Olbi | ok, wi-fi works, but system after install freeze :P | 00:15 |
Olbi | firefox has problem with read/write directory. Can't execute security component and I cant browse the web :/ | 00:24 |
Pjotr | Hello, I read some of the IRC logs, and I noticed charlie-tca asking this: Does anyone get the "remove the disk and hit enter to continue" prompt on the desktop cd? | 09:57 |
Pjotr | charlie-tca: I didn't get that message, after installing Xubuntu Oneiric from the daily build of yesterday afternoon. The system just froze after ejecting the disk, and needed a hard reset. | 09:58 |
ochosi | hey, did any of you *really* test greybird in oneiric/gtk3-apps? (i only did vbox-testing so far) | 10:13 |
charlie-tca | ochosi: really test as in ??? | 12:27 |
charlie-tca | Running full tests on the images in hardware, I did not note any issues | 12:27 |
ochosi | charlie-tca: yes, i meant in a real install | 12:31 |
charlie-tca | All my installs for milestones, including final, are hardware tests | 12:31 |
ochosi | i got a bugreport in #xfce-dev today: http://bubbie.mmassonnet.info/~mike/tmp/greybird-gtk3.2.0.png | 12:31 |
ochosi | but for me the menuitem-prelights always worked and never were pink | 12:32 |
ochosi | so no clue why it's different on archlinux with the same packages... | 12:32 |
ochosi | i just wanted to be sure that this doesn't happen in xubuntu | 12:32 |
charlie-tca | looks like the same issue we get when choosing "Install Xubuntu" from the cd menu | 12:32 |
ochosi | yeah, well if there's a bug somewhere in the theme the widget turns pink | 12:33 |
charlie-tca | If xfce-session is not started, colors are wrong in the installer | 12:33 |
ochosi | and in fact there is a bug, i already know how to fix it. but seemingly xubuntu doesn't care as much about the bug as archlinux, so we don't get it :) | 12:33 |
charlie-tca | or we don't hit the right stuff to see it? | 12:34 |
ochosi | hmm, i don't know. it should happen in every application that uses a menu | 12:34 |
ochosi | i tested a few and they all worked fine | 12:34 |
charlie-tca | Um, I have never seen the pink highlight | 12:34 |
ochosi | good, i guess then we're save for now :) | 12:36 |
charlie-tca | The question should be what is Arch doing wrong? | 12:38 |
davmor2 | the issue could be that arch being a rolling release has files either older or newer that is having adverse effects maybe | 12:39 |
ochosi | yeah, probably | 12:40 |
ochosi | i mean basically we're lucky not to have the bug | 12:40 |
ochosi | on the other hand: had it happened in xubuntu i would have noticed and fixed it | 12:40 |
charlie-tca | yup | 12:40 |
charlie-tca | Considering the number of tests we have run for oneiric, it would have showed up. | 12:41 |
ochosi | yes, i'd say so | 12:41 |
charlie-tca | mr_pouit: Do we need to look into marking thunar and nautilus as conflicts? reference bug 872712 | 13:07 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 872712 in xfce4 (Ubuntu) "XFCE4 steals gnome file associations." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/872712 | 13:07 |
jarnos | no sound | 16:13 |
charlie-tca | Newest desktop images are ready for testing | 16:17 |
madnick | :) | 16:19 |
micahg | charlie-tca: re thunar and nautilus> I don't think we need a conflicts, I don't have the issue, I think it's a user issue, but don't know enough about either system to prove it, I don' t have the problem on either machine of mine with both unity and xubuntu installed | 16:20 |
charlie-tca | it just seems like we go back and forth. Either nautilus or thunar decides to be the main file manager when both are installed. And it almost never is the one the user wants to be. | 16:21 |
madnick | almost the last image now :) | 16:23 |
Olbi | tommorow final release :D | 16:40 |
charlie-tca | correct | 16:40 |
Olbi | some1 read my post from 2 am central europe time?:P | 16:40 |
Olbi | firefox has problem with read/write directory. Can't execute security component and I cant browse the web :/ | 16:41 |
charlie-tca | about the wifi? | 16:41 |
