aamit1 | acidrain: here's the contents of the mysite file, which is the only file in the sites-enabled folder (because of the instructions on the netbeans site) http://paste.ubuntu.com/705691/ | 00:00 |
rapage | it's on details | 00:00 |
rapage | on the 2nd tab | 00:00 |
frank1234 | oh...well then i dont see what your problem is...its there... | 00:00 |
rapage | where you found it under what caracter type | 00:01 |
aamit1 | acidrain: when I try to save that file I get the following warnings output to terminal though - http://paste.ubuntu.com/705693/ | 00:01 |
aamit1 | edbian: do those errors make any sense to you? http://paste.ubuntu.com/705693/ | 00:01 |
frank1234 | and i know its on the second tab...im asking which code, the c octal escaped utf-8? | 00:01 |
rapage | oh your said common I'm sorry | 00:01 |
frank1234 | yeah common | 00:01 |
acidrain | aamit1: My apache2 logs seem to show full paths in /var/log/apache2/error.log, yours are looking in /, so that's where I'd focus my attention | 00:01 |
rapage | what code | 00:02 |
rapage | the one that goes like U + 1122 | 00:02 |
fsck | hello folks | 00:02 |
aamit1 | acidrain: could you paste your error log so I can see the difference? | 00:03 |
Shaba1 | goin to my bois' site to see if this is a continuing problem. brb | 00:03 |
rapage | I was on the common script too but didn't find it | 00:03 |
acidrain | [Mon Oct 10 11:34:40 2011] [error] [client] File does not exist: /va r/www/collectorlist/aspmkrlogo6.png, referer: http://infosys2.<REMOVED>/collecto rlist/cla_login.php | 00:03 |
acidrain | there's an example row with the guilty domain removed | 00:04 |
frank1234 | rapage: i see it, i scrolled down a tiny bit...hmm...well i can't magically fly it to your computer | 00:04 |
ichbinder | edbian: huh, what was that related to? | 00:04 |
aamit1 | acidrain: just wondering because I also get this error when I open the error.log file using gksudo gedit - http://paste.ubuntu.com/705695/ - is that error just related to gedit having a problem? | 00:04 |
ichbinder | DustyMonk: same to you? I never said anything against linux, did I? | 00:05 |
edbian | ichbinder: sorry? | 00:05 |
ichbinder | [01:32:26] <edbian> ichbinder: can't do anything? | 00:05 |
ichbinder | [01:32:32] <edbian> ichbinder: It can do lots of things! | 00:05 |
acidrain | I wouldn't worry about the gtk errors, those are related to the windowing system I believe. | 00:05 |
edbian | ichbinder: linux can do lots of things!! | 00:06 |
ichbinder | edbian: I never said anything else, did I/ | 00:06 |
ichbinder | ? | 00:06 |
aamit1 | acidrain: because I've already modified some of these files from some things I googled earlier, is there anyway to remove the lamp packages and do a clean reinstall? | 00:06 |
edbian | aamit1: What do you have in /etc/apache2/sites-enabled ? | 00:06 |
aamit1 | edbain: mysite | 00:06 |
aamit1 | edbian: mysite | 00:06 |
fsck | what? | 00:06 |
ichbinder | edbian: I asked about plugins for eog to view image coordinates | 00:06 |
edbian | <ichiromenu> edbian--is that why linux can't do anything? | 00:06 |
acidrain | aamit1: have you been restarting the apache2 server after modifying the configs? I didn't see restarts in the log | 00:06 |
edbian | aamit1: what's mysite look like ? What is the DocumentRoot ? | 00:07 |
rapage | ½ | 00:07 |
rapage | I found it too thanks frank1234 | 00:07 |
aamit1 | acidrain: I ran this command - 'sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 reload' | 00:07 |
edbian | 1/2 | 00:07 |
edbian | aamit1: I think you wanna do restart | 00:08 |
edbian | not reload | 00:08 |
rapage | those are 3 caracters | 00:08 |
edbian | :( | 00:08 |
frank1234 | alright...your welcome...weblive edubuntu is an awesome thing btw:D | 00:08 |
aamit1 | edbian: did restart and still 403 error - the contents of mysite are - http://paste.ubuntu.com/705699/ | 00:09 |
acidrain | reload should re-read the config file, but yeah, a full restart is probably better since it isn't working :( | 00:09 |
aamit1 | acidrain: ran /etc/init.d/apache2 restart and still same problem :( | 00:10 |
edbian | aamit1: do you have a folder public_html in your home folder? What are the permissions on that folder? That is the folder that needs things in it, not /var/www/ cause this file points to that folder | 00:10 |
aamit1 | acidrain: any way to do a clean reinstall | 00:10 |
edbian | aamit1: a reinstall is not necessary, I just found the problem (one of them at least :) ) | 00:10 |
jareyes | I have some grammar issues redacting a text, what channel you recommend me to get help? | 00:10 |
aamit1 | edbian: let me check - I know I created the public_html folder but I dont know permissions - what was command to check it again? | 00:11 |
edbian | aamit1: ls -l | 00:11 |
acidrain | of course, but a typical uininstall won't remove your config files. | 00:11 |
dorkmafia1 | anyone use eclipse on ubuntu? | 00:11 |
acidrain | better to figure out what went wrong | 00:11 |
edbian | acidrain: agree | 00:11 |
edbian | aamit1: much better to figure out the problem :) | 00:11 |
edbian | aamit1: ls -l /path/to/folder | 00:12 |
aamit1 | edbian: http://paste.ubuntu.com/705705/ | 00:12 |
Dionix | so why is it, that when i boot my live usb stick, x works fine, but when i install to hard disk, after GDM starts i get a black screen and i can't even ctrl alt f2 to fix it | 00:12 |
frank1234 | dorkmafia1: i used it a bit for learning a little bit of android development...im not an expert on it though | 00:12 |
edbian | aamit1: could I see ls -la on that folder? so that I can see . in that folder which is that folder? ls -la /home/you/public_html (but I can see already we're missing x on index.html | 00:12 |
dorkmafia1 | cool i'm installing it now .. i'm also going to give fb4linux a try | 00:13 |
edbian | aamit1: although I don't think we need x | 00:13 |
aamit1 | edbian: http://paste.ubuntu.com/705706/ | 00:13 |
edbian | aamit1: mmmm again the permissions look fine... | 00:14 |
edbian | aamit1: what's in index.html ? | 00:14 |
acidrain | Ugh. Dist-upgrade finished, and it's worse. Now I'm getting kernel panic not syncing | 00:15 |
acidrain | I'm going home and I'm going to remove in and work on it some more | 00:15 |
broo | aamit1, edbian you need to look at the permissions on the whole path leading there, if that home directory isn't readable by the user apache is running as it won't matter what the perms on public_html are | 00:16 |
aamit1 | edbian: http://paste.ubuntu.com/705707/ - I'm going to replace that with some plain html and see what happens. | 00:16 |
aamit1 | broo: good point...so check permissions on home? | 00:16 |
edbian | broo: well his /home is not readable... | 00:16 |
edbian | aamit1: what is this? http://paste.ubuntu.com/705707/ ? | 00:16 |
edbian | aamit1: I can see permissions on /home are no good (not readable by anybody but you | 00:17 |
dannyraymilligan | can anyone give me help with the executable bit and running programs in Wine? | 00:18 |
edbian | dannyraymilligan: sure, ask a more specific question | 00:18 |
aamit1 | edbian: that was what was in public_html/index.html but I replaced that with some plain html | 00:18 |
edbian | aamit1: good move | 00:18 |
zeroedout | ....are you trying to run a .exe file with wine? | 00:18 |
edbian | aamit1: It needs to be html ;) | 00:18 |
dannyraymilligan | Well, I love my recording studio program in Windows, n-track studio. I'm trying to install it in Wine, but it refuses to let me make it executable | 00:18 |
aamit1 | edbian: still errors but I thought I could put some php in that? anyway, how do I fix permissions to my /home? | 00:19 |
edbian | dannyraymilligan: How are you trying to make it executable (I don't think it needs to be, only wine does) | 00:19 |
dannyraymilligan | I click the little option, and it turns it off | 00:19 |
braiam | dannyraymilligan, chmod +x on a linux partition | 00:19 |
edbian | aamit1: php in there would be fine. sudo chmod 755 /home | 00:19 |
edbian | aamit1: sudo chown root:root /home | 00:19 |
edbian | aamit1: Your /home had strange permissions | 00:20 |
soreau | dannyraymilligan: Where is the file? | 00:20 |
edbian | dannyraymilligan: what option? | 00:20 |
dannyraymilligan | it's in my microsoft partition | 00:20 |
aamit1 | edbian: ran that and restarted server, still 403 going to localhost | 00:20 |
dannyraymilligan | should I copy it to linux and try executing? | 00:20 |
edbian | aamit1: can I see ls -la /home/you/public_html ? | 00:20 |
soreau | edbian: Why on earth are you telling him to set his home ownership to root? | 00:20 |
edbian | soreau: the /home not /home/him | 00:21 |
edbian | soreau: What should it be? | 00:21 |
soreau | edbian: Oh, I thought you had a -R in there | 00:21 |
edbian | soreau: nope :) I almost put it in though! stopped myself :P | 00:21 |
aamit1 | edbian: http://paste.ubuntu.com/705710/ | 00:22 |
aamit1 | edbian: versus http://paste.ubuntu.com/705706/what they used to be | 00:22 |
edbian | aamit1: chmod's didn't run sudo chmod 755 /home | 00:22 |
broo | saw something like that happen on a database update put a wildcard in the wrong spot and changed every records id number to the same thing | 00:22 |
dannyraymilligan | I right click on proggie, open properties, click permissions tab, and then select ex4ecute file as program, it comes on for just a sec, then turns it off again | 00:22 |
dannyraymilligan | when I try to open it in Wine, it says it must be set to executable | 00:23 |
edbian | aamit1: no change between those two pastebins | 00:23 |
soreau | dannyraymilligan: You can't run .exe programs from your windows partition with wine | 00:23 |
dannyraymilligan | so copy it to my linux then? | 00:23 |
dannyraymilligan | okay, brb | 00:23 |
edbian | dannyraymilligan: yeah | 00:23 |
soreau | dannyraymilligan: You have to install the program into the wine environment with wine | 00:23 |
dannyraymilligan | lol, okay that fixed it | 00:23 |
aamit1 | edbian: ran what yoy asked, pastes still look the same | 00:24 |
aamit1 | http://paste.ubuntu.com/705711/ | 00:24 |
dannyraymilligan | I didn't know it auto-blocks anything in Windows from running, lol | 00:24 |
edbian | aamit1: what if you do chmod 755 /home ? | 00:24 |
dannyraymilligan | if I can get this to run right in Linux, I'm deleting my Windows, lol | 00:24 |
edbian | aamit1: then does it change (it's owned by you so maybe the sudo is misplaced) | 00:24 |
edbian | dannyraymilligan: linux rocks | 00:24 |
dannyraymilligan | This is the only thing that stopped me from going linux-only years ago, my recording studio wouldn't run in it | 00:25 |
aamit1 | edbian: won't let me run the command without sudo | 00:25 |
edbian | aamit1: are you ashwin ?? | 00:25 |
dannyraymilligan | okay, be back later, will tell you all how it worked out | 00:25 |
soreau | dannyraymilligan: You might try looking into ardour and hydrogen | 00:25 |
dannyraymilligan | thanks edbian | 00:25 |
edbian | dannyraymilligan: sure | 00:25 |
w30 | rapage, hold down the shift and control key and type u00bd | 00:25 |
aamit1 | edbian: yea ^^ creative nick here.. | 00:25 |
edbian | aamit1: cd / | 00:26 |
edbian | aamit1: ls -l | grep home | 00:26 |
edbian | aamit1: sudo chmod 755 home | 00:26 |
edbian | aamit1: ls -l | grep home | 00:26 |
aamit1 | edbian: same result | 00:27 |
aamit1 | edbian: drwxr-xr-x 4 root root 4096 2011-10-01 17:18 home | 00:27 |
edbian | aamit1: haha, you got it then :) 755 sets rwxr-xr-x | 00:27 |
edbian | aamit1: sudo service apache2 restart | 00:27 |
edbian | aamit1: try localhost again | 00:27 |
edbian | aamit1: your pastebin does NOT show those permissions http://paste.ubuntu.com/705711/ | 00:28 |
aamit1 | edbian: restarted server still 403 error accessing localshot | 00:28 |
DDR | Hello, all. I'm having a few problems with Ubuntu, which I downloaded and installed a few days ago on my laptop. (It's an Acer Aspire 7735Z.) I took the 'alternate' 64-bit version from the website, since the default wouldn't load all the way. I've installed KDE, since I couldn't figure out how to make Gnome to give me an old-fashioned task bar. In no particular order: Wireless doesn't... | 00:28 |
DDR | ...connect on start. Sound volume and screen brightness are unadjustable. In KDE: Startup screen crashed on login, but can continue anyway. Interior window theme is ugly. Exterior window theme tends to experience graphical corruption in the form of white boxes and textbits. Trackpad toggle button won't turn trackpad back on, though graphic displays in Gnome. Numlock is off by default, and... | 00:28 |
DDR | ...the wrong language is used in the initial login screen. Laptop won't 'hibernate', instead just locking screen. Battery won't recharge, though I suspect hardware fault. Trackpad won't scroll when I drag my finger along the right, even though I've set it to do that in the options. OpenGL games are painfully slow. (One is getting twice the framerate on a first-gen iPhone.) Uhm... I think... | 00:28 |
DDR | ...that's all. Does anyone have any advice? :( | 00:28 |
FloodBot1 | DDR: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation. | 00:28 |
Nullifi3d | is it normal to have lots of apache2 processes running at the same time? | 00:28 |
edbian | aamit1: cat /var/log/apache2/error.log (pastebin that again :) ) we might have to look at / to see if those permissions are silly too :) that was the original error | 00:29 |
edbian | Nullifi3d: yes | 00:29 |
aamit1 | edbian: see the same drwxr-xr-x string each time...ok let me do that | 00:29 |
Nullifi3d | its one process per request isnt it? | 00:29 |
miki | ½ | 00:30 |
aamit1 | edbian: outputted to gksudo gedit instead of cat but - http://paste.ubuntu.com/705712/ | 00:30 |
edbian | aamit1: sure :) | 00:30 |
edbian | aamit1: can you show me ls -la / | 00:30 |
aamit1 | edbian: just on my root directory? | 00:30 |
=== fish is now known as Guest14102 | ||
edbian | aamit1: Yeah. I think that folder is the problem | 00:31 |
simpleblue | does anyone have a clue as to whats going on with the countdown website? http://thisisthecountdown.com/ | 00:31 |
edbian | aamit1: ur permissions on /home were screwy. have you been changing them? | 00:31 |
jdcard | Is there a way to automatically rename files based upon the output of the "file" utility? | 00:31 |
Guest14102 | hello,i am fish | 00:31 |
broo | DDR: not sure on almost all of it, but it sounds like your not using the right driver for your video card | 00:31 |
edbian | simpleblue: It's working for me. 1 day 04 hours... | 00:31 |
simpleblue | apparently this is not to do with the launch of 11.10 though edbian | 00:32 |
edbian | Guest14102: hello fish | 00:32 |
aamit1 | edbian: no...not that I know off. just installed ubuntu on some old laptop and trying to do some php | 00:32 |
edbian | simpleblue: I disagree | 00:32 |
edbian | aamit1: ok :) what is ls -la / ? | 00:32 |
simpleblue | but its a day off at best edbian | 00:32 |
aamit1 | edbian: http://paste.ubuntu.com/705714/ | 00:32 |
simpleblue | and there's this post that gives more clues: http://askubuntu.com/questions/64284...-count-down-to | 00:32 |
Guest14102 | people form every corner of the world? | 00:33 |
aamit1 | edbian: what should the permission string read? | 00:33 |
edbian | aamit1: it looks fine! I'm confused :( | 00:33 |
edbian | aamit1: as long as there is a r in the last triple on . it's fine | 00:33 |
edbian | which there is | 00:33 |
edbian | so it's fine | 00:33 |
simpleblue | the world is going to end? o.o | 00:33 |
qin | jdcard: Similar to: touch File_named_`date +%b_%d` | 00:34 |
qin | jdcard: What to you want to do? | 00:34 |
edbian | simpleblue: I hope not | 00:34 |
beta0x64 | simpleblue, yes. | 00:34 |
simpleblue | :o | 00:34 |
beta0x64 | idk when | 00:34 |
beta0x64 | but definitely | 00:34 |
aamit1 | edbian: since I didn't install anything on this laptop yet and not really personalized it, would it make sense to just reinstall ubuntu and try it again - I googled this error and made some changes (not to permissions I'm pretty sure) but I might have messed some settings up | 00:34 |
simpleblue | hopefully on in a day and 4 hours | 00:35 |
beta0x64 | yea hopefully it's on a monday | 00:35 |
aamit1 | edbian: or is there some way to clean format the computer? | 00:35 |
simpleblue | should say not* | 00:35 |
edbian | aamit1: It's worth a shot I guess | 00:35 |
simpleblue | lol | 00:35 |
edbian | aamit1: If it were me I'd keep fudging to I figure it out | 00:35 |
aamit1 | edbian: ok thanks a TON for all your help - I'll keep working on it for another few days and then see. | 00:35 |
simpleblue | yet nobody knows :/ | 00:35 |
edbian | aamit1: good luck! :D | 00:36 |
broo | edbian, aamit1 so /home is good, how about /home/<username> | 00:36 |
edbian | aamit1: try changing document root to /var/www/ instead of /home/you/something | 00:36 |
jdcard | Have a collection of files from a corrupted drive that are valid data files of various types but all got renamed with a *.JPG extension. Want to rename them to something sensible based on the output of "file". | 00:36 |
edbian | broo: That was already checked / changed by me I think | 00:36 |
aamit1 | edbian: it has been changed already | 00:36 |
edbian | broo: unless there is.... user error | 00:36 |
aamit1 | edbian: oh wait lemme try I thought you meant the other way around | 00:36 |
edbian | aamit1: yeah, the first way around :) | 00:36 |
aamit1 | edbain: I'm just going to reset the apache to read the default file instead of the mysite file | 00:37 |
edbian | aamit1: good plan | 00:37 |
RobbieCrash | man, why didn't anyone ever mention that doing cp /dir/[a-l]* /dir2 -rv was valid... Who knew cp would accept ranges?! | 00:38 |
edbian | cp is great :) | 00:38 |
aamit1 | broo: here are permissions on home/usr http://paste.ubuntu.com/705716/ | 00:38 |
edbian | aamit1: the . is rwx not rwxr-xr-x which is wrong and is causing a problem | 00:39 |
broo | RobbieCrash: it's not cp, it's your shell that expanded it for cp | 00:39 |
edbian | aamit1: we need to change this by running 755 /home/ashwin | 00:39 |
edbian | aamit1: that is chmod 755 /home/ashwin | 00:39 |
aamit1 | edbian: when I switched it back to the default folder...it works | 00:39 |
edbian | aamit1: the permissions are correct on /var/www/ | 00:40 |
edbian | aamit1: they're wrong on /home/ashwin/public_html (ashwin is wrong) | 00:40 |
DJ | hello! i can't donwload add-cd for ubuntu. | 00:40 |
aamit1 | edbian: yeah that makes sense now | 00:40 |
edbian | aamit1: yep :) | 00:40 |
qin | jdcard: You should /join #bash for most foo proof solution. | 00:40 |
edbian | aamit1: problem solved! no reinstall necessary | 00:40 |
jdcard | qin: Thanks! | 00:40 |
RobbieCrash | broo whatever it is, it's awesome! | 00:41 |
edwardthefma | so who playes mine craft XD | 00:41 |
edwardthefma | lol wrong chat sry | 00:42 |
trojaner | i play bitcoin crafting | 00:42 |
simpleblue | Maybe unbuntu is going to be used in space? | 00:42 |
edbian | simpleblue: in space? almost definitely | 00:42 |
simpleblue | it would have to be really really stable though | 00:42 |
aamit1 | edbian: so I ran the chmod 755 command and switched the site back to mysite (at /home/ashwin/public_html) and now it works | 00:43 |
simpleblue | the clues point to this site: http://worldspaceagency.org/ | 00:43 |
edbian | aamit1: yay :) everything is understood ? | 00:43 |
qin | jdcard: This fail to whites: for i in *; do filetype=$(file -b $i | cut -f 1 -d " ") ; echo $i $filetype; done | 00:43 |
Tech-Kyle1 | Hey guys i'm new to ubuntu i'm using 10.0.4 lts and i'm on an ibook g4. i'm trying to install flash and haven't been able to get it to work | 00:43 |
aamit1 | edbian: so are these changes I did to the permissions permanent? | 00:43 |
edbian | aamit1: yes | 00:43 |
edbian | aamit1: well, until you change them | 00:43 |
Tech-Kyle1 | i'm on the OCCUPY PHILLY tech team and i'm working on a computer trying to make it a public pc | 00:43 |
aamit1 | edbian: so any idea why the permissions were so out of wack in the first place? | 00:43 |
edbian | aamit1: the only strange one was /home I have no idea why. Maybe a typo, maybe a miscommunication | 00:44 |
aamit1 | edbian: and now the sample netbeans projects works too! so in general I want all my permissions strings to end with what characters? | 00:44 |
=== m4v is now known as m4vE | ||
broo | Tech-Kyle1: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/flash | 00:45 |
edbian | aamit1: an r-x at the end (means anybody can read and execute these things) | 00:45 |
edbian | aamit1: http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/filepermissions.html | 00:45 |
Tech-Kyle1 | do you know if that will work with the ibook g4? someone donated it to us and it needs to be able to upload to youtube and watch livestreams | 00:46 |
airtonix | Tech-Kyle1: you mean watch youtube videos | 00:46 |
=== m4vE is now known as m4v | ||
broo | aamit1: for /home/ashwin you might want to remove the r for o, so do 751 instead of 755, should still allow access to public_html, but reduces what people can "see" in your home directory | 00:46 |
aamit1 | edbian: thanks! I'll read that later but I'm actually going to get off right now but thanks again for all your help! | 00:47 |
edbian | aamit1: sure ! :D | 00:47 |
aamit1 | broo: thanks to you too! let me just run that command though and see if it still works | 00:47 |
broo | Tech-Kyle1: g4, I take it that's a ppc chip not intel, then no that flash won't work, you'd need to try one of the free flash options that could be complied for the g4 | 00:47 |
Tech-Kyle1 | it's a mac ibook g4 | 00:48 |
airtonix | Tech-Kyle1: therefore a ppc chipset | 00:48 |
Tech-Kyle1 | ok i thought that was what you meant. do you have any idea where i would find something that could make this work? | 00:48 |
Tech-Kyle1 | i searched on google but i couldn't understand much of it. | 00:48 |
aamit1 | broo: ran chmod 751 /home/ashwin and the files still work but all the permissions string still end in r-x | 00:49 |
rapage | w30, again? | 00:49 |
broo | Tech-Kyle1: do an apt-cache search flash and see what shows up, you should be able to use apt to install one of the alternatives | 00:49 |
jdcard | qin: Yeah, looks like I'll have to do some sort of scripting to make it work. I was hoping it was a problem that someone else has already conquered and I could grab a quick utility or script to make it easy. Thanks! | 00:50 |
aamit1 | broo: I'm off now though but thanks! | 00:50 |
aamit1 | bye guys | 00:50 |
overdub | aamit1, that's because the chmod only works on the first level and needs the -R switch to work recursively | 00:50 |
overdub | or is that chown, now i must check man chmod | 00:51 |
qin | jdcard: improved version... | 00:51 |
overdub | use find with chmod and chown since that give you fine control over which files get changed | 00:52 |
overclucker | find . -type d -exec chmod 644 {} \; | 00:53 |
qin | jdcard: You need to create appropirate ~/resqued directories: mkdir ~/resqued; for i in *; do filetype=$(file -b "$i" | cut -f 1 -d " ") ; echo cp $i ~/resqued/$filetype; done | 00:53 |
overclucker | or -type f | 00:54 |
overdub | then none of your directories will have the executable bit set, and you won't be able to see your files | 00:54 |
overdub | ah yes, type -f | 00:54 |
henkye | have closed source nvidia driver, and every time new kernel is out, i need to reinstall any idea for very easy solution ? .-) u know, dont bother me that much | 00:59 |
=== Amgine is now known as Amgine_ | ||
=== Amgine_ is now known as Amgine | ||
Amgine | Best way to boot from USB on older Macbook? | 01:01 |
QQQ | how do i make install into another directory | 01:04 |
ichbinder | DustyMonk: you meant ichiromenu, not me with the linux stuff... ;) | 01:07 |
BlueProtoman | Anyone mind helping me out with troubleshooting my Ubuntu installation? I've got it installed but when I try and boot it via GRUB I get a black screen. | 01:08 |
BlueProtoman | Anyone? | 01:10 |
BlueProtoman | Hello? | 01:11 |
henkye | BlueProtoman: even in recovery mode ? | 01:12 |
BlueProtoman | henkye: Recovery mode works, I can access a shell. | 01:13 |
henkye | BlueProtoman: looks like graphics problem did u something with that recently ? | 01:13 |
BlueProtoman | Ah, wait, screen's not entirely blank, I just get a blinking cursor. Still just sits there, though. | 01:13 |
BlueProtoman | henkye: Yes, installed it. | 01:13 |
BlueProtoman | I installed it via the Universal USB Installer last night. | 01:14 |
Ben64 | what video card, what monitor connection? | 01:14 |
=== ewproctor is now known as WSAinformant3 | ||
henkye | im just stupid user, try logs should be in /var/log | 01:15 |
BlueProtoman | It's a Samsung QX411-W01. It's got two GPUs; an Intel HD 3000 and a nVidia GeForce 520M. | 01:15 |
henkye | to see what went wrong | 01:15 |
Ben64 | laptop with two gpus? O_o | 01:15 |
BlueProtoman | Ben64: Yes, the weaker one is used when the stronger one isn't necessary. On Windows, at least. | 01:15 |
henkye | yep, new core i7 & nvidia | 01:15 |
=== WSAinformant3 is now known as SuperGuardB | ||
henkye | it eats less battery | 01:16 |
Ben64 | thats probably the(an) issue | 01:16 |
Guest70232 | sandy bridge is gr8 | 01:16 |
Ben64 | you'd probably have to make an xorg.conf and choose which card you want to use | 01:16 |
BlueProtoman | Ben64: How might I do that? | 01:17 |
henkye | BlueProtoman: installed closed source driver from nvidia pages ? | 01:17 |
hugenumber | I dont think its a graphical issue | 01:17 |
hugenumber | he's trying to access the grub menu correct? | 01:17 |
Ben64 | after grub i think | 01:17 |
BlueProtoman | henkye: Not yet. I can't even get to the desktop. Just the shell. | 01:17 |
BlueProtoman | I'm at it right now. | 01:18 |
henkye | BlueProtoman: download it & install .-) | 01:18 |
BlueProtoman | How? | 01:18 |
Ben64 | BlueProtoman: try CTRL+ALT+F[1-9] | 01:18 |
BlueProtoman | I'm a Linux newb here. | 01:18 |
henkye | BlueProtoman: u have flash disc ? | 01:18 |
Ben64 | one after the other, wait a few secs after each | 01:18 |
BlueProtoman | henkye: I still have the USB drive I used, yes, why? | 01:19 |
Ben64 | 1 through 6 should give you a shell, 7 or 8 might be graphics | 01:19 |
BlueProtoman | I can't live boot the OS itself, only install it. | 01:19 |
hugenumber | 7 is the gui | 01:19 |
henkye | BlueProtoman: download it to flash disc, and install it from shell | 01:19 |
Ben64 | 8 or 9 could be hugenumber | 01:19 |
BlueProtoman | henkye: It's already installed, I just can't access the desktop. | 01:19 |
Ben64 | BlueProtoman: try what i said first | 01:19 |
BlueProtoman | Ben64: Except that I don't know how. | 01:20 |
BlueProtoman | xorg.conf is Greek to me. | 01:20 |
Ben64 | CTRL+ALT+F1 | 01:20 |
Ben64 | CTRL+ALT+F2 | 01:20 |
Ben64 | etc | 01:20 |
FloodBot1 | Ben64: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation. | 01:20 |
henkye | BlueProtoman: and did it ever worked with that driver ? | 01:20 |
BlueProtoman | Ben64: Ah, yes. F1 brings up the shell, others a blinking cursor. | 01:20 |
BlueProtoman | henkye: I don't know how to download it! | 01:20 |
Guest70232 | I have ubuntu desktop on a t60 thinkpad, it doesn't work with wpa2 encrypted wireless router. Does ubuntu support wpa2? | 01:20 |
Ben64 | BlueProtoman: all others? 1 through 6 should be shell | 01:20 |
Ben64 | Guest70232: yes it does | 01:21 |
BlueProtoman | F1 is shell, others are just a blinking cursor. | 01:21 |
Ben64 | log into the shell then | 01:21 |
BlueProtoman | My username, or root? | 01:21 |
Ben64 | username | 01:21 |
Guest70232 | Ben64, thanks. | 01:22 |
Ben64 | BlueProtoman: do you have internet access on it? | 01:22 |
wolfmitchell | Lololol | 01:22 |
BlueProtoman | Ben64: OK, in my username. | 01:22 |
henkye | BlueProtoman: confused, u said its already installed ... | 01:22 |
wolfmitchell | I gksudo'd up a root desktop session on 10.10 | 01:22 |
BlueProtoman | Ben64: Mind if I PM you? | 01:22 |
Ben64 | sure | 01:22 |
BlueProtoman | henkye: It is, but I cannot access anything beyond the shell. | 01:22 |
henkye | BlueProtoman: so, now im asking, if it ever worked before ? | 01:23 |
wolfmitchell | I used gksudo gnome-session | 01:23 |
=== SuperGuardB is now known as ChuckNorris | ||
acidrain | Update gone bad: grub is segfaulting right at the start of boot. Any ideas? | 01:23 |
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BlueProtoman | henkye: Ah, no, it hasn't. | 01:24 |
BlueProtoman | I'm surprised I managed to actually install it, honestly. | 01:24 |
=== ChuckNorris is now known as ewproctor | ||
matt444 | how can i tell which version of Ubuntu I have from the command line? | 01:24 |
henkye | BlueProtoman: ok, im out of knowledge here because my nvidia driver needs to be reinstalled every time new kernel is installed, apparently - not your case | 01:25 |
Ben64 | matt444: lsb_release -d | 01:25 |
wolfmitchell | It also kept my windows open when I gksudo'd over to a root gnome-session process | 01:26 |
xannen | is clamav reliable to detect virus/trojan/etc? | 01:26 |
matt444 | Ben64: thanks! | 01:26 |
henkye | BlueProtoman: but in windows on such notebook, nvidia driver said "install intel's driver first" but have no idea in linux ... | 01:27 |
ericktangui_ | Boa noite pessoal | 01:28 |
ericktangui_ | estou precisando de ajuda e não falo ingles | 01:28 |
ericktangui_ | alguem pode ajudar | 01:29 |
pangolin | !bt | ericktangui_ | 01:29 |
pangolin | !br | ericktangui_ | 01:29 |
ubottu | ericktangui_: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado. | 01:29 |
ericktangui_ | obrigado | 01:30 |
matt444 | I'm on Ubuntu 10.04, when I do apt-get dist-upgrade it says I'm on the latest | 01:30 |
Ben64 | matt444: by default, LTS releases only upgrade to other LTS releases | 01:31 |
matt444 | Can I override it? | 01:31 |
Ben64 | yes | 01:31 |
salobaro | yooo | 01:32 |
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salobaro | partyyyy | 01:32 |
BlueProtoman | Can anyone help me with my Ubuntu installation? I installed it yesterday, but can't get it to load the desktop. In GRUB, I can access the shell, though. | 01:32 |
Ben64 | matt444: try "update-manager -d" | 01:32 |
matt444 | Thanks. Since this is a web server I'm going to try not to upgrade | 01:33 |
krskrskrskrs | can anyone help me with upgrading apache on maverick meerkat? it is vulnerable on apachekiller exploit | 01:33 |
salobaro | how do I check channel list? | 01:33 |
BlueProtoman | Anyone? | 01:33 |
salobaro | empty | 01:33 |
Ben64 | salobaro: /list | 01:33 |
salobaro | cheers | 01:34 |
Ben64 | !maverick | 01:34 |
ubottu | Ubuntu 10.10 (Maverick Meerkat) was the thirteenth release of Ubuntu. Download http://releases.ubuntu.com/10.10/ - Release Info: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/1010 | 01:34 |
Ben64 | hm.. | 01:34 |
Lithos84 | BlueProtoman: Did you installed it from a flash drive? | 01:35 |
krskrskrskrs | so.. :) | 01:35 |
BlueProtoman | Lithos84: Yes, via the Universal USB Installer. | 01:35 |
Ben64 | krskrskrskrs: it should have a security update available | 01:35 |
krskrskrskrs | i have VPS on hetzner with their mirrors | 01:35 |
gentoonewbie | Hi | 01:35 |
rypervenche | BlueProtoman: You might be able to update your graphics card straight from the command line. | 01:35 |
linkinx | hey guys any of you have a torrent link or fast link to DVL ? | 01:36 |
gentoonewbie | Um, anyone know a channel I can get gentoo help in? | 01:36 |
Ben64 | try #gentoo maybe? | 01:36 |
BlueProtoman | rypervenche: OK, but how? First I have to make sure my laptop is connected to the Internet, and the ethernet cable doesn't seem to help. | 01:36 |
BlueProtoman | gentoonewbie: Does #gentoo not exist? | 01:36 |
gentoonewbie | Duh, im stupid. Thanks and sorry | 01:37 |
BlueProtoman | It's OK. | 01:37 |
rypervenche | BlueProtoman: Try doing "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade" from the command line | 01:37 |
acidrain | Upgrade broke my machine. Did Lucid change the line for mountin /dev in fstab? Grub/initramfs is complaining that it can't mount /dev, then it fails to mount root because it can't find my boot device in /dev/disks | 01:37 |
Lithos84 | Lithos84: The same happened to me. During install, It showed me sda (flash drive) and sdb (hard drive), so I chose sdb. When rebooted it after install, it tryed to boot from sdb. In GRUB, press e I changed sdb to sda, and voila. Once booted, I typed the command "sudo update-grub" to repair it. | 01:37 |
BlueProtoman | rypervenche: Did, no packages. I must not be connected. | 01:37 |
linkinx | got it from here... http://www.computerdefense.org/dvl/ lets see how fast it goes | 01:37 |
Lithos84 | BlueProtoman: The same happened to me. During install, It showed me sda (flash drive) and sdb (hard drive), so I chose sdb. When rebooted it after install, it tryed to boot from sdb. In GRUB, press e I changed sdb to sda, and voila. Once booted, I typed the command "sudo update-grub" to repair it. | 01:37 |
BlueProtoman | Lithos84: OK, hold on. | 01:38 |
rypervenche | BlueProtoman: Sorry you're having so many problems :( But you're really the Linux type to be sticking with it through all of the problems. You'll end up getting it and once you figure it out, you won't go back to Windows :) | 01:38 |
BlueProtoman | Lithos84: Weird, it's already sda. Changed it to sdb, nothing's happening. | 01:39 |
=== ewproctor is now known as SuperGuardB | ||
krskrskrskrs | Ben64, I have some securty updates but when I try aptitude install apache2 I get some dependency problems.. | 01:39 |
kyshtynbai | Guys, which file system is the best for torrent-downloading machine? | 01:39 |
BlueProtoman | Yep, just a blinking cursor. | 01:39 |
rypervenche | BlueProtoman: Then that might not be your problem. | 01:40 |
Ben64 | krskrskrskrs: how did you install apache | 01:40 |
BlueProtoman | rypervenche: So what can I do? | 01:40 |
krskrskrskrs | via apt-get | 01:40 |
rypervenche | BlueProtoman: Do you see your username as well, or just a blinking cursor and nothing else? | 01:40 |
Ben64 | then why would you get dependency errors | 01:40 |
BlueProtoman | rypervenche: Just my username. No input is accepted. I can access the shell if I boot in recovery, though. | 01:40 |
SejmL | Is there any way to change the input jack to an output jack? | 01:41 |
rypervenche | Hmmm, would that still be the graphics driver screwing things up? I wonder... | 01:41 |
BlueProtoman | rypervenche: Erg, I mean just a cursor. | 01:41 |
BlueProtoman | My bad. | 01:41 |
krskrskrskrs | Ben64, hm I just tried apt-get and it seems that there are no problems.. is this normal (aptitude showing dependency problems, apt-get not)? | 01:41 |
rypervenche | BlueProtoman: Are you able to get Internet access when in recovery mode? | 01:42 |
BlueProtoman | rypervenche: I can't get it working, but I believe the shell will let me. | 01:42 |
rypervenche | BlueProtoman: What is your laptop model? | 01:42 |
BlueProtoman | rypervenche: Samsung QX411-W01 | 01:42 |
krskrskrskrs | Ben64, and still after upgrade I'm vulnerable to apachekiller. Update installed 2.2.16-ubuntu3 version | 01:43 |
krskrskrskrs | is there some backport for maverick_ | 01:43 |
rypervenche | BlueProtoman: You could technically use wicd-curses, but you probably don't have it installed :/ | 01:43 |
BlueProtoman | Nope. | 01:43 |
BlueProtoman | This ethernet cable isn't helping...hold on, lemme try something. | 01:43 |
BlueProtoman | connect: Network is unreachable | 01:44 |
BlueProtoman | So now what> | 01:44 |
SejmL | is it possible to change my sound input jack into an output jack from ubuntu? | 01:44 |
BlueProtoman | Any thoughts, rypervenche? | 01:45 |
BlueProtoman | I gotta go to bed in 15 minutes, so... | 01:46 |
dzup1 | hi, how can i change sudo to ask for passwd everytime is executed? | 01:46 |
rypervenche | BlueProtoman: Did you ever try switching graphics cards from Windows? | 01:47 |
hugenumber | BLueProtoman imo its either a bad install or a driver issue. I ran into this problem a while back. I have had both issues. :/ | 01:47 |
BlueProtoman | rypervenche: Yes, but no luck. | 01:47 |
BlueProtoman | hugenumber: So what can you offer? | 01:47 |
acidrain | udevd is segfaulting during boot and I get kicked into an initramfs shell. Any ideas? | 01:47 |
BlueProtoman | I don't wanna reinstall, it's been giving me headaches. | 01:48 |
kyshtynbai | Guys, which file system is the best for torrent-downloading machine? | 01:48 |
Tech-Kyle | i searched through ubuntu help and there is something that says to add support for all frequently used music and video files, install the ubuntu-restricted-extras package. this will also add support for websites which use flash video. | 01:48 |
rypervenche | BlueProtoman: Did you try posting this on the Ubuntu forums as well? http://forums.linuxmint.com/viewtopic.php?f=46&t=83065&p=481521 | 01:49 |
BlueProtoman | rypervenche: Not yet, but the issue is a bit different now. | 01:49 |
rypervenche | BlueProtoman: You might try using recovery mode to try to update your system? Jockey is the program that chooses your video driver automatically by default I think. | 01:50 |
rypervenche | BlueProtoman: How did you end up getting it installed? | 01:50 |
BlueProtoman | rypervenche: I used an alternate version of the ISO. It had slightly different drivers, I think. | 01:50 |
BlueProtoman | rypervenche: OK, but how? | 01:51 |
rypervenche | BlueProtoman: Doing "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade" from the command line | 01:51 |
BlueProtoman | rypervenche: Nothing new was installed or upgraded. | 01:52 |
Tech-Kyle | i'm installing that now and i'm hoping that it works | 01:53 |
rypervenche | BlueProtoman: hmm, I'm not sure if jockey can be run from the command line or not. I don't have it since I use Debian. | 01:53 |
BlueProtoman | Not found. | 01:54 |
rypervenche | BlueProtoman: You might always be able to install nvidia-kernel-dkms...not sure how Ubunters feel about that. | 01:54 |
BlueProtoman | I'll do it. | 01:54 |
BlueProtoman | I don't care that it's proprietary, I just want the damned thing to work | 01:55 |
BlueProtoman | I can deal with a bit of closed-sourceness. | 01:55 |
rypervenche | BlueProtoman: If you're using an Nvidia driver you'll want a proprietary driver if you want 3D. | 01:55 |
BlueProtoman | Fine. | 01:55 |
BlueProtoman | But how can I do that? | 01:55 |
rypervenche | BlueProtoman: Install nvidia-kernel-dkms then restart | 01:56 |
rypervenche | BlueProtoman: "sudo apt-get install nvidia-kernel-dkms" | 01:56 |
rypervenche | BlueProtoman: sudo shutdown -r now | 01:56 |
BlueProtoman | rypervenche: E: unable to locate package nvidia-kernel-dkms | 01:57 |
scorinitron | ...Hello? | 01:57 |
BlueProtoman | I can't get on to the Internet... | 01:57 |
rypervenche | BlueProtoman: are you sure you're connected to the net? | 01:57 |
rypervenche | Hmmm. | 01:57 |
BlueProtoman | No, I am not. | 01:57 |
rypervenche | You need to be able to...uhhh | 01:57 |
BlueProtoman | How can I? | 01:57 |
BlueProtoman | I've got an ethernet cable right here. | 01:57 |
scorinitron | ...I'm new what's up people | 01:57 |
scorinitron | XD | 01:57 |
BlueProtoman | And Wi-fi hardware. | 01:57 |
BlueProtoman | Hello, scorinitron. | 01:57 |
scorinitron | Hey BlueProtoman | 01:58 |
rypervenche | BlueProtoman: wicd-curses would do it from the command line...uhhh hmmm | 01:58 |
BlueProtoman | rypervenche: Not found. | 01:58 |
scorinitron | It's my first time using an IRC | 01:58 |
BlueProtoman | Any advice that you can give me in the next two minutes? | 01:58 |
rypervenche | BlueProtoman: Not in the next two minutes, no. | 01:58 |
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scorinitron | ... | 01:59 |
scorinitron | um...am I disturbing something? | 01:59 |
Skapare | I have the following line in my sources.list file ... deb http://archive.canonical.com/ lucid partner ... I'm trying to update my sources.list to use an apt-proxy running on another host. But this sources line has no subdirectory to configure an apt-proxy section for. Anyone else have this? | 01:59 |
scorinitron | .. | 02:00 |
henkye | BlueProtoman: take it to some local linux geek, or f*ck it and get windows | 02:01 |
=== DustyMonk is now known as MonkeyDust | ||
* rypervenche smacks henkye. | 02:01 | |
BlueProtoman | henkye: No, fuck Windows. And I know of none nearby. | 02:01 |
hugenumber | smack him again | 02:01 |
scorinitron | I just started using ubuntu as my primary OS...I've been using Windows since me | 02:01 |
pangolin | !language | henkye BlueProtoman | 02:01 |
ubottu | henkye BlueProtoman: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional. | 02:01 |
BlueProtoman | Yeah, yeah... | 02:02 |
henkye | BlueProtoman: if u are accidentally from north Czech republic, bring it | 02:02 |
BlueProtoman | Sorry, gotta sleep. | 02:02 |
scorinitron | O.o? | 02:02 |
scorinitron | "ok lets try this again" I'm an offical IRC Noob... | 02:03 |
scorinitron | Hi... | 02:03 |
MonkeyDust | !hi| scorinitron | 02:03 |
=== Chotaz is now known as Chotaz`Bed | ||
scorinitron | How do you PM me MonkeyDust... | 02:03 |
scorinitron | << I meant did... | 02:04 |
=== famine is now known as famgod | ||
henkye | rypervenche: if only i knew how to slap you back in IRC ! | 02:04 |
scorinitron | guys is their a way I can get better at using the terminal... | 02:05 |
braiam | --help | 02:05 |
scorinitron | I'm to used to using DOS | 02:05 |
scorinitron | is their any difference any secret code I can put in to better further my ubuntu experience XD | 02:05 |
rypervenche | scorinitron: I could tell you, but then I'd probably get kicked. | 02:06 |
scorinitron | Why? | 02:06 |
rypervenche | ^^ | 02:06 |
scorinitron | dood how r u directing messages at me | 02:06 |
rypervenche | scorinitron: by putting your name at the beginning of the message. | 02:07 |
rypervenche | scorinitron: You can just type "ryp" then hit tab to auto-complete my name. | 02:07 |
scorinitron | rypervenche, Cool | 02:07 |
scorinitron | rypervenche, This is awesome | 02:07 |
rypervenche | Welcome to the world of IRC. :) | 02:07 |
henkye | scorinitron: http://liquorix.net/ why walk,when u can fly works like a charm for me | 02:08 |
henkye | scorinitron: its zen kernel for ubuntu | 02:09 |
MonkeyDust | scorinitron: now type /me test | 02:10 |
julio | alguien sabe algun juego parecido a lef4deat2 | 02:10 |
MonkeyDust | !es| julio | 02:10 |
ubottu | julio: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter. | 02:10 |
julio | para ubuntu 11.04 | 02:10 |
rypervenche | scorinitron: I also sent you a private message you can check that out. | 02:10 |
scorinitron | I'm back | 02:13 |
scorinitron | !! | 02:13 |
scorinitron | rypervenche, you still there | 02:14 |
scorinitron | henkye, thanks...what's a kernal... | 02:14 |
jtomasrl_ | is there any fix for ati and display resolution in 1024x768 on 60Hz on CRT screen? | 02:14 |
rypervenche | scorinitron: Yep. | 02:14 |
henkye | scorinitron: ok, forget about it :-) | 02:15 |
=== SuperGuardB is now known as ewproctor | ||
scorinitron | rypervenche, cool! um...hi again. I just wanted you to know that I'm not a total noob... I am learning c++ XD | 02:15 |
usr13 | jtomasrl_: Fix what? (First you must tell us what is wrong) | 02:15 |
rypervenche | scorinitron: I sent you a private message, check i tout. | 02:15 |
MonkeyDust | scorinitron: start here http://mybroadband.co.za/news/software/32474-a-windows-users-guide-to-linux.html | 02:16 |
usr13 | jtomasrl_: xrandr #What does that say? | 02:16 |
jtomasrl_ | usr13: I cant set screen resolution to 1152x864 at 75Hz like in windows, i have a 1024x768 at 60Hz max | 02:16 |
usr13 | jtomasrl_: xrandr | pastebinit | 02:17 |
usr13 | ... and send us resulting URL | 02:17 |
jtomasrl_ | http://pastebin.com/Mr2GBM7W | 02:17 |
usr13 | jtomasrl_: lspci | pastebinit #Send URL | 02:18 |
jtomasrl_ | http://pastebin.com/E8aYzTPg | 02:19 |
usr13 | jtomasrl_: Are you running 10.04 or...._______? | 02:21 |
jtomasrl_ | usr13: i downloaded it today 11.04 i think | 02:21 |
=== r0bby is now known as Guest20880 | ||
diego_ | can somebody help me with epson printer? | 02:23 |
Steyr | Hey everyone, I'm having trouble with an ubuntu install. It seems grub is not working properly. | 02:24 |
usr13 | jtomasrl_: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RadeonDriver | 02:24 |
diego_ | i need to know the epson stylus tx130 ink level | 02:24 |
Steyr | Ubuntu installs without a hitch, but when I try to boot up it gives me a grub prompt. | 02:24 |
Steyr | Does anyone have any idea how to fix this? | 02:25 |
jtomasrl_ | usr13: ty ill try | 02:25 |
Steyr | as a sidenote, 10.04 will install just fine... this seems to only be an issue with 11.04 | 02:25 |
el_seano | Natty uses grub 1.99, right? | 02:26 |
Steyr | It does to boot from the live usb, but from what I gather it installs grub 2 | 02:26 |
Steyr | The live usb works perfectly, by the way. I'm using it now. | 02:27 |
Ttech | 1.9* is 2 I believe. | 02:27 |
Steyr | This is also after I tried installing 10.04 and then updating (which failed) and then erased and reinstalled 11.04 | 02:28 |
Steyr | when i tried to install it the first time (on top of win 7) grub didn't even start, it just booted straight to windows. | 02:29 |
Steyr | And I did install ubuntu last... which leads me to believe that maybe it's not writing to the boot sector at all... | 02:30 |
mmoebius | Hello. | 02:30 |
Steyr | Hello mmoebius! | 02:30 |
=== hacked_kernel is now known as Guest22533 | ||
braiam | someone have hacked_kernel nick O.o | 02:31 |
mmoebius | When strarting a live CD iso from an USB-Stick, finding the live-CD iso file in (initrd)/scripts/casper-premount/20iso_scan seems unreliable to me. Any hints on how to improve that ? | 02:32 |
mmoebius | The thing is, if this script is running the helper function "find_path" it may stumble upon unreadable filesaystems such as ntfs which will then trash the boot process | 02:33 |
jtomasrl_ | didnt understand anyting | 02:33 |
=== aaron is now known as Guest44105 | ||
mmoebius | jtomasrl_: I have an USB stick. With Grub2 on it and a current ubuntu-11.04-desktop-i386.iso file. | 02:34 |
miki | Steyr: i'm not sure if it's the same problem i had but when i upgraded in 11.04 alpha it crashed on me because of they changed the log-in at boot if you haven't tried it try ubuntu beta or can ask in #ubuntu+1 | 02:34 |
mmoebius | jtomasrl_: That is booted from grub with a few obscure cmd-line options. Then it fails | 02:34 |
RenaKunisaki | why are all the options in gedit preferences disabled when I run it under Awesome? | 02:36 |
=== eboyjr_ is now known as egirljr | ||
Steyr | miki: You mean 11.10? | 02:37 |
miki | Steyr: right sorry | 02:37 |
miki | :P | 02:37 |
Steyr | ok, thanks. I'll try that | 02:37 |
=== wyang is now known as Guest5811 | ||
ryannathans | hmmmm guess who's back | 02:38 |
ryannathans | what's the flag to boot with acpi off? | 02:38 |
RenaKunisaki | apparently my dbus has stopped working> | 02:39 |
Tech-Kyle | can anyone help me get flash running on a macintosh ibook g4? | 02:39 |
Tech-Kyle | i;m running ubuntu 10.0.4 lts | 02:40 |
ryannathans | Tech-Kyle: sudo apt-get install flashplugin-installer | 02:40 |
mmoebius | ryannathans: noacpi (?) | 02:40 |
Tech-Kyle | i don't know what that means | 02:40 |
ryannathans | mmoebius: thankyou | 02:40 |
ryannathans | Tech-Kyle: type that into terminal | 02:40 |
mmoebius | Tech-Kyle: Open a terminal. thenb type what ryannathans said | 02:41 |
ryannathans | mmoebius: hmm, still kernel dies | 02:41 |
ryannathans | it talks about acpi still in logs | 02:41 |
Tech-Kyle | thank you for the clarification | 02:41 |
mmoebius | ryannathans: Why should it ba ACPI ? where does the kernel die ? | 02:41 |
ryannathans | good question | 02:42 |
ryannathans | 3 seconds, i got a pic | 02:42 |
mmoebius | ryannathans: for debug, boot without "quiet" but with "nosplash" | 02:42 |
mordof | How would i give my user access to /dev/input4? | 02:42 |
mmoebius | ryannathans: and without "splash" ,. of course | 02:42 |
Tech-Kyle | i'm sorry i wasn't clear enought i need to install the flash plugin for mozilla firefox | 02:42 |
ryannathans | mmoebius: were you here last night? when i had this problem? | 02:42 |
ryannathans | Tech-Kyle: that WILL do it for fff | 02:42 |
ryannathans | ff*( | 02:42 |
=== hacked_kernel_ is now known as hacked_kernel | ||
mmoebius | Tech-Kyle: That is what flashplugin-installer should do | 02:43 |
whippersnapper | Hello, I was wondering, is there a way to make banshee write metadata to mp3 files (using tags) | 02:43 |
mmoebius | ryannathans: I don't think I was here personally. | 02:43 |
mmoebius | Maybe my IRC-bouncer was logged in, but nothing more | 02:44 |
ryannathans | mmoebius: http://i53.tinypic.com/2nipr1g.jpg | 02:44 |
ryannathans | i been at this for days | 02:45 |
RenaKunisaki | k I guess my dbus is completely broken? X won't even restart now | 02:45 |
ryannathans | mmoebius: it's a usb, i can't even boot it to install | 02:45 |
Tech-Kyle | Reading state information... Done | 02:45 |
Tech-Kyle | Package flashplugin-installer is not available, but is referred to by another package. | 02:45 |
Tech-Kyle | This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or | 02:45 |
Tech-Kyle | is only available from another source | 02:45 |
Tech-Kyle | E: Package flashplugin-installer has no installation candidate | 02:45 |
FloodBot1 | Tech-Kyle: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation. | 02:45 |
ryannathans | Tech-Kyle: try sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree | 02:46 |
Tech-Kyle | http://paste.ubuntu.com/openid/login/?next=/705751/plain/ | 02:46 |
mmoebius | ryannathans: Nasty. Is there an option to turn of the iommu ? | 02:46 |
ryannathans | mmoebius: works fine on other computers thou | 02:46 |
mmoebius | ryannathans: Which version is it ? Tried an older or newer alreadcy ? Will e.g. Knoppix or Insert or ... <name it> boot ? | 02:47 |
ryannathans | mmoebius: I have tried 11.04 11.04 alturnate | 02:47 |
ryannathans | clonezilla ubuntu works | 02:48 |
ryannathans | flawless i must add | 02:48 |
ryannathans | hmm, going to try 10.04 now | 02:48 |
glitchd | could someone point me to the best iso burning software for ubuntu? | 02:48 |
Singham | glitchd : Brasero works best for me.. | 02:48 |
mmoebius | ryannathans: what is about (current) 11.04 ? Maybe something specific to your system got fixed ? | 02:49 |
glitchd | Singham, what would u say about k3b? | 02:49 |
ryannathans | mmoebius: i'm having problems with the 11.04, can't get it to start | 02:49 |
ryannathans | no idea why | 02:49 |
mmoebius | Ah, i see | 02:49 |
ryannathans | been debugging for a long time | 02:49 |
Mneumonic | If I install the nightly build of 11.10 will i need to reinstall the official release or just do an apt-get upgrade? | 02:49 |
whippersnapper | Did anyone see the thing I asked above? | 02:50 |
Singham | glitchd : I havn't tried it..so No idea.. | 02:50 |
whippersnapper | This: Hello, I was wondering, is there a way to make banshee write metadata to mp3 files (using tags) | 02:50 |
whippersnapper | Mneumonic: It's problematic | 02:50 |
Mneumonic | So installing fresh when it releases would be the best idea? | 02:50 |
whippersnapper | Mneumonic: ... to use apt-get update && apt-get upgrade | 02:50 |
whippersnapper | Mneumonic: Yes | 02:51 |
jtomasrl | now i have 1152x864 option, but only on 60Hz | 02:51 |
Mneumonic | alright, I'm considering trying out the nightly, I'm really excited for 11.10 | 02:51 |
mmoebius | glitchd: They are almost all the same and one as good as another. Backends are *always* wodim or (older) cdrecord . It's just the UI. And also, the all use mkisofs or its librasries. No "better" sorry. | 02:51 |
whippersnapper | Mneumonic: That's good, so am I. I just wish there was Ubuntu One support for Kubuntu | 02:51 |
whippersnapper | Mneumonic: (As I've had issues with non-KDE applications) | 02:51 |
Milossh | bonder, is spamming | 02:52 |
Mneumonic | I'm actually looking forward to trying gnome3 in 11.10 | 02:52 |
Mneumonic | i didnt like how unity was in 11.04 but 11.10 seems like the gnome3 stuff is better | 02:52 |
mmoebius | ryannathans: If the ubuntu kernel is to b0rked for you, roll your own. If installing from an USB key, you should be abel to supply your own kernel, modules etc. with a little work | 02:52 |
Milossh | try rejoining this channe; | 02:52 |
Milossh | channel | 02:52 |
whippersnapper | Mneumonic: Oh, I see. I used Gnome 3 in Fedora 15 and it was okay but I think that 3.2 is better... | 02:52 |
Mneumonic | 3.2 would be in the nightly right | 02:52 |
whippersnapper | Mneumonic: Yes, it would | 02:52 |
glitchd | mmoebius, thx for the info | 02:53 |
whippersnapper | Mneumonic: I installed nightly in Virtualbox and have seen it in the center | 02:53 |
mmoebius | ryannathans: does anything not ubuntu boot on your system ? Think http://www.knopper.net/knoppix-mirrors/index-en.html | 02:53 |
whippersnapper | Mneumonic: Err... software center (as virtualbox doesn't support Gnome 3, AFAIK) | 02:53 |
Mneumonic | i'm gonna dual boot the nightly then until the release and if the nightly is running good i'll replace with official 11.10, thanks for the info | 02:53 |
mmoebius | glitchd: The really funny thing is, even most of the Windows software uses the (commercial version) of cdrecord ;-) | 02:54 |
whippersnapper | Mneumonic: You're welcome. | 02:54 |
ryannathans | mmoebius: meh, i'll try a fedora soon | 02:54 |
whippersnapper | AND NOW! Back to my tagging issue | 02:54 |
puff | I'm trying to convert some .wav files to .mp3, I tried to use lame and got this error: Unsupported data format: 0x0055 | 02:54 |
Mneumonic | I wanted to like fedora 15 but it was all kinds of buggy on my laptop | 02:54 |
puff | All I did to install lame was: sudo aptitude install lame | 02:54 |
whippersnapper | Mneumonic: Gnome 3.2 should fix most of it | 02:54 |
mmoebius | ryannathans: I mean, just for seeing another kernel do stuff ... or not to see it. Ist hardware-failure an option ? Did you already run memtest for a few hours ? | 02:55 |
whippersnapper | Mneumonic: One thing you could try is Fedora 16 beta | 02:55 |
Mneumonic | fedora 16 beta vs ubuntu 11.10 nightly | 02:55 |
Singham | !pm | bonder | 02:55 |
ubottu | bonder: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first. | 02:55 |
ryannathans | mmoebius: it's DEFINATELY not hardware problem | 02:55 |
Mneumonic | it seems like ubuntu 11.10 nightly would be less buggy at this stage | 02:55 |
ryannathans | mmoebius: 10.04 is being written to a usb right now | 02:56 |
whippersnapper | Mneumonic: I would go for Fedora beta, as it is made for Gnome 3 with the default theme and such | 02:56 |
Mneumonic | have you tried the beta? how buggy is it? | 02:56 |
xangua | !ot | Mneumonic whippersnapper | 02:56 |
ubottu | Mneumonic whippersnapper: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! | 02:56 |
Mneumonic | with fedora being bleeding edge, i get worried with their betas | 02:56 |
Mneumonic | sorry i'll take it there | 02:56 |
whippersnapper | xangua: Sorry about that | 02:56 |
ryannathans | lulz | 02:57 |
Tech-Kyle | occupyphilly@occupyphilly:~$ sudo apt-get install flashplugin-installer | 02:57 |
Tech-Kyle | Reading package lists... Done | 02:57 |
Tech-Kyle | Building dependency tree | 02:57 |
Tech-Kyle | Reading state information... Done | 02:57 |
Tech-Kyle | Package flashplugin-installer is not available, but is referred to by another package. | 02:57 |
FloodBot1 | Tech-Kyle: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation. | 02:57 |
Tech-Kyle | This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or | 02:57 |
Tech-Kyle | is only available from another source | 02:57 |
ryannathans | Tech-Kyle: did you NOT read what I told you? | 02:58 |
=== rickup_ is now known as rickup | ||
ryannathans | Tech-Kyle: sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree | 02:58 |
pmp6nl | Does anyone know why the Ubuntu countdown timer is not working? | 02:58 |
xangua | ryannathans: nonfree installs .... installer (sic) | 02:59 |
whippersnapper | So, no one knows how to tag audio? | 02:59 |
ryannathans | xangua: it worked for me last night?! | 02:59 |
whippersnapper | ...with Banshee | 02:59 |
ryannathans | Tech-Kyle: you must have a repo missing | 03:00 |
ryannathans | Tech-Kyle: firstly, try sudo apt-get update then sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree | 03:00 |
ryannathans | Tech-Kyle: you must change your nickname if you want to speak here | 03:01 |
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gr33n7007h | HEY YOU GUUUYYYYSSSS........ what's the channel for metasploit related difficulties | 03:04 |
ryannathans | metasplot? | 03:04 |
gr33n7007h | penetration tesing framework | 03:05 |
ryannathans | gr33n7007h: i don't know, MIGHT BE #metaspoit | 03:05 |
gr33n7007h | *testing | 03:05 |
gr33n7007h | cheers i'll give it a go | 03:05 |
ryannathans | google doesn't work ofc http://www.metasploit.com/get-support/irc-channel/ | 03:05 |
gr33n7007h | thanx | 03:06 |
lambo_man_r2 | Hi can someone help me? | 03:09 |
ryannathans | <3 come on 10.04 | 03:09 |
ryannathans | \o/ 10.04 | 03:09 |
lambo_man_r2 | Im on ubuntu 11.04 booting from USB and firefox won't run. M | 03:09 |
gr33n7007h | lambo_man_r2, open terminal and type -- firefox & | 03:10 |
lambo_man_r2 | Is that correct? "-- firefox &" it seems like a typo | 03:10 |
gr33n7007h | no thats correct | 03:11 |
lambo_man_r2 | Ok ll | 03:11 |
lambo_man_r2 | Lol | 03:11 |
gr33n7007h | firefox & | 03:11 |
gr33n7007h | just that | 03:11 |
lambo_man_r2 | Oh thanks! | 03:11 |
MTecknology | I moved / to a new drive, did an rsync -au and tried to chroot into the new drive (old missing) and run update-grub. The result is that the grub.cfg has no entries for the new disk. Any ideas what I could do to get booting off the new disk? | 03:11 |
lambo_man_r2 | Can someone teamviewer with me? | 03:12 |
xr-- | lambo_man_r2: for what? | 03:14 |
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* edbian is curious about that as well | 03:14 | |
lambo_man_r2 | Im having trouble with my comp | 03:14 |
edbian | lambo_man_r2, can you be more detailed | 03:14 |
RobbieCrash | and no offense, but do you really want some stranger on your computer? | 03:14 |
lambo_man_r2 | Lol I was installing WINE and apparently there wasn't enough space | 03:14 |
edbian | lambo_man_r2, why do you think there was not enough space? | 03:15 |
lambo_man_r2 | It told me? | 03:15 |
ryannathans | whats that package with an x in it that helps with partitioning and recognising large hdds | 03:15 |
edbian | lambo_man_r2, what did it say exactly? :) | 03:15 |
lambo_man_r2 | Umm hold on please | 03:15 |
edbian | lambo_man_r2, sure | 03:15 |
xr-- | :) | 03:16 |
samonov | how can I get my video card to work wide screen - I have a 4:3 image on a 9:16 monitor? | 03:16 |
rudollf | Hi all, tell me how to set a theme in Xubuntu??? | 03:16 |
ryannathans | somsip: set the res? | 03:16 |
asparatu | ryannathans: you want to use disk utility | 03:17 |
ryannathans | oops | 03:17 |
ryannathans | samonov: seet the res? | 03:17 |
xangua | rudollf: creathe .themes and .icons directory on your home and extract there the themes you download | 03:17 |
samonov | yes trouble is it does not offer me a suitable resolution | 03:17 |
rudollf | thanks | 03:17 |
ryannathans | asparatu: i remember there was a package with x in the name that helped with the install | 03:17 |
Lithos84 | Hello! How can I start LXDE without the panel? | 03:17 |
lambo_man_r2 | Do I get the Wine Windows Program Loader, or the Wine Microsoft Windows Compatibility Layer? | 03:18 |
asparatu | ryannathans: then im now sure then..i use the CLI | 03:18 |
asparatu | err not* | 03:18 |
edbian | lambo_man_r2, What do you mean 'do I get x' ? | 03:18 |
lambo_man_r2 | From the software center, i search wine, which one di I get? | 03:19 |
xannen | how reliable is clamav (virus scanner)? | 03:19 |
ryannathans | asparatu: naww :( i have a 2tb hdd (from raid card) showing up as 1.91TB unpartitioned | 03:19 |
edbian | lambo_man_r2, oh, get the compatibility layer | 03:19 |
edbian | lambo_man_r2, I thought though, that you don't have enough room? | 03:19 |
lambo_man_r2 | Yep | 03:20 |
edbian | lambo_man_r2, so what happens if you try to install wine (I'm not sure what the loader is btw) | 03:20 |
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lambo_man_r2 | Hold on | 03:21 |
=== Pinwake is now known as ewproctor | ||
z00mer | Hello nerds! I'm hoping to persuade some friends to try Ubuntu. | 03:22 |
z00mer | What are the best features/advantages of Ubuntu over Windows & Mac? | 03:22 |
samonov | ryannathans- can I force the resolution with xrandr? | 03:22 |
lambo_man_r2 | My comp os .99 gbs ram and 1.60 ghz so... edbian | 03:22 |
edbian | lambo_man_r2, it has .99 Gb of RAM ? (what does that have to do with running out of space installing programs?) | 03:23 |
ryannathans | samonov: what graphics card you on? | 03:23 |
lambo_man_r2 | edbian: Im saying its slow so ill be a while | 03:23 |
edbian | lambo_man_r2, ahh | 03:23 |
samonov | nvidia gtx-570 | 03:23 |
ryannathans | samonov: install nvidia drivers | 03:24 |
lambo_man_r2 | Im booting from USB, is there a way to keep my settings etc when the comp restarts? | 03:24 |
ryannathans | lambo_man_r2: use persistance | 03:24 |
lambo_man_r2 | ryannathans: What? | 03:25 |
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xdc | z00mer: one thing that's nice is the large, free software library that's available for easy installing. | 03:25 |
ryannathans | lambo_man_r2: use persistance, i'd recommend ~1gb depending on size of usb | 03:25 |
asparatu | ryannathans: is this what you are talking about xfsprogs | 03:25 |
ryannathans | lambo_man_r2: universal usb installer will help you set that up | 03:25 |
z00mer | Ahah! good one. | 03:25 |
ryannathans | asparatu: nop, sadly D: | 03:25 |
lambo_man_r2 | Wtf is persistence? | 03:25 |
lambo_man_r2 | My USB is 4 gig | 03:26 |
samonov | ryannathans: I have them installed but the nvidia utility sees my monitor as a crt and only offers low resolutions | 03:26 |
edbian | lambo_man_r2, It's an option in the usb_creator thingy | 03:26 |
lambo_man_r2 | Oh wtf idc | 03:26 |
z00mer | I think the new Unity bar/dash is a pretty awesome feature. 10x better than Win Start Bar | 03:26 |
g0rs | anybody using compiz here? | 03:26 |
ryannathans | lambo_man_r2: allows persistance of files over rebood | 03:26 |
ryannathans | lambo_man_r2: it's what you are asking for -.- | 03:26 |
z00mer | Some like it better than MacOS dock too | 03:26 |
lambo_man_r2 | So what do I do!? | 03:26 |
