[00:56] yay, apachelogger is back! [01:16] Riddell: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/OneiricOcelot/Final/Kubuntu [01:16] also https://wiki.kubuntu.org/OneiricOcelot/Final/Kubuntu/Kmail2 still in progress [01:18] I've got the i386 dvd downloaded and will start on those tests. [02:04] claydoh: How's the Kubuntu part of https://wiki.ubuntu.com/OneiricOcelot/TechnicalOverview (please fix) [02:04] * ScottK hasn't looked at it yet. === ryanakca is now known as Guest66690 [02:29] ScottK: have to add updated applications, unless skaet has something for me, haven't heard back yet, may need some style/formatting ckeanup perhaps [02:29] * claydoh hits the sack [02:29] claydoh: OK Please update tomorrow. [02:30] blew out my knee today, pain killers = drowsy :( [02:30] ScottK: will do [02:32] its why i didn't finish today :( [02:33] Ouch. Feel better. [02:33] so far better, but drugged better, see what appens tomorrow [03:52] apachelogger should write the release blurb for kubuntu.org. [04:38] Need more amd64 testers. [04:38] The only system I have for test is 32bit and i386 is done. [04:43] I can do some [04:43] last I checked the test site was down for me though [04:46] not willing to actually upgrade this laptop though [04:46] It's up now. [04:46] Doing stuff in a VM is fine. [04:46] until after I get back from Mountainview [04:46] I'll try that too [04:47] zsyncing the ISOs now [04:47] What's in Mountainview (or rather why are you going there ...)? [04:47] shouldn't take too long, I did it yesterday too [04:48] Google is doing a Doc Camp for the first time; shadeslayer will be there [04:48] Interesting. [04:48] we are making a book for newbie KDE developers [04:48] Good thing he'll have some adult supervision then. [04:48] obviously, I'm not *writing* that information [04:48] we have a team of 3 Indian students and me [04:48] :-) [04:49] Darkwing is helping us out as well [04:49] then the weekend is the GSoC Mentor Summit [04:49] busy week [04:51] would be lovely if all goes well and this effort increases [04:57] Why are there differnet isos for Mac ... do I have to strictly use this on my mbp [05:03] I think it's because of odities in the Mac BIOS/UEFI implementation. [05:03] At the application level they are identical. [05:07] ScottK: Normally the safest way to use Ubuntu with Mac OS X without breaking stuff is using bootcamp to create the partition the installing on tho that ... otherwise people accidentally mess with the EFI partition [05:08] I'm not particularly knowlegable on the subject. That's just what I recall hearing. [05:18] ok, writing the cd and dvd [05:20] it's been awhile since I created a VM -- do we have a wiki guide to doing that for testing? [05:21] I'm sure we do. [05:21] * ScottK has NFK where. [05:21] ooo, I should get the alternates too [05:21] they weren't available last time I was looking [05:23] Except for wubi, i386 is done. [05:23] Just need amd64. [05:24] ok [05:24] heh, wubi -- I no longer have a windows partition [05:24] not sure my husband would like me to test that on his machine [05:25] although perhaps I can do it on his spare machine [05:25] tomorrow [05:27] If you don't, I've got scouts out for wubi testers. [05:27] I think the amd64 stuff is more imporant anyway. [05:29] cool [05:32] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Testing/VirtualBox , btw [05:33] installing now [05:33] as I recall, one must set the proper amount of memory for the VM [05:33] what is recommended? [05:33] ScottK: Is there a wubi executable in the i386 disk ... I can test that [05:34] YES. [05:34] Err. [05:34] Yes. [05:34] Sorry for the shouting. [05:34] cap lock ... [05:34] * ScottK should go to bed. Good night. [05:34] * valorie puts out the Xanax [05:34] :-) [05:34] sleep well, and don't let $work get to you, ScottK! [05:35] burning the dvd [05:39] my goodness, it takes a lot of time to even check the mdsum! [05:40] I've never burned a dvd before === GirlyGirl is now known as Guest82250 === Guest82250 is now known as Girly-Girl [06:41] anybody here for a bit of VM advice? [06:41] wiki says, "In order to