstream reverted the commit because it caused error in the validator20:33
kenvandinethat explains it20:33
seb128kenvandine, http://git.gnome.org/browse/gedit/commit/?id=d5855ef158714fb574183c29aa9af03d16ef2dc320:34
=== federico1 is now known as f_food
ubot2Gnome bug 653470 in general "Please add Unity Launcher quicklist to gedit desktop file" [Enhancement,Resolved: invalid]20:35
seb128"error: file contains group "NewDocument Shortcut Group", but groups extending20:35
seb128the format should start with "X-"20:35
seb128well, I told tedg by then that we should prefix non standard groups with X- :p20:36
seb128he argued that was not required for groups20:36
seb128chrisccoulson_, there?20:38
dobeyhe was wrong20:38
dobey"Alternatively, fields can be placed in their own group, where they may then have arbitrary key names. If this is the case, the group should follow the scheme outlined above, i.e. [X-PRODUCT GROUPNAME] or something similar. These steps will avoid namespace clashes between different yet similar environments."20:38
chrisccoulson_hi seb12820:38
=== chrisccoulson_ is now known as chrisccoulson
seb128hey chrisccoulson20:38
seb128chrisccoulson, did you get a reply from federico about the docking, fn-f7 thing?20:38
seb128chrisccoulson, if not he's there, take the opportunity :p20:38
chrisccoulsong'ah, i still haven't e-mailed him20:39
chrisccoulsonstupid vacation ;)20:39
chrisccoulsoni'll do that now20:39
seb128chrisccoulson, ok, or just ping him when he's back from being f_food20:39
seb128you might have a chance to get a reply ;-)20:39
RAOFchrisccoulson: Still here?20:43
chrisccoulsonRAOF, yep :)20:43
chrisccoulsonhmmm, seems i've really broken the firefox nightlies :/20:43
tedgseb128, dobey, you can just make "X-Ayatana-Desktop-Shortcuts: XAyatana Foo;XAyatana Bar;"20:43
RAOFSo, I want to check whether my understanding of gnome-desktop's RANDR algorithm is correct.20:44
dobeytedg: the implementation doesn't follow the desktop-entry-spec correctly :)20:44
broderseb128: i'm curious - what docking/fn-f7 thing is this? it sounds like it might be the same as something i'm running into20:44
tedgdobey, I blame the users of it ;-)20:45
chrisccoulsonbroder, dell laptops generate a fake fn-f7 keypress when you dock them20:45
seb128broder, chrisccoulson has been debugging screen setups not being correct on latitude e series after docking20:45
broderchrisccoulson: ha! it is the same thing i was running into :)20:45
dobeytedg: you are the user of the desktop-entry-spec :)20:45
seb128well other models could have the same issue20:45
broderno, we're seeing it on dells20:45
broderchrisccoulson, seb128: is there an ubuntu bug i can cross reference in our internal db?20:46
chrisccoulsonbroder, not yet. feel free to create one though :)20:47
seb128broder, chrisccoulson: or probably several20:47
seb128but not triaged correctly20:47
seb128or not connected to the docking signal20:47
RAOFchrisccoulson: Oh, thinking of which - the gnome-desktop in oneiric-proposed fixes your hang, right?20:47
chrisccoulsonRAOF, i've not upgraded yet. i'm still catching up on post-vacation stuff20:48
chrisccoulsonwill do that tonight though :)20:48
broderyeah, sure. my favorite part is that the fn-f7 gets emited on the first post-dock keypress20:48
broderchrisccoulson: anyway, if you find anything exciting, i'd be curious to know more. also, i have lots of hardware with the issue if you need testing20:49
seb128mterry, hey, could you check on bug #872462 and see if we need to do something?20:49
ubot2Launchpad bug 872462 in gedit-developer-plugins "gedit crashes on launch, fails import of _gtk" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/87246220:49
seb128mterry, i.e add a conflicts, or drop the gedit plugin from bzr-gtk, or update to gtk3 (seems not for a sru though)20:50
RAOFchrisccoulson: My understanding is basically: foreach output where output is on { foreach crtc { if crtc can drive output and (crtc is unassigned or output is clone of crtc) assign crtc } }.  Does that match your understanding?20:50
chrisccoulsonRAOF, yeah, i think so20:51
tedgRAOF, No, but that matches my compiler's understanding ;-)20:51
chrisccoulsonheh :)20:51
chrisccoulsonthat seems to make sense, and matches my understanding of how it works too20:51
mterryseb128, I think perhaps my favorite would just be to stop distributing the gedit plugin.  That would pass SRU20:52
