
claydohantlarr: to get 4.7 in natty, you need the kubuntu-backports ppa, the kubuntu-ppa is for minor updates, say 4.6.2 to 4.6.500:04
claydohthe kubuntu-backports will get you new major version of KDE, so 4.700:05
claydohyou should be able to just go directly from 4.6.x straight to 4.7.100:06
antlarrclaydoh: argh, you're right00:28
antlarrclaydoh: thanks, I'm already updating :)00:30
claydohantlarr: :)00:34
hoverbear_Ohhh, Quassel is rather nice.00:34
hoverbear_Hmmm, 4 hour battery quote in Kubuntu.... 9 hour quote in Windows 7... Much be an issue.00:38
=== _markb1_ is now known as MarkB1
=== jerry is now known as Drecondius
DrecondiusHello, i have a question about my gui apt handler and what it did can anyone help me with it?02:00
DrecondiusI added the repository for Wine 1.3 and the gui crashed waiting for my password which it never prompted me for.02:02
stigma_Hey folks, can anyone help shed light on how I can get my second monitor working under kubuntu 11.04?02:42
well_laid_lawn!xrandr | stigma_02:43
ubottustigma_: XRandR 1.2 is the new method of running dual screens in !X.  Information/HowTo here: http://wiki.debian.org/XStrikeForce/HowToRandR1202:43
stigma_Thank you both very much.  I will read up and come back if I have trouble.02:44
TweevSO I'm having a lot of problems with my 11.04 install - is installing 11.10 tomorrow a good idea or should I go back to 10.04?02:51
stigma_Hey guys, that link appears to be an excellent guide to configuring detected displays, but doesn't seem to mention how to deal with a display not being detected.  Any tips there?02:58
stigma_xrandr reported only the one display, and it even claims not to be reporting correctly, but it's showing my desktop.02:59
well_laid_lawnsee if the X log mentions anything about it02:59
TheEvilPhoenixwhats the Kubuntu-equivalent of Empathy Instant Messenger (GNOME)?03:04
stigma_Forgive me, I'm new to this.  What is the x log and where is that found?03:04
stigma_Aha! NVIDIA X Server Settings.  What is recommended config: "separate x screen" or "twinview"?03:09
well_laid_lawnI believe it's twinview03:15
SnowhogTheEvilPhoenix: I believe that would be Kopete03:33
* TheEvilPhoenix is building a custom installation ISO with KDE as the base, but doesn't have the Kubuntu software list handy03:34
jmichaelxi updated my sources list so that they point to oneiric, and have started upgrading on one machine. i am seeing that a good number of packages are being pulled from the kubuntu ppa. would there be any reason to disable that ppa for the upgrade?04:47
Daskreechjmichaelx: Most of the time you disable ppas for upgrades like that06:05
jmichaelxDaskreech: i probably should have, but the upgrade is well underway now06:12
Daskreechjmichaelx: it's not super high likely that it will break anything06:13
Daskreech but why risk eh? :)06:13
Daskreechjmichaelx: as long as you live without X for a day or so you should be fine06:14
jmichaelxi do not disagree. i should have disabled them, but am almost on the verge of not caring06:15
Daskreechjmichaelx: If it's any assurance unless you have a crazy mix of ppa it should be fine06:17
DaskreechI've seen you around enough to think that you are in a good place06:18
jmichaelxyes, i was just thinking that i think i have left the ppa's enabled during upgrades for as long as ppa's have been around06:19
jmichaelxi did get some jave-related dkpg errors...07:17
jmichaelxi also just noticed that in doing this upgrade, my system was using swap... on a 2.5GHz quad core, with 4GB RAM07:19
jmichaelxthat would seem to me a little ridiculous07:20
well_laid_lawnwhy? live cd's work from ramdisk afaik07:20
=== honik_ is now known as honik
jmichaelxi was doing a live upgrade07:26
jmichaelxalso have a ton of open office errors07:27
jmichaelxwell, i predict that the dpkg errors i got are going to be seen by a lot of other people as well, unless this is something that gets fixed by the time stable release is announced07:34
=== GirlyGirl is now known as Alysha
=== Alysha is now known as GirlyGIrl
SunTsuHello everybody07:45
=== mistrynitesh is now known as geekosopher
jmichaelxlol kde... the bug where icons remaining in the task manager after windows are closed is still alive and well in oneiric/kde4.7.208:00
studentПервичный ключ - это поле или группа полей, которые единственным образом идентифицируют каждую строку в таблице.  Таблица может иметь только один первичный ключ.08:13
studentАльтернативный ключ – это поле или группа полей, несовпадающих с первичным ключом и уникально идентифицирующий каждую строку в таблице. Таблица может содержать несколько альтернативных (вторичных) ключей.08:13
FloodBotK2student: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.08:13
FloodBotK1student: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.08:13
Unit193!ru | student08:15
ubottustudent: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.08:15
=== Pauxlo is now known as sprnt
=== Yamauchi is now known as Zorobabel
Zorobabelhello folks09:04
Zorobabelnot long now I suppose09:04
=== jose is now known as depravaoo
alvinNot long now before the complaints about kmail/akonadi/nepomuk come pouring in :-)09:51
alvinOn the bright side (I'm running Oneiric), you can now safely resize the konsole window!09:52
Yamauchialvin: is it good?10:10
alvinDepends on what you need. It is better than natty in some respects. X doesn't crash when resizing the console, the kernel doesn't panic when you're an NFS client and shut the system down. So, that's most definately better. Bugs are fixed in KDE too. The big downside is that the new kmail is not really useable. It's slow, very slow, eats up system resources. Doesn't display all IMAP folders, throws random errors, doesn't work with some10:13
alvinKolab configurations and forget about marking your mails as read.10:13
alvinThat's about what I care about of course. Your needs might be very different. I also lost Flash, but I don't care about that.10:13
alvinOh, also, Phonon is more stable. No more crashing Amarok when pressing 'next'10:15
BluesKajHowdy all10:52
BlaXpiritSo when is the release? I just can't wait.11:01
stephnihello i was banned from #ubuntu and i don't know why11:10
akis_grhi all. i have a set of usb phones. when i plug them to a usb slot i can see in my kmixer a usb audio option but the phones doesn't work. any idea?11:10
jincreatorIt looks like there's typo in http://releases.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/ . Ubuntu 11.10 (Oneiric Ocelot) > "Ku"buntu 11.10 (Oneiric Ocelot) Anyone who can fix it?11:32
Riddelljincreator: hmm11:47
Riddelljincreator: sorted, thanks for that11:51
jincreatorRiddell: Thanks for quick fix!11:51
CruX|hi kubuntu 11.10 is also released today ?12:00
=== Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan
doctorhi boy12:10
doctorwhat's the irc channel kubuntu, italian language?12:10
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)12:11
afiefHow stable is the new kubuntu? Should I plan for an upgrade tonight or wait another month?12:20
=== gusto is now known as Guest33258
mika__hi, is there a good client for ubuntu one which doesn't require the whole ubuntu deps? i'm currently using dropbox, but i want to give ubuntu1 a try12:28
BluesKajmika__, not sure whether the dropbox kde integration has been worked out or not , kubuntu one is ok too ...a few gtk apps and libs don't bother me much12:36
BluesKajerr ubuntu one rather12:37
mika__BluesKaj: nope, 0 integration with dropbox and kde..12:40
BluesKajmika__, bummer :(12:40
mika__yeah :(12:40
DuolosGood morning, all.  I'm looking for a simple program (preferably GUI) that will allow me to rip certain DVD titles to MP3 (or flac/ogg).  I have a concert DVD that I'd like the audio for... any suggestions?12:41
BluesKajthere was a dropbox for kde app called kfilebox but it was unstable , mika__12:41
mika__actually i don't care so much about the kde integration, i don't use very frequently dolphin :) just the whole gtk libs eheh12:43
Yamauchiwaiting for 11.1012:44
BluesKajDuolos, k9copy might do it , i"m not sure ...it keeps crashing here tho , on 11.1012:44
mika__Yamauchi: it's been canceled until 201212:44
Yamauchidon't think so12:45
Yamauchisince ubuntu 11.10 is already up on their site (though they're waiting to announce it)12:45
Realmkeepermika__: Be nice. Some of us have weak hearts.12:45
BluesKajTabmow, will be released today , not out yet tho12:45
BluesKajoops Yamauchi^12:46
mika__Realmkeeper: eheh, ok ;)12:47
* mika__ is waiting for 11.10 too ;)12:48
RealmkeeperIs 11.10 going to have Flash 11?12:49
Realmkeeper(64 bit)12:49
mika__Realmkeeper: yes http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=flash&searchon=names&suite=oneiric&section=all12:51
Realmkeeperyay! Thanks for finding it, mika__.12:52
BluesKajRealmkeeper, flash 64 bit can be downloaded from adobe ...it runs with out the pluginwrapper , but you need to remove the wrpper and the flash plugin first then place the so files in /usrlib/whateverbrowser /plugin12:52
BluesKajmika__, I'm using the 64 bit from adobe and it works well12:58
afiefHow stable is the new kubuntu? Should I plan for an upgrade tonight or wait another month?13:09
Yamauchi<alvin> Depends on what you need. It is better than natty in some respects. X doesn't crash when resizing the console, the kernel doesn't panic when you're an NFS client and shut the system down. So, that's most definately better. Bugs are fixed in KDE too. The big downside is that the new kmail is not really useable. It's slow, very slow, eats up system resources. Doesn't display all IMAP13:10
Yamauchifolders, throws random errors, doesn't work with some13:10
Yamauchi<alvin> Kolab configurations and forget about marking your mails as read.13:10
Yamauchithe comments of a previous user13:10
Yamauchiubuntu officially out13:17
* BluesKaj isn't in a work environment, kmail and kontact and akonadi for that matter are deleted or turned off here ...too bad how kmail got totally clunky after kde413:17
Yamauchiit's out13:18
bntechwats out13:18
YamauchiKubuntu 11.1013:19
BluesKajnot in my repos13:19
=== Riddell changed the topic of #kubuntu to: Official Kubuntu support | Kubuntu 11.10 http://www.kubuntu.org/news/11.10-release, upgrade with https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OneiricUpgrades/Kubuntu | FAQ: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/FAQ | Pastes: http://paste.kde.org | Chat in #kubuntu-offtopic | Guidelines: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/IRC/Guidelines | Beta 2 released: http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kubuntu-1110-beta-2-released
RiddellKubuntu 11.10 is out!13:21
=== Riddell changed the topic of #kubuntu to: Official Kubuntu support | Kubuntu 11.10 http://www.kubuntu.org/news/11.10-release, upgrade with https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OneiricUpgrades/Kubuntu | FAQ: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/FAQ | Pastes: http://paste.kde.org | Chat in #kubuntu-offtopic | Guidelines: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/IRC/Guidelines
bntechit was out long tie ago13:22
RealmkeeperBluesKaj: Thanks, but may as well wait now for the official packaged Flash 11.13:23
Yamauchi11.10 not showing up on the download page for me, though13:23
BluesKajRealmkeeper, it's supposed to be available in the canonical partners repos , but whan i tried that 2 days ago it flash wouldn't work without the nspluginwrapper on some sites , but there wqas alink to the .so files which I unfortunately didn't save13:25
BluesKajwhch do work without that damn wrapper13:26
=== acer_ is now known as onizuka45
zematynnadAnyone know of a compelling reason to do a fresh install versus an upgrade?13:49
genii-aroundTo get rid of the cruft13:49
dthackerfresh installs smell better?13:50
tankdriverclean configs.13:50
dthackertorrrent is 0.14 percent complete!   This could take awhile13:51
=== af_ is now known as Guest6815
alvinavoiding a kmail migration?14:06
leutyis this the right place to get help for todays upgrade?14:10
BluesKajupgrade of ?14:11
leuty10.04 -> 10.1014:11
leutyKubuntu ofc14:11
BluesKajLTS ?14:12
BluesKajleuty, today is the 11.10 official release , hence my question14:13
leutysorry, 11.04 -> 11.10, my head lags 1 year behind14:13
BluesKajtry #ubuntu +114:13
leutyok, thank you14:14
=== acer_ is now known as onizuka45
naproxenoI'm not sure if this is the proper place to report this but... The release page says "...Please be aware of the known issues, as one effects upgrading."14:35
naproxenoShouldn't that be "*affects upgrading"?14:35
macoyes it should14:35
* maco passes along to people who can do website stuff14:36
naproxenothanks maco!14:36
maconaproxeno: Riddell says its fixed14:38
naproxenomaco: yes, it is. Perfect!14:39
dthackerdownload done, now I'm seeding....14:43
DaskreechRelease day!14:49
g0rsDaskreech: is there a new vversion of ubuntu today :0) ?14:50
