
manofirehello everybody09:45
manofiresatellit_: ping09:46
grantbowhello manofire10:27
grantbowoops, missed him10:27
satellit_grantbow: hi  how is your project going?15:06
satellit_take a look at latest soas-coconut...http://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/Community/Distributions/Fedora-SoaS#Soas-v5-Coconut15:09
grantbowsatellit_ cool.  Did you see that Ubuntu 11.10 was released a couple hours ago?15:14
satellit_no more "classic gnome" :  (15:14
satellit_I will lookat it later to see if sugar-desktop is still working15:15
grantbowI need to play with it to see what is and isn't there by default and such.15:15
satellit_hi grant15:15
grantbowI'm traveling in Nairobi, Kenya right now so I'm a little busy. I hope to bring together an OLPC summit with the 11 deployments here.15:15
satellit_browse -surf support is essential in any sugar15:15
satellit_wow...nice  good for you15:16
grantbowSameer Verma and I were talking about Sugar on Ubuntu for some schools in SF when it's ready adn stable.15:16
grantbowSameer is the leader of olpcsf.org with others - conference is coming up soon this month.15:17
grantbowin SF - I won't be able to attend.15:17
satellit_alsroot is the key to getting it working.....15:17
satellit_088 version has working browser I hear15:17
grantbowgood to hear15:18
grantbowmore on my current work is linked from http://www.grantbow.com/dreamfish.html15:18
satellit_pbrobinson fixed surf in f15  soas final http://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/Community/Distributions/Fedora-SoaS#Soas-v5-Coconut  take a look15:19
grantbowI'm looking at it now already15:19
satellit_the dd image file is fun for a 2 GB USB15:19
grantbowok, I'll download it after I get the 12.04 Ubuntu bits today.15:20
satellit_neat site will look at it later.....15:21
satellit_have to go...keep up the good work!15:23
grantbowty - you too!15:28
grantbowttyl dinner is ready here too.15:28
* satellit_ breakfast in Bend Oregon....15:41

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