
JohnRobertI remember dodgy00:03
JohnRobertmind you, I'm almost 3000:03
JohnRobertand my hair is falling out00:04
daftykinsJohnRobert: thank you! that's ok, i'm 26 but i know them00:20
=== ali1234 is now known as WSAinformant1234
ballWhat is it now, 4am?02:59
ubuntuuk-planet[Jono Bacon] Keeping The Feedback Train Rolling - http://www.jonobacon.org/2011/10/11/keeping-the-feedback-train-rolling/05:20
ballHello GirlyGirl06:04
ballHey, is anyone here from Somerset, or at least somewhat familiar with it?06:05
BigRedSball, what's the actual question?06:36
danfishmorning - who broke twitter?06:40
BigRedSworks for me :)06:44
danfishworking here now. #blameczajkowski ;)06:50
danfishczajkowski: just checking that irc wasn't bust as well06:52
popeyM3 is broken this morning06:52
danfishouch - you caught in it?06:52
MooDoohello all06:55
popeyworking from home with a sick child06:57
vibhavQueens english!07:09
diploMorning all07:26
dwatkinsMyrtti: you should have an extra gig on spideroak now.07:39
dwatkinsalso, good morning all07:40
Myrttidwatkins: ooh, wow, thank you07:41
dwatkinsthank you, Myrtti - your referral was what did it :) I just mailed them to ask they add it after I'd set my account up.07:42
dwatkinsThey were quite responsive, considering I only have a free account.07:42
AlanBellmorning all07:45
dwatkinshi AlanBell07:45
shaunothe referral bonus is 1GB?  I used Myrtti's link too   lol07:45
czajkowskipopey: awwwww poor sick kid07:51
* TheOpenSourcerer needs a bigger and more reliable phone: http://www.t3.com/news/samsung-galaxy-note-uk-release-date-officially-confirmed :-)07:53
TheOpenSourcererHah 1280x800 resolution.07:54
AlanBellnice screen!07:54
czajkowskiAlanBell: try not and lose it :p07:55
AlanBellI haven't lost my galaxy S207:56
AlanBellit is here somewhere07:56
Joeb454seriously? A 5.3" screen?07:57
* Joeb454 thinks 4.x" is a little too big for a phone, but that's just ridiculous07:57
TheOpenSourcererMy current phone is 5.0"07:57
Joeb454TheOpenSourcerer: I guess you'd be hard pushed to forget it was in your pocket07:58
TheOpenSourcererAsk AlanBell about that.07:58
TheOpenSourcererThey keep saying how unique a form factor it is, but it is very similar to my Dell Streak - Just made by a better company and newer technology.07:59
popeyit has a pointing device08:00
TheOpenSourcererit has an [optional] pointing device08:01
TheOpenSourcererIt's use is not necessary, but seems like a nice idea to scribble notes etc.08:01
Joeb454It's like it's trying to be a tablet, but trying to make sure it doesn't compete with the tablet market08:03
Joeb454so basically, trying to fill a gap that never really existed08:03
* popey expects there will be a good market for new pointers08:03
hoovermorning all08:03
popeybecause people lose them08:03
TheOpenSourcererThe form factor is about right for me - I use data services more than voice. But I still need voice and would like it in the same device.08:04
TheOpenSourcererThe Samsung is significantly lighter than my current Streak, yet has a bigger and much higher res screen.08:05
TheOpenSourcererAnd a bigger battery ;-)08:05
bigcalmHi peeps :)08:07
popeymy new phone arrives this week ☺08:08
TheOpenSourcererLet's have a sweepstake to guess what it will be. ;-)08:10
diploI need a phone :( - Can't afford one and don't want to go contract so 6230i it is again :(08:10
popeyI'd go back to Android if anyone made a decent phone :D08:11
diploGalaxy S2 is decent imo, everyone I know who has one is very happy08:12
Joeb454popey: I take it you ordered a 4S?08:12
diplocouple of them prefer to iphone08:12
diploS3 specs supposedly leaked yesterday08:13
diplodual core 1.8ghz proc!!!! jeesh08:13
popeyI have yet to hold an android phone that didnt feel like cheap plastic rubbish08:13
MartijnVdSpopey: Nexus One08:13
MartijnVdSit's metal! :)08:13
popeyobserve 'feel'08:13
* BigRedS just proved his observation that if you need coffee you're in no fit state to make it :(08:14
MartijnVdSpopey: it feels very metal to me, compared to my previous phone (HTC Magic), which was pure plastic08:14
BigRedShah, yeah. I just plonked the cafetiere lid on and go coffee all over the place08:14
BigRedSnot on me, which is fine08:14
BigRedSthough that might have woken me up somewhat08:14
selinuxiumdiplo, I have the S2 and it is fabulous...08:17
DJonesdiplo: 1.8ghz proc, sheesh, I thought the Nexus Prime was looking good with a 1.5Ghz08:18
diploI want an s2 :/08:18
MartijnVdSI'm waiting for the Prime08:18
TheOpenSourcererThe Note is actually somewhat shorter than the Streak and is almost the in same sq mm.08:18
TheOpenSourcerer146.85 x 82.95 x 9.65 mm, 178g08:18
TheOpenSourcerer152.4 x 78.74 x 10.16 mm, 218g08:18
MartijnVdSI can't stand the "customizations"  on other phones08:18
selinuxiumdiplo, http://www.metro.co.uk/tech/878154-samsung-galaxy-s-ii-beats-apple-iphone-to-best-phone-at-t3-awards08:19
