
ginggsI have a lab full of natty machines that broke their nvidia drivers upgrading from 2.6.38-8 to 2.6.38-11, anyone able to assist please?09:05
tjaaltondefine "broke"09:07
tjaaltonassuming the kernel driver didn't build; check the dkms logs09:08
ginggsfrom what i can tell the nvidia driver is built, but if the machines boot up on 2.6.38-11 nvidia encounters a general protection fault, if i select the old 2.6.38-8 kernel machine boots fine09:09
brycehuninstall nvidia; boot to 2.6.38-11; reinstall nvidia; reboot09:09
ginggsi have tried purging nvidia-common and installing again, and this broke the nvidia driver in 2.6.38-8 as well!09:10
* bryceh waves to tjaalton 09:10
tjaaltonhey bryceh 09:10
ginggsso i'm guessing it's not so much the kernel, it's more to do with compiling the driver or building initrd?09:11
brycehginggs, 99% of the time, yep09:12
ginggs/var/lib/dkms/nvidia-current/270.41.06/2.6.38-11-generic/x86_64/log/make.log and /var/lib/dkms/nvidia-current/270.41.06/2.6.38-8-generic/x86_64/log/make.log look much the same to me09:29
ginggsthe 2.6.38-11 make.log?09:31
brycehanything you want our feedback on09:31
ginggs2.6.38-11 dkms make.log http://pastebin.com/FKgzN8uS10:18
tseliotginggs: nvidia-common is only used for driver detection in Jockey, it's not part of the driver11:24
ginggssorry - meant nvidia-current11:44
ginggsjust got back from the lab, found the cause of the problem11:44
ginggsi had gcc-4.4 installed and had overridden gcc-4.5 in /etc/alternatives for CUDA SDK11:46
ginggsremoving gcc-4.4 and reinstalling gcc-4.5 solved the problem of the nvidia driver general protection fault11:47
ginggsnow just need to find a solution for CUDA11:47
gnomefreaki no longer have this issue, but after i installed fglrx drivers i lost X. I tried to revert back to default drivers but i couldnt find a way to do it since there is no *xorg.conf. any idea how i would do that, in case the next time i install them and they fail?12:38
gnomefreakalso do the fglrx drivers work yet?12:39
jcristauuninstall fglrx?12:41
gnomefreakjcristau: didnt help12:45
gnomefreaki couldnt find a setting in updte-alternatives either12:45
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bdmurraybryceh: "ExtraDebuggingInterest: Yes, whatever it takes to get this fixed in Ubuntu"21:13
bdmurraythat's kind of funny21:13
bdmurrayI noticed it in bug 857816 which seems rather important21:13
ubot4Launchpad bug 857816 in xserver-xorg-video-intel (Ubuntu) "X fails to start on boot (affects: 2) (heat: 10)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/85781621:13
Sarvattbryceh: shouldn't lightdm logs be getting attached?21:20
SarvattExtraDebuggingInterest: Yes, whatever it takes to get this fixed in Ubuntu21:24
Sarvattdoesn't matter much for this bug, I've only hit it twice since the beginning of september and haven't been able to in the past 2 weeks trying to21:24
brycehSarvatt, yes it should include the lightdm logs if they're available, but there's a prompt (since it's owned by root), so it depends on the  user whether they're actually included21:26
Sarvattahh gotcha, was worried logs were gone completely since GDM was gone and I relied on gdm logs to fix a lot of bugs in the past21:26
Sarvatthmm lightdm doesn't keep historical logs like gdm did though so nevermind21:27
Sarvattmainly people filing bugs after the fact with nothing wrong in Xorg.0.log but a gdm log from 3 boots ago had it and was attached21:27
bjsniderSarvatt, what do i do with the latest blob in x-updates, do i package it normally or as the -updates version?22:05

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