
histowplug_terryg: which command are you getting that error?00:00
=== chocko is now known as serlalapo
wplug_terryghisto: I try to run the command dbxxx_load xxx being the version currently installed under maverick 4.8 however I cannot find a package call libdb4.8-util which would be consistent with the howtos instructions00:02
histowplug_terryg: apt-cache search libdb400:03
karma4yahello everyone00:03
BjartensenSo is Ubuntu available? =P00:03
Bjartensensry 11.10**00:03
ubottuUbuntu releases a new version every 6 months. Each version is supported for 18 months to 5 years. More info at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases & http://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases00:03
jsphillips86anybody know an easy way to install Ubuntu on a Acer iconia tab?00:04
histo!party | Bjartensen00:04
ubottuBjartensen: Please remember that #ubuntu, #kubuntu, #xubuntu, and #edubuntu are support channels. To countdown to Natty release and then party once it happens, join #ubuntu-release-party - For in-person parties, see http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/global/744/detail/00:04
wplug_terryghisto: Yes I did try that and I do show a libdb4.8 however no command db4xx_load it is not found00:04
histojsphillips86: http://iconiatabforums.com/iconiatabforums/index.php?topic=168.000:04
histowplug_terryg: I would search the documents at help.ubuntu.com for more updated instructions that post is 4 years old00:05
wplug_terrygYeah good idea I'll try that stay right here I'll be back :)00:05
karma4yaI have a question I upgraded blender and the new version wouldnt load but now I need to know how to remove the svn and go back to the old blender is that possible?00:06
BaseBallBoyOkay so, I pressed the mouse lock button on my laptop to disable it, I reclick it to enable it. The trackpad will no longer work. Even after restarting. (Ubuntu 10.04 LTS) (Acer 7535)00:06
histokarma4ya: delete the files00:07
BaseBallBoyBut it does work at the loginscreen, but not after I log in00:07
histokarma4ya: then install the version from the repos00:07
speeedywhats this room all about00:07
histo!topic | speeedy00:07
ubottuspeeedy: Please read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic00:07
karma4yaso there is no way to get rid of the Svn and go back00:08
crash1hdOK I dropped to alt ctrl 1 logged in and then inserted a cd and I get the error ata8 failed command identity packet device ata bus error00:09
jsphillips86 anybody know an easy way to install Ubuntu on a Acer iconia tab a500?00:10
wplug_terryghisto: Well there has been some changes.  Will have to research.  thanks for your assistance.00:11
crash1hdIs there any log I can look at that can tell me why my ubuntu machine locks up when I put a cd in?00:11
recon69_lapkarma4ya: there are many ways :) , you may even already have both blenders installed00:13
karma4yawell 2.59 wouldnt load after doing upgrade but blender people told me try to run from a file off the desktop and that works perfect00:14
karma4yabut it wont let me run the 2.49 that way it gives me a lib error00:14
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karma4yai ideally would like to remove the blender svn and just go back to the blender that was in the ubuntu softwre center but its not there any more00:15
mindsystemkarma4ya: would you be able to run a make uninstall? i know some makefiles have that built in...00:17
BaseBallBoyOkay so, I pressed the mouse lock button on my laptop to disable it, I reclick it to enable it. The trackpad will no longer work. Even after restarting. (Ubuntu 10.04 LTS) (Acer 7535)00:18
Iron_Hey guys, is it all set for the launch of Ubuntu 11.10 tomorrow?00:19
Iron_I can't see any news oon the website >.<00:19
g0rsIron_: are they releasing an iso tomorrow?00:20
OerHeksyou will know when00:20
Ebronis there a way to reverse less?00:20
EbronI want rless for logfiles ^^00:20
arandIron_: It will be announced when it is released, and #ubuntu+1 is the proper channel for discussing, or possible #ubuntu-release-party00:20
PiciEbron: tac filename | less00:20
beta0x64Ebron, what is meant by reverse less?00:20
qinIron_: /join #ubuntu-release-party00:20
Iron_going there00:21
Ebronthxt Pici :)00:21
Ebronbeta0x64: the command less, only that it starts at the end of the file and goes backwards00:21
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PiciEbron: tac is cat backwards :)00:21
=== Yuan is now known as purpleyuan
beta0x64Pici, I never knew about tac. Wow. Thanks00:22
histowplug_terryg: there is also howtoforge. They have some howto's for the perfect server setup etc...00:22
histoEbron: tac will cat backwards00:23
wplug_terryghisto: Thanks I'll check that out as well.  I'm still looking through the ubuntu forums right now.00:23
histoEbron: so tac somefile | less would reverse the file and pipe the output to less00:23
histowplug_terryg: let me get you a link to the documentation00:23
histowplug_terryg: https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/ftp-server.html00:24
histoStryk3r: woah what?00:24
Stryk3rLot of people, lol.00:24
Stryk3rI'm new to IRC chats, Zac was telling me about them and I'm pretty addicted to this now.00:25
wplug_terrygYes thanks I have looked at that link.  I guess what I thought was cool was using virtual users from that apparently obsolete howto.00:25
Stryk3rSo, I have some ubuntu related questions for anyone to answer00:26
beta0x64Stryk3r, you should just ask. if someone knows, they will answer.00:27
wplug_terryghisto: I only want to give a windows user the ability to transfer a bunch of m4v files to my computer they vary in sizes of 10's of MB each.00:27
Stryk3rBut, anyway.00:27
Stryk3rFor some reason, my hard drive is like, eating itself.00:27
beta0x64Stryk3r, one ish: windows exists and isn't going away for a while. so we gotta live with it ;)00:28
wplug_terrygYeah but it is what corp world is using and well...00:28
Stryk3rI went from windows vista to ubuntu 11.4 netbook remix edition00:28
Stryk3rand now I wonder why I ever used windows.00:28
wplug_terrygI noticed that the link: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/vsftpd any data there has been removed.00:29
wplug_terryghisto: I would really like to use virtual users under vsftpd if it is still possible?00:29
Stryk3rI'd make a comment to you, wplug, but I have no clue what that is, aha00:30
wplug_terryghisto: and allow a Windows user to login and upload mpeg 4 files00:30
johnjohn101will ubuntu 11.04 client run on a bulldozer machine?  will i have to compile a special kernel for an 8 core?00:30
Stryk3rwindows can upload mpeg 4...cant it?00:30
PiciStryk3r: This channel is for Ubuntu support, if you don't have a question or are not supporting you are free to chat in #ubuntu-offtopic or await the release in #ubuntu-release-party00:31
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Picijohnjohn101: It should run just fine.00:31
wplug_terryghisto: he is a colleague from a Win**** class I took recently all lecture material I lost in a raid crash00:31
=== Yuan is now known as purpleyuan
yagoog0rs, are hte realeas an iso tomorrow? ouin.. SHUTUP ;-)..00:31
yagoog0rs, apt-get update, apt-get upgrade :)00:32
alexoveHello. i have a problem with an openvpn server00:33
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ChotazIs 11-10 out yet?00:34
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alexovecan anyone give me a hand?00:34
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=== Brandon is now known as BrandonBolton
deebee_alexove: probably better off asking in #openvpn00:35
deebee_unless it's something ubuntu specific relating to openvpn00:35
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».00:35
ej_\j #awholenewworld00:36
JoseP11.10 isn't out yet, right?00:36
alexovei don't know if the problem is related with ubuntu00:36
recon69_lappoints JoseP to #ubuntu-release-party00:37
alexoveand i don't know how to know it00:37
ubottuFor more information on vpn please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/VPN00:37
deebee_alexove: chances are it isn't ubuntu related, try the openvpn channel and see what they say00:38
mydogsnameisrudyhow  would you know he never asked a ?00:39
deebee_mydogsnameisrudy: hence the word 'chances'00:39
hunter_chanserv: hey do you use wobbly windows?00:46
JosePChanServ is a service00:47
JosePyou need compiz for wobbly windows00:47
hunter_josep: i know that silly00:48
JosePok lol00:48
JosePjust making sure00:48
hunter_josep: ok so how do you get the burning feature on compiz that burns windows when you close them00:49
JosePI haven't done that one but it's there lol00:49
JosePhave you been able to use the fire?00:49
hunter_i have not found it yet00:50
hunter_josep: you mean like when you write on the desktop?00:52
cwilluhunter_, it's in compiz-plugins-extras or something like that00:52
alexiok, i just fixed my internet on T-Mobile with "sudo modprobe usbserial vendor=0x12d1 product=0x1506"00:52
cwilluas well, you might need to install the compiz configurator thingie00:52
alexihow do i make it automatic so i dont have to do it every time i start up?00:53
recon69_lapalexi :-D00:53
hunter_cwillu: ok i will try  brb00:53
alexiits too basic  a question for the msg boards00:53
alexiis there a startup config i can edit with that command?00:53
alexikeep in mind i only have to use a computer once every 10 years or so... sorry if i am slow00:54
=== RichTUK is now known as RichieTUK
BaseBallBoyI clicked the tracpad disable button and repressed it again and now my tracpad won't work even after reboot. It will work in login screen but not after loading my session00:54
BaseBallBoyIs this an Ubuntu problem or Gnome problem?00:54
KM0201alexi: once every 10yrs? why do you even own one.00:54
=== RichieTUK is now known as RichTUK
alexinowdays if you dont have a computer on the internet, all the girls leave!00:56
silenihey everyone00:57
wplug_terryghisto: I finally found the package its called : db4.8-util I dunno how I missed it b4 but I got is now!00:57
sileniwhen is the next release of ubuntu coming out ?00:57
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keldrumsooo excited! just a couple hours left!00:57
silenifor what?00:57
cwillualexi, http://jdbausch.blogspot.com/2011_01_01_archive.html is basically what you need00:58
cwillualexi, just substitute your numbers and such00:58
ChotazIs it possible to upgrade to 11.10 already?00:58
silenii heard the next release of ubuntu is coming out very soon.. but i don't see anything on the website00:59
sileniChotaz: is that the next release of ubuntu?00:59
JosePIt's not out yet00:59
sileniChotaz: when is it supposed to come out ?00:59
Chotazsileni, 13th01:00
silenisorry the title says tommorow , i should read better01:00
sileniChotaz: 13th where? US, Africa,India?01:00
Chotazsileni,  no idea01:00
hunter_chotaz: whats up01:01
recon69_lapalexi:  in  /etc/rc.local maybe01:02
Chotazhunter_, how can I upgrade to 11.10?01:02
systemonkeyquestion: if system load is at 13 and cpu utilization is only around 10%, what is the usual cause?01:02
RobotBotit's not out yet Chotaz01:02
hunter_chotaz: do you know how to open the update manager?01:03
Chotazhunter_, i have it open right now01:03
hunter_chotaz: what is you curent version?01:03
Chotazhunter_, natty01:04
recon69_lapprobably get busy in here after the update :)01:05
hunter_chotaz: thats the only new one out 11.10 has not yet been released01:05
DangerOnTheRangrHow can I get the number of packages a PPA hosts?01:05
Chotazhunter_, thanks :)01:05
hunter_chotaz:no prob i can only run 10.1001:06
jeangrayHi, I have a question, has anyone enconouterd the hdmi problem on ubuntu 10.10?01:08
jeangrayi can't seem to connect my external monitor on my laptop via hdmi01:08
MACscris there really not any type of rdp server that comes with ubuntu?01:08
MACscreverything ive seen seems to be a mess of a setup01:08
DangerOnTheRangrMACscr: Have you looked at VNC?01:09
RichTUKjeangray: in the monitor preferences can you see see the ext monitor01:09
mydogsnameisrudyjeangray,  it might be a funtion of your laptop01:09
flummy_MACscr: or tightvnc?01:09
MACscryep, but there are like a dozen different implementations of it and i just want something that pretty much works out of the box01:09
flummy_MACscr: traditionally, we used the X11 windowing system since the late 80s for remote graphical clients01:10
sileniMACscr: vnc basically works out of the box01:10
jeangraymydogsnameisrudy: a function on my laptop?01:10
flummy_i think bill gates was just about to write basic at that time01:10
recon69_lapjeangray: have you being restarting x after you connect hdmi , think thats necessary01:10
Shattershey, you guys think that if I went out and got a random old set of hardware originally running like windows 95 that it could support linux 11?01:10
sileniShatters: linux 11?01:10
jeangrayrecon69_lap: i just tried that, it didnt owrk01:10
DangerOnTheRangrShatters: Probably so, but your mileage may vary01:10
hunter_anyone still have 10.10?01:10
flummy_Shatters: kernel 0.98c came out 199301:10
mydogsnameisrudyFn + F8 maybe01:11
RichTUKShatters: whats the hardware? ram and cpu etc?01:11
jeangraymydogsnameisrudy: I tried that aswell, doesn't seem to be working, also its not showing up in my monitor prefernces01:11
jeangraydoes it have to do anything with my drivers?01:12
RichTUKon 256 ram and a low cpu you could run OS's like Mint LXDE no problem shatters01:12
flummy_i used to run an X server and a mozilla browser on 4 megabytes of ram :)01:12
xanguaRichTUK: or lubuntu, since this is the ubuntu channel ;)01:13
recon69_lapjeangray, you sure the cable is sound, connections can be dodgy sometimes01:13
midlothianSo when's the release?01:13
RichTUKxangua: well i said "an OS like...) so didnt see the problem, but yeah01:13
xanguamidlothian: can't read the topic¿01:13
flummy_midlothian: |<--------------------->| that far away01:13
jeangrayrecon69_lap: all im trying to do is extend my laptop onto an external monitor, the hdmi DOES show up in the sound prefernces but not in the video preferences01:13
ShattersIntel Pentium 233MMX, 64 Meg Memory01:13
hunter_how much ram do yall have01:13
Shatters2.0 GB hard drive01:14
hunter_i have 18gb01:14
Chotazhunter_, why?01:14
jeangraydo you think i need to install the ati/amd proprietary fglrx graphics driver?01:14
flummy_Shatters: you would need a linux distribution from the later 90s for that :P01:14
hunter_chotaz: why what?01:14
xanguajeangray: if you have an ati/amd card yes¿01:14
xangua!lubuntu | flummy_ Shatters01:15
ubottuflummy_ Shatters: lubuntu is a project to create a derivative of Ubuntu using the LXDE desktop environment. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu . /join #lubuntu for lubuntu support.01:15
jeangrayxangua: i have installed it before but the thing is when i reboot, it just hangs01:15
flummy_xangua: you seem to be a bit nervous01:15
jeangrayxangua: thats the only reason why i haven't installed it again01:15
Shattersso in terms of how many years back in time with regards to hardware that could support ubuntu 11, maybe 10 years back or to 2000?01:16
flummy_Shatters: how much ram did we have in 200001:16
flummy_256 MB?01:17
DangerOnTheRangrShatters: For something that old, I'd use Xubuntu01:17
flummy_or more like 128MB?01:17
recon69_lapjeangray: trying to remember how i set mine up, but just drawing a blank it was so long ago01:17
flummy_Shatters: libraries and binaries have grown to 100 times their 2000s size today01:17
RichTUKoh flummy_ i think he said 64,b01:17
jeangrayrecon69_lap: thanks for your help, did you happen to install the proprietary driver for your graphics card inorder for it to work?01:18
aeon-ltdthere are probably arm variants that run on less than 128mb01:18
flummy_RichTUK: he was asking about 200001:18
flummy_i don't think 64 MiB was typical in 200001:18
flummy_maybe for a router01:18
mendotaso........what does it mean if a boot disc won't start installation or start live mode?01:18
flummy_mendota: it means you will die a violent premature death01:19
RichTUKflummy_: he said 64mb memory when he said the spec, thats all im saying01:19
mendotaflummy_ i worried as much, lol01:19
flummy_RichTUK: i did read that, but he was asking about 2000 later on01:19
hegemonXubuntu seems to need a bit more ram than Lubuntu, 192min (512 recommended) vs 128min01:19
recon69_lapjeangray: i got the proprietary drivers installed01:19
mendotaflummy_ i think i've got a bad ide/sata controller? idk. this little refurbish can see hdd in BIOS, but can't boot them or install to them...01:19
MACscrflummy_: and DangerOnTheRangr: All the vnc4server or tightvncserver tutorials seem to have bash scripts for config or startup on boot. Seems ridiculous that this type of configuration is needed for a basic install01:19
flummy_mendota: most unusual01:20
jeangraysee the thing is, when i install the proprietary drivers for my laptop, restarting would just give me a boot hang and i wouldnt know what to do after01:20
jeangraydoes anyone else encounter that problem?01:20
DangerOnTheRangrMACscr: Does it matter that they have BASH scripts? It makes them more configurable, and you rarely need to modify them anyway01:20
jeangrayand im talking about the proprietary drivers for the graphics card01:20
mendotajeangray: what part of the boot sequence does it hang?01:21
flummy_MACscr: i usually just start x11vnc in a running x-session and connect to it from another system by starting xtightvncviewer, no scripting involved01:21
MACscrDangerOnTheRangr: i dont care if they are bash, but the install instructions seem to ask me to create files in place X or copy to Y, etc01:21
flummy_MACscr: maybe you should improve on your google skills01:21
jeangraymendota: basically after i choose which kernal to run, it just stays black01:21
MACscrflummy_: im a google ninja, so i know thats not the problem01:21
mendotajeangray: yeah...that's not good01:21
mendotanone of the kernal options work, jeangray?01:22
DangerOnTheRangrMACscr: That's not that hard to do, and it's one-time only01:22
=== wagle_ is now known as wagle
flummy_MACscr: well then just type x11vnc on one end and xtightvncviewer hostname on the other end :)01:22
jeangraymondota: from the last time i remember, not even the recovery loaded01:22
mendotajeangray: and this started after installing new drivers?01:22
cyphawhat's ubuntu-minimal?01:22
jeangraymendota: yes01:22
cyphai tried removing vim-tiny, and it's telling me ubuntu-minimal requires it01:22
mendotajeangray: and, i have to ask, you're sure you got software from a trusted source?01:23
flummy_cypha: we are now all trying very hard not to inquire WHY you tried to remove vim-tiny01:23
jeangraymendota: im downloaiding it right off the additional drivers from ubuntu01:23
jeangraymendota: i hope thats trusted01:23
cyphaflummy_, cuz I was installing full vim instead01:23
mendotajeangray: well that's weird then. ubuntu repos should be pretty safe01:23
flummy_cypha: in which order?01:23
cypharemoving first01:24
flummy_cypha: wrong order01:24
jeangraywell im going to try installing the one from the amd graphics website01:24
jeangrayill see what happens01:24
mendotajeangray: but i've also heard of boot-sector viruses, especially today in my own troubleshooting01:24
ShattersHmm, is there a good resource for downloading lots and lots of drivers to install to persistent usb to make it more adaptable to different (esp older) systems?01:24
jeangraymendota: boot-sector virsues?01:24
mendotajeangray: yeah, proprietary is okay to try too.01:24
flummy_cypha: but you probably noticed that by now :P01:24
mendotajeangray: i've got a laptop that won't boot HDD, and that was one cause tossed around in old forum posts01:24
cyphaah ok01:24
cyphaflummy_, so what's ubuntu-minimal?01:25
flummy_cypha: a good question :)01:25
hunter_anyone know how to set up a graphics card over a motherboard port in the start menu??01:25
flummy_cypha: sounds like the minimal set of packages required for a valid setup01:25
cyphaah ok01:25
flummy_ii  ubuntu-minimal 1.220          Minimal core of Ubuntu01:25
kogiebare installation01:25
jeangraymendota: oh okay, yeahwell ill come back and hopefully everything will be working, thank you for your help01:25
flummy_cypha: you can't have NO editor on a unix system, can you :)01:25
cyphaflummy_, even after installing vim, I can't uninstall vim-tiny01:26
mendotajeangray: no problem. good luck and everything01:26
flummy_cypha: mhm01:26
Shattersthere's one machine I would like to try a usb on that has xp installed on it, but it seems to barely run. system settings are very restrictive, so i cant view a lot of tech specs. I just know the hd is 40 gb. ram probably 1gb01:26
urlin2ucypha, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD01:26
Shattersbut it won't usb boot ubuntu 10.01:27
enchiladocypha: I don't actually have a clue what I'm talking about, but an idea: could it be because vim-tiny is set as your default editor?01:27
=== crazyfork is now known as noobubuntu
cyphaso will ubuntu 11.10 show up at midnight?01:27
flummy_$ sudo aptitude remove vim-tiny01:27
flummy_The following packages have unmet dependencies: ubuntu-minimal: Depends: vim-tiny but it is not going to be installed.01:27
urlin2ucypha, it is available right now01:28
flummy_The following actions will resolve these dependencies:01:28
flummy_Remove the following packages:01:28
flummy_1)     ubuntu-minimal01:28
cyphathat's what I got01:28
cyphanot sure where to set default editor01:28
FloodBot1cypha: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.01:28
flummy_Removing vim-tiny ...01:28
cyphaI got a floodbot message and you didn't01:28
cyphawtf is this world coming to01:28
enchiladohow was that flooding?01:28
flummy_i don't usually help people01:28
Shattersgotta try this tails out now. laters01:29
flummy_so i'm not familiar with antiflood regulations :)01:29
DangerOnTheRangrFloodBot has its wires crossed :)01:29
MACscrflummy_: Didnt seem to work for me out of the box. http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=mc3cMa2801:29
keldrumurlin2u - where is it available now?01:29
urlin2u3 or posts in a row triggers the bot, don't use enter for punctuation is the basic message01:29
urlin2ukeldrum, the daily cd01:29
keldrumbut still only beta :-)01:30
MACscrheck, the system already has a user password, so why the heck need a separate one for vnc?01:30
flummy_MACscr: did you start x11vnc as the user of the running X11 session, AND from a terminal within the running X11 session?01:30
urlin2ukeldrum, I doubt much different then the final. http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily/current/01:30
keldrumurlin2u - your right of course...it's just different in my head!01:31
root_runnerhi there01:31
urlin2ukeldrum, no changes as of now unless there is a big flub so it is basically the same01:31
flummy_MACscr: x11vnc wants to be usable as a tool even if you don't know the password of the user on a long-running session01:31
JetriiHow would I go about creating a bootable flash drive of the Ubuntu ISO from a different Linux distro? I tried dd but it couldn't boot off the drive01:31
grayley@Jetrii try downloading unetbootin, works pretty well for me01:32
urlin2uJetrii, use unetbootin01:32
Jetriiunetbootin is broken, it doesn't show any USB devices01:32
JetriiAt least not on this machine.01:32
MACscrflummy_: i dont even know what x11 is and im running started it from a ssh connection. I dont have any gui access on this remote system right now, though gnome-desktop is installed and working01:32
grayley@jetrii, are you running it as superuser?01:32
Jetriigrayley: yes01:32
ortunajetrii: look into grub-install after, dd01:32
MACscrflummy_: remote desktop access just seems basic that im just surprised ubuntu hasnt created something that was more easy to work with from a home user standpoint01:33
urlin2uJetrii, try multisystem.  http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily/current/01:33
flummy_MACscr: i don't know what seems to you, but i'm using remote desktops on unix since the late 80s :)01:33
Jetriiortuna: installing grub onto the flash drive? I'll give that a shot after multisystem. urlin2u, thanks, I'll check it out01:34
flummy_(without any problems)01:34
MACscrflummy_: i didnt say it wasnt possible to get it to work, i just said its not available by default or works with a simple single click install like it should01:34
flummy_MACscr: maybe you need a ipad201:34
MACscrhell, apache even works out of the box01:34
flummy_i apologize for my last message :P01:35
flummy_MACscr: what about applications>internet>remote desktop viewer01:36
MACscrthe whole point of ubuntu is to have a more usable OS out of the box or at least easier to use than other *nix distros, right?01:36
MACscrflummy_: viewer?01:36
flummy_MACscr: and system>preferences>remote desktop for the other end01:36
MACscri need the server to work, vnc clients are easy to use01:36
flummy_i never used those, though01:36
LytesOfSpartraHow do I log in as root in terminal?01:36
LytesOfSpartraI'm new to Ubuntu01:36
nocilisLytesOfSpartra: su01:37
cwillusudo -s01:37
flummy_LytesOfSpartra: i think ubuntu wants to keep the root account locked,01:37
cwillusu is just silly01:37
flummy_for reasons not holding scientific review01:37
DangerOnTheRangrnocilis: I don't think su really works in Ubuntu01:37
LytesOfSpartraI did that01:37
nocilisDangerOnTheRangr what?01:37
RoastedWhen I open nautilus, it defaults to my main monitor. Once I double click on a folder, it defaults to the other monitor. Is there a way to keep it from switching?01:37
LytesOfSpartraand it says authentication failuter01:37
xangua!root | LytesOfSpartra01:37
ubottuLytesOfSpartra: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo01:37
flummy_LytesOfSpartra: but you can set a root password. i will probably get a permban for this advice, tough.01:37
cwilluLytesOfSpartra, and then you type in your user password (not the root password)01:37
padhuLytesOfSpartra: what about sudo su -01:37
DangerOnTheRangrnocilis: Try it and see what happens :)01:37
MACscrflummy_: well i actually am running mac on the other end, but that shouldnt really matter as vnc clients are available for osx as well01:37
LytesOfSpartrathat works01:38
nocilisi was able to get it to work once, by changing the root password01:38
LytesOfSpartrasudo su works01:38
LytesOfSpartrasu is not a command01:38
FloodBot1LytesOfSpartra: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.01:38
LytesOfSpartraahh yes sudo su is the correct way01:38
LytesOfSpartraThey must have changed it01:38
flummy_MACscr: may i ask again - did you start x11vnc from whitin a x11 session, as the user owning that x11 session?01:38
LytesOfSpartraBefore it was su01:38
dr_willissudo su is redundant. and not really 'correct'  :) sudo -s or sudo -i ....01:38
BluebirdShaoLytesOfSpartra: padhu give you the answer.01:38
nocilisi liked su..01:38
flummy_sudo and su have a long history of security problems01:38
ahhugheshow can I determine what's added an additional ~4mins to my boot time?01:38
MACscrflummy_: as i already mentioned, im only connected right now through ssh and i dont reall know anything about x1101:39
LytesOfSpartrasudo su is the correct way01:39
dr_willisLytesOfSpartra:  it may 'work' but its not 'correct'01:39
DangerOnTheRangrWhy not sudo bash?01:39
flummy_MACscr: you would need to add an MIT-magic-cookie to the xauthority file of the running server01:39
MonkeyDustwhat's the command line to suspend a pc, other than s2disk or s2ram?01:39
LytesOfSpartrasu wont work01:39
LytesOfSpartrait says authentication failure01:39
LytesOfSpartraso sudo su works01:39
flummy_MACscr: but thats probably a disabled feature nowadays01:39
DangerOnTheRangrLytesOfSpartra: That's what we've been trying to tell you :)01:39
dr_willisLytesOfSpartra:  su dosent work on ubuntu by default to go to root....01:40
dr_willissudo -i   is the normal proper way to get a root shell.01:40
flummy_dr_willis: says who?01:40
dr_willisflummy_:  see above url for info.01:40
MACscrflummy_: see, there are multiple places that have to be configured just to get this to work01:40
flummy_dr_willis: ok, i don't really care about ubuntu policy :)01:41
nocilisflummy_ the man page for sudo01:41
dr_willisflummy_:  it can also 'not work like it should' when you do sudo su. or sudo bash, or other ways01:41
flummy_MACscr: you want to add remote access control to an already running system - REMOTELY01:41
dr_willisit depends on your setup/enviroment.01:41
flummy_MACscr: don't complain if you find that hard :)01:41
flummy_dr_willis: sudo is a security risk.01:42
flummy_given its poor coding.01:42
dr_willisflummy_:  cant say ive ever really seen that argument..01:42
nocilisflummy_ i don't see how that could be true for the average desktop user01:42
flummy_sudo vulnerability01:42
nocilisflummy_ perhaps for a server admin01:42
flummy_About 687,000 results (0.18 seconds)01:42
nocilisflummy_ but then they should know better anyway.01:42
dr_willisvs kernel vunularibities.. or flash security risks.. i doubt if its much of a risk01:43
flummy_well, it's my job to judge unix security risks :)01:43
dr_willisvs the 50,000 login attempts i saw on this box the other day trying to login as root... i will stick with using sudo.01:43
BigOldCarHello, people.01:43
HannibalWhere's the milk, boys! who has cookies? :-)01:43
HannibalWHey, I need some help over here...01:44
dr_willisHannibalW:  and the problem is?01:44
BluebirdShaoHannibalW: just ask, not ask to ask.01:44
HannibalWYou 'll see. I just want to download Ubuntu 11.10!!!01:44
Jetriiortuna, going to give grub on the flash drive a try. multisystem didn't work01:45
xanguaHannibalW: read the topic01:45
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flummy_dr_willis: you might consider denyhosts and friends01:45
HannibalWbut... where do I download it from?01:45
Guest37475is it fairly easy to migrate a freshly but operational LAMP environment (apache2) on ubuntu 11.04 into a chroot?01:45
padhuHannibalW: Wait for few hours, release will be within 27 hours.....01:45
dr_willisflummy_:  allready got them installed.. but after i just moved the port no more attempts :) at least none yet.01:45
BigOldCarCan someone help me with a video resolution issue in 10.04?  My PC has a mach64 card that worked in Hardy with some tweaking to xorg.conf, but that's no longer present and as installed I can only get 800x600.  I need 1280x720!01:45
LytesOfSpartrahey guys01:45
=== Guest37475 is now known as ubuntuserveruser
LytesOfSpartraso sudo su is the correct way to log in as root interminal?01:46
LytesOfSpartrain terminal*01:46
nocilisHannibalW Ubuntu.com says the latest is 11.04, doesn't look like it's out yet01:46
padhuHannibalW: urgent, go on with release candidate01:46
flummy_LytesOfSpartra: in unix, there are many ways.01:46
nocilisLytesOfSpartra or sudo -i01:46
LytesOfSpartraI tried su01:46
ubuntuserverusersudo -i or sudo -s01:46
HannibalWThat's the bloomin problem! I just DONT want to wait!01:46
LytesOfSpartrabut it does not work anymore for Ubuntu01:46
LytesOfSpartraIT says that authentication failed01:46
dr_willisLytesOfSpartra:  clarify what does not work any more...01:47
HannibalWdoesn't it happen to be like Firefox's ftp's?01:47
nocilisLytesOfSpartra Ubuntu is a bit different than other distros01:47
ubuntuserveruseris it fairly easy to migrate a freshly but operational LAMP environment (apache2) on ubuntu 11.04 into a chroot?01:47
LytesOfSpartrawell I type in to terminal01:47
dr_willisLytesOfSpartra:  you do NOT use just 'su' normally01:47
LytesOfSpartrawell on Arch Linux01:47
HannibalWwhere you can download previous hours before the release?01:47
LytesOfSpartraI used to type su01:47
LytesOfSpartraand it worked01:47
FloodBot1LytesOfSpartra: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.01:47
flummy_LytesOfSpartra: but you can easily adjust it as you like01:47
dr_willisLytesOfSpartra:  this is not arch linux.01:47
DangerOnTheRangrHannibalW: You could download the minimal CD, but then you'll have to install a lot of extra packages once you install Ubuntu01:47
LytesOfSpartraI know that. I'm using Ubunt 64 bit now01:47
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nocilisLytesOfSpartra take a look: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo01:47
dr_willisLytesOfSpartra:  so you should use 'sudo -i' to get a root sshell when needed. or just use 'sudo' as needed01:47
JetriiWhen using dd to copy an Ubuntu iso to a flash drive, should I be copying it directly to the base (/dev/sde) or a partition (/dev/sde1)?01:48
dr_willisLytesOfSpartra:  su can change to other users. but not to root on a default ubuntu setup/01:48
LytesOfSpartrawhen Itype in su01:48
flummy_the information in that article is very wrong01:48
ubuntuserveruserI have a brand new forum setup in LAMP (apache2) ubuntu 11.04 I need to chroot jail the setup01:48
LytesOfSpartraSo Su will not make you root01:48
dr_willisJetrii:  what version are you copyin to usb?01:48
flummy_he unix super user is not named Root, he is named root.01:48
nocilisLytesOfSpartra not on Ubuntu, no01:48
dr_willisLytesOfSpartra:  not on a default ubuntu install..01:48
urlin2uJetrii, partiton01:48
LytesOfSpartraohh allrite that clears it up01:48
Jetriidr_willis: 11.1001:49
Jockelhansiim using pcoslinux and want to change the frame frequenz up to 100 hz. only 60 hz is available. can anybody help`?01:49
LytesOfSpartraso if i want to install a package from terminal I type sudo su and then sudo apt-get?01:49
padhuLytesOfSpartra: what is your eequirement? why are you asking about root user?01:49
nocilisLytesOfSpartra just sudo apt-get01:49
dr_willisJetrii:  you dd to /dev/sdb or whatever then. not sdb101:49
Jetriiurlin2u: I was afraid you'd say that... I already tried that without any luck... Grub is already installed to it01:49
LytesOfSpartrado I need to login as rroot nicilis?01:49
nocilisLytesOfSpartra sudo executes a single command as root, sudo su gives you a shell to enter multiple commands01:49
dr_willisJetrii:  the other tools at pendrivelinux and so forth should work also. or setup grub2 to boot the ISO file.01:49
HannibalWoh, dear lord [satan]!!! I I want to download the 11.10 final release, not the minimal, or the RC... WHat I mean is: is there any FTP or Torrent where I can get the final Ubuntu 11.10, hours before it appears in the Ubuntu site? I mean, those Iso files must be already uploaded somewhere, right???01:49
urlin2uJetrii, sde you could install grub to anyway.01:50
dr_willisLytesOfSpartra:  i rarely need to actually have a root 'shell' i just use sudo as needed.01:50
flummy_LytesOfSpartra: after proper consideration, you could also set a root password and become root with su -01:50
xangua!ubuntu+1 | HannibalW01:50
ubottuHannibalW: Oneiric Ocelot is the codename for Ubuntu 11.10 - Support only in #ubuntu+101:50
nocilisLytesOfSpartra: read the webpage: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo01:50
kydanhey guys ive got what I suspect is a permissions issue with Wordpress. I am getting following error The uploaded file could not be moved to /srv/www/chelsie/wordpress/wp-content/uploads. I am running wordpress on a LAMP stack and currently it is not public facing. In an effort to figure out whats up I have chmod -R 777 the /srv/www dir to try to figure out what the heck is going on but even that does not solve my issue. Any ideas?01:50
urlin2uJetrii, what is the OS your doing all this from?01:50
hdonhi guys :) has anyone tried installing MSWindows on a machine with GNU/Linux installed on the only HDD? will MSWindows try to fight over the MBR or my partition table? any tips would be helpful thanks :) links to articles are good too01:50
ubuntuserveruserdoes anyone have any experience chrooting a LAMP setup already in operation?01:51
JetriiMint Linux Debian... Was giving it a shot but it's been pretty buggy on my machine01:51
nocilishdon i did that, just make sure you install ubuntu second01:51
Jockelhansi?nobody answering questions about pcoslinux?;) Would be realy nice.01:51
dr_willis!fixgrub | hdon01:51
ubottuhdon: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)01:51
hdonnocilis, ah ok. that sucks :(01:51
nocilishdon windows fights everything that is already there01:51
kydanhdon: it will, install win first then linux if at all ossible01:51
dr_willisJockelhansi:  they most likely have their own support channels. Not here.01:51
hdonthanks everyone :)01:51
padhuLytesOfSpartra: documents.ubuntu.com have an great documents. Just read it on your spare time. It is good place to start learning01:51
nocilishdon sure01:51
urlin2uJetrii, must be if unetbootin is not working or the multisystem loader both are rock dolid01:51
Jockelhansidr-willis i asked there but only 20 people in it. nobody talking about anything so i guess nobody realy following the chat there01:52
Jetriiurlin2u:  multisystem fails with an error (claiming it does't have root privileges even when it does and unetbootin is just dead... Ubuntu never gave me this much trouble :D01:52
LytesOfSpartrathis is what I mean01:53
dr_willisJockelhansi:   sounds like one reason to not use that disrto. but check the homepage of that disrto. could be they are on soime other irc server.01:53
flummy_i thought i was on ubuntu-release-party01:53
kogiekydan: try to change max_upload on php.ini and see what happen01:53
HannibalWHell... support here sucks. I know it's voluntary (thanks 4 that, guise!) but I rather pay support for Windows (and a Windows License too) only to solve my problems in 5 minutes. Busy people will never use Linux. That's a truth. And it sucks...01:53
Jockelhansino its the right one. thats what i did01:53
LytesOfSpartraIt says invalid operation wine?01:53
LytesOfSpartrawhy is that?01:53
xanguaHannibalW: you can pay support to canonical01:53
urlin2uJetrii, look in media in the mint for an extra bootloader that s what happens with multisystem01:53
urlin2uremove it01:53
recon69_lap  kydan: have you looked for reasons why file could not be moved/created ,dir permissions perhaps.01:54
dr_willisHannibalW:  ppeople seem to thhink 'support' is 'hand hold me so i dont need to read basic docs'  .. but whatever..01:54
nocilisLytesOfSpartra you need to use "sudo apt-get install wine"01:54
kydankogie: currently set to 128mb01:54
nocilisLytesOfSpartra you forgot to tell it you wanted wine installed01:54
kogiekydan: sudo chmod -R /dir01:54
BigOldCarWith 10.04, can I cause X to generate an xorg.conf file that it will then obey?01:54
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kydanrecon69_lap: I have, to test permissions I just set everything to an underprivilaged user at chmod to 777 then tried touch, cp, mv, rm and it all worked just fine01:54
Jetriiurlin2u: Turns out that multisystem fails when launched from the terminal but runs fine when opened from the Gnome menu... Very weird01:54
BigOldCarWith 10.04, can I cause X to generate an xorg.conf file that it will then obey?  So that I can then change resolutions?  Stuck at 800x60001:54
JetriiDespite being the same command01:55
hdonone more question: can i partition my HDD in the MSWindows installer?01:55
nocilishdon I don't think so01:55
kydanhdon: i would suggest doing it with gparted, but I believe you can.01:55
dr_willishdon:  you can. but it cant make ext2/3/4 so its  beest to do that in a linux os. or linux live cd.01:55
HannibalWdr_willis: For me, support is: I'm not a bloody nerd and I dont want to be one. I have business to run, and I dont have time: solve my problem!01:55
urlin2uJetrii, cool the only other thing I have found with multisystem is it wants grub to format the thumb, if you have any more problems.01:55
hdoni prefer fdisk01:55
hdoni've installed MSWindows in the past but don't remember being asked to partition01:55
dr_willisHannibalW:  and i dont even recalls seeing you stateing a problem.. but i have to go to my real job now.01:56
nocilishdon depends on the version maybe?01:56
urlin2unot grub gpartred Jetrii01:56
LytesOfSpartraso what do I type?01:56
hdonnocilis, probably01:56
kydanhdon: it does, right off the bat, but its super simple01:56
nocilisLytesOfSpartra "sudo apt-get install wine" without quotes01:56
Jetriiurlin2u: Thanks for all the help. Should be fine now (hopefully)01:56
nocilisLytesOfSpartra why aren't using the Ubuntu Software Manager?01:56
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hdonkydan, awesome thanks :)01:57
nocilisLytesOfSpartra noproblem01:57
qinHannibalW: http://releases.ubuntu.com/oneiric/ Goodbye and goodluck.01:57
scottjanyone know a game that runs on linux, doesn't require much thinking, and is a cycle of short period of action followed by a longer period of waiting? (like a counter-strike)01:57
flummy_03:55 < HannibalW> dr_willis: For me, support is: I'm not a bloody nerd and I  dont want to be one. I have business to run, and I dont have  time: solve my problem!01:57
nocilisscottj do you want an fps or an rts or what?01:57
xanguascottj: teeworlds ;) 2d shootings01:58
flummy_Hawkwind: well, maybe you find another business owner who is willing to take your money for that01:58
nocilisscottj I would recommend 20,000 Light Years Into Space01:58
scottjnocilis: anything the round based nature with plenty of waiting is important01:58
flummy_Hawkwind: otherwise you have the free software warranty: if it breaks, you may keep both parts01:58
qinscottj: It is simple, Counter-Strike (or native urban Terror)01:58
nocilisscottj not an fps, more rts01:58
scottjqin: well other than cs :)01:58
kogiekydan: may i ask if you already check if /upload exist?01:59
nocilisscottj otherwise perhaps Tremulous? Waiting isn't mandatory, but you can choose to wait however long between respawns01:59
flummy_he doesn't want to keep both parts01:59
LytesOfSpartraWhy is my resolution still big01:59
flummy_i hope that was not too rude01:59
crash1hdHey all, It seems that if I move the cd/dvd rom device to another sata port then the issue I am having of it locking up goes away (anyone in here that really understands hardware can explasin to me why that would be?) the mobo is ASUS F1A75-V Pro and it has 6Sata ports and 1 7pin sata port thats seperate I would have thought that the seperate one was for the cd rom type devices but thats the one that locks up)01:59
LytesOfSpartraI installed my graphics card02:00
crash1hdyet if I plugin a hdd to that port it works just fine02:00
LytesOfSpartrabut for some reason its still big02:00
LytesOfSpartrawhy is that?02:00
nocilisLytesOfSpartra define "big"02:00
carri0nAnyone know what time 11.10 is released?02:00
LytesOfSpartraThe icons are a bit big02:00
Picicarri0n: Oneiric is not yet released and there is no predetermined time on the 13th when it will be. Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party or for more questions join #ubuntu+102:00
nocilisLytesOfSpartra on the desktop?02:01
LytesOfSpartrathis looks big right?02:01
kydankogie: I doesnt atm, but it should be able to make, it. I have also tried making it and then trying it, the error I posted first is what you get when it does exist. the error when it doesnt says it cant make it. I think I may have found it though, I am running this as a vhost and the phpinfo that I just made for the site shows that max upload for that vhost is 2mb02:01
nocilisLytesOfSpartra umm no02:01
kydankogie: in the master php.ini its like 128, and I know that this is common solution to the issue, I just thought I had ruled it out.02:01
LytesOfSpartrais that the standard resolution?02:01
nocilisLytesOfSpartra how big is your monitor?02:02
LytesOfSpartra19 inch02:02
scottjnocilis: have you seen other fps where you can set the respawn time?02:02
LytesOfSpartrais that ok?02:02
joe__I have Ubuntu 10.04 running and I cannot run or install a program called jgrasp (used to create/debug/compile java files). I have the java jdk installed.02:03
Stanley00!info jgrasp02:04
scottjxannen: teeworld looks cool, it has a good wait between respawning though?02:04
ubottuPackage jgrasp does not exist in natty02:04
flummy_joe__: try to be more technical02:04
flummy_in your description02:05
sdzIs there an archive of this channel somewhere (just for the last month or so)?02:05
xangua!logs | sdz02:05
ubottusdz: Official channel logs can be found at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ . LoCo channels are now logged there too; for older LoCo channel logs, see http://logs.ubuntu-eu.org/freenode/02:05
smangoso is Oneiric appearing at midnight or some random time tomorrow afternoon?02:06
joe__ok, when I run jgrasp it says No such file or directory however I have executable permissions02:06
flummy_sdz: i don't consent to publication of my contributions, and assert my copyright according to austrian copyright and data protection laws02:06
joe__I even tried source jgrasp02:06
MonkeyDustsdz: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/02:06
joe__it said cannot execute binary file02:06
Drecondiusanyone here that can possibly help me with a problem with apt02:07
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Drecondiuswell the gui handler rather02:07
flummy_joe__: the file is not recognized as a program for your platform02:07
flummy_joe__: try file binaryfilename02:08
flummy_joe__: or view it in an editor02:08
joe__ELF 32-bit LSB executable, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked (uses shared libs), for GNU/Linux 2.6.15, stripped02:08
joe__looks like giberish in nano02:08
joe__I even tried java jgrasp (because I know it is a java file) and it said it found no main method02:10
MonkeyDust 02:10
zaapielwhen is 11.10 going to be released02:10
flummy_joe__: java bytecode binaries have to be fed into a java interpreter02:10
flummy_joe__: like in other, inferior operating systems02:11
joe__ah, sudo apt-get install which interpereter?02:11
flummy_joe__: man javac02:11
flummy_joe__: man java sorry02:11
urlin2uzaapiel, to much for you to google02:11
flummy_NAME java - the Java application launcher02:11
gerzelAnyone got a good bash scripting refrence?  I want to write a simple script to switch out two configuration folders.  I use ~.folder for the folder with the primary configuration and p.folder for the secondary.  I then simply rename the folder removing the p or ~ depending on which configuration I want to use.02:12
joe__ openjdk-6-jdk02:12
joe__I think I found it.02:12
flummy_joe__: openjdk is not runnung flawlessly for many applications, the sun/oracle jdk works better02:12
joe__Oh ok. I will try to find that in the software center02:13
zaapielurlin2u, yes02:13
flummy_joe__: probably sun-java6-bin sub-java6-fonts sun-java6-jdk and so on02:14
urlin2uzaapiel, read the basic stuff on using the IRC it asks you to investigate before asking.02:14
urlin2uzaapiel, run /topic02:15
zaapielurlin2u, ignored02:15
zaapielwhen is 11.10 going to be released?02:15
flummy_joe__: http://www.ubuntuupdates.org/packages/show/30658302:15
xanguazaapiel: read the topic as urlin2u said02:15
urlin2uthe answer is there dunny02:15
flummy_joe__: the importand line is in the yellow box02:15
SIFTUgerzel: what do you mean by reference02:16
flummy_another entrepreneur giving up on leenucks02:16
flummy_he really doesn't want to keep both parts02:16
joe__thank you flummy. you are awesome02:17
gerzelSIFTU; Well a good guide.  Need to figure out how to check for folders existing.02:17
SIFTUgerzel: http://mywiki.wooledge.org/BashFAQ02:18
deebee_joe__: to install it using apt-get, make sure you have uncommented the line to enable the partner repository in /etc/apt/sources.list and then do an apt-get update02:18
ArcasI'm trying to install nvidia drivers in 11.10 and anytime I try to kill Xorg it is immediately restarted. How can I kill Xorg and make sure it doesn't restart until I want it to?02:21
alexoveHello again02:23
SIFTUgerzel: more specifically you want the following page http://mywiki.wooledge.org/BashGuide/TestsAndConditionals02:24
th0rArcas: you kill the dispaly manager. For me (xfce/debian) it is 'service gdm stop', but I THINK 11.10 is using lightdm...but not sure02:24
alexovei had not luck in the openvpn channel02:24
Arcasright, but the Nvidia install package needs Xorg killed to install02:24
Arcasnot just the display manager, I tried that both ways even /etc/init.d/gdm stop02:25
Arcasno dice02:25
coraxxso veryone ...today is the 13th october ...does n e body know at what time today the oneiric-release becomes available for download ?02:25
xanguacoraxx: when it's ready02:25
ubottuOneiric Ocelot is the codename for Ubuntu 11.10 - Support only in #ubuntu+102:25
th0rArcas: are you sure it is gdm? Like i said, I think ubuntu is switching to lightdm02:26
ArcasI'll try that02:26
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th0rArcas: I would have hoped one of the ubuntu gurus would have stepped in by now with clarification02:26
coraxxxangua: no need to be a freshmouth02:26
deebee_alexove: they're definitely the people to help you with openvpn configuration02:27
evemzeehas anyone managed to get ubuntu installed on a partition on the latest 2011 MacBook Pro 13 inches02:28
th0rArchtivity: check /etc/X11.default-display-manager02:28
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randomusrhello, where can I find firmware for my devices? Looking for the location of wl firmware.02:29
zromaynhi all: is it just me, but in ubuntu 11.04 the /etc/resolv.conf file doesn't keep the settings across reboots.02:29
hegemonzromayn: That file is generated by network manager02:29
alexovei think is a iptables problem or something like02:30
SetiAmonanyone here experienced with dual monitors?02:30
th0rrandomusr: /usr/local/lib/firmware?02:30
zykotick9!anyone | SetiAmon02:31
ubottuSetiAmon: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.02:31
hegemonzromayn: You either need to set it in the network manager app or /etc/network/interfaces02:31
randomusrth0r, no such file or directory?02:32
zromaynhegemon: that's another issue i have with ubuntu desktop 11.04, if i attempt modifying the /etc/network/interfaces file, i lose network connectivity. I only get to configure the network by the gnome "edit connections..."02:33
th0rrandomusr: I checked, that is where the firmware for my wifi card resides. You might find it in /usr/lib/firmware also.02:33
sgashepp_Hello. My new laptop has an led screen that auto dim on battery in windows. Is there a way to get that to work In Ubuntu?02:36
joe040288hello im having some trouble with a fresh ubuntu 10.04 install02:36
joe040288i was trying to force a resolution with the nvida driver but i seem to have totally messed up my xserver setting and i cant even get the linux repair boot to work now02:37
joe040288is there a way to reconfigure xserver from the live cd?02:37
optidudehey guys, can i ask a ?02:38
optidudewas wondering how to shut off the log in screen?02:39
joe040288go to mainmenu system login screen setting02:39
joe040288then login as "" automaticly02:40
randomusr#join aircrack-ng02:40
sasy360hey when is the 11.10 release date? 13th?02:40
SIFTUzromayn: are you sure network manager uses /etc/network/interfaces?02:40
optidudeyes permanently02:41
th0rSIFTU: I think it is an either/or....if you program the interfaces file then nm will not attempt to configure the interface.02:42
h00ksasy360: /join #ubuntu+102:42
zromaynsiftu: i'm not saying that because i simply don't know. all I'm saying is that i cannot sudo nano or sudo vi /etc/network/interfaces file, for it will take my network connection down.02:42
optidudei am the only user, and new to ubuntu, and it times out when i watch videos and i have to log in all the time02:42
SIFTUth0r: thats what I always thought but someone in here convinced me otherwise02:42
SIFTUth0r: I'm back to believing network manager uses /etc/network/interfaces now :)02:43
optidudebrb...checking on ubuntu upgrade to 11.04 :-)02:43
th0rSIFTU: interfaces will bring up a nic on bootup, whereas nm waits until you log in02:43
SIFTUth0r: yeah I use it on servers, but network and network-manager are 2 diff things02:44
SIFTUth0r: but I do believe it uses that, as I know it uses the hooks in /etc/network/if-up.d02:45
sgashepp_Please, could I be directed to where to find help?02:45
th0rsgashepp_: put your question here, on one line, and if someone knows they will answer02:47
ryannathans11.10 out yet?02:47
hunter_ryannathan: nope02:47
urlin2uryannathans, /topic gives the answer02:47
ryannathanshow about now?02:47
ryannathanshm, it's due out today02:47
sgashepp_I did, My new laptop has an led screen that auto dim on battery in windows. Is there a way to get that to work In Ubuntu?02:48
sgashepp_I haven't found anything online, it must be a common problem.02:48
crash1hdhey all my 11.04 ubuntu wont reboot it will shutdown no problem but when I run reboot I see ubuntu and 2 red dots and 3 white dots?02:48
=== Beastmode is now known as Dasda
CantWinnHello everyone02:50
CantWinnJust wondering if anyone has any XP with ATI and Ubuntu?02:50
blackmothhi can anyone recommend a good power management tool for xubuntu?02:51
ljsoftnetblackmoth it already has02:52
blackmothbut i cant adjust like the cpu power usage?02:53
ljsoftnetblackmoth your on to overclocking?02:54
xangua!scaling | blackmoth02:54
xanguaagg what was¿!02:54
blackmothnope...am trying to save as much battery during battery mode02:55
ljsoftnetblackmoth i dont know one02:56
sgashepp_this is similar to my problem, I dont understand why ubuntu eats so much power.02:56
blackmothin ubuntu theres a tool that you can set the cpu power usage to in demand or high performance02:56
ljsoftnetsgashepp_ you can disable compiz to save power02:56
blackmothbut here in xubuntu theres none...also while using my laptop in windows 7 in battery mode my battery lifespan is like 1 hour 30mins02:57
ljsoftnetblackmoth a didn't know that im in xubuntu too02:57
sgashepp_considerably? because it dies almost 3 times as fast as win would.. :/02:57
blackmothbut in xubuntu its only up to 1 hour which is weird because xubuntu uses less resources02:58
cyphado we get 11.10 at midnight?02:58
cyphashould I line up outside the bestbuy?02:58
ljsoftnetblackmoth try do disable compositing02:58
ryannathanscypha: I keep askin02:59
ljsoftnetblackmoth Settings > Settings Manager02:59
kevinh90Hello, I have an iBook and I want to put linux on it02:59
g33kyboiiwhens 11.10 out?02:59
kevinh90is ubuntu ppc any good?02:59
urlin2urun /topic guys02:59
g33kyboiiurlin2u, is it out now?02:59
ljsoftnetblackmoth Window Manager Tweaks > Compositing, tick Enable Compositing03:00
xanguag33kyboii: does the topic says it¿¿03:00
g33kyboiihow about now?03:00
ryannathansis 11.10 out at midnight? or some time during today?03:00
xanguaryannathans: g33kyboii please stop03:00
urlin2ug33kyboii, /topic will give youy=the answer03:00
kevinh90ryannathans: 12.11.10 lol03:00
g33kyboii[11:00] Insufficient arguments for command.03:00
ryannathansIt's 13th in Australia, nooblets ;D03:00
g33kyboiidoesnt work03:00
g33kyboiiso tell me03:00
g33kyboiiwhens it out?03:00
FloodBot1g33kyboii: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.03:00
RockMeAmadeusGood evening my dears03:01
Captainkrtekg33kyboii: soon, last minute touches, im currently editing the release announcment03:01
ljsoftnetblackmoth i mean Compositor > uncheck "Enable display Compositing"03:01
RockMeAmadeusI just sounded like an old lady03:01
ryannathansCaptainkrtek: that's mad03:01
g33kyboiiIs it out now?03:01
urlin2ugoogle the release schedule, and don't over think the date or time.03:01
ryannathansCaptainkrtek: finally a decent reply03:01
hunter_hey what theme can u use to use desktop rain?03:01
hunter_i have compiz already03:01
Captainkrtekwithin the next 24 hours, if all goes to plan..03:02
g33kyboiiurlin2u: whats google?03:02
g33kyboiii use bing03:02
blackmoththanks ljsoftnet03:02
ljsoftnetblackmoth no problem03:02
coolfirehelp me please03:02
ryannathans!ask | coolfire03:02
ubottucoolfire: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience03:02
blackmothbut i wish theres a better power management tool in xubuntu03:02
g33kyboii11.10 out yet?03:03
Captainkrtekcoolfire: what do you need help with03:03
Captainkrtekand g33kyboii please stop spamming03:03
g33kyboiiye umad03:03
abhijainwhats the exact date for release of ubuntu 11.1003:03
ryannathansabhijain: 13/10/1103:03
ejvwould you like that in star date?03:04
Captainkrtekabhijain: within the next 24 hours03:04
tensorpuddingis it really tomorrow?03:04
ryannathanstensorpudding: it's today.03:04
tensorpuddingso it's actually going to happen what time?03:04
ryannathans\o/ gets it before everone03:04
ryannathanstensorpudding: no one nos03:04
ryannathans\o/ lives at start of tomorrow03:04
tensorpuddingit's like 0500 UTC, so there's not much of tomorrow left is there03:05
abhijainryannathans:  today  is 13/10/11 in India03:05
boxbeatsyhi, is there an easy way using command line to split a large text file into 5 smaller ones?03:05
ryannathansabhijain: 13/10/11 is aus03:05
hunter_is there gonna be an 11 system for older pcs?03:05
ejvim not going gaga over 11.10, it's not LTS, so it's bound to be a buggy mess :)03:05
hdonboxbeatsy, how do you want it split?03:05
ryannathansboxbeatsy: there is is you make a script ;)03:06
boxbeatsyhdon: sequentially and evenly03:06
Yamauchi10:05am on the 13th here in Jakarta, Indonesia03:06
hdonboxbeatsy, into fifths? are you counting lines or bytes?03:06
tensorpuddingi'm using 11.10 right now, it's not buggy for me03:06
boxbeatsyryannathans: ya, i was about to write a python script for it03:06
xGrind11.10 for older pcs: Lubuntu03:06
boxbeatsyhdon: by lines03:06
ryannathansejv: that's like what the hooker siad03:06
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!03:06
hdonboxbeatsy, by lines, head -n 50 filename # will produce the first 50 lines of the file03:06
ryannathansboxbeatsy: \o/ knows python too03:06
abhijainryannathans: Can I upgrade from 10.10 to 11.1003:06
hdonboxbeatsy, head -n 100 filename | tail -n 50 # will produce lines 51-10003:06
tensorpuddingabhijain, not directly no03:06
hdonboxbeatsy, etc.03:06
ejvif you wanna break your system, yes03:07
tensorpuddingabhijain, you have to upgrade to 11.04 first03:07
cjsWhere do I get a 32-bit alternate install CD for Ubuntu 11.10?03:07
ryannathansabhijain: youll have to hop to 11.04 then 11.1003:07
boxbeatsyhdon: ah ok, got it, thanks03:07
hdonboxbeatsy, not exactly efficient but we're not talking about a lot of data unless your lines are tens of megabytes :D03:07
sgashepp_so what are some good ways of saving battery life, other than the brightness thing then pls?03:07
ryannathanscjs: internet03:07
boxbeatsyhdon: ya, that'll do, thanks :)03:07
ryannathanssgashepp_: underclocking03:07
cjsryannathans: You're so helpful!03:07
ryannathanscjs: I try my best ^^03:07
ejvwho's bright idea was it to make unity default...03:07
ryannathanscjs: check the ubuntu site03:07
ryannathansunity? Default? NOT on my xubuntu!03:08
cjsI'm on cdimage/ubuntu.com/releases/oneiric/beta-2/, but there's only a 64-bit desktop CD.03:08
tensorpuddingyou can use gnome-shell in 11.1003:08
tensorpuddingit's what i do03:08
ryannathanscjs: wait till it comes out03:08
tensorpuddingi don't have to use unity anymore03:08
RichTUKisnt it out tomorrow03:09
ChogyDanhow can I create a link on my desktop? Im using chromium03:09
sgashepp_I was only being serious. battery life is the only reason i leave a partition for win7 :/03:09
cjsryannathans: You're not actually being terribly helpful here.....03:09
CantWinnI have an AMD 4x Phenom II P940 processor with 6GB RAM with ATI Radeon HD5650 running Catalyst 11.9 and Ubuntu 11.04. With the proprietary drivers running this thing is kinda slow. If I run full screen video etc it's always kinda jerky, it's better when I run the "Classic desktop" and becomes way worse when I try to run the unity desktop. If I take off the proprietary drivers the system runs faster but has the occasional glitching effect on graphics. Is the03:09
CantWinnre some extra settings that I'm not running?03:09
ChogyDanwow, 11.10 is out tomorrow?  CRAP, now I will be forced to choose between unity and gnome-shell  :(03:09
ryannathanscjs: 11.10 isn't out yet03:09
ToidiIs it possible to access my encrypted home (ext4 I belive) from 7?03:09
ryannathansChogyDan: there's always xfce03:10
ryannathansChogyDan: xubuntu03:10
cjsryannathans: I know. I want to help test it.03:10
ChogyDanryannathans: does it use networkmanager?03:10
edub0yHow do I change my Gobi 2000 driver from GSM to CDMA>03:10
ryannathansChogyDan: pretty sure03:10
cjsUnless you don't want me to help test it, in which case I'll just install 11.04.03:10
ChogyDanryannathans: is so, then good call03:10
Captainkrtekcjs: http://www.xubuntu.org/contribute/qa_bugs_testing but please move this to #xubuntu03:10
ryannathanscjs: I'm not sure there's alot you could test without downloading, i don't even know if cds are avilible to beta test03:11
ryannathanscjs: it's in final few minutes of touchup now03:11
cjsCaptainkrtek: Thanks!03:11
ChogyDan[q] how can I create a link with chromium?03:11
Captainkrtekim going back to editing the release announcement, ping if needed...03:11
RichTUKChogyDan: go to your menu and drag and drop it to the desktop03:11
ChogyDanRichTUK: doesnt work, that copies the page03:12
edub0yAnyone know how to change the mobile broadband auth from GSM to CDMA03:12
RichTUKright clcik on the desktop and create launcher then ChogyDan03:12
cjsBTW, in case anybody else was curious about the answer, iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker appears to contain lots of recent pre-11.10 ISOs.03:12
happyfacecan anyone recommend any good VPS hosts?03:13
coolfireI have problems to download videos from youtubu ... from the terminal gives me an ERROR: format not available for video03:13
cjsOh, oops, crud, that's only test cases. Nevermind.03:13
coolfirehelp me please03:13
Captainkrtekhappyface: Linode03:14
ChogyDanRichTUK: fwiw, I found a way.  Add the link to the bookmarks toolbar, then drag THAT on to the desktop03:14
Captainkrtekcoolfire: someone will help if they can, until then please refrain from spamming03:14
ChogyDancoolfire: are you using a program?03:14
teicahme too03:15
RichTUKlol sorry ChogyDan i thought you ment a link for chromium not the page, sorry mate, miss read that03:15
happyfaceCaptainkrtek, ty03:15
Singhamcoolfire : Please see my PM03:15
ChogyDanRichTUK: oh, np, I want an apology from chromium for being a PITA  :)03:16
ChogyDancoolfire: try a different extension03:16
coolfirehow different extension =03:17
ChogyDancoolfire: for firefox, you know, right?03:17
ToidiIs it possible to access my encrypted home (ext4 I belive) from 7?03:17
CaptainkrtekToidi: it should be by using a samba setup03:19
CaptainkrtekToidi: try this: http://www.liberiangeek.net/2011/04/share-home-folder-ubuntu-11-04-natty-narwhal/03:19
noobubuntucoolfire: check this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=170216503:19
Willis420sup Captainkrtek?03:20
crash1hdhey all my 11.04 ubuntu wont reboot it will shutdown no problem but when I run reboot I see ubuntu and 2 red dots and 3 white dots? or the screen fills with text oddly part of it says Broadcast message from root@machine (unknown) at 15:18 last thing it says is Checking for running unattended-upgrades: * Asking all remaining processes to terminate... [OK ]03:21
CaptainkrtekWillis420: hello03:21
Captainkrtekcrash1hd: you make any recent changes?03:22
crash1hdI dont even know where to start with this one troubleshooting wise (other then google) but all I seem to find is about boot03:22
crash1hdCaptainkrtek, its a fresh install03:23
crash1hdall I have done sofar is updates03:23
crash1hdall updates03:23
Captainkrtekcrash1hd: so this has been happening since the initial install03:23
naufragowebhttp://thisisthecountdown.com/ ...... official countdown or no ?03:24
crash1hdI just dropped to tty103:24
crash1hdlogged in and ran sudo reboot to see whats going on03:24
ToidiCaptainkrtek, I mean the home partition/encrypted files03:24
Captainkrtekcrash1hd: okay, this is an existing bug, let me see if there is a resolution03:24
crash1hdit seems to get to Checking for unattended-upgrades and there it sits?03:25
Willis420Captainkrtek; i'm getting an error compiling omfgb, can you take a look? http://pastebin.com/ABDWKcGn03:25
crash1hdI need to be able to reboot (its a machine thats in my basement)03:25
CaptainkrtekWillis420: not in this channel03:25
crash1hdCaptainkrtek, can you share the bug report page?03:25
Captainkrtekcrash1hd: can you paste the output of cat /usr/share/unattended-upgrades/unattended-upgrade-shutdown03:26
Captainkrtekpaste to paste.ubuntu.com and give me the link03:26
crash1hdI will on next reboot it seems to be doing more now03:27
crash1hdit said it hung on a bunch of task ... somethings more then 120 seconds03:27
thornhow can I discourage ubuntu from getting into the swap partition so fast? It does it at 50% of normal RAM usage.03:27
crash1hdnow I see the ubuntu logo and the dots03:27
crash1hdthis is further then I have ever had it go before03:27
socommAnyone on here?03:28
crash1hdbut once rebooted I will do as requested :) I want to see if it will actually reboot as the dots are still doing something (usually it locks up)03:28
thornhow can I discourage ubuntu from getting into the swap partition so fast? It does it at 50% of normal RAM usage.03:28
Captainkrtekthorn: please dont paste your question multiple times03:29
MnMif i upgade from Natty by Update Manager, how much data will i have to download03:29
thornCaptainkrtek: I probably will, actually. I usually do. I usually wait longer though.03:30
socommMnM: alot03:30
silenigah when will it come out03:30
lakeWhen I press "Page Up" in terminal (gnome-terminal), the prompt changes to my previous command. I want my terminal output buffer to scrollback. any help?03:30
crash1hdok it has to be doing something lol its still doing the dots :)03:30
somsipthorn: worth looking at this maybe? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq#What_is_swappiness_and_how_do_I_change_it.3F03:30
ChogyDanthorn, how much swap do you have?03:30
thorn500 MB RAM, 500 MB Swap, give or take a few MB...03:31
Captainkrteklake: right click in your terminal window, profiles --> profile preferences --> scrolling tap03:31
ChogyDanthorn, don't worry about it, you don't have enough ram03:31
MnMsocomm: alot, how much? 500 MB?03:32
JetriiBah.. 11.10 refuses to install grub on my system... Hell of a way to start things off03:32
ChogyDanthorn: you need the swap03:32
crash1hdCaptainkrtek, ok it seems to have stopped with the dots anyhow but it does sound like the hdd is still doing something should I force the reboot or wait?03:33
thornsweet, I'm going to tweak my swappiness, thanks.03:33
lakeCaptainkrtek: oh, i forgot to mention, I use "screen" by default. whoops.03:33
Captainkrtekcrash1hd: try to drop to a shell after a forced reboot03:33
Captainkrteklake: that may not change much, im screened right now through a gnu.org server for irssi and I can scroll with page up and down03:34
lakeCaptainkrtek: I am screened in too. and scrollback works find in my irc client...03:34
crash1hdCaptainkrtek, ok doing forced reboot now03:34
Captainkrteklake, not sure what to say, sorry03:35
lakeCaptainkrtek: thanks anyhow03:36
Captainkrteklake: no problem03:36
thornon the page https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq#What_is_swappiness_and_how_do_I_change_it.3F it gives instructions to make swappiness change permanent, so I want to move it from 60 to 10, but the directions say to find a line in a file, and it's not there. Should I just paste into the file anyways?03:37
crash1hdCaptainkrtek, http://paste.ubuntu.com/70713903:37
ChogyDanthron, is there anyway you can buy more ram?  That will help allot more03:37
cjsCaptainkrtek: Err...why did you tell me to go to #xubuntu? I wanted Gnome....03:38
thornlittle help please? I'm working with a nonprofit and we're short on resources. I've moved all of them to Ubuntu. We only need Windows for printing at this point, actually.03:38
thornI haven't managed to get a single printer working yet.03:39
thornon the page https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq#What_is_swappiness_and_how_do_I_change_it.3F it gives instructions to make swappiness change permanent, so I want to move it from 60 to 10, but the directions say to find a line in a file, and it's not there. Should I just paste into the file anyways?03:39
jivjivHi Please give me a aptitude install command for http://pastebin.com/1JHigeak.03:40
Captainkrtekcjs: you guys were discussing xubuntu testing for a bit if I recall03:40
Captainkrtekcrash1hd: k hold on03:40
crash1hdCaptainkrtek, thanks :)03:40
thornwhy do some many people assume aptitude works out of the box on Ubuntu? Does it work like that on Mint or Debian?03:41
Captainkrtekcrash1hd: luckily i know python ;-) hold on03:41
crash1hdthat does help03:42
crash1hdI know other languages but not much python03:42
cjsCaptainkrtek: I didn't realize I was. :-)03:42
cjsAnyway, I found the daily builds, so problem solved.03:42
Captainkrtekcrash1hd: replace it with this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/707140/ but make a backup as well03:42
CaptainkrtekI just added one line03:43
randomusrwhich repo do I need to add to locate and install the b43 driver?03:43
crash1hdCaptainkrtek, trying now :)03:44
=== niles|iPod is now known as ZZZZZZZ
thornSo why were people discouraging me from changing swappiness?03:46
crash1hdCaptainkrtek, ok so you just added sys.exit(0) above the if below the sleep03:46
thornand why would servers prefer a swappiness of 60? And why does desktop ship with a swappiness of 60 when 10 would be more ideal?03:47
DaGeek247dern client03:47
CaptainkrtekI had a  feeling it's not going to the other exit statement03:47
crash1hdok trying it now :)03:48
crash1hdrebooting that is03:48
ChogyDanthorn: because you don't have enough ram.  YOu are going to need swap probably anyway03:48
paroxHi. What time about is the final Ubuntu comming out?03:48
ChogyDan36 hours03:48
DaGeek247if i get the 11.10 beta now, will it be any different from the release tomorrow?03:48
crash1hdCaptainkrtek, you where saying that there is a bug report on this? do you know what the url is?03:49
ChogyDanthorn: with my 2g of ram, Ubuntu would never use swap unless it absolutely had to, and I was running at 6003:49
rwwpangolin: anything?03:49
pangolinbut not uncommon03:50
rwwpangolin: indeed :<03:50
ChogyDanthorn: I ran at swappiness 0 for a while, and that was a nightmare.  10 is at least bareable, but still...  10 is the minimum, you should only set that if you think you will NEVER use swap03:50
ChogyDanthorn: (fyi, 0 basically disables swap, and was crashing my computer trying to hard to do that)03:51
Captainkrtekcrash1hd: it was an older one03:51
Captainkrtekso not that relative03:51
DaGeek247anyone know?03:52
thornwell Chogy, I'm having performance issues after I start a bit of browsing, and this is my director's computer, and I'd prefer him to have a better experience for a little browsing as opposed to his windows experience. I wasn't trying to recreate the windows experience.03:52
crash1hdCaptainkrtek, ok hmm that doesnt seem to be working03:52
crash1hdstill hangs03:52
Captainkrtekcrash1hd: hmm03:52
devilsWho wants a piece of ass?03:52
akston@dAgEEK247: I suspect you'd be downloading the release candidate, and that there would be a few differences you'd have to download tomorrow.03:53
tensorpudding!language | devils03:53
ubottudevils: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.03:53
crash1hdgonna try exiting before it does anything to see if it is even that script03:53
DaGeek247devils, ima buttmunch!03:53
optidudehey guys...03:53
optidudewhat about installing an wna3100 network adapter?03:53
ChogyDanthorn: go for it, no harm in experimenting03:53
optidudeany easy ?03:53
DaGeek247thanks akston03:53
randomusranyone here using the b43 driver for their broadcom wireless card?03:53
optidudeany easy way03:54
Captainkrtekrandomusr: I am03:54
Captainkrtekneed some help I presume?03:54
randomusrCaptainkrtek, can you tell me how to install it on Maverick?03:54
Captainkrtekyeah, hold on03:54
Captainkrtekrandomusr: try: sudo apt-get install firmware-b43-installer03:54
randomusralready did that through synaptic, does that me the driver installed?03:55
StepNjumphi Guys help please... I pretty much inadvertantly deleted about 22GB worth of stuff on my hard drive03:55
StepNjumpI checked in the trash but the folders are there but empty03:55
DaGeek247so to avoid all the server traffic, i get 11.10 now and update tomorrow, and its the same result. :D03:55
StepNjumpanything else I could do03:55
CaptainkrtekStepNjump: eek, you can try recovery...03:55
ubottuSome tools to recover lost data are listed and explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery - Recovering deleted files on !ext3 filesystems can be virtually impossible, although methods that might work is some cases are described at at http://www.xs4all.nl/~carlo17/howto/undelete_ext3.html and http://projects.izzysoft.de/trac/ext3undel03:56
StepNjumpCaptainkrtek, how do I do that03:56
Captainkrteksee that, thanks Pangolin :-)03:56
StepNjumpI think Im on ext303:56
crash1hdCaptainkrtek, hmm dont think that file is the issue tryed to add the exit right below all the imports before anything else and its stiill hanging I would leave it to see but how long? lol03:57
hapydo we get 11.10 at midnight?03:57
randomusrCaptainkrtek, if I've installed the firmware-b43 does that mean the driver is installed?03:57
ubottuUbuntu 11.10 (Oneiric Ocelot) will be the fifteenth release of Ubuntu.  Codename announcement here: http://www.markshuttleworth.com/?p=646 Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1 | /join #ubuntu-release-party and wait for the announcement.03:57
simpleblueover a day aways03:57
Captainkrtekrandomusr: try a reboot and see03:57
Captainkrtek~24 hours03:57
DaGeek247hapy no, check the party channel03:58
Captainkrtekcrash1hd, and others, ill be away for a bit, PM me and ill reply quicker, need to edit the release announcment...03:59
somsipCaptainkrtek: if it is on a drive that is in use now, shutdown immediately and only use something like a liveCD to try to recover the data03:59
scottjI just launched three games with twinview and all of them displayed in a small window in the middle of my two monitors. what's the default way on linux to tell games to use my first monitor, 1920x1200?04:00
somsipCaptainkrtek: oops04:00
somsipStepNjump:  if it is on a drive that is in use now, shutdown04:00
somsip                immediately and only use something like a liveCD to try to04:00
somsip                recover the data04:00
ubottuFind your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy04:01
_optidude_anyone know how to install an wna3100 network adapter in Ubuntu 11.04?04:03
_optidude_trying to connect wirelessly04:03
aliboAnybody knows at what time and time zone the new version will bereleased?04:04
ubottuUbuntu 11.10 (Oneiric Ocelot) will be the fifteenth release of Ubuntu.  Codename announcement here: http://www.markshuttleworth.com/?p=646 Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1 | /join #ubuntu-release-party and wait for the announcement.04:04
aliboDaGeek247: I see, thanks04:04
ubottuChocolate! And Strawberries! And ICE CREAM! Ooo! and 60 minutes +m!04:05
somsipubottu: umad?04:05
ubottusomsip: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)04:05
pangolin!msgthebot > thorn04:06
ubottuthorn, please see my private message04:06
jmcantrellare there any wallpaper changers that work in oneiric?04:07
ubottuUbuntu 11.10 (Oneiric Ocelot) will be the fifteenth release of Ubuntu.  Codename announcement here: http://www.markshuttleworth.com/?p=646 Discussion and support in #ubuntu+104:07
robin0800jmcantrell: wallch does in the software centre04:09
Wulf4I installed a computer with "Natty" and got some ugly new desktop environment (is that gnome 3?). How can I set the theme back to gnome2?04:11
=== Wulf4 is now known as Wulf
pdtpatr1cksun-java6-jdk is no longer available in Ubuntu 11.10? what's the new name for it ?04:11
zykotick9scottj, you can use "null" values in xorg.conf so a 1920x1200 resolution in a game will disable the other monitor (it's been a long time since I've had to do that however, so i can't really remember the details, sorry)04:11
tensorpuddingWulf, when you are about to log in, change your session to Ubuntu Classic04:11
crash1hdWulf, you are probably looking at unity when you log in at the bottom you can choose between ubuntu and ubuntu classic04:11
tensorpuddingWulf, that's not GNOME 3, it's Unity04:11
zykotick9pdtpatr1ck, sun-java* is no longer available in any distro - you have to get it direct from oracle04:11
tensorpudding!unity | Wulf04:12
ubottuWulf: Unity is the default UI for Ubuntu 11.04. Unity is a shell for GNOME. see http://unity.ubuntu.com. You can still boot to the classic GNOME desktop; see !classic.04:12
pdtpatr1ckzykotick9, .. much appreciated04:12
ubottuThe default interface in Ubuntu 11.04 is !Unity. To switch back to regular !GNOME: log out, click your username, click the Session box at the bottom of the screen, and select "Ubuntu Classic".04:12
jmcantrellrobin0800: very strange. it seems to work, but you have to keep it open??04:12
___Mike___hello guys04:12
___Mike___now connected with my ubuntu install on an old p4 system...04:13
Wulfah. Let's see, "Ubuntu classic, no effects."04:13
tensorpuddingyes, classic has no effects, it does not use compiz04:13
Wulfthat's much better, thanks guys!04:13
Wulfnow, how would I disable unity on new installs I make with kickseed/kickstart?04:13
tensorpuddingWulf, just fyi, tomorrow the next version of ubuntu comes out, which no longer has GNOME 2 at all, but has GNOME 304:14
robin0800you can pin it to the launcher then right click for optios etc04:14
Wulfthe 11.10? Great04:14
tensorpuddingi don't know that you can disable unity04:15
robin0800jmcantrell: you can pin it to the launcher then right click for optios etc04:15
tensorpuddingclassic just means not using it04:15
___Mike___but i am wired and trying to connect via wireless a wna3100 network adapter04:15
tensorpuddingyou can start using it again by choosing a different session04:15
___Mike___i did download the drivers offline I think04:15
WulfI'll wait until next week then to see how things go04:15
___Mike___sorry new to Ubuntu, I am a windows guy04:15
stephnidoes anyone know how to install lmms ave extracted the file to deskyopp04:16
tensorpudding___Mike___, does your wireless network show up in the wifi tool?04:16
tensorpudding___Mike___, there's decent odds you don't have to mess with drivers04:16
tensorpudding___Mike___, and if you downloaded drivers for Windows, they won't help you04:16
ubottufreedom is important. Ubuntu is as free as we can make it, which means mostly free software. See http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/free-sw.html and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/licensing04:17
bkovacsGnome Shell , Unity, KDE 4.7, XFCE, and LXDE are the  new desktop enviroments of the 21st century. We all need to get used to it and embrace it. It will get better. Look at Windows 8. Everyone is complaining about the "metro" interface.04:17
ubottuChocolate! And Strawberries! And ICE CREAM! Ooo! and 60 minutes +m!04:17
ubottulife is something very few people know about in this channel - and anyway, it's probably offtopic, perhaps you want to try #ubuntu-offtopic04:18
dr_willis!info lmms04:18
ubottulmms (source: lmms): Linux Multimedia Studio. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.4.10-1ubuntu2 (natty), package size 3806 kB, installed size 8492 kB04:18
dr_willisstephni:  its in the repos. use the package manager to install it. :-)04:19
bkovacsDoes Unity and gnome shell kind of remind you of Window Maker and Openstep with side panels.04:19
pedahzurSo, my system (10.04) is telling me there are errors, and to run fsck manually on /dev/sda1. It tries to drop me into a root shell, and prompts for root password, but since the installer never set a root password, and I always sudo to root, there is no root password.  What do I do now?04:19
scottjfor playing quake 1 multiplayer on linux with best graphics what program should I look for? I remember few years ago there were several improved engines04:20
dr_willispedahzur:  you could boot a live cd and fsck from it.04:20
=== Matt_Haines is now known as sdsds
pedahzurdr_willis: Right, I might try that, but it seems quite goofy that the installer doesn't set a root password, but the single-user-system-recovery mode requires a root password.04:21
pedahzurdr_willis: I'll have to see if I can dig up a live CD.04:22
dr_willispedahzur:  never noticed. i tend to always use a live cd in such a case.04:22
zykotick9scottj, have a look at quakeforge (i'm not sure about it's online support, and it's been years since i used it)04:23
r4fh4alguien que hable español04:23
zykotick9!es | r4fh404:23
ubottur4fh4: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.04:23
pedahzurdr_willis: other hitch...I'm not sure my cd-rom drive works..............04:23
dr_willisstephni:  no need to msg me. it is in the repos.  enable the universe repo. perhaps.04:23
dr_willispedahzur:  i always have usb flash, or setup grub to boot a  rescue type iso from  a spare partition. ;)04:24
pedahzurdr_willis: yeah, I should look into how to install a recovery partition...that would be a cool idea to add to the installer.04:26
___Mike___tensorpudding I think I got the ones for linux off of a forum someone else posted there is both 32 bit and 64 bit versions    a .sys and .inf file04:26
___Mike___where is the wifi tool?04:26
dr_willisgrub2 booting an iso from hd1 and installing to hd2 is amazing fast also.04:26
tensorpudding___Mike___, the little menu on the upper-right04:26
___Mike___oh, ok, let me check...thanks so much04:27
stephnihow do i enable the univers repos04:27
___Mike___i have to disconnect from wired right?04:27
=== ___Mike___ is now known as Mike
Mikethats better04:28
=== Mike is now known as _Mike_
_Mike_there thats easier04:28
=== _Mike_ is now known as iamMike
=== iamMike is now known as mmike
=== mmike is now known as mikee
mikeeall registered04:29
ubottuIt's onEirIc!04:30
stephnihow do i enable univers repository04:30
ubottuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/project/about-ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories04:31
ubottuIt is spelt !naTTy :)04:31
bkovacsAnyway of hiding certain icons in the unity menu. With Gnome 2X you could uncheck certain items from showing up in the menu.04:32
ubottuA papercut is a trivially fixable usability bug in a central Ubuntu component. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PaperCut for more info04:32
jaklIs there a specific time of release? Do I bother waiting to start the download tonight?04:34
rwwjakl: no on both questions04:34
jaklty gn04:34
dr_williswhen its released the torrents normally get so fast its scary.  o need to worry about getting it ;)04:35
