xannen | hey anyone around? | 02:56 |
gorilla | xannen: that's not a question that is easy to answer... what's up? | 03:33 |
xannen | hey gorilla, i have ubuntu 11.10 question. i did a dist upgrade, and now my network won't work on my desktop. i'm on laptop now. | 03:35 |
xannen | i did a google and found: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1847900&page=1 and that didn't work either. | 03:35 |
head_victim | Happy New Ubuntu everyone | 05:54 |
caryb | :) | 06:08 |
caryb | just finished the updrade to my work PC Jared | 06:08 |
head_victim | Nice work | 06:08 |
head_victim | I'm debating if I update this 10.04 through each step to 11.10 or just wait for 12.04 | 06:09 |
caryb | i always have the current on my work pc & dev on the my personal lappy | 06:09 |
head_victim | I used to be more adventurous but organising Ubuntu stuff has meant less time to actually PLAY with Ubuntu these days | 06:10 |
head_victim | Will be good to catch up tomorrow afternoon though | 06:10 |
head_victim | sagaci: I can't remember, was I meant to put the bug stuff on the ML or not? | 06:12 |
caryb | just broke my virtualbox with 4.1 upgrade :( | 06:12 |
head_victim | I remember you said something btu can't find the scrollback | 06:12 |
sagaci | head_victim, I said just remove it if you want, not sure if it's setup to push email to the ml currently ... | 06:13 |
head_victim | caryb: I lost my main VM mcahine to that update as well. I got the irates and wiped all the hd images so I'll start over. They were all dev stuff anyway, nothing I actually used | 06:13 |
head_victim | sagaci: it's sitting in the moderation queue | 06:13 |
sagaci | it's there much stuff or is it just in one thread | 06:13 |
head_victim | It's just one email saying the team had been assigned the bug. | 06:14 |
head_victim | If anyone else comments though it will also try to emailt he list | 06:14 |
caryb | had to disable the usb to get it to work | 06:14 |
head_victim | Mine couldn't access the vdi or something random like that. Said it was already associated with another VM | 06:15 |
sagaci | well it's up to you, I personally think it's important enough to assign/mail the list but if it'll create lots of traffic down the line, well i'm all for muting it | 06:15 |
head_victim | We'll take it on a case by case basis then if you like | 06:15 |
sagaci | yup | 06:16 |
xannen | Hi is anyone around. I need help with 11.10 networking. Updating stuffed it up. | 06:29 |
caryb | catV or wireless? | 06:30 |
xannen | cat5 | 06:30 |
caryb | Was about to answer but am on Kubuntu not Ubuntu :( | 06:31 |
caryb | at the console does ifconfig give you any ip address? | 06:31 |
xannen | in my network manager sys tray, it recognise the wired network, but it's greyed out, and i can't click to connect to it. | 06:32 |
caryb | does lspci recognise your network card? | 06:34 |
xannen | yes caryb | 06:35 |
xannen | it showed up the ethernet controller. | 06:36 |
caryb | i had one of my machines use the wrong network card & had to blacklist the wrong one to force it to use the correct device but thats at home but I did find the answer on Goooooooooogle | 06:37 |
xannen | I had a google too: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1847900&page=1 is the closest answer, but it still didn't fixed my problem. furthermore, the thread was on beta1, and i'm using final release, i thought fundamental networking would have definitely be resolved. | 06:39 |
caryb | mine was with a intel nic but a friend had the problem with broadcomm | 06:41 |
xannen | i'm with intel chip too. | 06:43 |
xannen | caryb, it is such a down side on linux, that it is dependent on internet for update/install. yet after such action, the internet goes down... and it spirals into hell. :D | 06:44 |
caryb | I have a usb -> ethernet adaptor for getting me out of the smellies :) | 06:51 |
caryb | great for Windowz servers who cant see the net due to driver issues | 06:52 |
xannen | lol | 06:52 |
