
jacknixhola, all02:17
jacknixanyone using puppy?02:17
=== Martyn^ is now known as Martyn
head_victimEvening all, Asia/Oceania Membership meeting coming up09:57
ashickur-noorHello there10:03
ashickur-nooris Asia and Oceania regional approval board started?10:03
head_victimashickur-noor: I've arrived, awaiting other members for now10:04
head_victimDestine, persia, ejat, elky, lifeless, freeflying - ping :)10:06
Destinehead_victim, ready~10:07
head_victimCool, that's 2 of us, need another 2 for quorum.10:07
head_victimOk, that's 3, down to one needed :)10:09
elkyhead_victim, hi10:13
head_victimCool, so that's quorum.10:13
head_victimYay a fifth, any volunteers for chair?10:15
elkyI'm a bit distracted, so best someone else does it10:15
head_victimOk I can start it then :)10:16
meetingologyMeeting started Tue Oct 11 10:16:29 2011 UTC.  The chair is head_victim. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AlanBell/mootbot.10:16
meetingologyAvailable commands: #accept #accepted #action #agree #agreed #chair #commands #endmeeting #endvote #halp #help #idea #info #link #lurk #meetingname #meetingtopic #nick #progress #rejected #replay #restrictlogs #save #startmeeting #subtopic #topic #unchair #undo #unlurk #vote #voters #votesrequired10:16
head_victim#link https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Membership/RegionalBoards/AsiaOceania10:16
head_victimashickur-noor: how about you give us a brief introduction while people have a few minutes to read over your application10:17
Destinehead_victim, oh, he is timed out.10:17
head_victimWell that's a good start10:17
head_victimWe should all read over the application now anyway, they're bound to reconnect in a couple of minutes.10:18
Destinehead_victim, already read.10:18
head_victimWell another topic I wanted to bring up was the scheduling of the meetings. Most other boards tend to meet monthly and with the current number of applicants I don't think that's too bad an idea.10:19
elkyi like the idea of monthly10:20
Destinehead_victim, agreed. However, I think it can be flexible. We can arrange extra meetings if we have a lot of applicants.10:20
head_victimIf we start getting large numbers of applicants we can't get through we could easily go back to twice a month if the need arisings10:20
head_victimDestine: exactly what I was thinking :)10:21
DestineI do hope we can have more applicants. I wish we can be a little bit busy really.10:21
head_victimI saw a blog on the planet encouraging membership recently actually. It's probably somethign we could all assist with. I'm sure we all know people who are suited to becoming Ubuntu members that aren't10:23
freeflyingDestine: I bet if we speak Chinese, applicants will flood in :)10:23
Destinefreeflying, I guess so. :)10:23
head_victimI'm sure there is a Ubuntu member int he Chinese team that would be willing to assist with the translations10:24
head_victimAnd of course as long as the application is in early enough there is always google translate10:24
freeflyinghead_victim: but still language is a gap :)10:24
ejatstill not rejoin ?10:24
head_victimejat: apparently not :/10:25
Destinefreeflying, sure. Encourage them to learn English then.10:25
* Destine call for ashickur...10:25
head_victimSo are we comfortable on reaching consensus on making the meeting monthly?10:26
Destinehead_victim, +110:26
head_victimOk well when writing up the next meeting times I'll post it for the second Tuesday of next month10:27
head_victimAshickur appears to have dropped offline10:28
head_victim#Agreed Change meetings to monthly for now, revisit if applications pick up to the point of not getting through them in a meeting10:28
head_victimAnyone willing to email ashickur to get them to follow up next month?10:29
head_victim#action head_victim to email follow up to ashickur10:31
meetingologyACTION: head_victim to email follow up to ashickur10:31
head_victimAlright, anyone have any other business?10:31
Destinehead_victim, I guess he is back.10:33
Destineelky, ejat freeflying ping.10:34
Destinethe applicant is back.10:34
head_victimashickur-noor: can you give us a quick introduction, we were about to close off the meeting10:34
elkystill here10:34
ashickur-noorAbout me?10:35
head_victimashickur-noor: yep, a brief, 1 - 2 sentence rundown of your acitivities10:35
ashickur-noorCurrently am working as a moderator of Bengali Linux forum10:36
ashickur-noorand Another open Source Forum in Bangladesh10:36
ashickur-noorVolunteer of FOSS Bangladesh10:37