BarkingFishHi guys. Anyone else trying the dist-upgrade via kpackagekit? I got news for ya, it's not working!14:50
Daskreechg0rs: Indeed there is :)14:50
SunTsug0rs: as expected it's 11.10 release day14:51
BarkingFishI just went to process the distribution upgrade after getting alerted by kpackagekit, and it started, went as far as the Getting new software channels, and crashed out with "process exited with code 1"14:51
leutyBarkingFish: I might have a similar issue here. Do you have more info so we can see if it is the same issue?14:57
g0rsI'm already downloading 11.10 :0)14:57
BarkingFishleuty, I'm advised it could be a crash, I've been instructed to file a bug14:57
BluesKajBarkingFish, nothing here yet either14:58
dthackerI've got the 64 bit CD seeding, but the DVD is going to take awhile.  KTorrent only shows 3 seeders....14:58
leutyBarkingFish: is it something like:  E:Error, pkgProblemResolver::resolve generated breaks ?14:59
BarkingFishleuty, no - i'm upgrading through kpackagekit and getting the error "Process exited with code 1" in a box in the middle of the screen.14:59
BarkingFishHowever, kpackagekit is now offering me 1307 new package updates14:59
jbwivanyone know how to get the menu to show up in Dolphin on 11.10?15:01
* BluesKaj avoids kpackagekit , always found it buggy15:01
BarkingFishBluesKaj, kpackagekit has never let me down up to now, don't see why it's starting now :)15:04
leutyBarkingFish: Ok, you got further than I did. I now have the oneric sources but unmet dependencies (kdevelop)15:05
BluesKajBarkingFish, I had problems with it fetching apps and holding repos that I added15:05
BarkingFishwell this appears to be a whole mass of busted files, and stuff it's just having conflicts with... I'm filing a bug on it anyway15:06
dthackerclean install for me.15:07
leutyBarkingFish:ok, append the logs is /var/log/dist-upgrade/. Thats the first things they will ask you for.15:07
BarkingFishyep, i'm sorting that now15:08
BluesKajBarkingFish, make sure you don't have any old ppas lurking in /etc/apt/sources.list.d15:10
phoenix_firebrdI am using  11.10 beta is it good to update to 11.10 full release or should i do a fresh install?15:10
BarkingFishBluesKaj, I don't have.  It went and got all the new stuff at the start of the upgrade15:11
BluesKajphoenix_firebrd, i'm waiting to do just that in beata to official release , but there's no updates in the repos yet15:11
leutyha, I had to manually remove kdevelop. Now it runs.15:11
Peace-BluesKaj: hey  o/15:11
BluesKajhi Peace-15:11
phoenix_firebrdBluesKaj: That means our system is fully updated?15:12
phoenix_firebrdPeace-: hi15:12
Peace-phoenix_firebrd: hi15:12
phoenix_firebrdBluesKaj: I am having a audio related issue in beta, i am wondering if a fresh install will solve it15:13
BluesKajphoenix_firebrd, not sure ,I doubt it since I haven't seen an upgrade for 24hrs15:14
jbwivanyone know how to get the menu to show up in Dolphin on 11.10?15:14
BluesKajphoenix_firebrd, audion related , care to elaborate ?15:15
leutyjbwiv: Click on the "tool" in the upper right corner.15:15
BluesKajjbwiv, that's an unusual request , why not just use the kciker in the panel15:16
jbwivleuty, ah, thanks. Completely missed that for some reason15:17
leutyjbwiv: you are welcome15:17
* BluesKaj must have misunderstood15:18
BarkingFishok guys, I've filed the bug with launchpad, we'll see what happens with it.15:18
BluesKajheh, good luck15:18
BarkingFishOK, well at this point, I'm processing all the upgrades manually, all 1307 of them15:19
BarkingFishsee you all later15:20
notGuestdownloading 11.10 right now, but so slow. any one else experience the same?15:20
phoenix_firebrdBluesKaj: sorry , i had a small work to finish15:21
phoenix_firebrdBluesKaj: the audio gets stuck when cpu is high and it sounds like a looping broken venyl record player15:21
BluesKajwhat's causing the high cpu usage , not the audio I hope15:24
BluesKajphoenix_firebrd, ^15:24
phoenix_firebrdBluesKaj: not the audio,15:24
phoenix_firebrdBluesKaj: some other apps like an installation process15:25
BluesKajare you using pulseaudio in phonon ?15:25
BauldrickI can't get any openGL screensavers working, anyone help?15:25
phoenix_firebrdBluesKaj: i tried increasing the cpu priority of pulseaudio, no good15:26
Peace-phoenix_firebrd: high cpu usage? on 11.10?15:26
phoenix_firebrdPeace-: not that kind of problem15:26
phoenix_firebrdPeace-: my cpu usage  usually increases around 80% during a installation of cpu intensive process15:27
phoenix_firebrdPeace-: my cpu usage usually increases around 80% during a installation *or* cpu intensive process15:28
Peace-phoenix_firebrd: mmm ALT F215:28
Peace-type :  akonadi15:28
Peace-first application , disable it15:28
phoenix_firebrdPeace-: the service is not running15:29
mr-rich11.10 switches back to Openoffice?15:29
phoenix_firebrdPeace-: I have already disabled strigi and nepomuk15:29
phoenix_firebrdPeace-: even disabled some unwanted services15:30
Peace-phoenix_firebrd: is this one ? http://wstaw.org/m/2011/10/13/plasma-desktopLG1302.jpg15:30
BluesKajphoenix_firebrd, which player do you use ?15:30
phoenix_firebrdBluesKaj: vlc15:30
phoenix_firebrdBluesKaj: but ried with athers like dragon player, amarok same thing happens15:31
phoenix_firebrdPeace-: ya the same15:31
Peace-phoenix_firebrd: mm ok nvdia?15:31
OerHeksnice, update screen is much better now15:31
phoenix_firebrdPeace-:  he he ya15:31
Peace-phoenix_firebrd: ok... so it could be the driver ...15:31
* OerHeks succesfully upgraded to 11.1015:31
BluesKajhmm,  vlc is a really good player , and even amarok is getting better ...what soundcard ?15:32
Peace-phoenix_firebrd: disabled the desktop effect?15:32
* dthacker gives OerHeks a high five15:32
phoenix_firebrdPeace-: The i have already done that, what the nvidia driver is related to audio problem?15:32
* OerHeks h515:32
Peace-phoenix_firebrd: no, you said you had problem with cpu usage15:33
phoenix_firebrdPeace-: no thats not the issue15:33
phoenix_firebrdPeace-: the problem is the audio gets stuck in a lopp untill the cpu usage goes down , this didnt happen in 11.04 or the previous ones15:34
Peace-phoenix_firebrd: ok let's test this15:35
Peace-sudo apt-get install phonon-backend-vlc15:35
phoenix_firebrdPeace-: ok, wait , gstreamer issue?15:35
phoenix_firebrdPeace-: i will the backend now15:35
Peace-phoenix_firebrd: then go on systemsettings ,15:37
Peace-=>multimedia =>http://wstaw.org/m/2011/10/13/plasma-desktopvc1302.jpg15:37
phoenix_firebrdPeace-: finished replacing the backend15:38
Peace-you can keep the gstreamfreakstuff15:38
phoenix_firebrdPeace-: any player you recommend15:38
Peace-just set the vlc backedn on that screenshot15:38
Peace-phoenix_firebrd: vlc15:39
phoenix_firebrdPeace-: ok15:39
BluesKajphoenix_firebrd, make it the default in phonon, but i don't think it will make a diff15:39
Peace-it could15:39
phoenix_firebrdBluesKaj: done, testing15:39
BluesKajpulseaudio and vlc don't worl=k weel together IME15:40
BluesKajdon't work well15:40
BluesKajvlc backend that is15:40
Peace-BluesKaj: here it works fine15:41
phoenix_firebrdPeace-: no difference15:41
Peace-but :) we know that it doesn't mean anything15:41
BluesKajPeace-, how about pulseaudio , Peace- , do you use it ?15:41
phoenix_firebrdPeace-: what about irq priority?15:42
Peace-BluesKaj: yes15:42
Peace-phoenix_firebrd: mmm15:42
Peace-phoenix_firebrd: we could try to remove pulse btw15:42
phoenix_firebrdPeace-: i am using a creative soundblaster pci card15:42
Peace-if pulse is not the problem i guess it's an hardware problem15:43
Peace-or maybe better... an alsa problem15:43
phoenix_firebrdPeace-: driver?15:43
BluesKajok Peace- , I'm forced to use PA as well for web content audio , alsa doesn't work with flash audio on websites here for some reason15:43
phoenix_firebrdBluesKaj: thats a big issue15:43
phoenix_firebrdBluesKaj: i have tried different things and ended up wasting my time15:44
Peace-BluesKaj: really ? wtf here is working with flash it doesn't make me crazy like before , have you installed veromix?15:44
BluesKajmy onboard audio card works without PA on everything , but my new m-audio card doesn't do flash audio on websites without PA :(15:45
petetei borked up the display on my computer15:46
phoenix_firebrdBluesKaj: creative cards also sucks15:46
petetebut i could ssh from my phone and fix it, yay!15:46
=== mix is now known as Guest10133
Peace-BluesKaj: so you are saying that you have 2 audio cards 1 works fine with  flash and pulse the other no ?15:47
phoenix_firebrdPeace-:  is there a way to increase the irq priority ?15:47
BluesKajPeace-, , I don't think it's the card so much as the alsa driver15:47
Peace-phoenix_firebrd: sorry :( i dunno that stuff15:48
Peace-BluesKaj: mm bad story then15:48
phoenix_firebrdPeace-: ok, you have no problem with the audio right?15:48
Peace-BluesKaj: btw install plasma-widget-veromix15:49
Peace-try if you have time and you want try to test better your problem15:49
BluesKaj Peace- , what I mean is both cards work with PA on everything including web audio , but the onboard nvidia sound card doesn't need PA to work15:49
Peace-try it15:49
Peace-ya ya got it15:50
Peace-BluesKaj: it should be alsa <=>Pa connection15:50
Peace-who knows15:51
BluesKajwhat's veromix ?15:51
Peace-BluesKaj: a mixer for PA15:51
Peace-BluesKaj: it's like kmix but for PA its not so bad..15:51
phoenix_firebrdPeace-: I will check if the nvidia driver is causing this issue.15:52
Peace-phoenix_firebrd: mah i don't think so15:52
BluesKajdon't ned a mixer for PA , ,,, I use it for it's digital spdif passthru properties , which alsa doesn't provide for website audio content15:52
phoenix_firebrdPeace-: ok15:53
TweevAre the wireless issues with 11.10 a little better than 11.04? Trying to get wireless to work correctly in 11.04 has been a bit of a nightmare (and I never solved it).15:53
Peace-phoenix_firebrd: you could test this too sudo alsa force-reload15:54
=== vsrao_ is now known as vsrao
BluesKajI have my onboard soundcard blacklisted , so it doesn't show up in phonon and muck up the works15:54
dthackerTweev: I think that's probably a "try it and see" question15:54
vsraoHi. Would you guys recommend a fresh re-installation to 11.10 or upgrade?15:54
dthackervsrao: I almost always do a fresh install.  YMMV15:55
phoenix_firebrdPeace-: What does it resets alsa settings?15:55
Tweevdthacker: Fair enough.  At this point I just need a system that works.  I would have gone to 10.04 if making a 10.04 LTS USB from 11.04 wasn't so buggy15:55
vsraodthacker: Okay.15:55
Peace-phoenix_firebrd: reboot the audio drivers...15:55
Peace-only the audio drivers15:55
phoenix_firebrdPeace-: ok15:55
Peace-if you see the cpu usage go down it means it's an alsa problem15:56
vsraoIs there a synaptic equivalent to save a list of installed packages to re-install on the fresh installation?15:56
phoenix_firebrdPeace-: do i have to restart pulseaudio?15:56
Peace-vsrao: of course15:56
vsraoPeace-: What is it?15:57
Peace-phoenix_firebrd: try that command ... i have written before15:57
Peace-vsrao: one moment15:57
phoenix_firebrdPeace-: thats done15:57
Peace-phoenix_firebrd: so... now the cpu usage?16:00
Peace-vsrao: http://wstaw.org/m/2011/10/13/plasma-desktopDi1302.jpg16:00
BluesKajvsrao, one thing to remember a fresh install will require resetting everything to your tastes , unless of course you have a /home partition , then part of the work is already saved in the config files16:00
phoenix_firebrdPeace-: testing16:00
vsraoBluesKaj: Yes, I have a separate /home partition configured.16:00
BluesKajok  vsrao , cool :)16:00
vsraoBluesKaj: All I need is a KDE equivalent synaptic sort of package list saver kinda thing.16:00
TweevBluesKaj: I also have a seperate /home.  Do you have a link to a walk though to do a fresh install when you have a seperate /home? Do I just reformat the /,swap & boot and leave /home alone?16:01
BluesKajvsrao, why not just use synaptic ...I do16:01
phoenix_firebrdPeace-: problem is still there16:01
BluesKajjust reformat the /16:01
Peace-phoenix_firebrd: even when you are restarting alsa?16:01
vsraoBluesKaj: I guess. I do too, always. I thought Muon/KPackManager or K* would have one.16:01
BluesKajTweev, ^16:02
phoenix_firebrdPeace-: ya16:02
Peace-i mean in the while you are restaring the cpu is still high16:02
TweevBluesKaj: awesome thanks!16:02
TweevBluesKaj: I wonder why the seperate /home isn't default.  It's seems to be a smarter approach16:03
BluesKajmuon showed promise at first but now I'm not happy with it ...buggy on my setup16:03
Peace-phoenix_firebrd:  mmm so ... it could be an irq problem  but i am not used to manage that kind of problem16:03
phoenix_firebrdPeace-: After the restart when the cpu is high the audio has the same problem16:03
Peace-i have no ideas16:03
BluesKajTweev, it is IMO but , too many partitoninig options scares ppl away16:03
TweevBluesKaj: I can understand that, I felt the same way until i did it 5 times16:04
Peace-BluesKaj: +116:04
Peace-for muon16:04
