
GrueMasterNo one minding the store?  Still looking for armel desktop images.  ETA?00:27
pittiGood morning04:14
pittinice, seems the auto-posting worked? except for ubuntu desktop04:15
ScottKMeh.  Details.04:16
ScottKHow many people care about that one?04:16
pittiGrueMaster: should be there now04:17
pittipost-qa 20111010.1 ubuntu/daily-live/oneiric-desktop-{i386,amd64,amd64+mac}04:18
pittifor some reason that doesn't error out, but doesn't do anything04:18
pittiposted manually04:19
pittierm, what? adding in the UI doesn't work either04:20
pittistgraber: help04:20
pittiI reenabled the images, but they have a wrong version (10, not 10.1)04:21
micahgI assume a seamonkey upload tonight is still fine in a few hours? (yes, I know it's close)05:06
slangasekmicahg: since it's in universe, yes05:08
slangasek(and since we're still before the "1.5 days before release" cutoff for unseeded)05:09
micahghopefully for P it will be actively maintained05:09
* cjwatson misses the bus and furthermore does not have the correct change. I may be a bit late to the office today05:44
* slangasek listens to a transformer explode in the distance05:46
* skaet will save a seat for cjwatson in the room05:48
cjwatson... mind you this taxi driver has made me want to take my glasses off, so maybe I won't be that late05:50
pittigood morning06:20
pitti.. cjwatson06:20
pitticjwatson: so you are back home?06:20
skaetpitti, hiya,  I believe cjwatson's on his way into Millbank right now.06:33
* skaet --> breakfast, biab06:37
stgraberpitti: good morning07:07
stgraberpitti: so what needs changing on the tracker?07:07
stgraber 6907 |         202 |        26 |  29315 | 20111010    | 2011-10-10 16:59:44 |      0 |                8 6904 |         202 |        26 |  29315 | 20111010.1  | 2011-10-10 16:59:16 |      3 |               1007:17
stgraberhmm, that didn't copy/paste well07:17
stgraberbasically the DB shows that Ubuntu Desktop i386 has been updated twice within 30s, once for 20111010 and once for 20111010.107:18
pittistgraber: the ubuntu deskto images ought to be 20111010.107:18
pittistgraber: but neither with post-qa nor with the web UI I'm able to change it07:19
stgraberyeah, that's because 20111010.1 is already in the DB07:20
stgraberpost-qa apparently posted it 30s before posting 20111010 over it07:20
pittistgraber: so this needs some DB hacking?07:22
stgraberyes, I'm on it07:22
stgraberok, should be good now07:23
pittistgraber: thanks07:24
pittiapparently thaht killed the existing results, but that's no biggie07:24
* pitti re-posts his results07:24
stgraberok, breakfast time, then running to Millbank07:25
* skaet heading in to millbank.07:35
stgraberwell, so much for breakfast, didn't feel like waiting half an hour to get in ;)07:39
cjwatsonstgraber: hm, that wasn't me as it happens, but maybe somebody else ran it by hand; the timestamps are such that I don't think those were automatic runs08:01
cjwatsonmaybe at some point I'll refactor the interface to make it more robust08:02
jamespagemorning all08:17
jamespageapologies for the late-ish upload of jenkins - I've been testing the fix locally for the last few days to make sure it was good08:18
jamespageif it could be accepted much appreciated08:18
pittijamespage: that doesn't seem to be on the server image, is it?08:18
infinityServer builds from main, so it can't be.08:18
jamespageno - its in universe08:18
infinityjamespage: Accepted.08:19
jamespageinfinity, thanks08:20
infinityslangasek: Does that initramfs-tools upload fix my garbled plymouth?08:22
* infinity might test in a bit.08:22
* pitti reserves ross for ^08:29
pittislangasek, cjwatson: above ubiquity fixes bug 872119, which isn't a showstopper, but a bit of a wart08:30
ubot4Launchpad bug 872119 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) ""Error occurred while copying the network settings" on bcmwl machine (affects: 2) (heat: 12)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/87211908:30
pittiskaet: ^08:30
cjwatsonyep, saw08:30
pittiwhat's your feeling, is that worth a respin?08:30
pitti(it's not limited to bcmwl)08:30
cjwatsonyes it is08:31
cjwatsonI mean yes it is worth it; I'll take care of it08:31
pittiyou'll drive the rebuilds?08:31