get access to the kernel module you have to add your user to the vboxusers group (created by the installer). Go to System -> Administration -> Users and Groups. Click Manage Groups and scroll down to the vboxusers group. Click Properties and add your user to it. Log out and back in for the group settings to take effect. " [06:42] I don't see how to add myself to that group, although I've done it before for like, Audio group [06:42] maybe I need to google for the cli command [06:44] valorie: http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/dapper/man8/adduser.8.html [06:46] valorie: useradd -G vboxusers valorie [06:49] that looks right, thanks === Girly-Girl is now known as GirlyGirl [06:51] the sentence I pasted must be out of date [06:51] useradd: user 'valorie' already exists [06:51] :-) [06:51] sheesh, box is slow with all this downloading and writing going on [06:53] valorie: But normally when you install vbox it does it automatically for you [06:54] I've completed to wubi test everything went fine so i386 is all done [06:54] awesome! [06:54] I'm writing the liveUSBs now [06:54] cd and dvd are done [06:55] I wish you could rsync to the liveUSBs [06:55] instead of erase and re-write [06:55] oh well [06:56] I guess I should upgrade my netbook now so I have something to use to report my test results [06:58] valorie: I did that yesterday .. oneric performs so well on my netbook that the speed is comparable to any other machine even with desktop effects like blur etc [06:58] I've been keeping it updated for a couple of weeks [06:58] since beta2 [06:58] it's been excellent [06:58] except that I can't get kmail to run [06:58] :( [06:59] although I created a new user and for that user, setup begins as usual [07:00] therefore it must be a problem in my .kde file somewhere [07:00] I think its a know issue [07:06] when I have time, I'm sure the Kontact folks will help me figure it out [07:06] I would so love to use kmail again [07:06] my dream is to go back to an all-kde system [07:09] valorie: Just reset kmail2 by deleting its setting files ... should work [07:10] I did all that [07:10] removed the config files, etc. [07:10] still crashes before it starts [07:11] lord, no wonder the usb was so slow [07:11] damn it, I copied from the actual DVD instead of the iso on the HD [07:11] lol [07:11] whatever...... [07:11] haha [07:11] It normally takes a minute from hdd [07:13] it took a few extra [07:13] alternate is quick though! [07:14] valorie: unetbootin did not work for me for some reason with oneric ... it normally does [07:14] Says "no OS to boot" and then proceeeds to hdd boot [07:16] I just use the kubuntu usb creator [07:16] the other cool thing is MultiSystem [07:16] I'll put the finals on that [07:23] valorie: ended up using that as well .... kmail works for me here [07:36] valorie: How was boot time to desktop for the live session for you? [07:38] just about to shut down IRC and start testing [07:38] 3rd liveUSB is about done writing [08:23] valorie: can you reproduce this https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/casper/+bug/872713 [08:23] Ubuntu bug 872713 in casper (Ubuntu) "Kubuntu oneric for kubuntu-default-settings. Kmail shortcut in start menu favourites does not work" [Undecided,New] [09:26] yofel: Yes, the differences are from when they installed the wiki theme. Will fix [09:29] GirlyGirl: kmail from app menu works here (although I've always preferred we only have kontact in the app menu) [09:35] yofel: are you expecting to cover all the test cases for amd64 dvd or should I do some? [09:41] Riddell: From the app menu it works ... however in the default entry on the "favourites" section of the kickoff menu in oneric it does not [09:57] GirlyGirl: the default there is for Kontact which works fine for me (or at least as well as Kontact does work these days) [09:58] Riddell: All oneric images clearly have a kmail shortcut in the default setup! [09:58] Riddell: Try running a live session of an iso and see [10:01] kquitapp plasma-desktop; rm ~/.kde/share/config/kickoffrc; plasma-desktop gives me Kontact is the