vsraoDuring the installation, a lot of downloads happen regarding "language packs". Anyway to avoid that part of download?16:04
Peace-it doesn't work well here16:04
BluesKajTweev,  :)16:04
phoenix_firebrdPeace-: where can i see a driver change in a kernel , do you think a new creative  audio driver was put in in 3.0.x ?16:04
TweevOK, my bootable 11.10 USB is done - I am off to do my fresh 11.10 install - wish me luck! (<fingers crossed> please work out of the box!!!)16:05
BluesKajPeace-, I think the devs "dropped the ball" on muon ,,, I even had dependency conflicts with it16:06
phoenix_firebrdBluesKaj: muon works well16:07
* BluesKaj sticks with synaptic16:08
phoenix_firebrdBluesKaj: do you preview before removing packages?16:08
BluesKajI just use synaptic mostly as a reference for available packafges , I usually use apt in the cli to install and remove stuff16:09
phoenix_firebrdBluesKaj: ok16:09
BluesKajwow, still nothing new in the repos ...wonder what's going on16:11
vsraoDuring the installation, a lot of downloads happen regarding "language packs". Anyway to avoid that part of download?16:28
phoenix_firebrdPeace-: i think i solved my audio problem16:35
Peace-phoenix_firebrd: solution ?16:36
phoenix_firebrdPeace-:  i added audio to user privileges16:36
Peace-phoenix_firebrd: omg16:37
phoenix_firebrdPeace-: what16:37
Peace-funny :)16:37
Peace-i didn't think to that16:37
phoenix_firebrdPeace-: is that a solution ?16:37
phoenix_firebrdPeace-: what i did was right or wrong?16:38
phoenix_firebrdPeace-: what?16:39
Peace-it's not bad that for sure16:39
Peace-and if it worked is a solution16:39
phoenix_firebrdPeace-: he he16:39
phoenix_firebrdPeace-: thanks for the support buddy16:39
TheLastProjectJust upgraded to Kubuntu 11.10, Internet connection no longer works and mouse refuses to work as well. I expected the special button to not work because I manually installed open source drivers for my Roccat Kova+ mouse, but no mouse input is taken at all anymore.16:40
phoenix_firebrdPeace-:one last question16:40
phoenix_firebrdPeace-: how can i update from beta to a full release?16:41
afiefphoenix_firebrd: `sudo apt-get dist-upgrade` or the normal upgrades(muon/kpackagekit) should do that16:42
Peace-phoenix_firebrd: i guess it's thsi : sudo apt-get update ; sudo apt-get dist-upgrade16:42
phoenix_firebrdPeace-: does that remove the backports entry in the sources list?16:43
yofelTheLastProject: how do you connect to the internet? does the keyboard at least still work?16:43
TheLastProjectThe keyboard still works, I use a wired internet connection. Even though Windows 7 also displays the connection as non-functioning at the moment I can still use it, as you can see.16:43
TheLastProjectOn Kubuntu 11.10, however, I can't connect at all.16:44
Peace-phoenix_firebrd: well you need to set only normal repository...16:44
ubottuThe packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories16:44
TheLastProject(Oops, guess I should've added "yofel: " at the beginning of my sentence? >_<)16:44
yofelTheLastProject: hm, not sure about that then, but you could go to a TTY with ctrl-alt-f2 from the login screen, and look at the output of dmesg (long!) and at /var/log/Xorg.0.log if there's any error about the mouse16:47
TheLastProjectyofel: The mouse driver I installed was originally meant for another Linux kernel than 3.0, I guess I should try grabbing the appropriate version then? (That is, if I get my Internet connection up and running again)16:48
yofelhow did you install the driver? If you installed it by hand then you'll have to install it for the new kernel as well16:49
TweevI'm back: seems like the 11.10 install went fine - although it sure stalled on 86% and 90% - I thought it was going to crap out16:49
phoenix_firebrdTweev: let me guess during downloading of language packs?16:50
Tweevphoenix- likely, I wasn't looking at the details.16:50
phoenix_firebrdTweev: that problem was already reported as a bug16:51
TheLastProjectyofel: I installed it manually, compiled the source code and added it to the Xorg.conf file and so on. There was no automatic installation for it available as it was an unofficial open source driver. So I guess that is to blame for the complete lack of mouse support. Still wonder how I can fix my connection, perhaps it will decide to fix itself again or so... Hopefully =/16:51
TheLastProjectyofel: At least, thanks for the help!16:52
yofelTheLastProject: is that wired 56k? or dsl + modem? or network + router?16:52
Tweevphoenix_firebrd: That's a bug? Yeesh, it just gave me a chance to do some extra dishes and laundry - my wireless crapping out cost me DAYS - THAT'S a bug! (for 11.o4). Now I must see if my wireless issues seem to be fixed16:52
TheLastProjectyofel: I think it would be dsl + modem + router? I'm not really familiar with what DSL or so exactly is. It is a constant connection at an average speed for this country. Perhaps I can try taking the power off it for 30 seconds and reconnecting =/16:53
phoenix_firebrdTweev: but the bug should be fixed by now16:53
yofelTheLastProject: hm, that would mean you should just need to connect to the router over LAN, check if at least the network device shows up when you type 'ifconfig'16:54
TheLastProjectyofel: Wrote it down, will try that when I reboot back into Kubuntu. Thank you!16:55
jmichaelxanyone else getting a GPG error for archive.canonical.com?16:56
phoenix_firebrdjmichaelx: me16:56
jmichaelxalso, have others run into openoffice-related errors upon upgrading to oneiric?16:59
=== GirlyGIrl is now known as Alysha
saidican i cancel kubuntu upgrade from 11.04 to 11.10?17:01
saidiit take too much time17:01
jmichaelxsaidi: are you just at the stage of downloading packages?17:02
saidino before that17:03
saididownloading source packages17:05
saidiwill i did cancel it, but the apt is still runnig17:05
=== Alysha is now known as GirlyGirl
saidishould i restore this file /etc/apt/sources.list.save ?17:07
saidii don't want to upgrade it now17:08
jmichaelxsaidi: you can just stop now. you do not need to change your sources list back, unless you are planning to stay in natty17:09
saidijmichaelx, yes i want to stay with it :)17:10
BartBlackMagicDid the upgrade from Kubuntu 11.04 to 11.10, everything went nice but it hangs every time after about 2 minutes, any idea which log file I have to open to see the cause?17:10
jmichaelxsaidi: well then, yes. you will need to make sure all of your sources point to natty instead of oneiric17:10
BartBlackMagicI'm going to do a clean reinstall now17:13
BartBlackMagicthink that's the best :)17:13
saidiBartBlackMagic, when it hangs? at any stage?17:20
BartBlackMagicfully loaded desktop17:21
BartBlackMagicso.. i log in.. when i do nothing, it doesn't hang, but when i start a browser, email client, or just te application browse menu, it hangs after a some time17:21
BartBlackMagicsome time = 15 sec to 1 minute17:22
BartBlackMagictried to install the amd ati 11.9 drivers (have ATI/AMD 6970m in my laptop) but that made no difference17:23
jmichaelxdoes anyone know what the deal is with the GPG error?17:26
BlaXpirit"error: invalid arch independent ELF magic.\grub rescue>" at boot. What's up with that? :(17:29
BlaXpirithelp please...17:31
BartBlackMagicyou have an ssd?17:32
BartBlackMagicyou tried this? -> http://askubuntu.com/questions/37692/grub-invalid-arch-independent-elf-magic-after-natty-install-on-ssd17:32
BlaXpiritI've seen that, but... /dev/sda3 ? really? I don't even have that partition17:33
BartBlackMagicyes of course :) you'll probably have another one like: /dev/sda1 or something17:34
BartBlackMagicthat's up to you17:34
BlaXpiritwell, i think i have the following settings: "/dev/sda5 /, /dev/sda7 swap, /dev/sda6 /home"17:34
BartBlackMagicwhen did you get this error? after upgrading from 11.04 to 11.10?17:34
BlaXpiriti installed over the old one17:35
BlaXpiritusing the same partitions and putting the "format" checkbox on them17:35
BartBlackMagicclean install is mostly better than updating to my opinion17:36
BartBlackMagicand which partition did you select to install the boot manager?17:36
BlaXpiritwell, that's why i did what i thought was clean17:36
BlaXpiriti didn't change the setting, and i think it was /dev/sda17:36
BartBlackMagichmm :s that's the perfect thing to do...17:37
BlaXpiritmaybe i could remove those partitions and then install? i prefer reinstalling to some dirty fixes from live cd17:37
BartBlackMagicbut you formatted /dev/sda5?17:37
BartBlackMagicso the only "dirty" files would be in /dev/sda717:38
BlaXpiritwell, u may want to know that i have another system installed17:38
BlaXpiritbut i did this "scheme" before and had no problems17:38
BartBlackMagicuhu, you did nothing wrong to my opnion17:39
BartBlackMagicas a matter of fact, I just did the EXACT same thing to my computer!17:39
BartBlackMagicfirst updated, but this gave me some troubles17:39
BlaXpiriti (re)installed twice btw, checking all the settings17:39
BartBlackMagicthen formatted the / partition and left the /home for what it was17:39
BlaXpiritwell then, i'll remove those partitions completely......17:40
BartBlackMagicand if that doesn't work17:41
BartBlackMagictry another distro :$17:41
BartBlackMagicwhy? because this can be a bug17:41
BlaXpiritthere's nothing else i'm not afraid of.17:41
BlaXpiriti mean, it could damage my other system17:41
BlaXpiritand with ubuntu i'm completely safe17:41
BartBlackMagicyou installed ubuntu or kubuntu?17:42
BlaXpiritbut that's only desktop, the low-level part is just Ubuntu17:42
oravahi, has someone got banshee working in kubuntu 11.10?17:43
BlaXpirituse Amarok!!!17:43
oravano, banshee is way better17:44
BartBlackMagicyes i know :)17:44
BlaXpiritno, Amarok is the best -_-17:44
TheLastProject"use X instead" isn't a good reply to "how do I make Y work?"17:44
BlaXpiritdamn, i think it didn't format those partitions17:46
BartBlackMagiclol :)17:46
BlaXpiritbecause /home partition has 3GB used and i did mark it for Format17:46
BartBlackMagicah ok, so you did want to format /home17:46
BartBlackMagici thought you wanted to leave that intact17:46
BartBlackMagicthen.. remove all your partitions17:46
BartBlackMagicand do a clean install17:47
BlaXpiriti want completely clean... yes.17:47
BartBlackMagicthat should do it17:47
oravano one has gotten banshee working in 11.10? :)17:47
BlaXpiritthat's what i was doing, the installer just refued to format, or what...17:47
BartBlackMagiccan't be possible17:47
BlaXpiritmeh, i'll just use kde partition manager to remove the partitions first...17:47
BartBlackMagicit isn't possible to format the partition you are using17:48
jmichaelxwhy is apt telling me that things like amarok and google-talk-plugin will be removed in the upgrade to oneiric?17:48
BartBlackMagicyou should do it with the boot cd (just saying)17:48
BlaXpiritof course, i can't boot into the system anyway -_-17:48
BartBlackMagicof course (dumb answer from me)17:49
yofelorava: more like nobody of the people currently online tried it I guess ^^17:49
BartBlackMagicso :) go ahead17:49
BlaXpiritSo disappointing. I can't shut down the PC from live session...17:50
BlaXpiritjust doesn't work.17:50
BartBlackMagici understand17:51
kadoban42i can't seem to find this in the docs, can i install using encrypted hard drive somehow? do i need to use the alternate CD or whatever? (11.10)17:52
kadoban42not updating, clean install17:52
BlaXpiritBut HEY, now I can change the screen brightness!!! I had to do dirty hacks and cutom scripts before. Hardware support is obviously better, as promised.17:52
jmichaelxseriously... i would like to know why amarok, flashplugin-installer and google-talk-plugin are going to be removed upon upgrading to oneiric.... anyone have a clue about this?17:54
BluesKajjmichaelx, perhaps removed , then reinstalled i suspect... no upgrades in oneiric totally removed them in my experience17:54
BlaXpirithow did you read and type that in 7 seconds?17:54
TheLastProjectBluesKaj has obviously used IRC for somewhat longer17:56
jmichaelxBluesKaj: hmm, usually i pay close attention to that sort of thing. i upgraded a machine last night, and do not recall those packages having had to be removed...17:56
TheLastProjectIt makes you fast17:56
jmichaelxof course, i may have just not been paying as close attention as i thought17:56
BluesKajjmichaelx, if you have a 64bit system then flash will be reinstalled without the nspluginwrapper...it helps to multiarch installed as well17:56
jmichaelxBluesKaj: ok, i think you are proving that i did pay close enough attention :-D17:56
* BluesKaj isn't out to prove anything :)17:59
BluesKajBBL, gotta go check the postbox for paper mail18:00
=== joel is now known as Oxymoron
Oxymoronhi guys, I seriously need help FAST with lost files through dropbox permission error. It is ciritcal, I need files to school in important meeting18:02
oravais someone running kwin cwith OpenGL ES compositor?18:02
jussi@config supybot.plugins.PackageInfo.defaultRelease18:03
