
tntchey, any update on the whole "android can't save playlists" stuff?05:02
tntcI mean, it has been a few months now.05:02
tntcI'd really like to be able to save playlists from my phone.05:03
mandelmorning all!!08:08
JamesTaitGood morning all!08:31
karniGood morning!08:50
mandelczajkowski, hello09:50
czajkowskimandel: http://www.lczajkowski.com/2011/10/10/encouraging-membership/ subtle as a brick09:50
mandelczajkowski, how is it being a project manager? ;)09:50
mandelczajkowski, I noticed hehehe09:50
mandelI do read you blog :D09:50
czajkowskimandel: well as of yesterda I now lead 3 projects and do all their documentation09:51
mandelczajkowski, nice, waht are they about?09:51
czajkowskiincluding writing fucntional specs for stuff I've not heard from the client so this could be fun09:51
czajkowskigetting to draw wire frames and scope out the projects is kinda cool though09:51
czajkowskimandel: I work for codegent.com09:52
czajkowskidigital media advertising place09:52
czajkowskiso very different to what Iv'e done before, but 3 of the lads use Ubuntu09:52
czajkowskirest are on macs for design09:52
czajkowskismall company but nice09:52
czajkowskiso I get lots of hands on experience09:52
czajkowskihttp://www.jennycraig.com/ and http://www.4music.com/ are two of their larger campaigns09:53
* mandel looks09:54
mandelczajkowski, 4music is related to channel 4, right?09:55
czajkowskimandel: yes09:56
czajkowskimandel: and then I fit my Ubuntu around work :)09:57
mandelczajkowski, nice!! but then, why were you using windows?09:58
mandelunless you where tweeting from somewhere else :P09:58
czajkowskiI use tweetdeck as it's faster for real time ranting for rugby09:59
czajkowski5 min refresh is too slow09:59
czajkowskiand on windows as I need to write docs and read docs so less important I guess I could install Ubunut09:59
czajkowskijust not had the chance09:59
mandelczajkowski, I tried office on wine and works really well, so that is an option10:00
mandelczajkowski, tweetdeck you can install in ubuntu since is this adobe thing (I cannot remember the name) but it does not blend well with unity :(10:01
czajkowskimandel: I use tweetdec in chrome so it's ok10:02
mandelgatox, buenos dias!!!!10:02
gatoxhi everyone10:02
czajkowskijust here a month so been trying to find my feet10:02
gatoxmandel, hii10:02
mandelczajkowski, you are just there a month, I though it was a full time job10:02
czajkowskimandel: yup[ but here a month so far...10:02
mandelgatox, may I have reviews from you regarding the ubuntuone-windows-installer?10:02
czajkowskiit's a 4 month contrcat to start off with10:03
gatoxmandel, shoot10:03
czajkowskiand may or may not be renewed, depends if it saves money I'm taking over the over flow from 2 other PMs10:03
mandelgatox, I still own you trying the mac .app but I have had no internet at home and don't want to stay in the office :P10:03
mandelczajkowski, ah.. so its quite open then10:03
gatoxmandel, i understand (not having internet at home is pure pain!)... :P10:04
czajkowskimandel: if I get offered something permant in between now and then I'd consider it10:04
czajkowskialso doing part time work for another company as well10:05
czajkowskioh and have a life :)10:05
mandelgatox, here you go: https://code.launchpad.net/~mandel/ubuntuone-windows-installer/uninstall-old-app/+merge/7722510:05
mandelczajkowski, really? well better to have two jobs than none hehhe10:05
czajkowskiyeah 4 months no work and then I got 4 jobs in 1 week10:05
mandelczajkowski, I wish I knew about someone hiring..10:05
mandelczajkowski, wow! well, lets hope it does not kill you10:06
czajkowskino fear10:06
gatoxmandel, ok, on it10:06
czajkowskiI have salsa dancing and Zumba now twice a week to do something totally different10:06
mandelgatox, that branch will cal the msi c lib to uninstall the old app, should be simple to understand :)10:06
