
spikebikePici: cool, thanks00:00
magik_can somebody helps with madwifi installation ?00:00
spikebikeI don't mind the unity bar on the left, but the bar at the top is ugly/insane00:00
spikebikeI feel like I'm playing landmines trying to avoid windows so I can get to the menu for each different app00:00
bailiesPici do you know how I can install sun java if I already have oneiric partners in my source list and its still not showing up?00:00
magik_anybody ?! :S ?!00:01
spikebikedon't to mention who needs a 3600 pixel wide menu bar that has something but 3-4 drop downs00:01
j4r00tncan't you just use synaptic to search for madwifi driver?00:01
simplebluej4r00tn, not funny00:02
j4r00tnthat's what I did when I added it... or maybe because I'm using backtrack00:02
agronholmso, the synaptic package manager was removed in 11.10 with no equivalent replacement00:02
j4r00tnahh that's why00:03
agronholmhow do I install individual packages graphically?00:03
graingertagronholm: ubuntu software center00:03
simpleblueanyone tried kubuntu?00:03
magik_j4r00tn: no .. couse i have to replace ath9k with it ..00:03
agronholmgraingert: I have it open00:03
mongohrm, network-manager still blows away /etc/resolv.conf even when managed=false00:03
agronholmgraingert: but I can't figure it out00:03
graingertagronholm: flail your search term00:03
graingertinto the box00:03
Mochaving audio sync issue with vlc though00:04
graingertclick install on all the buttons you see00:04
Riddellsimpleblue: sure00:04
agronholmgraingert: I wanted to install ttf-mscorefonts-installer00:04
agronholmit did not come up in search00:04
ian_macwas synaptic removed by defaultt?  or removed completely?00:04
agronholmby default00:04
coraxxhas anybody been able to get Oneiric to work on on Asus UX50 ... or at least with the nVidia G105m graphics adapter ?00:04
Ironagronholm, install the restricted-extras from the software center00:04
simplebluei'm trying to decide if i want to try kubuntu given the issues i have in unity or just move to another distro :/00:05
cuppsyAnyone having Broadcom wifi issues with 11.10? I couldn't connect to wifi (normally use STA) when booting the live CD. Wanted to ask before I install it tonight.00:05
agronholmIron: search comes up with nothing for restricted-extras00:05
spikebikewhat is the giant menu bar at the top of menu called?00:05
spikebikewhat is the giant menu bar at the top of the screen called?00:05
teolicyHi. I saw 11.10 is distributed as a hybrid ISO/USB image. Can I simply dd the image onto a USB stick I have lying about?00:05
cuppsy@spikebike The global menu00:05
zmbmartinsimpleblue: what issues do you have in unity?00:05
Ironagronholm, try Ubuntu Restricted Extras00:06
spikebikecuppsy: thanks00:06
benjamin_hello all :)00:06
benjamin_does anyone know if you just have linux if you can run WoW00:06
coraxxbenjamin_: hello benjamin_00:06
jrib!appdb | benjamin_00:06
ubottubenjamin_: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help00:06
simplebluezmbmartin, the mouse will disappear at random times. that is, you can still select things. and sometimes the screen will freeze and i'll have to reboot. also, the killer, qt creator version is not set correctly00:07
spikebikecool echo "export UBUNTU_MENUPROXY=0" > /etc/X11/Xsession.d/81ubuntumenuproxy sounds promising00:07
agronholmIron: that did the trick, thx00:07
magik_so , can anybody helps ?00:07
jrib!Helpme | magik_00:07
WinCamXPbenjamin_: I've seen a YouTube video of it working, but it probably requires a lot of configuration and might not work on all machines...00:07
ubottumagik_: Avoid following your questions with a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !attitude00:07
benjamin_i read that guide and i got error 13200:07
IronGuys, I am having an error when trying to activate the "post-release updates" FGLRX driver, it says the installation failed ...00:07
agronholmgraingert: also, where do I put that apt:// ... url? tried the search box, didn't do a thing00:07
zmbmartinsimpleblue: wow that is lame. I haven't seen those problems at all.00:07
new2netMy ocelot upgrade failed miserably. Can't startx at all. The package manager froze so I restarted in the middle of the upgrade. Upon loading the OS it ate crap so I dropped down to a root shell and ran dpkg --configure -a (to hopefully finish the install). That worked, so I killed gdm and restarted the xserver. Since I didn't want to be root I just restarted. Now i'm completely stuck using 11.04 off a USB. Please advise >.<00:07
Ironagronholm, no problem00:07
graingertagronholm: firefox00:07
simpleblueyeah zmbmartin, * sigh *00:07
magik_thanks -.-00:08
jribnew2net: you should continue the upgrade with apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade00:08
agronholmgraingert: I mean, don't I get a list of all installed packages from software-center?00:08
simplebluei may have to just switch for now, but i really like ubuntu because of it packages00:08
zmbmartinsimpleblue: sorry, what graphics card do you have? ubuntu version?00:08
cuppsyAnyone with Broadcom have wifi issues with the live CD? Can't connect (loops connecting repeatedly) and that's got me hesitant to install.00:08
coraxxbenjamin_: http://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=version&iId=2335200:08
Ironanyone had the same output? => Sorry, installation of this driver failed. Please have a look at the log file for details: /var/log/jockey.log00:08
simplebluenvidia, i installed the recommended driver00:08
zmbmartinsimpleblue: 11.10?00:09
simpleblueyes, 64 bit00:09
zmbmartinsimpleblue: fresh install or upgrade?00:09
new2netjrib: The splash screen shows up, then it drops down to ~tty except it is "checking battery life" and gets hung up on this (I'm using a desktop).00:10
simplebluefresh install00:10
bailieshow I can install sun java if I already have oneiric partners in my source list and its still not showing up?00:10
new2netjrib: I have grub which lets me boot into recovery mode, which is basically useless and allows for read-only access.00:11
simpleblueit just might be this microsoft wireless mouse, but in other distros its been fine00:11
thornI have a glitch that keeps repeating itself. See http://imm.io/ahBs for an example. This never happened before with previous releases of ubuntu, only with 11.04. it seems to have to do with text rendering and window drawing... how can I reset this when it happens without restarting? How can I fix it altogether? can someone give me an idea of how to google this problem?00:11
Ironbailies, go for the Restricted Extras and it will install all you need00:11
coraxxbenjamin_: I'm sure I can help, but if you include your "setup" in your question, someone might be able to.00:11
coraxxbenjamin_: * I'm not sure00:11
benjamin_I installed the Cataclysm00:11
Irongoing for reboot00:12
moljac024aunity2d uses compiz?00:12
coraxxbenjamin_: ok... but which ubuntu version ?...which graphics-card ? ...which Wine version ?00:12
itaylor57bailies, you need to enter sudo apt-get upgrade after you add the partners to your source list. then it should show up00:12
grim4593whelp. The upgrade process broke parts of openssl and proftpd/dovecot would not load.00:12
zmbmartinsimpleblue: is it random or do you notice it when you do specific things?00:12
Douggleanyone else noticing that the repos for oneiric are a bit slow atm does that have to do with it being new?00:13
benjamin_oh sorry. Ubuntu Natty. Wine 1.300:13
haddock_hmm. so Postler is included in the softwarecenter, but even in the Oneiric there is a problem with webkit.00:13
grim4593yeah it is slow from being new00:13
Tru3fateyes its slow here too00:13
simplebluei'm trying to make it do this again... its happened about half a dozen times already though00:13
kcjI hate unity.00:13
Tru3fateit jump buts its possibly because alot of user are upgrading00:13
Douggleok ty i wasnt sure00:13
kcjNow I have to change my password.00:14
Douggleis there a way to revert the unity iface?00:14
Douggleto go back to a regular gnome?00:14
Tru3fateTheres always a way00:14
itaylor57!notunity | Douggle00:14
ubottuDouggle: Ubuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions drowpdown. Using Natty? See !classic00:14
Dougglety :)00:15
qmanjr5How do I get the right-click option to open as administrator?00:15
* spikebike ponders the correlation between decreasing ubuntu popularity and unity00:16
david_trying to get phpmyadmin going and get this message "Cannot load mysqli extension. Please check your PHP configuration" . Where do I configure for mysqli? I've cheked and php works, apache2 works and mysql is ok. thanks for any help ...been hours searching myself on internet00:16
Douggleas soon as i finish installing wine i m a do that.00:16
qmanjr5david_, go to the #phpmyadmin channel.00:16
somsipdavid_: sudo apt-get php5-mysqli should do it automatically00:17
zmbmartinsimpleblue: Not sure if this will help --> http://www.giannistsakiris.com/index.php/2007/12/20/ubuntu-mouse-pointer-is-randomly-disappearing/00:17
simplebluethanks zmbmartin, i'm checking it out now00:18
ChogyDandavid_: have you tried: `sudo apt-get install lamp-server^`?00:18
kcjErr. E: firmware-b43-installer: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 200:19
bodomdavid_: Do as they suggested, then restart apache00:19
simplebluethe article is about 4 years old :s00:19
torrorSysinfo does not recognize my display adapter but nvidia config software does. and i am not able to activate unity 3d :(00:19
somsipbodom: apache2 restarts after php5.ini is updated as part of install. He may need to restart browser though00:19
simplebluei guess i would need to install the compiz setting manager to see if this was the case00:19
compdocanyone else upgrade or install 11.10 and have their PS/2 keyboard stop working?00:20
zmbmartinsimpleblue: yeah but someone just last year in the comments said it helped00:20
earthnativehttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuHashes  <-- is this going to be updated? Is there somewhere else that ISO hashes exist that I can check my downloads against?00:20
simpleblueokay, i'll try00:20
qmanjr5w30, I ended up just reformatting my entire computer. :P There wasn't that much stuff I wanted to backup.00:20
qmanjr5How do I get the right-click option to open as administrator?00:20
Pici!hashes | earthnative00:20
ubottuearthnative: See http://mirror.anl.gov/pub/ubuntu-iso/CDs/11.10/MD5SUMS for the md5sums of the latest Ubuntu release00:20
earthnativepici: groovy! that didn't come up in my googling00:21
thornIs now a good time to download the 11.10 iso?00:21
kcjI can't get b43-fwcutter installed (see above). Help please.00:21
ChogyDanHow can I tell what percentage my battery is charged to?00:21
Piciearthnative: I have a bug filed for the latter page, but everyone seems to have a post-release hangover or something ;)00:21
simplebluei'm installing the compiz setting manager right now00:21
earthnativelol. fair enough :)00:21
mongothorn: just use the torrents, it will download quickly00:21
ChogyDanqmanjr5: why do you want that?00:21
thornI know it will, but my concern is getting the up to date version. Or will the updates take care of that?00:22
g33kloverwhat app neeeeerdz00:22
ChogyDanthorn: of course00:22
bailiesitaylor57 its still not working :(( were you able to do it?00:22
thornok, while you guys are helping me, what should I do about video glitches that pop up when I run out of memory but then don't go away?00:22
earthnativeit would be neat if every ubuntu ISO md5 ended (or started?) with the version number :)00:22
qmanjr5ChogyDan, 'cause it's easier than going through terminal.00:23
mongohrm, I am guessing any ticket you open running gnome fallback will be closed as invalid right?00:23
qmanjr5and it was sudo apt-get install nautilus-gksu00:23
earthnative(yes, trivially possible)00:23
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kcjWhat do I have to install to get Gnome 2.x back?00:23
somsip!notunity | kcj00:23
ubottukcj: Ubuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions drowpdown. Using Natty? See !classic00:23
Picikcj: A prior release of Ubuntu.  Gnome 2 is no longer supported by GNOME.00:23
mongokcj: gnome-session-fallback00:23
thornto see an example of my video glitches, check out this link: http://imm.io/ahBs00:24
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compdocthats a glitch alright00:24
moljac024aso is lightdm supposed to not allow loging into anything other than "Ubuntu" or is it a bug?00:24
compdocthorn, you use onboard video, or a video card?00:25
rhizmoehah, i was jsut going to ask what lightdm was00:25
grim4593(thorn): looks kind of neat actually.00:25
rhizmoeugh, they use "forward" for a next button?00:25
mongomoljac024a: are you trying to log into another host?00:25
rahulJust upgraded to 11.10. Is there no kernel upgrade in new 11.10?00:25
moljac024awhatever i pick i get logged into ubuntu ala unity 3d all bells-and-whistles slowness00:26
moljac024amongo: im trying to logon into unity2d00:26
moljac024afrom the livecd00:26
moljac024aliveusb actually00:26
porphyrohey i have an asus 900 eee pc does anyone know where can i find updated drivers, acpi etc for ubuntu?   i'd like to be able to use the on/off switch and homekey00:26
cbrowneyeah, you can't get classic any more, unity 2D is just a non-accelerated version of Unity00:26
moljac024ais it hardwired for the ubuntu live user to only log into unity3d?00:26
rahulJust upgraded to 11.10. Is there no kernel upgrade in new 11.10?00:26
graingertporphyro: jupiter00:26
earthnativepici: http://www.finnie.org/software/vanityhash/   <-- for md5 hash fun :)00:26
cbrowneit's the same looks/feel just for older hardware00:27
graingertrahul: it goes to 300:27
porphyrograinger: the planet jupiter?  :(00:27
rahulgraingert: didnt get you!00:27
graingertrahul: okay00:27
rahulgraingert: 3 means?00:27
graingertporphyro: http://www.webupd8.org/2010/07/jupiter-ubuntu-ppa-hardware-and-power.html00:27
graingertrahul: xbox kinect support, and some other small stuff00:28
porphyrograinger: oh!  thx! :D00:28
rahulI can't see the ubuntu classic in logon screen. is it no more?00:28
simplebluezmbmartin, i disabled the 'hide mouse pointer option. hopefully thats all it needed.. thanks00:28
graingertrahul: GDM?00:28
cbrownerahul, it is indeed no more. it was removed from 11.1000:28
zmbmartinsimpleblue: let me know how it goes.00:28
simplebluewill do00:28
rahulgraingert: yes.00:29
moljac024aanyone? whatever i pick lightdm just logs me into unity3d00:29
cbrownemoljac024a, it doesn't, it's logging you into unity3D or unity2D, you're just confusing unity2D with gnome classic (2.x)00:29
moljac024acbrowne: no im not00:29
kevoniaanybody upgrade to 11.10 yet00:29
thorncompdoc: I'm pretty sure it's onboard?00:29
moljac024awhen  i enter echo $DESKTOP_SESSION into a terminal it spits out "Ubuntu"00:29
rahulcbrowne: Sad sad. :( It made me feel like a coder. the 3d and 2d is just gives u more user friendly look.00:29
cbrowneunity3D and unity2D are basically the same thing, they look and feel the same.  they're only different in terms of hardware requirements and some flashiness00:30
new2netkevonia: yeah, make sure you backup first00:30
moljac024ait should be "Ubuntu 2d" because thats what i chose damn it00:30
moljac024aand im pretty sure i know the difference between compiz and metacity00:30
new2netmoljac024a, yeah... i choose gdm, surpise kdm00:30
compdocthorn, could be a memory problem then. WHen did this start happening?00:30
moljac024afor example, if my windows are transparent and they are animated i'm in compiz00:30
cbrownemoljac024a, it's called Unity 2D not Ubuntu 2D, and it does not use metacity00:30
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thornit happens on every computer in this office, though I admit they're pretty similar00:31
kevoniaok any  bugs os far00:31
moljac024acbrowne: then what does it use?00:31
moljac024awhen i tried unity2d in 11.04 it used metacity00:31
rahulWhat is the difference between 2d and the regular00:31
moljac024aand it's called "Ubuntu 2d" at the login prompt00:31
nitrogenYo.  Anyone had issues with the Windows bootloader taking priority over GRUB on dual-boot setups?00:32
porphyrocouldn'tlocate it via apt00:32
compdocthorn, what OS do they run?00:33
SIFTUmoljac024a: In Ubuntu 11.10, Unity 2D uses Metacity's XRender based compositor to achieve transparency effects00:33
rahulIs there any torrentz to ubuntu 11.10?00:33
Pici!torrents | rahul00:33
ubotturahul: Oneiric can be torrented from http://torrent.ubuntu.com/simple/oneiric/desktop/ubuntu-11.04-desktop-i386.iso.torrent or http://torrent.ubuntu.com/simple/oneiric/server/ubuntu-11.04-server-amd64.iso.torrent depending on your needs.  Other flavors can be found at http://torrent.ubuntu.com/00:33
moljac024aSIFTU: is there a way to disable the compositor?00:33
cbrownethose links are wrong, ubottu00:33
thomas644yeah they're outdated00:34
moljac024aif the purpose is to enable it on older hardawre why do compositing damn it00:34
SIFTUmoljac024a: no idea, i dont run ubuntu00:34
Picicbrowne: oops. I didn't test them when I added them.  I'll fix00:34
cbrownebecause it does compositing in software, moljac024a, instead of on hardware00:34
rahulHow to download a torrent file from http://torrent.ubuntu.com/00:34
moljac024acbrowne: oh00:34
moljac024athats nice t hear00:34
rahulI couldnt see any torrent file in http://torrent.ubuntu.com/00:34
MJBrunehi, I installed gparted and I wanted to format a drive into hfs+ for my mac but it doesn't allow it even though I have the libs installed.00:34
MJBruneany ideas why this isn't working00:34
moljac024aits slow as unity 3d but itdoes it in software!00:34
moljac024aanyway i cant even get to unity 2d00:35
jdahmI just upgraded to 11.04->11.10.  nautilus keeps trying to start and then crashes when I try to open desktop icons.  Is there a way to keep this from starting up altogther?00:35
moljac024ait just logs me into unity 3d00:35
cbrownemoljac024a, are you -sure-? they are both composited, as we just established, so how are you telling the difference?00:35
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moljac024acbrowne: log in to unity 2d00:35
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moljac024aand paste the output from "echo $DESKTO_SESSON"00:36
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ChogyDanwhat is unity2d?  How can I use it?  will it use less power?00:36
soreauI'm getting 404 from http://torrent.ubuntu.com/simple/oneiric/desktop/ubuntu-11.04-desktop-i386.iso.torrent00:36
soreau! torrents00:36
ubottuOneiric can be torrented from http://torrent.ubuntu.com/simple/oneiric/desktop/ubuntu-11.04-desktop-i386.iso.torrent or http://torrent.ubuntu.com/simple/oneiric/server/ubuntu-11.04-server-amd64.iso.torrent depending on your needs.  Other flavors can be found at http://torrent.ubuntu.com/00:36
cbrownesoreau, I said the torrents were wrong, Pici said he'd fix the links, be patient00:37
OerHekssoreau, try http://torrent.ubuntu.com:6969/00:37
ChogyDansoreau: the version number is wrong, it needs updating00:37
ubottuOneiric can be torrented from http://torrent.ubuntu.com/simple/oneiric/desktop/ubuntu-11.10-desktop-i386.iso.torrent or http://torrent.ubuntu.com/simple/oneiric/server/ubuntu-11.10-server-amd64.iso.torrent depending on your needs.  Other flavors can be found at http://torrent.ubuntu.com/00:37
scampbellI wish they wouldn't pop up the upgrade box with the Upgrade Now button already highlighted.  I already know two people who got hosed by mouse/keyboard on systems that didn't have monitors turned on.00:37
moljac024acbrowne: echo $DESKTOP_SESSION00:37
Tru3fatehow can i link my gmail calendar with ubuntu calendar00:37
rahulubuntu-11.10-alternate-amd64.iso.torrent and ubuntu-11.10-desktop-amd64.iso.torrent00:37
rahulwhat is the difference00:38
rahulubuntu-11.10-alternate-amd64.iso.torrent and ubuntu-11.10-desktop-amd64.iso.torrent what is the difference?00:38
thomas644scampbell: what about the confirmation dialog?00:38
grim4593desktop is the live cd install00:38
compdocscampbell, hosed in what way?00:38
Picirahul: One is the alternate installer, the other is the regular live CD and installer.00:38
moljac024arahul:  alternate is text based install00:38
zjoHas ubuntu fixed switchable graphics issue? I want to dual boot ubuntu on my laptop but it drains my battery when it uses my laptops ATI card as opposed to the onbard card.00:38
grim4593alternate lets you install the server version and uses ncurses00:38
cbrownemoljac024a, I'm not on 11.10, I'm an LTS server guy and my desktop can afford to wait a few days before being upgraded00:38
CrzyMikyhi guys: running ubuntu 10.04. at some point before V9.x my virtual console switching worked.. now it doesnt. I have an Nvidia card. help. thanks.00:38
NierosI just rolled up to 11.10... and it broke :|00:38
rahulPici: moljac024a Didn't get you people. what are pros and cons of both?00:39
scampbellThey got upgraded without supporting secondary repos.  It shouldn't be just press return a couple times or push the mouse button a couples times for such a major thing. It should require you actually select that box, not preselected.00:39
cbrowneanyway, if you're that bothered why don't you write your own session?00:39
Picirahul: Both install the same version.00:39
Pici!alternate | rahul00:39
ubotturahul: The Alternate CD is a classic text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can also be used as an upgrade CD. http://www.ubuntu.com/download/ubuntu/alternative-download#alternate - See also !minimal00:39
grim4593Mine wwent ok except for openssl broke and took my ftp and mail daemons with it.00:39
NierosI boot up, and I get a nice flashing screen00:39
compdocanyone else upgrade or install 11.10 and have their PS/2 keyboard stop working?00:39
rahulPici: What is !alternate | rahul ?00:40
Picirahul: look at the info from ubottu above.00:40
Nierosis there any clean way to just undo this roll up...00:40
grim4593restore the backup you made from just before the upgrade00:40
ChogyDanhow do I know if I am using unity2d?00:40
moljac024acbrowne: tail -n 20 /var/log/lightdm/lightdm.log | grep "Starting session" | cut -d ' ' -f500:41
moljac024awhen i run that command it says: "Ubuntu"00:41
moljac024ait should say "Ubuntu 2d"00:41
cbrownemoljac024a, obviously you know your way around the command-line, so stop whinging and fix it your damn self00:41
moljac024abut how do i fix it00:41
zjoHas ubuntu fixed switchable graphics issue? I want to dual boot ubuntu on my laptop but it drains my battery when it uses my laptops ATI card as opposed to the onbard card.00:41
cbrownecreate a new session file that contains the correct startup commands00:41
moljac024ahow do i login into another session when the damn display manager is bugged00:42
moljac024aoh im sorry00:42
graingertzjo: vga_switcheroo00:42
moljac024aill just go write one that works00:42
cbrowneyeah, you do that00:42
moljac024asee you in a couple of months00:42
salvadorflhi people00:42
cbrowneit's gonna take you months to write a 1KB file?00:42
cbrownewow you're a slow typer00:42
rikutakei downloaded the adobeair installer, and im trying to install it. this command however does not work, what is it meant to do?  is there a typo? sudo ./AdobeAIRInstaller.bin00:42
moljac024aim on the liveusb00:42
salvadorfli kneed help i want to install gyachi in ubuntu oneiric but i cant00:42
moljac024aim not installing it until i try it out00:42
salvadorflcan some one help me?00:43
moljac024alooks like i wont be installing it when its bugged from day one00:43
cbrowneand that means you can't write session files?00:43
moljac024aseriously has anyone done any testing with this?00:43
Hdale85Hi guys, I'm trying to install an Nvidia GT520 with HDMI audio, I installed the latest nvidia driver from their website but I don't seem to have any sound devices still00:43
cbrownemoljac024a, what makes you think anybody would care if you didn't use ubuntu?00:43
moljac024aits not enough to display options, they have to work too00:43
kcjMy wi-fi isn't working now with 11.1000:43
Picicbrowne: If you're not going to be helpful here, then we'd appreciate not saying anything.  General chat is in #ubuntu-offtopic00:43
moljac024ai dont think anybody cares00:43
Picimoljac024a: What is the problem exactly?00:43
moljac024alast time i used ubuntu was 7.0400:44
simplebluei wish qt-creator installed more dependancies00:44
moljac024athat isnt changing i see00:44
jakempWhat's the easy way to add/change what directory the Dash in Unity?00:45
salvadorflhelp me with gyachi00:45
jakempall I've seen so far seems rediculously complicated00:45
Picijakemp: change what directory the dash?00:45
ta2dgeekanyone have any good fixes for the flash issues (tearing for one)?00:46
jakempPici, looks at for executables00:46
NierosHrm, anyone point me in the right direction with what to investigate: I rolled up to 11.10 and I can see a grey (i assume 2d desktop) that keeps flashing.00:46
Picijakemp: It should be the same as your $PATH00:46
Nierosmakes me think Unity is broken00:46
Nierosor possbily the video drivers..00:46
Picijakemp: Do I need to explain further?00:46
jakemphmm, you're right Pici. I hadn't rebooted. But now I have the issue of wanting to be able of calling a script from the dash00:47
RoDiMuS-XIs there a way to tell if your still running Ubuntu Beta release00:49
PiciRoDiMuS-X: run sudo apt-get update ; sudo apt-get dist-upgrade, if you don't get any updates, you're running the final product.00:50
new2netis there a hotkey for dropping down to a tty?  i thought it was CTRL+SHIFT+F1 or something like that00:50
grim4593or F2, F3, etc00:50
ChaorainI was trying to reformat my 11.04 and install 11.10 , I need the reformat. My screen just flashes red, green, blue and white. I still hear the log on sound effect00:51
RoDiMuS-Xthanks Pici00:51
thorncompdoc: we're running 11.04 on everything, they're all older, with memory ranging from 500 MB to 1 GB.00:51
rahulThey ubuntu alternate gives more support to h/w. What kinda support? Please.00:52
compdocthorn, how can you use any of them?00:52
Chaorainany clue how to get around the color flashes00:52
new2netgrim4593, thank you00:52
rahulThey say ubuntu alternate gives more support to h/w. What kinda support? Please.00:52
dw-quakelive used to run now it crashes on startup, anyone familiar?00:52
xanguarahul: is ubutnu, the same kernel, support is the same00:53
Picirahul: Please ease up on the repeating.  It doesn't have a graphical environment at install time, so you don't need to worry about problematic graphics drivers at that time.  It also allows for install on lvm and raid00:53
rahulPici:  The difference is just while installation?00:54
leighcan someone help me set up the sound on my laptop? it stopped working after an update00:54
Picirahul: yes.00:54
dw-leigh: did it work before the update without a proprietary (download) driver?00:54
dw-leigh: best bet is to check the startup logs... dmesg at prompt?00:55
dw-leigh: as root00:55
leighok and what am i looking for?00:55
ChaorainIs there anyway to start the live boot in a different graphics mode?00:55
dw-leigh: audio stuff00:55
jadugareveryone please stop your updates or installs of Ubuntu 11.10.  Thank you.00:55
OerHeksleigh, after the upgrade to 11.10 ?00:55
CSyncopei'm using the gnome switcher to use xmonad as my window manager, and .xsession is not running, i've already chmod +x00:56
dw-leigh: actually i dont know what im doing theres nothing good in my dmesg00:56
OerHeksleigh removal of ~/.pulse & reboot did the trick to get my sound back00:56
gribouilleX fails to start under oneiric00:57
C-S-Bcompress=lzo as an option for my btrfs home partition is not working, what am I doing wrong?00:57
new2netI was using gedit and restarted my machine with an unsaved document open. Any chance this document exists in the file system somewhere?00:57
Chaorainjadugar: is there a problem with 11.10?00:57
magik_somebody knows how to start my network becouse i restarted it ?00:57
leighhow do i do the removal of .pulse00:57
jadugarChaorain: no, 11.10 is fine.  I just want my install/updates to go faster.00:57
gribouilleX fails to start under oneiric00:58
dw-leigh: open terminal rm ~/.pulse00:58
leighok one sec00:58
crash1hdok so currently running ubuntu 11.10 and I logged into custom user choice on login there is no way to logout that I can see?00:58
Chaorainah, I can't get into the live boot for my disc00:58
mongojadugar: this is why you update the day before the release :) the mirrors were all fast yesterday00:58
OerHeksleigh, rm ~/.pulse and sometimes sound works without rebooot00:59
leighits says it cant remove it00:59
CSyncopecrash1hd: if you just need to log out open a terminal and type gnome-session-save --logout or --logoff, i can't remember00:59
jadugarmongo: yeah, I'll do that for 12.04.  I learned my lesson.00:59
gribouilleX fails to start under oneiric00:59
edlangHi --I've just installed ubuntu server 11.10 via a network install. There doesn't seem to be a tasksel item for the openstack / cloud computing packages. Am I missing something?00:59
crash1hdCSyncope, thats just it there doesnt seem to be anyway to open terminal or I would just do sudo reboot01:00
new2netHow can I tell if I'm using Natty or Ocelot (from a terminal)?01:00
jadugarnew2net: cat /etc/lsb-release01:01
new2netjadugar, Thank you01:01
crash1hdnevermind I just hardrebooted01:01
leighOerHeks: rm isnt working01:02
CSyncopewow why do people join and leave this channel so much?01:02
CSyncopemore than they actually talk01:02
naveenHi, I am not able to Ubuntu 11.10 beta from Main Server01:02
CSyncopecrash1hd: have you tried just pressing the power button on your computer and seeing if it displays the shutdown options01:02
tester5366Just a FYI, the guest session enabled by default is one of the most retarded things ever done by ubuntu01:02
CSyncopecrash1hd: modern computers don't have a mechanical power button, so just pressing it once wont shut it off01:02
crash1hdIt might have but I have already rebooted it01:03
ChogyDan[q] how do I see what percentage my battery is charged?01:04
simpleblueokay, i got qt-creator to work. apparently they don't include all the dependancies when you install it01:04
pitlimitI'm trying to install openafs-client... what do I type for "AFS cell this workstation belongs to"01:04
CSyncopei can't get xsession to run in a custom session01:04
naveenCan someon give me the content of source.list of Ubuntu 11.1001:05
MocOk, Gnome 3 getting on my nerve now !01:06
Mocbut seem like it a crappy ubuntu integration01:06
jadugarnaveen: you might have to wait a while.  The servers are very busy now01:06
naveenah ok01:06
Moclet hope 10.10 download is fast !01:06
mongoMoc: install gnome-session-fallback01:07
naveenjadugar: I think I have changed my source.list , can you share your source.list. I will wait after that01:07
Mocmongo: I did... I guess I should try this one again01:07
simplebluedoes the compizconfig settings manager actually change the settings of unity01:07
Mocgnome 3 is fine except for a few things that is really annoying... it still better than unity01:08
simplebluei tried changing the size of the icons and there is no change01:08
mongoI am going to have to write single sign on for AD and xfce I guess, unity is painful to use if you are not a mouse user01:08
mongoalt-tab not being LIFO is painful01:10
CSyncopewhat is all this join/part spam?01:11
jadugarCSyncope: have your IRC client filter it out01:11
V-illehow can I get compiz negative effect to work on 11.10?01:11
deebee_CSyncope: filter it out if it annoys you01:11
mongoI can't be the only person who uses alt tab to switch between multiple windows on teh same app01:11