ubottuGlobal: oneiric; #kubuntu: oneiric18:03
oravaI tried to install kde-window-manager-gles package and when run kwin_gles –replace it says command not found18:03
krisemy problem is that after upgrade, i have sound with vlc media player, but i dont have sound with amarok18:03
orst3nwhy kubuntu gets with every rls a new bugy package manager ?18:04
BlaXpiritMuon is quite good.18:04
drbobbhi, I wanna plug in an external monitor into the vga port on my laptop, but apparently that's not supported. what do I do to make it work?18:04
orst3ni cant i cant disable prerlses packages -.-18:05
orst3nalways gets rechecked--18:05
jmichaelxorst3n: each kde/kubuntu release gets a whole lot more buggy stuff besides just the package manager...18:06
BlaXpiritumm no18:06
Trashihi guys. i upgraded today ubuntu 11.04 to 11.10 ... after installing i wasnt able to login. after i looked up my /var/log/syslog, i noticed the following error: unable to read /usr/share/kde4/apps/kdm/faces/.default.face .... i could fix it by reinstalling the plasma-desktop package ... after the reinstallation the faces/.default.face file and directory doesnt exist also, but all seems to work ... think there were corrupt package18:07
Trashidependences caused by the dist-upgrade?!18:07
drbobbhello, nobody at all uses dual monitors with kubuntu??18:08
Trashidrbobb: i dod18:08
orst3nso how can i disable to get prereleased updates ?18:08
orst3nquick fix for terminal would be enough.18:08
drbobbTrashi: how did you achieve it?18:08
jmichaelxhas amarok had to be removed for any of you when you upgraded to oneiric?18:09
ssfdre38since i have Gnome (Ubuntu) installed on my Kubuntu as an under layer program support, would both desktops upgrade?18:09
GirlyGirlssfdre38: Yes18:10
ssfdre38just need to check18:10
Trashidrbobb: well, im using an mobile geforce videocard and the nvidia-settings driver ... in association with twinview it works more or less18:10
GirlyGirlssfdre38: If you don't use gnome it would be wise to remove it before upgrade18:10
GirlyGirlssfdre38: less clutter18:10
Trashidrbobb: whats your problem exactly?18:10
drbobbTrashi: just a moment, what packages did you need to add to the system? btw nvidia-settings is not a driver18:11
ssfdre38i use it as a layer for gnome programs on top of my KDE18:11
GirlyGirlTrashi: do a "sudo apt-get install -f" to be safe18:11
drbobbTrashi: my problem is that the external monitor is not detected at all18:11
drbobband btw I also have a geforce in my lenovo18:12
Trashidrbobb:  ok if you have a geforce, do you use the proprietary driver from nvidia?18:12
drbobbTrashi: yes, I installed it via 'jockey'18:13
jmichaelxdrbobb: i am pretty sutre you will be able to do it, and that it is supported.... but it takes some futzing around.... there are things in both nvidia-settings and in kde's system settings you will have to adjust, and it is FAR from intuitive18:14
Trashidrbobb: so you are able to start nvida-settings?18:14
GirlyGirldrbobb: What is the problem exactly?18:14
TrashiGirlyGirl: i will do so, thanks!18:14
Trashidrbobb: in nvidia-settings you have an option called "detect displays"18:14
Trashithat should work18:14
Trashiafter you have to enable the external monitor18:14
drbobb_okay, nvidia-settings seems to be working18:22
drbobb_I'll play around a little and see if it helps18:22
TweevSo far I am very VERY pleased with 11.1018:24
drbobb_I don't like kmail being broken18:25
BlaXpiritthat's the only part of KDE i never liked18:26
dthackerwhy is kmail broken?18:27
jmichaelxi do have to say that things like the breakage in kmail should be considered show-stoppers, imo18:27
BluesKajjmichaelx, go visit #ubuntu ...he's there now ranting at me18:28
drbobb_who knows why it's broken18:28
drbobb_fact is it doesn't work much18:28
yofelakonadi run... "suboptimal"18:29
yofelmore like it breaks once you just look at it18:29
yofeldrbobb_: read https://wiki.kubuntu.org/OneiricOcelot/Final/Kubuntu/Kmail218:30
jmichaelxi have always wondered why kde just continues making new releases, while major bugs live on and on....18:30
drbobb_I did read it, but it didn't work for me18:31
TheLastProjectWow, I'm glad I use Thunderbird :P18:31
* yofel too18:31
kadoban42ya, ive always found thunderbird far superior anyway18:31
drbobb_actually I nuked all kmail settings I could find on my account and tried to start fresh18:31
drbobb_but I can't, kmail segfaults as soon as started18:32
yofelkmail2 works somewhat here... but usually akonadi_nepomuk_email_feeder just eats up my resources18:32
yofeldrbobb_: that's new - can you get a backtrace please?18:32
drbobb_yofel: I made myself a new account in the meantime18:33
yofeland that works?18:33
drbobb_too much stuff was broken when I tried to reuse the same home dir on oneiric18:33
drbobb_yofel: *sometimes* it works18:34
dthackerwow, that's ugly.    I think I'll test migration in a VM first.18:34
drbobb_but sometimes outgoing mail just stays in the queue forever for no reason18:34
yofeldrbobb_: ok, you're not the first person to report *that*18:35
drbobb_yofel: no that is NOT ok18:35
yofelcan you file a bug at https://bugs.kde.org ? They didn't get flooded enough yet...18:35
drbobb_it means kmail is unfit for daily use at present18:35
yofeldrbobb_: believe me, kde 4.7 + kdepim 4.4 doesn't work well together either18:36
yofelso it's a choice between the 6th and 7th hell18:36
drbobb_while before the whole akoonadi/nepomuk/whatever debacle it was a top-notch mail client18:36
yofel+ kdepim 4.4 is unsupported upstream - *sigh*18:36
jmichaelxwho is responsible for firefox-kde-support?18:36
drbobb_(too much of those weird names, ugh)18:36
yofeljmichaelx: what's broken?18:37
yofeljmichaelx: the kubuntu devs pretty much18:37
jmichaelxyofel: well, firefox-kde-support has always been broken18:37
drbobb_too bad gnome is in the process of being fubar'ed as well18:37
yofelfile a bug...18:38
GirlyGirlI have a problem with the message indicator plasmoid, on natty with 4.7.1 it used to become green when there is an incomming message from konversation in oneiric it does not. KDE developers say that the message indicator is not their package its for kubuntu only so I came here18:38
drbobb_that leaves linux users little to choose from18:38
yofeldrbobb_: believe me - we're not happy with the situation either18:38
yofelas a matter of fact - once of the kubuntu devs created himself a lucid VM just to run kmail in it...18:39
drbobb_heh that *wild*18:39
BlaXpirit"error: invalid arch independent ELF magic.\grub rescue>" at boot18:39
drbobb_wtf is apper?18:42
shadeslayerdrbobb_: kpackagekit was renamed18:42
jussi!info apper18:42
ubottuapper (source: apper): KDE package management tool using PackageKit. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.7.0~20111008-0ubuntu1 (oneiric), package size 393 kB, installed size 1372 kB18:42
shadeslayerit's now called apper18:42
GirlyGirlkmail2 will improve hopefully ... I prefer web-mail right now and avoid akondani18:42
jussidrbobb_: also, try keep it family friendly, even with the acronyms :)18:42
drbobb_I thought muon was the package manager frontend now18:42
BlaXpiritin Kubuntu.18:43
GirlyGirldrbobb_: it is18:43
BlaXpiritMuon is Kubuntu-exclusive, i think.18:43
Quintasandrbobb_: It is, but we are leaving the final choice18:43
Quintasanto the user*18:43
yofeldrbobb_: by default yes - doesn't mean apper isn't allowed to be in the archive18:43
QuintasanIf you fancy using Apper then please do so :)18:43
GirlyGirlBlaXpirit: debian has it too now I think not default though18:43
drbobb_yofel: it seems to be pulled in by dependencies18:43
yofeldrbobb_: really?18:43
* yofel doesn't have it installed here18:44
drbobb_I upgraded to beta at first, and had no apper18:44
GirlyGirldrbobb_: Installation of what pulled it in?18:44
drbobb_now I'm upgrading to final, and apper is being pulled in18:44
* Quintasan looks18:44
yofeldrbobb_: did you have kpackagekit installed?18:45
yofelthen you *will* get apper18:45
drbobb_not that I mind a lot, my hd is big enough18:45
drbobb_well since it is an upgrade from natty, I guess yes18:45
BlaXpiritumm could you help me with that GRUB stuff?18:45
yofelyeah, then you'll get apper on update18:45
* BluesKaj upgrades his other linux pc to 11.10 ...it's abit old but still chugging away18:45
Quintasandrbobb_: That would explain the upgrade18:45
jmichaelxwith kde bugs, is there generally any way to get a feel of what the status is of that bug? that anyone is working on it?18:46
QuintasanBlaXpirit: Your machine is using EFI?18:46
BlaXpiritand what is that?18:46
BlaXpiritEverything worked perfectly before. I installed new version over the old one, and that's what I get.18:47
GirlyGirlBlaXpirit: EFI is an alternative to bios18:47
QuintasanBlaXpirit: Do you know what motherboard model you have?18:47
BlaXpiritwoops :P18:47
BlaXpiritI have a Lenovo laptop with some Sandy Bridge stuff, i think18:47
BlaXpiritand no, it should be normal BIOS18:48
yofeljmichaelx: *we* usually don't work on them at all, go to bugs.kde.org if you're interested18:48
QuintasanBlaXpirit: http://askubuntu.com/questions/37692/grub-invalid-arch-independent-elf-magic-after-natty-install-on-ssd18:48
GirlyGirlBlaXpirit: Most PC's have BIOS, EFI is generally on some servers and Intel Macs18:48
BlaXpiritbut i don't have "/dev/sda3"18:48
yofeljmichaelx: fixes get to kubuntu once it's fixed in KDE usually18:48
QuintasanBlaXpirit: Please note that /dev/sda3 should be replaced with the partition number you installed Kubuntu on18:48
BlaXpiritand why doesn't it work in the first place??18:48
jmichaelxyofel: i don't think i mentioned a 'we' anywhere.... i was asking a general question18:48
GirlyGirlBlaXpirit: What is the issue?18:49
yofeljmichaelx: s/we/the kubuntu developers/18:49
QuintasanGirlyGirl: He is getting "error: invalid arch independent ELF magic." from GRUB when booting18:49
jmichaelxyofel: i also mentioned no kubuntu developers18:49
yofeljmichaelx: well, what I meant is that KDE bugs aren't tracked on launchpad in the ubuntu bug tracker - your best bet to check the state of KDE bugs is in the KDE bugzilla18:50
GirlyGirlBlaXpirit: 64 bit? also did it have grub-legacy before upgrade?18:50
Quintasanjmichaelx: Usually, when you report a bug it gets assigned to someone, if that certain someone is working on it you should get some reply asking for more information if necessary18:50
BlaXpiritno idea what grub-legacy is18:50
QuintasanBlaXpirit: It's a package18:50
BlaXpiriti didn't do an upgrade. installed new over the old one, using the same partitions (but checked "format" during installation)18:51
BlaXpiritso I have /dev/sda5 : / ; /dev/sda7 : swap ; /dev/sda6 : /home18:51
BlaXpiritwhat should I do?18:51
Quintasan/dev/sda5 is /   right?18:51
BlaXpirityes, I just wrote that.18:52
jmichaelxQuintasan: ok, i am very bothered by one particular kde bug, which is apparently still very much alive in 4.7.2... it would be reassuring to know that it is being addressed (i know it probablly is)18:52
Quintasanjmichaelx: Do you have the bug number?18:52
QuintasanBlaXpirit: Are you on LiveCD right now?18:52
jmichaelxQuintasan: yes... jsut a sec18:52
BlaXpiritno, but that's not a problem18:52
BlaXpiritLiveUSB rather...18:52
QuintasanWhatever, I want you to mount the / partition and retry installing GRUB on that18:53
QuintasanBlaXpirit: By the way, / is ext4?18:53
GirlyGirlBlaXpirit: Was this an LVM installation18:53
BluesKajI'm going to as k general question to anyone here who's tried XnView , does it actually work in kde ? I havent had much luck with it , even after following the readme instructions it doesn't respond to any options whatsoever18:53
ubottuKDE bug 275469 in widget-taskbar "4 7 Regression: closed windows stay in the taskbar sometimes, taskbar doesn't react on clicks" [Normal,New]18:53
BlaXpiritwell, i even removed all the kubuntu partitions and made new ones during installation, but that didn't help....18:53
BlaXpirit(i did it when reinstalling for the 3rd time)18:54
jmichaelxi notice this bug is quickly heading to the top of the list of most hated kde bugs, but it has been around for a while now. to me it is an embarassment to kde18:54
GirlyGirlBlaXpirit: I heard of this problem before can't remember how to solve it though its possible18:54
yofeljmichaelx: that is a known issue indeed18:54
GirlyGirljmichaelx: I think its scheduled for fixing in 4.7.318:55
OerHeksjmichaelx, i notices this bug too, after upgrade it did not happen yet18:55
GirlyGirlOerHeks: Still happens though its quite rare18:55
jmichaelxOerHeks: it has been happening to me on one machine more often than before the upgrade18:55
BluesKajthat bug is old and don't think it's been attended to18:55
GirlyGirlBlaXpirit:  How old is your hard drive ... this also happens with corrupted file system18:56
Quintasanjmichaelx: Can you reproduce it with the method in comment #38?18:56
BlaXpiritcorrupted, eh. well it's a fairly new laptop18:56