TheOpenSourcererselinuxium: popey will ignore this and state categorically that the iPhone is better ;-)08:19
popeywow, thats heavy08:19
popeyfeel free to ignore the truth :D08:19
popeyiphone is 140g08:19
MartijnVdSno it's 4g08:20
popeywakka wakka08:20
DJonesQuestion to always ask, does it do what you want? If Yes, its the best phone for you :)08:20
MartijnVdSHah, but my phone can make calls.08:20
TheOpenSourcererpopey: I'm able to carry 218g around without an issue. 178g is amazing for a device of that size.08:20
TheOpenSourcerer4 what?08:21
popeyyeah, i am not that bothered by weight08:21
shaunomaking calls is pretty much an optional extra on mine.  I used 47 seconds out of my 300 minutes last month08:21
popeyi thought the iphone 4 was considered 'heavy' though08:21
diploDJones, I totally agree, I like the iphone08:21
diploItunes was a big bug bear with me08:21
popeyyeah, no need for that anymore08:22
shaunoheh, it's free of itunes assuming your sole source of tunes is itms :/08:23
MartijnVdSI still can't get used to that myself08:24
* gord still buys music like a smuck08:24
MartijnVdSBut then, I still buy CDs08:24
diplogord, Me to :)08:24
Joeb454+1 for spotify, though it doesn't have everything I want to listen to, it has a lot of it08:24
MartijnVdSJoeb454: youtube has the rest? :P08:24
oimonhave apple removed the requirement for itunes now?08:24
shaunospotify isn't available in ireland yet :(08:24
oimonshauno: grooveshark?08:25
diplothink so oimon08:25
Joeb454MartijnVdS: awkward to listen to youtube on the go though :P08:25
Joeb454oimon: they have for the setup, and you could back-up to icloud if you didn't want to sync with itunes08:25
popeyoimon: yes08:25
MartijnVdSJoeb454: Spotify on the go is iffy as well over here08:25
MartijnVdSJoeb454: you can't get "unlimited" mobile data anymore, only up to 1GB08:25
Joeb454MartijnVdS: I sync the playlists I want on the go locally to the phone08:25
MartijnVdSJoeb454: (the Netherlands)08:25
Joeb454MartijnVdS: can't get unlimited here either :(08:26
popeyMartijnVdS: i sync the music to device08:26
MartijnVdSpopey: I thought Spotify was all streaming?08:26
popeyyou can download08:26
popeyi have thousands of tracks on my phone08:26
bigcalmBut you still have to be able to login to access the content you have downloaded08:26
popeyno you dont08:27
popeyyou can go fully offline08:27
popeyyou just have to go online again within a month or so08:27
bigcalmOh, news to me :)08:27
Joeb454MartijnVdS: I believe you need spotify premium to sync locally though08:27
oimonif you unsubscribe from spotify you lose all your offline stuff i suppose?08:27
bigcalmYes, the mobile app won't work without a premium account08:27
popeywonder if anyone has decrypted the spotify tracks :D08:28
selinuxiumpopey, for some reason my Spotify now requests that it is online when you start it up, making it useless for me if I want to turn it on on the tube.. Is that just me or do you have issue switching the app on while it is in force offline or the data is unavailable?08:28
bigcalmWhy is Absolute 80s playing non-80s music?08:29
selinuxiumpopey, no to which part?  :)08:29
popeyno to having any issues with it08:29
oimonbigcalm: what song?08:30
Joeb454bigcalm: do they have a 'give or take 3 years' policy?08:30
GirlyGirlbigcalm: Maybe time machines existed in the 80's08:30
bigcalmIt was a track from 2000+ era08:30
bigcalmHumm, 80s, 90s and Absolute radio all playing the same stream08:31
selinuxiumpopey: also, my desktop app (Native Linux) always ask for the T&Cs to be accepted on each start up. DO you use it? Is that apparent in your setup?08:31
JamesTaitGood morning all!08:31
oimonbigcalm: anyone from the 80s knows you shouldn't cross the streams!08:32
bigcalmI couldn't take it. Switched to 6 music for a bit08:32
oimonQ music is quite good too08:33
Joeb454selinuxium: I've not come across that, it does tell me there was an error each time I start up, and that I'm running on an unsupported platform though08:33
popeyselinuxium: no08:35
BigRedSselinuxium: is that Spotify? I got that until I upgraded to the version that complains that I'm on an unsupported platform08:42
BigRedSThis is a relatively unobtrusive bug, though, so I'm loathe to upgrde and see what's broken next08:43
selinuxiumBigRedS, Hey fella, Maybe there is an update out there I haven't got... :)08:55
BigRedSselinuxium: perhaps. I've definitely not had that 'agree to the T&Cs' thing pop up since I got the unsupported platform thing09:01
BigRedSI can't remember if there was an upgrade in between, though09:01
popeyselinuxium: coming out to play on thursday?09:02
oimonbeefy miracle is actually the new fedora name? fantastic!09:03
bigcalmpopey: got a moment free?09:03
MooDoooimon: it took ages to get that name, we tried it for F15 but it got beat09:04
oimoni would use it in tribute09:04
oimonfor one cycle only :)09:04
oimonon my test box :)09:04
MooDoooimon: http://beefymiracle.org/09:04