mandelczajkowski, really!! doe linaro, nice!!!10:06
mandelfuck! did I say this here..10:07
mandelputo irc!!! puto xchat10:07
gatoxmandel, so i need to have u1 installed to test this branch?10:07
czajkowskimandel: windows!! you of all people should be used to windows!!!10:08
mandelgatox, no, the tests do not need it10:09
gatoxmandel, ah ok10:09
mandelgatox, I'll be proposing a new branch that has all the pieces together and will need to do a IRL for that10:09
mandelgatox, this one will just fake calling the c lib :)10:10
gatoxmandel, ack10:10
mandelgatox, there is a migration one later and a branch that puts everything in place.. I did not want to send a 1000 lines MP10:10
gatoxmandel, jejeje ok10:20
mandelgatox, to build a pacakage we still have to use ralsinas branch, right?10:24
gatoxmandel, yep10:28
mandelgatox, ag..10:33
mandelgatox, I'll try to build a new pacakage, but last time I failied in my machine.. this should be in trunk asap :(10:38
gatoxmandel, ok, let me know if you need something... here ir work10:38
mandelgatox, I'm going to first try to reproduce bug #745540 and will ping you if I need any help with the windows code10:41
ubot4Launchpad bug 745540 in ubuntuone-client (Ubuntu) (and 5 other projects) "Method "CreateItem" with signature "a{sv}(oayay)b" on interface "org.freedesktop.Secret.Collection" doesn't exist (affects: 51) (dups: 2) (heat: 262)" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/74554010:41
* mandel installs gnome 3 in a vm10:41
gatoxmandel, ack10:42
mandelI really don't like to be installing the gnome 3 ppa to tests things like this.. lame10:43
gatoxmandel, +1 to your branch10:55
gatoxmandel, also can you re-review this one? https://code.launchpad.net/~diegosarmentero/ubuntuone-windows-installer/close-on-license-again/+merge/7859610:56
gatoxmandel, and if you are so kind :P this one too: https://code.launchpad.net/~diegosarmentero/ubuntuone-windows-installer/default-wrong-buttons/+merge/78663 (both very trivial)10:57
mandelgatox, sure11:02
nessitahello all!11:02
mandelnessita, buenos dias!11:02
gatoxnessita, hi!11:02
nessitamandel: how is it going?11:02
nessitahi gatox, how was the holiday?11:02
gatoxnessita, reaaaaaaally relaxing :P11:03
gatoxnessita, and i didn't have internet for the most day.... so it was a good thing to take the holiday :P11:04
nessitagatox: heh11:05
gatoxnessita, i have a couple of branches for review if you have the time11:07
mandelnessita, fine, trying to know what is going on with the auto-update and installing gnome3 to see if I can reproduce bug #74554011:09
ubot4Launchpad bug 745540 in ubuntuone-client (Ubuntu) (and 5 other projects) "Method "CreateItem" with signature "a{sv}(oayay)b" on interface "org.freedesktop.Secret.Collection" doesn't exist (affects: 51) (dups: 2) (heat: 262)" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/74554011:09
nessitagatox: give me one or two11:09
mandelcontext swtich is killing me hehehe11:09
gatoxnessita, https://code.launchpad.net/~diegosarmentero/ubuntuone-windows-installer/network-detect/+merge/77049  -  https://code.launchpad.net/~diegosarmentero/ubuntu-sso-client/network-detect/+merge/7704811:09
nessitamandel: what's the problem with the autoupdate? the xml or our code?11:10
mandelnessita, between the server and the bitrock code, I'm trying it with my own server and the one.ubuntu.com servers, from mine works, from the one.ubuntu.com does not.. I need to look closer11:12
nessitagatox: Text conflict in ubuntu_sso/qt/tests/test_controllers.py11:21
nessita1 conflicts encountered.11:21
gatoxnessita, ahhhhhhh i fix that, i forgot to push11:21
gatoxnessita, i have another little no mocker branch too for keyring11:22
nessitagatox: shoot11:23
gatoxnessita, https://code.launchpad.net/~diegosarmentero/ubuntu-sso-client/no-mocker2/+merge/7894311:23
