
GeocosmMy mic amplification keeps turning itself up to 100% which is way way way too loud. I put it back down to unamplified but when I talk it automatically shoots back up to 100%02:31
GeocosmHow do I make my input volume not possessed?02:31
holsteinGeocosm: in what application?02:31
GeocosmSound Preferences02:31
holsteinsee if there are 'automatic' controls02:31
holsteinGeocosm: right, but with what application?02:32
holsteinthat could be an application setting02:32
GeocosmIt's in the Input tab in Sound Preferences02:32
holsteini remember seeing something in skype that says 'manage settings'02:32
holsteinGeocosm: yes, but what are you using the mic with02:32
GeocosmTons of things.02:32
GeocosmMangler, Skype, G+02:32
holsteinGeocosm: well, im proposing that those applications have control of that, and are changing those settings02:33
holsteinyou can always open skype, look for the settings im mentioning, and try it while you wait on someone else02:33
holsteinyou can also install pavucontrol if its still available in whatever version of ubuntu you are running02:33
GeocosmAh. Allow Skype to adjust my mixer levels. But... it's still doing it.02:34
holsteinGeocosm: OK.. so we can call that 'ruled out' then02:35
holsteinits not application specific then02:35
holsteinGeocosm: is this something that has always happened, or something that has just started happening?02:35
holsteinare you up do date with all package upgrades?02:35
holsteindid you see anything helpful in 'pavucontrol' ?02:36
GeocosmI'm not sure.02:36
GeocosmI am.02:36
GeocosmI didn't look yet02:36
holsteincool... let me know when you have time to do some troubleshooting :)02:37
GeocosmInstalling it now02:37
Geocosmok. installed.02:42
holsteini assume you are looking in alsamixer? in the terminal?02:43
Geocosmapplications>sound & video>Pulseaudio volume control02:43
holsteinright, but prior to coming here, you were looking in alsamixer?02:44
holsteinif you open a terminal and type02:45
GeocosmI clicked the sound preferences button on the speaker in my panel02:45
holsteinyou should be able to hit F5 and see all the settings, boost or whatever02:45
Geocosmoh, god. what is this02:45
holsteinGeocosm: ?02:45
Geocosmit's all weird looking. my terminal.02:46
GeocosmAlsaMixer v1.0.24.202:47
holsteinshould be alsamixer02:47
GeocosmIt's got like bars in it and stuff lol02:48
holsteinif you hit F5 you should see the boost settings and all that02:48
holsteinGeocosm: right, thats the mixer02:48
holsteini would try setting the settings there, and see02:48
GeocosmThis is like weird. I don't know what to do lol.02:48
holsteinGeocosm: you navigate to the boost settings after pressing F502:49
holsteinturn them to the setting you chose02:49
holsteinstart an app, see if the settings change unwantedly again02:50
Geocosmaha. I have to use the keyboard.02:51
GeocosmOn this thing in my terminal. these bars.02:51
holsteinGeocosm: you can hit escape and close it02:51
holsteinand look for a bug report... if you dont see one you can file it02:52
GeocosmI closed G+ and it stopped messing up my mic.02:52
GeocosmBut there's no setting like that on G+02:52
holsteinif it were my machine, i would try a few live CD's02:52
holsteinthe LTS... 10.04, and maybe knoppix02:52
Geocosmis there no way to deny my web browser mic permissions?02:53
holsteini would make a note of if it is happening or not, and make a note of the kernel version and ALSA versions02:53
GeocosmMy sound has always been messed up.02:53
holsteinGeocosm: you should probably be filing bugs with alsa then02:54
GeocosmLike, only one application can use it at a time. And when I close that application, all the other sounds that should have happened before happen.02:54
holsteinGeocosm: open a terminal... and run a few commands and paste them for me here02:54
GeocosmLike, when I close my music player, Skype will make all these sigh and blip noises. lol.02:54
holsteinaplay -l02:54
holsteinarecord -l02:54
obarthelemyhi. I'm running natty on an arm-based hercules cafe. works globally fine, except at boot I get a blinking curosr at the top left corner, and hav to do ctrl-alt-F1 to get a tty. It would be great if I could also know where to change my keyboard map at bott time instead of manually each time :-p02:54
obarthelemyI've tried to hack together a simple inittab, no change, but maybe i made it wrong02:55
holsteinobarthelemy: thats quite over my head, but feel free and pastebin what you got here, and maybe someone will be able to give you some feedback02:56