stgraberedubuntu-live should appear very soon including the exact same fix (that code was copy/pasted between the two)08:31
cjwatsonin between fighting with libdevel-bt-perl08:31
cjwatsonstgraber: already looking :)08:31
pittimade ubiquity/powerpc build jump the line all the way to the front, should start in a few mins08:32
infinityslangasek: That initramfs-tools did nothing for my corrupt plymouth.  But I might fiddle with that idea a bit later.08:34
ogra_i assume there will be another rebuild for the new ubiquity ?08:45
ogra_oh, i should read backlog and not only -changes mails :P08:45
infinityogra_: Ideally, yes. ;)08:59
micahgI hate to upload seamonkey like this, but I want to call it a night and the package works, also, it's not really any worse than it was before in terms of lintian unhappiness09:10
infinitymicahg: "Not any worse" is a ringing endorsement.09:26
micahgit's pretty bad, the last 2 cycles, I've uploaded at the last minute, so not much cleanup has happened...now we hopefully have someone to care for it09:27
cjwatsonI can't make libdevel-bt-perl work on current kernels.  Although it's built on amd64/armel/i386, that's only because those buildds are on old kernels.  Does anyone object if I remove the binaries on all architectures?09:34
pittizero rdepends, sounds fine to me09:35
cjwatsonto clarify, I can make it work, just not reliably :-/09:37
cjwatsonI think I have some async-signal-safety bug somewhere - it sporadically hangs09:37
micahgcan I get someone to reject the seamonkey upload?09:44
pittimicahg: sure, doing09:46
micahgok, seamonkey issue was a false alarm, would it be possible to have it reviewed and unrejected/accepted?10:17
pittiugh, 58 MB diff, reviewing that won't make too much sense..10:21
pittiI'll have a look at the debian/ parts10:21
micahgpitti: thanks, for upstream, we have the exception anyways10:21
chrisccoulsonmicahg, does seamonkey build with the official branding? the channel is set to "nightly" in the packaging still10:24
chrisccoulsonwhich should switch off official branding10:25
micahgchrisccoulson: yes, I don't think seamonkey has unofficial branding10:25
chrisccoulsonare we also not creating translations for seamonkey?10:25
micahgchrisccoulson: it's broke ATM and I wasn't going to spend time on it right now (not a regression)10:26
chrisccoulsonwhat's broken about it?10:26
micahgchrisccoulson: let's go back to -mozillateam10:26
micahgpitti: too late to leave rejected?, we're going to try one more time to get the locales to build if that's ok?10:31
pittimicahg: already accepted, sorry10:33
micahgpitti: ok, well, would you mind a second upload enabling translations then?10:33
pittimicahg: fine for me10:33
Laney^ both of those should be ok (pitti acked the exceptions), please accept10:33
Laneyreview debian/ if you like10:34
cjwatsonrespins in progress10:41
=== Riddelll is now known as Riddell
cjwatson... and started the preinstalled respins too, which I forgot11:04
cjwatson(but I forgot to set CDIMAGE_POST_QA=1 for those so I'll have to do it manually)11:04
ogra_thanks :)11:13
tumbleweedanyone on the server team seen https://code.launchpad.net/~gandelman-a/ubuntu/oneiric/cobbler/lp850880-850866/+merge/7890412:09
ScottKAren't we past the 1.5 day mark now?12:18
ScottKDoesn't seem that's a showstopper.12:18
pittioh, are we? will we release Thu morning?12:19
* tumbleweed assumed evening too12:19
Laney"unseeded universe12:21
Laneyfinal freeze will be on Oct. 11 at 1200 UTC. "12:21
Laneyfrom the mail12:21
pittiah, thanks12:21
pittiwe can't build anythign on powerpc right now anyway, unless we ask IS to kill the gcc-snapshot build (in an emergency)12:23
Laneythink we want to squeeze in one more universe upload12:24
Laneythen it will be done12:24
micahgpitti: seamonkey is killable...but it should be done soonish (30 min-1hr)12:24
pittibut seamonkey is release and also builds long, it must finish by tomorrow12:25
micahgah, true12:25
tumbleweed~4 hours left on gcc-snapshot going by the last build12:25
pittigcc shouldn't build for that long any more, though12:25
pittiso if we want fwts (can't hurt to have it), we could get it this evening12:26
Laneyfwts and guichan, that'll be it12:26
Laneyoh, I can't change the topic. Wanted to add the Unseeded Universe Final Freeze in there.12:37