gatoxnessita, ping11:38
nessitagatox: pong11:38
gatoxnessita, about this issue: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntuone-control-panel/+bug/85135611:38
ubot4Launchpad bug 851356 in ubuntuone-control-panel "QT UI: Folder list may show garbage for user homes non-ascii (affects: 1) (heat: 26)" [High,Triaged]11:38
nessitagatox: speaking of the review, I have a lint issue:11:38
nessita    77:  [E1103, TestWindowsKeyring.test_set_credentials] Instance of 'Deferred' has no 'data' member (but some types could not be inferred)11:38
gatoxnessita, ok, fixing....11:39
nessitagatox: yes, tell me about that bug11:39
gatoxnessita, can i create a folder "ñoño/u1", choose "add a folder from this computer"...... and according to the bug should i see that weird chars?11:39
nessitagatox: nopes, you need to have a windows weird username11:42
nessitagatox: like ñoño ñandú11:42
gatoxnessita, ahhhhhhh ok11:42
duanedesignnessita: when you get a moment could you look at this exception.log for windows client. https://pastebin.canonical.com/54155/12:05
nessitaduanedesign: sure12:05
nessitaduanedesign: is this syncdaemon-exceptions.log? do we have the "matching" syncdaemon.log file?12:08
duanedesignnessita: yes it ism and yes i do12:08
duanedesignnessita: https://pastebin.canonical.com/54156/12:11
nessitaduanedesign: looking12:11
duanedesignthank you!12:12
nessitamandel: ping12:18
mandelnessita, pong12:23
nessitamandel: would you please help me understand this log? https://pastebin.canonical.com/54156/ in particular from line 62112:23
nessitamandel: can we make, in a future branch, this line: Events from ReadDirectoryChangesW are [(3, u'Fawaz Al Ammary\\Rnw\\OutcomeAcutePericarditis.Rnw')] show what the 3 is?12:24
mandelnessita, yes, I can certainly do12:24
* mandel looks12:25
mandel621: ReadDirectoryChangesW are [(IN_MODIFY, u'Fawaz Al Ammary')]12:26
mandel625: Events from ReadDirectoryChangesW are [(IN_MODIFY, u'Fawaz Al Ammary\\Rnw\\OutcomeAcutePericarditis.Rnw')]12:27
mandel628:  Events from ReadDirectoryChangesW are [(IN_MODIFY, u'Fawaz Al Ammary\\Rnw\\OutcomeAcutePericarditis.Rnw')]12:28
mandelnessita, ^12:28
mandelnessita, all those should be translated to an OPEN_FILE, CLOSE_WRITE pair12:28
mandelnessita, please create a bug regarding the logging and I'll create a branch so that we get nice logs from now on12:29
nessitamandel: can we make a branch (when you finish the autoupdate thingy) to have the IN_MODIFY instead of the 3? (and the same mapping to the rest of the costants. Great I'll create a bug12:29
nessitamandel: so, how come we get a KeyError in like 63712:29
nessitain line 637?12:29
mandelnessita, for reference: https://pastebin.canonical.com/54159/12:29
nessitamandel: filesystem_notifications is emitting an event over a file that is not in the metadata of the filesystem_manager :-/12:30
mandelnessita, yep, looks like that, but that does not make sense12:32
mandelnessita, although I know there was a bug in the local_rescan that rye found (both on linux and windows12:32
mandelnessita, I think facundobatista knows about it, but I don't know if it is the same issue12:33
nessitamandel: this does not look like local_rescan is involved, no?12:33
mandelbut since we are talking about a UDF..12:33
mandelnessita, maybe local rescan added the watcher but not the metadata?12:33
mandelnessita, I'm just trying to think about possible causes12:33
nessitamandel: I'm tempted to say "no way" :-)12:33
facundobatistamandel, don't guess, read logs :)12:34
mandelfacundobatista, I know.. :P12:35
mandelnessita, we need the part of the logs in which the watchers are added, and see what is going on12:35
nessitamandel: you have the whole log there12:35
mandelnessita, hm, is not the full log from the start of sd, we should have a least one 'Adding single watch on ~/Ubuntu One'12:37