head_victim | xannen: you can install packages and drivers via USB/CD via Synaptic | 06:53 |
xannen | head_victim, i did a stupid thing. i removed synaptic.... and now i don't have synaptic. :( | 06:54 |
head_victim | Hah well that does make it more difficult, not impossible just more manual | 06:54 |
head_victim | Desktop, laptop or netbook? | 06:55 |
sagaci | xannen, just go sudo apt-get install synaptic | 06:56 |
xannen | at first glance, i thought the networking was a minor thing, and just need reconfig... so i ignored it and started customising other stuff... and got rid synaptic ... and now i regret it so much. :( | 06:56 |
head_victim | sagaci: networking is broken | 06:56 |
sagaci | ah ok | 06:56 |
sagaci | good luck | 06:56 |
xannen | yep sagaci, my network is dead. "how could this happen to me?" | 06:56 |
head_victim | xannen: if you haven't done too much to it and don't have much data to save, might be worth reinstalling. | 06:56 |
xannen | yeah, might do that. but hoping i don't have to. initially, i did the dist upgrade through update manager, and it seemed to be well. after reboot, network die!. | 06:58 |
caryb | I really miss tsclient :( | 06:58 |
head_victim | xannen: or try to find someone with a mobile broadband USB modem | 06:59 |
xannen | caryb, that's relating to remote desktop? | 06:59 |
xannen | ubuntu: keyboard = human :D | 07:00 |
head_victim | xannen: http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=11266147&postcount=6 check that | 07:01 |
xannen | head_victim, thanks, i'll try that soon. i'll see if i can do a recovery. | 07:02 |
xannen | and also, sometimes unity failed to load up, but unity 2d worked all right. | 07:03 |
xannen | so did anyone celebrate over carbon tax on wednesday? LOL | 07:13 |
head_victim | Can I just say, VirtualBox 4.1 is a big step forward. Multi display, CPU % allocation and a few other bits and bobs now just work | 07:15 |
xannen | can it let you play share graphics card to play game? | 07:16 |
head_victim | I wouldn't ever attempt a 3d game via virtualbox, but it lets me simulate multiple monitors | 07:17 |
xannen | i wouldn't either. but vm should allow sharing of graphics for efficient resource usage. :D | 07:18 |
head_victim | It does... | 07:21 |
head_victim | You select how much video card memory you allocate to each VM | 07:21 |
xannen | so far max is 256? | 07:22 |
head_victim | I think it depends on how much memory your video card actually has | 07:22 |
xannen | head_victim, that's odd. i use virtualbox version 4.x and it only let me use 256M. :S and my gpu has more than that. | 07:23 |
head_victim | It might just be a maximum of half what your gpu has | 07:23 |
xannen | nope, i have high end gpu, geforce gtx580... and it has 1500+ M. | 07:24 |
head_victim | No idea, I've never set it above 64 or so | 07:28 |
head_victim | Not sure what you'd be running in a VM that needed that much (my point being if you NEED more than 256MB of video card ram you're probably much better off running it on bare metal) | 07:29 |
xannen | i like to run vm in vm. :D | 07:30 |
head_victim | Do you NEED to or do you WANT to | 07:30 |
head_victim | ;) | 07:30 |
xannen | i want to. :D | 07:31 |
head_victim | See my previous point about needing that much GPU ram then | 07:31 |
xannen | hehe | 07:33 |
xannen | out of all the things that has to go wrong, it has to be networking!! damn 11.10 :( | 07:42 |
xannen | at least the keyboard and mouse still works. :D | 07:42 |
airtonix | crazy people out in force today | 07:46 |
xannen | are you in canberra? lol | 07:47 |
xannen | odd... i can't open terminal with: RIGHT alt + RIGHT ctrl + t; but LEFT alt + LEFT ctrl + t works. | 07:48 |
xannen | nevermind, it was keyboard layout issued. it's fixed. :D | 07:51 |
xannen | fuck this... format and re-install :D | 07:59 |
xannen | booted into 11.10 live CD, and still no internet. in 10.x it auto connects without a problem. | 08:07 |