Laney^ looks good after some heavy filtering12:48
slangasekinfinity: why is your plymouth garbled?  I don't see a bug report from you :)14:12
infinityslangasek: I'm not sure why mine is, and I don't care deeply right now.14:20
infinityslangasek: However, people using binary nvidia drivers (not me) seem to have an option between either "no X" or "no consoles".14:21
infinityslangasek: Daviey and davidm both have this issue.14:21
slangasekinfinity: as of when?14:21
infinityNot sure.  davidm only upgraded today.14:21
infinityAnd Daviey's had no consoles "for a long time" and never reported it.14:22
infinitySpecial, no>14:22
infinityslangasek: Basically, vesafb conflicts with nvidia, so the default failure mode is no X.  If you blacklist vesafb, you get X, but no consoles.  I'm trying to sort out a magical combination that might get both.14:22
slangasekinfinity: I have tested vesafb+nvidia here and saw no conflicts; and support for the vesafb fallback was landed back in natty14:23
slangasekso I need an actual bug report to go on14:23
infinityslangasek: I can file a bug on their behalf.  I'm not sure how that's more informative than the above. ;)14:24
infinityI'm also not entirely sure who or what to blame.14:24
infinity(ie: where to file)14:24
slangasekno, make them file it with ubuntu-bug so we get useful hardware info14:25
slangasekI don't want proxy bugs :P14:25
slangasekthey can file it on plymouth, that's what everybody else does ;)14:25
infinityI will encourage such bug filings in a few minutes when I give up trying to sort out how to hackishly fix davidm's consoles.14:27
slangasekinfinity: do the affected systems have cryptsetup installed?14:34
infinityslangasek: Yes, in davidm's case.  Not sure about Daviey.14:37
infinityDamnit, same breakage with uvesafb.  Consoles, but X doesn't start.14:37
slangasekdoes cryptsetup need to prompt for a passphrase in the initramfs?14:38
slangasektesting with FRAMEBUFFER=n forced could be illuminating14:38
infinityNo encrypted root here no.14:38
slangasekright, so FRAMEBUFFER=n could be safe to test14:39
slangasek(overriding cryptsetup's setting)14:39
infinityslangasek: Forcing FB=no is most easily done with a snippet in conf.d still?14:39
infinityslangasek: FB=n gets me no consoles and a working X.14:43
infinityslangasek: Which sort of makes sense, since that's about the same as blacklisting vesafb.14:43
slangasekno it isn't?14:43
slangasekit just means vesafb is loaded at the end of boot (/etc/init/udev-fallback-graphics.conf), not from the initramfs (which would put it before nvidia module load)14:43
slangasekhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/BootGraphicsArchitecture btw, if you haven't seen it yet14:43
infinityBut udev skips modprobe blacklists, right?14:44
infinityI vaguely recall that it did.14:44
infinityMaybe not.14:44
slangasekso you have vesafb explicitly blacklisted somewhere?14:44
slangasekyes, udev skips modprobe blacklists14:45
infinityYeah.  I can undo that, but that tends to not end well. ;)14:45
slangasekoh?  you've tested this scenario already (nvidia loaded before vesafb)?14:45
infinityWell, re-testing now with the blacklist removed, though if you claim udev will load it regardless, this should be the same as the last boot.14:46
infinityOh, no.  This got me no X.14:46
infinityI'm unconvinced the FRAMEBUFFER=n did anything.14:46
slangasekwell.  is there framebuffer stuff in the initramfs?14:47
infinityPossibly because I can't spell FRAME.14:48
=== sagaci_ is now known as sagaci
infinityWell, no, even spelling it correctly, the initrd contains fb stuff.  But, wait, why wouldn't it?14:49
infinitycryptsetup will still pull it in, even if it's not going to get loaded, surely?14:49
slangasekyou're meant to put the FRAMEBUFFER=n somewhere that it overrides the cryptsetup hook... I thought conf.d was late enough, maybe not14:51
infinityRight, with correctly-spelled FRAMEBUFFER=n, I still get consoles and no X.14:51
slangasekjust mangle the cryptsetup hook to unset it and call it good14:51
infinityAnd that gets me X and no consoles. ;)14:53
infinityslangasek: dmesg confirms nvidia loading before vesafb, and fb0 being initialised, but no actual consoles displaying.14:55
