
=== almaisan-away is now known as al-maisan
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dholbachgood morning07:07
philipballewmorning dholbach how goes your morning?07:08
ajmitchmorning dholbach07:08
dholbachhey philipballew, hey ajmitch07:09
dholbachhow are you doing?07:09
dholbachjust having my first coffee and listening to a mixtape I did last night :)07:09
* ajmitch just got home, but fine07:09
=== almaisan-away is now known as al-maisan
philipballewPretty swell dholbach , trying to attempt to do CS homework at 12 am, but the music in my headphones is winning. what type of music you make?07:10
dholbachoh, good luck with your homework then!07:11
dholbachI uploaded a few mixes to http://www.mixcloud.com/dholbach/ - but the one I did last night wasn't good enough it sounds :)07:11
philipballewyeah! its trying to learn assembly language07:11
philipballewthis sounds good!07:11
dholbachI'm into mixing Drum'n'Bass music, Dubstep, Breaks and other stuff, but generally I like almost all kinds of music07:12
philipballewwell, im off to go for a late night bike ride to meet up with people. ttyl!07:12
philipballewill set this as a favorite, and listen to it all soon07:13
* dholbach hugs philipballew07:13
dholbachhave a great rest of your day :)07:13
* philipballew embraces the warmth. 07:13
philipballewtake care dude!07:13
* ajmitch tries to decide what productive things to do this evening07:15
RAOFajmitch: Work on a Do bug!07:16
micahgajmitch: sponsor random stuff in the queue before final unseeded freeze?07:16
ajmitchthere's a bit in there at the moment?07:17
micahgI'm trying to get seamonkey updated at the last minute again07:19
ajmitchhow long does that take to build these days?07:19
micahgidk, I think an hour now?07:19
ajmitchnot nearly as bad as I thought07:20
geserajmitch: update to oneiric and file upgrade bugs07:20
micahgshould be comparable to thunderbird + 25%07:20
ajmitchgeser: already upgraded, checked that bugs were filed for things that I came across07:20
ajmitchproblem is, I didn't do things the normal way, but just with upgrading a few packages at a time with apt-get07:21
* Rhonda loves bugs that come in rather at the end of the development …08:09
RhondaCan someone please give me their opinion on Bug #694665 (see my comment), I'm uncertain what to do.08:17
ubottuLaunchpad bug 694665 in wesnoth-1.8 (Ubuntu) "Square blocks shown instead of translated strings in some areas (when language is set to marathi)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/69466508:17
ZhenechRhonda, are there different fonts used in the two dialogs?08:23
RhondaWell, it would require a font to support that indic language, and a font renderer capable to render that script.08:24
RhondaThe latter probably is the issue here which upstream doubts to be easy.  For the former, different fonts are already used, like for chinese.08:25
ZhenechRhonda, ah, ok08:30
ZhenechRhonda, I wonder why chinese etc render fine at that point08:30
Zhenechbut yes, disabling the font if it breaks the playflow is maybe better08:30
RhondaBecause it's "just" a font.08:30
RhondaIt doesn't require funny stuff with the script, like merging letters above, below, left and right and stuff.08:31
RhondaFont rendering is … strange, especially in indian countries.08:31
Rhonda"<Espreon> The policy is that all of course must first be translated before a new font gets shipped."08:34
leniosi'm having some issues... pbuilder create works when building i386 base, but when i'm building amd64 base, it tries to get i386 Packages from my local mirror, and fails because it's an amd64 only mirror. any advice how to disable i386 when building amd64 base?08:51
lenioshere's my pbuilderrc if anyone's interested http://pastebin.com/u4GM2NPu08:52
tumbleweedlenios: hrm, probably multiarch. We should make pbuilder-dist and mk-sbuild disable it...09:03
leniosiirc, it was working a few days ago09:04
micahgtumbleweed: maybe there should be an option to disable, but that shouldn't be the default09:04
leniospbuilder actually creates amd64 base.tgz, and then fails when trying to update it09:04
tumbleweedmicahg: I thought we wanted the architectures to be entirely self-hosted?09:05