oimoni want the t-shirt09:05
andylockranhowdy all09:07
BigRedSIf anything's going to get me to use yum again, it's that codename09:09
AlanBellMooDoo: so how did they get from Verne to Beefy Miracle?09:11
MooDooAlanBell: Beefy Miracle is a name suggested for Fedora 16. Verne is also a name suggested for Fedora 1609:13
AlanBellhow delightfully meta09:14
danfishJules Verne invented marmite, hence the beefy reference09:14
popeymarmite isnt made from beef09:15
bigcalmIt's made from beer09:15
AlanBelldanfish: the naming convention is "X+1 is a $foo, X is also a $foo"09:15
DJonesVegemite -> Marmite :)09:15
danfishs/marmite/bovril/taste-hell ;)09:16
* gord had a good giggle at everyone thinking marmite is made from cows09:17
DJonesThat would be "moomite"09:18
bigcalmEven bovril is made of vegetarians09:20
BigRedSis it?09:21
BigRedSoh, there'a a vegetarian form of it09:21
DJonesTo make all the ipad owners who really, really, really need an app for it, you can now get a facebook app :)09:21
popeyyeah, i tried it last night09:21
popeywish google would do the same for G+09:22
popeyThe ipad Twitter app is hands down the best twitter app on any platform09:22
DJonesThere's an android app for G+ I thought they'd done an ipad app09:22
popeythere's an iphone app, but not an ipad one09:22
DJonesRight, that must be what I'd seen09:23
BigRedSI just want to make G+ talk or listen to Twitter09:23
popeyDJones: it scales up on ipad, and looks like arse ☺09:24
BigRedSI (briefly) tried c+ping posts, and I've decided that's more hassle than I can be bothered with09:24
bigcalmYou can't just use iPhone apps on an iPad?09:24
popeythats what I do bigcalm09:25
popeyunless I am in a hurry09:25
popeyI'll generally compose on twitter and paste over09:25
popeyand even download from twitpic and re-upload to g+ and fb09:25
DJonesI think my next target for a phone is either the S3 or Nexus Prime, and a Motorola Xoom as a tablet09:25
DJonesSince when does BBC official twitter accounts have adverts?09:27
bigcalmMaybe it's run like the RadioTimes09:28
DJonesWierd, even stranger is that I don't have that BBc account on my "follow" list09:30
brobostigongood morning everyone.09:31
bigcalmRetweeted by somebody else then09:31
bigcalmHi brobostigon09:31
brobostigonmorning DJones09:32
brobostigonmorning bigcalm09:32
brobostigonsorry DJones09:32
DJonesAh, sorted, somebody sent a personal tweet advertising giffgaf from their bbc twitter account by mistake09:32
oimoni like it when the official account of big companies sent pocket tweets Xisjods,cfsd that don't get deleted09:33
oimonwow, libreoffice up to 3.4 already. http://www.libreoffice.org/download/3-4-new-features-and-fixes/09:53
davmor2morning all09:55
MooDoomorning davmor209:55
davmor2MooDoo: I'm so happy your back dude :)  So czajkowski she said so, and so's gord cause now czajkowski isn't picking on him in your stead :)09:56
* czajkowski sends davmor2 and MooDoo to the naughty step 09:57
BigRedSme really wishes people would take advantage of sensible defaults09:57
* MooDoo has a crush on czajkowski :)09:57
BigRedSer. /me09:57
davmor2czajkowski: we're there already just waiting on you're arrival shouldn't take long09:58
czajkowskiMooDoo: lack of sleep is showing there lad09:58
AlanBellhttp://loco.ubuntu.com/events/ubuntu-uk/1283/detail/ loadsa people09:58
MooDooczajkowski: yeah i think so, but it was a compliment as well :D09:58
davmor2MooDoo: how was your lens have you done it yet?09:59
MooDoo22nd oct09:59
davmor2hahaha I like thisisthecountdown.com today10:20
andylockranI'm just massively confused by it.10:20
Joeb454andylockran: me too10:21
andylockranAlanBell: that doesn't help :p10:21
AlanBellthe hex codes of the colours in those vertical bars are a clue10:22
AlanBellthey can be decoded to a URL10:22
Joeb454AlanBell: what about the error code?10:22
AlanBell0x575341 is HEX for WSA10:22
AlanBell484558 is hex for hex10:24
AlanBellwhich is pointing you to decode the colour bars10:24
bigcalm#4A2E6D #702F61 #65726F #737061 #63657210:25
oimoni think there's a irc room for this10:25
bigcalmNothing else going on in here ;)10:26
AlanBellbigcalm: now put that in the hex box here http://home2.paulschou.net/tools/xlate/ and decode10:27
AlanBellJ.mp/aerospacer which is a URL10:27
bigcalmNo flash, time to download10:28
oimondoes anyone know why i can't "telnet mailserver 25" from a windows server? the firewall is off10:29
andylockranoimon: probably isp blocking port 25?10:29
oimonon my internal network, all other linux clients can do it10:29
MooDoowhat's the error?10:30
oimonoh, i disabled mcafee on access protection and it works10:30
oimonthere's some hidden configs that are to stop mass emailing worms10:31
AlanBellreally pleased at 34-59 people signed up to the release party on Thursday10:32
bigcalmI won't be able to make it :(10:32
