joelesko | micahg: doing the upstream beta releases sound like a great idea. I will need help understanding where the beta area is. Is like a ppa? | 06:24 |
micahg | joelesko: no, take a look at where the lp:thunderbird/beta branch is pulling from, I suggest branching from lp:seamonkey and creating a beta branch | 06:25 |
micahg | I've got a few more commits locally, but they're not ready ATM, it FTBFSs | 06:26 |
joelesko | micahg: ok I will give it a go. | 06:27 |
joelesko | Is there a beta branch for seamonkey? | 06:27 |
joelesko | also, I saw the build failure for armtel. I didn't know it was building for all those different archs | 06:28 |
joelesko | I know, dumb question, but do the developers use the newest distro release for their daily systems or do you use a virtialized system? | 06:31 |
micahg | joelesko: no, you can propose a merge into lp:seamonkey and just add a comment to create a beta branch | 06:39 |
micahg | joelesko: the primary archive builds for i386/amd64/armel/powerpc ATm | 06:39 |
micahg | ATM | 06:39 |
micahg | for lucid, we also had sparc and ia64 | 06:39 |
micahg | we try to keep everything working on all archs | 06:40 |
joelesko | So the beta branch starts off just like the current one? Then I can make the changes for 2.5.0b2? | 06:42 |
micahg | right, also, all changelog entries should be UNRELEASED until right before it's uploaded | 06:44 |
micahg | so, the first new commit would be something like * New upstream release from the beta channel (SEAMONKEY_2_5_0_BETA2) | 06:45 |
micahg | archive for precise should open early next week, we can upload the beta then | 06:46 |
micahg | or whenever you're ready | 06:46 |
micahg | next release is Nov 8 | 06:46 |
micahg | then for each change you need to make it build (drop patches, add patches), add a relavent changelog entry in the same UNRELEASED changelog and do bzr commit, it'll use the changelog entry as the commit comment | 06:48 |
micahg | if dropping multiple patches due to being accepted upstream, you can do that all in one commmit | 06:48 |
* micahg is getting nostalgic... | 06:49 | |
joelesko | I think I'm getting it. After some sleep I'm sure it will make more sense | 06:51 |
joelesko | micahg: you must be running on fumes as well. | 06:51 |
micahg | joelesko: eh, got a late start today, but am reaching the end of my useful consciousness | 06:52 |
joelesko | So the next step is to download the package that was built and test it to make sure it working properly. Right? | 06:54 |
micahg | joelesko: I'm pushing up a seamonkey.oneiric branch, that can be used to prepare the 2.5.0 security update, also, I'd like to clean up the lp:seamonkey a little more before we SRU for lucid/maverick/natty 2.5 (probably), that way, all the massive build changes can go in in one shot and then updating for each release should be relatively eady | 06:54 |
micahg | *easy | 06:54 |
micahg | joelesko: well, if you're running oneiric, by all means, with the security updates, I upload them to a staging PPA, then they can be tested before they're released | 06:55 |
joelesko | that sounds great. Thanks. | 06:55 |
micahg | joelesko: if you're available to help prepare/test seamonkey 2.5, we can release it to oneiric on release day | 06:56 |
micahg | same goes for the other releases once we catch them up | 06:56 |
micahg | I can point you to our regression test suite later (or give you the list of basic functionality to test) | 06:57 |
joelesko | micahg: sure. that sounds perfect. | 06:57 |
micahg | lp:~mozillateam/seamonkey/seamonkey.oneiric pushed | 06:58 |
micahg | joelesko: thanks, we really do appreciate the help, as I'm sure our users do as well | 07:04 |
* micahg hugs memshrink effort for Firefox | 08:16 | |
* micahg revokes the memshrink comment, 8 beta 2 uses more memory | 08:53 | |
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FernandoMiguel | hi | 18:15 |
micahg | hi FernandoMiguel, thanks for the tip earlier in the week, I haven't had time to investigate yet | 18:37 |
FernandoMiguel | which one ? | 18:37 |
micahg | chrisccoulson: can you set up the chromium PPAs to autobuild again? I'll take care of the build failures as best I can | 18:37 |
micahg | FernandoMiguel: the one about the NSS path | 18:37 |
FernandoMiguel | np | 18:37 |
FernandoMiguel | so you can keep an eye when the upda is out | 18:38 |
chrisccoulson | micahg, yeah, i'll do that tomorrow (or later tonight) | 18:38 |
micahg | FernandoMiguel: please let me know if you see anything else, I'm going to try to get the PPAs going again | 18:38 |
micahg | chrisccoulson: I'm off starting in a few hours until Sat night, so no rush | 18:38 |
FernandoMiguel | how many bugs can you handle? | 18:38 |
FernandoMiguel | LOL | 18:38 |
FernandoMiguel | I have 8 open | 18:38 |
FernandoMiguel | gonna file one more in a few minutes | 18:38 |
FernandoMiguel | search is borked | 18:38 |
FernandoMiguel | it uses the latest url instead of go to search | 18:39 |
micahg | chrisccoulson: also, if there's a firedrill (unlikely), if you could help jdstrand over the next two days, that would be great | 18:39 |
chrisccoulson | sure, no problem | 18:39 |
micahg | FernandoMiguel: if it affects the distro, please file in launchpad and link upstream if you can (I'm subscribed to chromium), otherwise, you can send me an e-mail with the links | 18:40 |
FernandoMiguel | okay | 18:40 |
FernandoMiguel | I started seeing video artifacts since yesterday | 18:41 |
micahg | FernandoMiguel: which version? | 18:41 |
FernandoMiguel | 15.0.865.0 (Developer Build 98568) Ubuntu 11.10 | 18:41 |
micahg | ugh, ok | 18:42 |
micahg | FernandoMiguel: what type of videos? | 18:42 |
FernandoMiguel | nvidia with nouveua | 18:42 |
micahg | FernandoMiguel: ah, I'm running the binary driver, I think there might have been an update recently to the nvidia drivers, maybe something regressed? | 18:43 |
FernandoMiguel | micahg: if it was, started yesterdat | 18:43 |
micahg | FernandoMiguel: the binary drivers were uploaded monday | 18:46 |
FernandoMiguel | makes sense :) | 18:46 |
=== chrisccoulson_ is now known as chrisccoulson | ||
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