
z3r0c0d3hmmm i upgraded to the last one00:00
qman__can windows get to the share if you enter the user and password?00:01
patdk-lapthat is really realative00:01
z3r0c0d3i'm using ubuntu 11.0400:01
qman__also, have you run `smbpasswd -a username` for your user?00:01
z3r0c0d3with windows i can entering user and pass00:01
z3r0c0d3my user is added00:02
z3r0c0d3when i try to enter it shows the message opening "group"00:05
z3r0c0d3and the says cannot retrieve the server list00:05
smoserlook. that is not something you should change now.00:14
smoserdaviey, soren, utlemming.00:14
smoserthat is not a change you put in in 3 days before a release (now 2)00:14
smoseryou need no other information. something that has been broken for 2 years is not something you fix 2 days before release.00:15
twb`Unless it involves data loss or other release-critical symptoms as covered in whatever Ubuntu's equivalent of the Policy document is00:18
twb`smoser: I say that without knowing the specific thing you're discussing, of course :-)00:19
patdk-lapcron'd apt-get updates00:19
patdk-lapI've had mixed results, sometimes it works, sometimes not, but then I normally don't use them and do it myself as I watch updates myself00:20
twb`I've turned them on in a few places and been unimpressed00:21
patdk-lapI turned them on for my friends vm's, and they seem to work good, installed from lucid 10.04.200:21
patdk-lapatleast when I login, it always says, reboot pending, updates installed :)00:22
patdk-lapor is that different? :)00:22
twb`patdk-lap: that could be after a human did the upgrade00:22
patdk-laptwb, except last login was me, and I didn't00:24
twb`last login is a measure of when login began, not ended00:25
twb`I could've logged in a year ago, left my shell open, done a kernel upgrade, not rebooted...00:25
patdk-lapthen who would of shown it00:25
twb`I guess00:25
patdk-lapthey don't login, anyways00:25
patdk-lapthey could00:26
patdk-lapbut normally they just access via ftp/scp/http00:26
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RoxyHart0hi there sopmbody know whoi I can join a windows server 2008 to samba PDC?06:22
sorensmoser: Absolutely agree. I wasn't suggesting that at all.07:29
jamespagemorning all07:34
blinkizHello. How do I configure ntp so it is possible to query it work the time? Want to act as a time server for my network07:43
w00blinkiz, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=862620 - just a few seconds to search07:45
blinkizw00, thanks07:46
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Davieypatdk-wk / twb: you are confusing updates with upgrades :)08:39
koolhead17hi all08:56
sig09-0 */1 * * *  command , what is this means in crontab09:35
dc5alasig09, i guess every full hour, what that -0 means no idea, should be just 0, no?09:38
_ruben*/1 is rather bogus, as it means the same as *09:41
sig09yes  _ruben , that doesn't make sense09:51
lynxmanmorning o/09:51
koolhead17Daviey: ping09:51
koolhead17lynxman: hey09:51
sig09 5/1 = 5 , :)09:51
lynxmankoolhead17: hello thar :)09:51
koolhead17sig09: :D09:51
sig09but my doubt is that , what is the "-0" in the minute field ?09:52
koolhead17Daviey: http://paste.ubuntu.com/705939/  this is what vishy told me last night09:52
sig09we can give 0-5 , that means 0,1,2,3,4 and 5, right ?09:52
_rubenperhaps it means something to other (non-default) cron implementations09:53
lynxmanjamespage: shame you're not at the sprint :)09:56
jamespagelynxman, ho-hum09:56
jamespagehaving fun?09:56
lynxmanjamespage: looks like from here09:56
koolhead17lynxman: whats cooking today :D10:00
lynxmankoolhead17: don't know :)10:06
koolhead17lynxman: you will laugh if i tell you :D10:07
lynxmankoolhead17: surprise me :D10:08
koolhead17lynxman: last night i told you i will run last command to check the dashboard stuff.10:09
koolhead17nova-manage user  modify atulfinal  "" "" True10:09
koolhead17once i set this10:10
koolhead17then only i am able to do all admin based work for any user via dashboard!! :D10:10
koolhead17lynxman: :D10:10
lynxmankoolhead17: hmm weird10:11
koolhead17sudo nova-manage role add atulfinal sysadmin10:12
koolhead17sudo nova-manage role add atulfinal sysadmin myproject10:12
koolhead17i provided this two last night and tried to play via dashbaord i failed10:13
koolhead17nova-manage user  modify atulfinal  "" "" True10:13
koolhead17it worked10:13
koolhead17lynxman: am going to keystone land today10:14
lynxmankoolhead17: best of lucks :)10:14
koolhead17lynxman: :D10:14
uvirtbotNew bug: #872210 in ntp (main) "/etc/network/if-up.d/ntpdate: Fails to stop openntp" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/87221010:36
uvirtbotNew bug: #872217 in munin "diskstats plugin: error "Byte order is not compatible"" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/87221711:06
HonksuI had ubuntu server 10.04 LTS box and now I upgraded it into non LTS 11.04 which is not what I wanted. Can I upgrade/change it into LTS 11.04 somehow?11:31
pmatulisHonksu: no11:32