xannen | <britney spears> I'm going craz-eeee! | 08:08 |
head_victim | sagaci: have you been using VB 4.1? I've noticed heaps of configuration updates in it | 08:33 |
xannen | head_victim, i think i have to reformat and install 11.10. :( | 08:34 |
xannen | why is 11.10 so evil towards me. :( | 08:34 |
head_victim | xannen: if the live cd isn't working either I don't know that would help | 08:35 |
xannen | so new image download? | 08:35 |
head_victim | Do you have another computer you can transfer drivers from? | 08:35 |
xannen | yep. | 08:35 |
head_victim | Maybe try that | 08:35 |
xannen | okay then ^_^ | 08:36 |
head_victim | First you have to work out what driver is the issue though | 08:36 |
sagaci | head_victim: yeah, I only just tried VB recently, a few nice updates | 08:37 |
head_victim | Yeah I'm loving dual screens, means I can test out how it will look before I install. | 08:37 |
head_victim | I never had the ability to set the load on the CPU either | 08:37 |
sagaci | didn't get that far into the configuration, I usually just use it via testdrive to see if dailies are working | 08:38 |
xannen | lol poor VB as guinea pig. | 08:39 |
head_victim | xannen: that's exactly what I use it for most personally | 08:39 |
head_victim | I have used it to help troubleshoot other user's issues on installations I don't have | 08:40 |
sagaci | i'll reinstall the 11.10 lubuntu on my netbook tonight | 08:40 |
xannen | i'm back to windows if 11.10 doesn't work. :P | 08:40 |
head_victim | xannen: it does work, otherwise millions of people would be cursing. | 08:41 |
head_victim | What are the results when you type in "lspci | grep Ethernet" into a terminal? | 08:42 |
xannen | head_victim, i got 2 ethernet results, and i do have 2 ethernet ports. | 08:43 |
xannen | i'm guessing i have a bad download. | 08:43 |
head_victim | I assume you've tried swapping the cable over between the ports? | 08:43 |
xannen | yes | 08:44 |
head_victim | Ok maybe they're conflicting | 08:44 |
xannen | head_victim, help, if that is true, how do i solve? o.O | 08:46 |
head_victim | No idea | 08:47 |
head_victim | I'd be googling | 08:47 |
head_victim | If you want help you'll need to paste the results of the command I asked you to run earlier | 08:49 |
Fudge | head_victim u on oneiric? | 08:55 |
head_victim | Fudge: only with VB atm | 08:55 |
Fudge | thats ok, can u test something for me | 08:55 |
head_victim | Debating on if I have the time to step through 10.04 to 11.10 or just wait to 12.04 | 08:55 |
head_victim | Oh I just broke it, need to reinstall, give me 5 | 08:55 |
Fudge | it'll only take a sec | 08:55 |
Fudge | loL | 08:55 |
Fudge | np ill be here | 08:56 |
Fudge | i tried vb but couldnt figure it out, id hoped that i could run it from a console | 08:56 |
head_victim | I buggered up the hdd size because I'd used dynamic sizing and didn't realise the space it asked for was the maximum not the minimum | 08:57 |
head_victim | So just creating a 100gb now | 08:57 |
Fudge | wow thats huge | 08:58 |
head_victim | Means I won't run out | 08:58 |
Fudge | id like a nice little interactive script that just asks me everything | 08:58 |
head_victim | Well it is pretty easy to set up | 08:59 |
head_victim | I just played with the settings until I knew what did what | 08:59 |
head_victim | It's all virtual machines, you can't break anything ;) | 08:59 |
Fudge | can you actually run it from a console, the vm. Not need X | 09:00 |
head_victim | No idea :) | 09:00 |
Fudge | this machien here prob wouldnt even run a vm loL p4 3gig | 09:00 |
head_victim | I'm pretty useless unless I've done it before | 09:00 |
Fudge | vbox gui isnt orca accessible last time i tired | 09:00 |
Fudge | tried | 09:00 |
Fudge | same here loL | 09:00 |
head_victim | Evening bejames, you coming tomorrow afternoon? | 09:01 |
bejames | hey head_victim, probably not, wife is working and I have the kids | 09:02 |
head_victim | bejames: ah fair enough, one day we'll get a perfect time for everyone :/ | 09:03 |