Olbi | wi-fi with livecd doesnt works :P | 16:42 |
charlie-tca | If the wifi is not staying connected, firefox won't work right | 16:42 |
Olbi | after install it is doing well | 16:42 |
Olbi | no, it is wi-fi problem | 16:42 |
Olbi | it was after clean install | 16:42 |
Olbi | i run browser and than appear that msg | 16:42 |
charlie-tca | Is that the certificate is not valid message? | 16:43 |
charlie-tca | I had one and I just told to to confirm the things anyway. It worked after that | 16:43 |
charlie-tca | Olbi: it might an out-of-date mirror | 16:44 |
Olbi | where I can paste img and file? | 16:48 |
Olbi | with this error to show you? | 16:49 |
Olbi | http://hosting.pcmod.pl/view.php?filename=974error1.png | 16:52 |
Olbi | so, what you think? | 17:01 |
Olbi | omg, system freeze :P | 17:02 |
Olbi | again :/ | 17:02 |
charlie-tca | looking | 17:03 |
madnick | Since I have no idea how to fill in the QA thing: the 32 bit Desktop image works nice for me but it opens 2 thunar windows when you insert a CD ... Live session: also works :) | 17:05 |
madnick | should i do alternate 32? | 17:06 |
charlie-tca | alternates are good | 17:06 |
charlie-tca | oh, inserting cd when you have a desktop? | 17:07 |
madnick | yes | 17:07 |
charlie-tca | Olbi: check the permissions of ~/.mozilla | 17:07 |
charlie-tca | it might be the user does not own it | 17:07 |
Olbi | strange cause of fresh install, could it be a bug? | 17:08 |
charlie-tca | yes, it could be | 17:08 |
charlie-tca | I would file it, but they will tell you to create a new user profile for firefox and see if it fixes it | 17:09 |
jarnos | I have updated by sudo apt-get update ; sudo apt-get dist-upgrade. Today there was no sound and Flash was not working. Can you expect this be fixed in tomorrow's final release? | 17:10 |
charlie-tca | Olbi: please attach the image to the bug report, too. | 17:12 |
charlie-tca | It has been, yes | 17:12 |
Pjotr | Countdown! I've added some Xubuntu 11.10 promotion pages to my website (on the average, 400-500 unique visitors a day): | 18:17 |
Pjotr | A general page on Xubuntu 11.10: http://sites.google.com/site/easylinuxtipsproject/xubuntu | 18:17 |
Pjotr | A how-to for turning an existing Ubuntu system into Xubuntu: http://sites.google.com/site/easylinuxtipsproject/alternative | 18:17 |
Pjotr | This Xubuntu is going to be a hit! It's in the air... :-) | 18:18 |
ochosi | Pjotr: nice website | 18:18 |
Pjotr | Tx... But I won't be the only enthusiast, by far. I expect a huge increase in the Xubuntu user base | 18:20 |
Pjotr | 11.10 will be Xubuntu's finest hour... so far. | 18:20 |
ochosi | :) we'll see, i tend to be moderately optimistic, that way i can't be disappointed so easily | 18:21 |
Olbi | prefinale version works good now :D | 19:55 |
Olbi | but Firefox isnt polished to my language :( that is bad for users | 19:56 |
charlie-tca | Yes, did you make sure language installed fully? | 19:57 |
charlie-tca | take a look in menu -> Settings -> Language Support | 19:58 |
Olbi | charlie-tca: I am sure it :) | 20:06 |
charlie-tca | Olbi: what part besides the dictionary is not translated? | 20:06 |
Olbi | always when it is new firefox, my language isnt support now, but for 7 - 10 days ;P | 20:07 |
Olbi | in Extensions is typed: your language pack is incompatybile with new version :P | 20:08 |
micahg | Olbi: weird, we ship the langpacks with the new version now | 20:09 |
micahg | maybe it's a mirroring issue? | 20:09 |
Olbi | so it is weird :P | 20:09 |
micahg | still weird though | 20:09 |
Olbi | I am looking for answer of it | 20:09 |
charlie-tca | I would suspect mirror, same as the earlier errors | 20:10 |
charlie-tca | For unknown reasons, several of the mirrors are behind this cycle | 20:12 |
Olbi | strange is, that I have firefox-locale-pl :P | 20:17 |
micahg | Olbi: is it the right version, also, how are you upgrading? | 20:18 |
Olbi | I have installed todays LiveCD :D | 20:18 |
Olbi | allmost all of the system is in my language :P | 20:19 |
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