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thornsets keyboard to "lurk" and says goodnight...04:42
greg-ghuh, I'm reporting a bug with the title "Software Center SEGFAULTS when attempting to start" the night before release :(05:11
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icerooti want to create a debdiff for a package from 11.04 but i am using 11.10. is there an easy (and not space-intensiv) way to build up a 11.04 environment to build the source-package correctly?11:23
icerootas it seems https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide/Recipes/Debdiff is down  :(11:24
iceroothow to get "kwallet-cli" as source-package for 11.04 when using 11.10? apt-get source will give me 11.10 version11:57
icerootpull-lp-source kwalletcli natty11:59
damgshould I branch off lp:ubuntu/${PROJECTNAME} or off lp:${PROJECT_NAME} on launchpad?12:00
icerootmaybe someone can have a look at my first debdiff for a security issue? feedback is very welcome  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kwalletcli/+bug/80227412:22
ubot4Launchpad bug 802274 in kwalletcli (Ubuntu) "Security issue in kwalletcli_getpin(1): tty I/O now properly disables echoing input when asking for a passphrase is not fixed (affects: 1) (heat: 260)" [Low,Confirmed]12:22
icerootalso is it possible for me to upload packages to some testing repos instead of posting patch/diff on launchpad? or is this only for people from canocial? ( i am not talking about the real repos, just dev-repos)12:26
hggdhiceroot: ideally, you should have a local build environment -- look at pbuilder12:34
iceroothggdh: so a complete chroot from 11.0412:34
icerootor better a pbuilder-environment for 11.04, 10.10 and so onm12:34
hggdhiceroot: correct, only way to have a non-contamined environment12:35
hggdhand you can upload to a PPA for tests12:35
iceroothggdh: are there pbuilder-images ready? or do i have to build it all myself?12:35
hggdhiceroot: unfortunately, you have to build them locally12:36
icerooti guess pbuilder is downloading the dependecies with apt-get so i only need a very small environment to use it12:36
hggdhyes, it will.12:37
icerootok, then i will try it later12:37
icerootbut for just creating a debdiff, i dont need pbuilder. just build the dsc and use debdiff12:37
hggdhdamg: lp:ubuntu/project is the Ubuntu localisation for the project; lp:project is the "upstream" project12:37
hggdhpbuilder is for _building_ the package; for a debdiff you only need the source packages12:38
hggdhiceroot: ^12:38
damghggdh, thanks for the hint12:39
iceroothggdh: thanks for the info12:48
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hggdhalea jactas est, Oneiric is released13:30
pedro_Thanks all for their contributions :-)13:40
* pedro_ hugs the bugsquad13:40
* hggdh hugs pedro_, so that he will not be feeling forgotten13:47
roadmrcongrats all :)14:06
bdmurraymvo: Hi, about that apturl fix.  I end up getting a message saying that the package is virtual.14:48
mvobdmurray: hm, what example are you using? I tested this with apt:libgl1-mesa-dri-experimental:i386 and it works for me14:55
bdmurraymvo: I tried skype as mentioned in the bug14:55
bdmurraymvo: I don't have partner in my sources.list though so that might be the issue14:58
mvobdmurray: yeah, that is the issue, does apt:sykype:i386?channel=oneiric-partner14:58
bdmurraymvo: yes, that's great.  I was trying to fix this bug yesterday and missed that.  Could you sponsor my debdiff in bug 207065?15:01
ubot4Launchpad bug 207065 in compizconfig-backend-gconf (Ubuntu Lucid) (and 2 other projects) "Bad Compiz Bindings Bug (affects: 23) (dups: 2) (heat: 130)" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20706515:01
mvobdmurray: sure, hold on a minute15:03
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=== bdmurray changed the topic of #ubuntu-bugs to: Ubuntu Bug Squad - next meeting 10/20/11 | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/BugSquad | Documentation: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HelpingWithBugs | Want to report a bug? Read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs | User support (not related to triage) is in #ubuntu