bejames | I might drag them along for a short visit | 09:03 |
bejames | yeah shift work sucks | 09:03 |
head_victim | I'm actually on a 9-5 as of 2 weeks ago | 09:03 |
bejames | Nice | 09:03 |
head_victim | I'm "filling in" for my boss but apparently looking pretty full time | 09:03 |
Fudge | u up and running again head_victim | 09:03 |
bejames | fingers crossed | 09:03 |
head_victim | Fudge: the hdd creation is taking ages :/ | 09:04 |
Fudge | np | 09:04 |
head_victim | I'll let you know when I have default installed. I won't bugger around with it until I've run your command :) | 09:04 |
Fudge | all id like u to do is open gedit and use kb shortcut to save | 09:04 |
head_victim | bejames: yeah will be sticking my hand out for more cash as well | 09:04 |
Fudge | control + s, it also is supposed to launch speech i.e orca | 09:04 |
Fudge | not sure if it work sanywhere or just on nautilus e.g desktop | 09:05 |
head_victim | But yeah, it's so hard getting times/places everyone can do | 09:05 |
Fudge | thats true | 09:05 |
head_victim | Fudge: I'll figure it out :) Should it do something on screen or only through the speakers? | 09:05 |
Fudge | u should see the orca prefs appear as well | 09:06 |
head_victim | Ok just checking | 09:09 |
head_victim | The hdd creation is at 88% | 09:09 |
head_victim | The install should go alright, 2x 2.4ghz cpus and 4gb ram | 09:09 |
head_victim | Only takes a few minutes | 09:09 |
Fudge | sweet | 09:14 |
xannen | How do I do checksum against iso? | 09:15 |
head_victim | https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM | 09:16 |
head_victim | Also | 09:16 |
head_victim | !md5 | 09:16 |
lubotu2 | To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows | 09:16 |
xannen | ty head_victim ^_^ | 09:17 |
head_victim | No worries | 09:20 |
head_victim | Fudge: installing now | 09:20 |
Fudge | tks | 09:21 |
xannen | okay... reburning 11.10 iso image. :D | 09:24 |
Fudge | miens burnt sitting in drive for a reboot | 09:25 |
Fudge | but im up to the last ep of startrek enterprise season2 | 09:25 |
head_victim | Fudge: installing VBox extensions, then a reboot and I'm ready | 09:35 |
Fudge | ok | 09:39 |
Fudge | may be a false alarm but if u can test anyway | 09:39 |
head_victim | Fudge: no worries mate | 09:39 |
head_victim | Opens the save as dialoguer | 09:41 |
head_victim | Opens the save as dialogue | 09:41 |
head_victim | I opened the universal access and the screen reader is switched off, might explain it | 09:43 |
head_victim | Fudge: ^ | 09:43 |
head_victim | When I enable it and press control + s in gedit it still asks to save | 09:44 |
Fudge | thank you very much mate | 09:46 |
Fudge | loL head_victim | 09:46 |
Fudge | tks again | 09:47 |
head_victim | Fudge: let me know if you want anything else checked | 09:47 |
Fudge | ill isntall it later on tonight or tomorrow, but thanks | 09:47 |
head_victim | Fudge: glad to help | 09:48 |
xannen | head_victim, my network still isn't fixed. :( i checksum my download from last night, and the new image i just download now. they are both the same, and correct according to checksum code on webpage. sigh... so i have no idea what is going on. :S | 10:09 |
head_victim | xannen: can you post the outcome of the command I said ages ago? "lspci | grep Ethernet" | 10:10 |
xannen | )):19.0 Ethernet controller: Intel Corporation 82579V Gigabit Network Connection (rev 5) | 10:11 |
xannen | 00:19.0* | 10:11 |
xannen | 08:02.0 Ethernet controller: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL-8110SC/8169SC Gigabit Ethernet (rev 10) | 10:12 |
xannen | Those are the only two results, and correct results. | 10:13 |
head_victim | And there's nothing odd in your network manager applet? | 10:14 |
Fudge | u cant get it connected? | 10:16 |
xannen | head_victim, not that i'm aware of. | 10:17 |
Fudge | guess ifconfig only shows loopback does it? | 10:17 |