head_victimashickur-noor: thanks, I notice on your wiki page you mention 2 events recently. Were they Ubuntu centric and what was your level of involvement?10:37
ashickur-noorI was in charge of the Linux installation booth10:38
ashickur-nooron SFD 2011 Bangladesh10:39
elkyBut it wasn't Ubuntu specific?10:39
ashickur-noorOn Linux Day I was volunteer and ast. coordinator of International communications10:39
ashickur-noorYes I have installed Ubuntu about 5 laptops10:40
ashickur-noorAnd give support about 15 person10:40
ashickur-noorRegarding Ubuntu10:40
Destineashickur-noor, anything else? Like specific things in Ubuntu Bangladesh LoCo?10:41
ashickur-noorI was active on Ubuntu LoCo when it was lively10:41
ashickur-noorOur mailing list is active10:42
ashickur-noorAnd I am an active member of  this  list10:42
ashickur-noorI also give support in our Bengali forum regarding to Ubuntu10:42
ashickur-noorCurrently I am working on A Ubuntu Bengali guide10:43
head_victimOk, Ubuntu membership is for people providing sustained and significant contributions to the Ubuntu community.10:44
head_victimashickur-noor: is that translation of the official documentation or an offshoot?10:44
ashickur-noorIt is an offshoot10:44
ashickur-noorCoz I know what our fellow user want10:45
ashickur-noorAnd what trouble new user face to Use Ubuntu in First place10:45
head_victimOk, does anyone else have any questions?10:46
Destinehead_victim, nope.10:46
elkyhead_victim, nope10:47
=== Riddelll is now known as Riddell
head_victimWell we've gone and lost quorum :/10:49
Destinehead_victim, i am trying to reach freeflying.10:50
elkyi will try tweeting at ejat10:55
head_victimThanks, this shouldn't be this hard :/10:55
freeflyingsorry, qwas away10:56
elkyah there we go10:56
freeflyingno question for me10:56
head_victimOk so I'll start the vote, please only board members vote10:56
head_victim#vote on to accept ashickur-noor as a Ubuntu Member , reply with +1 for yes, -1 for no and +0 for abstaining10:57
meetingologyPlease vote on: on to accept ashickur-noor as a Ubuntu Member , reply with +1 for yes, -1 for no and +0 for abstaining10:57
meetingologyPublic votes can be registered by saying +1, +0 or -1 in channel, (private votes don't work yet, but when they do it will be by messaging the channel followed by +1/-1/+0 to me)10:57
meetingology+0 received from freeflying10:57
elky+0 Not enough work in the ubuntu community. I'd love to see you get the loco going again, i'm sure you can do that10:57
meetingology+0 Not enough work in the ubuntu community. I'd love to see you get the loco going again, i'm sure you can do that received from elky10:58
Destine+0 I am not quite sure about the contributions.10:58
meetingology+0 I am not quite sure about the contributions. received from Destine10:58
head_victim+0 I would like to see more Ubuntu specific involvement and possibly some testimonials from those who have seen your work as it relates to your application documentation.10:58
meetingology+0 I would like to see more Ubuntu specific involvement and possibly some testimonials from those who have seen your work as it relates to your application documentation. received from head_victim10:58
meetingologyVoting ended on: on to accept ashickur-noor as a Ubuntu Member , reply with +1 for yes, -1 for no and +0 for abstaining10:58
meetingologyVotes for:0 Votes against:0 Abstentions:410:58
meetingologyDeadlock, casting vote may be used10:58
elkyAlanBell, whaaaaa...10:58
AlanBellis that a bug?10:59
elkyAlanBell, where's the deadlock?10:59
elkydon't tell me we have to give negatives...10:59
AlanBellhmm, you have an equal number of +1 and -1 (zero of each)10:59
head_victimashickur-noor: while your contributions to FOSS in your local area appear to be growing which is good, the feedback seems to be that it might need to focus more on Ubuntu (or at least have some testimonials from those who assist in organising these events with backing up detail)11:00
elkyAlanBell, yeah, but this is still a valid vote.11:00
AlanBelllets discuss the voting logic after the meeting11:01
head_victimDoes anyone have any more specific feedback for ashickur-noor about his application?11:01
Destineashickur-noor, please make more contributions specificly to Ubuntu and come back to re-apply.11:02
elkyi think he's quite capable of getting the loco doing events and things. I'd love to see him back after more work focussed there11:03
head_victimOk, well I'll endmeeting if no one else has anything to say?11:03
elkyhe probably didn't even see the voting11:03
elkyyeah endmeeting11:03
