
kaegecould some 1 help me?04:45
kaegemy ubuntu software centre is missing04:47
slashtomgood morning08:28
airurandohi slashtom08:29
czajkowskipeeka  boo08:30
czajkowskirelease day08:30
slashtomwhen's your party?08:30
czajkowskihappens in london this way as canonical been here all week08:31
slashtomyou could fly out to our party on the saturday ;)08:32
czajkowskisaturday is a photo workshop08:34
airurandohi czajkowski08:35
czajkowskiairurando: howdy doody08:35
czajkowskiairurando: read my blog lately08:35
airurandotell me how did canonical get to retweet the ubuntuie tweet yesterday?08:36
airurandoyou must have influenced that08:36
czajkowskiI tweet08:37
czajkowskicanonical follows me08:37
czajkowskibut also rather cool08:37
airurandovery cool08:37
airurandoI was gobsmacked08:37
airurandois everyone #ubuntu-release-party today?08:38
airurandoonly 249 in there at present08:39
czajkowskiaye slow start08:41
slashtomBenChapman: you coming to the release party? http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/ubuntu-ie/1278/detail/09:18
dumb1224dont want to ask but any other window manager to temporarily replace unity09:27
dumb1224i know there are a lot09:27
dumb1224hmmm is it worth it?09:28
czajkowskiwhy would you want to replace unity09:28
czajkowskinext lts it's the standard09:28
dumb1224oh you mean gnome3?09:28
dumb1224czajkowski: trying to get used to it but need to do some work as well so...09:28
BenChapmanslashtom: yes, I will. sorry kept forgetting to respond to the email!09:28
slashtomwe will be booking a table later, so sign up ;)09:29
czajkowskidont see what needs to get used to and I'm not trying to be smart09:29
BenChapmandone and done09:29
czajkowskidifferent layout09:29
czajkowskibut all your stuff is still there09:29
czajkowskijust alt f2 there09:29
czajkowskiand type what you want and it finds it09:30
slashtomczajkowski: freedom is about user choice, i should be able to choose whatever windowmanager i want to use and not be inflicted with whatever canonical decide09:30
slashtomoverwise you may as just well be Apple09:30
BenChapmanslashtom: I may have 1 guest with me09:30
ebelslashtom: you can still change it09:31
slashtomaye ebel09:31
dumb1224czajkowski: for some reason it's not working very well....09:31
ebelslashtom: however you /have/ to have a default. otherwise you vastly increase the complexity when installing.09:32
czajkowskiebel: +109:33
dumb1224czajkowski: there are some quirky behaviour,,,could be tat I upgraded two releases in a row09:33
czajkowskidumb1224: what's not working well09:33
czajkowskiI've been running alpahas and betas on the same machine since karmic09:33
ebelslashtom: by your logic ubuntu has always been like apple since it has /always/ had a default window manager/desktop environment that canonical choose.09:33
dumb1224e.g when I minimise a window i couldn't click on the launcher, some app works fine but some dont09:34
ebel(Now complaints about the technical merits of unity are a different matter :P )09:34
slashtomebel: i was refering to the attitude of "there's something wrong with you if you want to change the default"09:34
dumb1224I'm happy canonical stepped forward for a more user-friendly UI09:35
dumb1224But I also like to have a default minimal WM installed, in contrast to a fancy one09:35
slashtomthere are lots of minimal WM available09:36
dumb1224I've tried blackbox, it's very nice but a bit of conf to do,,,I'm still very green on configuring a wm09:36
ebelslashtom: ah, i see why what czajkowski said might be interpreted that way.09:36
ebelsounds like a simple miscommunication though.09:37
slashtomhowever i quite like enlightenment :P09:37
ebel"why would you want to" can sound a bit opressive, but "it shouldn't be much of a change, so don't worry about it" less so.09:38
dumb1224what does the panel on top do?09:38
* ebel goes back to his coffee09:38
dumb1224it looks like mac os' title bar?09:39
czajkowski #ubuntu-release-party is the channel to hang out if you want to keeep up to date09:44
czajkowskiubuntu.com Ubuntu 11.10 is here!13:21
czajkowskitis out13:21
ebelis that a mock up....13:25
ebelor that jslinux thing....13:25
ebelah it's just a HTML mockup...13:25
ebelshame, "Booting Ubuntu in your browser would be freaking cool"13:25
tdr112thats a cool demo13:35
czajkowskiyup the tour is nice13:36
tdr112i want to change my dev laptop to ubuntu13:41
tdr112its looks great13:41
tdr112i miss it13:41
czajkowskiok fucntional spec all done up bar one wire frame which I cannot get my head around13:45
czajkowskiso not in the mood13:46
czajkowskican someone post to the -ie list the tour link and 11.10 is out13:48
czajkowskiis also a good tour14:03
tdr112email away14:07
delcoyoteprecise pangolin....14:12
dumb1224oh no....17:37
dumb1224after a partial upgrade the keyboard and mouse not working on my laptop17:38
dumb1224run dpkg-reconfigure not helping17:39

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