mterryi'll assign to me20:52
seb128mterry, ok, that's my favorite as well, thanks!20:52
RAOFUnfortunately, it's broken in the case where there are some outputs which must be driven by specific CRTCs.  That it seems to work now is a happy accident, I think.20:52
chrisccoulsonRAOF, you might be able to help me actually. is there any way i can access the X server that the lightdm greeter is using (before i've logged in)?20:53
chrisccoulsoni want to look at the properties on the root window20:53
chrisccoulsonbut i don't seem to be allowed to do that if i'm not the lightdm user20:53
RAOFYou need some X credentials to be able to connect.20:54
RAOFWhere does lightdm store them?20:54
chrisccoulsoni keep getting an annoying bug where pulseaudio fails to start on login, but when i look at the root window properties in my session, i see a bunch of stale PULSE_* properties20:54
chrisccoulsoni'm wondering if those are coming from the greeter20:54
chrisccoulsonit uses the same server doesn't it?20:54
RAOFIt does indeed, yes.20:54
RAOFI suspect that /var/lib/lightdm/.Xauthority is your winning ticket.20:55
chrisccoulsoni'll try again next time i log in :)20:55
RAOF :)20:55
seb128chrisccoulson, you config is a bugs magnet it seems20:56
chrisccoulsonif i try to start pulse with those properties still on the root window, i just get "pa_context_connect() failed: Connection refused"20:56
seb128you are the only one there who seems to have got the gnome-desktop locking issues RAOF's change created as well20:56
chrisccoulsonbut if i delete the properties, then it works20:56
chrisccoulsonheh ;)20:56
chrisccoulsonit's good that i catch these bugs ;)20:56
broderRAOF: what happens in the screw case? gnome-desktop refuses to apply the configuration?20:57
brodererr, s/gnome-desktop/RandR/, i guess20:57
RAOFbroder: Right.  If, say, LVDS can only be driven by CRTC 0 and LVDS appears after VGA in outputs, then VGA will get assigned CRTC 0 and LVDS will be undrivable, and gnome-rr will say "whoops, you can't do that".20:58
RAOFbroder: The first part of that is extremely common; I think *all* my laptops' panels can only be driven by CRTC 0, and it's a happy accident that they're also the first output listed.  I'm not aware of any protocol reason for that.20:59
chrisccoulsonyeah, deleting the PULSE_SERVER property results in pulseaudio immediately being spawned by gnome-settings-daemon20:59
chrisccoulsonso i wonder if this is cruft from the greeter21:00
seb128chrisccoulson, switch to the gtk greeter and see if it happens still?21:00
seb128chrisccoulson, or uninstall indicator-sound and see if it happens, I guess if something starts pulse in the greeter it's it21:00
chrisccoulsonseb128, yeah, i could try that. but i wanted to get the root window properties from the greeter session to see if the properties match21:00
seb128chrisccoulson, how do you unset the property btw?21:01
chrisccoulsonthat will be a good sign that it's from the greeter :)21:01
chrisccoulsonseb128, xprop -root -remove PULSE_SERVER21:01
seb128ok, thanks, you never know that could be useful for me one day as well ;-)21:01
broderRAOF: huh. let me take a look at my ATI laptop. my recollection is that VGA is listed before LVDS, but i don't know what the allowed CRTC mappings are21:02
seb128jbicha, just for the record I still don't agree with you that the login sound is an application :p but we discussed it with pitti today and he agreed that showing the .desktop in a sru is the easiest workaround for oneiric21:03
seb128jbicha, we will add a checkbox to the sound panel next cycle21:03
broderRAOF: looks like both CRTCs can drive any output21:04
RAOFbroder: Ah, so hurray for ati I guess.21:05
jbichaseb128: well we can get a better fix next cycle21:06
seb128how do you determine what CRTC can drive what output?21:06
broderseb128: xrandr --verbose21:06
seb128jbicha, right, that's what I was trying to say, let's get the workaround for Oneiric but do it properly with a checkbox next cycle21:06
RAOFxrandr --verbose will list them, if you don't particularly want to read raw xtrace output :)21:07
seb128broder, thanks21:07
broderseb128: it abstracts the actual protocol-level CRTC numbers, which is annoying, but *shrug*21:07
RAOFHm.  On further inspection, it looks like the nvidia card in my netbook is happy to drive anything with either CRTC, too.  So, perhaps I should amend that statement to "My *Intel* laptops all want to drive LVDS with CRTC0 exclusively" :)21:10