jamescarr_why do I get a permission denied when doing this?01:12
jamescarr_sudo echo deb http://downloads-distro.mongodb.org/repo/ubuntu-upstart >> /etc/apt/sources.list01:12
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soreau! tee | jamescarr_01:12
Ttechdoes not seem to be a valid factoid01:12
soreaujamescarr_: You want to use tee instead..01:13
jamescarr_echo "echo deb http://downloads-distro.mongodb.org/repo/ubuntu-upstart >> /etc/apt/sources.list" | sudo sh01:13
soreaujamescarr_: anyway, what are you trying to do exactly?01:14
jamescarr_I'm not trying01:14
jamescarr_it's done01:14
Mocmongo: urm... LOT better01:14
SadlyMistakenWhen I burn CD or DVDs to my friends... they always tell me "You didn't burn anything here", but I can read my CDs... ¿Why people with windows can't read my Cds?01:14
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mongojamescarr_: yes, sudo privlages don't cross input/output redirection01:14
TrueFXhi guy01:15
openamdoes anyone know what version of PostgreSQL ubuntu 11.10 has?01:15
TrueFXi got a problem01:15
mongoMoc: a pitty it will be gone soon, I don't care about the menu but dumping simple things like how alt-tab works is a PITA01:15
deebee_openam: apt-cache show postgresql01:16
V-illemost every other compiz thing works, but negative doesn't work with any shortcut I tried01:16
Mocmongo: I agree... the alt-tab is really annoying ! I binded the alt-/ for window switching... But it still not good01:16
MeanEYEI have nVidia driver installed and working but instead of compiz unity2d is starting by default. Any solution to that?01:16
xtjacobIs it possible to upgrade linux mint 11 to ubuntu 11.10 by adding ubuntu repositories?01:16
SadlyMistakenTrueFX: just ask01:16
Moctrying to get banshee music icon integration back01:16
cgrozaHello. I am using gnome-terminal in Unity. Is there a way to disable menubar shortcuts because it interferes with my emacs key sequences?01:17
xanguaxtjacob: bad idea mix epositories and mint is not supported here01:17
openamdeebee_:  i'm on 11.04 and want PostgreSQL 9+ for a current project.  If 11.10 has it by default I'll upgrade now, otherwise I'll just build from source.01:17
xtjacobAlright, I was just curious since it was based off ubuntu01:17
jamescarr_mongo, you should install mongodb01:17
deebee_openam: ok, then yes, it does. 9.1.01:18
TrueFXim running ubuntu on vmare worstation windows 7 x64 as host ubuntu as guest. I have just tried to make icons visible on desktop using gconf-editor apps/nautilus/desktop and appropriate clicks suddenly a few hundred " Starting File Manager" icon is opend in tray. I have log out and log in. Same thing keeps on happinng. Mouse cursor is busy. I can't do anything. I cant even launch a terminal to kill pss. what to do ?01:18
simpleblueif compiz settings manager screwed up my ubuntu, i'll be very sad01:18
MeanEYEI have nVidia driver installed and working but instead of compiz unity2d is starting by default. Any solution to that?01:18
Hdale85if I wanted to upgrade to kernel 2.6.38-11.50 do I just install the kernel image?01:18
openamdeebee_:  thanks01:18
Hdale85it's not marking anymore packages then that01:18
rchavikhi... is gnome classic gone from 11.10 ?01:18
deebee_openam: but a quick google would have done the trick - http://packages.ubuntu.com/pt/oneiric/postgresql01:19
CentigonalHello there!01:20
xangua!nounity | rchavik01:20
ubotturchavik: Ubuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions drowpdown. Using Natty? See !classic01:20
thornhi there, so I'm working for a non-profit, and I have some older computers with 500 MB to 1000MB of RAM, and I keep getting video glitches when I get close to running out of memory. I don't think we have any actual video cards. If someone would please help me, that would be great. If you want a pic of an example of the glitching, which doesn't go away, I can give a link to a pic.01:20
Mocmongo: wee, even got pidgin to show in the tray bar !01:20
CentigonalI want to run Ubuntu in a VM on a 64 bit host OS. Should I use the 32bit or the 64bit version?01:20
V-illeok, negative magically started working01:20
* rchavik tips his hats to xangua01:20
openamdeebee_:  I did one and found this http://distrowatch.com/table.php?distribution=ubuntu which made me think it might have it, but it didn't state 11.10  I guess I should have read a few more links.  Thanks.01:21
ubottulubuntu is a project to create a derivative of Ubuntu using the LXDE desktop environment. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu . /join #lubuntu for lubuntu support.01:21
MocCentigonal: I always go 64bit now01:21
xanguathorn: low resources¿ try lubuntu01:21
TrueFXCentigonal, np chose whatever u like01:21
danielboston26whats the command to umount my hard drive?01:21
CentigonalMoc: So no serious compatibility issues?01:21
SetiAmonfetching file 1040 of 1700 hah,it isn't even showing download rate anymore01:21
CentigonalI remember back in the Hardy days, 64 bit had lots of issues with flash :P01:21
soreaudanielboston26: Why are you trying to unmount your hard drive?01:21
Hdale85nevermind I got it01:22
MocCentigonal: I never did... but all the stuff I use are 64bit compatible01:22
danielboston26so i can run fsck01:22
MocCentigonal: if you have some crappy driver that is 32bit only... maybe 32bit is better.. but if your host is 64bit... run 64bit01:22
SetiAmonwhy doesn't a x64 distro just use x32 files by default like in windows?just curious01:22
danielboston26soreau just upgraded to 11.10 its telling me theres something wrong with the drive so i want to run fsck01:23
TrueFXCentigonal, u may have some compatibility issues in 64 bit operating systems be warned but i still use 64 bit windows 7 64 bit ubuntu and bareMetal operating system which is entirely written in x64 assembly.01:23
soreaudanielboston26: Do it from a live cd01:23
deebee_SetiAmon: you can't run 32 bit drivers on x64 windows, it's only user mode 32 bits apps that work01:23
soreau! fsck01:23
ubottufsck is the FileSystem ChecKer, which runs automatically when you boot if you didn't shutdown cleanly. Type "man fsck" for information on running it manually. The command "sudo touch /forcefsck && sudo shutdown -r now" will force a reboot and a filesystem check; "sudo touch /fastboot" will skip a filesystem check at next reboot01:23
SetiAmonthats what i mean x32 apps i haven't yet ran on linux.but i figure i'm going to have to as i want to get some emulators to work01:24
Gunz4MiPPleI have no sound after the upgrade01:24
brianlIf I was using the beta 2 of 11.10, do i need to do anymore to upgrade to the official supported version other then update/upgrade?01:24
xanguaSetiAmon: if you need to, you can install the 32bit library stuff to run 32bit apps on 64bit ubuntu01:24
SetiAmonsound always breaks after kernel upgrades for me.you using OSS?01:24
xanguabrianl: if you have al updates, yes01:25
xanguawelcome to 11.1001:25
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D_Russ11.10 is it still #ubuntu+1 to discuss01:25
brianlxangua, okay, thanks ;/01:25
deebee_D_Russ: No, this channel is now where it's at :)01:25
simpleblueokay, i've effectively messed up unity and now can only use unity 2d01:25
danielboston26thanks soreau01:25
brianlxangua, it still savs developmental branch under my login though..01:25
simpleblueis there any way to reset the compiz settings01:26
bailieshow I can install sun java if I already have oneiric partners in my source list and its still not showing up?01:26
xanguasimpleblue: tried¿: unity --reset01:26
simpleblueno, but i will, thanks01:26
D_Russso is anyone reporting any major issues with 11.10 ?01:26
xanguabailies: you can install openjdk7, sun/oracle java is no longer in ubuntu repositories i believe01:27
xanguabailies: i also saw a post on omg!ubuntu! blog to add a third party repository and install oracle/sun java01:27
soreau! java | bailies01:27
ubottubailies: To install a Java runtime on Ubuntu on 10.04 LTS and newer, see http://goo.gl/zwOip -  For the Sun Java products and browser plugin, search for the sun-java6- packages in the !partner repository on Lucid (which must be enabled), or !multiverse repository on older releases.01:27
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jtomasrli cant upgrade from 11.04 to 11.10 i get conection errorss01:28
simpleblueunity --reset didn't work01:29
nierosSo i get my gui if I manually start gdm.01:29
nierosbut it's 2d.01:29
david_Does anyone know best C++ ide for linux for learning programming?01:29
nierosthis is borked01:29
simplebluedavid i find qt-creator to be the best01:29
zmbmartinsimpleblue: did you get things working.01:30
deebee_david_: Eclipse for C++ developers is an option01:30
padhudavid_: Code::blocks01:30
david_simpleblue what are your thoughts on codeblocks?01:30
CentigonalIf I may make a suggestion, I found it easier to learn programming starting with a higher level language and working down :)01:30
Mocmongo: you have vlc video sync issue É01:30
simpleblueactually codeblocks may be better. i like qt-creator better but i may be a tiny bit confusing to start with01:30
rhizmoeok, my display isn't being detected on upgrade. 1024 here.01:31
deebee_jtomasrl: the servers are very busy at the moment. try changing your mirror01:31
ChogyDanAnyone know how to tell if I have been bit by the linux power consumption bug?  Lucid livecd refuses to boot, so I can't really test, but i _think_ it is using more power01:31
simplebluezmbmartin, not yet. i've screwed things up bigtime with the compiz settings manager01:31
ScramblerUnity Blows!01:31
david_Ill stick with codeblocks for now and just mess around with QT on the side.01:31
rhizmoehmm, is my 1024 display resolution because the monitor isn't being detected, or is it a card thign?01:32
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rhizmoeno icons for gedit or terminal, either01:32
jtomasrldeebee_: how do i change my mirrors01:32
david_Scrambler why do you think unity blows?(BTW I launch classic)01:32
simplebluethe one thing that makes qt-creator rock is all the example programs. it has probably over 100 and the all seems to work!01:32
david_just want to here your thoughts\01:33
ChogyDan!ot | david_01:33
ubottudavid_: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!01:33
ScramblerI use Ubuntu for work, and Unity is too hard to get your apps arrange fast, and I don't need all the fancy gui effects.01:33
deebee_jtomasrl: in Update Manager, click "Settings..." at the bottom. It's in there.01:33
simplebluedavid_ what books are you reading to learn C++?01:33
xangua!nounity | Scrambler01:33
xanguaor use xfce / kde01:33
ubottuScrambler: Ubuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions drowpdown. Using Natty? See !classic01:33
jtomasrldeebee_: ;)01:33
longcatislooooooUmm... I just upgraded my grandma's laptop running LUbuntu to 11.10, and now the unity interface is the default. How do I correct this?01:34
Centigonalthat's one sweet bot :)01:34
determinologyDoes anyone know how to get the 1 click to desktop on 11.10 using gnome shell classic?01:34
ScramblerI tried to install 11.10 today on 2 machines and one wouldn't boot at all, and the laptop kept locking up.  Put Gnome 3 on the laptop, but you can't move the launcher items around, and the date is right smack in the middle of the launcher bar01:34
ScramblerI run 11.04 on all my machines without issue, and use ubuntu classic, no effects.01:35
rhizmoedo i need to reinstall nouveau for 11.10 by hand?01:35
longcatislooooooScrambler Hit the right control button01:35
ChogyDanScrambler: can you take it to offtopic?01:35
torrorinstalled synaptic in 11.10 but it just crash if i select filters or try to apply changes01:36
torror11.10 64 bit01:36
chintanneed help in partition01:36
david_Simpleblue I use C++ Programming Program Design and Data Structures by D.S. Malik, but I really use online resources mainly.01:37
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xanguadeterminology: you mean nautilus to show icons and contro the desktop¿¿ saw a post about it this morning on omg!ubuntu! blog01:37
simplebluei haven't heard of them, but i'm just getting into C++ myself01:37
MeanEYEWhy is my system always startin Unity2D instead of 3D version when I have nVidia drivers installed?01:37
chintansomeone here to help in partition ?01:38
deebee_simpleblue: would recommend Bruce Eckel's C++ books. They're available online for free too01:38
deebee_simpleblue: but we're getting a bit off topic :)01:38
Mocthat fixed my problem on 11.10 too : http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=1119156401:38
somsip!notunity | longcatisloooooo01:38
ubottulongcatisloooooo: Ubuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions drowpdown. Using Natty? See !classic01:38
simplebluedeebee, i'll check them out. currently i'm reading C++ primer plus01:38
simpleblueokays, sorry01:39
david_HOW is that book?01:39
determinologyXan remember when you could click a button and it would goto the desktop from anywhere01:40
MeanEYEWhy is my system always startin Unity2D instead of 3D version when I have nVidia drivers installed?01:40
deebee_simpleblue: I'm not the boss, I'm just pre-empting the warning from a mod :) These are the books - http://www.mindview.net/Books/TICPP/ThinkingInCPP2e.html01:40
new2netI am trying to get a fresh install of 10.04 but am warned that the partition manager is having trouble and advised to check my /var/log/syslog for more info -->  Oct 14 01:16:29 ubuntu ubiquity[23785]: OSError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/var/lib/partman/devices'01:42
IszakAnyone know how to install sun java on Ubuntu 11.10?01:43
Iszakit's no longer in the partner repo, ppa? or do I have to download from the site?01:43
xanguaIszak: is not, you can install openjdk7 but if you want oracle/sun java just saw a post on omg!ubuntu! blog01:44
Iszakxangua, is open JDK a complete implementation of sun java?01:45
xanguaIszak: is the free part01:45
Iszakcan't find anything om OMG Ubuntu!01:46
xanguafree, open source¿ don't remember exactly; let's say floss01:46
almoxarifeIszak: the headless is missing I think01:46
FlynsarmyHow do you enable the nouveau 3d drivers in 11.10?01:46
IszakThink I'll stick with Sun Java for now.01:46
MeanEYECan anyone tell me where I can find blacklist unity is using?01:46
Iszakxangua, ah you must have meant webupd801:47
keith_linux123thanks to all the devs on this realease01:47
almoxarifeFlynsarmy: why not the nvidia-current ?01:47
rdkhas anyone had luck getting 11.10 to work with dual monitors and ati restricted drivers?  I keep making the selection in the catalyst control panel, and it keeps reverting back to cloned.01:47
xanguaIszak: 10 things to do after install 11.10, it's there on omgubuntu01:47
keith_linux123i haven't felt this happy since i first used ubuntu 5 years agao01:47
xanguawell i follow both but saw it first on omg ;) Iszak01:47
Flynsarmyalmoxarife: I remembered using them in 11.04 and was quite happy with them. they're apparently installed by default in 11.10 however they don't appear in the 'restricted drivers' list and they're not enabled by default01:48
rhizmoeapt-get update is complaining that it's already running?01:48
Flynsarmyalmoxarife: they make switching in and out of dual screen mode alot easier01:48
Iszakxangua, link?01:48
new2netSorry if I wasn't clear.  Should I just proceed with the install or is that a serious error?01:48
rhizmoeis that the "aptd" b.s.?01:48
kzmanis it possible start ubuntu oineric with no unity ?01:48
xanguaIszak: ooh sorry, you were right, it's on webupd8 ;)01:48
almoxarifeFlynsarmy: there is a ppa from nvidia you need to load01:48
CrunchyChewiethere is a major, major bug still present with intel WiFi01:48
Iszakxangua, similar site :P01:48
xangua!nounity | kzman01:48
ubottukzman: Ubuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions drowpdown. Using Natty? See !classic01:48
CrunchyChewieand this may be more of a kernel issue01:49
CrunchyChewieI dont know01:49
hyperairhi. is there a way i can disable alt+`?01:49
kzmanxangua, thank you01:49
hyperairin unity i mean01:49
Flynsarmyalmoxarife: aha! i didn't have nouveau-firmware installed01:49
CrunchyChewieon newer kernels, the iwl6000 intel wifi will actively crash AP's it connects to01:50
Douggleit is so nice to NOT use unity lol01:50
ian_macI would think that if a client can crash an AP there is an issue with the AP, no?01:51
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Flynsarmyalmoxarife: I installed nouveau-firmware however it's still not in my restricted drivers list. how can I enable it?01:51
CrunchyChewieian_mac: nope, dig in Google a little bit and it is a known issue01:51
CrunchyChewieI have tested it on 3 different router models01:52
ian_macwouldn't that be a DoS vulnerability then?01:52
rdkseems like dual monitors doesn't work with ati drivers01:52
CrunchyChewieian_mac: oh yea01:52
CrunchyChewieI could drive through campus and destroy any free hotspots01:52
chintananyone help me ?01:53
chintani already told 2 times to help01:53
chintanbut noone intrested01:53
xanguachintan: and still you say nothing about your problem01:53
almoxarifeFlynsarmy: google 'nvidia-current' for the ppa01:53
chintani need help in partition01:54
rhizmoeuse "auto"01:54
Flynsarmyalmoxarife: nvidia-current are hte proprietry ones. they're in the restricted drivers list and i can turn them on. im after nouveau ones though01:54
rhizmoededicated /01:54
chintanmeans ?01:54
deebee_chintan: in IRC, you just explain the details of your problem, and someone will reply if they know the answer01:54
soreaurdk: Should work. What card is it?01:54
thornLubuntu isn't a substitute for Ubuntu for me, though people seem to recommend it for my low memory computers. Can someone tell me what's going on when my computers run out of memory and the video glitches? I can link to a screenshot if you like.01:54
rhizmoeyou should partition everything to a single / and a swap. two partitions.01:54
rhizmoeslices really01:55
chintanwhy only 2 partition01:55
rdksoreau it's a 5830, xfx01:55
chintanthere r many partition option01:55
mfilipeis there any way to show memory in top program like MB?01:55
chintanlike /user etc01:55
almoxarifeFlynsarmy: good luck then, I didn't go that route, I used the nvidia provided01:55
rhizmoedon't ask why, you don't know the language well enough.01:55
soreaurdk: What have you tried that isn't working?01:56
rhizmoechintan: those are subdirectories01:56
rdksoreau, when I try it under display, I get the "the selected configured for displays could not be applied" and it goes on to say that the max resolution is 1920x1920 (I'm trying to run 2 23")01:56
rdksoreau, and when I try to do it in catalyst, it keeps reverting back to cloned01:56
deebee_chintan: if you're a beginner, just go with the defaults and you'll be fine. I'm guessing you don't have any special needs.01:57
FlynsarmyI'm currently on gnome-classic in 11.10...and they seem to have removed the run menu. any ideas how I can get it back?01:57
spikebikeFlynsarmy: heh, they evilly want to force you to use unity01:57
soreaurdk: Have you tried the open radeon driver?01:57
rhizmoewhere is reboot?01:57
lyndon` 01:57
Flynsarmyspikebike: I attempted to. I used alt+f2, typed 'gnome-terminal' and a nautilus window opened. second time i typed gnome-terminal, the terminal opened. repeat this process for several other runs01:58
rhizmoedo i have to go to terminal in order to reboot?01:58
SubaruFreHosted a bunch of software on my webserver if anyones interested, business package hosting so unlimited bandwidth/250tb of space, lol...regardless, just hit the downloads section at http://www.subarufreaks.com you don't have to actually care about the subarus, its just my domain name lol01:58
almoxariferhizmoe: right click the same icon, see reboot?01:58
rhizmoesame icon as...01:58
Flynsarmyspikebike: it seems that the run menu will open what you last opened regardless of what you type, THEN it will load what you want it to load the second time around. this is if you press enter rather than using your mouse to click on stuff01:58
xanguaSubaruFre: no spam please01:58
=== longcatisloooooo is now known as Rallias
rdksoreau, no, i am using the restricted one, if I turn off the restricted, do I just install the open one from synaptic/software center?01:58
rhizmoealmoxarife: same icon as...?01:59
almoxariferhizmoe: the one that looks like an off/on button01:59
spikebikeI've yet to try one of the !nounity alternatives01:59
rhizmoenot seeing it. it doesn't exist in my install.01:59
=== Owner is now known as count0nz
RalliasOk. I've upgraded my grandma's laptop using LUbuntu, and now its having a hard time chugging along after the upgrade to 11.10. How do I get the auto login thing to stop with lightdm?01:59
almoxariferhizmoe: top right, last icon, what is it?01:59
HoNgOuRuhi, I upgraded from 11.04 to 11.10 and now I can't login with the account I upgraded with, but can login with other less priviledged ones, could the ecrypt of the home directory be the problem?01:59
deebee_rhizmoe: in 11.10, you select 'Shutdown...', and it's an option on the dialog that comes up02:00
rhizmoealmoxarife: user applet with my username.02:00
soreaurdk: In theory, you should only have to remove the catalyst drivers with jockey and the open driver will work02:00
HoNgOuRuplease review my question02:00
HoNgOuRuhi, I upgraded from 11.04 to 11.10 and now I can't login with the account I upgraded with, but can login with other less priviledged ones, could the ecrypt of the home directory be the problem?02:00
almoxariferhizmoe: to the right of your name, what icon do you see?02:00
rdksoreau, I am removing them, let's see how this goes...02:00
rhizmoealmoxarife: i know what you're talking about. it's not there.02:00
Flynsarmywe need a #ubuntu-rants channel to bitch about how horribly canonical has screwed up ubuntu since 10.1002:00
soreaurdk: Unless you installed from AMD without using jockey02:00
Vjhi i'm trying to triple boot my macbook pro with lion win7 and the latest ubuntu is this possible?02:01
deebee_rhizmoe: the icon that looks like a cog is missing?02:01
VjIve heard of problems with refit02:01
Vjand lion02:01
count0nzanyone else haveing issues upgradein python3 on x86 from Beta to Final ?02:01
rhizmoeyes, the icon that looks like a cog, as well as the icon that looks like a switch are both missing.02:01
count0nzupgradeing even02:01
rdksoreau, I installed using the additional drivers under system settings02:01
Centigonaluh hey, how do I turn on compiz from the unity interface?02:01
HoNgOuRuthis channel is all about problems and nothing about solutions02:01
soreaurdk: yea, that's jockey02:01
almoxarifethis is why I stay with 11.04 for a while :)02:01
hunterhey yall02:02
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HoNgOuRuyeah almoxarife, don't upgrade for your sake02:02
rdksoreau, ok, my problem was before I installed the restricted drivers, my mouse cursor was like, non existent, it was video card fuzz02:02
spikebikeCentigonal: my attempts to get compiz working have failed, seems like the tweaks for unity broke most of the basic compiz functionality02:02
rdkI'll brb, we'll see how this goes02:02
rhizmoetoo many people playing chit-chat to get solutions out02:02
ubottuUbuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions drowpdown. Using Natty? See !classic02:02
HoNgOuRuspikebike, buy an expensive graphics card, and get on with it02:02
almoxariferhizmoe: are you in the unity desktop?02:03
ubottuThe default interface in Ubuntu 11.04 is !Unity. To switch back to regular !GNOME: log out, click your username, click the Session box at the bottom of the screen, and select "Ubuntu Classic".For 11.10, see !notunuty02:03
deebee_rhizmoe: see http://askubuntu.com/questions/63084/power-cog-is-gone-from-the-panel for some ideas02:03
deebee_rhizmoe: looks like it may be a bug02:03
keith_linux123is there any way to install gnome302:03
HoNgOuRucan anybody help me?02:03
spikebikeHoNgOuRu: heh, nah.  It's fine for 3d, google earth, light gaming, etc.  Just not whatever the monstrosity that is unity 3d02:04
spikebikeoh and is quite happy with compiz + cube02:04
Vjis anyone triple booting with a mac/02:04
count0nzPreparing to replace python3 3.2.2-0ubuntu1 (using .../python3_3.2.2-0ubuntu2_all.deb) ...  File "/usr/bin/py3clean", line 32, in <module>02:04
almoxariferhizmoe: tried the               killall unity-panel-service02:04
mongokeith_linux123: install gnome-shell and gnome-panel IIRC02:04
HoNgOuRuI'll pay for help02:04
HoNgOuRujust kidding02:04
HoNgOuRuI'wont pay for anything but sx02:05
keith_linux123mongo, that easy ?02:05
mattalexxHas anyone successfully installed the equinox-theme package into 11.10 yet?02:05
dandamanshit shit shit, i need help, my machine wont book, i get to the menu where i can choose to boot normally, in recovery, previous linux versions, or memtest. If i choose normally, I get stuck at a blinking underscore. If i choose recovery book, i get stuck at [    0.010174] ACPI: Core revision 2011011202:05
mongokeith_linux123: I think so02:05
dandamani'm on ubuntu 11.0402:05
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dandamanplease for the love of god help me, this is my work computer02:05
mattalexxShould I just use Natty sources and be done with it?02:05
dandamani cant afford to lose some of the stuff i have on here that i didnt back up today02:05
soreau! language | dandaman02:06
ubottudandaman: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.02:06
mongodandaman: boot to a live CD and get your files off02:06
rdksoreau, well, now my mouse cursor is all crazy/nonexistent again02:06
Vjcan anyone help me with triple booting?02:06
determinologyI cant get the wobbly windowa on 11.1002:06
dandamanmongo: am i screwed?02:06
jamescarr_determinology, good!02:07
BoomaiI have a new laptop, trying a fresh 11.10 install. Screen goes completely blank after the "keyboard = man in a circle" and never comes back. Pressing shift and removing "quiet splash" from the boot line and setting nomodeset. I see that "starting load fallback graphics devices [fail]. Then I get a prompt. Can anyone help?02:07
El_Presidentehi, i try to install ubuntu 11.10 server on my q67 mainboard. installation worked flawlessly but i am unable to boot from uefi. if i go manually to the boot menu via f10 i can boot the "ubuntu" entry but if i dont do it i get constantly get booted to windows. i used efibootmgr to see what is the standard boot and it is ubuntu... any ideas?02:07
soreaurdk: Do both screens work though?02:07
mongodandaman: no, but you should get the files you need off first02:07
ellisWhat are you triple booting?02:07
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rdksoreau, about to try that, the mouse cursor does seem more important though, haha02:07
Vjmacbook pro with lion and win 7 already installed02:07
Vjvia bootcamp02:07
elliswhat's the issue?02:07
soreaurdk: You can ask in #radeon to see if it's a known issue but you might try a newer kernel and userspace for latest driver code02:08
ellisto be honest you could do perfectly well running ubuntu inside of a virtual machine in Mac or even Windows02:08
Vjjust would like to know the correct procedure I've heard that there are issues with refit and lion02:08
rdksoreau, yes, now both displays are working02:08
rdkbut i dont' have a usable cursor02:08
Vjit would be much slower wouldn't it?02:08
soreaurdk: Try asking in #radeon02:08
ellisUbuntu is not a particularly resource hungry OS. A Macbook Pro has a lot of resources.02:09
deebee_Vj: I'm running it in a VM right now on MacOS on a MacBook Pro02:09
rhizmoewell, removing nvidia-current and a hard reboot seems to have fixed my graphics resolution. still no cog/switch, though.02:09
ellisUnless you're doing lots of high power computing then I doubt you'd see the difference02:09
Vjits a 13 inch 2.4 ghz dual core with 4 gb ram02:09
dandamanmongo: what's my course of action going to look like after i get my files off?02:09
rdksoreau, thanks, I'll give it a shot02:09
ellisthat's about as much power as my desktop has ahaha02:09
rhizmoei'm missing a bunch of icons, too, like terminal and drive icons are all generic window02:10
deebee_Vj: Should be fine if you're doing run of the mill stuff02:10
Vjhaha well is it possible to triple boot?02:10
ellisCurrently I'm running an old Inspiron with about as much computing power as a shoe box, it runs fine. Definitely try vm route, at least just to try out hardware compatability02:10
=== sdsds is now known as ALL_CAPS_GUY
Vjor not worth the hassle?02:10
rhizmoeooh, i like how you can 'show desktop' from alt-tab02:10
jamescarr_does 11.10 remove the annoying "feature" of taking my menu options away in gvim, which forces me to use ubuntu classic?02:10
rhizmoegreat idea02:10
ellisvj: depends if you think you need the third OS02:11
dvivgadfpmint@mint ~ $ xrandr --output "DVI-0" --mode "1920x1080"02:11
dvivgadfpxrandr: Failed to get size of gamma for output default02:11
dvivgadfpwarning: output DVI-0 not found; ignoring02:11
dvivgadfpWhat doI put for DVI-002:11
=== ALL_CAPS_GUY is now known as sdsds
ellisI triple boot Windows 7, Mac OSX and Ubuntu, I find the more OSes I have, the more hassle it is keeping them all updated/backed up etc etc02:11
dvivgadfpor how do I find what to put there?02:11
mongodandaman: boot in recovery mode and try to see if that fixes the issue02:11
deebee_Vj: in my opinion, not worth the hassle unless you have a specific reason to have it running natively. With a VM, you can snapshot it, roll back, etc. Plus, you can still use MacOS.02:11
rhizmoeellis: no kidding?02:11
dandamanmongo: i am trying to boot in recovery mode right now, its stuck at ACPI: Core revision 2011011202:12
elliskidding about what?02:12
spikebikeamusingly unity seems to be simulatenously becoming much less compatible with old hardware (because of graphics requirements) and new hardware (because unity works so poorly with large and/or multiple monitors)02:12
Vjellis: do you recommend 32 bit or 64?02:12
mongodandaman: go into our bios and disable the power management02:12
ellisIt's way too late for my sense of humour to be working ahah02:12
rhizmoe#ubuntu-offtopic :P02:12
ellisI always use 64-bit, obviously assuming that your computer is built for it02:12
ellisCan't honestly say I've noticed a difference though, especially since I don't push the >4GB RAM barrier02:13
Vjellis: also i plan to use it with eclipse and some dev work, do you still think a vm would be the best way to go02:13
rhizmoehm, alt-tab a little laggy02:13
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deebee_Vj: I use Eclipse for C++ work on my VM without a problem02:13
dandamanmongo: it got past that, thanks, lets see what happens now02:14
mongorhizmoe: and broken :)02:14
ryaxnbhow do i tell if im using unity or unity-2d02:14
mongodandaman: it may boot with it disabled02:14
Vjdeebee_: what kind of specs are on your computer?02:14
ellisI use eclipse on Mac OSX, runs great. Not sure what you want Ubuntu for in general but as has already been said, VMs have many benefits02:14
Vjill try the vm route but the geek in me wants to try the triple booting haha02:15
dougglehave a quick question anyone know where i get a copy of ie60 winetricks pulls a 404 error02:15
deebee_Vj: It's a 2009 MacBook Pro 15", so pretty good. However, I used to run a Ubuntu VM on my old MacBook Pro that was probably a 2005/6 model02:15
spikebikehrmpf, anyone know how to turn off click to focus in 11.10?02:15
dandamanmongo: had it start normally and it worked, thanks broseph02:15