micahgtumbleweed: the default in oneiric is to have i386 and amd64 sources on amd6409:05
tumbleweedmicahg: I know, and I'm thinking that's not appropriate for package building09:06
micahgwhy not?  wine does some crazy stuff..09:06
leniosyou don't need i386 binaries when building amd64 packages09:07
tumbleweedhrm, that's probably true :)09:07
micahglenios: you could depending on the situation, the question is what are our buildds doing ATM09:07
tumbleweedmicahg: yeah, just checked. They have it enabled too09:08
leniosso it's multiarch and there's no way to disable it?09:10
micahgyou can disable it, but it no longer guarantees that you can build everything in the archive09:11
leniosi just want to create a base.tgz at the moment09:11
tumbleweedto disable, make pbuilder delete /etc/dpkg/dpkg.cfg.d/multiarch before creating the base.tgz (you'll have to change pbuilder)09:13
lenioschange pbuilder?09:14
tumbleweedyip. Or just use a different mirror, and fix it up afterwards with pubilder login09:15
leniosi have separate mirrors for i386 and amd64 with different url09:15
leniostried to add my i386 mirror, but it still tries to get i386 from my amd64 mirror09:16
micahglenios: use a URL rewrite on your amd64 mirror?09:16
micahgI assume this is for local consumption only...09:17
tumbleweedlenios: you can limit an apt sources line to a single archiceture with [arch=i386] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MultiarchSpec#apt_sources09:17
leniostumbleweed, i tried but it didn't work09:17
lenioswell, it's working on my system, just can't get it to work with pbuilder09:18
tumbleweedlenios: obviously that'll only work once you already hvae a pbuilder image that you created with another mirror09:18
Laneygoooooooooooooood morning09:22
RhondaZhenech, all: got an upstream comment in Bug #694665 and now wonder if that would be possible to get into oneiric still. The gain is practically little because as can be seen on http://gettext.wesnoth.org/ the translation is very little.09:28
ubottuLaunchpad bug 694665 in wesnoth-1.8 (Ubuntu) "Square blocks shown instead of translated strings in some areas (when language is set to marathi)" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/69466509:28
tumbleweedthere's a bunch of stuff in the sponsor queue that could really use attention09:39
Laneyi will upload cairo-dock09:47
Laneysomeone else can take guichan with the nasty diff09:47
nigelbheh, I didn't know Laney had an evil laugh :)09:49
Laneyi try!09:52
Laneyyeah good job i reviewed plug-ins10:08
Laneyborked mono build10:08
ZhenechRhonda, imho translation of <50% is worthless, but YMMV etc :)10:14
RhondaZhenech: Me too, but I don't want to "disable" them hard because someone might still be interested. If it can't get displayed that's something different though …10:23
RhondaAnd if the <50% are 100% of the core po file (but no campaigns) it's still more than useful10:24
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tumbleweedLaney: I think the guichan change is reasonable, but I tested two rdepends in the archive and they seem fine. I'm happy to leave it for precice12:22
Laneyit seemed pretty bad12:22
Laneyget it in quickly before I change the topic12:23
LaneyI just didn't like all of the noise in the diff12:23
tumbleweedLaney: uploaded12:32
=== Laney changed the topic of #ubuntu-motu to: Oneiric: Closed — get preparing SRUs! | Want to get involved with the MOTU? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Contributing | Sponsor queue: http://bit.ly/fz6AyQ | http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs | http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/NBS | http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/bugs/rcbugs/
Laney(/me peeks at nigelb)12:33
nigelbLaney: hehe12:35
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=== dholbach_ is now known as dholbach
=== al-maisan is now known as almaisan-away
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dholbachthanks Laney for the stats :)15:21
dholbachI'll reuse them for my weekly dev update blog post :)15:21
Laneyheh heh15:22
LaneyI thought they were fun15:22
dholbachyeah :)15:35