bigcalmPlugging my headphones into my android tablet is giving some seriously good sounds. Better than having them plugged into my work station10:33
bigcalmMost strange10:33
bigcalmNice music, I could see it being used in tv adverts or a film presentation10:34
davmor2AlanBell: all that for that I depressed now10:35
AlanBelldavmor2: that is just the next clue, not the end of the game10:36
davmor2AlanBell: oh man there's more....../me needs to deaf it out now and go do some work10:37
* czajkowski kicks davmor2 10:37
MooDoothat wasn't nice czajkowski10:39
monsterrrOK I need to know my history10:41
monsterrron the british side of computing10:41
monsterrrany recommeded sites, books, articles ?10:41
MooDoowikipedia ;)10:41
oimonmonsterr  watch micromen , a bbc programme10:41
oimonacorn vs sinclair10:42
MooDoohow about reading up on blechly park :)10:42
oimonand read register articles on acorn and psion10:42
oimonplus the world's first stored instruction  computer at Manchester10:42
brobostigondo i need to logout/login for update-alternatives changes to kick in?10:43
monsterrrI'm on it :)10:44
oimonhave fun monsterrr, those were great days :D10:45
bigcalmMaybe they are going to shoot sabofl into space?10:45
GirlyGirlAlanBell: Is your experience on 11.10 good? All GTK 3 apps have a laggy UI for me10:46
directhexmicro men is split into bits on youtube, fwiw10:46
AlanBellGirlyGirl: working fine so far10:46
davmor2monsterrr: Goto Bletchley Park!10:46
monsterrrI live near it I think10:47
bigcalmI like to go, not sure if Hayley would be that interested though10:47
davmor2bigcalm: My wife a non tech loved it,  the tour guides really bring it to life10:47
oimonhow much does it cost?10:48
bigcalmAha, cool10:48
oimonis it ok to take toddlers to?10:48
monsterrrcan you actually go in the buliding10:48
DJonesMy wife would be totally bored, if it doesn't run facebook or 2nd life, she's not interested10:48
AlanBellbletchly is cool10:49
oimonadults  £12.00, parking £310:50
oimonAll tickets for Bletchley Park are now valid for as many visits you would like during the 12 month period from time of purchase10:50
directhexbletchley is cool, yeah10:50
directhexwell, as cool as it can be given it's in milton keynes now10:50
brobostigondirecthex: do i have to logout/login for update-alternatives to take affect?10:51
oimoni need to read the enigma book first to get the most out of it. i'm on page 1 :-\10:51
directhexbrobostigon, no. update-laternatives just changes symlinks in /usr/bin10:51
brobostigondirecthex: ok, thank you.10:52
brobostigonissue being, when i try and open a url, from terminal, it isnt obaying, what i set in update-alternatives.10:53
directhexopening it with what?10:53
brobostigonit open with iceweasel, insted of inside chromium, that i have it set to.10:54
directhexthere are five places the default browser might be read from.10:54
directhexx-www-browser alternative, www-browser alternative, $BROWSER environment, gnome default applications widget, and the kde equivalent10:55
brobostigonwww-browser is set to w3m.10:55
directhexrun that, check which browser it's set to10:55
brobostigoni checked that one, quickly.10:56
brobostigon$browser, that in bash config, minute.10:56
andylockranguys, I want to receive an email, each time /usr/bin/convert is run10:56
andylockranif I create a /usr/local/bin/convert - can I get that to email me, then run /usr/bin/convert on what was passed to the command?10:57
andylockranor is there a more 'elegant' way ?10:57
brobostigondirecthex: there is no $BROWSER set, in bashrc that i can see.10:58
directhexnope, that's the normal way10:58
directhexbrobostigon, dunno then. might be set in another place10:58
directhexlinux is fun!10:58
brobostigondirecthex: i am just checking gnomes default settings.10:58
brobostigonweird, in gnome's default applications thingie, all other options are chooseable, other than web browser, which is blanked out.11:00
oimonbrobostigon: probably a new feature :D 20% of users didn't use it or something11:03
brobostigonoimon: that is not logical, as the other default options, are there, and changable. if you logic is right, then why show the option at all, blanked out or otherwise.11:04
MartijnVdSbrobostigon: probably because you don't have multiple browsers installed?11:04
oimoni was joking , based on the other silly gnome choices11:04
brobostigonMartijnVdS: i stripped everything back to a single browser. also there is only one mail client installed, mutt, and it is giving me a dropdown, as if there is more than one option. not blanked out.11:05
MartijnVdSbrobostigon: hm, strange11:05
brobostigonMartijnVdS: quite, yes.11:06
andylockranor is there a more 'elegant' way ?11:07
oimonwhen i ask users "have you changed your password in the last 3 years", i wish they wouldn't lie if they aren't sure :-\11:08
MartijnVdSoimon: it's a shame thing -- they know they SHOULD say "yes, I have"11:10
AlanBell!info tsclient11:10