Destinehead_victim, yup, timed out.11:04
Destineashickur-noor, oh, you are back.11:04
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendar | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology
meetingologyMeeting ended Tue Oct 11 11:04:18 2011 UTC.11:04
meetingologyMinutes:        http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-meeting/2011/ubuntu-meeting.2011-10-11-10.16.moin.txt11:04
ashickur-noorInternet connection Problem11:04
head_victimashickur-noor: see the link there titled "minutes", that is where the vote details will be, sorry was finished typing endmeeting when you popped back in11:04
ashickur-noorya I see that11:05
ashickur-noornow what will I do?11:05
ashickur-noorOur LoCo is totally dead11:05
head_victimEssentially the feedback seems to revolve around your current contributions don't seem to be overly related to Ubuntu (they might be but they're not documented as such) so the suggestion is toeither focus more on the Ubuntu side of things and document it as such and then come back and reapply :)11:05
head_victimashickur-noor: can you translate?11:06
head_victimIf you've organised FOSS events you can organise Ubuntu events.11:06
ashickur-noorI can11:06
head_victimOr even just lead up a Ubuntu section to a different FOSS event11:06
ashickur-noorI know11:06
lifelessI think I missed the meeting11:06
head_victimThe events you've posted may ahve been like that but without details or testimonials from other peol who were there we aren't able to determine that11:07
head_victimlifeless: just11:07
lifeless11pm + new baby == ETIMING11:07
elkylifeless, i saw the pics, she's *gorgeous*11:07
head_victimlifeless: we have resolved to meet monthly instead of twice monthly which will reduce the burden. The only proviso is that if we get more applications that we can't get through in a meeting we move back to twice a month.11:07
ashickur-noorBut our prevoius LoCo don't let me to organise such event11:08
elkyashickur-noor, what do you mean they don't let you?11:08
lifelesselky: thanks :)11:08
head_victimashickur-noor: well as long as you follow the CoC there's nothing really stopping you :)11:08
lifelesshead_victim: its not a burden so much as just thats when she is screaming her head off cause she has wind :)11:08
ashickur-noorThnx for advice11:09
=== dholbach_ is now known as dholbach
elkylifeless, did she get a bit jaundiced?11:10
head_victimashickur-noor: the bd team looks to have an active mailing list11:11
lifelesselky: yeah, bright yellow for a few days; didn't need the sunlam though (but got to about 95% of the way there11:11
head_victimI'd suggest trying to join in there and spark some more inovolvement. If you're having problems running events because you're being told not to then I'd suggest raising that in #ubuntu-locoteams as no loco should ever discourage users from running events without good reason11:12
head_victimI will write up the meeting and email the team in the next day or two if no one beats me to it.11:12
head_victimAnd on that note, I have to run for some domestic duties of my own11:12
elkylifeless, eep. glad she's ok. sick babies are heartbreaking11:12
ashickur-noorI don't know how much I can contribute to my Ubuntu LoCo11:12
lifelesselky: shes terribly healthy11:12
elkyashickur-noor, feel free to ask advice in #ubuntu-locoteams :)11:12
elkylifeless, well the yellowness bit is what i meant11:13
lifelesselky: 4140g now, growing steadily about 30g a day11:13
ashickur-noorI will contribute to my Local Ubuntu user as long I live11:13
lifelesselky: a huge fraction of babies get that; we didn't worry at all11:13
ashickur-noorThanks for your support11:13
Destineashickur-noor, hey, take it easy. Be comfortable.11:13
lifelesselky: its not like adult jaundice11:13
elkylifeless, ah11:13
lifelesselky: (you probably know this :P)11:13
elkydidn't actually no11:13
head_victimashickur-noor: no problems, we're here to help as well as vote :) Feel free to ask advice if you come across problems11:13
ashickur-noorI need to active our LoCo11:14
lifelesselky: ^11:14
ashickur-noorI am trying it for few months11:14
lifelesselky: handover from placenta to liver of bilirubin recycling11:14
ashickur-noorBut no Luck11:14
lifelesselky: vs adult jaundice where the liver is failing (or similar)11:15
ashickur-noorSo I have decided I will11:15
elkyashickur-noor, always feel welcome to ask advice of people who are succeeding at it elsewhere11:15
ashickur-noorwork as I work for my fellow Users11:15
ashickur-noorThnkx for your advice11:15