ryannathans | samonov: try edit the res in x11 | 03:26 |
edbian | g0rs, of course | 03:26 |
fisher | Err http://archive.offensive-security.com pwnsauce/main skim 1.4.5-4ubuntu3 404 Not Found | 03:26 |
fisher | why? | 03:27 |
ryannathans | lambo_man_r2: for the third time, set up a usb with ubuntu with persistance | 03:27 |
xangua | z00mer: do you have a support question¿ | 03:27 |
xdc | zoomer: a matter of personal preference. but unity is pretty nice in Ubuntu 11.10. I prefer gnome-shell myself. | 03:27 |
edbian | lambo_man_r2, To create a persistent usb drive remake the usb drive using the usb_creator in ubuntu. | 03:27 |
xangua | fisher: is that an ubuntu repository¿ | 03:27 |
ryannathans | lambo_man_r2: or universal usb installer in windows | 03:27 |
xangua | is it for current versions¿ | 03:27 |
edbian | lambo_man_r2, When you install wine are you trying to install wine on the ubuntu OS installed on the flash drive? Or do you have Ubuntu installed on your computer? | 03:27 |
lambo_man_r2 | edbian: Ubuntu is running off the USB. | 03:28 |
hexacode | hey you guys...i want to add some form of data, sort of like a signature, to packets by mangling, so that my server can allow the packet through based on signature...meaning if the signature is not there, then drop the packet...is there a way to do this? | 03:28 |
ryannathans | edbian: flash driv | 03:28 |
ryannathans | edbian: he needs persistance | 03:28 |
edbian | lambo_man_r2, Then the issue is that you didn't give ubuntu enough space on the USB drive | 03:28 |
edbian | lambo_man_r2, yes, you need persistance | 03:28 |
g0rs | edbian: animations are not working even though they're enabled. The only effects which are working are wobbling windows and fade. | 03:28 |
edbian | ryannathans, yeah :) | 03:28 |
edbian | g0rs, do you have compiz-config-settings-manger installed? | 03:28 |
lambo_man_r2 | Wtf!? | 03:28 |
g0rs | edbian: i have it installed and its on my panel | 03:28 |
ryannathans | lambo_man_r2: google-foo is not strong with this one | 03:29 |
edbian | g0rs, open it, turn on some other plugins | 03:29 |
edbian | g0rs, :) | 03:29 |
bonder | could you help me find the URL for this mashup and map data (so I can add &output=kml). The URL I want is from http://www.geology.arkansas.gov/minerals/mining_map.htm . And if so, how can I convert the XML data to KML. What I really need is the KML file with graphics, etc | 03:29 |
edbian | lambo_man_r2, what are you confused about? | 03:29 |
KyleP | Hey everyone i was here a bit ago asking about seeting up a lash plugin for firefox on a mac ibook g4 running ubuntu 10.0.4 lts | 03:29 |
ryannathans | lambo_man_r2: persistance is space on the usb defined to store ubuntu settings and files over reboots | 03:29 |
KyleP | a flash plugin*** | 03:29 |
ryannathans | KyleP: what bout it? | 03:29 |
lambo_man_r2 | ryannathans: Ah. All I want is WINE for iTunes and redsn0w | 03:30 |
ryannathans | lambo_man_r2: that's what you are going to have to do | 03:30 |
KyleP | i'm having a hard time setting it up still. | 03:30 |
ryannathans | PERSISTANCE. | 03:30 |
lambo_man_r2 | The USB reboot issue is secondary to that. | 03:30 |
xannen | What is recommended anti-virus on ubuntu? | 03:30 |
KyleP | i took the steps you guys said and got errors every time | 03:30 |
ryannathans | KyleP: in terminal run this sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install flashplayer-nonfree | 03:30 |
lambo_man_r2 | ryannathans: I get it lol | 03:30 |
edbian | lambo_man_r2, You have to remake the usb drive | 03:30 |
ryannathans | xannen: none? | 03:30 |
KyleP | i did that and got errors on the 2nd one | 03:30 |
ryannathans | xannen: linux != windows | 03:30 |
edbian | xannen, we don't need it | 03:31 |
l00pb4ck1 | i run growisofs from a script. how do i check the status of the process? ie burning progress | 03:31 |
ryannathans | KyleP: did you update first? | 03:31 |
thevinci | question, I have a headless server set up to be my file sharing server for the house, and I have transmission-daemon running on it. I have my 1 terrabyte usb HD mounted to it right now, but I don't want it always mounted (ie, spinning the disk constantly and wearing it out faster), so, is there a way I can have it mount on demand? Or something like that? | 03:31 |
xannen | ryannathans, aww | 03:31 |
ryannathans | try that exact command again | 03:31 |
lambo_man_r2 | edbian: Ok | 03:31 |
edbian | thevinci, mounting does not keep the disc spinning. The disc wills till go into power saving and spin down the discs | 03:31 |
wrektjet | hey can anyone help with Samba? I am puzzled as to what the problem with connecting to my Win7 machine is. I keep returning "Failed to retrieve share list from server" when attempting to connect via the connect to server. I have all my inputs correct i am quite sure | 03:33 |
zykotick9 | !virus | xannen | 03:33 |
ubottu | xannen: Antivirus is something you don't need on !Linux. except where files are then passed to windows computers (perhaps using samba), See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Antivirus | 03:33 |
KyleP | ryannathans: i did update first | 03:33 |
ryannathans | what ubuntu is this? | 03:33 |
edbian | ryannathans, 11.04 | 03:34 |
thevinci | edbian: So as long as nothing is requesting Info from the HD, it won't spin and wear out my device? | 03:34 |
edbian | thevinci, that's right | 03:34 |
xannen | ty zykotick9 | 03:34 |
asparatu | rayannathans: do you have it the drive fomated as fat or ntfs FS because if you do..that might be the reason it doing it. I was reading on seagate website where 2tb drive were saying they were 1.91 | 03:35 |
thevinci | cool cool, thanks edbian | 03:35 |
ryannathans | KyleP: how can that not work, sounds like your not A: not conected to internet or B: repo is missing | 03:35 |
edbian | thevinci, sure | 03:35 |
KyleP | i am connected to the internet i'm using the pc in question to have this conversation. how do i fix a missing repo? | 03:36 |
ryannathans | KyleP: copy paste output to pastbin or something | 03:36 |
ryannathans | from sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install flashplugin-installer | 03:36 |
thevinci | another question, right now, I have it mounted in 3 different places, /mnt, /svr/ftp/mnt, and /Ant/Music/mnt, when I unmount it, and then eventually remount, I would like it to mount to those same places again automatically, is there a config file i can edit for this? | 03:37 |
ryannathans | thevinci: make a batch script | 03:37 |
ryannathans | bash * | 03:37 |
edbian | thevinci, I agree, make a bash script | 03:38 |
zykotick9 | thevinci, you could use one mount, and create symbolic links | 03:38 |
thevinci | never made a bash script myself... I'll google it, see if I can come up with something... | 03:38 |
ryannathans | thevinci: something like sudo mount /dev/sd? /mnt && sudo mount /dev/sd? /svr/ftp/mnt && sudo mount /dev/sd? /Ant/Music/mnt or use symlinks | 03:38 |
ryannathans | \o/ wrote a bash script in one line | 03:39 |
thevinci | ryannathans, how do I make that run automaticly when I plugin my usb HD? | 03:40 |
ryannathans | thevinci: that's pushing it a bit far ;) | 03:40 |
ryannathans | thevinci: create an autorun on the hdd and set it up to run that bash script | 03:40 |
thevinci | haha, alright, I'm sure I can figure something out from here, thanks alot. :) | 03:41 |
ryannathans | thevinci: the hdd needs to be mounted tho... ;d | 03:41 |
ryannathans | thevinci: no problem | 03:41 |
thevinci | <--- lazy and abusing quick and easy solutions on IRC lol | 03:41 |
ryannathans | thevinci: i practically wrote the bash script for you | 03:42 |
ryannathans | just replace teh ? with the drive letter | 03:42 |
ryannathans | and run it when you plug it in | 03:42 |
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* edbian agrees | 03:44 | |
unperson | Very basic question: If you want to use the -I switch to tell gcc a list of directories to search for header files, how should this list be formatted? What separator should be used and should any sort of delimiters (e.g. quotation marks) be but around the list? | 03:45 |
Lithos84 | Hello! Does anybody know how to start LXDE without the panel? | 03:45 |
wrektjet | hmmm so I am still receiving an error when attempting to connect to my windows7 machine: "Failed to retrieve share list from server". any ideas as to the nature of the problem? | 03:46 |
arooni-mobile | hi folks; running 11.04; i get the message from update manager: "W:Failed to fetch http://ppa.launchpad.net/riccetn/clementine/ubuntu/dists/natty/main/source/Sources 404 Not Found" but when i try to delete or update that in my /etc/apt/sources.list... i dont see that ppa anywhere. where can i find it to update it? | 03:46 |
thevinci | ryannathans: that you did. But that little seed is all I needed. | 03:46 |
ryannathans | 10.04.3 alturnate, if you no work, hope == lose | 03:50 |
KyleP | ryannathans: http://paste.ubuntu.com/openid/login/?next=/705768/plain/ | 03:50 |
ryannathans | KyleP: what's that from? | 03:51 |
ryannathans | KyleP: that looks like chaos | 03:51 |
rhizmoe | grr, natty is being weird | 03:51 |
KyleP | that is what i get when i type the sudo apt-get update and sudo apt-get... installer something or other | 03:52 |
ryannathans | KyleP: your line must be wrong, surely that error is not possible from what i told you | 03:52 |
ryannathans | python mod error? | 03:52 |
KyleP | it's a macintosh ibook g4 | 03:52 |
ryannathans | doesn't matter | 03:53 |
edbian | haha, apt-get... installer something or other | 03:53 |
KyleP | ppc chipset is what it the ubuntu software center said about downloading flash | 03:53 |
ryannathans | edbian: this is what KyleP linked, http://paste.ubuntu.com/openid/login/?next=/705768/plain/ | 03:53 |
ryannathans | surely that's not right | 03:53 |
binni | I just installed Tracker the search tool but it doesn't work, probably because it hasn't indexed yet, how do I make it index? | 03:54 |
ryannathans | binni: hit it | 03:54 |
edbian | ryannathans, he might have written sudo apt-get ... installer .. python a % 4 | 03:54 |
KyleP | i feel like there was more to it than that | 03:54 |
ryannathans | KyleP: what did you put in terminal? that result surely can't be possible | 03:55 |
ryannathans | KyleP: "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install flashplugin-installer" | 03:55 |
ryannathans | no "" though | 03:55 |
KyleP | i typed that exactly | 03:55 |
ryannathans | and it cried about python? | 03:56 |
edbian | ryannathans, http://stackoverflow.com/questions/641750/django-mod-python-error | 03:56 |
binni | ryannathans: hitting only works for old TVs.. | 03:56 |
arooni-mobile | my update manager seems to be frozen up; can i restart it somewhow? | 03:56 |
ryannathans | arooni-mobile: in terminal type top | 03:56 |
edbian | ryannathans, binni and fonzi | 03:56 |
KyleP | i'll do it again in 2 separate links | 03:56 |
ryannathans | arooni-mobile: then use sudo kill -9 <processid> | 03:57 |
arooni-mobile | ryannathans, i dont know what its called | 03:57 |
ryannathans | i don't have a linux copy working, that's why im here | 03:57 |
KyleP | ok i won;t post the update but i'll do the other agian the update went fine | 03:57 |
ryannathans | but all i do is help you people1?! | 03:57 |
ryannathans | KyleP: I want the update pastesd | 03:58 |
ryannathans | KyleP: I want the update pasted | 03:58 |
ryannathans | it | 03:58 |
ryannathans | it's probably all just ign-ing | 03:58 |
zykotick9 | ryannathans, using kill -9 against package manager isn't the greatest suggestion (but MIGHT be required). arooni-mobile | 03:58 |
ryannathans | zykotick9: i'm aware | 03:58 |
zykotick9 | arooni-mobile, regarding the ppa check if you see anything in /etc/apt/sources.list.d | 03:58 |
=== aaron is now known as Guest97799 | ||
fisher | deb http://ubuntu.dormforce.net/ubuntu/ intrepid main multiverse restricted universe | 03:58 |
fisher | deb http://ubuntu.dormforce.net/ubuntu/ intrepid-backports main multiverse restricted universe | 03:58 |
fisher | deb http://ubuntu.dormforce.net/ubuntu/ intrepid-proposed main multiverse restricted universe | 03:58 |
fisher | deb http://ubuntu.dormforce.net/ubuntu/ intrepid-security main multiverse restricted universe | 03:58 |
fisher | deb http://ubuntu.dormforce.net/ubuntu/ intrepid-updates main multiverse restricted universe | 03:58 |
FloodBot1 | fisher: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation. | 03:58 |
fisher | deb-src http://ubuntu.dormforce.net/ubuntu/ intrepid main multiverse restricted universe | 03:58 |
ryannathans | ouch | 03:59 |
ryannathans | lets paste everything in here! *clap clap* | 03:59 |
KyleP | http://paste.ubuntu.com/705773/ i was sending the wrong link ::facepalm:: | 03:59 |
KyleP | ryannathans ^^^ | 03:59 |
edbian | hahahaah | 04:00 |
* edbian loves IRC | 04:00 | |
KyleP | lol sorry guys | 04:00 |
KyleP | but still it failbots | 04:00 |
ryannathans | -.- | 04:00 |
edbian | KyleP, sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree | 04:01 |
beta0x64 | sudo apt-cache search *flashplugin* | 04:01 |
beta0x64 | ? | 04:01 |
edbian | beta0x64, good idea too | 04:01 |
ryannathans | KyleP: what's the output of edbian's command | 04:01 |
zykotick9 | beta0x64, they are using sudo - they're getting "E: Package flashplugin-installer has no installation candidate" | 04:01 |
ryannathans | what zykotick9 said | 04:01 |
ryannathans | ;D | 04:01 |
beta0x64 | you are doing apt-get install | 04:02 |
zykotick9 | beta0x64, fyi apt-cache doesn't need sudo | 04:02 |
beta0x64 | either way | 04:02 |
KyleP | sudo apt-get instal flashplugin-nonfree | 04:02 |
beta0x64 | it can't be found, then? odd. | 04:02 |
KyleP | E: Invalid operation instal | 04:02 |
beta0x64 | install | 04:02 |
edbian | KyleP, install has two l's | 04:03 |
ryannathans | KyleP: you spelt install wrong -.- | 04:03 |
edbian | KyleP, Really ? | 04:03 |
edbian | KyleP, You needed to ask us that? | 04:03 |
ryannathans | ^^ | 04:03 |
edbian | exit | 04:03 |
ryannathans | lol! | 04:03 |
KyleP | sudo apt-cache search *flashplugin* | 04:03 |
KyleP | E: Regex compilation error | 04:03 |
ryannathans | -.- | 04:03 |
ryannathans | sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree | 04:04 |
ryannathans | FFS | 04:04 |
KyleP | http://paste.ubuntu.com/705775/ | 04:04 |
beta0x64 | http://paste.ubuntu.com/705776/ | 04:04 |
gr33n7007h | sudo apt-get install flashplugin-installer | 04:05 |
beta0x64 | maybe you have not added the ppa | 04:05 |
beta0x64 | KyleP: apt-cache search flashplugin | 04:05 |
beta0x64 | my bad | 04:05 |
=== ilDuce is now known as dCtrl | ||
joshie380 | if i'm running ubuntu from a flash drive, is there a way to save state to non-volatile memory? | 04:06 |
ryannathans | KyleP: I want output pasted from sudo apt-get update | 04:06 |
KyleP | apt-cache search flashplugin did nothing | 04:06 |
ryannathans | joshie380: persistance | 04:06 |
gr33n7007h | sudo aptitude install flashplugin-nonfree | 04:06 |
joshie380 | oh. that would be something i should have done /before/ i booted, eh :p | 04:07 |
ryannathans | it's not existant | 04:07 |
ryannathans | joshie380: good idea ;d | 04:07 |
gr33n7007h | KyleP, sudo aptitude install flashplugin-nonfree | 04:07 |
beta0x64 | we're missing a ppa somewhere or something | 04:07 |
joshie380 | so i can't do it this time, for sure? | 04:07 |
zykotick9 | gr33n7007h, aptitude isn't installed by default so not such a great suggestion | 04:07 |
ryannathans | beta0x64: or it can't update | 04:07 |
KyleP | http://paste.ubuntu.com/705777/ | 04:07 |
ryannathans | KyleP: what ubuntu version are you on? | 04:08 |
gr33n7007h | zykotick9, >.< | 04:08 |
joshie380 | actually nm, even if i can, it sounds like too much trouble. sigh. evening, ubuntu kids | 04:08 |
KyleP | 10.0.4lts | 04:08 |
ryannathans | no such version ecists | 04:08 |
beta0x64 | come on ryannathans he means 10.4 | 04:08 |
beta0x64 | 10.04* | 04:08 |
KyleP | sorry lol like i said i'm new to linux and REALLY new to ubuntu | 04:09 |
ryannathans | what repo is flashplugin-installer from? | 04:09 |
beta0x64 | it's okay KyleP. you shouldn't even be having this problem | 04:09 |
ryannathans | doubt it's multiverse | 04:10 |
beta0x64 | ryannathans, http://packages.ubuntu.com/lucid/flashplugin-nonfree | 04:10 |
beta0x64 | security, multiverse | 04:10 |
ryannathans | odd | 04:11 |
ryannathans | very odd | 04:11 |
beta0x64 | :3 packages.ubuntu.com = <3 | 04:11 |
ryannathans | should be workin | 04:11 |
KyleP | http://paste.ubuntu.com/705780/ this one took much longer to finish idk what that means | 04:11 |
thorn | hey, I'm having mega trouble trying to get my Brother printer to work with 11.04. Any help? | 04:12 |
ryannathans | thorn: what's the problem | 04:12 |
thorn | I can't get it to work | 04:13 |
thorn | the model is HL-2280DW | 04:13 |
KyleP | my brain hurts | 04:13 |
ryannathans | it does ___ when i do ___ i want it to ____ | 04:13 |
gr33n7007h | add this ppa:sevenmachines/flash then update restart browser done! | 04:13 |
dageriv | when arp, gives me the name of a computer. where does it get that info? | 04:14 |
thorn | I attempt to install the drivers in several ways. I click print. No print. | 04:14 |
KyleP | gr33n7007h was that to me? | 04:15 |
gr33n7007h | yes | 04:15 |
=== needhelp1 is now known as oscalation | ||
thorn | maybe this must wait until morning? | 04:15 |
* tMH- is gone. nsf | 04:15 | |
KyleP | could you reiterate that for me please | 04:15 |
KyleP | preferably in english :D | 04:15 |
thorn | I need to go, it's later than I realized. | 04:16 |
thorn | anyone attempting an assist? | 04:16 |
thorn | going once... | 04:17 |
thorn | going twice... | 04:17 |
beta0x64 | thorn, I'd let it rest until tomorrow. Try googling your printer's model in conjunction with ubuntu and finding a forum thread someplace until then | 04:17 |
optidude | hello all | 04:17 |
thorn | beta0x64: done that about a dozen times | 04:17 |
thorn | but thanks! | 04:17 |
thorn | later! | 04:17 |
optidude | i have a questions for one of you smart folks | 04:17 |
beta0x64 | how can you have -a- questions? | 04:18 |
oscalation | !ASK optidude | 04:18 |
optidude | a questions...LOL | 04:19 |
optidude | how about a question | 04:19 |
ryannathans | go! | 04:19 |
gr33n7007h | KyleP, have u fixed it | 04:19 |
KyleP | i don;t think so i didn;t understand what you told me to do i apologize | 04:20 |
optidude | if I am connected to my win 7 network and click on a pdf and it says downloading, does it store it on my ubuntu OS, or is it just as a temp file? | 04:20 |
gr33n7007h | right follow me type this in terminal sudo apt-get purge flashplugin-nonfree flashplugin-installer | 04:21 |
meem1029 | Anyone have any idea why my resolution would go to 1440x900 when xorg.conf says 1600x900 and that's what it should be but isn't even an option? | 04:21 |
ryannathans | meem1029: use vid card drivers | 04:21 |
wrektjet | does anyone know the command to restart samba | 04:21 |
ryannathans | optidude: more details plox. | 04:21 |
oscalation | optidude, are you in ubuntu ? | 04:21 |
meem1029 | optidude: It depends on what you use to download it. Likely is saved in your downloads folder though. | 04:21 |
optidude | yep | 04:21 |
ryannathans | wrektjet: it reloads config every ~1min | 04:21 |
ryannathans | wrektjet: idk about restartin | 04:21 |
oscalation | optidude, what meem1029 said | 04:21 |
mao | I added "root - maxlogins 1" to /etc/securetty/limit.conf,but why I still can log more than one root account? | 04:21 |
ryannathans | wrektjet: google is the place | 04:22 |
oscalation | !ask oscalation | 04:22 |
oscalation | oscalation, !ask | 04:22 |
gr33n7007h | KyleP, right follow me type this in terminal sudo apt-get purge flashplugin-nonfree flashplugin-installer | 04:22 |
wrektjet | ryannathans, google failed me but if what u said about conf is true than im good | 04:22 |
Kaleidoscope | I can't get Java to work in Chrome | 04:22 |
oscalation | how to you address ubottu to another user? | 04:22 |
ryannathans | wrektjet: i'm pretty sure it is on standard builds, is on my server and i'm doin nothin fancy | 04:23 |
KyleP | E: Couldn't find package flashplugin-nonfree | 04:23 |
oscalation | as you can see, i dont remember | 04:23 |
meem1029 | Hmm, ATI catalyst control center says 1440x900 is the max I can get. Last time I had this problem xorg.conf had changed and fixing it helped, but I'm confused now. | 04:23 |
gr33n7007h | KyleP, right try this follow me type this in terminal sudo apt-get purge flashplugin-installer | 04:23 |
wrektjet | well im giving up for now as editing smb.comf didnt get the job done yet. its beena long nite of trying but still cant get the share list from server. sigh | 04:23 |
zaapiel | is it possible to install gnome3 vanilla on ubuntu 11.10? | 04:24 |
zaapiel | i read somewhere it was | 04:24 |
ryannathans | wrektjet: try webmin | 04:24 |
zaapiel | what package(s) do i need? | 04:24 |
meem1029 | It should be possible. | 04:24 |
Firefishe | What ubuntu would be recommended to install on an HP 110 Mini netbook? | 04:24 |
meem1029 | I'm not sure if gnome 3 is in the repos though. | 04:24 |
zykotick9 | oscalation, "!foo | user" for public messages or "!foo > user" for private ones | 04:24 |
zykotick9 | wrektjet, don't try webmin! | 04:25 |
oscalation | ah thanks zykotick9 | 04:25 |
zykotick9 | !webmin | ryannathans | 04:25 |
ubottu | ryannathans: webmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system. | 04:25 |
oscalation | !ask | oscalation | 04:25 |
ubottu | oscalation, please see my private message | 04:25 |
KyleP | Package flashplugin-installer is not installed, so not removed | 04:25 |
KyleP | 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 3 not upgraded. | 04:25 |
ryannathans | ubottu: since when? | 04:25 |
ubottu | ryannathans: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 04:25 |
zykotick9 | oscalation, "/msg ubottu !foo" for YOU to get them privatley | 04:25 |
ryannathans | zykotick9: since ehwn | 04:25 |
zykotick9 | ryannathans, quite a while | 04:25 |
gr33n7007h | KyleP, sudo add-apt-repository ppa:sevenmachines/flash | 04:25 |
oscalation | i was more so trying to do like .. zykotick9 | 04:26 |
wrektjet | its ok its too late tonite anyways | 04:26 |
wrektjet | thnx anyways | 04:26 |
oscalation | !ask | zykotick9 | 04:26 |
ubottu | zykotick9: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) | 04:26 |
ryannathans | zykotick9: works perfectly on my 11.04 server | 04:26 |
ryannathans | 0.o | 04:26 |
KyleP | space between / and flash? or no? | 04:27 |
gr33n7007h | no | 04:27 |
zykotick9 | ryannathans, the #debian factoid for webmin begins "Webmin is a lame web-based interface for unsafe system administration for Unix..." | 04:28 |
ryannathans | lulzy | 04:28 |
zaapiel | ubuntu is getting really professional looking now | 04:28 |
zaapiel | solid job | 04:28 |
KyleP | this is really frustrating :\ | 04:28 |
zaapiel | hands down the best linux distro for casual users | 04:28 |
zaapiel | i.e. me | 04:28 |
gr33n7007h | whats the output | 04:28 |
KyleP | someone donated this computer to occupyphilly and i need to be able to watch and upload videos to youtube with it. i also need to be able to watch and update a livestream website | 04:29 |
KyleP | it is a macintosh ibook g4 | 04:29 |
meem1029 | Hmm, what problem are you having? | 04:29 |
KyleP | i can't get flash to work | 04:30 |
gr33n7007h | KyleP, did you do that last command sudo add-apt-repository ppa:sevenmachines/flash | 04:30 |
ryannathans | KyleP: DID you add it to reops? | 04:30 |
ryannathans | ^ | 04:30 |
zaapiel | aight im installing the package "gnome" from ubuntu software center | 04:31 |
zaapiel | hopefully this is regular gnome 3 | 04:31 |
optidude | oh, cool, let me check...LOL | 04:31 |
optidude | hmm, not in there | 04:31 |
optidude | anyone using xchat? | 04:31 |
optidude | trying to change my text color? | 04:32 |
ryannathans | hope theres no tricks to putting alturnate on a usb | 04:32 |
ryannathans | -.- | 04:32 |
KyleP | i did that http://paste.ubuntu.com/705791/ | 04:32 |
KyleP | there is a ) at the very end of that so (rsa: 1)** | 04:32 |
gr33n7007h | KyleP, thats good now type sudo apt-get update | 04:33 |
ryannathans | KyleP: that's good | 04:33 |
zaapiel | optidude, im on 11.10 beta | 04:33 |
ryannathans | sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install flashplugin-installer | 04:33 |
KyleP | update is taking loonger this time | 04:33 |
ryannathans | good | 04:33 |
gr33n7007h | its ok | 04:33 |
zaapiel | steve jerbs said no to flash | 04:33 |
KyleP | just finished do i need to post what it said? | 04:33 |
saruji | hello, could anyone tell why am I being asked for "insert the disk labeled "Ubuntu 11.10....""? | 04:34 |
ryannathans | naa | 04:34 |
saruji | every time I sudo apt-get install anything? | 04:34 |
ryannathans | saruji: no interwebs connection? | 04:34 |
Flannel | saruji: You added the CD as a repository. | 04:34 |
meem1029 | KyleP: Does it work now? | 04:34 |
saruji | hmm i amm here chatting to you? | 04:34 |
saruji | fresh install | 04:34 |
Flannel | saruji: From the Alternate CD? | 04:34 |
KyleP | http://paste.ubuntu.com/705792/ | 04:34 |
saruji | Flannel how do I manage the repositories in 11.10, do you know, there is no software sources anymore | 04:35 |
cvalero | canal en español | 04:35 |
Flannel | saruji: You should ask about it in #ubuntu+1 | 04:35 |
cvalero | de curiosidad | 04:35 |
saruji | Flannel, ok | 04:35 |
Flannel | !es | cvalero | 04:35 |
ubottu | cvalero: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter. | 04:35 |
optidude | thanks for all your help :-) | 04:35 |
gr33n7007h | KyleP, sudo apt-get install flashplugin64-installer | 04:35 |
zaapiel | unity kind of sucks | 04:36 |
zaapiel | just saying... | 04:36 |
meem1029 | KyleP: Now try the sudo apt-get install flashplugin-installer that was mentioned (or 64 if you' | 04:36 |
meem1029 | re on 64 bit (stupid enter key) | 04:36 |
KyleP | i don't tink it's 64 bit it's from 2003 | 04:36 |
meem1029 | Then ignore the 64 | 04:37 |
meem1029 | just sudo apt-get install flashplugin-installer | 04:37 |
ncrypter | has anyone installed gnome-shell on 11.04 with any success? i just tried but it dosent show up under my sessions list. | 04:37 |
gr33n7007h | KyleP, sudo apt-get install flashplugin-installer | 04:37 |
KyleP | http://paste.ubuntu.com/705795/ | 04:38 |
gr33n7007h | KyleP, sudo apt-get install flashplugin64-installer | 04:38 |
KyleP | same thin | 04:39 |
KyleP | g | 04:39 |
gr33n7007h | sudo update-flashplugin | 04:39 |
meem1029 | gr33n7007h: He's not on 64 bit. Is flash in a different repo? | 04:39 |
gr33n7007h | my mistake | 04:39 |
gr33n7007h | sudo update-flashplugin | 04:39 |
ex0 | whats the best way to install e17 window manager in ubuntu? | 04:40 |
danny_boy | can I get some help plz? | 04:40 |
meem1029 | KyleP: Also, you could try opening ubuntu software center and doing a search for flash | 04:40 |
meem1029 | !ask | danny_boy | 04:40 |
ubottu | danny_boy: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) | 04:40 |
KyleP | occupyphilly@occupyphilly:~$ sudo update-flashplugin | 04:40 |
KyleP | sudo: update-flashplugin: command not found | 04:40 |
ex0 | whats the best way to install e17 window manager in ubuntu? | 04:40 |
danny_boy | I need to compile a fortran program on my favorite ubuntu computer but sadly I don't know how! :( :( | 04:41 |
dageriv | where does arp get device name from? | 04:41 |
ex0 | arp tables | 04:41 |
Lithos84 | Hello! Does anybody know how to start LXDE without the panel? | 04:41 |
KyleP | i did open usc and search for flash it said unsupported ppc or something like that | 04:41 |
KyleP | or unknown maybe | 04:41 |
ex0 | type arp -a in terminal | 04:41 |
meem1029 | Do you have fortran installed danny_boy? | 04:41 |
danny_boy | no I don't know how to install it | 04:41 |
crus | bonder: please dont pm me. | 04:42 |
Atharva | crus : bonder isnt present in this channel...he is disturbing me too.. | 04:42 |
gr33n7007h | address resolution protocol | 04:42 |
KyleP | arp-a command not found | 04:42 |
danny_boy | How to install fortran please? | 04:42 |
meem1029 | danny_boy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingCompilers#Installing_the_GNU_Fortran_compilers | 04:43 |
Atharva | !pm | bonder | 04:43 |
ubottu | bonder: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first. | 04:43 |
gr33n7007h | KyleP, is the mutilverse source checked | 04:43 |
KyleP | ??? | 04:43 |
gr33n7007h | go to System>Administration>Synaptics | 04:44 |
danny_boy | meem1029 I am sorry I am new to ubuntu... how do I install packages? | 04:44 |
dageriv | ex0: yes I think I understand arp. there are no "device name" field in the arp protocol. so where does this device name come from? | 04:44 |
ncrypter | So anyone have any ideas why gnome 3 shell isnt showing up on my sessions list? | 04:44 |
Singham | danny_boy : Use "ubuntu software center" | 04:44 |
Guest38823 | how can i update a cell in a jtable on keypress ?, the cell value will update when it losses focus but can I do table.update on keyrelease or am I missing something? | 04:44 |
KyleP | and what am i doing in here? | 04:44 |
yawmag | how do i change my ircname? not nickname. | 04:45 |
gr33n7007h | make sure the multiverse tab is ticked | 04:45 |
meem1029 | danny_boy: Not a problem. We were all new at some point and I'm not that experienced myself. You can use software center (probably best choice if you're new) or using command line type sudo apt-get install name-of-program. | 04:45 |
KyleP | sorry i don't see anything that says multiverse | 04:46 |
Singham | danny_boy : do you have .deb packages ? | 04:46 |
os1ris | can anyone help me with a display problem. I am using a laptop and can't get my dual monitors working right .. need some help.. anyone? | 04:46 |
KyleP | i used quicksearch as well | 04:46 |
meem1029 | KyleP: Do you have an option on the left for Canonical Partners? | 04:46 |
danny_boy | Singham I just installed it I think I will try to compile a test program to see if it works | 04:46 |
meem1029 | As a subcategory of 'get software' | 04:47 |
zaapiel | yeah gnome 3 is sick | 04:47 |
zaapiel | install it guyz | 04:47 |
KyleP | meem1029: i don't see it if i do but now that i'm looking i see comm. multiverse , and cross platform multiverse | 04:47 |
gr33n7007h | KyleP, System > Administration > Synaptic Package Manager > Settings > Repositories | 04:48 |
KyleP | both have multiverse in ()'s | 04:48 |
meem1029 | Oh, ya. Things are probably going to be different on 11.04 since I'm using 10.10. | 04:48 |
ryannathans | fedora uses gnome3 | 04:48 |
zaapiel | fedora lacks the polish of ubuntu | 04:48 |
KyleP | gr33n7007h i'm there | 04:48 |
zaapiel | ubuntu with gnome 3 is the cats meow | 04:49 |
gr33n7007h | is multiverse checked | 04:49 |
KyleP | yes | 04:49 |
ncrypter | Yeah i have Fedora on my laptop, but its a lot slower then my ubuntu, hence why i want to get gnome 3 working on it but it wont show up in my sessions list zaapiel which version of ubuntu are you using 11.04 or 11.10 / | 04:49 |
KyleP | software restricted by copyright or legal issues (multiverse) is checked | 04:49 |
zaapiel | 11.10 beta | 04:50 |
os1ris | can anyone assist in a graphics issue ? | 04:50 |
gr33n7007h | already checked | 04:50 |
zaapiel | i installed synaptic and checked pretty much every repo except for the backports | 04:50 |
KyleP | yes it's already checked | 04:50 |
zaapiel | then went to ubuntu software center and typed gnome | 04:50 |
ncrypter | guess ill have to go fetch 11.10 then | 04:51 |
gr33n7007h | go to ubuntu software centre | 04:51 |
KyleP | me? | 04:51 |
zaapiel | there was a package named gnome that had the entire gnome 3 desktop, now when i login i have an option for regular gnome 3 and gnome classic along with ubuntu | 04:51 |
gr33n7007h | yes soory | 04:51 |
KyleP | that's fine | 04:51 |
viki | how to disable firewall in ubuntu 11.04? | 04:51 |
KyleP | ok i'm there | 04:51 |
gbear14275 | sshd_config... Could someone explain the difference between password authentication and challenge and response authentication? | 04:51 |
ncrypter | thanks zaapiel | 04:52 |
gr33n7007h | type flash in the search | 04:52 |
zaapiel | np | 04:52 |
gr33n7007h | it should be there | 04:52 |
gr33n7007h | adobe | 04:52 |
KyleP | ok i get swfdec flash player whichis already installed, beach bit, adobe flash plugin can't install says it's for mozilla, adobe flash plugin 10 also can't install | 04:54 |
KyleP | 3 more mozilla extention to block adobe flash content | 04:54 |
KyleP | lightweight command line video extraction tool | 04:54 |
KyleP | video extraction utility | 04:54 |
meem1029 | Why can't you install adobe flash plugin 10? | 04:55 |
gr33n7007h | just install adobe flash plugin 10 done | 04:55 |
gr33n7007h | viki, sudo ufw disable | 04:55 |
KyleP | Adobe Flash pluginInstaller for the Adobe Flash plugin for Mozilla Sorry, 'Adobe Flash plugin' is not available for this type of computer (powerpc). | 04:55 |
asparatu | kylep: did you just try to go and adobe website and download from there and install it. That is what i did when i install it | 04:55 |
meem1029 | Oh, powerpc. That could make things more difficult. | 04:56 |
meem1029 | I missed that somehow. | 04:56 |
gr33n7007h | likewise | 04:56 |
mannie123 | guys please ave downloaded Ubuntu seperately and also Wubi how do i make wubi install the Ubunt ave already downloaded? | 04:56 |
meem1029 | I'd recommend trying the Adobe website method. | 04:56 |
gbear14275 | mannie123, you shouldn't have to download them seperately... the regular ubuntu .iso has a wubi installer within it I believe | 04:57 |
KyleP | i'm sorry i was saying ppc earlier i did tryn adobe website but i don't know how to install the files it had me download | 04:57 |
KyleP | i deleted them but i can get them again | 04:57 |
meem1029 | were they .deb files? | 04:57 |
KyleP | tar.biz (maybe) and .rpm | 04:57 |
meem1029 | Ah, you want the tar.bz file | 04:57 |
meem1029 | get that and then we can help you | 04:57 |
KyleP | and what do i do with that? | 04:57 |
gbear14275 | mannie123, just burn the .iso to a disc or thumb drive and reboot... the prompts should explain the rest | 04:58 |
meem1029 | a tar.bz file is a compressed tar file. You want to extract it using the command 'tar -xvf file_name.tar.bz' | 04:58 |
asparatu | kylep: if .rpm just do apt-get install rpm and it will install rpm package | 04:58 |
mannie123 | ok that means i just need to install infra recorder and burn the image file | 04:58 |
meem1029 | Oh, does Ubuntu do rpms too? That would make things easier. | 04:58 |
KyleP | and it's tar.gz or rpm | 04:59 |
asparatu | there is package for it.. unless they change it | 04:59 |
KyleP | should i download both or just the one | 04:59 |
meem1029 | Ah, didn't know about that. Then use the rpm method | 04:59 |
meem1029 | Download the rpm | 04:59 |
asparatu | do the rp, | 04:59 |
asparatu | rpm | 04:59 |
KyleP | save file right? | 05:00 |
meem1029 | yep | 05:00 |
KyleP | ok saved | 05:00 |
mannie123 | guys if i install alongside my current os do i still need the live cd or will ubuntu be on my hard drive? | 05:01 |
xut_jc | on hdd. | 05:01 |
meem1029 | now type 'sudo apt-get install rpm' | 05:01 |
asparatu | i was just going tell him that | 05:01 |
KyleP | it's installing i think | 05:02 |
meem1029 | And then I'll let asparatu take over since I don't know how to use rpm on ubuntu. | 05:02 |
gbear14275 | sshd, passwordauthentication vs challengeresponseauthentication ... If I'm just trying to enable password logon... which should I choose? | 05:02 |
gbear14275 | and is one insecure? (plain text doesn't instill confidence) | 05:02 |
KyleP | do you want me paste this all? | 05:03 |
mannie123 | xut ok then i don't need to insert the cd before i boot? | 05:03 |
meem1029 | Nah | 05:03 |
KyleP | ok | 05:03 |
KyleP | it finished | 05:03 |
KyleP | says Processing triggers for libc-bin ... | 05:03 |
KyleP | ldconfig deferred processing now taking place | 05:03 |
asparatu | im trying to remember the command for the install | 05:03 |
asparatu | let me find them... i have use rpm in log time | 05:04 |
asparatu | long | 05:04 |
KyleP | should i reboot firefox before trying youtube? | 05:04 |
meem1029 | That won't have installed flash on your computer yet. Just a program that I haven't used that will let you. | 05:04 |
asparatu | yes close firefox | 05:04 |
ryannathans | what's the trick installing ubuntu alturnate from usb, unetbootin, i'm trying to install and all i get is "your installation cdrom couldn't be mounted" | 05:05 |
KyleP | i also have a google chrome deb file that i need help with but i want to fix this first | 05:05 |
ryannathans | is there some kind of flag? | 05:05 |
ryannathans | KyleP: deb's are easy | 05:05 |
thevinci | any one else having problems downloading from demonoid right now? | 05:05 |
KyleP | ok that's good to hear | 05:05 |
meem1029 | The chrome deb file should be just clicking on it. | 05:05 |
gbear14275 | /join #openssh | 05:05 |
asparatu | where you download the rpm type this "rpm -ivh (rpm name) | 05:05 |
asparatu | in xterm window | 05:06 |
ryannathans | guys, what's the magic to get ubuntu alturnate installer to read from usb when it's trying to read from cdrom? | 05:06 |
viki | i have disabled firewall in ubuntu11.04 but still its running .. just give a solution how to disable it permanently | 05:06 |
KyleP | it says error wrong architecture 'i386' | 05:06 |
meem1029 | oh | 05:06 |
meem1029 | I'm checking the site to see if I can find something. | 05:07 |
zykotick9 | KyleP, what is the output, in a terminal, of "uname -m" | 05:07 |
viki | hello | 05:08 |
asparatu | he has ppc it might not work | 05:08 |
meem1029 | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PowerPCFAQ#Flash.2C_Flash_video_and_Gnash | 05:08 |
KyleP | uname -m i don't see that | 05:08 |
meem1029 | That doesn't look good. | 05:09 |
danny_boy | I was here a while ago, I installed fortran and managed to compile a program. Could anyone tell me how to run it? | 05:09 |
danny_boy | I have gfortran | 05:09 |
zykotick9 | KyleP, see meem1029's link above, flash doesn't work on PowerPC (IF that's what you are using, uname -m would tell us) | 05:10 |
meem1029 | danny_boy: Sorry, can't help you any further than that. I'd recommend looking at the manual/help section or googling. | 05:10 |
KyleP | ppc | 05:10 |
gr33n7007h | viki, sudo iptables-save > /root/firewall.rules | 05:10 |
zykotick9 | KyleP, so no Adobe flash for you - there is gnash and the other then... | 05:10 |
KyleP | i have both of those :-! | 05:11 |
meem1029 | KyleP: I forget, are you specifically trying to use chrome or would firefox be sufficient. Also, those plugins might work in chrome anyway. | 05:11 |
KyleP | i would like to be able to use both | 05:11 |
KyleP | i need to be able to log into multiple accounts on the same websites and i can do that using chrome and firefox | 05:12 |
KyleP | specifically google voice | 05:12 |
viki | gr33n7007h, :permission denied its saying | 05:12 |
FloodBot1 | !netsplit | 05:13 |
ubottu | netsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit | 05:13 |
meem1029 | KyleP: I don't know what to tell you. | 05:13 |
gr33n7007h | sudo iptables -X && iptables -t nat -F && iptables -t nat -X && iptables -t mangle -F && iptables -t mangle -X && iptables -P INPUT ACCEPT && iptables -P FORWARD ACCEPT && iptables -P OUTPUT ACCEPT | 05:13 |
meem1029 | Well, this is definitely the biggest room I've been in in a netsplit. | 05:13 |
gr33n7007h | viki, login as root | 05:13 |
okee | Is 11.10 as stable as 11.04? | 05:14 |
Flannel | okee: #ubuntu+1 for 11.10 questions, thanks. | 05:14 |
ryannathans | rage, got disconnected | 05:14 |
ryannathans | did anyone reply? | 05:14 |
meem1029 | okee: I would recommend waiting until the offical release since until then it's in beta. | 05:14 |
meem1029 | ryannathans: What was your question again? | 05:15 |
KyleP | gr33n7007h is that for me and are the && diff. terminal imputs | 05:15 |
viki | i did....just give me exact command...gr33n7007h : | 05:15 |
famgod | 11.10 is working fine for me, everything works, except for the fact that I uninstalled fglrx and cant get gallium3d working again =/ | 05:15 |
okee | What about 11.04? | 05:15 |
gr33n7007h | iptables-save > /root/firewall.rules | 05:15 |
okee | Is 11.10 as stable as 11.04? | 05:15 |
soidexe | hi! I updated my 10.10 to 11.04 and now when I inject a removable hard drive it doesn't mount automatically. What could be wrong with it? | 05:15 |
gr33n7007h | no sorry kyleP | 05:15 |
ryannathans | meem1029: I have this 10.04.3 alturnate on usb i want to install, all i get is "your install cdrom couldn't be mounted, blah blah"' | 05:15 |
ryannathans | what's teh flag to fix ti? | 05:16 |
KyleP | no problem | 05:16 |
KyleP | so is there a way to make flash work on this computer or and i just fubar | 05:16 |
meem1029 | okee: 11.04 is the current version and should be stable. 11.10 is still in beta and therefore likely not as stable. | 05:16 |
meem1029 | ryannathans: Sorry, I have absolutely no idea. | 05:16 |
ryannathans | rageface | 05:16 |
ryannathans | someone must know | 05:17 |
ryannathans | it's common problem | 05:17 |
meem1029 | I'd imagine if you look around the wiki documentation for a while though you could find something. | 05:17 |
ryannathans | can't find any mention of it | 05:17 |
jtomasrl | i just installed ATI propietary drivers and now i cant pass the ubuntu icon at startup | 05:17 |
ryannathans | jtomasrl: that's happened to me too | 05:18 |
ryannathans | needs a fresh isntall | 05:18 |
jtomasrl | wth | 05:18 |
ryannathans | idk why | 05:18 |
ryannathans | it's odd | 05:18 |
KyleP | :-( | 05:18 |
gr33n7007h | viki, chkconfig iptables off | 05:18 |
jtomasrl | how did you fix your display problems | 05:18 |
meem1029 | KyleP: Looking at it, you could probably compile gnash from source and end up with a working product. | 05:19 |
gr33n7007h | and to re-enable chkconfig --level 345 iptables on | 05:20 |
KyleP | meem1029: i have no clue how i could possibly do that | 05:20 |
Taran | how to update from behind a firewall? | 05:20 |
KyleP | if or how** | 05:20 |
gr33n7007h | KyleP, why dont you just install osx | 05:20 |
jtomasrl | ryannathans: what drivers did you install finally? | 05:20 |
meem1029 | As far as the if goes, I'm sure you could. As far as the how, that takes more work. Also, what gr33n7007h said. | 05:20 |
KyleP | it's a pretty old computer and i don't have a "legal" copy of it and i'm working for OCCUPY PHILADELPHIA and we are trying to do things as legally as possible | 05:21 |
KyleP | would it be possible to install windows xp on here by any chance? i'm not a very big fan of macintosh | 05:22 |
ryannathans | jtomasrl: didn't | 05:22 |
ryannathans | jtomasrl: can't even get linux installed now | 05:22 |
KyleP | i mean i guess that would be a question for #windows but i figured i would ask | 05:22 |
meem1029 | Legal is good. I have no idea about windows. Probably not since I don't think windows supports ppc. | 05:22 |
meem1029 | Ya, you don't really get support channels for windows afaik. | 05:22 |
KyleP | what else is new lol windows not supporting something | 05:22 |
jtomasrl | ryannathans: i just reboot in recovery mode and worked | 05:22 |
ryannathans | jtomasrl: yay for you | 05:23 |
xut_jc | windows only support something when they het money back from it. | 05:23 |
xut_jc | get | 05:23 |
KyleP | ^^ | 05:23 |
jtomasrl | how should i remove a .run file installed | 05:23 |
gr33n7007h | so true | 05:23 |
ryannathans | IM GOING TO BURN A DISC IN A MINUTE | 05:24 |
ryannathans | RAGE | 05:24 |
meem1029 | KyleP: I don't know specifics, but look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingEasyHowTo and http://gnashdev.org/ and you should be able to figure out compiling gnash which will hopefully work for you. | 05:25 |
ryannathans | fuuuuu | 05:25 |
KyleP | i may try that tomorrow it's 1:25am here and i need to catch a train back to philly at 8:30 brain needs to shut down | 05:26 |
zykotick9 | jtomasrl, see if there are removal instructions provided by ATI (there is no built-in way to remove things you install "manually") | 05:26 |
xut_jc | ryannathans: what's the issue? | 05:26 |
KyleP | thank you for all of your help guys. hopefully it doesn't resort to going back to mac... that would be a sad day | 05:27 |
meem1029 | KyleP: Not a problem. Good luck with Linux! | 05:27 |
KyleP | lol thanks again | 05:27 |
t2mahesh | Hello friends, need a little help on command line | 05:28 |
xut_jc | t2mahesh: we are here. | 05:28 |
=== chris_ is now known as Guest29424 | ||
t2mahesh | how to copy an un-empty directory completely to one another | 05:28 |
Guest29424 | is it better to use the default drivers or the ati/amd proprietary FGLRX driver? | 05:29 |
ryannathans | i can't manually mount this | 05:29 |
ryannathans | RAGE | 05:29 |
zykotick9 | t2mahesh, "cp -r /origional /destination" | 05:29 |
jtomasrl | done | 05:29 |
xut_jc | t2mahesh: as zykotick9 says. | 05:29 |
meem1029 | Guest29424: Probably proprietary. | 05:29 |
meem1029 | They're what I use and work well. | 05:30 |
t2mahesh | xut_jc: wow thanks a lot, it worked :) | 05:30 |
Guest29424 | there are two options listed for the proprietary. Should i use the regular or the one that says post-release updates? | 05:30 |
xut_jc | thanks to zykotick9. | 05:31 |
xut_jc | not me. | 05:31 |
zykotick9 | xut_jc, :) | 05:31 |
meem1029 | Probably the post-release updates one since you probably want the most updated unless there are problems. | 05:31 |
KyleP | how do i find out specifics about my processor i know with windows there is speccy but i doubt that's going to work | 05:32 |
fritsch | KyleP: cat /proc/cpuinfo | 05:33 |
KyleP | do i type that in terminal fritsch: | 05:33 |
meem1029 | yep | 05:33 |
fritsch | KyleP: this will you show alle information, there was a graphicla tool | 05:33 |
maxi_ | yes | 05:33 |
fritsch | Does anyone remember this graphical tool? | 05:34 |
KyleP | THANK YOU! | 05:34 |
fritsch | KyleP: is this okay for you? | 05:34 |
ActionParsnip | fritsch: for what? | 05:34 |
fritsch | ActionParsnip: something like windows hardware manager | 05:34 |
KyleP | yes that was exactly what i needed to know | 05:34 |
merkinmaker | lspci | 05:35 |
fritsch | KyleP: okay then perfectly fine | 05:35 |
jtomasrl | so 60Hz wil be my max refresh rate? omg | 05:35 |
ActionParsnip | fritsch: lshw-gtk | 05:35 |
meem1029 | I know going to system monitor and clicking on the first tab shows me some. | 05:35 |
fritsch | merkinmaker: graphical :-) | 05:35 |
merkinmaker | oh | 05:35 |
sach1n | Hi Alll | 05:35 |
fritsch | ActionParsnip: thx, wanted to know for KyleP but he is already lucky | 05:35 |
merkinmaker | who need graphics? | 05:35 |
merkinmaker | heh | 05:35 |
meem1029 | jtomasrl: Why do you need more than 60Hz? | 05:35 |
sach1n | Is there any application alike monocaffe ? | 05:35 |
fritsch | merkinmaker: no one, but perhaps some users | 05:35 |
merkinmaker | alright then | 05:35 |
sach1n | Monocaffe seems to crash in ubuntu. | 05:35 |
jtomasrl | meem1029: cause im using a CRT screen and my eyes hurts | 05:35 |
galagalagala | how can I disable the drum log in sound? I've disabled the gnome start up application, and "play start up sound" in the login screen menu | 05:36 |
fritsch | galagalagala: when gdm starts? | 05:36 |
ActionParsnip | fritsch: if you use lshw you can use the -C switch to show hardware classes. Eg: sudo lshw -C display | 05:36 |
galagalagala | fritsch, unity (is that what you mean?) | 05:37 |
ActionParsnip | galagalagala: in sound options, set the theme to none. | 05:37 |
galagalagala | ActionParsnip, it's already on no sounds | 05:38 |
KyleP | anyone know the difficulty of formatting to mac osx 10? | 05:38 |
merkinmaker | lshw -C | grep gui | 05:38 |
merkinmaker | :P | 05:38 |
ActionParsnip | KyleP: your OSX CD can create partitions at install time, if that's what you mean? | 05:39 |
merkinmaker | KyleP, you might need to edit kext files to get things up and running | 05:39 |
ryannathans | ActionParsnip: so far so good | 05:39 |
merkinmaker | too bad thats all i know about that | 05:40 |
ActionParsnip | merkinmaker: might want to remove -C, lshw will show all hardware then. | 05:40 |
merkinmaker | thanks ActionParsnip | 05:40 |
KyleP | what i meant was i've never formatted mac before | 05:40 |
ryannathans | ActionParsnip: ubuntu 10.04.3 alturnate gets me as far as not being able to install because cdrom is not able to be mounted... I WONDER WHY. I'm using a usb, what's the magic? | 05:40 |
ActionParsnip | ryannathans: what was the magic bullet? | 05:40 |
KyleP | with windows and linux i can do this with ease | 05:40 |
merkinmaker | what do you mean by "formatted" | 05:40 |
=== wyang is now known as Guest60012 | ||
ryannathans | ActionParsnip: a non-11 version | 05:40 |
ryannathans | I just duno how to get past this now... | 05:41 |
ActionParsnip | Rya | 05:41 |
meem1029 | I'm pretty sure that it would be pretty easy to do with the install disk KyleP. | 05:41 |
meem1029 | But, I can't help you since I rarely use macs. | 05:41 |
KyleP | i mean erasing and reinstalling the Operating system whoever had the ? about formatted | 05:41 |
=== TNZ_ is now known as TNZfr | ||
KyleP | i despise mac | 05:42 |
merkinmaker | if you need to know the right filesystem...im pretty sure its HFS3 | 05:42 |
KyleP | but it was free and we need it for public use | 05:42 |
meem1029 | Then don't use it. Ubuntu is better anyway. | 05:42 |
ryannathans | ActionParsnip: all i did was install 10.04.3 to usb with unetbootin, can't get any further in install after choosing keyboard/language, cries about cdrom not being able to be mounted, i tried mounting manually, didn't like that either | 05:42 |
meem1029 | Oh, random people are gonna be using it. Maybe not Linux then. | 05:42 |
KyleP | i HAS to be able to play flash | 05:42 |
ryannathans | it's the alturnate installer | 05:42 |
KyleP | if that wasn't a must i wouldn't even think of switching | 05:42 |
merkinmaker | just load up a box with Backtrack...its pretty much Ubuntu | 05:42 |
ActionParsnip | ryannathans: i seem to remember some jiggerypokery is needed if it starts moaning like that. Involves pressing Ctrl+Alt+F2 and doing stuff there. There may be a boot option instead but I only just woke up :-( | 05:43 |
merkinmaker | Mint is superuser-friendly as well | 05:43 |
ryannathans | ActionParsnip: yeah, i been trying all sorts of wizardry, trying to mount it to /cdrom | 05:44 |
celltech | Downgrade to FF6.. how :( I hate 7 | 05:44 |
ryannathans | got it mounted but doesn't like it | 05:44 |
Derpadong | Instead of using unetbootin, use Universal USB installer. | 05:44 |
* ryannathans has used both | 05:44 | |
chalcedony | how can i get OpenOffice (not Libreoffice) on Ubuntu 11.04? | 05:44 |
merkinmaker | much like my sister | 05:44 |
chalcedony | hi ActionParsnip :)) | 05:44 |
Derpadong | ryannathans. what kind of use are you using? | 05:44 |
ryannathans | Derpadong: for? | 05:44 |
Derpadong | usb* | 05:45 |
ryannathans | Derpadong: usb is fine, it's a 8gb somthingsomethig | 05:45 |
ryannathans | ;D | 05:45 |
meem1029 | chalcedony: It is probably in the repositories or else visit the OO.o website. | 05:45 |
ActionParsnip | KyleP: what is the output of: lsb_release -a; uname -a; dpkg -l | egrep 'flash|gnash|swf' use http://pastie.org to host the output | 05:45 |
Derpadong | ryannathans, If its a SanDisk or something with a portableapps software on it, it can mess it up | 05:45 |
zykotick9 | ActionParsnip, KyleP \\\ | 05:46 |
chalcedony | meem1029, nautilus gives me LibreOffice .. i don't really want to remove libreoffice .. i like lots about it but i cant use it if it wont spellcheck. | 05:46 |
ryannathans | Derpadong: it's not -.- | 05:46 |
ryannathans | i know how to computer okay?! | 05:46 |
KyleP | blank line? | 05:46 |
ryannathans | computer doesn't know how to play nice | 05:46 |
ActionParsnip | chalcedony: greb the debs from the openoffice site. You will want to pin the version too so updates don't overwrite your efforts with libreoffice | 05:46 |
Derpadong | Im just trying to be helpful. You dont have to be a jerk | 05:47 |
chalcedony | oh | 05:47 |
ryannathans | mmm blue screen of nothing | 05:47 |
chalcedony | how do you pin the version ActionParsnip ? | 05:47 |
ActionParsnip | !pin | 05:47 |
ubottu | pinning is an advanced feature that APT can use to prefer particular packages over others. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PinningHowto | 05:47 |
KyleP | http://pastie.org/2675310 actionparsnip: | 05:48 |
=== fred_ is now known as Guest4722 | ||
ryannathans | LINUX, Y U NO LIKE ME | 05:48 |
KyleP | it hates me too i feel your pain man | 05:48 |
chalcedony | thank you ActionParsnip :) | 05:48 |
ActionParsnip | KyleP: it will output something. Copy the command and paste to terminal. | 05:48 |
KyleP | http://pastie.org/2675310 | 05:48 |
beta0x64 | ryannathans, linux is a tease | 05:48 |
meem1029 | Sometimes linux takes a bit to make it work, but it's awesome overall. | 05:49 |
Guest4722 | linux friendly video cards? | 05:49 |
ActionParsnip | KyleP: cool, what is the output of: | 05:49 |
ryannathans | ActionParsnip: i hit command line install and it came up like usual, hit english, set up me keyboard, it skipped the usual error and then configured DHCP, told me it was going to download something from au.ubuntu something.com and then BLUE SCREEN with wite bar at bottom | 05:49 |
beta0x64 | should egrep be ' | 05:49 |
eman_ | chdir does not work how do i change directories in terminal mode? | 05:50 |
beta0x64 | like it needs an ending ' | 05:50 |
meem1029 | cd | 05:50 |
ActionParsnip | KyleP: dpkg -l | egrep "flash|gnash|swf' | 05:50 |
ryannathans | I MAD BRO. | 05:50 |
ActionParsnip | Oops | 05:50 |
beta0x64 | lsb_release -a; uname -a; dpkg -l | egrep 'flash|gnash|swf needs to have ending ' | 05:50 |
beta0x64 | KyleP, | 05:50 |
ActionParsnip | KyleP: change " to ' | 05:50 |
* ActionParsnip can't type | 05:51 | |
beta0x64 | look at your pasted code. it's missing an ending ' | 05:51 |
KyleP | http://pastie.org/2675319 actionparsnip: | 05:51 |
* paulus68 handing Actionparsnip a cleanex to whipe his tears | 05:52 | |
ActionParsnip | KyleP: you are using a PowerPC CPU so will not be able to run Adobe Flash. | 05:52 |
Guest4722 | what video card could be installed out of box in Ubuntu? | 05:52 |
i_is_broke | Guest4722, try nvidia | 05:52 |
meem1029 | Guest4722: Most of them work. I think there's a list somewhere. | 05:53 |
KyleP | ugh so there is no way to make this work at all? | 05:53 |
meem1029 | KyleP: It should work if you compile gnash from source. I make no guarantees however. | 05:53 |
auronandace | Guest4722: to get decent performance you'd likely want the proprietry driver with a nvidia card | 05:53 |
Guest4722 | I googled supported hardware for Ubuntu | 05:53 |
meem1029 | Also, what do you need flash for? I think some of the common sites have html5 capabilities which would replace flash. | 05:54 |
ryannathans | "downloading the release file" then just goes blue, eg the box disapears | 05:54 |
meem1029 | Guest4722: Is there a specific card you are wondering about? | 05:54 |
ActionParsnip | KyleP: you have gnash and swfdec installed. If you have more than one flash plugin they conflict and you get no flash. Remove one pair or the other. There is another flash alternative called lightspark which you can use but remove ALL the packages you see listed there | 05:55 |
ActionParsnip | beta0x64: thanks for the spot | 05:55 |
ryannathans | http://memegenerator.net/instance/10544515 | 05:56 |
Guest4722 | meem1029: not really I just though you could recommend one for me because I am too lazy look | 05:56 |
ActionParsnip | Guest4722: nvidia have great Linux support. There is an open driver called nouveau which runs well | 05:57 |
Guest4722 | ActionParsnip: thx I look it on the nvidia website for more information on the nouveau model. | 05:59 |
Guest4722 | : ) | 05:59 |
rifqi | hi andyl | 05:59 |
Ben64 | i don't think nouveau would be on the nvidia site | 05:59 |
auronandace | Guest4722: nouveu is an opensource nvidia driver not a card | 06:00 |
Ben64 | pretty much any nvidia card will work well with ubuntu | 06:00 |
bingopajama | hello all | 06:00 |
zykotick9 | Guest4722, FYI nouveau only supports 3D on a VERY few nvidia cards | 06:00 |
Guest4722 | so install the nouveau diver and any nvidia card will work? | 06:00 |
rifqi | hi all | 06:01 |
rifqi | hi bingopajama | 06:01 |
bingopajama | I was wondering if anyone has a fix for playing youtube videos in movie player on natty | 06:01 |
bingopajama | hi rifqi | 06:02 |
Ben64 | Guest4722: nvidia makes their own driver for linux, and you can install it from the ubuntu menu, it works great | 06:02 |
rifqi | i'm using ubuntu maverick | 06:03 |
rifqi | how to install software with cd | 06:03 |
ryannathans | Y U NO WERK, I PUT YOU IN VM NOW | 06:03 |
rifqi | btw, i'm new comer with ubuntu | 06:03 |
chintan | hiii | 06:03 |
bingopajama | cool | 06:03 |
chintan | when ubuntu 11.11 comes? | 06:03 |
chintan | date? | 06:03 |
GirlyGirl | chintan: 13 | 06:04 |
bingopajama | so does anyone know about this bug with movie player on natty ? | 06:04 |
Guest4722 | the support video card say most card work but 3D requires nvidia-glx link | 06:04 |
rifqi | how is install driver modem with ubuntu | 06:04 |
chintan | ok | 06:04 |
GirlyGirl | rifqi: Which modem | 06:04 |
rifqi | modem with EVDO | 06:04 |
rifqi | modem EVDO with Rev.A AC682 | 06:05 |
rifqi | girlygirl: modem EVDO with Rev.A AC682 | 06:05 |
leeping | Hi there - is there any way to get fonts such as -adobe-helvetica-medium-r-*--14-*-*-*-p-*-*-* in Natty? | 06:05 |
leeping | They were around in Lucid. No longer in Natty. :( | 06:06 |
Ben64 | install em | 06:06 |
leeping | Ben64, you're talking to me? That's what I'm trying to do. I can't find the package. | 06:06 |
Ben64 | you can just take the ttf and move it | 06:06 |
* ryannathans /wrists | 06:06 | |
ryannathans | burning cd | 06:06 |
ryannathans | bbl | 06:06 |
leeping | Ben64, where can I find the ttf, unless I copy it over from an older version of the OS? | 06:07 |
leeping | There should be a better way i think .. | 06:07 |
rifqi | bingopajama: how to increase speed donlot with ubuntu | 06:07 |
Ben64 | leeping: i don't have it on lucid | 06:07 |
rifqi | girlygirl: modem EVDO with Rev.A AC682 | 06:07 |
Ben64 | so you probably installed it yourself at some point | 06:07 |
IchGucksLive | hi all can i fuse the home and the systempatrition | 06:08 |
t2mahesh | ls /usr/bin | grep term | 06:08 |
t2mahesh | gnome-terminal | 06:08 |
ryannathans | BURN BABY | 06:08 |
t2mahesh | gnome-terminal.wrapper | 06:08 |
t2mahesh | koi8rxterm | 06:08 |
t2mahesh | lxterm | 06:08 |
FloodBot1 | t2mahesh: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation. | 06:08 |
t2mahesh | setterm | 06:08 |
leeping | Ben64, you're probably right about that, but I can't figure out which files correspond to the fonts | 06:09 |
leeping | On the old OS, when I type in "xlsfonts" I have the adobe fonts | 06:09 |
leeping | and on the new OS, I don't | 06:09 |
mbrochh | hey guys, every time i start my work i need to open a terminal with 6 tabs and run different commands in each tab... is it possible to script this? | 06:09 |
psal_dun | hello , busy box error is not letting ubuntu 11.04 install , need some help ??? | 06:09 |
leeping | I hear it might have something to do with a "font server" but I don't really know what that is. | 06:09 |
psal_dun | hello , busy box error is not letting ubuntu 11.04 install , need some help ??? | 06:09 |
bingopajama | any one know their way around movie player? or is this not the right chat room for this sort of question? | 06:10 |
beta0x64 | mbrochh, yea dude. it's called screen. | 06:10 |
psal_dun | unable to find a live file system ....error while installation , plz help asap | 06:10 |
Ben64 | bingopajama: mplayer is awesome | 06:10 |
ryannathans | mbrochh: even better, tmux | 06:10 |
t2mahesh | inside /usr/bin there are "lxterm, uxterm, xterm etc." what is the use of this terminals | 06:11 |
xopek | эм. у меня вопрос не столько по убунте, сколько по башу. как в промпте баша вывести уникодный символ за номером 2523 например? | 06:11 |
xopek | я сделал так: PS1=`echo -e "\xE0\xA7\x9B"` но это не кошерно | 06:11 |
pangolin | !ru | xopek | 06:11 |
ubottu | xopek: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke. | 06:11 |
xopek | oh f... sorry | 06:11 |
mbrochh | beta0x64: hmmm... i run webservers and sass daemons and gorun and stuff like that in my terminals... what happens when I close screen, will all these processes still be alive? because its a virtualbox and it would be damn slow if i never close all this stuff. | 06:11 |
ryannathans | boot from cd tiem | 06:11 |
Ben64 | xopek: http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/howto-linux-unix-bash-shell-setup-prompt.html | 06:11 |
bingopajama | Ben64 how do you get youtube to play in it? | 06:12 |
beta0x64 | mbrochh, yes actually. screen saves your session and I believe continues to run after you have disconnected. this is one advantage. you can reconnect to your screen session | 06:12 |
Ben64 | download the flv, then play it? | 06:12 |
bingopajama | er | 06:12 |
beta0x64 | mbrochh, you might need to do customization though | 06:12 |
bingopajama | i am getting a parsed error | 06:12 |
bingopajama | it is also telling me that the video may bedamaged | 06:13 |
psal_dun | error : "unable to find a live file system" .. while installation , plz help asap | 06:13 |
ryannathans | \o/ CDROM > USB | 06:14 |
Ibis | CD < USB | 06:14 |
zykotick9 | bingopajama, (just my opinion) but Totem (aka Movie Player) is a weak media player - there are several better options: mplayer or vlc | 06:14 |
beta0x64 | mbrochh, why don't you start those processes in a bash script and execute them as background processes? you can put a process into the background with & and bring it to the foreground with fg | 06:14 |
Ben64 | bingopajama: best results are achieved by using flash | 06:14 |
bingopajama | hrm | 06:15 |
bingopajama | can i install a flash plugin tomovie player? | 06:15 |
beta0x64 | mbrochh, this explains it well http://commandlinemac.blogspot.com/2008/12/bash-job-control-fg-bg-jobs-and-ctrl-z.ht | 06:16 |
psal_dun | busy box v1.17.1 error : "unable to find a live file system" .. while installation , plz help asap, | 06:16 |
ryannathans | Y U NO DETECT MY HARD DRIVE?!?! | 06:16 |
ryannathans | CLONEZILLA DOES | 06:16 |
xopek | Ben64, they do not have what i need. | 06:16 |
