
tgardnercking, bug #81883008:39
ubot2Launchpad bug 818830 in linux "[Sandy Bridge] serious power regression from kernel 3.0.0-6 to 3.0.0-7 (rc6 disabled)" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/81883008:39
apw        INTEL_VGA_DEVICE(0x0102, &intel_sandybridge_d_info),08:57
apw        INTEL_VGA_DEVICE(0x0112, &intel_sandybridge_d_info),08:57
apw        INTEL_VGA_DEVICE(0x0122, &intel_sandybridge_d_info),08:57
apw        INTEL_VGA_DEVICE(0x0106, &intel_sandybridge_m_info),08:57
apw        INTEL_VGA_DEVICE(0x0116, &intel_sandybridge_m_info),08:57
apw        INTEL_VGA_DEVICE(0x0126, &intel_sandybridge_m_info),08:57
apw        INTEL_VGA_DEVICE(0x010A, &intel_sandybridge_d_info),08:57
apwtgardner, ^^08:57
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Q-FUNKsmb: hiya :)09:52
smbQ-FUNK, morning09:52
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* ppisati bails out for a bit...13:17
* ogasawara back in 2013:19
morgsHi, I need to get an updated version of the e1000e driver on a lucid box. I'm struggling to find a guide to building this the Ubuntu way - been years since I compiled a kernel.13:46
morgsCan anybody point me in the right direction please?13:46
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ppisatimdeslaur: ping14:39
mdeslaurppisati: yes?14:39
ppisatimdeslaur: CVE-2011-247914:39
ubot2ppisati: ** RESERVED ** This candidate has been reserved by an organization or individual that will use it when announcing a new security problem.  When the candidate has been publicized, the details for this candidate will be provided. (http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2011-2479)14:39
ppisatimdeslaur: are you it affects hardy, lucid and maverick too?14:40
mdeslaurppisati: I don't know, I didn't look at ti14:41
ppisatimdeslaur: can you give it a look?14:41
ppisatibug 86923014:42
ubot2Launchpad bug 869230 in linux-lts-backport-natty "CVE-2011-2479" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/86923014:42
ppisatiactually you opened the lp bug for it14:42
mdeslaurppisati: the kernel workflow script I use opened the bug14:42
mdeslaurppisati: I'll ask jj to take a look at it when he arrives14:43
hertonppisati: you fsl-imx51 pull is adding debian/changelog back, it shouldn't14:44
ppisatiherton: try now14:48
* ppisati always screw up something...14:48
hertonppisati: it's ok now, but looking at the debian.fsl-imx51/changelog, it misses lucid-proposed, instead of UNRELEASED. also tracking bug is missing from the changelog14:50
ppisatigrrr... :)14:50
ppisatithan i forgot the Buglink in mvl-dove too14:51
hertonsorry man, never tried verify-release-ready on topic branches but probably we should make them run against the arm branches to catch all these minor errors14:51
ppisatiherton: what the lp bug for imx51?14:55
ppisatii already deleted the email14:56
hertonppisati: 87305914:56
hertonbut you can look also at http://people.canonical.com/~kernel/reports/kernel-sru-workflow.html if you need to recall14:56
ppisatiherton: ok, imx51 should be ok now14:58
ppisatiherton: i fix the mvl-dove now14:58
ppisatiherton: ok, and mvl-dove should be ok too now15:06
hertonppisati: looks good now. This should be the last mvl-dove update for lucid, after this no more tracking bugs will be created for it, I'll forward/cc you on the email15:08
ppisatiherton: saw it, but we still need it for maverick15:09
hertonah ok. yes, the branch will have to still be maintained so the maverick rebase script can grab it15:10
ogra_apw, around ?15:40
ogra_have a look (its only a very rough draft yet)15:41
ogra_do you think it would be possible to teach the kernel to use UUIDs without initrd ?15:41
* ogra_ wants to know if thats feasable, lese the spec is moot15:42
ogra_*else even15:42
apwogra_, why so keen to get rid of the initrd ?15:47
apwogra_, and have you considered building the initrd into the kernel15:47
ogra_apw, bootspeed 15:47
ogra_and complexity on arm ... 15:48
ogra_users coming from other distros are not familiar with the initrd concept15:48
apwif you build the initrd with only the needed stuff, how far from ideal would that be15:48
ogra_it will still switch the rootfs twice15:48
ogra_and process /init and then upstart15:48
ogra_we can work fine without initrd, the only two blockers are the packages that put stuff in there and actually need it before rootfs and the missing UUID support in the kernelö15:49