dvivgadfpam I asking difficult, stupid or obscure questions? This is the third help chat, ... and I'm only on IRC because I can't seem to find the info in either the man pages or on google02:15
ellisVj: the geek in you will figure out how to do the triple boot eventually ;)02:16
deebee_Vj: If it's just for fun and a technical challenge, then go for it :)02:16
dvivgadfpSeems like it's a 'too obvious to mention online' issue.. unfortunately i don't get it : (02:16
Vjhave you guys done it on your macs successfully?02:16
almoxarifedvivgadfp: on mint?02:16
rhizmoefunny, thunderbird doesn't even show you what the new version is anymore02:16
ellisVj: Not on a mac, I use a x86 PC with OSX running on it. If you think getting Ubuntu working will be a challenge, try forcing a PC into a Mac ahah02:17
deebee_Vj: Havent run Linux natively on a Mac for a long time. I did do it with refit years ago, but I'm sure it's all changed and I can't remember a thing :)02:17
rhizmoesidebar thingy is a bit hit-and-miss02:17
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Vjellis: hahaha yeah mackintosh's sound like quite the challenge02:17
spikebikewow, now a simple mouse tweak requires gconf-editor hacking.  Impressive how user unfriendly unity is getting02:17
rhizmoedvivgadfp: what's the q02:17
dvivgadfpxrandr, so mint, ubuntu, kubuntu shouldn't matter02:18
dougglei have a hackint0sh downstairs02:18
ellisspikbike: agreed, it's not a good sign02:18
almoxarifedvivgadfp: on mint?02:18
=== PaPi_JoNes_TheTh is now known as Alex_Jones
dvivgadfpI'm trying to change the res and don't know what to put for --output02:18
Vjdeebee_: I've read that there are a lot of problems with refit and lion though02:18
spikebikeI challenge anyone to figure out how to turn off click_to_focus without googling02:18
Vjthat was my main question coming in here02:18
edlangAnyone know why dnsmasq is in universe, not main?02:19
dvivgadfpalmoxarife: yes on mint. though my res doesn't show in system settings, so I added it manually, which worked.. but it still doesn't show in settings02:19
almoxarifewtf is it all the apple chat/?????????????????????????02:19
keith_linux123if i have 2 linux distros installed can they share a swap space02:19
rhizmoeno idea dude02:19
almoxarifedvivgadfp: try #mint02:19
dvivgadfpbeen there, done that02:19
deebee_Vj: I wouldn't know, having not looked into it for a long time. You'll be lucky to find someone in here wanting to do the same as you, at the same time as you :)02:19
dvivgadfpxrandr is the same no matter ubuntu, mint, or gentoo02:20
spikebikeman unity is still pretty raw, just running gconf-editor fills my screen with "(gconf-editor:5530): GLib-GObject-WARNING **: g_object_get_valist: property `type' of object class `GConfEditorWindow' is not readable"02:20
Vjthanks for all your guys input i'll definitely try the vm first02:20
ellisVj: good luck02:20
deebee_Vj: Have you got VM software installed already? Why not give it a go and see how it performs?02:20
dvivgadfpit's like mozilla directing me to microsoft for an issue with firefox.. firefox is firefox, no matter the platform(lame example)02:20
deebee_Vj: Hope it goes well :)02:20
almoxarifedvivgadfp: lame is bitching about mint in ubuntu chat02:21
ellisBeing that this is the first time I've upgraded a Linux distro to the very latest version, are Ubuntu releases always this buggy/unstable at release?02:21
rhizmoewhoa, freaky slo-mo window resizing!02:21
Mocellis: 10.10 is pretty good02:22
helpMeHey guys, i can't seem to get my live usb's to work02:22
rhizmoeellis: there is a 3.0 kernel and a new gui. lotta moving parts.02:22
helpMeIm on ubuntu 11.0402:22
ellisMaybe it's just my setup, but I'm just going from problem to problem to problem. Everything that took so long to configure in 11.04 has broken ahah02:22
helpMeThey all get stuck at "Syslinux...etc"02:22
dvivgadfpalmoxarife: .... I should have edited the console output to say ubuntu, since it's inconsequential02:22
dougglei m on 11.10 via wubi.02:22
dvivgadfphere, let me fix it.02:22
dvivgadfpI am now on my laptop with ubuntu02:23
ellisrhizmoe: Yeah I guess, it's easy to come accross as being ungrateful, given that it's free software an all02:23
dvivgadfpthe output is:02:23
rhizmoegonna have to set up a google alert for oneiric for a month or so02:23
dvivgadfpfriendlyuser@ubuntuisawesome ~ $ xrandr --output "DVI-0" --mode "1920x1080"02:23
dvivgadfpxrandr: Failed to get size of gamma for output default02:23
dvivgadfpwarning: output DVI-0 not found; ignoring02:23
th0rdvivgadfp: doesn't change the fact that it is mint02:24
dvivgadfphow do I find out what to put for --output?02:24
dvivgadfpit IS ubuntu now02:24
Mocunity and gnome 3 experience is ruining ubuntu for lot of us02:24
dvivgadfpI'm on my laptop now02:24
helpMeAnyone ? Plz im desparate :(02:24
dvivgadfpdo I need to take a picture and upload to imgur?02:24
almoxarifedvivgadfp: you got a nvidia card?02:24
abhijainwhat is the best way to switch from 10.10 to 11.1002:24
StepNjumpHas there anyone here tried photorec to salvage data on an ext4 file system?02:24
almoxarifeabhijain: don't02:25
Mocabhijain: you could stick to 10.10 if your happy..02:25
xanguaabhijain: upgrade to 11.04-11.1002:25
Mocabhijain: I regret my upgrade I jsut did02:25
rdkMoc, me too.02:25
abhijainMoc: why so02:25
ellisMoc: feeling the same way02:25
StepNjumpanyone familiar with photorec02:25
spikebikemoc: same here02:26
Mocabhijain: the unity experience is the big problem... and gnome 3 is basicly the same02:26
copproHey guys. Does oneiric have any tray applets for power or volume management?02:26
almoxarifeat this rate 11.10 may need a channel for itself just to reduce the scrolling02:26
MocI'm on the gnome-session-fallback rightnow...02:26
Mocfeel a bit like 10.10, BUT not as refined..02:26
abhijainMoc: so whats bad to adopt new things02:26
spikebikecoppro: no try they give you a giant top bar, but you can't put anythnig it it02:26
copprospikebike: no, I have trayer going, I just want an applet02:26
Mocabhijain: new thing isn't a problem, the problem is when it actually get in the way of productivity02:26
dvivgadfpalmoxarife: Amd/Ati video02:26
almoxarifecoppro: it does and volume should be visible by default02:27
ellisI think 11.10 needs a channel for itself just to divert all the traffic from the disillusioned buggers like myself :)02:27
copproalmoxarife: I'm not using Unity02:27
copproI'm using XMonad02:27
rhizmoeMoc: frankly i like unity so far02:27
almoxarifecoppro: which?02:27
spikebikerhizmoe: how big is your screen?02:27
copprognome-{volume,power}-applet are no longer in the repos02:27
abhijainMoc: I have installed vmware and used fedora15 simultaneously with gnome3 and its awesum02:27
rhizmoesingle 23"02:27
rdkI can't even get dual monitor and a working mouse cursor all a the same time on a pretty standard ati card.02:27
MocI just switched away from gnome 3... The alt-tab is one of the big reason02:27
ellisrdk: what's your card?02:28
rhizmoei'm sure alt-tab will be dealt with sooner than later02:28
rdkellis, xfx 583002:28
ellisrdK: because I had a nightmare with the AMD Catalyst at first02:28
spikebikerdk: yeah I think the unity devels all have single monitor setups02:28
abhijainMoc: oh, first day and controversey starts.02:28
Mocbut all the current application integration into the top bar arn't working... But this might just be an ubuntu issue...02:28
rhizmoegrowing pains02:28
crash1hdIs there a way to log into ubuntu classic still with 11.10?02:28
Mocabhijain: I tried to switch to 11.04, and I had the same problem02:28
MocI reverted back to 10.1002:28
ellisrdk: have you tried installing the updated additional drivers?02:29
Alex_Jonesdid my ubuntu just wished me to upgrade to cronical02:29
Alex_Jonesor something02:29
Alex_Joneswtf is that02:29
MocI would have reverted back again if it wernt for gnome-session-fallback02:29
Mocit not perfect, but it usable02:29
rdkrdk, not the post-install upgrade ones, i could try those02:29
abhijainMoc: wait till december alpha1 is releasing02:29
almoxarifeif the point is to do something productive while the bugs are worked out I would suggest "unity classic"02:29
rypervencheAh, another fun upgrade. Let us watch with glee.02:29
rhizmoei recommend waiting02:29
rdkellis, not the post-install upgrade ones, i could try those02:29
ozzloyi added myself to a group that has write permissions to a directory, but i get permssion denied when i try to write to that directory.  how do i trouble shoot this?  my googling is bringing all sorts of unhelpful pages that happen to have lots of those words on them02:30
ellisrdk: when I tried to install those, it kept failing. I had to install through Terminal before I could get the Catalyst working02:30
zaapielʞɔƞɟ əɥʇ ʇɐɥʍ02:30
rdkellis, i tried fglrx, the non post-release updates -- it took forever, but it finally installed02:31
FlynsarmyAnyone know how to get the 10.04 run menu back in gnome classic or gnome shell?02:31
rdkellis, are you using dual screens?02:31
ellisrdk: yes02:31
abhijainzaapiel: :D02:31
MocI really wish unity were something great...  Might be good for tablet though02:31
ellisrdk: system settings couldn't handle doing anything other than mirroring them02:31
rdkellis, and did you use the post-install upgrade drivers? what ddi you install through terminal? drivers from ati website?02:31
edlangWhat's the best mailing list to ask ubuntu / openstack questions?02:31
Mocyou don't run too much app at the same time on a tablet, and the left access tab is useful02:31
zaapielthats been the topic since that POS was announced02:31
almoxarifeFlynsarmy: you mean unity classic?02:32
rhizmoeozzloy: log out and log back in, maybe02:32
zaapieljust switch to gnome 3 ubuntu02:32
zaapielquit being lame02:32
zaapielyou aren't going to win this war02:32
jedixwhat packages do I need to re-activate hardware acceleration on sandy bridge?02:32
jedixin 11.1002:32
Flynsarmyalmoxarife: nope i got rid of unity - kept crashing. i mean gnome classic or gnome shell02:32
abhijainzaapiel: how you using opposit font for words :D02:32
spikebikejedix: using sandy bridge for gpu?02:32
zaapielabhijain, good question, i copy pastaed from another channel02:32
zaapielill ask him, hold02:32
jedixspikebike: yeah02:32
MocGnome shell wasn't too bad.. except for a new things they forces us on... Change behavior of alt-tab and no way to get it back02:33
ellisrdk: "fglrx-updates", if I remember correctly02:33
spikebikejedix: I thought that didn't work, phoronix had an article on it02:33
rdkellis, ty, I'll give it a try02:33
Moccan't right click on the volume to mute the sound02:33
ellisrdk: good luck02:33
RobotBothi everyone02:33
jedixspikebike: so it reverted to a non-functional state02:33
abhijainzaapiel: we linux users are weird people. We hate bindows and copying words from other channels. LOL02:33
MocI had benchee playing, and I couldn't see anywhere the application running02:33
MocI had to start it back to pause playback02:33
rdkellis, thx, I will need it02:33
RobotBotso I just updated and I'm liking everything. Unity is so much more usable now02:33
spikebikejedix: ya, seems like unity doesn't work with older nvidia, older ATI, oew new intel02:34
Mocbunch of stuff like that to make it un acceptable for daily usage02:34
unkmarI've been searching google but keeping hitting my dual-head against a wall.02:34
unkmarthat expects the nvidia driver, not nv and I have been unable to get the nvidia driver to work at all.02:34
spikebikeoh yeah and poor or not working on dual head02:34
abhijaindont underestimate be satisfy we have to wait for 12.4 :D02:34
jedixspikebike: I'm in kubuntu02:34
Mocdual head seem to work just fine in Gnome 3 and gnome 3 session fallback02:34
RobotBoti canceled the message that asked to import Evolution mail to thunderbird. how can I get this message to come up again?02:34
unkmardual head help with nv drivers02:34
ellisrdk: Can confirm that from a fresh install, I got Catalyst and dual screens working with 'sudo apt-get install fglrx' followed by 'fglrx-updates'02:35
MocI didn't even started unity on my 11.10 install02:35
almoxarifeRobotBot: you installed thunderbird?02:35
jedixspikebike: phoronix says it's good02:35
VustomI just installed GNOME in Ubuntu 11.10, and I'm new to this and wondering how I can change the theme?02:35
rdkellis, cool, thanks, I'm about to try that if the additional divers will ever finish :)02:35
VustomI've put the theme in .themes folder02:35
VustomWhere to now?02:35
drsscame upon an issue in alternate CD install via preseed/preconfiguration of i386 and amd64 10.10 maverick; as installer is trying to set up base system packages it aborts 'select and install software' stage consistently... specifically,02:36
MocVustom: when you login, you have a button next to your name02:36
xanguaVustom: appearence settings02:36
zaapielhe didnt answer me abhijain02:36
RobotBotyeah. I upgraded just a  few mintues ago, almoxarife02:36
ellisrdk: 141mB worth of waiting... this is gonna be a long night for me02:36
MocVustom: the gear02:36
Vustomxangua: I'm in Appearence Settings, but in the drop down box it's not there?02:36
almoxarifeRobotBot: the easy way is to delete the thunderbird folder in your home folder, you get a redo02:36
drssProcessing triggers for python-support ...    Errors were encountered while processing:    openoffice.org-style-human, openoffice.org-common, python-uno02:36
rdkellis, I think the servers are busy and slow02:37
drssWARNING **: Configuring 'pkgsel' failed with error code 102:37
VustomHome > .themes > Nord > gnome-shell is the location of the theme02:37
RobotBotalmoxarife: ok I'll try that. thank you very much02:37
MocI had to reinstall ubuntu and dont check the install update for the install to work02:37
MocI did skip but it ended up to freeze right before the end02:37
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ellisrdk: yeah no doubt, it's struggling with ~75k/s. I'm gonna leave it to it and try and get some sleep. I've got lectures in 4 hours...02:38
danopiawhen did 11.10 come out02:38
ellisdanopia: 13th Oct 201102:38
danopiano wonder http is so slow02:38
danopiaat least the torrent is going 5MiB/s02:38
danopiai'll set it seed for a while02:39
Mocmy iso dl was pretty quick02:39
Mocit the update server that are slow02:39
danopiamy iso download was going to take an hour02:40
danopiaon a gigabit internet connection02:40
rdkellis, when i uncheck cloned and apply, it doesn't stick... it reverts back to cloned... did you have that problemm?02:40
rhizmoehah, so the missing cog issue is just that the icon isn't showing. you can actually open any of the other menus (time, user, etc) and slide the mouse cursor to the edge of the screen and the menu will expose02:41
tanathwhy can't i upgrade to 11.10 without removing evince, pidgin, gnome, and synaptic?02:41
* danopia makes a usb boot disk so he can install to an SD card02:41
ellisrdk: yes, but I *think* it went away after applying the updates02:41
RobotBotalmoxarife: should i restart and then open Evolution. the message isn't popping just yet after deleting it and opening Evo.02:41
rdktry the torrents if are having slow iso download, danopia02:41
jedixthis makes no sense02:41
gentoofa1Is this the right channel in which to ask about installing a torrent seed server to seed the latest ubuntu images?02:41
danopiardk, the torrent went by at 5 MiB/s02:41
rhizmoegentoofa1: transmission02:41
ellisrdk: before i did, clicking 'apply' would just make the window dissapear and nothing actually change02:42
almoxarifeRobotBot: a log out/in should help02:42
gentoofa1rhizmoe: Is that the best one? I want something efficient.02:42
rdkellis, hmm, I have applied the update, but I'm still seeing what you are describing, nothing is changing.02:42
tanathrhizmoe, deluge02:42
danopiagei use deluge02:42
RobotBotok brb. i'll try it.02:42
danopiagentoofa1, i use deluge02:42
rhizmoegentoofa1: it's not a complicated piece of software, efficiency isn't much of an issue.02:42
rdkellis, I am picking multi display desktop02:42
zaapieli use transmission02:42
rhizmoeit's really just a matter of taste02:43
ellisrdk: is that the bottom option from the list of 4/5? I can't remember the wording exactly but I know theirs two almost identical sounding settings that do very different things02:43
tanathwhy does upgrading to 11.10 what to remove evince, pidgin, gnome, and synaptic?02:43
danopiagentoofa1, i'm having a hard time getting peers to leech from me, it seems like hte torrent is very well-seeded02:43
Mocis there a way to put back the file/edit/... menu to the window ?02:43
gentoofa1rhizmoe: I have a 100Mbps symmetric internet connection with only 256MB of RAM.02:43
rdkellis, yes, it's the bottom02:43
ryaxnbno one answered my question02:43
ryaxnbhow do i tell if im running unity 2d or unity 3d02:43
sebsebseb!gnome2 | tanath02:44
ubottutanath: The GNOME Foundation has ceased support for GNOME 2, and as such it is not in Ubuntu 11.10 (Oneiric Ocelot). See !notunity for an alternative desktop experience.02:44
danopiagentoofa1, i'm on a gigabit university connection and i'm seeding at 35 KiB/s02:44
sebsebsebtanath: that's why02:44
sebsebsebtanath: and Software Centre is used now to replace Synaptic by default, but still in repos02:44
tanathsebsebseb, i know that. but gnome 3 is in repos, no?02:44
gentoofa1danopia: This might be a gigabit connection. I am not sure. It is a VM.02:44
rhizmoegentoofa1: sounds like a personal problem02:44
xannenUbuntu 11.10: My networking is not working.  I had google: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1847900    best results so far.  And it has not worked.02:44
danopiagentoofa1, linux server?02:44
tanathsebsebseb, i know that as well. but i have it installed, so why is it removing it?02:44
ryaxnb gnome 3 is included in ubuntu 11.1002:44
new2netCan someone lend me perhaps 3 minutes of their time to help me install 11.04 on a hard drive (and get rid of grub), while keeping the files on a separate hard drive.02:44
sebsebsebtanath: well Gnome 3.2 is in Ubuntu 11.10, but with Unity by default, rather than Gnome Shell02:44
gentoofa1danopia: Ubuntu Server 10.0402:44
Julius_how do i register a domain?>02:44
ellisrdk: hmm.. not too sure. The way it worked for me the first time was to go into normal System Settings >> Display, untick mirror and select low resolutions for both screens so that it'd accept. Then with the new low-res desktop, open catalyst and change, then restart02:44
tanathsebsebseb, defaults are irrelevant. i'm upgrading02:44
ryaxnbhowever, gnome shell is not included by default but can be added02:45
rhizmoeJulius_: www.joker.com02:45
ellisrdk: if that doesn't work, I'm out of ideas ahah02:45
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ryaxnbno, when you upgrade, it removes gnome-panel and adds unity and removes gnome-shell02:45
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sebsebsebnew2net: get rid of Grub???02:45
danopiagentoofa1, does it have a GUI set up? if not, don't try transmission, it's gui. deluge has a server and webui but it's not that easy to set up the first time around02:45
rdkellis, ah, I didn't try the low res thing, I'll try that,02:45
ryaxnb(well, more accurately, it doesn't bother to install Gnome-shell)02:45
dayduhI'm thinking about rubbity jibbits02:45
powersurgesooo did you guys know that you can open a tab on your desktop and it's pretty hard to close?02:45
sebsebsebnew2net: you put 11.04 on and you get a new Grub useualy02:45
dayduhI'm thinking about rubbity chicka licka laisley02:45
Julius_how do i register a channel?02:45
sebsebsebnew2net: if you had one from before02:45
ryaxnbso if you upgrade, you get a new like experience - Unity only.02:45
sebsebsebJulius_: ask in #freenode02:45
dayduhGot a question, where are the XML parsers in cpan02:45
tanathryaxnb, don't have gnome-shell yet, but why would it remove it?02:45
ryaxnbyou can still add gnome-panel or gnome-shell.02:45
new2netsebsebseb, When I boot up it says "Grub Recovery > "   and help  /help --help man nothing works02:45
ellisrdk: it may not have made a difference, that's just the only thing i can think that may affect it. Some clash between Ubuntu screen settings and AMDs02:46
sebsebsebnew2net: ok and when do you get that?02:46
ryaxnbtanath, like i said, it doesn't, but it doesn't add it, and it does remove all PPAs, so since it was only on ubuntu 11.04 via PPA...02:46
tanathryaxnb, shouldn't have to reinstall stuff taht's already installed02:46
sebsebsebnew2net: did you upgrade to 11.10 and it went wrong and so Grub issue?02:46
ryaxnbit removes gnome-panel because it's a legacy component02:46
new2netsebsebseb, after booting (sorry I'm not sure what you mean)02:46
mekwallpangolin: any reason why you kicked me out of the release party channel?02:46
ryaxnbso the distro upgrade uninstalls it...02:46
sebsebsebmekwall: party's over!02:46
new2netsebsebseb, yes... now I just want to start over with 11.0402:46
mekwallboo :D02:46
sebsebsebmekwall: untill next time02:46
tanathryaxnb, are we talking about gnome-shell? i don't have it installed02:46
ryaxnbno, gnome-panel02:47
ryaxnbit's installed by default in 11.0402:47
sebsebsebnew2net: ok so where is your data? on a external hard disk?02:47
ryaxnbremoved by default in 11.10 even when upgrading02:47
mekwallsebsebseb: well, new releases all the time so why not party all the time? ;)02:47
new2netsebsebseb, on another server.02:47
sebsebseb!nounity | ryaxnb02:47
ubotturyaxnb: Ubuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions drowpdown. Using Natty? See !classic02:47
ryaxnband still haven't got an answer- am i using unity-2d or unity-3d02:47
tanathryaxnb, it's a problem.02:47
rhizmoemy trashcan has no icon/graphic. could it just be that some graphics didn't make it into the distribution? this is kinda weird.02:47
sebsebsebnew2net: any data in the Ubuntu install itself?02:47
RobotBotharrumph... didn't work i'm going to try something else02:47
ryaxnbsebsebseb, i'm helping tanath, aim it at him :/02:47
ryaxnbi know this stuff already02:47
sebsebseb!nounity | tanath02:47
ubottutanath: Ubuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions drowpdown. Using Natty? See !classic02:47
ryaxnbi customized my ubuntu with all the desktop enviornments to play with02:47
new2netsebsebseb, When I view my 1st hard disk (which I selected to install on) it looks like a clean 11.04 install02:47
kamilnadeemyesterday I upgraded 11.04 using the command "update-manager -d" via Alt+F2(as the update manager was not showing the new release even when I had the release update checked to normal in the update manager settings). So please tell me am I at 11.10 final or 11.10 beta 2.02:48
pangolinmekwall: I kicked the entire channel it is closed until next release.02:48
ryaxnbalso note u can use Xfce for a GNOME 2 like feel02:48
danopiatypo in !nounity, it says drowpdown02:48
sebsebsebnew2net: ok you on the Live CD for Ubuntu 11.04 maybe?02:48
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tanathsebsebseb, we've been over this. i know that02:48
MocXfce might be the way to go02:48
new2netsebsebseb, yes on a USB02:48
ryaxnbkamilnadeem, ubuntu betas are rolling release.02:48
ryaxnbYou were at yesterday's current release...02:48
sebsebsebryaxnb: they are not rolling release or not exactly02:48
ryaxnbif you do a sudo apt-get update  && sudo apt-get upgrade you'll be at final, even if you weren't then.02:48
sebsebsebnew2net: ok  can you show me a screenshot of gparted?02:49
ellisCan Xfce have the window management that stock Ubuntu has? I'm referring to window resizing when dragged to edge of screen02:49
ryaxnbsebsebseb, well, doing a update-manager -d gets you the very latest Ubuntu 11.10 as of the day you do it.02:49
tanaththe problem is removing things that don't need to be. they should be upgraded instead of removed, forcing user to note down what's removed and reinstall again after02:49
ryaxnbwhich includes some post-beta 2 files but maybe not the release files.02:49
Mocgoing to try xfce now..02:49
ryaxnbthe best thing to do is just do "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade"02:49
episteme_new2net: happened to me before...if I was at home I would send you link to fix....try searching fogle and you should be able to find what I did.02:49
ryaxnbif there's any update, it will fetch it and then you'll be on release version.02:49
new2netsebsebseb, yes 1 moment02:50
episteme_Seems to happen during update..don't know why....02:50
sebsebsebnew2net: I used to help people with Ubuntu  partition stuff loads of times before, but woudn't normally anymore, since more invovled with other distros now days :D02:50
kamilnadeemok I have initiated the command in terminal  lets see02:50
ryaxnbhow the heck can you tell if you're on unity 2d or unity 3d02:50
rdkellis getting closer, I have one monitor at full res and one at 800x600, catalyst it still not keeping all changes, weird02:50
sebsebsebzaapiel: nope I started with Fedora Core 2 even, no Ubuntu back then :D02:50
ryaxnbi can't tell :(02:50
Mocryaxnb: if it suck, your on 2d, if it really suck, your on 3d02:51
ryaxnbshaddup and explain pls02:51
ryaxnbi need to know how urgent it is that i reboot02:51
ellisrdk: hah, well i guess that's a start. hit Super+s. Does your workspace changer look right? Cos mine doesn't at all02:51
kamilnadeemMoc why are you spamming man , if you can provide help then help otherwise bugger off02:51
ryaxnbif im on 2d, i need to reboot and install this new driver that will make my card fully support 3d. If im on 3d, i have some 3d support already.02:51
ryaxnbso rebooting is low priority02:52
new2netsebsebseb, http://img36.imageshack.us/img36/4413/screenshotap.png02:52
Coreyryaxnb: Please remain civil.02:52
al4nc4dssomeone using ubuntu studio 11.10?02:52
rdkellis, what is super?02:52
ryaxnbok corey.02:52
Mockamilnadeem: I was actually half serious on that answer02:52
rdkellis, I think something is keeping catalyst from saving changes and I got lucky once, hehe02:52
danopiaeliasp, windows key02:52
ellisrdk, Super = Windows Key02:52
danopiaellis, windows key02:52
tanathevince, pidgin, gnome, & synaptic are all in 11.10, yes? so upgrading should not remove them. it should upgrade them02:52
kamilnadeemryaxnb it is  showing that no upgrades are required02:53
ryaxnbtanath, i have synaptic in 11.10 by default.02:53
rdkwindows key-s pulls up a small text box in lower right02:53
ryaxnbi upgraded.02:53
sebsebsebnew2net: ok two hard disks, and  according to that it's on the second, and that not much space is used in that partiiton02:53
kamilnadeemI upgraded02:53
tanathand if evince isn't the default doc viewer then what is?02:53
ryaxnbso i don't think it removes synaptic...02:53
al4nc4dssomeone uses the 11.10 ubuntu studio??? stable ?02:53
sebsebsebnew2net: you should be able to delete your Ubuntu partition, and then make a new one when you re install 11.0402:53
al4nc4dskernel 3.0 ?02:53
tanathryaxnb, it wants to remove it for me02:53
kamilnadeemSynaptic is still here02:53
ryaxnbkamilnadeem, then you are on the newest ubuntu 11.1002:53
sebsebsebnew2net: or do it in manual install, and set up a seperate /home if you really wanted to even, but you got two hard disks anyway02:53
ryaxnband that is that.02:53
ellisrdk, oh right, well on mine it's the shortcut for Workspace Siwtcher. Just click that instead, it's in the launcher02:53
sebsebsebnew2net: manual install, I meant custum partitining in the installer02:54
ryaxnblet's try this02:54
ellisrdk, it's just that it has lots of strange rendering artefacts on mine, wondering if it's a common problem with AMD cards02:54
ryaxnbif unity-2d is running, they'll be a unity-2d process, right, and if 3d is running, there'll be a compiz process, right?02:54
grendal-primeok this is making me nuts...install just stops at the ubuntu screen02:54
ryaxnbso i can do a ps -aux to tell??02:54
grendal-primeeven the alternate installer02:54
ronhi, is it possible to upgrade from 11.04 to 11.10 using console? the website documentation seems to only mention how to do it using GUI.02:55
grendal-primewhat causes this...02:55
new2netsebsebseb, which device would I select for my boot loader?02:55
nac-godfathermaybe check the sleep timer in power management, that used to screw up my installs...02:55
rdkellis, I haev current killed unity unf02:55
ryaxnbah, i have compiz on ps -aux02:56
sebsebsebnew2net:  is Ubuntu on a external hard disk? or one insidey our computer?02:56
ryaxnbso i have unity 3d then.02:56
sebsebsebnew2net: doesn't really matter where it goes I think, which hard disk02:56
ellisrdk, oh right. Well I've just reinstalled 11.10, and am having the exact same problem as you now. AMD Catalyst isn't saving settings02:56
ryaxnbgrendal-prime, have you tried banging the keyboard, that actually worked for me once02:56
ryaxnbas in "pressing all the keys in succesion"02:56
new2netsebsebseb, I see. OK I'll give this another shot02:57
ryaxnbrather than truly banging.02:57
kamilnadeemryanxb why is this http://i.imgur.com/2fBVg.png ? when I am opening the home folder it is showing below the icons in unity , while in natty it would not do this02:57
al4nc4dssomeone uses the 11.10 ubuntu studio?02:57
al4nc4dssomeone uses the 11.10 ubuntu studio?02:57
sebsebsebnew2net: well it needs to be on the hard disk02:57
sebsebsebnew2net: that the computer is booted from really02:57
sebsebseb!studio | al4nc4ds02:57
ubottual4nc4ds: UbuntuStudio is a collection of packages for the artist who wishes to use Ubuntu as their Digital Audio Workstation. It contains all the best Audio/Visual components from the Ubuntu repositories. For more info and install instructions, join #ubuntustudio or see http://ubuntustudio.org02:57
rdkellis, oh dear02:57
zeroseven0183Good day. I'm trying to recall my password here in IRC. Can anyone point me to the correct channel? Thanks02:57
sebsebsebzeroseven0183: #freenode02:57
al4nc4dssebsebseb: 0o uses?02:58
sandraEvening my fellow Ubuntu inmates :-)02:58
zeroseven0183Thanls sebsebseb02:58
ryaxnbno clue.02:58
sebsebsebzeroseven0183: your welcome02:58
ryaxnbhave you tried removing and remounting the Files icon.02:58
kamilnadeemdo you experienc the same02:58
rdkellis, and to think I upgraded from my nice 10.04 installation to get multiple monitors working properly.02:58
sandraI trust everyone of you is doing well02:58
sebsebsebal4nc4ds: what?02:58
ellisrdk, I know, bloody marvelous isn't it ahah. Think I'm just gonna have to revert back to 11.0402:58
ryaxnbThat is, remove the Home Folder/Files icon that is on top, and remount the other one to a permanent position.02:58
al4nc4dsdistro uses studio in hd ?02:58
elliscould you not get dual monitors in 10.04>02:58
ryaxnbi think that worked for me when this occured, it's a bug.02:58
ryaxnbok bye down for reboot02:59
Stingray88Can anyone help me figure out why my samba shares aren't working right02:59
tanathso how do we figure out why upgrade tool wants to remove stuff i need/want?02:59
rdkellis, yeah, this is annoying, dual monitors should not be rocket science02:59
tanaththat it doesn't for others03:00
Stingray88They used to work fine, then I reinstalled ubuntu and I can't see anything from another computer03:00
ellisrdk, I've never had this problem before. 11.04 worked straight away for me, no problems installing Catalyst, no problems using it03:00
new2netsebsebseb, http://img37.imageshack.us/img37/6100/screenshot2ya.png03:00
ellisrdk, every other distro I've ever dreamed up of downloading has worked out the box too03:00
sebsebsebnew2net: ok yeah that's the manual install03:00
sebsebsebnew2net: ,but you need to set up the partitions03:01
sebsebsebin that03:01
Mocurm, xfce seem to do the job too03:01
