
jibelnew ubuntu desktop images posted to the tracker.11:42
patdk-wkstill no iso's?12:28
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cjwatsonpatdk-wk: they're rebuilding at the moment, you should see them gradually filtering onto the tracker12:57
cjwatsonpatdk-wk: any particular images you mean?12:57
patdk-wkjust looking for the server images :)12:57
patdk-wkstill sounds like there will be rebuilds of it yet though12:58
cjwatsonit's in the queue12:58
cjwatsonI'm guessing under an hour12:58
patdk-wkwee, updates iso's14:13
charlie-tcapatdk-wk: looks like we have the new images15:01
patdk-wkya, about 2 more min, till I'm done downloading15:01
patdk-wkunless you mean another new batch :)15:01
patdk-wkrunning out of time to test them today though :(15:02
patdk-wkhave to head to new office and inspect the installation of new wiring15:02
charlie-tcaThe ones dated for 2011-10-11 is all I see. I guess not being at the release sprint means we have to tell each other when things are there now15:02
patdk-wkthen headed down to the datacenter for a opening event15:02
charlie-tcaHave fun15:02
patdk-wkiso's downloaded :)15:02
patdk-wknow just need an hour to test them all :)15:03
charlie-tcaMine are about two hours to download (zsync) and then just 10-12 hours to test15:06
patdk-wkmine take about 40min to download15:06
patdk-wkI do 3 tests, on server 64 and 3215:07
patdk-wksometimes I'll do a 4th test if time permits15:07
charlie-tcaAnd if I don't keep a close eye on either the server or the ISO tracker, I don't even know when they get killed again :(15:07
patdk-wkguess I have time now to start tests15:08
patdk-wkguess  Ishould start with the iscsi ones, as I wonder how well my new iscsi envroment works :)15:08
patdk-wkshould make testing much much less painful, and save me 5min per test15:08
patdk-wkhave full iscsi bios boot now :)15:08
charlie-tcaI can't even start testing again until probably noon here now.15:19
skaetcharlie-tca, we'll announce here in this channel, when a respin is going to be needed and why.15:21
charlie-tcaThank you, skaet15:23
charlie-tcaat least the "we are respinning ???" would be great15:23
charlie-tcaand then the "??? images are ready now" too, would be most helpful15:23
skaetcharlie-tca,  will post here when I see we're respinning.   I'll be monitoring them emerging, but will be checking the iso tracker too, before they emerge.15:26
skaetmay miss a few on the iso tracker though, since multiplexing on many other fronts right now.15:26
charlie-tcaThank you. It just seems with most of Canonical there together, they leave out those of us in the Community side of things more and more.15:28
skaetcharlie-tca, pitti, slangasek, aren't in milbank.  We're still distributed.   Colin just arrived this morning, and went into firefight mode.15:29
skaetcourtesy of last night's regression.15:30
charlie-tcaI apologize for the misconception here. I am just frustrated, I need 10-12 hours to get things tested properly, and I see respins happening so fast, I can't even get one test done15:30
skaetcharlie-tca, I understand.   Its been a bit fustrating all around.15:31
patdk-wkheh, scared15:33
patdk-wkthe iso is downloading 57 updated packages :)15:33
charlie-tcaand that's the "new" image?15:35
elopioHello testers.15:46
Samsagaxhi there15:47
elopioI've installed oneiric on my laptop, and I see weird problems that I don't see on my netbook.15:47
elopiolike, a grey top bar, and some invisible unity icons.15:47
elopiono sound indicator15:47
elopiono shut down indicator, or whatever it's called.15:48
elopioseems to be only my problem, but I don't know what's going on. I installed from today's iso. Can it be that I have some previous preferences that are messing it all?15:49
charlie-tcaDid you grab the iso dated October 11, or October 10?15:51
elopiocharlie-tca, october 11.15:55
elopioI synchronized it one hour ago.15:55
charlie-tcaIf you kept /home, it might have previous preferences.15:56
jibelelopio, and does it work from live cd ? Is it an upgrade or you wiped everything and did a fresh installation ?15:56
elopiocharlie-tca, I kept /home15:57
elopiojibel, it works from live cd. And I wiped all my /, just kept /home15:57
elopiowhat previous preferences should I delete?15:57
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patdk-wkdamn network delay still exists, never got a moment to file a report about that :(16:52
jibelpatdk-wk, is this bug 870214 ?16:56