nessitamandel: ah no, is not since it rotated... but why you need the start-start?12:38
mandelnessita, I'd like to know when was the watcher added12:39
mandelnessita, nevertheless, this version has the broken is_path_dir, right?12:39
mandelnessita, I think we should push that update and ask for the logs then12:40
mandelnessita, I need to go for lunch, can we continue this after the stand up?12:40
nessitamandel: yeah, this is the broken version12:40
nessitamandel: sure12:40
nessitamandel: the bug is #87225412:40
mandelnessita, superb, thx! I'll be back asap12:40
* mandel jots down bug number12:40
* mandel lunch12:41
nessitaduanedesign: so, we're not completely sure why the KeyError is happening, but last week mandel fixed a bug in the watch manager module, where some watches were not removed from dirs and then some event were propagated from dirs that were not supposed to emit events12:41
nessitaduanedesign: would you know if the path which is giving the KeyError is supposed to be synced?12:42
duanedesignlet me see12:42
duanedesignnessita: "I have added one folder to sync from the Windows machine My Documents\subfolder. This seems to work and the files in the subfolder are synced, however, all to the subsubfolders, i.e, My Documents\subfolder\subsubfolder, are not synced."12:45
duanedesignfrom ticket, if that helps^12:45
nessitaduanedesign: right, that may help. Since we currently have some garbage on those logs, can you please request to this user to shutdown syncdaemon, move the logs away (but no delete), install the update that was released on Friday, and restart? then, once syncdaemon reaches IDLE (Control panel says files sync up to date), ask for the whole logs again, if possible12:47
duanedesignok, thank you12:47
nessitaduanedesign: thank *you*!12:49
ryeweird.. nessita, i just tried to use the old ubuntuone/hammertime token with ubuntu-sso, it claims to be migrating the token, but it remains in UbuntuOne token for https://ubuntuone.com and control panel shows "There was a problem while retrieving the credentials"12:51
ryenessita, i have DEBUG logs :)12:51
nessitarye: how come will it claim to migrate the token? we don't do token migration, as far as I know :-) logs please!12:52
ryenessita, unsee it for now, my tokens are wrong12:52
ryenessita, but SSO does migration, i see _migrate_old_token_name :)12:52
nessitarye: looking the source code12:53
ryenessita, one customer claims that he is no longer able to log in. We see that the token is no longer on the server, however CP does not invalidate the token (even though it receives 401). The tokens are old-style gnome-keyring ones12:55
nessitarye: that migration is from tokens styled Ubuntu One - <machine name> to be transformed to Ubuntu One @ <machine name>, but is always about "new" sso tokens, no hammertime at all12:55
ryenessita, ah12:56
nessitarye: right, the issue is that he removed the old-style token from our site12:56
nessitarye: contropanel knows how to handle new-style tokens only, he should remove his old token from seahorse I think12:56
ryenessita, understood, I now found that it only queries for old style tokens, don't change them to anything else, thank you!12:57
nessitarye: :-)12:57
alecuhello all!13:02
mandelalecu, say me ;)13:03
mandelshall we start?13:03
nessitamandel: go!13:03
mandelDONE: finnished migration code. Looked into why the auto-update does work in my server but does not when on one.ubuntu.com, I don't know the issue yet. TODO: propose merges. Continue auto-update debugging. Help nessita with file system bug. Reprdouce bug with sso and gnome 3 (already installed it in my system) BLOCK: no, but I need to prioritise all the above13:04
mandelnessita, go13:04
nessitaDONE: u1client refactoring so we can have multiplatform u1sdtool, review, bug triage13:04