pmatulisHonksu: you upgraded it but it's not what you wanted?  how did that happen?11:32
Honksuand if I turn update-manager switch to lts it's never going to find new releases because I have to be on LTS so I screwed it bad... :(11:33
oCeanHonksu: control your language here please11:33
pmatulisHonksu: is the upgraded server running well?11:34
pmatulisHonksu: so not too bad then right?11:35
_rubenHonksu: either reinstall with 10.04, or wait for 12.04 to be released which will be the next LTS11:35
pmatulis_ruben: he'll need to upgrade to 11.10 first though11:36
HonksuI hjsut have to go with _ruben's second advice and just wait for 12.04 and go through 11.1011:36
_rubenpmatulis: which isn't too different from having to have had to upgrade to 11.04 to 10.10 ;-)11:36
Honksubut if I go this way 10.04 LTS -> 11.04 -> 11.10 -> 12.04 LTS will the 12.04 really be LTS?11:38
_rubenno matter how you get there, 12.04 = 12.04 = LTS11:39
Honksuthanks mate11:39
memoryleakHow can I find files which were crated less then 3 hours ago?11:48
pmatulismemoryleak: with the find command11:49
koolhead17lynxman: :P11:49
memoryleakpmatulis: I couldn't find something related to creation time11:49
_rubenand the ctime option11:49
_ruben-ctime even11:49
_rubenerr wait11:50
w00That's last changed time11:50
nigelbI don't think linux has a created time.11:50
memoryleakmodification time would do also11:50
nigelbthen you can use -ctime11:51
_rubenor mtime11:51
nigelbyeah, ctime seems to be days.11:52
_rubenstatus vs contents11:52
nigelbmtime would be more useful.11:52
nigelbit might need some intenses man page reading :P11:52
w00If he wants hours cmin would be more useful :)11:53
w00Nonetheless, read the fine man :)11:53
_ruben+1 ;)11:53
koolhead17hope he is not scared now :P11:54
_rubenwas looking for the option to pass your search params on the man commandline, but can't seem to recall it11:54
nigelb_ruben: /something works11:55
memoryleaktouch /var/www/test & find /var/www/ -cmin 2               doesn't work11:55
memoryleakfind doesn't list test11:55
_rubennigelb: i meant "man foo <smth>/bar" .. open manpage for foo and search for bar11:56
nigelb_ruben: ah!11:56
_rubenless should support +/something as param, but can't get to work either .. oh well11:56
nigelbI'm doing a "man man" and it feels meta :)11:56
memoryleakah got it :)11:57
koolhead17zul: congrats. mysql/pgsql auth working for diablo on newer/latest oneiric image :D11:58
* koolhead17 can be happy 4 something finally :D12:00
zulkoolhead17: thanks but i had nothing to do with that12:03
koolhead17zul: i thought you were working on nova packaging :D12:04
zuloh....maybe im not awake yet12:04
koolhead17zul: trouble you later!! :D12:04
d1bhas anyone tried native zfs on linux?12:19
patdk-wkd1b, yep, wasn't impressed (yet)12:20
d1bpatdk-wk: why not?12:20
patdk-wkit works12:20
patdk-wkbut not really usable12:20
patdk-wkof what they say on their website12:20
patdk-wkit works, but hasn't been tuned12:20
d1bhttp://zfsonlinux.org/ --> this one ?12:21
d1bright ok12:21
d1bpatdk-wk: what would you recommend for something like zfs on linux then ? btrfs is also "not stable" / optimised iirc12:22
d1bi'm hatin' on mdadm right now12:22
patdk-wkhmm, there is nothing?12:26
d1bthat's totally not a good answer12:27
patdk-wkdon't ask for the impossible then12:27
d1bit isn't impossible12:27
patdk-wkok, then write/fix it then, it's open source12:27
ersiWell, how long is a string?12:27
d1bwell how bad was the performance on native linux zfs?12:27
ersiAnd why is it that length?12:27
smoserDaviey, am i wrong about bug 870121 ?12:36
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 870121 in ubuntu "APT::Periodic::Update-Package-Lists not set in cloud images" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/87012112:36
smoseris it a regression?12:36
Davieysmoser: looked into it, it was introduced in Maverick.12:37
Davieysmoser: bug 588340 introduced the regression.12:38
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 588340 in byobu "reduce byobu recommends" [Low,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/58834012:38
smoserwell thats somewhat bogus anyway12:39
siretartis bug #872210 something people would like to see fixed in oneiric-proposed?12:39
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 872210 in ntp "/etc/network/if-up.d/ntpdate: Fails to stop openntp" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/87221012:39
smoserthe fact that we were getting that "essential" package via what should basically be a leaf package.12:39
Davieysmoser: aye, it isn't bogus because we had that behaviour and it was masking something that should be base.12:44
smoserright. so the fix is to add update-notifier-common to some common (perhaps 'server') task at the beginning of 'P'12:45
DavieyYeah.. we have a window to add it right now to Oneiric.12:46
DavieyThe impact seems to be minimal.12:46
Davieyafter right now, we are too late.12:46
DavieyThe fact it hasn't been noticed for two releases makes me think it's not urgent.12:46
