[04:55] omg 11.10 won't release for another day! :( [05:30] yeah [05:30] Canonical should move to an in-the-future timezone [05:45] hi sagaci <3 [07:26] <3 is pretty awesome [07:26] gnome-shell that is [07:50] I don't know, this might sound like blasphemy, but I think I'll either stick with 11.04 or move to Xubuntu [07:51] gggs: My blasphemy is that i'll move back to Debian and sit on GNOME 2 for as long as they support it ;-) [07:52] blahdeblah: Nice to know I'm not alone, I'm a focus-follows-mouse, window shading, oldschool-X kindof person myself [07:53] I never said that! :-) [07:53] i'm a "wish i could customise my desktop-environ without compiling C code" kinda guy [07:54] blahdeblah: I meant `staying with gnome2 or similar' [07:54] gggs: I hate focus-follows-mouse, and i never use window shading. I use a GNOME 2 that's vanilla other than replacing their window manager with icewm. I just love the full control over keyboard shortcuts it provides. [07:58] blahdeblah: I even use focus-follows-mouse (aka `sloppy focus') on Windows! Multiple desktops + winshading means the whole alt+tab behaviour is a non-issue. I'm curious though, what sortof keyboard shortcuts are you talking about? [08:00] I use 12 virtual workspaces. I keep fixed applications in each by convention. I switch between them frequently. Icewm provides hotkeys for forward, back, most recent, and arbitrary numbered workspaces. [08:00] So i map win+# keys to all of them [08:02] blahdeblah: I've setup Compiz in a similar fashion with super+left/right and super+LMB/RMB [08:06] 12 workspaces is a fair bit though [08:11] right now, 2 of them are empty [08:11] But i try to keep my work separated out [08:22] 10 windows is a lot of seperation [08:23] although I do have a dual-monitor setup, so it's probably about the same [08:25] head_victim: https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu/oneiric -- just reached the goal in time [08:27] sagaci: damn, you've been busy [08:27] <21% to go for the precise cycle [08:30] What does "79,942 untranslated" mean? [08:32] is that words, files, lines...? [08:33] strings [08:34] sagaci: so... you've translated 380,986 strings already? [08:35] the no, we've collectively translated around 300,000 [08:35] wow, good work [08:36] still that ~79,000 to go and then we'll scape out the errors people have made :) [08:36] scrape [08:41] Hey being part of the Australian Ubuntu team, can you modify the en_AU locale and submit changes? [08:43] ZZZZZZZZZ 20 hours till 11.10 :( [08:44] gggs: you need to join the team and be approved, which is easily done [08:45] xannen: it'll likely be release when we're asleep around 4am in the morning [08:45] gnome-clock showed Sunday as the first day of the week, modifying one line in en_AU fixed it, but some dude I forget the name of said I'd need some sortof official standard or document to change it [08:45] gggs: depends on what you mean by locale though. [08:46] timezones are a whole other kettle of fish [08:46] I'm an ubuntu-au asylum seeker, process me, not in malaysia. :D [08:46] honestly, I'd like the date to display as 13th October, 2011 [08:46] rather than the US October 13, 2011 [08:47] I have us-en locale too. i'm over it. :( [08:47] https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/langpack-locales/+bug/192507 [08:47] Launchpad bug 192507 in langpack-locales (Ubuntu) "en_AU locale: first day of week incorrect" [Low,Fix released] [08:47] That's an old one but the same issue [08:47] Basically we can't collectively decide [08:49] https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/langpack-locales is where to report any bugs you think need fixing though [08:49] hehe... shuttleworth boarded US spaceship didn't he? :P [08:50] yea that's the issue I ran into, but I've never met anyone that thought Sunday was the first day of the week [08:50] Hi head_victim, btw <3 [08:50] http://cpan.uwinnipeg.ca/htdocs/DateTime-Locale/DateTime/Locale/en_AU.html looks like the most comprehensive list of info on the topic [08:51] Gday xannen [08:52] sagaci: doesn't it display the right date format when using en_AU? [08:52] Hmm, so it doesn't. That definitely is a bug. [08:53] head_victim: would that doc be enough to convince the committers upstream? [08:53] gggs: not sure, worth a try? [08:54] yeah, I tried tweak it but didn't have time at the time to file/struggle with it [08:56] head_victim: maybe, what do we have to do? [08:59] gggs: I'd submit a bug against that package [09:08] head_victim: but it was marked wontfix [09:09] gggs: yeah that was 3 years ago as well though [09:09] hi any1 know how to fix right click in firefox on ubuntu? [09:09] If you can point to a credible source that states it is "X" and the locale is set to "Y" I'm sure you'll get it sorted. Just need a good reason [09:09] cretsiah: depends on what you've done to make it not work? [09:10] it's surprising that an entire continent of Ubuntu users either haven't noticed or haven't attempted to fix it [09:11] lol gggs, unfortunetly I dont what has happened, as my kid was using it at the time, he is claiming he was