xannen | Fudge, no, my network manager only recognise the ethernet controller, but fails to connect. i only have 1 port/controller with an ethernet cable plugged in, and it recognises that. but fails to connect to the router. | 10:18 |
Fudge | both ends have clips? tried another cable? | 10:18 |
xannen | yes with clips. i doubt it was the cable. all my network is fine until i upgraded to 11.10. but sure, i'll try different cable for the doubt. | 10:20 |
head_victim | xannen: can you pastebin the results of running "ifconfig" for us? | 10:20 |
head_victim | !pastebin | 10:20 |
lubotu2 | For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. | 10:20 |
Fudge | ive had same stuff and you always say it was fine before, but sometimes it has been | 10:20 |
Fudge | dpkg -l | grep pastebinit | 10:20 |
Fudge | /exec -o ifconfig | pastebinit | 10:20 |
Fudge | :D | 10:21 |
xannen | umm... my affect comp doesn't have the network/internet, so pasting the result will be hard. LOL | 10:22 |
Fudge | xannen do u ahve an iphone or android phone, u can get online by usb tethering if u need to | 10:23 |
Fudge | perhaps check additional drivers | 10:23 |
xannen | Fudge, i can't install additional driver because i have no internet/network. >.< | 10:24 |
xannen | i do have an android phone, but no 3G data. LOL | 10:24 |
Fudge | oh | 10:25 |
xannen | oh god... why does it have to be the network!! >< | 10:25 |
Fudge | ive been told lshw -c network may help in situations like this, i just had to google a bit to try and find the command | 10:26 |
xannen | the silly thing is, 10.10, 11.04 all worked out of the box for me, even the live cd auto connect to networking/internet. not sure why 11.10 having a network dummy spit. :S | 10:27 |
Fudge | see how that goes and if ifconfig gets populated, or i guess by what ur saying your ethernet is in ifconfig, right? | 10:27 |
Fudge | sorry its -C | 10:27 |
head_victim | xannen: did you modify the network settings for your previous install at all (set up any parameters different to default)? | 10:28 |
head_victim | The upgrade may have changed them | 10:28 |
xannen | no... i didn't. also, i had reformat and did fresh install now. and still not working. | 10:29 |
xannen | i'm so glad i have this back up laptop. lol | 10:29 |
head_victim | Can you pop off the secondary nic and retry the installation? | 10:29 |
Fudge | did lshw -C network help at all? | 10:30 |
Fudge | and do u get any offer with dhclient eth0 if thats the interface | 10:30 |
xannen | Fudge, after i did: lshw -c network; it output something similar to lspci | grep Ethernet but the output was better format for display. | 10:31 |
head_victim | Well the ifconfig will tell you if it's set up the eth0 or just the lo | 10:32 |
xannen | i just tried: sudo ifdown eth0 ; output: ifdown: interface eth0 not configured, and likewise for eth1. | 10:32 |
Fudge | whats the logical name | 10:32 |
Fudge | and can u summarise some of the configuration listed in the cmd | 10:33 |
xannen | yep yep. i think i used the command properly. but the point is, it output says it is not configured, let alone be disabled (ifdown) | 10:33 |
Fudge | i.e | 10:33 |
Fudge | logical name: eth4 | 10:33 |
Fudge | configuration: autonegotiation=on broadcast=yes driver=e100 driverversion=3.5.24-k2-NAPI duplex=full firmware=N/A ip= latency=32 link=yes max$ | 10:34 |
Fudge | etc loL | 10:34 |
xannen | okay, if i run ifconfig, what are signs of bad or no config? | 10:35 |
xannen | once i run that command, i get the respect output info about the controller, and of course for lo | 10:35 |
Fudge | does it say the link state is up? | 10:35 |
head_victim | Well I gotta leave you to it for a while, probably bbl | 10:36 |
xannen | ty head_victim <3 | 10:36 |
Fudge | np head_victim | 10:36 |
head_victim | I'd say it's a conflict and I'd attempt to remove the second nic and try again to remove one source of psosible issues | 10:36 |
head_victim | Cheerio | 10:36 |
xannen | how do i remove/disable the second link? | 10:36 |