DavieyI think fixing it for LTS release is more importiant.12:46
Davieyafternoon zul12:47
jamespagehi zul12:49
lynxmanzul: heya o/12:59
uvirtbotNew bug: #872261 in autofs5 (main) ""service autofs <command>" fails with "Rejected send message"" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/87226113:14
smoserRoAkSoAx, https://code.launchpad.net/~gandelman-a/ubuntu/oneiric/cobbler/lp850880-850866/+merge/7890413:34
smoseradam_g, did some good work there.13:34
smoserwhat would you tihnk about adding '--replace' option to 'cobbler import' and trying to put that upstream.13:35
zulit would make it easier in the long run13:36
RoAkSoAxsmoser: is that merged or you still waiting to get it fixed?13:46
smoserwell, its SRU at best right now, so there isn't a complete rush13:46
smoserbut clearly we'd want it, and we could SRU it13:47
zulsmoser: so that db change for nova, i had a look and it looks ok to me but it exposes a nother bug, did you see if that got fixed as well?13:51
smoserbug numbers?13:53
smoserhttp://pad.lv/838581 is not a db change13:53
smosernot a schema change (bug 838581)13:54
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 838581 in nova "Failures in db_pool code: 'NoneType' object has no attribute '_keymap' or not returning rows." [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83858113:54
smoserzul, ^13:55
zulright but it exposes more bugs13:56
jcastroanyone feel like talking about orchestra for ubuntu open week? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuOpenWeek13:56
zulsmoser: doh...forget it, thats ok for me13:57
zuljcastro: i thought Spamaps was interested in doing it13:57
smoserzul, i'm missing something. please exlain.13:57
jcastrohe's doing juju13:57
zulsmoser: you arent...i just need more caffine13:57
smoseri think we talked about orchestra last time.13:57
smoserjust replay the script13:57
smoserjcastro, really, i don tthink we've made too many improvements in orchestra since then but kirkland or lynxman might think otherwise.14:02
lynxmansmoser: not really, it's in my agenda to add nagios support to orchestra but it's not there yet14:03
jcastrosmoser: yeah also, it's a new crowd each time14:03
jcastroso repeats are most welcome14:03
jcastroSpamapS: hey what time slot do you want for openweek?14:04
RoAkSoAxb/win 2114:22
kirklandsmoser: jcastro: depends on when "the last time" was14:27
smoserhallyn_, around ?14:41
jcastrokirkland: so we could do a general "server" one, or an orchestra one14:43
jcastroI would lean towards orchestra because it's newish14:43
kirklandjcastro: I'll gladly do an Orchestra one14:43
kirklandjcastro: when's the date?14:43
jcastroalright, snag a slot!!14:43
jcastroweek after release (next week)14:43
kirklandjcastro: : https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuOpenWeek/Timetable#preview14:46
jcastrohah, nice title14:46
hallyn_smoser: yes, what's up?14:46
smosermy laptop is currently showing the lxc isue regarding /dev/ptx/014:48
smosererr... /ev/pts/014:48
smosergah. /dev/pts/014:48
smoserthis one https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libvirt/+bug/86362914:50
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 863629 in libvirt "libvirt-lxc: virFileOpenTtyAt can't be called on /some/other/dev/pts" [High,Confirmed]14:50
hallyn_smoser: so can you see anything indicating why lxc_driver is not holding /dev/pts/0 open?14:51
hallyn_smoser: do you know who we have who's active with glibc development?14:53
smoserslangasek or doku would be knowledgable i'm sure.14:54
smoserbut they know everything14:54
hallyn_just lookig for someone with some creds who can get them to consider this a bug14:54
smoserhallyn_, so you think that to "fix" this, i can do one of 2 things:14:54
smosera.) apply your libvirt patch14:54
smoserb.) get a /dev/pts/0 created (which i'm currently unable to do)14:55
hallyn_oh, now, wait.14:55
hallyn_i mean yes, a. should work14:55
hallyn_but if b. doesn't work, that's interesting14:55
smoseri'm unable to get a /dev/pts/0 created.14:55
hallyn_so that means something is holding /dev/pts/0 pinned somehow so it can't get re-used14:55
smoserie, just opening up a new terminal doesnt do it.14:55
hallyn_that is something which i have not been able to reproduce14:55
hallyn_this is amd64?14:55
hallyn_can you pb the output of lsof?15:00
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smoserhallyn_, http://paste.ubuntu.com/706158/15:06
smoserthats the interesting part15:06
smoserand i know how i did it15:06
smoserafter i log in i start a bip proxy with:15:07
smoser ssh -o ControlPath=none -C -L 7778:localhost:7778 -f -N ${HOST}15:07
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* hallyn_ shakes his head15:09
hallyn_you couldn't mention that before?  :)15:09
hallyn_how did you do it on the cloud instance then?15:09
hallyn_surely you weren't running bip there15:09
smoseri never knew what was doing it before.15:09
hallyn_smoser: ok, let's move over to -devel to ping doku and slangasek?15:09