pedahzurSo this is interesting: booted off a USB key, did maintenance, says all the file systems are clean. But during boot it says "General failure mounting file systems, dropping to maintenance shell."  But then it lists all the partitions, and says they are all clean.04:35
dr_willisgeneral failure.. hmm.04:36
=== luke__ is now known as azound
stephniam now in synaptic manager how do i locate lmms?04:36
dr_willisyou edited the fstab lately?04:36
dr_willisstephni:  use the search feature. or the cli tools.04:36
dr_willis!info lmms04:37
ubottulmms (source: lmms): Linux Multimedia Studio. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.4.10-1ubuntu2 (natty), package size 3806 kB, installed size 8492 kB04:37
dr_willissudo apt-get install lmms04:37
ubottuThe Peer-Directed Projects Center is the not-for-profit organization that runs !freenode (The IRC network that hosts this channel).  Please consider a donation to keep these IRC servers running, more info at http://freenode.net/pdpc_donations.shtml04:38
thornIs there a weekly newsletter?04:38
ubottuThe Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter may be found at: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter04:38
stephniok i found lmms and lmms  common should i install both?04:38
thornThanks ubottu!04:39
thornGood night folks!04:39
tensorpuddingmikee, you don't have to disconnect from wireless04:39
tensorpuddingerr, wired04:39
dr_willisstephni:  it should pull in any need3ed depedencies04:39
rwwstephni: install lmms, it'll probably pull in lmms-common itself04:39
stephniok thanks for the help i do appreciate04:40
mikeeoh ok cool04:40
pedahzurdr_willis: No, no editing of fstab.  I'll check it though, make sure it didn't get corrupted. I actually had a "lost" file on sda1 (ext2 partition) that turned out to be /etc/shadow. :)  Copied that back into place.04:40
dr_willislost the shadow file? eww. heh04:40
mikeeso i found the menu...but not sure where to go.... :-)04:40
pedahzurdr_willis: Yeah, but it was still there in /lost+found, so I got it back.04:41
dr_willispedahzur:  it might be curupted04:41
pedahzurdr_willis: yah, it might.04:41
dr_williswhy are you using ext2     pedahzur ?04:41
User8976Hello, does anyone know how to build linux from the ground up? Could it be done with any linux OS, even ubuntu or debian?04:41
dr_willis!lfs | User897604:42
ubottuUser8976: LFS is Linux From Scratch (www.linuxfromscratch.org) - not to be confused with !LTS, which is the long term support release of Ubuntu (currently 6.06, 8.04 and 10.04)04:42
mikeeso tensorpudding I created a wireless network with my ssid....hmmm not sure what i do now04:42
mikeesorry i am such a newb with Ubuntu04:43
tensorpuddingmikee, you should connect to it04:43
WulfUser8976: don't read that document if you want to have more fun.04:43
tensorpuddingmikee, do you see it in the wifi networks?04:43
WulfUser8976: assemble all the knowledge about needed software and how to do it yourself04:43
mikeehow do you look at the wifi networks?04:43
stephnifcuk i had an error installing it fcuk04:43
dr_willislfs is a neat project. try it in a vbox istance sometime. :)04:44
dr_willisgrr my n key is flakey. ;(04:44
pedahzurdr_willis: Old system...upgraded to 10.04. Never bothered to upgrade the / partition.  Not sure why.  I think when I originally installed it (8.04, I think) grub didn't support ext3, or I wasn't really confident in ext3, or something....and then never changed it after that.04:44
mikeei have arrows that point up and down....and i have options (auto eth, disconnect, vpn, enable networking, connection information, edit connections04:44
mikeeis that where it should list them04:45
tensorpuddingmikee, no, i mean04:45
tensorpuddingdoes it show up on the panel menu04:45
User8976I wanted to have a fast linux OS with limited functionality. Geared to the internet and playing multimedia. I have tried splashtop but it seems it doesen't seem work.04:46
mikeedon't see it04:46
dr_willissplashtop is very specilized.04:46
User8976It would be slick if, you can boot the linux first and then later boot windows while running linux and then switch to it later. Similar to the function that splashtop has.04:47
tensorpuddingi'm sorry, i'm not using unity at the moment so i can't tell you exactly what it looks like04:47
dr_willisUser8976:  your needs are a bit broad. ;) most any distro can do that.04:47
tensorpuddingit should show a list of SSIDs for nearby networks04:47
* Administrator 04:47
=== Administrator is now known as BluebirdShao
tensorpuddingmikee, can you take a screenshot of the menu?04:48
=== BluebirdShao is now known as bluebird`
=== bluebird` is now known as BluebirdShao
tensorpuddingthere's a program called Take Screenshot04:48
dr_willisUser8976:  you just described 'zen' i think. or is it xen.04:48
tensorpuddingjust have it set to take a screenshot on a timer and open the menu04:48
tensorpuddingthen put the image on http://imagebin.org/04:49
mikeeis there a paint program on ubuntu to save the print screen function to?04:49
tensorpuddingmikee, you use the Take Screenshot program04:50
Captainkrteka little off topic, but relevant to this channel http://imgs.xkcd.com/comics/x11.png ;-)04:51
User8976Could xen allow you to boot windows while running linux? Then also exit linux and xen. The end would be running windows alone.04:52
dr_willisxen stays undereeth it all04:53
ubottuXEN is a virtual machine monitor for x86 that supports execution of multiple guest operating systems with unprecedented levels of performance and resource isolation. Information on installing it for Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Xen04:54
mikeeok, got the shot...have to put son to bed...be back in a little bit ok...thanks for your help..if your on i will contact ya man...thanks again...i will post scrshot when i get back04:54
dr_willisim not even sure if windows can work with xen.04:54
pedahzurdr_willis: Yeah, so really weird...in the rescue environment, everything mounts just fine. But when I boot, it says "General failure mounting disks."04:56
dr_willispedahzur:  if  the ext2 was messed up. it could be files missing or other issues i guess.04:57
pedahzurdr_willis: I suppose, yeah.05:03
Gabri-lesomeone can hep me with the optical unit ? ubuntu don't recognize it :(05:09
mrgudcan anyone to tell me something05:11
histo!ask | mrgud05:11
ubottumrgud: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience05:11
histomikee: any image editing program.  There is also a screenshot program05:12
mrgudhi histo. so,where is the problem with ext4 journaling file system,why is this form invalid05:13
adminewbwould the beta2 builds of oneiric be adequate for effective use of zsync when the production release is out?05:14
rwwadminewb: I'd go with a daily, if you're looking for one to download and zsync later05:15
mrgudcan any tell what with clonezilla05:16
mrgudthis not work korect05:16
dr_willismrgud:  clarify the problem some more or rephrasae it.05:16
adminewbrww thanks05:18
mrgudi was made img from my os pat then reimage and out05:18
=== chris_ is now known as Guest24040
mrgudmy pat was destroyed05:18
mikeehow can i post the png on here05:19
mikeexchat... :-)05:19
pedahzurdr_willis: Well, I'm booting...at some point in the explosion passwd and shadow swapped places.  Now that I have those back in place, it will boot.  But I forgot to set the permissions right, so I'll need to boot in resuce mode again...I'll take caree of that tomorrow.  Thank you for your help!05:19
ubottuScreenshots can be made with the [PrtScr] button. Want to show us a screenshot of your problem? Upload an image to http://imagebin.org/?page=add and post a link to it.05:20
mrguddr willis?05:20
dr_willismrgud:  well from what i am making out.. clonezilla image did not work. i dont use cloezilla. i tend to just use dd as needed.05:21
mikeehere is a link http://imagebin.org/17873305:23
mikeethanks for all the help guys05:23
mikeehey tensorpudding you still on05:24
tensorpuddingmikee, okay, you don't have wifi drivers installed then, or your wifi is hardware disabled05:26
tensorpuddingmikee, it's probably the former05:26
tensorpuddingmikee, try running Additional Hardware05:26
mikeehmmm..sorry how do i do that...LOL05:27
Unknown_MonkeyThe Beatles05:27
Unknown_Monkey 05:27
Unknown_Monkey                                                                   .od88888bo.05:27
Unknown_Monkey    _.ooooo._                               _.oooooo._           .d88888888888b05:27
Unknown_Monkey  .d888888888b                            _d8888888888b.        d88888888888888b05:27
FloodBot1Unknown_Monkey: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.05:27
Unknown_Monkey .888888888888b                          d88888888888888b_     d8888888888888888b05:27
mikeehow do i run additional hardware....05:28
tensorpuddingmikee, it's an application05:29
tensorpuddingit's under System05:29
mikeeok cool...i was just googling it...LOL05:30
mikeethey talk about a device manager also05:30
ThePubafter installing a program with wine I cannot add the icon to the start bar in Unity.  any reason why?05:30
mikeeso i have additional drivers scanning...it came up with nothing...dont see additional hardware though....what is it under...system/admin05:33
tensorpuddingadditional drivers was the name05:33
tensorpuddingi got confused05:33
tensorpuddingapparently it's not supported out-of-the-box05:34
tensorpuddingthere's a forum thread on how to get it working05:34
mikeehmmm...where should i stick the drivers i downloaded05:34
mikeecool....do you have the link  :-)05:34
tensorpuddingit's not that simple05:36
tensorpuddingthe windows drivers are like a round peg, and ubuntu is a square hole05:36
tensorpuddingi'll link you to the thread but it'll probably be hard to follow05:37
tensorpuddingmikee, ^05:37
tensorpuddingmikee, did you download 32-bit or 64-bit ubuntu05:38
uofm49426what time of day does 11.10 release05:39
rwwuofm49426: there isn't a set time05:40
uofm49426i think xubuntu is released today05:41
mikeetensorpudding 32 bit ubuntu05:44
mikeei was online looking at ndiswrapper05:45
mikeebut it is waaaayyyy complicated05:45
mikeeisn't there an easy way to install hardware?05:45
phlak_usermikee: isnt your hw supported natively?05:45
tensorpuddingyour hardware isn't officially supported in ubuntu05:45
mikeephlak_user watcha mean?05:46
mikeei downloaded some drivers for the adapter05:46
phlak_usermikee: is it in the hcl05:46
phlak_user!hcl | mikee05:46
ubottumikee: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection05:46
dr_hoaxgive 11.1005:47
mikeephlak_user   sorry way newbe to Ubuntu...I have used windows since 95...LOL...what is hcl?05:47
dr_hoaxhardware compatibility layer?05:47
phlak_usermikee: hardware compatibility list05:47
tensorpuddingmikee, as i said before, your drivers are not designed for linux05:47
tensorpuddingmikee, they won't work05:48
dr_willisno one ever reads the bots info. :)05:48
tensorpuddingndiswrapper is essentially hacking the round peg so that it can fit in the square hole05:48
dr_hoaxi can fit any hole05:48
mikeetensorpudding    do you mind if i post the link where i downloaded the drivers05:48
tensorpuddingi don't think it particularly matters where you got them05:49
tensorpuddinglots of sites distribute them05:49
phlak_usermikee: use the drivers that work with windows (start with a known devil)05:49
uofm49426if you want to use ndis temporally there is a gui programs05:50
uofm49426go to ubuntu software center looking look up windows wireless driver05:52
telexcan anyone help me to upgrade freetype version from 2.4.4 to 2.4.5 or 2.4.6?05:53
chirag_d_gr8I tried to install linux ubuntu 11.10 daily build using usb stick. My pc successfully booted from usb stick and show me option for installation or live boot. Any option I select, The screen goes blank after that and I see nothing happening for 20 minutes. Help me05:55
vsadevidesktop recorder05:55
Lithos84!11.10 | chirag_d_gr805:55
ubottuchirag_d_gr8: Ubuntu 11.10 (Oneiric Ocelot) will be the fifteenth release of Ubuntu.  Codename announcement here: http://www.markshuttleworth.com/?p=646 Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1 | /join #ubuntu-release-party and wait for the announcement.05:55
phlak_user!details| vsadevi05:56
ubottuvsadevi: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."05:56
chirag_d_gr8Liithos82: The same problem goes for linux mint 11 , kubuntu, xubuntu, ubuntu 11.0405:56
phlak_userchirag_d_gr8: first thing to check -> md5sum of the iso; next - what hardware?05:57
vsadeviI want to record desktop sessions with audio and vedios for making tutorials05:58
chirag_d_gr8I am using a HP 117tx laptop with hm65 chipset, 3 gb ram, core i3 and ati 6470 graphics card05:58
phlak_userchirag_d_gr8: you should try with the modeset=0 option05:59
chirag_d_gr8phlak_user: how to set modeset=0 option?05:59
johnnHi, why storage device manager does not work on 11.04?06:00
phlak_userchirag_d_gr8: add radeon.modeset=0 to the end of the kernel boot line (press e when it presents the menu to edit)06:01
johnnI want to mount an ntfs disk but I added an entry on fstab but on boot I get error message for the disk, any advice?06:02
phlak_userchirag_d_gr8: or follow this -> https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-in/2011-July/010675.html06:02
phlak_userJohnn are you able to mount it manually?06:02
johnnI think so06:02
=== jakeisawake is now known as joeBob
chintanis new version of ubuntu available ?06:03
johnnon lucid lynx  it was fine.06:03
phlak_userJohnn: think? you could do it and confirm06:03
=== jakeisawake is now known as JohnJoeSchmit
vsadeviI am running the natty ubunty 11.04 , I am trying to record the destop session with record mydesktop app , i am not getting sound recorded ,it is asking for jackd server running wher ecan i get it06:03
johnnUUID="948C4BF08e4BCB84 /media/disk500 ntfs-3g defaults, 0 006:03
chintan11.10 available ?06:03
phlak_user!info jack | vsadevi06:03
ubottuvsadevi: jack (source: jack): Rip and encode CDs with one command. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.1.1+cvs20050801-26build1 (natty), package size 119 kB, installed size 652 kB06:03
johnnthis is the entry on fstab06:03
chintanplz give answer of my que ..06:04
phlak_userjohnn: i dont see a closing " (quotes) on the UUID string06:04
chintanis 11.10 available ?06:04
phlak_user!11.10 > chintan06:04
ubottuchintan, please see my private message06:04
johnnThanks a lot!06:05
johnnI am tired..06:05
johnnThat should solv the problem, thanks again!06:05
phlak_user!info jackd > vsadevi06:05
phlak_userjohnn: yw06:05
chintani have simple que06:06
mikeeok, so i downloaded nds wireless drivers from software center06:06
chintanis 11.10 availbale ??06:06
mikeelets see what happens06:06
phlak_userchintan: pl join #ubuntu+1 channel06:06
reisiochintan: it's not final & public yet, at any rate06:07
TheCowboyhow many hours06:07
chintanwhen it realese ?06:07
chintanany fix date ?06:07
chintani want to download ..06:07
vsadeviNo menu item `jack' in node `(dir)Top'. this is the uotput i get when do info jack06:07
phlak_uservsadevi: oops; just type sudo apt-get install jackd06:08
vsadeviproblem solved for jack06:08
reisiochintan: supposedly within the next 24 hours06:08
chintanok reisio06:08
vsadevican we install ubuntu on 128 mb ram06:09
reisiovsadevi: you can, but it might save you time to start with one of the varieties that require less hardware resources, such as Lubuntu06:09
reisiovsadevi: the default mainline Ubuntu environment will be annoyingly demanding06:10
vsadevimore details p-3 500 ghz compaq presario06:10
FragUPlentyLubuntu or may one of the derivatives like linux mint for 128mb ram06:10
reisiovsadevi: any particular graphics device?06:10
vsadeviI want to install ubuntu on compaq presario p-3 500 mhz and use to surf the web06:10
vsadevican i do it06:10
FragUPlentymight get better performance though to use like puppy linux06:11
reisiovsadevi: technically yes, but using Lubuntu would be a better idea06:11
vsadeviubuntu natty on p-3 500 ghz 128 mb ram06:11
reisiopuppy is for computers from the 1950s06:11
reisiovsadevi: 500MHz06:11
vsadevi500 ghz06:11
reisiovsadevi: the environment would be incredibly unresponsive, it simply is not designed with such old hardware in mind06:11
* phlak_user o_O06:11
FragUPlentyI have a p2 333mhz and p3 600mhz and both lagged and glitched alot06:12
reisioI've run less software on more hardware and it was still intolerable06:13
phlak_userIf you can live without X; that hardware is just fine (use Lynx as browser)06:13
reisioX isn't the issue, X by itself is quite light06:13
reisioit's GNOME, you don't want to run GNOME on that hardware06:13
reisionot even GNOME 206:13
vsadeviI use to run debain 4.0 well with graphical X ,kde,gnome , on p-3 500 ghz ,356 gb ram06:14
harry_whats the diffrence between 'sudo su - ' and when i execute any .exe and at that time it ask for the password???06:14
fyksen-laptopWhat is the channel to discuss ubuntu 11.10?06:14
reisiovsadevi: nope06:14
vsadevibut now i want to upgrade to new kernel and new distro06:14
reisiofyksen-laptop: #ubuntu+106:14
reisiovsadevi: why new distro06:14
xannenGeneral Java Question: Does Tomcat 7 support Java EE Bean?  Or do I need dedicated Java EE Container?  And if so, any suggested one?06:15
vsadeviI have this debain 4.0 for nearly 4 to 5 years , now ram have gone ,so i want to use reamining 128 mb with it instea dof buying new ram slot06:16
reisiovsadevi: I can't see how moving from Debian to Ubuntu would be anything but a step backwards06:17
reisiovsadevi: if you want to lighten the load, simply install a window manager or DE lighter than KDE and GNOME06:17
reisiovsadevi: try maybe openbox06:17
vsadevithank youreisio06:17
chintanbye to all06:18
reisiobye chin06:18
jivjivHi Please help me resolve this. http://pastebin.com/4sK4yPQL06:18
crash1hdHmm running ubuntu liveUSB via EFI it gets to the point where its going to the desktop and the monitor turns off and blinks the power light06:18
vsadevido you know any good internet links for ubuntu vedios ,leaving out youtube06:18
* reisio headdesks06:18
reisiojivjiv: what're you trying to install?06:19
jivjivreisio : am trying to build firefox in a old linux system. But some libraries are outdated. Am fairly new to linux06:20
reisiojivjiv: why not use a binary?06:20
jivjivreisio : I have modified the code of firefox for my purpose.06:21
reisiowhat's your purpose?06:21
jivjivreisio : for example.. I don't want cookies to be shared between cookies. I have disabled lots of modules like auto update, Profile manager etc..06:22
Guest19251I am trying to un-install virtualbox with "sudo apt-get purge virtualbox"06:22
Guest19251and I get this: "Virtual packages like 'virtualbox' can't be removed06:22
jivjivreisio : cookies shouldn't be shared between tabs*06:22
Guest19251How can I remove virtualbox/?06:22
reisioGuest19251: maybe it's virtualbox-ose06:22
reisioor -bin06:22
reisiojivjiv: ok06:22
rymate1234Guest19251: sudo apt-get remove virtualbox-ose06:22
reisiojivjiv: so it looks like it thinks your GTK+ version is too old06:23
jivjivreisio : correct. I ran sudo aptitude install libgtk2.0-dev to install later version...06:24
reisiojivjiv: and which version did that install06:24
=== aidenhong_ is now known as aidenhong
jivjivreisio : I am not very sure. I thought 2.0 is the version Now that u ask I feel a little stupid. wait let me find a command to check the version of GTK+ installed.06:26
reisioit says .10 or something in your paste06:26
gh0stI have vmware workstation installed in ubuntu 10.04 64bit. I'm trying to create a 32bit windows 7 virtual machine and the windows install has been sitting at 0% for the last few hours.06:28
jivjivreisio : ok. And I am not able to find a command to check the lib version..06:28
reisiogh0st: any particular reason you chose vmware?06:28
gh0stit's free, I'm a student06:29
reisioit's gratis, anyways06:29
reisiogh0st: what processor do you have?06:29
gh0stintel core 2 duo 9660 I think06:29
rwwgh0st: ask #vbox or ##windows. That sounds like a problem with your Windows guest, not the Ubuntu host.06:29
reisiogh0st: 9660?06:29
rwwerm, #vmware06:29
reisiogh0st: if egrep 'svm|vmx' /proc/cpuinfo returns anything, you'll get more performance out of kvm instead of vmware06:30
reisiogh0st: and otherwise I'd still recommend VirtualBox over VMware06:30
vsadevihow to install kde in natty ubuntu 11.04 ,does it come with 4.3 dvd06:31
phlak_uservsadevi: install kbuntu06:31
reisiovsadevi: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/purekde06:31
vsadeviI have natty installed with gnome fallback06:31
gh0stI've had a horrible time with virtualbox. Does it feature a "save state"?06:32
vsadevinow i want to install kde06:32
reisiogh0st: yes06:32
reisiogh0st: what was horrible about it?06:32
vsadeviis kubuntu available on the dvd or i need to dounload from repos06:32
reisiovsadevi: repos06:32
gh0stCan't remember exactly. It was a few months back and I was running it on a windows host, not ubuntu.06:33
vsadeviso ineed to do apt-get install kde or apt-get install kuduntu06:34
reisiovsadevi: all the commands you need are in the link I gave06:34
stephnii installed lmms from repos but i can't find it in applications06:35
vsadevihow can use this downloaded packages of kubuntu and take them install on my other system running ubuntu, I generally setup local yum repo in rpm based things ,how can i do it here06:35
phlak_uservsadevi: in fact here -> http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/kde06:35
reisiostephni: /usr/bin/lmms ?06:35
ubottuAPTonCD is a tool with a graphical interface which allows you to create one or more CDs or DVDs with all of the packages you've downloaded via apt-get or aptitude, creating a removable repository that you can use on other computers - See also !offline06:36
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orgnlchcHey everyone..06:36
orgnlchcCan anyone tell me why Ubuntu 11.10 is not yet out? :O06:36
vsadevigreat tip thanks06:36
orgnlchcWent to work today and thought that upgrading would be the first thing i'll do, but nothing..06:37
ninjajeffevening channel06:37
sevenninetyhola ninjajeff06:37
vsadevii have installed gnome -shell using the command apt-get install gnome-shell on natty 11.0406:37
orgnlchcYeah, but what about 11.10 final?06:37
vsadevinow i want to roll back to previous state06:37
phlak_userorgnlchc: maybe the #ubuntu-release-party isnt over yet :)06:38
reisioorgnlchc: because it isn't06:38
ninjajeffmy installation of 10.10 has suddenly stopped recognizing my network card. what should i do?06:38
vsadevi i cant set themes on my gnome desktop06:38
orgnlchcWhat is the ubuntu release party, lol? :D06:38
corrosive23it will be release in 11 hours06:38
orgnlchcoh, damnit. Ruined my day. :D06:38
mikeethank you for all your help..have a great night :-)06:38
orgnlchcEither way, I hope gnome shell works fine with 11.10.06:39
phlak_userninjajeff: during or after installation?06:39
ninjajeffworked fine during and for a short time after06:39
orgnlchcbtw, i can't set themes either on gnome-shell.06:39
phlak_userninjajeff: wired or wireless06:39
=== SomeoneWeird is now known as SomeoneWeirdAFK
phlak_userninjajeff:  what does the network manager show?06:40
ninjajeffno devices06:40
ninjajeffit used to show eth106:40
ninjajeffthis is the icon on the panel im talking about06:41
phlak_userninjajeff: do you have more than one ethernet device/card/port?06:41
ninjajeffonly one card06:42
phlak_userninjajeff: can you pastebin the output of sudo lshw -C network06:42
vsadevihow do i roll back to previous state after I have installed an deb package on the ubuntu,06:42
phlak_uservsadevi: uninstall the deb06:42
reisiovsadevi: downgrade?06:42
ninjajeffi cant paste it, but i can get any details06:42
phlak_userninjajeff: also paste the output of lspci06:43
ninjajeffit says i have an nvidia network card, which is incorrect06:44
fmauroninjajeff: you could quickly find out if it's your system or the os by booting a liveOS06:44
ninjajefflspci thinks everything is nvidia06:45
phlak_userninjajeff: thinks?06:45
ninjajeffwell, lspci lists Host bridge, RAM memory, etc...06:46
ninjajeffall as nVidia Corp.06:46
vsadeviI mean I installed gnome-shell using command apt-get install gnome-shell ,now  i want to revert back to old gnome classic with out gnome shell ,removing gnome -shell ,how to do it, using yum I can do it in rom base dsitro to roll back to previous state ,how do i do it in this deabin packages06:47
ninjajeffUSB, ethernet, PCI bridge06:47
ninjajeffeverything is listed as an nVidia device06:47
fmauro!enter | ninjajeff06:47
ubottuninjajeff: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!06:47
ninjajeffk, sorry06:48
fmauroninjajeff: do you have a liveCD or usb? you could really determine quite quickly if it's because of ubuntu or your system is going haywire06:49
Polahninjajeff: Your RAM is listed as nVidia? As in the actual modules? Are you sure it's not talking about your chipset?06:49
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ninjajeffmy livecd is not available atm06:49
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devilsdueso guys06:50
devilsdueI have a good question06:50
ninjajeffevery entry in the output of lspci says "nVidia Corporation"06:50
devilsduewhat's a good HTML parser06:50
devilsduemeaning, what is some good coding method to take XML or HTML tags and store the variables in between the tags06:50
reisiodevilsdue: there's one or three in CPAN06:50
devilsdueIs CPAN a package?06:50
fmauroninjajeff: this is because your chipset is made by nvidia06:51
reisiodevilsdue: it's a repository of Perl applications06:51
devilsdueso apt-get install cpan?06:51
Polahninjajeff: That's the same for me too06:51
devilsduethat's cool06:52
reisiointeresting =P06:52
Polahninjajeff: Everything is listed as nVidia something, except for some processor lines, because I have an nVidia chipset06:52
Polah ninjajeff: Something like this: 00:02.0 USB Controller: nVidia Corporation MCP61 USB Controller (rev a3)?06:52
ninjajeffah ha...06:53
fmauroninjajeff: as you can't post anything, could you describe the output of lshw -C network06:54
Tru3fateis 11.10 out. i thought it will be out today06:54
ninjajeffit is using the onboard interface06:54
dr_willisTru3fate:  sometime today.. topic will change when its done06:54
ninjajeffso... that can connect now.06:54
Tru3fatethank you06:55
ninjajeffthanks, guys. that got things done06:55
devilsdueWhich scripts in cpan have those HTML tag variable taking scripts, or should I search something like koders.com06:55
bluebirdHi, which package contains aticonfig? I am looking for something similar to nvidia-settings06:55
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ninjajeffalright. upgrading to 11.0406:56
Atlantic777When will be 11.10 images available for download?06:56
dr_willisAtlantic777:   topic will change when its done06:57
reisioAtlantic777: sometime today06:57
ninjajeffi have a pci nic installed in this machine. should i use the onboard or the card?06:57
LasersOh it's not out still? I assume it was!06:57
ubottuUbuntu releases a new version every 6 months. Each version is supported for 18 months to 5 years. More info at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases & http://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases06:58
fmauroninjajeff: use the one that is working06:58
ninjajefffmauro, touche06:58
dr_willisheh. theres some relese channel06:58
Malgorathwas wondering if anyone could help me with an nvidia bug? It wont see my monitor proplery(Compaq W17q) and there for puts it in a very poor resolution.  http://pastebin.com/n82pVU1x is my bug report06:58
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ubottuPlease remember that #ubuntu, #kubuntu, #xubuntu, and #edubuntu are support channels. To countdown to Natty release and then party once it happens, join #ubuntu-release-party - For in-person parties, see http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/global/744/detail/06:58
spikebikeheh, ubottu needs an update06:59
ninjajeffassuming i can get both working and need only one, which should i use?06:59
=== newbie is now known as Guest80603
fmauroninjajeff: it depends on what your final use for it is, but if it's for regular browsing use, it matters not07:01
vsadeviany good ubuntu server website for natty ubuntu to learn07:01
Malgorathvsadevi, do you mean nhow to setup a server?07:02
dr_willisvsadevi:  theres 100's of sites with guides and docs and so forth.07:02
TehDGMvsadevi: thats a bit of a broad subject. What do you want to do with it?07:02
ninjajefffor larger downloads, the card might perform better, i take it?07:02
vsadevievry thing about ubuntu server on natty 11.0407:02
Malgorathvsadevi, downloading the server iso and installing it is pretty straight forward. even selecting rolls is defined there07:02
dr_willisninjajeff:  i doubt if it will matter07:02
vsadeviI installed natyy 11.04 ,now i want to convert in to server ,07:02
TehDGMto serve what? websites?07:03
dr_willisvsadevi:  install the services you want... configure them. done07:03
Atlantic777vsadevi: for home usage or production?07:03
vsadeviftp server,jave tomcat cat ,jboss so on07:03
ninjajeffok. ill stick with onboard for now and work on other stuff07:03
fmauroninjajeff: no, the card is facing your LAN with either 100MB/s or 1000MB/s and I really doubt your outbound WAN has that kind of bandwidth07:03
Malgorathvsadevi, google is your friend on that07:03
vsadevito laearn and then take it to production07:03
TehDGMthere are loads of tutorials on each individual subject you can easily find on google07:04
fmauroninjajeff: (reply to earlier point)07:04
TehDGMdont search for something that explains "everything" but search for each individual topic07:04
dr_willisvsadevi:  always a good idea to go learn ssh well. ;)07:04
TehDGMyou will find that setting up what you want is pretty straight forward07:04
Malgorathtweaking is the time consumer07:05
anon_userninjajeff, if you stck w/onboard you can take out the pci nic and replace it with some other fun pci device ;)07:05
* fmauro imagines fun pci devices07:05
Malgorathlike this stupid monitor i have... omg i can barely stand this 1300x768 resolution... its so ... blocky07:05
* TehDGM doesn't have pci slots07:05
MalgorathTehDGM, dongle?07:06
* dr_willis recalls using a ntsc tv as a monitor....07:06
TehDGMnaw i got only pci-e slots07:06
vsadevihow to run jackd server sound on ubuntu natty07:06
Malgorathvsadevi, as stated before... google that very question and get like 100,000+ hits07:07
dr_willishmm there3s some guides on that i recall07:07
TehDGMeither way, rtfgr :)07:07
dr_willisjackd was overkill for my needs. ;)07:07
TehDGM(where gr is google results xD)07:07
t0rakkagreetings, is there any shell command to see how fast one is writing to a device (currently) .. I don't mean to benchmark, but rather to know how fast I am writing to a device RIGHT NOW (aka. currently)07:08
t0rakkacat /proc/???07:08
vsadeviI need to    recordscreenssion with record mydesktop ,and it is asking for jackd to run in background07:08
dr_willisvsadevi:  that can work with pulse audio also i belive07:08
Malgorathwas wondering if anyone could help me with an nvidia bug? It wont see my monitor proplery(Compaq W17q) and there for puts it in a very poor resolution.  http://pastebin.com/n82pVU1x is my bug report07:09
dr_willisvsadevi:  or just fire up the packagee mamager and install jackd07:09
vsadeviit is only taking alsa or default device but sound is not coming07:09
phartzsudo ap-get install jackd2?07:09
dr_willisive seen guides on recording sound with record mydesktop. had to tell it specifically to use pulse i remember07:10
Malgorathvsadevi, part of the freedom of linux is learning to do for yourself and when others point you in a direction to not ignore it but take the mantle and plow on.07:10
vsadevi i dont now how to configure it with pulse audio07:11
Malgorathvsadevi, google it07:11
dr_willis'recordmydesktop' is nice but needs a little work.07:11
dr_willisvsadevi:  i had to google a bit to learn how.07:11
dr_willishad to istall a few pulse tools and change a setting i recall07:12
stephnimust i run this /usr/bin/lmms ? b4 i start lmms07:12
VermicelliMy proc fan is running high, and running sensors only yields aj@ajs-dt:~$ sensors07:12
VermicelliAdapter: PCI adapter07:12
Vermicellitemp1:       +44.9°C  (high = +70.0°C)07:12
VermicelliWhat should I do to check/control fan speed?07:12
dr_willisstephni:  if thats the command that runs lmms, then that would make sense07:13
kylesumhi, just started using unity over class gnome2. the 'shell' opens full screen is there anyway i can change this?07:13
andeeeukdoes anyone know when 11.10 will be in the update manager?07:13
MalgorathVermicelli, please don't flood. use pastebin07:13
inzzztomorrow i think?07:13
jsonatry to re-update your manager @andeeeuk07:14
dr_willisandeeeuk:  what ver. are you using now?07:14
inzzzor today07:14
maalacneed help in configuring HP wireless07:14
maalacwith active key badge07:14
andeeeuki am using 11.0407:14
andeeeukwhat do you mean re-update your manager?07:14
jsonatry to refresh it07:15
jsonaor do it some other time07:15
andeeeuki have just done an update this morning07:15
dr_willisyou could be upgradeing now if you really wanted to...07:15
andeeeukthought it was just basic updates07:15
jsonayes i agree to that dr_willis07:16
philipballew how would i port scan to see in p 22 is open?07:16
andeeeukI want to upgrade now but only really want to do it through the manager07:16
kylesumphilipballew: are you familiar with nmap07:16
MrHobojust wondering, if i found something small like changing a font completely messes up fonts in rhythmbox using gtk3, should i send it as a bug or is it too small and silly for them to care? :p, if i switch to zekton which  is quite a common font for people to use, any size it totally messes it up07:16
dr_willisgetting the alt-cd via torrents would be fastest way tomorrow i imagine07:16
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade07:16
philipballewkylesum, yeah, I have it installed07:17
philipballewI was curious the comand i use to check07:17
jsonatry it again then07:17
andeeeukI will have a look07:17
kylesumi believe nmap -p 22 <ip addr/ ip range> should work07:17
SpiderFredis learning to write with all ten fingers worth it? do you know somw good linux program for learning?07:17
louiehow you guys doing listen I got another computer its a compaq presario how can i upgrade it07:18
dr_willisSpiderFred:  you mean learning to type?07:18
SpiderFreddr_willis: yes thats what I meant07:18
dr_willistheres typing tutorial apps out thers07:18
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somsipSpiderFred: Believe me, it's better than typing badly for 30 years, then trying to learn how to do it...07:18
dr_willisi only use 8 fingers. ;)07:19
andeeeukwould anyone say it is not worth upgrading util you see the upgrade in the upgrade manager?07:19
somsipdr_willis: i only started to use the CTRl and SHFT on the right side of the keyboard last week...07:19
TehDGMi'd say i use 9,5, thumbs are mostly just spacebar07:19
louie    07:20
dr_willisandeeeuk:  depends on your needs.. you could wait a week to upgrade if you wanted to07:20
jsonayea that's abso-fucking-lutely right07:20
louiewell its slow and its suppose to be a windows 707:20
LasersWeek? Wait a year or two.07:20
jsonawell i fyou format and re-install it07:20
dr_willisi tend to install the beta/rc then update the day befor release.. then wait a week  befor updateing to final.07:21
=== VampsDaVamps is now known as VampsDaBeast
andeeeukok, nice one07:22
anon_userphilipballew,    nmap -A -T4 will show all open ports and associated services on your local machine07:22
costinwhen there ubuntu 11.10?07:22
dr_willisavoid that first day traffic jam.07:22
andeeeukI think i will wait for a while07:22
louiewell i appreciate whatever help or advice u guys can give me07:22
zmbmartinI am super impressed with 11.1007:22
andeeeukyeah, it is always busy for the first day07:22
philipballewalright, thanks :)07:23
dr_willisand theres always a lot of bug fix's the first few  weeks.07:23
andeeeuklouie: i have a compaq presario also and you will upgrade the normal way07:23
andeeeukeverything should work out the box with this laptop07:24
costinI speak only here ?07:24
louiethank u andeeeuk07:24
dr_williscostin:  hmm?07:24
ubottuPlease remember that #ubuntu, #kubuntu, #xubuntu, and #edubuntu are support channels. To countdown to Natty release and then party once it happens, join #ubuntu-release-party - For in-person parties, see http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/global/744/detail/07:25
jsonacan you repost that again?07:26
andeeeukno problem07:26
louieandeeuk what if I wanted to turn it into a mac notebook07:26
andeeeuklouie, download a mac skin for ubuntu07:26
andeeeuki wouldnt know tbh07:26
jsonathere isn't mac skin for ubuntu07:27
costinWhat is the difference daily build and the finale?07:27
louiei meant for the mac07:27
louiefor the compaq07:27
andeeeuki am not a mac user at all so i wouldnt know07:28
andeeeukthere are many mac skins for ubuntu as I used to use them all the time07:28
andeeeukmaybe not for gnome307:28
jsonaguys why do you all quit for no reason???????????07:32
steffenchrDoes anybody know what time ubuntu is released ? :)07:34
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costinis ok to install 11.10 daily build ?07:39
tensorpudding11.10 is not on topic until it releases within the next few hours07:39
tensorpuddingbut you can rest assured it won't change in that time07:39
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stimpiehow can I start an  x application on top of my other applications from the command line?07:43
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fmaurostimpie: does executing the command from the terminal not do the trick?07:44
Guest87159jest tu jakiś polak07:44
VermicelliShould I be worried about any of this? http://pastebin.com/N4Una0wj07:44
stimpiefmauro, it starts on top but it should remain on top. The 'always on top' property should be set.07:45
tensorpudding!pl | Guest8715907:45
ubottuGuest87159: Na tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl.07:45
tensorpuddingoh, you left07:45
SunTsuHi there07:45
fmaurostimpie: ah got it, lemme think07:45
ReaveDoes anyone know what time today 11.10 is coming out? Or what Time zone Canonical runs off ?07:47
TyIt'll be out when the release manager says it is07:47
ReaveTy okay, was just wondering, im in Perth Australia and wasnt sure if there was a defined time that they release stuff or not07:48
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=== goddy is now known as pis0ga
vsadevihow do i know weather pulse ,alsa or jack is being used on my natty ubuntu  right now07:49
fmaurostimpie: how about wmctrl?07:49
saadineed a small favor, will offer something back as a gratitude... pm me please07:49
stimpiefmauro, thats should do it.07:51
ReaveHas anyone had any luck installing PHotoshop CS5 Extended in Ubuntu?? I know a few mon ths ago it wouldnt install, but i was wondering if anyone had found a work around07:51
cristi-marinerucs5 from wat y know does not worck on wine yet ....07:52
kilonhi there, what is the command for the terminal with which can search for a file even if it is hidden ?07:54
ninjafishHey, is it just me or is all of google's services down?07:54
ninjafishEven their dns isn't responding07:55
ninjafishor the android app market07:55
ninjafishCan anyone confirm?07:55
TehDGMninjafish: no problems here07:56
redI set my systray-whitelist to ['all'] but none of my installed indicators appear - do I need to reboot?07:56
ninjafishTehDGM: are you in the US?07:56
TehDGMeurope, netherlands07:56
ninjafishAre you able to ping
cristi-marineru:)) europe , Romania07:56
TehDGMpinging and replies in 9-10ms07:56
ninjafishIts not just my ISP, because I cant get to it from my phone either (which is on 3g)07:57
vsadevihow do I know weather pulse ,alsa or jack is currently being used by natty any command and how to switch between them07:57
DannySeoHi, Anybody knows when ubuntu 11.10 official will be released?07:58
DannySeoYes, but be soon? ;)07:59
rigvedDannySeo: in a few hours07:59
pis0gaunity still used ??08:00
DannySeounity is still in 11.10 beta.08:00
cjsI think the daily build of 11.10 I just installed on hdd1 may have wiped out and replaced the grub configuration on hdd0, making it now boot the OS from hdd1 rather than hdd0. Where do I talk about this, and any thoughts on how to fix it?08:01
rigvedpis0ga: yes. but you can choose whichever Desktop Environment that you want.08:01
redHi, I can click indicators in my right hand screen, but not left hand screen08:02
rigvedcjs: the grub menu will allow you to choose between 11.10 and whatever OS that you had earlier08:02
meta_coderQuote: "Defect-free software does not exist." -Wietse Venema08:02
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cjsrigved: If boot from HDD1, I get just a blinking cursor. Looks like it has no grub. When I boot HDD0, and hit ESC during the boot, I get a grub screen that gives me only options for booting HDD1.08:04
celltechWhat's the command to run a program in admin mode?08:04
celltechSo I can go sudo bleachbit and it'll run in admin mode?08:05
pis0gacjs: you can google "recovery grub2" or "wiki grub2"08:05
Tycelltech, yes08:07
celltechThank you. Now last question. Is there a way to do a memory/ram dumb if my computer starts slowing down? Without restarting it08:07
Arnoldcelltech, you could try looking into a memory optimization method called zRAM (which is based on compache)08:09
celltechNice thank you08:09
saadidiablo thanks08:09
Arnoldcelltech, http://www.webupd8.org/2011/10/increased-performance-in-linux-with.html08:10
celltechI will admit I'm running a 2.7ghz with only 512mb ram08:10
celltechI'm too lazy and cheap to upgrade08:10
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Arnoldcelltech, tell me about it. :P  But this should work just fine, since compression is quite effective from what I experienced.08:11
rotflcopteryeah its really difficult and expensivee to get the case side off and insert a 2GB ddr3 module08:12
celltechNice. thank you... I'm willing to try almost anything cause I like ubuntu. If it F's up. just reinstall it over its self and all documents stay in tact08:12
ikoniacelltech: tone down the language08:12
celltechI did. that's why I used 1 letter and not the word08:13
ikoniacelltech: how about don't use it at all,08:13
Reavecelltech just saw your post about running the 2.7ghz with 512MB RAM, i was running a 2.4Ghz P4 with 1GB RAM with Ubuntu for ages, WindowsXP Lagged like hell, and i can understand how you were "Too Cheap" to upgrade, or should i say, Dont need to upgrade. Ubuntu runs well on even the most basic hardware08:13
ikoniacelltech: have a problem, are incorrect, are broken, are wrong, are all ways normal people can express something without trying to swear08:13
ljsoftnetmy sensors in the terminal show temperatures, how do i put it in conky, whats the code?08:15
Lithos84Hello. I was banned from #ubuntu-release-party because I said an offensive sentence. I just misread what somebody else said about beer and something else. Is there a way I can be forgiven so I can join the party. I wont do it again. I was an accident.08:15
celltechThe only thing I don't dig about ubuntu is when it updates. the updates are crazy big...08:15
icerootLithos84: #ubuntu-ops08:15
reisiocelltech: between versions, you mean?08:15
Lithos84iceroot: Thank you.08:15
reisiocelltech: it would be nicer if they had a clearer final goal08:15
pis0gaanyone knows to show up time on xchat? I mean time for each chat message :)08:16
celltechNo just recently. it was a 100mb update... That's kinda big for a security08:16
pis0gathis is the first time i am on irc :D08:16
reisiopis0ga: welcome08:16
celltechYeah. I do love the simplicity of 11.0408:16
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reisiopis0ga: behold the text and join/part messages!~08:16
celltechbut it's constant update08:17
TehDGMi hate the UI, thats all i'll say about it08:17
TehDGMbut its linux so its fixable08:17
pis0gareisio: how to show up time for each message on xchat ?08:17
celltechI'm trying to find a tutorial of purging out things I don't need personally08:17
reisiopis0ga: let's see...08:17
celltechlike I don't have a printer. don't need anything that has to do with it.08:17
rotflcopter512MB was kindof ok to me on win98 and winxp08:17
reisiopis0ga: Settings > Preferences08:18
rotflcopterthough i couldnt use it for vectorgraphics08:18
reisiopis0ga: Settings > Preferences > Interface > Textbox - timestamps08:18
reisiopis0ga: might I suggest enabling it for the logging, too08:18
celltechyeah but my computer was free... I got bored, built one out of parts. threw linux on it. and been on it ever since08:18
reisiopis0ga: and for the logging, eventually including the year is worthwhile :)08:18
pis0gaah, i found it :D08:18
Arnoldrotflcopter, seems like there were some tests done with Windows 8 M3.. and it runs on 64MB of RAM too. You only have like 4MB free, though. :P08:19
pis0gathanks much :D08:19
celltechMy biggest annoyance is the lack of itunes since I'm an iphone user08:19
celltechand VMware doesn't do what I want the way I want08:19
mfauzirahman11.10 is coming.....using on it now...thank Ubuntu08:19
mfauzirahman11.10 is coming.....using on it now...thank Ubuntu08:19
airtonixcelltech: itunes should be you're annoyance... no the lack of08:19
rotflcopteri thought windowz 8 will be 10 DVD08:19
Kartagiswhat time is oneiric due?08:19
celltechI do hate itunes. but I need it to jailbreak and unlock my phone. I havn't been able to find a stable linux jailbreaker yet08:20
reisioKartagis: sometime today08:20
icerootcelltech: why not buy a phone which doesnt need a jailbreak to be usable... also please put apple-stuff not in here08:20
airtonixcelltech: time to get an android phone instead hey? (life is much easier)08:20
Kartagisreisio: no fixed time then08:20
ljsoftnetmy sensors in the terminal show temperatures, how do i put it in conky, whats the code?08:20
airtonixi forget which is the +1 channel08:20
celltechI don't like android at all personally08:20
reisioKartagis: read #ubuntu-release-party's topic08:20
KartagisI did08:21
iceroot!ot | celltech08:21
ubottucelltech: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!08:21
Kartagisreisio: anyway, how do I set the default hostname so that I don't have to touch /etc/hosts?08:21
Reave-Magentiumcelltech may i ask why you dont like android?08:21
darkerberosis there a  command like [Mac OS X open command] in Ubuntu?08:22
mekwallelky: lena is spambot08:22
ikoniaReave-Magentium: celltech sounds like a good discussion for the #ubuntu-offtopic08:22
icerootdarkerberos: alt +f2?08:22
celltechJust not a fan. Used it and it's too much of a toy to me.08:22
Reave-Magentiumikonia sorry :P not a problem.08:22
ikoniaReave-Magentium: no issue, sounds a good discussion08:22
Reave-MagentiumDoes anyone know if Oneiric will have the (RightClick desktop -> New Launcher) ability again?08:22
darkerberos@iceroot: I just wanna open some outter program in Terminal08:23
icerootdarkerberos: just write down the program name08:23
Reave-Magentiumikonia sometimes i forget that this is only ubuntu, as my own IRC is sort of offtopic no matter what :P08:23
airtonixdarkerberos: yes, gvfs-open08:23
airtonixdarkerberos: i think08:23
ghostnik11can someone tell me where i can get the latest ubuntu 11.10 iso08:23
icerootghostnik11: #ubuntu+108:24
ikoniaghostnik11: it's not released yet08:24
airtonixdarkerberos: yeah gvfs-open is the desktop-environment agnostic way to open the default filemanager at a particular location08:24
ghostnik11ikonia: what? what do u mean its not released yet, i have been waiting for this for a long time, they said the 13th of october08:24
darkerberosgnome-open is available for me08:24
Reave-Magentiumghostnikll Ubuntu 11.10 should be released at some point today, not sure when though. I would wait for a few more hours then try ubuntu.com08:24
darkerberosthanks everyone08:25
icerootghostnik11: #ubuntu+108:25
airtonixdarkerberos: it may be, but don't count on it for other users08:25
icerootghostnik11: #ubuntu-release-party08:25
DannySeoghostnik11: I also still waiting.08:25
Schr0dingerare there any benefits to doing a partial upgrade now (will it make the full upgrade faster later?) or would it be better to wait for the full release?08:25
Schr0dingerof 11.1008:25
icerootSchr0dinger: the best is to never touch a running system08:25
airtonixdarkcharl: actually i think there is an even more agnostic way to do it something about xdg-open08:25
Reave-Magentiumschr0dinger no it will not, it will upgrade to the 11.10 release Candidate, and it is NOT recommended to upgrade from Beta to release08:25
icerootSchr0dinger: and dont make upgrades on release-day08:25
Reave-Magentiumiceroot i second that, i upgraded my laptop to 11.10, worked well for a while but tehn i started getting errors08:25
icerootReave-Magentium: of course it is recommend08:26
icerootReave-Magentium: there are no differences08:26
Schr0dingericeroot,  how long would you recommend waiting to upgrade?08:26
Reave-Magentiumiceroot my appologies, i meant that it is not recommended to to an upgrade on release day with latest updates, thats what i heard anyway, correct me if i am wrong ^_^08:26
icerootSchr0dinger: until it is stable and you really need it08:26
airtonixiceroot: except for the updates that come through the repos (that change over time)08:26
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ghostnik11this is not fair bro, dannyseo: they made me think it would be released at midnight i am still waiting and I am in the east coast of states08:26
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Schr0dingerok thanks guys :D08:26
fmauroghostnik11: you could get a daily build, it's not going to chance much if you need it that badly08:27
Reave-MagentiumWhat would the best CROSS PLATFORM language be that i can create programs in using Ubuntu? I know its a little off topic, but i only ever use Ubuntu so thought i may ask08:27
anli__When I have set the size of the font to 33% in nautilus, it seems that not all folders are affected, why?08:28
reisioReave-Magentium: GUI apps?08:28
airtonixReave-Magentium: python and py-side08:28
reisioReave-Magentium: it's all pretty cross platform these days08:28
Reave-Magentiumghostnikll i am in perth Australia GMT+8, its 4:30pm here and im still waiting haha08:28
reisioReave-Magentium: C, Perl, Python; GTK+, Qt08:28
DannySeoghostnik11: where are you ?08:28
fmauroReave-Magentium: Y u no java?08:28
Element_I have question, where i can add a new elements to the top panel?08:28
Reave-Magentiumreisio yes, i am trying to make an application which connects to my server and shows server uptime statistics etc08:28
airtonixlol java08:28
ljsoftnetmy sensors in the terminal show temperatures, how do i put it in conky, whats the code?08:28
reisiofmauro: what airtonix said08:28
Kartagisreisio: where do I put in my hostname so that /etc/hosts inherits it? /etc/hostname?08:28
Reave-Magentiumaitronix python i have a bit of experience in so i may try that08:29
reisioReave-Magentium: C then08:29
iceroot!host | Kartagis08:29
reisioReave-Magentium: or C++ if you're one of those :p08:29
Reave-Magentiumfmauro are you serious? Ive tried java before and its probably the WORST programming language ever08:29
iceroot!hosts | Kartagis08:29
airtonixReave-Magentium: if you're goint to make a gui then make sure to use qt4 (pyside) instead of gtk08:29
iceroot!hostname | Kartagis08:29
ubottuKartagis: Use hostname <somehostname> to set the hostname, or to do it permanently: edit /etc/hosts to include BOTH the old and new hostname and then change /etc/hostname to the new one. WARNING! Make sure that your current hostname and /etc/hosts match, otherwise sudo may not work properly.08:29
reisioReave-Magentium: good man08:29
Reave-Magentiumreisio with C, is that easily installed onto Ubuntu and MacOSX?08:29
ghostnik11dannyseo: nyc08:29
reisioairtonix: nothing wrong with GTK+08:29
fmauroReave-Magentium, reisio, airtonix, i guess it's scripting langs for you guys08:29
Schr0dingerwho can i report spam PMs to? i got a funny spam right when i joined08:29
airtonixReave-Magentium: no not really08:29
icerootSchr0dinger: #ubuntu-ops08:30
reisioReave-Magentium: yes, it'll save you from having to bundle an interpreter with your install distro08:30
DaerethSchr0dinger: i had someone proposition me for sex earlier08:30
Reave-Magentiumairtonix yes QT4 was a definate for me.08:30
Schr0dingeryeah mine's a sex one too :P08:30
anli__Why not all here have sex instead08:30
reisiofmauro: I'll settle for languages that aren't awful and owned by Oracle :p08:30
anli__I sent a proposition08:30
Kartagisiceroot: /etc/hosts says not to edit it08:30
reisioanli__: well because it's a text medium08:30
Reave-Magentiumso aitronix resisio and fmauro, you all suggest QT4 with either Python or C, and once its compiled it SHOULD work out of the box on Windows, Linux Distro's and Mac OSX?08:30
reisioSchr0dinger: #ubuntu-ops, probably08:30
devkorcvincealso i got that 6 spam also08:30
anli__reisio: Its not easy to detect whether you are joking or not :)08:30
DannySeoghostnik11: If you were in east of state, you can find so early at Oct. 23.Maybe you can today. :)08:31
Reave-Magentiumreisio, that last message was supposed to point to you as well, typed your nick wrong :P08:31
reisioReave-Magentium: it's more likely that it will merely take trivial tweaking to build it for each platform08:31
fmauroreisio: sure, whatever man, ignore a solid language with standarts and type-safety and automated garbage collection08:31
ghostnik11dannyseo; i am pissed i just did like 20 or more physics problems and was just looking forward to my ubuntu 11.10, so i can get away from 11.04 which i think is th worst ubuntu every released i lost my unity ability months ago and thank god the ubuntu developers allowed the ability to boot into ubuntu without unity and no graphics08:31
DannySeoghostnik11: You're waiting from very early maybe 4 am? :)08:31
reisiofmauro: I will thanks :)08:31
Reave-Magentiumreisio i dont mind havingt o do a little bit of chnges, i just dont want to have to code it in 3 different languages for one simple program08:31
reisioReave-Magentium: that you won't have to do08:32
mfauzirahmanWhat is the release time?08:32
yonathanis it out yet?08:32
reisiomfauzirahman: see #ubuntu-release-party's topic08:32
Gruberyonathan: I don't think so08:32
Reave-Magentiumreisio oh good, ive had experience with C a little bit, more Python. is C Anything similar to VB? Cos i HATE VB :P08:32
Reave-Magentiummfauzirahman and yonathan no it has not been released just yet, please wait08:33
fmauroReave-Magentium: C/C++ is hardly cross-platform08:33
reisioReave-Magentium: no, nothing is similar to VB :p08:33
ghostnik11dannyseo: i have been waiting from 12 am october 13, 2011, literally, its 4 am now in nyc and i want my ubuntu 11.10, i already planed out how i would go to bed: "installing ubuntu 11.10 and getting like an hour to see whats new" and now its all messed up b/c its not here yet08:33
reisiofmauro: you have just made the most hilarious statement of all time08:33
DannySeoghostnik11: based on news, 11.10 might not be stable yet, unity.08:33
Reave-Magentiumfmauro thats what i was thinking..., reisio do you suggest C or Python? I like python a lot....08:33
Gruberghostnik11: get a life - getting it after the announcment won't change it's features08:33
reisioparticularly given your recent defense of Java™, which is cross platform because of C08:33
Gruberghostnik11: go to bed, wake up the next morning download and upgrade08:33
reisioReave-Magentium: Python will save you compile time08:34
reisioReave-Magentium: it depends on how complex your program is going to be08:34
reisioReave-Magentium: or how efficient you want it to be, etc.08:34
mfauzirahmanno body in #ubuntu-release-party08:34
fmauroreisio: I don't know what your beef is mate but C/C++ is cross-platform if you compile with each API, which is not what Reave is looking for when he says one code to rule them all08:34
Grubermfauzirahman: there is08:34
DannySeoghostnik11: I hope that you can get great comfortability and will have nice sleep. :)08:34
yonathanI wish you could compile Python to machine code08:34
reisiomfauzirahman: you must have typed it wrong08:34
RichTUKlol theres 100s there08:34
ghostnik11gruber: this is the worst day08:35
reisiofmauro: that's not my understanding of what he asked for08:35
mfauzirahman#ubuntu-release-party's right?08:35
reisiofmauro: particularly given his statement about hating Java™, clearly he knows the difference08:35
reisiomfauzirahman: yes08:35
reisiotell them to set -s08:35
mfauzirahmanonly me & sushant08:35
Reave-Magentiumreisio basically i run a minecraft server, i want to develop a python script on the server that basically says IF this process is running, then send this to any  client that connects on a certain port. I read up that it is really easy to do. Bascially its a desktop program that runs in the taskbar that tells peope if the server is offline, and if it is online says how may players are online. I know how to code it but i ne08:35
Reave-Magentiumed to get a decent GUI going.08:35
reisiomfauzirahman: it's possible your freenode server is insane08:36
RichTUKmfauzirahman: #ubuntu-release-party08:36
RichTUKno "'s"08:36
mfauzirahmannow got 3 user08:37
reisioReave-Magentium: well Qt and GTK+ are very cross platform these days08:37
mfauzirahmanhow to fix it?08:37
reisiothey're in -party's :p08:37
Reave-Magentiumreisio and fmauro i basically want to compile a python program as a .dmg image, .exe and .sh script. i Seriously HATE java, its the most overly complex language that ive used, and i am looking for something that is easily coded and compiled into some sort of GUI for the 3 operating systems. Hopefully this clears up the confusion. In Short, No Java, Easy Coding, and Easy Compile for the 3 platforms08:38
Gruberthats where everyone is08:38
mfauzirahmangot it..tq08:38
icerootmfauzirahman: #ubuntu-release-party08:38
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reisioReave-Magentium: yes, that's what I thought you wanted08:38
fmauroReave-Magentium: yes then go with a scripting language like python08:38
Gruberoops, bad connection08:38
reisioReave-Magentium: C or Python (or Perl), Qt or GTK+, any of those08:39
RichTUKiceroot: hes already there, hes showing as there in when i type his name anyway08:39
icerootRichTUK: ok08:39
Reave-Magentiumreisio and fmauro, oky i wll try Python (dont really like perl too much) and will try Qt as ive done that before with it. Thank you for your help guys ^_^08:39
reisioReave-Magentium: have fun now08:40
fmauroReave-Magentium: maybe you want to look at quickly08:40
Reave-Magentiumfmauro look at what quickly ?08:40
fmauroReave-Magentium: it makes the creation/pusblishing/mantaining of python packages in ubuntu, package: quickly08:41
ghostnik11wait ubuntu headquarters is based where exactly?08:41
ljsoftnethow do i remove letter a, in {hwmon temp 1} in conky08:41
Reave-Magentiumsorry fmauro, what program are you talking about?08:41
fmauroReave-Magentium: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Quickly08:41
reisioghostnik11: London08:41
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ghostnik11reisio: cool thanks08:42
Reave-Magentiumfmauro, i will have a look at that now =D Also, now that i know i will use Python and QT, can either you or reisio recommend any good programs to code it in?08:42
Gruberghostnik11: is there a reason you keep asking this, you where told in another channel not long ago08:42
reisioReave-Magentium: kdevelop? :)08:42
reisioReave-Magentium: you don't use KDE?08:42
ghostnik11gruber: thats the first time i asked that question08:43
Reave-Magentiumreisio - I use Unity at the moment, running 11.04 WAITING for 11.10 to be released so i can go back to Gnome3, BUT i can run KDE happily without it ^_^08:43
ljsoftnetwhats the code in degrees, in conky08:43
reisioif you're already attached to any particular editor, just use that08:44
reisioif you want an IDE, kdevelop is probably the most comprehensive one for Qt apps08:44
ex0zI have a swap partition on my drive that is rougly 9 gigs for some reason from other operating system installs and i would like to see if ubuntu is actually using that swap part. or what and also to decrease the size ..08:44
reisioex0z: how much RAM?08:45
llutz_ex0z: "swapon -s"08:45
Reave-Magentiumreisio - Sorry, my Programmign is a little rusty, IDE = Integrated Developement Environment correct? Not commandline?08:45
reisioReave-Magentium: right08:45
reisioReave-Magentium: and more than just a text editor08:45
reisioReave-Magentium: they tend to have a lot of GUI options, for compilation and blah blah blah08:45
Reave-Magentiumreisio thought so :P so kDevelop, does that have QT and python built in ?08:45
reisioshortcuts to GUI design screens probably, even08:46
reisioReave-Magentium: support for them, I'm sure08:46
ex0zok, i just wanna make sure ubuntu is using it and i also wanna decrease the size of the swap partition because i only have ubuntu on this computer as of now and plan to keep it that way. so i should only need like 2, 3 gigs max08:46
reisioReave-Magentium: it is a KDE app, though, so it'll draw in KDE deps08:46
reisioex0z: how much RAM?08:46
anon_userReave-Magentium, I am writing a program in pyqt eight now usin Eclipse IDE and PyDev.  It rocks.  Code completion, definitions, debugging.08:47
ex0zi have 3 gigs ram08:47
anon_usereight> right08:47
reisioex0z: you ever hibernate/suspend the box?08:47
ex0zwhen using swapon -s nothing is output08:47
fmauroex0z: your swap is normally twice the size of your RAM, if you decrease it you may lose the ability to hibernate, suspend should work fine08:47
llutz_ex0z: so ubuntu doesn't use your swap08:47
ex0zreisio: rarely08:48
reisiofmauro: that's an antiquated rule08:48
icerootex0z: there is only output when an error happened08:48
ljsoftnethow do i put degrees Celsius as out put in conky?08:48
ex0zi know the size i need it to be.. i just want to decrease the swap partition that i have..08:48
ex0zi guess08:48
ex0zi know how to do that08:48
fmauroreisio: mind my statement, i said normally, as in if you use ubiquity08:48
reisioex0z: for hibernation there's some use for having swap be as large as your RAM (3GB)08:48
Reave-Magentiumanon_user pyqt 8? Eclipse IDE and PyDev, i will check those out :)08:48
reisioex0z: other than that you can make it quite small or completely gone with 3GB, if you really want to08:48
llutz_iceroot: on "swapon -s"?? it just tells you the state of any swap, no errors or wahtever08:48
ex0zbut i wanted to see if ubuntu was actually using that partition for swap or not.. because its hda5 and ubuntu is on hda108:48
reisiofmauro: irrelevant08:49
anon_userpyqt4..eight was meant to be right....typo08:49
ljsoftnethow do i put degrees Celsius i mean this °C as out put in conky?08:49
reisioex0z: /etc/fstab would know08:49
reisioljsoftnet: that doesn't work?08:49
ex0zthank you reisio08:49
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ljsoftnetit has a letter a before °C08:49
Reave-Magentiumreisio i agree, i have a swap size of 8GB on this laptop (4GB RAM) and it hibernates fine, i found that a Spaw any larger then that makes no difference really08:49
icerootllutz_: ah sorry -s i thought -a08:49
ljsoftnetit has a letter A before °C08:49
CreapHow long until 11.10 is released?08:49
reisioReave-Magentium: I can't imagine having 8GB swap instead of just 4 for that box making a difference08:50
ljsoftnetreisio it has a letter A before °C08:50
reisioReave-Magentium: unless you get into some crazy intense media processing08:50
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TehDGMi think it has a letter A before C08:50
reisioljsoftnet: mmm, maybe an encoding mismatch08:50
ljsoftnetTehDGM yeah08:50
reisioljsoftnet: isutf8 from the package 'moreutils' can tell you if it's utf-808:51
Reave-Magentiumreisio, yeah i find that even 4GB is enough. Just realised that im only running 4GB of spawn now, must have been my old laptop running 8GB08:51
ljsoftnetreisio how do i do it?08:51
reisioI have a 20GB swap :p but not because I need that much08:51
ex0zok, its in the fstab as using it08:51
reisioljsoftnet: isutf8 filename08:51
reisioljsoftnet: sudo apt-get install moreutils to install it08:52
TehDGMyea if you have multiple gigs to spare, then it's no use to worry over a few of them08:52
Reave-Magentiumreisio my desktop has a 16GB Swap (8gb ram) because i do CUDA processing and i find that it helps if it can save it all to HDD AS It goes08:52
ex0zhow can i shrink the swap size?08:52
ex0zor should i not>08:52
Reave-Magentiumyou can try Gparted08:52
TehDGMunless you realllly need space, i wouldnt08:52
Reave-Magentiumor the KParted (may have name wrong)08:52
ex0zdiskutility didnt wanna let me08:52
ex0zmaybe i have to be on a live disk..08:53
fmauroex0z: don't forget to swapoff before resizing08:53
TehDGMit cant be in use08:53
Reave-Magentiumthe more Swap you have the more room you have for if you save anything. I was once working on a LARGE program on my PC (3DS Max 2012 design) and my computer hibernated randomly, it saved it all to Swap and i didnt lose a thing.08:53
Vampirehow many OS are there on this world08:54
TehDGMi didnt know 3ds max worked on linux08:54
Vampirei know win,mac,ubuntu,linux08:54
TehDGMVampire: ubuntu is linux08:54
yonathanVampire: Isn't ubuntu a subset of linux08:54
Reave-Magentiumvampire- if you count all the linux distrobutions, there are HUNDREDS08:55
TehDGMno its a distribution08:55
Vampirei thought ubuntu and linux are diffrent a08:55
reisioVampire: there are quite a lot :)08:55
TehDGMtheres also rtos's, bsd based, hobby os'es08:55
yonathanI couldn't come up with a better term than subset08:55
TehDGMloads and loads08:55
reisioVampire: a more interesting question might be how many OSes are there that aren't based on Unix or Windows08:55
Reave-MagentiumTehDGM It does a little bit in Wine, not very well mine due. I forgot to mention that was on Windows, i know that Linux probably doesnt count with that side of the Hibernate feature, but in a general term i was lucky to have that much swap allocated08:55
TehDGMplan 908:56
yonathanwhat makes an operating system08:56
reisioyonathan: a system for operating :p08:56
Vampirereisio... :)08:56
Vampireis there a website to know those08:56
reisioVampire: wikipedia.org08:56
markskilbeckIs 11.10 being released today?08:56
Reave-MagentiumI will get you the link Vampire ofr all Ubuntu dists08:56
reisiomarkskilbeck: yes, /join #ubuntu-release-party08:56
TehDGMit boots the system, and allows for processes to run, either single or multiprocessed08:57
yonathanreisio: If I tweak Ubuntu and call it MyBuntu, is it a new OS?08:57
Reave-MagentiumVampire - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Linux_distributions08:57
reisioyonathan: yes and no08:57
n0ti0nisHi all, I need help. I've built a kernel from ubuntu git repo, I dont find the .changes file to upload packages to my PPA. Someone can help me08:57
VampsDaBeastVampire : www.distrowatch.org has a good listing of many of the *nix based distros08:57
Reave-MagentiumThat is ONLY the well known LInux distributions08:57
reisioyonathan: mostly no :p08:57
Vampirethanks Reave08:57
TehDGMi'd say no, unless you make big changes to the kernel which is really the actual OS08:57
cutiyarjust some one tell me when 11.10 is out?08:57
ex0zi was messing with it now swapon -a says cannot find device...08:57
reisiono kernels are not the OS08:57
Reave-MagentiumVampire your welcome, i cannot guarantee that is up to date, but it gives you an idea of how inferior Windows is in terms of Community Support08:57
TehDGMi dont consider bash or a gui part of the OS08:57
n0ti0nisI patched with BFS scheduler08:58
n0ti0nisso I made changes08:58
reisioTehDGM: your opinion is the periphery :p08:58
TehDGMi dont have opinions, i only speak facts </troll> xD08:58
Reave-MagentiumTehDGM I second that motion and raise you a +1, i run a server with Ubuntu Server 11.04 running with on GUI, doesnt mean its not an operating system, means its an operating system for people wont want o get things done FAST08:58
siddharthhi all08:59
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!08:59
markskilbecksup siddharth08:59
reisiothe kernel and userland are both important, neither is an OS on its own08:59
siddharthm eagerly waiting for 11.1008:59
Reave-Magentiumhello siddharth :)08:59
Reave-MagentiumArnt we all :p08:59
siddharthhii reave :)08:59
n0ti0nisfor those interested in ubuntu kernel patched with BFS-skiplists: http://gik0x.blogspot.com/2011/10/ubuntu-1110-kernel-30-bfs-skiplist.html08:59
reisiothere are a lot more kernels than userlands out there, however, so technically the userland is more important :p08:59
TehDGMi can imagine an OS without any kind of user interfacing really08:59
Vampirefound a new one "Debian"09:00
reisiobfs as in BeOS?09:00
TehDGMubuntu is actually based on debian09:00
Reave-MagentiumVampire - Debian is one of the most used, most well known ones. as TehDGM states, yes it ubuntu is based off of it, even though i personalyl find Debian to be not as friendly as Ubuntu09:00
Reave-Magentiumhello shmz :)09:01
n0ti0nisBFS from con kolivas, brain fuck scheduler09:01
Slashmethere is no buntu like ubuntu!09:01
TehDGMi agree, it isn't. Not as many things work out of the box. If you have the knowledge theres no difference though09:01
n0ti0nisthe new version with skiplists09:01
ex0zwhen i issue the :free: command there is 3 zeros for swap09:01
reisioI want a befunge schedular, then09:01
siddharthcan anybody help me. since gtalk is nt available for ubuntu so how can i send voicemail to gmail users from ubuntu??09:01
shmzWhen will the new version? ?09:01
reisiosiddharth: it is available09:02
reisiosiddharth: though there are probably other packages you can use09:02
siddharthreisio: i searched on google but didn't find09:02
reisioshmz: /join #ubuntu-release-party09:02
reisiosiddharth: it's probably merely not in the main repos09:02
siddharthreisio:okk so cn u tell me how to install it09:03
Reave-Magentiumsiddhart, you mean Google Talk ? and you wish to send VoiceMail to other Gtalk accounts using Ubuntu, just clarifying09:03
siddharthReave: yup09:03
reisiosiddharth: http://www.google.com/search?q=%22gtalk%22%20site%3Aubuntuforums.org09:03
Reave-Magentiumsiddharth i would recommend installing WINE and then Gtalk09:03
Reave-Magentiumor follow that link :P09:04
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reisiosiddharth: or you can do the dirty way and go to the gtalk homepage and download it09:04
siddharthreisio: gtalk is available fr windows platform only09:04
siddharthalthough fr chat empathy or pidgin is good but the prob is with voicemail only09:04
fmaurosiddharth: I use voice/video gtalk through the browser, works fine.09:05
keith-linuxwheres 10.1009:05
keith-linux11.10 i mean09:05
keith-linuxubuntu 11.10 i can't find it09:05
yonathansiddharth: Google Hangout supports Linux09:05
siddharthfmauro:yup it works audio/video calls but frm browser u can't send voicemail09:05
reisiokeith-linux: /join #ubuntu-release-party09:06
reisiosiddharth: see what Reave-Magentium said?09:06
cutiyarwhy no one answer about 11.10???09:06
reisiocutiyar: isn't one answer enough?09:06
reisio2+2= ?09:06
dr_williscutiyar:  see #ubuntu+109:07
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Reave-MagentiumATTENTION : Anyone looking for the Ubnutu 11.10 Information, should join #ubunutu-release-party . We are ALL waiting for it, but complaining is not going get anyone any closer09:07
dr_willisit will be out when its ready and out... )09:07
Reave-Magentiumdr _willis +1 to you09:07
TehDGMwhy is everybody so eager about it? what's so special and new about it?09:07
dr_willisi allready update/upgraded ;)09:08
SunTsuReave-Magentium: "ubunutu"? ;)09:08
Reave-MagentiumSunTsu, Typo haha09:08
dr_willisTehDGM:  works better for me then the 11.04 ;)09:08
TehDGMbut whats different09:08
Reave-Magentiumdr_willis same, faster, more stable, works nicer, looks nicer09:08
daniel__better than natty? great09:09
reisioTehDGM: boredom :p09:09
siddharthReave-Magentium: thanxxx act thru wine i cn do it..i just wanted to know if thr is ny application in Linux09:09
markskilbeckStill unsure of Unity...09:09
Reave-MagentiumTehDGM New Unity Launcher, Faster, new Software Centre, can support Gnome309:09
purpleyuanIf we have a question regarding the upgrade, would we ask it here? or somewhere else...?09:09
Reave-Magentiummarkskilbeck i suggest trying the 11.10 unity once it comes out, its Much nicer then natty09:09
TehDGMgnome 3 is interresting, unity i'm not at all interrested in. Faster, i dont know, i'd have to see09:09
erle-when will 11.10 get to the update manager?09:09
daniel__i wonder if 12.04 is going to use unity09:09
dr_willisnew features are on all da blog sites. ;)09:09
Reave-Magentiumpurpleyuan you may ask it here but you may be directed to another channel09:09
jdkdoes any one using the version 1109:09
dr_willisi allready update/upgraded ;)09:10
markskilbeckReave-Magentium: I plan to.09:10
chris-hey all09:10
DevilSolutionbig problem with ubuntu guys, i think someone has autheticated themselved using a keyring and using some sploit or such to reboot my pc everytime i even connect to the internet (plug in the ethernet), has anyone had anything similar before or know how to fix or find the actual issue? cheers09:10
markskilbeckyo chris-09:10
dr_willisit will be out when its ready and out.09:10
rigvedTehDGM: 11.10 use lightDM, so it's faster than 11.04, which uses GDM.09:10
reisiopurpleyuan: don't see why here isn't fine09:10
Reave-Magentiummarkskilbeck i was running the beta, and its MUCH MUCH nicer09:10
chris-i have the following problem: i have installed another ubuntu server 10.04 LTS , i had a problem connecting via putty over ssh ( always said access denied ). then i set protocol to v2 only and it worked but after a while i get a network error message and putty disconnects, then i cant connect anymore no matter what protocl version i chose i always get a access denied error after auth09:10
markskilbeckReave-Magentium: sounds promosing09:10
reisiopurpleyuan: there's also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OneiricUpgrades09:10
Reave-Magentiumrigved and TehDGM also LightDM allows HTML, CSS and other coding to change its appearance, which was removed from GDM in Ubuntu 9.**09:10
purpleyuanAlrighty. So I've heard the whole thing about GNOME not being part of this next upgrade. If I upgrade, would I have to install the GNOME packages, etc? or will it stay on my installation since I already have it...?09:11
jdkchris !putty09:11
purpleyuanIf that makes any sense. I'm a bit new to this whole thing.09:11
siddharthI didn't like the unity shell of 11.04 so will install gnome shell in 11.1009:11
markskilbeckpurpleyuan: interesting question.09:11
TehDGMReave-Magentium: is that actually a good thing? Sounds a bit clunky to me09:11
DevilSolutionkeyrings and internet reboots nayone?09:11
TehDGMoverhead of parsing html and css09:11
cjsWhat's the command that rebuilds the grub menus?09:11
markskilbeckI don't want to upgrade to 11.10 if I'm going to lose things I already have installed.09:12
reisiomarkskilbeck: so don't09:12
Reave-MagentiumTehDGM it is a good thing because it means that you can code up very very basic interfaces in HTML and CSS. It allows the user a little more freedom, and also uses just over half the resources that GDM uses09:12
dr_willisDevilSolution:  erase/reset your keyring09:12
siddharthpurpleyuan: u hv to just install gnome-shell that is available in software center and u can use gnome shell thn09:12
markskilbeckreisio: helpful, you.09:12
dr_willisDevilSolution:  i dont see how thats the issue however09:12
rigvedReave-Magentium: yes, i heard 12.04 was going to use it09:12
Reave-Magentiummarkskilbeck all of your programs should stay, cannot be sure about GnomeInstalls, but im sure that you could get gnome 2.3 back if yuo really wanted it09:12
markskilbeckReave-Magentium: true09:13
DevilSolutiondr_willis: the auth logs show authentication via keyrings :/09:13
DevilSolutioni just presumed09:13
purpleyuansiddharth: So I will need to do additional installations after upgrading? Just curious, why don't the gnome packages stay on my computer?09:13
Reave-Magentiumrigved use LightDM? 11.10 uses the new version of it, and it is very nice :P apparently 11.10 was meant to be sort of like a Service Pack to 11.04 (going from Vista to Windows 7), and 12.04 is going to be completely re-written from scratch with a lot of things09:13
DevilSolutiondr_willis: how would i diagnose whats rebooting my pc when i enter the internet?09:14
TehDGMReave-Magentium: i guess thats interresting for the many web devs out there. As for the resources, i'd have to see :)09:14
dr_willisDevilSolution:  try a new user, reset keyring.  check dmesg logs.09:14
DevilSolutionokie dokie09:14
ex0zI have an error i see when using swapon -a it appears to not be using the swap partition, i issued the mkswap commands and all and restarted it and its still not accepting..09:14
icerootDevilSolution: also /var/log/syslog  is it a reboot? or is the pc instantly off?09:14
Reave-Magentiumpurpleyuan if you do an upgrade you MAY have your existing Gnome install, but if you do a fresh install i believe it wont be install09:15
siddharthpurpleyuan: u just hv to install gnome shell all other gnome packages will be there Unity is a shell only that is built upon the gnome. Unity is not a complete desktop environment09:15
rigvedReave-Magentium: what i meant was that i had heard that 12.04 was going to use some of that HTML5 coding in it's interface.09:15
icerootReave-Magentium: gnome2 will be removed when doing the uprade (conflicting packages)09:15
Reave-MagentiumTehDGM yes of course, seeing as i only saw it in the beta of 11.10 cannot make an decisions on it a of yet, will be interested to see what sort of resources work.09:15
icerootrigved: ubuntu+2 :)09:15
The_BROSwhen 11.10 release will appear?09:16
reisioex0z: I'm not entirely sure you'd see any swap usage immediately, not with 3GB of RAM09:16
Reave-Magentiumiceroot thank you for the confirmation, i never really paid attention to it09:16
dr_willisit will be out when its ready and out.09:16
* reisio shrugs09:16
icerootThe_BROS: #ubuntu-release-party09:16
TehDGMthough i'll never understand them trying to push unity, i cant see whats so great about it. i'm sorry :P09:16
siddharthpurpleyuan, gnome packages still work in Ubuntu,09:16
purpleyuanAhhh. Okay, thanks much. I think I understand better now.09:16
reisioTehDGM: all part of the Mac OS clone plan :p09:16
rigvediceroot: ya just rumours of something that hasn't even gone through the planning phase of a UDS :)09:16
siddharthpurpleyuan, u r welcum09:17
TehDGMreisio: like i said, i cant see whats so great about it09:17
purpleyuanI had sort of assumed Unity was a completely different desktop environ. like KDE.09:17
reisiowhich admittedly is an odd approach for a system that seems so keen on stealing Windows users09:17
icerootThe_BROS: /join #ubuntu-release-aprty09:17
reisioTehDGM: yeah ^09:17
DevilSolutioniceroot: its a system off, not instant but it doesnt reset just goes off09:17
icerootDevilSolution: ok then maybe syslog will have some infos09:17
reisiopurpleyuan: in appearance it is09:17
reisiobut it actually uses GNOME09:17
siddharthpurpleyuan, nope it's a shell only built on the top of gnome09:17
DevilSolutionokie dokie i have to write it down becasue i use the same keyboard / mouse for both pc's09:17
TehDGMi like how you have to click over 5 times to access the basic configuration programs that are just in the system menu on gnome09:17
Reave-Magentiumrigved yes i believe that HTML5 Coding was going to be the LightDM, and possibly a bit of Unity.09:17
daniel__go to go have fun all09:17
DevilSolutionanything else i can check before i switch?09:17
icerootDevilSolution: no the things we mentioned are ok09:18
Calinoubuy a keyboard09:18
ex0zits not recognizing my swap partition is what i been trying to say09:18
ex0zi been getting an error on startup and all09:18
rafaelma /join #ubuntu-release-party09:18
dr_willisminus the space09:18
icerootex0z: i guess you forgot /etc/fstab09:18
ex0zi tried to to swapoff, then use the mkswap /dev/sda5 which it is, then restart swap09:18
ex0zand its giving me an error09:19
dr_willisex0z:  mkswap gives an error?09:19
fmauroex0z: have you partioned sda5 as swap first?09:19
ex0zno error on mkswap09:19
ex0zbut in fstab after the uid numbers it says "none"09:20
ex0zand with sudo swapon -a it gives an error of it cannot find it..09:20
ubottuswap is used to move unused programs and data out of main memory to make your system faster. It can also be used as extra memory if you don't have enough. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq for more info09:20
dr_willisthe uuid may have changed also09:20
ubottuPlease read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic09:20
ex0zi think thats what may have happend09:21
ubottuTo see a list of your devices/partitions and their corresponding UUID's, run this command in a !shell: « sudo blkid » (see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LibAtaForAtaDisks for the rationale behind the transition to UUID)09:21
dr_willischeck uuid , edit fstab, or use /dev/sdxx type name09:21
ex0zk, brb09:21
icerootex0z: /dev/mapper/cryptswap1 none swap sw 0 009:22
icerootex0z: replace that with your settings in /etc/fstab09:22
Yesarhi ubuntu09:22
ex0zyes the uuid's are DIFFERENT09:22
Yesarsup every109:22
Yesari know i am intruding here09:22
ex0zfstab and blkid are different09:22
Yesaru guys r probably busy with something else09:22
xut_jcYesar: why do you say that?09:23
ex0zthey are showing 2 different uuid's09:23
Yesarbut a newbie like me using ubunut unity09:23
Yesaris really stunned with linux for the last three weeks09:23
icerootex0z: then use the one from blkid09:23
Yesarand want to switch my gui to09:23
Yesargnome 309:23
=== Johnny_Giggles_ is now known as Johnny_Giggles
fmauro!enter | Yesar09:23
ubottuYesar: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!09:23
Yesarbut my system is wubi based installation09:23
crash1hdargh this is sooo annoying, fresh install of ubuntu 11.04 efi mode cd and all I get is a purple screen?09:23
lotrpyhello, is there some tutorial for deploy openstack with ubuntu 11.10 now?09:23
xut_jcwait for and install 11.10 and then install gnome-shell native.09:24
crash1hdcant drop to shell or anything09:24
ex0zthe blkid is the true correct uuid' i need to use??09:24
legrasshello is swap is really nessecery when I have 4GB RAM ? I guess my comp. not used swap09:24
xut_jclegrass: just have a 1GB SWAP partition for safety net.09:24
wolfricisn't 11.10 supposed to be out today?09:24
Yesaroh sorry! how can i change my gui to gnome 3 from unity knowing that I have a gnome 2 unity gui right now , will it work if i try the methods on utube?09:24