jmichaelxto me, and i know i am oppinionated, that is a serious bug.... and letting it live on is pretty shameful18:57
QuintasanI can't :S18:57
BlaXpiritSo what's up with http://askubuntu.com/questions/37692/ ? How do I change those numbers?18:57
QuintasanBlaXpirit: In your case it would be18:57
Quintasansudo mount /dev/sda5 /mnt18:57
Quintasansudo grub-install --root-directory=/mnt /dev/sda18:57
BlaXpiritthat's it?18:58
QuintasanYup, it should reinstall GRUB18:58
BlaXpiritgonna try.18:58
jmichaelxQuintasan: i am not at that machine at the moment, but i will try to test that this evening, and maybe post what i find in that bug report18:58
Quintasanjmichaelx: I really can't reproduce it18:58
QuintasanI tried 5 times18:58
BlaXpiritNo error reported.18:59
BlaXpiritreboot now?18:59
QuintasanBlaXpirit: Yes18:59
Quintasanjmichaelx: Oh god18:59
QuintasanI did get it18:59
yofelit's hard to get it, but it *does* happen19:00
QuintasanThis looks fairly stupid19:00
Quintasanyofel: Method from comment #38 works19:00
yofelshadeslayer: go reproduce in neon ^19:00
BlaXpiritok,it started19:00
BlaXpiritbut not nice19:00
Oxymoronhow to check where current system is running? I installed ubuntu throgh Windows. I just wonder, when to restore deleted files, where to look?19:00
GirlyGirlBlaXpirit: not nice?19:01
BlaXpiritresolution is unusual, and letters in my locale are all "????"19:01
OxymoronWhere is ubuntu installed?19:01
BlaXpiritin grub OS selection19:01
Oxymoronif you install inside windows19:01
GirlyGirlBlaXpirit: did it boot?19:01
BlaXpiritgrub started, i didn't select an OS yet.19:01
QuintasanBlaXpirit: Please do19:01
yofelOxymoron: I'm not a wubi expert, but IIRC it installs makes a VM-like file for the filesystem and installs into that19:02
jmichaelxQuintasan: yes, it's still very much there19:02
yofel*it makes a19:02
Oxymoronyofel: Alright, and all files I create in this, where on the hdd are they? :)19:02
QuintasanOxymoron: How do I manually uninstall Wubi?19:02
QuintasanRemove C:\ubuntu and C:\wubildr*19:02
BlaXpiritso I logged in.19:02
QuintasanOxymoron: Please read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WubiGuide beforehand19:02
* shadeslayer looks19:02
Oxymoronyofel: I wonder where to make recovere files software should look in Windows.19:02
QuintasanOxymoron: Wait, sorry, what do you exactly want to do?19:03
QuintasanBlaXpirit: It works?19:03
shadeslayeryofel: kde bug 275469?19:03
ubottuKDE bug 275469 in widget-taskbar "4 7 Regression: closed windows stay in the taskbar sometimes, taskbar doesn't react on clicks" [Normal,New] http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=27546919:03
Quintasanshadeslayer: Fix it19:03
GirlyGirlOxymoron: If you want to unistall kubuntu wubi install you can do so in  add/remove (win xp) or programs and features (vista/7)19:04
BluesKajwubi is ok for trying ubuntu, but it's really not meant for serious installs IMO19:04
shadeslayerQuintasan: I'm neck deep in C code and RFC's right now :P19:04
shadeslayerthrow in some AI as well19:04
QuintasanBlaXpirit: Open up Konsole on the PC, and issue "sudo update-grub"19:04
* shadeslayer looks at report19:04
OxymoronQuintasan: I want to recover files, that  Dropbox *******************ers deleted on permission error in Ubuntu installed with wubi ...19:04
OxymoronGirlyGirl: Thanks, but I do not want to unintall kubuntu19:04
OxymoronGirlyGirl: or maybe I will, because it sucks .... not even network works19:05
GirlyGirlOxymoron: What do you want to do? Sorry, didn't understand you19:05
QuintasanOxymoron: Hmm, so you installed Kubuntu using Wubi, copied some files from Windows to Kubuntu and you want to recover them?19:05
BlaXpirityay, now GRUB looks as usual!19:05
BlaXpiritthank you very much!19:05
shadeslayerheh yeah19:05
QuintasanBlaXpirit: You're welcome19:05
shadeslayerQuintasan: yofel I can confirm on my very outdated neon install19:06
BlaXpiritbut I wonder why it was broken in the first place.19:06
shadeslayerNeed to get 603 MB/968 MB of archives.19:06
OxymoronQuintasan: No, I installed kubuntu using wubi. I copied some files to a dropbox folder, got permission error, Dropbois x server removed my files and restored to old state, now my files are fucking gone and nobody helping19:06
shadeslayerQuintasan: ^^ Do you expect me to upgrade that on a 1Mbps connection? :P19:06
BlaXpiritand will it be so after all posible future installations?19:06
OxymoronGirlyGirl: Restore deleted files, I didnt delete19:06
OxymoronGirlyGirl: Dropbox deleted them19:07
Oxymoronbyt ITSELF19:07
QuintasanBlaXpirit: It shouldn't work like this, if this persists in a future upgrade please report a bug19:07
GirlyGirlOxymoron: Dropbox does not delete files on its own ... go to dropbox support if it did19:07
QuintasanOxymoron: So the problem is with Dropbox, sorry we can't really help you with Dropbox eating your files19:07
GirlyGirlOxymoron: Check on dropbox web interface if the files are still there19:08
QuintasanOxymoron: However there in an "Show deleted files" option in the Dropbox web interface19:08
OxymoronGirlyGirl: Well, dropbox has no support now ... I need them NOW. i am gogin to report a programming project to my techer tomorrow.19:08
GirlyGirland by design you cannot undelete from an ext4 filesystem19:08
GirlyGirlOxymoron: Web interface ...19:08
QuintasanOxymoron: Recover them using dropbox web interface at http://dropbox.com19:09
OxymoronQuintasan: Well i need to restore the deleted files, as they are locally stored on my computer also and not only on dropbox.19:09
GirlyGirlOxymoron: https://www.dropbox.com/19:09
OxymoronQuintasan: Dropbox does not show the deleted files, as it somehow restored to a old state and ignore latest files.19:09
QuintasanOxymoron: Look, if you restore them on Dropbox Web interface then they should get downloaded to your PC the same moment19:09
OxymoronEverything is just like overwritten19:09
BluesKajdropbox doesn't work very well on kubuntu ...I swtiched to ubuntu one ...a few gtk libs never hurt anyone19:09
OxymoronQuintasan: Yes, but they are not there on dropbox web interface19:10
QuintasanOxymoron: Even with the "Show deleted files" option?19:10
OxymoronSeriously, HOURS and DAYS of programmign is gone thanks to dropbox19:10
GirlyGirlBluesKaj: works fine for me19:10
OxymoronQuintasan: Yes, EVEN with show deleted files they are not there19:10
GirlyGirlOxymoron: I think its GIGO really19:10
QuintasanBluesKaj: Well, I just run the deamon and it works19:10
QuintasanOxymoron: Please ask Dropbox Support then19:10
QuintasanI'm really sorry but I can't help you with that19:11
OxymoronI also get permission error suddenly, EVEN though I own the folder completly.19:11
OxymoronQuintasan: Well, I need files now. I rather kill dropbox support.19:11
QuintasanOxymoron: By any chance, did you look for the files in the previous location?19:11
OxymoronQuintasan: What you mean previous location?19:11
TheLastProjectOh God19:11
QuintasanOxymoron: A permission error wouldn't let you copy the files instead of eatin them I think.19:12
OxymoronQuintasan: I store the files directly in dropbox19:12
TheLastProjectThe green shield "Apper" uses when there are no updates feels so Windows...19:12
* TheLastProject has to puke19:12
QuintasanOxymoron: Oh :/19:12
BluesKajGirlyGirl, the web page does but the actual dropbox app in kubuntu ?19:12
QuintasanOxymoron: Then Dropbox Support is your only option19:12
OxymoronQuintasan: When I got permission error all files where gone, ALL of them and OLD ONES days ago was sddenly there which my newest should overwrite if they where there19:12
* dthacker pats TheLastProject on the hand: There There, you'll get used to it.19:12
GirlyGirlBluesKaj: Yes ... agreed it did not launch before but now it works fine with the new version that came some days back19:12
TheLastProjectOh great19:13
TheLastProjectI have no sound as well19:13
TheLastProjectAnd rhythmbox suddenly looks awful19:13
OxymoronQuintasan: I need files NOW, I cannot wait for support, I am going to report to my teacher tomorrow.19:13
TheLastProjectI wish I never upgraded >_>19:13
QuintasanTheLastProject: ximon on #kubuntu-devel is open for suggestion or new artwork19:13
BluesKajGirlyGirl, ok , in the repos or do i have install from source?19:13
QuintasanOxymoron: As I told you, I'm not Dropbox support and I can't help you.19:13
GirlyGirlBluesKaj: the .deb on the website works19:14
* TheLastProject is going to cry19:14
BlaXpiritnow i'm angry at KDE19:14
* jmichaelx ducks19:15
BlaXpiritmy wireless card obviously has better support now, as it's recognized as "wlan0", not "eth1"19:15
OxymoronQuintasan: WAHT A ********************* the files are back in eclipse now, but I cannot see them in dropbox?! :O19:15
BlaXpiritbut KDE still doesn't want to use it19:15
QuintasanOxymoron: You'd better save the project somewhere else then19:15
QuintasanBlaXpirit: Are you using NetworkManager plasmoid?19:15
BlaXpiriti don't know. just the default thing.19:16
BlaXpiriton the panel19:16
BlaXpiritlooks like i'll have to use wicd again...19:16
QuintasanBlaXpirit: Mhm, could you run Additional drivers application from System category in KMenu?19:16
GirlyGirlBlaXpirit: try "iwlist scan"19:16
BlaXpiritjockey says that the wireless driver is installed19:17
OxymoronQuintasan: Yes, I will never ever use Kubuntu or Dropbox again, Cloud sucks asshole.19:17
drbobbomg, why is nvidia-current over 52 MB19:17
OxymoronQuintasan: There ir not even a working recover program in *buntu, network locks itself on laptop, graphics does not work, hdmi does not work erc.19:18
BlaXpiritwlan0 failed to read scan data: networ is down19:18
jmichaelxOxymoron: it is very doubtful that the dropbox issue is a problem specific to kubuntu19:18
QuintasanOxymoron: I'd appreciate it if you spared us the insults.19:18
GirlyGirlBlaXpirit: That's no kde problem then19:19
BlaXpiritwe'll see about that. i bet wicd is gonna work flawlessly19:19
ssfdre38Oxymoron, dropbox works great for me on my Kubuntu so its really pertaining to your system19:19
OxymoronQuintasan: Maybe it help you fix the problems ;) They existed YEARS, and bugs reported never fixed19:19
drbobblooks like a stupid graphics driver is larger than all of libreoffice19:19
GirlyGirlBlaXpirit: In the network manager plasmoid hit "disable wireless" wait a few secs and press "enable wireless"19:19
Oxymoronssfdre38: it worked good, but not any more19:19
GirlyGirlBlaXpirit: Then try "iwlist scan" again19:19
=== jan__ is now known as Janneman
ssfdre38it works great but then again i have ubuntu-desktop on my system cause it needs the Gnome file manager for it work just right19:20
BlaXpirityep, wicd sees the list of connections. trying to connect.19:20
ssfdre38and Oxymoron that was towards you19:20
Oxymoronssfdre38: It needs nautilus yes, which kubuntu also uses now.19:20
jmichaelxBlaXpirit: what type of wireless device do you have (usb/pci/mini-pci/etc)?19:20
QuintasanOxymoron: Well, I would be happy to look at those reports if you care to link me to them. Wubi is not really the way to run a production environment. There are no undelete tools for Wubi because it's not running any sane file system AFAIR19:21
BlaXpiritGirlyGirl: now lots of stuff under wlan019:21
BlaXpirit(iwlist scan, i mean)19:21
ssfdre38no KDE doesnt use Nautilus at all it only uses Dolphin19:21
GirlyGirlBlaXpirit: try connecting again19:21
GirlyGirlin network manager19:21
BlaXpiritwireless - built-in, that's a laptop19:21
jmichaelxBlaXpirit: ok, so probably mini-pci(e)19:22
Quintasanssfdre38 and Oxymoron: It doesn't need Nautilus, really http://www.nixternal.com/kde-and-dropbox/19:22
GirlyGirlBluesKaj: look on kde-look for dropbox service menu once installed for dolphin integration19:22
BlaXpiriti can't use networ manager, the "enable wireless" checkbox goes back to unchecked when i click it19:22
Quintasanssfdre38 and Oxymoron: That way it doesn't pull any GTK stuff19:22
* GirlyGirl wonders when this became a dropbox channel19:22
QuintasanBlaXpirit: Did you run Additional drivers and checked if there are any for your WiFi card?19:22
GirlyGirlBlaXpirit: What wifi card is this?19:23
yofelTheLastProject: that rythmbox looks bad is probably because you have no gtk3 theme installed - we don't ship one by default as there's not really one that fits into KDE yet19:23
BlaXpiritbroadcom something19:23
BlaXpiritand yes, the driver is installed, as i wrote before19:23
OxymoronQuintasan: I have linked bug reports several times to developers, none seem to care. it is a shame, I really want to like Kubuntu and Ubuntu, but cannot. I tried several times and then in the end it becomes windows dual boot with kubuntu19:23
QuintasanI'd still like to see the bug reports.19:23
BlaXpiritBroadcom BCM431319:23
QuintasanBlaXpirit: Did you try Wicd?19:24
OxymoronQuintasan: Everytime you upgrade, nothing works, which mean you need to remove verything and do clean install instead, because of package conflicts and config files conflict with new ones.19:24