smoseron cloud instances i can do it by logging in, starting screen, logging out...i think.15:09
hallyn_smoser: does my patch, then, not fix it on your laptop?15:09
smoseri can test the patch.15:10
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iuytfrhello there16:10
iuytfranyone there ?16:11
iuytfrhi sloop_16:14
Ursinhahi guys, we're in a meeting at the moment, but ask your questions and I'm sure someone will answer if available :)16:14
iuytfri got HP server DL380 G7 server with 8 which is in production, i made a mistake between raid creation16:14
sloop_someone know how i find the total time in a linux system, not only the since the last boot, like uptime16:15
Ursinhasloop_, you mean when it was installed?16:15
sloop_since the first boot16:15
iuytfri done raid 10 in 4 instead of 8 disks16:15
sloop_Ursinha: yes16:15
iuytfris it possible to change the raid without restarting the server ?16:16
sloop_<iuytfr> if you dont use the partition, yes16:16
sloop_is it possible?16:18
iuytfri got hpaccucli16:18
iuytfrhow to do it ?16:18
iuytfrwhich partition ?16:18
sloop_umount the partition first16:18
sloop_not, before this, backup your data16:19
sloop_and umount the partition16:19
iuytfrthere is no way to umount partition16:20
sloop_and play with mdadm /dev/md0 --grow --level=516:20
sloop_or other level16:20
iuytfrthere are virtual machine allready running16:20
sloop_why you can't umount the partition?16:20
iuytfrumount which partitioN ?16:21
sloop_the md device16:21
iuytfrand it is not raid soft16:21
sloop_what is?16:21
iuytfr!raid hard manage by hpacculi16:21
ubottuiuytfr: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)16:21
sloop_hpacculi is a fake raid, it's better that you use mdadm linux raid16:22
sloop_in this case, you only can do it restarting the server, and, in boot time, edit the raid options16:22
sloop_continue with my case, anybody know how to view the total uptime in a linux system?16:24
Ursinhasloop_, trying to figure out :)16:24
sloop_Ursinha: thanks!16:25
just-a-visitorThere is a „tuptime” utility (http://sourceforge.net/projects/tuptime/), but it uses cron and init to collect uptime statistics, so it will not allow to calculate uptime before installation.16:31
sloop_just-a-visitor: looks great, if i install it in a new system, i exactly find that i was looking for16:32
sloop_do you use it?16:32
just-a-visitorNo, I have googled for the possible answer. Looks actively developed though.16:34
sloop_ok, great16:34
sloop_I tried it now i my system and later, problably, in my server-farm16:35
Ursinhasloop_: so it seems that that is not possible16:35
Ursinhaor I lost my google foo (which is possible)16:35
sloop_Ursinha: not possible for a working system, but I think that is acceptable the installation of tuptime for a new system16:36
sloop_looks a very small script16:36
UrsinhaI haven't heard of tuptime, to be honest16:37
genii-aroundIt would probably just keep adding the /proc/uptime numbers to a total kept in a separate file surviving reboots16:37
sloop_I haven't heard anything yet, but every day know anything new16:38
Ursinhathat's clever16:38
UrsinhaI'm kinda switching computers so I haven't seen just-a-visitor's suggestion :)16:39
sloop_I install the deb package, and before libtime-duration-perl, works well16:40
sloop_it's nice, thanks just-a-visitor!16:40
just-a-visitorIt was http://sourceforge.net/projects/tuptime/, a perl script. And yes, it seem to be doing like: open(FILE6, "< /proc/stat").16:40
Ursinhayes, thanks :)16:41
Ursinhathanks for that just-a-visitor16:41
sloop_the author had the same problem before me :)16:41
sloop_oh, it prints the statistics in the shutdown script16:43
* RoyK just got new hardware for his home server and just found out it only had DVI out... booted it up and no console, but configured as earlier - straight up and available...16:49
* RoyK likes linux16:49
patdk-wkroyk, my sat2-mv's are doing about 700MB/sec each16:53
patdk-wkbut they only have 6 drives on each at the moment16:54
RoyKpatdk-wk: my sat2-mv did rather badly, but not because it's a bad card, only because it was in a slooooow PCI bus (with the old mobo)16:59
RoyKwith this el cheapo mobo, I do 120MB/s per drive, which should be limited on the drive side17:00
jamespagehggdh: utlemming just gave me the nod to test 20111011 ec2 images - want to kickup of the adhoc test prior to the big one?17:14
hggdhjamespage: doing it :-)17:14
hggdhjamespage: brb, gotta reboot after changes in compiz17:18
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shatteredsmoser, ayt?17:48
shatteredok then17:49
shatteredhere's a list of most annoying bugs17:49
shatteredbug 51757417:50
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 517574 in net-snmp "Please backport agent/mibgroup/host/hr_swrun.c to 5.4.1" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/51757417:50
shatteredbug 79457017:50
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 794570 in linux "igbvf driver is missing from virtual-flavored kernel" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/79457017:50