ubot4Launchpad bug 870214 in open-iscsi (Ubuntu Oneiric) (and 4 other projects) "iSCSI root installation creates manual eth0 configuration + long boot (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/87021416:56
patdk-wksounds like it17:02
patdk-wkI have to head to the datacenter now17:02
patdk-wkbut will update the tracker when I get back17:02
patdk-wkand hopefully get the esxi tests run17:02
patdk-wknew iscsi setup here works nice :)17:02
hggdhjamespage: OK, ad-hoc run fine (meaning as usual)17:25
jamespagehggdh: do we still have the wrong region?17:26
hggdhjamespage: seems so17:26
jamespageor is is ap-northeast-117:26
jamespageah - it is - please can we update the config and re-run17:26
jamespageprior to the big one17:26
hggdhtoo late ;-)17:27
jamespagehggdh: oh well - its probably OK :-)17:27
hggdhbut I updated the ad-hoc17:28
hggdhjamespage: and the big beast has the correct region17:29
hggdhalso, after I updated it it got to be green -- perhaps an older run?17:29
elopioI reported my problem with a screenshot on bug #87240017:39
ubot4Launchpad bug 872400 in ubuntu "many UI problems after installing oneiric (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/87240017:39
jamespagehggdh: not looking to bad so far17:47
jamespagenothing actually related to the ami image itself - just general ec2 issue-ets17:47
jamespagehggdh: need to take a break - back in a bit17:47
patrickmwstgraber, is edubuntu rebuilding due to an ltsp error?  tftp is unable to load pxelinux on 64bit for ubuntu.18:12
jamespagehggdh: ec2 testing looking OK18:32
jamespageone test is spinning - but it looks like an ec2 provisioning error18:33
jamespagewill time out in a bit18:33
hggdhjamespage: finished, two errors reported18:44
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bdmurrayHow do I figure out who added a bug to the iso testing tracker it so it was tagged iso-testing?20:03
bdmurrayOkay now who is valix?20:05
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jibelcharlie-tca, I tested xubuntu alternate and it looks good, I didn't covered xubuntu desktop "resize partition"21:51
charlie-tcaThank you21:52
charlie-tcaI am running the desktop images21:52
charlie-tcajibel: I forgot to re-write the screen-reader installation21:55
cjwatsonchadadavis: are you around?  I could use a bit of live debugging on bug22:55
cjwatsonbug 85682622:55
ubot4Launchpad bug 856826 in partman-base (Ubuntu) (and 2 other projects) "'guided resize' partioning leaves Mac unbootable (affects: 1) (heat: 58)" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/85682622:55
chadadavisHi cjwatson22:56
chadadavisI've got a system ready to be resized, if you can tell me what you're looking for.22:57
cjwatsonwell, actually, I want other stuff first22:58
cjwatsoncan you tell me what 'archdetect' in a terminal in a live session says?22:58
cjwatsonok, excellent22:59
cjwatsonthat's the simplest kind of wrong22:59
chadadavisShould there be some Mac/GPT identifier in there somewhere?22:59
cjwatsonthat actually doesn't directly matter, but it indicates that parted will be confused in the same way23:00
chadadavisAnyway I can fudge it and try it?23:00
cjwatsonI'm typing instructions :)23:00
chadadavisBut this is new behaviour. We didn't have this issue with Natty.23:00
chadadavisGreat. Thanks.23:00
cjwatsonyes yes23:00
cjwatsonI know why it's changed23:01
cjwatsonthe change was a bug fix but it has had a bad knock-on effect here23:01
cjwatsoncan you install libparted0debian1 from https://launchpad.net/~cjwatson/+archive/ppa and then try the resize install?23:01
cjwatson(there's a bunch of other random junk in that PPA, sorry)23:02
cjwatsonalso extremely tired, sorry if I'm being overly abrupt / not making sense23:02
cjwatsonthat parted change does better detection of whether it's on an Apple system that handles some EFI models better23:03
chadadaviscjwatson, OK, great. Got it. Anything else to note/log before I try it? It's on the way ...23:06
cjwatsonno, I think that should be it, hopefully; I would like the sfdisk output as before though, whether it works or not23:06
cjwatsonas well as regular syslog/partman23:07
chadadavisRight, will save all of that.23:07
cjwatsonexcellent, thank you23:07
cjwatsonreally appreciate this23:07
cjwatsonbut I think I have to crash now, seeing as I've been up for 19 hours :-/23:08
chadadavisNo problem. Thank you for your help. Will add the logs to the bug report.23:08

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