Atharva | ryannathans : Please stop shouting... :) | 06:17 |
meem1029 | ryannathans: Linux is just really not liking you apparently. Is this with a boot cd now? | 06:17 |
bingopajama | @zykotick9 I have VLC but this youtube option in movie player is a great idea if i can get it to work i wont have to flip to a browser to stream music videos | 06:17 |
psal_dun | busy box v1.17.1 error : "unable to find a live file system" .. while installation , plz help asap, | 06:17 |
psal_dun | busy box v1.17.1 error : "unable to find a live file system" .. while installation , plz help asap, | 06:17 |
psal_dun | busy box v1.17.1 error : "unable to find a live file system" .. while installation , plz help asap, | 06:17 |
psal_dun | busy box v1.17.1 error : "unable to find a live file system" .. while installation , plz help asap, | 06:17 |
FloodBot1 | psal_dun: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation. | 06:17 |
ryannathans | meem1029: yes | 06:17 |
ryannathans | it won't detect my hard drive, ubuntu clonezilla will | 06:18 |
ryannathans | this is 10.04.3 alturnate cdrom | 06:18 |
zykotick9 | bingopajama, all i can say is - good luck. | 06:18 |
bingopajama | why would it not work? | 06:18 |
Ibis | Anyone by any chance has a list of recommended hardware brand that's open sourced? | 06:18 |
meem1029 | Wow. That really stinks. I don't know what to tell you. Why are you using alternate? It might be a missing driver or something. | 06:18 |
bingopajama | the option is there in movie player | 06:19 |
ryannathans | meem1029: same as desktop | 06:19 |
psal_dun | busy box v1.17.1 error : "unable to find a live file system" .. while installation , plz help asap, | 06:19 |
ryannathans | meem1029: desktop had issue so i went to alturnate | 06:19 |
Ibis | Me no likes nvidia, | 06:19 |
ryannathans | meem1029: it's a raid card, works fine with no configuration in ubuntu clonezilla | 06:19 |
Ben64 | psal_dun: please don't pm me or random people | 06:19 |
ryannathans | meem1029: ~1.9TB MBR not being found | 06:19 |
ryannathans | detects drive | 06:19 |
ryannathans | says its unpartitioned with no patrition table | 06:20 |
luisa | hi | 06:20 |
luisa | i need a litle orientation to install a webcam from a acer aspire 5050 | 06:20 |
meem1029 | That is very strange. I would assume it would detect it. Anyway, I need sleep and hw concentration, so good luck with problems all! | 06:20 |
zykotick9 | ryannathans, if the drive is 2TB you can't use standard MBR to partitions. Sorry I don't have a 2TB drive yet, so don't personally know the solution. | 06:21 |
Ben64 | 2TB still uses MBR | 06:21 |
bingopajama | When I click to play the searched youtube video results in totem | 06:21 |
bingopajama | player, error message "play list could not be parsed. It might be | 06:21 |
bingopajama | damaged". I am using Ubuntu 11.04 | 06:21 |
ryannathans | zykotick9: it's just under 2tb though and works fine with standard MBR in windows | 06:21 |
Ben64 | I have one, no problem | 06:21 |
ryannathans | theres 1.8GB NTFS partitino on i | 06:21 |
Ben64 | ryannathans: how is it connected | 06:21 |
ryannathans | mini SAS breakout to sata III | 06:21 |
ryannathans | from adaptec 3805 | 06:22 |
rhizmoe | hm, something weird is happening | 06:22 |
Ben64 | thats probably the problem | 06:22 |
ryannathans | should be accessed as normal hdd | 06:22 |
ryannathans | ubuntu clonezilla works perfectly | 06:22 |
luisa | does anybody knows some kind of tip to install webcam-^ | 06:22 |
ryannathans | i took a clone last week | 06:22 |
Vaughn | Are any ubuntu folks on? | 06:22 |
=== tfilipczuk is now known as makak | ||
Ben64 | ryannathans: try getting to a shell, and using parted, fdisk, hdparm, etc | 06:22 |
ryannathans | Ben64: trying black magic in windows atm | 06:23 |
bingopajama | Ben64 are you able to use movie player for you tube videos? | 06:23 |
Ben64 | bingopajama: just use flash :| | 06:23 |
bingopajama | er as in a browser? | 06:23 |
Ben64 | yes | 06:23 |
bingopajama | oof | 06:23 |
bingopajama | ok | 06:23 |
bingopajama | thanks | 06:23 |
luisa | go to software center | 06:24 |
bingopajama | still love movie player | 06:24 |
bingopajama | =) | 06:24 |
Ben64 | psal_dun: google is your friend, if nobody answers you, its because they don't know. PMing people isn't helpful and can get you kicked from the channel | 06:24 |
luisa | and try to find there some player | 06:24 |
bingopajama | yeah | 06:24 |
luisa | ben64 | 06:24 |
bingopajama | thanks luisa | 06:25 |
luisa | please help | 06:25 |
psal_dun | opps ben64 , boss m really stuck and google is not much tgis time | 06:25 |
luisa | i have the flash player updated from software center | 06:25 |
luisa | i type flash and it appears | 06:25 |
luisa | :) | 06:26 |
bingopajama | hrm | 06:26 |
luisa | and i m first time user | 06:26 |
bingopajama | you type flash in what? | 06:26 |
luisa | SORRY I SPEAK SPANISH | 06:26 |
bingopajama | oh | 06:26 |
luisa | ON APLICATIONS | 06:26 |
bingopajama | oh ok | 06:26 |
oCean | !es | luisa | 06:26 |
ubottu | luisa: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter. | 06:26 |
Ben64 | less caps, less lines please | 06:26 |
beta0x64 | isn't it aplicaciones? | 06:27 |
luisa | IT SHOULDNT BE | 06:27 |
oCean | luisa: /join #ubuntu-es for spanish | 06:27 |
Ben64 | this is an english channel | 06:27 |
luisa | :S | 06:27 |
dr_willis | luisa: it has its iwn channel | 06:27 |
luisa | but i understand a little bit of english _lol | 06:28 |
beta0x64 | I thought applications is aplicaciones en español | 06:28 |
luisa | guys please im ignorant on software install | 06:28 |
=== Northwoods_ is now known as Northwoods | ||
Ben64 | you still haven't described what your issue is | 06:29 |
GirlyGirl | luisa: you can be here but use english only here | 06:29 |
luisa | this fk pc dont recognize webcam | 06:29 |
oCean | GirlyGirl: I think we pointed that out already | 06:29 |
ryannathans | o no | 06:29 |
meta-coder | Is it just me, or is the SSL certificate of www.redhat.com broken? | 06:29 |
ryannathans | i try to shrink it in windows and it has been not responing for a while | 06:29 |
dr_willis | im not even clear on the question luisa . you said flash. niw uts a webcam ussue? | 06:29 |
Ben64 | meta-coder: just you, might be a hijack, beware! | 06:29 |
SwedeMike | meta-coder: it's just you, it's fine here in my firefox. | 06:30 |
oCean | meta-coder: try #rhel | 06:30 |
sridhar | I ran the following command to install the open jre and get the following errors (pasted below) | 06:30 |
sridhar | $apt-get install openjdk-6-jre | 06:30 |
meta-coder | hijack..!! Oh no! | 06:30 |
sridhar | Err http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ natty-updates/main tzdata all 2011g-0ubuntu0.11.04 | 06:30 |
sridhar | 404 Not Found [IP: 80] | 06:30 |
GirlyGirl | meta-coder: Just you .. check your time and date | 06:30 |
FloodBot1 | sridhar: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation. | 06:30 |
sridhar | Err http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ natty-updates/main tzdata-java all 2011g-0ubuntu0.11.04 | 06:30 |
ryannathans | NOOOO | 06:30 |
sridhar | 404 Not Found [IP: 80] | 06:30 |
ryannathans | DONT | 06:30 |
fritsch | meta-coder: cert is working fine here | 06:30 |
GirlyGirl | sridhar: try sudo apt-get update and try again | 06:30 |
KyleP | is it possible to emulate windows with a ppc? | 06:31 |
Ben64 | ppc being powerpc? | 06:32 |
KyleP | yessir ibook g4 | 06:32 |
leeping | Hi there - I'm looking for a way to run my /etc/rc.local script at startup. It doesn't appear to be running. Should I link it into all of the /etc/rc#.d directories? | 06:32 |
Ben64 | you could try to find an x86 emulator, but it'd be slow if it works at all | 06:32 |
KyleP | do you know if it is possible to just flat out install windows xp and forget that this is a mac? | 06:33 |
beta0x64 | KyleP, I think you can but it's awkward. My friend had Windows 7 running on his Mac. | 06:34 |
beta0x64 | I didn't pay attention to the details, because it was too blasphemous to look at | 06:34 |
Ben64 | windows won't work on powerpc | 06:34 |
beta0x64 | oh he had an intel | 06:34 |
beta0x64 | it was an intel mobo | 06:34 |
Ben64 | yeah that works no problem | 06:35 |
luisa | i still lost | 06:35 |
KyleP | that makes sense :\ i just want this thing to play youtube videos!!!!!!1 | 06:35 |
luisa | i forget where i can found spanish people | 06:35 |
beta0x64 | luisa, many people are having trouble with flash. you can't install flash, right? | 06:35 |
luisa | i dont know | 06:35 |
luisa | let me try | 06:35 |
beta0x64 | I am running Ubuntu 10.04 | 06:35 |
luisa | how could i do that | 06:35 |
Ben64 | KyleP: you can't in ubuntu? | 06:36 |
luisa | cause when i install flash i made trought the aplications menu | 06:36 |
KyleP | no i'm on a powerpc mac ibook g4 | 06:36 |
gr33n7007h | KyleP, why dont you just stream youtube vids to like vlc or sumething?? | 06:36 |
Ben64 | ubuntu works on ppc | 06:36 |
Ben64 | gnash should be able to compile on ppc | 06:36 |
KyleP | how do i do that?? | 06:36 |
gr33n7007h | yeah but flash doesnt | 06:36 |
luisa | im using 10.4 | 06:36 |
luisa | ubuntu | 06:36 |
RenaKunisaki | hey, I managed to completely lock up a screen session. doesn't respond to anything, can't be killed, still shows as attached. how to terminate it? | 06:37 |
KyleP | i uninstalled of the flash programs i could find | 06:37 |
=== chris_ is now known as Guest75271 | ||
luisa | cause 11.4 has many trouble | 06:37 |
Ben64 | RenaKunisaki: kill it : / | 06:37 |
bosiqi | q | 06:37 |
ryannathans | RenaKunisaki: reboot/killall -9 screen | 06:37 |
bosiqi | quit | 06:37 |
RenaKunisaki | I don't want to kill ALL sessions though :| | 06:37 |
gr33n7007h | I've forgotten the command but i will look it up for you. Will that solve your problem if you could stream ? | 06:37 |
KyleP | i need to be able to play these videos in firefox | 06:37 |
iceman_3233 | hello room | 06:37 |
RenaKunisaki | bosiqi, /quit | 06:37 |
gr33n7007h | why in firefox | 06:37 |
KyleP | it's going to be a public laptop | 06:37 |
KyleP | firefox is the only "mainstream" browser installed at the moment. | 06:38 |
KyleP | for some reason i can't get chrome.deb to install either | 06:38 |
KyleP | should i try to install gnash or swfdec | 06:38 |
gr33n7007h | its tricky | 06:39 |
RenaKunisaki | huh, it doesn't even show up in ps -ax? | 06:39 |
psal_dun | Trying to dual boot , windows 64 bit and ubuntu 11.04 ,32 bit on i5 processor & 8 gb ram . | 06:39 |
gr33n7007h | why cant you stream videos to vlc KyleP | 06:39 |
psal_dun | getting a busy box error | 06:40 |
psal_dun | Trying to dual boot , windows 64 bit and ubuntu 11.04 ,32 bit on i5 processor & 8 gb ram . | 06:40 |
psal_dun | getting a busy box error | 06:40 |
RenaKunisaki | I guess it just died and left a file behind | 06:40 |
KyleP | i don't know how i would do that and i don't feel like teaching people how to use a computer all day :\ | 06:40 |
luisa | i just have installed chrome in ubuntu 10.4 | 06:40 |
luisa | and flash run normally | 06:40 |
gr33n7007h | do you want me to write a bash script for you? | 06:40 |
KyleP | if you mean me i would be so appericiative of that | 06:41 |
KyleP | (sp) | 06:41 |
gr33n7007h | yeah KyleP kk | 06:41 |
ionite | what is linux mint channel? | 06:42 |
iceroot | !mint | ionite | 06:43 |
ubottu | ionite: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org | 06:43 |
psal_dun | any one has a solution to busy box error during installation .... | 06:43 |
Polah | psal_dun: Verify the integrity of your ISO and LiveCD first | 06:43 |
airtonix | psal_dun: not with that appaling bug report... no | 06:43 |
Polah | !md5sum | psal_dun | 06:43 |
ubottu | psal_dun: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows | 06:43 |
gr33n7007h | what type of hashes are ubuntu passwords? | 06:44 |
psal_dun | well its working fine in my laptop , using same for desktop is problem | 06:44 |
airtonix | psal_dun: you won't get any effective help until you provide alot more details | 06:45 |
psal_dun | well m Trying to dual boot , windows 64 bit and ubuntu 11.04 ,32 bit on i5 processor & 8 gb ram , windows 7 is already installed | 06:45 |
Polah | gr33n7007h, AES I think | 06:46 |
airtonix | psal_dun: http://askubuntu.com/questions/5121/how-do-i-report-a-bug | 06:46 |
gr33n7007h | Polah, cheers | 06:46 |
Ben64 | or try installing it again | 06:46 |
psal_dun | then m getting busy box error saying unable to find a medium containing a live file system , and installation screen dosent come up as in normal case | 06:46 |
KyleP | i;m also having trouble with right click capabilities | 06:47 |
dorkmafia | anyone know how to install the latest flash player debugger version? | 06:47 |
Polah | psal_dun: Like I said, go verify your ISO and CD as per the instructions ubottu linked you to and we can proceed from there. | 06:47 |
ikonia | psal_dun: are you trying to install ubuntu - or have you already installed it ? | 06:47 |
Ben64 | psal_dun: try using the alternate cd to install | 06:47 |
psal_dun | and yes ubuntu gets installed inside the windows using wubi , but along side is where the problem starts ... and i am checking md sum | 06:49 |
psal_dun | unfortunately in alternate cd the same problem occured | 06:49 |
ryannathans | !offtopic | luisa | 06:49 |
ubottu | luisa: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! | 06:49 |
Ben64 | luisa: calm down, stop the offtopic and caps lock | 06:49 |
Polah | luisa: Unfortunately, that isn't relevant here. | 06:49 |
ikonia | C/ak luisa | 06:50 |
ryannathans | Imad still, linux won't detect anyting on my 2.0 TB adaptec Data | 06:50 |
ryannathans | rage. | 06:50 |
psal_dun | ikonia , m trying to install | 06:50 |
Ben64 | psal_dun: try using another cd drive | 06:50 |
Ben64 | does it ask you to specify cd location? cause you could try that | 06:50 |
ikonia | psal_dun: are you using any form of raid technology | 06:50 |
ryannathans | windows won't let me convert it to GPD either, yet somehow it works in windows | 06:51 |
psal_dun | no .. it dosent ask to specify cd loaction , directly inito ash mode busy box error | 06:51 |
Ben64 | ryannathans: its because you have it hooked up strange | 06:51 |
ryannathans | Ben64: yeah, totally -.- | 06:51 |
psal_dun | no raid technology | 06:51 |
ryannathans | nothing strange about it | 06:51 |
ikonia | psal_dun: so you are trying to boot from a cd yes/no ? | 06:51 |
Ben64 | sas to sata... that is strange | 06:52 |
ryannathans | Ben64: not really | 06:52 |
ryannathans | Ben64: it's what it was designed for | 06:52 |
ikonia | Ben64: that is perfectly normal | 06:52 |
biami | how do i use webGL using software rendering in Chromium? Things are working fine in Firefox, but not in Chromium, so I guess I have what is needed... libomesa | 06:52 |
ryannathans | ikonia: thanks | 06:52 |
psal_dun | is windows 64 bit (already installed) causing problem to ubuntu 11.04 32 bit(which m trying to install) ??? | 06:52 |
Ben64 | if it was normal, it'd work :| | 06:52 |
ryannathans | obviously not | 06:52 |
Ben64 | psal_dun: no | 06:52 |
psal_dun | .yes from a cd | 06:52 |
ikonia | Ben64: please don't be silly. | 06:52 |
ryannathans | thankyou again | 06:52 |
Ben64 | sata port on a motherboard is normal, having a converter is not | 06:53 |
ryannathans | converter? you mean raid card? | 06:53 |
ikonia | Ben64: again - please think about what you are saying. | 06:53 |
ikonia | ryannathans: is the raid card a host card or a true hardware raid card ? | 06:53 |
ryannathans | true hardware raid card | 06:53 |
ikonia | ryannathans: make ? | 06:53 |
ryannathans | adaptec 3805 | 06:54 |
psal_dun | is windows 64 bit (already installed) causing problem to ubuntu 11.04 32 bit(which m trying to install) ??? | 06:54 |
ikonia | ryannathans: just checking it - but that should be fine | 06:54 |
psal_dun | you know the 64 bit vs 32 bit compatibility problem ???? | 06:54 |
Ben64 | i did think about it, makes perfect sense. what percentage of people have a 2TB drive hooked up through a raid card? much much less than 50%, therefore not normal. but i'll shut up about it now | 06:54 |
ikonia | ryannathans: when in ubuntu can it see the physical device, eg: does it show up with sudo fdisk -l | 06:54 |
ryannathans | Ben64: it's called storage, a raid array of many smaller drives -.- | 06:54 |
Ben64 | psal_dun: windows install won't mess up ubuntu installation at all | 06:54 |
ikonia | Ben64: if you have no idea of what you're saying, I suggest you don't talk as telling someone using a raid card is "not normal" is unacceptable. | 06:55 |
Polah | psal_dun: No. If you're installing on another partition then Ubuntu will be completely independent of Windows. | 06:55 |
* airtonix chuckles | 06:55 | |
psal_dun | all right ... cant identify the problem | 06:55 |
biami | or else can someone tell me how to install drivers for my Intel HD Graphics card that came build in with my Intel Premium P6200? | 06:55 |
=== Xopek_ is now known as xopek | ||
Ben64 | your drive likely isn't being detected by the install, use a different drive if you can, or usb install | 06:55 |
ryannathans | ikonia: yes, it sees it fine, comes up in installer as SCSI2 SDA 2.0TB Adaptec Data, i have it set to raid 5, 3 1TB drives to form a 2TB virtual drive, 2tb drive currently has been formatted with NTFS with 100gb unformatted at the end, it's MBR | 06:56 |
psal_dun | ok | 06:56 |
ryannathans | installer detects it as completely unformatted with no partition table | 06:56 |
Ben64 | ryannathans: you probably should have mentioned that at some point before... | 06:56 |
ikonia | Ben64: why ? what difference does that make ? | 06:56 |
ryannathans | stfu Ben64 | 06:56 |
Ben64 | thats not nice | 06:56 |
ikonia | ryannathans: tone down the langauge please. | 06:57 |
Vermicelli | Would someone spare some time to help me with an installation problem? My new sata isn't recognized. | 06:57 |
Ben64 | because the way he described it before, it was a 2TB drive hooked up through sata through sas | 06:57 |
ikonia | ryannathans: this is ubuntu 11.04 ? | 06:57 |
ryannathans | appologies, i have been trying to get this to work for days, i'm trying to code something but i'm just losing work, i can no longer work in a VM | 06:57 |
Ben64 | that is much different from 3x1TB drives | 06:57 |
ikonia | Ben64: no it's not - please stop talking now | 06:57 |
ryannathans | ikonia: this is 10.04.3 alturnate 64bit, 11.04 give me kernel panic on boot | 06:57 |
Ben64 | a 2TB drive is the same as a raid array? alright then | 06:57 |
ikonia | Ben64: READ and understand the question, and in this situation, there is no actual difference | 06:58 |
ikonia | ryannathans: one moment, I don't know if gpt is enabled by default | 06:58 |
ikonia | ryannathans: I don't think it was in 10.04, | 06:58 |
Ben64 | i do understand, sorry if you don't like me, i'll just ignore all this hard drive stuff from now on though, sorry | 06:58 |
ikonia | Ben64: it's nothing to do with "liking you" it's to do with you not understanding what you are saying. | 06:59 |
biami | FUCK YOU | 06:59 |
sridhar | @GirlyGirl, thanks let me try | 06:59 |
Vermicelli | If my install cd gparted and fdisk -l see my ide but not my new sata, what might fix that? | 07:00 |
ryannathans | ikonia: drive is already MBR, total size is 2tb, windows loves it fine, been using for months, i'm not given the option by windows to convert the partition table to guid or whatever it's called ;) | 07:00 |
psal_dun | yes 11.04 | 07:00 |
ikonia | ryannathans: so you need a gpt partition table to deal with that size, but I don't think 10.04 has it built in by default hence why it can't see it | 07:00 |
ikonia | ryannathans: what partition table did you use ? | 07:00 |
arghx | Vermicelli: does your BIOS see your SATA? | 07:00 |
ryannathans | ikonia: it's currently MBR | 07:00 |
arghx | Vermicelli: and what does dmesg |grep -i ata say? | 07:00 |
ikonia | ryannathans: that's not a partition table, thats a master boot record | 07:00 |
ryannathans | o | 07:00 |
ryannathans | ikonia: not sure | 07:00 |
ikonia | ryannathans: is there any data on this disk at the moment ? | 07:01 |
ryannathans | yes | 07:01 |
ikonia | ryannathans: ok - just checking so we need to be careful | 07:01 |
ryannathans | a 1.8TB NTFS partition filled and 100gb unallocated at the end | 07:01 |
arghx | !pm | Vermicelli | 07:01 |
ubottu | Vermicelli: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first. | 07:01 |
ryannathans | i'm feeling liek backing it all up, wiping disk and starting again | 07:02 |
ryannathans | but that would take 8 hours because the fastest backup i have here is 50mb/s | 07:02 |
ikonia | ryannathans: there is a possability of that being the option, I'm just checking for gpt support in ubuntu | 07:02 |
ryannathans | ikonia: i have have a gpt drive before in 10.04 | 07:02 |
dr-willis | data worth keeping.. is worth backung up | 07:02 |
ryannathans | i needed to install some package before installing ubuntu but can't remember what it's called | 07:02 |
Vermicelli | Grepping that yields a ton of datas and patas and several satas, but none taht I make out as reference to the disk. | 07:02 |
ryannathans | think it had an x in it | 07:02 |
ikonia | ryannathans: the fact that fdisk is showing it as no partition table is what's making me think it can't see it | 07:03 |
ikonia | ryannathans: and I'm aware of a problem on 10.04 before with no gpt support, hence wondering if .3 had enabled it | 07:03 |
arghx | have you looked at the first sector of the harddisk/raid and checked what kind of partition table it is? | 07:03 |
ryannathans | ikonia: I'd be using 11.04 if i could, but that just kernel panics on boot | 07:04 |
ikonia | ryannathans: just give me a few moments please | 07:04 |
arghx | Vermicelli: have you checked dmesg as I asked you to? | 07:04 |
antnash | anyone got a favourite vnc? | 07:04 |
Vermicelli | Yes, arghx. No mention of the disk as far as I can tell. | 07:05 |
arghx | Vermicelli: please paste the output | 07:05 |
arghx | and also the output of lspci -nn | 07:05 |
Vermicelli | Pasting the output (several pages) would spam the channel. ALso, most are data and pata references. | 07:06 |
Ben64 | pastebin | 07:06 |
dr-willis | antnash: depwnds on your needs | 07:06 |
antnash | dr-willis: Right, I'm a complete vnc noob. What might my needs be?? | 07:07 |
ikonia | ryannathans: ok, so a little research shows that the gpt format is fine (or appears to be) with 10.04 - there are some bugs at install time, but as you're not installing, don't care | 07:07 |
dr-willis | antnash: how would i know. gnome has the vino vnc server client built in by default | 07:08 |
ikonia | ryannathans: just been reading through some mail threads around the topic, and one of the common issues that comes up is that windows can set the disk up as a windows dynamic volume, that totally windows only technology, like lvm is to unix based systems. | 07:08 |
antnash | I'm on xfce | 07:08 |
ryannathans | ikonia: i'm trying to install linux to the raid array | 07:08 |
ikonia | ryannathans: if it's a windows based volume (rather than partition driven system) that would explain why your disk can't be seen by ubuntu | 07:08 |
dr-willis | !vnc | 07:09 |
ubottu | VNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely. It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX | 07:09 |
ikonia | ryannathans: that point will still stand, if you disk is already "partitioned" - which it appears to be, the installer should see the gpt partition format, | 07:09 |
ikonia | ryannathans: the fact that you don't have a small boot partition or a valid partition table at all, may suggest (not fact) that windows has created it as a dynamic disk | 07:09 |
ryannathans | ikonia: i think i will just back up the whole thing and partition it in linux | 07:09 |
ikonia | ryannathans: I've never played with dynamic disks so I don't know how this works factually | 07:10 |
ryannathans | ikonia: in windows i have the option to convert it to dynamic disc | 07:10 |
ryannathans | i don't believe it is one | 07:10 |
ikonia | ryannathans: if you are going to install linux first, you need to partition it using the tool "parted" BEFORE you try to install | 07:10 |
_Vermicelli | http://pastebin.com/xs1q1i4V | 07:10 |
KyleP | hey guys i'm back again apparently i'm not supposed to sleep ever agian | 07:10 |
arghx | ryannathans: Under the Control Panel, Administrative tools, Computer Management, then click on “Disk Management”, you will see the entire disks recognized by Windows Disk 0, Disk 1, under the Disk you will see the current configuration “Basic” “Dynamic”. | 07:10 |
ikonia | ryannathans: if you boot from a livecd and use the tool parted to create a gpt disk layout, the installer should see it fine | 07:10 |
kdub__ | why doesnt /etc/init.d/gdm stop work anymore? | 07:11 |
ryannathans | the disc ia basic | 07:11 |
dr-willis | kdub__: use the service command. | 07:11 |
ryannathans | i have the feeling it's a GPT disk, because it's not letting me convert it to one in windows, it's greyed out | 07:11 |
ikonia | ryannathans: that totally goes against the issue, how unusual | 07:11 |
ikonia | ryannathans: boot from a livecd, and use the tool "parted" and see if you can actually see the partition table | 07:12 |
kdub__ | that doesnt work either (service gdm stop), just says "Unknown instance" | 07:12 |
arghx | Vermicelli: you have 4 SATA connectors right? cause all 4 are down :( | 07:12 |
ryannathans | "disk 1, basic, online, MBR, capacity ~1800000mb" | 07:12 |
ryannathans | alright, i'll boot a livecd | 07:12 |
_Vermicelli | Hrmmm. I have 4 3.0GBps, but the drive is connected to one of two 6GBps sockets. | 07:13 |
ryannathans | lost me usb, one moment | 07:14 |
arghx | Vermicelli: your 6GBps SATA controller is not recognized by lspci. what kind of controller is this? | 07:14 |
ryannathans | installing 10.04 desktop to usb for livecd usage | 07:14 |
_Vermicelli | SATA3 | 07:14 |
_Vermicelli | Erm- more specific than that, where can I find out? | 07:15 |
ryannathans | alright 10.04.1 desktop 64bit is being written to usb | 07:15 |
arghx | tho it should be supported: http://cateee.net/lkddb/web-lkddb/PATA_MARVELL.html | 07:15 |
arghx | from linux 2.6.20 onwards... | 07:15 |
_Vermicelli | The board and drive are both new, so I don't have anything previous to go by with either. | 07:16 |
arghx | well, linux doesn't see this controller for some reason :( Are you using natty? | 07:18 |
Gruber | hi | 07:18 |
john_rambo | Does Sylpheed has new mail sound notification feature ? | 07:18 |
_Vermicelli | Yes, arghx. 11.04 x64. | 07:18 |
bucaneiro | 11.04? | 07:19 |
_Vermicelli | er... | 07:19 |
_Vermicelli | yes? | 07:19 |
Gruber | no help ? | 07:19 |
karel_ff | Hi. Does anyone know what tool(s) are being used for the ubuntu package repositories? I have tried reprepro, mini-dinstall, ... but they all lack some features I need | 07:19 |
_Vermicelli | Natty xubuntu actually. | 07:20 |
ryannathans | ikonia: alrgiht, just about to boot up 10.04.1 desktop | 07:20 |
dragonwolf | Can I switch Unity off without needing to reboot? | 07:21 |
_Vermicelli | Log out, dragonwolf. At the bottom of the screen should be the session manager. | 07:22 |
zaapiel | sudo apt-get install gnome | 07:22 |
zaapiel | for pure gnome | 07:23 |
ryannathans | alright we are booted | 07:23 |
dragonwolf | Verm: ta | 07:23 |
ryannathans | ikonia: on the 10.04.1 live i get gparted up and /dev/sda is unallocated 1.82TB | 07:23 |
ikonia | ryannathans: do you have a /dev/sda1 ? | 07:24 |
ryannathans | ikonia: NO | 07:24 |
ryannathans | *cops | 07:24 |
ryannathans | caps* | 07:24 |
ikonia | ryannathans: again suggesting there is no partition table there | 07:24 |
ryannathans | ikonia: ironic | 07:25 |
JasonSauce | hello everyone | 07:25 |
ryannathans | hmm i think i will just have to re-do it all | 07:25 |
darth_tux71 | yo yo | 07:25 |
ryannathans | ~16 hour backup/restore operation | 07:25 |
ikonia | ryannathans: I'm just walking through in my head if there is any reason there could be a valid gpt partition, but we can't see it | 07:25 |
darth_tux71 | is there a channel that is spacific to running Ubuntu on an apple? | 07:25 |
Ben64 | darth_tux71: not that I know of, on the intel macs, there wouldn't really be a difference from a "pc" | 07:26 |
ryannathans | darth_tux71: don't think so | 07:26 |
=== Auriel_ is now known as Auriel | ||
darth_tux71 | thanks Ben64 and ryannathans | 07:27 |
sauvin | Modulo Apple's firmware. | 07:27 |
JasonSauce | is there any in depth instructions on how to trple boot with OSX as a the primarty OS? | 07:27 |
JasonSauce | OSX being installed, window7 with bootcamp, then ubuntu | 07:27 |
Vampire | if I want to limit bandwidth on my VPS per user, what do I need to do? http://www.techtalkz.com/ubuntu-linux/62541-limit-bandwidth-samba.html <--- is this a good resource? | 07:28 |
ryannathans | ikonia: shall i start the torturous backup? | 07:28 |
ikonia | ryannathans: if it was my disk - yes, I would. | 07:28 |
ikonia | ryannathans: I can't see a situation how a standard gpt layout would be there, but ubuntu can't see it | 07:28 |
darth_tux71 | JasonSauce, http://tech.icrontic.com/articles/triplebootmbp/ | 07:28 |
JasonSauce | ty darth_tux71 | 07:29 |
ryannathans | ikonia: alright, ~50MB/s over gigabit lan to my other ubuntu server, the one that actually works. i'll be idling till it's done. probably 8 hours | 07:29 |
darth_tux71 | sure sure I have a black belt in Google-Fu! | 07:29 |
Vampire | ? | 07:29 |
_Vermicelli | Thanks, arghx. Just a last desperate fish- any other thoughts on my SATA3 not being recognized problem? | 07:29 |
ikonia | ryannathans: the other ubuntu machine, is that using a gpt disk too ? | 07:29 |
ryannathans | ikonia: it's got 2 1TB drives in raid0, linux software raid | 07:29 |
ryannathans | yes | 07:29 |
nico__ | hello | 07:30 |
ikonia | ryannathans: very interesting | 07:30 |
ryannathans | ikonia: indeed it is. | 07:30 |
ikonia | ryannathans: what does parted show on that disk ? | 07:30 |
ryannathans | ikonia: the working one? i shall have a lookies | 07:30 |
fredrikj | I've upgraded to oneric a few weeks ago, and the last couple of days I haven't seen any updates when I use apt-get update/upgrade. Is that normal this late in the release cycle? | 07:30 |
ikonia | ryannathans: just out of interest | 07:30 |
nico__ | I'm having problems with my ubuntu system.. is anyone available to help? | 07:30 |
antnash | Anyone got any idea how I tell tigervnc to use xfce desktop? | 07:30 |
levartemit | Good morning guys | 07:31 |
darth_tux71 | hello there | 07:31 |
ryannathans | ikonia: what command would you like? | 07:32 |
ikonia | ryannathans: the same parted command as you used on the other machine that showed you unallocated | 07:33 |
ryannathans | i'll go pastbin | 07:34 |
_Vermicelli | arghx: Just found this. Giving it a try. Thanks for the effort. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=11140103 | 07:34 |
w47331 | GM all | 07:34 |
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ryannathans | ikonia: http://www.pastebin.com/VxJ5ED7E | 07:35 |
w47331 | seems during my install of ubuntu 11.04 my sound was not set up right i've read to the point i have this....http://www.alsa-project.org/db/?f=a20763398876e16c4ff67b07823edd709f4eb7b0 any help please i can't hear .... | 07:36 |
levartemit | Guys, where could I find a beta iso of Ubuntu 11.10, to try out? | 07:36 |
rww | !daily | levartemit | 07:37 |
ubottu | levartemit: Daily builds of the CD images of the current development version of Ubuntu are available at http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily/current/ and http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/ | 07:37 |
rww | !ubuntu+1 | 07:37 |
ubottu | Oneiric Ocelot is the codename for Ubuntu 11.10 - Support only in #ubuntu+1 | 07:37 |
theDtTvB | Hello, my installation of Ubuntu 11.04 can't display Chinese characters (it just doesn't show up). Any possible fixes? | 07:37 |
ryannathans | who invents these codenames | 07:37 |
ryannathans | that's a horrid new name | 07:38 |
ryannathans | ikonia: link work okay? | 07:38 |
theDtTvB | I'm not sure what ttf- package I should install. | 07:38 |
rww | ryannathans: sabdfl | 07:38 |
levartemit | @ubottu > ok, thanks :) | 07:38 |
ikonia | ryannathans: yeah, it's interesting to see it | 07:39 |
Ben64 | why didn't they do Pengiun for the PP LTS? | 07:39 |
ryannathans | ikonia: that working raid is raid 0 on 2 WD GREEN disks. | 07:40 |
ikonia | ryannathans: are they the two disks listed above it | 07:40 |
ryannathans | ikonia: yes | 07:40 |
almoxarife | theDtTvB: I don't know which but I would do any that have the words 'chinese' first | 07:41 |
ikonia | ryannathans: would you do "sudo fdisk -l" on that system for me too please and pastebin it | 07:41 |
ryannathans | ikonia: http://pastebin.com/JhXRUVKV | 07:42 |
ryannathans | "Disk /dev/md0 doesn't contain a valid partition table" | 07:43 |
ryannathans | interesting! | 07:43 |
w47331 | http://www.alsa-project.org/db/?f=a20763398876e16c4ff67b07823edd709f4eb7b0 no sound any help please | 07:43 |
ikonia | ryannathans: that's not a surprise as fdisk can't see gpt | 07:43 |
ikonia | ryannathans: what I was interested in was the two disks making up the raid do have ms dos pased partitions on | 07:43 |
bucaneiro | at ubuntu the latest release is always the better? | 07:44 |
ryannathans | ikonia: when setting them up i was given a bunch of options asking what i one i wanted, i picked default | 07:44 |
ryannathans | (msdos) | 07:44 |
almoxarife | w47331: can you tell if you have pulseaudio installed? | 07:44 |
ikonia | ryannathans: it's not a problem, I was just curious to the layout. | 07:44 |
Ben64 | bucaneiro: you can choose between LTS, which is only released once every two years, or the other releases, which come every 6 months | 07:44 |
Ben64 | bucaneiro: the LTS one is usually more stable | 07:44 |
w47331 | not sure how....first go'round with this | 07:44 |
ryannathans | ikonia: \o/ backup @ 0.5% | 07:45 |
bucaneiro | Ben64: thanks | 07:45 |
nico__ | How do I go about repairing my ubuntu file system that won't start up? | 07:45 |
almoxarife | w47331: what type of install did you do? | 07:46 |
ryannathans | nico__: boot from disc and choose repair filesystem | 07:46 |
w47331 | Ubuntu 11.04 | 07:47 |
darth_tux71 | ryannathans, I just reinstall when I have coruptnessness in the FS | 07:47 |
nico__ | I have 11.04, and i | 07:47 |
darth_tux71 | i hated 11.04 I am on 10.04 | 07:48 |
nico__ | i'm on the cd right now. the only options it has when i load from it are try ubuntu and install ubuntu | 07:48 |
ryannathans | ikonia: woah, my server mustn't be very busy, i got 3 hours left on backup @ ~100MB/s | 07:48 |
nico__ | is there a way to fix it from my live cd | 07:49 |
ryannathans | bbl | 07:50 |
=== ryannathans is now known as ryannathansAFK | ||
theDtTvB | almoxarife: Ok, thanks. Installing all of ttf-arphic-* fixed it for me. | 07:50 |
w47331 | how can i tell if i have that installed almoxarife? | 07:50 |
TehDGM | nico__ use try ubuntu, then it will boot to a full system, from there you can easily scan the drive (just google how to :)) | 07:50 |
almoxarife | w47331: can you get around your desktop? | 07:51 |
w47331 | yea | 07:51 |
nico__ | TehDGM i've been searching google a bit, but i'm not finding anything useful | 07:51 |
almoxarife | w47331: can you bring up synaptic? | 07:51 |
w47331 | sure can | 07:51 |
almoxarife | w47331: do it and look for installed 'pulseaudio' | 07:52 |
w47331 | will do.. | 07:52 |
=== Mud is now known as Guest99907 | ||
w47331 | ok two things with that name are installed 1:0.9.22+stable-queue-24-g67d18-0ubuntu3.1 and 1.2.14-6.1ubuntu3 | 07:57 |
ryannathansAFK | back ^^ | 07:59 |
=== ryannathansAFK is now known as ryannathans | ||
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w47331 | sorry no its not installed doing that now | 08:01 |
lericson | Hi, I've got a .tgz with a debian/ directory in it. How do I add it to aptitude? | 08:02 |
ActionParsnip | lericson: what is the file for? | 08:02 |
ActionParsnip | lericson: what is the name of the archive? | 08:02 |
lericson | libssh2 | 08:02 |
ActionParsnip | !info libssh2 | 08:02 |
lericson | libssh2_1.2.8-1.debian.tar.gz | 08:02 |
ubottu | Package libssh2 does not exist in natty | 08:03 |
ActionParsnip | hmm | 08:03 |
ActionParsnip | lericson: what files are in the folder? are they debs? | 08:03 |
almoxarife | w47331: why do I get the feeling you stripped pulseaudio and tried to run pure alsa, that use to work once, but I don't think it does anymore with ubuntu | 08:03 |
lericson | https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libssh2/1.2.8-1 | 08:03 |
w47331 | ahhh very good jedi | 08:04 |
lericson | ActionParsnip: no, it's a tgz with a debian/ directory (only) | 08:04 |
w47331 | it wasnt working from the get-go...i've been trying stuff i've read about all night | 08:04 |
ActionParsnip | !info libssh2-1 | 08:04 |
ubottu | libssh2-1 (source: libssh2): SSH2 client-side library. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.2.6-1 (natty), package size 75 kB, installed size 208 kB | 08:04 |
ActionParsnip | lericson: is 1.2.6 ok? | 08:04 |
lericson | sure | 08:05 |
ActionParsnip | lericson: then search software centre and install from there, you don't need the archive | 08:05 |
lericson | (I thought the point in debian/ directories was them being self-contained?) | 08:05 |
lericson | ActionParsnip: mind you this is a server | 08:05 |
ActionParsnip | lericson: I suggest you search the software centre first if you intend to install any software. It may have what you need | 08:05 |
ActionParsnip | lericson: apt-cache search libssh2 would show it ;) | 08:06 |
lericson | it does not | 08:06 |
lericson | this is why i use gentoo :p | 08:06 |
=== SideSW1PE`BRB is now known as Teh_Lemon | ||
ActionParsnip | lericson: http://paste.ubuntu.com/705889/ | 08:07 |
ActionParsnip | lericson: it does, trust me | 08:07 |
almoxarife | w47331: your issues have more to do with restoring your system to virgin state in order to get sound, from looking at youur paste I think we both have the same sound card, I did an alternate install of ubuntu 11.04 64bit, worked out of the box | 08:07 |
lericson | ActionParsnip: in 11.10 perhaps, this is 7.x | 08:07 |
ryannathans | oneiric is horrid codename | 08:08 |
ryannathans | hope next one is betterer | 08:08 |
ActionParsnip | lericson: 7.04 and 7.10 are no longer supported in any way | 08:08 |
ActionParsnip | ryannathans: perfect is the next | 08:08 |
almoxarife | ryannathans: its no better | 08:08 |
w47331 | how do i do that? | 08:08 |
ActionParsnip | !perfect | 08:08 |
ryannathans | lulz | 08:08 |
almoxarife | w47331: talking to? | 08:09 |
ActionParsnip | ryannathans: it means dream like :) | 08:09 |
lericson | ActionParsnip: that's too bad, so I have to build it myself then? | 08:09 |
qin | ryannathans: Oneiric, looks like "one on irc", I like. | 08:09 |
ActionParsnip | lericson: I guess, you may have issues with build deps too. I suggest you clean install Natty or Oneiric | 08:09 |
ryannathans | qin: that's why me no likes | 08:10 |
Ben64 | ActionParsnip: precise | 08:11 |
ActionParsnip | ryannathans: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2011/10/ubuntu-12-04-named-precise-pangolin ;) | 08:12 |
w47331 | Sorry almoxarife i was asking how to restore to new? | 08:13 |
greenit | hi, plz just write something to me, i wanna test the new sidepanel-behavior from ubuntu 11.10 ;) | 08:13 |
ActionParsnip | greenit: ask in #ubuntu+1 for anything 11.01/oneiric based please | 08:13 |
almoxarife | w47331: re-install, I suggest the 'alternate' iso | 08:14 |
greenit | ActionParsnip, thx, u alrdy did what i wanted you to :) | 08:14 |
ryannathans | hehe precise | 08:14 |
ActionParsnip | greenit: cool, but oneiric is offtopic here until release day :) | 08:14 |
ActionParsnip | ryannathans: fitting for an LTS ;) | 08:14 |
Intel`` | hi guys | 08:14 |
w47331 | bummer...haha | 08:14 |
ActionParsnip | hi Intel`` | 08:14 |
w47331 | hi | 08:14 |
Intel`` | how can i see what ubuntu is loading? | 08:14 |
ryannathans | ActionParsnip: should be penguin | 08:15 |
greenit | k, sry... just wanted to see the behavior of the sidepanel... the icon now shakes when something is happening *g* | 08:15 |
Intel`` | i mean i can only see UBUNTU and the progress bar | 08:15 |
ActionParsnip | ryannathans: kinda contrived though | 08:15 |
ActionParsnip | Intel``: how do you mean? | 08:15 |
qin | Intel``: esc | 08:15 |
Intel`` | boot ah great :D | 08:15 |
ActionParsnip | Intel``: like the boot splash? | 08:15 |
Intel`` | got it.. thanks :D | 08:15 |
Intel`` | i keep pressing tab :D | 08:15 |
qin | Intel``: Of remove "spalsh" parameter | 08:15 |
qin | *splash | 08:15 |
_jack_ | hai..... | 08:16 |
Intel`` | its a live cd . it keeps hanging actually | 08:16 |
ActionParsnip | Intel``: or press ESC when the boot splash loads (the boot splash is called plymouth) | 08:16 |
Intel`` | might be a bad burn | 08:16 |
Intel`` | will reburn again | 08:16 |
ActionParsnip | Intel``: burn slow and you will have fewer issues | 08:16 |
_jack_ | ad org indonesia dsni....????? | 08:16 |
qin | !md5 | 08:16 |
ubottu | To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows | 08:16 |
Intel`` | im ean iso is ok its just i think i have a problem with my burner | 08:16 |
Intel`` | happened also with my other burns | 08:17 |
w47331 | thanks for the help | 08:17 |
ryannathans | Intel``: burn it slowly | 08:17 |
ActionParsnip | Intel``: could try a USB install if your BIOS supports it | 08:17 |
fritsch | !root | fritsch | 08:17 |
ubottu | fritsch, please see my private message | 08:17 |
ryannathans | ActionParsnip: usb installs have screwed me over enough ;) | 08:17 |
fritsch | ActionParsnip: i have a question concerning the root pwd | 08:18 |
ActionParsnip | ryannathans: hehe. I'm thinking about making a PXE server here. Could be fun | 08:18 |
ActionParsnip | fritsch: there isn't one, should answer ALL questions | 08:18 |
ryannathans | ActionParsnip: same, let me know how ya go | 08:18 |
lamah | how can i change text-font color for grub2 splash image i mean color of OS lines/text ? | 08:18 |
lamah | for prompt | 08:18 |
fritsch | ActionParsnip: jep, thx there is only a ! in shadow file | 08:19 |
ActionParsnip | fritsch: if you want a root console, just run: sudo -i | 08:19 |
fritsch | ActionParsnip: yesterday when talking about the rootkits it scanned my system and found out, that ssh root login is enable by default | 08:19 |
fritsch | ActionParsnip: yes, i know | 08:19 |
fritsch | ActionParsnip: i do not need it, just wondering why default ubuntu server ssh enables RootLogin | 08:19 |
Ben64 | root is disabled though | 08:20 |
fritsch | ActionParsnip: wanted to make sure, that there really ist now password somewhere - all ubuntu servers can be highjacked by a "unknown" password | 08:20 |
maddine | guys i use ubuntu with windows xp and i want to make ubuntu my only os how should i go about it? | 08:20 |
ActionParsnip | fritsch: never worked that one out, weird isn't it. I always disable it personally :) | 08:20 |
fritsch | ActionParsnip: but /etc/shadow calms me down :-) | 08:20 |
ActionParsnip | lamah: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/startup-manager-change-settings-in-grub-grub2-and-usplash.html may help | 08:20 |
ActionParsnip | maddine: how did you install Ubuntu? | 08:20 |
al_nz1 | to link dir /home/user/test to dir (so that what ever data is in /test appears in home/user/test) would be what?? | 08:21 |
fritsch | ActionParsnip: should be filed as a bug | 08:21 |
maddine | i installed alongside windows it was partitioned | 08:21 |
Ben64 | al_nz1: ln -s <source> <destination> | 08:21 |
ryannathans | maddine: delete windows patitions and expand linux | 08:21 |
ryannathans | gparted | 08:21 |
al_nz1 | Ben64: so the source is the dir with the data already in it? | 08:21 |
Ben64 | yes | 08:22 |
Intel`` | ActionParsnip, i have burned the same iso on another computer. | 08:22 |
Intel`` | working fine now.. took me to the liveCD desktop :D | 08:22 |
al_nz1 | ta | 08:22 |
fritsch | bug 4516 | 08:22 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 4516 in tzc (Ubuntu) "tzc: merge new debian version" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/4516 | 08:22 |
ActionParsnip | maddine: then use gparted and remove the windows partition(s). This will DESTROY the data so be sure you backup all you need. Then you can either expand the Ubuntu partition to the new free space in LiveCD/USB or create a new Ext4 partition and use it as data storage | 08:22 |
fritsch | bug 45416 | 08:23 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 45416 in openssh (Ubuntu) "PermitRootLogin" [Wishlist,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/45416 | 08:23 |
fritsch | sorry | 08:23 |
al_nz1 | Ben64: so if I have shared /home/user, after the link the data in /test will be accessable because test is a subdir (and linked) of /home/user | 08:23 |
jpohl | my ubuntu hangs for about four minutes before it finally boots | 08:23 |
Ben64 | al_nz1: i'm not sure exactly what you're describing | 08:23 |
ActionParsnip | jpohl: once you get booted, run: dmesg | less and read through, look for large gaps in the left colomn (those are seconds since the kernel came up) | 08:24 |
al_nz1 | Ben64: I have shared /home/user and all sub directories for SMB | 08:24 |
al_nz1 | there is a directory /home/user/test which is linked to source /test/ | 08:25 |
al_nz1 | therefore will I be able to access /test because of the link? | 08:25 |
Ben64 | i'm not sure how samba deals with symlinks | 08:25 |
MrSassyPants | roodytood is spamming | 08:26 |
jpohl | ActionParsnip: the very last line is only at 41.95 | 08:26 |
ActionParsnip | jpohl: any large gaps though? | 08:27 |
n2deep | hi all, what is the current best practice with SSD's in regards to over provisioning and TRIM support? | 08:27 |
fritsch | ActionParsnip: okay, understood it. the root pwd ist done with passwd -dl, which deletes the password and sets one, that is cryptographically not matchable. PermitRootLogin is enabled cause to let them login with public keys | 08:27 |
al_nz1 | Ben64: didnt work :-( perms error | 08:28 |
fritsch | ActionParsnip: so it does not matter for sshd_config if it is enabled or disabled | 08:28 |
jpohl | ActionParsnip: no more than 17 seconds | 08:28 |
n2deep | my SSD has TRIM support, so I should skip over provisioning, right? | 08:28 |
al_nz1 | Ben64: to remove the symlink? | 08:28 |
fritsch | n2deep: just add noatime,discard to your fstab | 08:28 |
Ben64 | al_nz1: rm <path to symlink> | 08:28 |
fritsch | n2deep: kernel > 2.6.32 must be used | 08:29 |
al_nz1 | Ben64: path to symlink? is that diff to path to source or path to dest? | 08:29 |
n2deep | fritsch: thank you, I figured that was all i needed. I also add elevator=noop to /etc/default/grub | 08:29 |
jadoman | al_nz1: you must mount this with bind sudo mount -bind -o defaults /test /home/user/test | 08:29 |
ActionParsnip | fritsch: no, the account on the system used to authenticate with is disabled, can't hurt to reconfigure ssh though, double lock it out :D | 08:29 |
n2deep | I definately don't want cfq on an SSD | 08:29 |
ActionParsnip | jpohl: hmm, strange. Is the RAM healthy? | 08:30 |
Ben64 | al_nz1: you'd probably want 'rm /home/user/test' | 08:30 |
Ben64 | you don't want to delete the actual directory | 08:30 |
jpohl | it boots ArchLinux and Windows XP just fine | 08:30 |
fritsch | n2deep: what is this elevator stuff? | 08:30 |
=== Nicolus is now known as c_nick | ||
jpohl | ActionParsnip: 1.5 GB, i just ran memtest a few days ago | 08:31 |
ActionParsnip | jpohl: so the dmesg is quite quick, what GPU do you use? | 08:31 |
ActionParsnip | jpohl: ok thats cool :) | 08:31 |
jpohl | ActionParsnip: it seems like the hang occurs while unpacking the initrd | 08:31 |
fritsch | n2deep: ah read some stuff. it means that requests are directly handled by the ssd itself | 08:32 |
fritsch | n2deep: will do a speed comparison | 08:32 |
jadoman | al_nzl: add in fstab /test /home/user/test none defaults,bind 0 0 | 08:32 |
ActionParsnip | jpohl: could try reinstalling the linux-image-2.x.x.x see if it helps | 08:32 |
ActionParsnip | jpohl: uname -r will show the kernel version | 08:33 |
jpohl | ActionParsnip: kernel is 2.6.38-11-generic | 08:33 |
arghx | jpohl: update-initramfs | 08:34 |
al_nz1 | Ben64: ok so to get around it i need to smb share for windows /test - can that be done from cli, for 'everyone' ? | 08:34 |
ActionParsnip | jpohl: sudo apt-get --reinstall install 2.6.38-11-generic | 08:36 |
ActionParsnip | jpohl: and do as arghx says too :) | 08:36 |
jadoman | al_nz1: you colud do this but you should try to mout this with bind | 08:36 |
daniel_tree | any ideas how to fix this http://imagepaste.nullnetwork.net/viewimage.php?id=2567 ? | 08:36 |
jpohl | ActionParsnip: arghx: will do | 08:36 |
jadoman | al_nz1: then you'll be able to enter test directory in home folder | 08:37 |
asgo | I'm working on setting up a software RAID10 on an Ubuntu 11.04 Server. I've got 4 500GB harddrives that I want to use in the array. So far I've setup a 100MB /boot partition on the first harddrive, a 4GB /swap partition on each of the harddrives and then I allocated the remaining space on the harddrives for RAID. Could anyone make comments on if I'm heading in the right direction here? | 08:37 |
daniel_tree | only the desktop text icon are messed up | 08:37 |
* ecthiender is away: will be back in a while | 08:38 | |
daniel_tree | it just booted up like this one day ..and since then it is the same | 08:38 |
Nimesh_Accenture | hi guys | 08:39 |
Nimesh_Accenture | how do i start deveoping and debugging existing ubuntu components? | 08:40 |
dr_willis | thats a bit broad Nimesh_Accenture :) | 08:41 |
dr_willis | Nimesh_Accenture: can you program in any languages? | 08:41 |
Nimesh_Accenture | in c / c++ | 08:41 |
=== pankaj is now known as pankaj_sharma | ||
Kartagis | help. what can I do about a USB HDD that's giving IO error? | 08:41 |
dr_willis | theres the Motu channel where the devs hang out i belive | 08:41 |
dr_willis | !motu | 08:41 |
ubottu | motu is short for Masters of the Universe. The brave souls who maintain the packages in the Universe section of Ubuntu. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU | 08:41 |
Kartagis | 0_0 | 08:41 |
dr_willis | Kartagis: id be making backups asap. and use ddrescue to recover anything you cant backup. | 08:42 |
Kartagis | dr_willis: I would, if I could see it | 08:42 |
dr_willis | Nimesh_Accenture: ive seen many indicator-applets that are written in python, you could play with them to make your own as a start :) always fun. | 08:43 |
dr_willis | Kartagis: does fdisk -l even show the device? | 08:43 |
Kartagis | dr_willis: nope | 08:44 |
dr_willis | Kartagis: eww. thats beyond an 'IO-Error' | 08:44 |
dr_willis | well if you could ever get the device seen, you could use ddrescue to image it to a file - to recover data from. | 08:44 |
daniel_tree | can anyone help me fix the icons on my desktop ? | 08:44 |
Nimesh_Accenture | dr_willis: i'm basically interested in debugging existing native ( i.e building block ) applications that are basically a part of the UBUNTU Packge , so basically wanted to know how to do that? | 08:44 |
Kartagis | dr_willis: from syslog - Failed to sync device /dev/sdb1: Input/output error | 08:45 |
dr_willis | Kartagis: so the device IS seen.. its sdb :) | 08:45 |
daniel_tree | here's an image showing the problem http://imagepaste.nullnetwork.net/viewimage.php?id=2567 | 08:45 |
dr_willis | Kartagis: you can have ddrescue image /dev/sdb# to a file and try to recovery data from that image. | 08:45 |
dr_willis | Kartagis: how big is sdb1 ? | 08:46 |
Kartagis | dr_willis: if you're asking about the USB, it's 1tb | 08:48 |
pankaj_sharma | !ubuntu-in | 08:48 |
dr_willis | Kartagis: you could image the device to a file/ and try to recover. did that the other day for a failing 1.5tb usb hd. | 08:48 |
Kartagis | dr_willis: will ddrescue get only the allocated parts? because I have very little space empty | 08:50 |
dr_willis | Kartagis: you dont image TO the same hard drive. You recover to a differnt location. | 08:50 |
dr_willis | image the HD to some image file on a differnt hd. mount the image file. recover imporntant files. | 08:51 |
dr_willis | thats the safest way i know to try to recover all data. | 08:51 |
angel28 | Hello, need help please.. I would like to add to Evolution email account an HTML signature, but from some reason the signature is not rendered as HTML, and its added as plain text? any idea ? | 08:51 |
dr_willis | and even then it may not get everything. | 08:51 |
Jeri | pls i need your help | 08:52 |
Jeri | my computer cann't login it displays Grub> | 08:52 |
Jeri | need quick help | 08:52 |
dr_willis | !fixgrub | Jeri | 08:52 |
ubottu | Jeri: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10) | 08:52 |
ActionParsnip | Jeri: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2011/09/live-usb-sticking-grub-2-video | 08:53 |
dr_willis | gotta love videos.. | 08:53 |
Jeri | I am using windows and ubuntu side by side | 08:54 |
dr_willis | Jeri: you mean you did a WUBI install? or did you boot the cd and install ubuntu that way? | 08:54 |
dr_willis | !wubi | 08:54 |
ubottu | Wubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WubiGuide for troubleshooting. Please file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug. For Ubuntu Maverick/10.10 http://releases.ubuntu.com/maverick/wubi.exe | 08:54 |
Jeri | no dear | 08:54 |
Jeri | i didn't use WUBI | 08:55 |
ActionParsnip | Jeri: then this is easy, the guide I gave will be fine | 08:55 |
dr_willis | so you did a normal dual boot... see guide given above Jeri and the video. | 08:55 |
Jeri | yes now i am using windows part | 08:55 |
Jeri | when i am try to login using ubuntu i couldn't | 08:56 |
dr_willis | if the grub boot loader is not working properly. you need to fix grub. to get it working. | 08:56 |
Jeri | @dr_willis can i insert cd when i use fixgrub | 08:56 |
Jeri | ? | 08:56 |
dr_willis | fixgrub is not a cvommand.. its a process. :) | 08:57 |
dr_willis | see the guides. You can use a cd,or a bootable flash to get into the system to repair grub. | 08:57 |
jpohl | ActionParsnip: arghx: at least one of you was right... whatever I just did solved the problem, thanks! | 08:59 |
atomicity | hi peeps | 08:59 |
atomicity | I'm having a problem installing ubuntu on a USB-drive from the livecd. | 08:59 |
ActionParsnip | jpohl: sweet | 08:59 |
atomicity | says that it couldn't set the bootloader up | 08:59 |
ActionParsnip | jpohl: thats all we want :) | 08:59 |
atomicity | and grub-install fails with an error I haven't seen before | 08:59 |
atomicity | /usr/sbin/grub-probe: error: cannot stat `aufs'. | 09:00 |
atomicity | ideas? | 09:00 |
atomicity | i'm installing on a 320GB usb drive | 09:00 |
ActionParsnip | atomicity: http://askubuntu.com/questions/48651/cannot-install-grub-due-to-cannot-stat-aufs-error | 09:01 |
atomicity | ActionParsnip: serves me right for not checking the net. Sorry | 09:01 |
ActionParsnip | atomicity: np bro | 09:01 |
dr_willis | askubuntu.com has gotten a good collection of solutions :) | 09:01 |
dr_willis | its only been up for what a year now? | 09:01 |
ActionParsnip | dr_willis: not sure, I'm on it but don't post there much, it does have some great guides | 09:03 |
iamgreat | Great bunch. | 09:04 |
iamgreat | Your Linux distribution sucks by the Way. | 09:04 |
iamgreat | Arch Linux is the best | 09:04 |
dr_willis | Heres an interesting problem with my new desktop box. - the bios setting has 3 settings for teh SATA 'IDE' 'AHCI' and 'RAID' if i use 'IDE' (the default it came with) windows 7 works, but all the Disrtos ive tried, Fail. they boot up but they cant seem to read the rest of the CD. If i use AHCI - then the Disrtos all work, but Windows BSOD's :) However 11.10 Does work with the IDE setting... | 09:04 |
atomicity | ActionParsnip: that article was useless | 09:04 |
iamgreat | All the people who are Linux are either noobs like atomicity and dr_willis | 09:04 |
dr_willis | iamgreat: i dident care for it, moving on... | 09:04 |
iamgreat | UBUNTU. | 09:05 |
atomicity | iamgreat: been on gentoo for 7 years before I switched to arch | 09:05 |
rww | iamgreat: Do you have an Ubuntu support question somewhere in there, or are you just being silly? | 09:05 |
atomicity | iamgreat: I need ubuntu for some students | 09:05 |
iamgreat | rww, go fuck yourself, who are you pretending to be? | 09:05 |
dr_willis | Is there some kernel option commonly used for the disrtos with an ide/ahci/ setup like this? Oh yea. the Desktop is using that newer bios replaceent like macs use.. i forget its name. :) | 09:06 |
atomicity | so... other ideas? I didn't have the problem the article stated, which was that he was specifying a partition. I *am* specifying the drive. | 09:06 |
* ecthiender is back (gone 00:28:33) | 09:06 | |
atomicity | uefi | 09:06 |
atomicity | dr_willis: ^^ | 09:07 |
ActionParsnip | ecthiender: please disable that | 09:07 |
dr_willis | yea. uefi. new desktop i got has that now. Older disrtos dont like it.. 11.04 has issues.. 11.10 works great. :) | 09:07 |
ecthiender | ecthiender, okay | 09:07 |
ecthiender | sorry :D, ActionParsnip okay | 09:07 |
atomicity | dr_willis: arch handles it nicely with grub2 and gpt... | 09:07 |
dr_willis | unless i switch the ahci/ide option back and forth depending on the disrto. | 09:07 |
dr_willis | atomicity: so does 11.10 it seems. :) but i was wondering if there was some 'normal' kernel option for these disrtos that dont. | 09:08 |
KamZou | Hello, is there any way to compile Bind9 with MySQL AND LDAP backend ? (sdb driver) ? | 09:08 |
Azeb | I need your help | 09:08 |
ActionParsnip | ecthiender: thanks :D | 09:08 |
atomicity | dr_willis: the kernel has supported it since forever AFAIK. It was grub that didn't | 09:09 |
atomicity | any distro with a half-recent kernel shouldn't be having any problems with gpt partition tables, and uefi isn't even an issue | 09:10 |
atomicity | so, not a kernel option | 09:10 |
atomicity | problem is grub | 09:10 |
dr_willis | atomicity: the older disrots ive tried.. boot fine. (11.04, puppy, and a few others) but once they get booted to the initrd stage they have issues reading the optical drive. this is with 'IDE' enabled.. with 'AHCI' enabled. they do work. | 09:10 |
Azeb | My computer couldn't login using ubuntu it displays Gnu grup version 1.98-1 and Minimal BASH l ne edit is supported for the first word Tab list possible command completion etc Grub> | 09:10 |
dr_willis | so this is past grub. | 09:10 |
almoxarife | installed 11.10's backup method on 11.04, I like, 11.04 likes it too, now, who can tell me how I can trouble shoot a rdp connection issue on ubuntu, yes its to virtualbox, and yes there is a port listening on but tsclient gets connection refused, and yes, virtualbox is checked to run the vrdp | 09:10 |
atomicity | oh... | 09:10 |
dr_willis | If i could just get windows to stop BSODing wheni enable AHCI. id just leave it on ahci. :) | 09:11 |
skipr | hello, I have a problem | 09:11 |
atomicity | hm... yeah, I remember reading something about windows not supporting AHCI sata mode at all | 09:11 |
atomicity | win7 should though | 09:11 |
skipr | I installed kernel 3.0.4 on my laptop with ubuntu 10.10 | 09:11 |
skipr | and now runway 6 (for gdm3) is spazzing strangely | 09:11 |
Azeb | my computer couln't login | 09:11 |
dr_willis | well win7 supports it.. but its a pain to get the actual drivetrs installed it seems.. reg tweak. then a few reboots.. which dident work. so i gave up trying. :) | 09:11 |
skipr | and after a few minutes it just dies and goes back to tty1 | 09:11 |
skipr | anyone? | 09:12 |
almoxarife | this is why my win7 runs in a nice virtualbox without any complaints | 09:12 |
atomicity | but it's kind of iffy (no firsthand experience though), win8 should be uefi only anyway | 09:12 |
Azeb | when press power butten it couldn't login | 09:12 |
Azeb | it display grub> | 09:12 |
dr_willis | so for now wheni want to boot up a older linux disro. i have to go to the bios and switch the setting. unless its one with kernel 3.x it seems. | 09:12 |
Azeb | pleasssssssssssssssss help me | 09:12 |
skipr | SOMEONE | 09:12 |
skipr | this is not #windows | 09:12 |
atomicity | Azeb: ... | 09:12 |
almoxarife | Azeb: what type of install? | 09:12 |
dr_willis | skipr: you are using gnome3 on 10.10 ? | 09:13 |
dr_willis | or was that a typo and you ment 11.10 ? | 09:13 |
Azeb | I using both windows and ubuntu side by side now it is not working ubuntu | 09:13 |
skipr | dr_willis, no, im not using 11.10, im using 10.10 | 09:13 |
fritsch | Azeb: does your windows still boot? | 09:13 |
dr_willis | Azeb: were you just here as 'Jeri' ? | 09:13 |
skipr | im using gnome2 | 09:13 |
almoxarife | Azeb: you mean wubi installed ubuntu? | 09:13 |
Azeb | yap | 09:14 |
Azeb | cus his computer is not working | 09:14 |
dr_willis | the term 'side by side' means nothing to us. use the phrase 'dual booting' if you did a normal install of ubuntu to its own parittions.. | 09:14 |
Azeb | so help us | 09:14 |
KamZou | What is the difference Between DLZ and SDB (bind9 Backend related) ? | 09:14 |
Azeb | no | 09:14 |
almoxarife | Azeb: easy fix, don't stress, the fix is on the windows side | 09:14 |
Azeb | simply i install side by side | 09:14 |
skipr | Azeb, side by side could mean anything | 09:15 |
dr_willis | Azeb: you did or did not use 'wubi' ? | 09:15 |
zagibu | so you put both cds in while installing? | 09:15 |
almoxarife | Azeb: you did say it was a wubi install right? | 09:15 |
dr_willis | Azeb: you did or did not 'boot the cd, and did a normal install' be detailed in your answer. | 09:15 |
skipr | dr_willis, plz help, I don't have much time left | 09:15 |
dr_willis | just saying 'yes' and 'no' can be confuseing. | 09:15 |
skipr | this session will close in 3 minutes | 09:16 |
Azeb | how can i fix the problem i have a lot of data's on pc | 09:16 |
dr_willis | skipr: i dont even know why you decided to put a newer kernel in 10.10 - i dont mess with kernels. | 09:16 |
almoxarife | Azeb: one last time, was your install method 'wubi'?????????? | 09:16 |
dr_willis | skipr: i dont even know what 'runway 6 for gdm3' is either.. | 09:16 |
Azeb | no sir | 09:16 |
atomicity | f** me gently with a chainsaw... | 09:17 |
skipr | dr_willis, by runway 6 i meant ctrl+shift+F6 | 09:17 |
skipr | and gdm3 is my window manager | 09:17 |
skipr | instead of the default gdm | 09:17 |