fmauro!swap | legrass09:25
ubottulegrass: swap is used to move unused programs and data out of main memory to make your system faster. It can also be used as extra memory if you don't have enough. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq for more info09:25
Reave-MagentiumYesar You will need to wait until Ubuntu 11.10 comes out for full support for Gnome3, once that comes out you can use the command apt-get install gnome-shell to install Gnome309:25
* Ibis slap erry with a blow fish.09:25
xut_jcYesar: i already told you how.09:25
Reave-Magentiumxt_jc sorry, didnt see you already addressed the issue with Yesar :P09:25
reisioex0z: blkid UUIDs should be accurate09:25
Yesarthanks guys09:25
ex0zim going to change it in fstab then..09:25
xut_jcReave-Magentium: alright. ;-)09:26
ex0zthen restart??09:26
wolfricGuys is 11.10 actually released today? i see no news about it. nothing even on ubuntu.com09:26
Yesarhow much time till 11.10?09:26
siddharth8 hr remaining fr 11.1009:26
xut_jcdepends where you live in the world.09:26
yonathanjoin #ubuntu-release-party09:26
zimb0how can i remove evolution from the panel [x] Mail, Compose New Message, Contacts, and put thunderbird there instead09:26
Reave-Magentiumwolfric yes it is, we just have to wait, they say October 13th, so they may release it at 11:59pm today (their time zone of course)09:27
jattwhich file should I modified so the following module is loaded every time I reboot?09:27
jattsudo modprobe coretemp09:27
reisiozimb0: all with right-click, I assume09:27
Gun_hi guys09:27
jattI mean the coretemp kernel module09:27
llutz_jatt: add "coretemp" to /etc/modules09:27
zimb0resisio: no09:27
wolfricReave-Magentium: i'm surprised. no posters no banners or "get ready for the new release"09:28
zimb0reisio: doesn't work like that09:28
wolfricReave-Magentium: do you know if they're definitely releasing it today then?09:28
ex0zright after my uuid in fstab it says  "none09:28
Gun_perhaps somebody would help with next problem09:28
ex0zshould it say that???09:28
llutz_ex0z: because swap has no mountpoint09:28
ex0zjust making sure09:28
llutz_ex0z: UUID=yyzz none sw 0 009:29
robbit10What timezone does Ubuntu use for the release schedule? It's october 13th here.09:29
zimb0i've removed evolution (because it would only detect a connection through the network-manager) and installed thunderbird, but the evolution items are still there on the panel09:29
jattllutz_: thanks09:29
reisioUUDI=yyzz none swap sw 0 009:29
TehDGMrobbit10: it's januari 2nd here09:29
xut_jcwolfeidau: canonical are becoming more professional and commercial and less 'geeky'.09:29
llutz_ex0z: UUID=yyzz none swap sw 0 0                   sry09:29
Gun_i have a dual-boot Dell Dimension. After changeing Nvidia card to Ati card, dual-booting not show Ubuntu anymor ?09:29
robbit10TehDGM: Where do you live, then?09:29
Gun_have been trying to google but no result09:29
reisioGun_: what is showing?09:29
TehDGMin my house09:30
xut_jcGun_: ^^ what is on screen?09:30
Yesari live in singapore nd it says 8hrs yaaay! thought days... very exciting, so the new ubuntu comes with gnome3 pre-installed? or I have to SUDU MY WAY IN lol :D09:30
Gun_still showing win xp, but ubuntu nore09:30
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TehDGMGun_ did you reinstall windows?09:30
Gun_just black and....09:30
xut_jcYesar: have to install it via apt.09:30
Reave-Magentiumwolfric i am not really sure, usually they have banners around, but the release date hasnt been changed, so lets just hope :P09:30
xut_jcYesar: sudo apt-get install gnome-shell09:30
th_Yesar: you can just search for 'gnome' or 'gnome-shell' with software centre and click install09:31
TehDGMGun_ https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows09:31
Gun_when switching on/off, then for 2-3 seconds showing that uploading is going and switches off09:31
Yesarwhat about  wubi will it be also avliable with the new release or same old problems with wubi? and what command should I use to chnage gui? sorry to ask much09:31
ex0zhell yea!! that worked thanks for the support fells :)09:31
reisioex0z: swap in da haus09:31
Yesaroh ok missed ur reply09:31
xut_jcjust select gnome-shell in your login screen to change gui.09:31
ex0zswapon -s is showing proper output09:31
xut_jcregarding wubi; no idea. i have no interest in it.09:31
Yesarguys can I ask something , how can i just keep ur replies and take off all there green and red lines09:32
xut_jccopy/paste then edit it.09:32
Yesari use hydraIRC: my first time in IRC09:32
Gun_no, i did not re-install win. just removed Nvidia drivers and installed AAti drivers, but all these actions i made under xp09:32
TehDGMxut_jc: it's for emergiencies where you desperately need linux, but dont have any empty discs or a usb stick =p09:32
xut_jcuse gedit if you like.09:32
TehDGMGun_ follow those instructions anyway. It will work.09:32
xut_jcTehDGM: WTF?!?09:33
ryannathans11.10 yet? :D09:33
TehDGMwhat :D09:33
Gun_i'm listening09:33
reisioYesar: part/join messages?09:33
xut_jcTehDGM: what the heck was that message all about to me?09:33
xut_jcno idea.09:33
Yesaryes those messages09:33
xut_jcoh right. yeah i know what it is. but don't have any interest to help others about it.09:34
YesarTehDGM: do u have any idea about wubi being ready with the new version09:34
reisioYesar: ask #hydrairc09:34
TehDGMactually i have no idea, i never used it :P09:34
xut_jci just use usb stick installs these days. ;-)09:34
Yesarguys u have to give some credits to wubi without it i would have never given ubuntu a chnace on my pc ... i would have needed a professional to come and install it for me09:34
xut_jcno interest in any other method.09:35
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xut_jcYesar: good for you.09:35
Yesarthanx :)09:35
Gun_ok techdgm, i'll try this09:35
=== Guest82863 is now known as dikidera
Yesarfor those who want to know how much is left for 10.11 http://thisisthecountdown.com/09:36
iceroot!quietirssi | Yesar09:36
ubottuYesar: To ignore joins, parts, quits in irssi:  /ignore #ubuntu +JOINS +PARTS +QUITS09:36
andeeeukwubi, shame about the windows part :P09:36
Reave-Magentiumxut_jc i used to love USB isntals till  lost all my USBs and cant afford to buy another one09:36
icerootYesar: should be working on other clients too09:36
ZahradaI still burn a disk and reboot.09:36
andeeeukdont need windows :P09:36
xut_jcReave-Magentium: can't afford one! they are only about 10 bucks here for 4GB.09:37
purpleyuanIf you stick with Unity, would it be possible to disable the launcher?09:37
Yesardidn't work :(09:38
reisiopurpleyuan: simply, you mean? :)09:38
xut_jcZahrada: i used to use cd-r. but now one of my desktop does not have optical drive. therefore i now use usb. ;-)09:38
Guest43373Hey I have a prob i had dual boot setup well something went wrong with my ubuntu so I just deleted the linux partitions and put win 7 to fill what I deleted now its entirely my win 7 partition only problem is i get a Grub message and it says Operating system missing and anyone know how i can remove it cause it must be hiding smwhere on the win partition09:38
Guest43373I can't load into windows at all now09:39
purpleyuanreisio: I should hope so.09:39
Yesaru guys have any idea how much will the size of the gnome 3 gui on download center be? 400MBs?09:39
reisioGuest43373: you have your Windows install disc?09:39
ZahradaThe only USB stick I have is actually an iPod Classic.09:39
Guest43373All I want to do is get the MBR back and reinstall ubuntu but need to get the prob resolved first09:39
reisioGuest43373: you have your Windows install disc?09:39
ZahradaI'm not familiar with the usb install, but I don't want to risk the date on it for an installation.09:40
Reave-MagentiumGuest43373 Boot into a windows install disk and do a Repair it will install the Windows boot loader again. Frmo there you can choose Windows or ubuntu09:40
xut_jcYesar: unsure of 100% size. but no where near that size.09:40
reisioGuest43373: okay you can fix Windows' bootloader from that disc09:40
xut_jci can install kde in under ~90MB.09:40
reisioGuest43373: ##windows has the details09:40
xut_jcthat's what i use. :-)09:41
xut_jcbye for now folks.09:41
kilonno c/c++ is not cross platform , java is cross platform, .net is too, so is python depending what library you use , c/c++ is portable09:43
Yesaris this version going to be different from the rest? cause they say a whole new world? a new gui may be?09:43
kilonoh sorry late reply lol09:43
hysteriaxsince when has . net been portable?09:44
jattsince mono09:44
jattsince they standardized the common language infrastructure09:45
hysteriaxwell i don't remember being able to run a .exe straight out the box09:45
bbbbbbbbi have just saved a .txt file with windows onto my usb thumbdrive, safely removed. now in ubuntu the file isn't there. how do i get the file?09:45
reisioguys are confusing languages being cross platform with interpreters being cross platform09:45
jatt$ file ./foo.exe09:45
jatt./foo.exe: PE32 executable for MS Windows (console) Intel 80386 32-bit Mono/.Net assembly09:45
jattit runs fine on linux09:45
reisioor rather compilers vs interpreters09:46
TehDGMin case of .net, the exe is just a container09:46
hysteriaxi agree with reisio09:46
reisioC is portable, in that you don't have to learn specific architecture assembly09:46
hysteriaxanyway brb09:47
reisioGCC is portable, because a lot of devs made it so09:47
reisioJava™ is portable because a lot of devs made it so (by using C)09:47
kilon.net runs fine on my mac and linux09:47
deanHi all I am having issues with my laptop my usb sticks and hard drives have a tendency to just stop running and disconnect is this a hardware problem likely?09:47
reisiodean: or BIOS09:47
TehDGMkilon: CLR*09:47
SomeoneWeirdanyone know how i can enable file globbing?09:47
kiloncross platform means "code once run everywhere" portable mean "code once but with recoding could run in other platforms too"09:48
deanreisio, It seems to do it with any distro or operating systems09:48
bbbbbbbbi have just saved a .txt file with windows onto my usb thumbdrive, safely removed. now in ubuntu the file isn't there. is there any way to get the file?09:48
jattyou don't need to recode a portable script09:48
reisiodean: it does it with Windows?09:48
jatta script is portable if it can run on any platform without recoding09:48
deanreisio, Yeah it does it on all platforms09:48
kilonTehDGM: .net is not just clr, there are some libraries included too09:49
tommy2k10I can't get my Brother printer to work with Ubuntu 64-bit?09:49
deanI'm worried its gonna corrupt my external hard drive09:49
reisiokilon: eh, not IME09:49
reisioFirefox is "cross platform"09:49
reisioit has to be compiled for each platform, however09:49
reisiodean: okay yeah that does sound kind of like a hardware failure09:49
reisiobut that's beside the point09:49
ucenik09can u tell09:50
ucenik25can u be my doctor09:50
reisioeven if Java code you wrote works without _any modification by you_ one any OS, it doesn't mean it wasn't ported09:50
FloodBot1ucenik09: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.09:50
ucenik25can u fix me up09:50
ucenik09install wine09:50
ucenik25can you wipe me down09:50
ucenik25how to install wine09:50
reisioit's just Sun/Oracle devs did the porting instead of you09:50
FloodBot1ucenik25: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.09:50
ucenik09can u show us how to install wine09:50
ucenik25how to install09:50
robbit10What timezone does Ubuntu use for the release schedule? It's october 13th here. When will it turn October 13th in the timezone Ubuntu uses?09:50
kilonmy point that with c++ you got alot of things to worry about when changing platforms09:51
jattdo you want wine?09:51
reisiorobbit10: http://thisisthecountdown.com/09:51
bbbbbbbbi have just saved a .txt file with windows onto my usb thumbdrive, safely removed. now in ubuntu the file isn't there. how do i get the file?09:51
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reisiobbbbbbbb: either it isn't on there or you aren't looking in the right place09:51
robbit10reisio: Thanks! And what a nicely designed website.09:52
reisiocould be worse :p09:52
ex0zits probably hidden..09:52
reisiostarting a file with '.' in Windows is involved09:52
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reisiomost people don't know how09:52
deanreisio, Is it the pci which usb ports are attached to? I have tried different ports on my laptop and it does it on all usb ports. It just tends to unmount itself for no reason09:52
bbbbbbbbreisio: can it be that windows didn't save right? i remember having this issue a few times with different drives/computers09:52
reisiodean: ask #hardware09:52
reisiobbbbbbbb: that'd be my first guess, yes09:53
cjsOh dear. Ubuntu 11.10 gives anybody who walks up to the machine a guest session. How do I turn that off, and turn off display of the machine's users at the login screen? I couldn't find the login settings in the control panel any more.09:53
deanreisio, Thanks for that09:53
reisiobbbbbbbb: these computers on the same network?09:53
hans__user settings09:53
Guest32078I like GNOME better...09:54
bbbbbbbbreisio: most of them, yeah. i only use windows here in school09:54
clarckHi :) i want to ask a question : when i make a #netstat -an   i get an established connection :
reisiobbbbbbbb: mmm09:54
th_cjs: edit /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf and set allow-guest=false09:54
clarckwhat does it mean ?09:54
reisioyou can fairly easily send a file from Windows to Linux on the same network with http://the.earth.li/~sgtatham/putty/latest/x86/pscp.exe09:54
whizzwhy is there no countdown on ubuntu.com?09:54
llutz_clarck: sudo lsof -i :4313              to see what service listens there09:55
llutz_4316 even09:55
clarckthanks :)09:55
MonkeyDustwhizz: http://thisisthecountdown.com/09:55
calwigHi all, what is a good dns-cache app? for linux09:55
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reisiowhizz: when have you ever seen a countdown for a new version on a software project site09:55
cjsth_: Thanks. It does seem very strange that it would do something so insecure, and make it so difficult for naive users to fix it....09:55
bbbbbbbbreisio: the network is windows only, so i am using the thumbdrive to transfer files to my ubuntu laptop (that i can't get into the network at all)09:55
calwigMonkeyDust: whats the site for?09:56
reisiobbbbbbbb: ah, drag09:56
whizzreisio: it used to be on ubuntu.com09:56
MonkeyDustcalwig: that's the countdown to the oneiric release09:56
reisiocjs: it shouldn't be that insecure09:56
reisiocjs: but it could be annoying if you come back and have to close a guest session09:56
reisiowhizz: when?09:56
th_cjs: i bet 12.04 will fill a lot of gaps from 11.10. in many ways 11.10 just introduced so much new stuff at _once_, lightdm, gnome3, etc.. a lot of conf tools are missing :/09:56
th_cjs: you can't even change fonts for example09:57
cjsreisio: Allowing shell access to a host opens a huge exploit surface that doesn't exist otherwise.09:57
cjsE.g., other users now have to be very, very careful not to make a mistake with their file permissions, for just a start.09:57
reisiocjs: mmm, but if they already have physical access, that's sort of irrelevant09:57
llutz_active guest accounts are always a security-flaw09:57
SomeoneWeird 09:57
whizzreisio: few versions ago, not sure which09:57
reisiowhizz: k09:58
=== michael is now known as Guest46871
cjsreisio: Actually, it is quite relevant if the system has an encrypted disk. They'd have to somehow leverage their physical access without shutting down the machine.09:59
th_it's very relevant09:59
Err404NotFoundI am trying  diff -urN oldcode latest  |  grep -E '^(\+\+\+|---)' and it shows me files that when compare in meld are identical.09:59
cjsis there an option not to display user names on the login screen? That came back with 11.04; has it vanished again with 11.10?10:00
senecahi guys10:00
th_just because you'd be physically able to steal the machine doesn't mean security won't matter anymore10:00
th_cjs: probably best bet is to change login manager to gdm or kdm (11.10 has lightdm by default)10:01
th_although considering how gnome3 removed 99% of all configuration options again, i doubt gdm has much options left10:01
cjsth_: Yes, I think that sounds like a good idea.10:01
cjsth_: Oops, they did? Argh.10:01
cjsWell, I'll give it a try. How do I change it again?10:02
th_sudo apt-get install gdm (might be named gdm-3 or something now?) or kdm10:02
th_you can change it with sudo dpkg-reconfigre gdm (any *dm will give you selection menu)10:02
Reave-Magentiumcjs or you can intsall Gnome3 and the LightDM Login Manager which is nicer and has more options10:02
reisioseneca: hi10:03
th_Reave-Magentium: lightdm is the default dude, and lack of options with it is the problem here10:03
cjsReave-Magentium: Hm? Aren't I already running those with 11.10?10:03
senecai am have proolem in killing a process, i started mongrel server, now to stop mongrel server i tries 'ctl +c', it did not worked so closed the terminal to kill. Now when i restart terminal and started server, server says address already in use10:03
xannihttp://thisisthecountdown.com/ is off by six hours.10:04
reisio/etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf, [GuestAccount] enabled=false10:04
cjsThe hidden users option in /etc/lightdm/users.cfg or whatever it is doesn't hide my user account when listed there. :-(10:04
Reave-Magentiumth_ and cjs, sorry lol didnt read it all. Been afk for a while, just saw your last post :P Yeah, LIghtDM hasnt that many options at the moment unfortunately, heres hoping they can bring out some themes for it10:04
reisioxanni: off what?10:04
grifo74hello how ubuntu 11.10 out?10:04
senecareisio: can you help10:04
hvrxanni: how do you know?10:04
xannioff the actual release time.10:04
reisioseneca: with what?10:04
cjsReave-Magentium: I'm looking for something quite the opposite, actually. I care nothing for themes; I just want it to show less stuff!10:04
reisioxanni: oh you're a fortune teller10:05
xanniBecause the release time is midnight on Howland Island.10:05
reisiogrifo74: it'll be several more hours10:05
systemclientCan I use a SD card to boost my netbook?10:05
Err404NotFoundhow are these 2 files different: http://pastebin.com/HmKWbi8K , i and meld can't find anything but diff says they are.10:05
grifo74thank i witing10:05
xukun!ubuntu 11.1010:05
xanniFrom #ubuntu-release-party:  11.10 will be released by 23:59:59 on Baker and Howland Islands on Thursday10:05
senecareisio:i am have proolem in killing a process, i started mongrel server, now to stop mongrel server i tries 'ctl +c', it did not worked so closed the terminal to kill. Now when i restart terminal and started server, server says address already in use10:05
Guest46871I'm still on 10.10 because I prefer GNOME10:06
jattsame here10:06
systemclientGuest46871: 11.04 has a regular gnome too10:06
jattnot by default10:06
zaapiel11.10 is the tits10:06
grifo74i try gone 3 and unity and i prefere unity10:06
reisioseemawn: is there anything about mongrel in /etc/init.d/ ?10:06
zaapielwith regular gnome10:06
fouzwell you can remove that look at go back to gnome in 11.1010:06
zaapielunity is a joke10:06
zaapielits terrible10:06
Patriot7912I am having the following problem "get_schannel_session_key: could not fetch trust account password for domain"10:06
systemclientzaapiel: just like all the other half baked stuff10:07
fouzwanting to look like mac10:07
xukunwhen is the release time for 11.10?10:07
Guest46871does anyone like Unity?10:07
zaapieli.e. the man who matters10:07
grifo74i like unity10:07
systemclientjatt: but you can select it though. That should do10:07
grifo74after i try gone 3 i prefere unity10:07
TehDGMzaapiel: +110:07
Reave-MagentiumI like Gnome3 only because of the way it works compared to the search in 11.04, but then 11.10 unity is so much nicer10:08
senecareisio: yes10:08
zaapielunity rages me with it adding app menus to the top10:08
TehDGMi havent seen the 11.10 unity, but i honestly dont expect too much10:08
g00se__I see there's usb-creator.exe on the distro disks. Is that to create usb installer images?10:08
reisiounity isn't the issue; people are never going to like changes they can't easily opt out of10:08
cjsI wonder how much work it's going to be to get my fvwm config working with Gnome 3.10:08
reisioseneca: /etc/init.d/mongrel stop ?10:08
zaapielprobably not possible cjs10:08
reisioseneca: or pgrep -l mongrel, and kill the id's10:08
TehDGMreisio: it is, if i have to spend over 5 clicks for something that took 2 in regular gnome.. it's bad10:08
zaapielgnome 3 depends on their own window manager10:08
llutz_seneca: pkill mongrel10:09
zaapielits one reason unity was started10:09
reisioTehDGM: no, because the problem was that you couldn't use regular gnome10:09
jattnope you can use window maker with gnome if you wish10:09
jattat least with gnome < 310:09
Reave-Magentiumi hated unity when it came out, but once i got into it i liked it10:09
cjszaapiel: Why not? What did they break so badly from Gnome 2.6?10:09
TehDGMreisio: huh? I'm talking about why i think unity is bad10:09
zaapielwell they have their own wm10:09
userTeslahello everyone!10:09
zaapielit depends on mutter10:09
reisioTehDGM: huh?10:09
=== sol is now known as Guest58126
robbit10about Unity, I saw on a YouTube comment that it wouldn't let you empty your Recent Files... is that still so?10:09
reisiouserTesla: hi10:09
Reave-Magentiumhello userTesla10:09
TehDGMlol nevermind10:09
zaapieli dont think its possible to run gnome 3 without mutter10:09
cjszaapiel: Gnome 2 had metacity, too....10:09
zaapielyeah but it was optional10:09
cjsThat sounds bad.10:09
zaapielthey laid out why they were doing it basically10:10
jattgnome 2 also supported sawfish which was nice10:10
cjsSo, what's Unity, then? Unity has its own session manager?10:10
zaapielthey could do the stuff they wanted to without forcing a window manager on you10:10
zaapielunity can use compiz and other window managers10:10
zaapielbut the design rages me10:10
TehDGMi agree10:10
grifo74it´s possible use two wireless cars on ubuntu10:11
TehDGMit might be nice for a tablet, but not for regular desktop use that goes further then browsing and text editing10:11
zaapiel gnome 3 is pretty slick though10:11
zaapielim digging it so far10:11
zaapielit has an unfinished feel to it though10:11
TehDGMi havent seen it yet, havent had the time to check10:11
zaapielkind of when kde first hit 4.X10:11
Myrttican we keep the philosophical discussion elsewhere and keep this channel for support issues, thanks10:11
Guest46871Is there a way to choose your GUI?10:11
hexacodewhat is the '..' directory and what is the '.' directory?10:11
zaapieli have a choice at the login screen10:12
llutz_hexacode: "." present dir, ".." dir above 1 step10:12
Reave-Magentiumgrifo74 ive used 2 wireless adapters in ubuntu before, worked but wasnt brilliant10:12
=== beni is now known as Guest17967
SunTsuhexacode: hardlinks on "." the local directory, ".." the parent directory10:12
zaapieltry kubuntu if you dont want to experience growing pains10:12
ubottuUnity is the default UI for Ubuntu 11.04. Unity is a shell for GNOME. see http://unity.ubuntu.com. You can still boot to the classic GNOME desktop; see !classic.10:12
senecareisio, llutz:  pgrep -l mongrel ,  /etc/init.d/mongrel stop, pkill mongrel has not worked10:13
grifo74yes i have the same problem sametimes i need to desactivated one10:13
zaapielkde 4 is pretty mature now10:13
jattwhy do they call it a shell? bash is shell, zsh is a shell10:13
cjsArgh. gdmsetup is gone.10:13
senecallutz: pgrep -l mongrel , /etc/init.d/mongrel stop, pkill mongrel has not worked10:13
Guest46871Is Kubuntu KDE?10:13
cjsDo I have to go back to xdm?10:13
Reave-MagentiumHas anyone had problems with Compiz crashing with enabling certain effects?10:13
zaapielGuest46871, yes10:13
seneca: pgrep -l mongrel , /etc/init.d/mongrel stop, pkill mongrel has not worked10:13
Guest46871or was that sarcasm10:13
zaapielbut you dont have to reinstall10:13
llutz_seneca: might need sudo if you started that stuff with sudo too10:13
zaapielsudo apt-get install kubuntu10:13
SunTsuGuest46871: kubuntu is a project to bring kde to ubuntu10:14
TehDGMReave-Magentium: only with 3rd party plugins i've ever had that. If you do it with the regular ones i'd say its a driver issue or unsupported hardware10:14
cjsSo I don't quite get it. What is a "shell" for gnome? Does unity still use the gnome session manager?10:14
Guest17967so where's the fun?! I expected drinks and girls around :D10:14
zaapielthe most girls on freenode is in #reddit10:14
cjsIt looks like it does.10:15
senecallutz: with sudo did not work10:15
=== Guest17967 is now known as Behnam
meisimanHi all, i use a Wacom DTU-1931 monitor with a pen and using Ubuntu (lucid). The wacom is my primary monitor, the notebook monitor is the second. If I use the pen, the mouse courso is shiftet to the left. how can I fix it ?10:15
llutz_seneca: "pgrep mongrel"   any output?10:15
SunTsuGuest46871: this is IRC. This is where men are men, girls are men and little girls are fbi agents10:16
Reave-MagentiumTehDGM im using the Propietory Drivers (From Additional Drivers section) on an ATI 4530 Mobility Radeon, mind due only happens on 11.10 Beta10:16
senecallutz: no10:16
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llutz_seneca: so its not running at all or not using this as a part of the processname.10:16
llutz_seneca: what port do you think is blocked? sudo lsof -i :<portnumber>    should tell you what listens there10:17
cjszaapiel: Looking at /usr/share/gnome-sesion/sessions, it looks to me as if unity-2d and unity replace the window manager just as I do with fvwm.10:17
zaapielright but you dont have gnome 3 installed10:18
zaapieldo you?10:18
cjsI don't? Oh!10:18
zaapielwhat version of ubuntu you on?10:18
senecallutz: no process running with mongrel, http://pastie.org/268806010:18
munikaris it out yet? :)10:18
zaapielim on 11.10 beta and i had to add gnome 310:18
zaapielit isnt included by default10:18
zaapielits in packages though10:19
cjszaapiel: I'm on Ubuntu 11.10. gnome-session says its version is
llutz_seneca: i guess it's ruby10:19
cjs(I don't know off-hand how to get the gnome version now.)10:19
Reave-Magentiumi believe that Ubuntu 11.10 comes with Gnome 2.3 Installed, and you can upgrade that to Gnome3, correct me if im wrong10:19
senecallutz: port no is 300010:19
zaapielthey have a package called gnome3 i believe for vanilla gnome10:19
zaapielthats what i installed10:19
zaapielit has the new gnome UI10:20
senecai tried killall ruby10:20
TehDGMi'm looking at gnome3 screenshots, what happened to the system menu?10:20
TehDGMwhere is it10:20
senecallutz_: i  tried killall ruby10:20
jattthey removed it10:21
jattnow you have to use a new paradigm10:21
llutz_seneca: "pkill ruby"10:21
senecallutz_: killall  ruby did not work10:21
llutz_seneca: "pkill -9 ruby"   ugly but ...10:21
cjsThe "gnome-session" package claims to be Gnome 3 in the description.10:23
senecallutz: ya got it working. what -9 implies10:23
cjsAnd my gnome-session on my Ubuntu 11.04 system is version 2.32.1. I think that Ubuntu 11.10 comes with Gnome 3 by default.10:23
g00se__I see there's usb-creator.exe on the distro disks. Is that to create usb installer images?10:24
emeryIf i get the daily build of 11.10 will i be ok to update from there once it's released?10:24
=== Vampire is now known as Vampires
llutz_seneca: sends SIGKILL to the process to close it imidiately10:24
senecallutz_: ya got it working. what -9 implies10:24
somsip!zh | suyanxi10:24
ubottusuyanxi: 如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw10:24
senecallutz_: pkill ruby hasnot worked? can you explain10:25
Guest46871I love using Google translate ...10:25
cjsWow! The new Gnome environment is quite interestingly amazingly slow on my old ThinkPad T42.10:25
TehDGMsquare square square square /join. xD10:25
=== Vampires is now known as Vampire
Guest46871Who plays Minecraft?10:26
WaRMaiNHi, i have a problem with 2 Wifi cards in the same PC, I try to connect 1 card to an AP and the other card to ADhoc Network.... but the pcs connected to the Adhoc dont have network ...10:27
WaRMaiNcan u help me ?10:27
Reave-MagentiumGuest46871 i host a minecraft server, why10:27
Reave-MagentiumWaRMaiN you need to share the connection of your Internet Wifi connection10:27
TehDGMi've used to until i found out that every single update has made it worse, more unstable and crappier. and never has all the features promised10:28
Guest46871No good reason10:28
WaRMaiNhow can i do that ? i tried to use static ip but nothing works, how can i share the connection ?10:28
WaRMaiNlike eth to wifi adhoc ?10:28
emeryWhat extra is on the DVD version that isnt on the CD ?10:29
Reave-MagentiumWarMaiN if you go to your Network Manager, and edit your Wifi connection (the AdHoc one) and under the IPv4 settings set it to Shared With Other Computers10:29
Reave-MagentiumTry that WarMaiN and see if it works10:29
WaRMaiNok, trying ;)10:29
airtonix!ot | TehDGM10:30
ubottuTehDGM: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!10:30
TehDGMlol why just me! i didnt start it xD10:30
Reave-Magentiumemery there isnt much info about what is changed, but the DVD Version has more packages built in.10:30
emeryReave-Magentium: Well i figured that10:30
Reave-Magentiumemery unfortunately there isnt much more information on that, the DVD usually has the Free Media Codecs installed with it and a number more programs, I find that a standard CD is better as you can choose what to install. Sorry if this hasnt helped you10:31
cjsGargh, damnit. Looks like Gnome took out the ability to turn off user names on login again.10:31
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yonathanjatoo: what do u mean10:32
emeryReave-Magentium: I've already pretty much downloaded the daily build DVD10:32
yonathannot jatoo10:32
yonathancjs: what do u mean10:32
Reave-Magentiumemery that wont affect your install at all, will just install the latest packages :)10:32
cjsyonathan: The login screen gives away the names of users who can log into the system. I prefer not to do that.10:32
anandvenkat4How to equate the output of a command to a variable in scrip10:32
emeryReave-Magentium: i know ;)10:32
cjsyonathan: I just want a box where you type in your login name, and then type in your password. No pointing.10:33
emeryReave-Magentium:  Must dash, dinner awaits. thanks.10:33
WaRMaiNReave-Magentium: it Works! , Thanks a lot!!! ;)10:33
cjsWell, at least we still have gnome-panel and all that, so my fvwm config should work fine.10:33
Reave-MagentiumWaRMaiN your welcome :) I wasnt sure that would work as im just reading this out of my Documentation haha. Glad it worked for you :)10:33
Reave-Magentiumemery Your welcoem :)10:34
leo9can someone answer a quick question for me please?10:34
Reave-Magentiumleo9 course, ask away :)10:34
WaRMaiNReave-Magentium: U are a Crack ;)10:34
leo9I would like to roll firefox 7 back to an earlier version but it keeps automatically upgrading to 710:34
Reave-MagentiumWaRMaiN A Crack ??10:34
syrinx_priestHi all.  ubuntu.com still showing 11.04.  If I grab the 11.10 daily build, think I'm getting the finished 11.10 product?10:34
WaRMaiNyeah, in Spanish ... its like Superman!! hahahaha10:35
Reave-Magentiumleo9 so let me confirm you wish to return to Firefox 6 on ubuntu, and stop it from automatically updating?10:35
leo9yes lol it has been very frustrating10:35
ac_syrinx_priest, no ;-(10:35
syrinx_priestac_: ah, ok10:35
syrinx_priestI shall try to exercise patience ;D10:36
ac_syrinx_priest, wait like everybody....10:36
Reave-Magentiumleo9 unfortunately due to a lot of security issues with firefox, i do nto believe that is possible. the only thing that i can recommend if you are runing 11.04 is a re-install, and when you update your packages, de-select the firefox  packages10:36
syrinx_priestit's just that I hate exercise  ;)10:36
syrinx_priestwill do10:36
leo9no I have the previous version  11 won't run on this computer10:37
trevorleo9, google apt pinning10:37
trevorthat's what you want10:37
leo9apt pinning ?  ok10:38
Reave-Magentiumtrevor is apt pinning the act of pinning an application so that it does not upgrade?10:39
trevorin a nutshell yes. if you're on an older version and still have synaptic installed there's a GUI in there10:40
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Operaist2what is the cli command to check the default font settings?10:41
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leo9yes I see its in the synaptic hmmm interesting10:42
greenmang0is there anyway i can change md5sum of file without changing file's contents?10:43
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MeanEYESilence before the storm :) <310:45
wootergreenmang0, salt10:45
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Reave-MagentiumITS RELEASED! http://releases.ubuntu.com/11.10/10:46
Reave-MagentiumNot announced, but the ISO files are dated as of today, thanks to Neil on #ubuntu-release-party10:46
=== Somebody is now known as Silent_Samurai
leo9ok thanks I will have to try this out  and see if I can get it to work since I am relatively new to this10:46
TehDGMit's names get weirder every release10:47
MeanEYEIt's not official. Wait for official one.10:47
Daerethhey bro10:47
TehDGMjeez xD10:47
jattno announcement -> no official release10:47
Reave-Magentiumjatt well the ISO files are up, but if you want to upgrade you gotta wait10:47
munikarwhy has http://releases.ubuntu.com/11.10/ removed "Beta 2" from its page10:47
wooterReave-Magentium, its dated the 12th, not 13th the release date10:48
AnonxpctHs nyone else gt good mileage on a optimus enabled laptop?10:48
jattthey could change the ISO files later today, without announcement there is no guarantee these files are the final ones10:48
AnonxpctUsng bumblebee/ironhide10:49
greenmang0wooter, what do you mean?10:49
DaerethI cant waittt10:49
wootergreenmang0, google md5 salt10:49
Reave-MagentiumI dont want to upgrade, i want a fresh install :P10:49
BluesKajHowdy all10:52
dr_willisyou could have ysed the rc ir beta then updated. :-)10:52
Snow_how do i change servers again?10:52
dr_willisSnow_:  what server10:52
Snow_dr_willis: rizon10:53
dr_willisyou mean irc server then...10:54
vilcobramunikar, I agree with you, I'm downloading via torrent...10:54
camil_dennis ritchie just died...10:54
MonkeyDustcamil_: just read it10:54
dr_willis   /server or /connect command nirmally snow10:54
munikarvilcobra: what do you mean downloading? it isn't out yet10:55
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Operaist2how do you check the default font setting of ubuntu?10:55
AnonxpctDennis ritchie:rest in peace10:55
camil_RIP Dennis10:55
flummydennis > jobs10:56
camil_(from wiki) was an American computer scientist notable for developing C and for having influence on other programming languages, as well as operating systems such as Multics and Unix10:56
flummyritchie > jobs10:56
jribplease stay on-topic guys10:56
vilcobramunikar, imho, it is no more written "daily build"....10:58
vilcobrawhy, if it is not last one ?10:58
wootersame convo goes down every 6 months11:00
dr_willisyes it does11:00
MeanEYEAre you guys preparing for flood of people asking "How do I do this", "Why can't I install it", "Why Unity is ... "11:01
andeeeukHey everyone11:01
dr_willistorrents will be so fast by tomirrow i dont even try to get it today11:01
andeeeukis 11.10 out yet :p11:01
wooteronly in australia andeeeuk11:02
MeanEYEandeeeuk: #ubuntu-release-party11:02
andeeeukDoes anyone know a good application to check how much ink is left in your printer11:02
andeeeukyeah, thats ok thanks11:02
andeeeuki will wait a while11:02
tamiri m waiting 11.10 final11:03
sgs2_usryeah, same here :D11:04
dr_williscups drivers tools normally do that andeeeuk11:04
andeeeuksame here11:04
sgs2_usrit's still says Development release11:04
sgs2_usrbut the code freeze date is set todat11:04
andeeeukcups driver tools, is that an application?11:04
andeeeuki know they are drivers11:04
MonkeyDustandeeeuk: cups = common unix printer service11:05
dr_willisandeeeuk:  check cups web interface11:05
pierre__somebody ?11:05
dr_willispierre__:  huh?11:05
yonathangot banned from #ubuntu-release-party, will continue trolling here11:05
andeeeukcan i find the web service through the package manager?11:05
wis3v0yag3rpierre_, al00..11:05
ubottuPrinting in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows11:05
jribwhat the...11:06
pierre__i search help to create access point with ubuntu lucid 10.04.3 LTS11:06
jribI see some edits are in order :P11:06
wooterclose call jrib11:06
pierre__is it possible ?11:06
pierre__i have 2 wifi on my computer11:07
andeeeukI have the printer working, i just need to change some of my inks as they are empty11:07
yonathanhow was I supposed to know "homo" is a banned word11:07
jribyonathan: stop now.  no further warningns.11:07
pierre__no help ?11:07
yonathanMan you guys are so uptight11:07
yonathanIf you were software, you'd be closed source11:08
jribyonathan: this channel is for ubuntu support only.  If you have a question about an issue with your ubuntu install, ask.  If you want to help others, help.  Otherwise, stop.11:08
Operaist2i want to check my default font setting for serif, how would i do that?11:09
ubottuTo verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows11:09
ubottuSee https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuHashes for the md5sums of Ubuntu discs.11:10
stephnipls i need to talk to someone in private11:11
jribstephni: best to just ask the channel your actual question (on a single line)11:11
loveOoo "APT has super cow powers"11:11
StradivariusOla! When when when will 11.10 be released? Can't wait anymore :-P11:11
stephnijrib can i pm you please11:11
jribstephni: if it's about something other than ubuntu support, sure11:12
love'apt-get moo'11:12
anon^_^Stradivarius, there's a critical bug blocking Ubuntu Desktop i38611:12
Stradivariusno way, anon^_^11:13
Stradivariusand thanks a lot, sriramoman11:13
sriramomanStradivarius: you are welcome :)11:14
szalpeople who ask the 'when' question should be forcibly joined to #ubuntu-release-party ;)11:14
Stradivariusfor which purpose?11:15
huseyinkozanhı ?11:15
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nicoconick nicocool8411:16
=== nicoco is now known as nicocool84
nicocool84hi ! i'm trying to install lubuntu 11.04 on a an old compaq presario 700, but ubiquity always crashes, and I can't seem to find what is causing this crash. it happens sometimes before the partman part, sometimes at language choosing, sometimes before grubinstall...11:18
pierre__y quelqu'un ?11:18
nicocool84moi aussi je suis là mais je crois qu'on parle anglais ici non ?11:18
rypervenchehi hi11:18
TehDGMyea english please11:19
pierre__c'est le bon endroit pour avoir de l'aide ubuntu ici ?11:19
rypervenche!fr | pierre__11:19
ubottupierre__: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.11:19
nicocool84does anyone has an idea if I have to disable some modules or something ? I'm doing memtest right now to see if the problem isn't ram-related11:21
stephniwhere can i find task manager?11:21
gentooxerstephni: you can use tools lile ps, top or htop11:22
flummy_nicocool84: running memtest for several hours is not the quickest option to find that out, try an older ubuntu on usb stick first11:23
nicocool84flummy_ : thanks, but I already tried lubuntu 11.10beta2 from liveCD, as it was crashing, I managed to install grub via console to be able to boot lubuntu 11.04 via USB (no bios usb boot support)11:24
nicocool84flummy_ : and I still have random crashes during install :( . what's even sadder is that live session seems to work great11:25
neguebais it out?11:25
andynthat's what she asked11:26
cdavisWhat time zone does Oneric get released?11:27
cdavisandyn: lol!11:27
flummy_nicocool84: try an (still) OLDER ubuntu11:27
flummy_nicocool84: oh sorry you tried 11.04, did you try it in gnome-classic mode?11:28
moljac024when will 11.10 be up for download?11:29
moljac024today is the release day, right?11:29
nicocool84flummy_ : as the pc is quite old i'm trying to install Lubuntu, so no gnome-classic. I'm trying netinst11:29
sgs2_usri wonder 11.10 completely taken down gnome-classic?11:29
patsee14I've stayed up all night refreshing the ubuntu website... no oneiric yet11:29
sgs2_usrpatsee14: issue update-manager -d :D11:29
vilcobrarafaelma, md5sum -c oneiric.md5sums11:30
patsee14sgs2_usr, yes... it's shipping unity 3d and 2d11:30
vilcobraubuntu-11.10-desktop-amd64.iso: OK11:30
sgs2_usrpatsee14: nice! :D11:30
patsee14sgs2_usr... but I need an iso to do a new install11:31
patsee14I guess I could just use a daily build as well11:31
sgs2_usrpatsee14: oh, okay. Can I know that if i perform an upgrade , will i loose all my desktop customization on my gnome-classic?11:31
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lonixGod dammit, i wanna download new bits11:36
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cdavisIf I can see 11.10 on my mirror, why won't an update get suggested via update-manager?11:38
neguebaubuntu 11.10 is already online on cdimage.ubuntu11:38
bucaneirohow can I help ubuntu?11:38
ward_this acer piece of crap desktop won't boot any linux distro :s11:38
ward_what can be its problem?11:38
ward_i tried 2 ubuntu CD's and 2 unetbootin created disks11:38
ward_diffrent distro's too11:38
ward_and i verified, they all booted on another machine11:38
bucaneiroI could translate ubuntu to arabic...11:38
tenXbucaneiro: yeah11:39
Johnny_GigglesI have a 1 terabyte hard disk with Windows 7 and Ubuntu Linux 10.04 on it.  I want to remove Linux.  Is the right thing for me to do, to boot into gparted and remove the boot partition, the linux partition and the swap partition?  Do I need to do anything about boot loaders?11:39
cdavisward_: you mean the computer won't boot from CD or after install it won't boot from HD?11:39
Abhijit_bucaneiro, http://www.ubuntu.com/community11:39
ward_error is: "(initramfs) Unable to find a medium containing a live filesystem"11:39
tenXbucaneiro: hasnt it been yet?11:39
bucaneiroI understand11:39
ward_cdavis, CD/USB11:40
SinghamJohnny_Giggles : How did you install ubuntu? Using wubi or full install ?11:40
Johnny_GigglesSingham: full install from cd11:40
lonixOnly Ubuntu Desktop is released, not server it seems11:41
SinghamJohnny_Giggles : Then use gparted..delete both ext4 and swap :)11:42
Johnny_GigglesSingham: do I need to restore mbr or anything like that?11:42
lonixit looks like they are  updateing archives now11:42
cdavisward_: perhaps you don't have the bios set to boot from CD? I suspect if it is an old computer it won't boot from USB11:42
cdavislonix: yay11:43
lonix11.10 will be fully relased within 45min (according to my source)11:43
sgs2_usrlonix: wicked!11:44
xuser1today is ubu 11.10 relase date? where is it?11:46
Sidewinder1Not for another 6hrs. 13min,11:46
CantWinnHello peeps11:48
xuser1six hours11:48
SinghamJohnny_Giggles : You have to repair mbr11:49
SinghamJohnny_Giggles : Follow these instructions http://www.ehow.com/how_4836283_repair-mbr-windows.html11:49
lovehttp://thisisthecountdown.com/ says just over 6 hours for me11:50
lordjj_"Ubuntu 11.10 changes: ...removal of the Synaptic package manager." What!? What's the replacement?11:50
auronandacelordjj_: they expect you to use the software centre11:50
AnonxpctToo bad...i really lykd synaptic11:51
alexoveubuntu software center i thing11:51
lordjj_yeah, me too11:51
auronandacelordjj_: you can still install synaptic from the repo though11:51
lordjj_Oh ok.11:51
AnonxpctWHAT?!?!did they just noobify ubuntu?11:51
lordjj_Btw, what's the talk around kernel 3.0? Any bad issues?11:51
loveOnly problem is that is that I have lost the last of my reliable USB sticks and left my spindle of blank CDs at a friends house11:51
TehDGMauronandace: you got to be kidding me... i assume apt-get and aptitude still work though?11:52
auronandaceTehDGM: of course11:52
AnonxpctWhy nt try vbox <love>11:52
TehDGMthen theres no problem :)11:52
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=== Is_it_Out_yet is now known as Is_it_Out_yet_
auronandacelordjj_: been using 3 for a few months on archlinux, no issues yet11:53
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Gnat`is this final coutdown -> http://thisisthecountdown.com/    reliable ?11:53
loveAnonxpct, yes correct11:53
TehDGMlordjj_ you do realise that theres no big changes in the 3.0 kernel right? ITs just a number11:53
loveI have the latest version downloaded and ready to go11:54
CantWinnHey guys, I have a problem (no surprise lol) with my graphics. I have a laptop with 4x AMD Phenom(tm) II P940 Quad-Core Processor and 6GB RAM, and an ATI Radeon HD 5650 With dedicated memory. I use currently 11.04 and hoping to up to 11.10 in 6hrs? lol -- Problem: If I use the proprietary drivers the system kinda runs chunky and full screen video is choppy. If I run the open source the system and video runs faster but the graphics are glitchy. I currently r11:54
CantWinnun in Ubuntu classic desktop because unity is almost unbearably slow or glitchy.11:54
phlak_userTehDGM: hmmm. coudnt they have called it kernel 2011 then?11:54
lordjj_TehDGM, yeah but I remmember hearing stuff about that new numbering causing some errors.11:54
AnonxpctCantWin:its an optimus problem11:55
AnonxpctTry bumblebee11:55
CantWinnAnonxpct, is there a solution?11:55
TehDGMlordjj_: they just chose to name it 3 for the 20 year anniversairy. Nothing really changed11:55
auronandacelordjj_: only with hardcoded scripts that assumes 2.6 for the kernel (which you shouldn't do anyway (bad coding practice))11:55
AnonxpctBumblebee project:im using it without ny probs nw11:56
AnonxpctGt it from github11:56
siouX_hi, i do update-manager -d, but don't show11:56
hungryhubbyhi i have trouble with tv time11:56
siouX_the update the distro11:56
CantWinnAnonxpct, Optimus? Bublebee? Sorry I am not sure which projects these are - I'll look them up11:57
AnonxpctOptimus is a technology to switch btwn integrated nd discrete gpu11:57
zakidineHi everyone, i would like to get rid of the useless files on ubuntu11:58
AnonxpctNvidia did nt release it fr linux11:58
zakidineshould i just delete some files in the folder /tmp?11:58
WaRMaiNI have a DELL XPS with Core 2 Duo X7900 and Dual Nvidia GTX8800 and if i connect a monitor and use the Xinerama option, My desktop dead on the reboot. and i cant see any icons, i had to choose the old gnome enviroment11:58
zakidinei hade 5gos free, i tried that command 'sudo apt-get clean' and now i only have 400mo :Q11:59
CantWinnAnonxpct, there could be a reason i haven't heard of it.. it says project bumblebee is for nVidia, I have ATI11:59
WaRMaiNhow can i do to use Unity Without problem ?11:59
Anonxpct@warmain...u too hv an optimus problem i thnk...11:59
andynyou cannot, it's been designed by monkeys11:59
WaRMaiNi think that would be the multiple GPUs in my case12:00
koichiroseis oneiric coming out today?12:00
phlak_userWaRMaiN: i have noticed that multiple monitors works only with Gnome-Classic (without Unity/Compiz)12:00
hungryhubbycheck this bug:https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/tvtime/+bug/87227412:00
ubottuUbuntu bug 872274 in tvtime (Ubuntu) "tvtime won't start with natty 11.04" [Undecided,New]12:00
Anonxpct@cantwin try hybridlinux blogspot page12:00
AnonxpctThnk its hybrid-linux.blogspot.com12:00
WaRMaiNbut fedora works fine with that! :S12:01
TehDGMAnonxpct: does your o key not work? XD12:01
WaRMaiNwhy not ubuntu ?12:01
TehDGMoh it does now nm :)12:01
zakidineHi everyone, i would like to get rid of the useless files on ubuntu12:01
zakidineshould i just delete some files in the folder /tmp?12:01
zakidinei hade 5gos free, i tried that command 'sudo apt-get clean' and now i only have 400mo :Q12:01
Atharvahungryhubby : How to find a bug in the computer ? (sry to ask such question).12:02
phlak_userzakidine: the tmp folder gets emptied on every reboot12:02
phlak_userzakidine: you could rid of the docs (ive yet to come across someone who reads them)12:02
TehDGMthat and they're online too12:02
zakidinei should reboot then, but there's files don't want to disapear12:03
zakidinetpdqqnws... tmpdgekz etc12:03
hungryhubbyanybody knows about tvtime12:03
WaRMaiNphlak_user:  why Fedora Works fine with multiple monitors on Unity and Ubuntu can't do the same ?12:03
phlak_userWaRMaiN: havent got a clue dude12:04
hungryhubbyhi ActionParsnip12:04
ActionParsniphi hungryhubby12:04
dr_willisWaRMaiN:  you installed Unity on fedora?12:04
WaRMaiNLast Fedora comes with Unity12:05
hungryhubbytrouble with natty and tvtime12:05
phlak_userWaRMaiN: did you mean compiz when you said unity?12:05
dr_willislast fedora i tried came with Gnome Shell...12:05
AnonxpctHmm...dnt knw fedora hd unity by default12:05
dr_willisAnonxpct:  im pretty sure it dosent.12:06
hungryhubbyhi dr_willis can u look into my bug 87227412:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 872274 in tvtime (Ubuntu) "tvtime won't start with natty 11.04" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/87227412:06
dr_willishungryhubby:  ive not used a tv tuner in ages..12:06
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dr_willisrun it  min a terminal look for error messages12:06
Abhijit_WaRMaiN, its gnome 3 not unity12:07
AnonxpctTher shd b log smwer in var/log i thnk12:07
hungryhubbyif u can just look into the bug report that will be gr812:07
ubottuU is the 21st letter of the modern latin alphabet. Neither 'U' nor 'Ur' are words in the English language. Neither are 'R', 'Y', 'l8', 'Ne1' nor 'Bcuz'. Mangled English is hard for non-native English speakers. Please see http://geekosophical.net/random/abbreviations/ for more information.12:09
=== ti-prgmr is now known as Ti-PrgmR
Johnny_GigglesWhere did Singham go?12:09
hungryhubbytrouble with natty and tvtime: any help12:10
Anonxpct@hungryhubby...check th logs at /var/log12:10
Johnny_GigglesI've removed the non-Windows 7 partitions from my hard disk and now it won't boot.  I have one remaining partition, which is NTFS.  When I try to boot my computer it says "Disk boot failure, insert system disk and press enter".  I've tried booting my Win 7 DVD and running bootmgr /nt60 C: and bootrec /fixmbr but it doesn't fix it.  Ideas?12:11
Abhijit_Anonxpct, amm?12:11
roadfishdo USB dial-up modems work well with Ubuntu. Or are serial dial-up modems better? I'm getting a new computer that doesn't have a serial port ... so I have to get a serial-port ePCI card (for my old serial-port modem) or get a USB modem.12:12
thauriswulfaJohnny_Giggles: I had this problem too once, try loading bootmgr using Grub4dos12:12
dr_willisJohnny_Giggles:  windows 7 normally has a boot type partition at the start.12:12
Johnny_Gigglesah hell, I'll just reinstall12:12
Johnny_Gigglestime for a good reinstall anyway12:13
thauriswulfaHow many hours left for ubuntu release?12:13
Anonxpct@johny: try update-grub on ubuntu12:13
dr_willisthauriswulfa:  when its done its done...12:13
Pessimistdr_willis http://releases.ubuntu.com/11.10/ is this the final release of 11.10?12:14
AnonxpctWhoever askd th usb modem question12:14
ArnoldJohnny_Giggles, install syslinux and then type this "sudo dd if=/usr/lib/syslinux/mbr.bin of=/dev/sda"12:14
ArnoldOr follow this forum link: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=62282812:14
AnonxpctUsb modems wrk fine in ubuntu12:15
mfauzirahman#ubuntu-release-party still on?12:15
ActionParsnipPessimist: anything Oneiric in #ubuntu+1 please12:15
ActionParsnipmfauzirahman: should be, yes12:15
roadfishAnonxpct: ok, thanks for the info.12:15
Sidewinder1thauriswulfa, 5.7512:16
haddock_hmm. I thought they were going to lauch the new Ubuntu today ? strange. no news. nothing. Do you know anything ?12:16
haddock_Something.. not anything.12:17
Anonxpct@haddock...supposdly withn th nxt hour12:17
zaapielhaddock_, they put it off do to the passing of steve jobs12:17
phlak_user!11.10 > haddock12:17
* zaapiel lawls12:17
haddock_very fynny12:17
zaapielno announcements for a month12:17
Abhijit_haddock_, #ubuntu-release-party12:18
ActionParsniphaddock_: join #ubuntu+1   when you get kicked here, it'sout12:18
ubottuUbuntu 11.10 (Oneiric Ocelot) will be the fifteenth release of Ubuntu.  Codename announcement here: http://www.markshuttleworth.com/?p=646 Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1 | /join #ubuntu-release-party and wait for the announcement.12:18
Semtexdoes anyone know what is going to happen to gnome if I upgrade and use 'ubuntu classic' currently?12:18
roadfishso the new Ubuntu is out today? then I guess that's what I should install on my new computer. I thought Ubuntu came out at the end of the month.12:19
ActionParsnipSemtex: it will be replaced by Unity2d12:19
haddock_ActionParsnip: thanks. hmm.. MAc users completely lack that social life.12:19
ActionParsniphaddock_: what social life? You lost me...12:19
haddock_ActionParsnip: Hanging out on IRC waiting for a release. Because there are no Ubuntu stores :D12:20
Semtexhttp://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/11.10/release/ ?12:21
ActionParsniphaddock_: ahh I see. Well I'm out today. My autoupdater will push me gracefully to the rc (been using Oneiric since Alpha 2 ;))12:21
dr_willisIt will be ready when its ready.....12:21
ikoniaSemtex: why are you poasting that12:21
Semtexwhy are we not allowed?12:21
ikoniaSemtex: because it doesn't help12:22
TehDGMstolen goods12:22
dr_willisevery 6 mo same thing... people posting stuff befor its officially anounced.. have some patience.12:22
ikoniaSemtex: it actually causes problems. so I'll ask again "why are you posting that"12:22
=== goddy is now known as pis0ga
Semtexbeacuse people where asking for it12:22
Semtexand its posted on the internet12:22
Semtexwhich is where i got it from12:22
ikoniaSemtex: where is it posted on the internet that it's released, please visit this URL to get it12:23
ikoniaSemtex: is that an ubuntu website ?12:23
sanu01hello. am trying to open a folder on a windows comp. its already shared but i cannot access it. i forgot the samba command to open a share12:23
ikoniaSemtex: right, so it's released when the people who make the product say it is12:23
sanu01smb///x.x.x.x.x ?12:23
sanu01though its not opeining12:23
ActionParsnipsanu01: why not just use nautilus?12:24
sanu01ActionParsnip, errr in unity cant even find the bar12:24
Semtexwhy is that going to suddenly change the software?12:24
sanu01ActionParsnip, for unity12:24
ikoniaSemtex: no, but getting people to download from it while it's tryin gto be mirrored doesn't help12:24
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dr_willissanu01:  the file manager uses the smb:// type address or has a 'connect to pc' menu item12:25
sanu01ActionParsnip, i mean in nautalius12:25
Semtexfair enough12:25
ikoniaSemtex: thank you12:25
dr_willissanu01:  ctrl-l to show/hide the path bar.12:25
sanu01dr_willis, is there a way i can get the address bar in unity?12:25
sanu01dr_willis, oki12:25
Semtexbut like I say I honestly didnt know12:25
dr_willissanu01:  its a nautilus thing.. not a unity thing. :)12:25
SemtexI only came here beacuse of that link12:26
dr_willissanu01:  and theres the places menu item.12:26
sanu01dr_willis, ah ok. Thanks a lot:))))12:26
Semtexbut since I am gonna lose gnome I have a problem12:26
dr_willisYou are not loseing gnome.. you are going to gain gnome3 :) if you want.12:26
ActionParsnipsanu01: in te menus in nautilus there is a 'connect to server' bit12:26
auronandacedr_willis: i think ubuntu classic mode should have come with a nice big warning notification12:28
* auronandace is glad that i use xfce12:28
AofAhello, I am attempting to install ubuntu 8.04 on a celeron 1.1 machine with 512 ram andwindows xp install, keep on getting the initramfs prompt. I have found a suggestion to forcibly mount the ntfs volume12:28
AofAI am afraid to do so, any experience with similar problem?12:28
auronandaceAofA: can't you use 10.04?12:29
backtracker2Where can I go for Backtrack?12:29
auronandace!backtrack | backtracker212:29
ubottubacktracker2: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux), Ultimate Edition12:29
iceroot!alis | backtracker212:29
ubottubacktracker2: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu*12:29
younesshello ubuntu12:29
AofAauronandace: same problem with 10.04, went back to 8.04 because I hoped it would work better (low memmory)12:29
backtracker2AofA: How much ram do you have?12:30
auronandace!lubuntu | AofA12:30
ubottuAofA: lubuntu is a project to create a derivative of Ubuntu using the LXDE desktop environment. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu . /join #lubuntu for lubuntu support.12:30
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dr_willisLubuntu is nice. :)(12:31
auronandaceAofA: lubuntu is meant for lower resource systems12:31
TehDGMDSL :P12:31
K350I've no idea if my sound dev is /dev/dsp or something else. How do I find out?12:31
younessis ubuntu 11.10 alrdy out?12:32
auronandaceyouness: not officially no12:32
arcaicohello, I need to initialise 2 software on different terminais, before graph login12:32
auronandacebindi: don't do that12:32
younessok thnx12:32
AofAthe reason I am using ubuntu is because it is the recommened os for the program I need, EMC2 (cnc control software for linux). Does any linux program work on any linux  os?12:32
bindiauronandace: do what?12:32
phlak_userAofA: mostly12:33
auronandacebindi: until it is officially released don't post that link12:33
bindiauronandace: why does that page exist then?12:33
auronandacebindi: they are in the process of mirroring12:34
TehDGMit'll cause their servers to die if everybody starts downloading from there12:34
TehDGMisnt there a torrent?12:34
auronandacebindi: increasing the load on the servers will slow the process12:34
bindiauronandace: shouldnt have the page up then, not my fault :p use torrents then12:34
auronandacebindi: i do use torrents, but don't post the link12:35
Kre10shello. Is it possible to simulate the plymouth loading screen? or do I need to reboot to see it?12:37
jacobnestoHello, anyone knows when the version 11.10 will be available to download?12:38
stillParsnipKre10s: i believe so. There may be: plymouth -test    check the man page is all I can suggest12:38
AofAubottu: is there any possible way to install ubuntu on a 512 ram machine, if installing lubuntu is not an option?12:39
stillParsnipjacobnesto: ask in #ubuntu+1 for anything oneiric12:39
Picijacobnesto: Oneiric is not yet released and there is no predetermined time on the 13th when it will be. Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party or for more questions join #ubuntu+112:39
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auronandaceAofA: why is lubuntu not an option?12:39
saju_mi have alog file of size 200mb, how open that in ubuntu ????12:40
AofAbecause the software I need is only precompiled for ubuntu, and I am a linux virgin12:40
stillParsnipAofa: use Lubuntu for a more responsive OS. 512mb ram is plenty for a full gnome desktop12:40
auronandacesaju_m: with a text editor?12:40
saju_msystem hanging while trying to open in Text editer.12:40
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auronandaceAofA: it should work on lubuntu12:41
stillParsnipAofa: lubuntu is ubuntu, it just uses LXDE and Openbox instead of Gnome and Compiz to be lighter.12:41
auronandacesaju_m: what log is it?12:41
sbtehey, I'm trying to use the oneiric software center (because synaptic was removed), but how on earth do I find actual packages12:42
saju_merror and debug12:42
sbtenot only applications I don't want12:42
moljac024seriously when will 11.10 be available for download?12:42
switch10_saju_m: try cat | more12:42
Picimoljac024: Oneiric is not yet released and there is no predetermined time on the 13th when it will be. Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party or for more questions join #ubuntu+112:42
stillParsnipSbte: ask in #ubuntu+1 for anything oneiric12:42
switch10_but a 200mb text file is massive!12:42
saju_mcreated using python logging module12:42
Picisaju_m: you can use less12:43
saju_mcan i do a serch in it using any command12:43
sbtestillParsnip, oneiric is +0 today, so...12:43
stillParsnipsaju_m: less /path/to/filename.log12:43
saju_mcan i do a search in it using any command, without open it ????12:44
stillParsnipsbte: maybe, but its not released right NOW12:44
switch10_you can download the torrent right now.12:44
PiciIts not out.12:45
switch10_im downloading the torrent right now12:45
iszakPici, sure is12:45
maulanahow to run desktop effect on my ubuntu 10.0412:46
blastermasteris it final relese?12:46
iszakblastermaster, yes12:46
stillParsnipsaju_m: i know nano can. I'm sure less will have a search. Alternatively you can grep the file to search:  grep word /path/file.log   will show all occurances of 'word' in the file12:46
Piciiszak: The release manager has not made the announcement.  Anything can still change at this point.  We ask that our users respect that and not post pre-release links.12:46
iuytfrhello there12:46
Picisaju_m: press / in less to search.  n to go to next match12:47
iszakPici, probably haven't announced it because servers are still mirroring it.12:47
Piciiszak: Then be kind and let the bandwidth be used for that.12:47
iuytfris it possible to change BIOS Clock from command line ?12:47
dthackeriuytfr: hwclock12:47
iszakPici, I will be seeding it once I've downloaded it.12:47
maulanaam need to run desktop effect on my ubuntu please how to12:47
stillParsnipswitch10_: that torrent is the beta 2. You will upgrade seamlessly to the release. Its not out12:47
maulanahow to enable desktop effect on ubuntu 10.1112:48
Hatrix76can I upgrade with apt to the releas already or is this also still beta?12:48
stillParsnipblastermaster: its not out. Install the beta2 if you want the12:48
datalayi installed mapserver-bin package with apt-get install mapserver-bin12:49
datalaybut i cant find mapserv binary file12:49
stillParsnipblastermaster: you can upgrade to the rc seamlessly12:49
datalayhow can i learn installation directory? where did it install it?12:49
switch10_stillParsnip: right you are.12:49
axisysdatalay: dpkg -L mapserver-bin will help12:49
StepNjumpAnybody familiar here with extundelete?12:49
somsipStepNjump: i've used it, but I couldn't claim to be over-familiar12:50
rabbi1how to reset config12:50
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rabbi1lost menubar of all the window12:50
Reave-MagentiumHey everyone! how is everyone this fine day :)12:50
stillParsnipswitch10_: note the file creation data on the site you gave. Its not todays date. Its12:50
moljac024http://releases.ubuntu.com/11.10/ <-- are these valid/final ?12:50
StepNjumpok somsip maybe you could help me12:50
datalayi cant see mapserv file axisys12:50
Stanley00 rabbi1 try looking all folder name *compiz* in your home, and delete them12:50
datalaywithout that binary i cant use that package12:50
somsipStepNjump: it'll have to be quick...12:50
StepNjumpok somsip the instructions are here: http://extundelete.sourceforge.net/12:51
axisysdatalay: whatever is in /usr/bin or /usr/sbin is the binary12:51
datalay dpkg -L mapserver-bin mapserv file doesnt exist in that list12:51
StepNjumpwhen I try to execute the 3rd step ./configure12:51
blastermasterthe torrent has date of october 13 ? and is not marked as beta or rc12:51
axisysdatalay: dpkg -L mapserver-bin12:51
Reave-Magentiumrabbi1, the only way that i know of is to press CTRL+ALT+F1, type ps aux |more , find the process for /usr/bin/x11 and then type sudo kill <id> which is the number in the secodn collumn12:51
stillParsnipmoljac024: when the channel message changes, its out. The cdimage guys may12:51
rabbi1Stanley00: sure? can't i uninstall from syn mgr12:51
Reave-Magentiumblademaster - just checked for upgrade, still registered as ReleaseCandidate12:51
stillParsnipmoljac024: may not update immediately (afaik)12:52
maulanabe for am click right on desktop and aktif the effect and right know i do no how do12:52
maulanafor aktive desktop effect12:52
axisysdatalay: pastebin the output of `dpkg -L mapserver-bin'12:52
Reave-MagentiumI agree with StillParsnip, it takes time to put all the ISO files onto their server, so just because we see the files tehre, may not mean they are released just yet12:52
datalayaxisys,  http://pastebin.com/9eGTpL0A12:52
SDNhow do i update from 11.04 to 11.10 through terminal12:52
Stanley00rabbi1: uninstall compiz? maybe, but make sure mark remove completely12:53
axisysdatalay: all those files like /usr/bin/legend are the binaries12:53
stepnjumpok sorry... when I do the config it gives  me this: configure: error: Can't find ext2fs library12:53
Reave-MagentiumStantly00 if he is using Unity in any way it will remove his Unity and Gnomedesktop as well12:53
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stepnjumpyet its installed12:53
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datalayaxisys, these are helper binaries for mapserver i whinkt12:53
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Reave-Magentiumstepnjump try sudo apt-get install ext2fs12:53
datalaynot mapserver daemon12:53
stepnjumpits already there12:53
somsipstepnjump: firstly - are you using the system that the disk was connected to when it dies?12:54
stillParsnipWhy can't people just chillout? If you dont get the new release on release day, you can get it any of the other days all the way up to it being EOL...12:54
stepnjumpyes but a different partition12:54
datalaycorrect package name is: cgi-mapserver12:54
somsipstepnjump: so you have rebooted and there is no way the dead partition can be written to?12:54
maulanai means visual effects on a preferences > aparance visual effect12:54
stepnjumpsame sda.. it died on sda8 and now I'm on sda612:55
maulanabut am can't find it12:55
maulanaam used ubuntu 1112:55
stillParsnipmaulana: what video chip are you using?12:55
stepnjumpsomip no I don't want to... because I accidentally deleted all my Documents12:55
stepnjump22 GB worth12:55
somsipstepnjump: k - I ost files as I tried to build extundelete immediately and ended up booting to LiveCD and build there *which worked fine and might help you*12:55
maulanastillParsnip, am b 4 can used it12:55
dr-leeubuntu 11.10 release date was scheduled today, but It seems not released....any1 here who can show me the place where i can find more informations on the release date of ubuntu oneiric ???12:56
maulanabut right now am can't find it on my menu at apperaance12:56
stepnjumpyou built it from livecd somip?12:56
stillParsnipmaulana: doesnt answer the question12:57
stepnjumpsomip, i unpackaged in my home folder is that ok?12:57
ubuntu1when ubuntu 11.10 will publish? can anyone tell me?12:57
stepnjumpmaybe the $path is not found?12:57
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determinologyHmm google chrome wont install on 64 bit..how nice12:57
somsipstepnjump: yeah - read about problems of new data ocerwriting fragments of lost files (I did lose a few) so rebooted to a live CD I had to hand, and I don't think I had to install anything to build it. Mounted the dead drive from live CD and ran it from there12:57
maulanastillParsnip, how i see the vga12:57
wis3v0yag3rubuntu1, here it is http://releases.ubuntu.com/11.10/12:58
mekwallhrm... I've created my own upstart script, and it works (with start/stop) but how do I get it to start on boot?12:58
dr-lee@ubuntu: ubuntu 11.10 should be released today!!!12:58
stillParsnipdr-lee: it is today, but it could be on one of the 24 hours that make up a day. Can't it?12:58
maulana00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Core Processor Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 02) (prog-if 00 [VGA controller])12:58
dr-leei can wait a day or a week12:58
dr-leethank you12:58
dr-leei just need to know12:58
maulanastillParsnip, 00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Core Processor Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 02) (prog-if 00 [VGA controller])12:58
ubuntu1 today is 13?1012:58
stillParsnipmaulana: lspci | grep -i vga12:58
stepnjumpsomip and this is the BEST tool for ext4 right?12:58
maulanaam have done stillParsnip :> 00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Core Processor Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 02) (prog-if 00 [VGA controller])12:58
Reave-MagentiumAnyone who is wondering about the Release of Ubuntu 11.10 needs to realise that in honolulu Hawaii it is still 3am on te 13th. They said it would be released, meaning they MAY release it at 11:59:59 Honolulu time which is the latest time.12:59
stillParsnipdr-lee: so now you know why..12:59
ubuntu1sorry today is 13/10. but when they will publish?12:59
somsipstepnjump: I can't comment, but it did work for me. I recovered about 95% of what I lost12:59
Piciubuntu1: Oneiric is not yet released and there is no predetermined time on the 13th when it will be. Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party or for more questions join #ubuntu+112:59
maulanastillParsnip, am not fine this menu http://www.kincir.org/images/stories/compiz/desktopeffect2.jpg12:59
dr-leeits there :)12:59
dr-leehip hip hurrayyy12:59
Falkiwhen come out ubuntu 11.1012:59
somsipstepnjump: from rm -RF in a subdir with a load of dev code. I needed it to work. So that would be my recommendation, but I do not claim to be an expert (boot to LiveCD and build there)13:00
Heziva /j #playframework13:00
dr-leeits is out Falki13:00
stepnjumpthe version of my ext2fs is not exactly what they ask for though... maybe thats why13:00
Reave-MagentiumFalki, could be another 12 - 15 hours.13:00
dr-leeits there13:00
Reave-MagentiumFalki, if you want running updates join the #ubuntu-release-party channel13:00
sven^uhm. I put in a cd to burn and now cdrecord seems crashed. The drive doesn't even open or close anymore. Any suggestions?13:00
stepnjumpsomsip i am puzzled13:01
somsipstepnjump: ?13:01
Reave-Magentiumdr-lee yes but the 64bit iso is from yesterday and from what i heard by a guy on another IRC, the iso is still the release candidate13:01
stepnjumpwould there be a way you could connect to my machine somsip?13:01
AnonxpctSven...try a diff os...if it still fails its a hrdware faukt13:01
stepnjumpmaybe its something real dum13:01
Reave-MagentiumAlso, update-manager -d shows RC Upgrade13:01
stepnjumpand simple13:01
somsipstepnjump: not something I would offer to do even if I could13:01
dr-leeI will wait for lubuntu anyways ;)13:01
stepnjumpok.. i trust you13:02
Reave-Magentiumdr-lee i was hoping that it was the latest as well :P but it seems that it is just the location of the official Release Candidates13:02
iuytfrdthacker: how to sync with the system clock ?13:02
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stepnjumpok well i'll keep trying13:02
ViccieBWhen I do a "lsb_release -a" there is no more mentioning of "development branch"... does that imply I'm already running the final13:02
somsipstepnjump: Like I say, the live CD build is an option, but I would avoid booting back into a system with the dead drive mounted. Get rid of it from fstab for instance13:02
Reave-MagentiumGo to your clock settings iuytfr and type your location, then select Get Time from Internet13:02
HakanSSomeone running Ubuntu on a Intel i5 with integrated graphic?13:03
iuytfrfrom cli Reave-Magentium13:03
dr-leelets wait some hours...no problem here13:03
stepnjumpsomsip btw, did you just mount the partition or you additionally mounted it just on read, not write?13:03
AnonxpctNyone try linuxfromscratch here?13:03
ghostnik11is the ubuntu release party over and checked the ubuntu site still don't see any download option for ubuntu 11.1013:03
sockethey, just installed mysqld using apt-get, how do i start it? 'service' doesnt know mysql and /etc/init.d/mysql does not exist13:03
dr-leei just needed to know if there is a delay resulting of some serious problems....but everything seems coming soon :)13:03
somsipstepnjump: I can't honestly remember. I said earlier I mounted it from the liveCD but that doesn't actually make sense. I don't recall the mechanics of running extundelete (it workeD) but can recall how I built it13:03
okCPUanyone have time for a SAMBA noob? i have an ubuntu ftp server that i want to automatically transfer files from to a win2000 server edition machine...13:03
stepnjumpI don't think its mounted13:04
dr_willisAnonxpct:  install virtualbox on ubuntu, try LFS in vbox. :)13:04
somsipstepnjump: gluck - gg13:04
taisaneed some help with localization pls: the desktop is located in /home/user/Desktop, but with localization in German, a new directory was created on my ubuntu 11.04 with the name /home/user/Arbeitsfläche, which should i use?13:04
stepnjumpI DID take a snapshot using acronis earlier today13:04
dr_willisokCPU:  FTP is not samba.. but if you mount the 'shares' to directories. you can copy them wever you need via cron jobs and rsync or other commands. :)13:04
stepnjumpso I have an image worse case scenario13:04
dthackeriuytfr: hwclock --systohc13:04
AnonxpctI alrdy hv VB dr.willis.. I was tokng abt creatng linux from scratch:)13:05
dr_willisAnonxpct:  yes.. try out LFS in vbox. makes it easier them messing with a real hardware machine.13:05
okCPUdr_willis: i thought you need SAMBA for windoze to see your shares though... the FTP machine faces outwards and allows our clients to upload files... i need to unzip and transfer these files to our processing server13:06
AnonxpctAh k...hvnt strtd out yet...ws jst thnkng of creatng linux frm scratch13:06
popolonAnonxpct, use linux from scratch documentation13:06
ViccieBits kinda different from ubuntu!13:07
hungryhubbytvtime help13:07
popolonnice done, that at least a good thing to understand most of a linux distro architecture13:07
hungryhubbyactually i want to edit xorg file can u tell me the location13:07
bombadil_rocksAnonxpct, you might also want to cheeck out a source distro like gentoo as an intimediate step13:07
sgs2_usrso is 11.10 finally out?13:07
Reave-Magentiumsgs2_usr no not yet13:07
sgs2_usrReave-Magentium: aw man :D13:08
HakanSsgs2_usr: Yes. It´s out13:08
popolonanything is very slow on cdimage ?13:08
popolonah ok13:08
sgs2_usrHakanS: what???13:08
popolonthe final ?13:08
Reave-Magentiumsgs2_usr its only 3am in honolulu we could be waiting another 15 hours for it :P13:08
popolonor the b3 ?13:08
sgs2_usrReave-Magentium: lol13:08
HakanSsgs2_usr: 11.10 is out.13:08
LasersUbuntu is trying to make everyone sleepy so when it come out, we all would be asleep. :(13:08
sockethey, just installed mysqld using apt-get, how do i start it? 'service' doesnt know mysql and /etc/init.d/mysql does not exist13:09
Reave-Magentium:P yes it is haha13:09
dr_willisokCPU:    samba is used for windows -> linux accessing. You can mount a windows share to some location on the linux machine. then access it as if it was a local directory on the linux box.. thus you could ftp upload to the linux box and have it to INTO the mounted samba share.13:09
sgs2_usrLasers: im gonna camp :D13:09
dr_willisokCPU:  but  you may want to look into using ssh, and scp. and forgetting about ftp. :)13:09
Reave-Magentiumsocket it should be already running, to use it it is sudo mysqladmin ...13:09
sven^Anonxpct: ok, will do that. The main problem is that something now blocks the device and I do not want to reboot ;)13:09
okCPUdr_willis: thanks... i will look into all of these =)13:10
popolonfuck, I just bought a new computer today13:10
pangolin!language | popolon13:10
ubottupopolon: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.13:10
ViccieBwhy is that a problem then popolon?13:10
Laserssgs2_usr: noob camper. :(13:10
popolonI hopped to be able to install it quickly with xubuntu or ubuntu studio13:10
sgs2_usrpopolon: are we allow to use foul words?13:10
sgs2_usrLasers: :D13:10
popolonit will then take lot of time :(13:10
* dr_willis covers his ears.13:10
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popolonsraue, scuse me :)13:10
dr_willisThe torrents will be amazingly fast when 11.10 comes out and they get seeded. :)13:10
popolonyes but after the torrent13:11
popolonthere is the installation process :(13:11
zykotick9dr_willis, covering your eyes, on IRC, might be more effective ;)13:11
dr_willisnormal ubuntu install for me -  like 30 min perhaps...13:11
dr-leebut the more torrent connections the slower my whole lame laptop gets in its overall performance :(13:11
waserisn't a dist-upgrade possible?13:11
AofAI tried 8.04 like you suggested, and it is still sending me to a install error screen. Haven't been able to find more memory yet, so I was hoping to work around it some way.13:11
dr-leedist-upgrade is possible13:11
Reave-Magentiumdr-lee you can limit global cnonections...13:11
waserso there you go ;)13:12
dr-leethen it gets slower again ;)13:12
Bartoloniubuntu 11.10 is out?13:12
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=== DjRedstar is now known as DJredstar
dr-leei am doin the classic wget  ;)13:12
Reave-Magentiumdr-lee unfortunately my router dies if more then 200 connections go to it, so i gotta limit mien.13:12
kanhahow to create a branch in launchpad for pushing a branch.13:12
waserwhy slower?13:12
dr-leeits  very much, 200 connections13:12
DJredstarhi! is the stable version of ubuntu 11.10 out yet? i cant find a download for it13:12
dr-leei guess my lapotop would freeze then13:12
dr_willisDJredstar:  no its not.13:12
bindidr-lee: no it's really not :p13:13
dr_willis!party | DJredstar13:13
ubottuDJredstar: Please remember that #ubuntu, #kubuntu, #xubuntu, and #edubuntu are support channels. To countdown to Natty release and then party once it happens, join #ubuntu-release-party - For in-person parties, see http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/global/744/detail/13:13
dr_willishave they changed the topic to 'no its not out yet'  :) yet....13:13
popolonso everything is frozen13:14
popolonimpossible to have beta for today ?13:14
popolonperhaps on a mirror ???13:14
dr_willispopolon:   i updated and upgraded my beta just a few hrs ago. :)13:14
dr-leesure..beta is there13:14
dr_willisso in a few days i will update to final13:15
popolondr_willis, do you know an ubuntustudio mirror ?13:15
bhushhello friends how do i resolve blank screen error...???13:15
dr-leei am afraid unity gets to heavy so i want lubuntu13:15
dr_willispopolon:  check their web site i guess. or the various iso sites out there.13:15
popolonmy provider only has xubuntu/kubuntu/ubuntu13:15
popolonok thanks13:15
ubottuTo mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.13:15
dr_willisdoh. :) wrong factoid13:15
dr-lee@bhush try cntrl + alt + F113:15
=== max is now known as Guest46963
Reave-Magentium* Checks optus Repo for Ubuntu, finds 11.10 Official ISO on list.... Me = Confused13:16
dr-leeif you can switch to another shell then there is hope ;)13:16
dr_willisReave-Magentium:  its a placeholder file...13:16
popolonseem to have only cdimage.ubuntu.org link13:16
socketReave-Magentium: mysql is not running, checked using ps aux. when i try to use mysqladmin i get the 'cant connect to local mysql through socket /var/run/mysqld/'13:16
popolonand the torrent tracker is blocked13:16
=== Bry8Star_ is now known as Bry8Star
bindiI just downloaded ubuntu 10.10 release but apparently i'm not supposed to post the link.. lol13:16
socketso how do i start mysqld  ?13:16
dr_willisI imagine the servers and stuff are getting updated..13:17
popolonI don't want to slow the process by downloading an iso from the ubuntu ftp13:17
dmsupermanHow can I configure metacity when I'm using unity-2d?13:17
popolonso I will wait13:17
dr-leemaybe the unetbootin is updated to 11.10 allready ;)13:17
sbteAnnouncement just sent out13:17
dr_willispopolon:  theres always   http://linuxtracker.org/13:17
sbte11.10 is here13:17
Reave-Magentiumsocket try typing sudo /etc/init.d/mysqld start13:17
hungryhubbyi want to edit xorg file can u tell me the location13:18
lxkuOUT YES!!!!!!!!!!!!13:18
dr-leewas that a bad advise of mine suggesting to switch to another shell when a black screen occurs?13:18
dr_willishungryhubby:  /etc/X11/ IF it exists13:18
Reave-MagentiumCONFIRMING = UBUNTU 11.10 IS HERE13:18
Reave-MagentiumGO GET IT BOIS13:18
FloodBot1Reave-Magentium: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.13:18
dr-leeand BOTS hehehe13:18
dr_willisReave-Magentium:  ive yet to see an official anoucement...13:18
dr_willisyet.. :)13:18
hungryhubbyi cannot find xorg file in there /etc/x1113:18
ededdyHi, I have just upgraded to ubuntu 11.10 from 11.04 and I after logging in, I get this error message "Could not update IEAuthority file..". I see a bug as well https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/lightdm/+bug/82377513:18
ubottuUbuntu bug 823775 in ecryptfs-utils (Ubuntu) "Cannot login: could not update ICEauthority file .ICEauthority" [High,Fix committed]13:18
Reave-Magentiumubuntu.com guys!!13:18
dr_willishungryhubby:  i said IF it exists...13:18
zykotick9hungryhubby, it's not there by default13:18
Reave-Magentiumubuntu.com, officially announced!13:18
dr_willishungryhubby:  default X setup dosent need one normally13:19
ededdyDid any one face this problem ?13:19
hungryhubbyshould we generate it13:19
Reave-MagentiumCurrently downloading the 11.10 OFFICIAL iso13:19
hungryhubbywhere can i find13:19
SDNubuntu just gave me the update window :)13:19
Reave-Magentiumupdate time :P13:19
socketReave-Magentium: i dont have a script named mysqld under /etc/init.d13:19
subz3r0Is any1 running a AMD E350 APU with ubuntu? Ive installed the ati driver, but 1080p wont work13:19
jetiennethe new ubuntu require 3D support ? or can i run it in a VM ?13:19
lalalaits in the update manager13:20
dr-leethere is probably a 2d login13:20
SDNthere is a 2d13:20
Reave-Magentiumsocket, did you compile it from source??13:20
socketi installed mysql server using apt-get13:20
dmsupermanHow can I configure metacity when I'm using unity-2d?13:21
dagerivIs it possible to make my terminal window(gnome-terminal) executing ssh, to "blink" when someone on my irssi client mentions my nick(which is highlighted)?13:21
bindiwhy does the installer say this http://bindi.arkku.net/idontexist.png13:21
shadow98sudo apt-cache search libgd1g13:21
socketmaybe i should try a manual install ?13:21
shadow98how do i find out what package that exist in13:21
Reave-Magentiumsocket yes, try doing sudo apt-get install mysql-server again13:21
socketshit, something's up with my ISP today... :/13:22
socketdid i miss anything ?13:22
Reave-Magentiumsocket if you just did apt-get install mysql then it probably only installed the CLIENT files, not server13:22
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu to: Official Ubuntu Support Channel | IRC Guidelines: http://goo.gl/cEF1w | IRC info: http://goo.gl/Pgv9o | Pastes to http://goo.gl/ixcN9 | Release Notes: http://goo.gl/tuSzO | Download: http://goo.gl/Ov56R | Oneiric/11.10 is out! | Please use the torrents!