favourites [10:14] Riddell: It sure does as that is kde's default when you remove but kubuntu's default is different [10:15] boot a live image and see (I just checked it again) [10:48] Riddell: Beta2 had kontact in the list but the pre final iso's do not (including the current one) [11:22] Riddell: fell free to do some, I won't be able to finish mine for at least 3 more hours since I'm at school right now. [11:22] ryanakca: thanks [11:24] kyofel: looks like we're respinning anyway [11:24] fun [11:25] also, can someone fix kdelibs bzr? It's still missing the nepomuk fix that the package in ninjas had as bulldog98 never pushed that to bzr and I forgot about it [11:33] ScottK: release blurb :S [11:33] * apachelogger has a 1sec lag [11:34] uni connection is failing clearly [11:34] so [11:34] I am not going to UDS [11:34] apachelogger: aww, why not? [11:35] kyofel: does the oneiric-proposed upload contain the patch? [11:36] debfx: as far as I see - no [11:36] I am in the process of reducing things that require my attention as well as trying to focus on non-floss stuff [11:37] * apachelogger actually feels like going on a trip to tibet and meditate 24/7 for the sake of mind cleaning [11:38] sensible enough, although disneyworld and tibet have much in common [11:38] Riddell: they do? :O [11:39] apachelogger: yeah if you can tone out the sound of screaming kids you have hit true enlightenment [11:39] * apachelogger wonders where to prepare the 'release blurb' [11:39] davmor2: lol [11:39] apachelogger: which release blurb? [11:39] claydoh has some here https://wiki.kubuntu.org/OneiricOcelot/Final/Kubuntu [11:40] apachelogger should write the release blurb for kubuntu.org. [11:40] ah [11:40] sweet [11:40] except wiki -> html is brrrr [11:41] wiki -> html is not super fun, I can do it if you want [11:41] bbl [11:42] Riddell: we could just write a script for that ^^ [11:43] View -> Source in a web browser is a good start [11:47] true, but a simple top down parser would not be much more work [11:50] I think (tm) [12:06] err why is this published on the home page news early http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kubuntu-1110 [12:07] Ah just removed [12:08] Riddell: ok, parser is too much work :P [12:08] * apachelogger thinks moinmoin should just have afeature to spit out clean html :S [12:08] Riddell: are you working on the move from wiki to website already? [12:18] apachelogger: yes [12:19] https://www-admin.kubuntu.org/news/kubuntu-11.10 [12:19] GirlyGirl: ssh! [12:42] apachelogger: Are you going to do something for it? [12:42] riddell is [12:43] hmm, no sysadmin vanguard, can't get images onto the kubuntu.org server [12:43] * ScottK was told that the image upload thingy was fixed. [12:44] oh? maybe I should try attachments [12:46] well it seems to attach but I've no idea what the URL is to find it [12:46] ScottK: who told you it was fixed? [12:46] ryanakca: . [12:47] OK. How about https://www-admin.kubuntu.org/node/add/image [12:48] oh groovy, got it [12:56] and we are now on the one eye ric... and the fixes for my sandy bridge intel stuff are very nice :) [12:56] Riddell: funny that I dont have the same policy kit issues here - I wonder if the issue is with having gnome/unity installed? [12:59] "here" being a different computer? [13:00] https://www-admin.kubuntu.org/news/11.10-release how's this? [13:02] 855763 is fixed, so it needs to be removed from the known issues section. [13:02] claydoh: ^^^ [13:03] http://www.kubuntu.org/news/11.10-release i want spoils i want spoils I want spoils :33 [13:10] Riddell: yeah, work pc [13:18] jussi: maybe you just don't have the permissions [13:21] afiestas: spoilers... [13:27] Riddell: shit, let me do it again [13:27] http://www.kubuntu.org/news/11.10-release i want spoilers I want spoilers I want spoilers :33 [13:28] hehehe [13:55] * rbelem pokes afiestas [14:06] All the Live images are going to need a respin/then retesting. [14:06] In the meantime, amd64 alternate still needs work. [14:26] lol, social butterflies [14:28] nice page, although some of the images seem missing? [14:28] Needs more