ActionParsnip | Azeb: got backup? | 09:17 |
dr_willis | skipr: gdm is a LOGIN manager... and alt-ctrl-F6 would get you to a console... so whats the actual issue? | 09:17 |
atomicity | I am actually going to have to use dd to get grub-install to quit complaining | 09:17 |
almoxarife | Azeb: did your machine start with grub or some win login? | 09:17 |
Promille | /e f*** atomicity gently... with a chainsaw | 09:18 |
Azeb | no | 09:18 |
ActionParsnip | Azeb: why not, is your data not important? | 09:18 |
=== saulius is now known as sauliusg | ||
Azeb | it is very important sir | 09:18 |
atomicity | Promille: we have a beautiful thing going, you and I | 09:18 |
skipr | dr_willis, my computer switches from C+S+F6 to F7 and back again like crazy | 09:18 |
dr_willis | !fixgrub | Azeb | 09:18 |
ubottu | Azeb: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10) | 09:18 |
luca | dear friends, how one person can contribute to ubuntu community? | 09:18 |
skipr | luca, write code | 09:18 |
zagibu | Azeb: obviously not, since you didn't make a backup | 09:18 |
dr_willis | skipr: so you are saying that GDM is crashing and restarting? you got ssh installed? you chould ssh in from a differnt box and stop the gdm service. | 09:18 |
Promille | hm.. | 09:19 |
Azeb | tnx | 09:19 |
skipr | dr_willis i tried to stop it and then I am at tty1 | 09:19 |
dr_willis | luca: the ubuntu manual project was looking for help the other day. :) | 09:19 |
luca | I created a launchpad account and a wiki page | 09:19 |
ActionParsnip | Azeb: the drive motor fails, where is your data? | 09:19 |
skipr | brb later though | 09:19 |
dr_willis | skipr: if you get back to the consoles, try 'startx' and look for error messages | 09:19 |
Promille | atomicity: I <3 it | 09:19 |
Azeb | disktop and Document | 09:20 |
luca | dr_willis: ubuntu manual project, what is it? | 09:20 |
dr_willis | luca: a project to make a ubuntu manual...... :) | 09:20 |
ActionParsnip | Azeb: no, the disk dies. It is not spinning up at boot... where is it? | 09:20 |
dr_willis | the current one is getting out dated. | 09:20 |
dr_willis | !manual | 09:20 |
ubottu | The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/ | 09:20 |
almoxarife | Azeb: did your machine start with grub or some win login? | 09:20 |
Azeb | no | 09:21 |
luca | dr_willis: in this channel there is always people, it's very interesting | 09:21 |
dr_willis | its good to have a decent referance to point total beginners to. :) | 09:21 |
Azeb | sorry yes yes | 09:21 |
Azeb | starts grub> | 09:21 |
almoxarife | Azeb: do you know how to use a rescue disk to fix grub? | 09:21 |
Azeb | no dear | 09:22 |
almoxarife | dear? aint your dear son | 09:22 |
almoxarife | Azeb: you will need to learn then | 09:22 |
Azeb | yes | 09:23 |
almoxarife | yes | 09:23 |
zagibu | Azeb: just get a new disk, install an OS, and put your current disk in an external enclosure, then connect it to your new system and get your data back | 09:23 |
atomicity | let me check here before I do something very stupid | 09:24 |
atomicity | dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdb ibs=4096 count=1000 | 09:24 |
zagibu | Azeb: if you mess further with your current disk, chances are, you will destroy your data, which you boviously don't have a backup of | 09:24 |
atomicity | will only overwrite the first 4megs with zeros right? | 09:24 |
zagibu | and yes, I did mean boviously, because you are an ox for not having a backup | 09:25 |
almoxarife | zagibu: wtf is it with you? | 09:25 |
ActionParsnip | zagibu: +1 | 09:25 |
ActionParsnip | zagibu: for ox thing | 09:26 |
zagibu | wtf is it with you? you are trying to get an obvious amateur to manually repair grub in a live system that still has important data on it? | 09:26 |
ikonia | zagibu: tone it down please. | 09:26 |
almoxarife | zagibu: yes | 09:26 |
luca | ubottu: why the project is about Ubuntu 10.10 and not 11.04?? | 09:26 |
ubottu | luca: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 09:26 |
* dr_willis thinks everyone has lost track of the actual problem.. i know i have. | 09:27 | |
dr_willis | luca: its being updated.. thats why they were asking for help.. | 09:27 |
zagibu | tone what down, please? I was not the one starting to get personal | 09:27 |
luca | ubottu: I think you are better than me | 09:27 |
ubottu | luca: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 09:27 |
ikonia | zagibu: just the language and anger, lets try to get back on track | 09:27 |
luca | ubottu: what is a bot? | 09:27 |
ubottu | I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 09:27 |
ikonia | zagibu: appreciate you protecting the user from risk | 09:27 |
luca | dr_willis: i know it's a long term period version | 09:28 |
dr_willis | http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/?p=21278 The Ubuntu Manual Project Needs Your Help For Oneiric | 09:29 |
luca | dr_willis: i didn't know this manual project | 09:31 |
dr_willis | I think they need to work on a Unity 101 guide. :) | 09:31 |
dr_willis | luca: its been around for some time.. but its hard to keep it up to date with every reelase.. then you get people that never read the manuals anyway | 09:31 |
ActionParsnip | !manual | 09:31 |
ubottu | The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/ | 09:31 |
dr_willis | I always focus when i train people on 'learning the fundamentals' knowing how to to use the shell wont change over the next 5 releases.. the gui... who can tell. :) | 09:32 |
atomicity | so I managed to get grub installed manually | 09:32 |
dr_willis | and a top 10 list of common problems :) on page one. | 09:32 |
atomicity | I hope the installer will figure it out for itself too | 09:32 |
dr_willis | 10 Common Mistakes new users do when starting with linux. - would make a good artical somewhere. | 09:33 |
albech | is it possible to mute Banshee automatically on incoming Skype calls? | 09:34 |
openvpn | How do I add OpenVPN to the "Choose a VPN Connection Type" in Ubuntu? | 09:35 |
luca | dr_willis: now I'm using the 11.04, I didn't find any manuals for ubuntu it's a good idea | 09:35 |
luca | dr_willis: I prefer something about programmation | 09:35 |
ActionParsnip | albech: which releae are you using? | 09:36 |
ActionParsnip | *release | 09:36 |
luca | dr_willis: I'm not very good in language, especially english technical informatic language I'm from Italy | 09:36 |
atomicity | albech: yeah, with skype you can configure pulseaudio to mute other stuff when calls are in progress | 09:36 |
albech | openvpn, apt-get install network-manager-openvpn | 09:36 |
ActionParsnip | albech: seems a package called earcandy does it but this ppa only goes up to Maverick: http://ubuntuguide.net/install-the-smart-pulseaudio-volume-manager-ear-candy-in-ubuntu | 09:37 |
albech | atomicity, is that done within skype or pulse audio? | 09:37 |
luca | dr_willis: about skype can you do videocalls on it? | 09:37 |
atomicity | albech: I don't know how precisely, I know it happens for me in arch automagically | 09:37 |
ActionParsnip | albech: if you can find a ppa for your release (if you use natty) then grab that | 09:37 |
atomicity | albech: it's been a while since i've done anything about that | 09:37 |
atomicity | albech: check skype settings first | 09:37 |
openvpn | albech: Thanks, man! | 09:38 |
dr_willis | luca: i avoide skype as much as possible | 09:38 |
zagibu | Azeb: did you get what I was saying? Your disk is the last instance of your data, don't mess with it, if your data is important. Remove the disk and put it in an external enclosure, then connect it to another system to get the data back. | 09:38 |
atomicity | dr_willis: why? it works, and the audio quality is 2nd to none | 09:38 |
luca | dr_willis: what do you use for videocalling on Ubuntu? | 09:39 |
dr_willis | and it seems MS is about to become its owner atomicity ... | 09:39 |
atomicity | dr_willis: we deal with that when it happens. | 09:39 |
dr_willis | luca: i have this thing called a 'cell phone' :) it can actually do calls.. | 09:39 |
albech | atomicity, ActionParsnip thanks guys.. i will look at this | 09:39 |
atomicity | albech: glad I could be of some help | 09:39 |
dr_willis | i never saw the point of a 'video' call either.. nice to see the grandkids.. but thats about it. | 09:40 |
atomicity | dr_willis: oh, I use video calls all the time. | 09:40 |
luca | dr_willis: why Ubuntu cannot do videocalls? I think it has to be better than Windows about all fields | 09:40 |
howlymowly | hi poeple.. short question I updated to oneiric yesterday and have someproblems upgrading my system right now with aptitude as it says: " Resolving dependencies... | 09:40 |
howlymowly | Unable to resolve dependencies for the upgrade: no solution found. | 09:40 |
howlymowly | Unable to safely resolve dependencies, try running with --full-resolver. | 09:40 |
howlymowly | " | 09:40 |
FloodBot1 | howlymowly: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation. | 09:40 |
howlymowly | any idea about this? | 09:40 |
ActionParsnip | howlymowly: oneiric isn't supported here, ask in #ubuntu+1 pleas | 09:40 |
howlymowly | ActionParsnip: thx.. & sorry | 09:40 |
dr_willis | luca: I dont use them.. no idea on what apps out there for video calls exist.. Ive used skype for VOIP in the past.. but not any more. | 09:40 |
ActionParsnip | howlymowly: np :) | 09:40 |
luca | atomicity: Is possible to videocall on skype on Ubuntu? How? | 09:41 |
ActionParsnip | !skype | 09:41 |
ubottu | To install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto - Please use open protocols instead if you can, see !Ekiga | 09:41 |
atomicity | video calls are nice because I have a whiteboard behind my camera so I can brainstorm across the pond | 09:41 |
atomicity | luca: easy. You only need a v4l2 or v4l camera | 09:41 |
dr_willis | I recall skype having a whitebord extension/application/feature.... | 09:42 |
atomicity | luca: which is basically any webcam lately | 09:42 |
atomicity | and it supports it out of the box | 09:42 |
luca | ubottu: I already have skype on Ubuntu but I cannot videocall | 09:42 |
ubottu | luca: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 09:42 |
dr_willis | Webcams either seem to work with no hassles, or are totally unsupported in linux. :) | 09:42 |
atomicity | dr_willis: I dislike drawing with my mous | 09:42 |
atomicity | mouse* | 09:42 |
almoxarife | dr_willis: got a google account? | 09:43 |
dr_willis | Luckly in my job.. i rarely even need to talk to people... :) | 09:43 |
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ryannathans | key guys | 09:43 |
dr_willis | almoxarife: a dozen of them. :P | 09:43 |
ryannathans | i need a touch of help with a PXE boot | 09:43 |
atomicity | dr_willis: I'm a mathematician, boards are sort of natural | 09:43 |
luca | atomicity: I have only the webcam of my laptop | 09:43 |
atomicity | hurrah, got over the bootloader stage | 09:43 |
atomicity | apparently zeroing the beginning of the drive with dd does work wonders | 09:44 |
ryannathans | i'm trying to boot ubuntu 11.04 desktop 64bit over PXE but while booting it tells me to 'provide a name for this disc, such as 'Debian 5.0.3 disk 1'': | 09:44 |
atomicity | although it might not be the best thing to put in a newb tutorial | 09:44 |
ryannathans | what do? | 09:44 |
ryannathans | this is my first pxe boot | 09:44 |
ryannathans | ActionParsnip: pxe setup ;D | 09:44 |
almoxarife | dr_willis: the google chat/video thing works great, on ubuntu even, I use it to talk to my mother :) , simpler than skype and a lot cleaner video/voice, so she says | 09:45 |
atomicity | luca: try to open the device of the webcam with vlc | 09:45 |
ActionParsnip | ryannathans: nice, never done it myself but it will happen. 4 days off soon an I have a box sat doing nothing | 09:45 |
atomicity | luca: it should be /dev/video0 | 09:45 |
odlare | !list | 09:45 |
ubottu | This is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ». | 09:45 |
atomicity | if you don't have it it's probably not supported | 09:45 |
Netham45 | Anyone know how to disable x auth on KDM> | 09:46 |
Netham45 | ?* | 09:46 |
ActionParsnip | luca: install cheese, does it work there | 09:46 |
atomicity | Netham45: it's in the systemsettings | 09:46 |
dr_willis | Cheese is the ultimate test it seems. :) | 09:46 |
atomicity | Netham45: somewhere... | 09:46 |
isan | ciao | 09:46 |
isan | !list | 09:47 |
ubottu | This is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ». | 09:47 |
atomicity | isan: um... why are you spamming this? | 09:47 |
almoxarife | simple as pie to test a cam on vlc | 09:47 |
luca | atomicity: vlc media player? | 09:47 |
atomicity | luca: indeed | 09:47 |
luca | atomicity: I found the file video0 into the directory dev | 09:49 |
Netham45 | Know which tab it's under in the sysstem settings? | 09:49 |
dr_willis | luca: easier to just test the cam with cheese. | 09:49 |
ryannathans | my first pxe boot, got this message, it's stuck and i can't type. http://i53.tinypic.com/20ibcb8.jpg | 09:49 |
ryannathans | ubuntu 11.04 | 09:49 |
ActionParsnip | luca: sudo apt-get install cheese; cheese | 09:50 |
luca | atomicity: my webcam works very well on cheese I've already installed it | 09:50 |
ActionParsnip | ryannathans: are you installing debian? | 09:50 |
luca | atomicity: the problem is skype not cheese | 09:50 |
ryannathans | ActionParsnip: no, this is ubuntu 11.04 64bit desktop | 09:51 |
ryannathans | if i hit up arrow i see the ubuntu splaash screen with dots | 09:51 |
luca | dr_willis: I tried on cheese and the webcam works very good | 09:51 |
ryannathans | dem 4 or 5 dots | 09:51 |
BlackBinary | i hate this damn spam bots | 09:52 |
ActionParsnip | ryannathans: http://www.howtoforge.com/setting-up-a-pxe-install-server-on-ubuntu-9.10-p3 | 09:52 |
atomicity | ok, so I'm in my brand new ubuntu system on the USB | 09:53 |
atomicity | q1: best way to get rid of unity | 09:53 |
ryannathans | ActionParsnip: as a matter of fact i used that guide | 09:54 |
atomicity | q2: what packages do I need for a minimal development system (so, gcc, llvm, make and friends, cmake) - mainly asking if I forgot anything, like header packages and stuff like that | 09:54 |
ryannathans | ActionParsnip: i connect to pxe, it loads kernel/initrd and starts loading the actual distro, then stuck there | 09:54 |
ryannathans | i bet it's a flag im passing i | 09:54 |
luca | atomicity: mt version of skype is beta | 09:54 |
ActionParsnip | ryannathans: check your steps with the guide | 09:54 |
atomicity | luca: works fine for me | 09:55 |
luca | atomicity: I don't know if there is another version | 09:55 |
ActionParsnip | atomicity: build-essential | 09:55 |
luca | atomicity: which version of skype do you use? | 09:55 |
madi | hello /msg actionpasnip you cut me off | 09:55 |
atomicity | luca: can't answer that right now, I'd have to chroot and I don't want to | 09:55 |
atomicity | what bleeding terminal app is the default on this damn unity, I can't find it | 09:56 |
atomicity | only thing I found is xterm and I don't know how to change the font on it | 09:56 |
ikonia | atomicity: calmd down | 09:56 |
ActionParsnip | atomicity: gnome-terminal, same as always. search dash for it | 09:56 |
luca | atomicity: you don't have skype installed on the pc you are using now? | 09:56 |
atomicity | aaah, that's better | 09:57 |
ActionParsnip | atomicity: if you use terminal a lot, I suggest you install guake and make it run at login, you can then hide and show the terminal with a shortcut key :) | 09:57 |
atomicity | luca: I'm booted into the sparkling new ubuntu system on my usb key | 09:57 |
atomicity | ActionParsnip: will do. kde user here, don't know any gnome alternatives :) | 09:57 |
ActionParsnip | atomicity: yakuake | 09:57 |
atomicity | ActionParsnip: use that all the time. | 09:57 |
ActionParsnip | atomicity: same deal, default key is F12 but it can be changed as you wish | 09:58 |
luca | atomicity: new ubuntu system? you mean 11.10? | 09:58 |
atomicity | luca: I just installed an ubuntu on my usb key and am hacking on it | 09:58 |
atomicity | luca: the irc is running on my server in a screen session so you didn't see me relog | 09:59 |
atomicity | wth... cmake isn't in the repos? | 10:00 |
ActionParsnip | atomicity: what is the output of: lsb_release -sc | 10:00 |
atomicity | ActionParsnip: nattz | 10:01 |
atomicity | natty | 10:01 |
ActionParsnip | cool | 10:02 |
atomicity | it found it | 10:02 |
atomicity | after I pressed enter | 10:02 |
isan | !list | 10:03 |
ubottu | This is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ». | 10:03 |
=== diki is now known as Guest67379 | ||
atomicity | ok, kdevelop isn't in the repos? | 10:05 |
luca | atomicity: Interesting which version are you using? and which is the memory of the USB | 10:05 |
ActionParsnip | !info kdevelop | 10:06 |
ubottu | kdevelop (source: kdevelop): integrated development environment for KDE. In component main, is optional. Version 4:4.2.2-0ubuntu2 (natty), package size 1035 kB, installed size 4220 kB | 10:06 |
ActionParsnip | atomicity: it is, its in the main repo | 10:06 |
_kad | hey, i need help!! i have setup a pppoe connection then i restart.. now after that my wlan0 is not working it show me: device is not managed (in my windows it works fine). my eth0 is working properly !! what cause this problem and how to fix it?? thx in advance | 10:06 |
atomicity | luca: I have archlinux and win7 dualbooting on the same laptop. I also need ubuntu to carry around in my pocket for something, and that is what I set up in the last couple of hours. I'm now installing the required software to the ubuntu system. | 10:07 |
atomicity | ActionParsnip: hm... I'm pretty sure I didn't misspell it in the search in ubuntu software center | 10:07 |
ActionParsnip | _kad: did you define the wireless interface in /etc/network/interfaces | 10:07 |
atomicity | or should I be using something else to install programs? | 10:07 |
_kad | ActionParsnip, yes i did it dhcp and manual ... same issue | 10:07 |
ActionParsnip | atomicity: sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install kdevelop | 10:07 |
ActionParsnip | _kad: that's why then | 10:07 |
ActionParsnip | _kad: if you specify interfaces in that file, network manager cannot touch it# | 10:08 |
atomicity | ActionParsnip: oh, so I must apt-get manually? | 10:08 |
arghx | atomicity: you can use apt-get if you want to, but both use the same DB of available packages | 10:08 |
ActionParsnip | atomicity: its no less manual than searching software centre, is it? | 10:08 |
almoxarife | atomicity: try synaptic | 10:08 |
_kad | ActionParsnip, ok now i remove the wlan0 config and i left the auto lo , same problem!! | 10:08 |
ActionParsnip | _kad: reboot | 10:08 |
ActionParsnip | _kad: changing the text file and doing nothing else doesn't change anything | 10:09 |
atomicity | ActionParsnip: oh, I don't have a problem with that, I just thaught software center did it already. | 10:09 |
ActionParsnip | atomicity: no idea, I don't use it. Its too slow for my tastes | 10:09 |
=== Guest67379 is now known as dikidera | ||
atomicity | ActionParsnip: heh, I have a feeling I'm gonna do the same | 10:09 |
_kad | ActionParsnip, i'm rebooting, well i though restarting the network service will affect.. now rebooting | 10:09 |
atomicity | almoxarife: thanks. | 10:09 |
ActionParsnip | _kad: should do the same, reboot covers all bases | 10:09 |
_kad | ActionParsnip, ok same issue :( still Wireless connection : device not managed | 10:10 |
ActionParsnip | atomicity: by the time any gui package app loads on my OS and can have apt-fast pulling down what I need and installing :) | 10:10 |
atomicity | ActionParsnip: This topic of conversation intrigues me and I wish to learn more | 10:11 |
atomicity | apt-fast? | 10:11 |
ActionParsnip | atomicity: search and ye shall find | 10:11 |
luca | atomicity: your ubuntu is on USB key?? | 10:11 |
_kad | ActionParsnip, this happen when i configure pppoeconf!! | 10:11 |
atomicity | luca: yes. | 10:11 |
ryannathans | damn you pxe | 10:12 |
ActionParsnip | _kad: not sure, I've not use pppoe | 10:12 |
luca | atomicity: how is possible? A usb key can contain ubuntu? | 10:12 |
ryannathans | i can access the server, call the second menu, boot the image, just not any further, 'name your cdrom' I CANT TYPE! | 10:12 |
atomicity | luca: I burned the livecd, booted form the livecd, and with complications installed ubuntu on a usb key of size 100GB | 10:12 |
atomicity | so, I guess it's not as much a usb key as it is a disk, but still | 10:13 |
atomicity | atomicity: it could have been a 16GB usb key | 10:13 |
atomicity | root has 3.7 gigs of room taken | 10:14 |
atomicity | so I guess you could even do it on 4 gigs | 10:14 |
luca | atomicity: It's an hard disk of 100 GB | 10:16 |
atomicity | luca: it has a usb interface | 10:16 |
atomicity | luca: it's the same as a usb key | 10:16 |
atomicity | luca: lunux doesn't give a shit about the underlying storage medium as far as the driver goes | 10:17 |
atomicity | luca: it's block-storage-over-usb | 10:17 |
atomicity | luca: I really don't see what is so hard to believe here | 10:17 |
ahhughez | could anyone shed any light on this one? I can connect my keyboard via bluetooth.... but when I connect the trackpad it disconnects the keyboard and vice-a-versa. Any ideas what might cause this? I know next to nothing... but maybe my 2.0 bluetooth dongle is running as bluetooth 1.0.... which duid not support multiple devices... but I can't prove or disprove this. | 10:18 |
smiths | after trying to install firmware i am getting following messages: Setting up firmware-b43-installer ( ... | 10:18 |
smiths | Not supported low-power chip with PCI id 14e4:4315! | 10:18 |
smiths | Aborting. | 10:18 |
smiths | dpkg: error processing firmware-b43-installer (--configure): | 10:18 |
smiths | subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1 | 10:18 |
smiths | Errors were encountered while processing: | 10:18 |
FloodBot1 | smiths: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation. | 10:18 |
steph7 | Hi, I need info 'bout a WNDA3100V2 netgear wifi usb adapt..on lucid 64b, someone knows it? | 10:18 |
atomicity | ActionParsnip: the version here http://www.mattparnell.com/linux/apt-fast/ legit? | 10:20 |
=== stephi is now known as stephniy | ||
luca | atomicity: I don't understand why you cakk an hard disk usb key | 10:21 |
atomicity | luca: because i'm not a native english speaker and I don't really care | 10:22 |
pmnull | hi | 10:23 |
luca | atomicity: where are you from? Usb key are of 8GB 16 GB but i don't think there are version bigger | 10:23 |
pmnull | neone good with nmap | 10:23 |
ActionParsnip | atomicity: which release are you using? | 10:23 |
ahhughez | luca, I saw a 64GB one today for the first time | 10:23 |
atomicity | luca: slovenia. I *know* an usb hd isn't a usb-key but it doesn't make a difference as far as software goes. | 10:24 |
ahhughez | SD cards have a 32GB limit AFAIK tho. | 10:24 |
ActionParsnip | atomicity: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:tldm217/tahutek.net; sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install apt-fast | 10:24 |
pmnull | if found an open port 80/tcp and embedded allegro rompage webserver. i have no idea what im talking about but if someone does that would be gr8 | 10:24 |
luca | ahhughez: Really? | 10:24 |
johnm | ahhughez: They don't :) | 10:24 |
auronandace | ahhughez: there are bigger ones | 10:25 |
pmnull | i didnt know i was running a server even.. | 10:25 |
ahhughez | sweet! bigger is better | 10:25 |
luca | atomicity: Yes for software it's the same | 10:25 |
luca | atomicity: how is archlinux?? | 10:25 |
johnm | ahhughez: http://www.misco.co.uk/Product/168805/Kingston-256GB-DataTraveler-310 as an example | 10:25 |
atomicity | ActionParsnip: ummmm... of apt-fast? lemme see... header says 0.03 | 10:25 |
klingelbart | in unity: does anyone know how i can define wich program-shortcuts will pop up when clicking on the button in the upper left? | 10:25 |
atomicity | luca: awesome. | 10:25 |
Abhijit | how to know username of my ftp server on localhost? | 10:25 |
Abhijit | i only installed lamp. i dont know how to use ftp | 10:26 |
luca | atomicity: Is it better than ubuntu?? | 10:26 |
ahhughez | can anyone tell me if I can up the dpi on my screen? NVidia GT520.... this HTPC is hurting my eyes | 10:26 |
atomicity | luca: I love it. The only reason I'm installing ubuntu is that it's not meant as a portable distro (portable as in carry it around in your pocket and expect it to work everywhere you plug it in) | 10:26 |
atomicity | luca: hm... let me check something | 10:26 |
auronandace | luca: arch follows a rolling release, ubuntu isn't | 10:26 |
pmnull | neone understand nmap | 10:26 |
ActionParsnip | atomicity: the link you gave is essentially what you need, install axel and it'll work | 10:26 |
klingelbart | in unity: how do i choose wich programms are shown when clicking on the button in the upper left? | 10:27 |
johnm | pmnull: I'm sure lots of people understand nmap :) | 10:27 |
atomicity | ActionParsnip: thanks | 10:27 |
pmnull | hello jon u ne ideass | 10:27 |
ActionParsnip | atomicity: if you remove the stupid .sh extension, mark is as executable and sling it in /usr/bin | 10:27 |
luca | auronadance: what is a rolling release? | 10:27 |
atomicity | luca: yeah, archlinux is better than ubuntu | 10:27 |
atomicity | more current packages | 10:27 |
atomicity | (for instance, gcc 4.6) | 10:27 |
auronandace | luca: the software is updated on a constant basis | 10:27 |
pmnull | is nohack on freenode | 10:27 |
ActionParsnip | atomicity: one distro is not better than another, each has different aims | 10:28 |
atomicity | ActionParsnip: sorry, I know, I'mtrolling a bit | 10:28 |
auronandace | luca: in other words when you update you are always running the latest | 10:28 |
luca | auronadance: Is it free as ubuntu? | 10:28 |
pmnull | when i try kde plasma screen goes black | 10:28 |
auronandace | luca: of course | 10:28 |
auronandace | luca: but this is ubuntu support | 10:28 |
pmnull | nvidia geforce 8200 m g dont work in linux | 10:28 |
atomicity | ActionParsnip: I didn't feel like giving luca the 'everything is good for something' speech | 10:28 |
luca | auronadance: Yes I knoe I use ubuntu | 10:28 |
auronandace | luca: you'd need a registered nick to join #archlinux | 10:28 |
ActionParsnip | pmnull: install nvidia-current and it will work | 10:29 |
ActionParsnip | atomicity: ;) | 10:29 |
pmnull | how? | 10:29 |
pmnull | sudo nvidia-current install apt-get?? | 10:29 |
=== ericm is now known as ericm-otp | ||
pmnull | or summin | 10:29 |
pmnull | package manager has self combusted | 10:29 |
almoxarife | pmnull: also insure your onboard vid is not clobbering the card(vpu) | 10:29 |
atomicity | ActionParsnip: thanks a lot for all the help | 10:30 |
atomicity | ActionParsnip: this looks like it'll work | 10:30 |
pmnull | ah thanks right | 10:30 |
atomicity | ActionParsnip: last question, then I have to go | 10:30 |
pmnull | ne idea why nmap found open port 8o/tcp and embedded allegro rompager webserver-what is it???? | 10:30 |
atomicity | ActionParsnip: how much behind are package updates usually on ubuntu? | 10:31 |
ActionParsnip | atomicity: there is a way to make software centre use it, not sure though | 10:31 |
pmnull | port 80 open. have firestarter and snort | 10:31 |
pmnull | pinged myself | 10:31 |
ActionParsnip | atomicity: depends from package to package | 10:31 |
atomicity | ActionParsnip: because I'm gonna want clang 3.0 as soon as it comes out | 10:31 |
almoxarife | pmnull: lets assume it found that somwhere you did not expect it to be, that is the question | 10:31 |
atomicity | ActionParsnip: and I'm not really sure how welcome packages built from source are on ubuntu systems | 10:32 |
atomicity | I have no problems with such stuff on archlinux but ubuntu seems fairly integrated | 10:32 |
pmnull | just seem to get by have no idea at all...is it a vulnerability almoxarife | 10:32 |
atomicity | not sure how it would deal with me poking around /etc | 10:32 |
ActionParsnip | atomicity: there may be a ppa for the app | 10:32 |
almoxarife | pmnull: did you find that on something you own? | 10:32 |
pmnull | yes my computer! | 10:33 |
almoxarife | pmnull: did you put it there? | 10:33 |
pmnull | i dont think so no | 10:33 |
pmnull | how to get if off | 10:33 |
almoxarife | pmnull: do you offer up web ? | 10:33 |
pmnull | no | 10:33 |
pmnull | must have got it by mistake how to kill it | 10:34 |
klingelbart | in unity, is it possible to create some kind of "folder" in the quickstart panel, so i can group shortcuts of more programms? | 10:34 |
pmnull | or will it kill my connection if i do | 10:34 |
almoxarife | pmnull: you are not running linux? | 10:34 |
Kartagis | !oneiric | 10:34 |
ubottu | Ubuntu 11.10 (Oneiric Ocelot) will be the fifteenth release of Ubuntu. Codename announcement here: http://www.markshuttleworth.com/?p=646 Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1 | 10:34 |
pmnull | gnome natty was killed by compiz confib | 10:34 |
pmnull | config | 10:34 |
atomicity | ActionParsnip: thanks for pointing ppas out | 10:34 |
atomicity | didn't know about them at all | 10:34 |
atomicity | there are some | 10:35 |
auronandace | !ppa | atomicity | 10:35 |
ubottu | atomicity: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa | 10:35 |
ActionParsnip | atomicity: i found a ppa for 2.9-7 | 10:35 |
ActionParsnip | atomicity: https://launchpad.net/~yagisan/+archive/ppa | 10:35 |
ActionParsnip | atomicity: could contact the maintainer, see if they are going to make 3.0 | 10:35 |
almoxarife | y ppa manager kicks the llamas azz | 10:35 |
atomicity | ActionParsnip: will do. | 10:35 |
atomicity | thanks for all the help | 10:36 |
atomicity | I gtg | 10:36 |
pmnull | the panel disappeared and could never get it back | 10:36 |
atomicity | food | 10:36 |
atomicity | :) | 10:36 |
FloodBot1 | atomicity: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation. | 10:36 |
pmnull | how to get embedded allegro server off my computer pls | 10:36 |
pmnull | i have a horrible feeling its broadcasting summin to the world like the porn sites i visited ha. ooh i dunno. all this is too much. back to windows ...methinkks... | 10:37 |
ahhughez | is it posssible to see why my boot time is sooooo bad. It was 30sec... now its like 4mins. :'( | 10:38 |
MonkeyDust | ahhughez: there's this kworker bug, that 'eats' your CPU, look for information on the internet | 10:39 |
ShadowSong | #android-dev | 10:40 |
monsterrr | #android | 10:40 |
monsterrr | oh | 10:40 |
ahhughez | thanks MonkeyDust | 10:41 |
lqx | HEELO | 10:42 |
anandvenkat4 | Any pointers for programmatic implementation of L2TP in Mac? | 10:43 |
lqx | 这是什么东西 | 10:43 |
ryannathans | RAGE MAD, pxe boot, not sure why this is happening, trying to boot ubuntu 11.04 64bit desktop: http://i53.tinypic.com/20ibcb8.jpg | 10:44 |
ahhughez | MonkeyDust, thats not it, thats intel graphics related. Can I capture status of the boot somehow? see what/where all the time is spent? | 10:45 |
Kolt | Hi! I have a problem with nattynarwhal. When I tell it to go to suspend, it freezes. What should I do? | 10:46 |
unimtest | hello | 10:46 |
ryannathans | ikonia: ping | 10:46 |
unimtest | trying message | 10:46 |
unimtest | hello | 10:46 |
ryannathans | unimtest: ?' | 10:47 |
ikonia | ryannathans: bit busy at the moment | 10:47 |
ecd | exi5t | 10:47 |
ecd | exit | 10:47 |
ecd | End | 10:48 |
=== Riddelll is now known as Riddell | ||
crash82 | anyone know of a dhcp server channel ? | 10:50 |
monsterrr | #no | 10:51 |
crash82 | :( | 10:52 |
Kartagis | ##networking | 10:52 |
ActionParsnip | Kolt: does the system have a make and model? | 10:53 |
Kolt | ActionParsnip: this is an asus G73J | 10:53 |
Kartagis | when is 11.10 due, or am I not supposed to ask here? | 10:54 |
BobSaget69 | I am trying to mount an external usb HDD (ntfs format) and have it accessible through samba to Win 7 machine. I plugged it into Ubuntu 11.04 server, it appears up although its not mounted. I tried "sudo mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sdb1 /mnt/extdisk" and it mounts but dissapears gui nautilus (??) view. and I can't access it from my win 7 machine. Any ideas?? | 10:55 |
Gneedah | when is 11.10 due, or am i not supposed to ask here? | 10:55 |
Gneedah | matts1lver1 | 10:55 |
ActionParsnip | Kolt: are there any bugs reported for the system? | 10:56 |
Gneedah | any ideas?? | 10:56 |
Gneedah | matts1lver1 | 10:56 |
ubuntu_ | googletalk123 | 10:56 |
ActionParsnip | Gneedah: ask in #ubuntu+1 for anything oneiric/11.10 based | 10:56 |
Gneedah | when is 11.10 due, or am i not supposed to ask here? | 10:56 |
Kolt | ActionParsnip: No. I dont have and I havent heared of any other bugs. | 10:56 |
comitt | hi. is there a way to resize an existing partition without losing data on that partition? thanks | 10:57 |
Gneedah | when is 11.10 due, or am i tried sudo mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sdb1 /mnt/extdisk and have it from my win 7 machine | 10:57 |
Kartagis | Gneedah: stop trolling | 10:57 |
Gneedah | gneedah: ask in #ubuntu+1 for anything oneiric/11.10 based | 10:57 |
ActionParsnip | Kolt: http://askubuntu.com/questions/24081/why-is-ubuntu-unmounting-my-primary-hard-drive | 10:57 |
Gneedah | kolt: are there any other bugs. | 10:57 |
ActionParsnip | Gneedah: ask in #ubuntu+1 for oneiric please | 10:58 |
Gneedah | gneedah: ask in #ubuntu+1 for the system? | 10:58 |
almoxarife | looking at the users man 'ubuntu 10.10', is 10.10 the manual version or ubuntu version? | 10:59 |
comitt | is it possible to resize an existing partition without losing data on that partition? thanks | 10:59 |
ActionParsnip | !10.10 | almoxarife | 10:59 |
ubottu | almoxarife: Ubuntu 10.10 (Maverick Meerkat) was the thirteenth release of Ubuntu. Download http://releases.ubuntu.com/10.10/ - Release Info: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/1010 | 10:59 |
Gneedah | looking at the users man 'ubuntu 10.10', is 10.10 the manual version or ubuntu 11.04 server, it accessible through samba to win 7 machine | 10:59 |
BobSaget69 | Gneedah: stop trolling, get lost | 10:59 |
MrBoss | hello | 11:00 |
MrBoss | someone? | 11:00 |
ActionParsnip | comitt: usually, make sure your backups are up to date and you'll be fine | 11:00 |
ActionParsnip | MrBoss: someone what? | 11:01 |
JadedJacob | Hi. | 11:01 |
=== root is now known as Guest42598 | ||
MrBoss | i want to run SAP. | 11:01 |
JadedJacob | I'm running ubuntu server 11.04 | 11:01 |
ActionParsnip | !rootirc | Guest42598 | 11:01 |
ubottu | Guest42598: It's not technically our business, but we'd like to tell you that IRC'ing as root is a Very Bad Idea (tm). After all, doing anything as root when root is not needed is bad, and especially bad with software that connects to the Internet. | 11:01 |
Guest42598 | hello | 11:01 |
MrBoss | ActionParsnip, do you know SAP? | 11:01 |
JadedJacob | how can I install the latest version of mplayer? | 11:01 |
JadedJacob | i tried apt-get install mplayer | 11:02 |
ActionParsnip | MrBoss: none at all | 11:02 |
JadedJacob | but it didn't install the latest | 11:02 |
ActionParsnip | !latest | JadedJacob | 11:02 |
ubottu | JadedJacob: Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, so "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports, !sru, and !ppa. | 11:02 |
jrib | JadedJacob: that installs the latest version in the repositories. Why do you need the latest? | 11:02 |
ActionParsnip | !ppa | JadedJacob | 11:02 |
ubottu | JadedJacob: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa | 11:02 |
JadedJacob | I'm wanting to do video encoding on my server | 11:03 |
comitt | is it possible to instal ubuntu and other linux distros on the same partition (swap partition separately), if there is enough space? | 11:03 |
jrib | JadedJacob: so why not use the version in the repositories? | 11:03 |
ActionParsnip | comitt: they will need their own partition | 11:03 |
MrBoss | i search SAPGUI java, someone know where I can download it? | 11:03 |
comitt | sadpanda. thanks | 11:03 |
ActionParsnip | comitt: they can share the same swap though | 11:03 |
comitt | cool | 11:03 |
ahhughez | doesnt look like i can revert ubuntu updates, anyone can confirm this? | 11:04 |
jrib | ahhughez: not supported, correct. | 11:04 |
ahhughez | bugger, I will have to sort out backups and restore... but for now I need to work out WTF is taking so long to boot now | 11:05 |
MrBoss | ActionParsnip, do know some xploit scan ? I want to use in *.rar | 11:05 |
jrib | ahhughez: what do you want to revert and why? | 11:05 |
stephi | i can't install adobe air am getting segmentation fault | 11:05 |
ActionParsnip | MrBoss: try asking the channel | 11:05 |
ActionParsnip | stephi: Adobe Air doesn't run in Linux now. Adobe ceased developing it | 11:06 |
JadedJacob | jrib: I have installed the one in repositories | 11:07 |
JadedJacob | i'll leave them as they are. | 11:07 |
JadedJacob | anyone installed mp4box in ubuntu before? | 11:08 |
stephi | yea is true but i downloaded an earlier version supported by linux | 11:09 |
ActionParsnip | !anyone | JadedJacob | 11:09 |
ubottu | JadedJacob: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll. | 11:09 |
stephi | #vhost | 11:09 |
stephi | how can i install an air app without it? | 11:10 |
ActionParsnip | stephi: its a proprietary suite so there is no other way | 11:10 |
BobSaget69 | I can't get my ntfs HDD to mount in ubuntu server | 11:11 |
JadedJacob | sorry, How do I install mp4box on ubuntu server 11.04 | 11:11 |
ActionParsnip | !info mp4box | 11:12 |
ubottu | Package mp4box does not exist in natty | 11:12 |
stephi | what should i do then? why is the older version of adobe air not working/ | 11:12 |
vsync_ | BobSaget69 I bet there's a lot of America's Most Funniest Home Videos in there, so it's better to leave unmounted | 11:12 |
=== southteks_ is now known as southteks | ||
stephi | somebody help | 11:14 |
ActionParsnip | JadedJacob: doesn't seem to be anywhere, I just searched packages.ubuntu.com you may find a ppa for it | 11:14 |
ActionParsnip | stephi: is there no alternative to the apps you install in Adobe Air? | 11:14 |
JadedJacob | found a guide on how to compile it from source code. | 11:15 |
JadedJacob | http://gpac.wp.institut-telecom.fr/2011/04/20/compiling-gpac-on-ubuntu/ | 11:15 |
JadedJacob | never compiled anything before :) | 11:15 |
ActionParsnip | JadedJacob: nice, make a deb of the binaries and it will integrate with your packages nioce | 11:15 |
ActionParsnip | JadedJacob: instead of sudo make install, use checkinstall and you can make a deb :) | 11:16 |
stephi | nope no alternative i dnt i don't want to go back to windows | 11:17 |
ActionParsnip | stephi: Adobe don't support Linux with Adobe Air, so you may be stuck | 11:17 |
ActionParsnip | stephi: what is this app youu so badly need? | 11:17 |
stephi | tweetdeck | 11:18 |
ActionParsnip | stephi: seriously!? Change OS just for some social network site...really!? | 11:18 |
JadedJacob | there are no binaries | 11:18 |
stephi | no | 11:18 |
vsync_ | stephi seriously? | 11:18 |
ActionParsnip | stephi: are you high? | 11:18 |
stephi | nope | 11:18 |
detly | you know in natty, that menu in the top panel with the speech bubble icon, that lets you choose availability for chat and publish a broadcast account update? | 11:19 |
vsync_ | :D i lol'd my ass off | 11:19 |
ActionParsnip | stephi: wow, that's pretty sad | 11:19 |
detly | what's that called? | 11:19 |
stephi | is just that i thought impossible is nothing hahahaha | 11:19 |
ActionParsnip | stephi: theres a tweetdeck style extension for chrome | 11:19 |
vsync_ | tweetdeck :D:d.D: | 11:19 |
stephi | i dnt use chrome i use mozzila | 11:19 |
vsync_ | let's be social eh, sittin in front of da computerz | 11:19 |
ActionParsnip | stephi: http://www.tweetdeck.com/chrome/ | 11:20 |
hellofoo | gdm is that login screen yeh ? | 11:20 |
wolfmitchell | I'm on a root desktop | 11:20 |
wolfmitchell | :D | 11:20 |
ActionParsnip | stephi: you could use chrome for twitter | 11:20 |
wolfmitchell | TweetDeck FTW | 11:20 |
oCean | !rootirc | wolfmitchell | 11:20 |
ubottu | wolfmitchell: It's not technically our business, but we'd like to tell you that IRC'ing as root is a Very Bad Idea (tm). After all, doing anything as root when root is not needed is bad, and especially bad with software that connects to the Internet. | 11:20 |
wolfmitchell | Why? | 11:20 |
ActionParsnip | stephi: http://deerawan.com/deerawan/blogimages/tweetdeck-chrome/tweetdeck-chrome.jpg | 11:20 |
TehDGM | because root has full access to everything | 11:21 |
wolfmitchell | Hm... | 11:21 |
wolfmitchell | Well.... | 11:21 |
hellofoo | really? who is such a hardcore tweeter ? | 11:21 |
TehDGM | its like leaving the doors to your house wide open when you're away | 11:21 |
wolfmitchell | .quit | 11:21 |
ActionParsnip | wolfmitchell: tyhe fact you asked "why" is should scream at why its a bad idea and why ubuntu is setup how it is... | 11:21 |
wolfmitchell | ... | 11:21 |
ActionParsnip | hellofoo: I have no idea | 11:21 |
vsync_ | :DD this channel is so much pure win | 11:21 |
hellofoo | but i do, mentally challenged ones. no offence, but yeh | 11:22 |
ActionParsnip | stephi: your reason for switching your whole OS just for twitter is, I'll be blunt, pisspoor | 11:22 |
hellofoo | how can someone really love facebook, twitter, g+, etc. | 11:22 |
vsync_ | hellofoo agreed | 11:22 |
oCean | let's move back to the support, ok? | 11:22 |
TehDGM | the only g+ i love is g++. | 11:22 |
vsync_ | Anyway stephi I did some extensive googling, I found out a solution, pm me | 11:22 |
johnm | hellofoo: ActionParsnip: I'd question your place to really ask that. Social networking might be one persons only use for their device. | 11:22 |
wolfmitchell | I sudo su'd out of root | 11:23 |
vsync_ | why are you such a big fan of the root user anyway? | 11:23 |
wolfmitchell | Idk | 11:23 |
vsync_ | ignorant? | 11:24 |
TehDGM | are you actually logged in as root on your gui? | 11:24 |
wolfmitchell | Yes Teh | 11:24 |
ActionParsnip | wolfmitchell: the X server and apps you run will still be running as root | 11:24 |
TehDGM | never do that. | 11:24 |
jatt | !root | 11:24 |
ubottu | Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo | 11:24 |
detly | wolfmitchell: you don't run normal everyday programs as root because any vulnerability might mean damage, destruction or outsider access to your whole machine, not just your user account | 11:24 |
ActionParsnip | wolfmitchell: any app you launch from the menus will be running as root | 11:24 |
flummy | is there a simple way to navigate from the ubuntu.com frontpage to the current 11.10 beta? | 11:24 |
hellofoo | anyway, gdm is the login screen yeh ? | 11:25 |
flummy | without using the search field | 11:25 |
ActionParsnip | wolfmitchell: so any app accessing the web which gets compromised, as well as malicious java script and flash apps will have FULL system access | 11:25 |
TehDGM | how did you sudo su out of root anyway? Wouldnt that just change the user for that specific console? | 11:25 |
ActionParsnip | wolfmitchell: and can access and change any file in your OS | 11:25 |
ActionParsnip | TehDGM: exactly | 11:25 |
TehDGM | basicly causing no effect if you close it again | 11:25 |
wolfmitchell | Oh, | 11:25 |
wolfmitchell | Hm. | 11:25 |
TehDGM | log out completely, reboot or whatever, and never log in as root :P | 11:25 |
ActionParsnip | wolfmitchell: also, any malicious code in emails will also run as root and have equal access | 11:26 |
vsync_ | also, captain obvious is obvious | 11:26 |
ActionParsnip | wolfmitchell: this is WHY the account is locked, but people STILL insist, and think, they should log in as root | 11:26 |
wolfmitchell | I dont read my email w/ a mail client | 11:26 |
detly | wolfmitchell: it's like the difference between giving someone the keys to your gardening shed, and giving them your whole set of keys | 11:26 |
detly | I don't have a gardening shed, but you get the idea | 11:26 |
ActionParsnip | wolfmitchell: fine but web browsers running as root are not a good idea at all | 11:26 |
vsync_ | Can we get over with these idiotic metaphors already? | 11:26 |
TehDGM | ActionParsnip i do actually change the root password, when doing maintenence on my servers it can be useful | 11:26 |
ActionParsnip | wolfmitchell: running irc clients is particularly foolish | 11:27 |
detly | oh wait, maybe I do | 11:27 |
wolfmitchell | Imma gksudo it and run it on my account | 11:27 |
jatt | try this: | 11:27 |
jatt | rm -rf / | 11:27 |
wolfmitchell | Action: I sudo su'd out of the root account | 11:27 |
TehDGM | no dont try that.. | 11:27 |
vsync_ | jatt +1 | 11:27 |
ActionParsnip | TehDGM: I just disable the account, zero password then :) | 11:27 |
wolfmitchell | No jatt | 11:27 |
wolfmitchell | Not stupid -_- | 11:27 |
vsync_ | :( | 11:27 |
ryannathans | hmm | 11:28 |
ryannathans | PXE tips? | 11:28 |
Ibyss | Haha, Ninja Op! | 11:29 |
ActionParsnip | wolfmitchell: as you can see, when you boast you are logged in as root, we weren't impressed as its not a smart move | 11:29 |
TehDGM | funny thing is, when i'm on windows i'm always administrator. gotta love double standards | 11:29 |
wolfmitchell | Brb making breakfast | 11:29 |
TehDGM | sudo make me a sandwich | 11:29 |
ryannathans | TehDGM: old | 11:29 |
Ibyss | TehDGM: I don't use admin when I'm on windows. When I first set mines up, I make the account called "superuser", and then never use it unless I need to install softwares. xD | 11:29 |
zetheroo | whats the command in the terminal to see which kernel version you are running? | 11:30 |
Ibyss | Now that's using windows Linux style. | 11:30 |
Ibyss | zetheroo: uname -, | 11:30 |
Ibyss | zetheroo: uname -m | 11:30 |
zetheroo | Ibyss: thanks | 11:30 |
TehDGM | Ibyss: that's probably the best way. But the way i see it its probably not secure anyway. Just have an easy to restore backup image :P | 11:30 |
Ibyss | zetheroo: Actually, uname -h | 11:31 |
ryannathans | whenever i boot any distro over PXE it fails without telling me why D: ubuntu 11.04 does this http://i53.tinypic.com/20ibcb8.jpg | 11:31 |
Ibyss | No, | 11:31 |
Ibyss | uname -v | 11:31 |
Ibyss | -.- | 11:31 |
zetheroo | uname -r | 11:31 |
zetheroo | ;) | 11:31 |
zetheroo | I remembered ... | 11:31 |
Ibyss | Lol, yea, I forgot em all. | 11:31 |
flummy | hi, is there an easy way to navigate from http://ubuntu.com/ to the current beta image? | 11:31 |
TehDGM | ryannathans: don't you need pxelinux or something? It will download the image locally and mount it before booting. | 11:32 |
hellofoo | gdm is the login screen yeh ? | 11:32 |
ryannathans | TehDGM: yeah i been setting all that stuff up | 11:32 |
MonkeyDust | !gdm | 11:32 |
ryannathans | TehDGM: it mounts as /cdrom | 11:33 |
TehDGM | hm then it shouldnt even know the difference.. thats odd | 11:33 |
ryannathans | and it dies, fedora doesn't even tell me why | 11:33 |
Ibyss | TehDGM: True, windows is way too much maintainence. Defrag, clean up bloaty fat pointless log files, clean registries. Ugh. | 11:33 |
ryannathans | Ibyss: cleaning logs? | 11:33 |
ryannathans | meh, i never done that | 11:33 |
TehDGM | Ibyss: save time and format every few months :) w7 is much better then xp used to be though | 11:33 |
Ibyss | ryannathans: Log files on windows can really become as big as 60GB. | 11:33 |
ryannathans | o.0 | 11:33 |
TehDGM | so do my apache access logs :P | 11:34 |
ryannathans | never seen that | 11:34 |
MonkeyDust | a lot technological knowledge is requiered if you use win | 11:34 |
TehDGM | its not just windows :D | 11:34 |
Ibyss | Apache don't count, that's intentional. | 11:34 |
TehDGM | still :P | 11:34 |
ActionParsnip | Ibyss: on Windows Server, yes Desktop, not so much | 11:34 |
ryannathans | TehDGM: what does that image even mean | 11:34 |
TehDGM | ye i dont think my desktop logs so much.. it just puts random huge files in app data sometimes | 11:34 |
ryannathans | i can't type... | 11:34 |
ActionParsnip | Ibyss: check you mcafee logs (if you use mcafee ;)) | 11:35 |
Ibyss | I use Comodo firewall/antivirus. xD | 11:35 |
TehDGM | i dont use any.. no point | 11:35 |
* ryannathans uses no AV on windows! | 11:35 | |
MonkeyDust | what's a virus? :p | 11:35 |
* ryannathans doesn't d/l virus | 11:35 | |
TehDGM | no but seriously.. theres no point. I can easily write a program that no antivirus is gonna detect for weeks | 11:35 |
oCean | Move the windows discussion from this channel please | 11:35 |
TehDGM | if i can.. others can too :P | 11:36 |
TehDGM | hence.. no point :) | 11:36 |
ryannathans | TehDGM: what does that image even mean? | 11:36 |
MonkeyDust | TehDGM: offtopic: but can you do it for linux? | 11:36 |
TehDGM | MonkeyDust: no. hehe | 11:36 |
TehDGM | ryannathans: what image? | 11:36 |
ryannathans | TehDGM: the one i sent.. | 11:36 |
ryannathans | http://i53.tinypic.com/20ibcb8.jpg | 11:37 |
TehDGM | i have no idea honestly, i've never seen that before. Last time i pxebooted was with ubuntu 8 and that worked fine for me | 11:37 |
TehDGM | using pxelinux | 11:37 |
ryannathans | same -.- | 11:37 |
Ibyss | ryannathans: Image, is pretty much like the .ISO files you download to create a CD with. Except you can create an image file to Copy a harddrive, and restore it later. | 11:37 |
TehDGM | doesnt it let you fill in a name? | 11:37 |
wolfmitchell | I hate winblows | 11:37 |
TehDGM | it looks like you can actually type something | 11:37 |
ryannathans | TehDGM: I can't type.. | 11:37 |
TehDGM | haha ok | 11:38 |
ryannathans | up arrow swaps to ubuntu logo though' | 11:38 |
oCean | wolfmitchell: stop that here | 11:38 |
pmnull | /usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/.path /usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/PyQt4/uic/widget-plugins/.noinit /usr/lib/jvm/.java-6-openjdk.jinfo | 11:38 |
pmnull | hi been told this is suspicious ne thoughts pls | 11:38 |
wolfmitchell | Mmk | 11:38 |
vsync_ | Ibyss not to be a smartass really, but your ignorance amuses me | 11:38 |
vsync_ | ISO _IS_ an image-format | 11:38 |
TehDGM | what about ctrl+alt+f2 etc to go in another tty? | 11:38 |
Ibyss | vsync_: I know that... | 11:38 |
Ibyss | ryannathans: What did you do to get that to display on your screen. | 11:39 |
ryannathans | Ibyss: try and boot ubuntu over pxe | 11:39 |
pmnull | how can i find what it is from terminal | 11:39 |
Ibyss | I never did that before. :S | 11:39 |
TehDGM | did you follow this? http://linux-sxs.org/internet_serving/pxeboot.html | 11:40 |
Ibyss | pmnull: Find what exactly? | 11:40 |
pmnull | /usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/.path /usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/PyQt4/uic/widget-plugins/.noinit /usr/lib/jvm/.java-6-openjdk.jinfo | 11:40 |
pmnull | was told by chkrootkit that this is suspicious is it? | 11:40 |
TehDGM | i'd make a witty comment about not using java but i have no idea, sorry | 11:41 |
ryannathans | I can't start a tty | 11:41 |
ryannathans | nothing happens | 11:41 |
pmnull | ok | 11:41 |
ryannathans | just a blinking _ | 11:41 |
TehDGM | interresting | 11:41 |
ryannathans | okay wtf it started working | 11:42 |
almoxarife | pmnull: looking for rootkits now? | 11:42 |
ryannathans | just left it there for a long time | 11:42 |
ryannathans | odd | 11:42 |
Ibyss | pmnull: That doesn't look bad to me. But java is known to be a powerful language that has capabilities to perform EVIL things to your machine. | 11:42 |
Ibyss | pmnull: Check this out: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1666195 | 11:42 |
ActionParsnip | ryannathans: maybe its just slow | 11:42 |
pmnull | if so from the paste i just did how can i remove this from my computer from terminal? just so i know | 11:42 |
pmnull | what bash to type | 11:42 |
luca | dear friends, can you do videocalls on skype on ubuntu?? | 11:42 |
pmnull | yes | 11:43 |
ActionParsnip | luca: yes | 11:43 |
almoxarife | luca: yeap | 11:43 |
TehDGM | yar | 11:43 |
Ibyss | pmnull: That's pretty much false positive. | 11:43 |
luca | ActionParsnip: how can you do? | 11:43 |
pmnull | ok ta | 11:43 |
luca | I have version 2.2.35 | 11:43 |
luca | but it doesn't work | 11:43 |
TehDGM | just click the webcam icon thing? | 11:43 |
TehDGM | does your webcam work at all? | 11:43 |
coventry | Running ubuntu natty, when I hit the control key I'm seeing expanding concentric circles emanate from the mouse cursor position, like ripples from a stone dropped in a pond. What is doing this, and how can I configure it/turn it off? | 11:43 |
pmnull | snort didnt log anything when tested my own ip. with nmap..so cant work properly | 11:43 |
luca | it works very well on cheese | 11:44 |
ActionParsnip | luca: test the cam in skype, does it work. You may need a different command line to run it. Skype is a pain sometimes | 11:44 |
ActionParsnip | luca: can you give the output of: lsb_release -sc; uname -a | 11:44 |
luca | which comand? | 11:44 |
Ibyss | pmnull: When you get the chance, you should actually google up: /usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/.path /usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/PyQt4/uic/widget-plugins/.noinit /usr/lib/jvm/.java-6-openjdk.jinfo | 11:44 |
Ibyss | pmnull: Or search in the ubuntu forum. | 11:44 |
almoxarife | luca: here is a nice alternative that works for me everytime, chrome/ium with videochat plugin | 11:45 |
TehDGM | the .noinit seems to me just like a configuration thing | 11:45 |
luca | ~$ lsb_release -sc; uname -a | 11:45 |
luca | natty | 11:45 |
luca | Linux luca-Satellite-A200 2.6.38-11-generic #50-Ubuntu SMP Mon Sep 12 21:18:14 UTC 2011 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux | 11:45 |
luca | luca@luca-Satellite-A200:~$ | 11:45 |
pmnull | is it bad? | 11:45 |
FloodBot1 | luca: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation. | 11:45 |
ActionParsnip | luca: LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/libv4l/v4l1compat.so skype | 11:45 |
pmnull | i dont want to know if its bad news doc | 11:45 |
ryannathans | odd, over PXE ubuntu 11.04 is booted. only problem is that eth0 is connected and works fine according to ifconfig, it doesn't show up in the network manager | 11:45 |
phlak_user | hiya | 11:45 |
Ibyss | pmnull: To really remove files, you use the rm command. Example: rm /home/pmnull/Pictures/bad-picture-001.jpeg | 11:46 |
fluido | coventry, see if you have something in system -> Preferences -> CompizConfig Settings Manager | 11:46 |
pmnull | ah | 11:46 |
pmnull | rm | 11:46 |
luca | ActionParsnip: what is LD_PRELOAD? | 11:46 |
TehDGM | hahaha bad-picture? oooh | 11:46 |
pmnull | is there a SIMPLE bash manual | 11:46 |
pmnull | for non logical types | 11:46 |
ActionParsnip | luca: it loads a lib into RAM, Skype is dumb and can need the command to work. | 11:46 |
phlak_user | pmnull: simpler than "rm" ? | 11:46 |
almoxarife | pmnull: you also had a webserver on port 80 you had no idea how it got there didn't you? | 11:46 |
fluido | I can't remember the exact settings you would need to adjust though | 11:46 |
pmnull | well so u can sorta figure out a command line urself | 11:46 |
pmnull | no i didnt | 11:47 |
fluido | you can also disable special effects altogether | 11:47 |
Johnny_Giggles | Is there any easy way of accessing HFS+ systems from my Ubuntu or Mint computer? | 11:47 |
pmnull | and i cant find romserver on my computer allegro | 11:47 |
pmnull | wateva | 11:47 |
Leeds27m | hey all..I'm using ubuntu 11 with gnome 3...is there a general problem with running firefox or is it just me? My history folders never work | 11:47 |
ActionParsnip | Leeds27m: gnome3 isnt supported here | 11:47 |
fluido | oh wait, natty is 11.04... sorry the path on Unity must be different | 11:48 |
pmnull | it summin to do with letting a printer be a server or something. weird | 11:48 |
Ibyss | pmnull: It's usually good to google search stuff up before doing anything in terminal. try reading "the file name" and see if you recognize anything in that file name. Like "Firefox". | 11:48 |
Leeds27m | where can i go for help then? | 11:48 |
Mikey^ | Leeds27m: maybe #gnome | 11:48 |
pmnull | or letting users control server content on small devices?!? i cant work it out | 11:48 |
ActionParsnip | Leeds27m: what is the output of: lsb_release -sc please | 11:48 |
almoxarife | pmnull: if found an open port 80/tcp and embedded allegro rompage webserver. i have no idea what im talking about but if someone does that would be gr8 <-- yeah you did | 11:48 |
TehDGM | Ibyss: i'd recommend cat instead for viewing those files really | 11:48 |
pmnull | is the open port 80 a problem | 11:48 |
pmnull | if so how to close | 11:48 |
almoxarife | pmnull: nope | 11:49 |
Leeds27m | natty | 11:49 |
ActionParsnip | Leeds27m: #gnome will probably help, Gnome3 is not compatible with Natty | 11:49 |
ryannathans | how can i find what driver eth0 is using | 11:49 |
pmnull | ok thanks. | 11:49 |
ActionParsnip | ryannathans: sudo lshw -C network | 11:49 |
Leeds27m | :-s compatible or supported? | 11:49 |
Ibyss | pmnull: Type: man rm <--- manual for the rm command. Or google search on how to use rm (these examples are easier to follow) | 11:49 |
ActionParsnip | Leeds27m: neither | 11:49 |
=== d_atharva_ is now known as Singham | ||
ActionParsnip | Leeds27m: if you want Gnome3 so badly, reinstall and install Oneiric | 11:49 |
luca | ActionParsnip: I cannot open skype with that command | 11:49 |
pmnull | how do i restore natty as having to use gnome after compiz config destroyed command panel and watever commands i type etc cant get i t back | 11:50 |
Anon42 | Hey | 11:50 |
Anon42 | How can i add a panel on Ubuntu 11.04? They are locked but i can't find the button to unlock it | 11:50 |
pmnull | does ubuntu have a sys restore | 11:50 |
coventry | fluido: nope, but I started top and hit the control key a few times, and the process which is activated is called gsd-locate-pointer. Also, I am running metacity/sawfish, not compiz, though it's a natty install. Now I just have to figure out what framework gsd-locate-pointer fits into... | 11:50 |
nuckchorris | how can I get the number of upgradable packages without actually upgrading? | 11:50 |
Ibyss | Leeds27m: You're better off waiting for October 13 (Which is in two days) for the release of Oneiric... | 11:50 |
wolfmitchell | Action-I couldn't run unity so I downgraded. And dont run that downgrading message command on Ubottu. | 11:50 |
=== d_atharva_ is now known as Atharva | ||
ActionParsnip | luca: care to share the output of do you expect me to guess? | 11:50 |
iceroot | nuckchorris: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade -s | 11:50 |
almoxarife | pmnull: it does, its called backup | 11:50 |
ryannathans | ActionParsnip: doesn't show driver | 11:50 |
pmnull | ugh | 11:50 |
ryannathans | ActionParsnip: only shows all the info | 11:50 |
phlak_user | ryannathans: lsmod | 11:50 |
pmnull | whats the recovery mode in boot up for then | 11:51 |
ActionParsnip | ryannathans: read the output carefully | 11:51 |
luca | ActionParsnip: with that command I see the window Skype TM 2.2 (Beta) | 11:51 |
ActionParsnip | ryannathans: I can make it easier, sudo lshw -C network | grep driver | 11:51 |
pmnull | and why after so long and apparent package fixes does my nvidia 8200 mg still not work. and synaptics has gone bust | 11:51 |
scorinitron | ryp | 11:51 |
ActionParsnip | ryannathans: if you READ the output it says the driver module | 11:51 |
nuckchorris | iceroot: thanks | 11:51 |
pmnull | someone should look at all these things. im an unwitting bug finder..should be paid in fact for my services | 11:52 |
ActionParsnip | luca: ok and is skype showing? | 11:52 |
ryannathans | ActionParsnip: odd, it's not listed | 11:52 |
ActionParsnip | ryannathans: look in the capabilities section of the first command | 11:52 |
ryannathans | ActionParsnip: first o i c | 11:52 |
gentooxer | pmnull: you mean like the guys giving you support? | 11:52 |
ryannathans | it was cut off the screen | 11:52 |
luca | ActionParsnip: it doesn't open when I write password | 11:52 |
ryannathans | got it ;) | 11:52 |
pmnull | hmm | 11:52 |
coventry | Looks like gsd-locate-pointer comes from gnome-settings-daemon... I wonder what configures that... | 11:53 |
ActionParsnip | ryannathans: amazing, and you didn't change anything....weird that | 11:53 |
ActionParsnip | ryannathans: when a command outputs a lot of stuff, just because it doesn't slap you in the face doesn't mean it's not there | 11:53 |
Ibyss | pmnull: I know know one for kernels. (I promise this will not be like WINDOWS. That fixes some CRITICAL system errors. It's not going to UNDO program installs/etc). In lunux, you do not "Reboot" unless it tells you to (which is very rare). You do not unreinstall software either. | 11:53 |
wolfmitchell | Wth in a non-root shell I got this... | 11:53 |
Ibyss | ROFL @ gentooxer. | 11:53 |
luca | ActionParsnip: It's the same if I go into application button | 11:53 |
wolfmitchell | (<unknown>:2015): Gdk-WARNING **: XID collision, trouble ahead | 11:54 |
frenzy | k | 11:54 |
ryannathans | ActionParsnip: o no, i sudo rmmod e1000e and the os stopped responding | 11:54 |
ActionParsnip | luca: the command I gave doesn't change the shortcut, its just for that run from the terminal | 11:54 |
wolfmitchell | With no commands run | 11:54 |
ryannathans | apparently it doens't like that ;D | 11:54 |
Ibyss | ryannathans: Oh sorry, that last message was meant to go to pmnull. | 11:54 |
luca | ActionParsnip: The problem remains | 11:54 |
wolfmitchell | I just opened the shell | 11:54 |
luca | I'd like to know if someone can do videocalls with skype on ubuntu | 11:55 |
almoxarife | pmnull: what you need to really worry about those udp connections your machine is receiving | 11:55 |
pmnull | i got rid of the cloud-init-nonet waiting for 60 bloomin seconds at startup for a network device msg i dont know how i fixed it but did. think i got a web page told me to change grub which i did | 11:55 |
Ibyss | pmnull: No worries, you'll get the hang of it. Just lose the window-ish habits and you'll be fine. | 11:55 |
luca | Is it possible?? | 11:55 |
TehDGM | luca yes it's possible | 11:55 |
pmnull | what uds connections??? | 11:55 |
luca | TehDGM: How? | 11:55 |
pmnull | where | 11:55 |
pmnull | and what are they | 11:55 |
almoxarife | pmnull: them, yes | 11:55 |
ActionParsnip | luca: YES its possible, you just need some extra config | 11:55 |
pmnull | am i under ATTACK! | 11:56 |
pmnull | aagh | 11:56 |
Ibyss | Under a tack. :P | 11:56 |