BlaXpirityes, as i also wrote before19:24
BlaXpiritand it works19:24
QuintasanAt least that.19:24
BlaXpiriti just need to enter my huge passphrase to actually connect. but so far i at least see the lit of connections in wicd19:24
QuintasanOxymoron: That's not a bug report and I'm perfectly fine running an upgraded install.19:25
BlaXpirits button lags.. that was supposed to be "list"19:25
GirlyGirlOxymoron: I have a system that has been upgraded from karmic all the way up one by one and still runs fine19:25
OxymoronQuintasan: For instance https://bugs.launchpad.net/lpbugreporter/+bug/75254219:25
ubottuUbuntu bug 752542 in Launchpad Bug Reporter "ACPI DSDT info" [Undecided,New]19:25
OxymoronSome things work on upgrade, but most get wrong with config files, problem with installing new things, problem with sound, graphics etc.19:26
QuintasanOxymoron: This is an information tracking bug19:26
BlaXpirityup, wicd works flawlessly.19:26
OxymoronQuintasan: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nvidia-graphics-drivers/+bug/59031619:27
ubottuUbuntu bug 590316 in nvidia-graphics-drivers (Ubuntu) "No HDMI resolution higher than 1024x768" [Undecided,New]19:27
QuintasanOxymoron: That's nvidia, we can't fix that as we do not have access to the source code19:27
QuintasanWe can only ASK them to fix it19:27
QuintasanAs with the infamous "Freeze on Konsole resize bug"19:27
BlaXpiritoh, that was great.19:27
TheLastProjectI have two pretty serious issues: 1. My sound doesn't work anymore after upgrading to Kubuntu 11.10; 2. Several applications like Rhythmbox miss the layout, they look really dull and Windows 3.1-ish19:28
BlaXpiriti got it 2 or 3 times19:28
OxymoronQuintasan: It doesnt work with Intel HDMI either.19:28
QuintasanOxymoron: Well, nvidia driver is not supposed to work with Intel HDMI magic19:28
QuintasanTheLastProject: ad. 2 as yofel we do not ship a GTK3 theme because there is none that fits KDE19:28
Quintasanad 1. Did you try setting up sound in System settings?19:29
drbobbBlaXpirit: I have a BCM4313, it works fine on kubuntu19:29
OxymoronQuintasan: I searched all google to try to fix hdmi, do not work at all. Hybrid graphics does noyt work. I can point a lot more bugs, but I dont even remeber all bugs as I stopped care. Would try to fix, but it feels dark in the dev world.19:29
Quintasandrbobb: This is probably a problem with networkmanagment :/19:29
TheLastProjectQuintasan: So, there is no way I can get Rhytmbox to look normal again?19:30
GirlyGirldrbobb: BlaXpirit I think I have used one in the past too not sure thoug19:30
TheLastProject(Also just got another tip, going to try that first)19:30
yofelTheLastProject: sure there is, install a gtk3 theme19:30
drbobbQuintasan: I had no problems setting mine up19:30
QuintasanOxymoron: I'm trying to tell you that we can't fix CLOSED SOURCE drivers because we do not have the access to SOURCE19:30
Quintasandrbobb: Really? :S19:30
* Quintasan sometimes thinks that rm -rf ~/.kde is the solution19:31
drbobbwell before Maveric it was a hassle, but not anymore19:31
OxymoronAnother bug happened to me latetly, when my computer is going to hybernate, networkmanager LOCKS itself. Then I try to restart computer and it waits for authorization, I type in pass for KDE Deamon module, but it still waits. Then try to select wifi network, it locks aagain and it never works, forever loop19:31
GirlyGirlQuintasan: Agreed19:31
Quintasando not issue that command19:31
BlaXpiritanyway, wicd is good enough, maybe even better. thanks for help!19:31
TheLastProjectyofel: Any clue where I can find gtk3 themes?19:31
GirlyGirlTheLastProject: gnome-look.org19:31
BluesKajcool GirlyGirl , Quintasan, I did the cli tutorial at the bottom of this page. http://www.nixternal.com/kde-and-dropbox/ ...worked well :)19:31
OxymoronIt is like Networkmanager do not get authorixation and cannot autoconnect to wifi network19:32
QuintasanTheLastProject: There is one in repos gtk3-engines-unico19:32
QuintasanI think it should work19:32
yofelTheLastProject: not sure, in gtk2 days the themes were called gtk2-theme* gtk2-engine*, there is gtk3-engines-unico at least19:32
GirlyGirlOxymoron: So it finds ssid?19:32
QuintasanBluesKaj: Be sure to thank nixternal if he shows up here :)19:32
OxymoronGirlyGirl: Yes, finds wifi spots, but it locks me out w it works, I do not know what I do, restart computer 10 times, and logout -ogin etc and it is different each time19:33
jmichaelxok, just finished another upgrade..... and i also seem to have lost wireless :-D19:33
OxymoronGirlyGirl: It does not work with sudo service network-manager restart either19:33
BlaXpiritwicd is for you then..19:34
BluesKaj\yeah , that nick is vaguely familair , but my memory is bad, Quintasan :)19:34
OxymoronGirlyGirl: Suddenly one time it just works again. What I did last time was to change that it does not store password secrets, it prompts each time I want to connect19:34
GirlyGirlOxymoron: "sudo apt-get install nm-applet" then ALT  + F2 "nm-apple" check if that connects19:34
Quintasanyofel: That said, I haven't seen nixternal a long time19:34
GirlyGirlOxymoron: or with delete the network profile ... set up the network again and check "system connection"19:35
* GirlyGirl likes atheros network cards the best19:35
OxymoronGirlyGirl: So the problem is that network secrets get locked someway and kdewallet does not report to network manager properly when it happens. This only happens when my  laptop runing low battery, everything just disabled19:35
Quintasanjmichaelx: Well, that bug is really stupid19:35
yofelQuintasan: me neither..19:35
OxymoronGirlyGirl: yes, I deleted my network profiles and everything, didnt work19:35
Quintasanjmichaelx: If there is a fix somewhere we will backport it probably19:36
GirlyGirlOxymoron: you checked "system connection"19:36
jmichaelxQuintasan: it turns out my wireless is actually working, it's just that my wireless settings were lost in the upgrade19:37
GirlyGirlOxymoron: check connect auto and system connection ... then no kde wallet is used19:37
drbobbwow, 490 packages to update/install19:37
Quintasanjmichaelx: Damn.19:37
BlaXpiritbtw, i don't have kpackagekit or apper on fresh install, if you're interested19:37
Quintasanjmichaelx: Ehh, how ofter this empty task manager entry triggers for you?19:38
QuintasanBlaXpirit: Good.19:38
BluesKajI wish the toolbar/titlebar fonts as root on dolphin and kate would integrate with my root system settings , for some reason the text inside files are fine but the toolbarand titlebars are so small they're unreadable19:39
jmichaelxQuintasan: well, in natty, a LOT.... with oneiric, that still remains somewhat to be seen19:39
drbobbin muon the pane that displays the description of the selected package is too small, and seems to be not resizable19:39
TheLastProjectI installed gtk3-engines-unico, rebooted but still no GTK themes =/19:39
GirlyGirlBluesKaj: Default fonts are small increase them by 119:39
BluesKajGirlyGirl, they don't follow the systemsettings fonts that I setup as root even in application appearances19:40
GirlyGirlQuintasan: easy work arround for task manager ... use "plasma-widget-smooth-tasks"19:41
GirlyGirlBluesKaj: "kdesu systemsettings"19:41
QuintasanGirlyGirl: You know, I care about what users get by default, telling them to use something else is not really elegant :)19:41
GirlyGirlQuintasan: true but its a work arround19:41
OxymoronGirlyGirl: System connection?19:42
GirlyGirlOxymoron: yes19:42
BluesKajGirlyGirl, the fonts work  in the user mode , but not root mode ...yes that's exactly what i did19:42
drbobbas for muon, too bad it's impossible to view details of what's going on while installing stuff19:42
OxymoronGirlyGirl: Cannot check system connection if auto connect is on?19:42
drbobbmy upgrade has been on Preparing kde-window-manager for like ten minutes now19:42
GirlyGirlOxymoron: check only system connection then19:43
GirlyGirlstrange I have both checked myself!19:43
drbobbthe upgrade is probably stuck, but how can I know19:44
TheLastProjectMuon Package Manager "Unmark" button is broken =19:44
TheLastProjectGreat =/19:44
GirlyGirldrbobb: analyse processes with "ksysguard"19:45
BlaXpiritit aint broken19:45
TheLastProjectThe unmark button does nothing. Not even unmark =/19:45
GirlyGirlTheLastProject: not confirmed19:45
TheLastProjectI'll send a bug report later or so19:45
drbobbGirlyGirl: and how is that supposed to help?19:45
TheLastProjectFirst I am busy trying to get my gtk3 themes back =/19:46
GirlyGirldrbobb: what is supposed to help?19:46
GirlyGirldrbobb: run it as root it has a process analyser19:46
drbobball it shows me is that the muon process is quite idle19:47
GirlyGirldrbobb: apt-get upgrade might have been better19:47
GirlyGirledit: dist19:48
drbobbfunny how each iteration of stuff becomes less functiona;19:48
drbobbadept package manager was actually quite good19:48
* BluesKaj wonders if this is uid thing about the fonts not holding their settings as root19:49
BluesKajdrbobb, i still use synaptic19:49
BluesKajmostly as a refernce tho19:49
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jmichaelxok, why the heck did amarok get removed in my dist-upgrade?19:51
drbobbokay, so it's back to command-line19:52
drbobbjmichaelx: good riddance, try clementine instead19:52
jmichaelxamarok : Depends: libmtp9 (>= 1.1.0) but it is not going to be installed19:52
BlaXpiritwhat the hey? why is the new Kubuntu shipped with KDE 4.7.1??19:53
TheLastProjectI installed gtk3-engines-unico, rebooted but still no GTK themes =/19:53
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drbobbdung, I left my laptop's power adapter at work somewhere19:53
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yofelBlaXpirit: 4.7.2 was released to late, 4.7.2 is in the process to get into oneiric, until then use ppa:kubuntu-ppa/ppa19:55
drbobbyofel: is the ppa kde more or less buggy than the release?19:56
yofelwell, 4.7.2 *should* have less bugs than 4.7.1. It won't make much difference for Kdepim though, as we tried to get as many fixes into the archive packages as possible19:56
BlaXpiritumm actually i'm updating to 4.7.2 right now19:57
BlaXpiritbut what's up with heavy blue color instead of light blue in listboxes etc???19:58
BlaXpirit(selected items)19:58
drbobbI hardly ever used any of the kdepim stuff at all, wasn't very useful19:58
BlaXpiritreally looks out of place, and windows-ish19:58
drbobbbut I had come to rely on kmail while it was quite solid19:58
drbobbUnable to connect to archive.canonical.com:http:19:59
drbobb(trying to keep the channel family-friendly, etc.)19:59
yofelthe archive.canonical.com error is known and someone's looking at it AFAIK20:01
jmichaelxhmm, i thought the archive.canonical.com issue had been fixed20:01
jmichaelxarchive.canonical.com seems to be working here20:02
yofelfrom what I know it's just a hopelessly overloaded server, works every now and then20:02
jmichaelxfor some reason, apt remove a ton of packages during the upgrade on one machine... things like the flash plugin20:04
jmichaelxOK, NEVERMIND20:05
yofeltry using do-release-upgrade if you want to upgrade20:05
jmichaelx(minus the caps)20:05
yofelhas probably something to do with multiarch20:05
jmichaelxi had forgotten about that20:06
jmichaelxso for 64 bit systems, what is the proper package to install for the flash plugin?20:08
yofeladobe-flashplugin from the partner repos20:10
jmichaelxand not flashplugin-installer?20:10
yofelthat'll still pull in the 32bit version and relies on multiarch20:11
oravaany luck with getting banshee working with 11.10? :)20:11
yofeladobe-flashplugin is the 64bit plugin20:11
bobweaverhi there I think that I earsed my kernels20:11
bobweaverI have mounted the sda to a live cd right now20:12
bobweaverand only see  vmlinuz.old@20:12
bobweaverand only see vmlinuz.old.img@20:12
yofelthe kernels are in /boot20:12
jmichaelxok... i will give the 64 bit a shot... i had tried it on a few machines while 11 was in beta, and did not like it. have mostly still been using the last 10.x flash 'square' preview20:12
bobweaverIt is not in there20:13
jmichaelxi see now the issues with archive.canonical.com20:13
bobweaverhow to reinstall ?20:14
yofelbobweaver: no vmlinuz files?20:14
yofelbobweaver: how did you get to that again?20:14
bobweaveronly old one 1,6.38-820:14
bobweaveronly old one 2,6.38-820:14
yofelcan't you boot that?20:15
bobweaverwith the how to get back to pure kde20:15
bobweaverNo I can not boot woith that20:15
bobweaverI tryted20:15
yofelouch - you could try to chroot and install linux-image-generic20:15
bobweaverchroot /mnt/ ?20:16
bobweaverthat is where I have it mounted20:16
bobweaverI have never used chroot20:16
yofelbobweaver: ok, give me a sec20:17
bobweaveryofel: thank you so much :>)20:17
Yours3lfHi, I've just upgraded my kubuntu from 11.04 to 11.10 it doesnt boot in stops at the blue screen I could only get command l20:18
Yours3lfLine access with ctrl alt f120:18