canoes. [14:29] yofel: http://fsa.zedge.net/content/3/1/0/0/1-5669041-3100-t.jpg http://static.desktopnexus.com/thumbnails/8175-thumbnail.jpg [14:29] ScottK: are you heading to UDS-P? [14:29] dtchen: No. [14:30] GirlyGirl: hehe === Girly-Girl is now known as GirlyGirl [15:25] Love this Akonadi thing: load average: 15.72, 9.70, 4.18 [15:27] 4GB of RAM and 4GB of swap are also not enough to keep it happy (using all that). [15:29] I'm starting to think a Lucid VM for kmail may be in order. [15:40] * ScottK imagines some upstream hate from his latest blog post. [15:41] uh oh [15:43] Akonadization of pim is a disaster. [15:43] It's utter crap that provides zero end user benefit. [15:43] (I didn't go that far in the blog post) [15:44] kmail -> kmail2 has helped me. [15:44] It's pure pain, annoyance, and lost productivity. [15:46] ScottK: quote from the release notes for 11.10 about kmail 2 "This will enable better email, calendar, and other PIM activities moving forward." [15:47] That's the theory. [15:47] Today it sucks. [15:47] It's the KDE 4.0 of Kmail. [15:47] In fact, I should retitle that blog post. [16:04] new CDs are up to test! [16:04] Thanks. === GirlyGirl is now known as PartyBot2 === PartyBot2 is now known as GirlyGirl [16:28] yofel: I’ll fix that in a minute [16:30] * ScottK waits for the VM to create. [16:34] I do think we need to be scarier about kmail for 11.10. [16:34] (in the release announcement) [16:34] It's really not ready. [16:36] ScottK: if you start from scratch everything works fine [16:36] bulldog98: I did and it doesn't. [16:37] I've had it working fine and then it quits. [16:37] hm ScottK the ubuntu2 package? I tested it last night and it worked (TM) [16:38] For example, I was sending email all day yesterday and wondering why nobody replied. [16:38] It turned out it was building up on the outbox without any error message. [16:38] Suddendly the maildir resource won't start. [16:38] If it can't even manage local file storage, it's hopeless. [16:39] ScottK: yeah indeed that’s sometimes a bit buggy, but it depends on your smtp provider [16:39] No. [16:39] It doesn't even try to connect to the server. [16:39] (I'm my own smtp provider) [16:39] I checked the logs and there's not even a connect attempt. [16:39] ScottK: hm I use my university and it works(TM) [16:40] If it's not even trying to make a connection, then it doesn't matter who you use. [16:40] I guess you tested oneiric [16:40] It worked for me for two weeks until yesterday. [16:40] yes. [16:41] * bulldog98 tests that now scottk kubuntu? [16:41] I think it works in some cases and not others. [16:42] What causes it to start/stop working at any given moment is totally inexplicable. [16:42] Logs are useless too. [16:51] who is the guy that is working on printing ? [16:51] printing? [16:52] till [16:52] ah because of printing on kubuntu and kde is a mess [16:52] i would like donate some money to get a nice print dialog [16:53] but of course i have even problem to donate money to someone for the work [16:53] print is one of most important thing for me [16:53] hiring someone for a 6 month project isn't cheap [16:53] 6month ? [16:53] that is not nice [16:53] * yofel would be already happy if the cups and hplip setting would match without him having to set things twice... [16:54] i don't use hplip i just use cups [16:54] * Peace- has a hp [16:54] * ScottK has no troubles with printing (unlike mail) [16:54] Riddell: well i guess a good programmer can do it in 2 weeks [16:55] it's not so hard as you could think [16:55] Peace-: they really can't. the common print dialogue project has been ongoing for about 4 years [16:55] could be that I'm using en_US as system language while living in german. Sometimes *something* in the chain gets the paper format wrong... [16:55] Riddell: i have created a little script for own use ... in 1 day [16:55] and it prints almost everything [16:56] odt and doc no because i am lazy xD [16:56] Peace-: I find localhost:631 fits my needs [16:56] jussi: me too [16:56] but... [16:57] you can print with the nice stuff like you can do into gimp [16:57] gutenprint