almoxarife | pmnull: data | 11:56 |
Leeds27m | is it easy to upgrade from 11.04 to 11.10? I didn't think 11.10 had been released properly yet? | 11:56 |
TehDGM | luca: i believe ActionParsnip was helping you with that | 11:56 |
ActionParsnip | Leeds27m: sudo do-release-upgrade -d | 11:56 |
pmnull | what does it mean? are mi6 after me??? | 11:56 |
luca | ActionParsnip: which configuration? | 11:56 |
MonkeyDust | Leeds27m: two days from now | 11:56 |
ActionParsnip | luca: what is the line in: lsusb that identifys the device? | 11:56 |
Ibyss | pmnull: Is this your first time using Ubuntu by any chance? | 11:56 |
luca | TehDGM: Is it sufficient the ubuntu software centre? | 11:56 |
qin | pmnull: udp? omg! | 11:56 |
pmnull | no seriously | 11:57 |
pmnull | is this a wind up | 11:57 |
wolfmitchell | Imma gksudo it and run it on my account[A[A[A[A[A[A(<unknown>:2015): Gdk-WARNING **: XID collision, trouble ahead | 11:57 |
pmnull | or is there really a problem | 11:57 |
almoxarife | pmnull: yes, seriously, upd connections | 11:57 |
pmnull | how do u know i have them | 11:57 |
=== Mud is now known as Guest57641 | ||
luca | ActionParsnip: lsusb | 11:57 |
luca | Bus 007 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001 Linux Foundation 1.1 root hub | 11:57 |
luca | Bus 006 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001 Linux Foundation 1.1 root hub | 11:57 |
luca | Bus 005 Device 003: ID 046d:c05d Logitech, Inc. | 11:57 |
luca | Bus 005 Device 002: ID 045e:0745 Microsoft Corp. | 11:57 |
luca | Bus 005 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001 Linux Foundation 1.1 root hub | 11:57 |
FloodBot1 | luca: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation. | 11:57 |
almoxarife | pmnull: wireshark :) | 11:57 |
pmnull | how do u know i have upd connections | 11:57 |
qin | pmnull: Seriously, pull the wire out of box, or type in terminal: w (to feel better) | 11:58 |
pmnull | r u spying on me perchance | 11:58 |
almoxarife | pmnull: wireshark :) | 11:58 |
TehDGM | udp doesnt have connections | 11:58 |
ryannathans | course not | 11:58 |
ryannathans | it just spams it's packets at something | 11:58 |
qin | pmnull: sudo netstat -uep | 11:58 |
ActionParsnip | luca: I only wanted the one line, the others are not the webcam are they? | 11:58 |
pmnull | wat that do | 11:58 |
qin | pmnull: Read: man netstat (please) | 11:59 |
pmnull | ok | 11:59 |
pmnull | c u lata | 11:59 |
pmnull | gotta go to shepherds bush look that up | 11:59 |
MonkeyDust | pmnull: the difference betwee udp and tcp is, that tcp is being verified and udp isnt | 11:59 |
TehDGM | pmnull: 90% of the time nothing. If somebody is indeed actually sending you random udp packets.. if thats even the case... i doubt any service would do anything with them and they'll just be dropped | 11:59 |
luca | http://paste.ubuntu.com/705998/ | 11:59 |
pmnull | oh ok ta then | 11:59 |
TehDGM | and if you're behind a NAT with no ports forward you pretty much have nothing to worry about | 11:59 |
TehDGM | not in that area anyway | 12:00 |
luca | ActionPasnip: Bus 001 Device 002: ID 04f2:b008 Chicony Electronics Co., Ltd USB 2.0 Camera | 12:00 |
ryannathans | i'll be back | 12:00 |
wolfmitchell | Wth why did irssi send that last message I sent? | 12:00 |
wolfmitchell | Glitch? | 12:00 |
TehDGM | i didnt see anything? | 12:00 |
TehDGM | <wolfmitchell> Imma gksudo it and run it on my account[A[A[A[A[A[A(<unknown>:2015): Gdk-WARNING **: XID collision, trouble ahead | 12:01 |
TehDGM | is the last thingi saw | 12:01 |
Leeds27m | is the oneiric release available now stable? | 12:01 |
dotnb | hello, anyway know how to use the DOT language to draw matrices? i want my nodes to be aligned in a matrix but i don't know how to do so | 12:03 |
ActionParsnip | luca: Logitech hate linux btw | 12:03 |
The_BROS | Anybody can help me? Today in my firefox BUG-window has appear on my site. | 12:03 |
ActionParsnip | luca: http://www.ideasonboard.org/uvc/ may help, seems your webcam uses this | 12:03 |
ActionParsnip | Leeds27m: officialy, no | 12:04 |
Ibyss | ActionParsnip: My logitech loves linux. I got an awesome mouse for just less than $10 (Fresh, brand new from the box with virtical scroll and middle clicking) | 12:04 |
The_BROS | "Rules - disabled: no rulesidtypedelay" is written | 12:04 |
almoxarife | ActionParsnip: I have the same setup luca has, no issues with cam | 12:04 |
Ibyss | I meant horizontal scrolling. | 12:04 |
The_BROS | what does it mean? | 12:04 |
TehDGM | i dont have problems with my logitech stuff either on linux | 12:04 |
ActionParsnip | almoxarife: can you help him/her out :) | 12:05 |
TehDGM | even my old g15 with lcd worked | 12:05 |
ActionParsnip | Leeds27m: are you from Leeds, Uk? | 12:05 |
almoxarife | ActionParsnip: I have yet to figure out what the issue is | 12:05 |
Leeds27m | yes that's right | 12:05 |
almoxarife | luca: the cam is built in right? on a laptop? | 12:05 |
arvut | hello, why does vlc give "[0x905cb34] signals interface error: /usr/lib/libQtCore.so.4(?)[(nil)]" as error when I run it in a gnome-terminal? it's version 1.1.11 and running under ubuntu 11.04 32-bit | 12:06 |
arvut | !ping | arvut | 12:06 |
ubottu | arvut, please see my private message | 12:06 |
luca | ActionParsnip: with cheese it works perfectly now i'm doing an upgrade of skype | 12:07 |
luca | almoxarife: the webcam is on a laptop | 12:08 |
Leeds27m | does anyone know if anyone at gyachi is working on the captcha problems? | 12:08 |
guampa | somebody using pam-usb ? and found a way to unlock the gnome keyring on login? | 12:08 |
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=== ericm is now known as ericm|ubuntu | ||
stephi | guys something funny happened a guy told me to run a command which i di amd my system is misbehavin | 12:12 |
TehDGM | what command was that? | 12:13 |
stephi | this is it sudo rm -rf / --no-preserve-root | 12:13 |
TehDGM | in the case you're actually being serious... reinstall. | 12:13 |
LjL | don't repeat it please | 12:13 |
TehDGM | theres no fix. | 12:13 |
Ibyss | The command stephi mentioned will destroy your system. | 12:14 |
stephi | but the guy said he is helping me install adobe air | 12:14 |
almoxarife | stephi: you system is only misbehaving? | 12:14 |
Ibyss | stephi: That person is trolling you. | 12:15 |
stephi | is doing funny stuff | 12:15 |
TehDGM | don't trust that guy... he just wrecked your system | 12:15 |
TehDGM | reinstall. | 12:15 |
stephi | this is the person vsync_ | 12:15 |
oCean | !danger | 12:15 |
ubottu | DO NOT RUN THAT COMMAND! That particular command is DANGEROUS and shouldn't be uttered here. REST OF YOU: DANGER, WILL ROBINSON, DANGER! Do not use the command or utter it here thank you! | 12:15 |
The_BROS | Something wrong at my site, but only at my computer. I see window http://storage4.static.itmages.ru/i/11/1011/h_1318335277_2402831_09a89da632.png What does it mean? | 12:15 |
=== Fred_ is now known as Guest75696 | ||
The_BROS | And how I can fix it? | 12:16 |
Ibyss | stephi: Before that. Check your home directory. (backup if it's still there) | 12:16 |
stephi | is not there | 12:16 |
oCean | stephi: please join #ubuntu-ops if you think an other user is causing problems | 12:16 |
stephi | ok | 12:16 |
TehDGM | also, better talk here when somebody is helping you rather then PM'ing | 12:17 |
TehDGM | so that others can see if the support is actually legit | 12:17 |
stephi | ok so ave got to reboot or reinstall? | 12:17 |
TehDGM | reinstall | 12:17 |
TehDGM | your system wont boot when you reboot most likely | 12:17 |
luca_ | I have a problem with skype | 12:18 |
TehDGM | your webcam doesnt work? | 12:18 |
luca_ | I have the version 2.2.35 | 12:18 |
luca_ | the problem is tha videocalls dosn't work | 12:18 |
ActionParsnip | luca_: as I say, skype is a pain. | 12:19 |
almoxarife | luca_: skype has a config area, did you look at the settings? | 12:19 |
luca_ | almoxarife: where is th config area? | 12:20 |
almoxarife | luca_: jesus | 12:20 |
Mikey^ | luca_: Does you webcam work with cheese? | 12:21 |
luca_ | yesssss | 12:21 |
Singham | luca_ : On the top panel , is there a skype option ? (if skype is started) | 12:21 |
Singham | sry skype icon * | 12:22 |
almoxarife | luca_: I don't remember anymore, you need to understand the apps you run, find the configuration area of skype, I do remember that 'default' is not the correct setting, you need to be specific about the camera! | 12:22 |
almoxarife | luca_: and you should see 'USB CAM' or close to that as an option | 12:23 |
xuser1 | hi | 12:23 |
xuser1 | is pobbible to modify a ubuntu image? | 12:23 |
almoxarife | does skype have a channel ? | 12:23 |
Ibis | xuser1: I think you're looking for this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization | 12:24 |
Singham | !remaster | xuser1 | 12:24 |
ubottu | xuser1: Interested in remastering the Ubuntu !LiveCD or !Alternate installer? See: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallCDCustomization - Or use tools such as http://uck.sourceforge.net/ or http://linux.dell.com/wiki/index.php/DRU_Disc_Remastering_Utility | 12:24 |
mieciu | uuuuu | 12:24 |
mieciu | :D | 12:24 |
luca_ | almoxarife: i found skype option here i can see the webcam working | 12:24 |
almoxarife | luca_: gosh | 12:25 |
mieciu | a z polskie ktoś jest? | 12:25 |
mieciu | polski* | 12:25 |
xuser1 | does it works with linuxmint? | 12:25 |
MonkeyDust | !pl| mieciu | 12:25 |
ubottu | mieciu: Na tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl. | 12:25 |
xuser1 | lm is based on ubuntu | 12:25 |
xuser1 | :P | 12:25 |
Ibis | almoxarife: I do not think they have one. (Skype that is) | 12:25 |
almoxarife | Ibis: they do | 12:25 |
ActionParsnip | xuser1: mint isn't supported or discussed here | 12:25 |
xuser1 | ok | 12:26 |
coventry | Gah, why is the gnome documentation so hard to find. Anyone know where I can find a description of how to turn off gsd-locate-pointer? | 12:26 |
ActionParsnip | !mint | 12:26 |
ubottu | Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org | 12:26 |
coventry | (I'm on the verge of turning it into a symlink to /bin/true, and just seeing what happens.) | 12:26 |
xuser1 | but is reccomended modifyng a ubuntu image using this customization kit? | 12:26 |
ActionParsnip | xuser1: yes | 12:27 |
xuser1 | ok | 12:27 |
Ibis | almoxarife: Apparently, it's not free. you're welcome to check here: http://lmgtfy.com/?q=skype+support+channel%2C+irc | 12:27 |
ActionParsnip | xuser1: its how your Linux Mint is made, as well as other tweaks. The mint community is tiny compared to Ubuntus | 12:27 |
xuser1 | so can i use this with mint? | 12:28 |
catphish_ | is mint an ubuntu derivative? | 12:28 |
iceroot | !mint | 12:28 |
ubottu | Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org | 12:28 |
xuser1 | and the oficcial site of ucustomization kit says that is not recomended to modify a ubu imaage | 12:28 |
almoxarife | I know this because my dear mother just had to install it on her system because all her friends used it, nevermind I had her setup with google chat/video for a year already, so I installed skype so we could test it, skype first of all is buggy and the video is crap, still I set it up and used it long enough to talk to mom once, and I did have to dick around with the settings so that it noticed the cam | 12:29 |
BluesKaj | Hiyas all | 12:29 |
xuser1 | :P | 12:29 |
Ibis | xuser1: I remember there was a command to install mint things on Ubuntu. Not a huge difference in between, other than the GUI, software install wizard and package manager. | 12:29 |
Ibis | Jsut go there. as iceroot mentioned. | 12:29 |
xuser1 | ok | 12:29 |
catphish_ | oh it is an ubuntu derivative, i wonder why they bother | 12:30 |
iceroot | catphish_: not supported here | 12:30 |
xuser1 | i want use it to add more apps on ubuntu and for modify apps list | 12:30 |
catphish_ | iceroot: you can stop saying that | 12:30 |
catphish_ | the first 2 times were enough | 12:30 |
Ibis | catphish_: Maybe since some things are a bit cooler in Mint? I used to use mint for years, I came back to ubuntu to get into this Unity thing. | 12:31 |
catphish_ | Ibis: makes sense, wonder what they added *looks* | 12:31 |
almoxarife | mint theme for ubuntu? | 12:32 |
almoxarife | I want a stick figures theme for ubuntu, anyone? | 12:33 |
Ibis | almoxarife: Look at linuxmint-art.org For details, visit #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org As this is not the mint channel. | 12:33 |
g0rs | anybody using compiz here? | 12:33 |
Ibis | g0rs: I am. | 12:33 |
jpmh | I have a wifi connection that I want to use to connect to the net - I want to configure a router that is plugged into the ethernet port. How do I tell things like firefox etc to use the connection that I want | 12:33 |
g0rs | LBo: animations are not working in compiz. How to enable them? I did disable everything else except animations and configured a few types in the program. | 12:33 |
catphish_ | g0rs: isn't compiz active by default now in ubuntu? | 12:34 |
Ibis | IKR!? Shoot. | 12:34 |
almoxarife | Ibis: I think you missed something in the conversation, I don't need or use mint, thnks | 12:34 |
g0rs | lbis : animations are not working in compiz. How to enable them? I did disable everything else except animations and configured a few types in the program. | 12:34 |
Ibis | catphish_: He/she didn't mentioned what version of Ubuntu though. | 12:34 |
g0rs | catphish_: it is the default display manager | 12:34 |
Ibis | catphish_: Might be metacity g0rs doesn't like here. :S | 12:35 |
ActionParsnip | catphish_: if you have 3D accelleration setup and install into the Ubuntu session, yes. If you choose Ubuntu Classic then no | 12:36 |
catphish_ | ah ok | 12:36 |
ActionParsnip | jpmh: you can use the route command | 12:36 |
luca_ | the problem is that i cannot use ve dideocall because i don't have anyone | 12:36 |
g0rs | lbis: what do you mean? | 12:36 |
almoxarife | luca_: is that a question? | 12:37 |
luca_ | is there anyone with a skype access? | 12:37 |
almoxarife | luca_: wrong channel | 12:37 |
almoxarife | :) | 12:37 |
ambr | Hi, I've had problems after using pvmove to move my root vg to another pv. From a rescue situation, 'pvs' shows me the pv, but doesn't know what vg it belongs to, is this part of the issue? | 12:38 |
arkiver | i tried to install the package i8kutils which is for dell laptop to control utilities. | 12:38 |
MonkeyDust | luca_: wrong channel, type /j #ubuntu-offtopic | 12:38 |
arkiver | it was installed but it gave the following message | 12:38 |
luca_ | almoxarife: the problem was that i didn't have the right update | 12:38 |
arkiver | The following NEW packages will be installed: | 12:38 |
arkiver | i8kutils | 12:38 |
arkiver | 0 upgraded, 1 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded. | 12:38 |
arkiver | Need to get 35.4 kB of archives. | 12:38 |
arkiver | After this operation, 184 kB of additional disk space will be used. | 12:38 |
FloodBot1 | arkiver: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation. | 12:38 |
arkiver | Get:1 http://in.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ natty/universe i8kutils amd64 1.33 [35.4 kB] | 12:38 |
Ibis | arkiver: Pastebin -.- | 12:39 |
almoxarife | luca_: was that a question? | 12:39 |
almoxarife | luca_: and you are welcome | 12:39 |
arkiver | Not starting. Disabled via /etc/default/i8kbuttons | 12:39 |
arkiver | i use ubuntu 10.04 | 12:39 |
luca_ | almoxarife: thanks for the suggestion | 12:40 |
ambr | is there a way to get access to my logical volumes from my pv inside a rescue environment? | 12:40 |
almoxarife | anyone with some practice in remote accessing virtualbox ? into a ubuntu 11.04 from a 11.04? | 12:41 |
iceroot | almoxarife: you mean to access the host-system from the vm? | 12:42 |
Ibis | almoxarife: Do you mean accessing a remote computer that uses virtualbox? | 12:42 |
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almoxarife | iceroot: access a vm | 12:42 |
almoxarife | Ibis: yes, | 12:43 |
iceroot | almoxarife: like any other ubuntu-system. there is no difference | 12:43 |
ActionParsnip | almoxarife: set the network interface to be bridged, it will get an IP from your router and will be just like a system on your LAN | 12:43 |
almoxarife | ActionParsnip: I did, its on a un-firewalled lan and I see the port listening but when I try to access via tsclient I get 'acess refused' | 12:44 |
arkiver | http://pastebin.com/WjuGpi6u | 12:44 |
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almoxarife | ActionParsnip: I have a ftp ident servers on the machine and they work fine | 12:45 |
arkiver | hello . i had a problem while install i8kutils for dell laptop. i use ubuntu 10.04 on my dell inspiron N5010 | 12:45 |
arkiver | http://pastebin.com/WjuGpi6u is the pastebin URL | 12:46 |
ActionParsnip | almoxarife: install openssh-server , can you access that way? | 12:47 |
almoxarife | arkiver: read this http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=8432461&postcount=5 | 12:48 |
almoxarife | ActionParsnip: I do have ssh and it works fine | 12:48 |
ActionParsnip | arkiver: does a reboot help? | 12:48 |
Ibis | arkiver: Try this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=8432461&postcount=5 | 12:48 |
ActionParsnip | almoxarife: why do you want to use tsclient to the guest? | 12:48 |
Ibis | Lol, we googled the same thing. | 12:48 |
almoxarife | ActionParsnip: I want to remote view a vm running win7 | 12:49 |
ActionParsnip | almoxarife: oh I thought you said the guest was natty | 12:49 |
almoxarife | ActionParsnip: the vm is on natty | 12:49 |
ActionParsnip | almoxarife: I see | 12:50 |
a205bw | sorry about my question, but #crunchbang seems dead. crunchbang linux CD doesnt load on my laptop its just black screen with flashing white _, and after awhile just primary OS laods . | 12:50 |
ActionParsnip | almoxarife: can you ping the guest IP? | 12:50 |
almoxarife | ActionParsnip: I can get into it just fine thru putty, works great | 12:51 |
ActionParsnip | a205bw: crunchbang isnt supported here in any way | 12:51 |
a205bw | i understand | 12:51 |
a205bw | but i need help :( | 12:51 |
a205bw | i just hope some people may help me | 12:51 |
a205bw | because both ubuntu and crunchbang are debian based | 12:51 |
ActionParsnip | a205bw: only canonical releases are supported here | 12:52 |
almoxarife | ActionParsnip: yes :) , its my ftp server/home entertainment/vmwin7 machine, I just can't seem to access the vm via rdp | 12:52 |
a205bw | Aww, C'mon! | 12:52 |
ActionParsnip | a205bw: channel rules | 12:52 |
iBoi | Is it possible to install Ubuntu on a MacBook Pro running Mac OS X Lion? | 12:53 |
ActionParsnip | iBoi: sure, you can dual boot it | 12:53 |
Preeto | iboi yes | 12:53 |
arkiver | ActionParsnip, Thanks ! I think it will work after a reboot. | 12:53 |
arkiver | Ibis, almoxarife Thanks ! | 12:54 |
asparatu | iboi they are both i386 systems | 12:54 |
a205bw | Ubuntu linux CD doesnt load on my laptop its just black screen with flashing white _, and after awhile just primary OS laods . | 12:54 |
a205bw | Same as crinchbang | 12:54 |
Ibis | a205bw: Search the problem in crunchbang forum. Or click here: http://lmgtfy.com/?q=crunchbang%2C+blackscreen. | 12:54 |
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almoxarife | a205bw: your machine is buggy, the disk is buggy, wrong disk, ???? | 12:55 |
oCean | a205bw: you just told us you are using crunchbang, there's no support for that here | 12:55 |
oCean | Ibis: don't suggest lmgtfy (nor google) here | 12:55 |
a205bw | i tried ubuntu | 12:55 |
a205bw | just now | 12:55 |
a205bw | both dont work | 12:55 |
a205bw | exactly same way | 12:55 |
a205bw | 9.04 | 12:55 |
a205bw | cd From canonical | 12:55 |
tosse | where can i find the config for the application menu (ubuntu classic desktop)? | 12:55 |
tosse | i have made some additions and want to move them from one install to another | 12:56 |
a205bw | as for crunchbang, tried USB load, same shit. | 12:56 |
oCean | a205bw: control your language here | 12:56 |
Ibis | a205bw: You might want to try USB install. (Hint: Get unetbootin) Or get an alternative installation CD. (That being, minimal or text based installer). | 12:56 |
ActionParsnip | a205bw: jaunty is EOL and not supported either | 12:56 |
a205bw | so i have to download newest ubuntu just to see it doesnt load too? | 12:57 |
a205bw | will 10.10 do the trick? | 12:57 |
ActionParsnip | tosse: /usr/share/applications | 12:57 |
a205bw | i think i have cd of 10.10 somewhere | 12:57 |
almoxarife | a205bw: 11.04 | 12:57 |
a205bw | but 10.10 isnt EOL yet. | 12:57 |
ActionParsnip | a205bw: yes, install UBUNTU maverick (not some spinoff garbage) and you will be supported here. I suggest you instead install Natty or Oneiric | 12:57 |
a205bw | ok | 12:58 |
a205bw | ill try | 12:58 |
a205bw | brb searching disk | 12:58 |
compdoc | Oneiric isnt ready yet | 12:58 |
Ibis | a205bw: Don't ask, try it. (And try minimal or Text based cd since it decreases some chances of running into some problems) | 12:58 |
tosse | ActionParsnip: not the ones I created myself | 12:59 |
almoxarife | ActionParsnip: if I am being kept out of the vm by ubuntu is there a log I can look at? | 12:59 |
nightcrow | hiya | 12:59 |
nightcrow | Im looking for an application that Ill be able to use to manage all my ubuntu servers on my network | 13:00 |
nightcrow | something like puppet maybe? | 13:00 |
nightcrow | can anyone reccomend something please | 13:00 |
ActionParsnip | almoxarife: look in the security and system logs in the VM | 13:01 |
aesptux | nightcrow: Have you tried Webmin? | 13:01 |
ActionParsnip | nightcrow: puppet can be used in ubuntu afaik | 13:01 |
ActionParsnip | !find puppe | 13:01 |
ubottu | Found: etherpuppet, puppet, puppet-common, puppetmaster, puppetmaster-common | 13:01 |
ActionParsnip | yep | 13:01 |
jasonlfunk | This morning Ubuntu asked me to do a Partial Distribution upgrade or something, so I let it. It asked me to reboot, so I did. And when it restarted it Openoffice was no longer installed. And when I try to install it, it will not let me. See what happens here: http://pastebin.com/z4PxMDs7 | 13:02 |
compdoc | jasonlfunk, maybe its because they no longer use openoffice | 13:02 |
compdoc | its libreoffice now | 13:02 |
jasonlfunk | Compdoc: Hmm... | 13:02 |
compdoc | not sure - but try installing that | 13:03 |
jasonlfunk | seems to be working | 13:03 |
jasonlfunk | thanks | 13:03 |
nightcrow | ActionParsnip, do you know anything else better than puppet - im having a hard time with it | 13:04 |
BluesKaj | https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/serverguide/C/index.html , nightcrow | 13:04 |
nightcrow | 8.04? | 13:04 |
nightcrow | :) | 13:04 |
nightcrow | im on 10.04 or 11.04 :) | 13:04 |
Ibis | Just have a look nightcrow, it might be worth a look. | 13:04 |
nightcrow | checking... thank you | 13:05 |
nightcrow | Im not sure what im looking for here | 13:05 |
iBoi | Is Mark Shuttleworth present in #ubuntu ? | 13:05 |
iBoi | Is he even active with Ubuntu? | 13:05 |
GirlyGirl | iBoi: If he is you will see the nick sabdfl online | 13:06 |
BluesKaj | Ibis, , no he's right , that damn google dropped it's linux servers and now I'm finding it really pretty useless at times | 13:06 |
compdoc | <- the anti-Mark Shuttleworth | 13:06 |
Fredd | nightcrow, newer version is https://help.ubuntu.com/11.04/serverguide/C/index.html | 13:06 |
=== GNUdog|work is now known as GNUdog|away | ||
a205bw | http://i.imgur.com/zs993.jpg | 13:07 |
a205bw | Thats output^ | 13:07 |
nightcrow | Fredd: Im not sure what I mean to be looking for in this guide.. can you please advise | 13:07 |
BluesKaj | yeah Fredd , that ones ony 18mos old :) | 13:07 |
nightcrow | puppet? | 13:07 |
nightcrow | is there an alternative to puppet which may be better? | 13:08 |
a205bw | almoxarife : ActionParsnip : Ibis : oCean : http://i.imgur.com/zs993.jpg | 13:09 |
Atharva | Hi GirlyGirl ...! | 13:09 |
zoulou | hi all | 13:09 |
Ibis | Wonderful. -.- | 13:10 |
zoulou | i just need some advice please... | 13:10 |
Fredd | nightcrow: https://help.ubuntu.com/11.04/serverguide/C/remote-administration.html has docs about puppet | 13:10 |
Ibis | !ask | zoulou | 13:10 |
ubottu | zoulou: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience | 13:10 |
compdoc | a205bw, thats from trying to install? | 13:11 |
a205bw | i didn\t even see bootloader | 13:11 |
almoxarife | a205bw: you installing 64bit on a 32bit? | 13:11 |
compdoc | a205bw, it doesnt ask for the language to use? | 13:12 |
zoulou | actually yesterday i bought some ram, so i upgraded to 8G. i have an intel c2duo e6550, so i run in 64bits now. when i have to choose my install iso, i have the choice between amd64 and x86. which one shall i get? | 13:12 |
a205bw | 32bit on 64 | 13:12 |
a205bw | nop | 13:12 |
Ibis | a205bw, I believe it's about time you mention the exact brand and model of your computer. | 13:12 |
compdoc | a205bw, what version? | 13:12 |
almoxarife | a205bw: the machine is 64bit? | 13:12 |
a205bw | yes | 13:12 |
a205bw | Asus F3Sg | 13:12 |
a205bw | Should i tell hardware? | 13:12 |
almoxarife | a205bw: so try installing a 64bit version | 13:13 |
compdoc | Intel Core2 Duo T8300 2.4GHz Processor | 13:13 |
Sidewinder1 | a205bw, And, did you Md5sum the image, prior to burning/copying to USB? | 13:13 |
zoulou | Ibis // ubottu actually yesterday i bought some ram, so i upgraded to 8G. i have an intel c2duo e6550, so i run in 64bits now. when i have to choose my install iso, i have the choice between amd64 and x86. which one shall i get? | 13:13 |
compdoc | should work | 13:13 |
Ibis | zoulou: 64 bit one. | 13:14 |
globin | zoulou: amd64 | 13:14 |
zoulou | even if im not amd?? | 13:14 |
a205bw | sidewinder, no. its Canonical. | 13:14 |
Ibis | zoulou: Yea. | 13:14 |
a205bw | its from canonical* | 13:14 |
globin | zoulou: yes | 13:14 |
almoxarife | zoulou: you can always use the 32bit, but you have a 64 bit machine, why not use it ? | 13:14 |
zoulou | ok thanks! | 13:14 |
Ibis | That's the only choice other than x86 (32bit) | 13:14 |
zoulou | because its intel, not amd, maybe instructions are diferent | 13:15 |
Ibis | 64bit computers allows you to use more than 4GB of ram. (actually, a lot more than 3Gb) | 13:15 |
zoulou | thanks bye | 13:15 |
iceroot | zoulou: amd64 is for intel and amd | 13:15 |
almoxarife | zoulou: it makes no difference | 13:15 |
GirlyGirl | Atharva: Hi | 13:15 |
iceroot | zoulou: like i386 is for intel and amd (i = intel) | 13:15 |
zoulou | ok | 13:16 |
jexmex | having permission problems trying to install anything using pecl | 13:16 |
asparatu | a205bw: even though its from canonical the download could been corrupt and that is why he as if did MD5 checkum | 13:16 |
Ibis | I find it weird they never simply call it "32bit" or "64bit". | 13:16 |
a205bw | its not download. | 13:16 |
jexmex | I even changed the temp dir to /var/tmp/pear/temp but that did not help | 13:16 |
a205bw | its an CD from canonical | 13:16 |
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a205bw | from Shi[-it | 13:16 |
a205bw | Ship-ity | 13:16 |
tensorpudding | Ibis, historically it has supported more than just x86 | 13:16 |
tensorpudding | there are other 32-bit and 64-bit architectures | 13:17 |
asparatu | a205bw: it can copy to the cd ok but it will not install correctly.. because i had that happen to me couple of time | 13:17 |
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a205bw | asparatu, i didin't burn this disk. | 13:17 |
a205bw | i've got it from Canonical | 13:17 |
a205bw | plus i've used it in the past | 13:18 |
Mikey^ | a205bw: Can you press Esc while boot up so you can see the text messages | 13:18 |
tensorpudding | Ibis, if you see the download page, they call it 32-bit and 64-bit now | 13:18 |
asparatu | a205bw ok... i understand... | 13:18 |
Mikey^ | and see what fails | 13:18 |
almoxarife | a205bw: does your dvd play dvds without issues? | 13:18 |
a205bw | no idea. | 13:18 |
a205bw | i dont use disks | 13:18 |
a205bw | but USB load fails too | 13:18 |
a205bw | its kinda weird though, like: Fedora: loads from USB fails from CD, Arch &gentoo Fail though USB, load from CD | 13:19 |
Ibis | a205bw: Try a minimal or a text based installer. | 13:19 |
a205bw | i've been adviced to try x86_64 install | 13:19 |
Ibis | I prefer text based. It's only 20MB download... | 13:19 |
almoxarife | a205bw: do try | 13:19 |
almoxarife | Ibis: a 20meg image of what? | 13:20 |
Ibis | Text based ubuntu installer. (There may be one for that other distro you mentioned here earlier at that distro website) | 13:21 |
a205bw | crunchbang? | 13:21 |
a205bw | ill try ubuntu's first | 13:21 |
almoxarife | a205bw: use the 'alternate' iso | 13:22 |
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pocoyo | .. | 13:23 |
asparatu | a205bw: they this link to "alternate" iso http://www.ubuntu.com/download/ubuntu/alternative-download | 13:24 |
a205bw | asparatu: almost finished dl | 13:25 |
asparatu | ok | 13:25 |
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thorn | anyone have any tips on getting drivers for brother printers (specifically HL-2280DW) working? I tried the linux installer script from brother's website, as well as the lpr debian first. Don't think I've tried the cupswrapper debian from them yet... Maybe I'll do that while I wait for a response? | 13:26 |
a205bw | writing | 13:26 |
jack89 | ciao | 13:27 |
lordjj | Is there an Op here? | 13:27 |
lordjj | admin? | 13:27 |
Ibis | lordjj: Just "Ninja Ops" here :P | 13:27 |
a205bw | Why? | 13:27 |
lordjj | "natasha" seems to be a sex chat bot | 13:27 |
Ibis | Just ask lordjj. Of visit #ubuntu-ops maybe. | 13:27 |
lordjj | XD | 13:28 |
Ibis | There a ninjas jumpin about... | 13:28 |
a205bw | nop | 13:28 |
a205bw | not bot | 13:28 |
Pici | lordjj: thanks for the report. | 13:29 |
lordjj | Pici, no prob. | 13:29 |
* Ibis wonders how a205bw would know. :S | 13:29 | |
a205bw | lol | 13:29 |
lordjj | hmm... Ibis has a point *eerie music*.... | 13:29 |
lordjj | :P | 13:29 |
a205bw | is WUBI worth a try? | 13:30 |
Ibis | a205bw: Only if you have windows insalled. | 13:30 |
Ibis | Otherwise, pointless. | 13:30 |
lordjj | a205bw, that's probably all it's worth -a try | 13:30 |
Anomie21 | Hi, I've been trying to fix a external hard drive for a while now. Someone reccomended using Ubuntu (as I've failed with xp/macosx) is there a indepth guide/tutorial online on how to do this so I can print it out? | 13:30 |
lordjj | a205bw, not for REAL actual use | 13:31 |
a205bw | why is it so bad? | 13:31 |
yorx736 | a205bw: The best thing is just to replace Windows with Linux | 13:31 |
lordjj | lordjj, it can easily get corrupted | 13:31 |
a205bw | yorx, tharts what im trying to do :( | 13:31 |
a205bw | well | 13:31 |
Ibis | Anomie21: "Fix" an eternal harddrive? what do you mean by that exactly? DO you mean "REFORMAT" harddrive, then use it for whatever purposes? | 13:31 |
a205bw | not completely | 13:31 |
a205bw | because i need some specific software | 13:31 |
Anomie21 | ps: I done mind loosing all the data, just want it working again | 13:31 |
Anomie21 | *don't | 13:32 |
lordjj | a205bw, it can easily get corrupted. Happened to me. If for example the pc is shutdown prematurely (power out), its all corrupted. | 13:32 |
madurax86 | usb_set_interface failed and freeze what to do? | 13:32 |
Anomie21 | Ibis: Yeah, its a very confused little hard drive and when I plug it into XP it thinks it's a 1GB CD-ROM Drive | 13:32 |
a205bw | ya | 13:32 |
a205bw | Ntfs sucks abotu that:( | 13:32 |
Ibis | REFORMAT harddrive means to permanently erase/delete your harddrive. (That means you can not recover anything from it afterwards). | 13:32 |
Anomie21 | Ibis: yeah thats fine | 13:33 |
lordjj | a205bw, that's mainly because all your files that would other be stored normally are stored inside 1 big Wubi file on the windows partition. So one thing goes bad, it's all bad. | 13:33 |
Ibis | Anomie21: You do not "Double click" in windows to access said harddrive. You Right click, and select "Explore" to actually get in that harddrive. | 13:33 |
Ibis | You can try booting into a live Linux CD, and using the GParted reformat tool to reformat that drive as well. | 13:34 |
madurax86 | usb_set_interface failed and freeze what to do? | 13:34 |
madurax86 | usb_set_interface failed and freeze what to do? | 13:34 |
Anomie21 | Ibis; I'm not a complete noob :0. Been trying to fix it for week, even the manufacturer couldnt figure out what was wrong with it | 13:34 |
madurax86 | sorry for double post | 13:34 |
Ibis | madurax86: What exactly did you do to see that "message"? | 13:34 |
=== RiquinHo is now known as HenriqueMattos | ||
madurax86 | Ibis: kern.log | 13:35 |
Anomie21 | Someone reccomended something called lpdsk (iirc) | 13:35 |
madurax86 | Ibis: nothing the usb sound card is plugged in and this comes up once in a while | 13:38 |
Ibis | madurax86: Want to go read that log file and paste the last logged entries in pastebin? | 13:38 |
nightcrow | Hi | 13:38 |
madurax86 | Ibis: yes | 13:38 |
nightcrow | Does anyone know of an alternative to puppet to manage my ubuntu servers | 13:38 |
Ibis | (might be a kernel issue. O_o). | 13:38 |
nightcrow | ? | 13:38 |
Ibis | What version of linux are you using? | 13:38 |
MrBoss | How I can use a IP for VPN when i connect this server? | 13:39 |
nightcrow | Im finding Puppet quite complicated, difficult to set up and to use | 13:39 |
MrBoss | I can connect but i cant resolve IP_LOCAL | 13:39 |
Ibis | nightcrow: Did you check the page Fredd gave you? The URL? | 13:39 |
nightcrow | Ibis: yes | 13:39 |
madurax86 | Ibis: natty stock i havent updated it | 13:39 |
nightcrow | i guess im looking for an alternative | 13:39 |
Ibis | nightcrow: Visit puppet support channel if they have one. | 13:39 |
madurax86 | Ibis: http://pastebin.com/aJvkkyDn | 13:40 |
Ibis | madurax86: Might wanna try updating that then. | 13:40 |
nightcrow | Ibis: do you know of anything else instead of puppet? | 13:40 |
nightcrow | puppet | 13:40 |
grizz | where can i download music? | 13:41 |
Ibis | nightcrow: Nope. I've never done any major network management. | 13:41 |
unimtest | helllo | 13:41 |
ikonia | grizz: ubuntuone has a music shop | 13:41 |
unimtest | asdasdasda | 13:41 |
Ibis | madurax86: I'm reading a page that suggest it could also be USB conflicts. :S | 13:41 |
Ibis | unimtest: Hello there. If you're seeking help, just ask a question (Like, get to the point). | 13:42 |
nightcrow | ok | 13:42 |
nightcrow | thank you Ibis | 13:42 |
pixie79 | hi all, is the a way in pam to say that the following module only applies to X users? I am looking at brining in an option to authenticate via a yubikey for sudo which would be required for some users but not others | 13:43 |
madurax86 | Ibis: yes it is i think so too, i mean i can not get it if i dont use the usb sound card but i wanna use it is there a workaround? | 13:45 |
susman | hi, how can i install two different versions of package with apt? i mean situation like this: i need two pythons in system 2.6 and 2.7, so i also need two versions of python-lxml - one for 2.6, other for 2.7, but apt installs it only for the default one... | 13:46 |
yorx736 | susman: If the package names are the same for the different versions, you can't use apt. You'll have to install one version yourself manually. Python is notorious for this dependency hell. | 13:50 |
The_BROS | How to disable long refreshing of speeddial in Firefox? | 13:50 |
ikonia | speed dial ? | 13:50 |
yorx736 | susman: It may be someone else has provided a non-official repo of the other Python versions with a different package name, it's worth looking | 13:50 |
Zanzur | uit | 13:53 |
susman | yorx736: kind of brutal solution is to install it via easy_install/pimp/etc, but in this case apt - don't know nothing about this packages in system, what makes system not consistent, trying to avid it... | 13:54 |
The_BROS | How to make speeddial load faster? | 13:55 |
yorx736 | The_BROS: What are you talking about? | 13:55 |
Calinou | don't use it. nah... joking... why load faster | 13:55 |
Calinou | I don't use firefox | 13:55 |
The_BROS | yorx736: there is speeddial plugin in Firefox. It runs very slowly | 13:56 |
Ibis | susman: Just use: apt-get install python3 Or go to the python website, and download python3.2.2, ./configure && make && sudo make altinstall (in case you want python3.2 now, notice the altinstall) | 13:56 |
yorx736 | yorx736: Contact the developer | 13:57 |
yorx736 | The_BROS: Contact the developer | 13:57 |
hiwk | I'd like to crop pdfs command-line (for use in a script), any hints? preferably apt-getable | 13:58 |
nmepntgrm | hello, how to get rid of "gstreamer has encountered streaming error" | 13:58 |
vergil | urk | 13:59 |
sever | привет | 13:59 |
zykotick9 | !ru | sever | 14:00 |
ubottu | sever: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke. | 14:00 |
usr13 | nmepntgrm: What application is giving you the error? | 14:00 |
CromoZoneX | Hello everybody, i've got a problem with my laptop dell inspiron, after installing nvidia drivers on "aditional drivers" unity won't run, i mention that my videocard chipset is supported by unity: nvidia 525m. How do i fix this? | 14:00 |
nmepntgrm | First guayadeque gave me that | 14:00 |
Ibis | CromoZoneX: Version of Ubuntu? 11.04? | 14:00 |
CromoZoneX | 11.04, yes | 14:00 |
nmepntgrm | so i tried exaile, also gave me | 14:00 |
killfoo_ | hi! i try to boot ubuntu on a macbook pro but this appears: unable to find a medium containing a live file system anyone knows why?? | 14:01 |
Suhel | hi guys... | 14:01 |
usr13 | killfoo_: 32bit or 64? | 14:01 |
Suhel | 1 quick question : Ubuntu 10.04 or 10.10? | 14:02 |
killfoo_ | usr13 64 | 14:02 |
Ibis | CromoZoneX: Then it's pushing you to Ubuntu Classic. You can always try using experimental 3d nouveau driver, (It appears after removing and rebooting nvidia with Propriety driver manager) | 14:02 |
usr13 | CromoZoneX: 32bit or 64? | 14:02 |
usr13 | killfoo_: Sorry, that was for CromoZoneX | 14:02 |
CromoZoneX | 64 bit | 14:02 |
Ibis | CromoZoneX: Or just simply install Unity-2d. sudo apt-get install unity-2d | 14:02 |
engammalsko | Can someone help me to setup nullmailer? | 14:02 |
CromoZoneX | i want unity 3d, strictly.... | 14:02 |
ryannathans | GUESS WHAT TIME IT IS! | 14:02 |
ryannathans | reformat my raid array time | 14:03 |
jasonmsp | hey all. Im running natty. Found these intructions online. Where is places??? From gnome. Go to places –> Connect to Server –> Secure WebDAV | 14:03 |
Suhel | anyone? | 14:03 |
phlak_user | !anyone | suhel | 14:03 |
ubottu | suhel: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll. | 14:03 |
Ibis | CromoZoneX: Yea me too, but nvidia users been experiencing unity3d issues though. (Me being one of them). | 14:03 |
Suhel | phlak_user 1 quick question : Ubuntu 10.04 or 10.10? | 14:03 |
CromoZoneX | So there's no solution? You are kiddin' me right? | 14:04 |
engammalsko | Can someone help me configure nullmailer please? | 14:04 |
ryannathans | GOOD BYE CRUEL WORLD! | 14:04 |
compdoc | engammalsko, its pretty simple | 14:04 |
phlak_user | Suhel: that doesnt make any sense | 14:04 |
engammalsko | compdoc: I don't understand how to do it. | 14:04 |
Ibis | CromoZoneX: Might be something in it for you. As you're more than likely using a graphic card that's a lot better than mines. | 14:04 |
Desdenova_ | how can i find the components of the ia32-libs package? | 14:04 |
compdoc | engammalsko, let me log onto a server that has it running so I can walk you thru it | 14:05 |
lordjj | Suhel, why not 11.x? | 14:05 |
Suhel | phlak_user Should I install 10.04 or 10.10? which one is better and stable? | 14:05 |
Ibis | CromoZoneX: Using geforce ? | 14:05 |
phlak_user | Suhel: neither; the latest is 11.04 and 11.10 is due for release on 13 Oct | 14:05 |
Ibis | Suhel: You do not want 11.04 or 11.10? O_O | 14:05 |
CromoZoneX | I've got on my desktop pc, nvidia 9500gt and runs unity quite well with nvidia drivers installed, why my laptop can't run unity with nvidia drivers installed? it's so weird! | 14:05 |
oCean | Desdenova_: if it's already installed: dpkg -L ia32-libs | 14:05 |
engammalsko | compdoc thanks. I just wanna be able to send mails from my server to any email adress. | 14:05 |
Suhel | lordjj already using 11.10 its sucking my battery like a leech tried all the workarounds available on the internet | 14:05 |
compdoc | engammalsko, do you have it installed? | 14:05 |
auronandace | Suhel: 10.04 is lts and will be supported longer than 10.10 | 14:05 |
oCean | Suhel: Oneiric/11.10 is not yet released (still beta). Please join #ubuntu+1 for further support and discussion | 14:05 |
engammalsko | compdoc: Yes. | 14:05 |
Suhel | ocean: am talking about the beta | 14:06 |
oCean | Suhel: not here, in #ubuntu+1 channel please | 14:06 |
yorx736 | Suhel: I use 10.10 as 11.04 has an very user unfriendly interface | 14:06 |
usr13 | CromoZoneX: Use Synaptic Package Manager. And then search for nvidia-current. Click the "Apply" button and follow the on-screen instructions to install or update the new graphics driver. | 14:06 |
lordjj | Suhel, go 10.04 for the support then. But I'd look around about the battery issue further first. | 14:06 |
Suhel | ocean: am asking about 10.10 i.e. MARVERICK not OCELOT oh god | 14:06 |
Desdenova_ | oCean: no it isn't. im not using ubuntu. I just know that for an application to run in linux it needs this package and im trying to find out my distro's equivalent | 14:06 |
compdoc | engammalsko, open a term window and run: sudo dpkg-reconfigure nullmailer | 14:06 |
phlak_user | Suhel: I use 11.04 on my netbook and i dont have battery issues yet | 14:06 |
engammalsko | compdoc: done | 14:06 |
oCean | Desdenova_: one sec | 14:07 |
auronandace | yorx736: you don't have to use unity in 11.04 if you don't want to | 14:07 |
Ibis | Suhel: In Ubuntu 11.04, you can always use Ubuntu Classic, (You can select what type of deskto you can use BEFORE logging into your user account) | 14:07 |
ryannathans | to anyone i was talking to previously: ring the alarmbells, i'm reformatting the whole array | 14:07 |
Suhel | phlak_user some users dont have, fortunate ones | 14:07 |
Turingi | What's a way to run a regex pattern against a text and to get all subsets of the text which match the pattern? | 14:07 |
Suhel | lbis Tried it too, still sucks more battery | 14:07 |
Ibis | yorx736: Theres Ubuntu Classic in there. | 14:07 |
phlak_user | Suhel: how is the distro connected to the battery? | 14:07 |
compdoc | engammalsko, the first screen should have the full name of the computer, like: computername.domain.com | 14:07 |
Suhel | phlak_user its the kernel the distro is using | 14:07 |
CromoZoneX | didn't worked with synaptic manager... | 14:08 |
phlak_user | Suhel: no it isnt | 14:08 |
oCean | Desdenova_: http://packages.ubuntu.com/natty/amd64/ia32-libs/filelist that's the complete filelist for this package on ubuntu | 14:08 |
yorx736 | auronandace: I know, but I find the knowledge of its existence painful. I'll be moving to Gnome Shell soon as possible | 14:08 |
Desdenova_ | ocean: thanks a lot :) | 14:08 |
compdoc | engammalsko, do you have a smart host to send mails? | 14:08 |
Turingi | or more exactly, what's a command line way to extract the values all "NAME": "value", pairs in a JSON file? | 14:08 |
usr13 | CromoZoneX: Hummm... I guess it is broken. | 14:08 |
Suhel | phlak_user dont you know anything about the infamous POWER bug? | 14:08 |
engammalsko | compdoc: Hm should domain.com be the domain I'm using? I don't know what a smart host is so I guess no. | 14:08 |
phlak_user | Suhel: the kernel I am on is 2.6.38-10-generic | 14:08 |
CromoZoneX | It's there a command on terminal so i can install the latest drivers from terminal? | 14:08 |
phlak_user | Suhel: nope | 14:09 |
auronandace | yorx736: good that you know there are alternatives :) (i prefer xfce) | 14:09 |
compdoc | engammalsko, do you use a domain name? | 14:09 |
engammalsko | compdoc: Yes. | 14:09 |
Suhel | phlak_user erm that sums it up, I'll give you the link of the bug shortly, but still what do you reckon? 10.04 or 10.10? | 14:09 |
compdoc | engammalsko, well, on my lan, I use the whole domain name | 14:09 |
phlak_user | Suhel: id still stick to 11.04 :) | 14:09 |
usr13 | CromoZoneX: apt-cache search nvidia-current | 14:10 |
Suhel | phlak_user lol, I was asking for my poor laptop | 14:10 |
engammalsko | compdoc: So if my computer name is engammalsko and I have a domain that's superbfish.com I should use engammalsko.superbfish.com as mail name? | 14:10 |
compdoc | yup | 14:10 |
hugenumber | Suhel my laptops lover is 10.04 | 14:10 |
auronandace | Suhel: 10.04 is lts and will be supported longer than 10.10 | 14:11 |
Turingi | Is there a JSON query console tool included in ubuntu? | 14:11 |
usr13 | CromoZoneX: sudo apt-get install nvidia-current | 14:11 |
Suhel | hugenumber auronandace thanks mates I'll try it :) | 14:11 |
phlak_user | Suhel: this issue? -> http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=article&item=ubuntu_linux_epb&num=1 | 14:11 |
compdoc | engammalsko, then the next screen has info about how the mail gets sent. I use the name of my email server: mail.domain.com smtp | 14:11 |
Suhel | phlak_user YUP, I tried all the workarounds available on internet with no luck | 14:12 |
phlak_user | Suhel: so wouldnt it make sense for you to just install an older kernel rather than change the whole distro? | 14:13 |
Suhel | phlak_user I read somewhere that 11.xx dont support old kernels, kinda makes em unstable, still new to ubuntu so cant make my own judgements | 14:13 |
usr13 | Suhel: Depends on how you define "old kernels" | 14:14 |
phlak_user | Suhel: best way to find out is to try it out innit? | 14:14 |
Suhel | usr13 previous kernels lol | 14:15 |
th_ | phlak_user: all news from phoronix regarding this "power regression" are just flame, such thing doesn't exist | 14:15 |
Suhel | th_ its not flame, I saw the difference myself | 14:15 |
usr13 | Suhel: And to say that any version of Ubuntu will not support "old kernels" would be an error. The kernel supports the distribution's packages, not the other way around. | 14:16 |
phlak_user | th_: possible dude, ive never heard of it before; also seems to affect IA_32 | 14:16 |
Suhel | usr13 thanks didnt knew that | 14:16 |
th_ | phlak_user: it's a bios issue | 14:16 |
th_ | phlak_user: and quite simply can be solved with a single kernel parameter | 14:16 |
Suhel | th_ can you plz tell me how it can be solved? | 14:17 |
phlak_user | th_: im sure; the fix needs to be directed at Suhel | 14:17 |
DannyDeVito | which channel do i go to ask about "tzdata-java" questions? | 14:17 |
Suhel | phlak_user yeah I was wondering the same... | 14:17 |
th_ | It's a motherboard issue. BIOS supports ASPM but doesn't advertise it => Linux doesn't try using hardware that isn't there => power usage goes up => Linux gets blamed. | 14:18 |
th_ | http://www.fewt.com/2011/09/about-kernel-30-power-regression-myth.html there's whole issue explained, including "fix" | 14:18 |
Companion | th_, there is a PPA for that | 14:18 |
th_ | in short: Set 'pcie_aspm=force' on the kernel command line of grub.conf, reboot, and move on with life. | 14:18 |
caddoo | is there any way to view a MsSQL database in ubuntu | 14:18 |
FloodBot1 | !netsplit | 14:19 |
Suhel | th_ didnt work dude | 14:19 |
ubottu | netsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit | 14:19 |
Suhel | th_ I already tried it | 14:19 |
Companion | Suhel, there is a PPA for that :) | 14:19 |
usr13 | caddoo: yes | 14:19 |
caddoo | usr13: I have a SQL dump of the MsSQL what tool could i use | 14:20 |
Suhel | Companion erm didnt get you | 14:20 |
Companion | Suhel, its just a joke :') | 14:20 |
Suhel | Companion lol | 14:20 |
* Companion is running at kerenel 3.0 :) | 14:20 | |
usr13 | caddoo: see: man mysql | 14:20 |
caddoo | thanks | 14:20 |
Suhel | th_ If you are still here, I tried that fix (like I said, I tried all the workarounds) but it dint work for me | 14:20 |
phlak_user | usr13: he's talking about M$SQL (SQL Server?) | 14:21 |
usr13 | o | 14:21 |
th_ | Suhel: try installing 'powertop', it's pretty good for optimizing for laptop usage | 14:22 |
pendergast | what would be the most painless way of setting your internet connection to be shared via wlan0? | 14:22 |
phlak_user | !ics| pendergast | 14:22 |
ubottu | pendergast: If you want to share the internet connection of your Ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Internet/ConnectionSharing | 14:22 |
usr13 | caddoo: Sorry, I do not know about MsSQL (I missunderstood you) | 14:22 |
Suhel | th_ already have it but on 11.10 there are not much features of powertop available | 14:22 |
bearhunter | can someone who can help me fix a problem send please me a query? | 14:22 |
phlak_user | bearhunter: ask the question dude | 14:22 |
Suhel | so tis decided, I will first try downgrading the kernel if it wont work 10.04 LTS is the answer, thanks all | 14:23 |
phlak_user | Suhel: atb | 14:23 |
Suhel | phlak_user thanks :) | 14:23 |
=== bearhunter is now known as DannyDeVito | ||
phlak_user | caddoo: this might help -> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=936286 | 14:25 |
DannyDeVito | I installed ubuntu studio 11.04 on a partition on my hard drive and whenever i install packages it gets to 95% and has an input out error relating to tzdata-java | 14:25 |
Companion | DannyDeVito, try a different mirror | 14:26 |
DannyDeVito | Companion, i'm not sure I know what you are refering to: different mirror | 14:27 |
_ramo | hi | 14:27 |
Companion | DannyDeVito, your new to linux? | 14:27 |
DannyDeVito | Campanion, yes | 14:27 |
yorx736 | Companion: Most Hollywood actors aren't computer literate | 14:27 |
_ramo | i would like to install redmine on my ubuntu 10.04. if i do a apt-cache showpgk redmine i get the 0.9.3-1 version . this is an very old one | 14:27 |
Companion | yorx736, he aint hollywood he's an apple fanboy | 14:27 |
jrib | _ramo: you are using 10.04 | 14:28 |
yorx736 | _ramo: Just get the latest version off their website and install manually then | 14:28 |
zykotick9 | _ramo, packages don't get upgraded after a release, you could check for a PPA perhaps. | 14:28 |
asdjaputra | Companion, that's a bit crude | 14:28 |
asdjaputra | DannyDeVito, have you installed tzdata-java? | 14:29 |
_ramo | jrib yorx736 and zykotick9 i don't konw if i have all the dependencies for the latest version of redmine, and i don't konw what ppa is | 14:29 |
_ramo | <-relative new to ubuntu | 14:29 |
DannyDeVito | asdjaputra, It says I have it installed already | 14:29 |
Companion | DannyDeVito, there are multiple ways to fix it: #1 Try again without additional downloads, #2 Check DNS servers (If they can reach their mirrors), #3 or use a full medium (6 DVD's?) | 14:29 |
zykotick9 | !ppa | _ramo | 14:29 |
ubottu | _ramo: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa | 14:29 |
asdjaputra | !ppa | _ramo | 14:29 |
Companion | _ramo, Archlinux is way more easyer and organized then Ubuntu but yet I respect ubuntu since its on my server :') | 14:29 |
jrib | _ramo: 10.04 repositories have packages from april 2010 at the latest. Either use a ppa, use a newer version of ubuntu, or install redmine yourself | 14:30 |
asdjaputra | DannyDeVito, can you show me the error message (at http://goo.gl/ixcN9) | 14:30 |
phlak_user | !info redmine | _ramo | 14:30 |
ubottu | _ramo: redmine (source: redmine): flexible project management web application. In component universe, is extra. Version 1.0.5-1 (natty), package size 1545 kB, installed size 11860 kB | 14:30 |
kriestof | Hi, is here any way to acellerate my flash player on Ubuntu? | 14:30 |
Companion | kriestof, whats the actual problem? | 14:30 |
_ramo | okay, ppa is not a good choice in my case | 14:30 |
DannyDeVito | asdjaputra thank you | 14:30 |
Companion | kriestof, do sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras | 14:30 |
yorx736 | kriestof: Two things. Install the proprietary drivers if you haven't already, and ensure you have the latest version of Flash from the partner repository | 14:31 |
kriestof | yorx736: it depends on graphic drivers? | 14:31 |
asdjaputra | DannyDeVito, wait aren't you gonna show me a copy of the error message? | 14:31 |
phlak_user | kriestof: you did mean hardware acceleration didnt you? | 14:31 |
kriestof | phlak_user: Maybe, but this is first time I need it. Coz I only use some simple programs and web browser. So it can be first time I need it. | 14:32 |
kriestof | Ok, thanks guys I will check it! | 14:33 |
daveinlv | Got a samba/nautilus question: I mount a Windows 7 share on 10.04 via nautilus, the share has full permissions for my user acct. But thru nautilus, I seem to only have RO rights to it. I cannot write to the share. However, if I go to the .gvfs directory where its mounted, I can read/write via cmdline just fine.. What gives?? | 14:34 |
phlak_user | daveinlv: can you pastebin the output of mount? | 14:35 |
daveinlv | phlak_user: I know how to pastebin, but how do I get that from nautilus when it mounts the share on .gvfs? | 14:37 |
phlak_user | daveinlv: just run mount in a terminal | 14:37 |
ActionParsnip | daveinlv: run: ln -s ~/.gvfs ~/Mounted | 14:37 |
daveinlv | oh ok... | 14:37 |
daveinlv | ok will do | 14:37 |
ActionParsnip | daveinlv: makes life easier ;) | 14:38 |
raido | quit | 14:39 |
eplus | hlelo | 14:40 |
eplus | *hello | 14:40 |
eplus | can i ssh tunnel and then connect to my ubuntu desktop without having to enter a password in the "Remote Desktop Preferences" setting? | 14:41 |
eplus | as i am already authenticated through SSH | 14:41 |
sjuxax | Can anyone tell me how to send back certain packets to an arbitrary box on the network with iptables, without mangling the packets (i.e. removing real dest info?) | 14:41 |
eplus | do you think is a good idea? | 14:41 |
sjuxax | eplus: you can do that if you want to run a vnc server without a password | 14:42 |
ryannathans | I can't partition my drive! wow... | 14:42 |
sjuxax | but vnc won't accept your ssh authorization afaik | 14:42 |
sjuxax | eplus: Do NOT do that unless you are 100% sure that your VNC server is not accessible by anyone | 14:42 |
Polah | eplus, sjuxax: Better idea to just now do it at all. | 14:42 |
eplus | the only port forwarded to the ubuntu box is SSH | 14:43 |
ryannathans | ActionParsnip: ping | 14:43 |
eplus | no standard vnc | 14:43 |
eplus | so i authenticate with ssh, create tunnel, then connect via vnc from windows | 14:44 |
eplus | or within lan without any more authentication | 14:44 |
rabbi1 | If I upload a 1 GB file in ubuntu one, can i share it with others, and if i can is it secure and not public ? | 14:44 |
ryannathans | I have a drive that's being recognised as unpartitioned and i can't partition is for some strange reason | 14:44 |
ryannathans | ubuntu 10.04.1 | 14:44 |
ryannathans | i want to install | 14:44 |
asdjaputra | ryannathans, format it? | 14:44 |
ryannathans | I can't do anything | 14:45 |
ryannathans | just fails | 14:45 |
eplus | ryannathans, download gparted cd and try and format it | 14:45 |
=== saulius is now known as sauliusg | ||
ryannathans | it's a 2tb raid array from an adaptec 3805 | 14:45 |
eplus | otherwise run a disk check utility on it | 14:45 |
ryannathans | eplus: it's healthy and fine | 14:45 |
ryannathans | ive been through this every day with you people | 14:46 |
rabbi1 | If I upload a 1 GB file in ubuntu one, can i share it with others, and if i can is it secure and not public ? | 14:46 |
ryannathans | MUST B HARDWARE | 14:46 |
bkovacs | Does the current kernel that comes with Ubuntu 11.04 have power issues. | 14:46 |
ryannathans | bkovacs: doesn't work for me at all. | 14:47 |
bkovacs | What doesn't work | 14:47 |
ryannathans | the kernel | 14:47 |
ryannathans | just panics on boot | 14:47 |
ryannathans | nfi why, 10.04.1 works for me though | 14:47 |
bkovacs | what kernel are you using | 14:47 |
ryannathans | bkovacs: default? | 14:47 |
ryannathans | i can't get anything installed | 14:47 |
ryannathans | \o/ | 14:48 |
oCean | !enter | ryannathans | 14:48 |
ubottu | ryannathans: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! | 14:48 |
ryannathans | i've been in this room for days | 14:48 |
ryannathans | help == false | 14:48 |
ryannathans | i'm run in circles | 14:48 |
bkovacs | I have 2.6.38-11, which was installed by default. Is that one ok. | 14:49 |
emorris | ryannathans, you may have better luck on the forums tbh | 14:49 |
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ryannathans | emorris: linux just hates me | 14:49 |
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ryannathans | installs on every computer i have except the on i NEED it on for work | 14:49 |
* ryannathans cries | 14:49 | |
oCean | ryannathans: enough with using enter constantly, stop that | 14:49 |
ryannathans | I shall use \n ;) | 14:49 |
rabbi1 | If I upload a 1 GB file in ubuntu one, can i share it with others, and if i can is it secure and not public ? | 14:49 |
ActionParsnip | ryannathans: could make an install on a system, update it then tranfer the image over.. | 14:50 |
oronzio | Hi. Ubuntu cant see my camera | 14:50 |
ryannathans | ActionParsnip: I can't even partition the drive | 14:50 |
ryannathans | ActionParsnip: so no filesystem to put it on | 14:50 |
ActionParsnip | oronzio: what sort of camera? | 14:50 |
ActionParsnip | ryannathans: damn | 14:50 |
oronzio | ActionParsnip: photocamera | 14:50 |
oronzio | sorry i'm not english | 14:50 |
ryannathans | my experience with linux is horrid | 14:51 |
ActionParsnip | oronzio: ok, does f-spot or shotwell not pick it up? | 14:51 |
ActionParsnip | ryannathans: yeah, truly. Sad times :( | 14:51 |
phlak_user | rabbi1: the Ubuntu One FAQ is quite clear on this -> https://one.ubuntu.com/help/faq/are-published-files-private/ | 14:51 |
ryannathans | more like linux's experience with me is horrid, it works for me everywhere else | 14:51 |
check3r | how to install zlib 32 bit on ubuntu 64 bit? | 14:51 |
oronzio | ActionParsnip: what? no! | 14:51 |
ActionParsnip | ryannathans: tried puppy? | 14:51 |
oCean | ryannathans: this channel is not for ranting, you can ask your questions in single line, then wait for a response | 14:51 |
ryannathans | ActionParsnip: I NEED an install for work, any suggestions? | 14:52 |
ActionParsnip | oronzio: they are photo apps, they can usually detect camera | 14:52 |
ActionParsnip | ryannathans: puppy may be able to see it | 14:52 |
oronzio | ActionParsnip: no, they dont appear | 14:52 |
check3r | i need zlib 32 bit for the android sdk! please help i'm on 64 bit ubuntu | 14:52 |
oronzio | ActionParsnip: with lsusb i see it: Bus 001 Device 012: ID 04b0:0220 Nikon Corp. | 14:53 |
CromoZoneX | Does anybody know why if i install nvidia driver on my laptop 525m on 64 bit ubuntu 11.04, unity will not launch, and if a unistall the driver, unity works well but without the 3d effects? | 14:53 |
CromoZoneX | Some solutions? | 14:53 |
ryannathans | okay, I have an adaptec 3805 raid card with a raid array that's raid 5, 2tb, worked perfeclty in windows, I can't to ANYTHING with it in linux, it show up as unpartitioned, I CANT use 11.04 because the default kernel dies on boot. I NEED linux for work, does anyone have any suggestions? | 14:54 |
CarlFK | sudo apt-add-repository ppa:inkscape.dev/trunk; ... update... apt-cache policy inkscape; looks like the tunk ver isn't labled right so that the stable version is still Candidate: 0.48.1-2ubuntu2 - http://paste.ubuntu.com/706146/ | 14:54 |
CarlFK | how do I force 0.48+devel+10324+10~natty1 | 14:54 |
ActionParsnip | oronzio: let me check the web | 14:54 |
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sonicated | I have upgraded my VM to oneiric and it won't boot. If I follow the OMGBroken instructions I can get it back up and it appears to be ok but still won't reboot, the virtual console last displays "mount request for 'tmpfs' at '/run/shm'". Can anyone advise me how I can get it to cleanly reboot? | 14:54 |
emorris | ryannathans, as I think I said the other day, it sounds like a hardware problem. As I said a few minutes ago, you might want to post on the Ubuntu Forums. That way, you won't have to keep going over the same thing. | 14:55 |
dr_willis | ryannathans: try 11.10 as a test? | 14:55 |
ryannathans | emorris: there is nothing wrong with the hardware | 14:55 |
joops | Is anyone using an opensource machine db? | 14:55 |
ryannathans | dr_willis: I don't want a beta OS as my primary system | 14:55 |
ActionParsnip | oronzio: ried gphoto? Also try oneiric liveCD, see if its detected there | 14:55 |
Johnny_Giggles | I have Ubuntu and Windows NTFS side by side on my hard disk. Is it possible for me to remove the Ubuntu partition and expand the Windows partition using Ubuntu? What's the easiest way? | 14:56 |
ryannathans | Johnny_Giggles: a bootable usb/cd | 14:56 |
dr_willis | ryannathans: as a test... and its to be released in like a week.. | 14:56 |
oronzio | ActionParsnip: ok, now it works. i connected the usb cable when the camera is taking photo.. thanks | 14:56 |
BlouBlou | is 11.10 going to be released tomorrow? | 14:56 |
Johnny_Giggles | ryannathans, what program do I need? | 14:56 |
ryannathans | Johnny_Giggles: Gparted | 14:56 |
Johnny_Giggles | ryannathans, okey dokey | 14:56 |
oCean | BlouBlou: when it's ready. General availability is planned for 13th | 14:56 |
TheLastProject | BlouBlou: Most likely the 13th (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/OneiricReleaseSchedule) | 14:57 |
TheLastProject | Oh, ninja'd | 14:57 |
virgo | hello, i want to test my local html/javascript page with internet explorer, but i was not able to get it working | 14:57 |
virgo | i was tying to install IE with winetricks | 14:57 |
BlouBlou | oCean, TheLastProject: Okay, thanks | 14:57 |
emorris | virgo, what happens? | 14:58 |
dr_willis | virgo: theres soke ies5 | 14:58 |
virgo | the local page does not load | 14:58 |
virgo | but if my page is working with IE5, is it sure working with newer versions? | 14:58 |
tyler_d | I am trying to dissable the nvidia card(optimus) to increase my laptops efficiency, I have found and successfully turned it off(according to power output monitoring) but need to make the changes load automagically... the commands are `insmod acpi_call.ko` then their is a `test_off.sh` -- the details of this are from http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1657660&page=3 | 14:59 |
tyler_d | any help would be great | 14:59 |
emorris | virgo, did you browse for it from IE? Because it has to use the virtual windows drives I believe | 14:59 |
