[00:05] Oh, joy. Double my fun. [01:28] infinity, cjwatson: armhf all done. Just needs a manage-chroot/add-missing-builds when you're ready for builds. And might need some IS pokage to get it onto ports.u.c, I suppose. [05:50] lol. If I click 'Ask me later' on the 'Ubuntu 11.10 Upgrade Available' popup, nothing happens. [08:03] wgrant: \o/ [08:09] infinity: Have fun with NEW... [08:09] Although I guess you might have old scripts for that. [08:14] wgrant: Oh ugh. Did it drop all those arch_all copies into new? [08:14] infinity: No, but all the armhf binaries will. [08:14] Once we start building them. [08:14] They... Shouldn't? [08:15] I don't recall that happening with armel or lpia. [08:15] Though it's been a while. [08:16] Oh, indeed, it falls back to other archs. [08:16] Forgot that bit. [08:17] I see you have quite the army of arm* builders now. [08:17] Sort of, though we plan to get rid of all the babbages, so the current list is only temporarily exciting. [08:19] Bah. [08:19] Will be interesting to see how quickly the flock of pandas gets through the archive, anyway. [08:20] We'll need more of them. [08:20] And we're working on that. [08:20] But it might not be too awful. [08:20] I hope. :P [08:21] At least we're starting early this time :) [08:22] Ish. I seem to be taking vacation at a rather inconvenient time, but I hope to be babysitting builds be the end of next week. [08:22] s/be the/by the/ === med_out is now known as medberry [14:38] skaet: hi! [14:39] skaet: I was asked to talk to you about bug #314432 [14:39] hiya jdstrand! :) [14:39] Launchpad bug 314432 in launchpad "It's impossible to see all the bugs that affect a BugTarget if some bugs are targeted to one or more series and the Master task is closed (affects: 4) (dups: 4) (heat: 60)" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/314432 [14:39] jstrand, classic. [14:39] skaet: this is a real problem for my team, and I imagine it would be for you. do you think we can up that to Critical as flacoste mentioned in comment #18 this morning? [14:40] * skaet looking [14:40] I also wonder why I am not allowed to escalate it [14:43] Only certain LP people can escalate LP bugs. [14:43] jdstrand, as a way of dealing with the backlog, they are taking that input from the representative stakeholders that's all. [14:44] sure, but this is getting on 4 years [14:45] slipping is one thing, but we are missing stuff (still) because of it [14:45] jdstrand, yup [14:46] its on the list now, there are some other things there too. archive skew, and rebuild are there as well. [14:47] skaet: ok, as my representative stakeholder, this is probably the most important bug the security team has [14:47] skaet: thanks [14:47] jdstrand. gotcha. :) [14:47] thanks. [14:48] skaet: would you mind commenting in the bug in whatever way is appropriate as my representative? :) [14:48] yup, doing it now. ;) [14:48] \o/ [15:00] skaet: actually, you may want to look at bug #874250. this was discovered today and adversely affects our kernel cadence [15:00] Launchpad bug 874250 in launchpad "Nominations stop working when bugs have large number of projects (affects: 1) (heat: 12)" [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/874250 [15:01] skaet: what this means is we have to skip these bugs entirely when doing our workflow. so, precise for example currently cannot be tracked [15:02] skaet: I guess I should revise my comment and say "these are the two most important bugs the security team has" :) [15:03] (cannot be tracked in those bugs where this LP bug bites) === doko_ is now known as doko [15:04] jdstrand, which of thw two is hightest priority? [15:05] skaet: it would have to be kernel workflow at this point [15:05] skaet: but I worry that it will go to Critical and the other stay at High and the other won't be fixed for another 4 years [15:05] do I sound jaded? [15:06] jdstrand, understandably. :/ Anyhow, I'll reflect the order in my request in. [15:06] skaet: k, sorry for not remembering the kernel workflow bug [15:07] no worries. :) This is the problem the launchpad team has in spades, hence the desire we prioritize amongst each of the stakeholder viewpoints a bit. [15:08] skaet: well, while the old one affects more teams, the 2nd one is more strategic and there is no workaround [15:08] * skaet nods === medberry is now known as med_out [16:21] * Laney promotes 648611 too === Laney is now known as Guest30511 === Guest30511 is now known as Laney === jdstrand is now known as jdstr === jdstr is now known as jdstrand === med_out is now known as medbrry === medbrry is now known as medberry === medberry is now known as med_out