i guess is [16:57] *it is === GirlyGirl is now known as Guest40565 === Guest40565 is now known as Girly-Girl [16:59] jussi: http://blog.worldlabel.com/wp-content/myfiles/2010/10/print.png [16:59] Riddell: Same issue with the latest iso ... In favourites I have a kmail entry that looks like this and it does not launch kmail http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/607/snapshot1uj.png/ [16:59] btw peoples, oneiric is extremely fast compared to natty - dunno what you did, but both my intel at work and the nvidia here have had significant speed increases [16:59] jussi: its kde 4.7 over 4.6 [17:00] Girly-Girl: I had 4.7 from the ppa in natty, so no. [17:00] to mee i got 100% of cpu usage instead with akonadi started + google chromium+flash [17:01] i guess is an akonadi problem [17:01] Any chance of removing that not working kmail entry in kickoff favourites or changing it to kontact like kde's default === zematynnad is now known as zematynnad_lunch [17:07] Girly-Girl: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-default-settings/kubuntu-default-settings/view/head:/share/config/kickoffrc Kontact there [17:09] Riddell: Hmm That screenshot shows exactly what happens on every machine I try the iso on ... the installed version reproduces it and removing the kickoff config file places contact in [17:09] Try running the iso live and see [17:10] doing an install on a virtual machine now [17:11] Girly-Girl: kontact here on the current oneiric-desktop-amd64.iso [17:12] yofel: I'm on i386 haven't tested amd64 [17:12] * yofel fetches i386 [17:12] shouldn't make a difference though... [17:12] true [17:13] Only thing is it defaulted to netbook interface and I switched to desktop ... here is my kickoffrc on the live user http://paste.ubuntu.com/706845/ [17:14] Riddell: ok, kubuntu-netbook-default-settings does indeed have /usr/share/applications/kde4/KMail.desktop in kickoffrc [17:15] * Girly-Girl was wondering how it could be just her [17:20] * ScottK thought he changed that to kmail2. [17:22] I don't think it is right to default desktop to kontact and netbook to kmail2 sort of removes consistency [17:22] ScottK: do you know where the bzr branch vanished to...? [17:23] For? [17:23] netbook, can't find it [17:25] Maybe there wasn't one. [17:26] :) http://wstaw.org/m/2011/08/12/plasmapanelsscript2.gif [17:30] the package has Vcs-bzr entries that go to nirvana though... === allison_ is now known as wendar [17:34] *sigh*: this time akonadi didn't only warn me about not being able to open Maildir '', but added a warning about akonotes not being able to open this folder: ; [17:35] (fresh desktop install) [17:37] evening [17:38] yofel: kdelibs is already up to date [17:39] ah, then debfx updated it (thanks) [17:40] yep. it's in bzr/o-proposed queue === zematynnad_lunch is now known as zematynnad [18:02] ScottK: phonon and phonon-gstreamer will be released after the release day (tomorrow). Is it possible to get them into kubuntu-ppa or something ? [18:03] bambee: ENOTIME to think about it. [18:04] yay, "Installer crashed" [18:05] ah, bug 872454 [18:05] Launchpad bug 872454 in Akonadi "akonadi complains about invalid maildir after fresh install" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/872454 [18:05] no.... [18:05] bug 220961 [18:05] Launchpad bug 220961 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "[MASTER] ubiquity crashes instead of notifying the user of not enough disk space" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/220961 [18:07] * bulldog98 thinks that a stupid bug [18:07] * yofel agrees [18:08] Girly-Girl: fresh install has Kontact for me http://people.canonical.com/~jriddell/tmp/kmenu.png [18:09] Riddell: try netbook [18:10] that has kmail in kickoffrc [18:10] Riddell: Steps to reproduce ... Start Kubuntu live on a device with a small screen (1024X600) ... change the workspace to plasma-desktop. Install kubuntu.... Booting on a desktop computer does not cause this [18:11] Having kmail instead of kontact on netbook was on purpose. [18:11] It was, however, meant to work. [18:11] That's a bug. [18:11] ScottK: netbook by default does not even use kickoff so that's a joke [18:12] ScottK: even for a ppa ? o.O [18:12] arf :'( [18:13] bambee: think about the breakage potential yourself, possibly with 4.7.3 [18:13] bambee: All I'm saying is I'm too busy. [18:14] ScottK: you actually fixed it to KMail2.destkop for plasma-netbook, just kickoffrc got forgotten [18:14] ah, ok [18:14] xD [18:14] Ah. [18:14] (I guess the file is left over from kubuntu-default-settings) [18:14] yofel: Sounds like SRU material. [18:18] How is the time at which all varriants get frozen and built as final determined exactly? [18:18] pretty much the same for every release, as for release date: don't ask me... [18:20] ScottK: now or post-release? [18:21] Girly-Girl: did you file a bug about that on launchpad? (against kubuntu-netbook-default-settings) [18:23] yofel: No against casper ... I was puzzled with the package as I didn't know that netbook settings were seperate [18:23] Girly-Girl: got the bug number? [18:23] yes [18:24] 872713 [18:24] bug 872713 [18:24] Launchpad bug 872713 in casper (Ubuntu) "Kubuntu oneiric for kubuntu-default-settings. Kmail shortcut in start menu favourites does not work" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/872713 [18:25] yofel: I'd say sooner the better. [18:25] k, I'll try to prepare something today [18:30] Riddell: You going to UDS? [18:31] ScottK: I think we should have some wiki page to coordinate uploading to proposed :/ [18:31] I have no idea what was uploaded during the time I was doing nothing [18:31] debfx used the packaging wiki [18:31] I see [18:31] Oooh [18:32] Smashing. [18:43] yofel: How do I check for kde4libs in proposed build status? [18:44] * Quintasan can't build anything else [18:44] no idea, ScottK ? [18:44] It's built. [18:45] What the hell... [18:45] https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kde4libs/4:4.7.2-0ubuntu1 [18:45] It was accepted by mistake yesterday. [18:45] http://paste.ubuntu.com/706914 [18:46] Quintasan: meta-kde hasn't been accepted yet [18:46] Ah. [18:46] :S [18:46] Quintasan: I've uploaded under the assumption: built in ppa = will build fine in the archive [18:47] debfx: That's not the case? :) [18:47] we will know once they are accepted [18:52] debfx: usually true, occasionally there are differences between the PPA and archive builders, but they're rare [18:53] well what I wanted to say is that I uploaded the packages without test-building locally [18:56] * ScottK usually does the same for -proposed. [18:56] (when taking from a PPA where they built) [18:59] dvd images are up [19:05] ScottK: for kickoffrc in k-n-d-s, should I put kontact or kmail2 in there? As the netbook UI doesn't use it by default IIRC I would prefer kontact [19:05] We've had Kmail in there since netbook started. [19:05] kmail it is then [19:05] I think changing it post-release isn't appropriate. [19:05] Thanks. [19:11] ScottK: it's been a while since I did an SRU, this looks fine right? http://paste.kde.org/132847 [19:12] yofel: Yes. [19:24] debfx: In virtualbox, how do I get normal video resolution and not just 800 x 600? [19:24] hm, thinking of it, this won't help existing user accounts, only those created after updating. SRUing anyway. [19:24] ScottK: add guest additions [19:25] Thanks. [19:25] pim 4.4 is SOOO much faster then 4.7. === yofel_ is now known as yofel [20:16] rbelem: ping === bulldog98_ is now known as bulldog98 [20:35] claydoh: Did you review https://wiki.ubuntu.com/OneiricOcelot/TechnicalOverview ? [20:35] Riddell: ^^^ Could you take a pass at it for Kubuntu stuff too? [20:36] ScottK: you should fill in the updated apps :P [20:37] * apachelogger needs to reinstall now -.