danopiai have good results with dualscreens on everything except unity03:01
danopiaunity didn't like dynamic desktop size changes03:01
rdkdanopia, I am using gnome shell and still no lick03:01
Stingray88Can anyone help me figured out why my samba shares aren't working anymore03:01
danopiai don't have 11.10 set up yet so no idea on that03:01
sebsebsebnew2net: so I would do like 10GB maybe 12GB or so even for /   asi n root,  and then  maybe a seperate /home even03:01
Stingray88I've installed samba, set them up with the server gui… it worked before and now it's not03:01
sebsebsebnew2net: and Ext4 is the file system03:01
ellisdanopia, what are dynamic desktop size changes?03:01
danopiabut i always logged in to gnome2 for projectors/etc03:01
rdkellis, I'm going to uninstall catalyst and then try to install it from AMD03:02
danopiaellis, when i added a screen, unity wouldn't render onto that screen until i logged out and back in03:02
danopiaso it would be a huge rendering error03:02
kamilnadeemwhy is this http://i.imgur.com/2fBVg.png ? when I am opening the home folder it is showing below the icons in unity , while in natty it would not do this03:02
tanathi'm trying to give unity another chance instead of switching distros, but if if the upgrade tool is going to remove things it shouldn't...03:02
Gunz4MiPPleso if yr sound isnt working after upgrade, try restarting03:03
somethinginterescan anyone help me out. I have the new 11.10 Gwibber but the skin not the "complete" new one. the menu etc is slick looking but the skin used on the messages themselves is the yellow default one from prior to 11.10.03:03
kamilnadeemnow I have removed both the icons and brought new ones from dash yet they are not working properly03:03
ellisdanopia, ok, figures. I might try logging into Unity-2D then and seeing if it fares any better03:03
Stingray88can anyone help me figure out why I can't see my samba shares03:03
Moctanath: you should just boot an usb key and test it before you try to upgrade03:03
Stingray88I had them setup just fine before, and now they aren't working apparnetly03:03
tanathMoc, it died03:04
tanathMoc, and i don't see how that'd help03:04
kamilnadeemtanath what is it removing03:04
Moctanath: Well, you might have save yourself some unproductive hours03:04
danopiaalready foud a bug in 11.1003:04
KarmaonThat's strange, does 11.10 have a memory leak somewhere?03:05
Stingray88please, can anyone help me figure out why my samba shares aren't showing up anymore03:05
danopiaif you don't have any networking set up and go to register for a software center sync account, the captcha continually refreshes03:05
trojanerPTdanopia: you must be kidding03:05
danopialike, 15x/second03:05
tanathkamilnadeem, evince, pidgin, gnome, synaptic, ntfsprogs....03:05
danopianot major but03:05
KarmaonInstalling rails slows down the system to a halt considerably.03:05
Stingray88I have samba installed, and setup the folders in the server gui, but nothing is showing up on my other computer03:05
tanathMoc, how? the problem is with the upgrade tool03:05
kamilnadeemman it will reinstall that stuff I guess03:05
Moctanath: your using what now ? 11.04 ?03:05
tanathkamilnadeem, no, that's what it wants to remove03:05
shaun192need some help with a few 11.10 post b2 ==> 11.10 final issues03:06
tanathMoc, yes03:06
Stingray88please someone help me, it will be extremely quick I'm sure03:06
danopiaso are ubuntu software center accounts seperate from ubuntu SSO accounts?03:06
danopiabecause that's stupid03:06
nvzni think there is a problem with ath9k in lucid right now03:06
Moctanath: urm, donno then03:06
tanathStingray88, samba can be a real mess and pain to troubleshoot. try browsing directly to the ip. you might just not be browseable on network03:06
tanathStingray88, using samba-capable client like nautilus, of course03:07
Stingray88tanath, it worked just fine a week ago… all I did was intall samba and set it up with the server gui… then this week I reinstalled the same OS, repeated the same steps and have nothing03:07
tanathStingray88, maybe you left something out03:08
Stingray88tanath, I don't see how03:08
shaun192anyone get a lightdm configure md5sum: I/O error during a dist-upgrade03:08
Stingray88tanath, its only two steps03:08
tanathlet's try...03:08
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ubottuSamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.03:08
tanathcheck those?03:08
Stingray88check what03:09
tanathStingray88, the links03:09
Stingray88I've read all the documentation… it will lead me no where03:09
tanathStingray88, well i'm afraid to get sucked into samba troubleshooting right now. can be time consuming03:09
Stingray88linux seriously drives me nuts03:10
sandraI was hoping that someone here could please tell me if there is a work around for the right click desktop option "Open as file Manger"  I did install nautilus-gksu but when I click on a folder the "Open as file manger" does not work.03:10
reisioStingray88: not Linux's fault03:10
Stingray88how can I do one thing one week, and do the same exact thing the next week on the same exact OS… and have it not work03:10
rhizmoe#samba 111 Got questions?03:10
Stingray88that is most definiately linux's fault03:10
reisioStingray88: usually because you've changed something03:10
sandrabut it is installed03:10
Stingray88I didn't change anything03:10
sebsebsebsandra: or Ubuntu's fault, rather than Desktop Linux as a whole any distro03:10
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sebsebsebStingray88:  that was for you ^03:11
tanathStingray88, windows will drive you more nuts, generally. malware, etc03:11
sebsebsebsandra: wrong person03:11
Stingray88I'm not using windows03:11
shaun192anyone see this error when opening a term ==>  bash: /etc/bash_completion.d/rsync: Input/output error03:11
jeethi i just installed ubuntu 11.04 and my xchat-gnome crashes on accepting a XDCC transfer...does anyone know why this is happening?? is this an xchat bug or is there a way around?03:11
intokSo whats the state of the i845 GPU driver in 11.10??03:11
tanathStingray88, didn't imply you were03:11
nac-godfather"Open As File Manager" ?  what03:11
Stingray88this is a mess03:11
tanathStingray88, there are command-line tools to get more info03:11
tanathStingray88, narrow down the problem03:12
sandrasebsebseb, wrong person but perhaps you have the right answer ?03:12
Stingray88how can I do the EXACT same thing a week later and have it not work03:12
tanathStingray88, smbtree or somethign. things like that03:12
reisioStingray88: you can't, what does that tell you03:12
sebsebsebsandra: depends on your issue, I message you by mistake there, when I was meant to have messaged Stingray8803:12
tanathStingray88, maybe an update introduced a bug. it happens you know03:12
almoxarifeStingray88: I can help, but you will need to not argue, agreed?03:12
kamilnadeemI did the upgrade yesterday from 11.04 using the command "update-manager -d" via Alt+F2(as the update manager was not showing the new release even when I had the release update checked to normal in the update manager settings). So please tell me am I at 11.10 final or 11.10 beta 2.03:12
Stingray88I'll agree03:12
kamilnadeemI somehow belive I am on beta 203:13
maulanaare ubuntu 11.04  have recovery all my configuration or did ubuntu have check point of configuration ?03:13
nac-godfatheruname -a03:13
almoxarifeStingray88: you want to share ubuntu folders?03:13
Stingray88almoxarife: yes03:13
almoxarifeStingray88: the machine that is suppose to see these folders is on a local lan?03:13
sandraMy issue is not being able to implement the right click "Open as Administrator " function after installing nautilus-gksu03:13
sebsebsebsandra: oh03:14
Stingray88almoxarife: yes both computers are on my home network03:14
sebsebsebsandra: not quite sure the feature your after, but Nautilus has chaned in Ubuntu 11.10 it's Gnome 3.2 now not Gnome 203:14
dajhornshaun192: Remove the rsync package, delete that file if it still exists, and reinstall the rsync package.03:14
almoxarifeStingray88: can you ping the other machine?03:14
nac-godfather"cat /etc/issue" kamilnadeem03:14
nac-godfatherThat will tell you which release "codename" you're running.03:15
Stingray88almoxarife: I can VNC from my laptop into my ubuntu box03:15
rhizmoei got sound back on all by myself, yet still no speaker icon. no checkbox in the sound panel either03:15
Stingray88almoxarife: so they see eachother03:15
vivek200912getting problem in upgrading Ubunut to 11.10, update manager is not responding after clicking on upgrade, can anyone help?03:15
Benwalburndoes anyone know how to manually install broadcom driver on ubuntu? i have the tar file, i just need to know what command lines to run to install them03:15
maulanahallo please repon my faq03:16
almoxarifeStingray88: you installed some samba packages?03:16
xangua!broadcom | Benwalburn03:16
ubottuBenwalburn: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx03:16
godzukiDo I need to add my user to the video group to use acceleration, like in Arch or Gentoo?03:16
dajhornvivek200912: Try again later.  The upgrade servers are overloaded.03:16
Stingray88almoxarife: yes, I did sudo apt-get install samba… and then sudo apt-get install server-config-samba03:16
maulanaare ubuntu have checkpoint of configuration or are ubuntu 11.04 have recovery all my configuration to default03:16
almoxarifeStingray88: unstall them along with the config files03:17
determinologyHow you get the wobbly windows to work on 11.1003:17
vivek200912dajhorn: Thanks it just worked now.03:17
dajhornvivek200912: Welcome.03:17
ubottuCompiz (compositing window manager), for a howto see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager and more help #compiz03:17
Stingray88almoxarife: whats the easiest way to uninstall all of that03:17
sandraodd I don't see why this feature is listed in Synaptic and yet not function under Gnome 3 .03:17
joshua__Hey guys, I have a question regarding enabling/installing Unity 3D.  Is anyone available to help?03:17
ubottugmail is a webmail service. For information on using it with Evolution see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingGmailWithEvolution03:17
tanathshouldn't that be updated for thunderbird?03:17
dajhorngodzuki: No, you normally don't do this on Ubuntu.03:17
trojanerPTis ubuntu studio part of the official ubuntu familie?03:18
sebsebsebjoshua__: hi03:18
sebsebseb!ask | joshua__03:18
ubottujoshua__: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience03:18
almoxarifeStingray88: use the same method you used to install, which was it?03:18
GI_Jack11.10.....worth it?03:18
reisiotrojanerPT: yes03:18
copprognome-volume-control-applet and gnome-power-manager-applet were removed from oneiric. What equivalents exist?03:18
sebsebsebGI_Jack: depends03:18
rhizmoeare there really no more application folders?03:18
Stingray88almoxarife: I used sudo apt-get install… do I just type sudo apt-get remove?03:18
GI_Jacksebsebseb - no, thats old people underwear03:18
GI_Jackstingray - yes03:18
almoxarifeStingray88: no, use 'purge'03:18
RobotBoti'm having problems migrating my mail from evolution to thunderbird. i foolishly ignored the pop up that suggested to migrate it over. now i don't know how. can anyone help?03:19
sebsebsebrhizmoe: I think if you use Gnome Shell, with an extension or mabye that gnome tweak tool even you can probably add folders to desktop,  as for Unity not sure03:19
sebsebseb!nounity | rhizmoe03:19
ubotturhizmoe: Ubuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions drowpdown. Using Natty? See !classic03:19
xannenubuntu 11.10 networking not working after dist-upgrade.03:19
godzukidajhorn: I just ask, because when I go to System Info -> Graphics, it lists my driver as unknown. But I know video-intel is instsalled.03:19
reisioRobotBot: from thunderbird to evolution?03:19
rhizmoeno, i mean in the dash03:19
sebsebsebrhizmoe: oh03:19
rhizmoemy entire menu was flattened03:19
reisiooh whoops03:19
GI_JackI want gnome classic, unity doesn't do it for me03:19
kesten_Looking for help with broken python dpkg on ubuntu 11.0403:19
GI_JackI use unity on my netbook03:19
RobotBotreisio: from evo to thunderbird03:19
joshua__Okay, I am using Ubuntu 11.04 (the Natty Narwhal), and ran the terminal command "echo $DESTOP_SESSION" and "gnome" was returned.  Is there any way to switch to Unity3D, or do I need to update to a newer version of Ubuntu?03:20
reisioyou can keep using evolution if you want03:20
Stingray88almoxarife: alright that's done03:20
almoxarifeStingray88: you used 'purge' ?03:20
Stingray88almoxarife: yes, it got rid of samba and the server-config-samba I believe03:20
sebsebseb!gnome2 | glebihan03:20
ubottuglebihan: The GNOME Foundation has ceased support for GNOME 2, and as such it is not in Ubuntu 11.10 (Oneiric Ocelot). See !notunity for an alternative desktop experience.03:20
RobotBotalmoxarife: even rebooting didn't get that message to come up03:20
sebsebseb!gnome2 | GI_Jack03:21
ubottuGI_Jack: The GNOME Foundation has ceased support for GNOME 2, and as such it is not in Ubuntu 11.10 (Oneiric Ocelot). See !notunity for an alternative desktop experience.03:21
sebsebsebglebihan: wrong one03:21
rdkellis, well, that didn't go well03:21
dajhorngodzuki: Look at the /var/log/Xorg.0.log file, and look at the `xdpyinfo` command.  Check that the GLX and DRI extensions are enabled.  The drivers for built-in Intel video are pretty good.  They're probably working correctly.03:21
almoxarifeStingray88: do you know how to use synaptic?03:21
GI_JackI think I might follow linux to XFCE03:21
GI_Jackerr linus03:21
sebsebseb!nounity |  GI_Jack03:21
ubottuGI_Jack: Ubuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions drowpdown. Using Natty? See !classic03:21
ellisrdk, what happened?03:21
Stingray88almoxarife: no, isn't that the update manager?03:21
rdknow it won't even boot into x, had to ctrl-alt f2 into another desktop and login then run startx03:21
sandraubottu, would you happen to know how to get nautilus -gksu which allows for the righ mouse click "open as Administrator" function to work under Oneiric?03:22
dajhornGI_Jack: I'm using Xubuntu.  It took me 15 minutes to make it look like the GNOME 2 desktop that I was using.03:22
ubottusandra: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)03:22
almoxarifeStingray88: no, it's a the package manager gui03:22
rdkellis, so far I am not impresed with 11.10 at all, thinking maybe I should just go back to 10.04 or 10.1003:22
GI_Jackalright thanks03:22
sandrathat will teach me lol03:22
Stingray88almoxarife: how do I open it03:22
reisiordk: what else are you thinking03:22
sandrateach me to run around in here w/out my reading glasses.03:22
almoxarifeStingray88: nevermind, let me find the package name you need03:22
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience03:23
nac-godfathermaybe now is a good time to try to build your own bleeding-edge desktop from SID.03:23
ellisrdk, give 11.04 a try if you haven't already. It's certainly a change from 10.x if you're just after some fresh scenery03:23
Stingray88almoxarife: will I still be able to use the server-config-samba gui? I don't like setting things up in the terminal when I don't have to03:23
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/03:23
joshua__Haha.  <--- Lost03:23
rdkellis, i might, i don't need the scenery as much, was just after a clean install and good multi-monitor support :)03:23
almoxarifeStingray88: install via apt-get            nautilus-share03:24
popschI upgraded to oneiric four days ago. since then update-manager has never shown me any packages that would need upgrading. am I missing something?03:24
ellisrdk, can't really complain about 11.04's monitor support, and since you're not using Unity anyway then I imagine the differences won't be major03:24
Stingray88almoxarife: done03:25
rdkellis, that is prob true03:25
ellisrdk, I've installed xfce in a last ditch attempt to get 11.10 working03:25
ArcasIm really liking gnome 303:25
Stingray88almoxarife: wait no, that didn't work03:25
Arcasnow if I could get the sound to work03:25
almoxarifeStingray88: I assume you know how to use nautilus as a folder/file browser?03:25
Stingray88almoxarife: no not really03:25
rdkellis, hmm, that's an idea... how's it going? :)03:26
almoxarifeStingray88: how do you normally navigate the folders?03:26
Stingray88almoxarife: It can't find that package to install03:26
scottjanyone know an rss reader that has yahoo pipes style filtering/templating functionality? I've found several feeds that don't work with pipes so I thought I'd do it locally.03:26
dajhornpopsch: Probably not.  Not much changed this week.  My update log says that Monday was the last time anything in the base system changed.03:26
sandraellis, if it's any consolation I found oneriric Xfce is a very nice and snappy OS03:26
Stingray88almoxarife: whatever the default file manager is03:26
popschdajhorn, hm. a pity, because I experience lots of bugs with nautilus03:26
ellissandra, seems nice so far. Business first though: have to get these monitors sorted03:27
almoxarifeStingray88: I guess I should have asked, you using ubuntu?03:27
Stingray88almoxarife: 11.0403:27
popschdajhorn, but overall it's working :-) the bleeding edge.03:27
ellisrdk, falling at the first hurdle unfortunately. Catalyst won't open in super-user for some reason03:27
rdkellis, I think 11.10 hates catalyst03:27
dajhornpopsch: I had to suck it up and learn XFCE.  I couldn't get GNOME the way I wanted it.03:27
sandraI finally managed to install 11.10 ...was disapointed that I  couldn't get  Ubuntu 11.10 32 bit edition to load on my laptop.03:27
ellisrdk, sure seems that way03:28
almoxarifeStingray88: you did or did not install nautilus-share?03:28
Benwalburnthe guide that someone directed me to to install the broadcom driver manually either is not what i need or i did something wrong03:28
Benwalburncan someone walk me through?03:28
Stingray88almoxarife: I don't think I typed it in correctly hang on03:28
popschdajhorn, I think 11.10 looks gorgeous with the theme and the cleaned up nautilus. I like it03:28
almoxarifeStingray88: nautilus-share03:28
soreaurdk: ellis: It doesn't have anything to do with the version of ubuntu. Most any proprietary drivers are problematic03:28
sandraCould someone kindly tell me how to open a root file manager under 11.1003:29
ellisrdk, at least xfce has let me set independent screen resolutions... not with Catalyst, mind you03:29
Stingray88almoxarife: it says it was already installed03:29
ellissoreau: I don't think that is the case though. It worked flawless in 11.0403:29
almoxarifeStingray88: cool03:29
joshua__So, I need some help getting Unity running.03:29
s0ulburnIm going through the cd install of Ubuntu server and i got a Debootstrap warning file:///cdrom/pool/main/z/zlib/zlib1g_1.2.3.3.dfsg-15ubuntu1_adm64.deb was corrupt. I looked it up and it looks like that is the runtime library for gzip if im not mistaken. Is it safe to proceed with install and just update or download the package after install???03:30
soreauellis: ubuntu packages a different version of the driver every release, consistent with whatever AMD releases03:30
almoxarifeStingray88: now, open that file/folder browser, it should be nautilus and right click on a folder, do you see 'sharing' as an option?03:30
caesar_will i lose data when upgrading through the update manager?03:30
rdkellis, soreau hmm, now there's something we haven't tried, an older release of catalyst03:30
taglasss0ulburn: Did you check the checksum of your download?03:30
ellissoreau: I installed 11.04 yesterday, 11.10 today. I doubt AMD have changed their release since then. Still, can't be certain, that may turn out to be the case03:30
almoxarifeStingray88:  a folder in your home folder03:31
godzukidajhorn: will check it out. Thanks!03:31
PurpleSmokecaesar_ normally nope, but it's good idea to take a backup of your data before update.03:31
dajhorngodzuki: Welcome.03:31
rdkellis, 11.04 probably uses an older version of catalysr03:31
Stingray88almoxarife: yes, it's installing the sharing service now03:31
s0ulburnNo its the same Iso ive been using in my VMs i just burned it to a disc03:31
soreaurdk: The only way you might be able to is get it from amd but it may not be compatible with the newer version of X03:31
avsusandra: "gksudo nautilus" not working?03:31
caesar_PurpleSmoke: is it best to just do a clean install?03:31
Stingray88almoxarife: seems like its installing samba again03:31
ellisrdk, worth a shot. I also read that installing Catalyst through Terminal doesn't always give the latest version03:31
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PurpleSmokein my opinion yes03:31
soreaurdk: Also installing the driver outside of ubuntu repos may break your system03:31
almoxarifeStingray88: yes, but its deciding what it needs not you, let it be03:31
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soreaurdk: The better option is to help the open radeon driver get better by filing bug reports03:32
Stingray88almoxarife: yup, I just restarted nautilus now03:32
s0ulburnI just used it to install UEC front end in a VM and didnt get this warning03:32
sandraavsu, let me try it brb03:32
rdksoreau, yeah, I've already broken it twice tonight, I am working on a clean install and I keep reinstalling :)03:32
Benwalburncan someone tell me how to manually install the broadcom driver? i have the tar file from the broadcom website, i just don't know what to do with it03:32
almoxarifeStingray88: pick a folder again and right click, your options should include 'everyone' , you need to choose it for ease of use03:33
soreaurdk: Also FWIW, real channels like #radeon may take several hours or even a day to get a response from a developer03:33
ellisrdk, I've been doing the same thing. I swear installs take longer then I remember...03:33
soreaurdk: You didn't stay, so no one will respond03:33
chintanwhy all realeases like 11.04 , 11.10 ,12.04 ,12.10 ?03:33
Stingray88almoxarife: there is no everyone option03:34
Stingray88almoxarife: there is a guess access option03:34
chintanany reason behind this03:34
rdksoreau, yes, unfortuantely I have to keep rebooting as I break things, I need to sign on from a different comptuer and try03:34
almoxarifeStingray88: guest03:34
Stingray88almoxarife: guest*03:34
ellischintan: [yy].[mm]03:34
almoxarifeStingray88: guest03:34
spikebikechintan: heh, because it's a 6 month release schedule in april ni oct03:34
chintanohhh thanks03:34
chintanyes i get03:35
ellisrdk, do you know how to open Catalyst from the command line?03:35
rdkhave to call it a night for today, thx for tips, we'll getit wokring somehow03:35
ellischintan: no problem03:35
rdkellis, nope03:35
ellisrdk, ok. hope it works out well, cya03:35
MrSassyPantsis there something like smartmontools for sd* devices?03:35
almoxarifeStingray88: then restart the machine, and check on the windows machine, you should see the ubuntu machine and the folder as a choice03:35
soreauellis: amdcccle03:35
Stingray88almoxarife: 'net usershare' returned error 255:net userhare add: cannot convert name "everyone" to a SID. The connection was refused. Maybe smbd is not running03:35
godzukidajhorn: Yup, you were right03:36
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marconiushello. i am having problems with Ubuntu, am I at the right place?03:36
almoxarifeStingray88: did you restart the ubuntu machine?03:36
ellissoreau: command not found unfortunately!03:36
Stingray88almoxarife: no because I can't create the share03:36
chintani installed ubuntu 11.1003:37
Stingray88almoxarife: that is the error I get when I try to create the share03:37
chintan& its very good03:37
almoxarifeStingray88: log out then back in03:37
ellissoreau: ahah, no, my bad. I miscounted how many 'c's there were. Thanks03:37
almoxarifeStingray88: on the ubuntu03:37
spikebikechintan: how big a screen?03:37
soreauellis: AMD Catalyst Control Center Linux Edition03:37
muhomorchintan, did you smoke weeds?03:37
soreau! ot | muhomor03:38
ubottumuhomor: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!03:38
chintanmeans ?03:38
Stingray88almoxarife: I get the same error03:38
ellissoreau: makes sense. I was trying 'sudo amdcccle' to try and force it into super-user mode, but it doesn't seem to be making a difference03:38
sandraavsu, it works when I press alt F2 but what I wanted was the right mouse click desktop feature "Open as Administrator" function to work under Oneiric it works under Natty.03:38
bobbertmarconius: tip: just say what you need help with and someone will help.03:38
soreauellis: You should use the open radeon driver if at all possible03:39
chintanmuhomor : no man03:39
almoxarifeStingray88: you logged out?03:39
Stingray88almoxarife: yes I logged out and back in03:39
Stingray88almoxarife: tried to make the shared folder again and I get that error03:39
zmbmartinSo is there any awesome fully compatiable themes for 11.10?03:39
joshua__How would I go about getting Unity to work on my version of Ubuntu? (11.04)03:39
almoxarifeStingray88: you checked every box?03:39
avsusandra: i see...03:39
chintanvery good graphics03:39
chintan& docs also03:39
marconiusUbuntu started acting strange last week and I don't know how to debug the problem, because I am not really getting any errors03:40
Stingray88almoxarife: share this folder, allow others to create and delete files, guest access… all checked03:40
sandraavsu, any ideas you might have would be greatly appreciated.03:40
ellissoreau: it's acting very strangely in xfce. 'AMD Catalyst Control Center' opens normally but 'AMD Catalyst Control Center (Administrative)' does nothing03:40
almoxarifeStingray88: restart the ubuntu03:40
sandraavsu, I enjoy that feature I 1st discovered this feature on Linuxmint 11 which is based on ubuntu.03:41
ellissoreau: I'm starting to think I'm a bit over my head and would be better off reverting to 11.04 which I know works. Is there any way of reporting my problems to the relevant people, if it'd be helpful to them?03:41
soreauellis: The open radeon driver doesn't use amdcccle03:41
bobbertmarconius: whats it doing?03:41
complexity[root@NewBeginnings catalog]# mogrify -resize '800x600' *.jpg03:41
PotentChiliyou're probably asked this a lot.. but why did they remove the Fonts and Icons, etc settings from Appearance?...03:41
complexityhow do you recursively search all directories with that command03:41
complexitysave me a lot of time.03:42
soreauellis: Before installing fglrx/catalyst/proprietary/amd driver, the open radeon driver is already installed and working by default03:42
soreaucomplexity: First, don't run as root03:42
complexitygood point03:43
marconiusfirst of all, booting is slow. then the volume controls have been disabled (my audio device doesn't even show up in the Sound Settings), the pc freezes for 5-20 seconds every once in a while. I though the upgrade to 11.10 would fix this problem, but it didn't. I got one error once from HPlip saying that the there was no system tray. On another occasion I got a gconf error. its pretty frustrating. Does this seem familiar to anyone?03:43
soreaucomplexity: Second, use bash: for i in ./*.jpg; do mogrify -resize '800x600' "$i"; done03:43
Stingray88almoxarife: now I don't have the option to click guest access at all03:43
avsusandra: I have no idea why this feature is not in newest distro :P Maybe writing script is possible?03:43
ellissoreau: The problem I had was that it would not allow virtual desktops larger than ~2500px, whereas mine's 1680+1280.03:43
soreauellis: Sure it does03:43
almoxarifeStingray88: what folder you trying to share?03:43
Stingray88almoxarife: a folder on my desktop03:44
Stingray88almoxarife: eventually I want to share 3 USB drives as well03:44
bobbertmarconius: this sounds like usual upgrade problems. i have never managed to upgrade ubuntu and find doing new install far easier and safer. are additional drivers installed for audio device?03:44
sandraavsu, I was able to install this feature in Natty.03:44
complexitysoreau, I've been on IRC for 8 years and never got such perfect straight forward help, now I can drink a beer.03:45
sandraunfortunately it does not work under Oneiric.03:45
almoxarifeStingray88: lets try to share 'documents' in your home folder, what happens?03:45
dr_willisStingray88:  may be easier to edit the smb.conf and setup the shares03:45
soreaucomplexity: Don't you mean, you'll buy me one next time.. aw, nm03:45
Stingray88almoxarife: I get a very long error03:45
ellissoreau: This is the error I get: "The selected configuration for displays could not be applied. Required virtual size does not fit available size: requested=(2960, 1050)... ...maximum=(1680, 1680).03:46
rhizmoenoticed an interesting thing in the filemanager, if you click an arrow to expand a directory, you have to move the mouse before it will listen to another click03:46
tanathi can't upgrade without removing pidgin because pidgin depends on perlapi-5.12.4 which doesn't exist in repos03:46
ellissoreau: that is through System Settings >> Displays03:46
soreauellis: Pastebin the output of 'xrandr' and 'glxinfo|grep renderer'03:46
Stingray88dr_willis: what would be really easy is if the damn server-config-samba gui I've been using for months worked like it always did03:47
marconiusbobbert: I did not install any additional drivers. how do I check if there are?03:47
bobbertmarconius: then they wont be activated. specs of system?03:48
ellissoreau: "xrandr" - pastebin.com/HAbLXUU903:48
complexitysoreau, that too03:48
Philpassthe internet connection for my ubuntu 11 was fine until yesterday i type this to my terminal dskp - ppp..............and edit the pppconfig03:49
soreaucomplexity: or 'thanks' or somethin' (sheesh, now I need a beer)03:49
sanzoAnyone use Ushare?03:49
Philpassanyone know how to resolve it ?03:49
ellissoreau: I'm having to install mesa-utils for the other command.03:49
tanathseem i had a package held back for some reason. aptitude to the rescue03:50
marconiusbobbert: its an HP dv5 laptop with intel dual core 2.6 GHZ03:50
Stingray88god damnit03:50
Stingray88now I can't even find server-config-samba package03:50
rabbi1guys help, after changing few things in compiz, my titlebar is disappeared.03:50
joshua__Does anyone here know what I need to do to troubleshoot why my Ubuntu 11.04 installation booted with the gnome interface, instead of Unity?03:50
Stingray88I just installed it like 10 minute ago… how can ubuntu not find it all the sudden to install again?03:51
marconiusbobbert: actually, funnily enough, I can't even get to the system settings through the "Dash Home"03:51
ellisrabbil: same problem happened to me! Unfortunately I don't know the solution though, except to use Unity 2D for the time being03:51
OerHeks!language | Stingray8803:51
ubottuStingray88: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.03:51
maulanaany body at this chanel, am need to know did ubuntu have recovery all configruation to default !!!!03:51
rabbi1ellis: was not using unity, was on gnome03:52
Stingray88It's pretty hard to keep it family friendly when ubuntu makes no sense what so ever03:52
Philpassanyone know how to resolve it ?03:52
almoxarifeStingray88: gadmin-samba ?????? is that what you had before?03:52
Stingray88almoxarife: server-config-samba03:52
almoxarifeStingray88: no such animal03:52
Stingray88yes there is03:52
Stingray88google it03:53
bobbertmarconius: you would be best to back up data to external drive and re-install. upgrades do not fix problems. you're not alone, i am glad ubuntu comes out every six months because that's how long it takes me to wreck my install. is re-install possible for you?03:53