yofelbobweaver: do the instructions on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2#ChRoot UNTIL step 8, you don't need the grub part for now20:19
bobweaveryofel:  sudo etc/init.d/kdm start20:19
bobweaverYours3lf: : sudo etc/init.d/kdm start20:19
Yours3lfTo add i had to uninstall the ati driver after the updates to make it there20:19
yofelYours3lf: aah, then 'sudo rm /etc/X11/xorg.conf' first, after that try 'sudo service kdm restart"20:20
Yours3lfAlready runs20:20
Yours3lfI mean kdm20:21
yofelYours3lf: and restart doesn't do a thing?20:21
drbobbwhen nothing else works, I try a reboot....20:23
jmichaelxhmmm, no audio since upgrade20:23
Yours3lfOk removed restarted i've got graphical aceess i. E. Gui,  but when i try to log in it fails to load the desktop, so i get dropped. Bakc to the login screen20:24
TheLastProjectjmichaelx, try deleting ~/.pulse20:24
TheLastProjectThat fixed it for me20:24
yofelYours3lf: ok, check ~/.xsession-errors, it should have *some* indication why the session failed to start20:25
jmichaelxTheLastProject: i was able to get it going in alsamixer by increasing volume on a slider labeled "front" (i don't think that was there before)20:25
TheLastProjectAh, okay o,o20:25
TheLastProjectThanks for the info o,o20:25
Yours3lfOk i rebooted20:27
Yours3lfXsession: xsession started,  fatal io error client killed, sessionmanager destroyed witb sessions st alive20:28
yofelok.. check /var/log/Xorg.0.log20:28
yofelor rather /var/log/Xorg.0.log.old20:29
Yours3lfOk its long :) whar shall i look for?20:30
yofelscroll to the bottom, if there's no error there, look for any line that has [EE] in it20:31
ashwinhow can i upgrade to 11.10?20:31
* bobweaver crosses fingers time for a reboot 20:31
Yours3lfOk from bottom the fist ee is: glx couldnt load software renderer20:32
Yours3lfThen i have aiglx reverting to software mode20:34
ashwinhow can i upgrade to Oneiric.there is no upgrade button in kpackagekit?20:34
Yours3lfIt complains about not being able to open /usr/lib/dri-alternTes/r600_dri. So20:35
yofelhow did you install the ati driver?20:35
yofelashwin: make sure your package cache is up to date, then https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OneiricUpgrades/Kubuntu should work20:36
Yours3lfFrom command line in recovery mode with recommended settings but it is now uninstalled because it prevented me from even getting the command line, kubuntu froze at booting, at the blue screen20:37
yofelYours3lf: ati driver from upstream or the package?20:39
yofelI'm not particualry familiar with the ati drivers :/20:39
MeanderingCodeHello, all20:39
MeanderingCodeThe help doc recommends "installing over" w/o wiping the partition in order to upgrade skipping a version20:39
MeanderingCodeAnyone have experience / advice?20:40
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Yours3lfFrom amd. Com20:40
yofelhm, then the driver probably overwrote some of the system files, at least the nvidia driver does that...20:41
MeanderingCodeParticularly, I'm wondering: will it install default /etc files, keep non-default software installed (plus their /etc files), and other system level installs (icons, /opt, etc) ?20:41
Yours3lfOk lemme try installing the ati driver back again because the last one was installed to 11.0420:42
shadeslayerYours3lf: please uninstall the current one from AMD first then20:43
OerHeksnice, Significant reductions in memory usage (up to 32%) and the subsequent savings in KDE's loading time (up to 33%) can be had simply by installing the package kubuntu-low-fat-settings20:43
shadeslayerand then check /var/log/Xorg.log if it doesn't work20:44
DaskreechYours3lf: what driver are you using?20:44
shadeslayerOerHeks: yes20:44
DaskreechFrom ATI?20:44
shadeslayerDaskreech: he installed it from the AMD site20:44
shadeslayerOerHeks: doesn't give you compositing tho :)20:44
DaskreechI'd suggest that unless you have particular reason to do so use the one from the Kernel20:44
BlaXpiritoh snap! ttf-mscore-installer is being configured for ages. what do i do?20:44
DaskreechAMD has been working in the kernel for about 2 years so the driver there is pretty good20:45
DaskreechOnly for certain bits they can't publish the code for and things like workstation videocards do they still have a separate closed driver20:45
shadeslayerBlaXpirit: what does the log in /var/log/dpkg.log say?20:45
DaskreechI've a 6 core APU from AMD with a pretty new video card and the driver in the kernel pretty much works20:46
Yours3lfOk so i installed 11.9 under 11.04 then i upgraded to 11.10 and i couldnt boot because it froze at the blue screen, so i uninstalled it.20:46
shadeslayerActually, I have to leave, off to sleep20:46
MeanderingCodeOr does anyone have any other input on moving from 10.10 to 11.10 ?20:46
DaskreechYours3lf: You would have to rerun the installer. The installer is a bootstrap that recompiles for whatever kernel you are running20:47
BlaXpiritlast entry is 6min ago20:47
Daskreech obviously doing a major upgrade will change you kernel number so you have recompile20:47
Daskreechbut I think that what is shipped as a standard should work pretty well and would save you a lot of trouble20:47
yofelMeanderingCode: the installer will delete all the system folders except /home if I remember correctly20:48
yofelMeanderingCode: so you'll loose all settings except your user data20:48
MeanderingCodeyofel: and pkgs too, then20:48
BlaXpiritaaarrgh! will i have to stop the install/upgrade abruptly!?20:49
MeanderingCodewhat about using dist-upgrade to jump to 11.1020:49
BlaXpiritit's the whole kde update and installation of ton of programs20:49
jmichaelxDaskreech: how are you liking that new APU?20:49
yofelBlaXpirit: what's at the end of /var/log/apt/term.log ?20:49
DaskreechI never run out of CPU power anymore :)20:49
Daskreechbut that does mean I start to hit memory limits a lot faster20:49
yofelMeanderingCode: 10.10 -> 11.10 isn't officially supported, so if you want to try it, feel free to, but don't complain if it doesn't work20:49
BlaXpirithttp request sent20:49
yofelMeanderingCode: the only supported upgrade path is 10.10 -> 11.04 -> 11.1020:50
Yours3lfRerun the 11.10 installer?20:50
BlaXpiritawaiting response20:50
DaskreechI had Nepomuk running at 102% of my CPU for 6 hours before I noticed it20:50
Daskreechand I had to check to see it20:50
jmichaelxDaskreech: i would not have been aware of the relation btwn # of CPUs and memory use20:50
MeanderingCodeyofel: that much i know.  just wondering if there were any clues as to the things that might not play nice20:50
DaskreechWell the computer is as good as it's weakest point20:50
Daskreech Right now I need more RAM20:51
BlaXpirityofel, so?20:51
bobweaveryofel: hate to say it but it did not work :>(20:51
Daskreechand maybe some more swap space20:51
jmichaelxhow much is installed atm?20:51
DaskreechYours3lf: if you like20:51
yofelMeanderingCode: can't remember right now, it's mostly packaging transitions that get dropped again once the release is out, so you might have to take care of some dependency resolutions yourself20:51
Daskreech it should have hooks to the new kernel20:51
yofelMeanderingCode: and possibly some overwrite errors20:51
Daskreechjmichaelx: 4 GB20:51
bobweaverbut I know see config-3.0.0-12-generic20:51
bobweaverlooks like they are back20:52
Daskreechwith 1GB swap cause I'm an idiot20:52
yofelbobweaver: hm, still no vmlinuz?20:52
BlaXpirityofel: "HTTP request sent, awaiting response..." is in the end of the log, what now?20:52
bobweaverit is there now20:52
yofelBlaXpirit: are you connected to the net? seems like it hung itself up downloading the fonts20:52
Yours3lfOk i've downloaded the driver to my mobile (here) so i'm gon log off for a monute to connect it to the pc20:52
jmichaelxi did notice last night that my desktop was usingswap during dist-upgrade, on a quade core machine with 4GB RAM.... was a little surprised20:52
BlaXpirityofel: i'm connected, yes20:52
yofelBlaXpirit: then I don't know - other than aborting and running 'sudo dpkg --configure -a' in Konsole20:53
BlaXpiritthis thing sucks, why can't it skip? T_T20:53
BlaXpiriti'll never trust Muon anything important again20:53
BlaXpiritso how do I abort?20:54
bobweaverhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/707568/  <--sda1020:54
BlaXpiritkill muon or what20:54
yofelI fear that isn't a Muon problem... Update Manager wouldn't handle this well either...20:54
bobweavermaybe it is kdm then ?20:55
OvermindDL111.10 stable upgrade *just* popped up on my screen, is this safe to upgrade to or will it screw things over like the 10.10 to 11.04 upgrade?20:55
yofelBlaXpirit: hm, something else: did you get a window asking your for the mscorefonts license?20:55
OvermindDL1Ubuntu's fault that was...20:55
yofel*asking you20:55
BlaXpiritearlier, i accepted.20:55
BlaXpiritit stuck on "impact.exe" download from sourceforge20:55
BlaXpirittoo late, i killd muon anyway20:56
yofelworked fine here :/20:56
BlaXpirit"dpkg status database is locked by another process"20:56
BlaXpiritso i killed muon, what else to kill? -_-20:56
ubottuIf an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »20:56
BlaXpirit"Kill process 14740? (y/N) y" in endless loop. wtf?20:58
bobweaverBlaXpirit: what is that20:58
bobweaverBlaXpirit: ps aux | grep  1474020:58
BlaXpiritthat "fuser" didn't work20:59
BlaXpiriti just went to ctrl+esc and decided to kill dpkg20:59
BlaXpiritworks now20:59
yofelbobweaver: yeah, vmlinuz is there.. where did it get stuck this time again?20:59
bobweaverjust wont boot20:59
bobweaveron plymouth it sticks20:59
bobweaverno up or down20:59
bobweaverto change the view21:00
yofelcan you get to a tty?21:00
bobweavernope ohh how I wish21:00
bobweaverhow to chroot then reconfigure kdm ?21:01
ubottuA chroot is used to make programs believe that the directory they are running in is really the root directory. It can be used to stop programs accessing files outside of that directory, or for compiling 32bit applications in a 64bit environment - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BasicChroot21:01
bobweaverthanks well_laid_lawn21:02
bobweaverand !bot21:02
SJrHow do I stop getting pestered for the onercic update?21:07
BlaXpiritinstall it21:07
SJrnah I'll do that when I have time21:07
MeanderingCodeOkay, so how do I update 10.10 to 11.04?  upgrade-manager-core?21:08
BlaXpiritwell, i remember some setting in "software sources"21:08
yofelMeanderingCode: sudo do-release-upgrade21:10
bobweaverhoe to reconfigure kdm ?  sudo dpkg -reconfigure kdm   <-wrong21:10
MeanderingCodeSJr: http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=8439606&postcount=221:10
bobweaverhow not hoe *21:10
yofelbobweaver: what do you want to do?21:10
MeanderingCodeyofel: will that take me to 11.10?  I'm thinking i should go one by one :/21:10
bobweaverreconfigure kdm21:11
yofelMeanderingCode: that'll take you to 11.04 first21:11
MeanderingCodeokay, great, thanks21:11
yofelbobweaver: reconfiguring kdm usually doesn't do anything useful21:11
Exilantin kubuntu 11.10, is there a way to restart the bluetooth stuff? after suspend, it stops working for me, and with a bt mouse that is quite annoying. the systray icon reports "no adapters found". Any ideas/solutions? could not find a recent bug report, so i suspect it's not a common problem21:11
yofelat least not dpkg-reconfigure-ing it21:11
yofelbobweaver: unless you want to switch DM's21:11
yofelExilant: does 'rfkill list' show that bluetooth is on?21:12
Exilantshouldn't that reconfigure ask which manager to use, if xdm or gdm is also installed?21:12
MeanderingCodenew question: I installed drivers (can't remember from where) to run my touchpad as proper multitouch...are those going to live through a double release upgrade?21:12
bobweaverrebootin time21:12
bobweavercya soon21:12
Exilantyofel, i'll try21:12
MeanderingCodeor is that better supported and I can somehow remove my "special" ones for repo ones?21:13
MeanderingCode(if i can figure out where they are in the first place :/)21:13
MeanderingCodeoops: do-release-upgrade says there are no new releases :/21:14
yofelExilant: it should yes, I forgot about that for a sec21:14
MeanderingCodechanging my "never" to "normal" in /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades fixed that21:15
Exilantyofel: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/707581/ (after suspend/resume, should have tried before to see if it changes)21:16
yofelhm... that looks fine... try 'sudo rfkill block bluetooth; sudo rfkill unblock bluetooth"21:16
Exilantyofel: didn't change anything i see21:19
yofelhm, I sometimes use that on my netbook to get bluedevil to recoginse the device :/21:19
yofelthere's also 'sudo service bluetooth restart'  - but I'm not quite sure what that does21:20
drbobbapper looks like it has a good bit more functionality than muon21:20
bobweaver\0/ thanks you guys ROCK yofel well_laid_lawn thanks again21:21
bobweaverno more gnome stuff \0/21:21
