
norunomuHey guys03:33
norunomuWould anyone here be able to let me know the rough time for 11.10's release?03:34
norunomuIt's fairly important03:41
nigelbThere isn't a time.03:50
nigelbIt will be released when ready03:50
nigelbSometime after UK wakes up03:50
akgraneryep it all depends on if they had to respin or not etc and how quickly it takes all the mirrors to seed and the official announcement to go out03:53
akgranerI'd watch the devel-announce mailing list norunomu03:54
akgraneras soon as the official announcement goes out we'll put it on the Fridge03:54
norunomuAwesome, thanks guys.05:00
norunomuSorry for the late reply05:00
akgranernorunomu, no worries :-)09:34
pleia2akgraner: you prepped to handle the announcement on fridge?12:56
pleia2ok great :)12:56
akgraneras soon as I 1) see the announcement or 2) skaet pings me12:56
pleia2I have to get the xubuntu announcement, and I have a company meeting in 3 hours (actually have to leave in 2.5)12:57
pleia2er, get the xubuntu announcement out12:57
akgranerIt should be on the release announcement as well12:59
akgranerat least it was for the beta :-)12:59
pleia2yeah, I meant on xubuntu.org :)13:00
Pendulumpleia2: feel weird to be going to a company meeting in person?13:12
pleia2Pendulum: we do it about once a year, so I'm getting used to it :)13:12
akgranerpleia2, it's on the Fridge now :-)13:27
akgranerLooks like the Fridge is down again17:42
akgranerI just filed an RT Ticket as soon as I get a number I'll forward to the editors list17:42
akgranersent to the list :-)18:04

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