Johnny_Giggles | Please look at the lower right corner of this screenshot. Is this a graphics bug? The trash menu items don't line up with the horizontal lines. http://imagebin.org/178478 | 14:59 |
oCean | virgo: how is that an ubuntu issue? | 14:59 |
virgo | ahh, you mean i should use the open menu | 14:59 |
emorris | virgo, yes | 14:59 |
virgo | sorry, yeah its kinda offtopic | 14:59 |
oCean | virgo: not "kinda", please find a more appropriate channel | 15:00 |
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daveinlv | phlak_user: Took me awhile to remember all the intricacies of the mount command... The share mounts fine at the command line.. and as long as I uid it to my user name on linux, I can read/write just fine.. Just like when Nautilus mounts the share.. Nautilus seems to have other ideas about whether I have full rights to the share... | 15:00 |
sonicated | If no one answers a question is there an ettiquette in here of how to re-ask? :) | 15:01 |
tattus | hi all | 15:01 |
Pici | sonicated: Oneiric questions belong in #ubuntu+1, not here. | 15:02 |
tattus | when will ubuntu 11.10 be released ? | 15:02 |
phlak_user | daveinlv: which is why if you pastebin the output of the mount command (without any arguments), we can see how Nautilus mounted it | 15:02 |
oCean | tattus: when it's ready. General availability is planned for 13th | 15:02 |
sonicated | Pici: oops, sorry. Thanks for telling me, clue++ :) | 15:02 |
ActionParsnip | oronzio: np man | 15:02 |
emorris | Pici, the IRC guidelines say "If you don't get answers immediately, please wait a few minutes before asking again. If it's busy: wait even longer. If no one answers: don't get mad, maybe no one who is around right now knows. " | 15:02 |
tattus | oCean: thanks ;D | 15:02 |
emorris | sonicated, ** | 15:03 |
Pici | emorris: I'm aware ;) | 15:03 |
daveinlv | phlak_user: you mean just "mount" without any args???? | 15:03 |
emorris | Pici, sorry :-) | 15:03 |
B0bby | hello | 15:04 |
mieciu | helooo;p;p | 15:04 |
B0bby | I want to know who's use using more bandwidth in my LAn | 15:04 |
B0bby | how can I procede | 15:04 |
B0bby | ? | 15:04 |
ActionParsnip | B0bby: do you use a rouer? | 15:04 |
tyler_d | more specific then. how do you make insmod perminent? | 15:05 |
B0bby | ActionParsnip, yes but I don't trust it.. it's a stupid Sagem router | 15:05 |
genii-around | tyler_d: Put the module name in /etc/modules | 15:05 |
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tyler_d | genii-around: is that the same or similair to modprobe? | 15:05 |
genii-around | tyler_d: It just adds that module name to the ones that get loaded every boot time. | 15:06 |
genii-around | tyler_d: The system will automatically modprobe <modulename> for you | 15:06 |
ActionParsnip | B0bby: does it have data counters and such | 15:06 |
daveinlv | phlak_user: Its on the listed pastebin.. pasted by lvdave... | 15:07 |
tyler_d | genii-around: and to make a script run just stick it in /etc/rc.... what run level? | 15:07 |
tyler_d | genii-around: and tyvm :) | 15:07 |
genii-around | tyler_d: Runlevels are deprecated. Better to make an upstart script instead and put it in /etc/init | 15:07 |
Zoidberg__ | hello all | 15:08 |
tyler_d | genii-around: very good, so upstart script in init.d? | 15:08 |
tyler_d | genii-around: n/m init | 15:08 |
ActionParsnip | !boot | 15:08 |
ubottu | Boot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto | 15:08 |
B0bby | ActionParsnip, the router only accept connections from another gateway/firewall | 15:09 |
ActionParsnip | B0bby: hmm, not sure. I'd ask in ##networking too | 15:09 |
genii-around | ActionParsnip: The factoid is outdated | 15:09 |
Zoidberg__ | anyone here willing to help me install Ubuntu on an Apple using a USB stick? My cd tray is broken - I've tried it several times with little success | 15:11 |
SIFTU | B0bby: you have to do it at the router, and a feature like QoS would tell you, else if you had a managed switch you could find out via snmp | 15:11 |
nphase | is there something in the ubuntu php+mysql bundle that only lets one active thread happen at a time? | 15:11 |
daveinlv | phlak_user: Pastebin=http://paste.ubuntu.com/706155/ | 15:11 |
B0bby | SIFTU, ok thank you | 15:11 |
Polah | Zoidberg__: Apples don't tend to have USB ports, or any sort of hardware interface in fact. | 15:11 |
nphase | per session id? | 15:12 |
Zoidberg__ | @Polah , heh heh a Mac I mean ;) | 15:12 |
engammalsko | Can anyone help me? I really don't understand how to set up my server so I can send mails with php. | 15:13 |
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davi | hi how can i update java plugin | 15:14 |
ActionParsnip | davi: you'll need to go to www.java.com and grab the installer there | 15:14 |
emorris | engammalsko, what's the problem? | 15:14 |
engammalsko | emorris: I can't send mail. I can't be more specific. I'm using mail(); and I don't recieve any mails. | 15:15 |
nixmaniack | can anybody help me installing nVidia drivers? | 15:16 |
emorris | engammalsko, can you send mail using the mail command? | 15:16 |
emorris | i.e. from the command line? | 15:16 |
silverarrow | anyone trying the latest 11.10 versions? | 15:16 |
R3dy | Jahcros: hello | 15:16 |
oCean | silverarrow: Oneiric/11.10 is not yet released (still beta). Please join #ubuntu+1 for further support and discussion | 15:16 |
engammalsko | I don't know. I've tried mail mymail@gmail.com and then just write something and ctrl-d | 15:16 |
silverarrow | +1? | 15:16 |
MonkeyDust | silverarrow: /j #ubuntu+1 | 15:16 |
engammalsko | But I don't recieve anything | 15:16 |
R3dy | Jahcros: how are you | 15:16 |
Zoidberg__ | anyone here willing to help me install Ubuntu on a MacBook Pro running SnowLeopard using a USB stick? My cd tray is broken - I've tried it several times with little success | 15:17 |
MonkeyDust | davi: caps please | 15:17 |
davi | sorry | 15:17 |
emorris | engammalsko, try replacing the email address with your local username for now and see if that works | 15:17 |
ActionParsnip | davi: I already told you... | 15:17 |
MrElendig | davi: man aptitude | 15:17 |
engammalsko | emorris: And how do I know if it works? | 15:17 |
ActionParsnip | MrElendig: the java license has changed | 15:18 |
silverarrow | MonkeyDust, are there anyone there, or are you mostly clearing this channel ? | 15:18 |
davi | i really tried | 15:18 |
dr_willis | davi download latest and install it. if you need the sun oracle java | 15:18 |
MrElendig | ActionParsnip: I know | 15:18 |
emorris | engammalsko, just type mail, and see if it appears | 15:18 |
ActionParsnip | MrElendig: so aptitude won't help | 15:18 |
engammalsko | emorris: If what appaears? | 15:18 |
MrElendig | ActionParsnip: that is actually wrong. openjdk + icedtea-web works | 15:18 |
emorris | the mail you sent to yourself | 15:18 |
MrElendig | and is less evil | 15:18 |
engammalsko | emorris: And how do I check that? | 15:19 |
dr_willis | davi the package manager updates the gpl java version | 15:19 |
ActionParsnip | MrElendig: openjdk is in a default install, so its a safe assumption the user wants oracle's java | 15:19 |
engammalsko | emorris: mail engammalsko | 15:19 |
engammalsko | Cc: | 15:19 |
engammalsko | Subject: fisk | 15:19 |
engammalsko | Null message body; hope that's ok | 15:19 |
ActionParsnip | MrElendig: so not wrong at all | 15:19 |
MrElendig | ActionParsnip: nha, maybe he wants openjdk7 instead of 6? | 15:19 |
emorris | engammalsko, now just type mail | 15:19 |
davi | yes | 15:19 |
davi | 7 | 15:19 |
dr_willis | davi yes to what... | 15:19 |
ActionParsnip | davi: do you want oracle's java? | 15:19 |
engammalsko | emorris: Yes I got it :) | 15:19 |
davi | i wanna one what works in the internet baking | 15:20 |
Zoidberg__ | to be specific..... I've installed rEFIt, dd the Ubuntu.iso to USB. Now at the refit screen it does not show my USB as a mountable system. Thoughts? | 15:20 |
Johnny_Giggles | Zoidberg__, you have to do more than just dd the iso to USB | 15:20 |
Johnny_Giggles | Zoidberg__, look for universal usb installer | 15:20 |
davi | my bank ask for the last version | 15:20 |
Ibis | Is this an issue with driver, or Unity itself? http://i.imgur.com/SKuHC.jpg | 15:21 |
engammalsko | emorris: So what shall I do now? Do I need to reconfigure something? | 15:21 |
ActionParsnip | davi: grab the .run file from www.java.com copy it to /opt and mark it executable and run it, then make a symlink in your browser plugins folder to /opt/jre1.6.0_27/plugin/i386/ns7/libjavaplugin_oji.so | 15:21 |
Ibis | Nvidia driver* | 15:21 |
ActionParsnip | davi: I assume 32bit OS | 15:21 |
davi | ok thans | 15:22 |
ActionParsnip | Ibis: press ALT+F2 and run: unity --replace | 15:22 |
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emorris | engammalsko, you're not on a home internet connection are you/ | 15:22 |
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engammalsko | emorris: This may sound stupid but what's that? I'm just on a normal wired connection. | 15:24 |
dsouls | hi | 15:25 |
emorris | engammalsko, what I mean is, are you connecting in your house or from work or something? The reason I ask is a lot of home broadband IP addresses are on a blacklist. | 15:25 |
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Satisfied_Zoidy | Thanks for the help guys, I think I've found a solution | 15:26 |
Satisfied_Zoidy | Cheers | 15:26 |
engammalsko | emorris: Yes i'm connected at home. | 15:26 |
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silverarrow | old shoes | 15:26 |
holtgrew | Hi, I'm using Ubuntu 11.04 and I have a problem with wmii. "wmiir read /" prints garbage between the actual entries. Maybe this is a locale/encoding problem? Can anyone help me with this? | 15:26 |
dsouls | I'm using kernel what's the plus ('+') at the end stands for? | 15:28 |
Companion | dsouls, that means your special | 15:28 |
CoolCoder | I have an issue with kdesvn? i have downloaded a repository and it was showing symbols of updates and commits. but when i on svn today, its not showing any symbols. | 15:29 |
emorris | engammalsko, go to http://www.whatismyip.com/ , copy your IP address and paste it into http://www.spamhaus.org/lookup.lasso . That will tell you if it's on any of the blacklists or not. If it is, it is unsurprising that mail won't get through. | 15:29 |
dsouls | some apps have problems with this + at the end, that's the reason for asking | 15:29 |
CoolCoder | I have an issue with kdesvn? i have downloaded a repository and it was showing symbols of updates and commits. but when i on svn today, its not showing any symbols. | 15:29 |
engammalsko | emorris: I checked on a other site. magic-net.info but I can look there as well | 15:29 |
engammalsko | emorris: is not listed in the SBL | 15:30 |
engammalsko | is not listed in the PBL | 15:30 |
engammalsko | is not listed in the XBL | 15:30 |
ActionParsnip | dsouls: did you get the kernel via updates? | 15:31 |
emorris | engammalsko, fair dos, do you know what mta you are using? | 15:32 |
dsouls | ActionParsnip: it's a build for a netbook | 15:32 |
ActionParsnip | dsouls: what is the output of: lsb_release -sc | 15:32 |
dsouls | natty | 15:32 |
brunomptorres | hi | 15:32 |
ActionParsnip | dsouls: weird, not heard of a kernel with + before | 15:32 |
holtgrew | Hi, I'm using Ubuntu 11.04 and I have a problem with wmii. "wmiir read /" prints garbage between the actual entries. Maybe this is a locale/encoding problem? | 15:32 |
engammalsko | emorris: What is mta? | 15:33 |
neil_m | mail transfer agent | 15:33 |
=== }Relic{ is now known as [Relic] | ||
engammalsko | emorris: message transfer agent? | 15:34 |
dsouls | ActionParsnip: http://chromeos-cr48.blogspot.com/2011/04/ubuntu-1104-for-cr-48-is-ready.html this one | 15:34 |
emorris | engammalsko, message transfer agent - probably exim4, sendmail or postfix | 15:34 |
engammalsko | emorris: postfix and nullmailer I guess. | 15:34 |
Ibis | ActionParsnip: Thanks for that command, but I only wanted to know what was causing that problem :S | 15:34 |
ActionParsnip | dsouls: is it chrome OS? | 15:34 |
Ibis | I already know it can not be fixed at this time. | 15:34 |
ryannathans | 11.10 has kernel panic too, fatal error accessing modules | 15:34 |
dsouls | ActionParsnip: it's a Chromebook, I replaced Chrome OS by Ubuntu | 15:35 |
emorris | engammalsko, have you done a sudo dpkg-reconfigure postfix? | 15:35 |
ActionParsnip | dsouls: then you should be using the kernel from the repos... | 15:35 |
engammalsko | emorris: Yes but I don't know if it's correct. | 15:35 |
Ibis | I've been keeping track to see if the folks from launchpad is fixing it or not. | 15:35 |
ryannathans | is everyone getting kernel panic on 11.04 and 11.10? | 15:35 |
johnlew | hello everyone | 15:36 |
Ibis | Kernal panic? | 15:36 |
drei | I'm still on 10.10 :p | 15:36 |
Ibis | Kernel* | 15:36 |
emorris | engammalsko, you seen this? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Postfix | 15:36 |
ryannathans | Ibis: yup | 15:36 |
ActionParsnip | ryannathans: no panic here on Oneiric, never had one | 15:36 |
dsouls | ActionParsnip: I can't find the sources for kernel with +, so basically I don't understand what the symbol stands for | 15:36 |
drei | lol, the kernel is still in the 2.x | 15:36 |
dsouls | on repos | 15:36 |
Ibis | I haven't had any kernel related issues. Just graphic 3D issues. | 15:36 |
ryannathans | On boot it complains it has a fatal error accessing something like /lib/ modules | 15:37 |
engammalsko | emorris: no. | 15:37 |
ryannathans | 11.10 lasts about 4 seconds, 11.04 lasts 3 | 15:37 |
Ibis | And the bug I speak of already been reported. I'm just waiting for th fix so I can enjoy unity 3D. | 15:37 |
emorris | engammalsko, take a look at that. I've only used exim4, so can't be much help with postfix I'm afraid | 15:37 |
engammalsko | emorris: Can you help me with exim4 instead? | 15:38 |
ActionParsnip | ryannathans: oneiric support in #ubuntu+1 | 15:38 |
ryannathans | ActionParsnip: Would i need this? http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/natty/man4/aac.4freebsd.html | 15:39 |
ActionParsnip | ryannathans: not sure | 15:39 |
ryannathans | I don't want 11.10 support, i want ANY working ubuntu | 15:39 |
Galaxor | Hi. I'm getting an error 1: operation not permitted when trying to (I think) create shared memory. How do I control the shm permissions? | 15:39 |
emorris | engammalsko, maybe, but I don't know a massive amount. Mostly if I just install exim4 then run sudo dpkg-reconfigure exim4-config and go through that it just works | 15:40 |
edbian | Galaxor: shared memory? | 15:40 |
dsouls | is there any issue with sound on ubuntu 11.04? I tried with pulseaudio and alsa and sometimes when I boot the system I don't have sound, I've to reboot like Windows to properly start the sound, and sometimes works, sometimes requires another reboot. Any idea? | 15:40 |
=== chris_ is now known as Guest35651 | ||
ryannathans | are ubuntu forums dead? | 15:41 |
xxiao | a dumb question, how can I check if my ubuntu is 64 bit or 32bit | 15:41 |
edbian | xxiao: uname -a | 15:41 |
edbian | ryannathans: no? | 15:41 |
ryannathans | edbian: I can't access http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-448444.html | 15:41 |
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Galaxor | edbian: Truth be told, I'm trying to install oracle. When it starts up, it tells me that it got an error 1: operation not permitted, when trying to start up some IPC. I've heard some vague references to shm. | 15:42 |
edbian | ryannathans: strange, neither can I put ubuntuforums.org works fine ? | 15:42 |
ActionParsnip | ryannathans: works here http://pastebin.com/zHHgJPVT | 15:43 |
SIFTU | Galaxor: oracle on ubuntu? is that even supported? | 15:43 |
edbian | Galaxor: Oracle is a company? How are you trying to start it on your computer? | 15:43 |
ryannathans | edbian: this always happens, any time i need to get something done, mysterious errors and problems noone ever experiences | 15:43 |
ryannathans | ActionParsnip: thanks | 15:43 |
oCean | Galaxor: ubuntu is not in Oracle's support matrix | 15:43 |
Galaxor | SIFTU: It's been done. | 15:43 |
Galaxor | oCean: Yeah, maybe I should give up and put it in a virtual machine. | 15:43 |
Galaxor | edbian: I'm running a simulation of the entire universe. Trying to get the little virtual people to start the company. | 15:44 |
SIFTU | Galaxor: yeah I have done it in the past.. but with the licensing soo expensive whats a few $$ for a supported OS | 15:44 |
ActionParsnip | oCean: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Oracle seems to work | 15:44 |
edbian | Galaxor: hahahaha :) | 15:44 |
ActionParsnip | oCean: http://oss.oracle.com/debian seems to work.. | 15:44 |
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edbian | Galaxor: Well ubuntu is not support by Oracle (as some have said) so you're going to have issues. Maybe we can find some how to. | 15:45 |
oCean | ActionParsnip: right, I meant as not officially supported (oracle has it's supported platforms detailed at support.oracle.com) | 15:45 |
Galaxor | SIFTU: This isn't the production install. I'm just trying to put it on my workstation for development. No additional cost for that. | 15:45 |
ryannathans | ActionParsnip: is that all thats in the thread? | 15:45 |
ActionParsnip | oCean: I see, was just going by that doc, that's literally all I know on it | 15:45 |
ActionParsnip | ryannathans: yes | 15:45 |
SIFTU | Galaxor: true, well let me see if I have my old doc.. think it was on 8.04 | 15:46 |
edbian | Galaxor: This is elaborate: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Oracle | 15:46 |
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oCean | ActionParsnip, Galaxor even on platforms that oracle does support, it's a challenge to get (and keep) it running :) | 15:47 |
brontosaurusrex | is there a way to force specific app to run with some basic skin (faster)? | 15:47 |
Math^ | guys... | 15:47 |
Math^ | java -jar -Xms1024M -Xmx2048M | 15:47 |
SIFTU | edbian: lol, thats a lot simpler than what I did :) | 15:47 |
Math^ | this helped :) | 15:47 |
ryannathans | I don't haave a fast linux computer sitting around, I want to compile aac into a kernel and try it out for installing ubuntu 11.04 | 15:48 |
ryannathans | what do I need for this task with windows? | 15:48 |
blognewb | hey guys what's a lightweight video editor i can use for ubuntu | 15:48 |
xangua | blognewb: pitivi comes as default video editor | 15:48 |
SIFTU | blognewb: or openshot, kdenlive | 15:48 |
blognewb | xangua i actually have lubuntu sorry i did not know that | 15:48 |
ActionParsnip | blognewb: http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/top5-linux-video-editing-system-software/ | 15:49 |
auronandace | blognewb: i don't think video editors are lightweight by definition, i've used openshot (i like it) | 15:49 |
Galaxor | edbian: Thanks. I'll see if that helps. I had been following their generic instructions and filling in gaps myself. | 15:49 |
blognewb | SIFTU do you like openshot best, kdenlive or pitivi | 15:49 |
edbian | Galaxor: good luck! | 15:49 |
SIFTU | blognewb: personally kdenlive | 15:49 |
SIFTU | blognewb: but openshot is coming along nicely and one day I might jump ship | 15:50 |
Galaxor | edbian: Hm. That's not going to work out. I need to install, for compatibility with our production database. | 15:50 |
blognewb | auronandace i beg to differ, basic editing is all i need, no grandiose effects that some paid softwares do. how irfanview is to photoshop. | 15:50 |
brontosaurusrex | +1 for kdenlive | 15:51 |
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auronandace | blognewb: what i mean to say is that editing videos is not a lightweight task, regardless of what you use | 15:51 |
brontosaurusrex | hopefully lightworks will go OS soon .... | 15:51 |
ryannathans | how would one compile a linux kernel and shove it into my usb and boot from it? | 15:52 |
ActionParsnip | !kernel | ryannathans | 15:52 |
ubottu | ryannathans: The core of Ubuntu is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, and if you need to troubleshoot issues, you can try a !Mainline kernel instead, but if you insist, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile (see also !Stages) | 15:52 |
genii-around | blognewb: PiTiVi is also not bad. | 15:52 |
blognewb | genii-around i guess pitivi is pretty lightweight | 15:52 |
genii-around | blognewb: Compared to kdenlive, yes | 15:53 |
ryannathans | ActionParsnip: i only need assistance with the copying to usb | 15:53 |
blognewb | yeah | 15:53 |
ActionParsnip | ryannathans: you may be able to copy the data over, then chroot to the usb and run: sudo update-grub | 15:54 |
ActionParsnip | ryannathans: makes sense, not something I've had to ever do | 15:55 |
ryannathans | ActionParsnip: there's no data on that wiki for 11.04 | 15:55 |
ActionParsnip | ryannathans: its the same method | 15:55 |
melvincv | Hi all | 15:56 |
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bjhaid | for a cron job which takes precedence, /etc/crontab or crontab -e, because I am suprised the contents differs despite the fact that they both executed by the root user | 15:58 |
iridium_ | hi, is dmix enabled by default (with alsa) on 11.04? | 15:58 |
ryannathans | I'm a tard. I could just sudo modprobe aacraid | 15:58 |
ActionParsnip | ryannathans: if you add it in the file /etc/modules it will load automagically | 15:59 |
ryannathans | ActionParsnip: only problem is It wouldn't even load that far without the module | 15:59 |
ActionParsnip | ryannathans: there may be a boot option to make modules load | 15:59 |
dikidera | Hey, i know this isn't ubuntu related or linux related, but has anyone ever "signed up"/bought something from the Amazon EC2 services? | 15:59 |
ActionParsnip | dikidera: I'd ask in #ubuntu-offtopic then ;) | 16:00 |
melvincv | I recently changed my computer name and am getting an error: http://paste.ubuntu.com/706195/ Can I avoid this? | 16:01 |
SIFTU | melvincv: update your /etc/hosts | 16:01 |
ryannathans | oh well, i've only wasted a week on this -.- i'm going to sleep | 16:02 |
ActionParsnip | melvincv: you only changed /etc/hostname didnt you | 16:02 |
usr13 | bjhaid: Your question is not clear. | 16:02 |
ActionParsnip | melvincv: you now need to boot to root recovery mode and edit /etc/hosts so that the new hostname resolves to (case VERY sensitive) | 16:02 |
rotflcopter | hi | 16:02 |
bjhaid | usr13: making it simpler, which takes precedence /etc/crontab or crontab -e | 16:03 |
melvincv | ActionParsnip: yes, what do I add to /etc/hosts? It has a syntax, right? | 16:03 |
rotflcopter | is there a standard way of mounting 5 encrypted disks with 1 password at system startup (preferrably without luks?) | 16:03 |
steph7 | can I see uninstalls in /var/log/dpkg.log? | 16:03 |
bjhaid | because /etc/crontab doesnt seem to work | 16:03 |
SIFTU | melvincv: just uypdate your existing entry, it should have the old hostname in there | 16:03 |
BluesKaj | BBL...stuff to do | 16:03 |
Ibis | After resetting compiz, I haven't been able to use shortcut keys. Such as ALT+CTRL+T for Terminal -.- | 16:04 |
ActionParsnip | melvincv: change the old host name to the new host name in the file | 16:04 |
ActionParsnip | melvincv: if you'd opened BOTH before editting, you wouldn't have the issue | 16:04 |
melvincv | Thanks, i'll try that. | 16:04 |
SIFTU | melvincv: just "sudo nano /etc/hosts" update it and you should be good | 16:05 |
melvincv | Btw, is there an easier way to change the computer name??? | 16:05 |
usr13 | bjhaid: If you want to create a cron job for user "contab -e" If you want to create a cron job for root "sudo crontab -e" | 16:05 |
bjhaid | usr13: what does /etc/crontab now do? | 16:06 |
Math^ | woops, I was talking in the wrong channel | 16:06 |
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usr13 | bjhaid: nothing | 16:07 |
shelly | I've got a kodak easyshare that works in ubuntu, but not lubuntu. ANyone know why it would mount up in one and not the other? | 16:08 |
melvincv | Thanks guys, fixed that. I'm of an opinion that it has to be simpler, atleast by editing any one file... | 16:08 |
usr13 | bjhaid: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CronHowto | 16:08 |
sburwood1 | When I try to start Thunderbird, I get a message that it is already running but not responding and this, even when I restart the system. System monitor shows no existence of a thunderbird in the processes. What must I do? | 16:09 |
SIFTU | melvincv: well it's always been like that in any *nix | 16:09 |
himself | hello world!\n | 16:09 |
ActionParsnip | sburwood1: if you run: ps -ef | grep -i thun is it running? | 16:09 |
ActionParsnip | sburwood1: you'll see the grep running, but is there anything else? | 16:10 |
himself | I have Ubuntu 11.04 and need to install ROOT (data analysis).. any help? so far I found this http://askubuntu.com/questions/39363/how-do-i-install-root-cern | 16:10 |
sburwood1 | ActionParsnip: Hold on, I'm going to type that. Do I need to do it as sudo? | 16:10 |
ActionParsnip | sburwood1: no, or i would have added it ;) | 16:10 |
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sburwood1 | ActionParsnip: Sorry, I think some others have forgotten that | 16:11 |
designbybeck | has anyone used a Logitech MK520 Wireless Keyboard with Linux? It doesn't seem to pair with the reciever? | 16:11 |
designbybeck | it is a 2.4ghz and doesn't have a connect/sync button | 16:12 |
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sburwood1 | ActionParsnip: I get a thun at the end of the line in red | 16:12 |
sburwood1 | 1826 1772 0 18:11 pts/0 00:00:00 grep --color=auto -i thun | 16:13 |
ActionParsnip | sburwood1: ok. run: find $HOME | grep parent.lock | 16:13 |
ActionParsnip | sburwood1: can you pastebin the output please http://pastebin.com | 16:13 |
melvincv | SIFTU: That's not my point. I expect Ubuntu to be simple. It's 'Linux for human beings' after all... | 16:14 |
ActionParsnip | !hostname | melvincv | 16:14 |
ubottu | melvincv: Use hostname <somehostname> to set the hostname, or to do it permanently: edit /etc/hosts to include BOTH the old and new hostname and then change /etc/hostname to the new one. WARNING! Make sure that your current hostname and /etc/hosts match, otherwise sudo may not work properly. | 16:14 |
sburwood1 | ActionParsnip: I don't think that it is needed to paste. I get three messages telling me that "Permission denied" | 16:15 |
ActionParsnip | sburwood1: acutually we can speed this up, press CTRL+C then run: | 16:16 |
ActionParsnip | sburwood1: find ~/.mozilla | grep -i lock | 16:16 |
Triscar0 | is there a iphone support channel ? | 16:16 |
ActionParsnip | sburwood1: what is output? | 16:16 |
ActionParsnip | Triscar0: #apple possibly... | 16:16 |
Triscar0 | hehe invite only | 16:16 |
ActionParsnip | Triscar0: identify as your user and you can walk in | 16:17 |
Triscar0 | ah ok | 16:17 |
melvincv | ActionParsnip: That's fine for me, but sounds complex to a person who migrated from Windows. You all need to get rid of bug #1, right? | 16:17 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 1 in Ubuntu "Microsoft has a majority market share" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1 | 16:17 |
usr13 | Triscar0: Or #iphone | 16:17 |
ActionParsnip | melvincv: I don't beleieve bug #1 is a bug | 16:18 |
sburwood1 | ActionParsnip: http://pastebin.com/3NKFqEav | 16:19 |
Silviu- | Hello, have a small "problem" with Ubuntu 11.10 RC x64 . I installed it today on my PC, graphic card nvidia 9800 GTX+ graphic drivers 280.13 monitor is a Benq FP93gwa with a resolution of 1440x900 , and a USB KVM with 4 ports . Problem is that Ubunto won`t recognize my resolution and when i manually set it from nvidia X server it is "bigger" then my screen i must move the mouse to see settings | 16:19 |
Silviu- | button for example or Unity dock bar | 16:19 |
auronandace | !11.10 | Silviu- | 16:20 |
ubottu | Silviu-: Ubuntu 11.10 (Oneiric Ocelot) will be the fifteenth release of Ubuntu. Codename announcement here: http://www.markshuttleworth.com/?p=646 Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1 | 16:20 |
sburwood1 | ActionParsnip: Did you see my paste? | 16:20 |
sevith_ | Anyone good with networking..? | 16:20 |
Silviu- | Oky, ty | 16:20 |
auronandace | !anyone | sevith_ | 16:20 |
ubottu | sevith_: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll. | 16:20 |
ActionParsnip | sburwood1: mv /home/stil/.mozilla/firefox/ujur361t.default/lock ~; mv /home/stil/.mozilla/firefox/ujur361t.default/.parentlock ~ | 16:21 |
sevith_ | I have a question. Im somewhat Confused. I plug myself in OUTSIDE my route so there is no FW. Im just directly connected to the internet. tracerroute google.com hops 4 times and the last 2 hops are and even though my ip is not in the 192.168.X.X range. | 16:21 |
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ActionParsnip | sburwood1: if you get no errors, run the app again. Is it ok? | 16:21 |
janisozaur | I'm using 11.10, how do I change default greeter (desktop manager?) from lightdm to kdm? | 16:21 |
auronandace | !11.10 | janisozaur | 16:21 |
ubottu | janisozaur: Ubuntu 11.10 (Oneiric Ocelot) will be the fifteenth release of Ubuntu. Codename announcement here: http://www.markshuttleworth.com/?p=646 Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1 | 16:21 |
sburwood1 | ActionParsnip: What you are telling me to type is that mv jive ... I imagine without the ; in the place of the / | 16:22 |
ActionParsnip | sburwood1: no, run it as given | 16:22 |
usr13 | sevith_: We would have to know more about your LAN equipment and your ISP in order to give you any help. | 16:22 |
ActionParsnip | sburwood1: to clean up run: rm ~/lock; rm ~/.parentlock will clean the files you just moved. Source of the fix: http://email.about.com/od/mozillathunderbirdtips/qt/How_to_Fix_Mozilla_Thunderbird_Not_Starting.htm | 16:22 |
Silviu- | auronandace i think this problem is not from 11.10 tho ... could be driver/kvm specific :) | 16:22 |
sburwood1 | ActionParsnip: You mean with the ; ? | 16:23 |
ActionParsnip | sburwood1: ~ is a shortcut for $HOME | 16:23 |
sevith_ | Whats the off topic channel? | 16:23 |
ActionParsnip | sburwood1: yes, copy the command and paste it | 16:23 |
ActionParsnip | !ot | sevith_ | 16:23 |
ubottu | sevith_: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! | 16:23 |
ActionParsnip | sburwood1: the semicolon means you can run one command after another on the same line | 16:23 |
CoolCoder | is there any room for kdesvn? | 16:23 |
auronandace | Silviu-: if you are using 11.10 then support is only in #ubuntu+1 untill it is released | 16:24 |
Silviu- | Oky doky auronandace thx anyway :) | 16:24 |
sevith_ | ActionParsnip, ubuntu-ops please? | 16:24 |
sevith_ | Can somone unban me :( | 16:24 |
ActionParsnip | sevith_: you want me to join the channel? | 16:24 |
ActionParsnip | sevith_: I'm not an op | 16:25 |
ActionParsnip | sburwood1: basically those 2 files are making the app think it is running and locking the email database, so removing it will free it up | 16:26 |
sevith_ | !op | 16:26 |
ubottu | Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, or rww! | 16:26 |
oCean | sevith_: don't do that | 16:26 |
usr13 | sevith_: What is your problem? | 16:26 |
sevith_ | Im banned | 16:26 |
sevith_ | Thats my deal. Can an op unban me? | 16:26 |
usr13 | sevith_: If you have a Ubuntu question ask it. (That is all we do here.) | 16:27 |
* ActionParsnip wonders why s/he's banned ;) | 16:27 | |
sskceg | Hi how to do login in IRC? | 16:27 |
rotflcopter | dont worry it happens often | 16:27 |
sburwood1 | ActionParsnip: I did both commands, but they say that there is no such file or directory | 16:28 |
GirlyGirl | sskceg: /msg nickserv identify YOURPASSWORD | 16:28 |
sburwood1 | ActionParsnip: And I tried each seperately | 16:28 |
rotflcopter | GirlyGirl<< :* | 16:28 |
sburwood1 | ActionParsnip: Be right back | 16:28 |
suhel | help needed :D | 16:28 |
ActionParsnip | sburwood1: your output shows the 2 files, just don't move the /home/stil/.mozilla/firefox/ujur361t.default/blocklist.xml file. You can use nautilus if you desire | 16:29 |
edbian | I have a .Trash-1000 on my usb drive. How do I empty the trash here? | 16:29 |
GirlyGirl | rotflcopter: ??? | 16:29 |
sskceg | GirlyGirl: very much thanks | 16:29 |
anth0ny | anyone know if it's possible to import media to Banshee via the command line? | 16:29 |
suhel | Girlygirl hi.. :) need a bit help here | 16:29 |
suhel | whrs Joedulin lol | 16:30 |
sburwood1 | ActionParsnip: I don't know what the output tells you, but the 2 commands come back with the message that there is no such file or directory | 16:30 |
suhel | dublin* | 16:30 |
GirlyGirl | anth0ny: I don't think it is possible! besides what is the use ... you need the gui to play the files you add anyways | 16:30 |
sburwood1 | the move commands | 16:30 |
sburwood1 | ActionParsnip: I'm gonna walk the dog and come back later | 16:30 |
edbian | oh :P You empty the trash in nautilus while that device is mounted! | 16:31 |
ActionParsnip | sburwood1: run nautilus and press CTRL+H you can now see the hidden folders, navigate to those folders and delete the 2 lock files but LEAVE the blocklist.xml file | 16:31 |
GirlyGirl | suhel: Then just type your question here! anyone can help you | 16:31 |
anth0ny | GirlyGirl: the idea is that I want to use Nautilus-actions to be able to right click a folder and click "import to banshee", just need a command to make that happen | 16:31 |
suhel | Girlygirl lol, yeah sorry I'd talked with ya few times so just thought it would be nice to talk with someone who knows a bit history of my problem | 16:31 |
GirlyGirl | suhel: type the problem then! | 16:32 |
CoolCoder | kde-svn is not finding local repository. is there any cmd to be used? | 16:32 |
suhel | Girlygirl I downloaded an old kernel package and installed it, it got installed too however it doesnt showup in boot menu and doesnt show up even in ls /boot/vmlinuz* | 16:32 |
GirlyGirl | suhel: try sudo update-grub | 16:33 |
suhel | girlygirl did it still no results | 16:33 |
GirlyGirl | suhel: It probably did not install ... how did you install it and why do you want an old kernel? | 16:34 |
suhel | girlygirl sudo apt-get -i <path> | 16:34 |
suhel | oops sorry | 16:34 |
suhel | girlygirl dpkg -i <path> | 16:34 |
jaffipaffi | Hey guys.. How do I cd to my USB pendrive? | 16:34 |
jaffipaffi | Totally novic | 16:34 |
jaffipaffi | e | 16:34 |
ActionParsnip | jaffipaffi: cd /media/ then a folder in there will be the mount point | 16:35 |
usr13 | jaffipaffi: cd /media/USB-Deivce-Name | 16:35 |
GirlyGirl | suhel: The kernel was a .deb then ... was it for your version of ubuntu | 16:35 |
jaffipaffi | How do I list mount points?? | 16:35 |
usr13 | mount | 16:35 |
usr13 | jaffipaffi: ls /media/ | 16:35 |
ActionParsnip | jaffipaffi: run: mount with no options | 16:35 |
GirlyGirl | jaffipaffi: cd "/media" ... then type "ls" it will give you the folder name | 16:35 |
jaffipaffi | Hmm looks like it's not mounted | 16:36 |
jaffipaffi | But it's shown in lsusb | 16:36 |
jaffipaffi | How do I mount it then? | 16:36 |
jaffipaffi | I'm using ubuntu server | 16:36 |
FloodBot1 | jaffipaffi: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation. | 16:36 |
suhel | girlygirl erm let me check it... it was kernel from maverick OS... few hours ago I was adviced here to downgrade my kernel | 16:36 |
usr13 | jaffipaffi: Use the mount command to mount it. | 16:36 |
GirlyGirl | suhel: and you use maverick? | 16:36 |
suhel | girlygirl Ocelot beta 2 | 16:37 |
auronandace | !11.10 | suhel | 16:37 |
ubottu | suhel: Ubuntu 11.10 (Oneiric Ocelot) will be the fifteenth release of Ubuntu. Codename announcement here: http://www.markshuttleworth.com/?p=646 Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1 | 16:37 |
suhel | auroandance lol I know, I was just answering a general question about downgrading kernels | 16:37 |
GirlyGirl | suhel: as auronandace said can we continue this in #ubuntu+1 | 16:38 |
suhel | girlgirl ok, I be there | 16:38 |
usr13 | jaffipaffi: i.e. sudo mkdir /my-usb-device ; sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /my-usb-device ; ls /my-usb-device | 16:38 |
GirlyGirl | usr13: how do you know its /dev/sdb1? | 16:38 |
usr13 | GirlyGirl: sudo fdisk -l | 16:39 |
jaffipaffi | It is sdb1, so should I just call it something random? | 16:39 |
jaffipaffi | instead of my-usb-device | 16:39 |
usr13 | jaffipaffi: no | 16:39 |
usr13 | jaffipaffi: It's up to you | 16:39 |
usr13 | My instructions was hypothetical | 16:39 |
jaffipaffi | Thanks usr13 | 16:40 |
usr13 | jaffipaffi: In other words, you can make your own mount point and you can name it what ever you want. | 16:40 |
greg3000 | hey guys, got a small challenge.. I just setup dual monitors under KDE and I have to bring each application window to the front in order to see them. Otherwise they are covered by the desktop, anyone know what this is from? | 16:41 |
babilen | (that mount point should be in /mnt or /media though) | 16:41 |
usr13 | jaffipaffi: Preferably, you name it something that makes sense to you. | 16:41 |
jaffipaffi | Yeah | 16:42 |
ActionParsnip | greg3000: what is the output of: lsb_release -sc | 16:42 |
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greg3000 | ActionParsnip: natty and thanks for the new command :) | 16:44 |
ActionParsnip | greg3000: pleaseure :) | 16:44 |
Ellipsis753 | hey, My computers harddrive still randomly goes read-only and requires a reboot and fsck to go back. However the plot thickens as the computer was on all of today and in use for parts of it without it going read-only. I think it's the running of "transmission" (torrent program) that is breaking my harddrive? (although it may just be the heavy harddrive use). Anyone know what it could me? | 16:44 |
ActionParsnip | greg3000: is it the unity session? | 16:44 |
greg3000 | ActionParsnip: I need to look up more about unity, but I am guessing that it's a possibility | 16:44 |
ActionParsnip | greg3000: application bar on the left? | 16:45 |
auronandace | Ellipsis753: sounds like your harddrive is dying, back-up what you need | 16:45 |
syth | can I prevent pptpd clients from seeing one another? | 16:45 |
greg3000 | ActionParsnip: Ahh, no it's not, though I have that on my laptop and enjoy it :) | 16:45 |
ActionParsnip | greg3000: its kde too, silly me, hmm strange | 16:45 |
ActionParsnip | greg3000: does it happen as a new user? | 16:46 |
greg3000 | ActionParsnip: good question for troubleshooting, I didn't try yet but I can say it started when I began setting up the dual monitors | 16:46 |
greg3000 | One different question for the channel, I've got a natty minimal install with openbox and I'm trying to setup wireless through the command line client for NetworkManager but I get dbus.exceptions like org.freedesktop.NetworkManager was not provided by any .service files. Perhaps I've not installed something related to dbus? | 16:48 |
=== Pupuser-1 is now known as sharparrow | ||
leeping | Hi there - I'm having trouble getting my /etc/rc.local script to run at startup. Can someone help? | 16:50 |
dau | asd | 16:52 |
edbian | sdf | 16:52 |
dau | the installer has this nice option "Scan hard drives for an installer ISO image" | 16:52 |
dau | I have multiple disks and apparently it scans only one and only one partition where it doesn't find anything | 16:53 |
dau | I'd have an ISO in the root dir on /dev/hde1 | 16:53 |
ActionParsnip | leeping: it is ran, did you add the commands you want to run ABOVE the exit 0 line? | 16:53 |
dau | is there any way I can tell it to search there? | 16:53 |
gangz | hi everybody | 16:54 |
gangz | Is WUBI reliable ? | 16:54 |
gangz | no damage on windows ? | 16:54 |
dau | this "scan hard drives" option is pretty ridiculous. If I have an ISO somewhere I know where it is and want to specify it directly | 16:54 |
leeping | ActionParsnip, http://paste.ubuntu.com/706223/ | 16:54 |
edbian | gangz: it doesn't damage windows. It is annoying to fix problems with wubi. | 16:54 |
dau | and I don't want the installer to crawl through 10TB of data | 16:54 |
auronandace | gangz: it would be better to use a vm | 16:55 |
leeping | I already ran "sudo update-rc.d rc.local enable S" | 16:55 |
greg3000 | my dbus question is solved, I needed to run as root | 16:55 |
ActionParsnip | leeping: are the files marked as executable? | 16:55 |
leeping | ActionParsnip, yes | 16:55 |
leeping | ActionParsnip, would there be any evidence of them running in the dmesg? I know there is an /etc/rc.d/rc.local that calls /etc/rc.local, does it print out to anywhere? | 16:56 |
ActionParsnip | leeping: all you need to do is add the lines, you don't need any update-rc stuffs ;) | 16:56 |
_ramo | hi | 16:56 |
ActionParsnip | leeping: are the files readable by all too? | 16:56 |
leeping | ActionParsnip, I only ran update-rc because simply adding the lines didn't seem to do anything :/ | 16:56 |
leeping | ActionParsnip, yes, the permissions are 755 | 16:56 |
ActionParsnip | leeping: what are the perms on /etc/rc.local | 16:56 |
gangz | thanks edbian & auronandace : actually, i'm using VBox VM now | 16:56 |
_ramo | i'm tryint to install redmine on a ubuntu 10.04 as described here: http://www.redmine.org/projects/redmine/wiki/RedmineInstall | 16:57 |
leeping | ActionParsnip, they're the same | 16:57 |
gangz | but i've seen WUBI, what are the convenients with WUBI ? | 16:57 |
_ramo | i would like to install the c bindings for ruby, with "gem install mysql" | 16:57 |
gangz | is it a real LINUX ? | 16:57 |
_ramo | but this lead to an error | 16:57 |
leeping | If it helps at all, when I run "sudo /etc/init.d/rc.local start", the script starts normally. | 16:57 |
ActionParsnip | leeping: you could have the file add numbers to a file. I'll give a pastebin | 16:57 |
ActionParsnip | gangz: yes | 16:57 |
gangz | i mean what about the file system ? EXT or NTFS ? | 16:57 |
auronandace | gangz: linux was never meant to be used within another operating system | 16:58 |
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auronandace | gangz: so it has some unique problems | 16:59 |
g0rs | is anbody using compiz ? | 16:59 |
gangz | how works WUBI ? does WUBI modify my partition table ? | 17:00 |
ActionParsnip | leeping: http://paste.ubuntu.com/706228/ | 17:00 |
Monsterwizard | ganz not at all | 17:00 |
auronandace | !wubi | gangz | 17:00 |
ubottu | gangz: Wubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WubiGuide for troubleshooting. Please file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug. For Ubuntu Maverick/10.10 http://releases.ubuntu.com/maverick/wubi.exe | 17:00 |
markamber | anyone here able to help with an ssh problem: https://gist.github.com/1278679 | 17:00 |
ActionParsnip | gangz: it doesn't it install ubuntu to a disk image. | 17:00 |
monstaRtruck | hey guys | 17:01 |
monstaRtruck | what should the permissions be on the .ssh dir | 17:01 |
monstaRtruck | my keys stopped working | 17:01 |
monstaRtruck | and i was messing w permisions | 17:01 |
leeping | ActionParsnip, restarting, be right back | 17:01 |
markamber | monstaRtruck: as long as you can read them, that is usually enough | 17:02 |
markamber | monstaRtruck: unluess you are using something other than openssh | 17:02 |
gangz | ok so performances are bad | 17:02 |
monstaRtruck | i read a while back that it takes specific ones | 17:02 |
ActionParsnip | monstaRtruck: drwx------ 2 andy andy 4096 2011-10-11 18:02 .ssh | 17:02 |
leeping | ActionParsnip, test.txt exists. So the problem is with my script | 17:03 |
ActionParsnip | leeping: all the numbers? | 17:03 |
leeping | ActionParsnip, yes, all of them | 17:03 |
g00se | Can someone tell me where i can get a working usb installer image? | 17:04 |
ActionParsnip | leeping: then its running ;) | 17:04 |
leeping | ActionParsnip, then why aren't the ssh processes in "ps aux" ? | 17:04 |
sskceg | hi i am a student can v do part time works with open source organisation to earn income? | 17:04 |
leeping | Perhaps they ran and then quit? | 17:04 |
jcapinc | hey, just installed ubuntu on this lenovo here I just got, and when I plug headphones in the headphone jack, the internal speakers stay on, and nothing in the sound settings can change it | 17:04 |
jcapinc | lenovo 3000 N200 | 17:04 |
markamber | monstaRtruck: rwx------ is good for the .ssh directory. that way nobody else can see it | 17:04 |
markamber | except root or sudorers | 17:04 |
ActionParsnip | leeping: not sure, you could add the same number stuff to each script, remove the numbers in /etc/rc.local | 17:04 |
monstaRtruck | wats the number | 17:05 |
jcapinc | any suggestions? | 17:05 |
leeping | if [[ $HOSTNAME == "leeping" ]] ; then ssh -o ServerAliveInterval=180 -N -R24889:leeping.stanford.edu:22 leeping@caspian.mit.edu; fi | 17:05 |
leeping | Hmm, potentially the hostname environment variable was not set | 17:05 |
auronandace | gangz: the point of wubi is so that windows users can TRY linux, if you already know how to install it in a vm or on its own partition then wubi is very likely not for you | 17:05 |
leeping | I will try a few more things :) At least the scripts are running, thanks a lot for your help. | 17:05 |
gangz | yes , i've just heard about wubi, that's why i asked this question, but as u told, it's just for TRY | 17:06 |
sskceg | hi i am a student can v do part time works with open source organisation to earn income? | 17:06 |
gangz | it isn't what i want | 17:06 |
gangz | thanks everybody | 17:07 |
Ellipsis753 | auronandace, You don't think my harddrive could be going read-only for any other reason than it dying? | 17:07 |
auronandace | Ellipsis753: if it happens randomly it makes it sound as if it is hitting bad sectors | 17:07 |
auronandace | Ellipsis753: but i'm guessing, somebody might know better, but it would be a good idea to check your harddrive (especially if you've had it for several years) | 17:08 |
leeping | ActionParsnip, I found out the problem. The hostname was not known at the time rc.local is run, because the DNS service hadn't started yet... | 17:09 |
gangz | somebody use ubuntu in VM ? | 17:09 |
silvery | sup, guys. can you tell me one thing: how can I revert ubuntu 11.04 machine to default state ("clean") without re-installing it using Live/Alternate CDs or ISOs, mean is there any way not to use CD-ROM drive to do this? | 17:09 |
silvery | gangz : me | 17:09 |
leeping | However, /etc/rc.local seems to be a good place for these scripts. Is there any way I can get the DNS service to run sooner? | 17:10 |
gangz | silvery : Vbox or Player ? | 17:10 |
leeping | Of course I could just use the IP addresses of the servers but I would prefer not to. | 17:10 |
silvery | gangz : Workstation 8 | 17:10 |
leeping | (As an aside, when I run the scripts using the 'startup applications' window in my desktop manager, it runs an instance of the script each time I log in, so I end up with many instances, which is not the intended behavior) | 17:11 |
gangz | do you know difference between Workstation et player ? | 17:11 |
silvery | gangz : player is free, I guess. | 17:11 |
gangz | silvery : i mean, it's really better on Workstation rather player ? | 17:12 |
gangz | silvery : about performance | 17:12 |
silvery | gangz : unfortunately, I can't see the difference(( | 17:12 |
auronandace | gangz: stick with virtualbox if you value open-source | 17:12 |
ActionParsnip | leeping: add the IP to name resolutions in /etc/hosts | 17:13 |
gangz | silvery : i don't know which is better , i tested both Vbox & Player, and with player i have some problem with NAT | 17:13 |
wad | Hi folks. I'm needing to connect to a printer on the network at work. It doesn't show up in the list of available drivers, so I guess I need a PPD file. Where do I find one? I've googled around, no joy. The printer is a Xerox ColorQube 9201. I'm running 64-bit Ubuntu 11.04. | 17:14 |
leeping | ActionParsnip, I'd rather the domain names are recognized when /etc/rc.local is executed, is that not possible? (In my ssh_config, I already configured some hostnames to point to other hosts) | 17:15 |
wangerin5 | wad: Is it found on openprinting.org ? | 17:16 |
padhu | wad: try on CUPS website. They provide PPD file creation for famous printers | 17:16 |
wad | Okay, thanks guys! I'll try those places. | 17:16 |
padhu | also try on openprinter | 17:16 |
monstaRtruck | if i did 777 on / | 17:16 |
wad | Guh. Site is "down for maintence" | 17:16 |
padhu | openprinting* | 17:16 |
monstaRtruck | is there anyway to recover that | 17:16 |
silvery | gangz : you can find the benchmarks on the internet, which shows that if you need more performance - use Vbox and if you need special features (like automount USBs and stuff) - use VMWare | 17:16 |
Silentmyst | I know there is a way, but not quite sure how: how do you mount an ntfs disk in terminal to allow for executable permissions to run programs from ntfs into wine | 17:17 |
markamber | why is xinitd listening on port 22 on my ubuntu server (version 8.04) | 17:17 |
monstaRtruck | anyway to recover from chmod 777 on / | 17:17 |
monstaRtruck | ? | 17:17 |
markamber | monstaRtruck: nope, I tried, not worth it | 17:18 |
markamber | monstaRtruck: I have been there, dont feel too stupid | 17:18 |
monstaRtruck | what can i do? | 17:18 |
monstaRtruck | lol | 17:18 |
monstaRtruck | as every1 rushed to hack my comp lol | 17:19 |
markamber | monstaRtruck: wait a week and install the new version of ubuntu, for your files I suggest you copy them to an NTFS or something that has no permissions formated drive | 17:19 |
leeping | I don't want to sound whiny, but my workplace has a bunch of complicated firewalls / VPNs and I already have a nontrivial configuration | 17:19 |
Silentmyst | anyone? | 17:19 |
markamber | Silentmyst: you should put it in /etc/fstab | 17:20 |
wangerin5 | markamber: Port 22 is for ssh. xinitd receives the connect, and passes it on to sshd | 17:20 |
gangz | silvery : use VMWare for what ? are you finish your sentence ? | 17:21 |
markamber | wangerin5: why is that, why not like the newer ones, what if I really dont want it | 17:21 |
shelest | Hi there! | 17:22 |
wangerin5 | what ssh-server have you installed? | 17:22 |
wangerin5 | markamber: what ssh-server have you installed? | 17:22 |
silvery | gangz : er? read "stuff" (better support for USB and other externals) | 17:22 |
shelest | I am reading a new about true german software called Bundestrojan. Does this software work under linux or not? | 17:22 |
ActionParsnip | leeping: you COULD make a script with a long sleep in and add THAT to /etc/rc.local but background the process so boot doesn't hang. When the sleep finishes, the commands will run (as root) but later, should help. Its a bit dirty but should fly | 17:22 |
markamber | wangerin5: openssh-server, but I used to have dropbear and it was somehow configured to start at every connection | 17:23 |
markamber | wangerin5: that seems to be the reason why openssh-server is not working | 17:23 |
Silentmyst | mark: typical mounts go to /media/(media name) - im looking for the command(s) in terminal that allow permissions to be set for executables - i was looking and found some shotty commands for vista that didn't work | 17:23 |
gangz | silvery : ok thank you | 17:23 |
z00mer | Hi, does anyone know what this guy is using for the Sticky Notes in this video... | 17:23 |
z00mer | http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0W6AjUGm6Nk | 17:23 |
silvery | gangz : rwlcm | 17:23 |
leeping | ActionParsnip, I'm going to try manually configuring my network in /etc/network/interfaces instead of relying on the NetworkManager, that might start up the network sooner. I'll let you know what happens | 17:24 |
z00mer | they look really cool | 17:24 |
markamber | !ntfs | Silentmyst | 17:24 |
ubottu | Silentmyst: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE | 17:24 |
markamber | Silentmyst: you will need to add an entry to the fstab with the things called FMASK and DMASK | 17:25 |
Silentmyst | i know how to mount the partition... but standard mounting doesn't allow for permissions | 17:25 |
wangerin5 | markamber: most likely. properly remains from dropbear. | 17:25 |
markamber | Silentmyst: exactly | 17:25 |
gangz | silvery : Can i ask you a question ? which irc client do you use ? on windows or on your VM ? | 17:25 |
cielak | the #ubuntu-release-party is starting long time before the release! | 17:25 |
george_ | Hello everyone. I want to convert several .HTM files to pdf. What command should I run for that? (I have imagemagick installed). | 17:25 |
markamber | Silentmyst: are you fermiliar with what chmod 644 would do | 17:26 |
markamber | Silentmyst: or chmod 777 | 17:26 |
wangerin5 | markamber: openssh-server listens directly on the port, and if it's already open, it can bind to the port. | 17:26 |
bhush | hello....!! | 17:26 |
Silentmyst | not particularly - still learning linux - i can typically figure out what I'm trying to do but... eh... im here lol | 17:26 |
Silentmyst | i've been running it for a few months now i got the basic concept of how things work but still more to learn | 17:27 |
silvery | gangz : miranda for windows (on host) and built-in empathy in 11.04 (when running guest) | 17:27 |
markamber | Silentmyst: FMASK will TURN OFF bits, so 000 would make all Files (F for files as in FMASK) be 777 | 17:27 |
bhush | How to solve blank screen error of ubuntu...!?? | 17:27 |
ActionParsnip | bhush: what video chip do you use? | 17:27 |
markamber | Silentmyst: and DMASK 000 would make all directorys 777, and remember that directorys need to be executable | 17:27 |
Silentmyst | ok then how to do edit those | 17:28 |
markamber | wangerin5: how do I make the xinitd stop listening, I think it is messing up the openssh-server | 17:28 |
bhush | ATI | 17:28 |
ActionParsnip | !nomodeset | bhush | 17:28 |
ubottu | bhush: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter | 17:28 |
bhush | Is not working...!! | 17:29 |
markamber | Silentmyst: did you see that link earlier, it most likely has everything you need, now that you know you are looking to create an fstab entry for an NTFS drive using FMASK and DMASK, see if you can find the documentation on how to do that, otherwise come back here, I will be here for a while | 17:29 |
bhush | nomodeset is not working...! :( | 17:29 |
wangerin5 | markamber: if xinitd is listening i definitly is blocking for openssh-server to start. | 17:29 |
kthakore | hello | 17:30 |
markamber | wangerin5: do you know how to make it stop | 17:30 |
markamber | wangerin5: I am pretty sure I cant just stop xinitd | 17:30 |
kthakore | why can I not do Systerm -> Administration -> Printing | 17:30 |
bhush | ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: | 17:30 |
kthakore | there is now Add -> Network Printer | 17:30 |
Silentmyst | alright then thx | 17:30 |
kthakore | no* | 17:31 |
ActionParsnip | bhush: is it a dual gpu thing (Intel AND an ATi)? | 17:31 |
kthakore | How do I add a network printer? | 17:31 |
wangerin5 | markamber: you need to remove a conf for xinitd, and the restart it. | 17:31 |
bhush | No | 17:31 |
ActionParsnip | kthakore: its part of the printer app | 17:31 |
ActionParsnip | bhush: good, those things are hellish | 17:31 |
markamber | wangerin5: what conf? where is it? | 17:31 |
kthakore | ActionParsnip: I see the dialog box | 17:31 |
kthakore | ActionParsnip: there is no Add - Network Printer | 17:31 |
ActionParsnip | kthakore: cool, tell the app its a network printer and type it's IP | 17:32 |
wangerin5 | markamber: try to look in /etc/xinitd.d | 17:32 |
kthakore | ActionParsnip: huh? How? There is Server, Printer, Group, View, Help | 17:32 |
ActionParsnip | kthakore: http://techotopia.com/images/b/bf/Ubuntu_11_unity_add_windows_printer.jpg | 17:32 |
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kthakore | Where is this? | 17:33 |
markamber | wangerin5: thanks | 17:33 |
wangerin5 | markamber: there you'll properly se a *ssh* or *dropbear* file | 17:33 |
markamber | wangerin5: I think I see the problem | 17:33 |
markamber | wangerin5: yes | 17:33 |
kthakore | ActionParsnip: how do I get to this? | 17:33 |
markamber | wangerin5: I do not want to use xinitd for openssh, correct | 17:33 |
ActionParsnip | kthakore: system-config-printer | 17:33 |
markamber | wangerin5: YES! thanks, that worked | 17:34 |
kthakore | Server -> New -> Printer is blacked out | 17:34 |
kthakore | err greyed out | 17:34 |
wangerin5 | markamber: delete the ssh-conf, and restart xinitd that should solve that part. Check that 22 is not used any more, and start openssh.server | 17:34 |
markamber | wangerin5: yep, did that, it works, thanks again | 17:35 |
ActionParsnip | kthakore: http://screenshots.debian.net/screenshots/s/system-config-printer/1835_large.png should look like that | 17:35 |
wangerin5 | markamber: your welcome | 17:36 |
ActionParsnip | bhush_: use the boot option to use failsafe vga, will load vesa driver | 17:36 |
ActionParsnip | !bootoption | bhush_ | 17:36 |
ubottu | bhush_: For a list and explanation on some of the boot options, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions See also !nomodeset. | 17:36 |
bhush_ | Hello sorry guys I quit,,,!!! | 17:36 |
ActionParsnip | bhush_: your call | 17:36 |
bhush_ | Now I am back | 17:36 |
ActionParsnip | bhush_: use the boot option to use failsafe vga, will load vesa driver | 17:37 |
ActionParsnip | !bootoption | bhush_ | 17:37 |
markamber | is there any good reason why openssh server has a configuration line that has %h/.ssh/authorized_keys that is commented out, is that how I get the key pair auth to work, because I never had to do that | 17:38 |
kthakore | http://dl.dropbox.com/u/8782136/photos/Screenshot.png | 17:38 |
gangz | a little survey : why do you use ubuntu on a VM ? just test or something else ? i'm really intriged because performances are bad ... | 17:39 |
ActionParsnip | gangz: ask in #ubuntu-offtopic please | 17:39 |
kthakore | ActionParsnip: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/8782136/photos/Screenshot.png | 17:40 |
kthakore | ActionParsnip: there is Server -> new -> greyed out printer | 17:40 |
kthakore | wtf am I supposed to install something? | 17:40 |
leeping | ActionParsnip, thanks for all of your help - I got it to work. :) | 17:41 |
ActionParsnip | kthakore: wow, that's cluttered. | 17:41 |
ActionParsnip | leeping: sweet | 17:41 |
ActionParsnip | kthakore: is cups installed and running? | 17:41 |
kthakore | ActionParsnip: what is cluttered? The dialog? | 17:41 |
kthakore | I dunno | 17:41 |
ActionParsnip | kthakore: the desktop | 17:41 |
kthakore | hwo do I check? | 17:41 |
ActionParsnip | kthakore: search in software centre to check | 17:41 |
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kthakore | ActionParsnip: I don't have the new Ubuntu I am on the LTS | 17:42 |
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ActionParsnip | kthakore: will still be installable | 17:43 |
agentgasmask | Hi. In ubuntu 10.04, I have ATI built-in Radeon X1200 with two monitor ports. The System -> Preferences -> Monitors has the "mirror Screens" radio button greyed out and set to On. How can I get a spaned desktop across these two monitors? | 17:43 |
Ellipsis753 | auronandace, Thanks, but I'm not so sure it happends randomly (as far as I can tell it's when I runn transmission(?)) and the harddrive isn't old. Also the full self-test didn't show anything up. My harddrive is really annoying when it's readonly though. | 17:45 |
kthakore | ActionParsnip: yeah it seems to be running | 17:46 |
greg3000 | :) Ok here's a question, I've got natty on 2 machines. One is minimal install, the other is full install. The full install connects great to the wireless network. How can I copy the wireless network settings over to the minimal install system? I checked /etc/network/interfaces but it made no references to eth0 or wlan0, etc.. | 17:47 |
martian | How does one customize the 'move to' menu in Nautilus? | 17:48 |
ActionParsnip | martian: nautilus scripts | 17:48 |
sh4rm4 | i need to make a touchscreen work on ubuntu | 17:48 |
ActionParsnip | kthakore: could use http://localhost:631 and add it there | 17:48 |
martian | ActionParsnip: gotcha. Thanks! | 17:48 |
sh4rm4 | all tutorials refer to xorg.conf or /etc/hal | 17:49 |
ActionParsnip | martian: ubuntu-tweak can add a few handy ones | 17:49 |
sh4rm4 | which both do not exist | 17:49 |
ActionParsnip | sh4rm4: xorg.conf goes in /etc/X11 | 17:49 |
sh4rm4 | ActionParsnip, it is not existing | 17:49 |
sh4rm4 | i definitely won't create a xorg.conf from scratch | 17:49 |
greg3000 | on the full install natty box, the working wireless connection is using the Auto feature | 17:50 |
ActionParsnip | sh4rm4: it doesn't by default but if one exists, it will be use | 17:50 |
sh4rm4 | so, which mechanism is currently "in" ? hal, xorg.conf, ... what's current ? | 17:50 |
ActionParsnip | *used | 17:50 |
greg3000 | which GUI app should I install to give me the wireless GUI? | 17:50 |
sh4rm4 | ActionParsnip, so how do i generate a full config ? | 17:50 |
greg3000 | wireless networking GUI | 17:50 |
ActionParsnip | greg3000: network-manager or wicd are great | 17:50 |
sh4rm4 | ActionParsnip, isnt the stuff controlled by HAL ? | 17:51 |
White-- | hi, I'm currently trying to setup a ubuntu11.04 domu on my centos host. I linked the iso in the cfg file and it also boots properly from it. however after asking me about all the locale things, I says it cannot find the cdrom anymore to proceed with the installation | 17:51 |
greg3000 | ActionParsnip: thanks for the tip :) | 17:53 |
Ibis | White--: How are you installing this exactly? | 17:55 |
Krenair | How do I find out what graphics card drivers I'm using? | 17:56 |
Ibis | Krenair: Type this command in terminal: lspci | grep VGA | 17:57 |
nbest | Hello. Is there a way to get a confirm file delete in lucid to avoid accidentally sending files to trash bin? I have searched google but can't find any. | 17:57 |
White-- | Ibis: oh completely missed it, its going to be a xen guest. i dd'ed an image file which i use via xvda, than downloaded the latest ubuntu iso and linked this as a disk into the xen config via file:iso,hdc:cdrom | 17:57 |
Krenair | Ibis: 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation G92 [GeForce GTS 250] (rev a2) | 17:57 |
Ibis | Krenair: Okies. | 17:57 |