Destineashickur-noor, come here and we can discuss about the problems you encounter.11:15
ashickur-noorI need to sign off11:16
elkyWell not here here.11:16
elkybut ask us or in #ubuntu-locoteams11:16
elkyHave a good night, ashickur-noor11:16
Destineashickur-noor, yup, irc channel.11:16
elkylifeless, ah. makes sense11:16
ashickur-noorBye every body11:16
Destineashickur-noor, good luck.11:16
ashickur-noorI need to attend the opening ceremony of Our FOSS Bangladesh forum11:16
ashickur-noorThnx again11:16
Destineelky, I somehow feel a little bit sorry for this.11:17
elkyDestine, don't. He'll be fine11:18
Destineelky, ok, guess I am not quite experienced yet.11:19
elkyDestine, that's ok. *hugs*11:19
Destineelky, thanks, elky. You are always here.11:20
elkyi need to go to bed now, so g'nite :)11:20
serfussomething i'm not certain about is how would one know when to apply for membership after rejected11:21
Destineelky, good night. :)11:21
AlanBellnight elky11:21
AlanBellanyone want to discuss voting logic for deadlocks?11:21
* Destine listening.11:21
AlanBellso at the moment if the sum of all votes is zero it declares a deadlock11:22
AlanBellsome councils have a leader who has a casting vote, notably sabdfl on technical board and community council11:23
AlanBellif you specify a non zero value using #votesrequired then it won't deadlock11:24
AlanBellso you can do #votesrequired 211:24
AlanBellthen if the sum is 1 the vote fails, if the sum is 2 the vote passes, no deadlock11:24
DestineAlanBell, what about we set #votesrequired 1?11:25
AlanBellwhat is the rule for the membership board? how many votes are needed?11:25
AlanBellDestine: that would probably have the desired result11:25
AlanBell0 would be a fail, 1 or above would be a pass11:26
DestineAlanBell, yes.11:26
AlanBellI should update the documentation with that suggestion I think11:27
AlanBellelky: "#votesrequired 1" before the vote would set it up right I think11:28
DestineAlanBell, she is going to bed now.11:28
AlanBellyeah, but she will see that in the morning11:30
DestineAlanBell, I see.11:31
head_victimAlanBell: so instead of logging the #vote command you log a #votesrequired N ? Or do you do one than the other?11:44
head_victimserfus: if you're rejected on your first application there's no reason you can't reapply at any stage you feel you're ready again.11:45
AlanBellhead_victim: one then the other11:46
head_victimOk so #votesrequired N and then on a separate line #vote11:47
head_victimThat sounds pretty good actually, just got to remember it :)11:47
AlanBell#startmeeting voting test11:47
meetingologyMeeting started Tue Oct 11 11:47:28 2011 UTC.  The chair is AlanBell. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AlanBell/mootbot.11:47
meetingologyAvailable commands: #accept #accepted #action #agree #agreed #chair #commands #endmeeting #endvote #halp #help #idea #info #link #lurk #meetingname #meetingtopic #nick #progress #rejected #replay #restrictlogs #save #startmeeting #subtopic #topic #unchair #undo #unlurk #vote #voters #votesrequired11:47
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendar | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology | voting test Meeting | Current topic:
AlanBell#votesrequired 111:47
meetingologyvotes now need 1 to be passed11:47
head_victimAh yeah doesn't register with just the votes required11:47
AlanBell#vote voting rules are awesome11:48
meetingologyPlease vote on: voting rules are awesome11:48
meetingologyPublic votes can be registered by saying +1, +0 or -1 in channel, (private votes don't work yet, but when they do it will be by messaging the channel followed by +1/-1/+0 to me)11:48
meetingology+1 received from AlanBell11:48
AlanBell#voters AlanBell head_victim11:48
meetingologyCurrent voters: AlanBell head_victim11:48
AlanBellnow nobody else can vote11:48
AlanBellso for membership meetings you can stop random passers by and supporters from voting11:49
meetingology+0 received from AlanBell11:49
AlanBellI can change my vote until the vote closes11:49
meetingologyVoting ended on: voting rules are awesome11:49
meetingologyVotes for:0 Votes against:0 Abstentions:111:49
meetingologyMotion denied11:49
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendar | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology
meetingologyMeeting ended Tue Oct 11 11:49:38 2011 UTC.11:49
meetingologyMinutes:        http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-meeting/2011/ubuntu-meeting.2011-10-11-11.47.moin.txt11:49