shatteredbug 25054917:51
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 250549 in linux "Wrong interface speed from snmpd running as snmp user" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/25054917:51
smosershattered, ok. none of these are going to get into oneiric, which ships 2 days from now.17:53
smoser(just to set the expectation)17:53
shatteredI'm most interested in getting them into LTS17:53
smoserare you a developer shattered ? are you interested in going through the merge proposal process?17:54
shatterednot an Ubuntu developer17:54
smosernot "Ubuntu developer", but in the general sense.17:54
smoserie, would would you be interested in going through that process.17:54
smoserif so, then 517574 woudl seem like a very good place to start.17:54
smoserand i can help walk you through.17:55
shatteredlet's try that.17:55
smoserok. so for the -virutal kernel missing a driver, we your pain will be much alleviated in oneiric.17:56
smoserthere is now a 'linux-image-extra-3.0.0-12-virtual' package17:56
smoserthe intent of that package is tonctian the modules that are not in the -virtual kernel.17:57
shatteredok, but igbvf is only useful in a VM17:58
shatteredand ixgbevf too17:58
smoseryeah, so clearly those should be in -virtual17:59
smoserits just an oversite.17:59
dkni want to have the same bob:bob 112:123 user and group on two machines, but when i created bob:bob on another machine i got the id's 112:115 can i just force the new machine's id? or will that break current permissions on the new machine?17:59
dkni'm trying to move a HD between them, and be able to access the files from the bob:bob account on both machines18:00
smosershattered, /join #ubuntu-kernel18:00
smoserfor that, i've pinged ogasawara in #ubuntu-kernel.18:01
smoserthen that leaves us with18:01
shattereda lot more bugs :)18:02
smosershattered, have you tried 250549 on oneiric ? or on natty ?18:06
smoserper http://lists.alioth.debian.org/pipermail/pkg-net-snmp-devel/2011-January/001037.html , it should be fixed in 2.6.3618:06
shatteredI only have Lucid and Karmic18:06
smoserok. well, it'd be good to test that, and if it is fixed, then mark it as such.18:06
smoserthis would easily be reproducible in a vm ?18:06
smoseri can launch you an oneiric instance on EC2 that you can poke at if you'd like18:07
shatterednot sure18:07
smoseryou want to test ?18:08
shattereda test case is to run   snmpwalk -v 2c -c ... ... ifSpeed18:08
smosershattered, do you have a launchpad account?18:09
shatteredyes, ~svs18:09
shatteredaha, 2.6.38 is indeed fixed18:10
shatteredlet's take it to #u-k then?18:11
smoserif you've tested 2.6.38 as fixed fro that but, then mark it fix-released and give the ubuntu kernel package version. that would be great.18:13
shatteredI've tested with a backport of 2.6.38 to Lucid18:13
tdelamhey guys, is mrtg still the recommended way to graph cpu/mem/traf usage or is there something better?18:27
smosershattered, ok. then please update hte bug with that information, and if it was an actual kernel from ubuntu, mark it fix-released.18:27
smoserthen, we're down to the net-snmp bug. i can help you walk thorugh how you'd propose it for merging.18:27
shatteredokay, I'll do that, but there are more bugs :)18:28
shatteredbug 31576318:28
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 315763 in initramfs-tools "netboot: aic94xx sequencer firmware is missing from initrd.gz" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/31576318:28
smoserwell, yes. there is a never ending supply of those.18:29
shatteredthis one was fairly annoying18:29
shatteredbut once I figured the workaround, I could live with it18:29
smosershattered, well, definitely the first thing to do there is to see if oneiric is affected.18:32
shatteredonce it's released?18:33
smoserwell, it is basically released.18:33
smoseryou can grab an iso and try it out.18:33
shatteredthat's the thing, I normally use netboot18:33
shatteredall my servers are remote18:33
smoserwell, a netboot iso.18:34
shatteredokay, will try to get new info18:34
shatterednext ones are doc bugs18:35
shatteredbug 77221418:35
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 772214 in logrotate "default state file location is wrong in manpage " [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/77221418:35
shatteredbug 72660018:35
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 726600 in syslog-ng "-e/--stderr option is not documented" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/72660018:35
shatteredbug 59784118:35
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 597841 in vmbuilder "vmbuilder ignores many settings in ~/.vmbuilder.cfg" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/59784118:35
smoserso 772214 looks fix-released per sly's comment in natty.18:40
smoserdo you disagree?18:40
shatteredcan't verify18:41
smoserwell, unless sly is lying18:42
shatteredlet me check18:42
shatteredI have a complete local mirror18:42
shatteredDefault state file.18:43