seb128RAOF, chrisccoulson: what would be the correct login then? first deal with output which have specific crtc requirements?21:10
seb128RAOF, same on my intel dell laptop ;-)21:10
broderRAOF: i think it's an issue with old intel. my sandybridge thinkpad can do either with either21:11
RAOFbroder: Excellent.  So this problem will probably disappear in time.  Although? got an eyefinity card?  They've got 6 CRTCs and it's entirely possible some of _those_ can only drive DP outputs :)21:12
broder...huh. may have spoke too soon. just switched LVDS to use the 2nd CRTC and my screen went black21:13
RAOFbroder: There are some tricks there; did you just run "xrandr --ouptut LVDS1 --crtc $CRTC"?  Because that'll set a mode of 0x0 on the crtc as well.  You need to additionally specify the mode.21:14
broderaha, yeah. that would be my problem21:15
broderworks if i add a --auto21:15
RAOFAlso, in my experience, xrandr would kindly like you to specify the XID of the crtc you're trying to set even though it doesn't actually expose that info.21:15
broderyeah, i xtraced to get them21:15
broderit'll take the 0/1 indices it prints out, but i don't think the mapping is stable :)21:16
RAOFIn my testing it actually *didn't* take the 0/1 indicies.  Well, it'd take 0, but not 1.21:16
RAOFIt silently accepted 1, but didn't actually do anything.21:16
broderthat may be a more accurate interpretation of what i saw21:16
RAOFTo check, I suggest setting a different gamma ramp on each CRTC; that way you can easily tell when you've actually switched CRTC.21:17
broderRAOF: with only one display, i think --crtc 1 always means "the other one"21:19
RAOFHm.  It didn't seem to do that for me, but maybe I didn't try it enough :)21:20
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TheMusoRAOF, bryceh, you guys around for what I suspect will be a quick meeting?22:06
brycehTheMuso, I am22:07
RAOFDo we have a jasoncwarner_ , or is he in London sleeping off some pints? ?22:07
TheMusoHe is in London, and afaicr from the email RAOF was asked to chair...22:07
RAOFHm.  Wher22:08
* RAOF rifles through his inbox to try and find said email.22:08
RAOFActually, heh.  Let's just chair.  Ensuring I actually get all the email people send me can wait!22:08
RAOFbryceh: Want to start with the quiet X front?22:09
brycehposted new xdiagnose last week with some fixes22:09
brycehprobably going to split branch at this point, just fixes in stable, working on adding more functionality to release in precise22:09
brycehX bugs are accumulating, nothing *super* serious but some that look like they deserve some attention.  Maybe some worth SRUing22:10
brycehotherwise seems fairly quiet on my end.22:10
brycehI'll be looking more into multi monitor issues going forward.22:11
brycehRAOF, you?22:11
RAOFLikewise on my end of X.22:11
RAOFI've uploaded a new gnome-desktop to oneiric-proposed, fixing my lack of paranoia in the initial check_gl_texture_size work.  chrisccouslon's laptop should no longer hang when he docks it :).22:11
RAOFWhile going through gnome-desktop, it seems that the algorithm it uses to handle configuration changes can wrongly reject configurations that could be set.  I'm looking at that in conjunction with bug #86142622:13
ubot2Launchpad bug 861426 in xserver-xorg-video-intel "[Oneiric] [Regression] When disabling onboard LVDS display and just using external VGA screen corruption occurs" [High,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/86142622:13
TheMusoThere is always something with Intel around release time, every release. :)22:13
brycehit troubles me that we have algorithms in xrandr and algorithms in gnome-desktop, that aren't the same, and the ones we rely on the most appear to be the less cogent of the two...22:14
RAOFThis has a cheap work-around.  I can't quite reproduce the problem without using gnome-display-preferences/g-s-d, but I'm not yet convinced that there's not an X/intel/kernel bug in there.22:14
brycehTheMuso, heh, it's not just around release time!22:14
TheMusoheh ok.22:17
brycehoh, forgot, I looked into that Vino bug for seb last week.  Seems to just be an fglrx bug; asked Alberto to send it up to AMD, but haven't heard back yet (maybe he's on vacation?)\22:17