AlanBelland #endmeeting calls #endvote before it closes the meeting so you can see that the motion was denied with 1 absention11:50
head_victimYour bot is quite flexible11:50
AlanBell:) I wanted to cover all the different voting rules we have kicking about11:51
head_victimAlanBell: just need a degree to drive the bot ;)11:58
* AlanBell awards head_victim a PhB11:59
head_victimAlanBell: that's two grades better than a PhD!12:15
serfushead_victim, what i'm actually asking is how would i know when i'm ready again12:21
serfusafter all, i did apply only because i thought i was member worthy12:21
head_victimserfus: ask for some feedback :) I wasn't sure if you were asking for yourself or not so didn't want to assume. Basically when you applied the first time did you receive any feedback as to what areas might have needed some attention?12:22
serfusnot something specific enough as i recall12:22
serfusevery one gave me 0, and said i do contribute, just not enough or something similar12:23
head_victimOk, I find a lot of the time people think they're doing enough and aren't approved is their documentation may be a bit on the low side, do you have a link to your wiki page?12:24
serfusyup, but i didn't updated it since12:24
serfusin your opinion, testimonials of non ubuntu member counts?12:25
head_victimDepends on what they're testifying to12:25
serfusbecause my main activity is within my loco12:25
serfuswhere not many are ubuntu members but are active within the loco12:26
head_victimHmm the wiki is being really slow for some reason12:26
serfusthe wiki is always slow :P12:27
head_victimOk, well as long as they're providing details about specifics that should be ok. Testimonials like "they're a great person" don't really help though. Sorry still waiting on the wiki12:27
head_victimOk, where you mention moderating forums, maybe provide a link to your account so we can see your post count12:28
head_victimPerhaps a link to the mailing list as well so we can get an idea about how much activity there is12:28
serfusalright, so more specific details?12:29
serfusi find it hard to show that i'm really the central man of the israeli loco12:30
serfusarr... it sounds really snobish12:30
head_victimYeah, in an ideal world each board member will pore over each application for all the specific details that they can squeeze out of them. In the real world sometimes they might spend not as much time so the more obvious it is the easier it is (if that makes sense)12:30
head_victimIt's not snobish. I'm the loco contact for my loco as well :)12:30
serfusbut i'm doing much more the contacting de facto12:30
head_victimOk, so are you running events? Release parties and the like?12:31
serfusi did, and another one coming this month :)12:31
head_victimOk, well they are great examples. I'd write somethign along the lines of "organised 2 release parties in my loco" and then link to the loco.u.c events that have been created with details of the day12:32
head_victimFrom the wiki - Membership of the Ubuntu community means recognition of a significant and sustained contribution to Ubuntu and the Ubuntu community.12:33
head_victimSo organising events in your local community is making contributions to the community.12:33
serfusokay, i think i got your points... many things to do :)12:34
head_victimYou'll probably find you're doing enough, just not producing the details for the board to see.12:34
serfusincluding getting the loco approved12:35
serfusthanks allot head_victim, this chat was helpful12:35
head_victimIf you're running multiple events, translating on launchpad regularly and supporting the loco well they're all really good things :)12:35
head_victim(that's basically what I do!)12:35
=== Zic_ is now known as Zic
serfushaha so i have a future here you say12:37
head_victimEveryone has a future with Ubuntu, that's the best part about it12:37
head_victimYou're only limited by the time you have spare to contribute.12:38
serfuswhich unfortunately is never enough12:38
head_victimIt never feels enough, but you ahve to remember, if you over commit you're going to burn out really quick. Everyone has to decide what level of commitment they make that suits them.12:39
serfusi do have 2 weeks off school and work, so i hope to achieve some of the things i wanted but never got to12:40
head_victimSo I have to head off as it's nearly 11pm here and I have to be up early. But if you're ever wanting to ask questions feel free to ping me on any channel I'm in (I hang around a few) or feel free to ask away in #ubuntu-community where there are heaps of people willing to help12:40