shatteredthat's from logrotate_3.7.8-6ubuntu5_amd64.deb18:44
smoserso fixed, right?18:44
shatteredno :)18:44
shatteredit should be /var/lib/logrotate/status18:44
shatterednext round is code bugs18:49
shatteredbug 69249918:49
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 692499 in sysvinit "invoke-rc.d: action try-restart is unknown, but proceeding anyway" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/69249918:49
shatteredbug 64347318:50
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 643473 in daemon "Doesn't daemonize when started over ssh" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/64347318:50
shatteredbug 74560318:50
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 745603 in socat "Please add socat-opensslcompress patch" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/74560318:50
smosershattered, the fith thing to do for 772214 is to either file it upstream or at very least as a debian bug.18:55
shatterednothing is ever easy, heh18:56
smosershattered, basically, it takes effort for ubuntu to fix bugs, and then we have to carry those bug fixes forward if we have delta from debian.19:06
smoserand that costs time indefinitely19:06
smoserso for a "trivial" bug, its best to get it fixed upstream or debian and then have it filter down.19:07
shatteredwell, there was hope19:11
shatteredignore doc bugs then.19:11
smoseri admit they suck19:11
shattered692499 is a debian bug too, then?19:12
uvirtbotNew bug: #872437 in openldap (main) "the slapd-config database should not be under /etc" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/87243719:13
shatteredand the last round, vmbuilder bugs19:18
shatteredbug 703959 and bug 70539519:18
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 703959 in vm-builder "execscript is run too early" [Low,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/70395919:18
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 705395 in vm-builder "$domain is not available in libvirtxml.tmpl" [Low,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/70539519:18
shatteredbug 576868 too19:19
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 576868 in vm-builder "/etc/mailname in the VM is a copy from the host" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/57686819:19
uvirtbotNew bug: #872443 in backuppc (main) "package backuppc (not installed) failed to install/Unterprozess installiertes post-installation-Skript gab den Fehlerwert 1 zurück" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/87244319:23
shatteredoh, I forgone one.  bug 69170019:28
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 691700 in linux "Please disable framebuffer completely in Ubuntu Server" [Undecided,Expired] https://launchpad.net/bugs/69170019:28
DuvrazhHello, trying to set up rsync to push from ubuntu server 11.04 to shared web host (static ip). Can someone help me form a dry-run command to test SSH?19:30
shatteredjust ssh or rsync over ssh?19:31
Duvrazhrsync over ssh19:31
Duvrazhthe ssh command to succesfully login to my server is ssh -p 2222 USER@              (fake user and ip for security)19:32
DuvrazhI tried rsync --dry-run --delete --azvv -e ssh /mnt/raid/Photo -p 2222 USERNAME@       to no avail19:36
pmatulisDuvrazh: error message?19:37
shatteredyou can use ~/.ssh/config19:38
shatteredput Port and User there19:38
pmatulisDuvrazh: error message?19:38
shatteredyou can use ~/.ssh/config19:38
shatteredput Port and User there19:38
Duvrazh--azvv unknown option19:38
Duvrazh--azvv unknown option19:38
koolhead17lynxman: hey19:38
koolhead17lynxman: hey19:38
pmatulisDuvrazh: so no double dash then19:38
pmatulisDuvrazh: so no double dash then19:38
Duvrazhi was looking for recursive, preserve19:38
Duvrazhi was looking for recursive, preserve19:38
Duvrazhmoment please19:39
Duvrazhmoment please19:39
Duvrazhrsync: link_stat "/root/2222" failed: No such file or directory (2)19:40
Duvrazhrsync error: some files/attrs were not transferred (see previous errors) (code 23) at main.c(1060) [sender=3.0.7]19:40
DuvrazhPerhaps the ssh command has to be passed in a different way?19:41
DuvrazhI'm not sure where to start there19:41
pmatulisDuvrazh: you'll need to pass the port stuff like this i think:  .... -e 'ssh -p 2222' ....19:42
Duvrazhpmatulis: my command was rsync --dry-run --delete -azvv -e ssh /mnt/raid/Photo -p 2222 USERNAME@
pmatulisDuvrazh: so try what i just suggested19:44
Duvrazhdo I need to move the src directory? I'm still getting error code 2319:45
pmatulisDuvrazh: did you try what i suggested?19:46
Duvrazhyes i believe i did19:46
Duvrazhill paste19:46
Duvrazhrsync --delete -azvv -e 'ssh /mnt/raid/Photo/rsync 2222' duvrazh@
pmatulisDuvrazh: i didn't say that at all19:47
DuvrazhI must ask you dumb it down for me, I've little experience with the CLI19:47
pmatulis....-azvv -e 'ssh -p 2222' duvrazh@....19:48