Stingray88almoxarife: I literally just installed server-config-samba like 15 minutes ago03:53
ellissoreau: glxinfo says - "OpenGL renderer string: ATI Radeon HD 5700 Series'03:53
soreaumaulana: When you install ubuntu, everything is default03:53
ellissoreau: Seems in order, it's a ATI 5770.03:53
douggleis alsa and/or jack the only alternative to pulseaudio?03:53
Philpassthe internet connection for my ubuntu 11 was fine until yesterday i type this to my terminal dskp - ppp..............and edit the pppconfig03:53
soreauellis: So you have fglrx installed..03:53
marconiusbobbert: yes, but I wanted to avoid it. I reinstalled already once two weeks ago. This is getting silly now. Should I just install 10.04 LTS to be sure that I have a more stable experience?03:54
glitch-modJust upgraded my laptop at first the sound worked not it doesn't detect my sound card, please help.03:54
almoxarifeStingray88: the package is 'samba'03:54
maulanasoreau, am have configuration anything but right know am have so many error on my ubuntu, and am need it back to default, couse right know am used ubuntu clasic that no good for me am love ubuntu nuty03:55
Stingray88almoxarife: no this is another package, I was saying the wrong thing03:55
godzukiDidn't X-Chat used to come as part of Ubuntu? Any reason it got pulled? I know it's old03:55
Stingray88almoxarife: system-config-samba03:55
Stingray88almoxarife: that is what I meant03:55
ellissoreau: Yes. The virtual-size-error I referred to was given by the 'Displays' menu with System Settings, both before and after I installed fglrx03:55
soreaumaulana: Try reinstalling03:55
soreauellis: Does it work with the default radeon driver?03:55
maulanasoreau, that will make my data lost03:55
almoxarifeStingray88: that does exist03:56
maulanasoreau, and what you mean reinstalling ?03:56
rabbi1hey, got it, just run compiz and from preference reset to default and then restart, but got to set on themes from scratch03:56
ellissoreau: It didn't when I first installed, that's why I resorted to Additional Drivers03:56
soreaumaulana: Back it up from a live sesion first03:56
Stingray88almoxarife: exactly… and I used that to setup my samba shares a week ago on the same EXACT version of ubuntu03:56
soreauellis: That seems strange..03:56
Stingray88almoxarife: now this week on the same software… it's not working03:56
soreauellis: Maybe you can try asking in #radeon after removing fglrx03:56
glitch-modIt is being reported when I check 'lspci'03:57
glitch-modAudio device: ATI Technologies Inc SBx00 Azalia (Intel HDA) (rev 40)03:57
maulanasorry am soreau am not have ubuntu cd or iso of ubuntu, and my internet conection so slowly, am need reconfigrution that will the best choise03:57
bobbertmarconius: not any more stable in my experience, pick an edition you like and don't monkey with system packages is the ticket. if it's a work machine put 10.04 on and keep that until it is out of support. my 11.04 has lasted a while. do you experiment with the system and packages?03:57
glitch-modbut no sound :(03:57
maulanaor thebest ide for me soreau03:57
ellissoreau: That's what made me think it was a problem with 11.10, especially since rdk seemed to be having the exact problem. I think for the time being I will revert to 11.04 and see how things go. I appreciate your help, thanks03:57
joshua__Okay, I have a new question. When I ran the command to see if my system is capable of running Unity, this is the output.  Can someone tell me what I'm doing wrong? http://pastebin.com/jgNWjkDT03:57
soreaumaulana: Why did you break it?03:58
romeo_Stingray88: I see it in my package manager. I assume you've refreshed by clicking 'reload' or apt-get update?03:58
soreauellis: rdk said it worked with the radeon driver.. he just had cursor corruption03:58
Stingray88almoxarife: I just purged it an reinstalled it03:58
maulanasoreau, break what that mean03:59
Stingray88romeo: I just purged it and reinstalled03:59
soreauellis: Typically open drivesr JustWork. Proprietary drivers often require configuration, especially in xorg.conf03:59
Stingray88romeo: but it doesn't matter… I've installed samba exactly as I did one week ago and it's not working at all03:59
soreauellis: You may just need to add some mode lines, for example03:59
ellissoreau: Oh ok, well I will give it another shot later on, thanks again. For now, it's 5am and I have lectures at 9... Computers kill my sleeping pattern :)04:00
spikebikehrm, usb-creator-gtk seems to install a bootloader that assumes graphics.  Unfortunately ubuntu-server ISOs don't have graphics enabled.  Anyone know of a workaround to get ubuntu-server installable from an usb thumb drive?04:00
soreauellis: You can try configuring it with xrandr though since fglrx supposedly supports it wiki.debian.org/XStrikeForce/HowToRandR1204:00
almoxarifeStingray88: quite a while back I went thru the samba server install and config to just share folders with another machine, I never got the confs right, I found a link that told me to use the method I suggested, and my problems were solved, btw, the link insisted on everything that was samba had to go prior to the fix, I didn't do it as it stipulated and was still in the same situation you are in, my point is this, once I followed t04:01
marconiusbobbert: I may experiment a little, but I don't know if what I installed are considered system packages: HPLIP, python image library, virtualenv, virtualenvwrapper ... that's about it... well apart from the python packages installed with pip adn easy-install into the virtualenvs. Nothing crazy.04:01
ellissoreau: that's given me some light bedtime reading :) Bye04:02
arghxspikebike: unetbootin04:02
hasehello, I am wondering if it is possible to share internet from my laptop which has wifi to my pc that does not through ethernet04:02
ironGuys, anyone can help me with this problem: "installing fglrx (post-release updates) fails" ?04:02
arghx!nat | hase04:03
spikebikearghx: ah, yeah guess I could do a netboot based install04:03
bobbertmarconius: sometimes ubuntu just slips. i dont know why, but i find i have to re-install about every six months :(04:03
intangiris there a way to still get a window bar? i really miss the window/task bar thing?04:03
Stingray88almoxarife: Just one week ago… one week ago. Using the exact same software… I did sudo apt-get install samba, then sudo apt-get install system-config-samba… then I added the folders I wanted shared in that gui… and bam, it just worked. How does this all the sudden not work one week later?04:03
glitch-modHow can I troubleshoot a sound issue?04:03
spikebikearghx: heh, ah, nevermind it's actually a project04:03
=== iron is now known as Iron
marconiusbobbert: do you have a seperate home partition?04:04
haseuboto doesn't know anything about nat04:04
arghxhase: NAT/ip masquerading is what you want04:04
IronGuys, anyone can help me with this problem: "installing fglrx (post-release updates) fails" ?04:04
rnigamhi I have a bunch of host os's and their guests all running on ubuntu 10.10 . I am primarily using open source Xen Hypervisor. I have been wondering if I should upgrade them all to 11.10 . Just wanted to check if there are any obvious hurdles or major changes that I might have to worry about.04:04
Stingray88almoxarife: this is pointless… I'm about ready to completely reinstall ubuntu and try again04:04
Stingray88almoxarife: even thought I just installed it a couple hours ago04:04
avsuglitch-mod: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting04:04
dajhornIron: Try to install it at a terminal prompt and pastebin the entire build transcript.  Also, don't repeat your question that quickly.04:04
arghxIron: there is an error before that. and: how do you install drivers? with a file from amd.com?04:05
glitch-modavsu, Thank you04:05
Stingray88This just makes no sense what so ever04:05
nosbigStingray88: Was there an update to samba in the last week?  Was the configuration file changed?  Have you looked at the samba configuration files to ensure they show what you expect?04:05
almoxarifeStingray88: for the love of the saints, start synaptic from a terminal with 'gksu synaptic'04:05
Irondajhorn, arghx : Sorry guys, I will pastebin the log file. Gimme a second...04:06
joe040288hi i just install 11.10 and the propritary drivers for nvidia but i cant seem to get compiz working04:06
bobbertmarconius: no, on same partition as OS. would probably be a good idea though, now i think of it. once i did something to ubuntu and you went power button > shutdown and nothing happened. that was annoying.04:06
arghxStingray88: what is your actual error message?04:06
homeso ubuntu04:07
hasesudo iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -s -o ppp0 -j MASQUERADE??? will that do what i want04:07
homeis officially kinda crap04:07
Stingray88almoxarife: when I do it your way it's very long04:07
home10.10 just broke04:07
homeI am ditching ubuntu -.-04:07
PhilosoraptorI have an external harddrive that won't let me write to it at all, says it is read only04:07
dajhornrnigam: Xen is back in the Oneiric kernel.  Keep the old kernels intact if you upgrade.04:07
hometested 11.1004:07
almoxarifeStingray88: alrighty then. good luck04:07
homewhich is crap04:07
arghxhase: you said you want to use your wlan, not a ppp connection?04:07
Benwalburnhow do i install the broadcom driver manually using the tar file from the broadcom website?04:08
bobberthome: if you gonna say that i recommend #rage04:08
arghxPhilosoraptor: check if it's mounted read only (mount) or if the permissions don't allow your user to write04:08
Stingray88almoxarife: 'net usershare' returned error 255: net usershare add: cannot convert name "everyone" to a SID. The connection was refused. Maybe smbd is not running04:08
Stingray88almoxarife: that is the error04:08
joe040288Benwalburn, you probably have to use ndfswrapper04:08
arghxBenwalburn: broadcom.com has a howto/readme04:08
romeo_home: try LInux Mint. Based on Ubuntu, but some issues I was having seem to be fixed.04:08
hometook a look at it04:09
homenot impressed04:09
romeo_hmm. To each his own i guess.04:09
Benwalburni didn't understand the readme :( i tried04:09
homemight stop using Ubuntu for  a while04:09
almoxarifeStingray88: is smdt running?04:09
arghx!enter | home04:09
ubottuhome: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!04:09
Stingray88almoxarife: I don't know04:09
Irondajhorn, arghx : This is the jockey.log file it refers to... http://pastebin.com/D9QFtn8104:09
homego with Archlinux maybe. or even Gentoo04:09
Irondajhorn, arghx : I am going to generate again the error04:09
kylesumi do recommend Arch highly, i have it on my desktop. ubuntu on the lappy.04:09
histoI use arch as well04:10
romeo_hey, if you can figure out Gentoo...04:10
historomeo_: if you can use arch you can use gentoo no problem04:10
joe040288yea gentoo is a bit hmm weird04:10
histoI just got tired of emerging every damn thing04:10
bobberthome: go to #rage. noone here cares. this is not the place to moan about ubuntu. this is the place for ubuntu supptort.04:10
Philosoraptorarghx: /dev/sdb2 on /media/BHS type hfsplus (rw,nosuid,nodev,uhelper=udisks)04:10
rabbi1i reset my compiz and gnome, now alt+tab is not working :( any help04:10
spikebikearghx: every install a server with unetbootin?  I was hoping to install ont a /dev/md0 which afaict the ubuntu-dessktop varients can't handle04:10
homeI dont like UNITY04:10
homeor GNOME04:10
FloodBot1home: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.04:10
joe040288then install kubuntu04:11
determinologyOR windows04:11
kuchikucan anyone recommed me any dialer for adsl ?04:11
homeKubuntu eh hmm how is it04:11
homedeterminology, already got windows.04:11
histokuchiku: pppoe04:11
sianhulopeople, i heard that you can resize a ntfs partition with gparted without data loss04:11
histo!ppp | kuchiku04:11
ubottukuchiku: You want to connect via dial-up? Read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DialupModemHowto - Also try disabling/removing KNetworkManager if KDE applications cannot connect using dial-up04:11
determinologyoh ok04:11
rabbi1home: kubuntu is KDE04:11
Philosoraptorarghx: i can't move things to it as sudo either04:11
Edistodamn this upgrade is going slow...04:11
joe040288altho i got tired of all the issues i kept having with kde so i switched to genome04:11
sianhulois that true?04:11
homerabbi1, how is it?04:11
arghxspikebike: what has the program you use to create the install medium to do with what installer of ubunut you suse. you are confusing things badly04:11
histokuchiku: network-manager should be able to handle your dsl connection also04:11
homecompared to ubuntu04:11
histo!pppoe | kuchiku04:11
determinologyI would pick gnome over unity tho04:11
rabbi1home: no idea, used long time back, check few screenshots04:12
bobberthome: are you asking for a distro recomendation?04:12
dajhornsianhulo: Yes, it works.  gparted calls the ntfsresize program to do the actual work.04:12
joe040288altho i realllllllllyyyyyyy miss how easy kde was to customize04:12
kylesumdoes the old ubuntu classic trick still work in 11.10?04:12
ubottukuchiku: Setting up an ADSL/PPPoE connection? Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ADSLPPPoE04:12
homebobbert, sure.04:12
rabbi1i reset my compiz and gnome, now alt+tab is not working :( any help04:12
glitch-modHow do I find out the name of my sound module?04:12
sianhulodajhorn, thank you very much04:12
joe040288kylesum, yes04:12
histo!dsl | kuchiku04:12
Irondajhorn, arghx : this one has been generated after the error: http://pastebin.com/1dd6ndYR04:12
kylesumjoe04288 thanks.04:12
histowhat's with the bot tonight04:12
dajhornsianhulo: Welcome.04:12
joe040288kylesum, np04:12
spikebikearghx: umm, how so?  Yes I want to create a usb thumb drive I can install ubuntu-server with04:12
Stingray88almoxarife: how do check if smbd is running04:12
sianhuloi have another question, my BIOS  does support usb boot, however it always give me error doing that way04:13
almoxarifeStingray88: with gnome system monitor04:13
Edistohmmm.. i thought 11.10 was gonna look more like fedora or macos04:13
joe040288is there a way to enable the 3d effect for unity cause i cant seem to get it working04:13
rabbi1sianhulo: upgrade your bios04:13
sianhuloi 1 year ago(or so) asked here, and somebody told how to boot from my usb with grub, and IT WORKED, howeb04:13
homeEdisto, it is becoming more macish04:13
Ironsianhulo, where do you create your installation stick?04:13
Stingray88almoxarife: it's not, how do I start it04:13
bobberthome: then just say that. gentoo is good if you're a technical user. kubuntu is not very good, and hard  to get used to. xubuntu is ok. try distrowatch.com has good reviews of lots of distros.04:14
sianhulohowever, i lost that config04:14
almoxarifeStingray88: that's the thing, it should be running04:14
OerHeksKubuntu is great, bobbert04:14
sianhuloIron, i dunno, ubuntu make it itself and it works in another sistem04:14
sianhulorabbi1, it is already...04:14
Stingray88almoxarife: if you have samba installed it should always be running?04:14
simplebluei might give kubuntu a try04:14
Edistoit looks the same as 11.04 though =D just different icons04:14
homebobbert,  I personally might go gentoo or archlinux, but I like it as a media production desktop.04:14
zmbmartinrabbi1: speaking of upgrading bios. Do you know how I can upgrade bios for my hp envy 17 without a windows environment?04:14
rabbi1sianhulo: u trying to install ubuntu ?04:14
almoxarifeStingray88: I guess not in your case04:14
sianhuloi'm trying to update it04:14
romeo_sianhulo: whats the error you get?04:15
joe040288Edisto, most manufaters have a bios cd that you boot up04:15
Ironsianhulo, hummmm... you can try unetbootin and make sure you have it formatted in FAT3204:15
Stingray88almoxarife: how do I force it to start then04:15
Philosoraptorarghx: any ideas?04:15
rabbi1zmbmartin: never exp on hp. got to check their specific site for bios upgrade04:15
sianhuloi'm a mess with cds so i wanna update it through usb04:15
nosbighome: Another option to try if you want multimedia production with some stability...  Debian Wheezy/Testing with the Debian Multimedia repositories added...04:15
rabbi1sianhulo: then why you need bios ?04:15
zmbmartinrabbi1: yeah it says windows required. I tried a few things to know avail. Thanks anyways04:15
sianhuloIron,  i've tried with that, with the default of ubuntu and at least 2 more04:15
bobbertoerheks: i like the interface, but dont like the one click to open thing and the widgets. i also think theme is outdated. i am not condoning or hating it i am merely stating what my experience is with it, that it confused me as a new user.04:16
sianhuloneither worked04:16
bobberthome: it?04:16
kuchikuhow do i know i'm using kde or something else04:16
rabbi1zmbmartin: then install windows, upgrade bios then install ubuntu04:16
sianhuloromeo_, it only shows "boot error"(THE BIOS)04:16
Ironsianhulo, what kinf of error does it give?04:16
dajhornIron: The log says that the fglrx module was successfully compiled, but it seems like it didn't match the PCI identifier of the hardware.  What kind of ATI/AMD video card do you have in the computer?04:16
sianhuloIron, shows output "boot error"04:16
Stingray88how do I force samba to start04:17
zmbmartinrabbi1: I don't want to loose my ubuntu install I got going. Doesn't windows want the whole hd.04:17
Stingray88does anyone know?04:17
sianhulohowever, it works by grub, but i lost the configurtion04:17
almoxarifeStingray88: by undoing everything that may be samba related and then installing nautilus-share04:17
Irondajhorn, I have a Mobility Radeon 5650 HD04:17
sianhulosomebody know how to add the option?04:17
PhilosoraptorAny time i try to change permissions for this read only external harddrive, it says I can't because it is read only T_T04:17
kylesumhas anyone installed nautilus-open-terminal on 11.10?04:17
nosbigStingray88: service samba start?04:17
romeo_sianhulo: ah. i know a system of mine is a pain to boot off usb. It doesnt pick it up as a removable device, but as a harddrive. just a matter of changing the boot order of my harddrives. sound possible04:17
Stingray88almoxarife: I already tried doing purge on samba and system-config-samba but all of my configurations remain04:17
rabbi1zmbmartin: nothing, just goahead and do it. it's always better to have your bios upgraded once in 2 years04:18
Stingray88nosbig: unrecognized service… and yes, it's installed04:18
bobbertstingray88: /etc/init.d/samba restart. i think04:18
sianhuloromeo_, yep, mine tells that either, it's with my hardisk, however, that doesn't help04:18
almoxarifeStingray88: tell me when you are staring at synaptic04:18
Stingray88bobbert: no such file or directory04:19
Stingray88almoxarife: I am already04:19
almoxarifeStingray88: see search bar?04:19
Ironsianhulo, no clue... if you had tried another apps and it works on another systems...04:19
Stingray88almoxarife: yes04:19
almoxarifeStingray88: type samba04:19
rabbi1solved all my display problems in 15 mins, great ! thanks to forum, #ubuntu and ubuntu04:19
bobbertstingray88: ouch. i cant remember it!  :'(04:19
romeo_sianhulo: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootFromUSB - that sound helpful?04:19
Stingray88almoxarife: ok04:20
zmbmartinrabbi1: so you are saying I can install windows without blowing up my ubuntu install?04:20
rabbi1romeo_: if his bios doesn't support usb then that is of no use04:20
GrecooHey, do you know how to start with gnome3 on 11.10?04:20
Grecooi couldn't do it04:20
rabbi1zmbmartin: yes, you will just blowup the boot config file, that you can reset it later04:20
almoxarifeStingray88: what do you see installed? on left side click on installed04:20
IronGrecoo, here it started the last logged in session....04:21
Edistoi thought gnome3 was what 11.10 was using....04:21
arghxzmbmartin: you can, but you will need to reinstall grub afterwards04:21
zmbmartinrabbi1: awesome I will work on that. Thanks04:21
bobbertgrecoo: go to gnome.org and it will have install instruction for ubuntu.04:21
joe040288having trouble getting 3d effects working on 11.10 installed nvidia drivers and compiz settings manager but no matter what i change nothing works04:21
Grecoook, thanks04:21
sianhuloromeo_,  it seems, but i don't quite understand it xD, in fact, english isn't my primary language...04:21
rabbi1zmbmartin: before doing so, just keep the solution ready to recover your grub....04:21
IronGrecoo, actually, you can install from the Software Center04:21
joe040288Edisto, no its using unity but u can use genome 3 with the ubuntu classic trick04:21
itaylor57!notunity +04:21
nosbigHow have the upgrades gone?  Fairly smoothly?  Any major problems found so far?04:21
zmbmartinrabbi1: I can do that from a ubuntu live usb right?04:21
arghxjoe040288: is GLX hardware assisted?04:21
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joe040288arghx, no sure04:22
arghxjoe040288: then find out04:22
Grecooi thinked that it came by defect04:22
arghxzmbmartin: yes04:22
rabbi1zmbmartin: guess so. be prepared with all the situation..04:22
zmbmartinarghx: Thanks04:22
zmbmartinrabbi1: Thanks04:22
Stingray88almoxarife: samba, system-config-samba, samba-common, samba-common-bin, libwbclinet0, libpam-smbpass, python-smbc, smbclient, nautilus-share, libsmbclient, gnome-system-tools04:22
paulnmHey, my searches haven't come up with anything.  Is there a way to make upgrade-manager download-only?04:22
OerHeksStingray88, to check if samba is running > service smbd status04:23
Philosoraptorsooo arghx any ideas?04:23
arghxpaulnm: apt-get can do that04:23
rabbi1zmbmartin: you won't loose anything other than grub, and depends on your FS/ Drive Structure... So i have no idea how is yours, need to understand your situation and you are the best person to judge that04:23
rabbi1zmbmartin: conclusion is can be done.04:23
joe040288arghx, no looks like its software assisted04:23
arghxPhilosoraptor: need more info. error messages, permissions of files, etc04:23
Stingray88oerheks: warning: fake initctl called, doing nothing.04:23
dajhornIron: I'm looking for the supported hardware list of the latest Catalyst driver to check whether your GPU is supported.04:23
arghxjoe040288: then your nvidia drives are not installed corretcly. however: how do you know it's software only?04:23
zmbmartinrabbi1: Yeah I will take all that into consideration.04:23
Irondajhorn, ok, thanks04:23
paulnmarghx: yeah, but then I have to manually change the sources, then back again afterwards.  I was hoping upgrade-manager finally had that capability.04:24
almoxarifeStingray88: complete remove 'nautilus-share and samba'04:24
Irondajhorn, as it is offered here in the drivers app, it should be...04:24
Philosoraptorarghx: mount paste: /dev/sdb2 on /media/BHS type hfsplus (rw,nosuid,nodev,uhelper=udisks)04:24
arghxpaulnm: no you don't have to change anything. updsate manager and apt-get use the same sources.lost04:24
joe040288arghx, i looked at the nvidia setting manager and i think its software assited but i cant tell for sure04:24
Hdale85do you think a dist upgrade will go smoothly going from ubuntu server 8.04 LTS to 10.04 LTS?04:25
Philosoraptorarghx: when i try moving anything to it it says "Error while copying to "BHS". The destination is read-only."04:25
arghxjoe040288: you look in the wrong place. Xorg log or glxconfig is the place04:25
paulnmarghx: Oops, I meant when upgrading distro versions.04:25
joe040288arghx, ok04:25
arghxpaulnm: same applies. what is your actual problem you want to solve?04:25
Stingray88almoxarife: OK, completely removed those04:26
almoxarifeStingray88: now what do you see?04:26
Stingray88almoxarife: that those packages aren't installed04:26
arghxStingray88: and are they purged too or not?04:27
Hdale85really don't want to screw up my raid array upgrading lol04:27
almoxarifeStingray88: what is left showing in 'installed' with 'samba' in the search box04:27
Asad2005I have started liferea and it seems to have started minimized to tray, i dont see it now how do i see the application and change its prefrences to not attach itself to pannel04:27
arghxalmoxarife: hint: dpkg -l |grep samba04:27
paulnmarghx: If update-manager doesn't have the option, then it doesn't really matter.  In the past, I've changed the sources to the new release, apt-get/aptitude downloaded updates, then put the sources back.  When actually running upgrade-manager later on, it still downloaded more files.04:28
joe040288arghx, in the xorg log file it says it loaded the glx module but it doesnt say if it is hardware or software assisted04:28
almoxarifearghx: please feel free to assist, I won't go terminal until i have to04:28
arghxpaulnm: makes no sense. why only download? and why would you ever change back?04:28
Stingray88almoxarife: libpam-smbpass, libsmbclient, libwbclient0, samba-common, samba-common-bin, smbclient, gnome-system-tools, python-smbc04:28
IronDo you guys know of any software that is as good as Picasa for quick image "enhancing" ?04:29
arghxluminae: he doesn't tell me the error so I cannot help. just wanted to point out a possible problem when you reinstall samba and still use the old config in which case the problem won't be solved)04:29
IronI don't like Picasa having to use "wine" to run04:29
almoxarifeStingray88: complete remove samba-common, samba-common-bin, smbclient04:29
dajhornIron: Search the Ubuntu Forums for your part number.  The 8.881 release should be compatible with your hardware, but it can break during upgrades.  (ie: Upstream from AMD or downstream from Natty.)  Past that, you've got me stumped.04:30
Asad2005How do i start an application directly maximized from terminal04:30
joe040288arghx, and glxconfig doesnt seem to work04:30
Irondajhorn, part number?04:30
Stingray88almoxarife: done04:31
dajhornIron: Radeon 565004:31
arghx!doesn't work04:31
ubottuDoesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.04:31
Irondajhorn, ah, alrite! Thanks man for the effort04:31
dajhornIron: Np.04:31
joe040288arghx, running glxconfig from terminal says command cant be found04:31
almoxarifeStingray88: restart the damm thing :)04:31
* PCdoc upgraded to ubuntu 11.1004:32
Stingray88almoxarife: restarting04:32
mintsoupfirefox is doing weird things with text, for example wherever there is a word with 'fi', for example first, firefox displays the fi as A\, e.g. A\rst. Any ideas what would cause this?04:32
CygniaIs there a default calendar application in Oneiric that integrates with the clock/calendar in the top bar?04:33
Irondajhorn, if I go directly to the AMD's website and install the drivers from there, will it break my system?04:34
Stingray88almoxarife: OK it's restarted04:34
ryankrizanI just installed 11.10 on my Dell Inspiron E1505, and my network connection is very, very slow04:34
ryankrizanCould someone assist me in troubleshooting this?04:35
almoxarifeStingray88: go back into synaptic, check for anything in 'residual......'04:35
dajhornIron: Fully uninstall all of the Ubuntu fglrx packages before you try that.04:35
Irondajhorn, right! Thanks04:35
PCdocryankrizan: i also noticed something similar :-s04:35
sanduz2how do i add more workspaces to unity04:35
dajhornIron: And remember to manually clean up the *.run file if you go back to the distro drivers.04:35
ryankrizanPCdoc, What kind of download rates can you get? I can't get anything over 4kbps04:36
Irondajhorn, ha, now you got me ;P04:36
Stingray88almoxarife: where is residual04:36
joe040288ryankrizan, could be the ipv6 settings i noticed when i installed that they were set to auto dhpc to i set it to ignore04:36
Irondajhorn, if I just deactivate through the Drivers app, will it do?04:36
PCdocryankrizan: i didnt check by downloading files, but browsing is some what slow04:36
dajhornIron: The drivers from AMD come in a dot-run file.   They conflict with the drivers that you can install from the Software Center (or Jockey).  You need to be careful not to mixmatch them.04:36
crackheadOmg can ANYONE help me get rt73usb to work?!?!04:37
dajhornIron: Deactivating is inadequate.  You need to `apt-get remove --purge` them.04:37
elvis2_is there a way to tell apache2 to load php 5.2 instead of php 5.3? i know a time back i had this option within my vps, all i had to do was change my php.ini or .htaccess04:37
ryankrizanPCdoc, I'm going to try setting the ipv6 settings to ignore, see where that gets me04:37
Irondajhorn, right, gonna do some research on how to do it properly, thanks04:37
PCdocryankrizan: they shld be set to ignore .. mine is already ignored04:38
dajhornIron: Welcome.04:38
sanduz2can someone tell me how to add workspaces in oneiric please04:38
Stingray88almoxarife: do you mean software installed that is related to samba? or is there a way to organize by "residual"04:38
ryankrizanPCdoc, Set both wireless and wired to ignore. No change.04:38
PCdocryankrizan: how abt restarting modem/router ?04:38
crackheadI'm at my wit's end.. I've been reading the same bulletin board postings everywhere with NO solution.. Rt73usb.. If anyone can help or point me in the right direction, so appreciated04:38
almoxarifeStingray88: no, if its there its under installed, last option I think on right04:39
ryankrizanPCdoc, Not sure that would be the issue. The laptop I'm on now is a Dell 1545, and it's doing fine.04:39
almoxarifeStingray88: left I mean04:39
PCdocryankrizan: mine made a bit faster when restarted modem04:40
ryankrizanPCdoc, However, maybe it's having a fit with the 1505, might be worth rebooting.04:40
ryankrizanIt's worth a shot. Back in 2 minutes.04:40
Stingray88almoxarife: the only thing on the left is categories for packages04:40
PCdocoop!! electricity cut off04:40
sanduz2is there really no way to add workspaces in oneiric :|04:40
PCdoccya laterz :(04:40
Stingray88almoxarife: do you mean the little green box?04:41
almoxarifelittle green box?04:41
santiagowhere i am?04:41
zykotick9sanduz2, try ccsm / General / Desktop Size tab (i haven't tried oneiric though)04:41
Stingray88almoxarife: http://i.imgur.com/bkds1.png little green box04:42
=== slanderous is now known as ryankrizan
davfI can't install a gnome  shell theme on 11.10. tried webupd8 info but still won't allow me to choose a shell theme. Shell extensions doesn't show the option for themes04:42
Irondajhorn, ok, I did: sudo apt-get remove --purge fglrx fglrx_* fglrx-amdcccle* fglrx-dev* xorg-driver-fglrx04:43
randomusrAnyone been able use their cam on Facebook?04:43
Irondajhorn, now I am going to reboot04:43
almoxarifeStingray88: do you see 'status' down on the left side?04:43
randomusrWine perhaps?04:43
FSWolfwow XD04:44
FSWolfbig room04:44
FSWolfok fast question here... i got a logitech orbital web cam and im tryin to get the tilt pan and zoom working any one else here had any luck with this ???04:44
raevenProbably a dumb question here... anyone running the new distro yet?04:44
sanduz2zykotick9, thanks a bunch that worked04:45
optidudeman there is not a whole lotta chatting going on in  a lot of other channels04:45
Stingray88almoxarife: ah yes, there we go, so you want to know if anything is listed under Not Installed (residual config)?04:45
optidudethis channel people are always chatting04:45
almoxarifeStingray88: yes04:45
Adyethsis there a way to make the fonts in the bar across the top of the screen in Oneiric antialiased and not look so ugly? Everywhere else looks great except there.04:45
Stingray88almoxarife: yes there is from two things04:45
crackheadrt73usb ... anyone know why it's so fluctuating and slow with internet on 10.04, 10.10.. and virtually all 2.6 kernels???04:46
almoxarifeStingray88: both samba related?04:46