serfusmany many thanks head_victim12:41
serfushave a good night12:41
head_victimYou to mate, and you're welcome12:41
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bil21alhelo last night i run the system test and i finished it..the system asked my launchpad email adress and than it vanished..i want to ask that where is my report gone ???15:47
=== fader_ is now known as fader
zuli think Spamaps is suppose to be running this today16:01
jamespagehi all16:02
hallyn_jamespage: congrats :)16:02
jamespagethanks hallyn_!16:03
hallyn_zul: do you mind just taking this week?16:06
zulhallyn_: sure16:06
zulSpamaps owes me beers16:06
hallyn_zul: do you mind adding Ursinha to the list when you update the meeting page?16:07
meetingologyMeeting started Tue Oct 11 16:07:23 2011 UTC.  The chair is zul. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AlanBell/mootbot.16:07
meetingologyAvailable commands: #accept #accepted #action #agree #agreed #chair #commands #endmeeting #endvote #halp #help #idea #info #link #lurk #meetingname #meetingtopic #nick #progress #rejected #replay #restrictlogs #save #startmeeting #subtopic #topic #unchair #undo #unlurk #vote #voters #votesrequired16:07
hallyn_i forgot last week16:07
zulwelcome to the last oneiric before release16:07
zulhallyn_: ack16:07
zulshe can do it next week ;)16:07
zulso lets get started16:07
zul[action] Review ACTION points from previous meeting16:08
meetingologyACTION: Review ACTION points from previous meeting16:08
UrsinhaI thought I was there already :)16:08
zulso it says here hggdh and Spamaps to discusss SRU verification work16:08
zulhas this been done?16:08
zulim assuming no because Spamaps was in boston last week16:09
zulok then16:09
hallyn_hggdh was going to test within the hour last week16:09
hallyn_hggdh: ^16:09
zulhggdh well come back16:09
zuljamespage to follow up with jhunt on udev/lvm bugs16:10
jamespagefollowed up16:10
jamespagethings appear to have improved with some of the udev changes made since last week16:10
zulcool beans16:10
jamespagebut I think there is one issue still outstanding16:10
hallyn_for udev, yes16:10
hallyn_lvm still has problem16:10
zullooks like an SRU16:10
zularchive is in lock down unless if it gets fixed pretty soon16:11
smoserit'd be useful to say which bugs we're talking about16:11
zulbug 80149416:11
ubottuLaunchpad bug 801494 in Ubuntu "Multi part LVM layout: system fails to boot due to missing volumes" [High,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/80149416:11
zulthats the one16:11
zulaccording to the agenda16:11
hallyn_bug 81817716:12
ubottuLaunchpad bug 818177 in udev (Ubuntu Precise) "boot failures because 'udevadm exit' times out while udevd waits for an already-dead thread" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/81817716:12
zulyay i heard people whining about that one :)16:13
zulalso previous meetings:16:13
zulsmoser, utlemming and smb to follow up on Bug 85405016:14
zulutlemming to figure out qemu image situation (carry-over)16:14
zulDaviey to talk to ttx and keystone honcho for guidance about oneiric package16:14
ubottuLaunchpad bug 854050 in linux (Ubuntu) "BUG at /build/buildd/linux-2.6.38/mm/swapfile.c:255" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/85405016:14
zulis any of that done as well? ^^^16:14
zulif not ill move on16:14
utlemmingyes, the images are good16:14
zul#topic Oneiric Development16:15
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Oneiric Development
smoserwhat does "images are good" mean?16:15
hggdhI am back16:15
utlemmingsmoser: the arm images boot inside qemu16:15
DavieyHey chaps16:15
DavieyI am here...16:15
utlemmingthey were fixed by the updated kerenl16:15
Davieywe are looking pretty good16:15
smoseroh. so in regard to bug 854050. why did we just jump past that i wonder.16:15
ubottuLaunchpad bug 854050 in linux (Ubuntu) "BUG at /build/buildd/linux-2.6.38/mm/swapfile.c:255" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/85405016:15
DavieyCurrently in a real life meeting, makign it hard for me to be here.16:15
smoseri hvae no status on that. but people have tested smb's kernels and they appear good.16:15
zulcool...so oneiric is being released this week so we need help ISO testing so Im thinking people should be ISO testing when its available.16:17
zul#topic Ubuntu Server Team Events16:17
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Server Team Events
DavieyLondon Release Party this thursday.16:17
zullast week was the ODS and Conference a bunch of people were there16:17