lubotu3tsclient (source: tsclient): front-end for viewing of remote desktops in GNOME. In component main, is optional. Version 0.150-4ubuntu2 (natty), package size 295 kB, installed size 592 kB11:10
AlanBell!info tsclient oneiric11:11
lubotu3'oneiric' is not a valid distribution: hardy, hardy-backports, hardy-proposed, jaunty, jaunty-backports, jaunty-proposed, karmic, karmic-backports, karmic-proposed, kubuntu-backports, kubuntu-experimental, kubuntu-updates, lucid, lucid-backports, lucid-proposed, maverick, maverick-backports, maverick-proposed, medibuntu, natty, natty-backports, natty-proposed, partner, stable, testing, unstable11:11
AlanBellE: Package 'tsclient' has no installation candidate11:11
MooDoobloomin eck what a day so far11:30
bigcalmIn PHP, you can set the local timezone to be UTC (or whatever) so that all time manipulation functions make sense no matter where they are done in the world. Is it possible to do the same with JavaScript?11:33
diplobigcalm, afaik you can't11:36
diploBut there is a file called php.js that implements php functions in js11:37
diploJust found after a quick look round11:37
bigcalmFound http://stackoverflow.com/questions/439630/how-do-you-create-a-javascript-date-object-with-a-set-timezone-without-using-a-st11:37
bigcalmWondering if the top answer will help11:37
bigcalmYeah, php.js is great. Not sure about setting of local timezones though11:38
diploI've never used it, or had this issue so far, so not the best answer11:38
diploSeems others wouldn't touchphp.js with a barge pole11:39
gordhuh, pm got major isp's to make pornography websites opt in, scary times.11:41
gordwonder what will get blocked next11:42
brobostigonsocial networking?11:43
brobostigonusing the recent riots as an excuse,11:43
czajkowskiAlanBell: the nice gatwick flight is gone for the winter :(11:51
AlanBelloh noes11:52
* AlanBell wonders if czajkowski will be coming round for turkey11:57
czajkowskiAlanBell: so getting the boat11:57
czajkowskihave warned the mothership11:57
czajkowskinot going through that flight lark again11:57
AlanBellwhich boat?11:57
czajkowskiferry from hollyhead to dublin11:58
AlanBellprobably best that time of year, Cork is a long crossing11:58
shaunocurious, flight lark?  never had a problem getting in & out myself12:00
AlanBellnever follow czajkowski to an airport12:01
shaunoheh.  gotcha12:01
Pendulumshauno: you missed the saga of czajkowski flying home in the snow12:01
Pendulumwhich turned into czajkowski taking the boat in the snow12:01
czajkowskilook that saga haunts me12:01
czajkowskireason I will not fly out of heathrow!12:01
Pendulumit was an epic tale ;-)12:01
shaunoit is a shame they've all but given up on Shannon tho.  that always made my life much easier12:02
* MartijnVdS now has the ubuntu monospace font in his terminals12:02
czajkowskiI can go via stansted12:02
czajkowskibut that's a 6am flight12:02
MooDooczajkowski: was going to say sounds like you're having fun until i read the date :)12:03
shaunogood lord, that does read like an epic trip.  luckily they don't get snowed in /that/ often12:06
shaunoreminds me, I really should try to figure out how I'm going to get home this christmas, since aer arann have stopped flying to newcastle :(12:07
czajkowskishauno: aye the kicker was dublin, 3 carriage train and it broke down no reaso given what so ever then it started12:08
czajkowskimum greated with trains planes and automobiles....... too soon, went to bed12:09
czajkowskithan feck I had twitter to let off steam12:09
czajkowskiit was an entertaining few days12:09
shaunotrains here are odd.  they're either completely fine, or completely catastrophic.  never anywhere in between12:10
shauno(besides the fact they're only any use if you're going to dublin.  otherwise it's a bus)12:10
czajkowskiwell sister had me booked on that train12:11
czajkowskias there was a snow storm12:11
czajkowskiI dont want to relive that ever again12:11
czajkowskisaying that I got offers from people via twitter of places to stay for xmas if I stayed over12:11
czajkowskimy dad at one point said stay over here12:11
czajkowskiat which point I'm pretty sure I heard a shrill cry from the mothership12:11
shaunomother keeps asking when I'm going to visit :/  unfortunately the answer is "when you don't live in alaska"12:15
gordonjcpshauno: heh12:27
=== WSAinformant1234 is now known as ali1234
dwatkinsmy mother keeps threatening to drive 400 miles and visit me. She'll have to stay in a hotel, though, as we have no spare bed anymore and pet rats in the lounge ;)12:54
shaunowhat's stopping her?  400 miles is nothing!13:02
czajkowskipet rats.........13:34
popeypet rats are cute13:41
oimonneither cute nor tasty13:41
oimonand they eat your clothes13:42
MooDoorat burger13:42
czajkowskithat#s cute13:43
czajkowskia rat is not cute and is not a pet have shivers gone down my back13:43
oimonlatest humble bundle doesn't work with intel gfx cards :-\13:43