Stingray88almoxarife: indeed04:46
almoxarifeStingray88: get rid of both04:46
randomusrcrackhead, because it's and RT and it's usb?04:46
randomusrcrackhead, are you using the kernel driver?04:47
almoxarifeStingray88: stay in the 'status' mode from now on please04:47
crackheadI believe so, yes04:47
Stingray88almoxarife: I marked them both for complete removal, but the Apply button is grayed out04:47
crackheadrandomusr: should I install the oneiric kernel?04:47
almoxarifeStingray88: it would, a bug, would you believe it? :)04:47
FSWolfi cant seem to find any thing that will let me control the tilt pan and zoom :( can u please pm on this ...04:48
randomusrcrackhead, have you check for a madwifi driver, ndiswrapper, or proprietary driver?04:48
Stingray88almoxarife: is there another way to remove them04:48
glitch-modI followed the sound guide to no avail, right after I finished upgrading it was working but after a reboot I get no sound04:48
almoxarifeStingray88: we need to install something for shits and giggles, pick something04:48
crackheadevery post seems to advise against using madwifi, ndis04:48
randomusrcrackhead, perhaps the compatwireless package?04:48
crackheadwhere/which should I try? I'm game to try ANYTHING at this point04:48
Stingray88almoxarife: hah… so it's that kind of a fix04:48
crackheadI believe it was installed?04:48
crackheadHow can I check?04:49
crackheadwhat's the package name?04:49
almoxarifeStingray88: until the ubuntu gods fix it, yeah04:49
sianhulosomebody knows how to boot by my usb in grub?04:49
crackheadin synaptic it said the compat package was an empty module/package04:49
randomusrcrackhead, then check for a proprietary driver04:49
crackheadcheck where?04:49
almoxarifeStingray88: don't install anything samba related!04:49
randomusrcrackhead, hold please04:50
crackheadrandomusr: what's the cle command to check if the correct compact package is installed?04:50
crackheadok sure - holding04:50
Stingray88almoxarife: haha yes I figured… installing chromium, meant to try it sometime anyways04:50
raevencrackhead: what are you trying to use? (late to this discussion, but some experience...)04:50
almoxarifeStingray88: good choice04:50
crackheadraeven: I'm trying to get this freaking wifi card to work properly! since I switched (had to switch from wep to wpa) the rt73usb card is fluctuating and freaking slowwwwwwww!04:51
crackheadseems tons of people have the same problem04:51
crackheadI've read numerous pages on that site04:51
almoxarifeStingray88: the residual config should have gone, with the install done, verify04:51
crackheadrandomusr: what about that site/what page in specific are you referring?04:51
Stingray88almoxarife: will do in 30 seconds04:51
raevenOkay. What make and model of wifi card?04:52
randomusrcrackhead, check the compatability page on aircrack-ng04:52
randomusrThat should help04:52
kylesumwhat is this about emacs violating the GPL? has anyone heard that anywhere?04:52
crackheadwhat's aircrack04:52
* phlak_user is pleased as punch - on chatzilla via 11.10 liveCD :)04:52
rageHow do I access what was originally (in 10.04) Appearance Preferences -> Theme -> Customise -> Colours in 11.10?04:52
zmbmartinrabbi1: do you know if I could make or get a windows live cd and upgrade my bios from that?04:53
crackheadraeven: it's builtin on the mobo of my hp pavil desktop04:53
phlak_useris it me or does it seem faster?04:53
raevenAircrack is a WEP/WPA cracking script.04:53
randomusrcrackhead, what's the chipset?04:53
rabbi1zmbmartin: sorry, no idea04:53
crackheadrandomusr: I'm not sure - where can I find it? iwconfig wlan0?04:53
raevenBuilt in... surprising there's not a driver built into the kernel...04:53
Stingray88almoxarife: nothing under residual now04:53
almoxarifeStingray88: cool04:54
Adyethsis there a way to make the fonts in the bar across the top of the screen in Oneiric antialiased and not look so ugly? Everywhere else looks great except there.04:54
randomusrcrackhead, lspci -vv04:54
almoxarifeStingray88: install nautilus-share04:54
rabbi1zmbmartin: i don't think windows gives you that kind of option like ubuntu, check out the new 7 and 8. if you have any with you.04:54
raeven...What randomusr said.04:54
crackheadrealtek rtl8111/8168B, it seems.. kernel module r8169...?04:55
raevenMy last HP used an Atmel chipset...I think.04:55
phlak_userrage: same place- just type appearance in the dash search bar and click on Appearance04:55
Stingray88almoxarife: done04:55
raevenYou don't want to use rt73usb anyway... that's for dongles.04:55
crackheadraeven: I'm happy to follow your suggestions otherwise....04:56
ragephlak_user: Yes, I've made it that far04:56
almoxarifeStingray88: logout and back in04:56
phlak_userrage: colors are in the dropbox (that says wallpaper by default)04:56
celltechIs there anyway to purge my system of just unneeded and uncessecary junk?04:56
randomusrcrackhead, download the driver here - http://homepages.tu-darmstadt.de/~p_larbig/wlan/04:56
phlak_usercelltech: computer-janitor?04:57
Stingray88almoxarife: done04:57
ragephlak_user: I think thats the desktop colour04:57
celltechSomething better than that04:57
almoxarifeStingray88: choose 'documents' from your home folder to share04:57
celltechlike really drive out the trash programs and stuff04:57
phlak_userrage: hang on lemme check04:57
Stingray88almoxarife: wants me to install the service, let it?04:58
almoxarifeStingray88: yes04:58
crackheadrandomusr: I'll try that one...04:58
raevencelltech: computer janitor's good, also try gtk-orphan04:59
raevenFSLint's another good one.04:59
ryankrizanIs anyone else having a problem with slow network connection with Ubuntu 11.10?04:59
celltechCool. Yeah there's alot of things this system comes with that I'll never use in my life04:59
celltechmaking my instal WAY to big04:59
almoxariferaeven: janitor will tell you to delete packages in 'local'04:59
crackheadraeven: when I modprobe -r my rt73usb .. I get.. "all config files need .conf... ralink.." and ".conf... nvidia-kernel-nkc..." what's that mean??05:00
phlak_userrage: you're right! need to dig more05:00
sianhulopeople, i have an pendrive that i wanna use to boot by grub05:00
celltechI installed a 120gb harddrive on this system. installed 11.04, and I have 60gb left? That means there way too much junk it came with05:00
raevenalmoxarife: yes it will, but FSLint does it from the GUI (for those who prefer a happyclickyGUI)05:00
ragephlak_user: I know they can be changed, I've upgraded and it carried some of my colours through. They now clash horribly05:01
Stingray88almoxarife: http://i.imgur.com/lB1gC.png05:01
sianhuloit is /dev/sdf1, so it should be set root=(hd5,1) ?05:01
phlak_userrage: i need to research more now:)05:01
phlak_userrage: btw are you on unity or gnome305:01
mrguitarjoin #dotnet05:01
almoxarifeStingray88: yes,  looks good05:01
almoxarifeStingray88: create share05:02
ArcasI need help with my sound. my system sees all my hardware but I still cant get any sound from my pc05:02
ragephlak_user: Either05:02
Stingray88almoxarife: i can't05:02
complexity[root@NewBeginnings catalog]# mogrify -resize '800x600' "$i"05:02
ArcasI just installed 11.1005:02
complexitythis is taking forever, any ideas?05:02
ragephlak_user: We'll got with unity in this case05:02
raevencrackhead: sounds like either some config files are either missing, or missing the .conf extension...05:02
Stingray88almoxarife: I get that error in the picture05:02
phlak_userrage: ok05:02
ponitsomebody , I need to knowhow can I to made sound clearly...?05:02
dagerivWhen I ssh into a new box, I am asked if I want to trust the host which has provided RSA fingerprint. I also have the certificate for the server. How can I generate a fingerprint from the cert?05:03
idovecerponit, what do you mean?05:03
almoxarifeStingray88: restart the machine05:03
ponitmy sound can not get out05:03
raevencrackhead: stupid question - have you invoked the Great God Google?05:03
SunTsusianhulo: isn't grub-probe the tool to find out reliably?05:04
sianhuloSunTsu, i don't know it05:04
somsipArcas: run alsamixer and check if the channels are muted?05:05
phlak_userrage: this page asks us to install Gnome Tweak tool -> http://blog.sudobits.com/2011/09/08/10-things-to-do-after-installing-ubuntu-11-10/05:06
phlak_userrage: lemme try that out05:06
Stingray88almoxarife: this is what I get after I've restarted http://i.imgur.com/ik4pq.png05:06
raevencrackhead: check out this thread: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=136311105:07
FlynsarmyRhythmbox on 11.10 has no 'status tray' plugin. I have rhythmbox-plugins installed. any ideas?05:07
ArcasI found it....I had to switch it to Digital stereo since I'm running audio through optical05:07
Arcasthanks though05:07
crackheadraeven: yeah, invoked google a million times..05:07
crackheadeverytime i modprobe -r and reload the rt73 or any module, the keyboard starts flashing and freezing the whole system needs a reboot.. gah05:07
raevenWoah... haven't run into that one before!05:08
crackheadraeven: I'm going to try to get these enhanced rt73 compiled and installe.d. and see if that does anything.. though I don't think it will.. a lot of other people mentioned trying them, and not having any success...05:08
raevencrackhead: well, give it a try. The worst that could happen is thhat it still doesn't work.05:09
ragephlak_user: Doesn't look good05:09
Adyethsis there a way to make the fonts in the bar across the top of the screen in Oneiric antialiased and not look so ugly? Everywhere else looks great except there.05:09
Flynsarmyanyone know hot to use nouveau drivers on 11.10? i've installed nouveau-firmware but dont know how to turn it on05:09
almoxarifeStingray88: those two last errors I can't explain05:10
raevencrackhead: that warning you mentioned earlier means that the config files you referenced are simply missing the .conf extension.05:10
raevenAdd that to all of them and try it again.05:10
almoxarifeStingray88: also you should have samba config in etc after the nautilus-share install05:11
studentzHi there I upgrading to Oneric and I forgot my pass of phpmyadmin but i do remember my mysql pass any suggestion. Thanks05:12
Adyethsanyone know where I might be able to find an answer to my question?05:13
Stingray88almoxarife: sigh… I just don't get how things can get this messed up in one week05:13
Stingray88both being on fresh installs too05:13
Stingray88a week apart05:13
raevenAdyeths: I'll let you know as soon as my upgrade finishes downloading...05:14
VampsDaBeastanyone know of a package that converts mp3. wav, and other various formats to ogg?05:14
VampsDaBeastwould need to convert multiple format, and mutliple files05:15
zykotick9VampsDaBeast, converting mp3 to ogg is a bad idea05:15
crackheadraeven: is there a way to turn off the internal wireless adapter? and use a usb dongle adapter I have and can plug in?05:15
VampsDaBeastzykotick9, is there a better way?05:16
D_Russanyone having issues with 11.10 so far?05:16
raevencrackhead: if it shows up in ifconfig or iwconfig, then sudo ifconfig wlan0 down (assuming wlan0 is your onboard wifi card)05:16
D_Russhardware incompatibility issues?05:16
SunTsuVampsDaBeast: ffmpeg could do the trick, but as zykotick9 says: trying to convert one lossy compression into another one is no good idea05:16
raevenD_Russ: like what?05:16
VampsDaBeastzykotick9, starting to get a little annoyed with alot of the linux media players locking up and freezing with my mediaplayers05:17
zykotick9VampsDaBeast, check out oggconvert if you wish.  SunTsu's ffmpeg suggestion is good as well05:17
D_Russlike anything, raeven05:17
SunTsuVampsDaBeast: you end up having worst of both worlds and a serious decrese in quality05:17
complexity[root@NewBeginnings catalog]# mogrify -resize '800x600' "$i", this just freezes, I need some help05:17
SunTsudecrease even05:17
D_Russtrying to decide if i should go ahead and switch from 11.04 or wait a few weeks05:17
VampsDaBeastagain i ask.. other then redownloading ALL 400gb of music.. is there a better way to convert them with out the decrease / loss?05:18
raevenD_Russ: just curious. Still waiting on my upgrade to download, looking to get a jump on problems that might crop up...05:18
zykotick9VampsDaBeast, not possible.  lossy->lossy will decrease quality05:18
D_Russme too05:18
SunTsuD_Russ: last time I decided to wait a couple of weeks had me end up still using Maverick ;)05:18
FSWolfhi im using ubuntu and i have a logitech orbital web cam but i  cant control the tilt pan and zoom functions has any one else  experenced this issue and perhaps found a solution can you pm  me please ?05:19
D_Russfor how long SunTsu?05:19
glitch-modAnyone else having sound issues?05:19
VampsDaBeastzykotick9, is it possible to go from lossy to non-lossy to lossy without decrease?05:19
VampsDaBeastand how bad is the decrease?05:20
zykotick9VampsDaBeast, no - that's still lossy->lossy05:20
FSWolfglitch-mod: ya in the past try changing sound drivers05:20
D_Russthe torrent download is going VERY fast05:20
glitch-modFSWolf, How can I do that?05:20
zykotick9VampsDaBeast, might not be noticeable - depends how picky you are05:20
zykotick9VampsDaBeast, WAV and FLAC -> Ogg is fine05:21
VampsDaBeastzykotick9, well i'm not a music studio producer so for it to sound like Dolby isnt the goal05:21
studentzVampsDaBeast  sound converter05:21
chintanwhats the diffrence between logical & primary partition ?05:21
infinituxI have no internet on my laptop now that I installed fresh 11.10 and I want to install ndiswrapper so my wifi card will work but it's not installed.05:22
VampsDaBeastzykotick9, i do have some wavs in my collection.. so those to ogg will give little decrease?05:22
infinituxwhere do I get the i386 deb?05:22
chintandoes anyone know ?05:22
nosbigSo...  I tried to run the upgrade using the official method via update manager.  I was able to click the initial upgrade button above the empty list of 11.04 updates.  I then received the message pointing me to release notes where I clicked upgrade.  I was asked for my password, and then the application exited.  I tried to run update-manager manually, and it tells me that I need to run a partial upgrade.  When I choose a partial upgrade,05:22
nosbigthe tool exits and does nothing.05:22
zykotick9VampsDaBeast, well WAV file aren't lossy, so you will not lose anything "extra" - just what's suppose to be lost05:23
nosbigI looked at my sources.list, and the upgrade tool modified it to refer to oneiric, rather than natty.05:23
nosbigAny ideas>05:23
VampsDaBeastzykotick9, ok05:23
nosbigShould I run aptitude dist-upgrade?  Should I update the system piece by piece, group by group?05:24
studentzchintan a HD can have only 4 primary partitions and a logical partition can have a big number of subpartitions05:24
VampsDaBeastzykotick9, maybe taking just a few mp3 files and copying them and converting to test would be a wise idea?05:24
crackheadraeven: what packages are needed to build/compile the enhanced rt73?05:24
zykotick9VampsDaBeast, for sure - you might be ok with the results (you might not be)?  Test to see.05:24
chintanhere no one listen any question ..05:24
raevencrackhead: you should just need a compiler/linker, most likely gcc05:24
FloodBot1chintan: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.05:25
zykotick9studentz, it's actually an extended partition - that can have multiple logical paritions in it.05:25
chintanwhy onone listen my question ?05:25
raevencrackhead: ...which you most likely already have. If not, find it in synaptic (or apt-get if you prefer the command line)05:26
=== soreau_ is now known as soreau
studentzzykotick9 you are right. sorry :(05:26
anon_userchintan, you need to listen.  studentz andwered you05:26
soreaueir is a bot :P05:26
raevencrackhead: Unless the source comes with its own Makefile.05:26
chintanwhats the difference ?05:26
crackheadraeven: make keeps giving error 1.. failed to build?05:26
chintanwhen i choose logical & when i choose primary ?05:27
yagoochintan, primary is only for windows.. linux doesnt care if its log/primary05:27
studentzchintan do you want dual boot?05:27
sianhulopeople, how i do i add a line in grub to boot from my usb?05:27
raevencrackhead: um. give me a second on that one...05:27
crackheadsource comes with its own makefile05:27
studentzchintan I mean Ubuntu and MS05:27
chintanyes i want dual boot05:27
fowlwhere is grubs menu.lst05:28
studentzchintan or Do you want only Ubuntu?05:28
fowli have no menu.lst in /boot/grub05:28
yagoochintan, dosmbr-style partition tables uses these terms  -- GPT (more modern style) only uses Primary partitions05:28
chintani make swap partition as primary05:28
sianhuloi have it this way http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/707747/ (the usb is /dev/sdf1)05:28
chintanis it right ?05:28
yagoochintan, linux doesnt care..05:28
zykotick9fowl, long gone - that's a grub-legacy only file.05:28
soreauI downloaded the 11.10 dvd via torrent. Is there an md5sum for the 1.5GB iso somewhere?05:28
sianhulofowl, i think that's used with grub, i supose you have grub205:28
raevencrackhead: let me get back to you in a few minutes: my upgrade just finished downloading!05:28
yagoochintan, swap can be on a primary partition.. that's fine too.05:28
zykotick9fowl, see /etc/default/grub for most config options - after any changes run "sudo update-grub" to apply05:28
chintanthen why that options are provided in linux installation ...05:28
chintanany reason ?05:28
ShirakawasunaI've never upgraded an ubuntu distribution (11.04 -> 11.10 today). Do I need to be worried about anything/check anything after the process completes?05:29
otdelHi friends!05:29
debsanchintan, for you yo come here and ask :)05:29
ShirakawasunaI'm also excited to see that Unity's application lens now has built-in category filters. Soooooooo much better.05:29
SunTsuchintan: because linux allows you to do what you please. You have that choice so you are presented it05:29
soreauShirakawasuna: Back. Up.05:29
sianhulosomebody knows what is bad with this? http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/707747/ (i wan t to boot my usb by grub, the usb is /dev/sdf1)05:29
yagoochintan, it's the old dumb dosmbr-style partition table (if u try to make more than 4 partitions, u start using "logical" partitions after the third primary partition)05:29
sianhulobut still can't get it working :(05:30
soreauShirakawasuna: In case you need to reinstall05:30
fowlzykotick9: i only wish to back it up, im about to install windows on another partition and want to be ready for the destruction it causes05:30
zykotick9!grub | fowl05:30
ubottufowl: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)05:30
chintanone another problem in 11.1005:30
otdelпривет с России=)05:30
chintanwhen i maximize any screen05:31
Shirakawasunasoreau: I alwasy backup. Is it common to need to reinstall?05:31
chintandocs still display left side05:31
soreauShirakawasuna: Upgrades are sometimes problematic05:31
chintanany option for autohide ?05:31
glitch-modwhat does sudo -s do05:31
otdelаля улю05:32
Shirakawasunasoreau: Is there anything I can do to prevent that? Any commands to check things after the process completes?05:32
sianhulosomebody knows about grub2?05:32
yagooglitch-mod, -s is for sweetness05:32
SunTsuVampsDaBeast: btw. in case you are new to sound encoding: lossy means that information (that you probably won't hear anyway) is lost while encoding.05:32
yagoosianhulo, grub2 is grub2..05:32
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience05:32
glitch-modyagoo, ಠ_ಠ05:33
soreauShirakawasuna: If you haven't messed with your natty install too much it should work ok05:33
sianhuloyagoo, something that may be a little more useful xd05:33
ironI don't mean to be rude, but who was helping me with the ATI drivers issue? :P05:33
SunTsuVampsDaBeast: problem is: every lossy encoding has a different approach and notion of that, so when reencoding a file that already lost information it will lose even more, which gives you more and more loss and a decrease in quality05:33
new2netDo I have to piss blood to get ---ANY---- ubuntu version to install?   Installer crashed, bug reporter crashed, then even tho I'm on a live CD i get this message "hey want to upgrade so I can crash again and ruin your whole week"? Its like no, I'll just find a better OS05:33
SunTsunew2net: or maybe better hardware05:33
yagoonew2net, thats disgusting05:33
sianhulobecause i'm trying to add a line to boot from my usb, but cannot get it working05:33
chintanhow to hide doc when i maximize any panel ?05:34
chintanQUESTION = "how to hide doc when i maximize any panel ?"05:34
sianhulo somebody knows what is bad with this? http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/707747/ (i wan t to boot my usb by grub, the usb is /dev/sdf1)05:34
complexity[root@NewBeginnings catalog]# mogrify -resize '800x600' "$i";05:34
complexitydude, why is that freezing05:35
yagoochintan, what's your mother language? you're not sounding clear05:35
chintanhow to hide doc when i maximize any panel ?05:35
SunTsunew2net: I'd check back with memtest86 and an urologist05:35
zykotick9sianhulo, (untested) but you could try to just plug your bootable USB in and run "sudo update-grub" and see if it's auto-added?05:35
yagoochintan, you really should um.. use the right words.. it is not possible to understand what you're asking05:35
sianhulozykotick9, it's been added, and i can't see it in grub menu, the problem is that i can't boot it(the problem is not my usb because i used it to install ubuntu in another computer)05:36
sianhuloso the problem is my sintaxis, but i don't know where the error is05:36
edogaaHEy, how do I get hdmi audio working with the OSS drivers on radeon?05:36
abhinav_singhhow do i switch back to unity from ubuntu classic in 11.0405:37
edogaait seems hdmi audio for the r600-700 series works...05:37
edogaafrom what i saw on the status matrix...but i can't figure out how05:37
zykotick9!classic | abhinav_singh reverse these directions05:37
ubottuabhinav_singh reverse these directions: The default interface in Ubuntu 11.04 is !Unity. To switch back to regular !GNOME: log out, click your username, click the Session box at the bottom of the screen, and select "Ubuntu Classic".For 11.10, see !notunuty05:37
D_Russabhinav_singh, log out and look at the bottom05:37
ReallycoolIt would appear I broke my system's appearance settings, is there a way to reset them to defaults?05:38
mongoi'm actually liking xubuntu05:38
yagooReallycool, probably one of the default themes..05:38
Mike9863Are all my packages taking a long time to download because of the new release being downloaded by others?05:38
copproHi there. Oneiric removed the gnome power and volume tray applets. What equivalent does it have? I am not using Unity.05:39
yagooMike9863, maybe its a slow mirror.05:39
Mike9863yagoo: Well I'm getting speeds of about 10KB/s. Anything I can do?05:39
SinnerNyxi'm having an issue where I'm running a grep, and I want it to run in the background, so I press CTRL+Z. and it shows the grep job as "STOPPED". When I type bg though it still shows the job as STOPPED. I've also tried "bg 1" however this still shows the same job as stopped....05:39
SinnerNyxam I missing something?05:39
yagooMike9863, 10 kilobytes? that's even slower than a 28.8 modem for crying out loud05:40
yagooMike9863, it'll take a million years to download a meg at that rate..05:40
Reallycoolyagoo: changing UI themes does nothing at all05:41
phlak_userrage: its in the universe repos05:41
yagooSinnerNyx, try bg %105:41
Mike9863yagoo: Yeah I don't know what's going on. I'm just using the Update Manager as I always do.05:41
SinnerNyxyagoo, same05:41
yagooReallycool,  u can probably copy a non-modified theme from /usr/share (not sure exactly).. and copy it back into your themes folder..05:42
yagooSinnerNyx, u tried fg %1 ?05:42
SinnerNyxnope lemme give that a shot05:42
yagoothen change ttys05:42
yagooand see if that process is still running05:43
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yagooMike9863, i never use the gui tools for package management.. maybe there's a mirror select somewhere..05:44
yagooanyone knows?05:44
yagoo(do tell Mike9863)05:45
seven_hey i need help, i just installed ubuntu 11.10, my keyboard lights wont turn on05:45
yagooseven_, lol.. comeon that's not an emergency :p05:45
yagooseven_, at least the keys work right? LOL05:45
seven_well im in the dark05:45
edogaawow...why is kde so slow lol05:45
seven_i cant see my keyboard05:46
yagooseven_, is the keyboard plugged in? :)05:46
seven_im on a laptop05:46
SinnerNyxyagoo fg %1 appears to work fine...05:46
yagooSinnerNyx, good05:46
seven_asus g73s05:46
seven_it worked with 11.0405:46
fadezerohey guy how do i know if my firewall is on, im new to ubuntu05:46
SinnerNyxyagoo, but i need to run in the background...05:46
yagooSinnerNyx, btw, if u'r using ssh.. u may want to look at screen (if ssh breaks a connection-- u can relog back in and use screen -RR)05:46
zykotick9!u | yagoo05:47
ubottuyagoo: U is the 21st letter of the modern latin alphabet. Neither 'U' nor 'Ur' are words in the English language. Neither are 'R', 'Y', 'l8', 'Ne1' nor 'Bcuz'. Mangled English is hard for non-native English speakers. Please see http://geekosophical.net/random/abbreviations/ for more information.05:47
yagoo(screen is a multiplexer for text console-- allows to resume broken terminal connection)05:47
SinnerNyxyagoo, not ssh, regular command line in virtualbox guest05:47
sianhuloyeah, I know I'm becoming annoying, but... somebody knows what is bad with this? http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/707747/ (i wan t to boot my usb by grub, the usb is /dev/sdf1)05:47
seven_any experts in here :/05:47
seven_i dont wanna go back to windows05:47
fadezerocan anyone help me with setting up my firewall in ubuntu05:48
zykotick9sianhulo, it's probably not sdf1 if you boot it - can you use UUID or labels instead? (i'm not sure, just making suggestion)05:48
yagoosianhulo, looks like u have 6 harddrives05:48
sianhuloseven_, i don't know, that seems pretty strange to me05:48
minthi guys, I just installed 11.10 over my mint 11 partition and when I try to boot I get sent to the grub rescue thing with "invalid arch independent elf magic"05:48
mintanyone know what that is about?05:48
seven_yeah me too sianhulo05:48
minttried reinstalling grub from the live cd but it did not help05:48
seven_the hotkeys work05:48
seven_but the keyboard wont light up05:48
sianhulozykotick9, i don't know how to use UUID05:49
yagooseven_, what laptop is it?05:49
ubottuTo see a list of your devices/partitions and their corresponding UUID's, run this command in a !shell: « sudo blkid » (see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LibAtaForAtaDisks for the rationale behind the transition to UUID)05:49
zykotick9sianhulo, well good luck, hopefully someone has a real answer for you.05:49
yagoozykotick9, hfsplus implies OSX05:50
=== mint is now known as zeelot-livecd
fowlseven_: hows the g73s? im on the precursor g73jw05:50
gofaziif i remove pulse audio should alsa auto work after a reboot or is there some setup to do?05:50
sianhulono, i have been googling for a while, and i think there's no way you can use UUID05:50
symaxianHm, in 11.10 the mouse is offset by a few hundred pixels when in expo on my system, dual monitors under AMD05:50
yagoosianhulo, UUID is used in /etc/fstab and kernel bootlines05:51
marianoFrom time to time, I get these little orange circles with arrows around my windows and they make the window that I'm on shake or snap to a specific place. What are these things? I don't even know how I am activating this function.05:51
seven_i have05:51
sianhuloyagoo, but i mean to use grub205:51
seven_ASUS G7305:51
yagoosianhulo, grub.cfg <<< UUID for your kernel bootlines05:51
zeelot-livecdno one knows what my issue could be? sites seem to tell me to reinstall grub but it doesn't solve it for me05:51
seven_yagoo ASUS G73SW05:51
sianhuloyagoo, but i'm trying to boot from an usb, ky kernel configuration is all right05:52
DatzHi, will there be a way to fall back to gnome 2 for future releases?05:52
urlin2uDatz, no05:52
seven_fowl its nice but trying to get my keyboard backlights to work05:52
yagoosianhulo, to boot from usb. ur bios needs to support booting from usb05:52
Datzthis saddens me05:52
gofaziif i remove pulse audio should alsa auto work after a reboot or is there some setup to do?05:52
sianhuloyagoo,  but it "doesn't" so i'm trying from grub, I AM sure that is is possible05:53
urlin2uDatz, gnome 2 is not supported by its own designers anymotre05:53
QuestionHello. I got a question. Every time when i start my Laptop i have to choose what i want to start in bios. for example : 1. Ubuntu Normal 2. Ubuntu restoration etc etc... How can i set, that ubuntu normal always start?05:53
yagooseven_, there's a link for the keyboard on this site http://www.linlap.com/wiki/asus+g73sw05:53
seven_everything is working except my key my keyboard back light05:53
keyboardtalkWhy is there no authentication when booting into recovery mode? I am given root shell access with no password prompt05:53
faryshtaHello problems with broadcom here.05:54
faryshtaBroadcom Corporation NetLink BCM5787M Gigabit Ethernet PCI Express05:54
marianoIs anyone else having a difficult time adjusting their laptop's display brightness?05:54
seven_there is no fix there yagoo05:54
yagooseven_, checkout "Put this in your rc.local" from http://scottsautorepair.net/microsoft.sucks/G73SW.keyboard.lights.html05:54
Datzurlin2u: I don't know what the community is going to do without gnome2.. I can't stand unity or gnome shell.05:54
yagooseven_, i said a link.. i just posted above..05:54
faryshtaDoes someone here know how to make a broadcom wifi work?05:54
yagooseven_, geez..05:54
urlin2u!broadcom | faryshta05:54
ubottufaryshta: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx05:54
seven_yes yagoo thats a fix for 11.0405:54
seven_it doesnt work for 11.1005:54
glebihanDatz, you can use gnome-fallback-session + gnome-panel05:54
seven_when i try it, ubuntu wont reboot05:54
fade_hey guys does the firewall automatically activates in ubuntu?05:55
yagooseven_, if none of ur current kernels can support the backlit.. then probably u have to do your own compiling :/05:55
Datzglebihan: thanks. It's either that or have to go with debian for awhile. :-/05:55
zykotick9fade_, nope05:56
seven_there is one that works for 11.0405:56
sianhuloseven_, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=175290005:56
seven_its just on the new one05:56
urlin2uDatz, personally  just adapted although I have multiple OS on my computer one has gnome 2.05:56
yagookeyboardtalk, that's better.. non password on recovery boot.. i dont see anything wrong with that05:56
QuestionHey Gusys. When i start my Laptop. I got to choose everytime what i want to start. Like Ubuntu restoration , or Ubuntu Normal.. How can i set it off ?05:56
gofaziif i remove pulse audio should alsa auto work after a reboot or is there some setup to do?05:56
phlak_userrage: i installed gnome-tweak-tool but there still seems no option for colors though there is a host of other stuff05:56
keyboardtalkyagoo: isn't this a security hole? anyone can boot the computer into recovery and gain full access to the system05:57
phlak_userQuestion: set default time to 005:57
yagooQuestion, u set a default #, in the grub.cfg file ...05:57
yagookeyboardtalk, dunno.. disable it then..05:57
seven_sianhulo thats for 11.0405:57
Datzurlin2u: yea, I can try to adapt as well. but gnome shell is more difficult to use... it's a step back05:57