infinityslangasek: (and if the load order is the other way, consoles work, but X dies on init)14:56
slangasekfb0 initialized - how about fbcon?14:56
infinityslangasek: Nothing prefaced with fbcon.  Just "Console: switching to colour frambuffer device 160x50" (which seems sane, but...)14:57
* infinity scratches his head.14:58
infinityThere's no fbcon modules anymore?14:58
infinityI guess.14:58
slangasekbuilt in, yes - but does it show up in dmesg?14:58
ogra_for boot speed iirc14:58
infinityslangasek: Nein.14:59
slangasek[    2.120016] fbcon: inteldrmfb (fb0) is primary device14:59
slangasekthat's the kind of thing you should get14:59
slangasekwhat's /proc/cmdline?14:59
infinityslangasek: Yeah, I get that on my nouveau drm system too.  No such luck on this vesafb boot.14:59
infinitycmdline is root=foo ro i8042.nopnp quiet splash vt.handoff=715:00
* infinity wonders what that i8042 thing is all about.15:00
slangasekwell, the 'switching to colour frame buffer' should also be decisive15:00
infinityYou'd think.15:01
infinityI wonder if it may have something to do with missing VBE modes.15:01
slangasekdoes grub come up graphically?15:01
infinityIt's giving me a 1280x800 vesafb, then we switch to a 1920x1080 mode for X.15:01
infinityAnd vbeinfo from grub doesn't list the 1920x1080, plus I can't force it.15:02
infinitySo, it's really not there.15:02
infinityI can force grub to 1280x800 (tested that), but it's coming up 640x400 (or whatever) by default.15:02
charlie-tcaCould we have a little more communication for those of us not at the sprint please. Trying to grab images, test them. and keep hoping that another respin is not in progress is getting really difficult15:09
skaetcharlie-tca,  fair point.15:10
slangasekrespins appear to have been mentioned above on the channel - did they not get marked for respin in a timely manner on the tracker?15:11
skaetRight now what's happening is we're finishing off the last builds.   Last night's builds to fix for OEM caused regressions.15:11
skaetjibel,  please post in this channel any of the potential blockers bugs so that others know what we're investigating.15:12
charlie-tcaThey got marked as being done, and they got marked as finished. We used to get told the images were being rebuilt and were ready, too. Now it is watch the ISO tracker or the server to see when they finished.15:12
charlie-tcaand the tracker doesn't always get updated to match the image server15:12
charlie-tcaScrolling here and in #ubuntu-testing, I see nothing says Xubuntu got finished, or even were being respun. I found it looking at the tracker.15:13
skaetcharlie-tca,  we've been working on getting it automated, so it no longer needs to be a manual step (ie. wait for someone to notice).15:13
charlie-tcaskaet: when I am running tests, to find when entering stuff on the tracker that the images are being rebuilt, means I wasted a couple of hours, again.15:14
skaetThere were some issues with it that got debugged this morning.   Are any of the images up there right now not matching what's on the server.15:14
skaetcharlie-tca.  Your point is valid.  We should have been more verbose on this part as we were transitioning.15:15
slangasekcharlie-tca: are you not subscribed to the xubuntu test cases in the ISO tracker?  That's supposed to result in an email notification whenever a new image is available15:19
slangaseknow, I don't think that notifies that an image is down for respinning, mind15:20
charlie-tcaYes, I am subscribed, and I get the emails, but there again, it is an instant notification process.15:21
charlie-tcaI synced last nite here, burned cd-r's as 9pm, got up at 6am, and and 7am find we are respinning images. it is now 9:20am, and I have two hours of syncing images, before I can even begin to test them15:22
pittieek, buildds are being kernel-ppa-ed15:23
pittiI was hoping we could get in fwts15:23
pittiin the queue15:24
infinitypitti: It's universe anyway, does it matter if the builds don't happen immediately?15:29
pittiinfinity: no, just if they don't happen until tomorrow15:29
infinityThey will.15:29
pittiI wouldn't like to release with an out of date pacakge15:29
pittiwe can score it up, of course, so that it builds after the next set of kernels15:30