head_victim | I'd remove the actualy network card from the machine | 10:37 |
xannen | i tried ifdown, but i got message to say that ethX is not configured. | 10:37 |
head_victim | But if you're not used to playing inside computers that might be more difficult | 10:37 |
xannen | i have the network controller built into the mobo. :D | 10:37 |
xannen | i'll get the ahmmer out :D | 10:37 |
xannen | hammer* lol | 10:37 |
head_victim | If you have 2 ports and they're different models one has to be an add in card though | 10:38 |
Fudge | cant u just dhclient both of them and try pinging your gateway after that | 10:38 |
xannen | fudge, can you guide me through it? i have no idea where to start. :( | 10:38 |
Fudge | are you root or user | 10:39 |
xannen | head_victim, no no, newer mobo can have 2 built in network controller. like the plug in port is right next each other, along with sound socket, usb, etc... | 10:40 |
xannen | yes i am, i can do sudo! waada! :D | 10:40 |
Fudge | which eth devices do u have? eth0 and eth1 right? | 10:40 |
xannen | yep | 10:40 |
Fudge | sudo dhcleint eth0 | 10:40 |
Fudge | sudo dhcleint eth01 | 10:40 |
Fudge | oops | 10:41 |
Fudge | sudo dhcleint eth1 | 10:41 |
Fudge | watch for things like offer from your router ip of new ip for you | 10:41 |
xannen | okay, i did: sudo dhclient eth0 which is not connected to router. lol. i'm just doing it in order you suggested. | 10:42 |
xannen | and right now, it appears to "hang" and waiting for response. | 10:42 |
Fudge | it will give up so thats cool | 10:42 |
Fudge | see what the 2nd one does, if u wanna give up on it hit control C but it wont hurt to wait | 10:43 |
xannen | yep, i ctrl + c; waiting on eth1 response now. | 10:44 |
xannen | and eth1 is connected to router. | 10:45 |
Fudge | ping the router ip | 10:45 |
Fudge | ping -a ip | 10:45 |
Fudge | for a pretty annoying beep if u walk away testing cables | 10:45 |
Fudge | replies? | 10:45 |
xannen | lol damn, what's first 1 digit of LAN ip number, 185.192 ? | 10:45 |
Fudge | 192 usually | 10:46 |
xannen | ty | 10:46 |
Fudge | look up to your dhclient output, it will be there | 10:46 |
Fudge | offer from . . . . | 10:46 |
Fudge | if u get a reply, ping google.com | 10:46 |
Fudge | if u dont get a google ping reply cat /etc/resolv.conf and see if your routers ip is there, i.e nameserver ip | 10:46 |
xannen | no dhclient output yet. ping -a : connect: Network is unreachable | 10:47 |
Fudge | sorry i thought this meant it did connect | 10:48 |
Fudge | and eth1 is connected to router. | 10:48 |
Fudge | thats a strange ip lol | 10:48 |
xannen | cat /etc/resolv.conf -> # Generated by NetworkManager No other results besides that. | 10:48 |
Fudge | k | 10:48 |
Fudge | is your network manager set static or for dhcp | 10:48 |
Fudge | sorry jsut shooting through ideas here | 10:49 |
Fudge | do you get errors or returned prompt when you do sudo ifconfig eth1 up | 10:49 |
xannen | it's set to dhcp | 10:49 |
Fudge | u dont have wirless at all do you? | 10:49 |
Fudge | wireless even | 10:50 |
Fudge | im bout to install it myself actually | 10:50 |
* Fudge pokes xannen | 10:51 | |
xannen | fudge, sorry about dc. but i'm back. | 11:17 |
xannen | hmm... my networking is fixed? vaccum the router? o.O | 11:21 |
Fudge | cool | 11:23 |
Fudge | done well | 11:23 |
Fudge | this machine wouldnt really boot oneiric | 11:24 |
xannen | lol well i reset and vaccuum it :D | 11:24 |
Fudge | grub cam up then another screen but thats it | 11:24 |
Fudge | restart would have done it i reckon | 11:24 |
Fudge | seems after i ran lshw -C network mine worked | 11:24 |
xannen | also... for gpu driver: version-current vs post-release? | 11:24 |
Fudge | but i thought it jsut lists the stuff, nothing else | 11:24 |
Fudge | no ide | 11:24 |
Fudge | head_victim will be pleased | 11:29 |
xannen | yes, next time for router/network issues, take out the vaccuum cleaner. and reset it too. hehe | 11:30 |