MonkeyDustdageriv: http://linuxmanpages.com/man1/irssi.1.php13:23
Reave-Magentiumanyone else still got Release Candidate upgrade in update-manager -d13:23
popoloncool, I found a mirror by seeks-searching13:24
petowhat is different between alternate and desktop?13:24
popolonseeks-search really rocks :)13:24
dmsupermanHow can I configure metacity when I'm using unity-2d?13:25
popolonPeto, you can install without x11 and on some special architecture13:25
volanteis the thing that pops out on the left of screen in unity, called the "dash"?13:25
volanteor "launcher"13:25
Reave-Magentiumlauncher i believe13:25
popolonpeto, (I mean the installation process can be done without x11, but you can have x11 after13:25
volantei'm having problems with the launcher where sometimes it stays out, and doesnt go back13:25
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu to: Official Ubuntu Support Channel | IRC Guidelines: http://goo.gl/cEF1w | IRC info: http://goo.gl/Pgv9o | Pastes to http://goo.gl/ixcN9 | Release Notes: http://goo.gl/tuSzO | Download: http://goo.gl/Ov56R | Oneiric/11.10 is out! | Please use the torrents! http://torrent.ubuntu.com/
volantealso sometimes it doesnt want to pop out over firefox13:26
Pessimistf windows :P~13:26
kanhai fixed  a bug and now need to push it to launchpad but in dont know how to create a branch in launchpad for pushing modified branch to it.please help!13:26
jetienneq. is ubuntu 11.10 installable in a virtual machine ? does it require 3D support ?13:26
Pitelokay, how to get back my thrusty gnome 2 in oneiric? ಠ_ಠ13:27
petopopolon: i think desktop is better ..hm13:27
Pessimistso oneiric by default doesn't use gnome 3 shell, uses gnome 2 shell with gnome 3 libs or what?13:27
PessimistI don't get it13:27
volanteanyone else had issues with the popout launcher on the left not retracting back?13:27
arandjetienne: It can run with unity-2d when acceleration isn't availale, if I remember correctly13:28
arandPessimist: No, uses gnome3 with the Unity shell13:28
dmsupermanvolante: The nature of the bug makes me think it's not high on the list of "must be fixed"13:28
Pessimistso are ati binary drivers compatable with unity shell on oneiric?13:28
dmsupermanvolante: But it happens to me too13:29
jetiennearand: ok thanks13:29
jetienneanother question: is unity mandatory ? or is there an alternative ?13:29
robin0800Pessimist, it uses gnome 3 without the shell if you install the shell you get gnome shell gnome classic and gnome classic no effects13:29
jetiennerobin0800: ok so it is possible to run normal window ?13:30
jetiennerobin0800: without unity i mean13:30
Pessimistmy question is: Does the gnome shell or the libraries make or don't make ati binary drivers incompatable with oneiric?13:30
robbit10Is the 64-bit version of Ubuntu 11.10 usable for home and production use, or am I better off using Ubuntu 32-bit?13:30
robin0800jetienne, yes if you install gnome shell13:31
Umbertssalve a tutti13:31
Pici!it | Umberts13:31
ubottuUmberts: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)13:31
saxinrobbit10: should work great13:31
Umbertsok, thanks13:31
shadow98sudo apt-cache search libgd1g <---- how do i find where this package exist?13:31
* phlak_user is downloading 11.10 via torrent13:31
HarmoniumHello. I've just been prompted to update to 11.10. Is GNOME 2 still there in Oneiric? Does it still work?13:31
robbit10saxin: what about things like Flash, Java, etc? I've heard those could have a few problems with 64-bit.13:31
iuytfrdthacker: how to check the actual system time ?13:32
bbbbbbbbi have this usb cardreader "04fc:5602 Sunplus Technology Co., Ltd " - it shows up in lsusb but i can't access the card.13:32
popolonfound lot of mirrors of ubuntu, but ubuntustudio is more hard to find13:32
zykotick9shadow98, (side note) apt-cache doesn't need sudo13:32
popolonand the tcheque one is really slow :(13:32
xranbyrobbit10: start by assuming everything work and party!13:32
saxinrobbit10: Newest Flash in partner-rep, java had no problem with that13:33
zykotick9Harmonium, i doubt it... say good by to gnome2 if you upgrade13:33
robbit10saxin: excellent :D13:33
* robbit10 is off to install Ubuntu 11.1013:33
phlak_userbbbbbbbb: did it get mounted?13:33
arandWhere can I find more info about the virtual tour that's available on the ubuntu.com page, I don't seem to find the corresponding LP project...13:33
Harmoniumzykotick9: oh, that's sad. I'll stick with the olde one, then. Thanks. :)13:33
bbbbbbbbphlak_user: no, nothing happens which is odd13:34
datalayhow can i remove a package with no deps13:35
datalaywith apt-get13:36
datalayapt-get autoremove  or remove uninstalls deps13:36
kanhawhile pushing a branch after fixing a bug to launchpad am getting error which i pasted at http://pastebin.com/5QVNqwhP how to get through it..13:36
zykotick9datalay, what package are you trying to remove?13:36
datalayi try to remove cgi-mapserver13:37
datalaywith nodeps13:37
phlak_userbbbbbbbb: the logs should tell you what the issue is; dmesg will have some indication13:37
office1why do we have to create bogus email info in order to use the calendar?13:38
phlak_user!cn | zhiqiang13:38
ubottuzhiqiang: 如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw13:38
hungryhubbyi want to put some lines inside xorg file13:38
AsurahI have a problem with installing Ubuntu, tried to install it last night but it seems that something is wrong when booting it13:38
dmsupermanHow can I configure metacity when I'm using unity-2d?13:38
hungryhubbycan anybody tell me the location of xorg13:38
Yamauchizhiqiang: I agree entirely13:38
Asurahit seems to be stuck somewhere between the BIOS and the OS boto13:38
bbbbbbbbphlak_user: where in dmesg do i find it?13:39
StradivariusAsurah: Did cou check the md5-checksum of your dvd?13:39
phlak_userhungryhubby: /etc/X1113:39
zykotick9hungryhubby, (you've already been told) --  a) /etc/X11/xorg.conf b) it's not there by defaults anymore13:39
AsurahStradivarius - Uh, no, just created it with Windows 7 image burner13:39
phlak_userbbbbbbbb: if you check the lines following this -> 04fc:5602 Sunplus Technology Co., Ltd13:39
rufonghi ya'll system:win7/11.10b2, 64bit messed up /etc/grub.d how can i reinstall it?13:39
StradivariusAsurah you shoud definitely check it. probably sth went wrong with downloading/burning.13:40
hungryhubbyyes i cannot find xorg in /etc/x1113:40
hungryhubbyhow do i generate it13:40
=== dirtydawg is now known as DirtyDawg
AsurahStradivarius how do I do that?13:40
zhiqiang我英文实在很烂  照顾以下。。13:41
hungryhubbyor is there any way to put some lines in xorg file13:41
rufonghi ya'll system:win7/11.10b2, 64bit messed up /etc/grub.d/05_debian_theme how can i reinstall it?13:41
AsurahAnd I also tried it with a couple different versions of Ubuntu13:41
StradivariusAsurah However, without an error-message nobody will able to help you when the sum is correct.13:41
Asurahthe 32, 64 bit13:41
bbbbbbbbphlak_user: http://paste.ubuntu.com/707340/13:41
AsurahStradivarius that's the thing, no error message13:41
Asurahseems to be booting fine, goes through BIOS ok, recognizes HDD, but just no boot13:42
StradivariusAsurah look for the most convenient method on google. I'm not sure. You can find the correct checksum on the download-site13:42
ubottuThe Alternate CD is a classic text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can also be used as an upgrade CD. http://www.ubuntu.com/download/ubuntu/alternative-download#alternate - See also !minimal13:42
phlak_userbbbbbbbb: it appears to be sdb (but no partitions?) is this a new/fresh disk?13:42
=== newbie is now known as Guest18577
ubottuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution13:42
=== somicuthbert is now known as lekundyao
ubottuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution13:43
bbbbbbbbphlak_user: the last time i checked it was a camera's cf card with some pictures on it, so i doubt that. maybe it's broken, but my camera didn't complain13:43
blastermasterin the main page of ubuntu it says its out!13:44
g[r]eekHow do I check which version of Ubuntu I'm running13:44
lekundyaoam looking for router  configuration13:44
dottyneed a http d/l? feel free to use my seed:  (please reseed if you can and preferably use torrents instead, saving this seed for people who need http)13:44
AsurahStradivarius - should I download something like FastSum?13:44
phlak_userbbbbbbbb: you can mount it manually like so ->(in your home directory) mkdir camdisk; mount /dev/sdb camdisk13:44
phlak_userg[r]eek: lsb_release -a13:45
dmsupermang[r]eek: lsb_release -a13:45
dmsupermandamnit hah13:45
=== bluemoon is now known as Guest65427
g[r]eekwhat does lsb stand for?13:45
g[r]eekI struggle to remember that command13:45
dmsupermang[r]eek: from the manpage: NAME13:45
dmsuperman       lsb_release - print distribution-specific information13:45
StradivariusAsurah I'm not sure, but when it seems reliable to you, you should do so. I don't know windows-software for this purpose myself.13:45
g[r]eekAh I see "Linux Standard Base"13:45
office1why do we have to create bogus email info in order to use the calendar?13:46
phlak_useroffice1: do we?13:46
HackNewtonfrom my last boot my updating is not working13:46
HackNewtonany solution ?13:46
g[r]eekok next question, I'm running Ubuntu 10.04, and Vim version 7.2 is currently installed. I want to install Vim 7.3, but when I try apt-get install vim it says it's already on the newest version. What can I do to get Vim 7.3? Thanks13:46
dr_willisHackNewton:  i imagine the servers are a bit overloaded with the new release.13:47
AsurahI also tried to use Wibu to install it with Windows, but I don't get any OS boot choice, just goes straight to Windows13:47
bbbbbbbbphlak_user: now the cursor flashes in the line below but nothing  happens.13:47
phlak_userg[r]eek: download it manually and install13:47
phlak_userbbbbbbbb: what did you type?13:47
dr_willisg[r]eek:  if 7.2 is the newest in the repos.. then thats the newest it will install..13:47
bbbbbbbbphlak_user: i also tried to open grarted, it won't open as long as the card is connected13:47
dr_willisg[r]eek:  there may be ppa's of newer versions , or you could use source.13:47
BluesKajHackNewton, still no updates in the repos today13:47
HackNewtondr_willis, i doubt it its giving error source is untrusty13:48
phlak_userbbbbbbbb: can you paste output of sudo fdisk -l /dev/sdb13:48
g[r]eekok thanks13:48
lekundyaothanks they release 11.1013:48
edgyHi, I booted oneiric kubuntu and I only have the splash, tty1 shows error like cannot mount /cdrom or similar message13:48
dr_willisHackNewton:  sounds like a key may have changed.13:48
dr_willisedgy:  you mean you are booting a live cd. you did check the md5 sum after downloading it?13:48
edgydr_willis: I booted a live usb13:49
dr_willisedgy:  and you did check the md5sum of the iso file?13:49
edgydr_willis: i downloaded with zsync so I ams ure it's correct13:49
bbbbbbbbphlak_user: http://paste.ubuntu.com/707344/13:49
dr_willisid double check. and i think theres some verify files option on the f6 menu of the installer.13:50
rufonghi ya'll system:win7/11.10b2, 64bit messed up /etc/grub.d/05_debian_theme, now update-grub hangs.. how can i reinstall it?13:50
dr_willisedgy:  this is the desktop or server  version?13:50
edgydr_willis: desktop13:50
phlak_userbbbbbbbb: aha! can you change that manual mount command to mount /dev/sdb1 camdisk13:50
phlak_userbbbbbbbb: its a 64MB disk ;)13:50
bbbbbbbbphlak_user: yeah, an ancient piece of technology ^13:51
edgydr_willis: i think in ubuntu there is a way to pass kernel args like noacpi but it's not clear how to even do this in kubuntu13:51
dr_willis!nosplash | edgy13:51
dr_willisedgy:  same way - at the grub menus13:51
dr_willisor syslinux, or whatever its using. :)13:51
dr_willisSeems the bot is lagged.13:51
edgydr_willis: druing installation there is no grub menu13:52
bbbbbbbbphlak_user: well, works fine now, great! thanks13:52
phlak_userbbbbbbbb: yw13:52
dr_willisedgy:  when it first boots up theres a man/keyboard logo.. hit space.. hit f5 or f6 i recall..13:52
edgydr_willis: sorry I was confused, when I boot the usb, it shows options like start kubuntu, test memory, boot from drive, you mean before this  step?13:53
dr_willisedgy:  yes.13:53
destinydrivenwould this trick still work on 11.10? http://clouddenizen.com/2011/06/01/ubuntu-unity-launcher-for-aptana-studio/13:54
edgydr_willis: I will go try it in the other room and come back ...13:55
ghasemwht is the command register on IRC?13:55
ubottuA common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter13:55
suboneWhen I turn on my laptop with my external monitor plugged in the monitor turns off. I can usually get it back on if I log off and back on once or twice. How can I troubleshoot this issue?13:55
dr_willis!register | ghasem13:55
ubottughasem: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode13:55
dr_willissubone:  whats the video chipset?13:56
rxt0Hi there, I'm trying to download ubuntu 11.10 via torrent but there aren't any seeders/peers!13:56
dr_willisrxt0:  give it some time. it just came out.13:56
ViccieBwhat is the md5sum for ubuntu-11.10-desktop-amd64.iso ?13:56
subz3r0 #ubuntu-release-party13:56
phlak_userrxt0: ive got like 175 seeders and 72 peers right now13:56
ubottuNatty can be torrented from http://torrent.ubuntu.com/simple/natty/desktop/ubuntu-11.04-desktop-i386.iso.torrent or http://torrent.ubuntu.com/simple/natty/server/ubuntu-11.04-server-amd64.iso.torrent depending on your architecture. Other flavors can be found at http://torrent.ubuntu.com/13:56
subz3r011.10 is NOT OUT YET13:56
ViccieBit is!!!!13:57
phlak_usersubz3r0: it is13:57
Arnoldrxt0, have you also gave a mirror download a try?13:57
phlak_usersubz3r0: look at the topic of this channel ;)13:57
ArnoldViccieB, 62fb5d750c30a27a26d01c5f3d8df45913:57
rxt0got seeders XP sorry13:57
DJonessubz3r0: It is, it was offically announced at 14:15 uk time13:57
dr_willissubz3r0:  http://www.ubuntu.com/    '11.10 is here'13:57
Reave-Magentium:) Currnetly downloading at 1mb /ps :P13:57
Reave-MagentiumConfirming it is indeed out :)13:57
DaerethMagentiumCurrently seeding torrent at 2.3MB/s13:58
Reave-MagentiumWill seed the official torrrent all night for all your people who want it ^_^13:58
Arnoldhttp://www.ubuntu.com/tour anyone? :P13:58
* phlak_user is downloading at 60 KB/s (480 Kb/s)13:58
rufonghi ya'll system:win7/11.10b2, 64bit messed up /etc/grub.d/05_debian_theme, now update-grub hangs.. how can i reinstall it? if i delete it, will the system regenerate it? hehe13:58
deemrufong: you can reconfigure grub-common or grub-pc depending on which version of grub you have installed13:59
dr_willisyou could always reinstall grub package via apt-get , or find the grub deb and get the file from it.14:00
rxt0does Kubuntu ship with kwin's OpenGL ES backend?14:00
stepnjumpsomsip, I found it14:00
Wiz_KeeDhey guys how do i search a folder and it's subfolders for string "attrs="{'invisible'" with grep?14:01
Arnoldrxt0, it does.14:01
stepnjumpsomsip, I will write a manual how to do it... I'll send it to you in a few days. Just keep your eyes on your memoserv14:01
ArnoldJust install kde-window-manager-gles.14:01
rxt0sweet, thanks Arnold14:02
Chotaz`WorkHey everyone, how safe is it to upgrade my ubuntu 11.04 via SSH?14:02
ArnoldYou're welcome rxt0.14:02
deemrufong: pls dont qry me. we can talk here14:02
edgydr_willis: you are right, f6 works though it should be mentioned somewhere! Anyway, I tried different options but still cannot boot, the error is exactly - umount: can't mount /cdrom14:02
rufongdeem: understood14:02
stepnjumpGentlemen, is there a way to view the trash can using the command line14:02
stepnjumpCouldn't be trash:/// ???14:03
esteeven_Hello. How can I disable services at start up e.g. bluetooth?14:03
rufongdr_willis: danke, i'll try that14:03
Pici!trash | stepnjump14:03
ubottustepnjump: Your GUI file manager's Trash folder is located at ~/.local/share/Trash/ for files moved to trash from your hard disk and .../.Trash-userid/ on external devices for files moved to trash from the device.14:03
DaraelWiz_KeeD: grep -r "attrs=\"{'invisible'" /path/to/folder, perhaps?  At a guess.  You may need to escape a few more characters.14:03
iuytfrhow to check the system ?14:04
=== max is now known as Guest79198
stepnjumpThanks Pici14:04
Picistepnjump: np14:04
iuytfrsystem time14:04
arvuthello =)14:04
arvuthappy upgrading!!14:04
Wiz_KeeDDarael, can i make it verbose so it displays results as it finds stuff?14:05
* arvut going to offtopic, got nothing to add yet..14:05
=== esteeven_ is now known as esteeven
DaraelWiz_KeeD: My memory is that it prints each match as it finds it.14:05
subonedr_willis, lspci reports 00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 2nd Generation Core Processor Family Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 09)14:05
Wiz_KeeDthen it didn't find anything and it keeps searching14:05
luckymuraliHi, Unexpectedly I deleted the var/lib folder.Is there any way to restore it again?14:05
luckymuraliplease help me out14:05
SIFTUluckymurali: deleted it how?14:07
luckymuralirm -rf *14:08
PessimistCan I get some support?14:08
Reave-Magentiumoh god... that command is hel on everything14:08
Reave-MagentiumPessimist whats up ?14:08
MAREK_BENC_NetBI know there is Wubi, but is there anykond of Lubi, so i can install windows to a image and boot it?14:08
Pessimistcan I apply these commands to install xorg video ati from ppa?14:08
Pessimistin 11.1014:08
SIFTUluckymurali: well then I dont like your chances14:08
Wiz_KeeDdoens't work14:08
datalayi installed all tiff and geotiff packages on ubuntu, but  i cant see tiff support on cgi-mapserver, i check it with : mapserv -v14:08
Wiz_KeeDgrep -r 'a'14:08
datalayi need INPUT=tiff geotiff support14:08
datalayi removed and re installed cgi-mapserver but result is not changed14:09
luckymuraliI remember once there is chance to recover it on Ubuntu14:09
PessimistP.S. The new login, unity design is nice14:09
Pessimisthttp://phoronix.com/forums/showthread.php?50038-Updated-and-Optimized-Ubuntu-Free-Graphics-Drivers Can I apply these commands on Ubuntu 11.10 to install xorg radeon drivers from ppa?14:10
ededdy7~Anyone upgraded to ubuntu 11.10 has an issues logging in ?14:11
Pessimistededdy, I don't have any issues14:11
Pessimistwhat issue do you have?14:11
popolonededdy, do you upgraded from 11.04 ?14:11
ededdypopolon: yes14:12
bloodynighti know it isnt related to ubuntu but is there any way to use compiz effects on xubuntu ?!14:12
=== Aaron1 is now known as Guest22783
Pessimisthttp://phoronix.com/forums/showthread.php?50038-Updated-and-Optimized-Ubuntu-Free-Graphics-Drivers Can I apply these commands on Ubuntu 11.10 to install xorg radeon drivers from ppa?14:12
Kre10shello. Is it possible to simulate the plymouth loading screen? or do I need to reboot to see it?14:12
MonkeyDustKre10s: you can use qemu14:15
City17Hi, how much ram is recommended to get the most of Ubuntu 11.10 and Unity?14:15
Guest22783some thoughts about 11.10.....I am still on 10.10 i did Not try Unity....should i install it or wait?14:15
SIFTUluckymurali: personally I would reinstall.14:16
Guest22783why? :D14:16
bhushfrom where I can download ubuntu 11.10?????????????????14:16
DaraelGuest22783: Why not use a liveCD to give it a try?  Safety of not moving, and the chance to test it.  Best of both worlds.14:16
dottyneed http? feel free to use my seed:  (please reseed if you can and preferably use torrents instead, saving this seed for people who need http) (please let me know what kind of speeds you're getting if you use this)14:16
sonicatedI've upgraded to Oneiric but now my VM will not boot. It stalls after mounting the drives. If I follow the OMGBroken instructions, type "mount / -o rw,remount" and then exec init it will boot but will fail on the next boot. Can anyone advise me on how to resolve this please?14:16
LjLbhush: tried http://ubuntu.com/ ?14:17
zmbmartinis anyone having a problem with unity being behind windows when bringing the computer out of sleep? If I start my laptop from sleep unity and all things related like alt-tab are behind any windows I have open.14:17
luckymuraliSIFTU, I feel can I cownload that dpkg.tar.gz file and restore it14:17
Daraelbhush: specifically, http://www.ubuntu.com/download/ubuntu/download14:17
ScottyEdmondsim loving the improvments of Oneiric, but i can't add a menu item in menu editor :(14:18
compdocyou guys think its safe to upgrade 11.04 to 11.10? OR should it be a fresh install14:18
SIFTUluckymurali: it's your install, do what you want. are you restoring from backup14:18
leutyHi, I got redirected from the #Kubuntu and #Ubuntu+1channel. I need help with todays update of Kubuntu 11.04->11.10. is this the right place?14:18
ScottyEdmondsfresh install will most likely work better ;)14:18
MAREK_BENC_NetBcompdoc: It should be problemless14:18
ghostnik11where would the printer drivers be on ubuntu, b/c i installed the driver for a canon mp560 and will do a fresh install of ubuntu 11.10 so wanted to find out where are the drivers for it on my system so i can back it up to external14:19
Daraelcompdoc: The upgrade process is pretty safe, as a rule, but you might as well make a backup anyway, as you'd have to for a reinstall - just in case.  It's highly unlikely you'll have any major issues.14:19
dottypersonally i recommend doing a fresh install if you can14:19
sonicatedcompdoc: the upgrade has stopped my server from booting :(14:19
luckymuraliSIFTU, I am not able to get the backup14:19
luckymuralithats y im struggling14:20
webroastershi guys. you're all familiar with the notify bubble at the top right of the desktop, correct? Is there an app that will use that notify bubble when I receive new RSS feed links?14:20
Daraelwebroasters: Specto does that, iirc.14:20
dottywebroasters, i think 'liferea' does14:20
webroastersok. thanks.14:20
SIFTUluckymurali: reinstall, those files are installed via the package manager, you wont know what versions you have etc14:20
dottyliferea puts a notification in unity too14:20
dottya little circle with the number of new stories14:20
Daraelwebroasters: Specto is nice if you don't want to change your feed reader, especially since it can watch all sorts of things, not just RSS feeds.14:21
ghostnik11can anyone tell me where the tomboy notes files are? i want to back them up too14:21
webroastersyeah, im looking at specto right now, it looks exactly like what I wanted14:21
PessimistYeah, the drivers work. How to open a new server tab in XChat?14:21
Daraelwebroasters: OTOH, liferea will give more detailed and potentially useful information.14:21
webroastersi do so much stuff that i need something like that to manage everything14:21
ljsoftnetis it ok to upgrade xubuntu 11.04 to 11.1014:21
tarelerulzI have Ubuntu 10.10 and windows 7 and I store movies on  the window's ntfs partition and the files have been missing up . Like showing 0 kb .   Has anyone else had this problem14:21
webroastersdareal, I was looking for something more like specto because I have other issues as well that I need to take care of., but I appreciate the info for liferea, I'll check it out14:22
webroastersthanks guys, you've been a big help14:22
Daraelwebroasters: Happy to help.  Also, a hint for IRC - one can complete a partially-typed nick with the tab key.  Saves typing :P14:22
PessimistNeed to get used to the Unity :/14:23
Prometheshi everyone, does Ubuntu 11.10 allow to install gnome-shell without dependency problems?14:24
szaltarelerulz: check the filesystem from within Windows14:24
Pessimist20% cpu on 360p video on youtube14:24
DaraelPromethes: My understanding is yes... but you might want to wait for someone who's actually tried it to report back!14:25
tarelerulzszal ,  I did windows checks the file system and look for mess up and  it checked everything and then It said it removed my file.14:25
pangolin!notunity | Promethes14:26
ubottuPromethes: Ubuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions drowpdown. Using Natty? See !classic14:26
auronandacePromethes: it should just be a matter of changing your session when you log in (unity is built on top of gnome3 in 11.10)14:26
PromethesDarael: i tried with 11.10 beta 2 and daily builds couple of days ago and there was no way to install gnome-shell, many dependencies were unsolvable14:26
zmbmartinDo I use FGLRX graphics driver or FGLRX graphics driver (post-release updates)?14:26
DaraelPromethes: I would be surprised if that's not been resolved before release.14:27
ghostnik11can a person backup ppa's in ubuntu?14:27
edbianzmbmartin: try 'em both and see which works better14:27
trojanerwhats a pps?14:27
* joelio is downgrading from 11.10 to 11.04 - what a complete waste of time14:27
codebeakerwhy is /etc/security/limits.conf ignored on Ubuntu 10.4 ?14:27
Promethesdownloading 11.10 now, i will install it in virtual box and try14:27
Darael!ppa | trojaner14:27
ubottutrojaner: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa14:27
arghxghostnik11: every package you download is saved in /var/cache/apt/archives/ unless you clean that directory14:27
trojanerppa = trojan14:28
arghxjoelio: you cannot downgrade :P14:28
arghxtrojaner: no14:28
joelioarghx: Pin packages, I think I can14:28
* amoskong upgrading to 11.10 ...14:28
Daraeltrojaner: Not necessarily, no.  In theory, possibly, but in practice, pretty much no.14:28
trojanerPPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk.14:28
ghostnik11arghx: thanks will check there, trojaner: what ppa = trojan even though i was the one who put them on my self14:28
arghxjoelio: no you cannot. and if you do, no one sane will ever support that installation again cause it will break in new and mysterious ways14:28
tomanhi, where can i find this menu on ubuntu 11.10 ? http://t2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSLLsCqiwjYgXOKkiWNUkajNf0GZ1JumFl1IyssYLd8IUVMqkfuyQzr-43c14:29
PessimistAre opensource drivers better than propertiary ones for evergreen cards on 11.10?14:29
joelioarghx: As opposed to upgrading to 11.10 an all manner of crap gnome3/unity balls breaking in even more unknown ways!14:29
Daraeltrojaner: That doesn't make them trojans.  It means that potentially, a malicious user could put a trojan in a PPA.  This is why we use PPAs from entities of good repute.14:29
linziyani  want  help14:29
Daraeljoelio: As they say, All Software Sucks.14:29
Pessimistdoes compiz work normally with binary ati drivers on 11.10? :) Please answer14:29
Darael!help | linziyan14:29
ubottulinziyan: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience14:29
arghxPessimist: they are slower. they are getting better over time but not as fast as fglrx. opensource ones are better adapter (especially over time) to X tho14:29
arghxPessimist: yes they do14:29
NoelJBakgraner, did you get a chance to test that problem?14:30
Pessimistdoes firefox scrolling lag a lot on the binary drivers like old times?14:30
Pessimistthat is the most annoying thing on fglrx drivers..14:30
linziyani  need  help   some  who has time to  help with  my  nvidia  driver   ,  thanks14:30
joelioDarael: Yea, true.. I'm really understanding the meaning of if it ain't broke, don't fix it after the mess of 11.1014:30
arghxjoelio: upgrading ubuntu immediately when it comes out is foolish. wait 2-4 weeks and then upgrade and most/all growing pains are over. but if you have SNS, then I guess you like to suffer14:30
akgranerNoelJB, not yet - gotta finish something..14:31
linziyanthe NVIDIA kernel module has version 280.13,but this NVIDIA driver component has version
Pessimistarghx, no pain no gain14:31
joelioarghx: Why, will gnome2 be in 11.10 in a few weeks?14:31
tarelerulzI have nvidia myself  and  I install the latest ,but never really see a different in how things work14:31
tomanhi, where can i find this menu on ubuntu 11.10 ? http://t2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSLLsCqiwjYgXOKkiWNUkajNf0GZ1JumFl1IyssYLd8IUVMqkfuyQzr-43c ? I really need to change the movement button and i cant find where :D14:31
arghxjoelio: no it does not. but if you expected gnome2 in 11.10 you are (sorry) a moron. it was ALWAYS made very clear that gnome2 never would be in 11.10 and onwards14:31
auronandacejoelio: gnome2 is no longer supported in 11.1014:31
linziyanwho  can  tell me  how to do with  this  problem?14:32
linziyani  can not start my  hon ,it  show  this14:32
arghxyou need to check before you upgrade to what you upgrade. if you don't, don't complain about the results14:32
NoelJBjoelio, no, TPB decided to remove support for the only fully functional Gnome UI.14:32
ghostnik11one quick question i have fedora 15 installed on my hard drive, will ubuntu 11.10 wipe out that partition when i do a fresh install14:32
mikeruheey where's the amd64+mac iso? :S14:32
tomanlinziyan, what's the problem with hon ?14:32
DaraelNoelJB: Upstream dropped it.14:32
tomanim on 11.10 and it works fine14:33
NoelJBForcing everyone to use Unity is supposed to help it improve quality by generating discourse.14:33
joelioarghx: Yea, going to stick with Debian I reckon. 'Classic' gnome3 is a bag of balls.. having to install tweak tools, just to change my font size.. give me a break :)14:33
arghxghostnik11: no. you can install both side by side14:33
auronandaceghostnik11: no, learn how to partition14:33
arvutghostnik11: should be able to install side by side with no issues14:33
andynif i install 10.11, can i get rid of unity and use plain gnome3 instead?14:33
PessimistAm I dumb that there is no refresh rate settings on screen settings dialog? Lol14:33
andyn11.10 that is.14:33
NoelJBDarael, I didn't say that Canonical made the decision.14:33
Pessimist there is no refresh rate setting on screen settings dialog?14:33
ghostnik11arghx: okay b/c i have it chain booted to 11.04 ubuntu on my hard drive14:33
DaraelNoelJB: True enough.14:33
arghxjoelio: debian will ship with gnome3 in wheezy too. tho wheezy is 1-2 years off of course... gnome2 will go away just like kde3 did. no way around that, sorry14:33
NoelJBDarael, Canonical made the relatively wise decision to develop Unity rather than use that steaming pile of Gnome Shell.14:33
joelioarghx: Then it's on to flux or xfce or something sane then14:33
arghxPessimist: which driver do you use?14:33
joelio.. until then14:34
Pessimistarghx, newest xorg ati from ppa14:34
jamey-ukwhere can I go to talk about libvirt and virtualization?14:34
arghxPessimist: radeon or fglrx?14:34
arghxPessimist: try xrandr maybe?14:34
ghostnik11just in case i will back up stuff i need in my fedora 15 partition just  to cover my self14:34
PessimistI will try, It is just bizarre14:34
arvutso no pure gnome3 in ocelot? what a disappointment =(14:34
auronandacePessimist: we don't provide support for ppa's here14:34
ghostnik11thanks guys can't wait to install ubuntu 11.1014:35
NoelJBarvut, there is Gnome Shell for 11.10, if you're so inclined as to suffer with it.14:35
auronandacearvut: what do you mean? you should be able to change the session at login14:35
arvutbut I'll try it anyway, liked ubuntu since first try, back in 8.0414:35
NoelJBI figure that the choices are either  Unity or KDE.14:35
joelioarghx: ...  plus don't you think they'll be a fork of gnome2 for long term support. I mean I don't need any more bells and whistles. Compiz is enough for that. I think judging by the fact that I've not found 1 person who like either gnome3 or unity yet also adds weight to this.14:35
arvutstill.. there is something magical about lucid.. prrrrr those catz.. =)14:36
NoelJBjoelio, I heard that there is a fork called mate.14:36
arghxjoelio: no there won't be. especially not for "Long term support". gnome2 is a dead codebasse, deal with it14:36
pis0gai'm upgrading, hope it fine :D14:36
arghxNoelJB: there was a kde3 fork too. but these are all rearguard actions14:36
andeeeuk11.10 is no i the update manager :)14:36
NoelJBmate: http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=news_item&px=OTgxMA14:36
joelioarghx: only time will tell I guess ;)14:36
tacitcaljust switch to xfce, it's the new gnome2.14:37
arvutslightly confused, are you refeering to gnome 2.28-2.32 when you say gnome2? or just some old version of v2?14:37
edbiantacitcal: for sure :)14:37
ScottyEdmondsMain Menu won't let me add a new item :(14:38
melterhas anyone had problems with X crashing after entering the root password?14:38
renancoelhoHi there, where can i get help with ubuntu hulu?14:38
joeliotacitcal: Yea, I really liked it when I used it about 7-8 years ago.. but I prefer compiz window handling tools and customisations14:38
sonicatedI've upgraded to Oneiric but now my VM will not boot. It stalls after mounting the drives. If I follow the OMGBroken instructions, type "mount / -o rw,remount" and then exec init it will boot but will fail on the next boot. Can anyone advise me on how to resolve this please?14:38
NoelJBarghx, yes, I agree.  Either Unity has to get better, or more people will switch to KDE.14:38
MeanEYECan I use unetbootin to create bootable Ubuntu USB, and then install from it?14:38
MeanEYESorry, use unetbootin from windows.14:39
MAREK_BENC_NetBMeanEYE: Yep14:39
MeanEYEOkay, thanks.14:39
DaraelKDE is not significantly better than Gnome, whether using Shell or Unity.  But I would say that.  I'm an e fan.14:39
NoelJBsonicated, you might need to provide more info.  For example, I use many virtual machines with VMware Workstation, and as of V8, there are no issues with Oneiric.14:39
MAREK_BENC_NetBMeanEYE: And you can also install a bootloader on a USB stick (Grub or LiLo), unpack the iso, and do some black magic14:39
sonicatedNoelJB: It's a bytemark.co.uk vm, I've never had a problem with an upgrade before14:40
MeanEYEMAREK_BENC_NetB: I have Mint 11, and I can easily make bootable USB. Am asking for another person who uses windows and want's to try Unity first hand. :D14:40
DaraelMAREK_BENC_NetB: It's hardly black magic.  /Deep/ magic, possibly.14:40
MonkeyDustfrom now on 11.10 support here?14:40
sonicatedMonkeyDust: According to the guys in #ubuntu+1, yes14:41
DaraelMonkeyDust: Indeed.  All stable releases (that haven't hit EOL) are supported in here, so now that Oneiric's been released, this is the channel.14:41
MonkeyDustok, issue 1: in 11.10, unity, i am unable to see chromium-browser in the menu14:41
airtonix:< I am unable to install padevchooser14:42
BadLarryhow is the upgrade from 11.04 to 11.10 going? has it been smooth?14:42
MonkeyDusti can launch chromium-browser manually14:42
airtonixMonkeyDust: apart from : alt+f2, type: chromium-browser ?14:42
NoelJBMonkeyDust, you first have to go to the dock and run it, then you can ask for it to be pinned to the menu.l14:43
MonkeyDustairtonix: chromium won't launch, i tried it14:43
airtonixMonkeyDust: or Super Key : chrom <vis chrome in list, hit enter >14:43
joelioBadLarry: Personally, for me, it's been a nightmare. I'm downgrading / reinstalling on 11.0414:43
NoelJBMonkeyDust, WFM.  I've got FF, Chromium and Chrome all running.14:43
MonkeyDustairtonix: chromium is not in the list, really strange14:43
Polahjoelio: How so?14:43
BadLarryjoelio: really?! good to know. What machine are you running on? I am on a thinkpad T520.14:44
airtonixMonkeyDust: i did install chrome and chromium from dev channel ppas and deb14:44
NoelJBMonkeyDust, click on the Ubuntu symbol, type "ch" in the search dialog, and you should find it.14:44
BluesKajMonkeyDust, try chromium-browser14:44
NoelJBBadLarry, I'm running on a T61p.14:44
BadLarryNoelJB: do you have intel graphics or nvidia or ati?14:45
joelioBadLarry: Polah: Issues with network stack initially, DBUS errors all over the place. Forget about getting any sane gnome / compiz setup. If you're happy running unity or gnome3 shell go for it14:45
Chotaz`WorkIs is viable to upgrade my machine over SSH?14:45
andynheck, i've installed suse with dd over netcat14:45
MonkeyDustBluesKaj: tried, no succes14:45
DaraelChotaz`Work: That is, in fact, the main way people upgrade servers.  Go for it.  The command in question is "sudo do-release-upgrade".14:45
MonkeyDustok, maybe i'm talking nonsense, moment14:46
BadLarryjoelio: I really appreciate the heads up. I am going to put it off for the time being it looks like.14:46
leutyHi, I encountered a bug during the upgrade process of Kubuntu 11.04 -> 11.10. Could somebody with more skills than me look into the logs and tell me if it is just my stupidity or something else? http://paste.ubuntu.com/707363/ http://paste.ubuntu.com/707361/ Thank you.14:46
DaraelChotaz`Work: I appreciate this may not be a server, but it should work for a desktop machine too.14:46
joelioBadLarry: Polah: I mistakenly thought gnome-classic would give me the required environment, but that is seriously a flawed perception. I'm not saying it won't be right for you, just for me it's a pain14:46
Polahjoelio: What does it give you?14:46
BadLarryAny word on the compatibility with Sandy Bridge on 11.10? I know 11.04 was supposed to be, but it never really felt right14:46
NoelJBBadLarry, nvidia of course.14:47
=== Eliasmaster is now known as Vide
MeanEYEAnyone happen to have md5 hash for amd64 desktop iso?14:47
Pessimistwhat cpus are considered amd64?14:47
MeanEYEPessimist: Both AMD and Intel14:48
joelioPolah: An awful mess of a desktop.. gnome panel was workign, after a reboot it's broken. Compiz doesn't autoload.. I can't find the place for startup applications, all of the settings seem to have disappeared. You can't change font sizes unless you install a tweak tool with a load of deps etc..etc..etc.....14:48
edbianPessimist: any 64 bit processor is technically 'amd64'  amd standardized it so they get the name14:48
SIFTUPessimist: intel and amd 64 bit cpus14:48
Polah!md5sum | MeanEYE14:48
ubottuMeanEYE: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows14:48
Chotaz`WorkDarael: In fact it's not a server it's my home comp :)14:48
PolahMeanEYE: There's a list on one of those pages14:48
MeanEYEOkay I'll check14:48
DaraelChotaz`Work: Should work anyway :)14:48
PolahChotaz`Work, still works the same way14:48
edbianjoelio: This is ubuntu support.  Please keep it on topic14:48
Pessimisthow to check if your cpu is compatible with amd64 variant?14:48
PolahPessimist: Anything that supports 64-bit processing, which is the majority of modern processors14:48
intokSo whats the state of the i845 GPU driver in 11.10??14:49
=== angela is now known as Guest92924
PolahPessimist: Look up your processor online, or cat /proc/cpuinfo may show you14:49
NoelJBedbian, how is ranting about the usability of the new mandated UI not on-topic?14:49
joelioedbian: I think you find it was?14:49
PolahNoelJB: Because it's not a support topic and you're free to use whatever environment you want to.14:49
DaraelPessimist: grep lm /proc/cpuinfo14:49
sonicatedWoohoo! I fixed the booting issue. My fstab was reading "UUID=<foo> / ext3 defaults,noatime 1 1" but I changed it to "UUID=<foo> / ext3 defaults,errors=remount-ro,noatime 0 1" and it booted. It's strange why the upgrade would cause that..14:49
edbianPessimist: Are you on windows?14:50
DaraelPessimist: If it returns anything, it's 64-bit compatible.14:50
PessimistWould linux be faster if I use amd64 release instead of i368 ? My cpu is compatible according to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/32bit_and_64bit14:50
nemoHm. If I upgrade to 11.10 I lose gnome 2 right?14:50
Daraeledbian: If on Windows, CPU-Z is the tool I've heard best of.14:50
NoelJBPolah, no, not really.  Unless people want to leave ubuntu, the choices are KDE, Gnome Shell or Unity, but not the one that everyone wants to use: Gnome Classic.14:50
edbianDarael: I was just going to look at properties of computer14:50
Daraeledbian: Apologies, should have directed that at Pessimist.14:50
NoelJBPolah, So if people are being forced to upgrade, one should expect LOTS of feedback on the nature of the "upgrade"14:50
DaraelPessimist: Depends what th'art doing.14:50
VideHey, I have been using Ubuntu 11.10 a while now (Wubi). Today I had multiple programs open and Ubuntu freezed. I rebooted by switching the power off and when I rebooted to Ubuntu, the grub menu didn't came up. Instead grup prompt came up. How to get the menu working again?14:50
edbianPessimist: It is technically faster but the real reason anybody uses 64 bit is to use more than 3.2Gb of ram14:50
PolahNoelJB: Or gnome-panel on GNOME3. Or Xfce, or LXDE, or Enlightenment or anything else.14:51
Pessimistedbian, if I don't have that much ram it doesn't matter?14:51
edbianPessimist: Not really now14:51
DaraelPessimist: It's going to have most effect on things like video editing, photo editing, stuff like that.  For everyday computing, it won't make much difference.14:51
MeanEYEPolah: Are you sure releases 11.10 is up to date? I have a different md5sum than specified there... but I got ISO from web site through torrent.14:51
NoelJBPolah, Ubuntu does not do that for normal users.14:51
joelioPolah: What ships as the default though.. If you've been used to gnome2 and gnome2 goes.. well, what do you expect users to start talking about/14:51
PolahMeanEYE: Yes, 11.10 is the latest release, release today.14:51
NoelJBjoelio, you'll just have to open bug reports for usablity issues and hope that people chime in.14:52
Polahjoelio: At which point we then tell them to switch to something else and stop complaining, as I am doing now.14:52
MeanEYEPolah: I know that it was released, but md5sum is not the same... Gah.14:52
studentzAfter upgrade nvidia driver to version 285  using synaptic, I couldn't get to gdm. I booted  in a secure mode and got a terminal. I purged nvidia current and installed again. But the installation got stuck in update-initramfs.  Please Help me14:52
NoelJBPolah, never.  That is an assinine way of dealing with customer complaints.14:52
edbianjoelio: What do you think the default should be?14:52
PolahNoelJB: There's Xubuntu, Kubuntu and Lubuntu with Xfce, KDE and LXDE by default available, as well as a number of unofficial variants for other default environments. Don't complain here and use another environment.14:52
compdocKate Stewart sent me a personal email to let me know they released 11.10. I love that girl14:52
suboneWhen I turn on my laptop with my external monitor plugged in the monitor turns off. I can usually get it back on if I log off and back on once or twice. How can I troubleshoot this issue?14:52
NoelJBPolah, you suck it up, take the lumps on the chin, and make changes in response to feedback.14:52
PolahNoelJB: No, that's the way of telling you that it's offtopic for this channel.14:53
edbianPolah: I knew it14:53
PolahNoelJB: Complain to Canonical then, nobody here is in charge of which environment comes by default.14:53
PolahMeanEYE: That means your ISO is incomplete or corrupt.14:53
Polahedbian: Hmm?14:53
Pessimistwhich is the last version of ubuntu that didn't have unity by default?14:53
VideAlso I thought that root.disk may be missing but it's not14:54
edbianPolah: I said it was off topic earlier and they both disagreed14:54
DangerOnTheRangrPessimist: 10.10 I believe14:54
edbianPessimist: 9.1014:54
MeanEYEPolah: which means everyone else who downloaded using torrents has the wrong ISO since torrent has checksums as well. :/14:54
edbianPessimist: DangerOnTheRangr 10.10 he's right14:54
jonteDistribution upgrade from 11.04 -> 11.10 fails, how can I debug it?14:54
grifo74hello i´m star my download ubuntu 11.10 now, anybodytry this version, it´s good?????????14:54
angel_msg nickserv identify 2512214:54
Piciangel_: Please change your password.14:54
Polahedbian: Of course it's offtopic. It's not a support topic unless they're asking for help with something or discussing a solution to something or the like14:54
compdocPessimist, with 11.04, you can select the gnome desktop. I dont think 11.10 allows14:54
NoelJBPessimist, Lucid.  Natty was easy to switch, though.14:55
DangerOnTheRangrgrifo74: Barely anyone *has* tried it - it just came out a few hours ago :)14:55
joelioedbian: I think that is perfectly clear :) I'll leave it at that14:55
PolahMeanEYE: Unofficial torrent? Could've had the original seed with a bad ISO, or the one on the wiki page could be wrong; ask someone else to pass you theirs quickly if you like.14:55
nemohm. Ask Me Later button doesn't seem to respond14:55
* nemo tries Decline14:55
nemoah. that works14:55
Daraelcompdoc: 11.10 allows choosing the gnome desktop, AIUI, but not gnome2, since it's no longer supported.14:55
MeanEYEPolah: I downloaded torrent file from alternative downloads page. Weird. I'll check again.14:56
nemoBTW, as much as my mom, and my father in law, and my mom's boyfriend, and a handful of others I chat w/ disliked very much giving up our familiar desktop metaphor, one person was a fan14:56
nemomy SO said she likes Unity, that it reminds her of her Android tablet14:56
PessimistIs it possible for example to install firefox 7 on Ubuntu 10.04?14:56
grifo74i hope it´s good like the other versions. i hope now the uniti 2d wor fine on pc my computor is strong but i dont like efects14:56
Pessimistfrom official repos14:56
PolahMeanEYE: Hmm, try a direct download instead perhaps.14:57
edbianPessimist: yes, and it's installed by default?14:57
nemogiven she's normally not a fan of much change, and I had to make gnome2 look like windows xp, I was rather surprised by that14:57
studentzAfter upgrade nvidia driver to version 285  using synaptic, I couldn't get to gdm. I booted  in a secure mode and got a terminal. I purged nvidia current and installed again. But the installation got stuck in update-initramfs.  Please Help me14:57
MeanEYEPolah: Yeah, I'll do that. Thanks.14:57
Polahedbian: Firefox 3 is default on 10.04 I thought14:57
NiKORaSUWhat in a program would break linux interoperability?  When would I expect the executable for, like, slackware, to be different than the one for ubuntu?14:57
nemoPolah: yeah, but there's the mozilla stable ppa14:57
edbianPolah: I read wrong14:57
edbianPessimist: It's not in the official repos but there is a PPA14:57
Shattershey, I know everyone talks about the dangers of login as root, but is the 'Run as Root' option of Bleachbit safe?14:57
Polahnemo: Mhm, but he said official repos (:14:57
edbianPessimist: I thought you said 11.10 :P14:57
nemoNiKORaSU: missing library versions? 32 vs 64 bit...14:57
Shattersin you guys' experience14:57
compdocupgrading a test system from 11.04 to 11.10 - only 23 hours left to go14:58
NiKORaSUnemo: Are certain libraries dependent on the distribution?14:58
PolahShatters: It allows Bleachbit to clear out your apt package cache and other files it would need root access to remove.14:58
nemoNiKORaSU: versions of them, sure14:58
edbianShatters: I wouldn't trust it to run as root14:58
PessimistThanks for the help, will install 10.04.  ;)14:58
NiKORaSUnemo: Thank you!14:58
nemoNiKORaSU: no different than building an app to work on ubuntu 10.04 vs 11.1014:58
nemooh well. so. just to confirm. ubuntu 11.10 - no gnome 2?14:58
Daraelnemo: Correct.14:59
nemom'k. thanks.14:59
edbiannemo: that's right14:59
VideHey, I have been using Ubuntu 11.10 a while now (Wubi). Today I had multiple programs open and Ubuntu freezed. I rebooted by switching the power off and when I rebooted to Ubuntu, the grub menu didn't came up. Instead grup> prompt came up. How to get the menu working again?14:59
Daraelnemo: Upstream dropped it, and Ubuntu frankly doesn't have the resources to maintain a fork.14:59
nemogiven my mom's extreme reaction to unity, I guess I'd better get xfce4 on her machine now, and warn her about upgrading14:59
nemoDarael: I'd heard. gnome shell confused her too14:59
Shattersyeah, I would like it to clear the package cache, but I'm nervous about it running as root anywhere else.. don't want to corrupt my system14:59
NoelJBnemo, try KDE14:59
nemoDarael: I just wasn't sure if it was being dropped in 11.10, and all of a sudden I got a notice14:59
sebsebseb!classic | nemo14:59
ubottunemo: The default interface in Ubuntu 11.04 is !Unity. To switch back to regular !GNOME: log out, click your username, click the Session box at the bottom of the screen, and select "Ubuntu Classic".14:59
nemoNoelJB: eh. kinda heavy, and all her apps are gtk14:59
RinsmasterHow could I get a list of all recently installed packages (ordered by date, descending)?14:59
PolahShatters: Run sudo apt-get clean then14:59
Daraelnemo: Ah.  Yeah, 'fraid so.14:59
edbianShatters: sudo aptitude autoclean15:00
sebsebsebnemo: wrong factoid hmm15:00
nemosebsebseb: um. that doesn't work in 11.10 right?15:00
Daraelsebsebseb: Looks like the bot's a touch out of date.15:00
PolahShatters: That'll clear your package cache without the rest of the stuff that bleachbit does15:00
* Plugh wonders if someone will make a gubuntu (with gnome) kind of like kubuntu (with KDE)15:00
sebsebseb!nounity | nemo15:00
NoelJBnemo, you can do apps either way.  I run kdenlive, for example, since it is the best linux video editor.15:00
edbiannemo: that's right15:00
Shattersah great, thanks.15:00
nemoNoelJB: yeah, but "feel" suffers15:00
NoelJBnemo, the choice of KDE vs Unity doesn't actually impact choice of apps.15:00
PolahNoelJB: Careful with what you describe as "best", please.15:00
sebsebsebnemo: there's a Gnome 3 fall back mode in the repo,  like Gnome 2, but not quite enough for a lot of us really15:00
NoelJBPolah, you know of a better one?15:00
nemoNoelJB: not to mention they can't even agree on stuff like message handling15:01
sebsebsebnemo: woth a try though15:01
nemosebsebseb: yeah, I don't think she'd like gnome 3 either15:01
PolahNoelJB: Not particularly, never used any video editing software on Ubuntu, but "best software for x" is a matter of opinion.15:01
nemosebsebseb: she basically wants computers that look like what she's used to.15:01
sebsebsebnemo: this one is quite like Gnome 2 though, but not quite in some ways15:01
nemosebsebseb: I've managed at home to make xfce4 look a lot like gnome215:01
nemoI'm hopeful that'll do the trick for her15:01
suboneWhen I turn on my laptop with my external monitor plugged in the monitor turns off. I can usually get it back on if I log off and back on once or twice. How can I troubleshoot this issue?15:01
Plughsebsebseb: What I heard of Gnome 3 back not long after 11.04 came out was that it was a bit like Unity in look/feel.15:01
NoelJBPolah, almost every qualitative statement is an opinion.15:02
edbianPlugh: It would agree with that.15:02
sebsebsebPlugh: Gnome Shell is quite good really :)15:02
Polahnemo: There's gnome-panel instead of gnome-shell which I believe gives a more similar look to gnome215:02
PolahPlugh: Well, Unity is a shell for GNOME15:02
nemoPolah: oh. hm.15:02
nemoworth a look15:02
Polah!info gnome-panel | nemo15:02
ubottunemo: gnome-panel (source: gnome-panel): launcher and docking facility for GNOME. In component main, is optional. Version 1:2.32.1-0ubuntu6.5 (natty), package size 379 kB, installed size 1096 kB15:03
nemoPolah: I think basically if she could retain a few of her applets, and the applications menu, she'd be fine15:03
rahulhow to upgrade from 11.04 to 11.1015:03
rahulPlease help15:04
PessimistRun Update manager, then you will see a button to upgrade15:04
kel39ubuntu -> update manager15:04
BluesKajrahul, sudo do-release-upgrade15:04
Polahnemo: Apparently it's a fallback when Mutter doesn't load, so it may already be installed. It can apparnetly be used by default, but I don't know how to do that just now.15:04
=== mnepton is now known as mneptok
mneptoknemo: i'm a long time GNOME user, and have switched to XFCE. it's relatively painless.15:05
Dreamanrahul  http://www.ubuntu.com/download/ubuntu/upgrade15:05
PlughI find it interesting to see 11.04 now marked as LTS since I'm sure it wasn't marked that way when it first came out.15:05
Atamiskmneptok: +!. xfce isn't a drop-in for gnome 2, but it's bloody well close15:05
compdocPlugh, its not LTS15:05
PessimistIt isn't LTS15:05
edbianPlugh: Where do you see that?  It's not LTS.  Did it become LTS?15:05
Dreaman12.04 is lts15:05
rahulPessimist: BluesKaj Dreaman Thanks mate. :-)15:05
kel39how can i find out the version installed on my server15:05
PlughOh, sorry, right. Its 10.04 that is LTS.15:06
Atamiskis the prealpa out for 12.04? :P15:06
mneptokkel39: lsb_release -a15:06
kel39thanks mneptok15:06
edbianPlugh: that's right15:06
rahulAnd is there any different between upgrading from 11.04 to 11.10 & making a fresh installation of 11.1015:06
Polahkel39: lsb_release -r15:06
Polahrahul: Some, hopefully most, of your current settings will carry over on an upgrade.15:07
Plughrahul: It allows you to start clean without some of the things you may have installed since you installed 11.04 and have since found you don't need.15:07
kel39Polah: -a was even nicer, it gave me a codename :P15:07
Pessimisthttp://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/c/ca/Ucp-photo.jpg need to get this :P15:07
Daraelrahul: As thou canst see, there are arguments for each, but in the end either should be fine.15:07
Polahkel39: Woe be to he who knows not his own server release codename (;15:07
nemomneptok: I think it'll probably be ok w/ a bit of configuration.  I noticed it hadn't enabled subpixel hinting by default, and I just rearranged the panels so it looked more like what she was used to15:08
nemomneptok: but, yeah, it has pretty much everything15:08
kel39Polah: it was installed a good 4 years ago15:08
nemomneptok: also seems a lot snappier15:08
kel39i barely maintain it15:08
Companionmneptok, command not found :P15:08
kel39might update it to 10.04, that's all15:08
Polahkel39: Certainly time to upgrade in that case15:08
PlughPolah, I remember version numbers, not code names.15:09
mneptokCompanion: lsb_release was not found? try installing Ubuntu. ;)15:09
edbianPlugh: me too15:09
Companionmneptok,  companion@cube ~]$ lsb_release -a15:09
Companionbash: lsb_release: command not found15:09
edbianCompanion: cat /etc/issue15:09
Companionwhats wrong with ubuntu :O15:09
mneptokCompanion: that's not Debian or Ubuntu, then15:09
mix22891hello, there are error with the Kazam program, i can't upload videos to youtube15:09
ScatterBrainHaving trouble connecting to a network printer (Windows 2003 Domain based - shared on the server).  I can find the printer, I can make the connection, but when I tell anything to print, ubuntu just sits there at the "processing" state.  running 11.04 desktop.15:09
PessimistIt is in my 11.10. Maybe you had errors while downloading the iso?15:09
AnonxpctY dnt u just do uname -a?15:09
Shatterswow that ap-get clean just freed up 300+ mb15:09
Shattersgood deal15:10
Companionmneptok, nope15:10
Companionits Archlinux :)15:10
Companioncompanion@cube ~]$ cat /etc/issue15:10
CompanionArch Linux \r  (\n) (\l)15:10
cremasteri'm on natty and my wifi (b43) seems not to be picking up the weak-medium networks - only the super strong15:10
edbianCompanion: haha, arch is great :)15:10
PlughScatterBrain: Do you have the printer driver installed?15:10
VideHey, I have been using Ubuntu 11.10 a while now (Wubi). Today I had multiple programs open and Ubuntu freezed. I rebooted by switching the power off and when I rebooted to Ubuntu, the grub menu didn't came up. Instead grup> prompt came up. How to get the menu working again?15:10
rahulPolah: , Plugh , Darael : I mean apart from the fact that I can retain the applications that I already have in a upgrade, is there any disadvantage in upgrading like I can't get some features or like that?15:10
Companionedbian, I <3 it as desktop15:10
* Companion uses Ubuntu as server tho15:10
ScatterBrainPlugh: Yes.15:10
cremasteri have another machine running lucid with the same card that's picking up all the networks15:10
Polahrahul: There shouldn't be15:10
edbianCompanion: I love it so much that I know when I'm using it.15:10
SIFTUCompanion: lsb_release works in Arch.. install it15:10
AnonxpctCremaster....install kismet nd chek...if u still dnt gt it...its a driver/hrdwr issue15:11
CompanionSIFTU, its useless package tho :O15:11
rahulPolah: So no drawback. right?15:11
Shattersso when I'm using persistent usb, I can change admin password, but it doesn't save the change, despite being persistent. anyhow know how to remedy that?15:11
|usr|bin|nicewhere do i find the hashes for 11.10?15:11
CompanionTargets (2): filesystem-2011.10-1  mkinitcpio-0.7.4-115:11
switch10Companion: so many former Ubuntu users switching to Arch.  I love it.15:11
Plughrahul: No real advantage. As mentioned, upgrading allows you to retain a lot of the configuration info and list of packages already on the machine which may not get installed automatically during a fresh install.15:12
edbianswitch10: Everyone is a former ubuntu user.15:12
SIFTUCompanion: well depends.. I have uses for it15:12
Companionswitch10, ubuntu is a great distro keep reminding that, but Archlinux is way more perfect as desktop15:12
CompanionSIFTU, I only use it when people are asking for doing it...15:12
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!15:12
SIFTUCompanion: ah, I have script which use it15:12
CompanionSIFTU, virtualmin uses it too, yet it can be installed without that package the problem is ubuntu has too many un used packaged with eats time on installing a 'perfect' server running on ubuntu15:13
=== Desdenova__ is now known as desdenova_
xukunCompanion, can u explain that a bit more? why do u think archlinux is perfect?15:14
Companionxukun, I am not telling archlinux is perfect compared to ubuntu15:14
Plugh|usr|bin|nice: http://mirror.csclub.uwaterloo.ca/ubuntu-releases/oneiric/15:14
FloodBot1ucenik19: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.15:14
pangolinxukun Companion Please continue the non-support discussion in #ubuntu-offtopic15:14
Companionpangolin, its ubuntu related15:14
rahulAny idea about the power management in 11.10? I have serious issue with discrete gps.15:14
cwestIs there a known problem with ntfs on a persistent flash drive? I can't mount anything ntfs15:14
Shattersanyone know why ubunto from persistent usb won't save admin pass change?15:14
Shattersrunning ub 10 lucid15:15
SuhelFinally can we discuss Ocelot here???  Lol15:15
Companionxukun, I preffer Archlinux as Desktop and Ubuntu as server :)15:15
pangolinCompanion: reasons why Arch is better or worse is not Ubuntu related.15:15
mneptokCompanion: it's not support related. move the convo.15:15
Ann-MariaI have a empathy translation in .po format. But don't know how to install it. Plz help me15:15
martianIs there a list of changes in 11.10 that one would see if you're not using whatever that terrible new gnome interface is?15:15
Kottizenhi, when I booted by live CD on my MacBook Pro I get this: "Unable to find a medium containing a live file system"15:15
Companionpangolin, its a comparisation between distro's that I am explaining to some one15:15
Kottizenwhat do I do?15:15
Companionyet ill pm him then...15:15
Pici!notes | martian15:15
ubottumartian: Ubuntu 11.10 (Oneiric Ocelot) release notes can be found here: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/11.1015:15
mix22891hello, there are error with the Kazam program, i can't upload videos to youtube15:15
pangolinCompanion: Do it in the offtopic channel.15:15
mix22891please HELP15:15
KottizenPici: it was the same in 11.0415:15
Companionxukun, see pm15:16
pangolinor in PM15:16
pangolinthank you.15:16
xukunCompanion, it's nice to have choices. That is one of the best things about open source15:16
Ann-MariaI have a empathy translation in .po format. But don't know how to install it. Plz help me15:16
ucenik35kaj  si we?15:16
Companionxukun, check pm :)15:16
martianPici: oh hmm, I was reading the text version of the notes and they were rather sparese. Thanks.15:16
ucenik35Fuck all15:16
organiksCompanion,: why  Archlinux?15:16
Ann-MariaI have a empathy translation in .po format. But don't know how to install it. Plz help me15:17
Ann-Mariahey somebody help me15:17
Companionorganiks, As I mentioned before I preffer ubuntu as Server (Server version) then Desktop15:17
cwestmy error is this:15:17
cwestMount is denied because the NTFS volume is already exclusively opened.15:17
|usr|bin|nicePlugh, thanks, it would seems that my download is corrupted15:17
VectorXhi, can someone tell me where i can learn more about MultiSeat, like if there are some books etc, talking about setup, use cases etc ?15:17
PlughAnn-Maria: You need to have a bit of patience after asking a question.15:18
Ann-Mariano one to help this sexy15:18
Plugh|usr|bin|nice: yw15:18
Ann-MariaPlugh, waited for a long15:18
bucaneiroif I am using 11.04 why I need to update to 11.10?15:18
PessimistYou don't15:18
edbianbucaneiro: u dont'15:18
PlughAnn-Maria: I saw your question and the follow up help me request 14 seconds later.15:18
jbwivanyone know when Unity2d is expected to support >2 monitors?15:19
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=== deem_ is now known as deellum
bucaneiroif something is working as expected no need to updates15:19
=== deellum is now known as kaffeetierchen
pkugHi there, I deleted some default packages from my Ubuntu system and i want to revert it so that it doesn't lack any default packages.. any trick how to reinstall missing base (default) packages ?15:19
=== kaffeetierchen is now known as duum
JahcrosAnn-Maria: it's also quite possible that no one in the chat is entirely sure what your problem is or how to help you. You may need to rephrase your question and add additional details.15:19
=== duum is now known as deem
edgyhi, which image of these is the desktop amd64: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/releases/oneiric/release/, I can only see macs and dvd but no intel15:20
jribpkug: if you have ubuntu-desktop installed, you should be set15:20
Ann-MariaJahcros,I have a empathy translation in .po format. But don't know how to install it. Plz help me15:20
MAREK_BENC_NetBpkug: apt-get install ubuntu-desktop15:20
jribedgy: read the first sentence on that page?15:20
PlughAnn-Maria: dpkg -L empathy to see what files are in the package. You should see where it stored the other .po files which came with it. Install your other .po where the others are located. Better still, contact the project and offer them your translation so it can become part of the official distribution.15:20
edgyjrib: aha! thanks15:21
jribedgy: no problem :)15:21
Polahjrib: And ubuntu-minimal to upgrade15:21
cannonballpkug: Look in /var/log/apt/history to see what you removed, then just re-install those packages with sudo apt-get.  I don't know of a way to do this though from the gui.15:22
jribPolah: I assumed ubuntu-desktop depended on it but it's possible that's not the case15:22
cwesterfieldwould an upgrade to persistent usb work? maybe it would fix my problem15:22
engammalskoThe gnome-shell is fucked up in 11.10. I tried both GNOME and GNOME classic.15:22
engammalskoDo I need to make a clean install of 11.10?15:22
Psi-Jackengammalsko: Mind your language kindly, please.15:22
dweezdid you install fallback and gnome-shell?15:22
Polahjrib: Nope, I removed it and had to reinstall to move to 11.1015:23
Dreamanengammalsko no gnome classic like gnome 215:23
jribPolah: thanks, good to know15:23
Dreamangnome -shell and unity15:23
ScatterBrainIs there a way to configure Ubuntu so that when a I try to access a Windows (domain based) resource that it always provides the proper information?15:23
MAREK_BENC_NetBengammalsko: This is a support chanel, if you want to curse, atleast censure it.15:23
Plughengammalsko: Care to elaborate on the issues you have encountered>15:23
pkugMAREK_BENC_NetB, jrib: thanks, but i still miss like email notification icon (unity) package and few others15:24
klafkawhen you load up the 11.10 livecd should it take a really long time on loading the 4th button on the splash screen15:24
nixmaniackif I upgrade from Live CD, will my packages remain as it is or will they be wiped out?15:25
sebsebsebklafka: on the boot up theme?15:25
sebsebsebklafka: ok Plymotuh and no it shoudn't realy15:25
sebsebsebklafka: ,but Plymouth doesn't alwasy work right in Ubuntu15:25
guyTotally off-topic, please forgive me! Though, would anyone who is a Londoner would want to travel to Birmingham tomorrow for free? (need to deliver a package, though)15:25
jribpkug: if you create a fresh new user, does everything look ok?15:25
jribguy: do not do that please15:26
sebsebsebklafka: may be a bad CD causing it, or to do with your graphics card, does it load up at all?15:26
klafkanot sure what you mean by plymouth, i mean on like the initial load screen where it is purple and says ubuntu 11.1015:26
guyjrib: I know.. I kinda feel bad for doing it. : )15:26
klafkaand it changes the first 3 dots underneath ubuntu t red15:26
guyIt's an emergency though.15:26
klafkathen freezes at the 4th15:26
sebsebsebklafka: yep that, that's Plymouth15:26
sebsebsebklafka: the name of the program15:26
klafkaah ok15:26
jribguy: well now you know that if you do it, you will be banned.  So please don't do it anymore15:26
pkugjrib, i just deleted that package, it's not there.. i think it doesn't belong to ubuntu-desktop set but i'll take a look at apt logs now15:26
klafkai have a macbook pro 5,3 so i'm wondering if it's a graphics driver issue?15:26
sebsebsebklafka: however in Ubuntu in my expereince, well not done 11.10, but well yeah been quite a few issues with it at times really15:27
guywell, hopefully someone will see it. : )15:27
ichbinderhello. How can I tar a folder containing also some hard linkes (created with "cp -l") in a way such that these hard linked files are also useable after untaring the archive again on a different machine?15:27
sebsebsebklafka: some distros let you just get a text boot instead, but nope not  recent verisons of Ubuntu15:27
klafkai've had such issues installing linux on this i'm almost starting to think I have hardware problems15:27
sburjanhello. I am trying to upgrade to 11.10 and I get a "Package dependencies cannot be resolved"15:27
jribichbinder: what happens when you tar normally?15:28
Dreamansburjan use clean install15:28
dweezguy, go to #ubuntu-offtopic15:28
sebsebsebklafka: if you install it, you can pretty much disable plymouth if it cuases a problem, but if the Live CD isn't even booting up hmm,  worth a md5sum check to make sure you got a good download15:28
sburjanDreaman: so no dist upgrade, clean install from CD ?15:28
sebsebseb!md5sum | klafka15:28
leutysburjan: Are the sources already updated to the oneric sources?15:28
ubottuklafka: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows15:28
spikebikedweez: hey15:28
Dreamansburjan yes :)15:28
sburjanleuty: Package dependencies cannot be resolved IA32-lib15:29
gulzarI want to find block device for my external hdd - "Elements". How? I issued this command - cat /proc/scsi/scsi but not getting it15:29
cwesterfieldis there a better room to chat about persistent usb installs?15:29
zmbmartinI had installed to fglrx driver but dumped it and went back to radeon but now my boot splash doesn't work. Can't remember if anything that I changed?15:29
Flynsarmywhat's the iso name for 64-bit 11.10? i don't see a i686 on my local mirror. do i use the amd64 one for an intel machine?15:29
StepNjumpHi, I'm trying to mount an ext4 partition in read-only mode by typing sudo mount -o remount,ro /dev/sda8  ---- mount: can't find /dev/sda8 in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab   --- What does it mean?15:29
spikebikeFlynsarmy: yes, use an amd64 for a 64 bit intel machine15:29
Dreamanzmbmartin gnome 3.2 not use fglrx :)15:29
engammalskoMAREK_BENC_NetB: Psi-Jack: Sorry. Here's a screen shot. Can I somehow make it look like the Gnome on 11.04? http://superbfish.com/images/screen.png15:29
sebsebseb!hashes | klafka15:29
ubottuklafka: See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuHashes for the md5sums of Ubuntu discs.15:29
Polahichbinder: No, probably not. Hard links point to the same location on the disk, if you move them then the data they point to will most likely not be in the same position. Symlinks may work though15:29
dunpealHey. What's the MD5 checksum of the Oneiric DVD?15:29
ichbinderjrib: tar tells me the following for these files: http://paste.ubuntu.com/707398/ I ignored it, did scp on the tar.bz2 and untared it on the destination. Then, I couldn't open that png.15:29
leutysburjan: I had a smiliar issue. it helped to run sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade and manually remove all the packages that "have unmet dependencies"15:29
sebsebsebdunpeal: see what the bot just gave to klafka15:30
Flynsarmyspikebike: 64-bit 11.10 can run 32-bit apps too can't it?15:30
jribgulzar: if it's mounted, just type « mount »15:30
sebsebseb!hashes | dunpeal15:30
ubottudunpeal: See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuHashes for the md5sums of Ubuntu discs.15:30
klafkayes Flynsarmy15:30
PolahStepNjump, it can't find any device identified by /dev/sda815:30
switch10StepNjump: you are tring to mount to /media ?15:30
llutzStepNjump: you can only "remount" stuff already being mounted15:30
StepNjumpPolah, gparted told me that sda8 is the right partition and it's not mounted15:30
PolahFlynsarmy: i686 is for 32-bit systems, amd64 is for 64-bit systems. They will work on Intel and AMD, they are just names for the architectures.15:31
gulzar<jrib> I am getting this ;; /exec cat /proc/scsi/scsi15:31
llutzStepNjump: sudo mount -o ro /dev/sda8 /mnt15:31
intokSo whats the state of the i845 GPU driver in 11.10??15:31
gulzar /exec cat /proc/scsi/scsi15:31
ANDruidwhat is wrong with my firefox? its process doesn't quit after i quit firefox15:31
jribgulzar: use a pastebin15:31
PolahStepNjump, oh, if it's not mounted then take out remount and retry15:31
dunpealsebsebseb: no 11.10 md5sums there yet, it seems :(15:31
StepNjumpllutz, do you mean I should mount it first normally and then switch it to read only?15:31
StepNjumpok llut, let me try that15:31
llutzStepNjump:no need to do that, just use " sudo mount -o ro /dev/sda8 /mnt" if its not mounted15:32
ichbinderPolah: well, yeah. But is there no way to "unlink" them in a sense that the content is copied to the archive?15:32
StepNjumpyep let me try it15:32
engammalskoPlugh: http://superbfish.com/images/screen.png can I somehow make gnome look like it did in 11.04?15:32
gulzar<jrib>  http://pastebin.com/TBqaFW4015:32
ichbinderPolah: and wouldn't symlinks fail for sure, since they only link to another filename. (if there is no specific option to unlink symlinks)15:33
ANDruidit never happened until i use it for some porn sites15:33
Picisebsebseb: I'm working on getting that updated fyi15:33
=== funkeyy is now known as Sol
Plughengammalsko: I don't know. I dumped Unity right away and installed Gnome 2 on my 11.04 box.15:33
jribichbinder: I don't know what h means15:33
sebsebsebPici: md5sums?15:34
Polahichbinder: symlinks point to another filename yes, so if the files were the same name and in the same place they would work. Hard links are multiple pointers to a single actual set of data. Just copying the hard link may actually carry the data with it, or taking the original perhaps. I don't know exactly how data movement works with hard links15:34
=== Sol is now known as Guest14255
ichbinderjrib: where do you mean?15:34
Picisebsebseb: on that help.u.c page.15:34
dweezI just added a ppa using the add-apt-repository to install gnome-shell-extensions.  I did the install but now when I look in /etc/apt/sources.list to comment the ppa out, I don't see it.  I thought the sources.list was where the repos are saved15:34
jribichbinder: http://paste.ubuntu.com/707398/ here.  I am not familiar with the meaning of 'h'15:34
StepNjumpok llutz, that mounted it as read only then right?15:34
llutzStepNjump: yes15:34
StepNjumpit came up without error15:34
ichbinderPolah: but yeah, that's what I want! I want the data to be copied to the archive!15:34
ichbinderjrib: i guess that stands for hard link15:34
sebsebsebPici: uc?15:35
jribichbinder: no15:35
gulzarjrib : ??? what it means I cannot understand it15:35
Picisebsebseb: ubuntu.com15:35
llutzStepNjump: "mount" without any option to check15:35
StepNjumpnow I need to run extundelete because I lost a lot of data on that partition15:35
sebsebsebah ok15:35
jribgulzar: did you see my suggestion to you?15:35
StepNjumpshould I umount it first before starting the process?15:35
=== Companion is now known as VampireFruit
gulzarjrib :   http://pastebin.com/TBqaFW4015:35
llutzStepNjump: extundelete? does that work? isn't that this ancient stuff not really working since 15 yrs?15:35
StepNjumpbecause extundelete is supposed to be running umounted BUT when I tried it first, I got a 13 error code15:36
jribgulzar: yeah, I saw that.15:36
jribichbinder: well at least I do not see `h' when I create a hard link15:36
StepNjumpyep I guess15:36
Raboohow do i create two bonding interfaces in Ubuntu 11.0415:36
llutzStepNjump: you could try "photorec" from testdisk-package too. sry cannot help with both, i havent used one of them myself15:36
StepNjumpllutz but I need something that will get my files i deleted by mistake yesterday. Unfortunately, I'm on ext4 and all the other solutions (non commercial that is) are not compatible above ext315:37
Raboomethods described in the web does not work15:37
=== VampireFruit is now known as Companion
StepNjumpyep but photorec is not to be used with ext4...15:37
StepNjumpI guess I could try it if it doesn't work15:37
ugarithow can I determine if I am running 32bit or 64bit ubuntu?15:37
edbianugarit: uname -a15:37
ichbinderjrib: yeah, you are right... no idea... :-/15:37
StepNjumpthank you for your help llutz15:37
ugaritedbian : thanks15:38
edbianugarit: sure15:38
jribichbinder: actually what is interesting is the 0 there.  That means there are 0 hard links15:38
paduaeIs there anyone that can help with WUBI installation error?15:38
monstaRtruckwubi lol15:39
ichbinderjrib: so, I did ls -la to that file, and there it also has no "h"15:39
RyuGunsI have a problem on 11.04, every time fullscreen a window, it stretches the window only and goes half way down.15:39
sush24hi... im kinda new to unix... i've managed to setup a ec2 instance with ubuntu... i have a lot of files on another server ... can connect through FTP.. i want to copy (or download) files to this installation.... can someone help me with a recursive command i should use?15:39
ubottuIt's onEirIc!15:39
B0g4r7What's the preferred software these days for running a mail server?  I want smtp, imap, and webmail, all with all the modern SSL protocol stuff.15:39
jribichbinder: oh, I assumed that's what it was.  My mistake.  Can you pastebin that?15:39
monstaRtruckdont upgrade to 11 unity sux15:40
ubottuChocolate! And Strawberries! And ICE CREAM! Ooo! and 60 minutes +m!15:40
ichbinderjrib: the ls -la?15:40
jribichbinder: yeah15:40
Raboosush24 use scp maybe15:40
Chotaz`WorkmonstaRtruck, you can always disable it, that's what I did/do.15:40
RyuGunsI think it's a problem with compiz, I've tried "compiz --replace"15:40
|usr|bin|nicemonstaRtruck, that's your own opinion.15:40
zmbmartinDreaman: Are you asking why I am not using fglrx?15:40
Raboois there a ubuntu network channel?15:40
B0g4r7Yes, Unity is painful.  I turn it off.15:40
=== Guest14255 is now known as Sool
ichbinderjrib: http://paste.ubuntu.com/707400/15:41
rahulAny idea about the power management in 11.10? I have serious issue with discrete gps.15:41
craigbass1976is there a way to password protect an app?15:41
jribichbinder: read here:15:41
jribichbinder: read here: http://www.gnu.org/s/automake/manual/tar/hard-links.html15:41
edbiancraigbass1976: change the permissions so only root can run it (but then it runs as root so... what is it?)15:41
SoolHi everybody!! how can i draw the x-coordinate of my Mouse-pointer in a terminal?15:41
sush24Raboo: thanks... :)15:41
craigbass1976edbian, There's a "community" computer at work, and I'd like to run thunderbird on it, but don't need everyone dorking through my emails15:41
Dreamanzmbmartin use ubuntu 11.10 beta 2 fglrx not work15:42
bytesaber_workis there a way to install ubuntu, onto an efi system, with efi boot support within it's own partition, and not overwriting or re blessing the existing EFI?15:42
Kre10sregarding unity... if you upgrade from 10. you don't even need to disable it, just select ubuntu classic when you login.15:42
rahulAny idea about the power management in 11.10? I have serious issue with discrete gps.15:42
zmbmartinDreaman: I don't understand what you mean?15:42
craigbass1976edbian, actually, is it possible to fire up an app as a different user?  I used to do this on RH based linuxes, but haven't since I switched15:42
paduaeCan anyone help with a "No root file system is defined"15:42
edbiancraigbass1976: mmm, def don't want that running as root.  Make it so only your user can run it (not password necessary, it will work for you and not for them! :D)15:42
B0g4r7craigbass1976, use a seperate user account.15:42
Chotaz`WorkHave anyone ever did upgrades without fresh installing? multiple times that is (10.04->10.10->11.04->11.10 without fresh installing for example)15:42
edbiancraigbass1976: yes, are others logged in as you?15:43
Dreamanzmbmartin new gnome not suport fglrx :)15:43
nixmaniackif i upgrade from Live CD, will my apps will remain as is or will they get wiped out?15:44
pdqChotaz`Work, i'm still on my original 9.10 install, have upgraded through to 11.10 with no issues :)15:44
pis0gaChotaz: I did & upgrading 11.04->11.10 now :D15:44
zmbmartinDreaman: oh I see15:44
edbiannixmaniack: if you reinstall from a liveCD the apps will be replaced.  I'm not sure if you can 'upgrade' from a live CD (which would not erase apps)15:44
dweezah, I see now...add-apt-repository puts the ppa in the /etc/apt/sources.list.d/15:44
Chotaz`Workpdq, that was my concern, thanks. I'm currently upgrading my home comp through SSH and was wondering about wiping out data/apps.15:44
heoa_...my ubuntu keeps get killed, printing some kernel failures...15:45
engammalskoPlugh: Yes me too. But I have 11.1 now. And 11.10 doesn't have GNOME so you'll need to install it manually. Which I did. And it looks like that :(15:45
heoa_anyway with the same problem with the about newest uubuntu?15:45
adminewbwhy allow only one tracker on torrents for the new release?15:45
heoa_err anyone?15:45
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ichbinderjrib: thanks... interestingly, man tar on that other system does not show me that option... :( I'll give it a try15:45
