
valorieandroidbruce: I woke up the same way a couple of days ago01:33
valorieneti pot to the rescue01:33
valorieif you do it soon enough01:33
valorieI do not have time to get sick!01:33
* valorie passes out the vitamin C01:34
bkerensavalorie: I hope to apply for Membership next month (if timing works out)02:16
bkerensaJust sent out a e-mail to a bunch of Ubuntu types seeking more testimonials02:16
valoriedid I already write on your page?02:17
valorieif not, I will02:17
valoriemaybe I can make it down for your release party02:17
valoriecan't make plans atm, too much happening all at once.....02:17
bkerensavalorie: Yeah you got me :D02:20
bkerensavalorie: I know that feeling... Been kinda burned out myself lately and still so much to do02:20
valoriecut out some things you don't like02:21
valoriehand them to someone who DOES like them02:21
valorieburnout is nothing to joke about02:21
bkerensavalorie: I carry the entire load for our loco02:22
bkerensaEvents, Website, Meetings, Wiki etc02:22
bkerensathen my contributions to other teams02:22
bkerensaand IRL stuff02:23
valoriethat isn't good for your team02:23
valoriethey need stuff to do02:23
valorieso start delegating, man!02:23
valorieI'm going to go get my flu shot02:24
valoriewant it before getting on an airplane......02:24
bkerensavalorie: ttyl :D02:25
* valorie comes back from the store laden with party goodies04:56
thefinn93release party tonight?19:39
* thefinn93 is excited19:39
thefinn93I'll be there, ~10 minutes late. 2hr bus ride19:39
bkerensavalorie: please take pics :D19:40
seattlegauchoCrap! I forgot!20:29
seattlegauchowon't be able to get there :,(20:29
* seattlegaucho will have to think of something20:30
bkerensaseattlegaucho: :(20:33
valorie*I* plan on having a good time, even if I'm by myself21:06
bkerensavalorie: Finn is coming... I insisted he go21:26
seattlegauchoIf I haven't been abused by my co-workers the rest of the day ... I'll go22:03
seattlegauchoit'll give me a good excuse to ride the light rail back and forth22:03
seattlegaucho... anb BTW, we're desperately looking for an experienced MySQL DBA in Seattle ... pls pass the word along to your network22:04
valorieseattlegaucho: your folks should send an email to the Linuxchix job-posting22:10
valoriethey don't have to sub -- just follow the guidelines and send the email22:11
valorieor you can do it22:11
valorieI'm one of the admins22:12
valorieand yay for Finn!22:13
valorieI can give him a ride home after, if he needs/wants it22:13
seattlegauchovalorie: thx for the URL ... I asked our recruiter to post the job there22:24
valorieI think the economy is picking up a bit -- there have been some actual job postings lately22:28
seattlegauchoI never ever saw a slow down reg mysql dbas22:37
bkerensaI could never do a mysql dbas job22:38
seattlegauchovalorie: If I go tonight ... can you give me a ride back to the light rail by the airport?22:38
bkerensato focused one such simple stuff 22:38
seattlegauchobkerensa: then you don't have the skills we look for :p22:38
bkerensanever understood why companies hired Mysql dbas versus a full sysadmin22:38
seattlegauchoOh my ... I might need to go tonight to the party after all22:39
bkerensaseattlegaucho: ;) I could do circles around any mysql scenario... I just don't want a 9 to 5 ;) I turn down freelance projects every single month :P22:39
bkerensaSomeone just last week offered to pay me $100 to install Open EMR which takes like 10 mins tops :P and I passed on it22:41
seattlegauchofor our number of servers, any sysadmin would spend all their time doing mysql chores and r&d ... so they wouldn't be a sys admin anymore22:41
seattlegaucho... and then you factor in high availability, backups and monitoring ... and a DBAs job is never done22:42
seattlegaucho... which goes beyond simple replication and linux ha22:42
bkerensaseattlegaucho: Why not automate the mysql work flow with puppet or another solution?22:43
seattlegauchonever mind performance enhancements (80% of the time beyond a sysadmins skill set), db design, sharding, etc22:43
seattlegauchobkerensa: we use puppet and a number of other skills ... but there's way more to it that puppet can't handle22:44