tumbleweedif anyone else finds this handy... http://corelli.tumbleweed.org.za/ubuntu-qa/specs-by-date/17:01
tumbleweednigelb: can you add something like ^ to summit?17:20
=== med_out is now known as medberry
bbigras__Since Tomboy is shipped by defaults, isn't bug 842278 a release blocker or something?17:52
ubottuLaunchpad bug 842278 in tomboy (Ubuntu) "Cannot save online sync preferences in Tomboy on Ubuntu 11.10 beta 1" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84227817:52
brodertumbleweed: +117:53
brodertumbleweed: think you can make it spit out an RSS feed? :)17:53
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tumbleweedbroder: is atom not enough?19:54
brodertumbleweed: oh! i...totally missed that it was there19:55
tumbleweedheh, added it during a LUG talk this evening19:55
tumbleweeddoesn't have the synopsis, though, that would require adding launchpadlib queries19:55
=== Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan
broderor screen scraping :)19:57
tumbleweedI think one can get that out of lp api these days. Just notthing sprint related. That comes from a magic xml file, that exists for summit19:58
=== SanbarCo1puting is now known as SanbarComputing
pmjdebruijnmicahg: I used quickproxy as an example, worked just great for me20:27
pmjdebruijnthough I'm wondering how it to active something by default for all users on for example a live cd20:27
micahgpmjdebruijn: sorry, I don't remember the question20:30
pmjdebruijnmicahg: packaging xpi files, you replied with mozilla-devscripts :D20:31
Laneytumbleweed: broder will you be in orlando?20:31
micahgpmjdebruijn: ah, ok, for a live env, you would need to have the package installed in the live fs20:32
broderLaney: yep20:32
broderhoping to have more time this cycle to work on ubuntu stuff. work has been super busy for the last 6 months20:32
Laneyfun fun fun20:33
pmjdebruijnmicahg: yeah that's trivial, the plugin just pops up, it's not enabled by default20:33
Laneymaybe I'll get more than 10 minutes walk from the hotel this time ...20:33
QuintasanHmm, GCONF_DISABLE_MAKEFILE_SCHEMA_INSTALL=1 INSTALL_ROOT=$(CURDIR)/debian/tmp make  $(PARALLEL_MAKEFLAGS) install <-- any ideas how to do the same thing with dh7 override? GCONF_DISABLE_MAKEFILE_SCHEMA_INSTALL=1 $(overridden_command) doesn't work20:33
broderheh, yeah, that'd be nice too :)20:33
tumbleweedLaney: yeah, although I probably don't have the time20:37
Laneyhah, know that feeling20:37
=== chrisccoulson_ is now known as chrisccoulson
ScottKtumbleweed: You uploaded guichan and fwts to -release.  I think it's a bit late for that.  I'll reject so you can re-upload to proposed.21:21
Laneyit wasn't late at the time21:21
micahgright, was discussed here and on -release21:21
ScottKOK.  I wasn't around.21:21
ScottKDid someone say to accept them?21:21
Laneypitti was aware of it21:22
Laneydon't know what he planned to do21:22
ScottKLaney: If you say I should accept them for you now, I will.21:22
LaneyI think they should be, yes.21:22
Laneyif the builders are free and such21:22
ScottKThey aren't.21:22
Laneyppc looks like it might be a problem, but maybe scoring will help21:22
ScottKI'll accept them and you find someone to do the rescores.21:23
tumbleweedScottK, Laney: thanks21:34
achiangmicahg: ping, do you know what distroseries these packages are built for? http://ports.ubuntu.com/pool/universe/c/chromium-browser/22:44
achiangmicahg: ones that are labeled 10.04, 10.10 are obvious22:44
achiangmicahg: but what about chromium-browser_13.0.782.215~r97094-0ubuntu2_armel.deb e.g.?22:44
micahgachiang: rmadison chromium-browser should tell you now22:45
micahgachiang: I'll get chromium in oneiric fixed up, then try to get it finally SRUd, but might not happen until close to UDS22:46
achiangmicahg: ok, thanks22:49
achiangmicahg: thanks for the pointer to rmadison, hadn't heard of that tool before22:49
micahgachiang: yes, I think cjwatson got that working recently with ports22:50
achiangi love how the ethos of, "you're not the first one to have this problem" and usually someone smarter than me has already fixed the issue. :)22:50
nigelbtumbleweed: yes, please file a bug so we can get it done?23:02

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