engammalskoPlugh: 11.10*15:45
mari00does anyone know what the httpd binary was renamed to in ubuntu?15:45
Abhijitnixmaniack, you can upgrade from cd and it will not make your aps vanish. it will just upgrade them15:45
mari00i can't find the binary anywhere15:45
nixmaniackedbian, upgrade from Live CD is available from 11.04 or 10.10 (dont know exact ver), but never tried it15:45
=== engonyr is now known as Engonyr
heoa_...hey this is quite serious prob...15:45
somsipmari00: apache215:45
edbianmari00: apache215:45
jribichbinder: hmm, it shows "--hard-dereference" here on 11.0415:45
mari00ahhhh ok thx15:46
VustomWhen will Ubuntu 11.10 be released15:46
heoa_what is the Ubuntu developer irc channel?15:46
jribVustom: in the past :)15:46
Plughengammalsko: Hm... thanks for the heads up. I'll have to do a test install in a spare partition to see what I'm going to get. I have 13 icons across the top panel for the programs I use frequently.15:46
edbianVustom: today15:46
REK_007is 11.10 LTS ?15:46
arghxREK_007: no15:46
sburjanleuty: I have broken packages, but I don't know which ones, because I don't get a list15:46
REK_007and deos it have gnome 3 as people here on IRC told me it would have15:46
DreamanREK_007 12.04 is lts15:46
rahulAny idea about the power management in 11.10? I have serious issue with discrete gps.15:46
adminewbREK_007 no15:47
Dreamanand 14.04 is lts ans 10.04 lts15:47
Plughsburjan: The Synaptic gui program can list broken packages.15:47
REK_007then have to look for other distros15:47
sburjanPlugh: how can I recogize them >15:47
REK_007ubuntu is debian right? so other debian based distro with GNOME 3 there ?15:47
SoolHow do i get the x-coordinate of my mousepointer?15:48
DreamanREK_007 use mint debian edition gnome215:48
PlughREK_007: IIRC, it is .04 releases that are usually .04 (but not 11.04)15:48
PlughUsually LTS15:48
ichbinderjrib: yeah, my local machine is a 11:04, but the machine I try to copy from - so where the tar is - is a debian and does not have the GNU tar... :(15:48
heoa_...sign LTS is now short-term...15:48
REK_007Dreaman: am on ubuntu 10.04 .. with that make a difference if i move to mint?15:48
jribichbinder: strange, what debian version?15:49
Plughsburjan, click the button for "Broken packages"15:49
leutysburjan: if you run sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade you dont get a list of what is broken?15:49
DreamanREK_007 time of support15:49
heoa_...my comp gets apparently some sort of kernel panic after running some time, how to diagnose that?15:49
sburjanPlugh, leuty : managed from synaptic to remove the broken packages15:49
Plughsburjan, left side of the screen of "Synaptic Package Manager" says "Broken" as second item down.15:49
sebsebsebREK_007: Mint it seems won't be doing Unity or Gnome Shell any time soon, but  this is a bit off topic now.  Also Mint 9 is based on Ubuntu 10.04 so  same support15:50
Plughok, good15:50
ubottufreedom is important. Ubuntu is as free as we can make it, which means mostly free software. See http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/free-sw.html and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/licensing15:50
reisiare the openjdk-7 packages completly broken on 11.10 or is it just me? i've got openjdk-7-jdk installed but no javac?15:50
REK_007Dreaman: ok i left mint to come to ubuntu :) now i see will have to change15:50
REK_007thanks sebsebseb for the insight thats what i though :)15:50
adminewbwhy allow only one tracker on torrents for the new release?15:50
VustomWhen I install Ubuntu 11.10 and put it along-side Windows 7, I want it to auto boot into Windows 7 instead of Ubuntu by default, how do I do this?15:50
REK_007Vustom: edit the grub.cfg file15:51
sebsebsebREK_007: no problem your welcome :)15:51
DreamanREK_007 i left ubuntu to use archlinux :)15:51
REK_007Dreaman: i also have set it up :P15:51
wiredfoolis there a way to make unity sorta kinda work like the netbook launcher in 10.04?  I'd like one or two categories of apps on the 'home screen', and that's about it15:51
ubottuChocolate! And Strawberries! And ICE CREAM! Ooo! and 60 minutes +m!15:51
wiredfoolfull screen only,15:51
ubottuUbuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com15:51
craigbass1976edbian, sorry, had a customer.  So, I've got a box and the user bob is logged in.  Can I somehow fire up a terminal and start thunderbird as craig?15:51
REK_007Dreaman: but facing few problems :) will look into those when i have some more time at hand to research and fix15:52
edbianVustom: edit /etc/default/grub and save it and run sudo update-grub15:52
Lithos84Vustom: Install startupmanager15:52
mix22891hello, there are error with the Kazam program, i can't upload videos to youtube15:52
jribthorn: try !msgthebot :)15:52
edbiancraigbass1976: fire up the terminal, su craig15:52
edbiancraigbass1976: then run thunderbird15:52
rahuloverheating problem in 11.10?15:52
craigbass1976edbian, I thought I got display errors when I'd tried it in the past.   I'll give it a whirl shortly; still setting up the box15:53
VustomIf I use sudo apt-get install gnome-shell does that install GNOME 3?15:53
gar_onnCan't install 11.10: says: "Could not download the release notes" (internet connection is OK)15:53
edbiancraigbass1976: there should be no errors with doing what I just described15:53
mari00hi all, i'm having a problem with apache2 on ubuntu.  i've got a virtual host setup, pointing to a directory in my home directory, ie /home/{user}/www/crisis.  i've also set up a host name in /etc/hosts crisis.mini.net  but when i enter crisis.mini.net it doesn't work.15:53
sebsebseb!gnomeshell | vilcobra15:53
sebsebsebVustom: yeah that should do it I think15:53
mari00and when i run /usr/sbin/apache2 -S i get the message: "apache2: bad user name ${APACHE_RUN_USER}"15:53
DreamanREK_007 i start with ubuntu 7.04 but in deep in linux world ubuntu is easy15:53
sebsebsebVustom: then select it from your log in screen15:53
sebsebseb!nounity | vilcobra15:53
ubottuvilcobra: Ubuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions drowpdown. Using Natty? See !classic15:53
jribVustom: I believe you already have gnome 3 but gnome 3 can use different "shells" or interfaces.  Unity is default.  gnome-shell provides gnome shell15:53
mari00not sure what is going on here15:53
VustomI see :)15:54
jribmari00: try #httpd15:54
VustomWhat's the best software to make your boot screen pretty?15:54
Rabooanyone know how i create two boned interfaces, bond0 and bond1?15:54
kallisti5so! 11.10 won't let you set the time in the gui :-\   the settings don't take15:54
mari00jrib: they sent me here15:54
jribmari00: for your -S message that's because of the way debian and ubuntu structure the config file and is more15:54
jribmari00: for your -S message that's because of the way debian and ubuntu structure the config file and is *normal*15:54
somsipmari00: need to be root, and best run as a service, so sudo service apache2 start15:54
REK_007Dreaman: thats the only reason i have kept it .. to learn gradually :) and progressing quite well now :) so did setup of arch all on my own :) now doing more of it to learn more15:54
mari00meaning that messag is not a problem15:54
jribmari00: what happens when you visit in your browser?15:55
sebsebsebVustom: look in the repos, there will be some Plymouth themes you can try there, (  Altough I personally find that other distros quite a few of them provide better Plymouth themes than any of those :D )15:55
teryI can't upgrade from 11.04 to 11.10, is it due to high traffic?15:55
jribtery: possibly.15:55
mari00it loads the default virtualhost which is just /home/{ethan}/www15:55
teryjrib: ok I'll try later15:55
jribtery: try choosing a local mirror in software-properties15:55
mari00there's nothing in that directory so it just lists the directories15:55
* cce wonders if there's a channel for using gnome-panel with oneiric? I'm an xmonad fan, upgraded, and gnome-panel no longer works well.15:56
DreamanREK_007 learn terminal use :)15:56
ubuntu1can u tell me whats  included in ubuntu 11.10?15:56
VustomIsn't Plymouth what they call that loading screen? Maybe I'm wrong, probably am.. :p15:56
cceubuntu1: read the release notes?15:56
sebsebsebubuntu1: main thing is Unity on top of Gnome 315:56
REK_007Dreaman: yeah mate doing that only :) else would not have done arch  :P15:56
sebsebseb!notes | ubuntu115:56
ubottuubuntu1: Ubuntu 11.10 (Oneiric Ocelot) release notes can be found here: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/11.1015:56
ubottuPlymouth manages the Ubuntu boot process (before the root filesystem is mounted) and also provides a graphical boot animation.  To change your Plymouth theme use « sudo update-alternatives --config default.plymouth && sudo update-initramfs -u »15:56
heoa_anyone else getting kernel panics with Ubuntu 11.04?15:57
DreamanREK_007 i use gentoo and archlinux but start ubuntu15:57
jribmari00: pastebin your vhost configuration15:57
mari00jrib: ok15:57
tuxforprezHi there I am trying to15:57
tuxforprezecho "Your weather code is $CODE It is now being move to the correct place "15:57
tuxforprezecho $CODE >> /opt/Weather/weather.config15:57
tuxforprez but I want to replace the 1st line in weather.conf to $CODE15:57
FloodBot1tuxforprez: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.15:57
jribtuxforprez: use sed15:58
tuxforprezIdk how :(15:58
tuxforprezjust learning15:58
tuxforprezstarted *15:58
Plughheoa_: Never seen a panic in 11.0415:59
REK_007Dreaman: you are saying all the thing i have had on mind :)i am learning it one ubuntu so that i can go in deeper with arch:)15:59
jribtuxforprez: read intro tutorial for sed then15:59
Dreamanhttp://pastebin.com/8x4hg5cz   REK_007 see :) my system16:00
tuxforprezsed $CODE -e '/1/ '  | weather.conf     ???16:00
okCPUis there a CLI tool for finding files by date created?16:00
tuxforprezokCPU: ls -al16:01
nixmaniackAbhijit, sorry but i got disconnected, what if i don't have internet connection while upgrading from Live CD?16:01
heoa_Plugh: perhaps it has something to do with my harddrive then, not sure...16:01
deebee_I to save some time, I downloaded the alternate install CD via BitTorrent and ran /media/cdrom/cdromupgrade. As expected it asks me if I'd like to use the internet to get the latest packages. I say no, and it says the network won't be used at all. Then it starts fetching packages from the internet during the install. Any ideas what might be going on?16:01
llutzokCPU: not for ext-fs, it doesn't store creation-time16:01
jribokCPU: date created is not recorded, so no.16:01
heoa_Plugh: perhaps it is just getting soon broken16:01
SoolHowdo i cut out the last two digits of a line in "cut"?16:01
REK_007Dreaman: cool :)16:01
Plughheoa_: Is it during start up or at some random time after you have been running for a while?16:01
Abhijitnixmaniack, its not necessary16:01
heoa_Plugh: after some random time on...16:01
Abhijitnixmaniack, i never done upgradinng from cd. please refer to the documentatioon on ubuntu.com for upgrading16:02
DreamanREK_007 yers use linux :)16:02
Jepone question16:02
dweezokCPU, you might do a "man find" too16:02
Plughheoa_: One possibility is a memory problem.16:02
nixmaniackAbhijit, okay thanks16:02
REK_007Dreaman: i have a quad boot :P16:02
JepDoes currently works the "delete files older than x days" option from kde trash? i have several files older than the day i've set and they're not deleted16:02
DreamanREK_007 :)16:03
heoa_Plugh: how to know whether it is the case?16:03
ichbinderjrib: sorry, I was battling with people about the same topic in #bash... ^^ hm... lsb-release -a and uname -a give me this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/707414/16:03
frxstremwhat are the advantages and disadvantages of using 64-bit Ubuntu?16:04
REK_007Dreaman: i have mac+win7+ ubutnu+arch :P16:04
logi01would it be possible to use oneiric dvd with cdemu to reduce network traffic when updating from 10.04 to 10.11?16:04
DreamanREK_007 ok16:04
jribichbinder: ah that's centos, guess they are using some other version of tar or an older one where --hard-dereference wasn't implemented yet16:04
Plughheoa_: Memory problems can be hard to diagnose. There is a memtest program you can run. Its a boot option on some of the live CD's. My experience has been that memtest's have rarely found the memory problem unless its a hard failure.16:04
DreamanREK_007 pic i see grub start menu :P16:05
Plughheoa_: Check the kernel panic for any clues as to what might have triggered it. Also possible (but unlikely?) that a given program could be causing it. Some other hardware problem might also trigger it.16:05
Plughheoa_: Check cables, make sure memory chips are fully seated, check that all internal fans are operating properly (to make sure its not heat related).16:06
REK_007Dreaman: BURG actually looks cooler :P16:06
mari00jrib: http://pastebin.com/uBnwUrJN16:07
=== cantonic_ is now known as cantonic
mari00jrib: i moved the www folder to my home directory16:07
mari00jrib: i've also set up, asi mentioned initially, a line in my /etc/hosts16:08
mari00when i load localhost/crisis it works, but when i try crisis.mini.net i get a 404.16:08
EbanTideIs xbmc compatable with the new release of ubuntu ?16:08
ryannEbanTide: does it work in 11.04?16:09
daviddoriaI just upgraded to 11.10. In 11.04 there was an option in the login screen to use "classic ubuntu" which turned off the Unity sidebar. I no longer see this option. I tried "Ubuntu 2D" but it still seems to have the Unity sidebar. Is there a new way to do this?16:09
usr13mari00: May I suggest?:   Leave the DocumentRoot where it is and just use synlinks for the various sites you host.  Symlink them to /home/user/html or what ever you want to name it.16:10
mari00you mean like the ln -s thing?16:10
deebee_Even running '/media/cdrom/cdromupgrade --without-network' and it still tries to download the latest packages!16:11
Lithos84!nounity | daviddoria16:11
ubottudaviddoria: Ubuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions drowpdown. Using Natty? See !classic16:11
okCPUSET EMAIL sean@srqdev.net16:11
daviddoriathanks Lithos8416:11
okCPUha... oops16:11
usr13mari00: Yes.  i.e.  ln -s /home/mari00/html /var/www/my-site-name16:11
mari00usr13: right that makes sense actually!16:11
Lithos84daviddoria: You're welcome.16:12
ryaxnbhow do you add gnome 3.0 to the just-released Oneiric Ocelot16:12
mari00usr13: would have been much easier. thanks !16:12
jrib!nounity | ryaxnb16:12
ubotturyaxnb: Ubuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions drowpdown. Using Natty? See !classic16:12
heoa_Plugh: you are close, a fan in my laptop is making freaking noise time to time, it is probably somethnig to do with heat...16:12
mari00maybe i will see if that fixes the problem.16:12
Lithos84!nounity | ryaxnb16:12
heoa_...my laptop does not like too much computing...16:12
ryaxnb!thank you...16:12
ryaxnbone more quesetion16:13
Plughheoa_: yup. Noisy fans typically indicate one that is on its way out and is probably not doing its job properly. That is particularly bad in laptops.16:13
ryaxnbhow do you add xubuntu to Ubuntu yet make Ubuntu the default loginscreen and desktop16:13
ryaxnb(e.g. the boot splash is Ubuntu)16:13
sebsebsebryaxnb: sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop16:13
Soolhow can i define a character-range in "cut"? "cut --characters=0123456789" gives me "cut: only one type of list may be specified"16:13
sebsebsebryaxnb: and then tell the log in screen what you want by default I guess16:13
ryannunity sucks!16:13
ryaxnbyes, but then xubuntu is the boot splash16:13
ryaxnband i want Unity bootsplash (just Ubuntu 11.10)16:14
sebsebsebryann: yeah then delete the Plymouth xubuntu theme, that should do it16:14
ryaxnbok thanks.16:14
usr13mari00: Not only that, but when / if you decide to create another site, just do ln -s /hAngel Food Ministries was a non-profit, non-denominational organization dedicated to providing grocery relief to communities throughout the United States.16:14
usr13Angel Food's groceries were sold in a quantity for $30.00 per unit. Each month's menu was different from the previous month and consists of both fresh and frozen items with an average retail value of approximately $60.16:14
Lithos84ryaxnb: sudo dpkg-reconfigure gdm16:14
usr13usr13: Sorry for that.  don't know what happened there but...16:14
ichbinderjrib: yeah... i made a stupid mistake that's too emberassing to tell, anyway... it's working now... :-/16:15
heoa_Plugh: any idea to fix it, a new fan or?16:15
ichbinderjrib: thanks for trying to help me!16:15
tenXusr13: does Angel Food's offer a drive in?16:15
sebsebseb!nounity > ryann16:15
ubotturyann, please see my private message16:15
mari00usr13: haha16:15
ryaxnbi dont think that's right16:16
ryaxnbi'll be using light dm16:16
usr13mari00: If you create another site:  ln -s /home/mari00/html2 /var/www/site216:16
mari00usr13: i reset everything to point to the /var/www directoy as the base16:16
PreKAsus N53Jn overheat with 11.10 :S16:16
Krenairj #ubuntu+116:16
ryaxnbat least, i want to be, since that's Oneiric default.16:16
usr13mari00: Anyway, you get the idea.16:16
ryaxnbi dont use gdm16:16
Plughheoa_: A new fan may be in order or it could be an issue with a buildup of dust/dirt around the fan. Won't know until you open the machine to check. Don't do it yourself if the machine is under warranty. Safer to have a service center check it and/or replace fan.16:16
mari00usr13: then i created a symbolic link in /var/www pointing to my site at /home/mari00/www/the-site16:17
ryaxnbso to configure for ubuntu i delete the plymouth theme. Anything i need to do to lightdm (dpkg-reconfigure lightdm)16:17
ryaxnbor something16:17
Anonxpct@prek... Turn off gpu with acpi_call16:17
mari00but i am still having the same problem16:17
sebsebsebryaxnb: yep just delete teh plymouth theme16:17
sebsebsebryaxnb: and I think Xubuntu uses lightdm now as well16:17
usr13mari00: That should do it.16:17
mari00with the domain name that i set in /etc/hosts16:17
PreKjust did, with ironhide.. .16:17
sebsebsebryaxnb: anyway if you do get gdm installed some how, but want lightdm, you can remove gdm and tehn tell it to use lightdm16:17
ryaxnbexcellent, but i don't want the Xubuntu Lightdm theme either, so i guess i delete that.16:17
heoa_Plugh: I got the problem...after running with the laptop :D16:17
AnonxpctStill overheatng?16:17
sebsebsebryaxnb: not sure, about the logi n screen tehem16:17
cassiohi. i just installed 11.10 and did the updates while installing. when i reboot it stops at "checking battery state"... gdm or lightdm, or whatever it is using is not firing up... anyone knows what gives?16:18
ryaxnbmy main desktop will be Unity after all.16:18
mari00when i try to load localhost/the-site it works, but when i use the name i set up in /etc/hosts i get a 404 error.16:18
sebsebsebryaxnb: oh?16:18
andoOK I have managed to boot the live CD, but when I select Install Ubuntu from the desktop or launcher it does nothing16:18
andoand running ubiquity --desktop %k gtk_ui form a terminal gives me a python error16:18
ryaxnbsebsebseb, yes.16:18
ryaxnbthis is just for play.16:18
usr13mari00: What is the entry in /etc/hosts ?16:18
sebsebsebryaxnb: oh ok I guess16:18
ryaxnbi have a 128GB HDD why not add some crap16:19
PreKand i starting hating the unity... lol16:19
mari00the /etc/hosts seems to be setup okay because when i ping crisis.mini.net it pings as it should, so i am not sure what i going wrong here.16:19
sebsebsebryaxnb: well you may want to install this as well whilst at it  then lubuntu-desktop16:19
ryaxnbi don't like LXDE, tried it before on something.16:19
ryaxnbi think as a PPA in 9.1016:19
sebsebsebah ok16:19
sebsebsebwel it will be better now16:19
daviddoriaI just changed to a 30" monitor. I was able to set the resolution to 2560x1600 like it wanted, but all text is really "bad" looking - is there a way to change the fonts or something so that it looks ok at this resolution?16:19
needhelp1i have a bug that is stoping me from booting my system. updated from 11.04 to 11.10, restarted the system, no errors on update. i get to the login screen, it will accept my pwd but the screen goes black for a few seconds, then keeps going back to the login screen, i have tried using all the environment options ubuntu/2d/recovery .. nothing will work. please help me16:19
ryaxnbi do find myself liking IceWM as a very light desktop for remote use and the like16:19
usr13mari00: Does it show the page:  "It works!" ?16:20
ryaxnbicewm is nice because to start a icewm X11 session you just start X11 and type icewm.16:20
mari00usr13: http://pastebin.com/1XUWusWZ16:20
sebsebsebryaxnb: ah ok16:20
ryaxnbthen you have all of it, without the complex startup procedure of DEs.16:20
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.16:20
needhelp1i have a bug that is stoping me from booting my system. updated from 11.04 to 11.10, restarted the system, no errors on update. i get to the login screen, it will accept my pwd but the screen goes black for a few seconds, then keeps going back to the login screen, i have tried using all the environment options ubuntu/2d/recovery .. nothing will work. please help me my guest login session does the same thing, wont work also.16:20
cassiohi. i just did a clean install of 11.10 and did the updates while installing. when i reboot it stops at "checking battery state"... gdm or lightdm, or whatever it is using is not firing up... anyone knows what gives?16:21
mari00usr13: what is it?16:21
ben_unityI have heard of a power draining bug in oneric, does anyone have any ideas of how to fix it? I am currently downloading the ISO, 1 hour to go16:21
ryaxnbi have not heard of that bug.16:21
sebsebsebneedhelp1: oh sounds a bit like when,  last year, on another computer,  Ubuntu 10.04 refused to let anyone log in all of a sudden and I don't know why, so switched distro16:21
Yamauchiseems buggy16:21
ryaxnb i get decent battery life, compared to 11.0416:21
sebsebsebneedhelp1: uhmm anyway the bad news is16:21
ryaxnb i have kernel 3.0.0-1216:21
sebsebsebneedhelp1: it may be better to just re install, start over16:21
icerootben_unity: have a look at launchpad for workarounds16:21
sebsebsebeasier that way as well16:21
ryaxnbi get around 5-6 hours on my 8-cell netbook16:22
ben_unityI have a 6cell netbook, on 11.04 I get 5~6 hours16:22
cceDoes anyone know if it's possible to use the panel in oneiric unity but with another window manager?16:22
usr13mari00: Does it show the page:  "It works!" ?16:22
mari00usr13: if i run localhost or yes it would load that--or rather it loads the index.html that i put there myself.16:23
Promethesi see that Gnome Shell is even worse than Unity, there is no such thing as taskbar, switching between opened windows is very complicated16:23
cceIn particular, I'm trying to use xmonad instead of unity, but would like to use the toolbar (when it was gnome-panel in natty, worked)16:23
sebsebsebneedhelp1: sounds like your upgrade has gone quite wrong,  and that may be easier to just re install, but I assume you got data on your computer that you want  and that kind of thing16:23
mari00usr13: which says "Hello there!"16:23
pastorbelga!Bald Tea Obreht - The Tiger's Wife (mobi).rar16:23
ubottupastorbelga: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)16:23
ben_unityI got this idea about battery life from http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2011/10/ubuntu-11-10-released/, where it has Battery Drain near the end16:23
edwardpatchhelp, how do i install wine freshly i installed it but now theres no audio drivers on it so i need to reinstall it so it wipes all info off how do i do it16:24
sebsebsebedwardpatch: delete  or move the hidden .wine folder in Home16:24
jbichaPromethes: GNOME Shell may just take a bit of time to get used to, you can read through http://library.gnome.org/users/gnome-help/stable/16:24
sebsebsebedwardpatch: then when you use Wine again, it's like your using for a first tmie16:24
pastorbelga!Bald Tea Obreht - The Tiger's Wife (mobi).rar16:24
edwardpatchdelete ir16:24
sebsebsebedwardpatch: well if you delete it, you lose everything you had in Wine yeah16:24
edwardpatchthe .wine16:25
sebsebsebyep the .wine16:25
edwardpatchwill it break anything16:25
jbichainstead of deleting, it may be better to just move it somewhere else16:25
sebsebsebedwardpatch: any programs you installed in Wine, all of that will be gone16:25
jbichain case you want it later!16:25
sebsebsebedwardpatch: so you can just move it some wehre else, to keep all that if you want16:25
edwardpatchbut i never insta;;ed any16:25
sebsebsebas I suggested earlier16:25
=== sburjan_ is now known as sburjan`
Piciben_unity: If you're referring to the Sandy Bridge power regression, its listed in the release notes, more info at https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/81883016:25
ubottuUbuntu bug 818830 in linux (Ubuntu) "[Sandy Bridge] serious power regression from kernel 3.0.0-6 to 3.0.0-7 (rc6 disabled)" [Medium,Triaged]16:25
edwardpatchi will delete it16:25
sebsebsebedwardpatch: well if there's nothing to lose from it, then just delete it16:25
ben_unityah, thanks16:26
edwardpatchw8 how do i ge my .wine back then just uninstall it after that16:26
edwardpatchthen install it16:26
edwardpatchin USC16:26
sebsebsebedwardpatch: then you can remove Wine itself if you want and rei nstall yeah16:26
sebsebsebedwardpatch: sure Ubuntu Software Centre or use the termianl16:27
edwardpatchi will try now16:27
sebsebsebedwardpatch: sudo apt-get purge wine16:27
sebsebsebedwardpatch: sudo apt-get install wine, and make sure .wine is a new one, and yep :)16:27
edwardpatchwhats purge wine16:27
tarelerulzI'm trying to control my computer via vnc ?  I have client on my phone and it works with  ip of my computer ,but when you put the host name  it don't .  Any ideas , could a firewall be turned on ?16:27
sebsebsebedwardpatch: well purge or remove,  purge does config files or wahtever as well16:27
usr13mari00: what you are wanting to do can not be done with the hosts file, afik16:27
arvutaptitude <316:27
ben_unitypurge deletes all of the files, like remove, only with config file16:27
theadmintarelerulz: Is the hostname available on your local network?16:27
mari00usr13: but i have done it before.16:27
theadmintarelerulz: You can't access a random machine on the internet with a hostname, you know16:28
sebsebsebedwardpatch: however the .wine you must move or delete that yourself16:28
mari00usr13: on my other computer i have a website that is goes directly to a specific directory under www and loads a site there.16:28
mari00i set up the domain name/address in /etc/hosts16:28
edwardpatchi cant find .win in /home/edwardpatch/16:28
theadminedwardpatch: It's a hidden folder16:28
sebsebsebedwardpatch: well if you haven't opended anything in Wine yet, there won't be one16:29
theadminedwardpatch: Enable showing those16:29
zelozeloscan someone sum up the diff between 11.04 and 11.10 (besides if its lts or whatever) does it still have unity? are there any new things?16:29
edwardpatchi know i have all hidden files open16:29
sebsebsebedwardpatch: and it's a hidden foder  view > show hidden files and folders, well Nautilsu is a bit differnet in 11.10 hmm  probably teh same for this or pretty much though16:29
arvutedwardpatch: ls -Al ~16:29
theadminedwardpatch: Just forget about it then16:29
tarelerulzWell, theadmin , I don't really know.   They are both hooked to the same router .  How would you even tell16:29
somsipmari00: you want crisis.mini.net to resolve locally to a different directory?16:29
=== dom__ is now known as Guest4415
theadmintarelerulz: Hm, I guess that would work, let me try something16:29
sebsebsebedwardpatch: whats' the problem with Wine then?16:29
sebsebsebedwardpatch: have you even tried to install something in it?16:29
mari00somsip: i want crisis.mini.net to resolve to /var/www/crisis16:29
edwardpatchi have it but the audio driver went16:30
edwardpatchi cant play anygame16:30
somsipmari00: ant me to help? We're OT. Got to private16:30
sebsebsebedwardpatch: maybe you need to do something in wine config16:30
edwardpatchi have sound for ubuntu not wine16:30
Lithos84!notes | zelozelos16:30
ubottuzelozelos: Ubuntu 11.10 (Oneiric Ocelot) release notes can be found here: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/11.1016:30
sebsebsebedwardpatch: and what game do you want to play?16:30
mari00somsip: in /var/www/crisis i have a wordpress site.16:30
mari00somsip:  OT???16:30
edwardpatchplayed it all the time16:30
sebsebseba 3D game? not even sure what that is16:30
Guest4415hello im just instaled xubuntu and i dont have sound why??16:30
somsipmari00: We're offtopic and it's a busy channel today. Go private16:30
edwardpatchbut all sound went in wine and wont open it because of that16:30
sebsebsebedwardpatch: ok try re installing .wine then16:31
Lithos84zelozelos: It isn't LTS. That will be 12.0416:31
thornI took a screenshot of a screen glitch. how can I share it for troubleshooting?16:31
sebsebsebedwardpatch: also you can get help in #winehq as well, but that channnel doesn't tend to be that active16:31
mari00somsip: thanks fo rthe offer!   i actually have run out of time for the moment, so i'll have to jump on later16:31
sebsebsebwell last itme I was there anwyay16:31
mari00but thank you, and thanks everyone else for the help.16:31
somsipmari00: up to you16:31
mari00have a good one16:31
Guest4415somebady can help me?16:31
sebsebseb!ask | Guest441516:32
ubottuGuest4415: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience16:32
Guest4415why i dont have sound in xubuntu??16:32
sebsebsebGuest4415: may be worth asking this in #xubuntu16:32
DasEi!sound > Guest441516:33
ubottuGuest4415, please see my private message16:33
usr13mari00: Well, it would then have to be the only site your webserver hosts and, well I've never done that so not sure how to.  NOw you can probably do it with iptables, but... this is a matter that is handled by the nameserver and the hosts file and you have to trick your computer into a different way of resolving the host name.16:33
DasEiGuest4415: I can have a look in #xubuntu, if you like16:35
=== Amgine is now known as Guest74455
edwardpatchits installing now16:35
=== angela is now known as Guest22602
sebsebsebedwardpatch: ok16:36
edwardpatchhow do i make it go red my txt16:37
ubottufreedom is important. Ubuntu is as free as we can make it, which means mostly free software. See http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/free-sw.html and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/licensing16:37
sebsebsebedwardpatch: type the first few letters of someones name and hit tab16:37
sebsebseb!tab | edwardpatch16:37
ubottuedwardpatch: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.16:37
sebsebsebedwardpatch: you high lighto smeone useauly when using their name on IRC16:37
edwardpatchsebsebseb, , ok i got it16:38
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edwardpatchsebsebseb, ok i got it its not red16:38
=== angel is now known as Guest13257
sebsebsebedwardpatch: for me those two messages were read16:39
sebsebsebsince you high lighted me16:39
pdtpatrickwow there's so many downloading 11.10 -- :)16:39
okCPUso if ext-fs doesn't store creation time, why does ls -la print out a date field? what exactly does it represent?16:39
sebsebsebpdtpatrick: of course16:39
edwardpatchsebsebseb,  oh and for me grey16:39
sebsebsebedwardpatch: yep depends on the cilent, what  colour you get16:39
sebsebseband how it's set up16:39
DasEipdtpatrick: it stores last access16:39
llutzokCPU: mtime16:39
MeanEYEFor some strange reason Ubuntu 11.10 installer won't let me check "Log in automatically". Any ideas?16:40
edwardpatchsebsebseb, ok i installed wine but now /home/edwardpatch/.wine folder16:40
mix22891hello, there are error with the Kazam program, i can't upload videos to youtube16:40
shazzrAre there any known issues with empathy? I can't make any changes to the settings.16:40
heoa_how to kill freezed commands? ...as even "sudo su" is frozen...16:41
daviddoriaI have two monitors. I would like to rotate one of them 90 degrees. I don't see this option in either the NVidia settings or the System Settings -> Displays of Ubuntu 11.10 - can anyone suggest how to do this?16:41
okCPUllutz: any utils that can calculate create time from m c or a time?16:41
heoa_pkill thatDamnInfiniteLoop...16:41
llutzokCPU: nope16:41
okCPUllutz: so there is no way at all to get the create time unless i setup a process that listens to the mtime of a directory and manually stores it?16:42
sebsebsebedwardpatch: yep16:42
sebsebsebedwardpatch: now you can try your program again in Wine, and find out what happens16:42
sebsebsebedwardpatch: probably same as before though16:42
DasEiheoa_: depends, tried to ctrl-c it ? else by killall <appName> or kill <PID>16:42
llutzokCPU: yep. ext4 has the ability to store creation-date but it isn't used yet16:42
vega-daviddoria: hardly, when even twinview doesn't work properly in oneiric ...16:43
somsipokCPU: change your fstab to not use defaults and change the mount options manually16:43
vega-overall, oneiric dual screen experience is not good = doesn't work16:43
jrib heoa_ you shouldn't "sudo su"16:43
godzukiWoohoo! New release16:43
jribokCPU: or write a new filesystem I guess16:44
kermitwhere can i find a patch that would be on patchwork.kernel.org, which is down?16:44
heoa_DasEi: for sure and many times!16:44
heoa_DasEi: even ^C ^Z, not working...16:44
okCPUjrib: lol... uh, no16:45
mix22891hello, there are error with the Kazam program, i can't upload videos to youtube16:45
bobakermit: What patch are you looking for?16:45
phibxrAfter the latest round of updates to 11.10, the Dash actually opens *behind* everything else in Unity 3D. Anyone else seen that issue?16:45
DasEiheoa_: did you find the process causing the freeze ? (via htop .f.e., or syslog) ?16:45
daviddoriavega-,  are these known issues they are working on?16:45
kermitboba: 85744216:45
jribokCPU: why do you want creation time?16:46
heoa_DasEi: I will if you tell more16:46
okCPUjrib: need to suck down files that were added via ftp from the last week16:46
heoa_DasEi: I did just in /proc, $grep -r temperature *16:46
heoa_orr withotu *16:47
wang_hello, I keep getting W: GPG error: http://archive.canonical.com oneiric Release: The following signatures were invalid: BADSIG 40976EAF437D05B5 Ubuntu Archive Automatic Signing Key <ftpmaster@ubuntu.com>16:47
wang_ when I run apt-get update16:47
wang_anyone have any suggestions hhow to fix that?16:47
DasEiheoa_: if you got unresponsibness, there will me a reason, aka something hangs16:47
heoa_$ grep -r temperature *     in /proc was the command16:47
heoa_DasEi: the reason is probably that /proc is a virtual somethnig and it regenerates apparently things all the time...so it will never end...or16:48
rhizmoemy new band name: the virtual somethings16:48
heoa_DasEi: very well amount of fs and dirs is finite ... but not sure about the content...16:48
wang_I can't run apt-get at all now..16:49
jribllutz: ah you're right crtime is stored on ext4 and one can actually get at it using debugfs16:49
heoa_DasEi: because "files" are not really files there everytime (although they look like that)16:49
mix22891can i get some help here or what?????????????????????/16:49
heoa_mix22891: use less questions mark, plz.16:49
somsip!ask > mix2289116:49
ubottumix22891, please see my private message16:49
mix22891there is an error with the Kazam program, i can't upload videos to youtube16:49
kristianpaulCan i upgrade to ubuntu 11.10 from a cd?16:49
theadmin!alternate | kristianpaul16:50
ubottukristianpaul: The Alternate CD is a classic text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can also be used as an upgrade CD. http://www.ubuntu.com/download/ubuntu/alternative-download#alternate - See also !minimal16:50
llutzjrib: it'll take some time since all the other tools make use of it i'd guess16:50
DasEiheoa_: they get filled at everrytime again, right16:50
tacomasteri was wondering i dont really mind unity but i absolutly hate when i dont choose ubuntu classic that my program options are at the top and not on the program is there a way to fix this?16:50
Lithos84kristianpaul: Only with text install CD.16:50
kristianpaulLithos84: there instructions about it?16:50
maulanahow i find visual effect for aktif desktop effect on ubuntu 11.0416:50
somsiptacomaster: you want to remove global menu? What version?16:50
bobakermit: https://git.kernel.org/?p=linux/kernel/git/torvalds/linux.git;a=commitdiff;h=d179e84ba5da1d0024087d1759a2938817a00f3f16:50
Efrinis it possible to return to classic gnome theme in ubuntu 11.10?16:50
n1koanyone have any clues why netatalk is borked? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/netatalk/+bug/810732 and for myself http://pastebin.com/ayrhWaNb. Same thing happens even when using (self) compiled 2.2.016:51
ubottuUbuntu bug 810732 in netatalk (Ubuntu) "Netatalk shows kernel panic in syslog when trying to connect to server in OS X 10.6.8. Worked fine before upgrade to ocelot" [Undecided,Confirmed]16:51
kristianpaulI mean i for that alternate cd and...16:51
sebsebsebboba: no16:51
somsip!nounity > Elfix16:51
ubottuElfix, please see my private message16:51
sebsebsebEfrin: no16:51
tacomastersomsip: i just upgraded to 11.1016:51
wang_anyone having the badsig issue? I tried the import and it doesn't work16:51
tacomastersomsip: but it was the same in 11.0416:51
kermitboba: thank you!!16:51
Lithos84!upgrade | kristianpaul16:51
ubottukristianpaul: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade16:51
Prometheshow to install new applications in Gnome Shell? I don't see Ubuntu Software Center anywhere16:51
kristianpaulThanks !16:51
Efrinsebsebseb: thanks, is unity good for programmers etc?16:51
Efrini couldnt get used to id in 11.416:52
DasEiheoa_: what's the r in grep for ? did you want to find files containing temperature ?16:52
edwardpatchEfrin, i know one16:52
somsiptacomaster: http://www.webupd8.org/2011/03/disable-appmenu-global-menu-in-ubuntu.html maybe helpful?16:52
Lithos84kristianpaul: You're welcome!16:52
MeanEYEEfrin: In 11.04 it was crappy :) software. Now it's much more decent.16:52
MeanEYEWell not crappy but unstable and unfinished16:52
sebsebsebEfrin: is Unit good for programmers, no not really16:52
heoa_DasEi: recursion, goes into every subdir...16:52
DasEiand $ is for prompt (no arg behind) , heoa_16:52
heoa_DasEi: quite resourcfull command...16:52
edwardpatchEfrin, WXFormBuilder does C++16:52
DasEiheoa_: ls -lr /proc/temperature16:53
MeanEYEsebsebseb: Hm, how do you measure if something is good for programmers or not?16:53
ugarichwhat is? "Cannot send to channel"16:53
sebsebsebMeanEYE: uh most of the expereinced Desktop Linux users don't like Unity, simple as that, and this is off topic16:54
heoa_DasEi: no not like that temperature is not a file16:54
Abhijitugarich, we can read you16:54
DasEi!register | ugarich16:54
ubottuugarich: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode16:54
wang_okay, I get the badsig message and I tried both the instructiosn here.. and it still fails.. anyone help?16:54
edwardpatchEfrin, im using it its awsome for ubuntu it designs forms works just like ms c++16:54
maulanahow i find visual effect for aktif desktop effect on ubuntu 11.0416:54
heoa_DasEi: temperature is a keyword to look for...16:54
ugarichbut channel #ubuntu-ru not read16:54
heoa_DasEi: grep goes every file through to check for the word "temperature"16:54
ugarichhow fix this?16:54
JeremyFishCakesfor temperature I cat /proc/acpi/*/thermal16:54
Efrinedwardpatch: aight :) ill guess ill try it16:54
wang_anyone know how to fix the bad sig message in 11.10?16:54
DasEiugarich: another irc-server I guess16:55
JeremyFishCakesI don't know how it is on ubuntu though, it's different16:55
heoa_DasEi: if the "file" is not a file it may create some special odd things...16:55
reterhello, is it possible to upgrade ubuntu using the cd?16:55
jmichaelxanyone else getting a GPG error for archive.canonical.com?16:55
kristianpaulThanks, bye !16:55
heoa_DasEi: practially meaning that I am running my comp now on ice path...16:55
theadmin!alternate | reter16:55
ubottureter: The Alternate CD is a classic text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can also be used as an upgrade CD. http://www.ubuntu.com/download/ubuntu/alternative-download#alternate - See also !minimal16:55
edwardpatchEfrin, do u want to learn program languages and how to make games just join my company if u want mgcompany.zzl.org16:55
Piciedwardpatch: Please do not advertise in this channel.16:56
retertheadmin: it does the same of update manager?16:56
daviddoriawhen I turn my resolution up really high (2560x1600), everything looks terrible. Everything is the right size (the resolution seems to have actually been set properly), but fonts are barely readable unless I "zoom in" (ctrl+) a few times to make them bigger. Is this normal?16:56
DasEiheoa_: cat file | grep expression ? I still don't understand16:56
Abhijitjmichaelx, yes16:56
edwardpatchEfrin, and itsyoursite link in forum k16:56
vividanyone else getting BADSIG errors with archive.canonical.com?16:56
Abhijitvivid, getting gpg error16:57
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Abhijitand duplicate sources.list entry16:57
Islamhow to uninstall kde "kubuntu" ?16:57
mrgudhi peoples16:57
AbhijitIslam, you mean in ubuntu?16:57
NobleUhm, where did they move the font settings?16:57
DasEiIslam: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop16:57
AbhijitIslam, sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop16:57
wang_vivid, eyes and none of the instructions on the web works16:57
mrgudwhat s up16:57
edwardpatchPici, ok i wont do it again and i was not tring to advirtise anything i was tring to help :)16:57
IslamI wanna uninstall it16:57
rhizmoehrm. kernel 3.016:57
IslamI already have ot16:57
DasEi!support > mrgud16:58
ubottumrgud, please see my private message16:58
JeremyFishCakesThe entire distribution or just the KDE part? Confusing question.16:58
vividyea, i tried the suggested fixes, removing it from /var/lib/apt/lists but it doesnt work for archive.canonical.com....did they change their GPG key?16:58
wang_not sure16:58
DasEivivid: exact error message ?16:58
AbhijitIslam, http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/puregnome use with care and only if you know what you are doing. this thing broke my whole system a while ago. i need to reinstall who os16:58
CodeOmegaPrimeI prest alt-f2 in Classic Desktop mode and typed unity to fix memory leak issues like the instructions online and now the classic desktop is loading unity when I login how can I reverse this?16:59
tacomasterok i forgot who i was talking to about global menus and how to disable but ty so much for helping me fix that it is much better now16:59
wang_DasEi, I have the same issue: W: GPG error: http://archive.canonical.com oneiric Release: The following signatures were invalid: BADSIG 40976EAF437D05B5 Ubuntu Archive Automatic Signing Key <ftpmaster@ubuntu.com>16:59
vividDasEi, W: GPG error: http://archive.canonical.com oneiric Release: The following signatures were invalid: BADSIG 40976EAF437D05B5 Ubuntu Archive Automatic Signing Key <ftpmaster@ubuntu.com>16:59
somsiptacomaster: np16:59
edwardpatchbye everyone16:59
IslamI dont know what I'm doing rofl16:59
Islamthats why I'm asking16:59
wang_DasEi, I have tried to import the key from the keyserver like: sudo apt-key adv --recv-keys --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com  40976EAF437D05B516:59
wang_DasEi, and also removing /var/lib/apt/lists and redownloading the update16:59
DasEiwang,vivid: tried : .. I see, don't know then17:00
vividthey must have changed the key, because removing the entries in /var/lib/apt/lists worked for the other gpg errors17:00
AbhijitIslam, then do sudo apt-get remove --purge kubuntu-desktop17:00
Islamthis will remove it ?17:00
JeremyFishCakesIslam: Why do you want to remove the whole of KDE if you don't know what you're doing?17:00
=== GirlyGIrl is now known as Alysha
new2netI accidentally changed back to the classic menu, how do I switch back to Unity?17:01
DasEiwang,vivid: first hit on google: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/update-manager/+bug/2406117:01
ubottuUbuntu bug 24061 in apt (Ubuntu) "GPG error with apt-get/aptitude/update-manager behind proxy (BADSIG 40976EAF437D05B5)" [Low,Triaged]17:01
rahulPlease help17:01
rahulError authenticating some packages  It was not possible to authenticate some packages. This may be a transient network problem. You may want to try again later. See below for a list of unauthenticated packages. what do i do!!17:01
NobleHaha, 3 minutes in and it crashes. Epic.17:01
IslamI dont use the kde, n its making the laptop take too much time while loging in17:01
chrisinleedsukI'm a complete noob trying to get sound to work on laptop17:01
wang_I'm not behind a proxy..17:01
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chrisinleedsukCan anyone help mE?17:01
CodeOmegaPrimeThis issue seems like it should just be running a command to reverse call unity in the classic desktop can anyone help?17:01
wang_DasEi, I looked at that and I'm not behind a proxy at all17:02
heoa_all of my programs freeze, why?17:02
heoa_how can I unfreeze commands...17:02
heoa_pkill prog does not work, neither kill id17:02
DasEiwang_: read the link ? tried the workaround at all ?17:02
acehhallo am used ubuntu 11.04 but my gnome-panel is gone how i can used it again, am used terminal allways for open my gnome-panel any body can help me17:02
theadminCodeOmegaPrime: Can you try "unity --reset"?17:02
somsipheoa_: many reasons. My last reason turned out to be a dying HD. Check dmesg for I/O errors maybe?17:02
CodeOmegaPrimetheadmin let me try hold on17:02
theadmin!classic | aceh17:02
ubottuaceh: The default interface in Ubuntu 11.04 is !Unity. To switch back to regular !GNOME: log out, click your username, click the Session box at the bottom of the screen, and select "Ubuntu Classic".17:03
new2netheoa_: kill -9 id17:03
vividDasEi, those recommended fixes, like i said, worked for all the other archive signing errors, but not the partner repository17:03
chrisinleedsukHow do I install drivers for yamaha opl3-sa3 soundcard?17:03
terminat0rhi I'm having a problem installing broadcom drivers on an offline system.  I am trying to install  firmware-b43-installer.deb via usb drive but it tries to wget braodcom-wl which I downloaded manually but I do not know how to tell dpkg to find the find locally17:03
vividill just disable it for now and try again later17:03
JeremyFishCakesIslam: Using apt-get remove to get rid of everything should be okay if you have other sessions available to use at login17:03
wang_DasEi, I have tried all the work arounds except one.. someone said it worked for them 4 days later (that one)17:03
okCPUjrib, llutz if you are interested... i found inotify and it works well for my problem domain http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/jaunty/man7/inotify.7.html17:03
rahulError authenticating some packages  It was not possible to authenticate some packages. This may be a transient network problem. You may want to try again later. See below for a list of unauthenticated packages. what do i do!!17:03
acehtheadmin, but am need used ubuntu moderen no clisic17:03
CodeOmegaPrimetheadmin No dice still showing unity17:03
Islamso what would the all command be ?17:03
heoa_somsip: yes it must be case, tell more17:04
chrisinleedsukHow do I install drivers for yamaha opl3-sa3 soundcard?17:04
Islamand yes I have the gnome17:04
heoa_new2net: not working...17:04
theadminaceh: Ubuntu Classic uses gnome-panel, that's the only difference17:04
DasEivivid: I'm currently not using unity, might try to go to repogen, all my natty releases go fine with that keys17:04
JeremyFishCakesislam: are you on 11.04?17:04
heoa_somsip: I/O errors where?17:04
jribokCPU: how would it help with finding files created less than a week ago though?17:04
somsipheoa_: dmesg17:04
acehbut how make my ubuntu standar with unity fitur17:04
DasEivivid: http://repogen.simplylinux.ch/17:05
IslamI'm having a problem on upgrading to 11.1017:05
chrisinleedsukHow do I install drivers for yamaha opl3-sa3 soundcard?17:05
new2netheoa_: I've never seen kill -9 pid not work, maybe run it as root (sudo)17:05
rahulcommand to upgrade17:05
heoa_new2net: not working17:05
vividDasEi, i dont think it has anything to do with unity, im in a terminal running these commands17:05
rahulto 11.1917:05
aaabbbccchello everyone17:05
theadminrahul: sudo do-release-upgrade17:05
ubottuPlease try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!17:05
heoa_new2net: sudo freezes, everything freezes....this must be a prob with my hd17:05
vividill just wait until later17:05
rahulcommand to upgrade to 11.1017:05
okCPUjrib: well, it doesn't... but i can watch a folder and record when things happen... which is virtually the same thing17:05
JeremyFishCakesislam: the site someone linked you to earlier had it all ready to copy and paste17:05
chrisinleedsukHow do I install drivers for yamaha opl3-sa3 soundcard?17:05
Islambut he says its not safe17:05
DasEivivid: no gui ?17:05
Pici!who | Islam17:05
ubottuIslam: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)17:05
Islamshould I use that command ?17:05
JeremyFishCakesislam: Did you install kubuntu? Or another ubuntu and then add KDE?17:06
vividDasEi, i have a gui yes, but im using a terminal, apt has nothing little to do with the gui :p17:06
heoa_new2net: somsip kernel hung...17:06
chrisinleedsukCan anyone help me please?17:06
chrisinleedsukCan anyone help me please?17:06
chrisinleedsukHow do I install drivers for yamaha opl3-sa3 soundcard?17:06
=== Alysha is now known as GirlyGirl
aaabbbcccprobably bad timing considering the new release, but I have a question about mail-stack-delivery17:06
theadminGirlyGirl: hey.17:06
aeon-ltdchrisinleedsuk: if someone knew how they would respond17:06
DasEivivid: I asked 'cause of browsing repogen, re-doing sources/keys17:07
somsipheoa_: well, maybe you found the next thing to check, but I'm not sure how much I can help17:07
heoa_new2net: somsip some odd kernel 8bit msg17:07
GirlyGirltheadmin: Hi17:07
emorrisheoa_, I think I had a similar problem a while ago. Replacing my hard disk fixed it17:07
aaabbbccc01-mail-stack-delivery.auth is not loaded after a recent update (i was using 11.10 beta)17:07
Piciaaabbbccc: #ubuntu-server is quieter and probably more on-topic for your question...17:07
chrisinleedsukaeon-ltd: fair enough17:07
heoa_emorris: where did you get your new hdd? I need a new disk for x60s laptop...17:07
IslamJeremyFishCakes: I have ubuntu 11.04 then I searched kubuntu on the softwear center and then installed it17:07
aaabbbcccgreat thanks Pici17:07
NobleFaantastic, no font setting utility? Why did they remove that one? How can I set the unity launcher not to autododge?17:07
heoa_emorris: damn slow to do anything with this dead machine...17:07
emorrisheoa_, I got it through RMA from seagate. It was still in warranty17:07
terminat0rdpkg is trying to download a file via wget, is there a way I could manually download that file and have dpkg find it?17:08
heoa_emorris: my box about 3 years old, no receipt...no idea about warranties..17:08
JeremyFishCakesislam: it might be a better idea to just go into software centre, find it in the installed software part and remove it17:08
DasEiterminat0r: a deb ?17:08
terminat0rDasEi: yes!17:08
Islamthanx JeremyFishCakes17:08
theadminGirlyGirl: Mind if I pm you...?17:08
IslamI'll try it now,17:08
dr_willisterminat0r:  put it in /var/cache/apt i think17:09
terminat0rdr_willis: ill try that17:09
JeremyFishCakesislam: that's okay17:09
dr_willisor was it apt cache17:09
emorrisheoa_, if you've not changed your hard disk since you got it then the warranty may be with the computer manufacturer. Although you could have a look at the disk for the manufacturer and serial number17:09
DasEiterminat0r: mkdir dlDir , cd dlDir, wget http://deb_address/your.deb && sudo dpkg -I your.deb17:09
GirlyGirltheadmin: no17:10
theadminGirlyGirl: "no" as in "I don't mind"?17:10
DasEioversee the highlited in the above,17:10
terminat0rDasEi: actually the file its trying to dl is a tar17:10
emorrisdr_willis, DasEi, I thing terminat0r is talking about when a deb e.g. flash or corefonts downloads something with wget17:10
GirlyGirltheadmin: yes17:10
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DasEi!compile | terminat0r17:10
ubottuterminat0r: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first). Also read !checkinstall17:10
emorrisnot the deb itself17:10
DasEiterminat0r: which soft ?17:11
aleksandrithas someone already figured out how to set up l2tp in new ubuntu?17:11
terminat0rI'm just trying to install broadcom wl drivers on an offline system17:11
mokolokohttp://www.ubuntu.com/sites/www.ubuntu.com/files/active/musiclens.jpg :D doesn't really give that good impression of the search abilities17:11
DasEi!broadcom > terminat0r17:11
ubottuterminat0r, please see my private message17:11
terminat0rDasEi: firmware-b43-installer on natty  the file its trying to wget is bradcom-wl.tar.b2z17:11
djazzwhy can't I open .deb files with software manager?17:12
djazzmust I use "sudo dpkg -i <deb>"?17:12
CodeOmegaPrimetheadmin is there anyway to reset classic desktop?17:12
coolfirecan i download screen saver for ubuntu 10.0417:12
theadminCodeOmegaPrime: Um... Not that I know of...17:12
theadmincoolfire: There's a bunch at gnome-look.org I think17:12
DasEiterminat0r: yes, see the tips in link, d/l it to your current box, then copy manually (usb..) to "dead" box17:12
CodeOmegaPrimethere has to be a way to reset the settings though so that unity does not load on classic desktop, I would think.17:13
coolfireyou have link specific17:13
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Picidjazz: Just double click on them or run them with gdebi17:13
DasEiterminat0r: the brodcom one has no wired nic ?17:14
IronSightwhat's the command line way to dist upgrade?17:14
emorrisIronSight, sudo apt-get dist-upgrade17:14
theadminIronSight: sudo do-release-upgrade17:14
emorrisoh, that17:14
djazzPici: gdebi isnt defalt, why?17:14
PiciIronSight: it depends whether you want to upgrade to a new release or just do a dist-upgrade.17:14
DasEiIronSight: listen theadmin17:14
Picidjazz: I don't know. I thought it was previously.17:14
djazzim using 11.1917:14
chrono86so does anyone else think the new nautilus is erm..ugly? the way the sidepane cuts up towards the titlebar bothers me17:15
Atlantic777How are unity and screenlets getting together?17:15
linuxlainenany idea where can I get ubuntu  11.10 minimal CD?17:15
Atlantic777Are there some problems.17:15
DasEichrono86: poll here, yes, I went debian/lubuntu17:15
mang0Should I update to 11.10? Or should I stick to 11.04....17:15
mang0If I update will i lose my themes and programs and stuff?17:15
ryann!nounity | sebsebseb17:15
ubottusebsebseb: Ubuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions drowpdown. Using Natty? See !classic17:15
theadminmang0: Nope, you won't17:16
theadminmang0: The only stuff you'll lose is the precious disk space17:16
chrono86DasEi: i won't go lubuntu because i don't like lxde...i really do love unity i just wish nautilus hadn't been "uglified"17:16
mang0theadmin: How much diskspace? And what's differant about 11.10, is it worth updating?17:16
JeremyFishCakeschrono86, tried nautilus elementary?17:17
DasEichrono86: I see, but let's (if so) keep it out here (#ubuntu-offtopic)17:17
theadminmang0: I'm not sure, I haven't used Ubuntu since 10.1017:17
terminat0rDasEi: no wired connection in the office17:17
chrono86JeremyFishCakes: yes I use nautilus elementary but that doesn't really fix the redesign of the new nautilus from what i see17:17
mang0theadmin: OIC17:17
loveStill got 42 mins to go here17:17
DasEiterminat0r: I understand, well then manually copying or another (pcmia) solution17:17
djazzPici: http://i.imgur.com/Vt247.png17:17
linuxlainenany idea if minimal install CD is out for 11.10?17:17
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djazzusing software center17:18
cntrationalhow do you change your icon set on 11.10?17:18
DasEilinuxlainen: yes17:18
JeremyFishCakeschrono86, I haven't seen it. Plenty of other file managers out there if it's that bad though.17:18
djazzPici: gdebi is not installed17:19
djazzi installed gdebi-core17:19
linuxlainenDasEi: anu idea where to get it from?17:19
trismcntrational: gnome-tweak-tool has several theme settings including icon theme, or you can do it directly with gsettings: gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.interface icon-theme 'ThemeName'17:20
djazzoups, not core17:20
okCPUjrib: and the saga continues... node.js non-blocking solution "npm install watch"17:20
linuxlainencouldn't find it on ubuntyu's page17:20
djazzi see a frozen scrollbar in the middle of the terminal17:20
cntrationaltrism: but what about with the default stuff?17:20
trismcntrational: default stuff?17:20
mang0How much more disk space would I have to use up if I sudo do-release-upgrade?17:20
cntrationaltrism: as in, without installing new packages17:20
MneumonicIs anyone in here running 11.10 on a laptop with switchable graphics?17:21
MneumonicI can't get the catalyst to install17:21
chrono86JeremyFishCakes: yeah i really do love nautilus elementary the best and unfortunatly you can't install an older version of nautilus in 11.10 thanks to gtk2 vs gtk3 issues it seems...*17:21
Atlantic777Can you suggest me any gadget system for unity. Something other than plasma?17:21
linuxlainenI only found Beta17:21
linuxlainenbut in need for the official release17:22
goltoofnautilus freezing if i'm not root... that is all17:22
mang0What's differant about 11.10 to 11.04?17:22
goltoofreinstall does nothing17:22
djazzhow weird, i cant use a command for defaule open file type17:22
trismcntrational: the appearance dialog was removed in gnome 3 and hasn't be reimplemented yet (except for background settings and a hardcoded list of themes)17:22
IslamI have a problem with the upgrade to 11.10 thats the error I get : http://paste.ubuntu.com/707456/17:22
cntrationaltrism: wut17:22
cntrationaltrism: weird17:22
djazzhow am I supposed to install .debs without terminal?17:22
djazzjust saying17:22
theadmindjazz: You can use gdebi-gtk17:23
djazzin 11.1017:23
theadmindjazz: Used to come with Ubuntu, probably still in the repos17:23
rigvedgoltoof: ya, there is a bug with nautilus. it crashes sometimes with a seg fault.17:23
chrono86so has there been any major griping over the dumbing down of the appearance settings in here yet?17:23
DasEilinuxlainen: second, I just had it for d/l an hour ago, will find back17:23
djazzi didnt found gdebi in software center17:23
djazzi used apt-get17:23
rigveddjazz: now, the ubuntu software center can install .deb files located on your hard disk.17:24
linuxlainenthank you DasEi17:24
djazzi said thats the problem17:24
djazzsaw the image, rigved?17:24
ubottuIt's onEirIc!17:24
DasEilinuxlainen: http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/natty/main/installer-i386/current/images/netboot/mini.iso17:24
goltoofrigved: so this is a common thing atm?  i'm on 10.04 amd 6417:24
DasEilinuxlainen: , no, thats natty17:25
hysteriaxhey guys anyone else having an issue with apt??17:25
thornwhen's oneiric going to be available for download?17:25
ubottuIt is spelt !naTTy :)17:25
rigveddjazz: no. i have not.17:25
goltoofrigved: anything else i can try, i'd really like to use anutilus, unless there's a good alt?17:25
CodeOmegaPrimetheadmin is there a way to just uninstall unity without any repercussions?17:25
djazzrigved: http://i.imgur.com/Vt247.png17:25
theadminCodeOmegaPrime: I think you can do "apt-get remove unity" or somesuch17:25
rigvedgoltoof: the bug which i am talking about refers to oneiric. not to lucid.17:25
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linuxlainenDasEi: this is for Natty17:25
NoelJBchrono86, yeah, but since this a "support" channel not a "product" channel., people consider any suggestion that there might be usability issues to be off-topic.17:25
goltoofrigved: oic17:26
linuxlainen11.04 not 11.1017:26
DrShoggothseriously?  no more classic?17:26
NoelJBDrShoggoth, seriously.17:26
DrShoggothhow can i turn unity off?17:26
necromancerwhat's the difference between ubuntu and ubuntu server?17:26
IndustrialAfter updating xubuntu to 11.10, the Software Center interface now sucks. To be more specific: It collapses everything when an item is done. You lose focus of where you are in the list and you need to get back to the point where you were.17:26
chrono86NoelJB: ah ok thanks17:26
Industrialtry racking up 5 programs to uninstall17:26
theadminnecromancer: Server comes without a graphical interface17:26
Industrialand then continue browsing17:26
Industrialits not possible17:26
FloodBot1Industrial: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.17:26
thorntut tut tut17:26
NoelJBDrShoggoth, you can switch to Gnome Shell, but it sucks worse, or you can switch to KDE, or you can learn to live with and adapt to Unity.17:27
goltoofnecromancer:  one cli with lamp, other is desktop17:27
DasEilinuxlainen: for 386 ? ;; yes, saw my mistake; 386 ?17:27
Stradivariuswhere can i find the md5 hash for ubuntu desktop 11.10 64 bit?17:27
IndustrialI'd rather use apt-get for this17:27
DETERMINOLOGYQuick ? how do you change themes other then going to apperences and seeing only 4 themes ?17:27
linuxlainenIslam: you probably need to uninstall these apps first17:27
DasEilinuxlainen: http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/oneiric/main/installer-i386/current/images/netboot/17:27
NoelJBDrShoggoth, Unity has potential, so I'll give it a bit more of a shot to see how it evolves.17:27
DasEilinuxlainen: choose yourself there17:27
chrono86I really do love Unity17:27
rigveddjazz: and what is the problem with using the terminal/dpkg?17:27
djazzrigved: http://i.imgur.com/acnHk.png (Lägg till means Add)17:27
trismDrShoggoth: you can install gnome-panel and you will have an experience similar to classic, but not exactly the same, being gnome 3 (remember to press alt before editing your panel)17:28
hysteriaxI hate Unity17:28
linuxlainenDsEi: 64bit is what I am looking for17:28
goltoofapt-get remove --purge nautilus*  bad idea?17:28
hysteriaxI'm still on 10.1017:28
linuxlainenwill check it now thanks17:28
djazzrigved: new users to ubuntu?17:28
DasEiStradivarius: at the d/l location17:28
ubottuTo verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows17:28
Islamlinuxlainen: thanx mate, thats what I'm trying now17:28
djazzi know how to use terminal, new users dont17:28
cdavisHow does one change the font in oneric?17:28
jmichaelxdoes anyone know what the deal is with the GPG error? any workarounds?17:28
jerecohanyone else having an error while updating to 11.10 where 'ubuntu-minimal' is missing so the update crashes?17:28
thornI want to share a screenshot without creating an account somewhere, how can I do that?17:28
DasEilinuxlainen: found your need ?17:28
ubottuScreenshots can be made with the [PrtScr] button. Want to show us a screenshot of your problem? Upload an image to http://imagebin.org/?page=add and post a link to it.17:29
bashelinaThe new upgrade to 11.10 just removed my gnome classic !!!  i dont want crappy unity.. how to install metacity and gnome2  ??++17:29
theadminthorn: http://imm.io17:29
linuxlainenDasEi: I'm afraid not :(17:29
jrib!nounity | bashelina17:29
ubottubashelina: Ubuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions drowpdown. Using Natty? See !classic17:29
theadminbashelina: You can't, Gnome 2 is no longer available.17:29
djazzhow do i install gnome shell in 11.10?17:29
BluesKajjmichaelx, either delete it or just ignore it til canonical partners fixes the GPG17:29
DasEilinuxlainen: oneiric, 386 or 64 bit mini ?17:29
NoelJBbashelina, official answer seems to be: "tough.  gnome classic is dead by fiat.  move on"17:29
theadmindjazz: apt-get install gnome-shell17:29
rigveddjazz: can you still try using the terminal. i do not know how to solve your software center/gdebi problem.17:29
histodjazz: read right above17:30
joanhi everyone!17:30
linuxlainenDasEi: 64 bit min17:30
StradivariusThanks, DasEi17:30
djazzrigved: what happens if you open a .deb with softwarecenter?17:30
goltoofnautilus freezes when not root....  anything i can check?17:30
kermit  python-xen-3.3: Depends: python (< 2.7) but 2.7.1-0ubuntu5 is installed ... should i downgrade python? how do i do that?17:30
jmichaelxBluesKaj: i supposed upgrading with the partners repo disabled will not likely cause breakages when upgrading?17:30
DasEilinuxlainen: http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/oneiric/main/installer-amd64/current/images/netboot/mini.iso17:31
rigveddjazz: i get information about the package and i can click on the install button to install.17:31
goltooflucid 6417:31
thorndammit, can't read any responses...17:31
joanmy ecryptfs says this on dmesg: Valid eCryptfs headers not found in file header region or xattr region [next] Either the lower file is not in a valid eCryptfs format, or the key could not be retrieved. Plaintext passthrough mode is not enabled; returning -EIO17:31
MneumonicIs anyone in here running 11.10 on a laptop with switchable graphics?17:31
djazzrigved: version?17:31
djazzubuntu version17:31
BluesKaj jmichaelx well ,if the repos doesn't work I don't suppose it will cause any damage17:32
rigveddjazz: ohh. oneiric17:32
DasEilinuxlainen: you can either click on it or d/l it by wget from terminal now :)17:32
goltooflucid 6417:32
linuxlainenDasEi: Thanks a lot17:32
rigveddjazz: file a bug.17:32
djazzrigved: i have never been able to install .debs with software center, any ubuntu version17:32
joanany ecryptfs guru here?17:32
djazzi use gdebi or dpkg17:32
linuxlainendownloading now :)17:32
DasEilinuxlainen: my stupidity to just having cache cleared17:33
jerecohIm having some trouble upgrading to oneric from natty... it says 'ubuntu-minimal' no longer exists, and thene crashes half way through the upgrade. It been reported a few times already, is there any workaround/ am i doing anything wrong?17:33
rigveddjazz: in oneiric, gdebi is removed because software-center can install local .deb files.17:33
djazzgdebi says its broken/unreadable :s17:33
jmichaelxBluesKaj: i was only wondering about possible breakages.... since commenting out repos that are being used can obviously do that at times17:33
joanjerecoh: uninstall metapackage ubuntu-minimal and install plain ubuntu should solve the problem...17:33
NoelJBtrism, do you have gnome-panel running?  Do you know if it also shares the Gnome 3 limitation that only JavaScript works, or does it support Gnome v2 applets?17:34
rigveddjazz: please check the file. make sure it's been downloaded properly. maybe md5sums etc.17:34
joanjerecoh: if that's a solution for you17:34
goltoofnautilus freezes when not root....  anything i can check?17:34
necromancerdoes ubuntu 11 take up more memory than ubuntu 8?17:34
jmichaelxi suppose with the sort of stuff provided by partners, it's not likely that anything will get broken17:34
djazzrigved: how do i check md5?17:34
necromancermemory/HD space*17:34
joangoltoof: check your user perms on your home directory17:34
jerecohbut how would I do that? sorry, still adjusting from windows 717:34
rigveddjazz: does the website provide an md5 sum?17:34
DasEi!md5sum | djazz17:34
ubottudjazz: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows17:34
goltoofnecromancer: 8 isn't supported anymore17:34
djazzrigved: no17:35
thornok, look at this: http://imm.io/ahBs17:35
thornbuggy screen17:35
djazzubottu: thx17:35
trismNoelJB: you need to port your applets to libpanelapplet-0.4 but otherwise it is the same as long as you have dbus applets and not bonobo ones (I already ported a couple, pretty straightforward)17:35
ubottuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)17:35
bashelinawhere do i find tha gnome-tweak-tool then ???????????17:35
trismNoelJB: so no javascript needed17:35
aeon-ltdnecromancer: if you're concerned about hdd space start with server that will give you 'almost' the lowest footprint you could have17:35
jiltdilHi guys hows 11.10 a am still downloading it lack of speed :(17:35
djazzDasEI: thx sry xD17:35
rigveddjazz: try the chrome version in the software-center.17:35
Gneajiltdil: read a good review17:35
thornok, look at this: http://imm.io/ahBs I have a glitch that keeps repeating itself.17:35
jerecohhow its telling me there is a hash sum mismatch.. im just gonna reboot and see if that solves anything17:35
BluesKajjmichaelx, guess it depends whether you have packages requiring updates from that repos17:35
trismNoelJB: sorry libpanel-applet-4 (not 0.4)17:36
grumbelIs it possible to get Gnome2 on Ubuntu 11.10 or will I be forced to suffer through Unity/Gnome3?17:36
joanmy ecryptfs says this on dmesg: Valid eCryptfs headers not found in file header region or xattr region [next] Either the lower file is not in a valid eCryptfs format, or the key could not be retrieved. Plaintext passthrough mode is not enabled; returning -EIO --- anyone?17:36
necromancergoltoof: thanks, didn't really help17:36
djazzrigved: i dont want chromium17:36
theadmingrumbel: Not possible17:36
jiltdilGnea: hm it was expected  better than 11.04 :0 that's nice17:36
Gneajiltdil: http://lunduke.com/?p=198517:36
rigveddjazz: chrome. you need to enable the google repos.17:36
necromanceraeon-ltd: i'm running it on a VM, so i'd like the best version for that environment17:36
thornThis never happened before with previous releases of ubuntu, only with 11.04...17:36
aeon-ltdgrumbel: yes you can, unisntall gnome3 install gnome2 but how long they will support it i don't know17:36
necromancerall this is doing is being a webserver for an internal, low-maintenence rails app17:36
rigveddjazz: chrome. not chromium.17:36
necromanceri just can't get rvm installed on 817:36
djazzyeah.. how.. for simple users? :P17:36
Gneajiltdil: yeah, I'm inclined to try upgrading one machine past 8.04 now LOL17:36
thornok, look at this: http://imm.io/ahBs I have a glitch that keeps repeating itself. This never happened before with previous releases of ubuntu, only with 11.0417:36
jiltdilGnea: Hm i prefer  fresh installaton17:37
=== JD is now known as Guest77993
rigveddjazz: one moment.17:37
NoelJBtrism, ah, that's good news.  Compatiblity there would make Gnome suck less.17:37
bashelinahow do get fallback mode ??????????17:37
jmichaelxBluesKaj: those are quite the answers you've been giving, lol17:37
NoelJBgrumbel, no.  no gnome v217:37
Gneajiltdil: fresh installations are preferable, but I like to add my comments here and there when upgrading if I notice something awry :)17:37
djazzredownloaded chrome .deb17:37
bashelinai cant find gnome-tweak-tool ???????17:38
goltoofnecromancer:  um... okay, telling you that ubuntu 8 is extinct doesn't help?  i would imagine that answers your question to a certain degree17:38
thornok, look at this: http://imm.io/ahBs I have a glitch that keeps repeating itself. This never happened before with previous releases of ubuntu, only with 11.04. it seems to have to do with text rendering and window drawing17:38
jiltdilGnea: )17:38
aeon-ltdnecromancer: ubuntu jeos, it's designed for virtualization17:38
djazzsame error :/17:38
goltoofnecromancer:  out of date stuff is obviously going to perform more poorly than the new... but knock yourself out17:38
necromancergoltoof: nah not really, i'm quite aware that 8 is 3 versions behind the current17:38
BluesKajjmichaelx, some ppl have those repos enabled but never install the packages available17:38
bashelinaso nobody is familiar with this unity here ???17:38
chrono86has anyone else noticed when you scrub over the network app indicator it flashes white?17:38
ubottuLTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server. The current LTS version of Ubuntu is !Lucid (Lucid Lynx 10.04)17:39
necromancergoltoof: however, i am running this ubuntu on a VM server. it would be easier for everyone if its footprint was closer to that of 8 than that of windows ;)17:39
jmichaelxBluesKaj: yes, definitely17:39
necromanceraeon-ltd: is this part of official ubuntu or a forked distro?17:39
asdasdasdsdI have got a question17:39
jiltdilIS 11.10 LTS?17:39
asdasdasdsdIs it out ??17:39
bashelinaHow do i get the classic gnome aka gnome fallaback mode in this unity interface ??17:39
goltoofnecromancer:  point is, 8 is not supported, so it'd be in your best interest to ditch it17:40
asdasdasdsdjiltdil: yes it is17:40
jiltdilhm nice then17:40
Gneagoltoof: it is on the server17:40
rivelovhow to get wireless lan on a m amilo 7400?17:40
necromancergoltoof: thanks for the info17:40
ubottuUbuntu 8.04 LTS (Hardy Heron) was the eighth release of Ubuntu. Desktop support ended on May 12 2011, Server support continues until 2013. See !upgrade, !lts and !eol for more details.17:40
aeon-ltdnecromancer: official i assume because this --> https://help.ubuntu.com/11.04/serverguide/C/jeos-and-vmbuilder.html17:40
Picijiltdil, asdasdasdsd: 11.10 is not an LTS release.17:41
BluesKajjmichaelx, I guess to be semi-safe right now , install from source if available :)17:41
Gneajiltdil: no17:41
necromanceraeon-ltd: that's interesting...JeOS is running 8.04 hardy17:41
goltoofGnea:  forgot about the server bit :)17:41
asdasdasdsdIs it out ?? ubuntu 11.1017:41
necromanceraeon-ltd: that's exactly what i need...though it's still 8...17:41
Gneagoltoof: 8 maybe outdated, but I still run it on the system I'm typing on, it's been rock-solid :)17:41
LjLasdasdasdsd: type /topic17:41
djazzrigved: i think i found the problem. I tried with dpkg and it says "dependency libcurl3 is not installed"17:42
asdasdasdsdif i have 11.10 beta 2 do i get final by updating17:42
goltoofchanged folder perms to home dir to 770... nautilus still freezes17:42
necromancerJeOS is exactly what i'm running right now17:42
LjLasdasdasdsd: yes17:42
Gneagoltoof: it's sort of like saying that XP is a dinosaur and so therefore everyone should upgrade to 7 no matter what17:42
asdasdasdsdis ubuntu 11.10 lts ???17:42
necromancermy boss is just dyslexic and labelled it "Ubuntu Joes 8.04"17:42
djazzrigved: neither GDebi or Software Center reported this17:42
chrono86has anyone else noticed when you scrub over the network app indicator it flashes white?17:42
thornok, look at this: http://imm.io/ahBs I have a glitch that keeps repeating itself. This never happened before with previous releases of ubuntu, only with 11.04. it seems to have to do with text rendering and window drawing...17:42
necromancerGnea: not true. XP still takes up less mem than 7 & Vista17:42
LjLasdasdasdsd: no17:42
bashelinaHow do i get fallback mode in gnome 3 ??17:43
asdasdasdsdcan i get gnome 2 into it ?17:43
bashelinai want gnome 217:43
necromancerso technically it should still be the best for virtualization17:43
asdasdasdsdme 217:43
rotflcopterwell its a long way down17:43
Gneanecromancer: and that's a bad thing how? :)17:43
dippphi there, i have keyboard problems on my laptop, the keyboard works in the bios, but then not on grub or logining in! can anyone help! i am currently using usb keyboard! the problem seemed to happen over night17:43
Pici!notunity | bashelina17:43
ubottubashelina: Ubuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions drowpdown. Using Natty? See !classic17:43
goltoofGnea: it all depends on the user.. gutsy is more than enough for some17:43
necromancerit's not :)17:43
Gneagoltoof: agreed17:43
goltoofchanged folder perms to home dir to 770... nautilus still freezes17:44
jiltdilCan we use Gnome3 and unity both ?17:44
ubottuUbuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions drowpdown. Using Natty? See !classic17:44
Gneagoltoof: try 71117:44
c8hi people17:44
bashelinawhat is session dropdown ??17:44
rotflcopterthinking about using a parachute?17:44
asdasdasdsdhello i need gnome 217:44
bashelinai cant find that gnome-tweak-tool17:44
jmichaelxhmm, why the hell is this thing telling me that things like amarok and google-talk-plugin will be removed for this upgrade?17:44
bashelinawhere is that gnome-tweak-tool ???????????????17:45
kuchikuwhat do i need to use "pon" to turn on my dsl ?17:45
rotflcopterjmichaelx<< yeaah i dont like amarok either, that was the first thing phrozen to me on mandriva linux17:45
c8behind you17:45
thornplease look at this: http://imm.io/ahBs I have a glitch that keeps repeating itself. This never happened before with previous releases of ubuntu, only with 11.04. it seems to have to do with text rendering and window drawing... how can I reset this when it happens without messing up my other things? How can I fix it altogether?17:45
BluesKajjmichaelx, I no longer get the GPG error17:45
rivelovhow can i switch on the wireless lan on a m amilo 7400?17:45
c8looking for good c++ programmers17:45
Picibashelina: you need to install that package.17:45
djazzrigved: still error.. installing with dpkg works now17:45
jerecohnow im getting this error message when trying to upgrade from natty to oneiric: W:Failed to fetch gzip:/var/lib/apt/lists/partial/ca.archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_oneiric_main_binary-amd64_Packages  Hash Sum mismatch17:46
Picic8: Look elsewhere, this is a support channel.17:46
goltoofc8: /j #cpp17:46
jerecoh, W:Failed to fetch gzip:/var/lib/apt/lists/partial/ca.archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_oneiric_universe_binary-amd64_Packages  Hash Sum mismatch17:46
LjLc8: try ##c++, this is about Ubuntu17:46
jerecoh, E:Some index files failed to download. They have been ignored, or old ones used instead.17:46
splicHello, I'm trying to set up Ubuntu 10.04 LTS with lvm on top of raid1. I forgot to copy the kernel into the boot partition, how can I mount my root logical volume? mount /dev/[VG name]/[root LV name] /temp doesn't work and fdisk shows the partition as /dev/[VG name]/[root LV name]1 but it doesn't appear in /dev/17:46
rotflcopterc8<< $100/h17:46
bashelinaPici, i did... I installed everything  ubottu told me to17:46
c8thx for support17:46
rhizmoeif i get "authentication failed" (or similar), for flash-plugin and some other flash thing, while upgrading, should i just uninstall those? it's failing out the upgrade.17:46