nessitaTODO: more of the same, teaching duties13:04
nessitaBLOCKED: nopes13:04
nessitaNEXT: dobey13:04
dobeyλ DONE: nat'l holiday13:04
dobeyλ TODO: SRU work13:04
dobeyλ BLCK: None.13:04
alecuDONE: got six branches merged! will invite all of desktop+ to my home for dinner during the sprint.13:04
alecuTODO: start looking into proxy support13:04
alecuBLOCKED: no13:04
alecuNEXT: gatox13:05
* gatox writing notes13:05
gatoxFixed close on license, fixed default buttons in some pages in the installer.13:05
gatoxWorking in a CP bug and UI bugs.13:05
* mandel back to lunch13:10
=== m_conley_away is now known as m_conley
czajkowskino aq13:44
dobeyczajkowski: he's sprinting13:48
czajkowskidobey: which means I can't throw things at him13:48
dobeyyou can, but We don't know how good your throwing arm is.13:49
dobeymight not make it across the channel13:49
mandelnessita, ping13:59
nessitamandel: pong13:59
mandelnessita, do you mind if I first fix the issue with the auto-update and then I move to help you with bug 87225414:02
ubot4mandel: Error: Bug #872254 not found.14:02
mandelalecu, ping14:02
nessitamandel: seems reasonable14:02
mandelnessita, ok, thx!14:02
alecumandel, pong14:03
mandelalecu, I have installed the gnome 3 ppa, I'll check that I can reproduce bug 745540 as I have auto-update working, ok?14:04
ubot4Launchpad bug 745540 in ubuntuone-client (Ubuntu) (and 5 other projects) "Method "CreateItem" with signature "a{sv}(oayay)b" on interface "org.freedesktop.Secret.Collection" doesn't exist (affects: 51) (dups: 2) (heat: 262)" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/74554014:04
mandelalecu, are there any speciall steps you want me to follow to check that we have the issues (I suppose using txsecrets)14:04
dobeymandel: gnome3 ppa? on oneiric?14:04
mandeldobey, yep, this guy https://launchpad.net/~gnome3-team/+archive/gnome3 right?14:05
mandeldobey, I did it in a O vm I already had and I did a snapshot before, I'm sure is broken (I have not use it yet)14:06
dobeymandel: but why? oneiric ships with gnome 314:06
alecumandel, "this bug affect me on fresh installed oneiric beta2 and fully updated without add any PPAs"14:06
alecumandel, so, apparently no need for ppas14:07
dobeymandel: and that PPA only has 7 packages for oneiric, for which the packages in oneiric are probably newer anyway14:07
mandeloh, cool then I can revert to no ppa system :)14:07
dobeymandel: using that ppa on 11.04 though, will definitely break ubuntu-sso-client14:07
* mandel is happy14:07
mandelalecu, anyways, I need some time to fix the auto-update first14:07
mandelalecu, I installed the ppa because I read 'With gnome-keyring from gnome3 ppa (2.91.93)'14:07
alecumandel, sure. I'm supposed to be updating to Oneiric this week also...14:08
dobeymandel: yes, the bug was originally filed a long time ago when someone decided to use it on 11.0414:08
mandelalecu, I have a vm with O and a real machine, just in case :P14:08
mandeldobey, ah.. me culpa for not reading the date14:08
alecumandel, cool14:08
dobeymandel: but we aren't fixing that bug in 11.04; if you want broken PPAs on your system, add nightlies too :)14:08
alecumandel, so, testing whether you con reproduce that bug in the O vm would be fine.14:09
alecumandel, so, try deleting the credentials and trying to log in again14:09
mandelalecu, ok, got it14:09
alecumandel, I'm specially interested in whether it can be reproduced, and if any logs show up.14:10
mandeldobey, no thx, I have been cursing at o for a month or so :(14:10
mandelalecu, ok, I'll get back to you asap14:10
alecudobey, but that bug seems to be popping up again, for some people using the O beta, with no ppas14:12
alecuguys, I need to be gone for a while, see you laters.14:13
dobeyalecu: yeah, i saw14:15
