
pmp6nlHello, I wanted to report that the website countdown banners are not updating.03:20
pleia2yeah, I updated https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-branding/+bug/869602 last night about it but haven't heard anything03:26
ubot4Launchpad bug 869602 in ubuntu-website-content (and 1 other project) "Upload Ubuntu 11.10 countdown banners (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [Undecided,Fix released]03:26
mhall119nigelb: need you to update some blueprints from UDS-O: http://status.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-oneiric/u/nigelbabu.html03:28
mhall119pleia2: newz2000 was working on those a week or two ago, I'll ask him in the morning03:29
pleia2mhall119: yeah, sladen had me create that ticket late last week, so they finally got them up, but now they just don't work03:30
pmp6nlok cool.  It looks like the ticket status needs to be changed03:34
dakerYoBoY, http://www.lemague.net/dyn/spip.php?article789812:53
newz2000ok, the countdown banner if fixed14:40
mhall119pleia2: ^^14:44
pleia2thank you :)14:45
YoBoYdaker: thanks for the link, but ... ^^"19:01
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