obarthelemyI hink what I did amounts to nothing, we can start from scratch: how do I get natty to launch a tty at boot, and what will be that tty's onfig files ? (runlevel 3 preferred)02:57
holsteinthe GUI is running on one is it not?02:58
holsteinanyways, again.. over my head02:58
holsteinGeocosm: i found an interesting post02:59
obarthelemyno, no gui, this is for a server... thanks anyway02:59
holsteinsuggests adding Add -> options snd-hda-intel model=6stack-dig probe_mask=1 <-at the end of the line in file /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base02:59
holsteinobarthelemy: right02:59
holsteinim just not sure why you arent getting to a tty anyways02:59
holsteinmy server installs just boot up to a login prompt, no hacking needed...03:00
holsteinGeocosm: as long as you understand how to add that to that file, and remove it if it doesnt work/help, i would try it03:00
GeocosmGot it. Thank you.03:01
holsteintheres also http://www.ubuntu.com/certification/catalog/component/pci:3A3E:8086-AUDIO03:02
holsteinGeocosm: ^^ those units should have the same audio hardware you have03:03
Geocosm"Make sure you don't have 2 applications sharing sound. It seems like a pulseaudio problem."03:04
Geocosmlol I have like 6 applications using sound right now.03:04
holsteinGeocosm: thats not the issue03:05
holsteinyou dont share the exact same problem, you have sound, you just have a glitch03:06
holsteinthat could be a glitch no one has noticed03:06
* Geocosm pulls his hair out.03:07
GeocosmThat might have mostly fixed the problem, actually.03:09
holsteinGeocosm: ?03:09
GeocosmI'm still not able to get sound on a youtube video, but like Skype is making noises while I'm using Rhythmbox.03:10
holsteinGeocosm: sound with youtube?03:10
holsteini didnt know about that03:10
holsteinthat could be anything... i would try different browsers too just to be sure03:10
holsteinflash is just awful03:10
Geocosmyeah I tried chromium, chrome, and FF.03:11
GeocosmIt is.03:11
GeocosmOh. I know. I'll try to find an HTML5 video.03:11
holsteinanyways, i would also be interested in knowing how it workds with 10.04 and 11.1003:11
holsteini was thinking it was the mic boost issue, and that was it03:11
holsteini would test with live CD's first so as not to break something, but updating alsa is not a bad idea03:12
holsteinGeocosm: you'll just need to fiddle around with it03:12
holsteinif its a desktop machine, i would go spent $4 at a charity shop and get *any* compatible card, and disable that one in the bios03:12
holsteincan you get that one working? sure... but who knows how much of a pain it'll be03:13
holsteinyou'll need to pick a bug reporting path and be diligent about it03:13
holsteinanyhow, im out.. GN folks and good luck03:13
GeocosmNight. Thanks.03:14
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Severity1hello earthlings :P09:53
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malevso, what's up throw this lands? any new cool project or something? or are you having beers for the new release?14:21
holsteinmey malev ... maybe you want to try one of the more social avenues like #ubuntu-beginners-team or #ubuntu-release-party14:25
malevholstein: maybe, but I also asked about the channel it self. I've participate on this channel some time ago, and I saw there where to be big changes and ... that was what I was asking14:28
holsteinmalev: welcome back :)15:58
tuxforprezhello can anyone help me with sed ?16:03
tuxforprezHi there I am trying to16:03
tuxforprezecho "Your weather code is $CODE It is now being move to the correct place "16:03
tuxforprezbut I want to replace the 1st line in weather.conf to $CODE16:03
tuxforprezecho $CODE >> /opt/Weather/weather.config16:03
coalwaterhm i don't know much about bash but i can try16:05
coalwateru want to replace only 1 line? or does the file only contain that line16:06
coalwatercause >> means append16:06
coalwaterso it will create a new line16:06
tuxforprezI am just learning16:07
coalwaterso ? how many lines are in the config file?16:07
tuxforprez1st one is yahoo weather code16:08
coalwater2nd should be kept ?16:08
tuxforprez2 is Celsius or fer16:08
tuxforprezc or f16:08
coalwateris it possile to just create the file? or would that need more coding?16:09
coalwateri mean is there a variable in the code that already knows the setting?16:09
tuxforprezmore coding16:09
tuxforpreza guy @ # bash said to use sed16:10
tuxforprezthis is what he gave me16:10
tuxforprez{ echo "$CODE"; sed 1d /opt/Weather/weather.config; } > tempfile && mv tempfile /opt/Weather/weather.config16:10
tuxforprezI guess that one 1d is the 1st line16:10
coalwateridk if sed can read a certain line16:11