stgrabercharlie-tca: well, I'm in the room and I didn't know xubuntu finished building ;)15:36
charlie-tcaHm, maybe you people ain't really getting the word either.15:36
stgraberwell, it's all automated now, so nobody has to add them to the tracker which means nobody knows they're done building unless they're subscribed to them or look on the tracker15:40
GrueMasterstgraber: I haven't been getting notifications either, and afaik, I am subscribed (or I was).15:57
GrueMasterGoing through and resubscribing now.15:57
charlie-tcaI will say the way the tracker notifies now is really nice. It sends out an email for each item on the tracker, as they become available.16:03
charlie-tcaNo more waiting to see both arches are ready16:03
stgraberthat's because cjwatson's script post them as they're done building, instead of having one of the ISO tracker admin check periodically and post them in batch16:06
pittigood night everyone16:17
skaetthanks pitti,  good night.16:21
charlie-tcaI do see notification as a "good thing" :)16:21
* GrueMaster twiddles thumbs while waiting for yar (yet another rebuild) to finish.16:27
slangasekstgraber: did you see the open-isci bug I've assigned you?16:29
slangasekstgraber: nevermind ;)16:29
GrueMasterRebuilds failed on arm (or at least that was the email I just got).16:43
ogra_Generating MD5Sums of the images16:45
ogra_/usr/bin/md5sum: write error: No space left on device16:45
ogra_/usr/bin/sha1sum: write error: No space left on device16:45
ogra_who drives antimony atm ?16:45
ogra_seems we need some disk space cleanup16:46
* ogra_ has access but doesnt feel like randomly deleting images there16:47
jibelskaet, bug 870214 -> release notes16:48
ubot4Launchpad bug 870214 in open-iscsi (Ubuntu Oneiric) (and 2 other projects) "iSCSI root installation creates manual eth0 configuration + long boot (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/87021416:48
skaetthanks jibel.16:49
ogra_skaet, see above ... thats critical i guess16:49
ogra_antimony ran out of space16:49
skaetack,  looking at it.16:49
cjwatsonI already have a ticket filed with IS16:50
cjwatsonthey need to actually do it16:51
ogra_(and armel will need a cron.daily-preinstalled run afterwards)16:51
cjwatsonI will go and kick them16:51
cjwatsondone some temporary mitigation of the space problems, rest is with IS17:06
cjwatsononly one image failed due to that, which I'm rebuilding17:10
cjwatsontwo other problems which I can look at latere17:10
ogra_thanks !17:11
ogra_GrueMaster, should all be in order again in a few17:11
* GrueMaster re-enters holding pattern...again.17:12
ogra_you can test everything already but omap417:12
cjwatsonoh and TBH I think I've been about as communicative here as I would have been while at home; I did mention doing respins17:12
cjwatsonwould it be better if I didn't rebuild your image? :P17:13
* ogra_ hugs cjwatson 17:13
GrueMasterWell, actually since I had already downloaded and tested them prior to the respin...17:13
ogra_GrueMaster, omap4 should be ready in a few mins as well, since it only needs the post-processing bit again17:13
GrueMasterBut I understand the need to get fixes in to final.17:13
cjwatsonogra_: yep, and that's all I'm running17:14
* ogra_ thought so17:14
cjwatsonit'll be at least half an hour until kubuntu preinstalled comes out, probably a bit more17:15
utlemmingskaet: can we add http://uec-images.ubuntu.com/oneiric/20111011/ to the tracker for the Ubuntu Cloud images?17:15
cjwatsonunfortunately I forgot to export the magic variable in that shell so I'll have to post it by hand17:15
* ogra_ isnt sure who tests kubuntu preinstalled 17:16
ogra_i guess thats scott17:16
skaetScottK,  ^^ kubuntu preinstalled.17:16
chrisccoulsonis it too late to do a removal from universe?17:16
skaetutlemming,  trying now.17:16
chrisccoulsoni'd really like to get rid of webfav17:16
ogra_or GrueMaster proxying him in his spare time :) not sure17:17
GrueMasterogra_: I usually end up testing it.  No one on kubuntu has omap/omap4 hw (they all have Efika systems).17:17
ogra_GrueMaster, which doesnt help at all sadly17:17
* ogra_ hopes we'll get mx5 images that can actually run on efikas too next round17:17
* GrueMaster refrains from comment.17:18
infinityI'd like to find the time to do that.17:18