oimonhedgehogs have fleas and ticks13:43
oimonand it is showing you its bum13:44
MooDooczajkowski: you're nuts13:44
* GirlyGirl thinks oimon is criticising her pet hedgehog13:45
MooDooczajkowski: oops sorry missread that13:45
* MooDoo needs sleep as today he's being an ass13:45
TheOpenSourcererOooh - Don't think Spotify's model is sustainable like this: http://www.forbes.com/sites/parmyolson/2011/10/11/spotify-loses-42-million-on-licensing-costs/14:01
gordwell thats interesting, i remember reading something the other day that claimed artists were getting next to nothing from spotify14:02
gordhugely popular songs getting maybe a few hundred dollars or some such14:02
ali1234just because the licensing fees are huge doesn't mean any of it goes to the artists14:08
AlanBellnice to have a business that pays money for people to listen to music14:18
oimonhmm thames water "upgraded" their pipes and broke my water meter14:21
oimonthey don't know how much water i've used14:21
diploWill probably estimate it on last few months usage then oimon ?14:22
oimondiplo: yeah, they broke it in april14:22
oimoncould have had free water all summer14:23
diploYou know with a company like that it won't be writ off :P14:23
oimonthey broke it too14:23
diploWho knows, you may be lucky14:23
oimonno..they will estimate...except they never read my meter, it is always estimated14:24
ali1234united utilities claimed i used £1000 of water in like 6 months14:24
oimonso the estimates will be based on estimates14:24
ali1234i challenged them to show me the meter14:24
ali1234after about a year of failing to do so they wrote it off14:25
oimoni was able to take a photo of my meter because it was completely unattached to any pipe14:25
oimonand my neighbours one was sitting in my front garden14:25
oimondoes anyone know what an oystercard statement is?14:28
ali1234it's a statement ... for your oystercard14:29
oimonexcept they don't exist, although i'm being asked for one :-\14:29
* oimon munches on licorice to cheer himself up when dealing with customer service 14:31
diploDont use Oyster, but can you retrieve it online14:31
oimonmaybe cos i have a season ticket, it doesn't actually tell me anything14:31
AlanBellif you register your card you can get a statement14:33
oimonit's definitely registered. no journeys appear on my history either (not a bad thing)14:34
shaunothat bugged me; I couldn't register my oyster card without a UK address14:47
oimonoyster is a bit flawed really14:48
shaunoyou'd think London of all places would realize that not everyone's a lcoal14:48
=== Girly-Girl is now known as GirlyGirl
oimonno photocards either now with oyster14:49
oimonif you have a season ticket, there is nothing on the ticket to identify the owner14:50
shaunothat would seem ripe for abuse14:50
oimontherefore if you put the oystercards in a drawer, you don't know if you are picking up a PAYG or season ticket14:50
shaunograb a sharpie: fix it!14:51
oimonany whether they care about family members sharing? maybe the non-transferable thing was to avoid resale in the old days14:51
funkyHatThey are fine with sharing your oyster card with anyone14:51
oimonfunkyHat: PAYG they are, but prob not season tickets14:51
oimonalthough a weekly pass does not have to be registered14:52
funkyHatI think they say you can't use it on the same day someone else has or something, but I see no way they would possibly bother to check up on that14:52
popeyi thought weekly didnt need a photo but monthly and above does14:52
oimonred ken probably set up a spooks-style monitoring centre14:52
popeyhas that changed?14:52
oimonpopey: i have a yearly, no photo on mine14:52
funkyHatI cycle mostly so season tickets don't make sense for me14:53
oimonstudent and discount cards require a photo14:53
shaunopayg makes sense for me, since I don't live on the same island :p14:53
oimoni will deregister my card if ken got back in14:54
shaunoI only have one because it saves me trying to find change in the right currency the minute I land14:54
popeyoimon: the photo isnt on the card, there's a number which refers to the photo card14:55
popeyoh, you talking oyster or rail?14:55
oimonpopey: oyster annual14:55
oimonnot the old school rail card14:55
oimoni travel by rail but use my oyster to do it14:56
oimoninteresting article on slashdot re: german govt spyware14:59
andylockranhey guys15:15
andylockrananyone know if there's an ubuntu preferred technology similar to gluster?15:15
bigcalmWeird. The Linux Spotify client just told me I was using an unsupported platform15:18
andylockranbigcalm: moi aussi, yesterday15:19
bigcalmSay what?15:19
diplobigcalm, "me to"15:20
diplo= moi aussi15:20
bigcalmI see15:20
ubuntuuk-planet[Kwabena Aning] Web frameworks for Scala - http://blog.kaning.co.uk/archives/31615:20
bigcalmNot sure which language that was15:20
diploOr me also probably better15:20