tuxforprezneither do I :>)16:11
tuxforprezI will try brb16:11
coalwaterok i think i got what it meant16:12
coalwaterit's like an offset16:12
coalwaterskip first line16:12
coalwaterso yea that code should run successfully16:13
coalwaterhmm, now it doesn't seem to be an offset, its more like an ignore line16:14
coalwaterd = Delete pattern space.  Start next cycle.16:15
coalwaterw//e that means16:15
tuxforprezalmost there16:17
RivieraIs the question solved?16:17
Rivierased has two buffers, the pattern space and the hold space.  normally it operates on the pattern space, where the input is read in line-wise.16:19
Rivieraeach reading-in of a new line is "a new cycle."16:19
RivieraThat behaviour of the d command allows code like that:16:19
tuxforprezcool Riviera thaks16:19
tuxforprezyeah it worked16:19
Rivierased '/some pattern/d; s/^/hehe/'16:19
Rivierathe s command which prepends each line with the string "hehe" would be skipped for each line containing "some pattern"16:20
Rivierawhich would then not appear in the output16:20
Riviera$ printf %s\\n {a..c} | sed '/b/d; s/^/not deleted: /'16:20
Rivieranot deleted: a16:20
Rivieranot deleted: c16:20
tuxforprezReal cool stuff right here16:20
RivieraI actually use that a lot, for instead of doing16:22
Rivieragrep 'some pattern' | sed 's/some/thing/'16:22
tuxforprezanything from a to c is that why the dots are there or is it just a and c that are not deleted16:22
Rivierased '/some pattern/!d; s/some/thing/'16:22
RivieraIf you are into these insane things, ##sed is a very friendly and very helpful (though sometimes quiet) channel.16:22
tuxforprezI am joining now thanks16:23
tuxforprezjoin ##sed16:23
Rivieratuxforprez: that {a..c} thing is a feature of shells like bash, ksh and zsh:16:23
tuxforprezv. cool16:23
Rivieratry, for example:  echo {a..z}; echo {01..10}16:24
tuxforprezthis is going to make life so much more fun and easy16:24
tuxforprezSO cool16:25
Rivieraecho {dog,cat,bird}{house,pool}16:26
tuxforprezSo coll16:26
tuxforprezthis is  REGexp ?16:27
tuxforprezsorry that I am so new16:28
tuxforprezto all of this16:28
Rivierano, it's something completely different, bash calls it 'brace expansion"16:28
tuxforprezREGexp moves mords on ? like if I want to move up a step16:29
tuxforprezfrom 1 to say 30016:29
tuxforprezecho {1..300} {300..1}16:30
tuxforprezthank you so much16:31
coalwateri dont know much of sed, i usually like grep more, but i think i'll try to see what sed has to offer and maybe i'll find it useful some day :D16:33
Rivieratuxforprez: regular expressions match things16:34
Rivieratuxforprez: (or, well, in theory they define regular languages, but ignore that)16:34
Rivieratuxforprez: that "changing" what you meant, as in sed's s command, only partly consists of regular expressions:16:35
Rivieratuxforprez: s/pattern/replacement/flags16:35
Rivieratuxforprez: where "pattern" is a regular expression, and "replacement" is not, both have different syntaxes16:36
Rivieratuxforprez: the "s" stands for "substitute"16:36
Rivieraanyway, need to hurry now, back later :)16:36
tuxforprezthanks again :>)16:36
chrisinleedsukHi everyone17:11
chrisinleedsukHow do I make my yamaha opl3-sa3 soundcard work?17:12
chrisinleedsukThere appears to be no drivers currently installed but I know NOTHING about linux.17:12
ubot2If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.17:12
coalwaterthere, check that17:13
tonywadedoes anyone know if you install a version of ubuntu on a usb does it affect your other files on the usb?18:17
bioterroryou need partitions18:18
tonywadehow do u do that?18:19
tonywadehow do u do partitions?18:24
holsteintonywade: i typically just use the normal ubuntu installer, and choose the USB as the destination18:25
holsteinyou can use the alternate installer too to ensure GRUB will go where you want it to go18:25
tonywadebut how about using startup disk creator18:26
holsteintonywade: use whatever you want to make the installer18:27
bioterrorbut if you want to keep files on usb18:27
bioterroryou need two partitions18:27
bioterrorone for files, and one for ubuntu18:27
holsteini usually use a USB stick to install to another USB stick, or SD card18:27
holsteinyeah, making a persistent stick is different18:27
holsteini personally dont see the benifit18:27
holsteini just make an install on the USB18:27
tonywadeok can i use the files on the usb if i have the ubuntu running?18:29
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w47331hello all im having issues with getting my graphics hardware to be seen by ubuntu23:22
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