head_victim | xannen: good to hear it's fixed but yeah, if the network cards are different chipsets they shouldn't both be on the motherboard, that would be weird in my experience. | 11:34 |
xannen | head_victim, see: http://www.asus.com/Motherboards/Intel_Socket_1155/P8P67_EVO/ that's the mobo i have. it has 2 built-in lan. not sure how they are configured, but it's 2 onboard lan. | 11:40 |
jargonfactory | \o/ all | 11:41 |
head_victim | xannen: wow, that is odd. They are actually different controllers on the same board. | 11:43 |
xannen | i know. lol | 11:44 |
xannen | so after spending hours figuring networking issues, reformat, chat on irc, and 2 mins vaccuum and router reset fixes the problem. now i have spend more hours, reinstalling. :( | 11:45 |
head_victim | Ah well, learnt a good lesson. It's usually the most basic of things | 11:46 |
xannen | that's what i thought too. | 11:47 |
xannen | but strangely, my other comp at the time ethernet connection and worked, and my laptop on wireless worked. so i didn't think it was the router. | 11:47 |
head_victim | Could have been a jammed port | 11:48 |
xannen | maybe... | 11:48 |
xannen | on 11.10, what's the recommended xchat: [plain] xchat irc, or xchat-gnome irc | 11:49 |
head_victim | I use xchat (without the gnome bit) I think | 11:52 |
xannen | okay cool | 11:52 |
xannen | i'll try that then. i am using gnome xchat now. | 11:53 |
head_victim | The beauty of linux is there are 100 different things you can try if you want and find the one you like the best :) | 11:54 |
xannen | i want the best handed on silver platter. :D brb relog on xchat. | 11:55 |
xannen | hello xchat (without gnome) lol | 11:56 |
Fudge | telnets the best and ships default on all operatin gsystems | 11:57 |
Fudge | loL | 11:57 |
head_victim | Ha, go back to 1975 | 11:57 |
jargonfactory | RIP dmr | 11:58 |
xannen | lol | 11:59 |
head_victim | jargonfactory: indeed | 11:59 |
xannen | oh god... i need to dl hon again. :( | 12:00 |
xannen | sigh... | 12:00 |
jargonfactory | head_victim: i felt really bad mate. did C back in high-school and it was so bad to learn of his death. I even have his K&R with me :( | 12:01 |
jargonfactory | well half of K&R even | 12:01 |
xannen | who die? K or R ? | 12:01 |
jargonfactory | boingboing.net/2011/10/12/dennis-ritchie-1941-2011-computer-scientist-unix-co-creator-c-co-inventor.html | 12:02 |
xannen | yes it is sad. though, C was awesome at the time, now it's cumbersome after heavy reliance on virtual machine. lol | 12:04 |
jargonfactory | C is used big time dude | 12:05 |
jargonfactory | (Even today) | 12:05 |
xannen | i know... but pointers and memory mgt is annoying, and on top of that there's the usual code bug, etc... :D | 12:05 |
xannen | it's nice that memory mgt is out of the way. :D | 12:06 |
head_victim | I have no comment as I have no idea about programming. Sad to loose one of the figure heads though | 12:09 |
xannen | brb relogging into standard unity :D | 12:09 |
jargonfactory | wonder what Linux would have been called if there was no UNIX. would it even exist? ofcourse no but it's kind of interesting to think about *what* kind of computing environment it'd have been. | 12:09 |
jargonfactory | head_victim: don't worry abt it PEBKACS are everywhere | 12:10 |
head_victim | Freax was the preferred name I believe | 12:10 |
jargonfactory | hah | 12:10 |
xannen | hello sagaci <3 | 12:15 |
sagaci | hi | 12:15 |
xannen | on 11.10, how do you set the dashboard on primary monitor for dual monitor? | 12:28 |
head_victim | As long as you set whichever monitor you want to be primary the dash goes there | 12:32 |
head_victim | That's in system settings then "displays" | 12:33 |
head_victim | I just sorted out my virtual box "dual screens" | 12:34 |
xannen | head_victim, i had a look at system -> display, and it can't detect my monitors, it only says unknown. | 12:37 |
head_victim | Ok make sure you have your video drivers installed properly (usually need proprietary for nvidia and/or ati) | 12:38 |