dobeymandel: hrmm, well in d-feet org.freedesktop.secrets doesn't actually show any available methods here :(14:29
dobeyneat, new phone might get here today14:31
mandeldobey, let me check in mine14:31
mandelnessita, ok, we are at the top of the rt list, so I'm moving towards helping you with that bug14:53
nessitamandel: ack14:53
mandelnessita, let me get the logs and take a look at what is going on..14:53
* mandel wants to have a mini me14:53
mandelgatox, re-review for https://code.launchpad.net/~diegosarmentero/ubuntuone-windows-installer/close-on-license-again/+merge/78596 done, you need an extra +!14:57
mandel+1, sorry14:57
gatoxmandel, thanks!14:57
mandelgatox, for https://code.launchpad.net/~diegosarmentero/ubuntuone-windows-installer/default-wrong-buttons/+merge/78663 are we 100% sure that wizard will always be set when showEvent  is called?14:59
gatoxmandel, yes15:00
gatoxjeje short answer15:00
mandelgatox, short is better, so we can never ever use show in a QWizardPage that has o parent wizard, right?15:01
gatoxmandel, sorry, didn't understand last one15:01
mandelgatox, nothing, don't worry, +1 on that one too15:02
gatoxmandel, ahhhhhh if i understand correctly what you said15:02
gatoxmandel, the answer would be no... we are not using floating pages :P15:03
mandelgatox, is a stupid question because we should never get to that15:03
mandelgatox, https://code.launchpad.net/~diegosarmentero/ubuntuone-windows-installer/default-wrong-buttons/+merge/78663 has 2*+1 feel free to approve it15:03
gatoxmandel, thanks! :D15:03
mandelnessita, regarding bug 872254 those logs are not what we are getting from trunk, wha tI suggest is that we move from int (1, 2, 3) to (IN_CREATE, IN_DELETE) and we get teh raw result from GetReadDirecotryChangesW and the translated pyinotify event15:05
ubot4mandel: Error: Bug #872254 not found.15:05
mandelnessita,  I'd like to have the raw data from com and what we converted it to15:05
nessitamandel: as long as minimize the log entries, I'm +115:06
nessitamandel: we need to have less log lines per Watch event15:06
mandelgatox, can I hae a review for https://code.launchpad.net/~mandel/ubuntuone-windows-installer/migrate-data/+merge/7838715:06
mandelnessita, sure, let me propose a branch with that15:06
nessitamandel: great!15:07
gatoxmandel, on it15:07
mandelgatox, thx!15:07
alecuand I'm back.15:08
dobeylunch, bbiab15:26
gatoxmandel, is this related to your branch: http://paste.ubuntu.com/706175/ ?15:29
mandelgatox, first time I see that.. let me check15:45
mandelgatox, nice catch!!! yes the tests are broken, the test for Ansi paths when I changed the call to use the Unicode function (ends with W instead of A)15:46
mandelgatox, you have windows in spanish, right?15:47
gatoxmandel, i'm using an user with name: "ñoño ñandú" now :P15:48
* czajkowski hugs mandel U1 on windows is nice 15:51
mandelczajkowski, I'm glad, you have to hug lots of other people here too :)15:54
mandelgatox, puto!!!15:54
mandelgatox, can you paste the error in the MP and I'll update the tests tom morning, I' running out of day :(15:54
* mandel needs longer days15:54
gatoxmandel, ok15:54
gatoxmandel, done15:55
mandelgatox, thx!15:58
mandelnessita, do you want me to add tests for the logs (I suppose is a yes)15:59
mandelalecu, testing in O, you said remove creds and tyr again, right?15:59
nessitamandel: it would be a good idea, yes. Have you used the mementohandler before?15:59
alecumandel, right15:59
mandelnessita, I have seen the use in the ubuntuone-client tests before16:02
mandelnessita, I'll have to finish the tests tom then, I'll propose the merge asap16:02
nessitamandel: that ease the testing of the logging a lot, you can use that16:02
nessitamandel: ack16:02
mandelalecu, I did the following:16:03
mandel1. Delete creds using sea-horse16:03
mandel 2. u1sdtool -q16:03
mandel3. re-launch ubuntu one16:03