jmichaelxBluesKaj: ty for the update17:46
goltoofchanged folder perms to home dir to 770... nautilus still freezes17:46
bashelinaPici, so where do i  find it in this crap unity17:46
thornscreen keeps glitching, help me!17:47
dippphi there, i have keyboard problems on my laptop, the keyboard works in the bios, but then not on grub or logining in! can anyone help! i am currently using usb keyboard! the problem seemed to happen over night17:47
asdasdasdsdhello i need gnome 217:47
kuchikuwhat do i need to use "pon" to turn on my dsl ?17:47
c8when is ubuntu 11.10 coming out17:47
rhizmoeasdasdasdsd: is that a question?17:47
jribc8: it's out17:47
asdasdasdsdc8 in a year17:47
rhizmoec8: already17:47
jerecohc8: its out already17:47
rhizmoec8: also: google17:47
c8oh ok thx17:47
asdasdasdsdhello i need gnome 217:48
arghxkuchiku: a config file in /etc/ppp/peers/17:48
Picibashelina: unsuprisingly, its called gnome-tweak-tool just run that.17:48
rhizmoec8: google is a website that contains a lot of news and information17:48
arghxasdasdasdsd: then you need to run a ubuntu 11.04 or lower17:48
c8what is google17:48
c8use ixquick17:48
goltoofc8 !ot17:48
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!17:48
bashelinaPici, so unity does not pic a launcher ??  should be standard for user not familiar with terminal17:48
dissewhere can I download oneiric ocelot?17:48
jerecohbut yeah im having some problems upgrading from 11.04 to 11.10:17:49
jerecohthis appears mid upgrade17:49
thornplease look at this: http://imm.io/ahBs I have a glitch that keeps repeating itself. This never happened before with previous releases of ubuntu, only with 11.04. it seems to have to do with text rendering and window drawing... how can I reset this when it happens without messing up my other things? How can I fix it altogether?17:49
jerecohW:Failed to fetch gzip:/var/lib/apt/lists/partial/ca.archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_oneiric_main_binary-amd64_Packages  Hash Sum mismatch17:49
jerecoh, W:Failed to fetch gzip:/var/lib/apt/lists/partial/ca.archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_oneiric_universe_binary-amd64_Packages  Hash Sum mismatch17:49
FloodBot1jerecoh: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.17:49
jerecoh, E:Some index files failed to download. They have been ignored, or old ones used instead.17:49
GirlyGirlOk, I need help speeding up unity and gnome-shell seems like everything gtk3 is slow17:49
sebsebsebgrumbel: Gnome 2 you can't have, but there's a Gnome 3 fall back mode in repos, which is a bit like it.  CC theadmin17:49
GirlyGirlSoftware center is impossible to use ui is laggy17:49
jerecohis it proper etiquite to apologize to a bot? :P17:49
theadminsebsebseb: That's just a tiny bit17:49
asdasdasdsdbecause gnome 3 and unity shit17:49
s1jerecoh: i got the same error today , http://askubuntu.com/questions/41605/trouble-downloading-updates17:49
asdasdasdsdi need gnome 217:49
bashelinasebsebseb,  how to u get this fallback mode step by step ??????????????17:49
sebsebsebtheadmin: yep17:49
theadminasdasdasdsd: Try Xfce17:49
h00kjerecoh: try changing your mirror, the repos are getting hammered today17:50
asdasdasdsdxfce also shit17:50
jerecohs1: i'll check it out17:50
LjL!language | asdasdasdsd17:50
ubottuasdasdasdsd: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.17:50
theadminasdasdasdsd: Don't you dare.17:50
arghxasdasdasdsd: no matter how often you whine: you can't get gnome 2 with 11.10. grow up and deal with it17:50
sebsebseb!nounity | bashelina grumbel17:50
ubottubashelina grumbel: Ubuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions drowpdown. Using Natty? See !classic17:50
rhizmoeat least he knows how to swear, if not construct a complete sentence17:50
goltoofnautilus freezes if i'm not root...anybody, i kind of need my nautilus.. help pls17:50
kermithow do i install convirt? aptitude says my python is too new for it.17:50
goltoofi really need my nautilus17:50
arghx!info convirt17:51
dippphi there, i have keyboard problems on my laptop, the keyboard works in the bios, but then not on grub or logining in! can anyone help! i am currently using usb keyboard! the problem seemed to happen over night17:51
ubottuconvirt (source: convirt): A graphical Xen management tool. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.1-1 (natty), package size 928 kB, installed size 3812 kB17:51
beerbrogoltoof: strace it, then diff17:51
martianWhat is the proper channel for feedback regarding distros?17:51
goltoofbeerbro:  clarify pls?17:51
bashelinasebsebseb, theres nothing about a fallback mode here ???????????????????????17:51
bashelinasebsebseb, theres nothing about a fallback mode here ???????????????????????17:51
Picibashelina: You need to stop repeating.17:51
h00kbashelina: extra punctuation doesn't help, either.17:52
sebsebsebbashelina: there is17:52
bashelinaPici, where in gnome-tweak can u turn on fallaback mode ????????17:52
ubottufreedom is important. Ubuntu is as free as we can make it, which means mostly free software. See http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/free-sw.html and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/licensing17:52
sebsebsebbashelina: sudo apt-get install gnome-panel17:52
arghxh00k: it helps just fine. very fast way to everyone's killfile17:52
bashelinasebsebseb, i did17:52
theadminbashelina: The amount of punctuation at the end of a sentence is backwards-proportional to the amount of your intellegence.17:52
sebsebsebbashelina: then select it from your log in screen17:52
jerecohalso, is there any way to set up the sound profile to switch automatically when i plug my laptop via hdmi to my tv?17:52
goltoofbeerbro:  how would i go about strace nautilus? what am i looking for?17:52
sebsebseb!info gnome-panel17:52
ubottugnome-panel (source: gnome-panel): launcher and docking facility for GNOME. In component main, is optional. Version 1:2.32.1-0ubuntu6.5 (natty), package size 379 kB, installed size 1096 kB17:52
bashelinasebsebseb,  so install that and then re-login ???17:52
pdqgoltoof, you tried starting nautilus from a terminal and checked for eroor/debug messages?17:53
sebsebsebbashelina: yep select it from your log in screen once you have it installed17:53
bashelinasebsebseb,  but there should be a force fallback mode ?17:53
sebsebsebbashelina: yep should be able to make fall back mode the default for log in as well17:53
dippphi there, i have keyboard problems on my laptop, the keyboard works in the bios, but then not on grub or logining in! can anyone help! i am currently using usb keyboard! the problem seemed to happen over night17:53
bashelinawhere is this fallback mode ??17:53
Ch4rAzZzhow to get info about ubuntu version 32bit or 64bit?17:53
bashelinapeople dont actually know.. haha17:53
sebsebsebbashelina: install it first17:53
whitmanAwesome, upgrade failed complaining about the package ubuntu-minimal not being available and now the update manager can't download the release notes even though my internet connection is fine.17:54
sebsebsebbashelina: you can use this  instead of using Unity17:54
h00kbashelina: You pick 'Classic' when you log in, after you install it.17:54
beerbrogoltoof strace nautilus as root and strace nautilus as $USER and then paste it to http://nopaste.info17:54
GirlyGirlOk, I need help speeding up unity and gnome-shell seems like everything gtk3 is slow17:54
GirlyGirlSoftware center is impossible to use ui is laggy17:54
sebsebsebGirlyGirl: don't think you can just speed up Unity, maybe Unity 2D will work better htough17:54
SIFTUCh4rAzZz: uname -m17:55
sebsebsebGirlyGirl: well you can install Synaptic :D17:55
bashelinah00k, so why does not ubottu say so ??17:55
MAREK_BENC_NetBThat's why i use Aptitude instead of USWC17:55
sebsebsebor use commands17:55
GirlyGirlsebsebseb: It does not help the unity2d17:55
mecoI'm getting a completely choppy output trying to play an mp4 vifro on vlc. (system 2 GHz P4, 11.04, 500MB RAM, 1GB swap). I usually have no problems watching videos. Any suggestions?17:55
h00kubottu: tell bashelina about nounity17:55
ubottubashelina, please see my private message17:55
h00kbashelina: yes, it does. read that.17:55
mecovifro = video17:55
GirlyGirlsebsebseb: Only KDE is blazing fast with all desktop effects, however launching a gtk3 app in kde is slow again17:55
sebsebsebGirlyGirl: maybe Gnome Shell will work better?17:56
LegoLinuxSo is ubuntu 11.10 out yet?17:56
=== sysadamin is now known as sysadamin|away
LjLLegoLinux: /topic17:56
GirlyGirlsebsebseb: Tried even slower than unity3d17:56
alexoliverwdindeed it is17:56
SIFTUmeco: thats low spec, what does "free -m" say17:56
sebsebsebGirlyGirl: Xubuntu? Lubuntu?17:56
twenexhi can i know what the md5 hash for  ubuntu-11.10-desktop-amd64.iso, it still not list in https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuHashes17:56
sebsebseb!hashes | twenex17:56
ubottutwenex: See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuHashes for the md5sums of Ubuntu discs.17:56
LegoLinuxOh, it is out.17:56
twenexnot list17:57
Ch4rAzZzSIFTU, yea thats i686, this mean 32 or 64bit?17:57
SIFTUCh4rAzZz: 3217:57
N3x4Ch4rAzZz: 3217:57
alexoliverwdyes it is out17:57
goltoofbeerbro:strace looks like it's hanging..17:57
mecoSIFTU: I have less than 5% free RAM but almost all of the swap file is free. It also uses yp all cpu17:57
Ch4rAzZzok thx17:57
goltoofbeerbro:  well, taking a while17:57
LegoLinuxMan, already installing funtoo though...should have waited for the new ubuntu17:57
beerbrogoltoof doesnt matter, kill it and paste the output17:58
GirlyGirlsebsebseb: I like kubuntu better17:58
Calinou"sudo: must be setuid root" - can't sudo since 30 minutes17:58
alexoliverwdany one at the launch party in London this evening?17:58
mecoSIFTU: The file I'm playing is 1.9 GB if that plays any role.17:58
ButlerGeorgeHello everyone17:58
SIFTUmeco: well at least it isnt swapping.. what video card do you have?17:58
* WITRchris ducks and runs17:58
Picitwenex: See http://mirror.anl.gov/pub/ubuntu-iso/CDs/11.10/MD5SUMS17:58
h00kubottu: tell WITRchris about ot17:59
ubottuWITRchris, please see my private message17:59
lonixWhat does the task "ubuntu desktop usb" do ?17:59
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ButlerGeorgeARe there bugs reported with the GNOME 3.2 interface?17:59
mecoSIFTU: I don't remember the command for checking that but it's a generic intel17:59
twenexPici: thanks!17:59
sebsebsebGirlyGirl: use Kubuntu then?17:59
=== TheDreamer is now known as Youri
mecoSIFTU: Also, I'm using openbox...18:00
SIFTUmeco: ah ok, sometimes there is hardware acceleration for video playback18:00
SIFTUmeco: nice.. so do I18:00
jerecohwhitman: yeah having the exact same problem, its most likely the server side, because everyone trying to some shiny new os at the same time is slowing down the servers. just keep trying or come back in a few hours18:00
RedWarI prefer Xubuntu my self.  I did not know that 11.10 was out already.18:00
RedWarOr KDE, although KDE slows me down a bit.18:00
ButlerGeorgeDoes anyone know what this is? http://i.imgur.com/Y2K1K.png18:01
SIFTURedWar: the bugs in KDE.. bug me18:01
RedWarSIFTU yeah, there are quite a few.. that is why as much as I like the eyecandy, I decided to move to Xubuntu as my main stay18:01
beerbrogoltoof sry g2g my office hours are over. but i maybe its enough to remove /home/$USER/.nautilus to reset anything that could cause trouble18:01
Oxymoronhi guys, I seriously need help FAST with lost files through dropbox permission error. It is ciritcal, I need files to school in important meeting18:02
theadminButlerGeorge: A png file with a typical gnome-shell desktop.18:02
GirlyGirlsebsebseb: I do (and have been with KDE since 2003) however I was wanted to give gnome 3 a fair chance and test it ...but its not working well18:02
crash1hdCan anyone tell me what option rom messages is in my bios? the description is "Set Display mode for Option Rom" choices are Force BIOS and Keep Current?18:02
SIFTURedWar: well thats why there is choice18:02
ButlerGeorgeThe problem is at the top of the image, theadmin18:02
RedWarBesides you can mess with XFCE eye candy if you wish, but nothing beats a minimized icon set, with a cool background, and a Konsole or Guake call with a clear background18:02
theadminButlerGeorge: And the panel on top makes me think it attempts to run Unity as well as Gnome-shell18:02
OxymoronDropbox was said permission error suddenly, then just once BOOM a lot of files was removed and so.18:02
theadminButlerGeorge: killall -9 unity18:02
RedWarAbsolutely SIFTU  true that18:02
theadminButlerGeorge: Should fix it18:02
lonixOxymoron: have tried "sudo chown username:username /path/to/dropbox"18:02
LegoLinuxAny tiling wm users here? Awesome, scoot, dwm, xmod?18:02
OxymoronDropbox restored to old files18:02
Oxymoronlonix: Nope?18:03
RedWarI do applaud community efforts on improving Unity. And I think Unity is the closest thing we have to pushing Ubuntu more mainstream.18:03
Oxymoronlonix: But the problem now is that files are lost, how to reach them again?18:03
ButlerGeorgetheadmin: unity: no process found18:03
sebsebsebGirlyGirl: really personaly I think using some other distro would probably be better to give Gnome 3 with GNome Shell a proper try, but eh18:03
lonixhow about the dropbox website18:03
theadminButlerGeorge: Oh, I see... Hm.18:03
Oxymoronlonix: PLEASE I need help, tried google and dropbox website already18:03
lonixOxymoron: how about the dropbox website18:03
OxymoronI need FAST HELP18:03
organiks_how is Oneric?18:03
theadminButlerGeorge: Well, a part of Unity is definitely there, search any task manager18:03
Oxymoronneed to be restored NOW.18:04
lonixyour files are not there ?18:04
mecoSIFTU: You're out of solutions?18:04
aeon-ltdorganiks_: go to !ot18:04
theadminorganiks_: Ubuntu-like.18:04
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Oxymoronlonix: NO they are completly gone, Dropbox ******************************** restoed old files, days ago and A LOT OF programming hours are lost.18:04
OxymoronI have a lot of UML diagrams, jar files etc18:04
Oxymoronis it possible to restore from hdd somehow?18:05
kirewhy is there no restart option in the "session" pull down menu (the one you get when you click the power button in the corner)?18:05
sebsebsebkire: in what UNity or Gnome Shell?18:05
=== morn___ is now known as morn__
theadminOxymoron: Try out Photorec (included in the "testdisk" package in the repos)18:05
sebsebsebnot sure18:05
qwertologehello! i have developed a new ripper and search for a someone who is able to package it and bring it into ubuntu... anybody here?18:05
ButlerGeorgetheadmin: looking at the process list right now, don't see anything that has somethin to do with unity18:05
theadminButlerGeorge: I see, weird18:05
Oxymorontheadmin: Whats photorec?18:05
theadminButlerGeorge: Maybe run xkill and clicky the top panel?18:06
lonixOxymoron: g hou18:06
theadminOxymoron: A file recovery utility18:06
kermithow do i instal an older version of python?  python-xen-3.3 depends on < version 2.718:06
sebsebsebOxymoron: testdisk and photorec  both nearly the same program, are used to get data from deleted partitions for example18:06
martiankire: because it seems that no user experince testing is done18:06
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theadminkermit: You can't downgrade anything on Ubuntu without breaking stuff18:06
lonixOxymoron: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/8305657/try-this.PNG18:06
theadminkermit: Ask the mantainers to update the package18:06
ButlerGeorgedoesn't kill anything, theadmin18:06
Oxymoronsebsebseb, theadmin: The files shouldnt be lost, they was there recently. Seems dropbox removed them. Maybe they can be find somewhere else?18:06
theadminButlerGeorge: I see :(18:06
kiremartian: I found some bug report that suggests it's by design? I restart more than I shutdown (the pain of dual booting)18:06
theadminOxymoron: Open the dropbox website and click "Show deleted files"?18:07
kermittheadmin: actually any XCP manager will do.. what do ubuntu users use for that?18:07
ButlerGeorgeyup, maybe this is because I upgraded18:07
sebsebsebOxymoron: maybe dropbox still has them soem where?18:07
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Oxymorontheadmin: Yes, of course and they are not there, only old files18:07
theadminkermit: No idea, I'm not one of them18:07
Oxymoronsebsebseb: Yes hopefully, or else I will kill them18:07
bashelinabut is gnome 3 installed by default in 11.10 ???18:07
martiankire: like I said, it seems that the powers that be are no longer interested in what users want, but instead are interested in doing what they think users should want18:07
bytesaber_workmy wifi didn't need any special firmware in 9.04 - 10.10.    Now in 11.04 i need firmware?   why18:07
sebsebsebbashelina: uhmm18:07
SIFTUsebsebseb: yes do as theadmin said.. dropbox does keep old version for a month18:07
sebsebsebbashelina: by default  Ubuntu 11.10 comes with Gnome 3.2, and as the interface Unity, instead of Gnome Shell the upstream Gnome  interfface18:08
bytesaber_workeven the 11.04 installer found my wifi and used it18:08
Oxymorontheadmin: Yes, already tried bu they arent there either. it is like dropbox restored to previous state ON THEIR server and overwrite my files!18:08
jiltdilWhich is best online data backup provided by ubuntu?18:08
sebsebsebbashelina: however Gnome Shell and a Gnome 2 like fall back mode, are in the repos18:08
ButlerGeorgetheadmin: I tried changing the res of my screen, now I see a scrambled bar on top18:08
Oxymorontheadmin: My files suddenly disappeared earlier today when I should do the LAST on my long laboration project to show in school tomorrow.18:09
PolahCan someone give me the hash for the 11.10 amd64 desktop ISO?18:09
PiciPolah: http://mirror.anl.gov/pub/ubuntu-iso/CDs/11.10/MD5SUMS18:09
PolahPici: Thank you18:10
J0stAskinghi, i had a certain problem when install 11.04, a firmware missing problem and no wireless connection, i have managed to solve that with getting a wired connection....18:10
jerecohanyone having problems downloading 11.10, just change your mirror.. worked like a charm for me18:10
martianSo, how do you log out in this 11.10 monstrosity?18:10
J0stAskingis there anyway that i could do something right now before i update, to prevent that problem from happening again?18:10
bashelinaFallback mode doesnt work... this i fu.ck crap.. unity is garbage.. why dont have this simplistic alt in gnome2 interface...18:10
phibxrmartian, click the cogwheel and select logout. :)18:10
sebsebsebbashelina: since upstream  no longer support Gnome 2, hwoever some distros are still going to provide Gnome 2 as long as they can18:11
jussibashelina: II understand you are frustrated, but please keep it family friendly18:11
martianphibxr: Doesn't a cogwheel typically symbolize 'settings'? Who thought up this stuff?18:11
splicHello, I'm trying to mount a LV in the Ubuntu live CD. I have one partition (/dev/[VG name]/[LV name]1) as described by fdisk, but only [LV name] (without the 1) appears in /dev, how do I mount it?18:11
sardiorInkscape- first wouldn't update so I removed and tried to re-install. long list of depends not met. (ubuntu 11.04)18:11
phibxrmartian, i think they made it a cogwheel/on-off-icon hybrid since you have both "power off" and system settings under that menu.18:12
RuJNHello. I am installing Wine and it doesnèt go. What to do? http://imglink.ru/show-image.php?id=e8e82379aafb2c2cfd81fe28e2dc85d618:12
OxymoronPlease anyone?! This is critical emergency. I will be eternal grateful to one who help me18:12
BouerBouerhey guys, trying to upgrade to 11.10 from 11.04, but whenever I run the update manager it completes 100% then says "failed to update"18:12
BouerBouerwat do?18:12
sebsebsebBouerBouer: probably since the mirrors are slow or something18:12
martianphibxr: yeah, right. meh. I'm so madbro right now I don't think I'm allowing myself to even attempt to grasp this new ui.18:12
BouerBouerI mean when I run "Check for updates" and ah okay sebsebseb probably thanks18:13
sebsebsebBouerBouer: or well have you re bootd after this so called update?18:13
BouerBouerany way to manually do it? or at least not through update manager?18:13
Promethesi am unable to install software from deb file, software center says internal error, i want to install Google Chrome, how to make this work?18:13
BluesKajBouerBouer, sudo do-release-upgrade18:13
BouerBouerokay thanks will try that blueskaj18:14
RuJNPromethes: in Ubuntu software centre find and install chromium18:14
jtomasrlis it possible to change from 11.04 to 11.10 without reinstalling?18:14
sebsebseb!upgrade | jtomasrl18:14
ubottujtomasrl: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade18:14
PromethesRuJN: i prefer Google Chrome over Chromium18:14
sebsebsebPromethes: Chrome is based on Chromium18:15
PromethesRuJN: and installing software from deb files worked in previous Ubuntu versins18:15
jtomasrlsebsebseb: ty18:15
sebsebsebjtomasrl: for what?18:15
Promethessebsebseb: still i prefer Google Chrome18:15
PiciPromethes: Is that .deb file made for Oneiric?18:16
AndroidLoverInSFanyone recommend sticking to 11.04 and using gnome 2 vs 11.10?  any benefits to 11.10 if we dont plan to use unity?18:16
Citramonumhow do i run a command in the f* new ubuntu?18:16
|Slacker|Promethes, run in term sudo dpkg -i /path to deb && apt-get install18:16
bytesaber_worki logged out of Unity.  I'm on the login screen.  Where do I pick gnome?18:16
sebsebsebAndroidLoverInSF: yep probably better to stay with 11.04 for now really, if you don't want to run Unity or Gnome Shell18:16
deebee_Citramonum: Alt + F218:16
sebsebseb!nounity | AndroidLoverInSF18:16
ubottuAndroidLoverInSF: Ubuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions drowpdown. Using Natty? See !classic18:16
jfroebeso far, I've found 11.10 more stable on my laptop than 11.04 ..  I've been running 11.10 since beta 1 :)18:16
kireok, apeearantly reboot should be incorporated in shutdown button? however, I only see a shutdown that does directly shutdown, no "shutdown..." that gives me a menu.18:16
inzzzanyone know why the settintgs for the launcher in 11.10 dont stick?18:17
PromethesPici: if i use sudo dpkg -i package-name.deb then i will seem but i want to use gui18:17
PiciPromethes: That doesn't answer my question.18:17
Citramonumdeebee_, i type then press enter and nothing happens18:17
AndroidLoverInSFso they'll keep making 11.04 updates to make it more stable and stuff?18:17
bytesaber_workSorry ubuntu gods, but Tablet style is not the future18:17
bytesaber_workor whatever Unity bs is supposed to be.18:17
sebsebsebAndroidLoverInSF: only security updates, but yep for  about a year18:17
erry"Ask me later" on the upgrade window does nothing18:17
RuJNHello.  I am installing Wine and it doesn't go, please help Hello. I am installing Wine and it doesnèt go. What to do? http://imglink.ru/show-image.php?id=e8e82379aafb2c2cfd81fe28e2dc85d618:17
sebsebsebAndroidLoverInSF: 11.04 has 18 months of support18:17
rajmahendraI am currently using 11.10 beta. how can i get update of the 11.10 main release update ?18:18
Picirajmahendra: sudo apt-get dist-upgrade18:18
sebsebseb!upgrade | rajmahendra18:18
ubotturajmahendra: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade18:18
rajmahendrathank you18:18
martianIs there any way to do away with this horrible macintosh style application-menu-fixed-to-the-top-of-the-screen "feature" in 11.10? Please devs, ubuntu != apple.18:18
Pici!notunity | martian18:18
ubottumartian: Ubuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions drowpdown. Using Natty? See !classic18:18
deebee_Citramonum: does the command work if you type it in a terminal?18:18
zelozeloswhat is the benefits to upgrading from 11.04 to 11.10 besides 11.10 being the long term support version?18:18
ejvso what's the verdict, is it bad?18:18
Picizelozelos: 11.10 is not an LTS.18:18
AndroidLoverInSFi'm concerned with hardware driver updates, etc or do they only roll those out to 11.1018:18
sebsebsebzelozelos: no 11.10 isn't LTS18:18
sardiorcould not update Inkscape, removed and tried to reinstall, now long list of depends not met: http://pastebin.com/Q2PMWe9n (ubuntu 11.04)18:18
aaamy ubuntu (11.04) does not recognize my mobile HD, while my win7 (on another machine) does. what can i do?18:19
martianPici: I'm in "gnome-classic"18:19
BluesKajzelozelos, it's not LTS18:19
zelozelosoh ok, so what is the primary benefit?18:19
chadiso no more gnome classic in oneiric?18:19
dikiHi all18:19
sebsebsebmartian: oh in 11.04?18:19
Citramonumdeebee_, how do i run a terminal?18:19
dikii would like to ask, if i were to use ubuntu server which is text-mode18:19
AndroidLoverInSFi wonder if 11.04 gnome2 is more stable than 10.10 gnome218:19
martiansebsebseb: no, 11.1018:19
dikihow would i go about downloading from a website libcurl4-openssl-dev?18:19
sebsebsebmartian: oh you want the menu on the right not there?18:19
sebsebsebmartian: nope sorry, can't customise it to remove that, as far as I know18:19
RuJNaaa: what mobile?18:19
BluesKaj!polls > zelozelos18:20
ubottuzelozelos, please see my private message18:20
deebee_Citramonum: just click the icon at the top of the bar in unity and start typing "Terminal" in the search box18:20
jiltdilWhen LTS will come?18:20
PromethesPici: yes, Google Chrome package from google.com is compatible with 11.10, just installed from console18:20
sebsebsebjiltdil: 12.0418:20
martiansebsebseb: the actual 'file', 'edit', etc menus that are normally attached to an applications window are now bolted to the top of the screen18:20
phibxrdiki, grab a text based web browser like links2 or lynx.18:20
BluesKaj12.04 , next april18:20
ejvdiki: http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=libcurl4-openssl-dev18:20
sebsebsebmartian: Can you show me a screenshot?18:20
Picidiki: w3m is installed by default in -server18:20
jiltdilCitramonum,  Just try alt+ctrl+T  shortcut by default to open terminal18:20
deebee_Pici: install on the terminal by typing 'dpkg -i google-chrome-stable_current_i386.deb'18:21
zelozelosBluesKaj  thats not a poll, i didnt ask for opinions, i only asked what is the major benifits? like gnome2, are some important bugs worked out etc?18:21
deebee_Pici: with sudo at the front :)18:21
Picideebee_: I'm not asking the question18:21
Citramonumjiltdil, thanks18:21
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!18:22
Promethesdeebee_: this is not best solution because you need manually fix some dependencies18:22
sebsebsebjiltdil: np18:22
BluesKajzelozelos, your major benefit depends on someone else's opinion18:22
zelozeloshows that?18:23
deebee_Promethes: no you don't. get apt-get to do it for you. do 'sudo apt-get -f install' after the chrome install fails18:23
luisthey guys... i need to do this live usb to discover hardware on a machine and i found this project: http://sourceforge.net/projects/dhlu/files/ can anyone point me how do i use it? just format the pendrive with ext2 and copy all the files?18:23
deebee_Promethes: and it'll resolve the dependencies for you the automated and proper way18:23
Dracosoftanyone have any issuse with the upgrade? (am I safe to upgrade my production server remotely?)18:23
martiansebsebseb: see how the menu options for nautilus are now affixed to the top left of my screen? Furthermore, the traditional panel on the top right has been hosed. http://martian.mit.edu/ubuntu_i_used_to_like_you.png18:24
th__hello, how the hell i make my desktop like it was in 10.04?? i mean basic gnome?18:24
ejvare you nuts18:24
sebsebsebDracosoft: may not be a very good time to try stuff like that now, since the amount of other  people doing upgrades and that18:24
Promethesdeebee_: yes, but deb installation should work also by double clicking on deb file in nautilus, as it worked for years18:24
ejvdon't upgrade a production server to something so unstable18:24
martianth__: install gnome-shell but you'll be dissapointed still I assure you.18:24
th__martian, how come?18:24
sebsebsebmartian: ok so yeah the Gnome fall back mode by the looks of it18:25
th__did they remove gnome-shell??18:25
sebsebsebmartian: and you got two montiors or something?18:25
Dracosoftgood points?.thanx for the sanity check :)18:25
martiansebsebseb: indeed.18:25
deebee_Promethes: i know, but if it doesn't, plan B is required unless you're able to fix it so plan A works18:25
aaamy ubuntu (11.04) does not recognize my USB-mobile-HD, while my win7 (on another machine) does. what can i do?18:25
tom_is it a seagate hd?18:25
dikiejv:ok, but if i am using the console how do i get it? just so you know i've tried sudo apt-get install libcurl4-openssl-dev and to be honest it never found such a package18:25
curranceAny known issues with fglrx drivers in 11.10 for ATI video cards?18:26
deebee_Promethes: either achieves what you want and neither is sloppy18:26
ejvDracosoft: if it's a server only YOU and YOU alone, rely upon, upgrade, but if a business or your work depends upon it, don't18:26
sebsebsebmartian: as far as I know you can't realy customise the Gnome 3 fall back mode, so you get what you get, and that's it18:26
th__this is the last time im going to upgrade ubuntu!18:26
Picicurrance: Theres one with remote desktop listed in the release notes.18:26
martianth__: I'm in the process of backing everything up to go reinstall 11.04. the "fallback mode" of gnome-shell is a sparse wasteland of what gnome once was.18:26
sebsebsebmartian: maybe that gnome tweak tool can do something, but I think that's only really for Gnome Shell so hmm18:26
Picith__: Don't blame Ubuntu.  GNOME has stopped supporting GNOME 2.18:26
tetsuo--hello, when trying to upgrade to 11.10 i get the following error, how do i fix it? ->E:Error, pkgProblemResolver::Resolve generated breaks, this may be caused by held packages.18:26
th__martian, argh. im thinking of restoring the backup18:26
ejvdiki: once you find the URL for the version you want, use 'wget <url>' in the terminal18:26
th__Pici, they did what?18:27
martiansebsebseb: yeah basically it's time to reinstall 11.04 until whomever is in charge of the distro wakes up18:27
ejvdiki: example, wget http://ubuntu.wikimedia.org/ubuntu//pool/main/c/curl/libcurl4-openssl-dev_7.21.6-3ubuntu3_amd64.deb18:27
zelozelosjeez BluesKaj dont you have something better to do> all im asking is for a str-8 forward answer w/o having to read on and on about 11, simply...i want to know what is the focus of the 11.10 's version, such as...11.04 was unity, grub and things like that that made the os run better/smoother, not asking about programs I can install, asking about the main differances between the two  because this info is embedded somewhere in t18:27
zelozeloshe info about ubuntu 11.10 which includes all the stuff thats still around from 11.04, its not off topic, its not a poll on people's opinions...it IS a support questionk, and it is something i need to know to make an educated decision weather to upgrade or not......JEEEEZZZ man18:27
theadminth__: GNOME 2 is dead, the GNOME team killed it18:27
sebsebsebmartian: however if you really want Gnome 2 still, well obviously older versions of Ubuntu, but  there are some distros that are going to keep Gnome 2 as long as they can as well18:27
dikiok, and also, if i've compiled a binary of a program on ubuntu 11.04 will it run on a clean ubuntu install WITHOUT the dependencies?18:27
theadminth__: There is a fork developed by gnome2 fans called 'mate-desktop-environment'18:27
Promethesdeebee_: yes i know, i just wonder if this is problem with this particular deb file or all deb files are not gui installable, there are persons that know nothing about terminal18:27
ejvdiki: plenty of libraries probably changed version, most likely not18:27
martiansebsebseb: Does ubuntu run gnome3 'out of the box', or has it been heavily customized for ubuntu?18:27
th__theadmin, thats sad18:27
curranceThe recommended proprietary driver marked as "post release updates" didn't work; however, the 2nd choice did.18:28
Picizelozelos: You should read the release notes: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/OneiricOcelot/ReleaseNotes18:28
th__theadmin, wich does what?18:28
sebsebsebmartian: it's Gnome 3.2 in 11.10, but they use Unity by default instead of Gnome Shell, which is in the repos18:28
sebsebseb!nounity | martian18:28
ubottumartian: Ubuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions drowpdown. Using Natty? See !classic18:28
deebee_zelozelos: there's tonnes of stuff on Google18:28
beefmanhi.  just updated to 11.10.  i wish i hadn't.  how do i get to my monitor settings (change resolution, etc)?18:28
ejvpeople are lazy, forgive them :)18:28
beefmanis it possible to remove gnome 3 and revert to 2.x?18:28
deebee_zelozelos: if the release notes isn't what you want, search for something about the higher level features. It's all there if you search18:28
sebsebsebbeefman: not in 11.10 no18:29
theadminth__: It's a complete clone of gnome218:29
sebsebsebbeefman: or not easily in 11.10 anyway18:29
sebsebseb!nounity | beefman18:29
ubottubeefman: Ubuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions drowpdown. Using Natty? See !classic18:29
zelozelosejv its not about lazyness. its about not reading through tons of stuff just to get to the heart of the upgrade18:29
theadminth__: But it's not really available for Ubuntu yet18:29
theadminth__: Might consider Xfce, it gives the gnome2 feeling to me18:29
th__theadmin, nice. thanks for the info. you meaning theres no .deb yet?18:29
beefmansebsebseb: i don't care if it's not easy.  i installed fallback but it's not the same as 11.04.  i want to go back18:29
deebee_zelozelos: that is laziness. Just search on Google. It doesn't take 5 minutes to find what you want18:29
BluesKajzelozelos, http://www.ubuntu.com/tour/18:29
zelozelosthat info should be itimized or listed directly....say heay thinking about upgrading...heres whats new since 11.04 you know what i mean?18:29
theadminth__: Yeah, the only real package there is is an AUR package18:29
ejvzelozelos: read the link pici gave you and move along, it has a Table of Contents to keep it concise.18:30
th__theadmin, im so hating this. i was so comfortable with my old setup.18:30
goltoofnautilus freezes if not sudo, here's part of the strace http://pastebin.com/bT4hNsFr18:30
sebsebsebbeefman: well then downgrade to a previous version of Ubuntu, or use another distro that is still using Gnome 2,  in fact some will as long as they can still support it18:30
zelozelosejv wahts the link agian it already scrolled off18:30
ejvzelozelos: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/OneiricOcelot/ReleaseNotes18:30
th__what happens if i install gnome-panel?18:30
zelozelosthank you ejv, thats all i wanted...was a list instead of a book18:30
goltoofth__:  gnome-panel is like the taskbar for windows, that is all18:30
beefmansebsebseb: is it possible to downgrade to 11.04?  do i have to reinstall from a 11.04 cd?18:30
ejvzelozelos: ubuntu.com/tour is good too, yw18:31
curranceTake care, all and thanks to the mods, ops, etc. for all the help and hard work.18:31
deebee_Promethes: Yeah, I know it's not exactly ideal for people who don't use the terminal, which is a pain. I have no idea why the deb won't just work if you click it.18:31
sebsebsebbeefman: you would have to completly re install or possbily break your ssytem whilst trying in some other way18:31
sebsebseb!downgrade | beefman18:31
ubottubeefman: Attempting to downgrade to an older Ubuntu version is explicitly not supported and may break your system.18:31
th__goltoof, so thats everything i need :)18:31
erkan^I use ubuntu 11.10 now, where can I install indicator for xChat?18:31
goltoofth__:  well, not everything, you need the desktop to run the panel :)18:31
daviddoriaWhen in "Gnome classic" mode, I thought I used to right click on items in the Applications menu in order to add them to the panel. However, in 11.10 when I right click them, they just launch as if I had left clicked them. Is there a different way to add things to the panel now?18:31
th__goltoof, :D true18:31
th__what is this new shitty "taskbar" called so i can disable ot?18:32
sebsebsebdaviddoria: you can't just add stuff to the Gnome 3 fall back mode, it's not Gnome 218:32
goltoofth__:  and an x session to run the desktop :P18:32
sebsebsebdaviddoria: it's similar in some ways, but differnet in others18:32
Picigoltoof, sebsebseb, BluesKaj, other helpers that I don't see at the moment: I've added !gnome2, which might be helpful, feel free to use or make a suggestion to the bot if you think it needs to be cleaned up.18:32
goltoofnautilus freezes if not root, here's part of the strace http://pastebin.com/bT4hNsFr18:32
ubottuThe GNOME Foundation has ceased support for GNOME 2, and as such it is not in Ubuntu 11.10 (Oneiric Ocelot). See !notunity for an alternative desktop experience.18:32
beefmanok new question: is it possible to install kde or xfce on an ubuntu 11.10 install, or do i have to start over with kubuntu or lubuntu?18:32
th__goltoof, or 1 windows?18:32
goltoofPici:  ty18:33
olmanHello again. May i ask a question regarding adding screensavers ?18:33
zelozelosbeefman yes you can install any session manager after words18:33
sebsebsebolman: I think I know what you want to ask18:33
daviddoriasebsebseb, then how do I add things from the menu to the panel?18:33
sebsebsebolman: how to get screensavers in 11.10?18:33
beefmanzelozelos; ty18:33
ubottuUbuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions drowpdown. Using Natty? See !classic18:33
shyrhbeefman on older versions i used to do a apt-get install kubuntu-desktop18:33
icerootis there a guide/faq about the meaning of special strings in packagenames? e.g. foo-1ubuntu2.deb18:33
tensorpuddingbeefman, install the kubuntu-desktop package18:33
olmanhow to add screensavers in bt5 rc118:33
olmanon kde18:33
tensorpuddingit will pull all the stuff for kubuntu with it18:33
sebsebsebolman: oh backtrack and kde, try the backtrack channel then18:33
th__so what does gnome-session-fallback do?18:33
Oxymorontheadmin: testdisk, does it work well? Can it restore files to original path with same filename?18:34
GirlyGirlolman: what is bt 518:34
ubottuThe default interface in Ubuntu 11.04 is !Unity. To switch back to regular !GNOME: log out, click your username, click the Session box at the bottom of the screen, and select "Ubuntu Classic".For 11.10, see !notunuty18:34
beefmanshyrh, tensorpudding: i haven't used kde since before 4... is it stable now?18:34
sebsebsebth__: gives you something that is Gnome 2 like, but not quite18:34
tensorpuddingth__, it gives you a gnome 3 session with no effects which vaguely resembles gnome 218:34
GirlyGirlbeefman: Yes it is18:34
th_stop highlighting me :D18:34
th__sebsebseb, tensorpudding thanks. im installing it right a way18:34
olmanhmmm, i have to register in some way and i do not know how, i am not used to irc so well18:34
sebsebsebthat's what people tend to do in big channels18:34
sebsebsebhigh lighting each other18:34
sebsebseb!register | olman18:35
ubottuolman: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode18:35
goltoofi'm on lucid 64, what's the proper way to completely ditch gnome and switch over to gnome-3 or is it possible?  might help fix with nautilus issue i got?18:35
olmanin this server my channel list does not receive any channels, why ?18:35
Chotazhey everyone, I'm having a problem with the upgrade.18:35
zelozelosolman  type /nickserv ? i think will tell you how to do it all18:35
GirlyGirlbeefman: I'd recommend you give it a try on oneiric ... its really worth it18:35
sebsebsebgoltoof: by upgrading to 11.1018:35
tensorpuddinggoltoof, do backups, install oneiric, then install gnome-shell18:35
goltoofsebsebseb:  i'm comfortable with 10.04 atm18:35
Chotazit asks me for root password and as the wiki says that its best practice not to set any, I havent. how should I proceed?18:36
sebsebsebgoltoof: well there might be a Gnome 3 ppa for 10.04 as well, but if so, don't expect it to work that well18:36
goltooftensorpudding:  that'll replace the desktop too?18:36
tensorpuddinggoltoof, alternatively, if you don't mind wasting a good bit of time, upgrade to natty, then upgrade to oneiric, then install gnome-shell18:36
histoolman: /msg alis list someterm*18:36
beefmangirlygirl: i think i will...  unity/gnome3/gnome2 wrapper are not for me18:36
histoolman: and perhaps join /j #help this is a ubuntu support channel18:36
tensorpuddinggoltoof, it'll add a "GNOME" session to your login manager, which will give you an authentic gnome-shell experience18:36
martianChotaz: have you tried your password?18:36
beefmani wish i had stuck with 11.0418:36
th__fuck you ubuntu18:36
sebsebsebgoltoof: or just keep what you got and wait untill 12.04, and there you go18:36
martianbeefman: me too!18:36
sougataAnyone having problem with ecryptfs on 11.10 ? I am facing a lot of problems after upgrade18:37
goltoof!language th_18:37
tensorpudding!language | th__18:37
th__trying to install gnome-tweak-tool but the aptitude wants to remove like everything!18:37
ubottuth__: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.18:37
Chotazmartian, i have and it says it failed trying to run the command as user root18:37
TheFuzzballHow do I mount HFS+ read-write?18:37
olmanubuntu is not to blame, just because it is aimed for newbees18:37
Chotazbecause of wrong password.18:37
histobeefman: there is xfce lxde e17 therre are a ton of other DEs even standalone WMs like openbox etc... that  you can choose from18:37
deebee_iceroot: there's a convention, which mostly comes from the debian packaging system. See 7.3 on here http://www.debian.org/doc/FAQ/ch-pkg_basics.en.html18:37
th__!language tensorpudding18:37
martianChotaz: how did you initiate the upgrade? The GUI tool, or from a command?18:37
beefmanhisto: i know, i'm looking into them now18:37
jribChotaz: what exactly is "it"?18:37
histoolman: you are asking about general irc questions18:37
icerootdeebee_: thank you18:37
olmannot only.18:37
shyrhmartian: gui tool18:37
YarpAny tips on how to forge emails?18:37
TheFuzzballI have an HFS+ volume with journaling turned off, and I do: mount -t hfsplus -o rw ..., but it still mounts ro18:37
martianolman: I don't see how ANYONE would be able to understand how to use this interface18:37
histo!offtopic | Yarp18:38
ubottuYarp: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!18:38
OxymoronWhich tool to undelete files in *buntu?18:38
sebsebsebmartian: which? Unity?18:38
deebee_iceroot: and the "changelong" section on here explains a bit about the ubuntu addons to it some way down the paragraph https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide/Complete#changelog18:38
Chotazmartian, jrib, via the update manager and it refers to the dialog window that shows after typing the passwod.18:38
jrib!undelete | Oxymoron18:38
ubottuOxymoron: Some tools to recover lost data are listed and explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery - Recovering deleted files on !ext3 filesystems can be virtually impossible, although methods that might work is some cases are described at at http://www.xs4all.nl/~carlo17/howto/undelete_ext3.html and http://projects.izzysoft.de/trac/ext3undel18:38
histoTheFuzzball: are the permisions of the folder your mounting to ro?18:38
sebsebsebOxymoron: test disk  or photorec, but I think those may only really properly work wtih deleted partitions not sure quite18:38
icerootdeebee_: perfect thats what i was looking for but didnt found any usefull infos18:38
icerootdeebee_: thank you very much18:38
jribChotaz: can you take a screenshot and put it up on a site like imgur.com?18:38
deebee_iceroot: no problem18:38
histosebsebseb: untrue photorec scans the drive for header information has nothing to do with partitioning18:38
TheFuzzballhisto,  I'm mounting as root, in a folder created by root, so yes.18:38
olmani just want to get help, on how to add screensavers in bt5. And this is ubuntu basedm which is debian based. I am loving upstart. But why does kde screensaver management not offer "add"18:39
Chotazjrib i can18:39
sebsebsebhisto: ah ok18:39
daviddoriaI guess I don't get it - with 11.04 I was able to use a gnome-panel in "ubuntu classic" mode. Is there no longer an equivalent to this in 11.10?18:39
goltooftensorpudding: i completely uninstalled gnome and figuring the best way to restablish my desktop, since lucid is all setup18:39
GirlyGirlolman: WHat is bt518:39
histoTheFuzzball: then it will inherit the ro18:39
sebsebsebhisto: well in my expereince seemd to only work properly with deleted partitions18:39
jribChotaz: while you do that, how did you start update manager?18:39
Oxymoronsebsebseb: I want to restore files from a certain folder path deleted by dropbox and output the deleted files somewhere.18:39
olmanbacktrack 518:39
Chotazthrough the menus.18:39
jrib!nounity | daviddoria18:39
ubottudaviddoria: Ubuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions drowpdown. Using Natty? See !classic18:39
goltooftensorpudding:  rather not upgrade to a nonlts18:39
TheFuzzballhisto,  I meant no.18:39
sebsebsebOxymoron: I don't know18:39
martiansebsebseb: Unity, gnome-shell, or any of the fallback options. It's like someone decided to put a big stupid launcher panel to try to catch up to apple ten years ago, then to make up for the wasted space, have the application menu be moved to an insane location (especially on a dual monitor system)... arg.18:39
determinologyWhat do yall think about unity?18:39
tomodachitoday is the day!18:39
daviddoriajrib, yea I looked at gnome-tweak-tool, but don't see anything about panels?18:40
tomodachithat ubuntu+1 becomes this channel!18:40
martiansebsebseb: Is the gnome team trying to design an interface for toddlers?18:40
jribdeterminology: #ubuntu-offtopic for that please18:40
GirlyGirlolman: Sorry I'm fed up supporting backtrack distro in ubuntu channels when they ship with obsolete packages ... use regular kubuntu and come back or join your community support18:40
sebsebsebmartian: yep I know what you mean, but I can think of two distros, that  are going to be supproting Gnome 2 it self  for a long time18:40
olmanok, i understand18:40
jribdaviddoria: read the whole thing :)  (you want the next sentence)18:40
Piciolman: You've been told where to get support.18:40
Oxymoronsebsebseb: Do you know anyone that know? Earlier I remember I got help and used /dev/null somehow in a complex way, but it didnt help to restore correctly.18:40
martiansebsebseb: oh yeah, which?18:40
olmani did not want to annoy you,18:40
daviddoriajrib, I also installed gnome-panel18:41
suhelPlease use the torrents?18:41
robinschis http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/oneiric/release/ubuntu-11.10-dvd-amd64.iso.zsync down for anyone else?18:41
suhelwhy such a request?18:41
sebsebsebmartian: well Fuduntu which is Fedora based not Ubuntu based, and PC Linux OS when they sort that out, but this is a bit off topic18:41
olmanlet me have a look in the suitable channel18:41
jribdaviddoria: that should give you a new option at the login screen afaik18:41
suhelhows 11.10 going along mates...18:41
sebsebsebmartian: in fact PCLOS can switch between the two Gnome 3 and Gnome 2, when they sort it out, not happended yet18:41
TheFuzzballhisto, http://pastebin.com/xD7GNFUH18:41
robinschanyone knows of a mirror of dvd?18:41
thciprianiSo...I just finished my upgrade to 11.1018:42
histosebsebseb: he's being sarcastic18:42
deebee_robinsch: Use the torrents, they're much faster18:42
thcipriani...looks like the unity bar is stuck on my second monitor18:42
sebsebsebhisto: maybe, maybe not, it's text :D18:42
thciprianiany ideas how to fix that?18:42
robinschI only need .zsync file, i have the dailybuild of oneiric18:42
goltoofso remove gnome* then install oneiric then install gnome-shell?18:42
daviddoriajrib, I have gnome, gnome classic, gnome classic (no effects), ubuntu, ubuntu 2D, and user defined18:42
th__what is the shell called?18:42
historobinsch: yes you can zsync to the latest iso18:42
jribdaviddoria: and gnome classic doesn't work?18:43
robinschhisto: the dvd on cdimage is down18:43
daviddoriajrib - that's what I'm in now, and I can't right click up by the clock to add icons etc18:43
ubottuUbuntu 11.10 (Oneiric Ocelot) is the current release of Ubuntu Download http://releases.ubuntu.com/11.10/ - Release Info: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/111018:43
=== sysadamin|away is now known as sysadamin
robinschi can't fine a mirror18:43
simpleblueDid i miss the party?18:43
jribdaviddoria: but you have a panel?18:43
daviddoriaIt has applications, places, and a clock18:44
Picirobinsch: Its up, but swamped, I think you'll just need to keep retrying :/18:44
jrib!away > sysadamin18:44
ubottusysadamin, please see my private message18:44
robinschwhy no mirrors :(18:44
goltoofnautilus freezes when not root, sometimes when i am root... really need help here guys18:45
zelozelosok not upgrading...moving on to something else...recently i had to fix grub b/c i crashed it fooling around with stuff. now i'm stuck with 2.6.32-10 or something. i think the lates is -34...but the upgrade manager isnt upgrading...what do i do?18:45
lindenle_What does the sandbox release upgrade do?18:45
Phr3d13noticed the new 11.10 upgrade, is it 'safe'? or should i wait a little?18:45
sebsebsebPhr3d13: depends18:45
sebsebsebPhr3d13: do you want to lose Gnome 2 for a start?18:45
suhelPhr3d13 shafe and shexyyy18:45
luciashi am still on narval... why do have some apps the old classic scrollbars and some the new ones ? i would prefer the old classic ones as they are more usability friendly18:45
lindenle_Use XFCE!18:45
Phr3d13does that mean being stuck with the unity interface?18:46
MrElendigPhr3d13: make a backup then try?  or just test it on a seperate partion or in a vm18:46
sebsebsebPhr3d13: not quite18:46
luciashhow can i change back to the "classic" scrollbars ?18:46
simplebluedoes 11.10 come with gnome 3, or do i need to install it if i want it?18:46
sebsebseb!nounity | Phr3d1318:46
ubottuPhr3d13: Ubuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions drowpdown. Using Natty? See !classic18:46
th__how do i enable framebuffer? virtual terminals are not readable18:46
suhelPhr3d13 nope you can always install gnome shell18:46
dikican i install this freenx on ubuntu but use putty on windows to connect to it?18:46
Oxymoronanyone here has recovered deleted files for yourself, and can help me?18:46
thciprianihmmm....FYI, it seems that the unity bar always appears on your left-most monitor in your configuration - regardless of which monitor is your primary18:46
simplebluedoes ubuntu come with gnome shell was an alternate window manager?18:46
Galvatronsimpleblue: No18:47
suhelsimpleblue you can install it18:47
simplebluegreat then, i'll do that18:47
h00kdiki: putty will connect to a ssh server18:47
zelozelosrecently i had to fix grub b/c i crashed it fooling around with stuff. now i'm stuck with 2.6.32-10 or something. i think the lates is -34...but the upgrade manager isnt upgrading...what do i do?18:47
suhelsimpleblue and choose gnome shell on the login page18:47
luciashwhy should i upgrade to 11.10 ? any benefits ?18:47
suhelluciash depends upon your flavor18:47
sebsebsebluciash: well yeah if you like GNome 3 or  Unity18:47
simpleblueokay, so i do need to install it though, right?18:47
robinschso it turns out that oneiric-dvd-amd64.iso and ubuntu-11.10-dvd-amd64.iso have the same checksum18:48
luciashi have to check out what brings Gnome 318:48
suhelsimpleblue yup18:48
Phr3d13have many people reported botched upgrades?18:48
zelozelosluciash, apparently asking if you should upgrade isnt a support question..rofl18:48
theadminPhr3d13: In the last hour or so, 3 already18:48
chrono86so just wiped my laptop, did a fresh install of 11.10...installed, restarted, boots to black screen with the mouse cursor. nothing more.18:48
sebsebsebluciash: this is Gnome 3 with Gnome Shell http://gnome3.org which you can also from repos, hwoever Ubuntu uses Unity by default instead18:48
luciashany idea about the scrollbars ?18:48
robinschso they just released the last oneiric daily build?18:48
martianPhr3d13: yes, but then again the ones who had a successful upgrade never come to announce thart18:48
bashelinaI dont want any traces of unity.. woulndt it be bset to install ubuntu-server and then gnome-3 ???18:48
sebsebsebluciash: which you can  install from repos18:48
Phr3d13good point18:48
simplebluei wish the countdown was more accurate. i thought 11.10 was goign to be release in another 10 hours18:48
goltoofthis place is useless to me today18:48
goltoofl8r guys18:48
zelozelosluciash, i found this helpfull   https://wiki.ubuntu.com/OneiricOcelot/ReleaseNotes18:48
crowbarupdated to 11.10.  anyone seeing issues with the network being unable to access new sites? In dmesg I see: ipv4: Neighbour table overflow.18:48
luciashsebsebseb: thanks18:48
bashelinadoes apt-get install gnome    .. actually install gnome 3  ??18:49
* suhel has successfully upgraded to 11.10 without any problems 18:49
Ek123I was half way through installing 11.10 when my computer froze. I had to switch it off. When I try go to update manager now to continue it doesn't let me. Is there anyway I can continue the installation without having to redownload the files again?18:49
tomodachisimpleblue: well depends on your timezone!, in mine it was fairly accurate!18:49
luciashzelozelos: thx, checking18:49
simplebluesweet suhel18:49
tomodachiEk123: do you get any error message you can pastebin us?18:49
* suhel doesnt have any network related issues too18:49
sebsebsebluciash: yeah Unity goes on top of the rest of Gnome 3 as an alternative interface in 11.10 by default18:49
* suhel feels proud of this accomplishment lol18:49
simpleblueokay tomodachi, i'll note that for next release, lol18:49
Ek123tomodachi: Yes, I'll do that now.18:49
sebsebsebbashelina: no18:49
tetsuo--so i finally hello, how do i troubleshotot his error on dist upgrade?  E:Error, pkgProblemResolver::Resolve generated breaks, this may be caused by held packages18:50
sebsebsebbashelina: sudo apt-get install gnome-panel18:50
sebsebseb!nounity > bashelina18:50
ubottubashelina, please see my private message18:50
robinschwhy is server soo slow18:50
chrono86does anyone know why a fresh install just boots to a black screen with the mouse cursor?18:50
sebsebseb!slow | robinsch18:50
ubotturobinsch: The Ubuntu repositories and ISO mirrors are currently under heavy load. Please consider using !torrents to download ISO images, and be patient with APT updates.  Also, try changing !mirrors18:50
tomodachirobinsch: because everybody is updateing  instead of waiting :)18:50
suhelrobinsch because everyone is downloading on a GO18:50
simplebluelots of peeps downloading :)18:50
designbybeckif I am backing up my harddrive contents, and I want to make sure I get my all the fonts I have installed.... where do I find those at??18:50
spacebug-how can I remove device icons from the launcher? In 11.04 I could use 'gsettings get com.canonical.Unity.Devices devices-option "Never"'18:50
* s1 conforming a successful upgrade from 11.04 to 11.10.18:50
suhelthank god I got to know about the release within half and hour18:51
designbybeckI know there is a .font folder in my home directory, but it doesn't seem to have all my fonts there?18:51
simpleblueyay s118:51
* suhel cheers s118:51
luciashsebsebseb: does Unity means the crappy anti-usability-catch-me-if-you-can scrollbars ?18:51
* AfterDeath is probably going to stick with 10.0418:51
sebsebsebluciash: yep I guess so18:51
IszakIs there an Adobe AIR PPA?18:51
simplebluei love the new scrollbars18:51
robinschmy download rate is at 5 kBps18:51
dikih00k:then if ubuntu was in desktop mode i can see the gui with ssh right?18:51
luciashsebsebseb: ah, thx, i will try to uninstall that18:51
robinschback to dialup days18:51
simplebluethe scroll bars have improves alot in the beta 11.10 as opposed to the 11.0418:51
s1Cheers mates. :-)18:52
Iszakthe scroll bars are the least of my concern.18:52
spacebug-the scrollbars can be removed18:52
daviddoriajrib, so is it just that you can't do this anymore?18:52
trinimoseshi all18:52
luciashsimpleblue: the problem is you need to hover over the active part and then you can scroll as opposed to classic scrollbars where you can click in the bar anywhere and it scrolls down one step18:52
Phr3d13is the correct terminal command - sudo apt-get dist-upgrade18:52
suhelwith Linux everything is possible its so damn custom-able18:52
trinimosesquick question : should i upgrade my ubntu 10.04lts to 11.10 ?18:53
Iszaktrinimoses, it depends if you favour stability over updates.18:53
sebsebsebtrinimoses: if you want Unity or Gnome 3 with Gnome Shell then sure, if not, possbily not18:53
simplebluei think they changed that luciash18:53
JayWalker_trinimoses: I wouldn't say so18:53
luciashsimpleblue: good news18:53
s1Phr3d13: correct.18:53
simplebluei'm not 100% sure but thought i saw it in a video18:53
luciashsimpleblue: i will give it a try to upgrade - and if it sucks still i will uninstall unity18:53
luciashhopefully that will work :)18:53
JayWalker_11.10 runs way slower on my laptop than 10.0418:53
zelozelostrinimoses, id suggest not to do it. instead do a full/freash install of the dist. theres too many varribles that easily get messed up with that kind of upgrade18:53
sebsebseb!nounity | luciash18:54
ubottuluciash: Ubuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions drowpdown. Using Natty? See !classic18:54
simplebluehow about installing gnome shell on top in that case luciash?18:54
ubottuThe default interface in Ubuntu 11.04 is !Unity. To switch back to regular !GNOME: log out, click your username, click the Session box at the bottom of the screen, and select "Ubuntu Classic".For 11.10, see !notunuty18:54
h00kdiki: if you have some sort of cygwin installed on Windows, or 'ssh -X user@server' on another Linux machine18:54
ubottuUnity is the default UI since Ubuntu 11.04.  Unity is a shell for GNOME. see http://unity.ubuntu.com. For a GNOME 2-like experience, see !notunity18:55
Ek123tomodachi: Well it was giving me an error message when I tried it previously but now it seems to be starting from scratch which is annoying but at least it's working...18:55
h00kdiki: also, consider the VNC that's built in, with a password18:55
luciashthanks guys, you were helpful, bye18:55
tomodachiEk123: ok , see you on the other side :)18:55
suhelcan anyone explain me this command, I know what it does but need to learn exactly wats the funda behind it 'ps ax | grep dpkg'18:56
Ek123tomodachi: Thanks :)18:56
zelozelosrecently i had to fix grub b/c i crashed it fooling around with stuff. now i'm stuck with 2.6.32-10 or something. i think the lates is -34...but the upgrade manager isnt upgrading...what do i do?18:56
thornplease look at this: http://imm.io/ahBs I have a glitch that keeps repeating itself. This never happened before with previous releases of ubuntu, only with 11.04. it seems to have to do with text rendering and window drawing... how can I reset this when it happens without messing up my other things? How can I fix it altogether?18:56
DangerOnTheRangrsuhel: It retrieves the list of all running processes, and only prints lines starting with "dpkg"18:56
Phr3d13we were both wrong, it was - do-release-upgrade18:57
james296can anyone here tell me why I cant find Wunderlist in the Ubuntu Software Center?18:57
robinschjust to same everyone some trouble, the daily build is same as the final release18:57
suhelDangerOnTheRangr wow thanks, my ubuntu software center got stucked twice and I like a fool did a reboot but than read on internet about that command and killing the process18:57
dr_willis!info wunderlist18:58
james296everyone says its now there, I cant find it18:58
ubottuPackage wunderlist does not exist in oneiric18:58
zelozelosrecently i had to fix grub b/c i crashed it fooling around with stuff. now i'm stuck with 2.6.32-10 or something. i think the lates is -34...but the upgrade manager isnt upgrading...what do i do?  can i use the package manager to upgrade?..should i just wait till the next upgrade?18:58
dr_willisdosent seem to be there.. unless you spelt it wrong18:58
DangerOnTheRangrsuhel: No problem :)18:58
suhelzelozelos what error does it show you?18:58
JayWalker_are there any configuration options for unity?18:58
dikih00k:i am on windows18:58
dikiand i want to ssh to an ubuntu installation18:58
dr_willisJayWalker_:  the ccsm tool has some tweaks in its unity plugin you can play with.18:58
james296why isnt it there?18:59
dr_willisjames296:  no idea. never heard of it.18:59
suhelDangerOnTheRangr do you know any site where I can learn all this basic commands of terminal, I've just dumped windows (only 2 weeks old user)  :)18:59
zelozelossuhel, thers no error, i can boot not, but its the version of grub that came with 11.04 (recovered from the install disk) now it dont offer any upgrades at all18:59
dr_willis!cli | zelozelos18:59
ubottuzelozelos: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal or type in it: man intro18:59
zebuloni'm tearing my hair out with a youtube/embedded flash player fullscreen discolouring, can someone help me out?18:59
=== TheDreamer is now known as Youri
dr_williszelozelos:  track down a copy of 'using bash' by the O'reily company. :)18:59
mxhello there19:00
zelozeloshuh? dr_willis ?19:00
dikibut i need to know if i will be able to use the GUI19:00
zebulonDennis Ritchie RIP :..(19:00
stephniif  upgrade will i lose all my documents and settings?19:00
zmbmartinAnyone else getting a connection timeout in thunderbird? My thunderbird is working but it seems ever 15 mins or so sometimes longer I get a connection timeout error.19:00
james296so is it possible to get Wunderlist in Oneiric?19:00
dr_willisheh  by the time i read a line.. the nick has allready scrolled up. :)19:00
GriGihi, i got lil question: How to change icons in 11.10? I know how to do it in 11.04 but now i have lost my icons and i don't know how to change icons theme :/19:01
suhelstephni if you upgrade with network manager, NO. if you do a fresh install YES. in either case its safe to backup the home directory19:01
dr_willisjames296:  assume that no one in here has even heard of the app.. what is it?19:01
GriGiit's not in the same place where i can change wallaper as it was in 11.0419:01
james296a to-do application19:01
dr_willisjames296:  there may be ppa's or you could use the source.19:01
sebsebsebGriGi: I don't think you can just go and change the icons in 11.1019:01
sebsebsebGriGi: yep19:01
magik_hi =)19:01
zebulonno one know how to properly fix adobe flash embedded video player acceleration problems? i've tried all the google solutions and they're notworking19:01
moljac024ok i just tried 11.10 with unity 2d and i have a question...how and WHY THE F*** does unity 2d have compositing?19:01
james296Ive tried but the installation fails when running the installer19:01
sebsebsebGriGi: Ubuntu 11.10 is using GNome 3.2 that's why, Unity by default, Gnome Shell in repos, and a fall back mode19:01
trinimosesthanks guys.. i will jsut do the security patchs for ym 10.04lts19:01
moljac024its every bit as sluggish as full unity19:01
magik_did anyone know how to install madwifi ?19:01
thornplease look at this: http://imm.io/ahBs I have a glitch that keeps repeating itself. This never happened before with previous releases of ubuntu, only with 11.04. it seems to have to do with text rendering and window drawing... how can I reset this when it happens without messing up my other things? How can I fix it altogether?19:01
stephniam upgrading with network manager so am i safe?19:01
sebsebseb!gnome2 | GriGi19:01
ubottuGriGi: The GNOME Foundation has ceased support for GNOME 2, and as such it is not in Ubuntu 11.10 (Oneiric Ocelot). See !notunity for an alternative desktop experience.19:01
Taji dislike the new software center19:02
Tajas it gives no clue as to wtf is actually going on19:02
suhelstephni yes :) but still a backup wont hurt19:02
GriGiAwww, so im sad now :(19:02
DangerOnTheRangrsuhel: http://tldp.org/LDP/abs/html/ is good - hold on while I get a few more links19:02
zebulonohwell :/19:02
Tajso, for example i'm tryin to install gnome19:02
magik_anybody know how to install madwifi guys ?19:02
Tajand it appears to have hung up on somethin19:02
dr_willisTaj:  i just install synaptic and use that.19:02
chetan-archive.canonical.com having problems today?19:02
Tajbut no clue what cuz its just 'applying'19:02
james296new users just need to see that its being installed Taj19:02
dr_willisTaj:  today on a new release.. its very likely the servers are overloaded.19:02
GriGiOkay, thanks for info guys19:02
sebsebsebGriGi: I assume you19:02
Tajits downloaded19:02
Tajits just hung on applying19:02
sebsebsebGriGi: I assume you changed the icons the Gnome 2 way and such, but with Gnome 3 things are diffenret19:02
jrrwhere'd the rest of the appearance dialog go?19:02
sebsebsebGriGi: as for the background changeer program persoanlly from what I seen I prefer the old Gnome 2 one :)19:03
mxi need some help with my dads MEDION Notebook MD 97600 and the latest ubuntu. can't get the darn en1 adapter to work, since there is a switch next to the keyboard that is always deactivated in ubuntu.19:03
Tajalso any idea why some icons are invisible in the launcher?19:03
Taji have xchat  on there, but no icon19:03
Tajmy home folder is also invis19:03
zmbmartinjames296: I was wondering the same thing. I read wunderlist was in software center but I don't see it.19:03
Tajas is the trash19:03
Tajbut if i hover over them it says what it is19:03
mxanyone got an idea?!19:03
trismjrr: it is gone for now, probably want to install gnome-tweak-tool if you want to change the settings that were previously there19:03
nascentmindHas ubuntu servers crashed already?19:03
jrrtrism: k, thanks19:03
=== andrejpan_ is now known as andrejpan
GriGisebsebseb, so there's some program or something that can let me change the icons?19:03
magik_mx, do you know how to install madwifi ?19:03
vividquestion: is this what the close/minimize/maximize buttons for dash look like for you? http://imageshack.us/f/207/crappyclose.png/19:03
sebsebsebGriGi:  well maybe in there soem wehre19:04
sharewhat is the command to choose the default browser?19:04
james296its supposed to be there, they even emailed me saying Wunderlist is available in the Software Center through Oneiric19:04
suhelstephni use this simple command to backup home directory "rsync -au /home/tom <destination folder>"19:04
suhelDangerOnTheRangr thanks man I will check it out19:04
DangerOnTheRangrsuhel: Here's a few more links: http://tldp.org/LDP/Bash-Beginners-Guide/html/index.html, and http://www.gnu.org/software/bash/manual/ (the official reference manual, a bit dry though)19:04
GriGisebsebseb, okay, so i'll look for something like this or i will just start using standard icon set19:04
magik_share, you go to the options of the browser i think ^^19:04
suhelstephni btw replace tom with your username19:04
sebsebsebGriGi: now your in Unity, but19:04
sharemagik_: ...19:04
cdavisHow can I look at the files within a .deb file?19:04
dr_willisjames296:  who is 'they' ?19:04
mxmagik_: thank you for your answer. i tried, but it seams not to do the trick for me, although in the documentaries it say it should19:04
vltHello. What group do I need to be in to be able to access the sound device? I can run alsamixer only as root and got no music indicator in the upper right corner.19:05
dr_williscdavis:  the 'mc' file manager can browse the contents19:05
crash1hdThis is interesting, if I have my machine plugged into my old 19inch crt monitor via vga when I try to boot ubuntu 11.10 it gets to a certain point and the monitor shuts off like its out of sync but if I use my newer lcd monitor via dvi connection it boots fine? any idea how I can make it work with the vga?19:05
sebsebsebGriGi: well that gnome tweak tool might work with Unity as well for exmaple, plus  Gnome has it's config settings like wehre your changing your background, look aorund probaby something for icons19:05
zelozelosOH WAit..somehow i didnt notice its 2.6.38..not 2.6.32 so i do have the best version for 11.04 i suppose...now i can rest at ease rofl19:05
sebsebseb!notunity > GriGi19:05
ubottuGriGi, please see my private message19:05
suhelDangerOnTheRangr thats a lot of link thanks :D :D :D19:05
adam61hi, i'm running Lubuntu with chrome, and can't get any sound at all from my browser. i tried reinstalling flash installers and browsers including chromium, but couldn't get it to work. i gave up and haven't tried anything for months now, but i'm still without sound. can anyone please help?19:05
sharesudo dpkg-reconfigure (browser)19:05
ubottuUbuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions drowpdown. Using Natty? See !classic19:05
zebulonback to google trawling this irritating video acceleration problem in embedded video players, cya19:05
zmbmartinjames296: I am seeing it. That is all I know.19:05
sharezebulon: whats the issue?19:05
magik_mx, but you deinstalled the ath9k right ?19:05
DangerOnTheRangrsuhel: You can find even more on Wikipedia - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bash_(Unix_shell)19:05
sebsebsebGriGi: or maybe not, since Gnome 3 themes are done diffenrelty as well hmm for Shell, hmm, ah well worth a look around anyway19:06
mxmagik_> i did19:06
zmbmartinAnyone else having problems where unity is behind windows after a wakeup from sleep or hibernate?19:06
blahsphemerHow do I get gcc-3.4.x for a 64-bit Ubuntu?19:06
zelozelosadam61 only thing i can suggest is opening the sound pref's by right clicking on the sound applet, click prefs then check under the programs tab to make sure its not muted --or at least listed in that tab19:06
kiwebhi. ubuntu's apparmor is blocking mysqld from starting, after I moved the mysqld data directory elsewhere. how do I stop it from doing that?19:06
sharesudo update-alternatives --config x-www-browser19:06
sharethis is the command19:06
magik_mx, hmm.. just a secound =)..19:06
icerootkiweb: mysqld installed from the repos?19:07
kiwebiceroot: yes19:07
suhelDangerOnTheRangr one quick question though can I ask?19:07
DangerOnTheRangrsuhel: Sure :)19:07
adam61zelozelos thanks, where would i find the 'sound applet'?19:07
icerootkiweb: can you paste the error-message to pastebin when using the default dir?19:07
mxmagik_: in windows the switch is activated via a launcher.exe software, but in ubuntu ... well i don`t know..sure take your time19:07
james296zmbmartin you mean your seeing Wunderlist in the software center??19:07
kiwebiceroot: default dir works ok, it's the new one that doesn't19:08
dikiAnyone ever used amazon aws?19:08
zelozelosadam1 it should be on the default panel. otherwise you can goto system, pref, sound19:08
zmbmartinjames296: No I am not seeing it in there.19:08
james296ah ok19:08
icerootkiweb: the new one?19:08
icerootkiweb: why changing the dirs?19:08
kiwebiceroot: not enough space on the default partition19:08
suhelDangerOnTheRangr many times when I use terminal for installing application with the apt-get command am somehow not able to write the exact name of the package and it returns Package not found, is there a way to use any wildcard? like ' sudo apt-get install *vlc*19:08
adam61zelozelos, i didn't think there was a 'system' in linux.. i couldn't see it in the default panel19:09
magik_mx, did you tryied this .. sudo -s19:09
magik_mx, echo "options ath9k nohwcrypt=1" > /etc/modprobe.d/ath9k.conf .. ?19:09
zelozelossuhel, try tab19:09
deebee_kiweb: You can put the AppArmour profile for mysqld into something called "complain" mode, which will disable it, but if you look at the syslog, it'll still log when the AppArmor profile would have blocked an operation19:09
icerootkiweb: you moved the whole mysql-installation somewhere else? or just /var/lib/mysql?19:09
zelozelossuhel like vlc(tab)19:09
icerootkiweb: why not mounting something into /var/lib/mysql19:09
suhelzelozelos oh ok, thanks I will try it :)19:09
GriGiOkay, so if im here maybe somebody will help me with my other problem: when i was on 11.04 i change my account settings so when i login i don't need to type password, but when i login and when my wallpaper appear i got window where i must type my password.19:09
magik_mx, no you dont take my time i am new in linux too =)19:09
blahsphemerHow do I get gcc-3.4.x for a 64-bit Ubuntu?19:09
GriGiNow i want to type password before login and don't know where to do that in new "users settings", there are only "automatic login" but i turned it off and still when im logging it didn't ask me for password, there are just "login" button.19:09
deebee_kiweb: you can then use that to modify the AppArmor profile and then re-enable it19:09
DuelistiDownloaded 11.10, I have an extra battery icon  and an unnecessary empathy icon in the panel and I want to get rid of them. How?19:09
suhelDuelisti did you install 11.10 over 11.04 directly?19:10
daviddoriawhen i click my user name in the top right, I setup a google account and have everything check (use this account for mail, calendar, contacts, chat, documents) - where will I find these things activated? Like I started empathy and it didn't seem to know i wanted to use my google account for chat - and where would my google calendar be used, etc?19:10
kiwebiceroot: just /var/lib/mysql, I'd like it to share a partition with other stuff that takes lots of space19:10
thornplease look at this: http://imm.io/ahBs I have a glitch that keeps repeating itself. This never happened before with previous releases of ubuntu, only with 11.04. it seems to have to do with text rendering and window drawing... how can I reset this when it happens without messing up my other things? How can I fix it altogether?19:10
Duelistisuhel, yes19:10
magik_mx, (sry for my bad english ) and if you didnt tryied make it and reboot the mashine =)19:10
mxmagik_: i`ll try that. well it is a always a learning process, right (:19:10
xr--Test :)19:10
ubottuThe default interface in Ubuntu 11.04 is !Unity. To switch back to regular !GNOME: log out, click your username, click the Session box at the bottom of the screen, and select "Ubuntu Classic".For 11.10, see !notunuty19:10
chrono86does anyone know why lightdm only takes up the resolution of my laptop's lcd and not the full resolution of the external monitor that's hooked up?19:10
icerootkiweb: i guess then you have to change the apparmor settings19:10
shareafter starting I2P it open Chrome but Firefox is set as default browser. How can I fix this?19:10
DangerOnTheRangrsuhel: Yes - pressing Tab expands the package name. However, if what you've written is *not* the start of the name of the package you want to install, Tab won't work. In those cases, using "apt-cache search <query>" is a better option19:11
sebsebsebbashelina: that factoid you just did is for 11.04 not 11.1019:11
GriGidaviddoria, i want to know answer for that question too, im using Google account and don't know where i can see my calendar, mail, contacts...19:11
xanguadaviddoria: on thunderbird19:11
magik_mx, i am having a little problem with the unblacklisting of the ath9k can u give me a hand ^^ ?19:11
sebsebsebbashelina: however once you got the fall back mode, its' ther on the log in screen for you to select19:11
Bisu[Shield]I have a single zip that has 100 zips within when i extract them all, they create 100 separate folders19:11
Bisu[Shield]how do i extract them all in one folder19:11
jonteWhich calendar applications besides evolution integrate with the "clock calendar" in the upper right corner?19:11
Duelistisuhel: I installed 11.10 over 11.04 directly19:11
suhelDuelisti I did the same when I first installed 11.10 beta I'd the same problem, its some sort of clash between the two versions. a clean install will fixx it19:11
zelozelosadam61, did you find it? im using gnomenu  and glx-dock, dont have any gnome panels at all..but sound preferences are somewhere in the user prefs found by : about me, appearance, assistive tech..etc19:11
bashelinasebsebseb,  i cant even get there.. this has fucked up my hole system19:11
mxmagik_: i'll try19:12
sebsebseb!notunity | bashelina19:12
ubottubashelina: Ubuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions drowpdown. Using Natty? See !classic19:12
sebsebsebbashelina: install fall back mode, log out, log into it, done19:12
ButlerGeorgeHello everyone, I just upgraded and am stuck because gnome doesn't show the bar on top correctly http://i.imgur.com/PebJc.png19:12
magik_mx, thanks .. =)19:12
deebee_kiweb: the AppArmor profiles are just text files, stored in /etc/apparmor.d/19:12
suhelDuelisti you can still search the internet for more info. though19:12
mxmagik_: looking it up..19:12
suhelDangerOnTheRangr whooot :D19:12
michael_Is it out yet?19:12
Tm_Tbashelina: please try keep language familyfriendly19:12
DangerOnTheRangrsuhel: Anytime :)19:13
DuelistiI don't want to lose all of my stuff, but I guess it has to be done19:13
kiwebdeebee_: thanks. is there an interface to manage them or can I just go and edit away?19:13
ButlerGeorgeDoes anyone know what to do with my problem? http://i.imgur.com/PebJc.png19:13
sebsebseb!home | Duelisti19:13
ubottuDuelisti: Your home directory is where all of your personal files are usually kept. For moving your home directory to a separate partition, please see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Partitioning/Home/Moving19:13
Bisu[Shield]I have a single zip that has 100 zips within when i extract them all, they create 100 separate folders, how do I extract them all into one folder?19:13
sebsebsebDuelisti: sepeate /homes are useful19:13
magik_mx, ok =)19:13
sebsebsebDuelisti: for when you wnat to re install a distro or switch to another19:13
s1thorn: check and see if your Graphic/Video Card Driver is active. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto19:13
mxmagik_>: http://dimitar.me/how-to-enable-the-ath9k-wireless-driver-on-ubuntu-lucid-10-04/19:14
deebee_kiweb: not that I'm aware of, but I've not looked too hard. Editing them directly should be fine19:14
zelozelosButlerGeorge, thers only one fix that i know of, reinstall, and dont upgrade always do a full install19:14