diploJust been teaching my 5 year old some french15:21
* bigcalm shrinks away15:21
diploI'm limited so he isn't going to learn much :D15:21
AlanBellhttp://loco.ubuntu.com/events/ubuntu-uk/1340/detail/  <- installfest15:21
balldiplo: I think fork knows more Spanish than I do.15:25
diploI can understand spoken french, it's me speaking it that lacks15:30
diploCan even read it to some degree15:30
oimoni managed to pick up french while working in a french company15:30
oimonby osmosis15:30
popeyball: Too much Dora?15:31
ballpopey: Si!15:31
shaunoI can read french without feeling like a complete idiot.  anything spoken just goes straight past me tho :/15:32
BigRedSI'm still amazed every time I install Ubuntu and it's done in about five minutes15:32
BigRedSit's almost quicker than cping a vm image15:32
gordif you are not speaking english to me, i will just be louder. it is all i know15:32
shaunoI used to hate that, until I started dealing with singapore on a regular basis.  They seem to speak faster if I didn't catch them the first time around.  Now I think louder would actually be preferable15:33
BigRedSI just switch to WWII film quotes15:34
BigRedSthat _never_ goes down well15:34
BigRedSsurprisingly, it's worse in France than it is in Germany, though.15:34
andylockransorry, back to the pre-French question - any preference on ubntu clustered filesystems - or should I just invest in a SAN ?15:35
* BigRedS votes san15:36
BigRedSI argue too much with ocfs/drbd to wish it upon anybody else15:36
diploOnly experience I have had is a SAN I'm afriad, so can't compare15:36
BigRedSI've never used a san, but the concept seems a lot more sound15:36
oimoni use a iscsi SAN for my VM farm15:38
oimonperformance is excellent15:38
andylockranah, ok15:39
diploEMC talked us out of iSCSI when we bought ours, wish we had gone down that route as well15:39
oimondepends on your budget15:39
oimoni use equallogic15:39
andylockranok, I'm looking at around £500-£1000 I think15:39
oimonrather than the 15-20k i had :P15:40
diploOurs was 120k well for that and the secondary :)15:40
oimondiplo: i think EMC ripped you off :)15:41
oimonwas it before the days that Dell owned EQL?15:41
diploI think so yeah15:41
Azelphurwoo, latest oneiric really breaks sound for me15:41
oimonmy old company managed to get 3 SANs for almost nothing in a deal similar to selling eggs in Catch 2215:42
diploWas a CX3-20 and a CX3-1015:43
diploArefurbished part for one ( controller is going for £1200 ) let a lone the drives and rest of the equipment15:43
oimonanyone have experience with samba locking and XLS spreadsheets ? a spreasheet gets getting set read-only and i'm not sure if it's user misoperation or samba options15:44
Azelphurmight actually be latest wines fault, looks like they've made some huge sound changes o.O15:45
oimonjust looked in the mirror for the first time today and discovered i've had really bad hair all day16:03
* andylockran has bad hair also16:05
DJonesThat reminds me, I need a haircut16:05
AzelphurAnyone else on wine 1.3.30 confirm that wine now requires a lock on sound?16:11
MartijnVdSit seems to\16:16
MartijnVdSwell not require16:16
MartijnVdSit just takes it if it can16:16
MartijnVdSand won't play sound if it can't16:16
AzelphurMartijnVdS: haha, and if not no sound?16:16
MartijnVdSAzelphur: 1.3.28-0ubuntu1 btw16:16
Azelphur1.3.28 doesn't have the issue, it's 1.3.30 that I have problems with16:17
MartijnVdSThen my windows app is teh suck ;)16:17
Azelphurmaybe :D16:17
MartijnVdSheh https://twitter.com/#!/qikipedia/status/12378690969994444816:39
shaunoheh .. I liked https://twitter.com/#!/Queen_UK/status/12343834956963020816:40
HazRPGshauno:  xD @ Queen_UK's status16:47
shaunoI'm wondering if this rain's going to stop any time soon, or if I should be building an ark.  5 days constant.  ugh.17:29
jacobwi think 5 days is when you should start building a ark17:34
dwatkinswhereabouts are you, shauno?18:01
shaunothe atlantic coast of ireland18:01
shaunoit's pretty much the Hebrides with less snow, weather-wise18:02
danfishI went there once for a week and it only rained twice...once for 3 days and again for 4 days :/18:02
shaunoit's just wearing a bit thin because it's not even mixing it up a bit.  just the same *cough* day in, day out18:03
shaunoI don't even mind when it decides to throw the furniture around the garden.   just mix it up a bit18:04
danfishsounds grim18:12
MartijnVdSI did _something_ that made arrows show up on all corners of the window18:39
MartijnVdS(resizing arrows)18:39
MartijnVdSand in the middle of all sides18:39
shaunolike the indicators you get when you mouseover?  or like drag handles18:40
MartijnVdSno bigger18:40
MartijnVdSPurple circles, 1cm across with arrows in them18:40
MartijnVdSon all sides at once18:40
shaunointeresting.  let me know when you figure out what you fat-fingered, might make it easier to resize Terminal :)18:41
