
magespawnmorning all05:29
magespawnmorning Kilos05:29
Kilosmorning superfly and others05:29
Kiloslol you beat me05:30
Kiloshi magespawn 05:30
superflymorning Kilos05:30
magespawnonly just 05:30
superflyhi magespawn05:30
magespawnhowdy superfly05:30
KilosMaaz, coffee on05:30
* Maaz washes some mugs05:30
magespawncan Maaz do Cuppacino?05:31
Kilosna just plain boere troos05:31
Kilosperculated coffee05:32
magespawnthats all good05:32
MaazCoffee's ready for Kilos!05:34
KilosMaaz, thanks man05:34
MaazKilos It gives me great pleasure to serve a bunch of geeks :-)05:34
Kiloshi kbmonkey 05:48
kbmonkeyhello oom :)05:59
kbmonkeyis the afr channel still here?06:03
kbmonkeyI saw whales and ostriches in CT national park :D06:03
bmg505good moaning :)06:05
bmg505can maaz make police coffee?06:05
Kilosyeah its there but slow06:05
Kiloshiya bmg505 06:06
bmg505I need a 50/50 police mug this morning06:06
kbmonkeyhi bmg505 06:06
Kilosi think they use perculated as does the railways and airports06:06
bmg505lol police coffee is percolated spiked with brandy06:06
Kiloswhew bad night06:07
bmg505and needless to say you can deduce what a 50/50 police coffee is :)06:07
bmg505nah busy giving birth, exporting data for a customer, btrieve to csv :(06:08
kbmonkeyouch that's a pain bmg505 06:10
magespawnkbmonkey you know what kind of whales?06:15
Kilosnot ocelots06:15
kbmonkeymy guess a southern right whale06:22
kbmonkeyas those come close to land in winter to mate and give birth06:22
kbmonkeythere were two06:23
Kiloshi sdehaan 06:50
sdehaanhi Kilos 06:51
kbmonkeyhi sdehaan 06:54
Kiloskbmonkey, whats news06:54
Kilosnot about wales and ostriches06:55
kbmonkeywell when one is on holiday that's what one sees Kilos lol06:55
Kilosoh , i didnt know you were on holiday06:56
kbmonkeyyet still work creeps in ;)06:58
Kilosanyone know if maiatoday is ok? long time no see06:58
kbmonkeymet guys from a ngo, and a new telecoms company, more job opportunities06:59
kbmonkeyhaven't seen maia around either, maybe the studies are peaking?07:00
Kilosgood, no news from that other one yet?07:01
Kilosah is she studying too07:01
kbmonkeysomehow I thought she did07:03
kbmonkeythe other one? i got some failed applications so yes i heardback07:04
* Kilos holds thumbs for you lad07:05
totimkopf1ek's verveeld11:22
=== sdehaan_2 is now known as sdehaan
nuvolaritotimkopf1: youtube kan help12:46
magespawnhowdy all.15:19
Kilosgroete aan tannie vlieg15:57
Kilosdoes anyone here use empathy and mxit16:03
Kilosmxit cannot connect in empathy maverick and google hasnt got me an answer for maverick16:04
Kiloslol not you sir16:04
Kilosdag sê totimkopf1 hoe gaan dit?16:05
Kilosdag sê = good day16:06
Kiloshi nlsthzn 16:24
Kilosdo you use empathy?16:24
nlsthznHi Kilos ... @ home for IM I use empathy (if the question was directed @ me)16:25
Kilosyeah the stupid thing dont connext to mxit16:25
Kilosworks on msn gtalk but not mxit16:26
nlsthznKilos: I can't remember when last I used mxit but if memory serves only pidgin worked for me16:26
Kiloslol thats what i get when googling as well but only up to lucid so thought they mighta fix it16:27
KilosMaaz, coffee on16:38
* Maaz starts grinding coffee16:38
MaazCoffee's ready for Kilos!16:42
KilosMaaz, ty16:42
MaazEnjoy Kilos16:42
magespawnevening all17:03
Kiloshi there magespawn 17:03
magespawnhi kilos. do you know where to find the icons in ubuntu?17:05
Kiloswhat icons17:05
magespawnthe icons the system uses for things like usb harddrives17:06
Kilosthose in the panels?17:06
Kilosmine shows them as a drive17:07
Kiloswhat does yours do?17:07
magespawnor when you plug a drive in you get one on the desktop17:07
Kilosdoesnt yours show a drive when you plug a usb goodie in?17:08
magespawni get an icon but not the one i want17:08
magespawn have found them.17:08
Kiloslol where are they17:09
superflymagespawn: /usr/share/icons17:09
magespawnthats the one17:10
Kiloshmmm theres lots of them17:12
magespawnyup and even more if install extra themes and such17:13
magespawnthere are downloads for customizing everything17:15
magespawnwhat do you think about wordpress?17:15
magespawnsuperfly you work with java?17:18
superflyNot if I can help it.17:18
magespawnthere was someone here who does. 17:19
magespawnnuvolari maybe.17:20
magespawnanyway found the premier edtion of the Java Magazine here oracl.com/javamagazine17:21
superflymagespawn: Ja, nuvolari is one of those masochists17:22
magespawnman this is annoying17:35
magespawnmaaz tell nuvolari to have a look at oracle.com/javamagazine17:35
Maazmagespawn: Okay, I'll tell nuvolari on freenode17:35
Kiloswassup magespawn 17:35
magespawnget disconnected and do not even notice17:40
magespawnwhat do you think about wordpress?17:47
superflymagespawn: I prefer Drupal17:47
magespawnyou said so before when i brought up joomla. is wordpress better suited to blogs, or justg easier to manage?17:50
superflymagespawn: some say it is better suited to blogs... I had a friend recently say that they dumped Wordpress in favour of Drupal because they found Drupal easier to manage and to use17:52
superflylast time I looked at Wordpress' admin interface, I could hardly figure out what to do - it was just far too busy17:53
superflyat the same time, Drupal can seem quite complicated at first, but it levels out17:54
magespawni have a server setup in my shop to mess around on so will have look17:54
magespawni also signed up for a year free hosting with mweb. so i should put something up there.17:56
superflymagespawn: well, play around with them all, if you can17:58
magespawnon my one definately.18:00
Kilosnight all sleep tight. see ya tomorrow19:00

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