Duvrazhcloser... rsync says sending incremental file list rsync: link_stat "/root/2222" failed: No such file or directory (2) rsync: mkdir "/root/duvrazh@" failed: No such file or directory (2) rsync error: error in file IO (code 11) at main.c(595) [Receiver=3.0.7] rsync: connection unexpectedly closed (9 bytes received so far) [sender] rsync error: error in rsync protocol data stream 19:50
Duvrazhthe destination has user/pass auth, I'm assuming this at some point should 'ask' for a password?19:51
DuvrazhI'm also open to the fact that I might be trying the impossible.19:53
pmatulisrsync --delete -azvv -e 'ssh -p 2222' /mnt/raid/Photo/rsync duvrazh@
pmatulisDuvrazh: try ⤴19:54
DuvrazhAsked me for the p/w, however19:55
Duvrazhrsync: mkdir "/public_html/Subdomain/family/rsync" failed: No such file or directory (2) rsync error: error in file IO (code 11) at main.c(576) [receiver=3.0.6] rsync: connection unexpectedly closed (9 bytes received so far) [sender] rsync error: error in rsync protocol data stream (code 12) at io.c(601) [sender=3.0.7]19:55
Duvrazhthat folder exists19:56
pmatulisDuvrazh: maybe user 'duvrazh' does not have enough permissions to write on the destination19:56
DuvrazhI own the destination... I created it with that user19:57
pmatulisDuvrazh: replace everything after the '128:' with /tmp19:58
pmatulisgot to go, good luck19:58
Duvrazhpmatulis: thanks19:58
philipballewCan anyone reccomend a good lamp book?20:05
RoyKphilipballew: google is a good start :P20:06
philipballewRoyK, I did. Just wondered if anyone had any firsthand knowlege20:08
SpamapSivoks: FYI, your upload of openstack-dashboard to oneiric-proposed was rejected because it has no bug reference.. please add one, the rest looked fine.20:08
RoyKphilipballew: the apache config should be simple, mysql (or postgresql) is a database thing, and should be doable with some readup, php is well documented on php.net20:09
philipballewyeah, I might be looking for a good book on it20:09
RoyKphp or sql?20:10
=== SanbarCo1puting is now known as SanbarComputing
RoyKapache and linux setup is trivial - just install the ubuntu server, check LAMP server and it's all there20:10
RoyKthen comes the coding, which is php and sql20:11
SpamapSP can be Perl or Python too ;)20:11
philipballewRoyK, I just need to find a good book for it20:11
SpamapSof the three, I'd say python is the long term better choice. :)20:11
koolhead17SpamapS: openstack-dashboard with or without keystone? D20:12
RoyKphilipballew: I gues there are dozens - google it ;)20:12
SpamapSphilipballew: This is meant with no offense.. http://www.dummies.com/how-to/computers-software/programming/php.html .. those books are actually usually good ways to go if you have zero context on a subject20:13
SpamapSactually don't click that link20:14
SpamapSbut, PHP & MySQL for dummies is out there.. somewhere20:14
philipballewalright, I mean, I can get the ubuntu server book, but im not sure if thats gonna not be challenging enough?20:15
zulSpamapS: found it....seventh level of hell20:16
SpamapSits been upgraded from the 9th.. awesome20:17
zultime off for good behavior20:17
RoyKphilipballew: do you know any SQL or PHP?20:18
philipballewRoyK, no, but I plan to learn a little with lamop20:19
RoyKphilipballew: just install lamp and test out SQL in the mysql commandline20:20
RoyKit's fairly simple, at least for starters20:20
RoyKthen, when you have a table or two with some data, just read up on php to read or modify that20:21
philipballewi might look at this20:21
philipballewand try it out while i wait for it to come20:21
SpamapSphilipballew: there's a relevant quote for you here..20:22
SpamapS"If you want to build a ship, don't drum up people to collect wood and don't assign them tasks and work, but rather teach them to long for the endless immensity of the sea."20:22
SpamapS- Antoine de Saint Exupéry20:22
SpamapSphilipballew: forget about LAMP ... decide what you are going to do with it first.20:22
* philipballew ponders20:22
philipballewSpamapS, host a website20:22
SpamapSthat does what?20:22
philipballewSpamapS, whatever I want to at a partictular time. Probably host a blog20:23
SpamapSpick one thing first, and do that with it. :)20:24
SpamapSOtherwise you won't actually learn PHP or MySQL .. you'll just find all the easy tasks and do them.20:24
aarcaneHi, I'm interrested in setting up my own private cloud, and I have two machines to host  the cloud and I want them to be "fully redundant", IE if either fails, the other will be able to run the cloud...  guests?  Is that the right term?  without batting an eyelash.  a few minutes of downtime is acceptible, but failover has to be autonomous to be worth my time implementing it.20:48
aarcaneIs the UEC software capable of handling this sort of setup, including data replication?  I've been browsing the manuals and have yet to identify an answer.20:48
smoseraarcane, not that i know of.20:54
geekbri_im looking to build my own php5 .deb for ubuntu 10.04.  Is there any guidance or generally good docs anybody can link to that explain the build process.  I've tried reading some out there but i find myself pretty lost.  Im really just looking to build php with my own set of ./configure rules then install the binaries.21:05