seven_i have 11.1005:57
yagookeyboardtalk, u can also set passwords to grub ..05:57
yagookeyboardtalk, or simply set a password to the bios..05:57
urlin2ukeyboardtalk, to do anything you will have to use a password a cli does not= full control05:57
yagookeyboardtalk, so a password is needed after the bios-boot test05:58
marianoFrom time to time, I get these little orange circles with arrows around my windows and they make the window that I'm on shake or snap to a specific place. What are these things? I don't even know how I am activating this function. Help.05:58
Questionyagoo: where can i find this file ?05:58
Datzmaybe KDE is the way to go05:58
sianhuloseven_ wont hurt to try05:58
keyboardtalkyagoo: I have a bios password, but other users may not05:58
phlak_userQuestion:  change this line in /etc/default/grub  GRUB_TIMEOUT=10 (to 0) and run update-grub205:58
yagooQuestion, /boot/grub/grub.cfg -- there should be a line near the beginning -- it may be "set default .." or "default" (default numbering starts from 0)05:58
sianhulothe problem is that i know if you can use an old kernel version...05:58
keyboardtalkurlin2u: I was able to change the passwords for all users05:58
urlin2umariano, get a screen shot if you can it sounds like a compiz setup.05:59
zykotick9Question, yagoo's suggestion is actually a poor one.  grub.cfg says "do not edit" for good reason, it's reset every time you update kernel/grub - use phlak_user's suggestion instead05:59
symaxianWow, right after bootup there is a handful of regressions with expo and dual monitors on 11.1005:59
marianook i'll try it05:59
yagoozykotick9, it's a simple fix..05:59
urlin2ukeyboardtalk, with a password change prompt right.05:59
keyboardtalkurlin2u: yes05:59
yagoozykotick9, i don't believe theres any permanent solution for setting a default for grub2.05:59
gofaziif i remove pulse audio should alsa auto work after a reboot or is there some setup to do?05:59
yagoozykotick9, unless u have a better one.05:59
zykotick9yagoo, /etc/default/grub05:59
urlin2ukeyboardtalk, same will work in a logged in regular session, your need to do some study bro.06:00
yagoobut update the kernels..06:00
faryshtaurlin2u: do you know where to get the drivers after I installed the bcwml-kernel-source package?06:00
phlak_useryagoo: nope06:00
yagoonumbering can change..06:00
keyboardtalkurlin2u: You mean I can change any other user's password?06:00
urlin2ufaryshta, not really i think the link says it all right, as far a s cards I have never had to do this, most seem served by the link.06:01
faryshtaWhere can I get the drivers for a broadcom?06:01
faryshtaurlin2u: the links says that 'Aditional drivers' should work now but it doesn't.06:01
urlin2ukeyboardtalk, from a super user state yes.06:01
urlin2ufaryshta, I can't really help beyond the link it is beyond my pay rate. :D06:02
faryshtaWhere can I get the drivers for a broadcom?06:02
joshua__Hey guys, I'm unable to get Ubuntu to boot with Unity.  Can anyone help?06:02
keyboardtalkurlin2u: But the point is that you shouldn't be able to reach super user state without a password or some other authentication. Recovery mode just gives it to you06:02
phlak_userjoshua__: what version, what error?06:02
Lewoco__How does Ubuntu's release numbering work? I just discovered 10.04 is newer than 10.10 ?06:02
n1kono it isnt06:03
faryshtaDoes someone owns a broadcom wifi here?06:03
phlak_userLewoco__: it isnt; its LTS which means it has Long Term Support and hence is supported longer than the others06:03
glitch-modMy sound it still fubar, listed under sound --> hardware = blank06:03
urlin2ukeyboardtalk, you changed the password to get there it is part of the deal, if you want to lock out anybody else including yourself if you loose the password, you need a password protected bios06:03
joshua__Ubuntu 11.04.  There isn't really an error, so far.  From the moment I installed it, I've loaded into the very basic (gnome, I guess?) ui, instead of Unity.06:03
phlak_userjoshua__: if you selected gnome (it would be unity), if you selected gnome-classic (its without)06:04
faryshtahow can I make a broadcom wifi work?06:04
phlak_userjoshua__: you can select the environment as soon as you enter your username06:04
keyboardtalkurlin2u: What if my harddrive is placed into a different system?06:04
s1faryshta: hey , check it here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx06:04
glitch-modHardware is detected, just successfully installed ati drivers from official binary but still no sound halp!06:05
joshua__I'll show you a screencap of my desktop.  (left is Ubuntu, right is a vm)  It's too simple to be Unity, I think? http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/13/screenshotbcar.png/06:05
urlin2ukeyboardtalk, you have to invetigate your own safety this is ubuntu support not what if I get hit in the head with a comet and the aliens steal my HD LOL.06:05
cousin_luigignome-shell keeps falling back into gnome-classic06:05
cousin_luigiany idea why?06:05
marianourlin2u: where should I upload the picture to?06:05
faryshtas1 I did. It says that I should have the drivers with the 'aditional drivers' tool but I can't see them.06:06
faryshtahow can I make a broadcom wifi work in 11.10?06:06
abhijeethey guys. . I installed the ubuntu 11.10 and next time when I boot my unity got crashed and now I am only getting a white bar at the top... :(   How can i restore the unity?06:06
urlin2umariano, http://imagebin.org/index.php?page=add06:06
yagoofaryshta, did u check the broadcom site?06:07
joshua__Is that what my desktop is supposed to look like?  I haven't told it to boot in classic mode, or anything.06:07
glitch-modunder my sound output menu it says06:07
glitch-mod'dummy output'06:07
yagooglitch-mod, lol06:07
faryshtayagoo: which one? I checked https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx and didn't work.06:07
* glitch-mod accidentally hit enter06:07
phlak_userjoshua__: you're right; it looks like classic; can you check what de is selected for session when you enter your username at login (its at the bottom generally)06:07
vladi tested ubuntu 11.10 last 12 hours. new ubuntu is great...fail06:07
urlin2ukeyboardtalk, I'm just joking with you, but a context with perspective is needed for this channel. There are other places to get super security answers06:07
yagooglitch-mod, if that was anything but dummy output that was the one :)06:07
s1faryshta: then check if the driver is loadded.06:08
glitch-modyagoo, There is nothing else to pick06:08
joshua__Hold on.  I may have to leave/restart to find out.  I'll pay attention this time, but I don't think it said...  Hold on.06:08
Questionphlak_user: When i want to save it, they tell me i dont got the rights. ?!06:08
marianourlin2u: The circles appear randomly when I'm using the touchpad. I don't know if I'm activating them by accident or what. Here is the link: http://imagebin.org/17892206:08
yagooglitch-mod, see if soundcore is load (lsmod |grep -i sound)06:08
xjjkhello, I just installed the AMD64 version of oneiric; is there a way to turn off the multiarch stuff?06:08
cousin_luiginevermind, managed with gnome-shell06:08
faryshtas1 how?06:08
xjjkit lists double packages in aptitude06:08
phlak_userQuestion:  did you use sudo before the edit command?06:08
xjjkI've no nead for any 32-bit packages06:08
yagoofaryshta, so what bcmXXX number is your chipset?06:08
cousin_luigiIs it possible to change the lightdm theme?06:09
faryshtayagoo: BCM5787M06:09
Questionim right in the folder06:09
yagoofaryshta, that page is not for bcm5xxxx06:09
phlak_usermariano: those look like resize handles06:09
yagoofaryshta, use a bit of logic man06:09
glitch-modyagoo, it returned a value so I guess its loaded06:09
[deXter]Hi all; unable to launch Unity 2D on my system. I select it from the login screen but it still starts the regular unity..06:09
QuestionAh okay06:09
QuestionI try it again :D06:09
urlin2umariano, hmm I have not seen those circles, have you messed with compiz?06:09
zykotick9xjjk, i highly doubt it - multiarch is in debian's wheezy/sid - and thus ubuntu06:09
phlak_userQuestion: ok06:09
faryshtayagoo: you are NOT helping.06:10
xjjkzykotick9: I don't see double-package listings in debian wheezy/sid06:10
xjjkI'm not sure what Ubuntu is doing06:10
marianoNope, I just installed ubuntu 11.10. The only thing that I've done is to enable two finger scrolling.06:10
glitch-modyagoo, its telling me I'm using snd-hda-intel06:10
yagooglitch-mod, thats good news..06:10
zykotick9xjjk, lol - welcome to ubuntu ;)06:10
marianourlin2u: I haven't touched anything else.06:10
xjjkzykotick9: heh, yeah…06:11
yagoofaryshta, look for bleeding code..06:11
joshua__Okay.  I'm back.  I'm trying to open the "Ubuntu" session.  Not ubuntu classic.06:11
faryshtadoes someone know how to make a broadcom wifi work on 11.10?06:11
yagoofaryshta, u may have to dig.. but u have to do the right digging.. BCM43xx is not for you06:11
yagoo(BCM43xx docs is not the right source)06:11
faryshtadoes someone know how to make a broadcom wifi work on 11.10?06:12
yagoofaryshta, chipsets are definite. Either it is a match or it isnt. If there's no match, then it WONT work06:12
phlak_userjoshua__: if you get the launcher panel on the left; it might be an indication that its unity06:12
cousin_luigifaryshta: trying on mine now06:12
srt42211so i fuked my phone up06:12
faryshtacousin_luigi: good I hope yours get to work.06:12
glitch-modyagoo, Think this could help me? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/alsa-driver/+bug/87313206:12
ubottuUbuntu bug 873132 in alsa-driver (Ubuntu) "[HDA-Intel - HDA Intel, playback] G51Vx No sound after 11.10 install (Fix inside)" [Undecided,New]06:12
phlak_usersrt42211: with ubuntu?06:13
Questionalright, doesnt work. Im directly in the folder etc / default / and open the file GRUB. right ?06:13
joshua__No, I don't.  I'm still looking at the same "classic" looking desktop.  I'm pretty sure I'm not in unity.  I have no advanced graphic options, and earlier when I ran the command in the terminal, I was returned "gnome" instead of "Ubuntu"06:13
Operaist2how do i check ubuntu's available disk size if i installed with wubi?06:13
AsadRis logwtmp for pptpd broken on Lucid?06:13
yagooglitch-mod, absolutely try that.. often laptops with linux -- have this issue with the sound chipsets06:13
urlin2umariano, not sure really all I could do is try searxches on google with various word prompts not sure where to start, seems like a compiz thing, as unity is a compiz plugin, but that is just a a theory.06:13
zykotick9Operaist2, "df -h" from a terminal should work06:14
cousin_luigifaryshta: installing firmware-b43-installer did the trick for me06:14
glitch-modThanks yagoo06:14
joshua__I have checked the Additional Drivers, and the driver for my graphics card says "This Driver is activated, but not currently in use."06:14
marianourlin2u: Also, do you know if not being able to adjust my screen display might be a bug in ubuntu?06:14
s1faryshta: with modprobe , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WirelessTroubleShootingGuide/Drivers06:14
faryshtacousin_luigi: when you run 'lspci | grep BCM 'on consolE what do you get?06:14
cousin_luigifaryshta: bcm431806:15
faryshtacousin_luigi: thanks.06:15
Questionsind hier auch deutsche helfer? ^^06:15
phlak_userQuestion: you have to open it with superuser privileges; if you insist on using the GUI; press alt+f2 and type gksu gedit /etc/default/grub06:15
marianourlin2u: I've seen a few people have this issue, but not sure if it is a bug. I'm fairly new to linux.06:15
urlin2umariano, can you be more specific on what you mean by adjust screen display, do you mean resolution? Did you look in ,monitors?06:15
Flannel!de | Question06:15
ubottuQuestion: In den meisten Ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuche bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Einfach "/join #ubuntu-de" eingeben. Danke für Dein Verständnis!06:15
Operaist2zykotick9: is it possible to increase the size allocated after i installed with wubi?06:15
zykotick9Operaist2, i wouldn't touch wubi (or a wubi question) with a 30 foot pole.  Good luck.06:16
urlin2uOperaist2, no is the answer.06:16
marianoNot resolution. I mean the actual brightness that one is usually able to change on a laptop display via the Fn + shortcut.06:16
yagooQuestion, screw that.. it takes more steps.. just edit the grub.cfg file and add that little number.. yah the default# may change after a new kernel update.. so what.. u can change it back again later..06:16
zykotick9yagoo, seriously - stop giving bad advice06:17
Questionphlak_user: Done06:17
QuestionRestart and try ?06:17
urlin2umariano, that seems to be a issue for some,I never care I just run it full brightness.06:17
yagoozykotick9, at least explain to him how to do it.06:17
phlak_userQuestion: sure06:17
yagoozykotick9, you're not being helpful.06:17
AsadRWhy would logwtmp for pptpd not be working (not logging anything to wtmp) on 10.04 Lucid06:17
phlak_useryagoo: he would still need sudo wouldnt he? and you didnt tell him that06:17
TehDGMgoodmorning this morning06:17
edogaaSo, anyone here got hdmi audio working with their radeon card with OSS drivers06:17
Questioni still got to type update-grub2 ?06:17
yagoophlak_user, he's smarter than u think he is.06:17
phlak_userQuestion: yes, sudo update-grub206:18
marianourlin2u: thank you so much for your help. I really appreciate you taking the time to help me. :)06:18
phlak_useryagoo: support isnt about assumptions06:18
urlin2umariano, no problem it can be a tough when you investigate a new OS, good luck. :D06:18
zykotick9phlak_user, if they edit the grub.cfg and run update-grub it is going to remove the changes they made...06:19
EngonyrHow do I install GNOME 3.0 into Ubuntu? Will it break my Unity desktop? Will it install lots of extra applications?06:19
yagoophlak_user, help him. he's asking about YOUR and zykotick9 method.06:19
urlin2uEngonyr, you on 11.1006:19
phlak_userzykotick9: i know that; i havent asked him to edit grub.cfg; he's editing /etc/default/grub06:19
Engonyrurlin2u: yes06:19
Engonyri mean 3.2, sorry06:19
yagooso go on and explain to him.. you didn't explain to him the WHOLE procedure.06:19
urlin2uEngonyr, it is set to run ubnity and gnome 306:19
phlak_useryagoo: i did06:19
glitch-modyagoo, added this 'options snd-hda-intel model=auto' to '/etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf' but no dice, anything else I can try?06:19
TehDGMyea dont edit grub.cfg directly06:20
zykotick9phlak_user, sorry - thought they might have gotten sidetracked by yagoo's suggestion.06:20
phlak_userzykotick9: which is quite possible :)06:20
Engonyrurlin2u: so is GNOME 3 already installed? I've noticed components of it all over Unity, but is the actual desktop installed?06:20
yagooglitch-mod, modinfo <*-intel> may list the other type of laptop models u can try..06:20
yagooglitch-mod, the name of that hdasndintel module06:20
phlak_userQuestion: did you edit /etc/default/grub ?06:20
Questionphlak_user: Alright, it works. Thanks !!06:20
urlin2uEngonyr, I think you have to install it fully my setup is from a install months ago06:20
phlak_userQuestion: phew!06:20
yagoophlak_user, and it may change..06:21
yagooQuestion, bye06:21
glitch-modyagoo, snd-hda-intel06:21
phlak_useryagoo: chill dude06:21
glitch-modyagoo, thats not what you were asking for right...06:21
faryshta_Does someone have a BCM5787M chipset?06:22
yagooglitch-mod, as a regular user, u can try /etc/init.d/alsa-utils reset 006:22
Engonyrurlin2u: Is "GNOME Shell" in the Ubuntu Software Center the right package?06:22
yagoofaryshta, u'r confusing me and others.. someone asked u what u get with dmesg|grep -i bcm and u said something with bcm4xxx... u're repeating this BCM5xxx number from where?06:22
pangolin!notunity | Engonyr06:22
ubottuEngonyr: Ubuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions drowpdown. Using Natty? See !classic06:22
faryshta_yagoo:  I never did.06:22
* phlak_user is going to reboot into 11.04; enough playing with 11.1006:22
robertoHello i will upgrade kubuntu 10.04 to 11.10 bat i have no upgrade option in my upgrademanger06:23
urlin2uEngonyr, should be, that is what I used originally, dfrom a command line I never use the software center06:23
glitch-modyagoo, alsa-utils doesn't exist! could this be the answer to my problem :D06:23
robertoand apt-get dist-upgrade is not comming06:23
Engonyrpangolin: thanks06:23
faryshta_Does someone know how to make a BCM5787M chipset work?06:23
Engonyrurlin2u: Yeah, I know, I used to use apt-get and Synpatic too.. but I prefer the Ubuntu Software Center now.06:23
urlin2uroberto, you can't do that upgrade06:23
edogaasigh gotta go see ya06:23
joshua__Can anyone help me try to get Unity working in my Ubuntu 11.04?06:24
zykotick9roberto, FYI by default LTS will only upgrade to another LTS - it can be changed, but i wouldn't know how06:24
robertobecorse? @urlin2u06:24
Engonyrurlin2u: anyway, thanks for the help. I'm off to log into GNOME 3. :)06:24
urlin2uEngonyr, cool06:24
robertome PC is upgrade but my notbook not?06:24
urlin2uroberto, you can only go from long term to longterm, 11.10 is not a longterm.06:24
pangolin!upgrade | roberto06:24
ubotturoberto: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade06:24
faryshta_Does someone know how to make a BCM5787M chipset work?06:25
glitch-modyagoo, only thing under /etc/init.d/alsa-  is 'store' and 'restore'06:25
yagoofaryshta_, lsmod|grep -i tg306:25
yagooglitch-mod, maybe it's one of those.. they may have changed the name (perhaps a wiki can give a hint on this)06:25
tanathi upgraded to 11.10 with gnome-session-fallback and decided to compare gnome-shell and unity so installed them. they don't show up at login screen though. O_o06:26
faryshta_Does someone know how to make a BCM5787M chipset work?06:26
tanathalso, login screen is now ugly06:26
QuestionAlright. i got a another question :D I want to see all my systemdata clear. is there any possibility? programm ?06:26
tanathbright blue. wallpaper is gone06:27
c_smithHey, being as libmp4v2  is deleted from Oneiric, what is an equivelant of it that is still in the repos?06:27
urlin2utanath, what did you upgrade from Natty?06:27
tanathurlin2u, yep06:27
yagoofaryshta_, 2008 forums show people have been trying this.. it's at least 3 years that chipset was released.. it should be workable.. I even gave u a hint on the module name.06:27
urlin2utanath, are you sure you got a clean upgrade, and what is the grapghic card?06:27
faryshta_Does someone know how to make a BCM5787M chipset work?06:28
faryshta_yagoo: you are NOT helping.06:28
yagoo^ that's spamming.06:28
tanathurlin2u, nope. i had to upgrade through aptitude actually06:28
tanathurlin2u, nvidia06:28
joshua__Hey, does anyone know of another channel that might be less busy where I could get some help with getting Unity working?06:28
urlin2utanath, you need to reload the card graphics at the least.06:28
yagoojoshua__, #linux ?06:28
urlin2utanath, the drivers don't follow a upgrade.06:29
Questionyagoo: is there any program where i can see all my systemdata clearly ?06:29
yagoojoshua__, the busier the better..06:29
tanathurlin2u, i did run jockey and tried to switch to an apparently more updated driver. said it failed and to check log. log said it succeeded06:29
yagooQuestion, ?06:29
illmortalso uh.. anyone know if there's a fix for Deluge after the 11.10 upgrade?06:29
faryshta_Anyone has a BCM5787M chipset work?06:29
yagooQuestion, u have to know what you're trying to fix.06:29
tanathurlin2u, far as i could tell at a glance anyway06:29
* yagoo thinks faryshta_ has asked the same question at least 20 times in 4 minutes..06:29
QuestionI just want to see my systemdatas06:30
joshua__yagoo, except for the people who can't get help.  Lol06:30
urlin2utanath, this is out of my general knowledge area, other then knowing about the reloads after a upgrade06:30
faryshta_yagoo can you stop talking to me?06:30
tanathurlin2u, anyway, why would unity & gnome-shell not add themselves to login screen?06:30
robertothx danke :-)06:30
Questionlike everesthome for windows06:30
illmortaljust do an sudo apt-get install gnome  and it'll be on the log in screen lis06:30
illmortalunity sucks... maybe good for touchpads and netbooks.. but definitely not for people on desktops.06:31
ecolitanhello, is it possible to make the do-release-upgrade script just calculate the packages and download them, then stop?06:31
EngonyrWell.. tried GNOME shell, did not like. To my surprise, I actually prefer Unity in 11.10.06:31
pangolinfaryshta_: take a look at https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-nettool/+question/156833 comment #9 and #10 may be helpful to you.06:31
tanathillmortal, i don't want evolution and all the rest. already installed gnome-shell06:31
TehDGMillmortal: +106:31
yagoopangolin, i tried telling them commands but they refuse to.. he doesnt know how to use console06:32
faryshta_pangolin: thanks I already tried.06:32
ch3mi0nEnlightenment ftw06:32
tanathillmortal, i was of that opinion last i used it. i'm trying to give it another chance. apparently it's improved06:32
illmortalanyone using Deluge after the upgrade to 11.10? Can't connect with it anymore.06:32
faryshta_yagoo: quit the harassment please.06:32
yagooch3mi0n, that still exists?06:32
illmortaltanath.. I sat there for about 30 minutes trying to play with unity06:32
tanathillmortal, quick torrent link?06:32
illmortalit was too bloaty06:32
ch3mi0nyagoo, hell yeah06:32
yagooch3mi0n, it uses enlightment sound daemon still? curious cuse i see alsa and the sorts06:33
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!06:33
TehDGMi'll be honest. i dont like changes to my gui. at all. so trying the new one is still a big step06:33
illmortalya TehDGM. And my UI was completely broken on top of that thanks to the conflict between unity, compiz, and emerald06:33
faryshta_pangolin: when I run 'modprobe iwl3945' I get: 'WARNING: Failed to open config file /etc/modprobe.d/fglrx.conf: No such file or directory'06:34
yagooch3mi0n, i can live off ratpoison if u know what i mean :).. thought enlightment went extinct..06:34
tanathillmortal, just tested deluge. works great for me06:34
dc5alaany known issue with oneiric not updating screen properly? Like when typing etc.06:34
ch3mi0nyagoo, I don't know, actually...06:34
yagooch3mi0n, ratpoinson the light wm :)06:34
pangolinfaryshta_: I'm sorry I don't know how to help. I found the link after searching a little and thought maybe it would be useful.06:35
ch3mi0nNever heard of that one06:35
tanathTehDGM, i'm very adaptable. still didn't like unity06:35
tanathi'm liking even less that i'm trying to give it another shot and ubuntu is failing06:35
illmortalhmm... when I open it. I get a Connection Manager pop up window (never had that before, I don't think). I select it, click, "Connect" and it does nothing, tanath.06:35
faryshta_pangolin: no problem. Thanks.06:35
ch3mi0nI think Unity has potential, it just needs to emulate gnome-do more06:35
yagooch3mi0n, i cant stand unity..06:35
tanathillmortal, sounds like another connection issue other than deluge. i got no such popup06:35
yagooch3mi0n, it's too tabletty06:36
urlin2uch3mi0n, gnome-do that makes no sense.06:36
yagootabltetydo gnome-doalike :p06:36
tanathgnome-do is bloody great06:36
pangolinch3mi0n yagoo could you please take the non support convo elsewhere, $ubuntu-offtopic is a good place.06:36
TehDGMno the major issue with unity in my opinion is that if you want to do more then just browsing and text editing, it gets in your way rather then helping you. changing a simple configuration takes 5 clicks instead of 2 in regular gnome.06:36
ch3mi0nI personally run most programs fullscreen anyway, so Unity+maximize is awesome06:36
Karwanupgrading now :-) (dispite my misgivings about unity)06:36
tanathif only it didn't crash so much06:36
* TehDGM mumbers something about maximum menu depths06:36
ch3mi0nurlin2u: ??06:36
jiltdilIs this speed ok , i am transfering it from my one partiton to other http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/689/screenshotxle.png/06:36
illmortalinteresting... this time I clicked, "start daemon" and it pops up with an error, "deluge cannot find the deluged executable, it is likely that you forgot to install the deluged package or it's not in your PATH" lol.. I just finished re-installing it too.06:36
ch3mi0npangolin: ok06:37
jiltdilusing 64bit06:37
cjsSo, when I moved from 11.04 to 11.10, fvwm over Gnome still works ok for me, but gnome-panel seems to ignore all my customized settings from earlier versions (presumably saved under .gconf). Any thoughts?06:37
urlin2uch3mi0n, "I think Unity has potential, it just needs to emulate gnome-do more" gnome3-do is not even a dektop.06:37
tanathi like that 11.10 seems faster... now i just need it to _work_06:37
ch3mi0nurlin2u: didn't say it was06:37
tanathurlin2u, he's comparing gnome-do to the unity launcher06:38
ch3mi0nurlin2u: unity isn't a "desktop" either... I'm moving to #ubuntu-offtopic so people trying to get help aren't drowned out by our chat06:38
tanathor getting just about anything done in unity :P06:38
urlin2usynapse, and the cube, and docky make unity work nicely for me.06:38
tanathurlin2u, tried synapse and others, but they don't do everything gnome-do does, like pidgin contacts06:39
dr_williscube and 'work' are rarely terms used together ;)06:39
joshua__So, anyone up for trying to get Unity to work?  Not that we've all established that it sucks?06:39
frhodesis there a bash command to switch users with gdm?06:39
tanathdo like how synapse is lightweight though06:39
ch3mi0nGuess there's not actually anyone in that chan06:39
jiltdildr_willis: +106:39
urlin2udr_willis, gotta know how to do it.06:39
tanathjoshua__, me, lol. can't log in to it. not on list >_<06:39
pangolinch3mi0n: of course there is, 242 users06:39
dr_willisfrhodes:  you mean logout user 1 and login user 206:39
joshua__Me too.   Same problem.06:40
joshua__I think it has something to do with the Nvidia Graphics card I have.06:40
ch3mi0npangolin: bleh, empathy must be messing up then06:40
tanathok, so why did nautilus forget my folder view settings on upgrade? >_<06:40
faryshtaDoes someone knows how to make a BCM5787M chipset work?06:40
yagooch3mi0n, unity is what makes ubuntu.. i dont see how its not a big part of ubuntu.06:40
yagooch3mi0n, but i just commented on it that i dont really use -- hence cant help u with it..06:41
tanathand where's the icons to switch views? >_<06:41
yagooch3mi0n, yup.. unity is a ubuntu-only project..06:41
ch3mi0nAre you having a conversation with yourself by using my name?06:41
=== MmikeDOMA is now known as Mmike
tanathwhy do they have to keep removing useful features from everything? >_<06:42
yagooseems like you don't remember too well.06:42
* yagoo likes the real geek stuff of ubuntu06:42
ch3mi0nWhen did I say unity wasn't a big part of ubu?06:42
* jiltdil ubuntu seems that in some years it will like windows :P06:42
faryshtaDoes someone knows how to make a BCM5787M chipset work?06:43
ch3mi0nThey made it the default, what, with 10.04? 9.10?06:43
dr_williswindiws in a few years may be like unity06:43
ubottuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs06:43
urlin2ufaryshta, after you did the link voodoo did you logout or reboot?06:43
faryshtaurlin2u: reboot06:43
yagoook.. im out this spammer is really getting to be annoying.06:43
yagoognite folks06:43
tanathanyone using compiz window previews and find they don't go away 'til you make them? >_<06:44
tanathso many things broken06:44
ch3mi0nFinally got empathy to cooperate and join #ubuntu-offtopic properly, moving conversation there06:44
faryshtaurlin2u: the link wasn't useful. I still can't see the drivers on the 'aditional driver' featuer.06:44
urlin2ufaryshta, is that a yes, the deal here is not to repeat yourself often for one, second to give details when you post, otherwise you will get ignored to be honest.06:45
faryshtaurlin2u: what details you need?06:45
tanathso i had a theme i customized and loved. now on upgrade it's gone and appearance no longer has theme details06:46
urlin2ufaryshta, I cant help you but here is what the bot says.06:46
ubottuPlease give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."06:46
dr_willistanath:  gnome3 does themes differently06:46
faryshtaBCM5787M on ubuntu 11.10 isn't working.06:46
cousin_luigiAny idea how to change the lightdm theme?06:46
=== SomeoneWeirdAFK is now known as SomeoneWeird
urlin2u!repeat | faryshta06:46
ubottufaryshta: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/06:46
faryshtaurlin2u: I gave the details you asked.06:47
EngonyrJoining into the Unity discussion..06:47
dr_williscousin_luigi:  seen some docs about doing that online at the webupd8 blog site i belive06:47
EngonyrI find this version of Unity is _really_ polished06:47
cousin_luigidr_willis: ok06:47
Engonyrit hasn't crashed on me once06:47
Engonyrthe Dash is awesome06:47
zaapielunity sucks06:47
urlin2ufaryshta, I CAN"T help you but others can read what the bot says for general posting, and reapeating.06:47
zaapieldont praise it06:47
jiltdildr_willis: please have a look is this speed good m transfering from one partition to another  http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/689/screenshotxle.png/   using 64bit os 4g ram06:47
zaapielthey wont change it unless everyone compalins06:47
Engonyrzaapiel: that's your opinion. My opinion is that it rocks.06:47
zaapieloccupy #ubuntu till unity is dropped06:47
glitch-modCan someone help with a sound issue?  http://imgur.com/Y9IMd06:48
faryshtaYou can't help me that is ok. Mind if I keep asking for OTHERS to help me?06:48
faryshtaThank you urlin2u06:48
cousin_luigizaapiel: I've heard worse ideas.06:48
tanathdr_willis, i'm not sure i'm even in gnome 3. i can't bloody right click the panel anymore06:48
truongani have a broblem with ubuntu-restricted-extras, can anyone help ?06:48
Engonyri'll just join #ubuntu-offtopic06:48
tanathcan't move things with middle-click anymore either >_<06:48
dr_willisjiltdil:  the kind of hd and connection will matter more then the 64/32 bitness or ram size06:48
cousin_luigifaryshta: did it work with 11.04?06:48
urlin2ufaryshta, within channel rules I am not trying to censor you but get you help by useing them.06:48
jiltdildr_willis: hm its sata06:49
joshua__Can anyone tell me why I get this outcome when running this terminal command to test for the ability to run Unity? http://pastebin.com/vgcinuQa06:49
faryshtacousin_luigi: I don't know. I have a different chipset than you.06:49
killownWhen I did upgrade to 11.10 it does not install lightDM and alot other things that is necessary for the system, like the network manager... why the upgrade from update manager does not the right job?06:49
tanathgah, can someone just help me get gnome-shell and/or unity into the login screen so i can use one?06:49
cousin_luigifaryshta: I mean did your card work with the previous version of ubuntu?06:49
dr_willisjiltdil:  one hd to another sata or one partion to a 2nd partition?    no usb hds ?06:50
tanathzaapiel, made non-default is more reasonable06:50
jiltdildr_willis: one partition to anotehr06:50
urlin2utanath, until you get the nvidia card up and running you will not get those desktops I'm quite sure, they are 3d, although there is a 2d unity, not sure in 11.10 though06:51
jiltdildr_willis: no usb hds06:51
faryshtacousin_luigi: yes but not out of the box. It worked pretty bad. I used the same steps as before with no results.06:51
killownIs there something like apt-get install ubuntu-base ?06:51