- [20:37] apachelogger: Please do. ENOTIME for me. [20:37] it says you should :P [20:37] ScottK: what is supposed to go there anyway? [20:37] like all of KDE is new, as every cycle [20:37] Whatever we want. [20:37] * apachelogger will add some unicorns in that case :P [20:38] well [20:38] Probably need to enhance the fear associated with kmail2. [20:38] first I really really really need to reinstall [20:38] * apachelogger broke his system earlier by unkown means [20:40] apachelogger, broke as in how bad? Can't get in, missing path, missing data, or no boot whatsoever? [20:50] first I only broke vpn [20:51] then I had the awesome idea of reinstalling an insanely old version I had on a stick and upgrading while having <20% battery [20:51] consequently my system went kaput when out of power occured [20:51] fortunately enough installing takes like 5 minutes so hooray [20:51] new system I have [20:52] ScottK, Riddell: in case you see jon the taco around... jockey does not do no nothing here, doesn't even tell me to install fglrx for my shiny ati chip [20:52] Installs wl for my wifi just fine. [20:52] FYI. [20:53] bulldog98, pong [20:53] maybe jockey core is to blame actually [20:53] maybe jockey thinks the free ati drivers are good enough [20:54] but why would it think that... the free drivers cannot play 1080prn using opengl :( [20:54] when I installed this happened: after reboot nvidia-current was pre-installed, and jockey started on shutdown of the first login session (and crashed) [20:56] oh yeah, it has autostart issues for decades [20:56] apachelogger, have you seen this kind of error before? https://launchpadlibrarian.net/82620095/upload_2949957_log.txt [20:57] Dear Harald - [20:57] We love you. Yes. Really, we do. [20:57] they so want money from me [20:58] rbelem: not really no [20:58] http://diasporafoundation.org/donate_from_email <-- in case someone got money to spare g+, eh, diaspora apparently needs some [20:58] crazy stuff [20:59] hack a router and make that link point to the donation page for nepomuk [20:59] * apachelogger is falling asleep while doing nothing :O [20:59] ScottK: I suppose that tech overview stuff can wait until tomorrow? [21:00] No. Not really. [21:00] oh hold on, isn't it wed already? [21:00] zomg [21:00] Yeah. [21:02] yofel: I better not comment on that one [21:02] sry, I'm tired [21:02] * apachelogger actually wonders whatever happened between saturday and today [21:03] yofel: +1 [21:03] bulldog98: ping [21:03] * yofel is off to bed - good night [21:03] nini yofel [21:03] * apachelogger thinks that bulldog98 being a good student is probably in bed already [21:03] +1 [21:04] hmmmm [21:04] ScottK: I do believe that the updated applications section is somewhat useless for us [21:04] OK [21:05] we could only mention how we got a new qtcreator (or I think we got a new one) [21:05] Fix it up then. [21:05] ah [21:05] 2.1 to 2.2.1 [21:05] not the greatest of moves [21:05] I could write paragraphs on the kmail. [21:07] low fat seems worth mentioning [21:09] Agreed. [21:09] no doubt [21:09] I'm excited about low-fat [21:11] I've got pim 4.4 packages building in my PPA. [21:11] If that works, that's probably the best solution. [21:19] ScottK: what is the point of that page anyway? that seems utter duplication of information [21:19] It should be just the high level stuff with a pointer to our page for details. [21:20] in that case I think the muon stuff is too verbose :P [21:21] the content should just be 'this is new and awesome\n that is also new and awesome\n foo is not new but still awesome' IMHO [21:21] for next time that is [21:29] ScottK: I added lowfat and cutecreator [21:54] apachelogger: Please crunch it down and make it better. [22:07] ScottK: evening. should the kubuntu's section in 11.10 technical overview section be slimmed down? [22:07] I am on it now, unless apachelogger is on it atm [22:08] also : https://wiki.ubuntu.com/OneiricOcelot/Final/Kubuntu/Kmail2 [22:09] should i add graphical bits to it? [22:10] I am very much *not* drugged up today, my knee is not completely shot, thank goodness! just overworked it [22:41] how's this: for the tech overview: http://paste.ubuntu.com/707032/ [22:41] some typos in there, fixed [23:38] devs, I may need someone's help in #kubuntu if you have time. Is it possible to jump straight from a 4.6 version of KDE to a 4.7 without applying intermediate updates first? [23:38] I've got someone asking about this, and I don't think it's possible [23:39] they're on 4.6.2, wanting to go to 4.7.