infinityIt may end up being another subarch if I can't figure out a cleverly hackish way to unify them.17:18
infinityAnd ew.17:18
ogra_infinity, no, please dont, we have enough images :)17:19
ogra_i was expecting linaro to provide us better bits and pieces to make that work actually17:20
ogra_with a single image17:20
infinityA unified uBoot?  Good luck with that.17:20
infinityThere are 4 builds for mx53 alone.17:20
ogra_a unified u-boot for one arch, yeah17:20
cjwatsonchrisccoulson: it should still be possible17:21
cjwatsonchrisccoulson: file a bug and subscribe ubuntu-archive, I (or somebody) will process the removal queue tomorrow morning17:21
chrisccoulsoncjwatson, thanks. i'll do that now17:21
infinityI'm somebody!17:21
* infinity feels special.17:22
skaetutlemming, I'm running into a script error.   Will figure it out when I get back from dinner.17:22
charlie-tcaI apologize for earlier ranting. I am aware the perceived lack of communication has nothing to do with the sprint.17:23
utlemmingskaet: np, enjoy dinner :)17:24
skaetcharlie-tca,  more communication should have been happening though.17:25
skaetwill try.  :)17:25
skaetTeam here in Milbank is breaking for dinner right now,  all images except a couple of the arm ones are posted on the iso tracker, and no rebuilds anticipated.17:26
ogra_you should put some mics and a voice recognition SW up in the rooms and make it paste here :P17:26
skaetogra_,  it would mostly be picking up typing actually.  :)17:27
ogra_heh, yeah17:27
cjwatsonI may not be able to post kubuntu preinstalled in a timely fashion; if it succeeds I would appreciate somebody posting it17:27
slangasekcjwatson: eta?17:36
charlie-tcaum, let's see if I can get me in more trouble now.17:40
charlie-tcabug 87237417:40
ubot4Launchpad bug 872374 in onboard (Ubuntu) "Feature Freeze exception request: new version with GI, gsettings,... (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/87237417:40
charlie-tcaProbably too late, maybe advise for a SRU?17:40
ogra_slangasek, <cjwatson> it'll be at least half an hour until kubuntu preinstalled comes out, probably a bit more17:40
ogra_that was at 15 past the hour17:41
slangasekkubuntu preinstalled built; publishing18:06
ogra_GrueMaster, ^^18:06
GrueMasterYep, pulling all desktop images now.18:06
SpamapSCan we still add things to the release notes?19:31
ScottKIs it on purpose that software-properties was uploaded to updates and not proposed?19:33
keesI have a confirmed fix for https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libdvdread/+bug/869003 should I upload to -proposed now, or hold off until release?19:40
ubot4Launchpad bug 869003 in libdvdread (Ubuntu Precise) (and 3 other projects) "dvdbackup: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/libdvdread.so.4: undefined symbol: dlopen (affects: 5) (heat: 32)" [Undecided,New]19:40
SpamapSkees: seems like it belongs in oneiric-proposed19:40
SpamapSScottK: I just noticed that too.. seems odd19:41
sbeattiekees: there are other things in -proposed already, so I believe its okay to upload to there now.19:50
SpamapSkees: and bonus, I'm reviewing the proposed queue right now, so should land quickly. :)19:52
keesSpamapS: oooh-ho, let me shove it in then, one sec20:05
=== chrisccoulson_ is now known as chrisccoulson
ScottKSpamapS: We're going to start uploading KDE 4.7.2 shortly.  No need to accept it until it's all there ...20:59
SpamapSScottK: thanks for the heads up21:00
SpamapSI think I'm done with oneiric-proposed reviews for today21:00
skaetutlemming,   images posted to the tracker now.21:10
utlemmingskaet: thank you kindly :)21:11
ScottKIs the pad out of date?  Reading it, I'd be expecting rebuilds that I'm pretty sure we already did.21:14
cjwatsonright, phew, I think all respins are finally done21:18
cjwatsonI've updated the pad, I think21:19
slangasekunless server team cares about getting that open-iscsi issue fixed for final, I guess21:20
slangasekDaviey: ^^ are delays on first boot after installing on iscsi root critical to you?  (If not, we can fix it in SRU)21:20
cjwatsonI'm going to steal antimony for a little while to do some timings of mirroring21:21
cjwatsonand hopefully improving matters21:21