Duelistisebsebseb, I just upgraded from 11.04 to 11.10 but it isn't working well so I guess I need to clean install19:14
sebsebsebDuelisti: yep19:14
esteevenHello. How do I disable bluetooth in 11.10? Or at least stop it starting in my session.19:14
tVenchey guys?19:15
tVenchow to change brighness at startup?19:15
taisahelp pls: opening the evolution calendar in 11.10 results in error and closes evolution19:15
ButlerGeorgezelozelos: OK, thanks :/µ19:15
h00ktaisa: well, what does the error say?19:15
kydanhey guys, got an issue with unity/X11/gdm. Just upgraded from 11.04 to 11.10 and when I try to log into my user, I hit enter after entering my password and the screen goes blank for  minute then returns to the login screen. any ideas?19:15
adam61zelozelos, ya i still can't find anything19:15
suhelDuelisti you wont lose any stuff if you backup19:15
xanguaesteeven: go to startup apps preferences and disable it19:15
sebsebsebkydan: sounds like your upgrade gone wrong, best to do a clean install19:15
mxmagik_: is it any good for your purpose ?!19:15
tVenccan somebody help me?19:15
magik_mx, ok thanks =) i will try ...19:16
taisain german: Speicherzugriffsfehler, Segmentation fault19:16
suhelduelisti backup your home directory and maybe you can even back up /var/cache/apt19:16
martiantVenc: if you ask a question, someone may.19:16
DuelistiDo I need an external hard drive for backupping19:16
mxmagik_:  (:19:16
deebee_kiweb: there's a ubuntu-server channel, which can be good for those sorts of questions19:16
simplebluedownloading 11.10 by torrent now19:16
Phr3d13kydan, is the hard drive full?19:16
kydansebsebseb: any logs for x11 that I can check to get some bugs. Im logged in on the guest account fine atm19:17
tVenchow to change default brighness setting at startuo?19:17
DangerOnTheRangrmartian: I think he did: (02:15:16 PM) tVenc: how to change brighness at startup?19:17
zelozelosadam61, hmm...if it isnt there anywhere that may be the source of the problem...idk why it wouldnt be though. somewhere in the if you have unity, try typing "sound"19:17
aldosis it normal that my 11.10 uses more than 1gb of ram?19:17
sebsebsebkydan: yeah maybe, but don't really know about that19:17
esteevenxangua, my problem is that I can't find the startup apps19:17
zebulonyay youtube-popout player ^_^19:17
sebsebsebaldos: nope19:17
sebsebsebaldos: don't think so19:17
kydanPhr3d13: dont think so, but i imagine that my trash was quite full. Is there a x11/gdm log I could maybe get some more info from?19:17
aldoswhat can i do?19:17
taisah00k: in german: Speicherzugriffsfehler, Segmentation fault19:17
zelozelosadam61, also if you are using glx-dock and have a volume icon, you can double click on it as well to get to it19:17
Dougglehi i m having a wubi error19:17
kydanPhr3d13: im logged into the guest account atm, so I know its working at least in part19:17
Dougglecan someone give me a hand?19:17
DuelistiDo I need an external hard drive for backupping19:17
sebsebsebaldos: don't  know, but make sure you got swap, but you will have by default anwyay19:18
adam61zelozelos, i don't think i have unity, i'm using Lubuntu. where do i type 'sound'? i don't think i have glx-dock either19:18
sebsebsebadam61: there's also a #lubuntu channel19:18
nerikoNot sure which room to be in for this: I have v10.10, and can't connect to a Netgear router. Any ideas how to fix this?19:18
magik_mx, my internet is enabled i am using the wireless but i am trying to install madwifi drivers for better networking =) ..19:18
sebsebsebneriko: yep this is the correct room19:18
suhelDuelisti do you have any other drives? other than the ubuntu one?19:18
adam61sebsebseb, thx i am there also, but it is pretty empty19:18
xr--What a nice roof :)19:18
nerikoWoot! Thanks seb19:18
sebsebsebneriko: for what?19:19
magik_mx, so i am trying to replace ath9k with madwifi ^^ but hanks for the help19:19
suhelDuelisti erm than you will need an external drive? a pen drive would do19:19
mxmagik_: do you kow how to install ?!19:19
nerikogetting my hopes up :)19:19
sebsebsebneriko: how so?19:19
DuelistiI'll pass19:19
vltHello. I have working audio and network but the indicator icons don’t know this. “No network devices available” and I can’t set the volume (except in alsamixer). Any idea what to check first?19:19
zelozeloscan someone tell adam61 how to get to the sound preferences for lxde?19:19
suhelDuelisti hmmm ok19:19
nerikoI got something right for a change19:19
DuelistiI don't have anything too important19:19
magik_mx, yes but i cant find the blacklist of ath9k .. :/19:19
esteevenxangua, or to be more precise, I can find "start up applications" but it is empty.19:19
nerikoNow, I just need an answer to my question19:19
suhelDuelisti cool :)19:20
magik_mx, which dont let me install madwifi :P19:20
mxmagik_: sometimes it's tricky business. sorry i couldn't be of more help19:20
simplebluetorrent downloading at 1.2 Mb/s :D19:20
mxmagik_: maybe that's the reason why its called "mad"wifi (:19:21
suhelsimpleblue jealous of you lol19:21
magik_mx, no problem =)  . :D yeah ..19:21
simplebluei'm jealous of the seeder. thats one heck of an upload speed19:21
thorn11.04, and it's a similar glitch on every desktop, Dell optiplexes...19:21
zelozelosadam61, after reading a bit on lxde, the sound is handled by a diff program, but you can install gnome-sound-  if you wish19:21
sebsebseb 19:22
Griweshello, i just updated to 11.10 and both apt-get and muon does not work19:22
suhelDangerOnTheRangr one thing that I found weird on 11.10 is if I'm using nautilus with gksu whatever folder I copy paste it sticks with them root rights, :(19:22
tetsuo--can someone help me find out which packadge is causing the upgrade failure?  http://paste.ubuntu.com/707515/19:22
Griwesmuon segfaults and apt-get returns to "input" (i can't find better word)19:22
mxmagik_: sometimes its rather frustration depending on the amount of time already spend19:22
adam61zelozelos, thanks, do u know what program handles it? i'm hesitant to install any new programs because i had enormous problems with alsa conflicts etc19:22
suhelsimpleblue I hardly get an download speed of 150Kb/s (frankly speaking its quite more in my area lol)19:22
nerikoRouter Model: WNR3500v2 All other computers connect fine, but my hp with v10.10 detects the network and times out on connect19:23
trismesteeven: they are all hidden by default in oneiric, but you can copy the ones you want to edit from /etc/xdg/autostart to ~/.config/autostart/ and remove the NoDisplay=true line, then they will appear in startup applications19:23
zelozelosadam61, still reading ...try google.. do lxde sound preferences...you might find it b4 i do...(will probably)19:23
simplebluei'm not really sure how it works suhel. i just know that my connection is quite good19:23
esteeventrism, many thanks. that's what I was looking for!!19:24
DangerOnTheRangrsuhel: That actually makes sense - Nautilus is running as the root user, so naturally when you move a file or folder around, Nautilus attempts to transfer the rights of whatever it's copying/moving to the user Nautilus is running as, in this case, root19:24
magik_mx, i have the worst english in the chat which doesnt allow me to understand what you writed ^^ sry..19:24
suheldarn its 1:00 am, g2g to bed.... good night all... @ simpleblue , DangerontheRangr19:24
DangerOnTheRangrcya :)19:24
bytesaber_workhow does the "proprietary drivers" thing in Ubuntu work?  What is the deamon or project that's doing that job of looking for such thigns?   And why can't those drivesr just be on the install cd?19:24
Picimagik_: There is a spanish channel at #ubuntu-es if that is easier for you.19:24
simplebluetc suhel19:24
suhelDangerOnTheRangr I'll chew your head tomorrow :p thanks for all the help :)19:24
DangerOnTheRangrNo problem :)19:25
zelozelosadam61, i think i found what u need   http://www.pclinuxos.com/forum/index.php?topic=71048.019:25
mxmagik_: sorry to hear that. maybe we can switch languages..?!19:25
MrElendigbytesaber_work: some can't beacuse of licensing, some because of political reasons19:25
adam61zelozelos, awesome thank u so much! i'll check it out19:25
magik_Pici, thanks but i like the people here =)19:25
taisaSegmentation fault when opening nautilus, Segmention fault, when opening calendar in evolution19:25
magik_mx, what languages you speak ^^ ?19:25
monstaRtruckHAY guys19:25
bytesaber_workMrElendig, even tho they're being included for free regardless19:26
zelozelosadam61, np hope u get it working correctly19:26
monstaRtruckhow can i customize this19:26
=== deem is now known as er_fuenfnullnull
MrElendigmonstaRtruck: set PROMP or PS1 to whatever you like19:26
bytesaber_workMrElendig, not arguing it.  I"m gladd they still show up in my system.  Just think it's kinda funny how they are taken care of after an install is done.19:26
mxmagik_: dutch, german, japanese and some other "more bad than good"19:26
monstaRtrucki used to know lol19:27
monstaRtrucki forgot19:27
magik_mx, well ^^ ?19:27
MrElendigmonstaRtruck: export PS1='lolprompt\$'19:27
simpleblueburning 11.10 to disk19:27
mxmagik_: pick one :P19:27
monstaRtruckyeah thats what i did in bash19:27
MrElendigmx: see the bash manual page and  http://tldp.org/HOWTO/Bash-Prompt-HOWTO/ for details19:27
monstaRtruckhow do i list all the globals again?19:28
MrElendigermm monstaRtruck ^19:28
MrElendigasuming you are using basg19:28
vividi performed an upgrade a while back....how i can reset unity to default settings?19:28
MrElendigmonstaRtruck: put it in your ~/.bashrc19:28
magik_mx, spanish ^^ ?19:28
vividlike, where are its config files under ~/19:28
Bisu[Shield]hmm my update from 11.04 to 11.10 delete /var/www directory, how do i recover it?19:28
icerootBisu[Shield]: the content or the dir itself?19:28
kydanI had set some custom values to force dual-monitor to work on my nvida card and I suspect that it is causing an issue with my upgrade to 11.10, I cant remeber the file I did that to though, any ideas on how to "reset" my display settings?19:28
llutzBisu[Shield]: restore backup19:29
novnsI use 10.04 for everyday work19:29
icerootBisu[Shield]: can you paste /var/log/apt/term.log19:29
novnsI tried every newer versions19:29
icerootBisu[Shield]: cant imaging the update deleted it19:29
MrElendigkydan: /etc/X11/xorg.conf(.d)19:29
=== er_fuenfnullnull is now known as deem
iceroot!paste | Bisu[Shield]19:29
ubottuBisu[Shield]: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.19:29
mxmagik_: that would be great. guess we better stick with english, sorry19:29
kydanMrElendig: thanks, I think that was it actually19:29
goltoofnautilus strace, what's going on here?   http://pastebin.com/Jaf6UcKv19:29
novnsnow I just installed 11.0419:29
mxMrElendig: thank you. but details for what ..?!19:30
kydanMrElendig: any ideas on how to get a "fresh" coopy of the xorg.conf?19:30
novnsand it sucks a lot19:30
magik_mx, ok no problem ^^ :P19:30
sebsebsebnovns: Oh?19:30
novnseven menu is slow-responding19:30
vividkydan, you dont need xorg.conf, delete it to get a fresh default copy19:30
MrElendigkydan: just rm it, you most likely don't need it anyway19:30
novnstotally slowness19:30
novnswith compositing or not19:30
vividnovns, install video drivers19:30
kydanMrElendig: ok, sweet, thanks19:30
mxmagik_: (:19:31
magik_mx, i can speak bulgarian , spanish , english , macedonian and a few words on greek :D :P pick one =)19:31
vividnovns, what video card?19:31
mxmagik_: english it is !!19:31
novnsradeon hd260019:31
magik_mx, OK :D :P19:31
sebsebsebnovns: Unity issues I guess or something19:31
sebsebseb!nounity > novns19:31
ubottunovns, please see my private message19:31
novnsand it's fast in 10.0419:31
goltoofnautilus strace, what's going on?   http://pastebin.com/Jaf6UcKv19:31
mxmagik_: although when we meet again in a few years spanish will do just fine. it is on my list.19:31
magik_mx, ok i hope i learn greek and dutch perfect ^^ :P19:32
vividnovns, post the output of 'apt-cache policy fglrx'19:32
magik_mx, so we wouldnt have any problems in the future :P19:32
mxmagik_: languages are fun and quite complicated in the beginning, but thats the fun part to figure it out19:32
thornplease look at this: http://imm.io/ahBs I have a glitch that keeps repeating itself. This never happened before with previous releases of ubuntu, only with 11.04. it seems to have to do with text rendering and window drawing... how can I reset this when it happens without messing up my other things? How can I fix it altogether?19:33
mxmagik_: thats right! (:19:33
Bisu[Shield]http://pastebin.com/Bg1BmWVW  <-- /var/log/apt/term.log19:33
sebsebseb!patience | thorn19:33
ubottuthorn: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/19:33
bob1213232Hi all. Im trying to install on a new box but having issues which I think maybe down to ahci.19:33
simpleblueare there any programs in fedora that will allow me to copy my ubuntu11.04.iso to USB?\19:33
magik_mx, yeah =) i like learning language but on the middle of the learning i am bored from the people talking and i understand a part of it :/ .. but that is fun too :D :P19:34
vividsimpleblue, ask in #fedora ?19:34
Bisu[Shield]i didn't back it up19:34
adam61zelozelos, i installed gnome-alsamixer, and a bunch of channels Were muted, but i maxed them all and unmuted them, but it didn't make any difference unfortunately. do you have any ideas?19:34
simplebluebecause i'm not sure if those programs can handle the ubuntu iso19:34
mayjunethe new version : ubuntu 11.10 ,it's awsome!19:34
sebsebsebmayjune: Why you think that?19:34
mxmagik_: did you learn all those languages just for fun or for a particulat purpose ?!19:34
goltoof!ot | mx19:34
ubottumx: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!19:34
bob1213232I have 3 disks, 0 is normal hdd, 1 is an ssd and 2 is a hdd. Im installing ubuntu onto 2. During the custom install ive tried installing grub to disk 0, disk 1 and also the windows boot on disk 119:34
bob1213232However, none load grub, just straight into windows19:35
gabyhello - iam trying to use wine on ubuntu to install some windows programs - and it tells me that its not marked as executable - any help please19:35
icerootbob1213232: then you are not booting from the correct disc19:35
mayjune<sebsebse>I'm using it now .Feeling good19:35
wakkowhy i cannot have multiple AuthorizedKeysFile in /etc/ssh/sshd_config on ubuntu? (it works on gentoo)19:35
mxmagik_: i see.19:35
zelozelosadam61, hmmm...not sure really..perhaps flash has something to do with it. try re-asking/stating the issue maybe someone else knows19:35
sebsebsebgaby: right cick on the .exe and  make it executalbe I guess19:35
sebsebsebor something19:35
h00kgaby: Right click on it, go to properties19:35
novnsvivid, http://paste.ubuntu.com/707528/19:35
bob1213232BIOS is set to use AHCI so i cant set it to boot from any disk bar 1, the ssd19:35
magik_mx, am i think that they are very usefull for me ^^ that why =) ..19:35
h00kgaby: there's a check box that says to mark as executable19:35
goltoofcan anybody just look at my pastebin for 2 seconds and give some sort of answer?  http://pastebin.com/Jaf6UcKv19:36
adam61zelozelos, i don't think it's flash, i've tried reinstalling that a million times, and my browsers don't play any sound, it's not just flash19:36
bob1213232i dont really want to have to switch between ide and ahci every time i switch boot19:36
monstaRtruckhey i made a .bashrc19:36
monstaRtruckits not working19:36
vividnovns, uhh, try just 'apt-cache policy fglrx'19:36
=== POOP is now known as rainbow
bob1213232iceroot: I cant change the boot disk without changing the bios from AHCI to IDE19:36
monstaRtruckwhat permissions should it be19:36
zelozelosadam61, 23 or 64 bit?19:36
goltoofdo i exist?  can anyone see me?  grunt please19:36
mxmagik_: i agree. knowlege is always useful.19:36
bob1213232which id prefer not to do every time :)19:36
zelozeloshehl....thats 32* or 64 bit adam6119:36
thornI have a glitch that keeps repeating itself. See http://imm.io/ahBs for an example. This never happened before with previous releases of ubuntu, only with 11.04. it seems to have to do with text rendering and window drawing... how can I reset this when it happens without restarting? How can I fix it altogether?19:37
novnsvivid, http://paste.ubuntu.com/707530/19:37
vltHello. I can’t access the audio settings. Even in lighdm. Could this be a permission issue?19:37
goltoofPici:  am i banned?19:37
gabydont know how to thank you all19:37
novnsvivid, previous was with sudo19:37
gabythank you very much19:37
mayjuneHey guys,do u know why after install the VGA driver ,the whole system become slowly? U know ,some effects19:37
magik_mx, and i think that if i keep doing that on 30 years i will know about 10 languages :D .. couse i like greek , dutch , brasil , french , catalan and portuguese ^^19:37
goltoof!ot | magik_19:37
aboSamoorhow can I can caculate the CPU cycles that a process consume. I have two processes one of them is threaded and the second is not. I want to compare them in terms of effciency.19:37
ubottumagik_: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!19:37
vividnovns, bummer, im out of ideas since i dont run or advocate ati cards, but its probably an issue with your video driver19:38
bytesaber_workcompiz and 3dfx a Gnome thing and not a Unity thing?19:38
thorngoltoof: you are there19:38
magik_ubottu, ok =) thanks19:38
ubottumagik_: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)19:38
mxmagik_: stick to it. good concept!!!19:38
goltoofthorn:  thank you!19:38
mxmagik_: and 10 languages it is!19:38
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience19:39
novnsvivid, it's fast in 10.04, fast in fedora 15, and very fast in windows19:39
goltoofcan anybody just look at my pastebin for 2 seconds and give some sort of answer?  http://pastebin.com/Jaf6UcKv19:39
Name141How is 11.10 ? Is it pretty stable  ? Or should I just install the LTS ?19:39
digitttthelp me i can't even boot ubuntu 11.10 on my new motherboard gigabyte19:39
goltoofmx, magik_  this is a support channel guys, if you want to talk about something please join #ubuntu-offtopic19:39
novnsvinic, and I don't think that it related to driver19:39
mxmagik_: i noticed that as well19:39
mxok i will19:39
vividnovns, no idea man, maybe someone else will know, unity is perfect for me on my nvidia card.....ask your original question again and try to get a new response19:40
novnsvinic, well that's not a problem really, I'll stick to 10.0419:40
iceroot!recover | Bisu[Shield]19:40
ubottuBisu[Shield]: Some tools to recover lost data are listed and explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery - Recovering deleted files on !ext3 filesystems can be virtually impossible, although methods that might work is some cases are described at at http://www.xs4all.nl/~carlo17/howto/undelete_ext3.html and http://projects.izzysoft.de/trac/ext3undel19:40
icerootBisu[Shield]: lets use this channel, easier for me19:40
digitttthelp me i can't even boot ubuntu 11.10 on my new motherboard gigabyte bios says booting operating system and nothing happens not even try to load anything on partition i have ubuntu installed please help me19:40
novnsthere's no reason to upgrade now19:40
iceroot!backup | Bisu[Shield]19:40
ubottuBisu[Shield]: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning19:40
mxmagik_: i am on the off channel19:41
digitttthelp me i can't even boot ubuntu 11.10 on my new motherboard gigabyte bios says booting operating system and nothing happens not even try to load anything on partition i have ubuntu installed please help me.    I have an OCZ SSD Hard Drive 120gbytes plus a mechanical hdd 1tb and i have ubuntu installed on  SSD19:41
novnsjust tried newer version and it doesn't make it19:41
adam61zelozelos, 64 i'm pretty sure19:41
icerootBisu[Shield]: there is something like /var/log/apt/term.log.1.gz19:41
icerootBisu[Shield]: can you paste that instead of the term.log? i need the part where the upgrade was running19:41
goltoofcannot use nautilus, strace   http://pastebin.com/Jaf6UcKv19:41
magik_mx, ok we better stop talking about languages ^^ :)19:41
goltoofmagik_: spasiba ;)19:42
digitttthelp me i can't even boot ubuntu 11.10 on my new motherboard gigabyte bios says booting operating system and nothing happens not even try to load anything on partition i have ubuntu installed please help me.    I have an OCZ SSD Hard Drive 120gbytes plus a mechanical hdd 1tb and i have ubuntu installed on  SSD19:42
mxmagik_: lol. might be a good idea19:42
h00k!patience | digitttt19:42
mozinatorhi guys my ubuntu update hangs on archive.cannonical.com flash update19:42
ubottudigitttt: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/19:42
mozinatoranyone else notices this19:42
bob1213232sorry to repeat but busy in here, so ill do it all in one. new build 3 disks, 1 ssd (windows boot disk), bios in AHCI. Tried install grub to the hdd, the windows boot and the ssd itself (ubuntu is on a 3rd drive, another hdd) and no dice for any. I dont get grub just straight into windows. Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks all.19:42
h00kmozinator: the repos are getting hammered today, you may experiences issues19:42
B08hi there I did the how to get back to pure kde and now it will not get past the plymouth boot screen any idea on what to do ?19:42
icerootgoltoof: "cant use" means?19:43
mxmagik_: so for how long did you use linux ?19:43
magik_mx, about .. 3 days :/19:43
simplebluerebooting with 11.10 disk * crosses fingers *19:43
oCeanmx: please use the #ubuntu-offtopic channel for chat, magik_19:43
goltooficeroot: can't meaning it hangs when i open it19:43
icerootgoltoof: any error-messages?19:43
mozinatorh00k, ok just wait for timeout then19:44
icerootgoltoof: starting it as normal user? or root?19:44
h00kmozinator: you can try changing your mirrors19:44
goltooficeroot: strace http://pastebin.com/Jaf6UcKv19:44
mxmagik_: the "#ubuntu-offtopic" it is19:44
h00k!mirrors | mozinator19:44
ubottumozinator: Ubuntu installation CDs can be downloaded from http://releases.ubuntu.com - Mirrors can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Mirrors - PLEASE use the !torrents to download !Oneiric, and help keeping the servers' load low!19:44
icerootgoltoof: strace is way to much19:44
magik_oCean, we talk about linux =)19:44
goltooficeroot:  when root sometimesit hangs sometimes not19:44
B08http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/purekde   <--- this is what I did do I have to mount the partitions on a different one then can I ereinstall the kernel ?19:44
h00kmozinator: if you go to the update preferences, you can pick a different mirror, or let it pick the 'fastest' one at the time19:44
goltooficeroot:  yes ic19:44
icerootgoltoof: any errors when starting nautilus from shell without strace?19:44
oCeanmagik_: this channel is for technical support. Last warning: use #ubuntu-offtopic for social chat19:44
mozinatorh00k, thanks going to try that19:44
icerootgoltoof: so the isse is only for root?19:44
icerootgoltoof: issue19:45
goltoofmagik_:  if you don't have any questions pertaining to UBUNTU, not linux, or if you're not going to help people with ubuntu, please go to off topic channel19:45
magik_oCean, ok =)19:45
goltooficeroot: it's for user, it hangs when i click on icon19:45
DangerOnTheRangrgoltoof: Don't use caps, please19:45
goltooficeroot: gksudo nautilus... sometimes it works19:46
josefigI'm having a problem when I try to upgrade, it says "Unresolved problem occurred while calculating the upgrade"19:46
integrisHi all, I just updated Ubuntu from 10.04 to 10.10. Now all my windows are dark? Not black but very dark as if they were shaded but backwards. Any ideas where to look to fix this? Any help is greatly appreciated!19:46
magik_goltoof, i have but noobody respond .. so my question is how to unblacklist ath5k and install madwifi couse i have slow internet .. :/19:46
icerootgoltoof: and without root?19:47
goltoofmagik_: ok, focus on your questions then...19:47
goltooficeroot:  i believe i'm repeating myself19:47
thornI have a glitch that keeps repeating itself. See http://imm.io/ahBs for an example. This never happened before with previous releases of ubuntu, only with 11.04. it seems to have to do with text rendering and window drawing... how can I reset this when it happens without restarting? How can I fix it altogether?19:47
goltooficeroot:  when root sometimesit hangs sometimes not19:47
magik_goltoof, so can you respond =) ?19:47
goltooficeroot: when user always hangs19:47
icerootgoltoof: its a good idea to write usefull infos in one line19:48
goltoofmagik_:  sorry not familiar with ath5k19:48
icerootgoltoof: when starting nautilus without strace from the shell, any errors?19:48
JeffFromOhioHello. I need to install the 32-bit version of the "chrpath" package on a 64-bit Ubuntu installation. How can I get apt-get to download and install the 32-bit version?19:48
=== cipher is now known as Guest53835
ubottuTo blacklist a module, edit /etc/modprobe.d/my_blacklist.conf and add « blacklist <modulename> » to the end of that list - To explicitly load modules in a specific order, list them in /etc/initramfs-tools/modules and type « sudo update-initramfs -u »19:48
goltooficeroot:  when user (not root) it hangs when i click an icon, when root (not user) only hangs sometimes19:48
icerootmagik_: remove your line from /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf19:48
bob1213232For my straight to windows, doesnt load GRUB / achi issue is it worth booting from live disk and seeing what state grub is in, could be a good start?19:48
smittixbah slow mirrors :(19:49
adam61i find it hard to believe that nobody can tell me why i haven't been able to get sound from my browser for months now... this is getting very frustrating19:49
adam61is this the extent of linux help?!!?19:49
goltooficeroot:  no errors starting from shell as user (not root) it just hangs when i click an icon19:49
magik_iceroot, thanks i tryied but it seems like not working :/19:49
thornI have a glitch that keeps repeating itself. See http://imm.io/ahBs for an example. This never happened before with previous releases of ubuntu, only with 11.04. it seems to have to do with text rendering and window drawing... how can I reset this when it happens without restarting? How can I fix it altogether? CAN SOMEONE GIVE ME AN IDEA OF HOW TO GOOGLE THIS PROBLEM?19:50
icerootmagik_: if i am correct the system needs a restart (or a command to reload the modules)19:50
goltoofgoltoof:  not sure how it got this way.. i am using a separate hd for storage19:50
icerootgoltoof: i think its a good idea to open a bug, describe your problem and append the strace you already posted19:50
icerootgoltoof: "ubuntu-bug nautilus"19:51
magik_iceroot, i did it but if you say i will try again .. thanks =)19:51
xangua!caps | adam6119:51
ubottuadam61: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.19:51
oCeanadam61: drop the caps please19:51
DangerOnTheRangradam61: It could be that either a) your sound card isn't recognized, or b) the volume might be turned down just for your browser. Keep in mind all of the people working here are volunteers; they aren't obliged to help you, so maintaining a respectful tone can be helpful :)19:51
goltooficeroot: hmm, never opened a bug before.. was hoping i could clean out all related packages and reinstall nautilus19:52
integriscan someone help me with my dark window/menu problem, plz?19:52
xslhi all, does anyone uses 11.10 with Unity + Libreoffice? ( wen i do Super-S the screen that has libreoffice does not show it. ) and libreoffice is allways maxe... cand window it19:52
Efrinadam61 - turn on your speakers ; )19:52
icerootmagik_: lsmod is still listing it?19:52
goltooficeroot:  simple nautilus reinstall does nothing19:52
adam61Efrin - good one idiot19:52
blueblackhelp me i can't even boot ubuntu 11.10 on my new motherboard gigabyte bios says booting operating system and nothing happens not even try to load anything on partition i have ubuntu installed please help me.    I have an OCZ SSD Hard Drive 120gbytes plus a mechanical hdd 1tb and i have ubuntu installed on  SSD19:52
icerootgoltoof: i dont know what the problem is so i dont know if that will help19:52
icerootgoltoof: but i dont think it will help19:52
LjLEfrin, don't give joke-advice. adam61, don't call people idiots. thanks both :)19:52
oCeanadam61: stop the name calling19:52
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DangerOnTheRangradam61: Did you read what I posted?19:52
goltooficeroot:  yes it didn't, tried reinstalling desktop as well... i'll open a bug19:52
josefigis there another way to upgrade to 11.10 ? I cant use the update-manager -d it says error on dependencies .. I used gnome-shell from a testing repository I guess is because of that19:52
adam61LjL, thank you I will19:53
icerootgoltoof: with "ubuntu-bug" ist easy to open a bug19:53
martianIs there a way to manually add an application to the unity launcher?19:53
icerootgoltoof: but you need a launchpad-account19:53
adam61oCean: take a note from LjL on how to treat ppl respectfully yourself19:53
icerootgoltoof: but i think its worth doing it19:53
EfrinThats a stupid question but how in unity do i do shortcuts on desktop?19:53
adam61DangerOnTheRangr: yes thank you. how do i check if the volume is turned down for the browser? thanks very much19:53
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goltooficeroot: yea never done it before, should be interesting, thx for the tip19:54
daf_I really like gnome-shell how the applications are all icons. Is there some kind of a clone that can be used with unity or just gnome 2.x19:54
icerootdaf_: why not using gnome-shell itself?19:55
DangerOnTheRangradam61: Go to System > Preferences > Sound Preferences on Ubuntu 10.10 or earlier, and click on the Applications tab19:55
daf_I like floppy windows ;)19:55
daf_Don't want to lose compiz animations19:55
EfrinHow in unity do i do shortcuts on desktop?19:55
adam61DangerOnTheRangr: i'm using Lubuntu - i don't see an applications tab in sound preferences19:56
icerootadam61: lubuntu is not using pulseaudio (the beta from 11.10 lubuntu doesnt use it, dont know about the final)19:56
jureThese password prompts are driving me insane19:56
jureHow do I disable them19:56
icerootjure: from sudo? or what?19:57
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jureFrom the GUI19:57
DangerOnTheRangradam61: Ah, OK. Unfortunately, I know nothing about Lubuntu (since it uses LXDE instead of GNOME), but maybe someone else here can help you, or you could ask on the Lubuntu IRC channel19:57
blueblackhelp me i can't even boot ubuntu 11.10 on my new motherboard gigabyte bios says booting operating system and nothing happens not even try to load anything on partition i have ubuntu installed please help me.    I have an OCZ SSD Hard Drive 120gbytes plus a mechanical hdd 1tb and i have ubuntu installed on  SSD19:57
adam61iceroot: that's the whole reason i decided to start using Lubuntu - the lack of pulseaudio - it was causing conflicts, which have been fixed, but now there's this lol19:57
icerootjure: keyring? gksudo? in what context?19:57
integrismy windows look like they are shaded but backwards and are really dark - barely readable - Ubuntu 10.1019:57
Coreyblueblack: Does it hand off to grub?19:57
jureWhat context? Geese, there's multiple contexts? How about we start with the Update Manager?19:58
grifo74hi please new ubuntu 11.10 is working fine. my download never finish :-)19:58
integrisany ideas where to look to fix this?19:58
thornI have a glitch that keeps repeating itself. See http://imm.io/ahBs for an example. This never happened before with previous releases of ubuntu, only with 11.04. it seems to have to do with text rendering and window drawing... how can I reset this when it happens without restarting? How can I fix it altogether? CAN SOMEONE GIVE ME AN IDEA OF HOW TO GOOGLE THIS PROBLEM?19:58
icerootgrifo74: download from what?19:58
blueblackno corey19:58
blueblackit doesn't even try to do anything19:58
DangerOnTheRangr!caps | thorn19:58
ubottuthorn: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.19:58
grifo74download from webpage19:58
adam61DangerOnTheRangr: thank you, but i'm at the end of my rope. i have been patiently asking both here and at #lubuntu for months and months, hours at a time each time, and NOBODY knows or will answer me. i am ready to scrap ubuntu and return to the hated windows.. shudder19:58
blueblackit show the bios message booting operating system and nothing19:58
icerootgrifo74: you mean the ubuntu iso?19:58
goltooficeroot:  submitting a bug with strace, any other report i should provide?19:59
blueblacki never had this problem before19:59
DangerOnTheRangradam61: Have you tried searching Google, or the Ubuntu Forums?19:59
myk_robinsonIs there a way to disable the startup sound in 11.10?19:59
adam61DangerOnTheRangr: endlessly19:59
icerootgoltoof: no, the rest is done by ubuntu-bug (apport-collect)19:59
jureThere's ~1500 people here and no one knows how to disable password prompts??19:59
integrisanyone? please?? :)19:59
icerootgoltoof: but its a good idea to descripe the problem19:59
DangerOnTheRangradam61: Do other applications have sound19:59
Tupladhey! I have this weird problem with my sound. I was checking my settings and changed this: http://img7.imagebanana.com/img/276z6s2x/_001.png for just a millimeter and now my sound is CRACKING. but whenever I test my speakers through sound settings and they make a noise, they sound PERFECT - even every cracking background noise doesn't crack but then it goes back. can I somehow reset sound settings or something ?19:59
icerootgoltoof: and not only saying "not working"19:59
adam61DangerOnTheRangr: all of them. it's just my browsers20:00
icerootjure: you didnt answer my question20:00
blueblackhey ! you have no problem my motherboard dont even try to boot ubuntu20:00
icerootjure: i asked promt from what?20:00
jureUpdate Manager20:00
DangerOnTheRangradam61: What browser do you use?20:00
Pici!who | jure20:00
ubottujure: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)20:00
=== TheDreamer is now known as Youri
marsfligthPlease, how can I downgrade an application? In my case 'Thunderbird'20:00
jureOK Pici20:00
icerootmarsfligth: not supported20:00
rhizmoe60K/s :(20:00
icerootmarsfligth: and not possible with the normal repos20:01
adam61DangerOnTheRangr: i'm using Chromium and Firefox, but i've tried a number of different versions of chrome too20:01
blueblack!tab iceroot20:01
jureiceroot: gksudo, Update Manager20:01
icerootjure: dont disable these password-prompts20:01
icerootjure: its a security issue we dont support here20:01
DangerOnTheRangradam61: So neither Chromium nor Firefox can use sound?20:01
magik_iceroot,  i cant find what i have to unblacklist in /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf there is no ath5k .. :/20:01
icerootblueblack: yes?20:01
adam61DangerOnTheRangr: correct. very very odd, but that's what the situation is20:01
icerootmagik_: but lsmod is showing ath5k?20:01
blueblackGuys i have a gigabyte motherboard that don't boot ubuntu20:02
blueblackonly windows20:02
DangerOnTheRangrjure: If those prompts were disabled, that means any application could have root access without your knowledge - very dangerous20:02
magik_iceroot, sec20:02
marsfligthiceroot: and if i uninstall it and after i go to some repository?20:02
integrismy windows are very dark.  I just upgraded from Ubuntu 10.04 to 10.10. They were fine before. Changing the theme does nothing. Any ideas?20:02
jureDangerOnTheRangr, iceroot: just so you know, I'm not a n00b and neither visudo nor adding an exception to polkit worked20:02
DangerOnTheRangradam61: Have you tried multiple websites to see if they have sound?20:02
icerootmarsfligth: why you want to downgrade?20:02
TupladI have this weird problem with my sound. I was checking my settings and changed this: http://img7.imagebanana.com/img/276z6s2x/_001.png for just a millimeter and now my sound is CRACKING. but whenever I test my speakers through sound settings and they make a noise, they sound PERFECT - even every cracking background noise doesn't crack but then it goes back. can I somehow reset sound settings or something ? I have already restarted and it still20:02
icerootjure: then edit your sudoers like you want but its not supported here20:03
adam61DangerOnTheRangr: yes, i can't get sound at all from anywhere, i've tried numerous sites. no sound at all from any browser20:03
nlenepveuhi all20:03
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jureiceroot: like I said - that didn't work20:03
FrozenFireWeird question. My laptop has to go in for repairs, and I probably won't have a computer for two or three weeks at best. However, I have a headless server, which I can put a graphics card into, running Ubuntu Server 11.04. Is there a desktop environment that I can install that will support a browser and video player, but won't dick with the operation of the server?20:03
deebee_jure: then you'll appreciate the value of low privileged accounts by default, hence the need for the password prompts20:03
icerootjure: like i said, not supported here20:03
marsfligthiceroot: 60% or more of my 'add-ons' aren't compatiblr20:03
marsfligthiceroot: 60% or more of my 'add-ons' aren't compatible20:03
magik_iceroot, no but its showing ath9k, ath , ath9_hw , ath9k_common20:03
jurejesus christ god almighty20:03
icerootmagik_: then you are not using a ath5k module20:04
martianjure: yes?20:04
oCeanjure: please control your language here20:04
icerootmarsfligth: which version you want?20:04
nlenepveuI'd like to know how are managed the ntfs partition, how are they automount on access ?20:04
iceroot!info icedove20:04
ubottuPackage icedove does not exist in oneiric20:04
magik_iceroot, well what i use ?20:04
rqanFrozenFire, I recently changed to xfce, i think it works really well20:04
FisnikHi there20:04
Fisniki need some help20:04
simpleblueinstall finshed, rebooting * crosses fingers again *20:04
xanguaFrozenFire: mplayer runs in console and there are some browsers that do too20:04
FrozenFirerqan, XFCE will, however, install Network-Manager, which is a no-go.20:05
icerootmagik_: ath9k20:05
FrozenFirexangua, I need a window manager so I can run multiple tasks.20:05
icerootmagik_: if we are talking about the output of lsmod20:05
unkmarI'm running 8.04.  Did and upgrade and now my nvidia driver stuff is broken.  I am now running from cli :(20:05
FisnikCan somebody tell me what's the default filesystem for Ubuntu 11.10? I don't know which one to choose: EXT3 or EXT4?20:05
magik_iceroot, ah ... and so how i unblacklist ath9k ?20:05
marsfligthiceroot: honestly i never checked what version i was using now i have the 7.0 an before i think was the 3.x20:05
martianFisnik: I believe the default has moved to ext420:05
sianhulopeoples, grub shows this http://pastebin.com/AiKPxEjT20:05
TupladAnyone an idea on how to fix cracking sound in Ubuntu ?20:06
icerootunkmar: sudo mv /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.orig && sudo service gdm restart20:06
Fisnikr u sure?20:06
nlenepveuI'd like to force ntfs partitions mounting through fstab, but in that way they are mount twice.. can some one explain me ?20:06
DangerOnTheRangradam61: Hmm, try installing "gnome-alsamixer" to get that Sound Preferences program I talked about earlier20:06
famgodif im running a 11.10 install that i installed a few weeks ago, is there a way to upgrade to the 'final' that was released today? or is there no point? if so, how do i upgrade?20:06
Picifamgod: sudo apt-get dist-upgrade20:06
rqanFrozenFire, Can u install without deps, other then that maybe that failsafe WM20:06
icerootmagik_: its not blacklisted because its shown in lsmod20:06
xslanyone has a bug that makes libreoffice not appear in workspace preview?20:06
adam61DangerOnTheRangr: i did that, and some of the volumes were down or muted, so i turned them all up and unmuted, but it didn't do anything unfortunately20:06
unkmariceroot: doesn't wo.. Let me put it another way.  I can get X with a single screen, without TwinView and crappy 800x600 vesa like settings.  I don20:06
unkmarI don't want that crap.20:07
icerootmarsfligth: you can download the tar.gz from mozilla.org e.g. or seach for a ppa with an older htunderbird-version20:07
sianhulosomebody knows?20:07
martianFisnik: I am "fairly certain" that when I last installed a fresh install of 11.04 it chose ect4 as the default. I never say I'm "sure" unless I can cite some evidence :)20:07
DangerOnTheRangradam61: You may want to try a different desktop environment (like GNOME, XFCE, or KDE) to see if they work20:07
VCoolioam I missing something or are you supposed to just know that with alt+f2 you can search for installed stuff?20:07
lucas-argwhat version of ubuntu should i get 32bits or 64bits?20:07
DangerOnTheRangrlucas-arg: Probably the former20:07
adam61DangerOnTheRangr: how do i go about doing that? do u do that within Lubuntu?20:07
icerootlucas-arg: if you have an amd64 cpu use the amd64 version20:07
Fisnikbecause I couldn't find that info on ubuntu site... wanted to ask here :)20:07
cntrationalhow do I turn off "automatically log in"?20:07
DangerOnTheRangrlucas-arg: Unless you have more than 4GB RAM20:07
aaausing PiTiVi v0.13.5, while playing a video, i don't hear any sound, while playing it on Totem Movie Player 2.32.0, the sound works. what can i do?20:07
integrisI cannot find anyone with a similar issue on Google. I upgraded from Ubunto 10.04 to 10.10 and now all my windows are dark? As if they are shaded backwards. Any ideas how to fix this please?20:07
unkmarIt appears the older nvidia drivers are incompatible with the newer kernel. and so things are broke.  That is just my guess.20:08
Piciintegris: What happens if you press super+i20:08
VCooliocntrational: settings > user accounts20:08
thornI have a glitch that keeps repeating itself. See http://imm.io/ahBs for an example. This never happened before with previous releases of ubuntu, only with 11.04. it seems to have to do with text rendering and window drawing... how can I reset this when it happens without restarting? How can I fix it altogether? CAN SOMEONE GIVE ME AN IDEA OF HOW TO GOOGLE THIS PROBLEM?20:08
icerootunkmar: there are newer nvidia-drivers in the repo20:08
simplebluestarted in fallback mode20:08
qjcgthere's no documentation for 11.10 here yet : https://help.ubuntu.com/20:09
simplebluebut has the hardware icon in the tray so easy to download and run20:09
icerootunkmar: if you are using the kernel from the repos, everyting should be fine20:09
DangerOnTheRangradam61: Sure. To install XFCE, install the "xubuntu-desktop" package. To install GNOME, install "ubuntu-desktop". To install KDE, install "kubuntu-desktop"20:09
qjcganyone know if it's available somewhere else yet ?20:09
oCeanthorn: if you're going to repeat again, please remove the CAPS from that20:09
adam61DangerOnTheRangr: i'm new to linux so i don't really know; is lubuntu a desktop environment? so you're saying to just not use Lubuntu?20:09
cntrationalVCoolio: thank you20:09
adam61DangerOnTheRangr: ok thanks i understand20:09
monstaRtruckanyone wana help me with bashrc20:09
integrisPici: nothing happens20:10
VCooliomonstaRtruck: just ask20:10
DangerOnTheRangradam61: Lubuntu is Ubuntu with the LXDE desktop environment installed, but it's just the same under the hood as Ubuntu, Xubuntu, or Kubuntu20:10
monstaRtruckits not working20:10
marsfligthiceroot: Thanks for help me20:10
sianhulosomeone knows about this grub problem?20:10
VCoolio!details | monstaRtruck20:10
ubottumonstaRtruck: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."20:10
GunnarflaxHey everyone!20:11
monstaRtruckthe permissions are 77720:11
monstaRtruckand owned by me an dgroup is me20:11
Piciintegris: Ah.  Looks like super+n inverts the colors for one window and super+m does it for the entire screen, is it possible that you pressed one of those accidentally?20:11
VCooliomonstaRtruck: it's called ~/.bashrc and then what happens if you run "bash" any errors?20:11
TupladI have this weird problem with my sound. I was checking my settings and changed this: http://img7.imagebanana.com/img/276z6s2x/_001.png for just a millimeter and now my sound is CRACKING. but whenever I test my speakers through sound settings and they make a noise, they sound PERFECT - even every cracking background noise doesn't crack but then it goes back. can I somehow reset sound settings or something ? I have already restarted and it still20:11
VCooliomonstaRtruck: permissions 644 should be enough20:11
thornoCean: happy to indulge you if you'll try to help.20:11
synackfinhow do I still flash in oneiric ?20:11
monstaRtruckwhen i typeed bash it did the script20:11
JeffFromOhioIs there a way to find out which repository a package was found in? In Synaptic, if I search, I can find the package, but no clue which repo it's from. Certainly synaptic must know?20:12
xanguasynackfin: from software center20:12
integrisPici: not that I know of... I tried Super+m and Super+n but they also have no effect20:12
synackfinI heard that oneiric has 64-bit flash, but not sure what the pkg name is20:12
VCooliomonstaRtruck: so what did you expect that's not working?20:12
integrisPici: However, Super+L locks my session as expected20:12
magik_iceroot, well i get error when i write (wlanconfig ath0 create wlandev wifi0 wlanmode sta)20:12
monstaRtruckshouldnt it work on startup20:12
monstaRtrucki mean login20:12
adam61DangerOnTheRangr: as i said, i'm ready to give up. i find it extremely hard to believe that no one, nobody at all has any idea as to why i can't get sound from any browser in lubuntu when everything else is working perfectly. seems like it shouldn't be an impossible problem.. i need a drink lol20:13
oCeanthorn: merely pointing out what behaviour we expect in our channels. Caps is not considered very polite, please don't use them to draw attention to your questions20:13
DangerOnTheRangradam61: Try Ubuntu or Xubuntu - they just might work20:13
VCooliomonstaRtruck: on every shell start, yes; and ~/.profile on login, what did you put in it that's not working? if it's multiline, use a pastebin20:13
icerootmagik_: never used it on the cli20:13
deebee_thorn: you should be polite, regardless of whether you get any help or not.20:13
monstaRtruckoh i c20:13
magik_iceroot, ok thanks for the help =)20:14
monstaRtrucki need to put it in .profile20:14
andeeeuk_Ijust have to say from first experience of 11.10 it is awesome, far better that 11.0420:14
VCooliomonstaRtruck: depends what it is; if you need it only on login, ~/.profile may be the place20:14
andeeeuk_well done guys!! :)20:14
adam61DangerOnTheRangr: thanks. i already tried ubuntu, i don't have the patience to try Xubuntu - maybe in a couple days or something. thank you very much for your efforts though. it's much more than i can say about most people here20:15
monstaRtruckwill .profile also work for shell start or should i make .profile a link to .bashrc20:15
adam61DangerOnTheRangr: i'm off now, thank you again20:15
DangerOnTheRangradam61: Anytime :)20:15
arnprohow can I update my PCRE libraries in my ubuntu 10.04???20:15
monstaRtruckshweeeet it werks20:15
integrisPici: is it perhaps a problem with Compiz?20:16
VCooliomonstaRtruck: don't link those files; if you need it on login, go for .profile; if you need it on every shell/terminal, go for .bashrc20:16
Piciintegris: Thats what I was thinking.20:16
integrisPici: hmmm.. it was working fine with 10.0420:16
koobusits been more then 10 years since i was on an IRC Lol20:16
monstaRtruck2 copies of same file is not very programatic20:16
integrisPici: I am downloading 11.04 as I type hoping it will fix the problem but I have my doubts20:17
martianIs there a way to manually add an application to the unity launcher?20:17
oCeankoobus: welcome back! We have #ubuntu-offtopic for general chat, and this for technical support. Also, there's a specific #ubuntu-nl channel!20:17
sanduz2what is the command for "Workspace Switcher"? i want to assign it to a keyboard shortcut (if there isnt one already)20:19
robin0800martian, drag and drop works20:19
VCoolioJeffFromOhio: apt-cache policy <packagename>20:20
robin0800sanduz2, super+s20:20
sanduz2robin0800, thanks!20:20
martianrobin0800: If you drag gnome terminal to it, it will not create a new launcher if it is already one for gnome terminal20:20
sanduz2robin0800, are there any other hidden commands for unity? im not finding the one you said in the keyboard shortcuts list20:21
sanduz2(it does indeed work, but im just wondering)20:21
jakempI recall seeing a very nice looking login screen for 11.10, but I don't have it20:21
robin0800martian, if you want a second terminal its middle click20:22
jiltdilWhen i changes directory  to Data  it shows like this amit@amit-desktop:/media/Data/     but i only want like this to see as in fedora like amit@amit-desktop:Data   How to do that in ubuntu?20:22
jakempis there a specific package I need to install?20:22
Calinouwhy is my screen such bright since I last rebooted 10 minutes ago? luminosity is to 0%, and I'm on a unplugged laptop20:22
jamil_1hi all, upgrade to the 11.10 has failed on my machine20:22
ubutnuhi i use dual monitor ..it depends on situation  what monitor i want to use as full screen monitor..i found a way through compiz window placement..is there a way20:22
vltHow to switch to another workspace w/o mouse?20:22
ubutnuto commandline window placement20:22
martianrobin0800: and that's the problem. If I want to create a separate launcher for gnome-terminal with some different commandline options, I can not do so it seems.20:22
jamil_1here is the report: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/update-manager/+bug/87366820:22
ubottuUbuntu bug 873668 in update-manager (Ubuntu) "upgrade to 11.10 failed" [Undecided,New]20:22
andeeeuk_hi everyone20:22
myk_robinsonIs there a way to disable system sounds (startup sound) in 11.10? Doesnt seem to be in the Sound menu like it used to. Or better yet, does Ubuntu Tweak work with 11.10 yet?20:22
pdelgallegoHi, I just update to 11.10. how I autohide the top/bottom bars in gnome classic?20:22
VCooliovlt: ctrl+alt+ arrows20:23
icerootpdelgallego: there is no gnome-classic in 11.1020:23
kuduCan someone help me?20:23
kuduMy mail isn't getting from postfix to mailman.20:23
andeeeuk_just a quick question, does anyone know how to access themes in 11.10?20:23
ubutnuhi i use dual monitor ..it depends on situation  what monitor i want to use as full screen monitor..i found a way through compiz window placement..is there a way to commandline window placement of compiz?20:23
pdelgallegoiceroot, there is if you installed, that is what I have done. but I want to autohide the panels20:23
vltVCoolio: Thank you.20:24
robin0800iceroot, install gnome shell and you should find it20:24
jiltdilkudu: Did u have ur right configuration?20:24
kudujiltdil, I'm using the Server Guide20:24
Calinouvlt: alt+ctrl+left/right/up/down arrow keys20:24
Calinoua such bright screen hurts my eyes20:24
vltCalinou: Thanks.20:24
pdelgallegoiceroot, sudo apt-get install gnome-panel20:24
jiltdilKudu: ok is it locallly? Also u r sending it correctly or not ?20:24
VCooliomyk_robinson: (re)move /usr/share/sounds/ubuntu/stereo/desktop-login.ogg20:25
jiltdilWhen i changes directory  to Data  it shows like this amit@amit-desktop:/media/Data/     but i only want like this to see as in fedora like amit@amit-desktop:Data   How to do that in ubuntu?20:25
kudujiltdil, yes, I am, and it shows up in the log fine20:25
Younderback after installing 11.10. Fairly painless. A new nvidea driver 173 needed to be installed. The postgresql upgraded from 8.4 to 9.1 which has a incompatible database format. Luckily I had pg_dumpall'ed the database. Altogether not as bad as feard. 3 hours total 2.3 Gb download. Gnome 3 installed and a new kernel I was expecting worse trouble..20:25
myk_robinsonVCoolio: thanks. Suppose I can just rename it for now. Wonder why they removed the option to simply disable it.20:25
deebee_kudu: you might get more help in #postfix or possibly #ubuntu-server20:25
VCooliomyk_robinson: probably because you need password to change it etc., but indeed20:26
icerootrobin0800: ah yes its called gnome-classic which is gnome3, in this channel classic was always gnome220:26
jiltdilKudu:  show me ur config? and themailing method20:26
vltHello. Which daemon are network and audio indicator icons talking to?20:26
icerootvlt: dbus, network-manager and pulse-audio20:27
kudujiltdil, I'm using /etc/postfix/transport20:27
jiltdilKudu : one more thing  are you sending it with hostname?20:27
kudusee Ubuntu Server Guide20:27
Calinouwhy is my screen such right since my last reboot?20:27
ubutnuis there a way in metacity to choose which monitor fullscreen things should be placed?20:27
kudujiltdil, yes, I am20:27
xr--Postfix rules!20:27
YounderRemember if the default login gives you trouble try clicking the ikon on the right and trying 2D.20:27
jiltdilkudu: your dns configured or not?20:27
kudujiltdil, yes20:27
kuduit's getting to postfix20:27
kudujust not mailman20:27
integrisPici: when I open a terminal and type compiz [Enter] my windows flicker then I see the colors they are supposed to be then it writes: "Starting gtk-window-decorator ... Launching fallback windows manager"20:28
Ek123Quick question, does 11.10 need higher/lower system specifications than 11.04? 11.04 runs pretty well on my netbook but I'm not sure if I should upgrade...20:28
myk_robinson@#$%!!, no screenruler in the package manager????20:28
myk_robinsonguess i gotta compile...20:28
jiltdilkudu: ok tell me if  , send a mail to a second user to ur system and check if it fails or go20:28
CalinouI'm on 11.04, I have NOT upgraded... did 11.10 made the luminosity go x2 like every update?20:28
integrisPici: so I guess it tries to start gtk-window-decorator but fails20:28
CalinouI have no OSD, so I can't change that (laptop)20:29
JustANickNamehi all, i have a problem while upgrading from 11.04, not enough disk space....20:29
Calinouthen you don't have enough disk space.20:29
* jiltdil prefer to fresh install20:29
JustANickNameyeah i know lol20:29
JustANickNamebut, is using Gparted a must??20:30
JustANickNameor there are any alternate ways to free up some disk space20:30
jiltdilJustANickName,  if u can use fdisk use it via terminal20:30
vlticeroot: Thanks.  dbus runs as user 103 here, says “ps”. In /etc/passwd that’s messagebus. Any idea why it’ſ not listed with its name?20:31
icerootvlt: ps aux | grep dbus should show it20:31
jiltdilWhen i changes directory  to Data  it shows like this amit@amit-desktop:/media/Data/     but i only want like this to see as in fedora like amit@amit-desktop:Data   How to do that in ubuntu?20:31
sianhulopeople, need help wirçth grub2, can't boot :( http://pastebin.com/AiKPxEjT20:32
m477i can feel universe touching my mind20:32
vlticeroot: It does. But as “103”, not as “messagebus”.20:32
ubutnusomeone knows a way to set fullscreen windows to desired monitors from commandline?20:32
Jordan_U!bootinfo | sianhulo20:32
ubottusianhulo: Boot info script is a usefull script for diagnosing boot problems. Run the script following the directions here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1291280 and then look at RESULTS.txt (or !pastebin it for others to look at).20:32
icerootvlt: same here, should be normaö20:32
ben__Hi again all, still got problems with no grub menu, straight to windows. My grub.cfg and  /etc/default/grub are here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1859229 . I guess if i turn on IDE over AHCI and install ubuntu then it will work but i really would like to avoid having to switch that in the BIOS every time i want to switch OS. Am i missing something obvious here? Thanks20:33
jamil_1I am getting the "Could not calculate upgrade" error  while upgrading to 11.1020:33
sianhulolemme see20:33
nlenepveuHi all, I'd like to know how are managed the ntfs partitions, how are they automount on access ? I'd like to use only fstab20:33
icerootjamil_1: from your bug-report it seems that your /var/lib/dpkg/status is broken20:33
Jordan_Uben__: Most likely grub's boot sector just isn't installed to the MBR or the drive which your BIOS is booting from.20:33
Jordan_U!bootingo | ben__20:34
Calinoumy screen is still too bright.20:34
Jordan_U!bootinfo | ben__20:34
ubottuben__: Boot info script is a usefull script for diagnosing boot problems. Run the script following the directions here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1291280 and then look at RESULTS.txt (or !pastebin it for others to look at).20:34
vlticeroot: When I try to run pulseaudio I get “could not initialise daemon”20:34
sianhulowell, i have to boot from an live cd20:34
sianhulohang a while, people20:34
jamil_1iceroot: this thing: dpkg: warning: parsing file '/var/lib/dpkg/status' near line 22964 package 'ffmpeg': ?20:34
ubutnuonly upgrade help seems so..why is everybody always upgrading instead of staying with a runnin systems...wish a good night20:34
zamoras7The new version of ubuntu is extremely good20:34
sianhulobtw, whle booting20:35
icerootjamil_1: correct20:35
ben__Jordan_U ive tried installing it to the two partions that are available on the SSD that the BIOS is set to boot from, with the same results :( I will try following that link and see what I can get to, is this something I can do booting into live CD and mounting the installed / ? Thanks20:35
jamil_1iceroot: I am getting this error for sometime now. Don't know how to fix it20:35
sianhuloi cannot boot from usb by bios, but i can by grub(well, i can't RIGHT now...)20:35
jamil_1iceroot: it started to come after I upgraded from 10.10 to 11.0420:36
Jordan_Uben__: That's your problem then. BIOSs don't understand partitions. You need the bootloader installed in the MBR.20:36
thornI have a glitch that keeps repeating itself. See http://imm.io/ahBs for an example. This never happened before with previous releases of ubuntu, only with 11.04. it seems to have to do with text rendering and window drawing... how can I reset this when it happens without restarting? How can I fix it altogether? can someone give me an idea of how to google this problem?20:36
icerootjamil_1: i dont know how to fix that corrupt file20:36
JustANickNamejiltdil: i'll use your advice and go with a fresh install20:36
jiltdilJustANickName,  hm :)20:36
Calinoumy screen is too bright, using 11.04, it's only too bright since I last rebooted... brightness is set to 0%, I'm on a unplugged laptop (plugging it has no difference)20:36
jamil_1iceroot: no problem, atleast now I know what to look for20:37
Calinou5th time I repeat or so <_<20:37
icerootjamil_1: maybe do a backup from /var/backups/   the manpage says there ae backups of that file20:37
sianhuloJordan_U, wait a moment, that scripts works with grub2?20:37
Jordan_Usianhulo: Yes.20:37
icerootjamil_1: or there is something like /var/lib/dpkg/status-old20:37
mongoCalinou: do the keys for the backlight control work?20:37
Calinounope, they do not seem to20:37
sianhuloJordan_U, well, will pastebin in a while20:37
mongoCalinou: what make of laptop?20:37
Calinouuh? you mean brand?20:37
ben__Jordan_U, when doing the custom set up during install when you can choose where to isntall grub from the drop down i have tried the MBR on the SSD and the SSD itself - these are the only two options im given during installation that relate to the SSD the BIOS can boot from when in AHCI mode20:37
mongoCalinou: yes20:38
Calinouit's a HP20:38
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B0g4r7Can any of y'all recommend a good GUI tool (for X11) to aid in the comparison of changes between two large source trees?  Something like Beyond Compare did on Windows...20:38
jamil_1iceroot: yes there is one in /var/lib/dpkg/status-old20:38
mongoCalinou: http://ubuntucomputing.blogspot.com/2011/10/how-to-fix-adjust-screen-backlight-of.html20:39
sanduz2how do i change the order of the icons on the unity bar?20:39
B0g4r7I guess something console-based could work too, though this strikes me as more of a job for a GUI app.20:39
mongoB0g4r7: diff20:39
CalinouI smell scam, sorry no.20:39
=== Default is now known as Guest70880
Calinoumy computer is 2.5 years old20:39
Calinouand I'm on a nvidia20:39
=== Guest70880 is now known as default__
jamil_1iceroot: I should try replacing /var/lib/dpkg/status with status-old ?20:39
mongoCalinou: you dont' need the ppa but make the grub changes, and no it is not a scam20:40
B0g4r7mongo, uh, yeah, diff only seems to handle a single pair of files at once.  I need to compare big trass of thousands of files each.20:40
Jordan_Uben__: I'm not sure you understand what the Master Boot Record of a drive is. There is only one MBR on a drive and if you wanted to specify that grub be installed to the MBR of /dev/sdb you would select that grub be installed to "/dev/sdb", *not* any partition like "/dev/sdb1".20:40
mongoubuntu borked the backlight control in 11.0420:40
Calinouhow to make them?20:40
Calinouit was working fine except 1 hour ago20:40
graingertafter upgrading my Logitech c510 has odd blue lines20:41
Lithos84Hello. How can I start GNOME Shell without Compiz in Ubuntu 11.10?20:41
graingertwhen viewed20:41
mongoCalinou: when you are plugged in does it work?20:41
graingertLithos84: GNOME Shell does not use compiz20:41
Calinoudunno how to even use it20:41
Calinouso no20:41
B0g4r7I guess I'll see if I can use Eclipse...20:41
=== Vampire0_ is now known as Vampire0
CalinouWHY did it worked fine until last reboot?20:41
mongoCalinou: something probably changed20:42
jiltdilgraingert: open totem  go to edit  preference  under video tab select restore to defaults .. problem solved20:42
Lithos84graingert: But if I remove Compiz, it won't start. Is there something I'm missing?20:42
ben__Jordan_U, ahhh i see my mistake now :) That makes sense, thanks :D20:42
Jordan_Uben__: You're welcome :)20:42
Calinouand... how to rechange it without breaking my system?20:42
CalinouI hate editing core files20:42
graingertjiltdil: you mean "display" tab?20:42
sanduz2is there a way to edit the unity app list? i would love to remove the 'dash home' icon and maybe rearrange other icons20:43
graingertjiltdil: nope that did not fix it20:43
ben__Jordan_U, out of curiosity, me been an idiot and selecting the wrong place, what will that have wrote, if anything, to those partitions? Thanks20:43
icerootjamil_1: first you should have a look about the differences20:43
icerootjamil_1: and of course make a backup of the current file before replacing20:43
mongoCalinou: if you cd to /sys/class/backlight/20:44
THE_GFR|WORKhey everyone I installed ubuntu 11.10 ( upgraded to it ) and it now takes at least two minutes detecting the network then booting without full network, and I do not really like unity that much, they took out classic, to get it back I installed it but its totally different ideas how to fix this aside from installing an older version of ubuntu?20:44
blue112Hi here.20:44
mongoand do an ls is there another directory in there?20:44
jamil_1iceroot: yeah, I have copied the original20:44
jiltdilgraingert,  hm reset to defualt, if this not fixed then simply open ur webcam i think u use cheese  go to effects  selsct no effects20:44
blue112I have a Intel graphic chipset, and I can't get glx to work ; I've installed mesa and all the stuff, but glxgears keep saying me "Error: couldn't get an RGB, Double-buffered visual"20:44
graingertjiltdil: I am not using effects20:45
mongoTHE_GFR|WORK: install gnome-session-fallback20:45
Jordan_Uben__: It will have written code to the first 440 bytes of the partition which can be loaded by another bootloader started from the mbr. It doesn't hurt anything.20:45
rasustoor gnome-shell if you want to use gnome 3 shell20:45
Calinoune thing inside, acpi_video020:45
THE_GFR|WORKmongo: I did, basically20:45
Jordan_U!notunity | THE_GFR|WORK20:45
ubottuTHE_GFR|WORK: Ubuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions drowpdown. Using Natty? See !classic20:45
THE_GFR|WORKmongo: its not on the "menu" list20:46
astro73|malSo I installed oneiric (sp?) the other day, and now it can't mount my iPod. The error is "Not Authorized". What's going on?20:46
THE_GFR|WORKJordan_U: all I want is for it to look exactly like ubuntu 11.04 classic mode, it does not even a little with gnome shell20:46
martianTHE_GFR|WORK: I feel your pain. I'm backing up to reinstall 11.0420:47
zmbmartinany email server support gurus in here I could ask a question20:47
blue112I have a Intel graphic chipset, and I can't get glx to work ; I've installed mesa and all the stuff, but glxgears keep saying me "Error: couldn't get an RGB, Double-buffered visual"20:47
=== Default_ is now known as default___
THE_GFR|WORKmartian: ok I guess I will20:47
Calinoumongo: there is acpi_video0 inside20:47
Jordan_UTHE_GFR|WORK: As the ubottu factoid stated, the closest thing would be installing "gnome-panel".20:47
hichamhi guys20:48
THE_GFR|WORKJordan_U: thats lame but thanks20:48
Jordan_UTHE_GFR|WORK: Have you tried that yet?20:48
martianJordan_U: gnome-panel is a joke.20:48
Jordan_UTHE_GFR|WORK: You're welcome.20:48
hichamnew linux user i need help20:48
arnprohow can I update my PCRE libraries in my ubuntu 10.04???20:48
mfauzirahmanhow to upgrade from 11.10 beta?20:48
Jordan_U!final | mfauzirahman20:48
ubottumfauzirahman: If you install a development version of Ubuntu Precise and keep up with package updates, then you will be upgraded to the official release of 12.04 when it comes out. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a terminal.20:48
THE_GFR|WORKmartian: I was thinking the same thing20:49
ActionParsnipupgrade | mfauzirahman20:49
mfauzirahmandone type it but nothing to upgrade20:49
THE_GFR|WORKmartian: do you think the network thing is because I did an upgrade not a clean install of ubuntu?20:49
ActionParsnip!upgrade | mfauzirahman20:49
ubottumfauzirahman: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade20:49
hichamhelp please20:49
Calinouwhat to do?20:49
CalinouI start to see white as purple20:49
astro73|malI'm having trouble mounting my ipod20:49
hichamim a new user of ubuntu20:49
ActionParsnip!details | hicham:20:49
ubottuhicham:: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."20:49
martianTHE_GFR|WORK: I couldn't say. My experience is more with server stuff20:49
hichami just installed ubuntu 11,04 i wanna change the firefox writing size can anybody help20:50
default___I have a Ubuntu 11;04 wen a can change 11.10?20:50
mfauzirahmanubottu: that upgrade is from 11.04 right? i'm using 11.10 beta20:50
ron__my system tells me to run fsck manualy but stops right after it tells me this is there a way to run it20:50
ActionParsniphicham: usd ctrl and +20:50
ron__is there a key f1 f2 somthing I need to press20:51
jamil_1iceroot: except for a package I installed today both status files are identical20:51
jiltdilrom_ firstly u have to umount then use fsck /path/to/device20:51
sanduz2how do i refresh/restart unity (after editing configs) without all my windows and and apps closing?20:51
jiltdilron_ firstly u have to umount then use fsck /path/to/device20:51
astro73|malDoes anyone even own an ipod?20:52
andeeeuk_hi everyone20:52
Calinouno, ipad20:52
ron__how can i get to a cmd propt20:52
Calinouso... help, screen REALLY hurts my eyes20:52
killownHow I do to upgrade to 11.10?20:52
andeeeuk_i was just wondering if i was a complete noob as I am unable to change themes in 11.1020:52
default___I knw to20:52
andeeeuk_there are only 2 themes20:52
hichamthank you so much20:52
Jordan_Umfauzirahman: Just "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" and you will be on the final release.20:52
Calinoumongo: ^20:52
Jordan_U!upgrade | killown20:52
ubottukillown: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade20:52
andeeeuk_is anyone else having that issue?20:52
Calinouwhat do I do with acpi_video020:53
hichamomg i love linux20:53
robin0800andeeeuk_, use gnome-tweak-tool20:53
hichambye bye microsoft20:53
andeeeuk_ok thanks20:53
andeeeuk_is that new?20:53
hichamyes im new user20:53
bucaneirohicham: you saw the light20:54
andeeeuk_can you not change themes the usual way now?20:54
javier_how can I upgrade from ubuntu 11.10 beta 2 to final release? thanks!20:54
Calinouhey javier_ :)20:54
CalinouFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade20:54
mfauzirahmanJordan_U: i have done that but nothing to upgrade. Is that mean I already in final release?20:54
Calinou"Just "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" and you will be on the final release."20:54
jiltdiljavier_ alt+F2 then update-manager -d20:54
ActionParsnipjavier_: runL  sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get dist-upgrade20:55
Jordan_Umfauzirahman: Yes.20:55
javier_update-manager -d20:55
Calinouso... my screen is still too bright20:55
CalinouHELP really it hurts me20:55
Jordan_Ujiltdil: javier_: '-d' is only needed for development releases.20:55
=== Ti-PrgmR is now known as ti-prgmr
Jordan_U!caps | Calinou20:55
ubottuCalinou: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.20:55
jiltdilJordan_U,  Thanks for recalling i missed that Oopsss20:56
mfauzirahmanJordan_u: thanks bro...no need for me to download then20:56
javier_but should I get a message that a new version of ubuntu is available?20:56
ActionParsnipCalinou: if you had the beta installed, then you will get the release version with normal updates20:56
jiltdiljavier_, u will20:56
arnprohow can I update my PCRE libraries in my ubuntu 10.04???20:56
Jordan_UCalinou: If anybody knows how to help you they will. The begging and yelling will just annoy people.20:56
CalinouI do NOT have beta installe20:56
Calinoujust 11.0420:56
ti-prgmrjavier_, run update manager20:56
Jordan_Umfauzirahman: You're welcome.20:56
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade20:57
robin0800Calinou, the setting is in screen20:57
Calinoubrightness: 0%20:57
FushaHello Ubuntu users! I've just installed Ubuntu 11.10 for the very first time and now when when I try to add new user accounts, it asks for an authentication password. The password for my account does not seem to work here! What the hell does it want from me20:57
Calinouway too bright20:57
ActionParsnipCalinou: its the same process as from 10.10 to 11.0420:57
Calinounever had problems with installing 11.0420:57
Calinouuntil I booted20:57
Calinouwhere brightness is broken20:57
Calinouchanging the brightness on the slider doesn't change anything too20:58
mabluei need help to add persian in inpot languegs in xubuntu20:59
mabluekyeboard languegs20:59
mabluehave just chines20:59
Calinouthere are files in acpi_video020:59
Calinouactual_brightness, max_brightness and brightness20:59
Calinouwhich one to edit?21:00
mablueI have xfac desktop21:00
fatbrain_Hi, installed ubuntu 11.10 on my windows 7 hd (uefi, gpt) and now grub2 doesn't find windows 7 boot-menuentry. Any thoughts? *Cheers*21:00
Calinoucurrent value of all of them is "10"21:00
Calinouwhat should I set so the screen is not too dark?21:00
=== TheDreamer is now known as Youri
thornI have a glitch that keeps repeating itself. See http://imm.io/ahBs for an example. This never happened before with previous releases of ubuntu, only with 11.04. it seems to have to do with text rendering and window drawing... how can I reset this when it happens without restarting? How can I fix it altogether? can someone give me an idea of how to google this problem?21:01
andeeeuk_can  someone lend me a hand, i have some broken packages from an update and i dont know how to fix it?21:01
Calinoumongo: ^21:02
jeangrayhi is there anyone that can help me with my graphic driver problems?21:02
fxsparkHi all. I hope someone can help me. I have a cpanel account and I setup a subdomain for my site. It is set to point to www/static directory. When i visit the site with http://static.example.com it works fine, contents of www/static are loaded. However, when I visit using ssl: https://static.example.com it serves me contents of www/21:02
Odaymmention them, jeangray21:02
arnprohow can I update my PCRE libraries in my ubuntu 10.04???21:02
fxsparkWhat could be going on?21:02
Andrewxx_Hello, I was using screen to update my ubuntu server 11.04 installation, the server shutdown in the middle of the proccess due to power failure and now i'm in recovery mode at an initramfs console. What should I do?21:02
jeangrayOdaym: basically i am running 10.10 and whats happening is i install the proprietary drives for my graphics driver which is  swapable ati 5650 radeon hd or intel hd, and when i install the drives, and reboot, it basically goes into a terminal and i lose the gui21:03
Calinouso? I don't want to risk my computer21:04
agronholmhi, how can I log out from oneiric?21:04
=== Lonewolf is now known as Guest61764
agronholmthere is not logout option in the user menu any more21:04
lucas__Andrewxx_, how about reinstalling the server from scratch without deletin its configuration files...?21:04
deebee_agronholm: click the cog icon in the top right21:04
jeangrayhas anyone else encountered this problem?21:04
agronholmdeebee_: cog icon?21:04
agronholmgotta check the dictionary, brb21:04
Andrewxx_How would I re-install without deleting the config files?21:05
Andrewxx_I have tons of data stored on there21:05
Andrewxx_that will be lost21:05
Calinouwhat value should I change to?21:05
KBentley57When I insert removable media into 11.10, it opens the terminal instead of the partition itself.  Anyone notice this?21:05
Calinoucurrently it's at 1021:05
Calinoushould I try 8? 6?21:05
deebee_agronholm: to the right of your logon name, it's like a power button and a cog combined21:05
lucas__Andrewxx_, hopefully i have ur home partiton in other disc or partition?21:05
agronholmdeebee_: there is no such icon there21:05
OdaymI haven't had that kind of graphics issue, jeangray ; but I would suspect that they were incompatible and the system didn't fallback on anything other than what you installed21:05
Odaymergo, you're at the terminal21:05
Andrewxx_Unfortunately everything is on the same partition21:06
Odaymwhat you can do is get their name and uninstall them21:06
jeangrayOdaym: is there no other way to get my hdmi working then?21:06
Odaymor say "runlevel 5"21:06
Andrewxx_And I only have minimal backups21:06
lucas__Andrewxx_, then ull loose everything21:06
Odaymtry that21:06
Calinoureally need help my eyes are hurt21:06
Andrewxx_You sure there isn't a way to recover from this?21:06
jeangraymy graphics run fine with the opensource drivers but the thing is, HDMI does not work21:07
oCeanCalinou: you really should stop repeating yourself over and over again. If someone knows how to help, you'll get an answer21:07
jeangrayis there a work around with HDMI and open source graphic cards? im using a laptop21:07
josefigsomeone can tell me why the open with>Gvim doesn't work ?21:07
Odaymtoo specific for me, sorry21:07
CalinouI know, but it actually hurts to have such a bright screen :(21:07
CalinouI don't know if it's even safe to edit those files21:07
Odaymyou'll never know until you try :P21:07
CalinouI'll just break my computer if I change it I guess21:08
Jordan_UCalinou: It is safe.21:08
Calinoucalinou@calinou:~$ sudo chmod 777 -R /sys/class/backlight21:08
Calinousudo: must be setuid root21:08
agronholmdeebee_: I can see the cog icon when I'm in a guest session, but not while normally logged in21:08
agronholmit's simply not there21:09
Calinounever used to say "must be setuid root"21:09
agronholmalso a lot of the icons are replaced by generic icons21:09
Calinounow I can't do anything sudo too21:09
agronholmperhaps I need to delete some settings for this to work right?21:09
oCeanCalinou: why would you do that chmod command?21:09
deebee_agronholm: not sure why that would be21:09
Calinouto edit brightness?21:09
oCeanCalinou: who told you to do that?21:09
OdaymGET HIM!21:10
goltoofwhat's a good nautilus rival?21:10
andeeeuk_i cant seem to install or uninstall anythinf21:10
Calinouhow to I get my screen to be darker?21:10
Jordan_UCalinou: It sounds like you accidentily used chmod -R on all of / or otherwise changed the permissions of /usr/bin/sudo. This is *very* bad.21:10
rotflcoptergoltoof<< whats nautilus?21:10
Calinounot solvable?21:10
oCeanCalinou: no, he did not tell you to run chmod21:10
andeeeuk_i have broken packages, would you recommend to fix them or just uninstall them?21:10
Calinounot that21:10
CalinouI runned chmod myself21:10
Calinouso my system is broken21:11
oCeanCalinou: yes, that was not very clever21:11
Calinouis it solvable?21:11
Calinouhelp please21:11
martian!enter | Calinou21:11
ubottuCalinou: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!21:11
Calinousorry but I need help I do not want to lose my files and my screen is too bright21:12
oCeanCalinou: first, have some patience, and try to stop annoy the other users in the channel by constantly repeating21:12
Jordan_UCalinou: Can you pastebin the output of "history | grep chmod"? Hopefully we can find exactly what command you ran that changed the permissions of sudo and undo it. If not, you may need to re-install it likely had effects on many other files which we won't be able to determine without knowing the problem command.21:12
martianCalinou: How about adjusting your monitor settings21:12
Calinoucan't, laptop21:12
CalinouI just did chmod to install a library21:13
=== sysadamin is now known as sysadamin|away
Jordan_UCalinou: What was the exact command you ran?21:13
Calinouto compile something (still failed), here is the pastebin: http://pastebin.com/xuC02TtN21:13
Calinousome commands are wrong, like --r, ignore them21:13
martianCalinou: oh well, I'm not sure exactly what the problem is, but setting 777 to all that stuff is not a good idea.21:14
Calinounobody told me21:15
oCeanCalinou: I really, really wonder why would you run those commands. Your system is seriously broken21:15
Calinounothing to do?21:15
Calinoucan I at least save my /home folder?21:15
goltoof!nautilus | rotflcopter21:15
oCeanCalinou: it would be quite a puzzle and lots of effort to repair21:15
CalinouoCean: how many effort?21:15
Jordan_UCalinou: Many of those commands are completely, dangerously, wrong. You should not go around changing permissions without understanding them. The command which broke sudo was "sudo chmod 777 -R /usr/bin".21:15