qirk | I have a problem with intel/nvidia switching as stated here https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Asus_EEE_PC_1015pn the problem is that I don't want to turn off the nvidia card, I want it running so I can play 1080p movies with vlc. I can't "startx" with simply nvidia running, I do have to activate the intel part via the command stated, can VLC then choose which to be used? | 17:58 |
Krenair | Ibis, i think that's what I needed. thanks | 17:58 |
Ibis | You're welcome. | 17:58 |
Krenair | oh... and how do I work out the version? | 17:58 |
HackeMate | hello | 17:58 |
Ibis | Krenair: Is there something you want to do when you find out the version of the card? | 17:59 |
Ibis | Hi there HackeMate. | 17:59 |
HackeMate | i use rsync to synchronize a directory but it contains strange characters in file names | 17:59 |
HackeMate | then return an error and stop | 17:59 |
HackeMate | how can i configure my own charset? | 17:59 |
Polah | HackeMate: Do you need those characters in the file names? | 17:59 |
Krenair | Ibis, I'm trying to get help with getting FL MP working in wine. Someone in #winehq is asking about my graphics card drivers version | 17:59 |
HackeMate | yes, its my language | 17:59 |
HackeMate | anyway it is 400Gb of file names, i cant rename all of them | 17:59 |
Socky_DX | Hey guys, Im new to doing backups on linux with tape adapters. I have created /home/socky/test and put 140 megs of files in there, than I did mt -f /dev/st0 /home/socky/test After it complete i issued the command mt -f /dev/st0 rewind and it instantly returned me to the prompt. When I atempted to do a restore it failed because I didnt rewind. Am I doing the right syntax for rewind? | 18:00 |
Polah | HackeMate: Simple for loop using tr or rename or something like that to run over everything | 18:01 |
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Ibis | Krenair: I believe you have all the info you need. [GeForce GTS 250] is the exact card name. | 18:01 |
HackeMate | cant do nothing with rsync? :( | 18:01 |
greg3000 | What tool is being used when we setup our network from the taskbar in Unity? | 18:01 |
Ibis | (rev a2) is pretty much the verion number. | 18:01 |
Krenair | Ibis: <kevlarman> Krenair: that's not a graphics driver version | 18:02 |
Krenair | :/ | 18:02 |
iceroot | greg3000: nm-applet | 18:02 |
greg3000 | iceroot: thanks :) | 18:02 |
Polah | HackeMate: Encapsulating filenames in "" or suchlike as strings might work if rsync doesn't work that way already, but I don't know if that would be possible. | 18:02 |
troyounces | hi everyone - first time here | 18:03 |
troyounces | i'm looking at switching over my fileserver from Solaris 10 to Ubuntu | 18:03 |
troyounces | I wanted to know if anyone is using BTRFS and how stable it is | 18:03 |
troyounces | and also how it compares on a feature basis to ZFS | 18:03 |
iceroot | troyounces: its not a stable-release | 18:03 |
iridium_ | has issues | 18:03 |
GirlyGirl | !away | ewproctor | 18:04 |
ubottu | ewproctor: Please do not use noisy away messages and nicks in Ubuntu channels. It is annoying and unnecessary. Use the command "/away <reason>" to set your client away silently. See also «/msg ubottu Guidelines» | 18:04 |
salobaro | n ------------3funchal | 18:05 |
Ibis | nbest: http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=6407007&postcount=2 I hope this helps. | 18:05 |
troyounces | if I wanted to run a fileserver and wanted efficient snapshots, backup deltas, deduplication - what are your recommendations? | 18:05 |
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iceroot | troyounces: btrfs if you want it on the filesystem | 18:06 |
iceroot | troyounces: but its not stable yet | 18:06 |
Ibis | White--: So you're basically not using a CD to install ubuntu? | 18:06 |
iceroot | troyounces: maybe kvm with its snapshots | 18:06 |
iceroot | troyounces: then you can use ext3/4 with copy-on-write from kvm | 18:07 |
troyounces | iceroot: what do you mean if I want it on the filesystem? as opposed to where? | 18:07 |
qirk | anyone with a eee pc 1015pn here? | 18:07 |
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iceroot | troyounces: btrfs can do snapshots on the filesystem itself | 18:07 |
Ibis | !ask | qirk | 18:08 |
ubottu | qirk: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience | 18:08 |
qirk | I have a problem with intel/nvidia switching as stated here https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Asus_EEE_PC_1015pn the problem is that I don't want to turn off the nvidia card, I want it running so I can play 1080p movies with vlc. I can't "startx" with simply nvidia running, I do have to activate the intel part via the command stated, can VLC then choose which to be used? | 18:08 |
qirk | Ibis: ^ | 18:08 |
troyounces | iceroot: when is a stable version of BTRFS going to be released? | 18:08 |
g0rs | This is offtopic : anybody knows how to connect to an irc server using a secure connection? | 18:09 |
zaapiel | im on btrfs | 18:09 |
iceroot | qirk: there is a tool called "vga selector" there you can switch between intel and ion but you need to restart the system | 18:09 |
iceroot | qirk: there is a bug in the current kernel so a live-switching is not possible | 18:09 |
Ibis | g0rs: irc.freenode.org on port 6697 Be sure it says SSL or just try it. (In the furture, ask in #freenode please) | 18:09 |
iceroot | qirk: let me correct, there was a bug in 2.6.38 dont know what 3.0 is doing | 18:09 |
troyounces | zaapiel: what do you think so far? any issues with btrfs? | 18:09 |
zaapiel | none | 18:10 |
qirk | iceroot: running 3.0 | 18:10 |
zaapiel | but i cant really tell a difference between it and ext4 in performance or anything | 18:10 |
zaapiel | im just a desktop casual user | 18:10 |
troyounces | zaapiel: i see -- i'm not that worried about performance. I'm sure ext4 is fine for me - I just want some of the other features | 18:10 |
zaapiel | well from what i understand they havent released the tools to defrag or anything yet | 18:11 |
iceroot | troyounces: if i am correct zfs has also this features but imo there is only a fuse-driver for zfs which is stable | 18:11 |
qirk | iceroot: but shouldn't the nvidia card already be activated since if I go to suspend mode the site states that it will be reactivated, does this still require a vga switch? | 18:11 |
g0rs | Ibis: thanks it worked | 18:12 |
Polah | zaapiel: btrfs allocates files to attempt to avoid fragmentation | 18:12 |
iceroot | qirk: i had the same netbook, i was only able to say which card is used at the next boot, the other card is disabled | 18:12 |
ActionParsnip | Polah: tried btrfs in natty and it was a lot slower | 18:12 |
iceroot | qirk: but i was using it some month ago and sold the netbook again | 18:12 |
HackeMate | I think I found my problem with rsync, my console doesn't have my language correctly configured. How to configure the console's locale? | 18:12 |
iridium_ | troyounces, last month I played a bit with btrfs and it in the end corrupted the files of the partition, luckily for me there was nothing important in that partition... so I wouldn't say that btrfs is ready for everyday use | 18:13 |
greg3000 | might anyone be willing or able to walk me through connecting to a wireless network having openbox installed? I know my way around, but seem to be missing a few details. So far I got the furthest using cnetworkmanager, but I have wicd and netapplet installed also | 18:13 |
Polah | ActionParsnip, never used it myself actually, just mentioning that it tries to avoid fragmentation as zaapiel mentioned it | 18:13 |
rotflcopter | is there a standard way of mounting 5 encrypted disks with 1 password at system startup (preferrably without luks?) | 18:13 |
qirk | iceroot: ok, perhaps I should try ubuntu, currently running arch.. But could you connect it with a HDMI cable? | 18:13 |
iridium_ | there's a risk | 18:13 |
iceroot | qirk: yes that was working without problems, also audio was working fine | 18:13 |
damianfrancis | can anyone point me in the right direction for figuring out why I do not see the the gdm login when I connect to a server that is running all the gdm processes with #ssh -X <ipaddy> | 18:14 |
iceroot | qirk: but for 1080p i needed the nvidia-card | 18:14 |
qirk | iceroot: nice, because this thread scared me https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=125970 about the hdmi :D | 18:15 |
iceroot | qirk: on 10.10 is was running fine | 18:15 |
iceroot | qirk: with the non-free-nvidia driver which is automaticly suggested by ubuntu | 18:16 |
qirk | iceroot: hmm seemingly I only have to switch card then somehow, dunno if the vga switcher is available in arch though, but as I mentioned when I simply have nvidia loaded I can't start X | 18:16 |
qirk | non-free? :P | 18:16 |
greg3000 | so I've got openbox installed and trying to run nm-applet. Do I need some type of docker in order to see nm-applet? | 18:16 |
iceroot | greg3000: yes | 18:17 |
iceroot | greg3000: a systray like on gnome, xfce4, lxde | 18:17 |
greg3000 | iceroot: thanks again | 18:17 |
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ActionParsnip | greg3000: if you install lxde, you will get a handy panel :) | 18:18 |
Guest31077 | Hey guys, I have a question about tablets | 18:18 |
TuxBlackEdo | If I want to replace all instances of "collegekit.htm" to "collegeKit.htm" in all my .htm files in my current directoy would this work? sed 's/collegekit.htm/collegeKit.htm/g' *.htm | 18:18 |
greg3000 | ActionParsnip: thanks :) | 18:18 |
qirk | iceroot: did you follow the guide with acpi_call too? | 18:19 |
Ibis | qirk: The issue is something to do with "acpi_call" ??? | 18:19 |
Guest31077 | I have a lenovo ideapad k1, and I want to install plasma-active on it, but it doesn't have a usb port to use the live usb method, but it does have a cord that allows it to connect to a pc. Could it be installed that way? | 18:20 |
iceroot | qirk: no | 18:20 |
Ibis | qirk: Might want to see http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1677780 and http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=11273185&postcount=196 Don't just run commands without knowing what they do. | 18:20 |
Guest31077 | nickserv | 18:21 |
Ibis | Guest31077: Careful how you type in your Nickserv command. Lol. | 18:21 |
qirk | Ibis: yes, for switching https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Asus_EEE_PC_1015pn | 18:22 |
Ibis | Guest31077: A cord, what do you mean? What kind of cord, connected from wha, to. | 18:22 |
Ibis | qirk: The two links I gave you discusses that. | 18:22 |
MrElendig | TuxBlackEdo: what type of cord? A piece of yarn? cat6? mettal strand? | 18:22 |
Guest31077 | It's a usb cord, but the port it plugs into on the tablet isn't a usb port. It's an ipod-like charging port. | 18:22 |
qirk | Ibis: yep, I remember google gave me the first one, will check them out again :) | 18:23 |
|ntegra| | heya nedkelly | 18:23 |
TuxBlackEdo | MrElendig, wat | 18:23 |
MrElendig | TuxBlackEdo: "a cord" tells us nothing | 18:24 |
TuxBlackEdo | MrElendig, what are you talking about "cord"? | 18:24 |
MrElendig | TuxBlackEdo: err. sorry was for Guest31077 | 18:24 |
jason___ | if I want to retain the entire structure of a directory and copy it to my external, meaning I want to retain ownership, group, permissions, EVERYTHING, would cp -R do what I need? | 18:24 |
Guest31077 | It's a usb cord that plugs into the charging port of the tablet. For moving files and things. | 18:25 |
Ibis | jason___: Use the -p option in that copy command. Or --preserve | 18:26 |
basw | has the ls command also a show only date of modified function? | 18:27 |
jason___ | Ibis: but I would still use R as well, right? sudo cp -p -R /my/folder /external/drive ??? | 18:27 |
greg3000 | does anyone else's screen sometimes only fade to gray after upgrading to unity? | 18:28 |
Ibis | jason___: Yes, of course. | 18:28 |
jason___ | Ibis: thought so. just wanted to make sure! thank you! | 18:28 |
aboudreault | Hi, how can I reinstall ubuntu without modifying my home partition. The problem is that my home is encrypted (last install). How can I make this work? | 18:28 |
alazare619 | http://www.aoltv.com/2011/10/11/betty-white-announces-shes-running-for-president-video/?ncid=webmail22 | 18:30 |
alazare619 | betty white for president! | 18:30 |
Jeluco | Salut tout le monde :) | 18:31 |
Ibis | aboudreault: I believe Ubuntu would detect your home directory on it's own. I'm not sure how exactly. (It must tell you, otherwise, abandon plans and wait for a better answer in this channel) | 18:32 |
aboudreault | Ibis, last time, it didn't ask me IIRC :( | 18:33 |
Ibis | aboudreault: Then abandon all plans. Make back up, and reinstall ubuntu. (you might have to decrypt /home/ first. | 18:34 |
Polah | alazre619: See this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EncryptedPrivateDirectory#Setup_Your_Encrypted_Private_Directory I don't know about transferring, but you could decrypt, reinstall then encrypt again | 18:35 |
Ibis | aboudreault: http://askubuntu.com/questions/1012/reinstall-ubuntu-with-encrypted-home-directory | 18:36 |
_ramo | mysql --version gives me a version number, but if i look at /etc/init.d/ i can't found a mysqld | 18:36 |
Ibis | If that home directory is another partition, whatever you do, do NOT reformat/touch it. | 18:37 |
_ramo | so, i thought that there must be a service running. i can log in with mysql -u username -p | 18:37 |
Ibis | _ramo: Check out #mysql | 18:38 |
_ramo | Ibis: okay | 18:38 |
Ibis | aboudreault: That home directory, that is a partition, right? | 18:38 |
qirk | Ibis: since X works with the intel chip loaded and not with the nvidia ion card, starting X results in (EE) Failed to load module "nvidia" (module does not exist, 0), also modules "nv", "vesa" and "fbdev".. any ideas on this one? | 18:40 |
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hopkin | Is there anybody who has an example of how an .plan-file can look like. Thanx in advance. | 18:42 |
btdrucke__ | nick btdruck | 18:42 |
btdrucke__ | ak! | 18:42 |
Krenair | <jhgf2> Krenair: you have to lock your cores to maximum performance and try again | 18:43 |
tacomaster | can someone lead me in the right direction im not asking for you to code for me or fix my problems im just stuck at where i need to start looking i have a alfa wifi card and works wonders under ubuntu after i type in the command "sudo iwconfig wlan0 rate 5.5M fixed" but i want to automate this process i want when my laptop sees the device plugged in to the usb port i want it to execute that command any ideas? | 18:43 |
Krenair | How do I lock my CPU's cores to maximum performance? | 18:43 |
MrElendig | Krenair: set the cpufreq governor to performance | 18:44 |
Randumb | so, if all of my disks in a system are set up with GPT partitions, and grub wont install to "mbr" i assume that grub can't handle gpt? | 18:44 |
MrElendig | Randumb: it can | 18:45 |
MrElendig | grub2 can anyway | 18:45 |
Randumb | hrm, can you think of any reason it wont install ? | 18:45 |
Randumb | using the 11.04 server install disc | 18:45 |
Randumb | i have 8x2tb drives | 18:45 |
monstaRtruck | hey where is my grub file | 18:45 |
monstaRtruck | to edit it | 18:45 |
dr_willis | !grub2 | monstaRtruck | 18:46 |
ubottu | monstaRtruck: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10) | 18:46 |
Randumb | each 2tb drive has 3 partitions, 1gb, 50gb, and 1.9tb | 18:46 |
aboudreault | sorry, I'm back. If anyone has an answer about reinstalling ubuntu and my encrypted home | 18:46 |
Randumb | and i created a software raid amongst all 8 drives for each partition | 18:46 |
monstaRtruck | i just want to change the boot order | 18:46 |
Randumb | so, 3 raid arrays, one for swap, one for / and one for /home | 18:47 |
dr_willis | monstaRtruck: edit the grub2 configs as needed.. see the grub2 docs.. and the forums have a guide on it. | 18:47 |
Randumb | any reason that grub will freak out? | 18:47 |
Randumb | just says it can't install to /dev/sda | 18:47 |
Randumb | is grub software-raid aware? | 18:47 |
dr_willis | i thought you raided the disks together.. then partioned the raid.. not each disk.. but i dont even try to use raids any more. :) | 18:48 |
Randumb | nope, i did 3 different partitions per disk, then raided those partitions | 18:49 |
x40 | Hi | 18:49 |
Randumb | was thinking about doing LVM for the 1.9 tb partitions in the 13.6tb array | 18:49 |
Randumb | so i can slice chunks off as iscsi targets | 18:49 |
Randumb | anyone got any clues as to why my grub wont install tho? | 18:50 |
Randumb | and am i being stupid to do gpt partitions on 2tb drives? | 18:50 |
x40 | Is there a way to tell in a bash script if there is sound coming out of the computer? | 18:50 |
dr_willis | Randumb: i dont see the point in using gpt on them. :) | 18:50 |
tacomaster | no ideas? | 18:50 |
Randumb | dr_willis, that's the default for the partitioner included w/ 11.04 | 18:51 |
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dr_willis | x40: perhaps some obscure pulse audio commands. | 18:51 |
ubuntu_ | cc | 18:51 |
Randumb | 11.04 server mind you | 18:51 |
ubuntu_ | sa va tt le monde | 18:51 |
dr_willis | Randumb: cant say ive noticed that being the default. would seem weird for it to use gpt on everything. | 18:51 |
Randumb | shrug | 18:51 |
ubuntu_ | sa va | 18:52 |
Randumb | can i use fdisk to erase the GPT and revert back to mbr? | 18:52 |
dr_willis | Randumb: most likely yes id say.. | 18:52 |
dr_willis | but fdisk is getting a bit outdated. | 18:52 |
ubuntu_ | aaaaa | 18:52 |
Randumb | parted isnt on the ramdisk during 11.04 install >< | 18:52 |
ubuntu_ | sav va* | 18:52 |
dr_willis | you could use dd to zero the drive then fdisk /parted it i guess. | 18:52 |
x40 | Thanks Dr. | 18:52 |
mosiman | Hello, I have a question about the ps command if anyone can help me out. If you run something like "ps -alx" you will see kernel processes in brackets, like [migration/0] and [migration/1]. Using the man page I found that the brackets indicate process args weren't available, but does anyone know what the "/0" and "/1" suffixes mean? | 18:53 |
__Carlos__ | alguien controla de id3v2?? | 18:53 |
dr_willis | !es | __Carlos__ | 18:54 |
ubottu | __Carlos__: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter. | 18:54 |
__Carlos__ | thanks | 18:54 |
aboudreault | looks like it's not possible to reinstall ubuntu with an existing encrypted home which is on a LVM partition | 18:55 |
dr_willis | Muy Bien. :) (i think) :) | 18:55 |
MrBoss | hello someone use SAP? | 19:00 |
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dontbehero | hei | 19:01 |
iceroot | MrBoss: luckily this is not the sap channel | 19:01 |
oCean | MrBoss: SAP as in the ERP system? | 19:01 |
MrBoss | oCean, yes | 19:01 |
dontbehero | how to block m$$ mono shit apps from repos?? there should a checkbox to block mono apps. | 19:02 |
dontbehero | I don't want m$$$ to infect my open source system. | 19:02 |
oCean | MrBoss: I don't think you'll find many SAP users in this channel, this is ubuntu (mostly desktop) support | 19:02 |
dontbehero | or else I want use ubnutu. | 19:02 |
joshthetechie | does anyone know how to enable sound for the Dell Zino HD computer? | 19:02 |
joshthetechie | The back audio out port does not function, but the headphone jack works | 19:02 |
iceroot | dontbehero: remove mono from your system | 19:02 |
MrBoss | oCean, i try in this channel in the morning but no success | 19:03 |
dontbehero | well that'd be effective to brake apps. | 19:03 |
LjL | !language | dontbehero | 19:03 |
ubottu | dontbehero: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional. | 19:03 |
azertuie | hi | 19:03 |
oCean | MrBoss: your question, is it ubuntu related? | 19:04 |
MrBoss | oCean, i want to know if someone use SAP in ubuntu | 19:04 |
iceroot | MrBoss: ubuntu is not a supported sap plattform | 19:05 |
qirk | iceroot: did HD playback with vlc work without any particular settings? | 19:05 |
iceroot | MrBoss: see #redhat #sles #oracle #aix and so on | 19:05 |
deebee_ | dontbehero: mono isn't Microsoft. It's an open source implementation of a standardised subset of .NET | 19:05 |
x40 | Looked into pacmd, no way to see if sound is heard or not. | 19:06 |
qirk | I managed to start X now with the nvidia card as the only one set, installed some video drivers: vesa, nv, nouveau etc | 19:06 |
oscar | !bar is <reply> baz | 19:07 |
dontbehero | deebee_: that's the most weak and m$$ apologist answer about mono. Don't be naive. | 19:07 |
deebee_ | dontbehero: it's also a fact | 19:07 |
mang0 | how do I allocate a program more ram? In windows it's task manager > right click process > priority = high but I'm not sure how to do that on linux? | 19:08 |
dr_willis | mang0: why do you even think you need to? | 19:08 |
azertuie | hello there | 19:08 |
deebee_ | dontbehero: if you believe open source is about Microsoft hating for MS hating's sake, then you've got the wrong idea | 19:08 |
mang0 | dr_willis: Becuase I'm trying to play minecraft and it's lagging | 19:08 |
azertuie | what are the basics things to learn to build a firmware ? | 19:08 |
ActionParsnip | qirk: if you run: sudo lshw -C display you can see which driver is in use. | 19:08 |
phibxr | azertuie, patience. | 19:09 |
azertuie | is there any firmware builder here ? | 19:09 |
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dr_willis | mang0: java has some options to give the binary some bigger ram area i belive... | 19:09 |
ActionParsnip | mang0: that is more CPU, not RAM | 19:09 |
=== sergio is now known as Guest4280 | ||
dr_willis | I think the minecraft faq mentions options to use when starting it. | 19:09 |
mang0 | ActionParsnip: Oh, my bad. How do I allocate more cpu then? | 19:09 |
BluesKaj | qirk, which nvidia card? nouveau is the default , but the recommended driver should be installed , use jockey in /admin/additional drivers | 19:09 |
mcveat | mang0: minecraft is a java application, run it with -Xmx=512m | 19:09 |
mang0 | dr_willis: OIC | 19:09 |
mang0 | mcveat: Thanks :) | 19:10 |
dontbehero | deebee_: is about principles, open source wouldn't had happened wiouth strong principles, stop defending m$$. | 19:11 |
mang0 | mcveat: Sorry, I'm confused >.>. How do I use that command to open a .jar? | 19:11 |
oCean | dontbehero: No denigrate other operating systems. Also please drop that discussion, as it has nothing to do with ubuntu support | 19:11 |
mcveat | mang0: java -jar minecraft.jar -Xmx=512m | 19:11 |
fhtagn | howdy! any1 care to help me compile ROOT for ubuntu? | 19:12 |
ActionParsnip | Mang0: in Linux you can use nice to launch apps to give higher priority. Or renice to change a running apps nice value. 0 is default -15 will make the CPU spend more time on a process and 15 will make it very low. You can use the values in that range | 19:12 |
purpleyuan | mcveat: just curious, why would you need to add -Xmx=512m at the end? | 19:12 |
ActionParsnip | mang0: nice -15 java -jar file for example | 19:13 |
qirk | BluesKaj: nvidia ion optimus for eee pc 1015pn | 19:13 |
mang0 | ActionParsnip: OIC, thanks :) | 19:13 |
mcveat | purpleyuan: sorry, was writing it from the top of my mind | 19:13 |
mcveat | mang0: i have: java -Xmx1024M -Xms512M -cp /opt/minecraft/minecraft.jar net.minecraft.LauncherFrame | 19:13 |
mang0 | ActionParsnip: You're on here so much, do you get paid or something?! Lol :P | 19:13 |
ActionParsnip | mang0: no just occupies me on the bus, at work and when I'm bored at home | 19:14 |
deebee_ | dontbehero: Principles founded on sound logic, unlike yours. Mono is licensed under GPL/MIT. That's open source by anyone's standards. What more do you want? It wasn't even written by Microsoft. If anything, mono promotes freedom by allowing CLI applications to be portable. You have no idea what you're talking about. | 19:14 |
dontbehero | well I ax how to block m$$ mono from an ubuntu installation. That's a perfectly legitimate question. | 19:14 |
mang0 | ActionParsnip: Understood. Well it's very helpful :P | 19:14 |
ActionParsnip | mang0: man nice will tell you lots :-) | 19:14 |
joshthetechie | does anyone have problems with sound output on a Dell Zino HD desktop computer? The rear audio-out jack won't work under Ubuntu. | 19:14 |
qirk | ActionParsnip & BluesKaj seems like the driver loaded is nvidia according to lshw's output | 19:14 |
oCean | dontbehero: You can call it Microsoft, since that is their name | 19:14 |
mang0 | ActionParsnip: Just done that. Thankyou :) | 19:15 |
ActionParsnip | qirk: sweet :-D | 19:15 |
dontbehero | I not only want to remove it but make sure future upgrades won't install anything surreptisiously | 19:15 |
ActionParsnip | mang0: you are more than welcome, thanks for the gratitude too | 19:15 |
azertuie | do you know on firmware build ? phibxr | 19:16 |
qirk | If we assume everything else is correct, the only problem left would be the damn lag with HD playback on VLC | 19:16 |
mang0 | ActionParsnip: No problemo :( | 19:16 |
mang0 | Oops *:) | 19:16 |
brontosaurusrex | qirk: vdpau not working, or ...? | 19:16 |
ActionParsnip | qirk: try settinga different video output method in settings. I suggest trying gnome-mplayer too. | 19:17 |
oscar | when i boot my laptop with 11.04 it loads on to grub and i have to select ubuntu then it waits with a bit flashing in the top left corner then it goes to "your disk drives are being checked for errors ....." and if i press c to cancel it just then it just goes black and freezes but if i wait for it to complete it just goes up to 70% and then stops so i cant boot my system any help appreciated. | 19:17 |
_ramo | hm, how can i restart the apache webserver if it is installed in /opt/tmpfolder/apache2/bin ? | 19:17 |
dontbehero | deebee_: from what you'v written so far sounds like you're in love with m$$. There's no point in replying each other. | 19:17 |
joshthetechie | audio problems in Ubuntu 11.04...any help would be appreciated :) | 19:17 |
qirk | ActionParsnip: I've tried mplayer, it's laggy | 19:17 |
dontbehero | which toolkit is used for Unity? | 19:18 |
qirk | brontosaurusrex: well it works to play the movie but it's laggy as hell, and I've set the option GPU acceleration because it made it work in windows when I tried | 19:18 |
ActionParsnip | qirk: different output methods dude and different interlacing/antialiasing etc. Tweak the settings | 19:18 |
ActionParsnip | Qirk: what version of vlc? | 19:19 |
oCean | dontbehero: last warning, stop the silly silly misspellings when mentioning Microsoft | 19:19 |
qirk | ActionParsnip: newest | 19:19 |
Randumb | question for you all | 19:19 |
deebee_ | dontbehero: You can call them Microsoft, that's their name. You asked how to avoid m$$ from being installed on your computer. Mono is not MS. There's your answer. | 19:19 |
Randumb | i have a 1gb chunk of hard disk on 8 disks | 19:20 |
ActionParsnip | Qirk: what version number? | 19:20 |
dontbehero | oCean: freedom of expression, or are you trying to censor me?? | 19:20 |
nixmaniack | !backup | 19:20 |
ubottu | There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning | 19:20 |
brontosaurusrex | qirk: command line version of mplayer reports that vdpau is on and in use? | 19:20 |
joshthetechie | can someone please help me with audio issues? | 19:20 |
qirk | ActionParsnip: I've also tried to skip H.264 in-loop deblocking filter as all | 19:20 |
Randumb | would it be better to raid10 those 8 chunks for swap, or just format those 8 individual chunks as swap.... and why? | 19:20 |
nixmaniack | !cloning | 19:20 |
ubottu | To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate | 19:20 |
oCean | dontbehero: you can discuss channel rules in #ubuntu-ops if you wish | 19:20 |
The_Phoenix | evva is a spam bot. -> (12:50:06 AM) evva: | 19:20 |
The_Phoenix | hii sex http://livecam.de.vc | 19:20 |
ActionParsnip | !details | joshthetechie | 19:21 |
ubottu | joshthetechie: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..." | 19:21 |
oCean | The_Phoenix: you can report such in #ubuntu-ops channel | 19:21 |
brontosaurusrex | qirk: try "mplayer -vo vdpau -vc ffh264vdpau file.mp4" and tell me what is says | 19:21 |
ActionParsnip | Qirk: what is the output of: lsb_release -sc; dpkg -l | grep vlc | head -n 1 | 19:22 |
LjL | The_Phoenix: thanks for the report but next time report it in #ubuntu-ops instead of reposting the spam here please | 19:22 |
joshthetechie | ubottu: I have a problem with audio output on Ubuntu 11.04. The rear audio-out jack on the computer does not work, but the headphone jack is operational. | 19:22 |
ubottu | joshthetechie: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 19:22 |
dontbehero | prolly a bobby-trapped link | 19:22 |
egsome | Using Ubuntu 11.04 on my Dell Laptop, I notice sometimes bad performance. This is my head of `top` http://pastebin.com/1e5uxmHa any ideas ? | 19:22 |
nphase | anyway to get ubuntu php to use mysqlnd? | 19:22 |
ActionParsnip | !sound | joshthetechie | 19:23 |
ubottu | joshthetechie: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings. If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !players and !mp3. | 19:23 |
qirk | brontosaurusrex: it's mkv file | 19:23 |
Ibis | nphase: What exactly are you doing? o_O | 19:23 |
brontosaurusrex | qirk: lol, then "file.mkv" | 19:23 |
qirk | brontosaurusrex: just wanted to tell you :) | 19:23 |
nphase | Ibis: i'm trying to use the mysqlnd extension for mysqli | 19:23 |
scorinitron | hi guys I'm running ubuntu 10.04 I'm new to linux and want to learn bash this is my second day using IRC | 19:23 |
joshthetechie | ubottu: Okay. I'll check those out. It's something with the codecs, but I'm not sure how to fix it | 19:24 |
ubottu | joshthetechie: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 19:24 |
nphase | Ibis: but while php5.3 has mysqlnd built into the source it doesnt seem like php5.3/ubuntu actually builds it. | 19:24 |
brontosaurusrex | scorinitron: /j #bash | 19:24 |
Krenair | joshthetechie, ubottu is a bot | 19:24 |
joshthetechie | Krenair: ahh...okay | 19:24 |
joshthetechie | :) | 19:24 |
ActionParsnip | joshthetechie: use the sound troubleshooting procedure page, there is an alsa-info.sh file command. Run it and upload to the server. A URL will be generated. What is the URL | 19:24 |
fhtagn | scorinitron: http://www.ooblick.com/text/sh/ =D helped me before | 19:24 |
qirk | brontosaurusrex: failed to open VDPAU backend libvdpau_nvidia.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory | 19:25 |
joshthetechie | alsa-info.sh | 19:25 |
scorinitron | Srry I missed the site | 19:25 |
ActionParsnip | brontosaurusrex: i think you're on the trail :-) | 19:25 |
brontosaurusrex | qirk: ok, try "sudo apt-get install libvdpau1" < i hope thats still valid and retry | 19:25 |
qirk | ActionParsnip: vlc version is 1.1.12-1 | 19:26 |
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oscar | !repair | 19:26 |
brontosaurusrex | ActionParsnip: well i made it happen with my asus with ion, so i know its working - with mplayer | 19:26 |
joshthetechie | ActionParsnip: How do I run the command? | 19:26 |
scorinitron | Is their way to surf anonymously? | 19:26 |
qirk | brontosaurusrex: libvdpau 0.0.1-1 is installed | 19:26 |
ActionParsnip | Qirk: and the output of: lsb_release -sc | 19:26 |
g0rs | scorinitron: use a proxy server | 19:26 |
scorinitron | g0rs, how? | 19:27 |
qirk | ActionParsnip: that's unfortunately not a valid command for me on arch :/ | 19:27 |
oscar | !grub | 19:27 |
ubottu | GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10) | 19:27 |
scorinitron | How do I use a proxy? | 19:27 |
scorinitron | how will I go about setting one up | 19:27 |
ActionParsnip | joshthetechie: the command is on the page, its not just alsa-info.sh run it in a terminal | 19:27 |
Sheath | i changed monitors and now my new monitor is saying input not supported, how do i change the resolution with out having a visable desktop? | 19:27 |
g0rs | scorinitron: Thre are anonymous proxy servers some of which are free, you'd have to pay for others which offer proxy and high bandwidth. | 19:27 |
joshthetechie | ActionParsnip: Okay | 19:28 |
ActionParsnip | Qirk: arch isn't supported here. This is ubuntu support | 19:28 |
brontosaurusrex | qirk: and nvidia drivers are working just fine? | 19:28 |
Ibis | VPN > Proxy | 19:28 |
scorinitron | g0rs, is their a way you can show me how? | 19:28 |
ActionParsnip | Qirk: arch has its own support channels | 19:28 |
g0rs | scorinitron: samair.ru lists a few proxy servers. I'd warn you that their speed is very slow. | 19:28 |
ActionParsnip | !arch | 19:29 |
qirk | ActionParsnip: indeed... | 19:29 |
scorinitron | g0rs, anyone recommended? | 19:29 |
qirk | that's why I came here | 19:29 |
brontosaurusrex | qirk: what does "lspci | grep VGA" do? | 19:29 |
g0rs | scorinitron: pick something from their proxy server list. USually they mention their uptime and country. it is better to choose any county other than usa. | 19:29 |
ActionParsnip | Qirk: so you should ask in the arch channel, not here | 19:29 |
qirk | brontosaurusrex: it outputs nvidia as the VGA controller | 19:30 |
NoTV__ | I want to put Ubuntu 10.04 LTS on an empty USB. What type/format should the USB be and what file system should I use? | 19:30 |
qirk | ActionParsnip: works pretty well here too | 19:30 |
monstaRtruck | if i made a new user do i need to set a passwd to ssh with a dsa key? | 19:30 |
Ibis | ActionParsnip: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TIvxqUCu41Q | 19:30 |
ActionParsnip | brontosaurusrex: can you please take it to the arch channel :) | 19:30 |
brontosaurusrex | ActionParsnip: ok | 19:30 |
qirk | I'm not a registered user, can't talk on the arch channel.. | 19:31 |
Ibis | brontosaurusrex: SHows you what Video card you're using. | 19:31 |
dontbehero | oO native netflix client for linux??!!! | 19:31 |
brontosaurusrex | Ibis: thanks | 19:31 |
dv310p3r | I've discovered a weird bug. I use an external laptop on my Ubuntu 10.10 laptop. Before disconnecting the monitor I open my display settings panel and then select the monitor I am about to disconnect, then hit off. Then I apply. After a second or two, any windows I had open in the other monitor drop over to my laptop monitor and life goes on. However the issue is this, if I do that process, after haveing let the computer go to sleep for a | 19:31 |
dv310p3r | ny reason. THe computer will completely freeze. Any ideas. | 19:31 |
dv310p3r | I've discovered a weird bug. I use an external laptop on my Ubuntu 10.10 laptop. Before disconnecting the monitor I open my display settings panel and then select the monitor I am about to disconnect, then hit off. Then I apply. After a second or two, any windows I had open in the other monitor drop over to my laptop monitor and life goes on. However the issue is this, if I do that process, after haveing let the computer go to sleep for a | 19:31 |
dv310p3r | ny reason. THe computer will completely freeze. Any ideas. | 19:31 |
FloodBot1 | dv310p3r: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation. | 19:31 |
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dv310p3r | FloodBot1, sorry, lol. | 19:32 |
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scorinitron | g0rs, their has to be a way your using a proxy for free | 19:32 |
ActionParsnip | !register | 19:32 |
ubottu | Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode | 19:32 |
ActionParsnip | Ibis: slow web presently. If I'm on later and you see me, hit me again and i'll check it | 19:32 |
scorinitron | g0rs,...I'm 17 xD | 19:32 |
g0rs | scorinitron: i did use a few proxy servers there sometime ago. Some of the servers which aer free are fast. you'd have to try a few. | 19:33 |
Ibis | ActionParsnip: That was suppsoe to be a "you failed" sound effect from the "Price is right" game show. xD | 19:33 |
NoTV__ | I really need an answer, guys! --> I want to put Ubuntu 10.04 LTS on an empty USB. What type/format should the USB be and what file system should I use? | 19:33 |
ActionParsnip | Ibis: ahh i see :-) | 19:33 |
Ibis | NoTV__: Use a fat32 File system. Use Ubuntbootin to put your Ubuntu ISO onto your USB flash drive. | 19:34 |
brontosaurusrex | NoTV__: ext2 did work for me yesterday (buy i was just wild-guessing) | 19:34 |
qirk | ActionParsnip: you could also refer me to the vlc channel | 19:34 |
scorinitron | g0rs, any recommendations? | 19:34 |
g0rs | scorinitron: you can use some proxy servers to appear as if you are in another coutry :) | 19:34 |
ActionParsnip | NoTV__: unetbootin will handle that. I'd got for FAT16. Remember to MD5 test the ISO you download | 19:34 |
g0rs | scorinitron: i'm trying a socks server on my irc client | 19:35 |
NoTV__ | Ibis: Thanks! brontosaurusrex: Thanks! ActionParsnip: Thanks! | 19:35 |
ActionParsnip | Qirk: I'm not sure of it. Could try #vlc btw there is vlc 1.2 so you aren't on the latest ;) | 19:35 |
scorinitron | g0rs, cool what's a socks server? | 19:35 |
joshthetechie | what is 'uname -r' stand for? | 19:36 |
R3dy | exit | 19:36 |
g0rs | it is a type of proxy | 19:36 |
Ibis | scorinitron: A /type/ of proxy server. | 19:36 |
ActionParsnip | joshthetechie: gives the version number of the kernel | 19:36 |
Ibis | joshthetechie: That's your Kernel | 19:36 |
Krenair | http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SOCKS | 19:36 |
xrdodrx | joshthetechie, type man uname, then hit the / key and type -r and hit return. you can use this to find information about any command :) | 19:36 |
Ibis | joshthetechie: That's your Kernel | 19:37 |
Krenair | http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SOCKS | 19:37 |
ActionParsnip | scorinitron: a server running so hot, it can dry your socks :-) | 19:37 |
Ibis | joshthetechie: uname --help For details. (You can use other options other than the -r as shown in HELP) | 19:37 |
xrdodrx | joshthetechie, type man uname, then hit the / key and type -r and hit return. you can use this to find information about any command :) | 19:37 |
scorinitron | lol funny action | 19:37 |
joshthetechie | thanks guys | 19:37 |
nphase | any ideas? :) | 19:37 |
=== mx is now known as maxjezy | ||
ActionParsnip | scorinitron: a server running so hot, it can dry your socks :-) | 19:38 |
Ibis | joshthetechie: uname --help For details. (You can use other options other than the -r as shown in HELP) | 19:38 |
scorinitron | lol funny action | 19:38 |
joshthetechie | thanks guys | 19:38 |
nphase | any ideas? :) | 19:38 |
=== mx is now known as maxjezy | ||
aetas-dk | Hey guys, Im wondring if im the only one who is unable to create or connect to a wireless network with 11.04? | 19:38 |
aetas-dk | Hey guys, Im wondring if im the only one who is unable to create or connect to a wireless network with 11.04? | 19:38 |
Ibis | ActionParsnip & scorinitron, Lol. I actually know someone who puts food (wrapped in foil) under a car hood so it heats up by the time he arrives at work. o_O | 19:38 |
Ibis | ActionParsnip & scorinitron, Lol. I actually know someone who puts food (wrapped in foil) under a car hood so it heats up by the time he arrives at work. o_O | 19:38 |
joshthetechie | when I type in 'find /lib/modules/uname -r |grep snd' I get 'find: unknown predicate `-r'. What does this mean? | 19:39 |
Ibis | nphase: That's because the source code for php or it's configuration isn't aimed -OR- aware of the settings made by Ubuntu (installation of apache/mysql/ or even other PHP, other things php might want to talk to etc) | 19:40 |
NoTV__ | Ibis: "Space used to preserve files across reboots"? | 19:40 |
=== nick_ is now known as Guest79226 | ||
aetas-dk | Hey guys, Im wondering if im the only one who is unable to create or connect to a wireless network with 11.04? | 19:41 |
Ibis | nphase: My advice. Either use php source. or use apt-get to install php. Do not do both. (Using apt-getis actually a lot easier to manage your php stuff. Like if you need to install other fancy php things, ubuntu will set it up for you). | 19:41 |
demonspork | so did you hear, winehq had their user database stolen | 19:42 |
nphase | Ibis: I'm not sure I understand. i do know though, that if I were to install php from scratch, I'd include --with-mysqli=mysqlnd on my configure line. Is there any way for me to do that in php on ubuntu without building from source? | 19:42 |
broo | joshthetechie: you need back ticks around uname -r find /lib/modules/`uname -r` | grep snd | 19:42 |
llutz | joshthetechie: modprobe -l '*snd*' | 19:42 |
Pumpkin-_ | joshthetechie: it means that -r isn't a valid option for find. What I suspect, but can't be sure, you want is ::: find /lib/modules/`uname -r` -name '*snd*' | 19:42 |
llutz | joshthetechie: or 'find /lib/modules/$(uname -r) |grep snd' | 19:42 |
Ibis | aetas-dk: MAYBE.... I'm not having problems. State the name of the wifi card/USB. | 19:42 |
joshthetechie | I got it working | 19:42 |
oCean | demonspork: nothing to do with this channel | 19:43 |
Ibis | nphase: sudo apt-get php5 php5-mysql | 19:43 |
nphase | Ibis: does that contain mysqlnd? | 19:44 |
Ibis | apt-get install php5-mysqli | 19:44 |
Ibis | nphase: That should definitely do. | 19:44 |
nphase | Ibis: i have php5-mysql installed, i dont have a php5-mysqli | 19:44 |
Ibis | Then get the mysqli then ^_^ | 19:45 |
nphase | Ibis: aptitude search mysqli: nothing | 19:45 |
nphase | yes, i did update | 19:45 |
nphase | (10.10) | 19:46 |
lprelle | can someone tell me locations where informations about ip's are stored. | 19:46 |
lprelle | i look in /etc/network/interfaces but i couldnt find the ip which is showed when i run ifconfig | 19:46 |
wildc4rd | Good evening, has anyone here had success in getting a Kodak wifi printer working under Ubuntu? only looking for printing, not worried about the scanning etc. | 19:46 |
edbian | lprelle: Are you using dhcp ? | 19:46 |
lprelle | edbian: nope | 19:46 |
=== TNZ_ is now known as TNZfr | ||
edbian | lprelle: then your local ip MUST have been set in /etc/network/interfaces | 19:47 |
edbian | lprelle: Can you pastebin that file? paste.ubuntu.com | 19:47 |
sammy | would anyone happen to know what these applications called 'pulseaudio' are in my sound preferences? | 19:47 |
th0r | lprelle: did you maybe set it in network manager? | 19:47 |
lprelle | edbian: which file? | 19:47 |
edbian | lprelle: /etc/network/interfaces | 19:47 |
sammy | maybe there's another interface I can use to get at this data and see what processes actually belong to them | 19:47 |
aetas-dk | ibis: the driver is ath9k and it is integreated on ASUS E35M1-I Deluxe, I think it is Realtek® 8111E PCIe Gigabit LAN controller, could that be right? | 19:48 |
xangua | sammy: pulse audio is the daemon that controls your sound | 19:48 |
edbian | lprelle: (it is possibly set in the gui network manager) | 19:48 |
joshthetechie | why is it that Ubuntu only recognizes my headphone jack, but not the rear audio-out jack on my Dell Zino HD? | 19:48 |
NoTV__ | I want to put Ubuntu 10.04 LTS on an empty USB. What type/format should the USB be and what file system should I use? | 19:48 |
Ibis | nphase: It might be a two birds one stone thing. (mysql and mysqli in one). TO test, look at <?php phpinfo(); ?> | 19:48 |
sammy | xangua: yes, thank you. I am referring to applications or otherwise in the 'applications' tab of sound preferences called 'pulseaudio' as opposed to totem chromium etc | 19:48 |
joshthetechie | Ubuntu recognizes the sound card, but no sound comes out of my speakers connected to the rear audio-out jack. | 19:48 |
nphase | Ibis: that's the first thing i did. there's no mysqlnd. | 19:48 |
aetas-dk | NoTV__ | 19:48 |
edbian | NoTV__: format and file system are the same thing, make it ext4 | 19:48 |
joshthetechie | I have to hook up speakers to the headphone jack to get sound | 19:48 |
xangua | NoTV__: unetbootin or ubuntu use creator do all the work for you ;) | 19:49 |
sammy | I don't know where they came from or what they are, but when they appear, sound no longer works for other applications | 19:49 |
aetas-dk | NoTV__ : What OS are you on? | 19:49 |
Ibis | nphase: Nothing under mysqli? O_O | 19:49 |
=== Micki_ is now known as Micki | ||
xangua | ubuntu usb creator* NoTV__ | 19:49 |
NoTV__ | edbian: Thanks! | 19:49 |
NoTV__ | xangua: Why not Startup Disk Creator? | 19:49 |
edbian | NoTV__: sure | 19:49 |
lprelle | edbian: http://pastebin.com/cKDjVYJd | 19:49 |
NoTV__ | aetas-dk: Ubuntu on a PC. | 19:49 |
nphase | Ibis: seems we're getting on the same page. lol | 19:50 |
nphase | :( | 19:50 |
edbian | lprelle: are those xx's correct or did you change them? That's your IP on line 8 | 19:50 |
t2mahesh | can any one tell me how to scroll the content in gnome-terminal without using mouse | 19:50 |
xangua | NoTV__: it's the same i believe | 19:51 |
Sheath | whats this mean when it just sits on this screen? | 19:51 |
Sheath | http://dl.dropbox.com/u/856582/IMG_5294.JPG | 19:51 |
edbian | t2mahesh: shift + page up | 19:51 |
Ibis | nphase: Look for: MYSQLI_SOCKET | 19:51 |
lprelle | edbian: i changed it. when i run ifconfig there is a line with an ipv6.. a idea where it is defined? | 19:51 |
aetas-dk | NoTV__: okay, I was going to suggest a PC tool 'unetbootin', but that wont really work in your case, I think you might be better of with the Startup Disk Creator in Ubuntu ;) | 19:51 |
nphase | yeah, theres no mysqlnd | 19:51 |
Ibis | nphase: It's there in my install. | 19:51 |
edbian | lprelle: I've never set an ipv6 address. I'm guessing it has some default value. | 19:51 |
t2mahesh | edbian: thanks :) | 19:52 |
aetas-dk | ibis: the driver is ath9k and it is integreated on ASUS E35M1-I Deluxe, I think it is Realtek® 8111E PCIe Gigabit LAN controller, could that be right? | 19:52 |
nphase | Ibis: try running http://us.php.net/mysqli_reap_async_query | 19:52 |
edbian | lprelle: perhaps it has the ipv6 equivalent of ? | 19:52 |
edbian | t2mahesh: sure | 19:52 |
Ibis | nphase: http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=6103108&postcount=2 | 19:52 |
NoTV__ | xangua: Ahh... | 19:52 |
nphase | Ibis: let me know if you dont get problems | 19:52 |
NoTV__ | aetas-dk: Thanks. | 19:52 |
aetas-dk | NoTV__:n | 19:52 |
aetas-dk | NoTV__:np :) | 19:52 |
lprelle | edbian: hmm, i dont know.. but i couldnt restart networking "SIOCADDRT: File exists | 19:53 |
lprelle | Failed to bring up eth0." | 19:53 |
edbian | lprelle: Is that a new error? I thought you said it was up just a moment ago (that's a generic error) | 19:53 |
nphase | Ibis: you understand that mysqlnd is not the same thing as mysqli, right? | 19:53 |
lprelle | edbian: it is up, but i couldnt restart | 19:54 |
edbian | lprelle: did you replace those X's in the file you linked me? | 19:55 |
lprelle | edbian: yes | 19:55 |
aetas-dk | Ibis: the driver is ath9k and it is integreated on ASUS E35M1-I Deluxe, I think it is Realtek® 8111E PCIe Gigabit LAN controller, could that be right? | 19:55 |
edbian | lprelle: The error could mean a million things. I'm guessing a typo in the file itself. | 19:56 |
=== Mud is now known as Guest99412 | ||
zykotick9 | NoTV__, FYI running from a USB drive is going to be slow. If the USB drive life is important to you, ext2 would be best. | 19:57 |
NoTV__ | zykotick9: Too late. :/ | 19:58 |
Ibis | nphase: Run this code: http://pastebin.com/tq4Xc6Ca <---- Works for me. | 19:58 |
lprelle | edbian: hmm everything i changed i the file till the last restart is now uncommented :/ | 19:59 |
edbian | lprelle: I'm not sure. Maybe some other error! :( | 20:00 |
monstaRtruck | whats the purpose of .ssh/known_hosts | 20:00 |
aetas-dk | Im having problems with my wifi after installing ubuntu 11.04, my wifi is a Realtek® 8111E. I can see other network, but I cannot join other networks, and the ones I create are not visible to others. Anyone else having the same problems? | 20:00 |
stef_ | ? | 20:00 |
Ibis | aetas-dk: Where does it say it's real tek? | 20:01 |
reisio | monstaRtruck: seriously? :p | 20:01 |
reisio | monstaRtruck: type 'known_hosts' into your browser and hit enter if you want the details | 20:02 |
monstaRtruck | forget it ass | 20:02 |
aetas-dk | It comes integrated on the motherboard: ASUS E35M1-I Deluxe, thats where I read it. | 20:03 |
aetas-dk | Ibis: It comes integrated on the motherboard: ASUS E35M1-I Deluxe, thats where I read it. | 20:03 |
fritsch | aetas-dk: Ltd. RTL8111/8168B <- is it this one? | 20:04 |
llutz | monstaRtruck: http://amath.colorado.edu/computing/unix/sshknownhosts.html | 20:05 |
lprelle | edbian: any suggestions how i could give you more information? | 20:05 |
monstaRtruck | omg just a basic lilttle sentence o fwhat u think it is plz | 20:05 |
monstaRtruck | i am in irc not google | 20:05 |
B0g4r7 | Wow, this system really does not like USB contention. | 20:06 |
fritsch | aetas-dk: if it is RTL8168e or 8111e it uses r8169 driver | 20:06 |
Ibis | monstaRtruck: The purpose is to store a list of SSH that you've trusted and logged into. You can delete this file when you're having issues accessing SSH (a server you TRUST of course). | 20:06 |
Ibis | monstaRtruck: If Terminal PANICS, and you know for hell sure that's not your server, then stay away and do not conenct to that server with SSH. | 20:06 |
nphase | Ibis: you should check out mysqlnd, it's a separate driver from mysqli: http://us3.php.net/mysqlnd | 20:06 |
Ibis | nphase: I know what it is, I believe this is "combined" in the ubuntu packages. phpinfo tells me that mysqli is available. | 20:06 |
nphase | mysqli is separate from mysqlnd. mysqli is how either mysqlnd or libmysqlclient are exposed. which all depends on the --with-mysqli=mysqlnd flag | 20:06 |
nphase | you can use mysqli without mysqlnd | 20:06 |
nphase | (which is why it work fine for you) | 20:06 |
nphase | but if you try using mysqlnd-only features of mysqli, it will fail. | 20:06 |
edbian | lprelle: Comment the entire file, restart networking. Do you get the error? | 20:06 |
edbian | lprelle: (guess and check method :) ) | 20:06 |
B0g4r7 | The whole system gets all "chunky" and unresponsive when I copy a big file from one USB Mass Storage device to another. | 20:06 |
aetas-dk | . | 20:06 |
edbian | B0g4r7: well it's busy! :P | 20:07 |
monstaRtruck | awedome Ibis thx | 20:07 |
monstaRtruck | so its kinda like authrizedkeys but for servers rite | 20:07 |
llutz | Ibis: deleting the file in case of trouble is a bad idea as it might hold more than one host-key | 20:07 |
B0g4r7 | edbian, yes, but I ought to still be able to work in apps that don't rely on the USBMS devices. | 20:08 |
lprelle | edbian: i dont know if this is good, the webserver shouldnt go down :P | 20:08 |
edbian | B0g4r7: yeah, all apps share the same processor :) | 20:08 |
B0g4r7 | Things like System Monitor and Thunderbird will have their windows go dark. | 20:08 |
sammy | so, anyone else know what these applications called 'pulseaudio' are in the application tab of sound preferences? | 20:08 |
edbian | lprelle: Oh, you're working on a live system? I'm not sure then | 20:08 |
B0g4r7 | edbian, it's got 4 [logical] cores, it ought to be able to do more than one thing. :) | 20:09 |
sammy | their appearance seems to coincide with all audio output (only output) failing on my machine. until I reboot. because they never go away. | 20:09 |
lprelle | edbian: hmm ok | 20:09 |
tehnef | sammy: pretty sure pulseaudio is one of the many audio subsystems | 20:09 |
=== Guest4280 is now known as _SERGIO_ | ||
edbian | B0g4r7: 4 logical but only 1 physical? | 20:09 |
Ibis | monstaRtruck: Well, you could also just edit that file and remove the host-key you're having problems with (and not delete all the important keys). | 20:09 |
edbian | B0g4r7: logically it's doing like 100 things right now | 20:09 |
monstaRtruck | see how that generates fun discussions instead of useless googling | 20:09 |
B0g4r7 | edbian, 4 logical, 2 physical. (dual-core Atom w/ HT) | 20:09 |
monstaRtruck | no i sort of knew what this file did just wanted more details | 20:10 |
edbian | B0g4r7: Mmm, maybe it's simply slow? look at top | 20:10 |
monstaRtruck | not having any issues | 20:10 |
=== Beastmode is now known as Dasda | ||
tehnef | B0g4r7: USB uses CPU to do its thing and you have a really low-powered one | 20:11 |
Ibis | llutz: Yea,, good point... Good thing the SSH I go to are servers I own. xD | 20:11 |
monstaRtruck | was just wondering if known hosts had anything to do wiht passwordsless ssh login but i think it doesnt | 20:11 |
aetas-dk | Ibis: Is it not correct? | 20:11 |
Ibis | aetas-dk: I looked at it. And so far, I didn't come across anything mentioning realtek o_O | 20:11 |
fritsch | monstaRtruck: no it doesn`t | 20:12 |
B0g4r7 | tehnef, no DMA for USB huh...Yeah, it's not the most powerful system I've used for sure, tho I'm still impressed with how well it runs for what it is. | 20:12 |
Ibis | nphase: Do you want to try this? http://fishtrap.co.uk/blog/2011/06/16/compiling-php-to-use-mysqlnd-on-ubuntu/ | 20:12 |
monstaRtruck | cool thx | 20:12 |
fritsch | monstaRtruck: it stores computers you ssh in there - so if something changes, you can get informed | 20:12 |
llutz | monstaRtruck: that depends whether you use CheckHostIP or not | 20:12 |
nphase | im trying to avoid compiling php :( | 20:12 |
nphase | oh. i like this way better. | 20:12 |
Ibis | nphase: That's with apt-get source | 20:12 |
nphase | awesome, thank you. | 20:12 |
nphase | :) | 20:12 |
=== X_ is now known as FreeNET | ||
sammy | tehnef: I understand what pulseaudio is. what I dont understand is why an application named 'pulseaudio' is sitting in the list of applications trying to output audio until I reboot. | 20:13 |
sammy | ill go bug hunting again. | 20:13 |
tehnef | sammy: yeah sounds like general bugginess | 20:13 |
aetas-dk | Ibis: It comes integrated on the motherboard: ASUS E35M1-I Deluxe, thats where I read it. | 20:14 |
B0g4r7 | sammy: 'strace -p the_processes_pid' -- see what it's waiting on. | 20:14 |
Ibis | nphase: It's usually good to see the comments too. | 20:14 |
Ibis | As some are making good points or suggesting god tips. | 20:14 |
isan | http://xdccing.com/ | 20:15 |
Ziber | Where is the configuration files located for pure-ftpd? | 20:15 |
aetas-dk | Ibis: sorry, I found that is actually Azurewave AW-NE785H wireless card | 20:16 |
inimeg | hello room | 20:16 |
monstaRtruck | HAY! | 20:16 |
monstaRtruck | hey if i just made a .ssh on the server do i need to restart ssh | 20:17 |
monstaRtruck | d | 20:17 |
reisio | monstaRtruck: to accomplish what? | 20:17 |
reisio | inimeg: hi | 20:17 |
monstaRtruck | to login w out pass | 20:18 |
reisio | did you try logging in without a pass? | 20:18 |
nijad | hey can anyone help me on setting up a virtualhost? | 20:18 |
reisio | nijad: a virtual host? | 20:19 |
nijad | yea | 20:19 |
Dracosoft | nijad: i got ya | 20:19 |
monstaRtruck | its not leting me yet | 20:19 |
nijad | reisio: yea | 20:19 |
Dracosoft | for apache2 right? | 20:19 |
nijad | Dracosoft: yes | 20:19 |
nijad | Dracosoft: i will explain my problem | 20:20 |
sammy | B0g4r7: what process pid? the only 'pulseaudio' processes are the two that are normally there | 20:20 |
Dracosoft | kk | 20:20 |
nijad | Dracosoft: So i am creating a web app | 20:20 |
nijad | Dracosoft: and i need to use wsgi | 20:21 |
Pici | !enter | 20:21 |
Ibis | aetas-dk: Even if you give the right passworrd, it will not connect? | 20:21 |
ubottu | Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! | 20:21 |
reisio | took you two lines to say that :p | 20:21 |
nijad | Dracosoft: and i need to setup it in my computer | 20:21 |
nijad | Dracosoft: are u getting me? | 20:22 |
Dracosoft | i think so | 20:22 |
Dracosoft | so will the web app have it's own host name? | 20:22 |
nijad | yea | 20:23 |
Dracosoft | k I have a script that can do it for you | 20:23 |
Dracosoft | like a link? | 20:23 |
nijad | ok | 20:23 |
isan | il ragazzo con la bicicletta | 20:23 |
Dracosoft | s/b gotta cp it to my webserver | 20:23 |
nijad | ok | 20:24 |
=== mike is now known as Guest68066 | ||
th0r | isan: you're making ragoo with a bicycle? | 20:24 |
aetas-dk | Ibis: no, I just seems not to be able to connect or even host. | 20:24 |
nijad | Dracosoft: and i am having some other questions regarding virtualhost | 20:24 |
BarkingFish | th0r: I think he mentioned something about a boy with a bike... | 20:25 |
nijad | i am a beginner in creating a web app or web related thing | 20:25 |
th0r | BarkingFish: I liked my translation better <smile> | 20:25 |
Ibis | aetas-dk: So it never asks for a password? | 20:25 |
Dracosoft | nijad: dracosoftrnd.com/Vhost | 20:25 |
Ibis | nijad: What are you trying to do exactly? | 20:25 |
aetas-dk | Ibis: I looked up lshw, which gave me this for my wireless: AR9285 Wireless Network Adapter, Atheros Communication | 20:25 |
aetas-dk | Ibis: no | 20:25 |
Ibis | aetas-dk: Is your network password protected? | 20:26 |
Dracosoft | nijad: then run the script and give it the hostname of the app like "./script HostNameOfApp" | 20:26 |
BarkingFish | aetas-dk, What is the problem with your wireless? I'm sorry, I joined after you asked your question :) | 20:26 |
nijad | so wait | 20:27 |
aetas-dk | Ibis: I have tried with encryption WEP/WPA/WPA2 and without encryption | 20:27 |
Dracosoft | nijad: it will do everything for you | 20:27 |
nijad | so where should i place ma code | 20:27 |
nijad | for wxample am doing ma work in /home/nijad/catalogapp | 20:27 |
aetas-dk | BarkingFish: Thank you for asking, Im having problems with my wifi after installing ubuntu 11.04, my wifi is a AR9285 WirelessE. I can see other network, but I cannot join other networks, and the ones I create are not visible to others. | 20:27 |
Dracosoft | open a text file, copy it in, and run it ("./scriptName vhostName") | 20:28 |
BarkingFish | aetas-dk, first, have you got the correct kernel module to support the AR9285? if I remember, its supported by ath9k | 20:28 |
Dracosoft | oh....u have to run as sudo to get permissions right | 20:29 |
Dracosoft | nijad: u got the code, so look at it b4 u run as sudo! | 20:29 |
nijad | Dracosoft: ok | 20:29 |
nijad | vhostname can be anything? | 20:29 |
aetas-dk | BarkingFish: Probably not, not if it was not shipped with the latest package | 20:30 |
Dracosoft | let me know if it works for you | 20:30 |
nijad | does that and my workspace have any relation? | 20:30 |
aetas-dk | BarkingFish: How do I get it? | 20:30 |
Dracosoft | yes..... ./script assumes u are in the directory that u saved it in | 20:30 |
BarkingFish | aetas-dk, can you open a terminal up for me, and when you get in, just type sudo lsmod | grep ath9k for me | 20:30 |
BarkingFish | aetas-dk, let's check it's not there first :) | 20:31 |
nijad | no n o not that | 20:31 |
nijad | i meant vhostname and my workspace | 20:31 |
=== gianni is now known as Guest49462 | ||
guntbert | !u > Dracosoft | 20:32 |
ubottu | Dracosoft, please see my private message | 20:32 |
aetas-dk | BarkingFish: Okay, did that what information do you need? | 20:32 |
Dracosoft | ah, the script puts it in ur /var/www directory | 20:32 |
BarkingFish | aetas-dk, did you get any response from the command? | 20:32 |
sammy | for anyone wondering, its a poor implementation of listing output applications in sound preferences. the slider has to do with pulseaudio talking to a machine over the network, and rather than explaining that, the input and output it is monitoring are just called 'pulseaudio' | 20:32 |
nijad | so my code and all should be in dat? | 20:32 |
aetas-dk | BarkingFish: yep, It gave me quit a lot actually | 20:33 |
BarkingFish | do you see ath9k in any of the output, aetas-dk? | 20:33 |
nijad | Dracosoft: really sorry, this is just because am really new to this | 20:33 |
aetas-dk | BarkingFish: yes, it says ath9k in 3 of 6 lines | 20:33 |
jtomasrl | is there a way to have more than 60Hz refresh rate using a ATI video card and a CRT screen? | 20:34 |
BarkingFish | ok, so you have it installed. That's good, aetas-dk - next, can you see if you have a wpa_supplicant installed please? | 20:34 |
Dracosoft | nijad: all good.....but yes, I made the script so that I could setup many websites in a hurry... | 20:34 |
nijad | ok | 20:34 |
Dracosoft | and the sites are only available from that directory (w/o a lot of .config editing :) ) | 20:35 |
aetas-dk | BarkingFish: Im not sure how to get that information, I have only been using linux for two weeks | 20:35 |
nijad | ok | 20:35 |
nijad | i copied that script | 20:35 |
nijad | and named it vhost | 20:36 |
nijad | ./vhost doesnt work | 20:36 |
BarkingFish | aetas-dk, ok, no problem. just type sudo updatedb, hit enter and wait till it's finished, then type locate wpa_supplicant | 20:36 |
Dracosoft | are you in the same directory? | 20:36 |
nijad | yea | 20:36 |
th0r | nijad: did you mark it as executable? | 20:36 |
Dracosoft | nijad: there you go.....sorry, left that part out | 20:36 |
nijad | oh no | 20:37 |
Dracosoft | chmod +e vhost | 20:37 |
th0r | chmod +x | 20:37 |
Dracosoft | chmod +x vhost | 20:37 |
Dracosoft | lol my bad | 20:37 |
th0r | I'll butt out now | 20:37 |
=== aarcane__ is now known as aarcane | ||
Dracosoft | thanx th0r | 20:37 |
nijad | Dracosoft: ok done | 20:38 |
aarcane | !cloud | 20:38 |
ubottu | The Ubuntu Enterprise Cloud (UEC), powered by Eucalyptus, is highly configurable and customizable to a variety of environments. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEC | 20:38 |
aarcane | !cloud-irc | 20:38 |
nijad | Dracosoft: now wat? | 20:38 |
jtomasrl | is there a way to force the display of higher refresh rates? | 20:38 |
aetas-dk | BarkingFish: Thank you for helping me. It seems that I have installed the wpa_supplicant. It is located in etc, sbin and usr | 20:38 |
BarkingFish | aarcane, if you're after info for yourself, can you deal with ubottu in query please :) | 20:38 |
aarcane | BarkingFish, I found out what I need, but if I remember in the future, I will :) | 20:39 |
BarkingFish | ok. Now comes the tough bit, aetas-dk - I use KDE, you'll be in Gnome, and I don't know what you use to connect to wifi in Gnome :) | 20:39 |
Dracosoft | put ur code in /var/www/yourHostname and you can go to it in a browser | 20:39 |
nijad | Dracosoft: I can open it from my browser | 20:39 |
AlReece45 | Why does Ubuntu LTS install always detect I'm in America/Chicago when I'm in America/New_York? | 20:39 |
Dracosoft | yup.....just navigate to the hostname | 20:39 |
reisio | AlReece45: are you dual booting with Windows? | 20:40 |
aetas-dk | BarkingFish: As far as I know it is called Network Manager | 20:40 |
Atreus | why am i unable to change the screen birghtness percentage while on battery power though the power management? | 20:40 |
deebee_ | AlReece45: That'll be down to your ISPs network architecture I expect. Geolocating via an IP address isn't always perfect | 20:40 |