only watching youtube [09:13] cretsiah: hah, I was talking about something else [09:13] cretsiah: what sortof mouse is it [09:18] logitech scroll-wheel mouse [09:19] it was fine 3 days ago... [09:19] he also managed to remove all the desktop icons [09:21] cretsiah: heh, you need to setup another user account next time, Linux is designed for multi-users [09:21] when did you reboot it last? [09:22] he has his own account, however kids being kids my account was in use at the time, and no rebooting didnt help.. [09:22] cretsiah: i assume you tried restarting nautilus with : nautilus -q [09:23] cretsiah: and which version of ubuntu ? === Johnny_Giggles_ is now known as Johnny_Giggles [09:28] ubuntu 11.04 running xfce, [09:29] no i havent tried restarting nautilus [11:05] wow great, it's already synced on aarnet [11:17] what's sync on aarnet? [11:17] 11.10 isos are on aarnet [11:18] for unmetered for bigpond [11:19] oh wow already? [11:19] sagaci: hey, you're right: 62fb5d750c30a27a26d01c5f3d8df459 *ubuntu-11.10-desktop-amd64.iso [11:20] according to: http://http://thisisthecountdown.com/ it's release in 6 hours ish [11:21] hmm, "ubuntu-11.10-desktop-amd64.iso - 12-Oct-2011 15:14 697M" <- yesterday? [11:21] yeah, it's the real deal [11:22] it wouldn't be labelled ubuntu-11.10-desktop.amd64.iso otherwise :) [11:22] hmm... but on the ubuntu.com it's now on there yet? [11:22] takes time for all mirrors to sync, they don't start pushing the isos out on release day [11:22] so... what does that mean? [11:22] xannen, they're waiting for the international mirrors to pick it up [11:23] can you post me link for aarnet? :D [11:23] http://mirror.aarnet.edu.au/pub/ubuntu/releases/11.10/ [11:24] sagaci: that's good news, means I'm syncing it now [11:24] ty gggs. what's diff between alternate vs desktop? [11:25] desktop is a desktop install whereas alternate is a text based install [11:25] ah ty sagaci. i'm such a noob <3 [11:25] or alternate can be used as an upgrade mediumm [11:25] desktop cannot [11:29] is the iso supposed to be for dvd right? [11:31] also, what's the zsync? o.O [11:33] you can keep updating the file without needing to redownload the whole thing [11:33] with a final iso, it shouldn't be necessary, if you're on a linux system just wget the iso [11:34] ty sagaci. back to the iso, 'cause the size is close to 700MB, so it has to be on a dvd eh? [11:35] no, CD [11:35] they've made it so it's CD size so it's compatible with older/more computers [11:35] okay... i heard they were goin to release a dvd iso? is that later? [11:35] but I prefer to install via USB anyway [11:35] yeah, a bit later [11:36] you mention to get the iso via wget/web, is it just as faster compared torrent? just curious, 'cause i thought torrent might be faster? [11:37] i'm dl-ing at about 230kbps now. [11:37] yeah, torrent may be quicker [11:38] but aarnet for me is unmetered so I don't mind how quick it comes down, I'm probably not installing it tonight [11:44] it's interesting to see desktop iso was out on 12 oct, 3pm ish. [11:44] i could have got it yesterday. :( [11:47] you download the torrent and you're using bandwidth, you download the iso and you're using unmetered bandwidth (if you're with Bigpond) [11:47] s/bandwidth/`download quota'/g [11:48] yeah, that's why I generally don't do torrents [11:50] going to go see how well it fares on the old P4 [11:53] No promises that's the official release [11:53] head_victim: would there be any sha1 hashes/gpg sigs from Ubuntu yet? [11:53] gggs: nope, not until official release [11:53] Who says they won't respin it [11:53] head_victim: true; xannen: I'd probably check it when hashes are released just in case [11:54] sagaci: Lubuntu will be fine, I would hate to think how gnome or kde would go [11:54] XFCE is just as heavy as gnome in my recent experience. [11:57] head_victim: due to that critical release bug, eh :) [11:57] ubuntu booted without flicker on the P4, that's an improvement, going to install now [12:04] xannen: fyi, iinet host their own repo, don't know if it'd be unmetered but it's not updated yet to the final anyhow [12:08] sagaci, yeah, i know they have their own ftp for linux. :D and it's not updated, i checked there. [12:11] install went fine :) [12:17] seeya on oneiric : [12:17] :) [12:20] head_victim, well xchat translations didn't make it [12:34] but on the flipside, the chromium browser is en_AU friendly :) [12:41] ye gawds. chrome title bar is five foot high [12:42] http://i.imgur.com/ODkYY.png [12:46] airtonix, not getting that on chromium [12:46] sagaci: it was a freak instance [12:46] a restart of chromium fixed it [14:39] happy 11.10 everybody :) [15:52] heya ejat :) [22:47] Hi [22:47] I need help on pastebinit [22:47] cat glassfish0 | pastebinit -b http://sprunge.us -t [glassfish0] -> this does not set title [22:47] Any clue ? [23:08] kaushal: I belive that the problem could be the square brackets [ & ]. Apart from that you could try experimentign with what does work and what doesn't and report a possible bug. [23:08] * gorilla hasn't used pastbinint but has taken a stab at it.