thornhow do I share a screen shot of my computer so I can demonstrate a bug?16:32
hggdhthorn: you can use a graphical pastebin, or attach it to the bug16:36
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wagafoBug 873391 has an informative title :-! Is it OK if I change the title to "Failed to fetch packages" and tell the OP that he should try later because probably the server he tried didn't have yet the new packages?17:03
ubot4Launchpad bug 873391 in update-manager (Ubuntu) "Code: Failed to fetch http://gb.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/g/geoip/libgeoip1_1.4.8+dfsg-1ubuntu1_amd64.deb Unable to connect to gb.archive.ubuntu.com:http: Failed to fetch http://gb.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/b/bind9/bind9-host_9.7.3.dfsg-1ubuntu4_amd64.deb Unable to connect to gb.archive.ubuntu.com:http: Failed to fetch http://gb.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/b/bind9/dn17:03
mvowagafo: sounds like the server is overloaded17:05
wagafomvo: yes, that's more likely, I will tell also that possibility to the reporter17:06
bdmurraymvo: and a 503 might indicate the same thing yes?17:08
SwitchDKCould anybody tell me if the BugSquad mentorship team is still active? I just noticed that the "Proposed member" list contains application from April this year17:23
bfwganybody seeing issues with the package 'ubuntu-minimal' when trying to upgrade?17:29
iktSwitchDK: no it's not17:45
iktafaik it's died17:45
SwitchDKikt: that is sad news :(17:49
SwitchDKikt: but thank you for letting me know17:49
bdmurrayThat doesn't mean mentorship isn't available17:50
bdmurrayJust that the whole team thing wasn't working out so well17:50
iktare you interested in bug triage or just wondering?17:50
SwitchDKAh ok, I would like to do triaging and just joined the BugSquad a month ago but I don't feel comfortable with triaging yet and was wondering how I could get to know the robes better17:51
bdmurraythis channel is an excellent forum17:51
iktforum of silence?17:51
SwitchDKfor a newbie it can be rather daunting to keep asking questions in the forum17:52
iktwhy doesn't the bugsquad have a forum on the ubuntuforums?17:52
SwitchDKbut if that is acceptable I will do that17:52
greg-gSwitchDK: a few of us in here usually try to respond to people's questions when they have them. Just ask and we'll respond when we see it17:53
yofelikt: you want to split the information onto yet another medium?17:54
SwitchDKok, thank you greg-g, ikt and bdmurray17:54
iktyofel: that's classic17:54
iktthey said the exact same thing when I said we should make a forum for our loco team17:54
greg-gikt: which team are you from?17:55
iktubuntu australia17:55
iktyeah! our loco had the same problem as the bugsquad had17:56
iktor has*17:56
yofelI just mean: what are you going to put on the forums and what on the ML once you have the forum?17:58
yofelyou won't get everyone to use both17:58
iktone sec, just grabbing the log, I swear this is deja-vu17:59
yofelI'm sure it is ^^17:59
bil21alhey congrats every body to oneiric release18:01
SwitchDKbil21al: indeed, I echo that, still downloading it though, the servers must be rather busy at the moment18:02
yofeluse torrents, the main servers are totally overloaded today18:02
bdmurrayadditionally you might not want to choose to install 3rd party software18:03
bil21alyes torrent servers are quite faster.18:03
SwitchDKyofol: absolutely I agree, I guess it is an exciting "bad" thing the servers are overloaded. It means lots of interest18:03
iktyofel: http://www.novarata.net/mootbot/ubuntu-au.log.20110208_0401.html <- search for "forum" should take you straight to the action18:04
greg-gbdmurray: are you referring to a specific issue with the 3rd party software comment?18:04
bdmurraygreg-g: yes, archive.canonical.com is rather busy and install flash may not work18:05
greg-gthat installer option, gotcha18:06
bil21albdmurray: you are the main person  here ,so congrats.and tomorrow i will give this new version to my cousins and relatives.oneiric rocks in pakistan also18:07