mandelalecu, I got my new creds and ubuntu one works correctly (I get quota, acocunt info etc.. in control panel)16:03
mandelalecu, I have not tried any syncing :P16:04
mandelthis is an O with all updates16:04
mandelis that all you needed?16:04
alecumandel, can you try: u1sdtool -q; sleep 10; u1sdtool -s16:04
alecumandel, to see if it reconnects fine once credentials are there16:05
mandelalecu, sure, on it16:05
alecumandel, or closing and restarting the control panel16:05
mandelalecu, I'm using u1sdtool :P16:06
mandelalecu, when I did u1sdtool -s I got the following:16:08
mandelconnection: no user with network16:09
mandeldescription doing local rescan16:09
mandelis_connected false16:09
mandelis_error False16:09
alecumandel, oh, sorry: u1sdtool -c16:09
mandelalecu, though so :P16:10
mandelalecu, seems to work ok, I got notifications about files being uploaded etc..16:11
alecumandel, cool then. I'll give it a try when I install Oneiric myself. thanks!16:12
nessitamandel: "not user" means without SYS_USER_CONNECT16:12
nessitamandel: it usually means no credentials16:12
nessitaalecu: ^16:12
nessitamandel: does it progress after LOCAL_RESCAN to READY and then to SERVER_RESCAN?16:12
mandelnessita, let me check16:13
mandelnessita, atm: With User with Network16:13
nessitamandel: then it progressed16:14
mandelok, so after than, EOD for me then :)16:14
mandelnessita, I'll be around in about 4 hours to see if the RT has moved foward to try and get the update today, so feel free to send me any email etc.. if you guys need to16:15
* mandel walk dog => rugby16:15
gatoxlunch!... brb16:15
duanedesignnessita: is their any readon french characters like éàç would not work w/ Windows client?17:03
nessitaduanedesign: before last Friday release, every non-ascii character in the user home will break syncdaemon17:04
nessitaduanedesign: that should be fixed in the last release17:04
* duanedesign noda17:04
duanedesignIll make sure he is updated17:05
nessitaduanedesign: there can be non-ascii characters in the user name or in the user home path, like in spanish, the home sometimes is: foo/Documentos y configuración/blah17:05
nessitaok, I'm gone to the Uni17:09
* alecu is having lunch17:33
dobeythe Internet is a lonely place18:23
czajkowskianyone around for a daft question?18:58
czajkowskiI uploaded some files via the web one.u.c but not into a my doc folder which syncs to my desktop, how can I move them to the /documents folder via the web ?18:59
czajkowskiis it possible18:59
ryeczajkowski, moving the files is only possible with REST api and syncdaemon, the web ui does not have this functionality18:59
czajkowskiah ok19:00
czajkowskican do it again at work tomrrow19:00
czajkowskiwonder was there an easy way19:00
czajkowskirye: cheers19:00
dobeyczajkowski: download it from the web into your Documents folder at home19:01
czajkowskidobey: yup that's what I'm doing now19:01
czajkowskieasiest really19:01
czajkowskiwondered was there a move to this folder option19:02
czajkowskiso you could re arrange folders19:02
dobeyczajkowski: then it will "re-upload" it in your docs folder19:02
dobeywould be nice, agreed19:02
czajkowskiI'd file a bug but it'd be marked wishlist as not that important19:02
czajkowskibut would be nice in case you make a mistake or just want to chuck things up and then sort out and file19:03
dobeyso file a bug and mark it wishlist19:03
dobey"No way to move files into other folders on web" sounds like a bug to me19:03
dobeywhether it is wishlist or not is irrelevant19:04
czajkowskiAn error has occurred. Our engineers have been notified and we will work to fix this.19:04
czajkowskiif I could stop getting this message I would19:04
dobeylaunchpad giving that?19:04
czajkowskion the web atm19:04
czajkowskigot that a few times today19:04