MartijnVdSthree-finger move on touchpad maybe?18:41
MartijnVdSthat seems to be it18:41
AlanBellwow, I have three finger window dragging19:02
SuprEngrsounds pornographic19:04
Azelphurdo want19:04
AlanBellSuprEngr: I can assure you I am not dragging porn :)19:04
SuprEngrAlanBell, ;D19:05
AlanBellor dressed in drag19:05
AlanBellooh, even more interesting, it is window dragging without moving focus19:06
AlanBellor raising the dragged window19:07
AlanBelland after drag is initiated you can take two fingers off19:08
* SuprEngr has tried this - worked out it would be better *with* a touch screen19:08
* SuprEngr giggles19:09
czajkowskibleugh soooo full19:11
SuprEngrthinks... touch screens need a utility for degreasing - like degaussing for CRTs19:13
SuprEngrboing!.... grease gone19:13
AlanBellit could double as a remote electric shock device19:15
SuprEngrpodcast in 15  :)19:15
SuprEngr- discussion tonight - electric shock19:16
SuprEngrany foul ups - touch the screen - boooiinnnngg! - shock!19:18
* gord just wasted far too much of his life playing with the new cheese in oneiric, far too much fun http://ubuntuone.com/5LUF76R0Zaw3mQ1txk5Al519:30
Azelphurgord looking good XD19:30
gordseriously, there are so many filters, i could waste hours playing in this thing19:31
gordhttp://ubuntuone.com/1Ny01x8UDt7wPdKH2otESN :D19:36
smittixevening all19:37
smittixDon't suppose anyone is interested in a Power Mac G5, Quad Core Xeon 2.66?19:38
smittixevening all19:38
smittixDon't suppose anyone is interested in a Power Mac G5, Quad Core Xeon 2.66?19:38
mgdmtwo machines?19:39
mgdmtwo machines?19:39
mgdmit's either a G5 or a Xeon :)19:39
mgdmit's either a G5 or a Xeon :)19:39
smittixmgdm: Just pulled the info from system information :/19:41
smittixSay's Quad Core Xeon Processor?19:41
mgdmThen it's not a PowerMac G5, it's an Intel Mac Pro19:42
shaunohe's right, and calling it a mac pro will do you wonders trying to sell it19:42
smittixSorry about that19:42
mgdmG5s are PPC CPUs19:42
mgdmThey got rid of those a few years ago - if it's an Intel, it's probably still worth a fair chunk19:43
smittixlook similar too.19:43
smittixI was going to sell it for 200 quid :/19:43
mgdmcheck eBay out and get the real price :)19:43
shaunoG5 are politely described as "legacy".  xeon is a whole 'nother story19:43
mgdm(though I'll have it for 200 quid ;)19:43
shaunohah.  I'd have it for 200.  the case sells for more than that.19:44
smittixTo be honest, I just want to get rid of it.19:44
smittixSuck it on swapz.co.uk19:44
mgdmmight as well get its proper value19:44
shaunoaye.  moving it's one thing.  cheating yourself is quite another.  macs defy the norm when it comes to resale value19:45
mgdmsmittix: try "quad core mac pro" in a search on eBay. You're looking at the best part of a grand.19:45
mgdmpossibly more.19:46
smittixJust looked on ebay..19:47
mgdmNow you see? :)19:47
smittixso, anyone interested in a Intel Mac Pro Quad? ;)19:49
mgdmNot now that you know what it's worth ;)19:49
shaunoyou ruined it for everyone :(19:49
shaunoI'll still give you 200 quid for it   lol19:49
smittixThe hassle of ebay and such puts me off.19:50
bkerensa32-bit is better19:52
mgdmsmittix: perhaps, but...19:52
ali1234how can you confuse a G5 for a mac pro19:57
Azelphurali1234: did you find a good g15 applet for testing with?19:58
Azelphuralso how do you set the button states?19:59
* Myrtti stabs the local DSLAM19:59
ali1234i dunno what "button states" means20:02
Azelphurali1234: how do I press a button in the dll library20:03
smittixmgdm: Yeah, I will stick it on see what I get. Id be happy with a swap for a decent laptop.20:04
Azelphurah, found it in the header file20:06
bigcalmJust tried Unity (11.04) on my 3 screen setup. Didn't work so well. Wonder if 11.10 will work any better20:06
silnerI've still not got used to Unity bigcalm and it has crashed once or twice, the first crashes I've ever had with Ubuntu actually20:18
bigcalmReally regretting having just tried Unity now20:21
bigcalmIt's messed with my window manager settings20:21
bigcalmNothing has window controls on the 2nd and 3rd screens20:21
bigcalmAll fixed by using "Ubuntu classic without effects"20:26
AlanBellhttp://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-15260534 sound advice20:28
bigcalmThink I'll work from home during the games20:30
MartijnVdSI think I might skip London next year, and visit some other part of the country :)20:30
bigcalmTime for a 3rd play of the recent DJ Shadow album20:32
=== chrisccoulson_ is now known as chrisccoulson
jacobwMartijnVdS: have you looked at where else yet?20:43
AlanBell#ubuntu-release-party is open23:36
ali1234is it scrolling 3 lines per second yet?23:40
shaunoAlanBell: if you're still curious, http://oneil.me.uk/Voiceover.mov .. that's capital vee, lower case all else.  that's me babbling thru an a11y install of osx-client23:59

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