RAOFSo, going forward I'm going to be diving ever further into the morass that is RANDR-in-gnome.22:17
TheMusoNot much on my side of things, audio bug triaging, tracking an a11y bug related to legacy at-spi which is in universe, but still needs fixing.22:17
TheMusoAnd gearing up for P.22:17
RAOFIs there anything that doesn't work with at-spi2?22:18
TheMusoGok, which is in universe for one.22:18
TheMusoAnd dasher, although at-spi support was removed on the latest upload.22:18
TheMusoOh and gnome-mag.22:18
TheMusoBut thats being deprecated.22:18
RAOFIn summary: a bunch of things :)22:19
TheMusoBut gok will likely go away soon enough as well/22:19
RAOFNo at-spi for P? :)22:20
TheMusoonly at-spi2.22:20
RAOFWe don't have a Robert, but chrisccoulson was having a problem with pulseaudio that might be lightdm/unity-greeter related.22:21
TheMusoDid he give a bug number?22:22
TheMusoor file a bug?22:22
chrisccoulsonnot yet22:22
chrisccoulsoni'm trying to figure out where the issue is at the moment, but it's not particularly reproducible22:22
TheMusochrisccoulson: What is the issue?22:23
chrisccoulsonTheMuso, occasionally, pulseaudio fails to spawn at all in my session22:23
TheMusoInteresting. I don't get that at all here.22:23
chrisccoulsonand when this happens, there are stale PULSE_* properties attached to the root window22:23
TheMusoSOunds like a race...22:23
chrisccoulsonremoving them results in pulseaudio starting immediately22:23
* TheMuso hates the way the session loads.22:24
chrisccoulsonand i'm wondering if this is cruft left over from the greeter22:24
TheMusooh wow ok.22:24
RAOFAnything else?22:24
RAOFOk.  [End Meeting].  Thanks one and all! ;)22:26
TheMusoRAOF: You looked into flights for Budapest yet?22:26
RAOFTheMuso: No, I haven't.22:26
RAOFWant to coordinate?22:26
TheMusoOk that makes me feel better. :)22:27
TheMusoMay as well.22:27
broderRAOF: ha! i got pulled away before i could ask, but i think bug #861426 is actually the same as a different multihead bug we're seeing here22:31
ubot2Launchpad bug 861426 in xserver-xorg-video-intel "[Oneiric] [Regression] When disabling onboard LVDS display and just using external VGA screen corruption occurs" [High,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/86142622:31
broderwe have an issue with older intel cards where just driving the VGA results in wonky timing-related issues22:31
broderit seems like the monitor is detecting that it's being driven at a smaller resolution than X thinks22:31
broderi had theorized it was because CRTC 0 was getting assigned to drive VGA, but i can't trigger the issue just by setting that mapping myself22:32
RAOFHeh, yes.  My problem as well :)22:33
broderRAOF: any thoughts on useful debugging info if i can repro the issue?22:33
RAOFxtrace-ing gnome-settings-daemon might be interesting?  If nothing else, that should allow someone to write a simple binary that'll reproduce the problem.22:34
broderooh, hadn't thought of that. ok22:34
broderRAOF: ok, got a trace. let me see if i can find anything exciting22:42
broderRAOF: does http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/706368/ look interesting to you?22:45
* RAOF rescues hundreds of mails from his spam folder.22:45
broderugh. apologies for the wrapping22:46
RAOFNothing looks obviously crazy.22:46
RAOFI mean, apart from the fact that gnome-desktop first disables everything then sets up the new configuration from scratch.22:47
TheMusoThat sounds kinda messy.22:47
broderheh, right22:47
broderit is definitely changing which CRTC it uses22:48
broderthe startup config is output 0x41 -> crtc 0x40; output 0x42 -> crtc 0x3f22:48
RAOFI think you're right in that this is likely to be a similar problem to 861426.22:52
broderoh, just remembered that i was testing on natty. let me make sure it still happens for me on oneiric22:54
chrisccoulsoni guess there's no way to pass arguments to apport hooks, other than by setting environment variables, is there?23:00
RAOFWhat do you want to do?  I guess the question is - how is the hook triggered?23:01
chrisccoulsonRAOF, for the firefox apport hook, i want to attach the contents of all the memory reporters in firefox23:01
chrisccoulsoni can gather than information from inside firefox (when activating the Report a bug menuitem in the Help menu)23:02
chrisccoulsonbut i need to pass a filename to the apport hook (assuming i write the output to a file)23:02