head_victim | The best way to check that is in the system settings "additional drivers" | 12:38 |
xannen | i have, but i installed: post-release current version, instead of just current version, does that make a difference? | 12:39 |
head_victim | Shouldn't, have you restarted x since installing them? | 12:40 |
xannen | yes i restarted my comp after driver update. | 12:41 |
xannen | ok, i'll try the standard current version. restarting comp now. :D | 12:44 |
xannen | soft center is giving me the sh*t | 13:02 |
xannen | yay have synaptic now <3 | 13:03 |
jargonfactory | xannen: man, you're so hyper and I used to think I was hyper :) | 13:14 |
xannen | hehe jargonfactory | 13:14 |
jargonfactory | where do you get all these energy from? guaranas? | 13:15 |
xannen | sexual frustration? :P | 13:18 |
xannen | i can't wait till 12.04... i feel 11.10 release can be better :D | 13:55 |
xannen | night all ^_^ | 14:16 |
airtonix | lol | 14:48 |
head_victim | If anyone is interested - Ubuntu Community Council Election results - http://www.cs.cornell.edu/w8/~andru/cgi-perl/civs/results.pl?id=E_234037fcede80bac | 14:52 |
sagaci | not surprised about dholbach | 14:54 |
sagaci | :) | 14:54 |
head_victim | The top 4 were pretty safe, the others were close | 14:58 |
sagaci | oh well hopefully it's a good cc for the next couple of years | 15:02 |
head_victim | Fingers crossed. | 15:03 |
head_victim | First time I've been able to vote :) | 15:04 |
sagaci | yeah I think that's how they do the debian votes, like for DPL, etc | 15:04 |
sagaci | that weird voting system | 15:04 |
head_victim | Yeah, one of the real benefits of being a member. | 15:04 |
head_victim | You should look into that yourself if you're interested | 15:04 |
sagaci | yeah I'm thinking next year sometime | 15:06 |
head_victim | Cool, I just know they're trying to promote it again as a lot of people don't seem to know enough about it | 15:08 |
sagaci | they were vaguely talking about it on the ubuntu-uk podcast and I agree that a hell of a lot of people in the ubuntu community are quite happy doing what they're doing without having to worry about any membership/leadership | 15:09 |
sagaci | each to their own... I'd like to go for it but I don't want to apply and not feel like i'm ready (ie. I don't think I should yet) | 15:10 |
head_victim | Well I think the best way to check is to actually write up your wiki page like you're going for it. You'll be surprised I think. | 15:10 |
sagaci | yeah, I've been collating a few of the things I've done but I'd like to hold at least one more release party/event | 15:11 |
head_victim | No worries :) Just sing out when you start chasing testimonials | 15:11 |
sagaci | it was just so weird having the release party when all the participant (bar me) had really nothing to do with the -au loco | 15:12 |
head_victim | Well now they know about it though | 15:12 |
sagaci | in hindsight, I should have taken some -au team cards | 15:12 |
head_victim | That's half the reason for it all | 15:12 |
sagaci | yeah, we did talk about it | 15:12 |
head_victim | Cool, well I have to head to bed | 15:13 |
head_victim | Our release party is tomorrow afternoon, weather permitting. The radar is looking like a stormy day is ahead of us. | 15:13 |
sagaci | catchya later, I should go to sleep now too, rain on the roof is the best night-time lullaby | 15:14 |
sagaci | righteo then, hope it goes well | 15:14 |
ikt | head_victim: you here? | 15:44 |
sagaci | doubt it | 15:44 |
ikt | damn! | 15:44 |
ikt | oh well check this | 15:44 |
sagaci | ikt, ? | 15:50 |
ikt | wops | 16:00 |
ikt | http://doodle.com/bpz47isrg9q7xz23 | 16:01 |
sagaci | ah nice, now just post it to the group :) | 16:03 |
sagaci | errr, list | 16:03 |
sagaci | what does 8pm mean | 16:04 |
sagaci | est, edst, cst, wst? | 16:04 |
ikt | good point | 16:26 |
ikt | i'll make it est | 16:26 |
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