Yours3lfOk i reinstalled the 11.9 driver andnow i could login with gui,  but i had to use a non-default method at the login screen21:22
yofeldrbobb: I'm having my issues with it, although those are more on the packagkit side than on apper's - and IMO muon's options are fine, and muon-installer isn't meant to have many21:22
Exilantyofel: cool, that 'sudo service bluetooth restart' did it, thanks a lot21:23
Yours3lfKdeinit4 and printer applet crashed :(21:23
drbobbyofel: muon doesn't even have a decen search21:24
yofeldrbobb: so far I've found everything I looked for21:24
drbobbit can't find apper ;)21:24
drbobband you can't choose whether to search on name, description etc.21:25
yofelmuon finds it, that muon-installer doesn't is because apper isn't registered as an application21:25
yofelthe ubuntu software center wouldn't find it either21:25
drbobb*sigh* anoher reason to stick to cli and apt-cache21:26
ubottuTo get to the TTY terminals 1-6, use the keystroke ctrl + alt + F1-F6 respectively (Alt+F7 will get you back to your graphical login).  To change the resolution for your TTY, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ChangeTTYResolution.21:27
Yours3lfOk i guess i will reinstall the whole system bcause it apps are crashing like crazy :)21:28
Yours3lfThanks guys for the help now i gotta go bye21:31
drbobbI have ugly large fonts in my google chrome's menus, how do I bring it's appearence more in line with kde?21:37
galvaoHi, everyone. Can anyone please tell me de MD5 hash for Kubuntu 11.10 64 bits?21:38
galvaoMy CD failed the integrity check so I'm suspecting the iso I've downloaded is corrupted21:38
ubottuTo verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows21:39
galvaoI'm on Kubuntu. And the hash for the 11.10 release is not on the page yet21:41
galvaohence I'm asking here21:41
galvaowell, so much for great help21:47
yofelthe hash is there...21:49
Newbeei have updatet to the new kubuntu and kmail21:49
Newbeeeverything works now, besides kmail complains about the mail server not to offer uids21:50
Newbeecan i disable that? I get every message 10 times in my post box and kmail complains all the time!21:50
* yofel never saw that warning yet o.O21:54
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ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».22:21
DaskreechNewbee: Can You take a screenshot of it?22:30
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».22:40
Daskreechfremmi: You tried that before not likely to change in 30 minutes22:41
lee_I have on itty bitty question that hs left me scratching my head about Kubuntu22:59
lee_why, must we load "Ubuntu Software Center" in order to get "myplayerthmbs"?23:01
lee_and it is For kde?23:01
lee_aside from that, I have no complaints :)23:03
Daskreechlee_: You don't have it23:05
DaskreechHave to23:05
Mausschubserhello and good evening23:06
Daskreech Hello and good morning :)23:06
MausschubserDaskreech:  where are you ? :-)23:06
MausschubserI want to save my list of installed programms according to this "guide"23:06
Mausschubsermy problem is that I am running live-CD right now and the path will not be the right one23:07
MausschubserI have to change it but into what?23:07
DaskreechMausschubser: mount your hard drive and chroot into it23:08
MausschubserDaskreech:  already mounted23:08
Mausschubserby dolphin23:09
DaskreechMausschubser: chroot into it with konsole23:10
MausschubserDaskreech:  could you be a little bit more precise please? I am not very familiar with Konsole and CLI23:11
DaskreechMausschubser: ok :)23:12
DaskreechMausschubser: you know where the hard drive is mounted to?23:12
Daskreech it should be in /media/disk I think23:12
MausschubserDaskreech:  yes, thats's right23:12
DaskreechMausschubser: ok then you are going to chroot /media/disk23:13
MausschubserI see23:13
Daskreechit should change the prompt to #23:13
Mausschubseroperation not permitted23:13
Daskreechsudo chroot23:13
Mausschubsersudo helped23:13
Mausschubserok, there is the #23:13
Daskreechtry ls /home23:14
Daskreechshould see your users23:14
Mausschubserthere is only one23:14
Mausschubserme :-)23:14
g0rsis ubuntu worth upgrading? gnome 2 seems better than the newer versions.23:15
Mausschubserhello g0rs23:15
Daskreechok so now you are trapped in your hard drive and all the commands should be as you expect23:15
g0rshi Mausschubser23:15
Daskreechg0rs: wrong chan and if it doesn't seem like it is then dont upgrade23:15
g0rsgreetings Mausschubser23:15
Daskreechinstall a virtual machine or test out the new one on a different computer23:16
MausschubserDaskreech:  I see. great23:16
g0rsDaskreech: i was planning to do that Daskreech23:16
DaskreechMausschubser: Great little tool eh? :)23:16
g0rsi have virtualbox23:16
Daskreechg0rs: Cool :)23:16
g0rsMausschubser: are you in germany?23:17
Mausschubsermy name told you23:17
DaskreechMausschubser: It's alittle annoying at times how difficult some problems seem till you realise that it's really easy under Linux23:17
g0rsMausschubser: yes, it is something to do with mouse23:17
MausschubserDaskreech:  ok, I will try to save the list23:17
g0rsmous schubser?23:17
Daskreechok let us know if there is any problems23:18
g0rsmouse schubser?23:18
Mausschubserg0rs:  very good :-)23:18
MausschubserI have to look up the "schubser"23:18
g0rswe havent seen a mickymouse this year so far :D23:18
Mausschubserg0rs:  it's the one who pushes the mouse around23:19
g0rsMausschubser: have you installed the newer version of ubuntu or you're still using gnome2?23:19
g0rsMausschubser: \o/23:20
Mausschubserg0rs: as Daskreech already said, we are in Kubuntu23:20
Mausschubserguess what I am using ;-)23:20
g0rsMausschubser: my bad. I have kde and gnome. I prefer gnome though23:20
Mausschubserno problem. I prefer KDE23:20
g0rsMausschubser: what's that you're using?23:20
MausschubserI like the graphics and the possibility to be able to tune almost everything23:21
MausschubserKubuntu 11.0423:21
Mausschubserback in 1 min23:21
g0rsMausschubser: yes, its possible to customize more with kde. at one time i did make my computer look like it is from a space age :)23:22
g0rsMausschubser: kde looks good on transparent desktops23:22
=== tuxforprez is now known as bobweaver
g0rsDaskreech: i'm looking for transparent window themes in gnome :D23:24
ScottyKwhat's the command to upgrade from 11.04 to 11.10 via the command line? I thought it was apt-get dist-upgrade but that doesn't do anything. Kpackage is showing the upgrade though..23:25
yofelScottyK: if https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OneiricUpgrades/Kubuntu doesn't work, sudo do-release-upgrade23:26
Daskreechg0rs: I dont know that Gtk+2 was that good at it. It was a round about hack which they berated anyone from using much since they knew they didn't want to rely on it23:26
DaskreechScottyK: sudo do-release-upgrade23:26
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade23:26
MausschubserDaskreech:  when entering the command I get the follwing error message: /home/ubuntu/packages.list not found23:27
ScottyKDaskreech & ubottu - that's the command I was looking for, thanks!23:28
g0rsDaskreech: it seems like an established framework23:28
DaskreechMausschubser: your user is ubuntu I take it?23:29
MausschubserDaskreech:  no, it's mausschubser again23:29
MausschubserI understand23:29
DaskreechMausschubser: :-)23:30
Mausschubsernow it worked23:30
Daskreechyofel: here is your thanks23:30
DaskreechMausschubser: Grat23:30
g0rsDaskreech: i'm looking at transparent compiz themes23:31
g0rsMausschubser: did you try glassified themes?23:31
DaskreechHuge step :)23:31
MausschubserDaskreech:  what time is it?23:31
Mausschubserg0rs:  not that I am aware of ;-)23:32
MausschubserDaskreech: do you speak German23:32
DaskreechMausschubser: 20:3223:32
Mausschubserwrong time zone23:33
DaskreechNein :)23:33
anathemahi guys I want to replace the 11.10 icon them with 11.04 icon theme. where I can find it?23:33
MausschubserDaskreech:  hehe23:33
anathemaanyone with 11.04 in order to tell me the name of default icon theme23:35
Mausschubseranathema:  wait a sec23:35
yofelanathema: the icon theme name hasn't change, it's the icon theme that has changed23:36
g0rsMausschubser: can i pm you?23:36
yofel*hasn't changed23:36
Mausschubserg0rs:  I am a boy but yes - you can ;-)23:36
anathemaOk thanks is there any way to have the old one?23:36
anathemaI don't like the folders icons :P23:37
anathemaIt's oxygen but how to find the old package23:37
yofelkde bug 272756 had a long thread on the icon theme23:37
ubottuKDE bug 272756 in icons "Inconsistent oxygen folder icon in KDE 4 6 3" [Normal,Resolved: fixed] http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=27275623:37
yofelsomeone put the old one on kde-looks.org (I think)23:37
anathemaI know that is a bug23:39
anathema@yofel:I searched but I cant find it23:39
yofelanathema: it was a bug in 4.6.3, but in 4.7 it's intentional23:39
yofelanathema: this should be it: http://kde-look.org/content/show.php/Oxygen+Old+%28before+4.6.2%29?content=14266223:39
anathemathanks yofel. It will be a conflict If i install them?23:40
yofelno idea, I never installed a theme from kde-look.org23:40
anathemaok i will try it23:40
anathemaalso I get an annoying message in info23:40
anathemaabout mail23:40
yofelanathema: wait23:41
anathemaI have not setup kmail, but when I run it it tells that it shutdowns (fatal error)23:41
yofelanathema: go to system settings -> application appearance -> icons -> get new themes23:41
yofelif you search and install oxygen old there it should work without a conflict23:41
anathemathank you yofel I will try it now23:42
amichair_can the desktop cd be used somehow to speed up an upgrade (reducing the amount of downloads needed)?23:43
apersonhi, I upgraded today, but my system hangs when plymouth tries to show a boot splash.  If I boot into recovery mode and then resume the boot (skipping plymouth) everything runs fine23:43
apersonamichair_: read the upgrade notes, they detail how to do this23:44
anathemayofel:ok it works ok but only in big icons. the small ones are gray. is there any way to fix that?23:44
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade23:44
Mausschubseranathema:  sorry, can't find it23:44
MausschubserDaskreech: does it make sense to install 10.04 and upgrade to 11.04?23:45
apersonis anyone else having a problem with plymouth and is there a way to get around this (possibly other than removing plymouth)?23:45
yofelanathema: hm, try to log out maybe, at least in the advance settings all icon sizes seem to be fine23:45
anathemaok i will logout and i will rejoin cause i have one another problem and i need your help23:45
anathemamany many thanks guys:)23:45
DaskreechMausschubser: depends on what the situation is but given most circumstances I would say just install 11.04 but you can do that no problem23:46
MausschubserDaskreech: I see. Have you ever tried installing from usb-stick?23:48
Mausschubserdoes it run?23:48
MausschubserI think you need a blank stick?23:49
anathemaok fixed about the icons. Another one prob: when i login i get an error notification:"Mail dispatcher agent"mail dispatcher agent counld not accss the outbox folder (failed to fetch the resoure collection) also kmail when starts shut down with fatal error23:49
MausschubserDaskreech:  I will play it safe and burn a CD23:51
Mausschubserbut thanks23:51
DaskreechLive Dangerous! Burn a house!23:51
DaskreechNo on second thought burn a CD23:51
amichair_aperson: where in the release notes?23:51
DaskreechMuch safer23:51
DaskreechMausschubser: Umm I think you need a blank Stick. Mine is always blank so ... :-/23:52
apersonamichair_: where it details how to use the cd to upgrade.23:53
amichair_aperson: I don't see it...23:53
anathemawhere to search about this probem. i think its becaue I have upgraded from 11.04-.> 11.1023:54
MausschubserDaskreech:  mine never...23:54
amichair_aperson: the upgrade notes link doesn't mention it anywhere23:55
amichair_nor the oneiric link from there23:55
apersonamichair_: yes it does23:55
apersonthird heading.23:55
yofelanathema: there are some issues with kmail in 11.10 so far - maybe you'll find something useful on https://wiki.kubuntu.org/OneiricOcelot/Final/Kubuntu/Kmail223:56
DaskreechMausschubser: the only thing that I could say to make it interesting is that it works jsut like a Live CD but anything that you do stays for the next time you boot23:56
yofelI'm off to bed23:56
Daskreechnight yofel23:56
apersonif you insert/mount a cd with a new release, kubuntu should detect that anyways23:56
MausschubserDaskreech: but faster?23:57
anathemathank you yofel :)23:57
DaskreechBut faster23:57
apersongah, I want to see if removing plymouth fixes things, but if it doesn't, I won't be able to ssh back in :(23:58
amichair_aperson: got a link?23:58
aperson!upgrade > amichair_23:59
ubottuamichair_, please see my private message23:59

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