chrisccoulsoni basically want everything in about:memory23:03
RAOFI think you could do something if it's being called like apport-gpu-error-intel.py; we call that from a udev rule, and could pass parameters to it if we wanted to.23:04
chrisccoulsonah, i see23:06
chrisccoulsonthanks, i'll take a look at that23:06
broderRAOF: i can't do the same operation in a single xrandr(1) invoke because it's unwilling to give LVDS1's CRTC to VGA123:08
broderbut if i let it pick the CRTC, it does unmap both of them before remapping VGA1 to CRTC 0x3f23:10
RAOFxrandr does?  What's the full call?23:10
brycehchrisccoulson, is this for reports that are being generated from a crash, or just for when a user wishes to intentionally file a bug?23:11
chrisccoulsonbryceh, it would just be for people who want to report a bug23:11
broderRAOF: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/706376/23:12
broderthat's from xrandr --output LVDS1 --off --output VGA1 --auto23:12
chrisccoulsonwe'll probably ask if the bug they are reporting is related to memory usage, and then attach the memory reporters to the bug report23:12
chrisccoulsonas we'd ask for that straight away anyway23:12
brycehchrisccoulson, what I might do is instead of generating the dump inside firefox and passing it, to instead provide a mechanism to request the memory dump generally, and then have the apport hook request it23:13
chrisccoulsoni guess that's another way we could do it23:13
brycehof course that's probably not feasible from a security point of view...23:13
brycehbut that's the analog to what we're doing with the intel gpu hook, just that we're snagging it via sysfs23:14
chrisccoulsonbryceh, well, it would be fairly trivial. extensions can add command line handlers, so i could add a handler to ubufox (ie, --dump-memory, or something like that), which outputs the information we want23:14
brycehchrisccoulson, you could also consider just writing it out to the filesystem and have the hook scan for files at that location23:14
broderRAOF: also, after running that, if i then do xrandr --output VGA1 --crtc 0x3f --auto (which should be the problematic one), it's fine23:15
RAOFbroder: So both those xrandr calls work correctly?23:16
broderthey seem to23:16
RAOFHm.  I wonder if it's timestamps being weird...23:19
broderalso weird: if i put it into the broken state, then run xrandr --output VGA1 --crtc 0x3f --auto (which should be a no-op), it fixes things23:19
broderwait...dangit. i might have my crtcs backwards23:21
broderthe crtc numbers are stable for the lifetime of the X server, right?23:22
broderOk. I got my CRTCs confused. If I break things with gnome-display-properties, I can't unbreak it with xrandr --output VGA1 --crtc 0x40 --auto, which is unsurprising, given that it *should* be a no-op23:25
RAOFSo, crtc_assignment_apply gets passed a RANDR timestamp.  It then proceeds to turn off all the CRTCs, then turn the appropriate ones back on, passing the original timestamp.  Doesn't the configuration change at the "disable everything" step break that timestamp?23:29
broderxrandr(1) does the same thing23:30
RAOFYes, but xrandr passes ServerTime as the timestamp.23:31
RAOFWhich is *always* current.23:31
broderoh timestamp, not config timestamp23:31
broderif that was happening..then turning off LVDS1 would be the only change taking effect23:32
broderand VGA1 would still be running at x=(width of LVDS1) y=023:32
broderbut it would also be equivalent to "xrandr --output LVDS1 --off", because all that does is disconnect the CRTC23:33
broderoh no, because xrandr manages to get the SetScreenSize call in23:33
RAOFAnd my g-s-d traces all show Success as the reply to SetCrtcConfig.23:35
broderhmm, also true23:36
RAOFHm... Unless what happens is - g-s-d sets crtc 0 to off, invalidating timestamp for crtc 0, then sets crtc 1 to off, invalidating timestamp for crtc 1, then tries to set crtc 0 to drive VGA, whereupon the server silently refuses to set the mode with invalid timestamp?  Seems unlikely.23:42
RAOFThis sounds like a job for Empirical Testing?.23:43
broderworking on some test code now23:45
broderok, if i just disable CRTC 0x3f, it...just disables that display23:52
RAOFBah!  Why does my laptop no longer reproduce this?!23:53
broderi think you might be right about it being timestamp-related23:58

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