apwfor me loading the initrd is the main cost, if you are goign to build everything in, won't the kernel just be a beast instead and take ages to load15:49
apwso have you meansured how much time you are going to save by not having15:50
ogra_why would i build anything beyond the basic boot stuff into the kernel anyway15:50
ogra_no, but thats scope of the spec15:50
ogra_i havent measured anything yet, currently its just a spec idea15:50
apwogra_, define basic boot stuff15:51
ogra_the package stuff is easy to solve, but i have no clue about how much work it would be for the kernel side15:51
ogra_apw, well, the filesystems we use and the HW specific bits needed to mount /15:51
ogra_i'm looking from an arm prespective indeed15:53
ogra_where we dont have a kernel you re-use on multiple boards 15:53
mdeslaurjjohansen: ppisati had a question about  CVE-2011-2479, could you please help him?15:56
ubot2mdeslaur: ** RESERVED ** This candidate has been reserved by an organization or individual that will use it when announcing a new security problem.  When the candidate has been publicized, the details for this candidate will be provided. (http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2011-2479)15:56
jjohansenppisati: what can I do for you on CVE-2011-247916:00
ubot2jjohansen: ** RESERVED ** This candidate has been reserved by an organization or individual that will use it when announcing a new security problem.  When the candidate has been publicized, the details for this candidate will be provided. (http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2011-2479)16:00
ppisatijjohansen: i gave it a look16:01
jjohansenppisati: okay16:01
ppisatijjohansen: and it seems it's all about mm huge pages16:01
ppisatijjohansen: but it seems to me we don't have that stuff in hardy/lucid/maverick16:01
ppisatii mean16:02
ppisatiwe have the hugetlbpages but no huge pages16:02
ppisatiwe don't even have the vm flag HUGE_PAGE16:02
ppisatiso i was wondering if it affects that kernel too16:02
jjohansenppisati: unlikely but I can take a look16:02
ppisatijjohansen: that would be nice16:03
ppisatijjohansen: btw, redhat said it doesn't affect their RHEL 4,5 releases16:03
ppisatijjohansen: but i didn't check what kernels they are using on these releases16:03
jjohansenppisati: heh, I can never keep track, and have to go check but RHEL 4,5 feels anchient16:04
ppisatiah ok16:04
ppisatianyway, if you can take a look at it16:05
ppisatithat would be nice16:05
jjohansenyep, I'll look, I expect they won't be affected though16:05
ppisatiactually it could be that the huge page logic that is affected in natty "madvise_$whatever_hugepages" back then was in the general madvise() but the fact that we don't even have the vm HUGEPAGE flag made me think that, perhaps, these kernels are not affected16:06
ppisatianyway, i'll let you look at it16:07
jjohansenwell without having looked I am expecting its in andrea's huge page patches that where introduced in 2.6.37/38 time frame16:08
jjohansenppisati: as I expected its in the transparent huge pages stuff which was introduced in 2.6.3816:14
ppisatijjohansen: nice16:14
ppisatibtw, is there a way to "skip" splash screen while booting? i've a machine where oneiric hangs 16:18
apwppisati, yep, change the set gfxpayload=xxx to =text and drop quiet splash from the command line replacing them with debug16:18
ppisatino grub here16:19
ppisatii mean something interactive16:19
ppisatior better, i don't have the interactive menu anymore16:20
Q-FUNKapw: welcome back! 16:22
Q-FUNKapw: would you happen to know why 3.1 mainline kernels no longer ship vesafb?16:22
apwppisati, holding shift as grub loads ?16:23
apwQ-FUNK, not specifically, does it still exist?16:23
ppisatiapw: nice, didn't know16:23
Q-FUNKapw: by the looks of it, the Kconfig option still exists but, for some reason, it's not built in the mainline kernels we have prepackaged for testing.16:28
Q-FUNKapw: ogasawara thought that you might know why.16:28
Q-FUNKapw: on hosts without KMS drivers, it produces a blank screen on bootup.16:31
* ppisati -> gym/workout16:39
Q-FUNKdid the archive key just change or is my APT going nuts?17:22
Q-FUNKah. right. congratulations to whoever just pushed one eric out the door.17:32
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