dobeyyeah, there are some issues that ops are working on at the moment, so hopefully that will be fixed soon19:05
czajkowskiI just clicked into a folder then hit back arrow19:05
czajkowskidobey: where can I file a bug against U119:05
dobeyfor the web site, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntuone-servers/+filebug19:05
czajkowskidobey: thanks19:06
czajkowskibug already is there19:07
ubot4Launchpad bug 416304 in ubuntuone-servers "Web Interface: Add move and copy files to another Folder (affects: 17) (dups: 4) (heat: 81)" [Wishlist,Triaged]19:07
dobeyah ok then :)19:08
dobeyclick "affects me too" :)19:08
czajkowskidobey: you too19:10
czajkowskidobey: you click me too19:12
dobeybut We are not affected as We don't use the web site to manage files. :)19:15
lamalexHi, i put files into my u1 sync folder yesterday, and they still do not seem to have sync'd19:34
duanedesignhello lamalex19:40
lamalexwhoops, sorry duanedesign19:44
lamalexi guess i accidentally closed xchat :P19:44
karnialecu: Hey man. What did you need the oauth fix for? If talking to SSO - I understand. But the Windows client does not use REST for file transfers. What did you guys have issues talking to with OAuth signed requests?19:53
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dobeykarni: sometimes people have problems logging in to u1 on ubuntu/windows19:54
dobeykarni: because their clocks are busted19:54
karnidobey: So SSO it is.19:55
alecukarni, well, we use oauth everywhere: for logging in and initially getting the tokens, for signing up, for getting the user info on the control panel, for the syncdaemon protocol login...19:55
dobeykarni: and we use REST for some things19:55
alecuand also syncdaemon uses a few rest calls to create shares, and for public files.19:55
karniAh right..19:55
karnidobey: alecu: That makes sense. Thanks :)19:55
alecuno prob!19:56
duanedesignlamalex: hello20:07
duanedesignalecu: fyi - I have gotten a few tickets from people having trouble syncing subfolders in Windows20:08
alecuduanedesign, please, can you point me at them?20:11
duanedesignalecu: I showed this one to nessita this morning. https://pastebin.canonical.com/54156/20:13
duanedesignalecu: and I am now waiting on logs from two other users20:14
duanedesignas soon as i get them I will forward them on to you all20:14
j0nrI am planning on doing a fresh install with 11,10 soon. My question to you... what do I do with my Music folder which is currently synced to UbuntuOne?20:27
duanedesignhello j0nr20:28
duanedesignj0nr: This FAQ will help. https://one.ubuntu.com/help/faq/im-setting-up-ubuntu-one-on-a-new-computer-or-re-installing-my-operating-system-how-should-i-do-this/20:29
j0nrduanedesign: thanks... so I don't want to replicate that ubuntuone file on new setup.... but how do I get around backing up my music? I don't want to (or see the need to) just delete my music (scary) and then redownload it ALL from U120:49
j0nrwhat would happen if i backup my music, reinstall ubuntu, copy my music back onto the new install, THEN setup ubuntuone?20:50
duanedesigni would back it up because you never know what can happen20:53
j0nrbut would putting it back in the same location ~/Music and then setting up U1 mean that U1 would recognise that that is the same folder of music?21:01
j0nror would it think it is a completely seperate folder of music, try to upload that and also try to download the one from the server, effectively doubling mymusic!21:02
dobeyWe are off. have a good evening all!21:12
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duanedesignj0nr: if you copied the music folder over before connecting the computer UBuntu One should recogmize the music and not have to download the tunes21:36
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=== jamalta_ is now known as jamalta

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