skaetcharlie-tca,  have looked at 872374 and commented in the bug.   Its too late for now, but we would like to pick it up in an update.   See comments in bug.21:24
skaetslangasek,  I talked to Daviey earlier,  and he's ok with release noting it.21:25
slangasekstgraber: ^^ so open-iscsi to -proposed please :)21:26
Laneycould someone rescore fwts and guichan so they get built before release please?21:27
charlie-tcaskaet: thank you for looking21:28
ScottKlamont: ^^^?21:28
ScottKProbably too late for  pitti.21:28
lamontScottK: nearing EOD myself, maybe slangasek/skaet could poke the vanguard21:30
ScottKWho is that?21:30
lamontI think it's darrenS21:30
GrueMasterskaet: I have a bug in omap images (bug 838200), but it can be worked around with a little hackery.  I've marked it as serious for netboot only, as networking is kind of critical for net install.21:30
ubot4Launchpad bug 838200 in u-boot-linaro (Ubuntu Precise) (and 2 other projects) "No network support on Beagle XM (affects: 1) (heat: 9)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83820021:30
lamontScottK: actually, dblawson, this channel, atm21:30
lamonterm s/channel/server/21:31
GrueMasterLinaro knows about it and I have documented a workaround.  Also, not all beagleXM users I have talked with are seeing it.21:31
ScottKskaet: ^^^ would you please ask dblawson to do laney's rescores?21:31
ScottKLooks like NCommander or doko could do it too.21:32
Laneyor anyone on the TB ...21:33
GrueMasterScottK: NCommander is afn.  Pulled an all-nighter.21:33
ScottKOh.  infinity still haz powerz too.21:33
dokowhich package?21:33
ScottKfwts and guichan21:34
lamontso does doko21:34
slangasekskaet: I see some text corruption in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/OneiricOcelot/TechnicalOverview#New_App_Developer_Site - not sure what "the central point" is supposed to link to, if anything?21:35
ScottKskaet: Looks like it's taken care of.21:35
skaetScottK,  ack.21:36
skaetslangasek,  looking.21:36
cjwatsonI had a temporary brain failure as to how or I'd have beaten you to it21:36
Laneycheers lots21:36
ScottKdoko: Thanks.21:37
skaetslangasek,  yup, looks like dpm had some issues in his input,  we need to get it cleaned up.   If you can figure out what it should be, feel free to change,  otherwise I'll work with him tomorrow morning.21:41
* skaet sees slangasek has it locked. :)21:41
slangasekskaet: I really have no clue what page he wanted that pointed to21:41
slangasekskaet: meh, ignore my lock21:41
slangasekthere should be a better way to release a lock21:41
skaetslangasek,  ok, I'll take some guesses, and see if I can figure it out.21:42
slangasekyou know, like 'cvs checkin'21:42
slangasekCVS > MoinMoin21:42
ScottKYou say that like it's news.21:43
skaetslangasek,  ok,  think I've made it make sense.  flag if you disagree.21:49
cjwatsonwoo, I think I may have fixed the slow universe sync to cdimage21:49
cjwatsonjust shelved it to do a timing of universe-ports21:49
cjwatsonbut for universe that went from 11m26s to 30s21:50
cjwatsonand from 7000-odd files transferred for a no-op sync to 021:51
stgraberopen-iscsi is now in oneiric-proposed21:53
skaetsmoser, utlemming - was reading through the ReleaseProcess checklist, and came across a stale link.   What should https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UEC/Images/Publishing be now?21:56
skaetThanks slangasek.22:00
* skaet editing now22:00
* cjwatson finds a slew of files in the primary cdimage mirror owned by non-cdimage users - definitely not all recent since some are e.g. owned by tfheen22:10
cjwatsonI reckon these date back a *long* way22:10
* cjwatson fixes with a crowbar22:13
cjwatson(can't chown without root, so cp -a'ing aside and moving back)22:15
elmocjwatson: I can offer you a cheap chown service22:18
cjwatsonelmo: ah, well, in that case, 'chown -R cdimage:cdimage /srv/cdimage.ubuntu.com/ftp /srv/cdimage.ubuntu.com/ftp-ports' would be much appreciated22:23
dokois coke cheapter than beer?22:23
elmocjwatson: running22:26
cjwatsonelmo: great, thanks (looks done)22:28
cjwatsonok, I've finished messing with antimony's mirroring, and hopefully it should work properly now22:47
slangasekcjwatson: woot :)23:16

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