bkerensaseattlegaucho: You guys use Workbench too I imagine?22:44
seattlegauchonope ... it's too immature22:44
seattlegauchobkerensa: for full disclosure I should mention that I used to work @ MySQL since we were < 50 people through the Sun acquisition ;)22:45
bkerensaseattleguacho: Yeah and Oracle uses Workbench in-house atleast thats what the MySQL/Oracle Community Manager told me22:46
seattlegauchoyeah right ... I know them all by name and the only reason they do is because they tip-toe around the bugs22:46
seattlegauchoyou have to define all the connections parameters by hand ... ssh & mysql ... try that w/ 200+ servers22:47
valoriedefinitely -- I'm taking off in a few so I can get the room set up and such22:47
seattlegauchobash is your friend in those cases22:47
valoriemy phone # is 253-740-2725 if you need to text22:47
MJEvansOh it's tonight?  I forgot, I don't hve anything ready x.x22:47
seattlegaucho"apt-get dist-upgrade" is not possible yet ... my upgrade will have wait22:48
valorieMJEvans: I'm not going to burn anymore CD/DVDs -- just thumbdrives22:49
valorieI have ones from a couple of days ago though22:49
bkerensavalorie: Yeah I'm looking into finding some 2gb flash drives then reaching out to one of our loco's sponsors to get some made/bought/shipped22:49
MJEvansThe launch party also isn't dinner this time...22:49
bkerensaGoing forward each member will get a USB and we can just throw the new image one22:50
MJEvansWhich is less incentive for me to go22:50
bkerensabut Kingston also gave me a 64GB dual band wifi storage thingy that I store ISO's on and then members can connect wirelessly and download whatever they need22:50
valoriewell, we can order in pizza22:51
valorieand I'm bringing bread, cheese, drinks, veggies22:51
valorieMichael, it's close to you!22:51
valorieyou can burn CDs at the party if you want22:51
valoriethat's awesome, bkerensa22:52
* valorie has all the Kub. ISOs22:52
bkerensavalorie: bad news22:52
bkerensathefinn93 got stuck22:52
bkerensahis bus pass failed apparently he is coming on irc22:53
seattlegauchovalorie: could I get one (or 2) of your ISO onto one of my USBs?22:53
valoriewith multiboot that works22:53
seattlegauchoI might want to do the upgrade using the alternate CD22:53
valorieor just straight-ahead copying22:53
valorieI've been zsyncing for a couple of weeks for testing22:53
valorieanyway, need to shut down the machines and pack 'em up22:54
valoriesee you at the party I hope22:54
valoriewith bells on!22:54
* seattlegaucho hopes someone will give him a ride to the light rail 22:54
thefinn93I fail at bus pass22:54
valorieyes, zsync just downloads the changes daily22:54
valorieI will give anyone a ride who needs it22:55
valoriebye for now22:55
thefinn93valorie, will you give me a ride from Bothell?23:05
MJEvansthefinn93: asked too late and I think valorie lives out south of auburn23:06
thefinn93my silly bus pass didn't work23:06
thefinn93i'm confused how these UW passes work23:06
MJEvansI have no clue23:12
valoriebus drivers HAVE to let you ride23:15
valorieeven with no money23:15
valorienow I'm really off......23:15
MJEvansthefinn93: there you go then...23:15
thefinn93i've figured it out23:16
thefinn93but it takes 24 hrs to activate23:16
thefinn93i thoguht it was activated23:17
thefinn93oh well23:17
thefinn93valorie might pick me up23:17
thefinn93i've been texting her23:17
MJEvansthefinn93: has it been 60 days since you obtained it?23:18
MJEvanstapping the orca reader didn't help?23:18
thefinn93yeah i think I just didn't pay23:20
thefinn93and i thought i did23:20
thefinn93i tapped it on the reader thing23:20
thefinn93and it said insufficient funds23:20
thefinn93these crazy machine23:20
thefinn93i don't understand computers23:20
bkerensathefinn93: They have to let u ride with no money?23:28
thefinn93so i've heard23:28
thefinn93but i don't wanna fuck it up23:28
thefinn93i'll just pay it and come to the next one23:29
bkerensanext year?23:31
thefinn93i guess23:31
thefinn93TIL about /r/pwned23:31
bkerensathefinn93: No ride today?23:37
seattlegauchothefinn93: you just need to show it with the sticker for the quarther23:56

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