Daviey<-- will be there16:17
zulUDS at the end of the month16:17
zuli wont be at any release party because Ottawa is lame16:18
zulany other events?16:18
zuli think i mentioned the big ones16:18
zul#topic Weekly Updates & Questions for the QA Team (hggdh)16:18
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Weekly Updates & Questions for the QA Team (hggdh)
zulhi hggdh16:18
zulany updates?16:19
hggdhrelating to the squid bug -- spamaps was unavailable last week; I tried it, and I do not get a fsck running on restart16:19
hggdhI still get a /var busy, remounted RO16:19
zulinteresting i might poke it today as well16:20
zulany else?16:20
hggdhso I need to checkpoint with Clint, and find out what gives16:20
hggdhthis week, unsurprisingly, is release week16:20
hggdhwe need all help possible to QA all images -- server and otherwise16:20
hggdha final note16:21
hggdhjamespage and I are working on getting the EC2 tests passed over to QA16:21
Davieyhggdh: when will you have the results?16:21
hggdhDaviey: which results?16:22
Davieyhggdh: EC2.16:22
hggdhDaviey: I am sure this will not be completely done solely by me this week, I am still working on understanding all, and we will need some changes on AWS accounts16:23
hggdhbut hopefully, soon16:23
zul#topic Weekly Updates & Questions for the Kernel Team (smb)16:23
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Weekly Updates & Questions for the Kernel Team (smb)
jamespageDaviey: hggdh and I will kickoff the ec2 tests when we get the nod on the RC images16:23
zulhi smb16:23
Davieyjamespage: rocking..16:23
shatteredI have a Q re: bug 79457016:24
ubottuLaunchpad bug 794570 in linux (Ubuntu Lucid) "igbvf driver is missing from virtual-flavored kernel" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/79457016:24
Davieysmb will not be here for this section16:24
shatteredshould be easy to fix16:24
zulshattered: you will want to talk to smb after the meeting16:25
zul#topic Weekly Updates & Questions regarding Ubuntu ARM Server (NCommander)16:25
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Weekly Updates & Questions regarding Ubuntu ARM Server (NCommander)
zulNcommander around?16:25
NCommander(lagging slightly, but I'm here)16:25
zulany update?16:25
NCommanderARM server is looking good and solid for release. No major bugs to report (although there is aknown issue with guided partitioning during netboot installs on omap3/4)16:26
smosershattered, feel free to ping me in #ubuntu-server, or #ubuntu-kernel and we'll ping smb together if you're interested in some help doing so.16:26
shatteredI have a bunch of other bugs16:26
zulNCommander: cool16:26
zulany questions for NCommander16:27
zulok moving on16:27
zul#topic Weekly Updates & Questions from the Ubuntu Community16:27
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Weekly Updates & Questions from the Ubuntu Community
shatteredthat's me16:28
zulim just going to combine this with the Open Discussion part as well16:28
zulhi shattered16:28
shatteredhow about bug 51757416:28
ubottuLaunchpad bug 517574 in net-snmp (Ubuntu) "Please backport agent/mibgroup/host/hr_swrun.c to 5.4.1" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/51757416:28
zulshattered: ill take a nother look at it soon16:28
zulanything else?16:29
shatteredbug 31576316:29
ubottuLaunchpad bug 315763 in initramfs-tools (Ubuntu) "netboot: aic94xx sequencer firmware is missing from initrd.gz" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/31576316:29
shatteredI'm not sure it's assigned to the right package16:29
zulshattered: as smoser said take it to #ubuntu-server after the meeting16:30
zulso is anyone else going to a release party other than Daviey16:30
smoserzul, but that was a different bug he was asking about16:30
zulsmoser: still i think it would be more beneficial to discuss it on #ubuntu-server after the meeting16:31
smoseryeah, the point of this meeting is only to list topics, not to discuss anything...16:32
zulim glad you agree :)16:32
zulif anyone doesnt have anything else then im going to end the meeting16:33
zulthanks for coming16:33
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendar | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology
meetingologyMeeting ended Tue Oct 11 16:33:46 2011 UTC.16:33
meetingologyMinutes:        http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-meeting/2011/ubuntu-meeting.2011-10-11-16.07.moin.txt16:33
shatteredok then, I'll ask in a hour or so (afk)16:34
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