wmphello, i have my server in pyhon, and when i kill him, i cant turn on this server21:17
wmpi have used port:21:17
wmp netstat -tlp | grep ":666"21:17
wmptcp        0      0 *:666                   *:*                     LISTEN      -21:17
wmphow to kill process who using this port?21:18
RoyKwmp: fuser -n tcp 66621:18
RoyKthat'll give you the process21:18
wmpfuser give me none21:19
RoyKdoes lsof show it?21:19
wmpcould give me options to lsof?21:19
RoyKfuser -n tcp should show listening tcp ports21:19
RoyKjust run lsof | grep 66621:19
RoyKwmp: and telnet localhost 666 says what?21:21
wmpi can connect21:21
wmpbut this isnt my server ;)21:21
RoyKlsof/fuser works for the local machine21:21
RoyKif you're looking for the PID on a remote machine, you're in trouble21:22
wmpRoyK: on other machine when i kill my server, port 666 is binding to rtorrent21:22
wmpso i kill rtorrent and 666 is free21:22
wmpRoyK: i work on good machine ;)21:22
RoyKmight be the process opening the port in a funny way21:23
wmpbut how to make free this port? :)21:24
wmpRoyK: and maybe you know how to get process capabilities?21:24
wmpthis can be helpfull21:25
RoyKwmp: a socket doesn't close automatically if the process dies21:26
wmpmaybe, i dont knwo this, this isny my code21:27
RoyKiirc using O_REUSE will allow a new process to reuse the old one21:27
wmphmmm, how to use this?21:28
RoyKbut then, if you can connect to the socket, it should be verifiable with fuser/lsof21:28
wmpbut this give nothing21:29
RoyKwmp: can you telnet localhost 666?21:29
wmpbut this isnt my server21:31
jamespageutlemming, smoser, Daviey: ec2 ami testing results - https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/oneiric-server-ec2/10/21:42
utlemmingjamepage: much thanks :)21:43
jamespagegenerally looks good to me - a few network issues when remote testing root SSH login (indicated by yellow test results)21:43
jamespageand a couple of errors - they both look like ec2 provisioning errors to me21:44
* jamespage eod21:44
utlemmingI concur21:44
dorkanyone experienced with troubleshooting software raid and GPT issues? the ol 'where does grub install itself' thing21:49
wmpRoyK: have you any idea?22:01
=== smw_ is now known as smw
jcastrolooks like this guy even checked out orchestra with bare metal!22:16
kirklandjcastro: nice article22:21
kirklandjcastro: i recognize that name...jason brooks...where?22:22
jcastroI can't place it either22:22
ivoksSpamapS: my upload? hm...22:36
ivoksah... debdiff i've sent to zul22:36
SpamapSits ok, I rejected one of his other ones too. :)22:38
koolhead17SpamapS: is LXC containers finally supported for juju?22:39
koolhead17or is it the other way around.22:40
SpamapSkoolhead17: its fully supported to use the local provider, which uses LXC containers22:42
SpamapSI have not looked at the docs for how to get it setup just yet22:42
koolhead17ok. so current documentation still points to test charms via ec222:43
SpamapSkoolhead17: http://paste.ubuntu.com/706369/22:48
SpamapSkoolhead17: thats all you need in environments.yaml22:48
koolhead17SpamapS: thanks22:52
koolhead17SpamapS: also am little confused how db-relation-changed works and pushes all authentication from existing mysql charm.22:57
SpamapSkoolhead17: not sure what you're asking23:01
koolhead17SpamapS: in drupal charm example i am mentioning db:     interface: mysql23:02
koolhead17as requires23:03
SpamapSkoolhead17: right, so when you get a db-relation-changed hook, you need to use 'relation-get' to get the values that you need23:03
koolhead17SpamapS: user=`relation-get user` password=`relation-get password` host=`relation-get host`23:04
koolhead17and i have 2 forget about the mysql server, is it? :)23:04
SpamapSkoolhead17: thats it. Note that you can use host=`relation-get private-address` instead .. the 'host' part of the mysql relation will go away at some point.23:08
koolhead17SpamapS: ok. mostly am fighting with dbconig-common and trying to feed it with pressed as it wants :(23:12
monokromeDoes anyone here know how to use DHCP with a static address?23:19
qman__the two are mutually exclusive23:19
qman__unless you're referring to DHCP reservations23:19
monokromeThat's still the case.23:20
monokromeOops. Wrong paste.23:20
monokromeqman__: http://d.pr/tTOA23:20
monokromeThere is a DHCP reservation for this machine, but the machine still needs to request that address.23:20
=== monokrome_ is now known as monokrome
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=== ThatMakesMeAngry is now known as Tohuw
deebee_monokrome: What exactly are you trying to achieve? If it's a DHCP reservation, then the client doesn't request a particular address, it just asks for "an address", and the server looks up the client in it's list of reservations using the client's MAC address23:47
shauno'dhcp with a manual address' does require server-side support, for ipv4.  osx doesn't make that very obvious.23:57

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