nijad | ok now its like dis | 20:40 |
AlReece45 | reisio: no | 20:40 |
BarkingFish | aetas-dk, ah. One second then, let me pull some info on it, and I'll be right back | 20:40 |
nijad | ma code is in the folder /home/nijad/catalogapp | 20:40 |
aetas-dk | BarkingFish: Thank you so much for taking your time! | 20:40 |
nijad | so shud i copy all that to that? | 20:40 |
BarkingFish | aetas-dk, it seems you're using what I'm using :) | 20:41 |
BarkingFish | which makes this a lot easier. | 20:41 |
AlReece45 | deebee_: Do you know what geolocation it uses? | 20:41 |
nijad | Dracosoft: ma code is in the folder /home/nijad/catalogapp | 20:41 |
deebee_ | AlReece45: which I'm guessing (others may know for sure) is how the ubuntu installer trys to work out where you are | 20:41 |
nijad | Dracosoft: so shud i copy all that to it? | 20:41 |
deebee_ | AlReece45: nope, afraid not | 20:41 |
Dracosoft | so if u were to navigate to that folder in ur browser, does it start the app ..... then yes | 20:41 |
aetas-dk | BarkingFish: Great :) Well it is a lot easier to help when one can see ;) | 20:42 |
BarkingFish | aetas-dk, can you click the network manager icon in your panel please, then click manage connections on the right side :) | 20:42 |
nijad | Like am working using python-flask | 20:42 |
Dracosoft | nijad: I believe so | 20:42 |
=== Xano_ is now known as Xano | ||
nijad | and now the think is dat i get an error on wsgi | 20:43 |
aetas-dk | BarkingFish: I have one called "edit connections" not one called manage connections | 20:43 |
BarkingFish | that will most likely be it, assuming we are using the same thing | 20:43 |
Janeh | oh gosh | 20:43 |
Janeh | look at those people ---------------> | 20:43 |
Dracosoft | nijad: s/b | 20:43 |
Janeh | give me half of them :p | 20:44 |
aetas-dk | BarkingFish: Okay, so Im in the Network Connections, on the wireless tab I assume? | 20:44 |
BarkingFish | aetas-dk, yes please | 20:44 |
aschmitz | I have a USB drive that's not showing up on any computers. It's probably dead, but I'd like to try it under Ubuntu just to check. Syslog gives a bunch of "device not accepting address 7, error -32" and such. I know that in the past, that could sometimes be fixed by dropping ehci_hcd to force USB 1.1, but it seems as though I can't do that in 11.04. Does anyone know of a way to force USB 1.1 connections in 11.04? | 20:44 |
Janeh | asd | 20:45 |
aetas-dk | BarkingFish: I have one network here, that I have created. Do you want the info on it? | 20:45 |
BarkingFish | aetas-dk, it looks like we're not using the same version of things, maybe I'm flying blind. | 20:45 |
BarkingFish | aetas-dk, do you have any entries for a wireless network you connect to, like your router or something? | 20:45 |
Dracosoft | changed the script to point to /home/nijad try it again | 20:45 |
Dracosoft | hostname is catalogapp right? | 20:46 |
nijad | yea | 20:46 |
Dracosoft | try it again | 20:46 |
aetas-dk | BarkingFish: yes, just by pushing the wireless icon in the panel | 20:46 |
Dracosoft | i gg..... be back in a few....need something email me @ jlnewton87@gmail.com | 20:46 |
AlReece45 | My company has an IP range alloted from ARIN— every geoservice I know has a pretty good location/lat/long (its saying I'm 5 miles east from where I am). It also detects the wrong timezone on AT&T, Comcast, and a small cable company— all which seem to have the correct geolocation | 20:46 |
aarcane | Hi, I'm interrested in setting up my own private cloud, and I have two machines to host the cloud and I want them to be "fully redundant", IE if either fails, the other will be able to run the cloud... guests? Is that the right term? without batting an eyelash. a few minutes of downtime is acceptible, but failover has to be autonomous to be worth my time implementing it. | 20:47 |
BarkingFish | right, now I know we're not using the same thing, aetas-dk - hold on a moment! | 20:47 |
aarcane | Is the UEC software capable of handling this sort of setup, including data replication? I've been browsing the manuals and have yet to identify an answer. | 20:47 |
aetas-dk | BarkingFish: Here I can see all the networks in my area, though I cannot connect to any of them | 20:47 |
nijad | Dracosoft: ok | 20:47 |
aetas-dk | BarkingFish: ok:) | 20:47 |
BarkingFish | aetas-dk, does it show you how they're secured? | 20:47 |
Pici | aarcane: #ubuntu-cloud and/or #ubuntu-server would be a better place to ask. | 20:47 |
BarkingFish | probably with a little shield in red, yellow or green, aetas-dk? | 20:47 |
aarcane | Pici, I figured, but if anyone here knows, I'd still love an answer. | 20:47 |
aarcane | #ubuntu-server Hi, I'm interrested in setting up my own private cloud, and I have two machines to host the cloud and I want them to be "fully redundant", IE if either fails, the other will be able to run the cloud... guests? Is that the right term? without batting an eyelash. a few minutes of downtime is acceptible, but failover has to be autonomous to be worth my time implementing it. | 20:48 |
aarcane | well that didn't work. | 20:48 |
aetas-dk | BarkingFish: it does: though only with a little lock on the icon, no colors | 20:48 |
dageriv | my acer aspire 5920g with ubuntu just crashed. it starts, but the screen is always black, and when i press the power button, it instantly shuts down. sounds like a harddisk failure or? | 20:48 |
Apteryx | Hello! Could someone help me enabling hardware acceleration for videos in Ubuntu 11.10? I can't get it to work. | 20:48 |
Apteryx | I'm using an AMD E350 apu. | 20:49 |
BarkingFish | aetas-dk, ah. So it's not showing you what type of security... does it indicate anything if you hover your mouse over one of the lock icons? | 20:49 |
Apteryx | vainfo output seems alright. | 20:49 |
Apteryx | I've installed proprietary AMD driver & xvba-driver | 20:49 |
exodus_ms | any video editing/rendering gurus around? Not looking to rip dvd's or anything, just need an easy way to convert a 2min video into a supported format that can be uploaded to facebook. obscure command line code is welcomed, im just tired of fighting with this. any takers? | 20:50 |
aetas-dk | BarkingFish: no, unfortunatlly not | 20:50 |
reisio | exodus_ms: to what format? | 20:50 |
BarkingFish | aetas-dk, dang. What version of Ubuntu are you running> | 20:51 |
aetas-dk | BarkingFish: 11.04 | 20:51 |
Apteryx | Or could someone tell me if VLC 1.1.11 is va-api ready in Ubuntu 11.10? | 20:51 |
exodus_ms | reisio, they have a list of supported formats, which is pretty much everything. I've tried rendering using pitvi and ffmpeg to avi, mp4 and ogg, but they all fail | 20:52 |
BarkingFish | ok... I'm just looking for screenshots of what you're using, I need them since I'm in the dark right now, aetas-dk :) | 20:52 |
aetas-dk | BarkingFish: Is that a problem? | 20:52 |
BarkingFish | no, I'm on the KDE version, also at 11.04 :) | 20:52 |
reisio | exodus_ms: do you get an error message? | 20:52 |
reisio | exodus_ms: what was the original format? | 20:52 |
Pici | Apteryx : Oneiric/11.10 is not yet released. Please join #ubuntu+1 for further support and discussion. | 20:52 |
aetas-dk | BarkingFish: Its really awsome that you are taking your time helping me | 20:52 |
BarkingFish | no problem, aetas-dk - I rarely let wifi beat me in any way. I'll finish this if it kills me :) | 20:53 |
aetas-dk | BarkingFish: it looks like this http://www.google.dk/imgres?q=ubuntu+11.04+network+manager&um=1&hl=da&safe=off&sa=N&biw=1310&bih=904&tbm=isch&tbnid=HyB6VP7_2WVD7M:&imgrefurl=http://techotopia.com/index.php/Configuring_Ubuntu_11.04_Wireless_Networking&docid=yZSOfaHsLIrLjM&w=575&h=479&ei=t6yUTtahJ7Hc4QTRia30Bw&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=643&vpy=339&dur=274&hovh=205&hovw=246&tx=126&ty=86&page=1&tbnh=160&tbnw=192&start=0&ndsp=20&ved=1t:429,r:7,s:0 | 20:53 |
BarkingFish | wow | 20:53 |
BarkingFish | aetas-dk, maybe next time, you could use a pastebin please? That's a very big link, even with very small text :P | 20:54 |
BarkingFish | !patebin | 20:54 |
BarkingFish | !pastebin | 20:54 |
ubottu | For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. | 20:54 |
reisio | exodus_ms: ? | 20:54 |
exodus_ms | reisio, original format was from my driod (whichever format that is, not sure). I then used pitivi to edit and render | 20:54 |
aetas-dk | BarkingFish: Thank you very much! People like you are just the greatest! If you ever need a favour in Denmark, then just let me know | 20:55 |
aetas-dk | BarkingFish: oh, yes of course, sorry | 20:55 |
BarkingFish | :) | 20:55 |
exodus_ms | reisio, no error messages when I render. but when I try to upload to facebook it says the format is not supported. | 20:56 |
BarkingFish | Right, it looks like all those networks are locked down, aetas-dk - do you have the passwords to use any of them? | 20:56 |
Atreus | why am i unable to change the screen birghtness percentage while on battery power though the power management? | 20:56 |
reisio | exodus_ms: what'd you change with pitivi? | 20:56 |
BarkingFish | aetas-dk, ignore that. I didn't realise that was a screenshot from someone else's machine :P | 20:57 |
aetas-dk | BarkingFish: I have tried setting up a network on my mac, and it will not connect | 20:57 |
aetas-dk | BarkingFish: hehe okay :) | 20:57 |
exodus_ms | reisio, I cut the audio from the original video I took on my driod and then used pitivi to render a video of the audio with still pics transitioning through the playback | 20:58 |
BarkingFish | ok, do you have any networks near you that you have a password for, aetas-dk - other than ones you have set up? | 20:58 |
reisio | exodus_ms: what format did pitivi spit out? | 20:58 |
reisio | exodus_ms: whichever you say? | 20:58 |
BarkingFish | can you connect wirelessly to your own router, for example, aetas-dk? | 20:58 |
aetas-dk | BarkingFish: if you can hang on for 2 minutes I will get a password :) | 20:59 |
BarkingFish | ok, thank you | 20:59 |
exodus_ms | reisio, i rendered in several different formats using pitivi... avi, ogg and mp4. But I'm asuming those are just containers and not actual file types? | 20:59 |
* BarkingFish goes to make a coffee while he waits | 20:59 | |
reisio | exodus_ms: maybe it doesn't like your audio format, or the rates, or the resolution | 21:00 |
reisio | exodus_ms: what's the res? | 21:00 |
MrKeuner | !flash 64 bit | 21:01 |
ubottu | MrKeuner: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 21:01 |
MrKeuner | !flash | 21:01 |
ubottu | To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also !Restricted and !Gnash | 21:01 |
* BarkingFish back at keyboard | 21:01 | |
MrKeuner | how to check if the adobe flash package I installed is actually amd64 version and not 32 bit/ | 21:02 |
MrKeuner | ? | 21:02 |
reisio | MrKeuner: does it matter? | 21:03 |
MrKeuner | yes, I'd like to install latest version if possible | 21:03 |
xangua | MrKeuner: install flash from the partner repo | 21:03 |
geekbri_ | Im looking to build my own php5 .deb for ubuntu, does anybody have any guidance or good documents for figuring out how to do this? | 21:03 |
exodus_ms | reisio, type: Ogg Theora video (video/x-theora+ogg), Deminsion: 720 x 576, Video Codec: theora 25fps, Audio Codec: Vorbis | 21:03 |
MrKeuner | does this prove it's 64 bit? file /usr/lib/adobe-flashplugin/libflashplayer.so | 21:04 |
fiodar | im new in this OS... can some one help me to get use to it ? | 21:04 |
edbian | fiodar: Ask more specific questions | 21:04 |
propman | MrKeuner: you might want to check out the flash-aid addon for firefox as it will also suggest beta if applicable | 21:04 |
xangua | !manual | fiodar | 21:04 |
ubottu | fiodar: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/ | 21:04 |
xangua | propman: MrKeuner flash from the partner repo will install 64bit plugin on a 64bit OS | 21:05 |
MrKeuner | xangua, downloaded adobe-flashplugin package from archive.canonical.com not sure if that's the partner repo | 21:05 |
reisio | exodus_ms: and what's the extension? | 21:05 |
xangua | MrKeuner: is not | 21:05 |
aetas-dk | BarkingFish: Jay, I can connect to a WPA network :) | 21:05 |
aschmitz | MrKeuner, Do you have /usr/lib/flashplugin-installer/libflashplayer.so ? | 21:05 |
xangua | MrKeuner: go to software center and install it from partner repo, or with apt install adobe-flashplugin | 21:06 |
MrKeuner | aschmitz, I do | 21:06 |
aetas-dk | BarkingFish: However, It seems to me that Im still unable to create a network that others can connect to | 21:06 |
aschmitz | Run "file /usr/lib/flashplugin-installer/libflashplayer.so" in the command line. | 21:06 |
BarkingFish | aetas-dk, Fremragende! | 21:06 |
aschmitz | Er, MrKeuner: run "file /usr/lib/flashplugin-installer/libflashplayer.so" in the command line. | 21:06 |
MrKeuner | aschmitz, file claims 64 bit | 21:06 |
aetas-dk | BarkingFish: Er du dansker? | 21:06 |
aschmitz | Okay. | 21:06 |
BarkingFish | I have that problem too, the networks I create don't work either, aetas-dk | 21:06 |
aschmitz | Then it's [almost certainly] the 64-bit version. | 21:06 |
BarkingFish | no, I'm Icelandic, but I know a very small amount of danish :) | 21:07 |
mattalexx | What's the best music player for sorting my album artist instead of artist? Guayadeqwue does but it's super buggy. | 21:07 |
aetas-dk | BarkingFish: Okay, so if I want to make my server a hotspot, that would not be possible? | 21:08 |
aschmitz | mattalexx, Banshee works for me. | 21:08 |
aetas-dk | BarkingFish: nice! Well your english is excellent! | 21:08 |
BarkingFish | I don't know, aetas-dk - maybe you could grab someone here with a little more knowledge of it? | 21:08 |
BarkingFish | It should be, aetas-dk - I've been here 16 years :P | 21:08 |
aetas-dk | BarkingFish: North Dakota? | 21:09 |
BarkingFish | I should've mentioned I'm based in the UK, aetas-dk - Milton Keynes, South east england. | 21:09 |
mattalexx | aschmitz, Banshee's list uses the ARTIST tag, not the ALBUMARTIST tag. | 21:09 |
aetas-dk | BarkingFish: Well 16 years is a long time ;) ah, well you used an expression very local in Fargo, North Dakota ;) | 21:09 |
CardinalFang | Hi all. I'm curious. In the Unity panel, some app tiles have a blue background, some golden, some silver, some orange. Why the difference? Is it a sampling of the contained icon? | 21:10 |
CardinalFang | Or do the tile colors have another meaning? | 21:10 |
reisio | CardinalFang: you should see a doctor immediately | 21:10 |
* reisio kids :p | 21:10 | |
tMH- | cardinalfang: it's a kabbalah'11;) | 21:10 |
BarkingFish | anyway, since you can connect to secured networks, aetas-dk - the next issue is getting a network you make to allow you to connect. | 21:10 |
aschmitz | mattalexx, Which list? Certainly I know you can show the album artist as a column and sort by that. I also thought it merged album artists together in the standard artist list, but I'll have to double-check. | 21:10 |
mattalexx | aschmitz, The browser list at the top. | 21:11 |
BarkingFish | Does anyone here have experience with creating a Local WAN for themselves and others to connect to, like turning your connection into an AP? | 21:11 |
MrKeuner | aschmitz, I actually did not have /usr/lib/flashplugin-installer/libflashplayer.so what I have is: /usr/lib/adobe-flashplugin/libflashplayer.so from adobe-flashplugin package which I cannot make sure that it is from canonical partner repository | 21:11 |
aschmitz | mattalexx, It appears you're right. Well, that's annoying. You can right-click the columns and show it, then sort by it, but that's painful to browse. Sorry. | 21:11 |
MrKeuner | aschmitz, which is ELF 64-bit LSB shared object, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, stripped | 21:12 |
aetas-dk | BarkingFish: Jep, right on. I have been trying out different solutions on the net. I have indstalled dhcpd and configured the interface as well as rc.conf. and some local file too | 21:12 |
cane99 | exit | 21:12 |
cane99 | exit | 21:12 |
=== Aang is now known as Zutara | ||
aschmitz | MrKeuner: Ah. I have the 32-bit one, the actual parter repository one may be in a different place. | 21:12 |
dork | anyone familiar with software raid and GPT/grub2 install issues? | 21:15 |
BarkingFish | aetas-dk, you may want to look at this. It's for creating a wireless access point on a laptop, but it should work on whatever you're using :) | 21:16 |
BarkingFish | aetas-dk, http://cheapytech.blogspot.com/2011/09/creating-wifi-hotspot-with-your-ubuntu.html | 21:16 |
MrKeuner | xangua, it appears in software center that the package I installed from archive.canonical.com is the one in partner repository | 21:17 |
MrKeuner | xangua, aschmitz, propman thanks | 21:18 |
jon__ | hey im trying to compile ndiswrapper and am recieving errors when running make, [/jon/ndiswrapper/driver/crt.o] [_module_/root/ndiswrapper/driver] [sub-make] error 2 [module] error 2 | 21:18 |
aetas-dk | BarkingFish: I've setup a network, but no one can see it and no one can connect to it. | 21:18 |
techzg | is there a way to convert latex documents to pdf via command line? | 21:19 |
xangua | jon__: why compile it it's already on repository¿ | 21:19 |
jon__ | because im running a wireless card that requires me to add something to a file then compile it | 21:19 |
BarkingFish | aetas-dk, are you using the same wifi adapter for both connections? Incoming wireless and the access point? | 21:20 |
Kaleidoscope | Can someone help me figure out this "configure, make, make install" Stuff? | 21:20 |
jon__ | ive updated my headers and even installed gcc and dksm and still no luck i still recieve the same module errors | 21:20 |
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aetas-dk | BarkingFish: In a way, I closed the connection to the router, and tried setting up a network on the ubuntu 11.04 | 21:21 |
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Willis420 | i'm trying to compile android and am getting this error, make: *** [out/host/linux-x86/obj/EXECUTABLES/aapt_intermediates/Command.o] Error 1 | 21:21 |
Willis420 | make: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs. | 21:21 |
jon__ | im having simmilar problems willis haha | 21:21 |
Willis420 | lol | 21:22 |
BarkingFish | so you're only using it for one thing at a time, ok. I can't realistically see what would be wrong, other than maybe the wifi in your PC isn't strong enough, you might need an external wifi adapter, like a USB stick | 21:22 |
BarkingFish | aetas-dk ^^ | 21:22 |
Kaleidoscope | I'm getting this "configure: error: cannot run /bin/bash ../config.sub" | 21:22 |
reisio | Kaleidoscope: compiling something? | 21:23 |
Kaleidoscope | reisio, yessir | 21:23 |
reisio | Kaleidoscope: what, and why | 21:23 |
Kaleidoscope | reisio, is that really important? | 21:23 |
reisio | Kaleidoscope: it's important, really, but not really_important | 21:24 |
aetas-dk | BarkingFish: This wifi comes with two antennas http://www.asus.com/Motherboards/AMD_CPU_on_Board/E35M1I_DELUXE/ | 21:25 |
Kaleidoscope | reisio, atm I'm trying to compile lorcon | 21:25 |
aetas-dk | BarkingFish: You could be right, but it should be designed to be able to host wireless connections | 21:26 |
reisio | Kaleidoscope: well do you have /bin/bash? is config.sub in the parent dir? | 21:26 |
BarkingFish | I'm just wondering whether having one receiving incoming and one transmitting and receiving is causing the two to interfere, aetas-dk - have you tried running your own on a different channel? | 21:27 |
Kaleidoscope | Yes, I have bin/bash | 21:29 |
aetas-dk | BarkingFish: I have tried having the 'Server' as the only setup with wireless activated, then turning other things on, one by one, and trying to connect. Though without luck | 21:29 |
Kaleidoscope | reisio, and config.sub is indeed in the parent | 21:30 |
BarkingFish | I'm lost then, aetas-dk - I'm sorry I can't help you with this... Maybe someone here knows more. | 21:30 |
BarkingFish | Anyone able to takeover aetas-dk and help them setup a local WAN / AP please? | 21:30 |
aetas-dk | BarkingFish: Well thank you very much for your time :) | 21:30 |
nisgore | join channel #cakephp | 21:31 |
Orionid | BarkingFish, you must have just died. ;) | 21:31 |
BarkingFish | Orionid, i have no idea what you could possibly mean by that :) | 21:32 |
Orionid | :) | 21:33 |
BarkingFish | Jeg er glad for at hjælpe, aetas-dk. | 21:33 |
Logan_ | !da | BarkingFish | 21:33 |
ubottu | BarkingFish: For at få dansksproget support til Ubuntu, bedes du venligst gå til #ubuntu-dk. I denne kanal forefindes kun engelsksproget support. | 21:33 |
nico_ | My computer's power had seized causing it to restart, and I haven't been able to get it to boot since. I'm on my live-cd right now looking for a fix, but I can't seem to find oone that works. I am not having any problem with my GRUB, , only with my filessystem itself. Any suggestions? | 21:33 |
aetas-dk | BarkingFish: Jeg siger mange tak. Ha' en god aften :) | 21:34 |
BarkingFish | Logan_, I've been helping in english, no problem. Just a polite greeting to a danish vistor :) | 21:34 |
dageriv | I know my computer is Acer Aspire, but how can I find out which model is it? | 21:34 |
i42n | nico_: use fsck | 21:34 |
reisio | dageriv: laptop? | 21:34 |
BarkingFish | dageriv, it should be on a sticker on the bottom of the machine | 21:34 |
Kaleidoscope | reisio, you gave up on me :( | 21:35 |
dageriv | BarkingFish: the sticker is removed | 21:35 |
dageriv | its a laptop | 21:35 |
BarkingFish | go look for a picture of it on google images, dageriv - it may help you somewhat. | 21:36 |
nico_ | i42n: I used sudo touch /forcefsck and when I restarted it took about 20-30minutes of booting to tell me that it's running in low-graphics mode and then shut off without actualling booting the OS | 21:36 |
BarkingFish | I can't think of any other way you'll identify the model without that sticker, unless you can visually match it, dageriv | 21:36 |
lahcen | hi !! | 21:37 |
dageriv | when i start up my latop, the screen is only black(no bios menu), and when I click the power button, it instantly shuts off. could a defect wireless card cause this? | 21:39 |
reisio | Kaleidoscope: what autotools package/s/version/s do you have installed? | 21:40 |
Kaleidoscope | reisio, how do I check? | 21:40 |
reisio | good question | 21:41 |
posti | I new Ubuntu user | 21:41 |
snow_usa | ok hi new | 21:41 |
* AKQJ10 goodbye every1! see ya | 21:41 | |
posti | i need Polish help | 21:41 |
posti | someone know polish ? | 21:41 |
* crack05 is away (Gone) | 21:41 | |
=== crack05 is now known as CRACK05 | ||
reisio | Kaleidoscope: dpkg -l | grep -i autotool | 21:41 |
BarkingFish | !pl | posti | 21:41 |
ubottu | posti: Na tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl. | 21:41 |
posti | !pl | 21:41 |
BluesKaj | qirk, was away for a while , is the driver nvidia-current ? | 21:41 |
=== tdubellz is now known as GordonRamsay | ||
=== pothos_ is now known as pothos | ||
qirk | I'm here | 21:42 |
Kaleidoscope | ii autotools-dev 20100122.1 Update infrastructure for config.{guess,sub} files | 21:42 |
BluesKaj | yeah qirk, I meant thatI was away for a while :) | 21:42 |
maxxx | Im trying to get hardware acceleration for 2d and HD-video with amd e-350 in ubuntu 11.04, ive tried with installing the catalyst driver. Is there a working solution/tutorial? | 21:42 |
Kaleidoscope | I'm gonna assume I need to update my infrastructure then.... | 21:42 |
qirk | :) | 21:43 |
qirk | I think the driver is ok, got it via the pkg manager | 21:43 |
reisio | Kaleidoscope: maybe, that does seem a little old, and this package you're compiling is up-to-date and from some VCS, right | 21:43 |
qirk | I'm messing with jupiter right now | 21:43 |
Kaleidoscope | It's up-to-date yes, not sure what VCS is | 21:44 |
maxxx | it does recognize the chip, but graphics is EXTREMELY sluggish. | 21:44 |
xpress | estas aki ? ^ | 21:45 |
xpress | ^^ | 21:45 |
reisio | mira mira | 21:45 |
BluesKaj | qirk, is the driver ", nvidia-current" | 21:45 |
reisio | Kaleidoscope: svn is a version control system | 21:45 |
xpress | me pueden ayudar ^^ | 21:46 |
xpress | ? | 21:46 |
reisio | I just forgot which lorcon was using, so said vcs | 21:46 |
xpress | can you help me guys ? | 21:46 |
qirk | BluesKaj: no, I'm unfortunately on arch :/ | 21:46 |
reisio | xpress: what's up? | 21:47 |
Kaleidoscope | reisio, no idea whatcha mean....sorry | 21:47 |
reisio | no matter :p | 21:47 |
=== GordonRamsay is now known as tdubellz | ||
BluesKaj | qirk, it's probly the same driver , dpkg -l | grep nvidia-current | 21:49 |
xpress | man ^^ | 21:49 |
xpress | i just get from windows | 21:49 |
xpress | to linux | 21:49 |
xpress | but i have a little problem .. | 21:49 |
xpress | am | 21:49 |
FloodBot1 | xpress: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation. | 21:49 |
xpress | on windows 7 | 21:49 |
reisio | hrmmm | 21:50 |
reisio | how long does FloodBot1 +q for? :p | 21:50 |
reisio | a-ha :p | 21:50 |
reisio | xpress: what's the problem? | 21:50 |
drahst | I installed Ubuntu Server w/ the Virtualization option and it installed KVM automatically. It also set up a default bridge. I'm trying to find out how to edit that bridge. Anyone know? | 21:50 |
Kaleidoscope | reisio, seems if I go to the other thing I'm trying to install, airpwn, and do ./configure, it starts, but gets an error that libnet needs to be installed, which I'm guessing is part of lorcon, which I have to install first anyways | 21:51 |
Kaleidoscope | so ./configure is working, just not for lorcon | 21:51 |
qirk | BluesKaj: configuration: driver=nvidia latency=0 | 21:51 |
Kaleidoscope | and I can't just make lorcon, it says no makefile found | 21:51 |
qirk | BluesKaj: I assume it's ok now since X starts and nvidia is the only present gfx card right now, though the HD video playback with vlc doesn't run smooth :/ | 21:52 |
alazare619 | whats a good benchamrking software for nix? | 21:52 |
qirk | that's why I'm trying out jupiter to get the asus performance optons to work | 21:53 |
alazare619 | i see the phornix test suite but there use to be one that was native | 21:53 |
BluesKaj | ok qirk , what about desktop effects ? | 21:53 |
qirk | http://sourceforge.net/projects/jupiter/ | 21:53 |
xpress | ok listen reisio i have just passed from windows 7 to linux (xubuntu) but my network is joking with me ... under windows 7 it was working good but now a times it just stops and i have to exit the network and get back on it ... so if you can help me ? | 21:53 |
qirk | BluesKaj: well I simply use "awesome" | 21:53 |
Stoken | hey nerds | 21:57 |
Stoken | http://pastebin.com/xJw7QbCL <--question someone speaks german and can answer? | 21:57 |
Kaleidoscope | Afternoon, Stoken | 21:57 |
xangua | Stoken: bad start | 21:57 |
Stoken | what did you mean with bad start? | 21:58 |
guiri | I've having a bit of trouble running apt-get update on an old laptop with Maverick. Could anyone give some insight on this error? http://fpaste.org/Gw8N/ | 21:58 |
sevi | hi there! got a question: is it possible to force my computer to startup at 630 am?? | 21:58 |
Kaleidoscope | Stoken, he meant saying "hey nerds" was a bad start | 21:58 |
Stoken | why that? | 21:58 |
=== rww changed the topic of #ubuntu to: Official Ubuntu Support Channel | IRC Guidelines: http://goo.gl/cEF1w | IRC info: http://goo.gl/Pgv9o | Pastes to http://goo.gl/ixcN9 | Release Notes: http://goo.gl/tuSzO | Download: http://goo.gl/Ov56R | Natty/11.04 is out! | Oneiric/11.10: due Oct 13th, support in #ubuntu+1, partying in #ubuntu-release-party | ||
Stoken | to be a nerd is kool, or not? | 21:59 |
Kaleidoscope | Stoken, Because nerds isn't a nice word | 21:59 |
mr_daniel | Does Ubuntu Server 10.4 LTS uses upstart instead of SysV-Init for booting? | 21:59 |
Kaleidoscope | Most of us prefer geek, or atleast I do | 21:59 |
Stoken | why that i ve thinked is kool? | 21:59 |
Kaleidoscope | :P | 21:59 |
jrib | mr_daniel: yes | 21:59 |
Stoken | isnt the same? | 21:59 |
rww | !ot | 21:59 |
ubottu | #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! | 21:59 |
Kaleidoscope | stoken, not at all | 21:59 |
Stoken | explain | 21:59 |
Stoken | okay the sorry new start *cls* | 22:00 |
Kaleidoscope | stoken, kinda hard to explain, but geek is just a better accepted term, nerd still kinda has a bad meaning with it | 22:00 |
Stoken | hey geeks | 22:00 |
rww | Kaleidoscope, Stoken: take it to #ubuntu-offtopic or PM, please | 22:00 |
rww | #ubuntu is for Ubuntu technical support only. | 22:00 |
Kaleidoscope | rww, sorry, we're done with it | 22:00 |
Stoken | like scriptkidy or what? | 22:00 |
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Stoken | okay i do | 22:01 |
drahst | !guidlines | 22:01 |
drahst | !guidelines | 22:01 |
ubottu | The guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines | 22:01 |
sevi | no ideas about my question? | 22:01 |
jrib | !helpme | sevi | 22:02 |
ubottu | sevi: Avoid following your questions with a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !attitude | 22:02 |
=== smw_ is now known as smw | ||
guiri | I'm a bit curious why apt-get can't resolve the us mirror for maverick | 22:02 |
Kaleidoscope | sevi, I don't believe that's possible, sorry | 22:03 |
=== arfbtwn_ is now known as arfbtwn | ||
Kaleidoscope | sevi, If anything, you'd have to and up buying external hardware to do something like that | 22:04 |
sevi | i think its not possible, probably someone can confirm that... but yes its late for me so im stressed, and sory about that, that was all i wantet to see, thank kaleidoscope for confirming , good night ! | 22:04 |
azertuie | hello there | 22:04 |
Kaleidoscope | sevi, You're welcome, and goodnight :) | 22:04 |
azertuie | i got an system folder in / how to tell to my system | 22:05 |
lukaszg | sevi, i think bios should do it | 22:05 |
azertuie | to delete that folder just only | 22:05 |
sevi | this is what i was excepted, would be a nice feauture, but it seems logical, that it cant work without having the computer on standby , g8 | 22:05 |
azertuie | after an reboot ? | 22:05 |
brainproxy | trying out 11.10 .. how can i change the screen resolution for the lightdm greeter screen? | 22:05 |
sevi | ah ! really, will have a look on that, thanks | 22:05 |
Kaleidoscope | azertuie, Could you rephrase that? | 22:06 |
azertuie | delete a specific folder which is in / after a reboot , how ? | 22:07 |
Kaleidoscope | ahh ok | 22:07 |
zykotick9 | brainproxy, reask in #ubuntu+1 | 22:07 |
azertuie | let say i got a folder toto in / with some other sub folder | 22:07 |
Kaleidoscope | azertuie, open the terminal, then do "cd ../../" then "rm -r toto" | 22:08 |
azertuie | i can delete that folder by doing rm -Rf toto | 22:08 |
Kaleidoscope | without quotes, of course | 22:08 |
Kaleidoscope | azertuie, yea rm -rf, my bad | 22:08 |
azertuie | but i simply want to delete the folder not immediately but just only after an reboot | 22:08 |
Kaleidoscope | oh | 22:08 |
azertuie | how to do ? | 22:08 |
Kaleidoscope | That's beyond me, you'll have to wait for someone better than me :P | 22:09 |
Kaleidoscope | Sorry | 22:09 |
Maccer | Does anyone know what DHCP Ethernet module Ubuntu uses? | 22:09 |
azertuie | i simply mean how to condition a folder delete ? | 22:09 |
Maccer | Trying to find out why the the dhcp daemon on arch doesn't work, but does on ubuntu. | 22:09 |
SteveS1949 | put it in a boot script :) maybe or cron? | 22:10 |
drahst | just edit rc.local and put a line in it that says: rm -rf /toto? | 22:11 |
drahst | without the question mark | 22:11 |
drahst | it was a real question | 22:11 |
drahst | rc.local is found in /etc | 22:11 |
scwizard | "E: Unable to located package screen" I screwed up my sources.list file or something. Now how do I see from what locations it's trying and failing to location the package? | 22:13 |
enrolics | hi everyone | 22:13 |
jrib | scwizard: run « sudo apt-get update ». If the issue persists, pastebin the contents of /etc/apt/sources.list* | 22:13 |
enrolics | to the guys who helped me install ubuntu on my netbook, thanks! | 22:14 |
Kolnmenky | Hi. I have the latest version of Flash, but for some reason whenever I try to use tinychat I get this message " this new beta client recommends Flash 10.3" download... | 22:14 |
scwizard | oh yeah I forgot yo ualways have to call update before apt-get works :/ | 22:14 |
scwizard | I keep forgetting over and over >_> | 22:14 |
MonkeyDust | Kolnmenky: in FF? | 22:14 |
Kolnmenky | MonkeyDust: In Firefox, Chrome, Epiphany and Opera | 22:15 |
MonkeyDust | Kolnmenky: try sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree | 22:15 |
Dracosoft | nijad: hey....you get it working? | 22:16 |
midnight | es | 22:17 |
midnight | !es | 22:17 |
ubottu | En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter. | 22:17 |
Kolnmenky | MonkeyDust: ok thanks. Let me see if it works | 22:17 |
nico_ | I can't boot up my system (11.04) i've tried FSCK and am still having problems. When I load ubuntu it takes me to unity login: and when i try to login it says PAM error critical abort | 22:17 |
midnight | plase speak spanish | 22:18 |
MonkeyDust | midnight: wrong channel, please type /j #ubuntu-es | 22:18 |
nico_ | is my system irrepearable? | 22:19 |
midnight | monkeydust no one | 22:19 |
midnight | is that I downloaded a program and not install | 22:20 |
silverlightning | does wmp plugin come with restricted packages ? | 22:20 |
silverlightning | or rather windows media plugin | 22:20 |
MonkeyDust | silverlightning: try medibuntu | 22:21 |
midnight | i'm new ubuntu program | 22:21 |
silverlightning | MonkeyDust: hmm, via terminal? | 22:21 |
drahst | midnight... there are people in #ubuntu-es | 22:21 |
drahst | maybe you spelled it wrong | 22:21 |
midnight | sorry drahst | 22:22 |
MonkeyDust | silverlightning: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Medibuntu | 22:23 |
djskidd | Anyone know how I can sync my iPod with Ubuntu? | 22:23 |
greg3000 | djskidd: good question, I'd be curious also | 22:23 |
th0r | silverlightning: I think the wmp comes with w32codecs | 22:23 |
silverlightning | terminal can be horror sometimes | 22:23 |
djskidd | Syncing my phone (Zune-base) would be nice, too | 22:24 |
dtigue | djskidd: last i heard you just plu it in and sync it with banshee, not positive though cause I have no iPod | 22:24 |
drahst | djskidd: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPod | 22:24 |
greg3000 | Anyone know the trick to running nm-applet as non-root? | 22:24 |
silverlightning | MonkeyDust: thanks, | 22:24 |
silverlightning | th0r: w32 is via medibuntu? | 22:25 |
th0r | silverlightning: I believe it is in medibuntu, yes | 22:25 |
th0r | silverlightning: when I ran ubuntu I used to automatically install both libdvdcss2 and w32codecs from medibuntu when I installed ubuntu | 22:26 |
greg3000 | in regards to my nm-applet as non-root question, would anyone mind viewing the #2 answer here? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=10090638 I'm about to test it | 22:26 |
drahst | I've looked just about everywhere and google doesn't even know... I've installed ubuntu server 10.04 LTS with just the virtualization option and I cannot figure out how the default bridge is starting up or how to edit it. Any ideas? | 22:26 |
Kolnmenky | MonkeyDust: I still get the same message :( | 22:26 |
soreau | greg3000: nm-applet runs as user by default | 22:26 |
silverlightning | th0r: tanks | 22:27 |
silverlightning | then for medibuntu | 22:27 |
greg3000 | soreau: I'll restart it now to test, it wasn't coming up as non-root before though | 22:27 |
soreau | greg3000: The only way it might get damaged is if you run it as root.. you may not be able to run it as user again | 22:27 |
silverlightning | th0r: I'm in lubuntu, probably medibuntu is the same | 22:27 |
silverlightning | hmm | 22:27 |
greg3000 | soreau: that would have to be true haha | 22:27 |
th0r | silverlightning: yes, it should work for lubuntu also, and xubuntu, which is what I used all the time | 22:28 |
Levende | can anyone tell me why my server's NFSd is using version 2, and not version 3? cat /proc/fs/nfsd/versions shows +2 though all NFS v3 server support is enabled in the kernel....moreover, there isn't even ANY v2 options in the kernel. | 22:28 |
greg3000 | soreau: I get dbus failures to connect as non-root | 22:29 |
soreau | greg3000: You probably have messed up permissions for some files it uses | 22:29 |
greg3000 | soreau: yes first error says most common cause is misconfigured D-Bus session bus daemon | 22:31 |
greg3000 | i'm looking at the gconf project website and I'm actually not finding a clue on fixing it yet | 22:32 |
tarrant | Is there a way to install sun-java6-jdk without install x11 on ubuntu 10.04? | 22:34 |
greg3000 | Anyone know how to fix ubuntu so non-root avoid d-bus "failed to contact configuration server" errors? | 22:36 |
greg3000 | possible solution here: http://www.rootninja.com/fix-gconf-exception-failed-to-contact-configuration-server-with-dbus-launch/ | 22:37 |
greg3000 | removing ~/.dbus solved it :) | 22:38 |
mattalexx | running four monitors with Unity? | 22:38 |
mattalexx | Is anyone here running four monitors with Unity? | 22:39 |
amechi | Yeah. | 22:39 |
mattalexx | amechi, Are you speaking to me? | 22:39 |
amechi | Yes | 22:39 |
mattalexx | And it works okay? | 22:39 |
amechi | So far so good | 22:39 |
slikts | canonical are morons | 22:40 |
mattalexx | Awesome. Are they all the same size or are they mismatched? | 22:40 |
amechi | No problems whatsoever, with display as well as switching | 22:40 |
amechi | Same size. Auto config. Didn't have to do anything extra. | 22:40 |
mattalexx | amechi, Are they two above, two below? Where is the unity bar? | 22:41 |
mattalexx | Launcher I mean | 22:41 |
slikts | I have mumble running in the background, but I can't access it, because its icon is not whitelisted... and my system is borked somehow that the whitelisting doesn't work at all, and I also lack tools like dconf | 22:41 |
Jean_Paul | hi | 22:42 |
amechi | Bar on the LHS, displays 2*2 | 22:42 |
slikts | canonical went out of their way to break all software that has this pattern to hide in tray | 22:42 |
Jean_Paul | yeay | 22:42 |
slikts | instead of just adding a down arrow icon to group hidden icons under it | 22:42 |
Jean_Paul | kacken wollnwa hier | 22:42 |
th0r | slikts: you going to get around to a question or are you just going to whine | 22:42 |
Eluveitos | oO | 22:42 |
Jean_Paul | jajajaaaa | 22:42 |
Jordan_U | slikts: This channel is for resolving issues, not for simply ranting about them. Please keep your questions respectfull and productive. | 22:42 |
mattalexx | amechi, What is LHS? | 22:43 |
mattalexx | amechi, Left High Screen? | 22:43 |
amechi | Left hand side | 22:43 |
bindi | hi, i'm trying to install drupal here, and it's saying i need the pdo extension for php. and installing php5-mysql should have done the trick, but it didnt. what now? | 22:43 |
kamiccolo | Large Hadron Colider? | 22:43 |
amechi | Sorry, I'll be less ambiguous | 22:43 |
mattalexx | amechi, Ah, I see. | 22:43 |
amechi | :) | 22:43 |
slikts | also, consider this bug canonical shipped unity with: selecting a window from the dock cycles focus | 22:43 |
mattalexx | amechi, So it spans left side of the left two monitors? | 22:44 |
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Jordan_U | slikts: This is your last warning. Productive, respectfull, support questions only. | 22:44 |
Jordan_U | !guidelines | slikts | 22:44 |
ubottu | slikts: The guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines | 22:44 |
mattalexx | amechi, And the Trash is at the bottom of the Lower left screen? | 22:44 |
slikts | so, if I have two nautilus and click on the icon in the dock, each time its going to focus a different nautilus window, but not even bring it to foreground | 22:44 |
amechi | Yes it is. | 22:44 |
MonkeyDust | slikts: wrong channel, please type /j #ubuntu-offtopic | 22:45 |
mattalexx | amechi, Thanks. That's very interesting. | 22:45 |
slikts | MonkeyDust: eh, how is a bug in unity offtopic? | 22:45 |
amechi | Whats your take on Unity, honestly? | 22:45 |
MonkeyDust | !bug| slikts | 22:45 |
ubottu | slikts: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs. | 22:45 |
Jordan_U | slikts: Bugs can be filed in the bug tracker. If you have an actual support question you can ask it here. | 22:45 |
xpress | can anybody help me a little ? ^ | 22:46 |
xpress | ^^ | 22:46 |
slikts | MonkeyDust: it's a known bug | 22:46 |
MonkeyDust | slikts: good, then no doubt it is being worked on | 22:46 |
xpress | me podeis alludar ? | 22:46 |
Jordan_U | slikts: The next time will be a ban. | 22:47 |
Ibis | What's the package name for installing Ubuntu Software center? | 22:47 |
slikts | okay, what do I do if dconf is missing? | 22:47 |
slikts | I'm using 11.04 and it's just not there | 22:47 |
kogie | <bindi>: after installing php5-common and php5-mysql pdo should be there as well / try issuing sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 reload | 22:47 |
bindi | kogie: i did | 22:47 |
slikts | I haven't done anything that I know of to remove dconf | 22:47 |
bindi | kogie: it isnt. in /etc/php5/apache2/conf.d there is only gd.ini | 22:48 |
MonkeyDust | slikts: sudo apt-get install dconf | 22:48 |
Jordan_U | slikts: It looks like dconf is available in the packages "dconf" and "dconf-tools", neither of which are installed by default. Unfortunately I don't know much about dconf myself. | 22:48 |
mattalexx | amechi, I like it. Especially the way it puts the app's menu into the main windows's top bar. One fell swoop and the UI of every app is instantly less cluttered. I kind of wish that all of the separate features were packaged separately (left bar, menu in the top bar, dock). That is the Linux way, after all: one tool for one job. | 22:49 |
silverlightning | anyone clever with terminal and reversing a command. I did a pasting error and happen to run this in command after installing medibuntu. sudo sed -e 's/ non-free//' -i /etc/apt/sources.list.d/medibuntu.list | 22:49 |
Jordan_U | silverlightning: Probably easier to just remove the file and follow the directions for adding medibuntu repositories again. | 22:50 |
bindi | kogie: okay i purged and removed php5-* and reinstalled. pdo is now there, but even i installed php5-gd it's not there :D | 22:50 |
silverlightning | Jordan_U: remove, how? | 22:50 |
kogie | then install it manually sudo apt-get install php5-gd | 22:50 |
mattalexx | amechi, You? | 22:50 |
slikts | the dconf package I just installed doesn't look right... | 22:51 |
dtigue | silverlightning: sudo rm /etc/apt/sources.list.d/medibuntu.list should do the trick | 22:51 |
Jordan_U | silverlightning: sudo rm /etc/apt/medibuntu.list | 22:51 |
slikts | and it doesn't work | 22:51 |
bindi | kogie: "but even i installed php5-gd it's not there" .. anyway i forgot to reload apache2 :D | 22:51 |
kogie | <bindi>: hehe | 22:51 |
Jordan_U | silverlightning: dtigue had the path right, ignomre my comment :) | 22:51 |
slikts | I guess I needed dconf-tools | 22:51 |
dork | anyone experienced with troubleshooting software raid and GPT issues? | 22:52 |
Jordan_U | !anyone | dork | 22:53 |
ubottu | dork: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll. | 22:53 |
slikts | okay, so I now could use dconf-editor to figure out that desktop.unity.panel.systray-whitelist is set to ['all'], yet I see no icons in the notification area | 22:53 |
Ibis | I thought apt-get reloads apache on it's own. | 22:53 |
slinzex | how could I mv current mpd playing song? Trying to do something like : mv "/ZERO/Music/`mpc current --format \"%file%\"`" /tmp/ | 22:54 |
silverlightning | dtigue: Jordan_U cannot remove `/etc/apt/sources.list.d/medibuntu.list': No such file or directory ? | 22:54 |
slikts | Jordan_U, MonkeyDust: thanks for halping, at least one issue is fixed now | 22:54 |
Jordan_U | slikts: You're welcome. | 22:55 |
silverlightning | Jordan_U: can it be removed from filemanager? | 22:55 |
silverlightning | dtigue: maybe I shall have to do a full os reinstall | 22:57 |
DETERMINOLOGY | Is ubuntu cloud better then dropbox and how do i access cloud if possible? | 22:57 |
dork | slikts: i don't think you can since mpd has to update it's database to be able to continue playing the file | 22:57 |
Jordan_U | silverlightning: What were you originally trying to do when you ran that sed command? | 22:57 |
silverlightning | Jordan_U: installing medibuntu, to get win32 codeks | 22:58 |
Jordan_U | silverlightning: What guide were you following? | 22:58 |
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silverlightning | Jordan_U: restricted stuff to activate mplayer plugins | 22:58 |
slinzex | help me remove currently playing song with mpc current | 22:58 |
silverlightning | Jordan_U: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Medibuntu | 22:58 |
dtigue | silverlightning: no need for a reinstall | 23:00 |
dork | slinzex: remove it from the database | 23:00 |
famgod | can anyone help me with installing wordpress? I followed the instructions here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WordPress ...i followed the instructions, i think everything working, apache is running, but when i got it downloads a file named 'Download' with this inside it http://pastebin.com/43TuPnfX | 23:00 |
dtigue | silverlightning: what version of ubuntu are you using ? | 23:00 |
slinzex | dork, but how | 23:01 |
silverlightning | lubuntu 11.10 | 23:01 |
slinzex | dork, I need absolute path | 23:01 |
Jordan_U | silverlightning: It seems that you weren't following the instructions well or there were some errors (that should have given error messages). Please start from the beginning reading all the directions carefully and if you get any error messages be sure to save them and ask about them here. | 23:01 |
silverlightning | todays build | 23:01 |
slinzex | dork, id like mv `mpc current --format "%file%"` to /tmp | 23:01 |
sammy | heres a good one: now that the new flashplayer is supposedly not 64-bit beta, whats the official ubuntu way of installing 64bit flash on a 64bit machine? | 23:01 |
dork | famgod: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install php5 libapache2-mod-php5 | 23:01 |
kogie | famgod: can you show your apache conf? | 23:02 |
silverlightning | Jordan_U: you mean starting from the top? | 23:02 |
dtigue | silverlightning: sudo wget http://www.medibuntu.org/sources.list.d/$(lsb_release -cs).list --output-document=/etc/apt/sources.list.d/medibuntu.list | 23:02 |
silverlightning | on the help page | 23:02 |
xangua | sammy: install adobe's plugin from partner repository | 23:02 |
dtigue | silverlightning: ^^ that should add it | 23:02 |
dork | slinzex: the directory is set in mpd.conf | 23:02 |
Jordan_U | silverlightning: Yes. | 23:03 |
KyleP | can anyone assist me with setting up flash on a macintosh ibook g4 powerpc chipset? | 23:03 |
kohai_ | Please let me know if this is better served in a VMWare channel; anyone else have issues with VMPlayer install on 11.04 with 3.0.3 | 23:03 |
sammy | xangua: from partner repo. where as if I was running 32-bit, installing say ubuntu-restricted-extras would handle getting it... im assuming from multiverse? flashplugin-installer? | 23:03 |
dork | KyleP: you'll have to install gnash | 23:03 |
KyleP | i tried that. no luck | 23:03 |
xangua | sammy: flashplugin-installer is not from partner ;) | 23:04 |
dork | KyleP: no luck as in how, as in you can't watch flash videos? | 23:04 |
dork | or as in no flash works | 23:04 |
famgod | dork; already installed same, thing | 23:04 |
sammy | xangua: so there is no ubuntu distributed 64-bit version of the installer yet. is what I'm going for. since I just told my friend there was ;) | 23:04 |
xangua | sammy: adobe-flashplugin package is if you want to install it with apt | 23:04 |
KyleP | dork: yes | 23:04 |
famgod | kogie; where is apache conf located? | 23:04 |
slikts | who else uses unity here? | 23:04 |
famgod | its been 10 years since ive ran apache | 23:04 |
slinzex | dork, I know. But I can't write it correctly. Music dir is /Music/ | 23:04 |
dork | KyleP: streaming video won't work on powerpc, at least it didn't the last time i installed it on ppc | 23:04 |
xangua | sammy: i just told you to install flash from the partner, it will install 64bit plugin for 64bit OS | 23:04 |
kogie | famgod: /etc/apache2/sites-available/name-of-your-domain | 23:05 |
slikts | do any of you use unity? | 23:05 |
silverlightning | dtigue: http://imagebin.org/178575 | 23:05 |
xangua | !anyone | slikts | 23:05 |
ubottu | slikts: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll. | 23:05 |
slikts | xangua: that was the question, though | 23:06 |
dtigue | silverlightning: ok now do >> sudo apt-get -q update | 23:06 |
slikts | I'm just wondering if anyone uses unity | 23:06 |
dtigue | silverlightning: then >> sudo apt-get --yes -q --allow-unauthenticated install medibuntu-keyring | 23:06 |
Jordan_U | !poll | slikts | 23:06 |
ubottu | slikts: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots. | 23:06 |
slikts | Jordan_U: I also don't want to know what is best | 23:06 |
subeth0 | /set theme 11 | 23:06 |
Gibzak | hi, can't find the way to install netcfg in latest ubuntu release =( any clue ? | 23:07 |
famgod | kogie: ive got a httpd.conf in /etc/apache2/, there isnt much in sites-available....im just trying to setup apache/wordpress to mess around on my localhost | 23:07 |
xangua | slikts: do you have a real question¿ | 23:07 |
KyleP | i'm working with the tech team for OCCUPY PHILADELPHIA. and this computer is going to be a public pc which needs to be able to watch stream video from livestream.com and youtube. is there any way to make this happen or should i just reinstall mac osx? | 23:07 |
sammy | xangua: okay okay I get it. my friend was using sevenmachine's ppa before, I told her she didn't need to because I noticed it was marked depreciated, but I didnt know she had to enable partner. thank you. | 23:07 |
Jordan_U | slikts: Given that it's the default in Ubuntu 11.04, it's fair to say that many here use it. Not that the factoid also said not to take polls. | 23:07 |
slikts | xangua: that was a real question, and I guess the lack of an answer was an answer | 23:07 |
xangua | https://launchpad.net/~sevenmachines/+archive/flash sammy it even says it in that ppa | 23:07 |
Jordan_U | slikts: s/not/note/ | 23:07 |
slikts | Jordan_U: but maybe not so many, considering that no one replied | 23:07 |
famgod | kogie; theres a 'default and a default-ssl' file in /etc/apache2/sites-available/, they look they are xml files for virtualhosts | 23:07 |
dtigue | silverlightning: you get all that yet ? | 23:08 |
zykotick9 | xangua, i don't think any "Flash" version will work with PowerPC | 23:08 |
zykotick9 | gnash maybe | 23:08 |
Jordan_U | slikts: Again, this channel is not for taking polls. | 23:08 |
dork | gnash works on ppc, it will not stream video | 23:08 |
dork | typically works with old flash content/open flash | 23:08 |
xangua | zykotick9: well i was not aware of what he is using, you may fell better if you tell him this, not me ;) | 23:08 |
zykotick9 | xangua, he knows - he was in here with the same issue yesterday | 23:09 |
silverlightning | dtigue: http://imagebin.org/178576 | 23:09 |
zykotick9 | dork, "will not" are you sure? | 23:09 |
dtigue | silverlightning: ok again with this one >> sudo apt-get -q update | 23:09 |
dork | zykotick9: streaming flash video, did not work at all on ppc w/ gnash as of the last time i used it about 5 months ago | 23:10 |
Ellipsis753 | Hey, I've got a harddrive and it's randomly going read-only sometimes (I think that may be happening only when transmission the torrent program is running?), when this happends I then have to reboot and fsck it. I did a total sector by sector scan of my harddrive to see if it had errors but the manufactuars self-checker didn't detect any problems (and it spent agges scanning). Does anyone have any idea what this co | 23:10 |
Ellipsis753 | uld be if it's not the harddrive fault or where else I could ask? I'm stuck for what to do next. | 23:10 |
slikts | but the focus-cycling bug in unity is really amazing, considering how little attention it gets and how bad it is | 23:10 |
zykotick9 | KyleP, see dork's comment above | 23:10 |
dtigue | silverlightning: then do >> sudo apt-get install w32codecs libdvdcss2 | 23:10 |
slikts | somehow canonical manages to ship a ridiculous bug in the core functionality, and somehow most users miss it | 23:11 |
Jordan_U | Ellipsis753: Next time you fsck keep a log of all of the error messages and file a bug report. | 23:11 |
silverlightning | dtigue: http://imagebin.org/178577 | 23:11 |
dtigue | silverlightning: did you do this one ? >> sudo apt-get install w32codecs libdvdcss2 | 23:12 |
silverlightning | ooh, w32 is comming | 23:12 |
Ellipsis753 | Jordan_U, Thank you. How could I do this? Also, the standard automatic fsck on boot may already have been logged? Do you know where this could be logged? | 23:12 |
silverlightning | ; ) | 23:12 |
dtigue | slinzex: what would that bug be? | 23:12 |
Gibzak | hi, can't find the way to install netcfg in latest ubuntu release =( any clue ? | 23:12 |
dtigue | slinzex: nm | 23:12 |
KM0201 | w32codecs, is installed via medibuntu, and if you installed ubuntu-restricted-extras, and ubuntu-restricted-addons you have it silverlightning | 23:13 |
Gibzak | the packet is in udeb and I have no idea what to do with it | 23:13 |
silverlightning | http://imagebin.org/index.php?page=add | 23:13 |
KM0201 | silverlightning: what is that for? | 23:14 |
Jordan_U | Ellipsis753: I believe it would be in /var/log/fsck/checkroot. | 23:14 |
dtigue | silverlightning: KM0201 is right all you should have to do these days is install ubuntu-restricted-extras and addons, but next time just tell the installer to install all that junk for you | 23:15 |
Jordan_U | Ellipsis753: Another thing to check would be your RAM. Bad RAM can cause many unexpected problems. To check your RAM boot holding shift to see the grub menu and select the memtest entry. | 23:15 |
silverlightning | I'm trying dtigue's suggestion ? | 23:15 |
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silverlightning | ditigue, which i have done | 23:15 |
sprung | Hi. I believe I inadvertently uninstalled the package which logs to /var/log/messages because I wanted to install sar, which required sysstat, which I think removed whatever syslog utility I had. I'm using Natty Narwhal, what's the package I need to install to get it back? | 23:15 |
KM0201 | silverlightning: what exactly are you trying to do? | 23:15 |
Ibis | What's the package name for installing Ubuntu Software center? | 23:16 |
KM0201 | install flash? | 23:16 |
Ben64 | Ibis: it should be installed already | 23:16 |
dtigue | KM0201: he wants w32 codecs to work with mplayer | 23:16 |
kogie | famgod: sorry for the late reply, please follow this procedure http://www.ubuntugeek.com/installing-wordpress-3-0-on-ubuntu-10-04-lucid-lynx.html | 23:16 |
sprung | !ubottu mediabuntu | 23:16 |
sprung | !mediabuntu | 23:16 |
Ben64 | what i do is - add medibuntu repo | 23:16 |
Ben64 | !medibuntu | 23:16 |
ubottu | medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org | 23:16 |
Ibis | Ben64: Yea, but I want one on Lubuntu too. | 23:17 |
sprung | there we go | 23:17 |
Ben64 | theres no a sprung :) | 23:17 |
KM0201 | dtigue: if he installs ubuntu-restricted packages, they will work w/ mplayer | 23:17 |
silverlightning | KM0201: I am trying to get mplayer-gecko combination to work in my browser, with windows oriented web page (streaming TV) | 23:17 |
sprung | Hi. I believe I inadvertently uninstalled the package which logs to /var/log/messages because I wanted to install sar, which required sysstat, which I think removed whatever syslog utility I had. I'm using Natty Narwhal, what's the package I need to install to get it back? | 23:17 |
dtigue | KM0201: yea i know, i think i mentioned that you were correct, but by the time i got involved he was already trying to install the medibuntu repo | 23:17 |
KM0201 | silverlightning: you can install medibuntu, but i don't think thats gonna resolve your issue. (fairly certain it won't) | 23:18 |
dtigue | silverlightning: you also might need >>> sudo apt-get install mozilla-mplayer | 23:18 |
silverlightning | dtigue: yes, already done it, I was told i needed it? but had also done a major pasting error | 23:18 |
Random832 | I unisntalled and reinstalled openjdk-7-jre-headless and now I don't have a "java" command | 23:19 |
silverlightning | dtigue: that is probably the one I am looking for in the first plce | 23:19 |
Random832 | how do i 'reset' it so it'll set up alternatives or whatever | 23:19 |
silverlightning | dtigue, hmm | 23:19 |
Hot2Trot | can anyone suggest a good video editing software? | 23:19 |
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dtigue | Random832: i find that sun-java is a better package to have | 23:19 |
silverlightning | dtigue: are you in us or europe? | 23:19 |
dtigue | silverlightning: us | 23:19 |
tarrant | Is there anyway to install sun-java without x11? | 23:20 |
silverlightning | dtigue: I see, tv might be blocked where you are | 23:20 |
dtigue | silverlightning: what ? | 23:20 |
Random832 | dtigue: i forgot, i'm on 11.10. still, as a general question, how do you "reset" a package so it'll do everything when you install that it did on first install | 23:21 |
itaylor57 | Random832, sudo update-alternatives -config java | 23:21 |
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Random832 | itaylor57: i tried that. | 23:21 |
Random832 | doing a --purge on everything [from java-common up] and reinstalling fixed it | 23:21 |
Random832 | update-alternatives just did update-alternatives: error: no alternatives for java. | 23:22 |
silverlightning | dtigue: back after restart | 23:22 |
dtigue | tarrant: yes you can install sun-java from the cli | 23:22 |
itaylor57 | tarrant, java does not use x11 except through swing | 23:23 |
tarrant | dtigue: what I meant is sun-java relies on sun-java6-fonts and that installs x11 | 23:23 |
CSyncope | you know how you can "select session" when you're logging in, how do i make a custom one of those? I've been googling for a while | 23:25 |
dtigue | tarrant: you might be able to use dpkg to install it with --ignore-depends=<package> | 23:25 |
Ellipsis753 | Jordan_U, Thank you. That's a good idea. Should I also check the cpu? (although surely this would be very unlikely as it seems to be related to heavy disk usage. You'd expect freezes for cpu wouldn't you?) | 23:25 |
Jordan_U | Ellipsis753: I seriously doubt that the CPU is an issue. | 23:26 |
dtigue | Ellipsis753: your issue is not cpu related i wouldn't think | 23:26 |
dtigue | Ellipsis753: you might try scanning the HDD with IBM's tools as the ones that come on most machines are not very good | 23:26 |
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Ellipsis753 | dtigue, Thank you but I also did the ubuntu disk self-check, I've tried 2 different full checks already so I think it should be ok? | 23:29 |
Ben64 | Ellipsis753: you should probably buy a new drive | 23:30 |
cypha | i tried using setxkbmap -option crtl:swapcaps, and now I can't turn it off | 23:33 |
cypha | even when I remove it from rc.local | 23:33 |
mynotes | test | 23:35 |
Krenair | http://dl.dropbox.com/u/10971457/Ubuntu%2011.04%20panel%20right%20click%20problem.png Ubuntu 11.04 | 23:35 |
Krenair | Why is this happening and how can I fix it? | 23:35 |
fhtagn | hi! any1 using ROOT for physics analysis in ubuntu? | 23:35 |
mynotes | how to create shared folder on ubuntu. i'm using vmware with main os window xp and guest os ubuntu 10.10 | 23:36 |
droope_ | Hi folks, i've installed ubuntu server at my home PC, and after installing an xfce on it i am using it as my desktop computer ( yeah, i know ). The mic is not working ( tho sound is ) anyone can venture a guess at what i need to install in order for it to work? | 23:37 |
Krenair | mynotes, install the guest additions | 23:38 |
Krenair | I think they're called VMWare Tools or something | 23:38 |
g0rs | droope_: I was about to try that as well. Did you configure sound server on your computer? | 23:39 |
=== Tohuw is now known as ThatMakesMeAngry | ||
Ben64 | droope_: how did you install xfce | 23:41 |
droope_ | g0rs: pulseaudio? i've just figured that out, i'm installing it now | 23:41 |
droope_ | Ben64: apt-get install xfce4 :P | 23:41 |
Ben64 | well theres your problem | 23:41 |
g0rs | droope_: yes | 23:41 |
Ben64 | pulseaudio (usually) is bad | 23:41 |
Ben64 | the correct way to make it into a usable desktop is "sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop" | 23:42 |
droope_ | so i've installed it, i reboot skype and that's it? | 23:42 |
droope_ | Ben64: yeah, i just 'startx' everytime i boot :P | 23:42 |
Ben64 | you're missing tons of packages | 23:42 |
droope_ | Ben64: yeahh xD | 23:42 |
Ben64 | you shouldn't be happy about that | 23:42 |
silverlightning | anyone tried moonlight? | 23:42 |
droope_ | it's that i have a pentium 4 | 23:42 |
droope_ | and i want it to be blazingly fast :D | 23:42 |
silverlightning | I cannot find moonlight in package manager ? | 23:42 |
Ben64 | do you want things to work though? | 23:43 |
=== ThatMakesMeAngry is now known as Tohuw | ||
cypha | i tried using setxkbmap -option crtl:swapcaps, and now I can't turn it off even though I've removed the line from local.rc | 23:43 |
cypha | HELP PLEASE | 23:43 |
silverlightning | htop | 23:43 |
silverlightning | killit | 23:43 |
xangua | silverlightning: sudo apt-get update && apt-cache search moonlight-plugin-mozilla | 23:44 |
silverlightning | xangua: is it advicable in lubuntu 11.10? | 23:44 |
sandra | test | 23:45 |
xangua | !oneiric | silverlightning | 23:45 |
ubottu | silverlightning: Ubuntu 11.10 (Oneiric Ocelot) will be the fifteenth release of Ubuntu. Codename announcement here: http://www.markshuttleworth.com/?p=646 Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1 | 23:45 |
silverlightning | that is the one | 23:45 |
silverlightning | xangua: beta releases have all backports open lol | 23:46 |
Ben64 | 11.10 support is in #ubuntu+1 though | 23:46 |
Ben64 | until actual release | 23:46 |
silverlightning | KM0201: xangua works !!!! thanks | 23:47 |
aditya | quit | 23:49 |
sandra | G'day my fellow Ubuntu inmates :-) | 23:56 |
sandra | I trust everyone here is doing well . | 23:57 |
cypha | i tried using setxkbmap -option crtl:swapcaps, and now I can't turn it off even though I've removed the line from local.rc | 23:58 |
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