goltoofrotflcopter:  whatever, it's a file explorer21:15
oCeanCalinou: depending on your level of expertise, anyway between a couple of hours or days21:15
jribCalinou: you should reinstall21:16
cdavisI can do dpkg install packagename and it complains about dependencies but still installs. But afterwards apt-get upgrade fails because of unmet dependencies. Can I have it remove the dependency issues?21:16
rotflcopterthen mc is superior21:16
martianCalinou: certainly. Copy all of your home directory contents to some external media or a separate partition.21:16
koobusIs there a linux version of the yammer client.. use it for work?21:16
Jordan_UCalinou: It shouldn't be too difficult to re-install preserving your home directory but do *not* do anything like this again.21:16
andeeeuk_is there a good way to fix broken packages? I cant seem to install or uninstall aplications21:16
Calinoualso, how can I remove a partition?21:16
CalinouI have a 10.04 unused partition21:16
dunpealHey, I'm trying to install Oneiric on a box not connected to the internet, and it doesn't let me proceed?!21:17
martianCalinou: I would suggest you boot off the ubuntu live cd and then copy all the stuff you want to keep to something21:17
wmphello, i looking for information how to install broadcom-wl on ubuntu 11.1021:17
Calinouok, bye then21:17
_klk_hi all, i'm trying to build my program with profiling for use with gprof.  i try to link it with /usr/lib/gcrt1.o, but i get a lot of errors that look like the following:21:17
A-06_hey guys.... my X server won't start21:17
_klk_"/usr/bin/ld: /usr/lib/debug/usr/lib/gcrt1.o(.debug_info): relocation 39 has invalid symbol index 2"21:17
_klk_anyone have an idea as to what i'm doing wrong?21:17
A-06_my NVIDIA driver is installed correctly21:17
spleenicoHi guys, I cannot connect to my own wifi, but I can connect to the one of a neighbour for some reasons. Any ideas why?21:18
ubottuUbuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions drowpdown. Using Natty? See !classic21:18
l403is it possible to chroot from wubi to a real instalation on a partition?21:18
drop33I have an iso and I want to burn it to a DVD. What is the recommended "Disc Burner" or whatever?21:18
andeeeuk_helloo everyone21:18
h00kdrop33: you can actually just right-click on it, 'burn image to disc'21:18
andeeeuk_any help would be appreciated... :)21:19
spleenico@drop333 it depends on your current OS21:19
Phr3d13how do i get rid of the unity bar?21:19
l403drop33, brasero is one I think21:19
phartzdrop33, on windows? what h00k said.21:19
Phr3d13ubuntu 11.1021:19
Jordan_Ul403: Yes.21:19
l403Jordan_U, thanks a lot.21:19
Jordan_Ul403: You're welcome.21:19
jrib!nounity | Phr3d1321:19
ubottuPhr3d13: Ubuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions drowpdown. Using Natty? See !classic21:19
deebee_andeeeuk_: explain a bit more regarding exactly how things are broken and what errors you get when you try to install/reinstall and you'll get ore answers I expect. Pastebin if needed21:19
delacIs there a way to customize Dash (change the shortcuts icons on main view or hide the "apps available for download" completely)?21:20
spleenicoanyone else experiencing some wifi issues with 11.10?21:20
powergiantDoes anybody know of a ready to use solution for scheduled wakeups from hibernation/standby ?21:20
andeeeuk_deebee_ I have a few packages that have broken on the update. They are samba4 and some other packages21:21
phartzcron+acpi command?21:21
drop33h00k: I'm not sure what the hell is going on, but that option tells me I have "1.4 GB of free space" on an empty DVD-RW disc that is much larger than that.21:22
drop33l403: Thanks.21:22
drop33phartz: No, I'm using Ubuntu.21:22
l403drop33, np21:22
niceplacehi there21:23
niceplacei have two problems21:23
niceplacethe most important is the wireless internet21:23
l403your palms are too nice to make fingers type21:23
smangoTrying to install 11.10, I get to the part before where I guess I'd be selecting the partition and it tells me "ubi-partman failed with exit code 141". Here are the last 100 lines of /var/log/syslog: http://codeblank.com/~int/syslog.txt . Any idea what's going wrong?21:23
ben__Hi again all, im still having issues. Re-installed making sure grub was on the MBR of the drive the bios boots from and no luck. I ran boot_info_script and the output results.txt is in the second post here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1859229 Reading around some more, could the fact its a new mobo using UEFI be the culprit? Thanks again21:23
niceplacei have the rt5390 ralink wireless thing21:24
bailiesi'm trying to run glxinfo it says i need to apt-get install mesa-utils but then it says mesa-utils is not available but is referred to by another package21:24
h00kniceplace: If you keep it on one line, it makes it way easier to follow.21:24
BotenAnnahello, after updating to 11.10 and installing the gnome package, it pretty much completely reset my desktop settings (>=() I can rebuild but the clock is stuck in the middle at the top and somewhat related, I can't add arbitrary launcher icons to the top anymore. How can I do these things?21:24
andeeeuk_deebee_  here is my paste bin http://pastebin.com/GpsVneEb21:25
andeeeuk_i have tried quite a few things to fix it21:25
andeeeuk_not sure what to do now21:25
l403bailies, it may be in different repository. /etc/apt/sources.list and and one that contains that package or make sure the defualt ones are uncommented and apt-get update21:25
drop33h00k: Do you know why it says that?21:26
htpcHi guys, I'm running LTS and am installing a new GFX card into my HTPC and the nvidia drivers available in the nvidia-vdpau PPA don't seem to be current enough, if I install the ones from Nvidia's site I don't get the Nvidia-settings thing though21:27
niceplaceI have rt5390 ralink wireless. With Ubuntu 11.10 it recognize it without me installing the drivers and patch that the thing needs. Now in ubuntu 11.10 it connects and disconnects every time.21:27
bailiesl403 how can i find the one to put in there21:27
niceplacei think the kernel for my thing is not working property, because in fedora verne it happens the same thing21:28
l403bailies, http://packages.ubuntu.com/21:28
l403bailies, http://packages.ubuntu.com/oneiric/mesa-utils21:29
Jordan_Ufatbrain_: Try asking in #grub, but I would expect that your firware would allow you to select Windows without grub, and if you want to load EFI Windows from grub you'll need to install grub-efi.21:29
l403goo place to browse pachages21:29
mattalexxI'm trying to install 11.10 but I'm just looking at a purple Ubuntu screen and the CD drive keep spinning, stopping, spinning, stopping. Then eventually the video signal cuts out. What could be the problem?21:29
wooterhas the new ubuntu got support still to drop back to gnome desktop?21:30
l403dont think so21:30
wootermattalexx, sounds like it cant read the cd21:30
andeeeuk_hey guys, can anyone help to fix broken packages? :)21:30
mattalexxwooter, So the drive is bad, you think?21:30
l403is there a wubi specific channel?21:30
VCooliowooter: there is an ubuntu 2d option21:30
javier_thanks :)21:30
sianhulopeople, i had a conection problem21:30
wootermattalexx, or the cd, or the burner21:30
h00k!nounity | wooter21:31
ubottuwooter: Ubuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions drowpdown. Using Natty? See !classic21:31
sianhulothis is what i got http://pastebin.com/U2erqP1u21:31
andeeeuk_http://pastebin.com/GpsVneEb here is the pastebin for my broken backage issue if anyone can help that would be great :)21:31
wooterthanks h00k21:31
sianhuloahm, forgot to tell, that log is from boot info script21:32
MrGeneralHello. I configured VPN sucessfully, but I do not see the menu to connect to the vps like this: http://www.strongvpn.com/images/ubuntu_open/14.jpg <- it simply doesnt appear there. Is there any other way to get it?21:33
MimimimiThe Ubuntu 11.10 have default support for Poulsbo graphics cards?21:33
cdavisI can do dpkg install packagename and it complains about dependencies but still installs. But afterwards apt-get upgrade fails because of unmet dependencies. Can I have it remove the dependency issues?21:33
jribcdavis: why are you not installing dependencies?  Dependencies exist for a reason, they aren't really optional21:34
andeeeuk_anyone know how to fix broken packages?21:34
MimimimiThe Ubuntu 11.10 have default support for Poulsbo graphics cards?21:35
cdavisjrib: I am getting vmware client to work with pcoip. It works fine, the dependencies are for things like usb redirection which I don't need21:35
deebee_andeeeuk_: is there more text that should be above the portion you pasted?21:35
jribcdavis: then rebuild the package without those dependencies21:35
cdavisjrib: ok. don't know how but I will try to figure it out21:35
jribcdavis: why don't you just install the dependencies in that case?21:36
sianhulowhen i turn on my pc, i get this from grub pastebin.com/AiKPxEjT so i cannot boot, so someone told me to run boot script info giving this as result http://pastebin.com/U2erqP1u21:36
cdavisjrib: The conflict with things already installed. like it wants its own rdesktop client21:36
VampsDaBeasthey guys.. does a package installer run thru SSH quit if you close the SSH program?21:36
jribVampsDaBeast: depends how you ran it21:36
andeeeuk_deebee_ there was slightly more above, here is the full paste bin21:37
jribcdavis: then your best bet is to rebuild the package. Grab the source package and rebuild.  See ubottu21:37
jrib!source > cdavis21:37
ubottucdavis, please see my private message21:37
VampsDaBeastjrib, more specific plase21:37
BotenAnnadoes anyone know how to move the clock in the middle on the top in GNOME? I cannot figure this out for the life of me :(21:37
deebee_andeeeuk_: try "sudo apt-get purge samba4" followed by "sudo apt-get install samba4"21:37
agronholmI'm having trouble...on boot, I get a garbled screen only and I cannot even get to the grub menu21:37
deebee_andeeeuk_: and see if it installs then21:37
jribVampsDaBeast: if you ran in something like screen or tmux, then it would continue to run21:37
agronholmubuntu ocelot21:37
agronholmI just disabled the proprietary nvidia driver21:38
VampsDaBeastjrib, i'm using SecPanel for SSH..21:38
kwisatzh4der4chHi all. When ubuntu take packages from Debian Sid, does the builder filter packages with critical bugs ?21:38
agronholmand rebooted21:38
jribVampsDaBeast: what is secpanel?21:38
agronholmafter that, just a garbled screen in boot21:38
agronholmplease help21:38
VampsDaBeastjrib : much like putty21:38
agronholmhow can I fix this?21:38
agronholmis there a safe mode or something?21:38
jribVampsDaBeast: this isn't really relevant.  If you are just logging in and running package manager command in the shell, then it will die when you exit (much like when you run it in a terminal and click X)21:39
x_VampsDaBeast, export DISPLAY=:0.0 && screen -d -m transmission-gtk21:39
andeeeuk_deebee_, thanks. The purge worked21:39
andeeeuk_just installing it again21:39
d1kbBad screen in boot is windows dirty disk!21:39
LcawteI'm having a slight issue after upgrading to 11.10... it seems I can't log into my own account, it flashes to some terminal output and then back to the login screen, but I can log into any other account, and I'm 100% sure my password is right...21:39
Jordan_Usianhulo: Is this a stock Ubuntu install?21:40
x_VampsDaBeast, that will keep a program running over putty and export the display omit the first part if you want the window on ur client side.21:40
monstaRtruckhey how do i color something in bash21:40
aldoshelp! unity doesn't work anymore21:40
xzil0Hi guys i have Toshiba p505-s8980 laptop. It has Intel Core 2 Duo nad 6GB of DDR2. Which ubuntu should i go with 32 bit or 64bit???21:40
andeeeuk_deebee_, the second command brings back the same issue21:40
unkmarhostility, Much hostility.21:40
Jordan_Usianhulo: Have you been using "grub-customizer"?21:40
sianhuloJordan_U, if you mean if i installed it with an cd or something instead of wubi, yes21:40
unkmarnv is crap.21:40
unkmarnvidia isn't working21:40
unkmarand I can't find nouveau.21:40
sianhuloJordan_U, were you spying me ?21:40
zzingIs it possible to upgrade to 11.10 when you already have wubi 11.04 installed? I can't find anything confirming it.21:41
LcawteI'm having a slight issue after upgrading to 11.10... it seems I can't log into my own account, it flashes to some terminal output and then back to the login screen, but I can log into any other account, and I'm 100% sure my password is right...21:41
unkmarof course, you don't care because you don't wish to support 8.04 anymore.21:41
Jordan_Usianhulo: No. You have a grub.cfg like none I had seen before and I googled parts about it I found odd.21:41
cdavisjrib: the source ins't available :( from HP's site. Maybe I will try to install grab the binaries the remove the .deb21:41
delacIs there a way to customize Dash (change the shortcuts icons on main view or hide the "apps available for download" completely)?21:41
agronholmis there any way I can access the grub menu while booting ubuntu???21:41
sianhulothere isn't a way to get back to how it was?21:41
Jordan_Usianhulo: It looks like grub-customizer broke your grub.cfg, unless you have no kernels in /boot/ in which case that is your problem.21:41
xzil0Hi guys i have Toshiba p505-s8980 laptop. It has Intel Core 2 Duo nad 6GB of DDR2. Which ubuntu should i go with 32 bit or 64bit???21:42
agronholmxzil0, no point in 32-bit OS21:42
jribcdavis: that's probably the best thing to do.  The other alternative is to use the "equivs" package to create a fake package for the dependencies and install that, but I would not recommend this as it just clutters your install21:42
bcbc2zzing, http://askubuntu.com/questions/65740/upgrading-my-wubi-11-04-to-11-1021:42
lunitikzzing: yes... search 'software sources' in dash and go to "updates", make sure it is set to "notify for every release"... if you then go to update, it should notify you that 11.10 is available and guide you through upgrading21:42
sianhuloi haven't uninstalled any kernel21:42
xzil0agronholm, ok man. ty for reply :)21:42
=== test_ is now known as |gonzo|
x_xzil0, you on linux now?21:42
sianhuloJordan_U, so there should be at least one21:42
Jordan_Uangryferret: Hold shift during boot to get the grub menu.21:42
xzil0x_,  yes but on my desktop pc21:42
agronholmjordan, doesn't work21:43
Jordan_Uagronholm: ^^21:43
x_xzil0, cat /proc/cpuinfo and pastebin it21:43
agronholmtried that already several times21:43
zzingbcbc2   lunitik  thank you both21:43
TheFuzz4Good Afternoon21:43
agronholmI am screwed with my work pc now21:43
bcbc2zzing: np21:43
agronholmcannot get to a legible boot screen or even safe mode21:43
TheFuzz4is anyone having issues with Oneiric and synergy?21:43
xzil0x_,  im not on my notebook, i got answer already.21:43
x_xzil0, nm, you want the 64bit version21:43
sianhuloJordan_U, i'm not sure, but that was for me?21:44
Jordan_Usianhulo: Can you confirm? "sudo mount /dev/sda5 /mnt/; ls /mnt/boot/"?21:44
unkmarIf I need to distro upgrade to at least 10.04. then Ubuntu goes bye, bye.  I'll move this thing over to debian.21:44
MeOhmy1111.10 might just end up being the nail in the coffin for Ubuntu!21:44
sianhuloJordan_U, it has problems mounting with my live cd21:44
sebsebsebunkmar: oh your on 9.10 ?21:44
sianhuloit tells something about it doesn't exist21:44
LcawteI'm having a slight issue after upgrading to 11.10... it seems I can't log into my own account, it flashes to some terminal output and then back to the login screen, but I can log into any other account, and I'm 100% sure my password is right...21:44
jribunkmar: I don't actually see a question from you21:44
Jordan_Usianhulo: The only messages for you were those prefixed with your nick.21:44
MeOhmy11I can't use unity for work, too hard to get windows situated on the desktop correctly, and my awesome work desktop machine keeps hanging at checking battery state?21:44
|gonzo|hi, I need to clean my configuration files after moving from 11.04 to 11.10, unity won't start in 3d mode, it works however with a new clean account21:44
x_MeOhmy11, tried xubuntu?21:45
MeOhmy11can't get Nvidia dual port card to come up, total JUNK.21:45
deebee_andeeeuk_: any other samba packages you can purge that might help?21:45
unkmarjrib: any ideas how to get the nvidia drivers working again?21:45
w30Lcawte, I had that problem when I had (tried to login to) a login for a window manager that I didn't have. Check what you are trying at the chooser at the bottom of your screen after you click on your user name?21:45
sianhulobut have to prove the 2nd command21:45
Jordan_Usianhulo: What problems?21:45
sianhulowait a moment21:45
Jordan_U!details | sianhulo21:45
ubottusianhulo: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."21:45
jribunkmar: "again"?  What's the context?21:45
unkmarsebsebseb: no, 8.0421:45
Lcawtew30: you mean like the Ubuntu, Ubuntu 3D thing?21:45
andeeeuk_deebee_ thanks, that helped out and i got it working21:45
jeffcoxis there a channel for ubuntu cloud? or is this a good place?21:45
TheFuzz4anyone got time to help troubleshoot a synergy issue?21:46
lunitikMeOhmy11: sorry for your frustrations, but ranting here isn't going to help... do you have any actual questions?21:46
w30Lcawte, yeah, just a thought.21:46
oCeanjeffcox: there is #ubuntu-cloud channel21:46
jribunkmar: desktop support for 8.04 ended a few months ago, you should upgrade21:46
deebee_andeeeuk_: good news :)21:46
sianhuloJordan_U, neither of them worked21:46
jeffcoxcool thanks, and gluck everyone21:46
Lcawtew30: its set to Ubuntu... and "Ubuntu" works on all the other accounts I've tried :S21:46
MeOhmy11someone said that the Nvidia 173 driver was blacklisted, I get some kind of error like that....no gdm to restart, no xorg.conf to fix, can't figure it out.21:46
sianhuloboth tell that file or directory doesn't exist21:46
andeeeuk_deebee_ thanks for your help it was quite frustrating :)21:46
jordan1306Help - upgrade of 11.10 went wrong booting from USB and now I can't boot into anything but the live CD. What should I do from here and how do I keep my files?21:46
d1kbFloodBot 1,2 or 3 could you please point me in the direction of c library to python please. Might have found the the answer?! The vectors of c in the 9 square vex are!!!!!!! same as python 1221:46
MeOhmy11I have been using ubuntu since 6.06, and this is the worst experience I have ever had with Ubuntu!21:47
Jordan_Usianhulo: Please always give full details. What command did you run? What was the output?21:47
x_MeOhmy11, cat /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf and pastebin21:47
andeeeuk_i am still not able to run sudo apt-get install -f from command line21:47
DX099hello all can s.o. help me extracting specific files/folders from a tar archive, it's just to big for graphical utility . I tried tar tvf file.tar -T "home/" and many others, including wildcards, without "T" option, etc. but still it goes on even when it's done extracting my files21:47
MeOhmy11Sorry x_, have to have a working PC for work, so putting 11.04 back on it.21:47
Lcawtew30: going to reboot, changed my graphics driver while I was at it...21:47
sianhuloJordan_U, the coomands you gave me, exactly when you try to mount a directory that doesn't exist(can't give an acurate log because ubuntu is in spanish)21:48
MeOhmy11but thanks for the help.21:48
TheFuzz4anyone got time to help troubleshoot a synergy issue?21:48
unkmarjrib: kernel is 2.6.24-29-generic.  The nvidia drivers WHERE working under 2.6.24-27-generic but not anymore.21:48
lunitikMeOhmy11: I am using the nvidia 173 driver, so you were misinformed... you can generate an xorg.conf via Xorg -config ... they are usually hotpluged now21:48
x_MeOhmy11, if its blacklisted in that file you can remove it....21:48
jribunkmar: I'd suggest upgrading to 10.04 if you want to stick with LTS21:48
deebee_andeeeuk_: again, you'll need to give more detail for anyone to help :)21:48
unkmarif I need to distro upgrade to at least 10.04. then Ubuntu goes bye, bye.  I'll move this thing over to debian.21:49
andeeeuk_thats ok thanks21:49
Jordan_Usianhulo: Please run "export LANG=C && sudo mount /dev/sda5 /mnt/ && ls /mnt/boot/" and pastebin the output.21:49
david_yo! cannot get phpmyadmin to go - get this message 'Cannot load mysqli extension. Please check your PHP configuration' Googled but still cannot figure out21:49
andeeeuk_i will leave it for now21:49
MeOhmy11is there anyway to get ubuntu classic back on 11.10?  I have seen several posts about it, but none seem to work.21:49
unkmarI moved all MY machines over a year ago.21:49
TheFuzz4MeOhmy11: yes21:49
x_MeOhmy11, also check nvidia-graphics-drivers.conf  173 is blacklisted in there for me.21:49
andeeeuk_i can install and uninstall at the mo so im happy :)21:49
MeOhmy11I have a laptop I put 11.10 on it, but I hate Unity.21:49
ben__Hi again all, still cant get my box to launch grub, thinking it maybe down to UEFI mobo? Output of running boot_info_script is here in second post http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1859229. Is there something obvious im missing? Thanks again21:49
sianhuloJordan_U, this omputer isn't the one who has the problem, may take a little21:49
TheFuzz4MeOhmy11: I just sent you a PM21:49
Jordan_U!notunity | MeOhmy1121:50
ubottuMeOhmy11: Ubuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions drowpdown. Using Natty? See !classic21:50
jribunkmar: 8.04 desktop isn't support.  It isn't wise to run unsupported releases.  Debian is a fine distribution as well.  Use what works for you.  Though debian releases also are supported for finite time.  Ubuntu LTS releases get desktop support for 3 years21:50
TheFuzz4I can help you get back ubuntu classic21:50
jordan1306Help - upgrade of 11.10 went wrong booting from USB and now I can't boot into anything but the live CD. What should I do from here and how do I keep my files?21:50
unkmarand no matter the distro, I am getting tired of so called upgrades making relatively young equipment obsolete.21:50
x_unkmar, how does an upgrade make hardware obsolote ?21:50
jribunkmar: I have 10 year old machines using 10.04 fine21:50
deebee_unkmar: there are distros which will easily run on 10 year old equipment and older21:50
=== Xano_ is now known as Xano
d1kbtar xvf panda.tar Extract files from panda.tar21:51
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sianhuloJordan_U, http://pastebin.com/tL5fFUuB21:51
w30Lcawte, Well, it's something your home directory I would say. backup home then replace your home with a copy a working users home; chown -r you.you new-home. Start substituting your old configs until it fails again.21:51
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».21:51
bailieshow do i get sun java on 11.1021:51
unkmardeebee_: this is true.  Yet I have experience some of the main stream distros simply NOT installing onto 10 year old equipment.21:52
=== eddie is now known as Guest19063
lunitikx_: probably because of graphics requirements, but there is unity2d and lubuntu/xubuntu and even kubuntu with their other config settings (I forget, something for older systems)21:52
sebsebsebjeffcox: #ubuntu-one21:52
x_lunitik, yea, I use xubuntu on new hardware heh.21:52
seyacathi ubuntu21:52
deebee_unkmar: that's because the default install of mainstream distros is for mainstream hardware, i.e newer than 10 years!21:53
TheFuzz4if someone can help me with synergy it would be great just PM me please thanks21:53
DX099can some one help me restore specific folders with tar from a backup ?21:53
Jordan_Usianhulo: Indeed, it would seem that grub-customizer broke things then as you do have kernels but they are not listed in your grub.cfg.21:53
david_yo! cannot get phpmyadmin to go - get this message 'Cannot load mysqli extension. Please check your PHP configuration' Googled but still cannot figure out21:53
deebee_unkmar: just find a distro and config that suits you, that's the beauty of linux21:53
lunitikx_: used to use gnome + gnome-do with dock here, unity is basically the same but with appmenu which I've been wanting in gnome forever21:53
lunitikx_: basically, they've made it so all my customizations are now default, heh21:54
sianhuloJordan_U, so i better gotta cry?the only way to fix is reinstalling from a cd?21:54
seyacathow can i change SUPER key on oneiric, or disable all alt+mouse buttons?21:54
Jordan_Usianhulo: You should be able to remove grub-customizer from a chroot.21:54
jribDX099: tar xvf file.tar.gz file1 file2 ...21:55
lunitikJordan_U: not possible that update-grub script can fix his grub?21:55
sianhulohowever, i don't think removing it will do a thing to fix it21:55
lunitiksianhulo: it won't, because its config changes will stay  :/21:55
Jordan_Ulunitik: update-grub can't be run from a liveCD unless you chroot into the install in question. The install in question has a broken update-grub due to grub-customizer.21:56
sianhuloas i thougt :S21:56
phartzwelp time for a $sudo apt-get dist-upgrade. wish me luck.21:56
sianhuloo, i see21:56
Jordan_Usianhulo: Why don't you think removing grub-customizer will help?21:56
lunitiksianhulo: loop mounting ubuntu in the virtual machine, then update-grub /dev/sdwhatever should fix it21:56
sianhulomaybe i'm paranoid21:56
Jordan_Uphartz: Stop.21:56
penlatanyone know how to unlock vmware workstation on ubuntu21:56
sianhulodon't pay me attention xD, i wont lose a thing21:57
lunitikJordan_U: why would update-grub be broken... his config files are just wrong atm21:57
bailieshow do i get sun java on 11.1021:57
sianhulolunitik, i can't mount it21:57
lunitiksianhulo: why not?21:57
Jordan_Uphartz: Do *NOT* use "apt-get dist-upgrade" to upgrade from one release of Ubuntu to another.21:57
epaphusHello. Is there a network load indicator i can install from gnome from the repos??21:57
sianhuloit's likely to be grub-customizar, it says the file or directory doesn't exist21:57
d1kbepaphus yes21:57
epaphusd1kb, whats it called_21:58
pangolinepaphus: indicator-network21:58
magik_hi guys how to see if my ath5k is working ?21:58
ben__Thinking out loud here; is it worth discontenting the two windows drive, leaving AHCI enabled, then installing and seeing if I can boot then with just the one drive. And if so work it from there?21:58
DX099jrib, it won't work tar continues to work even when it has finished selected directory21:58
d1kbFor server?21:58
magik_it was something like lspsi ...?21:59
Jordan_Ulunitik: There is no configuration option in grub2 which would completely remove all his kernel entries.21:59
bailiesJordan_U what are you suppose to use to upgrade releases?21:59
sianhuloJordan_U, so... how i unistall it with that chroot method?didn't find something21:59
magik_anibody caan help me here ?21:59
lunitikJordan_U: it will add entries that work...21:59
Jordan_U!upgrade | bailies phartz22:00
ubottubailies phartz: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade22:00
jribDX099: works fine in the examples I tried22:00
epaphuspangolin, i installed it.. but how do i use it though..?22:00
VCooliomagik_: lspci for listed hardware, doesn't tell if it's working properly thi22:00
pangolinepaphus: no idea - I don't use it. should just appear in the top panel I would presume22:00
qmanjr5I'm on a live CD right now, and I just installed Ubuntu on a partition. How do I take the files from my old partition and put them on the new one? If I boot into Ubuntu, it says I don't have permissions.22:00
mitoniJordan_U, why is "apt-get dist-upgrade not recommended?22:01
magik_VCoolio: well what is the command for seeing if its working properly ^^ ?22:01
sianhuloJordan_U, btw, if i seems to get out, it would be probably internet problems22:01
d1kbAll grub entry's have to be removed manually from the command shell the same way you add another os !22:01
agronholmso I was able to boot into rescue mode and reinstall nvidia-current...but even then, it won't boot into X22:01
agronholmI am stuck in the loading screen22:01
Palace_chanis there something like nm for .a files? to find symbols or such?22:01
Jordan_Umitoni: Because update-manager and do-release upgrade have extra sanity checks and procedures.22:01
DX099jrib, ah, it worked... though i'm sure i've already tried with your syntax... well thanks22:02
lucaare you downloading the new distribution of ubuntu?22:02
bailieshow do i get sun java on 11.1022:02
szalhttp://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade <- 1st sentence, a glitch in the text ;)22:02
VCooliomagik_: I don't even know what ath5k is, I just associated your q with lspci :)22:02
magik_VCoolio: i finded it .. ^^ was lsmod :P22:03
lunitikagronholm: didn't you say you wanted nvidia 173? that isn't current22:03
MocSo apparently gnome 3 in 11.10 is looking pretty good22:03
agronholmlunitik, I said nothing about versions22:03
qmanjr5I'm on a live CD right now, and I just installed Ubuntu on a partition. How do I take the files from my old partition and put them on the new one? If I boot into Ubuntu, it says I don't have permissions.22:03
agronholmbut even so I should be able to boot X22:03
agronholmand I cannot22:03
agronholmand I can't figure out why22:03
magik_qmanjr5: nautilus =) ...22:04
mitoniJordan_U, thanks for the info. I'll do the upgrade through the update-manager then.22:04
qmanjr5magik_, when I try to go into either of the partitions, neither happens. I double click, and it just stays on the same screen.22:04
phartzsounds like you need use chown on your old files, qmanjr522:04
lunitikagronholm: ahh, well, apologies... but perhaps your card is too old for current driver anyway?22:04
oso_ubuntui installed ubuntu 11.10 beta 2, is it necessary to reinstall now the distro is officially released? Or is an update enough?22:04
Jordan_Usianhulo: sudo mount --bind /dev/ /mnt/dev && sudo mount --bind /proc/ /mnt/proc && sudo mount --bind /sys/ /mnt/sys && sudo mount --bind /dev/pts/ /mnt/dev/pts/ && sudo chroot /mnt/22:04
magik_qmanjr5: sudo apt-get install nautilus22:04
slinzex I have dell vostro 1720. Using gnome3. When I unplug cable of AC, it shows me message : BATTERY CRITICALLY LOW... PC will hibernate. After that I can't do anything , it SHUTDOWN! not hibernate.  However the battery is full charged 100%. It happens sometimes.How could I fix this?22:05
magik_qmanjr5: sudo nautilus22:05
Jordan_Umitoni: You're welcome.22:05
wadJust got 11.10 installed.... pretty decent. I turned on the desktop cube, but it's only got two sides. How does one get it to have four?22:05
mattalexxIs there a way to see more debug info while Ubuntu CD is loading?22:05
magik_qmanjr5: and you can move it even delete it ^^22:05
CrunchyChewieanyone having problem with GVIM icon turning into a question mark?22:05
CrunchyChewiein 11.10?22:05
Jordan_Usianhulo: Then apt-get remove whatever package contained grub-customizer and run "update-grub".22:05
lunitikoso_ubuntu: nope, just sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade and its oneiric release22:05
agronholmlunitik, this is a laptop and it's pretty new too22:05
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qmanjr5magik_, I already have nautilus, and I just explained what happened.22:06
agronholmlunitik, besides, it worked on the first boot just fine22:06
agronholmonly after I uninstalled nvidia-current did it blow up22:06
thornI have a glitch that keeps repeating itself. See http://imm.io/ahBs for an example. This never happened before with previous releases of ubuntu, only with 11.04. it seems to have to do with text rendering and window drawing... how can I reset this when it happens without restarting? How can I fix it altogether? can someone give me an idea of how to google this problem?22:06
sianhulojordan_u wait me a moment22:06
bailiesim on 64 bit 11.10 i added multiverse i still don't see sun java in apt-cache how do i get it?22:06
oso_ubuntulunitik : thanks22:06
qmanjr5phartz, so I have to boot into my old partition and use chown on the files I want to move over?22:06
magik_qmanjr5: well i didnt saw ..22:07
lunitikbailies: you have to get it from oracle... it is no longer supported by Ubuntu (supported is openjdk only)22:07
magik_qmanjr5: i cant help you :/22:07
qmanjr5magik_, alright, thanks anyway.22:07
sianhuloJordan_U, i don't know which were installed, but i'm uninstalling grub-customizer22:07
sianhuloJordan_U, will tell you if update-grub works22:07
magik_qmanjr5: are you sure you make first sudo su and then sudo nautilus :/ ?22:07
itaylor57lunitik, that is not true I am using sun java as we speak22:08
qmanjr5If I do sudo nautilus, it opens a file manager, but I can only go to /22:08
Jordan_U!gksudo | magik_22:08
qmanjr5I can't go into the other partitons.22:08
ubottumagik_: If you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)22:08
lunitikitaylor57: you didn't get it in the oneiric repo22:08
itaylor57yes I did22:08
CrunchyChewiemy GVim icon keeps turning into a question mark in the unity launcher on 11.1022:08
sianhuloJordan_U, it did it. but is normal this log?:"sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu"22:09
d3vlinJust upgraded to Oneiric, but after booting I get command prompt tty1 instead of X. According to Xorg.0.log it can't find nvidia module. When I start lightdm then manually all is fine. I guess nvidia module is not loaded yet when X fires... is there a solution to this?22:09
magik_qmanjr5: well idk man :/ sry =(22:09
phartzI think it would be $sudo chown -R username /path/to/files, qmanjr522:09
lunitikitaylor57: package name?22:09
qmanjr5phartz, now, do I run that on the old partition, or the new one?22:09
MneumonicHas anyone in here successfully installed the ATI catalyst in 11.10?22:10
TheFuzz4ok so Gnome shell is better than unity22:10
TheFuzz4got it22:10
TheFuzz4and also if you use Gnome classic it will not work with Synergy for whatever reason22:10
phartzRun the command from your new install. On your old partition files.22:10
Jordan_Usianhulo: No. Is your terminal prompt currently ending with '#' rather than '$'?22:10
qmanjr5phartz, what would the path be then? :S22:10
rocket16Hello people. I have Ubuntu 11.04 on my Dell Inspiron n4010 laptop, and everything is perfect without the sound. It is really low, even after adjusting the alsamixer, and I am not sure if there should be any extra driver. :( Any suggestion?22:10
lunitikTheFuzz4: depends what definition of "better" you're using... gnome-shell does much less, and does not have the same indexing... it also wastes much more screen real estate22:10
sianhuloyes, it is, an telling root either, Jordan_U22:10
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Jordan_Usianhulo: Then just 'apt-get remove grub-customizer" without sudo.22:11
phartzthe path would be /mountpointofyourpartition22:11
tsaavikHey all, 11.04(gnome) to 11.10(gnome) update, lost my 'pager' (workspace switcher) any idea what the package is called? Tried a few, no luck so far :)22:11
itaylor57lunitik, 6.261onerice-122:11
lunitikTheFuzz4: About the only advantage to gnome-shell is built in instant messaging, really22:11
TheFuzz4lunitik: you are correct, one thing I do miss though is I miss my task bar22:11
w30qmanjr5, / on you live cd is a file system created in memory. You have to cd to your harddrive partitions if they are mounted by the live cd in /mnt or /media. If not then mount them with mount.22:11
w47331good evening all...my ~$ lspci | grep VGA22:11
w4733100:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Mobile 4 Series Chipset Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 07) is not seen in ubuntu 11.10 any help please?22:11
Otendoh no download speeds22:11
qmanjr5w30, alright, thanks.22:12
TheFuzz4lunitik: I really didn't want to go to either Unity or Shell I just wanted classic but synergy will not work properly in classic22:12
lunitikTheFuzz4: the launcher shows what is open, and the compiz stuff for showing what is on the desktop is nice etc22:12
Otend(I know, torrents, but oh well I am lazy)22:12
sianhuloJordan_U, i unistalled all the aplication that came with grub-customizer... i think22:12
qmanjr5They're not in /mnt or /media22:12
lunitikitaylor57: I am 100% sure it isn't in oneric, are you sure it isn't openjdk you're using?22:12
qmanjr5so what do I do with mount?22:12
Jordan_Usianhulo: Then run "update-grub" and pastebin the output.22:13
itaylor57lunitik, Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_26-b03)22:13
sianhuloJordan_U, the ouput was "done"22:13
qmanjr5w30, how do I use 'mount'22:13
TheFuzz4does tempt me though to give KDE another shot22:13
pangolinlunitik: java is in the !partner repo22:13
TheFuzz4been a while since I used the KDE22:13
ubottuCanonical's partner repositories provide packages a location for software vendors to publish applications. The repo itself can be added by running this in a !terminal: « sudo add-apt-repository "deb http://archive.canonical.com/ $(lsb_release -sc) partner" »22:13
lunitikTheFuzz4: win+w for instance, visual feedback is better jsut words22:14
Jordan_Usianhulo: Can you pastebin the output of "ls /etc/grub.d/" and the contents of /boot/grub/grub.cfg? (/mnt/boot/grub/grub.cfg if you're outside the chroot).22:14
w30qmanjr5, in a terminal mkdir /media/partition1(or whatever you like) then mount /dev/sda1 /media/partition122:15
tauntaunHello.  I've been a UNIXer most my life and a Linuxer for 1.5 decades.  I now need to get a new laptop and I'm wondering if I'd enjoy a Mac.  Anyone care to share advice and/or personal experience before I make the decision?22:15
lunitikpangolin: ahhh... itaylor57: then I apologize bailies: add the partner repo as ubottu just showed22:15
andeeeukdamn 11.10 is shocking.....22:15
andeeeuklove this piece of .....22:15
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kriwikHi guys, anyone having problems with the mouse freezing up in 11.1022:16
* lunitik thinks oneiric is an improvement... and things like juju are awesome22:16
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qmanjr5what would be the mount path to the new partition?22:16
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VCoolioqmanjr5: find partitions with sudo fdisk -l22:17
kriwikHi guys, anyone having problems with the mouse freezing up in 11.10?22:17
lunitikandeeeuk: there are always issues right after release though because Ubuntu users don't run the pre-releases much compared to other distros...22:17
lunitik!repeat | kriwik22:17
ubottukriwik: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/22:17
w30qmanjr5, cd /media/partition1(or whater you named it)22:17
w47331any help to enable S3TC support22:17
VCoolioqmanjr5: or sudo blkid22:17
TheFuzz4kriwik: I can't report that I've had any trouble yet22:17
mintsoupIn 11.10, my menubar is hidden above the top of the screen in Unity 2D. I'm using two monitors, and it shows up on the non-laptop screen, but on the laptop screen the menubar is hidden above the top of the screen--anyone know how to troubleshoot this?22:17
andeeeuklol.... yeah always issues. Never this shocking!! There should be no release with these issues!!!22:18
qmanjr5w30, /media/old is the old one, where I want to take files from. I made a directory /media/new for the new partition, where I want the files to go22:18
qmanjr5but how do I mount the new partition?22:18
kriwikTheFuzz4: ok I have seen some issues in some forums, but my USB mouse works22:18
TheFuzz4thats all I have22:18
andeeeukI cant login to package manager, edit any system settings at all and the only way to login with my user account is if i say autologin22:18
bailieslunitik i think you were right i dont see it in there either22:19
sianhuloJordan_U, http://pastebin.com/2VCZqnDD, and how i see it's content?i tried with gedit, but i couldn22:19
andeeeukjust a load of rubbish!!!22:19
RoastedAnybody using deja dup? I'm trying to restore a backup and I'm clearly using the right info but it's saying I'm not...22:19
jribandeeeuk: if you want support, please state your issue on a single line with relevant details such as logs and error messages in a pastebin.  Exclamations like "just a load of rubbish!!!" and similar, are not productive at all22:20
andeeeukcant use any sudo commands, quite frankly im am suprised I am even logged in22:20
qmanjr5w30, ?22:20
w30qmanjr5,same way, mkdir /media/new then mount /dev/sda2(or whatever the new partition is) /media/new22:20
qmanjr5how do I tell which number to put after sda?22:21
andeeeukthe issue is a user issue. I am not able to login to my account. I cant use any sudo commands or install programs or uninstall22:21
phartzsudo fdisk -l22:21
jribandeeeuk: how do you know that you cannot use any sudo commands or install if you cannot login to your account?22:21
qmanjr5phartz, that lists a bunch of devices22:22
lunitikandeeeuk: is there an error when you attempt to use sudo?22:22
Roastedall the sudden its choosing to work22:22
phartzqmanjr5, will tell you the names of your partitions22:22
qmanjr5but there's 522:22
sianhuloJordan_U, here it is http://pastebin.com/bgrgdee722:22
tsaavikCould someone pm me the output of: ps auxw |grep -i [w]orkspace22:22
andeeeukno, it just goes to the next line as if i cant use it at all. not command not recognised or anything22:22
jrib!who | andeeeuk22:22
elektrocatI activated ATI ( Restricted ) drivers, but its still slow...22:22
ubottuandeeeuk: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)22:22
sianhuloJordan_U, i'm so sorry, i've gotta go, it's my grandfather birthday22:22
elektrocatdoes anyone know what to do? (11.10)22:22
w30qmanjr5, sda is first hard drive, sdb is second hard drive, etc. sda1 is first partition, sda2 is second partition,etc. adjust for your box22:22
sianhulocould you talk me  in pm?22:23
qmanjr5there's sda1, sda2, sda5, sda6 and sda722:23
VCoolioqmanjr5: hit 'mount' to check which are in use as what, so you can rule out / and /home and swap22:23
jribtsaavik: nothing returned.  What is your actual issue?22:23
andeeeuklunitik sudo in command line just does nothing. It just goes to ask for another command22:23
Zacariashow can you see, running terminal, which programs are installed in your system?22:24
jribZacarias: dpkg -l | grep '^ii'22:24
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lunitikandeeeuk: you have not set it to NOPASSWD?22:24
qmanjr5Alright, I think I got it22:24
qmanjr5it was sda622:24
andeeeuklunitik no, i have changed it a few times to make sure as well22:24
andeeeukjust a complete waste of time22:25
lunitikandeeeuk: I don't believe you, so 'sudo echo "this works" ' please... sudo has been around since the 80's and simply doesn't work as you describe22:26
jribandeeeuk: I asked you to stop with that.22:26
w30qmanjr5, umount /media/new or old will umount the partition if you get it wrong22:26
onicromquick question, running ubuntu 10.04, have file-max set in sysctl.conf, have nofile set in limits.conf but the ulimit -Hn  or -Sn does not show me what i have in limits.conf22:26
ddelonyIs anyone else having problems with Gwibber in 11.10?22:26
onicromit seems it will ONLY increase once root as run ulimit -n xxxxx22:26
Zacariasjrib: thanks22:26
andeeeuklunitik, it asks for a password, it just does not return anything22:27
lunitikandeeeuk: you are wasting our time with your snide comments, we understand you're frustrated, but most here are helping (or trying to) for free... if you want you can pay Canonical for support then cuss them out on the phone, but otherwise please stop being negative in the channel22:27
qmanjr5w30, I had gotten it wrong. Being a dope, I had mounted both sda1 and sda6 to /media/old. I didn't remember the proper command for umount, and being a dope some more, I just did mount /dev/sda6 /media/new and then mount /dev/sda1 /media/old22:27
qmanjr5will that mess it up?22:27
ddelony Why is Gwibber such a hog?22:27
kevinchessw47331: how did you upgrade to 11.10?22:27
andeeeuklunitik, sorry, I just cant beleive what has happened tbh22:28
w47331kevin it was fresh install not upgrade22:28
qmanjr5w30, do I have unmount them before I reboot?22:29
lunitikandeeeuk: I would prolly recommend a fresh install, cuz I don't understand what has happened either... it seems impossible22:29
jribandeeeuk: how do you know that you cannot use any sudo commands or install if you cannot login to your account?22:29
andeeeuklunitik seems everything that i put in the terminal relating to sudo just gets ignored22:29
w30qmanjr5, inspect what you have mounted to see if they meet what you think they are, umount and start over with mount if not22:29
lunitikjrib: he can log in22:29
lunitikjrib: or rather, he is logged in22:29
qmanjr5well I was able to move the files that I wanted saved22:29
w47331graphics on my inspiron 1545 not being recognized by ubuntu   any help please http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/707607/22:30
jriblunitik: "I am not able to log in to my account"22:30
lunitikjrib: maybe if he logs out, he will not be able to do anything else... but its prompting for password, acting like the password is right, but returning nothing22:30
qmanjr5now when I type in umount /media/old, it says "umount: it seems /media/old is mounted multiple times"22:30
andyvywhere do i select system font in 11.10? appearance window doesn't have anything in it now22:30
andeeeuklunitik, jrib here is an example "sudo apt-get update" ENTER PASSWORD $22:30
w30qmanjr5, I would to be sure your writes are done umount will not complete until writes are done so you can be safe that way22:31
andeeeuklunitik, jrib. thats exactly what is returned and it is nothing22:31
TB|Vibe-Xqmanjr5,  you better do mount - bind ;)22:31
kevinchessw47331: i'm using update manager to install 11.10 and it brought up a prompt saying "Your graphics hardware may not be fully supported in Ubuntu 11.04. | The support in Ubuntu 11.04 for your intel graphics hardware is limited and you may encounter problems after the upgrade. Do you want to continue with the upgrade?"22:31
lunitikandeeeuk: seriously though, it would be quicker to do a fresh install than assist, since this is a new install anyway so I doubt you have done much22:31
TB|Vibe-Xkevinchess, maybe deinstall it, upgrade22:32
TB|Vibe-Xkevinchess, then install new driver?22:32
lunitikandeeeuk: maybe go into software center and save any package changes to oneconf first so there is less to do later22:32
andeeeuklunitik i updated from the update manager, it was not a fresh install i have a lot of really important work on here22:32
pondok i want to dual boot 11.04 and windows, i had ubuntu installed first, the ubuntu 11.04. now i cant load ubuntu help pls22:33
lunitikandeeeuk: back it up and reinstall, or simply don't overwrite the /home partition if you separated it... either way, I have no idea what has happened, but I don't see how to fix it either22:33
pondi ment then windows&****'22:33
andeeeuklunitik yeah ok I will do that. Thanks for your help. Sorry about the shocking messages. Just beware of this issue22:34
NightHawk877Is the new Ubuntu release worth downloading?22:35
VCoolio!grub | pond22:35
ubottupond: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)22:35
SetiAmonhey i'm not missing anything by upgrading from update manager then doing a fresh install right?22:35
lunitikSetiAmon: nope22:35
andeeeukSetiAmon be careful as I have had issues with the update manager22:36
joe040288hi i want to upgrade from 10.10 to 11.10 but when i try update-manager -d it pops up with 10.0422:36
SetiAmonupdate manager is so slow22:36
laumonierwhatis the command with apt-get to install the new ubuntu version?22:36
VCooliojoe040288: you can't skip that, you can only jump between LTS's22:36
jribjoe040288: yes, you cannot skip releases.  Also, -d is not necessary22:36
jrib!upgrade | laumonier22:36
ubottulaumonier: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade22:36
lunitiklaumonier: joe040288 just stated the correct command22:37
joe040288so inorder to get to 11.10 i have to install 11.04?22:37
NightHawk877I find it easier to backup my system and then install the new version.22:37
VCooliojoe040288: affirmative22:37
SetiAmon729 bytes/sec shesh anyway i can fix that22:37
zinerHi have a big Problem. ubuntu 10.11 is not starting. If i start ubuntu 11.10 i get the Message checking battery state... and than he Freezes. He has the same Error http://askubuntu.com/questions/64759/lightdm-checking-battery-state-no-login-screen22:37
jribSetiAmon: use a local mirror22:37
joe040288man it would just be faster to download the new version and install it then it would be to go through to updates lol22:37
MneumonicHas anyone in here successfully installed the ATI catalyst in 11.10?22:37
VCooliojoe040288: if you have /home as separate partition I'd go fresh22:38
NightHawk877Nope. ATi still has crappy Linux support. Nvidia is better anyway.22:38
MneumonicI agree, but sadly my laptop has an ATI graphics card22:38
joe040288VCoolio, i dont keep a seperate /home i keep all my files on a whole seperate drive22:38
Mneumonicthe catalyst works in other distros but not in 11.1022:38
joe040288VCoolio, so preaty much i loose all my settings but none of my files22:39
NightHawk877That's why I make sure my laptop hardware is fully supported in Ubuntu.22:39
VCooliojoe040288: well, your call; backup some configs and go fresh, or do two updates22:39
belakIs there a way to change my mouse from a single finger on the side of the touchpad working for scrolling to the double fingers, like it is on most other distros?22:39
joe040288Mneumonic, you can probably use the standard xorg driver but not prepritary which means no 3d22:39
Trashihi guys. is there a website or s.th. like this to check up when a update for a package will gather into repositories?22:40
jrib!synaptics | belak22:40
ubottubelak: For a comprehensive Synaptics Touchpad guide, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticsTouchpad22:40
joe040288VCoolio, ill probably just reinstall man wish ubuntu would let you just releases tho22:40
Mneumonicyea the default driver works alright but the proprietary doesn't install, just saw a forum post about a lot of people having similar issues22:40
Mneumonichope ubuntu figures it out22:40
belakjrib: thanks22:40
BlueProtomanAnyone mind helping me set up my ethernet connection in Ubuntu via the Recovery Mode shell?  Seems I have to in order to get it working properly.22:40
jribbelak: if it's not obvious how to do it by reading the documentation, try getting the settings from one of the other distros and reading through them22:40
NightHawk877Ubuntu 11.10 looks great on my laptop. I'm running it from my external hard drive.22:41
th0rbelak: synclient might do it for you22:41
joe040288Mneumonic, i would just wait a couple of months this is linux some 1 will get it working22:41
Mneumonichopefully in that amount of time, i'll have a new laptop, this thing has been nothing but trouble on linux22:41
kevinchessw47331: but i have a different intel gfx chip, lspci output: 00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 82845G/GL[Brookdale-G]/GE Chipset Integrated Graphics Device (rev 01)22:41
zykotick9Trashi, after a release, packages don't get version updates, only security fixes22:42
Moc:( setup stuck at the end22:42
Trashizykotick9: all right thx22:42
kevinchessw47331: i found that i could enable 3d acceleration on 11.04 by creating an xorg.conf, like they say here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Bugs/Mavericki8xxStatus22:42
joe040288Mneumonic, yea i have issues with setting up the graphics on my desktop but thats because im using a home made vga cable so linux cant plug and play my monitor22:43
thornI have a glitch that keeps repeating itself. See http://imm.io/ahBs for an example. This never happened before with previous releases of ubuntu, only with 11.04. it seems to have to do with text rendering and window drawing... how can I reset this when it happens without restarting? How can I fix it altogether? can someone give me an idea of how to google this problem?22:43
belakjrib: wow, just a single checkbox...I wonder how long that's been there... thanks again22:44
joe040288Mneumonic, i have to manually set my xorg.conf and of coruse they dont have xorg.conf any more to i have to build one from scratch lol22:44
joe040288anyways thx for the info guys guess i need to start downloading 11.1022:44
NaixinHi. Apologies for being a pest, but could someone assist me in recovering my Ubuntu installation. It appears to be a HDD error, but I cannot get console commands to fix it.22:45
kaushalI need help on pastebinit22:45
NightHawk877I better install it then. I'll come back in if I run into any issues.22:45
kaushalcat glassfish0 | pastebinit -b http://sprunge.us -t [glassfish0] -> this does not set title22:45
kaushalAny clue ?22:45
slinzexI have dell vostro 1720. Using gnome3. When I unplug cable of AC, it shows me message : BATTERY CRITICALLY LOW... PC will hibernate. After that I can't do anything , it SHUTDOWN! not hibernate.  However the battery is full charged 100%. It happens sometimes. How could I fix this?22:46
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NaixinMy HDD will not mount. I have read I must use fdisk/e2fsck, but I cannot get it to recognise my drive.22:48
NaixinNormal startup informs me that it cannot be mounted. Using a Knoppix live CD, I can see everything on the drive.22:48
jadugarI booted 11.10 into a VM, but unfortunately I don't have USB-passthrough to the VM to make a bootable USB stick.  Is there a way to have it create a local file on disk that I can then later dd to a USB stick from my host machine?22:49
tsaavikCould someone pm me the output of: ps auxw |grep -i [w]orkspace22:49
kaushalcat glassfish0 | pastebinit -b http://sprunge.us -t [glassfish0] -> this does not set title22:50
ronbasso excuse my n00bage, is it possible to just mount the iso and upgrade from 11.04?22:51
kaushalant clue ?22:51
TB|Vibe-Xronbas,  you can do dist-upgrade ;)22:51
ronbasthx TB|Vibe-X  is that suggested?  was trying to minimize my bandwidth usage (on their end)22:51
TB|Vibe-Xronbas, otherwise you better do fresh install ... or mount iso on loop device, but i dont know how to upgrade then22:52
ronbasgotcha, thanks22:52
cutiyari cant Try out the ubuntu Cloud22:52
TB|Vibe-Xronbas, maybe you can do CDROM as package source22:52
ronbascool, will look into that22:52
TB|Vibe-Xcutiyar, which problem exactly?22:52
ing-daniel-lozanwill there be another realease of ubuntu netbook?22:53
cutiyarTB|Vibe-X, i had get the SSH username@ipadress when i wrote it on terminal it say ( Permission denied (publickey).)22:53
TB|Vibe-Xcutiyar, then you key is denied ;)22:54
cutiyarTB|Vibe-X, why?22:54
TB|Vibe-Xcutiyar, dont know, which cloud is it? i didnt work with ubuntu cloud, but you pub key have to be on that server ;)22:54
tryggvibI have a IBM T40. After upgrading to 11.04 connecting to a wireless network stopped working. I believe it is this: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/743865 I just upgraded to 11.10 in the hopes of a fixed wireless but no cigar... any status update on this?22:55
ubottuUbuntu bug 743865 in linux (Ubuntu) "Natty Thinkpad T40 wireless won't connect " [Undecided,Confirmed]22:55
TB|Vibe-Xcutiyar, and you authenticate with pub and private vua ssh22:55
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Guest11209Hi there, I'm trying to compile some java code which uses an external library. How do I reference the foreign library in ubuntu?22:55
TB|Vibe-Xcutiyar, is your public key on that cloud (ssh authoisized keys)22:55
cutiyarTB|Vibe-X, its latest one iam try it , he gave fingerprint also with SSH but i have to do to FINgerprint?22:55
cutiyarTB|Vibe-X, i dont if it is22:56
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TB|Vibe-Xsay you better put your key on that server first, otherwise the server dont know your pub key, and deny it ;)22:56
TB|Vibe-Xcutiyar, but you can authticate with password too?22:56
cutiyarTB|Vibe-X, here https://try.cloud.ubuntu.com they gave me this SSH with fingerprint22:57
cutiyarTB|Vibe-X, i just wrote ssh on terminal and say permission denied22:58
TB|Vibe-Xit gave you ssh informations?22:58
TB|Vibe-Xcutiyar, server port username and password?22:58
cutiyarTB|Vibe-X, doesnt ask to these22:58
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cutiyarTB|Vibe-X, i just tried these nothing else22:59
TB|Vibe-Xwhat do you type exactly in terminal?22:59
cutiyarTB|Vibe-X, SSH username@ip and enter22:59
ultrixxhey guys can i switch to "classic" in the new ubuntu version?23:00
wmossanyone tried installing Oneric on a macbook 8.1?23:00
TB|Vibe-Xultrixx,  you need to install gnome .. its removed in new ubuntu23:00
wmossI'm having trouble with this tutorial: http://homepage.uibk.ac.at/~c705283/archives/2011/09/04/linux_support_for_broadcom_4331_wireless_chip_macbook_pro_81/index.html23:00
wmossI get errors when trying to install the module23:00
TB|Vibe-Xand what did you got ? which informations?23:00
* tMH- is gone. nsf23:00
ultrixxTB|Vibe-X: thanks.23:00
tew88Just installed 11.10. Everything appeared to work OK in the live CD environment, but when attempting to boot into Ubuntu (dual-booting with W7), the splash screen fails and shows me a load of processes that are checked off with 'OK'. At this point it stalls, and the last process/task that I can see is to do with checking the battery status (I'm on a desktop.) Any suggestions? Have no idea where to begin to23:01
tew88 search for a solution.23:01
swordzDoes Unity work with multiple monitors yet?23:02
swordzOr am I not going to upgrade?23:02
cutiyarTB|Vibe-X, i got this http://pastebin.com/sYVjeXxE23:02
TB|Vibe-Xcutiyar, yeah i register there now23:02
TB|Vibe-Xcutiyar, i see that : "All you need is an SSH client, and an SSH public key associated with your Launchpad.net"23:03
mirjahi i went through a buggy upgrade and now the xserver isnt starting, but startx works great23:03
TB|Vibe-Xcutiyar,  you have to put your pub key on that server ;)23:03
mirjawhat should i do? dpkg-reconfigure?23:03
ultra-i have a mac osx volume on another partition... i can browse it from the GUI in ubuntu but i can't write to it b/c the destination is read-only... any ideas how i can change its contents?23:03
TB|Vibe-Xcutiyar, otherwise it deny23:03
mirjawhich package?23:03
cutiyarTB|Vibe-X, yes it asked woth OPENID and loggened in23:03
cutiyarTB|Vibe-X, which of PUB key ? and where to add?23:03
TB|Vibe-Xcutiyar,  i see ... you better use that one time passwords from that site ;)23:04
TB|Vibe-Xcutiyar, you get, if you log in one time passwords23:04
cutiyarTB|Vibe-X, i dont understand23:04
TB|Vibe-Xcutiyar, you should use ssh with option to use password23:05
TB|Vibe-Xcutiyar, no public key23:05
steroshow do I get pidgin to display anything in 11.10?23:05
gene_hey all, im having problems connecting to a windows machine with my ubuntu machine...23:05
cutiyarTB|Vibe-X, ok how? which password my ubuntu passwords?23:05
TB|Vibe-Xgene_, what exactly? thats problem23:05
nocturnal_how can i make a command run every time my computer starts up. im using ubuntu server23:05
TB|Vibe-Xcutiyar,  no, that pw you get on ubuntu cloud site23:05
mirjanocturnal_, does startx work?23:05
TB|Vibe-Xcutiyar, it generates every time new again23:06
gene_TB|Vibe-X i dont really know, i have samba installed and the group is the same23:06
gene_i get an error message thats kinda long23:06
nocturnal_mirja: x isnt installed23:06
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nocturnal_mirja: xinit isnt installed23:06
cutiyarTB|Vibe-X, i dont understand just give me away to try Cloud23:06
gene_error: dbus error org.freedesktop.dbus.error.noreply: did not recieve a reply....23:06
tsaavikCould someone pm me the output of: ps auxw |grep -i [w]orkspace23:07
ericus-Hey, anyone familiar with ClearOS?23:07
TB|Vibe-Xcutiyar,  if you log in cloud and click upper site on start23:07
TB|Vibe-Xcutiyar, you get a line : ubuntu@SERVERIP23:07
tew88Ubuntu 11.10 won't boot up. Splash screen disappears and I'm left with lots of status messages that are all checked as 'OK'. The last one to appear says 'Checking battery status...' (or similar.) It won't progress beyond that. Any suggestions?23:07
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TB|Vibe-Xcutiyar, avobe theres a password you need to use23:07
cutiyarTB|Vibe-X, i have this ubuntu@servip23:08
TB|Vibe-Xcutiyar, yeah and above this line there is a line :23:08
nocturnal_how can i make iwconfig run every time i start my server so i don't have to manually configure my wireless card23:08
TB|Vibe-Xcutiyar, Your randomly generated one time password is 'xxxxxxxxxx'. You will be forced to change23:08
cutiyarTB|Vibe-X, no its not show password23:09
TB|Vibe-Xcutiyar, strange ...23:09
gene_can anyone point me to a guide that will explain how to share a folder over a network with one windows and one ubuntu computer?23:09
cutiyarTB|Vibe-X, iam using Openid to use cloud may be its the openid password23:09
TB|Vibe-Xsay maybe, but in that moment, your pubkey is denied ... so you need a password23:10
TB|Vibe-Xgene_, you better use samba GUI Tool23:10
osd1000I'm using ubuntu 11.10 and i think its Good. very good ever since i switched from linux mint 11.23:10
ericusI run a setup; internet > ClearOS > Switch > Workstation23:10
gene_on the ubuntu machine?23:10
ericusCan't get internet access from my workstation23:11
osd1000however i still have my linux mint 11 installation disc.23:11
TB|Vibe-Xgene_, if you have that problems , so you could use a gui tool , finding in software center or in apt-cache search samba |grep gui23:11
ericusBut I can access the server23:11
ericusand the server can access the internet23:11
mirjatew88, ive the same problem, startx works fine, but do you have any solutions?23:11
gene_ok thanks23:11
TB|Vibe-Xgene_,  no problem ;)23:11
somethingintereswhat is the general turnaround time for an update being in -proposed, making it into the main -updates?23:12
osd1000anyways. i think the first ubuntu version i used was 10.04 LTS.23:13
w47331anyone here run rFactor?23:13
JimmioHey all. Where are the pulse/alsa config files? It's choosing the wrong device for a USB audio device I have and only allows output because of that.23:13
osd1000control+windows key=opens dash home23:13
Jimmioosd1000: Windows key alone does that.23:14
nocturnal_i have breezy badger cds23:14
DarsVaedais there a help for unit now with instructions on how to use the mess or still nothing? :/23:15
w47331my system has an unknown graphics hardware....but it shows up here what i have...  http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/707607/23:15
sejwalHello Everyone, need some help with gparted. I have a brand new 1 TB harddisk, it has 2 partition i want to delete and merge the into one. one of the partition gives a Unable to open /dev/sdb read-write (Read-only file system) error when trying to delete23:16
ultra-what does "omitting directory" mean when i try to copy a file via terminal?23:18
tsaavikcp dosn't copy directories by default23:19
ZanzacarIf I have written a python script and I wanted to be able to simply type in the command and have it work instead of python program.py, how would I do that? Simply to the file in /usr/bin?23:19
perlsteinadd #!/usr/bin/env python23:19
perlsteinto the top and make it +x23:19
perlsteinchmod +x it23:19
ultra-i'm using: sudo cpNullCPUPowerManagement.kext /media/OSX/Extra/AdditionalExtensions/23:20
ultra-shouldn't that copy that file into the dir?23:20
ultra-i'm doing this from the file's directory23:20
ultra-um space after cp23:20
Zanzacarso do the same as you would for a bash script, but to do that you even have to call the location of the script, such as /home/username/Document/script.sh23:20
w30sejwal, I read some where that terabyte hard drives have a partition to help Windows XP or Windows something use them. I you ever want Widows installed on it again; check that out.23:20
somethinginteresZacarias: I use "sh <nameofscript>.sh"23:21
somethinginteresZacarias: woops sorry Zacarias - got confused there23:21
sejwalw30: Okay then I think its safe to leave that partition as it is and change the other parition as NTFS23:22
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Zanzacarsomethinginteres: If you do that you still need to be at the location of the script correct, you can be in any part of the file system and type in sh <scriptname>.sh and have it work.23:22
ericusHey, anyone familiar with ClearOS?23:22
ZanzacarI want to make it a universal command basically similar to ls, cp, etc.23:22
tsaavikCould someone pm me the output of: ps auxw |grep -i [w]orkspace23:23
osd1000ubuntu is a pretty popular linux distro i don't know how it got so popular in 2005 and 2006.23:24
torrori do not get the desktop/compiz effects working. have the current nvidia driver and default unity theme23:24
WinCamXPpretty popular? its the most popular23:24
iRabbitFedora > Ubuntu23:24
osd1000... true.23:24
osd1000but fedora is like for experts and besides on fedora 15 gnome 3 always crashes.23:25
WinCamXPIs there any general Linux support channel here? All I know of is this, which is just Ubuntu...maybe #linux ...?23:25
iRabbitwincamXP: ##Linux23:25
Zanzacara few months ago when I was switching from windows to linux I tried every linux distro I could find. I also tried to find help setting things up on each distro. I found ubuntu had the great community of people that would help me.23:26
DarsVaedathere is also debian if you like to keep it to that :)23:26
DarsVaeda#debian i mean23:26
bailiesim on 64 bit 11.10 i added multiverse and partner in the source list i still don't see sun java in apt-cache how do i get it?23:26
ZanzacarNot only that I never had that many problem with it.23:26
w47331http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/707632/ any help with installing the right drivers?23:26
WinCamXPbailies: use the partners repository for java 623:26
leftistafternoon. we need to use mysql enterprise version. i always thought that mysql was free? it was open source? and free?  am i wrong? because when i went to oracles site, it offers me the opp to "try" it however it has like a 10k price attached to it. am i not thinking straight on this? i need some clarification. please.23:27
WinCamXPenterprise versions aren't ever free23:27
Krenairleftist, iirc there's a community edition which is free23:28
leftistis the community edtion equivilant to the enterprise edition?23:28
CoreyThere are differences.  Welcome to Oracle's world, really.23:28
CoreyI'm sure they've got a features matrix.23:28
ZanzacarSo any thoughts on how to make scripts universal throughout the terminal? Such as ls, cp, cd, are?23:28
leftistthat is what i feared.23:28
WinCamXPOracle: horrible company that's so desperate for money their live support costs freakin money23:28
Coreyleftist: aptitude install mysql-server23:28
JoseeAntonioRHello! I have a problem. I was doing an installation of Ubuntu 11.10, which was supposed to replace Ubuntu 11.04. It hanged up in the middle, while it was copying files. First of all, I want to know if I will be able to recover my files. Also, is it secure to turn it off by pressing the button that is used to turn it on?23:29
leftistyeah corey23:29
CoreyOr apt-get, either way.23:29
DarsVaedawhere did the extended system settings go in 11.10?23:29
WinCamXPJosee: use a LiveCD to copy your files to a flash drive, and then reinstall from scratch23:29
bailiesWinCamXP i added partners but i still don't see it23:30
WinCamXPbailies: it's sun-java-6 or something like that23:30
JoseeAntonioRWinCamXP I was using the LiveCD to install it on my PC, and it is still inside. Should I turn the PC off and take it off?23:30
WinCamXPJosee: just boot into the LiveCD environment instead of the HDD23:30
WinCamXPcopy your files to a flash drive, and then format and try to install again23:31
WinCamXPbailies: try googling "ubuntu sun java"23:31
gribouilleoneiric doesn't work!!!23:31
JoseeAntonioRWinCamXP I think you misunderstood me. I was running ubiquity. Ubiquity was installing the system, and it just hanged up. I don't even know if it finished installing my files, or if I have an empty disk.23:32
WinCamXPJosee: I know you were installing from the LiveCD, however except while installing that barely looks at the HDD. Just boot back into the live environment and see if everything's there.23:32
itaylor57bailies, sudo apt-get update that will update your change23:32
gribouilleI've just installed oneiric, but it doesn't work. X can't start, because it can't find the video drivers23:33
JoseeAntonioRWinCamXP And if there isn't anything, is there a way to recover the files?23:33
bailies-I'm trying to install sun java on ubuntu 11.10 64bit, i have multiverse and partners added to source list and i still can't find it, any help?23:34
WinCamXPJosee: almost certainly not, sorry if that happens.23:34
JimmioCan anyone help me get my USB audio device working correctly? There's no input available as of Ubuntu 11.04.. 10.10 worked fine. I'm now in 11.10 and it's still not available. M-Audio Fast Track Pro.23:34
JoseeAntonioRWinCamXP Ok. I'll try.23:34
=== bailies- is now known as bailies
Dalek`what is newest LTS?23:34
JoseeAntonioRDalek` 10.0423:35
WinCamXPbailies: here's the ubuntu support page, go to the Sun Java section23:35
Dalek`thnx JoseeAntonioR23:35
=== SanbarComputing is now known as sanbar
JoseeAntonioRDalek` You're welcome.23:35
Milenain the new ubuntu 11.10,can i change that bar to the right,,the one with the apps shortcuts23:35
WinCamXPMilena: it's actually the left...you should use GNOME anyway23:35
gribouilleis there a file with a list of the installed drivers?23:36
gribouilleis there a file with a list of the installed packages?23:36
JoseeAntonioRBooting from live CD to check if files are still there...23:36
WinCamXPgribouille: Software Center or Synaptic have package lists, driver list is probably a terminal command23:36
zmbmartinDo I need to install something to add songs to my ipod in 11.10?23:37
JoseeAntonioRgribouille AFAIK, you can run a command to check which devices are installed in your PC. Just open a terminal and type "lsfhw" without quotes.23:37
zmbmartinIt shows in banshee but I can't drag and songs to it23:37
prototroutIn Ubuntu 11.10 double-click-dragging with my touchpad is very hit-or-miss. I've enabled tap-to-click in the Mouse/Touchpad settings app. Also, 3-finger-tap to middle-click doesn't seem to work. Any suggestions for either of these?23:37
MilenaWinCamXP :) is on the left,,but interfere some times for example i was going to see installed apps and when i wanted to expand the games applications it take me to libreoffice23:38
mongodpkg -l wills how installed aps23:38
WinCamXPMilena: log out into the login screen and at the bottom, something should say "Unity". click it and switch it to "GNOME" and log back in.23:38
simplebluedoes anyone else get the 'disappearing mouse' every now and then. the mouse is gone but you can hover over things still23:38
JoseeAntonioRChecking for files...23:39
MilenaWinCamXP :) i catually like that bar,will it go if i choose GNOME23:39
WinCamXPMilena: well, that bar on the left will be gone with GNOME, but there's probably a launcher app that could replace it that works with GNOME23:40
JoseeAntonioRWinCamXP Still there :) Thanks for the advice :)23:40
wonderworldhow can i add search and files to the unity launcher23:40
WinCamXPI find it de[ressing I am not a Linux pro by far, yet I can help so many people here... :\23:41
prototrout(To clarify on my question, dragging at all with tap-to-click on the touchpad works about half the time)23:41
Stefanos_hello everyone! I'm havin a bit of a problem while upgrading to 11.10? Coulc I pleas ehave some help?23:41
WinCamXPprototrout: even on Windows tap clicking is finnicky, use a cheap USB mouse if you have to.23:41
JoseeAntonioRStefanos_ Just ask :)23:41
prototroutWinCamXP: This is specific to Ubuntu (or its default settings) - it works great in Windows, Fedora, Tiny Core, Arch, ...23:41
johnjohn101is ubuntu responsible for suspend/hibernate logic? or is this a kernel function?23:42
Stefanos_Ok.. I'm getting a message that sez:  "An unresolvable problem occurred while calculating the upgrade:23:42
Stefanos_E:Error, pkgProblemResolver::Resolve generated breaks, this may be caused by held packages.23:42
Stefanos_This can be caused by:23:42
Stefanos_* Upgrading to a pre-release version of Ubuntu23:42
Stefanos_* Running the current pre-release version of Ubuntu23:42
Stefanos_* Unofficial software packages not provided by Ubuntu23:42
FloodBot1Stefanos_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.23:42
WinCamXPJoseeAntonioR: are your files there? Make sure to back them up to some external storage device if they are23:42
JoseeAntonioRWinCamXP They're there. I'll back up RIGHT NOW.23:42
MilenaWinCamXP :) if i do what you suggest,,cahnges back can be made the same way ?23:42
WinCamXPMilena: yes, GNOME is better than Unity by far, but you can always switch back.23:42
BlueProtomanWhat's the difference between these two options; Guided: reuse partition, SCSI1 (0,0,0), partition #5 (sda)  and Guided: use entire partition, SCSI (0,0,0), partition #5 (sda)23:43
BlueProtomanDoes "use entire partition" format it?23:43
MilenaWinCamXP :) thanks23:43
Stefanos_I'm getting a  message that sez about a probllem while calculatin the upgrade23:43
Stefanos_ E:Error, pkgProblemResolver::Resolve generated breaks, this may be caused by held packages23:43
JoseeAntonioRnetbook Hi!23:43
netbookI just broke offf with my girlfriend23:43
cutiyari have a problem while upgrade23:44
WinCamXPMilena: But remember, that bar on the left isn't there and is replaced by something like a cross between the Mac menu at the top and a Start button...but like I said, a simple launcher app could replace it easily.23:44
Stefanos_this can be cause by:  *upgrading to a pre-release  *running the current pre-release version of ubuntu23:44
Stefanos_any ideas ?23:44
Picinetbook: I'm afraid we can't provide support for that here, but #ubuntu-offtopic exists.23:44
ubottuLTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server. The current LTS version of Ubuntu is !Lucid (Lucid Lynx 10.04)23:44
johnjohn101install ubuntu netbook. more reliable and friendly23:44
Stefanos_anyone ?23:45
JoseeAntonioRHmm. Looks like I have a problem here. (process:222): Pango-WARNING **: failed to choose a font, expect ugly output. engine-type=' PangoRenderFC', script =' latin'23:45
JoseeAntonioRIt gets stuck there, it won't boot.23:46
torror_anyone had success installing gimp 2.7.3 on 64bit oneiric23:46
WinCamXPJosee: are you trying to boot from the HDD even though it didn't finish installing?23:46
JoseeAntonioRWinCamXP Yes. I thought if finished although the graphic interface didn't work.23:47
JoseeAntonioRWinCamXP Should I turn it off?23:47
WinCamXPJosee: If your files are backed up, turn it off, reformat, and reinstall.23:47
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JoseeAntonioROk. Thanks.23:48
histotorror_: is that the version in the repo?23:48
histo!info gimp | torror_23:49
ubottutorror_: gimp (source: gimp): The GNU Image Manipulation Program. In component main, is optional. Version 2.6.11-2ubuntu4 (oneiric), package size 4644 kB, installed size 13456 kB23:49
zmbmartinAnyone who can tell me why I can not sync music to my ipod with banshee?23:49
histotorror_: you may want to join #gimp it's their issue now23:49
LytesOfSpartrahey  guys23:50
LytesOfSpartraI'm worried23:50
LytesOfSpartrawhy in the Ubuntu Software Center in 11.10 is there a pay feature?23:50
torror_histo: ok thanks23:50
LytesOfSpartraIs Ubuntu going to be pay?23:50
z00merHi, is it preferrable to have my main install drive "sda2" or "sda1"  ?   Does it matter ?23:51
WinCamXPLytes: Ubuntu itself will always be free, that's just for paid software.23:51
LytesOfSpartraso will it ever not be free?23:51
PiciLytesOfSpartra: There is some commerical software that may be offered in the software centre23:51
PiciLytesOfSpartra: No. Ubuntu will always be free.23:51
LytesOfSpartrabut non of this software is backed by Cononcial?23:51
WinCamXPLytes: The creators of Ubuntu have always said ubuntu will never, ever cost a penny/quid/whatever-your-lowest-amount-of-currency-is23:51
somethinginteresJust installed Ubuntu 11.10 - the new Gwibber installs but it has the old skin (yellow background on messages etc). How do I change it to the new slick skin?23:51
PiciLytesOfSpartra: It will need to be vetted by canonical to appear in the software center, but it doesn't necessarily need to be backed by them.23:52
histoLytesOfSpartra: they sell support for enterprise users23:52
histoLytesOfSpartra: this is free volunteer support here23:52
LytesOfSpartraI knw23:52
LytesOfSpartraHow iS Fedora vs Ubuntu?23:52
MilenaWinCamXP:) i dont have the gnome option on my login screen,,im on ubuntu 11.1023:53
WinCamXPI think Linus Torvalds uses Fedora23:53
LytesOfSpartrawell iS fedora good/23:53
LytesOfSpartraI used it before and wine was stupid23:53
WinCamXPMilena: how much RAM/CPU does your computer have? KDE would be a nice choice if it can handle it23:53
LytesOfSpartraIt always crashed23:53
PiciLytesOfSpartra: Thats not really on-topic for this support channel. #ubuntu-offtopic may interest you.23:53
prototroutBack with the same question as a minute ago. Also: /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/* and /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/* seem to be ignored. (At least, adding Options to 50-synaptics.conf did nothing.) Any idea why?23:54
Wolfer1391italian chan ?23:55
Pici!it | Wolfer139123:55
ubottuWolfer1391: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)23:55
simplebluemouse freeze ups and qt creator version not stepup23:56
simplebluethis is not looking good23:56
MocExcept a few minor thing... I really don't see why gnome 3 isn't the main UI23:57
simpleblueme too Moc23:57
lucas-argi like unity23:57
neoteogood morning23:57
simplebluemorning neoteo23:58
simplebluei might try kubuntu23:58
spikebikehrm, 11.10 makes it harder to get rid of unity, suggestions?23:59
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Pici!notunuty | spikebike23:59
Pici!notunity | spikebike23:59
ubottuspikebike: Ubuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions drowpdown. Using Natty? See !classic23:59
somsip!nounity | spikebike23:59

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