hggdhikt: I see no reason why a forum would not work. But our base is IRC. I, for example, seldom go to the fora (no time)18:07
yofelikt: well, I can agree that you'll see people on the forum that you won't see somewhere else. But IMO bugsquad members should learn to use IRC, as that's what we usually use18:08
greg-gI wonder if it might help the forum community when dealing with bugs (just thinking out loud here) because many times issues are discussed on a forum but there isn't always a bug reported/linked to.18:08
greg-gHave a place that is where people knowledgeable/want to help with bugs look might enable the forum to better react to bug reports happening on the forum18:09
* greg-g shrugs18:09
hggdhgreg-g: I think it would. This goes, partially, for the casual user -- good enought o use the forum, but daunted by LP18:09
iktyeah exactly18:09
yofelyou usually have some bug people in the +1 forum, but rarely somewhere else18:10
greg-gbut, I'll be honest, I'll never read it :/18:10
bdmurraynor will I18:10
iktthat's the problem :P18:11
greg-gyeah :/18:11
iktbut it doesn't need you guys to specifically read and take part in the forum18:11
greg-gmy bug triage time is limited as it is18:11
iktvery similar to the hug a bug day18:11
hggdhno, it does not. But whoever is there responding for bugsquad/bugcontrol better know what they are talking about18:12
hggdhthis is actually a discussion that has been going on and off for a while now -- LKP does not scale for the casual user18:13
hggdhso we need other venues18:13
iktit's not about taking in bug requests and bugs on the forum18:13
hggdhdammit s/LKP/LP/18:14
iktit's about communicating with people18:14
iktanyways I gotta sleep, ttyl :)18:14
hggdhexactly. Communicating with people. And how, for example, does the fora scale for millions of users?18:15
hggdh(I know LP does not)18:15
yofelwe have millions of users in the bugsquad? ^^18:17
yofeland no, please don't suggest aksubuntu for bugsquad communication...18:17
hggdhno, we do not :-) But we have millions of users. Users have bugs/issues/problems/questions18:18
hggdhand, somehow, we should cater to them. I think ikt is absolutely right (if he meant this)18:18
hggdher. Or she.18:22
bdmurrayhow can these launchpad users not put an irc nick on their launchpad page!19:06
hjdhi. Do we have a master bug for bug 873552 / bug 873420 already? (I suspect this might get a couple of duplicates)19:35
ubot4Launchpad bug 873552 in update-manager (Ubuntu) "check-new-release-gtk "remind me later" button not working (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/87355219:35
ubot4Launchpad bug 873420 in update-manager (Ubuntu) ""Remind me later" doesn't do anything (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/87342019:35
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hjdI ended up marking one as a duplicate of the other, but I assume there will be more in the future ^20:13
bil21albdmurray: r you a bot?20:57
bdmurrayno but I have some20:59
bil21alhmmm gud you  work very fast so i asked.21:00
kwisatzh4der4chHi all. I was just wandering how ubuntu use Debian critical bugs report. Is there a chance that a debian packages with known critical bugs goes to an ubuntu releases with just a package rebuild ?21:48
dtchenkwisatzh4der4ch: currently, there is no formal process for reviewing http://bugs.debian.org/release-critical/ in Ubuntu. There is a 100% probability that RC bugs will ship in Ubuntu releases.21:56
dtchenkwisatzh4der4ch: for instance, I've spent the past several days triaging RC bugs in sid, and those bugs aren't closed in oneiric simply because the Ubuntu archive was in hard freeze.21:57
dtchenkwisatzh4der4ch: it would be great to have had them fixed before oneiric shipped, but as always, it's a matter of resources.21:58
kwisatzh4der4chok thanks. The positive aspect is that it will make more manpower on theses bugs, than if they stay only in Debian ;-).21:58
dtchenkwisatzh4der4ch: certainly there is strong encouragement to get such bugs fixed in sid then synced into the current Ubuntu development branch.21:59
dtchen(that's pretty much what I did this entire cycle)22:00
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