
charlie-tcaubuntustudio tests are 100%;03:14
charlie-tcaXubuntu tests are complete, I think jibel forgot to sign off one wubi test - Xubuntu Desktop 38603:15
jibelYay Ubuntu 11.10 is out \o/13:27
jibelA Big Thank You to hggdh, chadadavis, jamespage, jriddell, gilir,13:27
jibelGrueMaster, Lance, stgraber, charlie-tca, jdstrand, kardipapa,13:27
jibelClaudinux, ScottK, pedro_, Fo5150, evand, hallyn, ogra, patrickmw,13:28
jibelGirlyGirl, brendand, Yofel, Unit193, AntonioAllegretti, wobblybob,13:28
jibelAlessio Grosso Sgarrillo, pitti, valix, mgariepy, kidsodateless,13:28
jibelFrancescoRuvolo, PatrickDK, bennachie, PaoloRotolo, albert, olbi,13:28
jibelLetozaf_, elopio, Scott Lavender, Fly82, ara, NightSilente, mvo,13:28
jibelLetozaf_, elopio, Scott Lavender, Fly82, ara, NightSilente, mvo,13:28
jibelstarslights, MarcoBuono, utlemming, yotux, primes2h, Alemar04,13:28
jibelChris_Urie, jlaundry, GridCube, infinity, totopalma, smb, nobuto,13:28
jibelvalorie, highvoltage, DomenicoRotolo, jerrylamos, jincreator,13:28
jibelskaet, bambi and zerng07 for testing the ISOs.13:28
* mvo hugs jibel13:28
jibelThe release would not be able to go out today without your efforts!13:28
pedro_jibel,  congrats to you too! :-)13:28
brendandyou're super welcome jibel!13:28
charlie-tcaCongrats and thank you to jibel also!13:29
brendandand more thanks goes to you jibel!13:29
hggdhjibel: thank YOU for all your work13:29
skaetThanks jibel and everyone who help test it.   Very much appreciate all your help getting the images ready to share and the blockers figured out!  :)13:29
davmor2Congratulations to everyone13:30
jincreatorjibel: Congraturation to Ubuntu 11.10 and thanks to you!13:30
roadmr\o/ yay!! congrats all!13:32
czajkowskidavmor2: now don't break anything13:46
davmor2czajkowski: already have13:46
primes2hthank you too, jibel and congrats :-)14:52
bdmurrayjibel: do you still have access to the system in bug 873208?15:12
ubot4Launchpad bug 873208 in grub2 (Ubuntu) "Kubuntu listed as Ubuntu on grub menu on a dual boot install (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/87320815:12
jibelbdmurray, maybe, let me check.15:15
jibelbdmurray, it's up. What info do you need ?15:17
bdmurraylsb_release -a15:17
jibelUbuntu :/15:18
bdmurrayI'm actually not certain if that's right or wrong though15:18
jibelI'm updating the report with this information.15:20
bdmurrayjibel: oh there's a tool called os-prober15:20
jibelit returns /dev/vda1:Ubuntu 10.04 (11.04):Ubuntu:Linux15:21
jibelwhich is the content of the other partition15:21
bdmurrayjibel: oh and then there's linux-boot-prober which is used with /dev/vda15:23
bdmurrayer /dev/vda115:23
bdmurrayjibel: I'm just reading util/grub.d/30_os-prober.in15:26
nagsanyone noticing this ? http://pastebin.com/fvD9nvrs18:14
patdk-wkyep, getting it also18:17
patdk-wkbut I was fetching lucid18:18
nagspatdk-wk, ok18:23
nagshi cr318:23
cr3nags: hola senor!18:33
nagscr3, :-)18:33
nagscr3, how things ?18:33
nagsmy 11.10 upgrade scenario wasn't smooth, also 2 other's @work can reproduce the issue, anyone else facing this issue18:36
cr3nags: pretty awesome, oneiric released today and ubuntu friendly too: http://friendly.ubuntu.com18:45
cr3exciting times18:45
nagscr3, that's cool :-)18:46
nagscr3, I don't see friendly or system testing in my app list18:49
nagsprobably I need to install it !18:49
cr3nags: you're running oneiric?18:50
nagscr3, yes18:52
cr3nags: good new! regarding archive.canonical.com, it's being swamped by the release and new capacity is currently being added18:52
nagscr3, ok18:53
cr3nags: about friendly, if you don't get anything when typing "friendly" in the app launcher, please make sure that you have the checkbox package installed, version 0.12.818:53
* patdk-wk isn't swamping it18:53
nagscr3, let me install it18:55
nagscr3, checkbox is already the newest version.18:55
nagscr3, its not mentioned in the text area of this link, I haven't watched the video18:56
cr3nags: oh, you need to look at the video, ara did it :)18:56
patdk-wkI'll have to give that a go sometime18:58
nagscr3, :-D I'm lazy18:58
nagscr3, will watch it18:58
nagskudos to ara :-)18:58
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