dr_willisjiltdil:  and you think your speeds are low or what exactly?06:51
cousin_luigifaryshta: ndiswrapper, by any chance?06:51
faryshtaMy BCM5787M  chipset on ubuntu 11.10 isn't working. Does someone know how to help?06:51
tanathurlin2u, i'm not even talking about getting them working necessarily. they're not even options at login right now. THAT'S the problem06:51
c_smithis there an equivellant of mpeg4v2 in Oneiric that I can use with GTKpod?06:51
faryshtacousin_luigi: that is my last resource.06:51
jiltdildr_willis: Actaully sometimes i get almost of 100 so i think it might be some slow in this case06:51
cousin_luigifaryshta: what steps did you use in the past?06:52
complexity[root@NewBeginnings catalog]# mogrify -resize '800x600' "$i";, why won't that go through06:52
faryshtacousin_luigi: The ndiswrapper site doesn't mention my chipset and its not a native driver.06:52
complexityplease help06:52
urlin2utanath, because the system is set to not load them there until they will work I believe, I think your trying to put the cart before the horse.06:52
dr_williscomplexity:  why the "" marks06:52
tanathurlin2u, o_O06:53
faryshtacousin_luigi: http://www.taringa.net/posts/linux/3642171/wifi-en-fedora-_broadcom_-muy-facil.html06:53
complexitydr_willis, no idea someone recommended I use them06:53
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faryshtacousin_luigi: replacing yum with apt of course.06:53
faryshtacousin_luigi: I am rebooting wish me luck.06:53
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cjsGod. I am so sick of getting fucked over by Gnome every time I upgrade Ubuntu.06:54
dr_williscomplexity:  i think you may want to spend an hr learninf bash basics. earlier someone gave you a complex command to do all files in a dir. you just pasted part of their example06:54
tanathurlin2u, 2011-10-14 02:52:32,084 ERROR: xorg:fglrx_updates: get_alternative_by_name(fglrx-updates) returned nothing06:54
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urlin2u!language | cjs06:54
ubottucjs: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.06:54
dr_willisim glad i always do clean installs...06:54
cjsurlin2u: Sorry.06:54
cousin_luigifaryshta: not familiar with that, sorry06:54
tanathurlin2u, it was working before i tried jockey. now driver isn't loaded and i get that error in log06:54
urlin2udr_willis, me to always.06:54
tanathurlin2u, but the entries weren't there before i poked jockey06:55
* jiltdil always prefer to fresh install06:55
urlin2utanath, I am not the person to ask for help it is outside of my pay rate.06:55
urlin2utanath, If I new card drivers I would help, but never have had to load one. :D06:56
jiltdilIs jockey issue fixed in 11.10?06:56
ubottuThe GNOME Foundation has ceased support for GNOME 2, and as such it is not in Ubuntu 11.10 (Oneiric Ocelot). See !notunity for an alternative desktop experience.06:56
faryshta_Hello can someone help me with a BCM5787M chipset on ubuntu 11.10?06:56
ubottuUbuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions drowpdown. Using Natty? See !classic06:56
dr_williswhich issue. ;) of the dozens..06:56
cjsSo how does one configure the unity-2d-panel?06:56
urlin2ucjs, as in?06:57
cjsRight-clicking on it doesn't seem to work. (Just like it doesn't work any more in gnome-panel, either.)06:57
c_smithso, anyone know an alternative to mpeg4v2 and mp4ip for GTKpod?06:57
dr_williscjs the webupd8 blog site had an artical on tweaking unity2d06:57
cjsAs in, putting it on the left side rather than the top, changing the colors, etc.06:57
c_smithbeing as those two were removed from the repos in Oneiric.06:57
dr_williscj s short answer is - i dont think you can do all that any more06:58
faryshta_Hello can someone help me with a BCM5787M chipset on ubuntu 11.10?06:58
killownHow to change the icon theme of the ubuntu 11.10? there is no place to do that...06:59
dr_willisfaryshta_:  you have checked the forums and askubuntu.com also?06:59
dr_williskillown:  theres a gnome tweak tool.06:59
faryshta_dr_willis: I checked the forums I didn't knew about ask ubuntu06:59
urlin2ucjs, you can put a docky on the left never used awn but it probably does as well.06:59
illmortalah deluge issue was I had deluge-gtk lol :P06:59
illmortalhad to uninstall deluge + deluge-gtk07:00
cjsurlin2u: I don't undertand what you just said.07:00
cjsdr_willis: Ouch!07:00
cjsurlin2u: Are you talking about alternative panel applications?07:00
urlin2ucjs, try looking on the web for docky and awn and ubuntu.07:00
urlin2ucjs, basically yes.07:00
dr_willishas a lot of must read configing info07:01
cousin_luigiok, I'm almost done here07:01
cousin_luigiDoes anyone know how to move the window buttons on the right side?07:01
cousin_luigi(on gnome-classic)07:01
ubottuStarting in Lucid, the minimize, maximize, and close buttons have been moved to the left side. For more informationand workarounds, please see http://pad.lv/53263307:02
tanathhow do you increase mouse sensitivity at login? it moves unbearably slow07:02
tanathurlin2u, so, i reverted to the driver that works and still not showing gnome-shell or unity at login07:02
cjsurlin2u: Ah, I see. Those look a little, well, "flashy" to me. Basically, I do most launching etc. though FVWM, so I'm just looking mostly for a minimalistic home for the status panel. Do you have thoughts on what might be best for that?07:02
cousin_luigidr_willis: does that apply to gnome-classic as well?07:02
faryshta_Hello can someone help me with a BCM5787M chipset on ubuntu 11.10?07:02
dr_williscousin_luigi:  should.. try it and see..07:03
cousin_luigidr_willis: it doesn't07:03
tanath!ask | faryshta_07:03
ubottufaryshta_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience07:03
dr_williscousin_luigi:  in 11.04 or 11.10?07:03
cousin_luigidr_willis: but I remember I had managed to before reinstalling07:03
nnfxcousin_luigi, sudo -u user /usr/bin/gconftool-2 -s -t string /apps/metacity/general/button_layout "menu:minimize,maximize,close"07:03
cousin_luigidr_willis: 11.1007:03
faryshta_tanath I asked a question.07:03
urlin2ucjs, hard to say really I use synapse mostly to bring up apps but my needs are pretty simple.07:03
tanathfaryshta_, not a useful one07:04
nnfxcousin_luigi, where user is your login07:04
dr_willistheres a classic in 11.10?07:04
faryshta_tanath: again. What is a useful question here?07:04
smwdr_willis, gnome-panel I think07:04
cousin_luiginnfx: trying07:04
metellius*sigh* Hash sum mismatch, BADSIG, Failed to fetch, bzip2 corruption etc (all related). My upgrade fails at the very first step because of issues download package lists. has anyone else had this? I've seen it on my home pc, and me an several others at work are also getting it07:04
tanathdr_willis, kinda. install gnome-session-fallback. it's what i'm using...07:04
cjsurlin2u: What is Synapse? It doesn't sound like anything listed on http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Synapse_(disambiguation)07:04
smwtanath, are any features missing?07:04
dr_willisthats gnomeshells/g3s failsafe  ;) not the same as classic in 11.0407:04
cjsMy needs are extremely simple, too.07:05
cousin_luiginnfx: thanks, it worked!:)07:05
tanathsmw, it's 11.10. there's tons of stuff missing >_<07:05
nnfxcousin_luigi, ofc it did :)07:05
nemon82papai was using beta, and now its all updated... Do i still have to install last release07:05
tanathdr_willis, well it still says classic at login07:05
slothbaghey all, is it possible to get synergy to work with lightdm in 11.10?  I only have remote keyboard & mouse to ubuntu box07:05
andynjust installed 11.10 on my lenovo e325, however, the machine can't boot from the hard disk. might it be related to EFI?07:05
dr_willisnemon82papa: no07:05
urlin2ucjs, synapse is similar to gnome-do http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2010/11/synapse-gnome-do-launcher-app-review-ubuntu/07:05
smwtanath, And this is why my laptop still runs 10.10 and my desktop runs 11.04 in classic mode07:05
froohso I just upgraded and now when I log into X it shows a full screen nautalis, instead of like, a background and other stuff07:05
froohno matter what login options I select that happens07:06
smwtanath, And I am looking at replacements for ubuntu :-\07:06
cousin_luigithe only things that remains to be fixed is the flashplugin07:06
tanathsmw, indeed. i thought i'd give unity and gnome-shell a try and regretting it already. can't even get into them.07:06
smwtanath, are you upset you upgraded?07:06
tanathsmw, yeah i looked around. i might be switching to mint07:06
cousin_luigiwhy does flashplugin-installer try to download nspluginwrapper and all that jazz even when it does exist a native 64 bit plugin?07:06
smwtanath, looking at pcbsd now :-). Mint is on the shortlist07:06
tanathsmw, kind of, yes. i still wanna fix this stuff and give it a fair shake though before i ditch07:07
metelliuscousin_luigi: probably because the native one hasn't made it into ubuntu yet07:07
urlin2ucousin_luigi, use flash aid the Firefox addon.07:07
faryshta_Hello can someone help me to make a BCM5787M chipset work on ubuntu 11.10?07:07
RP64hey can anyone PM chat me for problems updating my flash i prefer PMs07:07
cousin_luigimetellius: odd, it's been out for a while now07:07
smwtanath, fair enough. Gnome-shell sucks too?07:07
froohanyone know how I can get it to start vanilla gnome when I log in?07:07
smw!notunity > frooh07:07
ubottufrooh, please see my private message07:07
tanathsmw, not sure. i can't get that or unity to show at login screen. didn't have them installed when upgrading...07:07
tanathsmw, so i can't log into them.. >_<07:08
urlin2uRP64, PM are discouraged as we all learn from each others help, use the FF addon flash aid and choose the latest or the beta.07:08
smwtanath, sudo apt-get install gnome-shell?07:08
tanathsmw, that's how i installed them. (only with aptitude)07:08
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dr_willisor install ubuntu-desktop tanath07:08
smwtanath, reboot?07:08
tanathsmw, but they're not in the list07:08
RP64urlin2u? flash aid? Oh I didn't know about that what I did was install the add on "flash 11" through firefox and the default was flash 10, it installed and ran flash 11 and 10 at the same time, if I disable 10 , 11 doesn't work, if I disable 11, 10 does work07:09
tanathdr_willis, oh hell no. that installs way too much crap i don't want07:09
RP64urlin2u: and there's no option to uninstall either07:09
tanathsmw, more than once :P07:09
dr_willistanath:  so what does show in the login screen?07:09
urlin2uRP64, flash aid will fix all that.07:09
murlidharhello all . i have just upgraded my laptop to oneric and am not able to login into the desktop at all. only black screen comes after a while. no login screen.07:09
faryshta_Hello can someone help me to make a BCM5787M chipset work on ubuntu 11.10?07:09
cousin_luigiurlin2u: it relies on flashplugin-nonfree, which is likewise tainted07:09
RP64urlin2u: I have a confession if I'm using Mint not regular Ubuntu will it work the same? lol07:10
tanathdr_willis, elementary, which i had installed and didn't care for but forgot to uninstall, gnome classic, and 'user defined option' or something07:10
zaapieldont force your gpl down my throat07:10
tanathand i think failsafe or something07:10
RP64urlin2u:  it will i'm sure...yea it def should work07:10
zaapieli dont care about software licenses and most users dont either07:10
urlin2uRP64, should you will have to try, not sure really.07:10
costinhi ppl!07:10
smwzaapiel, what are you talking about?07:10
zaapielim just raging07:10
killownAfter the upgrade to 11.10 the sound no long works, do anyone help me?07:10
smwzaapiel, I hate GPL too. But not sure what that has to do with you :-P07:11
zaapielBSD is the only true free license07:11
zaapieldo what you want with it07:11
tanathzaapiel, focus your rage appropriately. more likely to make a difference then. choose your battles, etc. good licenses benefit all07:11
smwzaapiel, I agree07:11
faryshta_Hello can someone help me to make a BCM5787M chipset work on ubuntu 11.10?07:11
smwtanath, gpl must die :-P07:11
zaapielgpl is a cancer07:12
zaapielit taints all it touches07:12
ubottugpl is the GNU General Public License. See http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html07:12
tanathsmw, whyzat? promotes sharing and such...07:12
zaapielit forces sharing07:12
zaapielit doesnt promote it07:12
dr_willisgetting ot...07:12
tanaththat's a bad thing?07:12
smwtanath, if you want, I can debate you in offtopic ;-)07:12
tanathsmw, tempting, but it's after 3am here.07:12
glitch-modI have no sound can someone please take a quick look at this output http://www.alsa-project.org/db/?f=8730adfb36ba7e013f73e7db71948596b8f2722907:12
smwtanath, ah, east coast US?07:13
tanathsmw, i really just wanna fix a prob or two07:13
tanathsmw, canadian07:13
smwtanath, cool07:13
faryshta_Hello can someone help me to make a BCM5787M chipset work on ubuntu 11.10?07:14
tanath*sigh* i give up for now. imma watch big bang theory and go to sleep :-/07:14
tanathnite all07:14
mekwallHmm, repeating of key when held down stops working for me. I have to open keyboard settings and re-tick that setting for it to start working again. Any solution to this?07:14
Geoffrey2anyone know what happened to the Broadcom firmware cutter?  I can't find it anywhere in 11.10....07:15
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cjsurlin2u: Ah, ok. So I'm not clear on whether gnome-panel is considered an "application launcher," and whether application launchers also hold the notificaiton area.07:15
cjsurlin2u: (I mean, notification area and so on.) So, where do you see, e.g., your sound and network icons? In your Synapse display?07:16
somethingintereshi all, I have installed the latest VirtualBox on Ubuntu's newly released 11.10 by download the AMD64 Deb file. The progam is install and can be run from terminal with no problems but there doesn't appear to be icon for the program itself to start it without using the command line. There was an icon on 11.04. Any ideas?07:17
urlin2ucjs, in the classic gnome panel is a notification area, it is different then a application launcher except for what is running it will control.07:17
faryshta_Hello can someone help me to make a BCM5787M chipset work on ubuntu 11.10?07:18
minatoHi all. Im running Empathy 2.30.3 in lucid. My contact list is now invisible (Using jitsy I see it ok, half the peolple on the list connected). Any one with this "bug"?07:18
cjsurlin2u: Err...I didn't quite understand that again.07:18
cousin_luigifaryshta_: do you remember what firmware you were using in the past?07:18
d3vlinJust upgraded to Oneiric, but after booting I get command prompt tty1 instead of X. According to Xorg.0.log it can't find nvidia module. When I start lightdm then manually all is fine. I guess nvidia module is not loaded yet when X fires... is there a solution to this?07:18
faryshta_cousin_luigi: kmod-wl07:18
cousin_luigifaryshta_: that's the module07:18
faryshta_cousin_luigi: I think.07:18
cousin_luigiany additional binary blob?07:19
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faryshta_cousin_luigi: I am not sure. I installed the kmod-wl package.07:19
glitch-modhttp://www.alsa-project.org/db/?f=8730adfb36ba7e013f73e7db71948596b8f27229  -- corrected07:19
Edistohmmm... is eclipse and qt4 built into 11.10?07:19
Edistonm brb rebooting to 11.1007:20
Guest46533damn, how can I have my old good destop ?, 11:10 default look way too much like mac07:21
=== SomeoneWeird is now known as SomeoneWeirdAFK
harshada1hello guys07:23
harshada1hello guys07:23
Kestionhey again07:23
faryshta_Hello can someone help me to make a BCM5787M chipset work on ubuntu 11.10?07:24
Kestiongoogle is your friend07:26
spartan7I'm looking to virtualize a few servers. The hardware is a dual core 4 gig 2.2Ghz machine and would like to know the best software to do this under Ubuntu Server.07:26
smwspartan7, libvirt07:26
zeeroxthere is something really wrong with my ubuntu server, i setup dhcp for my switch > modem and setup net sharing for my windows clients, but for some reason it keeps disconnecting the modem and also sometimes the clients in windows (can still telnet to the box, just the net keeps dropping out) i set it up all with the how-tos on the ubuntu site07:27
smwspartan7, probably KVM07:27
zeeroxat first it was working fine, but past few days its having probs havnt changed a thing07:27
pratzhey guys i can you please suggest me a good software to create DFD's ??07:27
ashok_shettywhat is DFDs07:28
smwpratz, DIA07:28
spartan7smw, is kvm mostly commandline based?07:28
smwpratz, I also like the non-free Poseidon.07:28
smwspartan7, kvm is a technology in the kernel. You can use cli or gui07:29
smwspartan7, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/KVM07:29
faryshta_Hello can someone help me to make a BCM5787M chipset work on ubuntu 11.10?07:30
smwspartan7, the introduction is great07:30
Edistowow.... i upgraded to 11.10 and now i can't even load into ubuntu. I get 4 solid orange dots and it stalls07:30
spartan7smw, I know. last time I tried kvm there was no gui and the cli was a bit hard. Thanks for the link I'll check it out. Isn't Xen in the kernal now as well?07:31
smwspartan7, isn't xen hypervisor not linux?07:32
redhalp :)07:32
Guest46533hey guys, how can I have old desktop configuration ? just installed ubuntu 11.10, really not a mac fan here07:32
smwspartan7, nm, xen is also there07:33
zeeroxi setup dhcp for my switch > modem and setup net sharing for my windows clients, but for some reason it keeps disconnecting the other clients and sometimes the modem (can still telnet to the box, just the net keeps dropping out) i set it up all with the how-tos on the ubuntu site any suggestions?07:34
zeeroxas u can see its disconnecting me random from here to07:34
spartan7smw, thank you for the link I think KVM will be perfect. the performance stats are excellent07:34
Edistoif you keep crashing at bootup is there anything to press down that bypass to terminal?07:34
faryshta_Hello can someone help me to make a BCM5787M chipset work on ubuntu 11.10?07:35
ffk27how do i get the good old gnome 2 for ubuntu 11.10?07:35
ffk27gnome 2 was just perfrect for me07:35
airtonixffk27: install it?07:35
PurpleSmokeffk27 install gnome-shell07:35
ffk27i want the orginal lucid desktop07:35
ffk27thats not the same07:35
smwffk27, I don't think gnome2 is available in oneric07:35
PurpleSmokethen login into classic gnome07:35
ffk27ye fuck ubuntu07:35
smw!notunity > ffk2707:35
ubottuffk27, please see my private message07:35
s1Edisto: can you get to the GRUB menu!07:36
ubottuThe GNOME Foundation has ceased support for GNOME 2, and as such it is not in Ubuntu 11.10 (Oneiric Ocelot). See !notunity for an alternative desktop experience.07:36
ubottuUbuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions drowpdown. Using Natty? See !classic07:36
Da|Mummywhen ubuntu updates to new version, will i lose my current HOME folder and everything in it?07:36
smwDa|Mummy, no07:36
SunTsuDa|Mummy: only if you kill your box07:36
ffk27i better use 10.04 again07:36
SunTsuDa|Mummy: normally you won't, still I'd make backups of important stuff07:37
smwffk27, 11.04 is not bad.07:37
smwffk27, I run 10.10 on my laptop and 11.04 on desktop07:37
SunTsuffk27: _10_.04? Seriously?07:37
smwffk27, I am currently seeking an alternative distro to switch to when I have the time.07:37
Guest46533ffk27, you also have xfce or lxde no ? is it just desktop issue ?07:37
faryshta_Hello can someone help me to make a BCM5787M chipset work on ubuntu 11.10?07:37
airtonixGuest46533: he's just looking for something to be mad at07:37
smwairtonix, you don't have to look hard07:38
smwairtonix, I am pissed.07:38
airtonixsmw: neither do you07:38
Guest46533well I also not fan on new interface, don't found it interesting yet.07:38
=== Guest46533 is now known as lighta
glitch-modCan anyone help me, I have  no sound;  Realtek ALC272X07:39
airtonixlighta: early days, the gnome3 interface is based on css and javascript so the tools to customise are available and familiar to a larger group of people than they were on gnome207:39
mrolandAnyone here get Ubantu to display properly on a Macbook Air 11inch yet?07:40
mrolandWould be a great challange if anyone could get it to work :D07:40
lightaoh ? I should check that then airtonix that could be interessing, what I don't like it's the up panel. I used to have many app open and switch there, how can I do that now. also I don't see my cli shortcute anymore (yes alt+f2+xterm is too long)07:41
s1faryshta_: does the driver of that chipset shows up within " lshw -C network " .?07:41
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faryshta_s1 don't know, let me send the outcome by PV07:42
tapoutis unity forced on 11.10?  classic a no go now?07:43
SunTsutapout: nope07:43
airtonixlighta: keyboard shortcuts lets you configure them07:43
smw!nounity > tapout07:43
ubottutapout, please see my private message07:43
* s1 lag!07:44
stephniam currently upgrading how do i backup my data and installed apps?07:45
FluffNiggzI have arrived07:45
EngonyrDoes anyone know how to move the Workspace Switcher up in the Unity Bar?07:45
EngonyrAs soon as I have too many apps open, I have to scroll to get to it07:46
SunTsustephni: the way you want to. Put them on a different box or external hdd, or eben usb pen drive07:46
FluffNiggzI just got kicked from the #redhat chan for telling them they were girly men for using redhat, lol, told them to drop that gay shit and get a real OS like DEBIAN07:46
faryshta_Hello can someone help me to make a BCM5787M chipset work on ubuntu 11.10?07:46
smwFluffNiggz, offtopic and watch your language07:46
PoontangClanbroadcom wifi?07:47
intokSo whats the state of the i845 GPU driver in 11.10??07:47
PoontangClani845 LOL07:47
PoontangClanI have one of those too07:47
PoontangClanI have MAD Issues with GMA in Ubuntu07:47
PoontangClanvivid is the name of a porn company07:48
vikyhi there.. After upgrading to 11.10 I'm unable to login from the GUI, though I can login form tty1 (Ctrl + Alt + F1)07:48
blockyif gnome shell is not starting on my virtual machine even when I select Gnome from session manager, is there a log file that says why gnome shell failed to start?07:48
jussiPoontangClan: lets try keep family friendly and ontopic please.07:48
PoontangClanI had the same issue07:49
PoontangClanwhen I upgraded from 10 to 11 with Intel GMA i84507:49
vikymy works are stalled because of this..07:49
PoontangClanI ended up reinstallation fresh07:49
vikyis there a way to recover this?07:49
faryshta_Hello can someone help me to make a BCM5787M chipset work on ubuntu 11.10?07:49
PoontangClanand the gfx performance is HORRIBLE in ubuntu 11 with that chipset07:49
PoontangClanIt was better in UBuntu 907:49
PoontangClanthey did something to butcher the driver07:50
PoontangClanunsure what07:50
PoontangClanmakes opengl or anythign accelerated perform about half what it should be07:50
vikyPoontangClan: I cant do that as I dont want to break my project flow07:50
PoontangClanwell, we both know i845 is ancient07:50
tapoutunity in 11.10 is actually *nice*.   I may use it.. actually.07:50
jussiviky: try creating a new user to see if it is your config that is the issue07:50
jussiPoontangClan: you arent being overly helpful.07:51
davidvipguys, what is Online Account for?07:51
PoontangClanbtw cntrl atl backspace will force GDM to restart07:51
PoontangClancontrol alt f1 will drop u to a command prompt07:51
vikyI'm able to login to the other account that I  already had07:51
PoontangClanwhy did u mute FluffNiggz?07:52
jussiviky: so it seems to be some sort of config issue - Im not so certain how to solve that.07:52
vikyok, anyway thanks jussi07:52
jussi!offtopic | PoontangClan07:52
ubottuPoontangClan: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!07:52
PoontangClanim trying to be helpful there07:52
intokPoontangClan yeah, in 11.04 I have to use the VESA driver as the actual i845 drivers crash randomly every 2 mins-2 hours07:52
PoontangClansharing what I have also experienced with that same chipset07:52
PoontangClani think the opers of this channel are assholes IMHO, we can take our discussion elsewhere07:52
pangolin!language | PoontangClan07:53
ubottuPoontangClan: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.07:53
Noobsome one can help me?07:56
davidviphi all07:56
Noobhy ^^07:56
davidvipwhat is Online Account use for?07:56
andynahh, authority problems07:56
lightadavidvip, ubuntuone as I remenber07:57
norbert_hey folks, I upgraded to 11.10 and noticed the icons I had placed on the top bar have disappeared07:58
norbert_not a real problem because I can just move them back07:58
Noobive got a great bug on my acount...07:58
Companionnorbert_, perhaps using a sledgehammer for it07:58
cutiyari upgraded to 11.10 , but do not boot after restart ask for network configuration.07:58
Noobive updated 11.04 to 11.10...07:58
Nooband now my account is wichout unity07:59
norbert_lots of icons (the images) disappeared though, which is kind of annoying07:59
Nooband the guest is working well07:59
ubottuPlymouth manages the Ubuntu boot process (before the root filesystem is mounted) and also provides a graphical boot animation.  To change your Plymouth theme use « sudo update-alternatives --config default.plymouth && sudo update-initramfs -u »07:59
jussidavidvip: online account is ubuntu one iirc07:59
cutiyari upgraded to 11.10 , but do not boot after restart ask for network configuration.08:00
davidvipthat means to backup my data into ubuntu1? then why it needs Google account logins?08:00
* Companion likes his rolling release :)08:00
thefinn93http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-gofUotkUfQ what would cause this?08:01
Companionreisio, thats naughty08:01
reisioCompanion: is it?08:01
Companionreisio, why did you CTCP me? :)08:01
reisioCompanion: so I could see the output08:01
Noob /o/08:01
Companionreisio, of...08:01
reisio/ctcp reisio version08:02
reisiomine is fake of course08:02
reisiobut yours isn't :)08:02
teresa_What's the default calendar software in Ubuntu 11.10. The calendar in the clock menu seems to be broken...08:02
Companionreisio, I got  nothin to hide :)08:02
zeeroxhow can i get a file to display to say tty2 (eg syslog)?08:02
reisiomine doesn't actually hide anything, it's just sillier than reality :p08:03
Noobno body cares a noob08:03
reisiozeerox: tail -f /var/log/something ?08:03
zeeroxthankyou reisio08:03
Companionreisio, I noticed08:03
Companionyou simply added a custom version under CTCP replies :)08:03
reisiowhat, you dare say my version is fabricated!? :p08:04
reisioNoob: hi08:04
SunTsuNoob: acting like you do makes people ignore you08:04
faryshtahow can I make the wifi work on an hp 6735b?08:04
Companionreisio, I call your version constructed08:04
reisiocousin_luigi: hi08:04
reisioCompanion: heh08:04
NoobSunTsu: yep... =/08:04
cousin_luigireisio: you're everywhere:)08:04
Noobreisio: hy08:04
Noobi just want help...08:05
cousin_luigiDo you know how to use compiz on gnome-classic without losing the ability to configure panels?08:05
zeeroxi setup dhcp for my switch > modem, setup net sharing for my windows clients, for some reason keeps disconnecting the win clients and sometimes the modem (can still telnet to the box, just the net keeps dropping out) i set it up all with the how-tos on the ubuntu site any suggestions?08:05
zeeroxwas working fine till a few days ago and i didnt change a thing08:05
faryshtahow can I make the wifi work on an hp 6735b?08:05
SunTsuNoob: Maybe you should try to be less a nuissance and actually ask your problem in a constructive way08:05
faryshtacousin_luigi: which is your laptop model?08:05
cousin_luigifaryshta: Not using a laptop atm, why?08:05
reisiofaryshta: looks like you want ssb for bcm432208:05
cousin_luigifaryshta: I have a bcm4318 on my desktop.08:05
CodeWardo you guys know of a netbook/laptop that uses Ubuntu on ARM08:06
NoobSunTsu: the problem is that my account on the ubuntu 11.10 dont have unity and the guest is all fine08:06
reisiocousin_luigi: you lost the ability to configurep anels...?08:06
reisioCodeWar: why do you ask08:06
lea_Hello, Please help me setup Compiz Ezoom up runing again in 11.10. I am visually impaired and strongly need it. I have much pain reading now08:06
SunTsuNoob: what guest?08:06
CodeWarreisio, I d like to familiarize myself with their instruction set .. having one for daily usage would be great08:07
NoobSunTsu: visitors account...08:07
reisioCodeWar: ah08:07
Noobsorry for the english =/08:07
crash1hddoes anyone know how to fix an efi boot?08:07
CodeWarlearn while you play08:07
reisioCodeWar: I guess I'd ask #hardware08:07
SunTsuNoob: what does your account have instead?08:07
reisioCodeWar: you only need one that's generically Linux compatible, though08:07
faryshtaI am having wifi problems. http://www.reddit.com/comments/lbtx3/c2relit here is a copy of my lspci command.08:07
reisioCodeWar: of course... kvm can emulate ARM08:08
teresa_No one know how I can use the calendar in the clock menu of the 11.10 release?08:08
reisioCodeWar: what processor are you using right now?08:08
NoobSunTsu: ive updated from 11.04 to 11.10 and thats happens08:08
CodeWarreisio, atom at the moment I would love to get hold of a quadcore or dual core Tegra/TI? in netbook configuration08:09
zeeroxthink i found the problem08:09
Noobon the 11.04 was ok...08:09
zeeroxcan't create /var/lib/dhcp3/dhclient.eth0.leases no such file or directory08:09
reisioCodeWar: which atom08:09
SunTsuNoob: so, what do you get when you try to log in?08:09
CodeWarreisio, N28008:09
girishrafter updating 11.10/unity, switching between gnome-terminal tabs is extremely slow. it takes 2 seconds to switch tabs08:10
girishri am using nvida prop. driver08:10
girishris this a known problem?08:10
NoobSunTsu: ive got the desk top with icons... but no side bar.. or upper bar.. no clock...08:10
CodeWar let me ask this .. Ubuntu is supporting Server on ARM right? what hardware did you guys use to test it08:10
gribouilleI've installend oneiric, but I can't start X, because it can't load the nvidia kernel module. how can I solve this?08:10
ntr0pyis there a way to install gnome2 on ubuntu?08:11
NoobSunTsu: and upper bar was wich "funtions" of the desktop...08:11
reisioCodeWar: ARM is well supported by Linux08:11
cousin_luigireisio: alt-rightclick doesn't work anymore08:11
oCean!arm | CodeWar08:11
ubottuCodeWar: ARM is a specific (RISC) processor architecture used in a variety of applications such as handhelds and networkdevices. For more information see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ARM . For ARM specific support, stop by the #ubuntu-arm channel.08:11
reisiogribouille: hi08:11
mekwallI don't really get how the nvidia drivers work with moving windows... When you move it slowly its all fine, but as soon as you up your speed it starts to stutter like insane08:11
xannen11.10 Networking issue: no network after upgrade.  and no network on live cd boot either.  network/internet was all fine before update.   and other network comp have no issues with connection or internet.  please help.08:11
faryshtaI am having wifi problems. http://www.reddit.com/comments/lbtx3/c2relit here is a copy of my lspci command.08:11
cousin_luigireisio: and I like the compiz screen magnifier08:11
=== chris_ is now known as Guest6869
reisiogribouille: lsmod | grep -i nvidia has nothing?08:12
gribouillereisio, no08:12
RichTUKntr0py: "sudo apt-get install gnome-session-fallback"  i think08:12
gribouillereisio, but eh nouveau driver is loaded08:12
ffk27please developers add gnome 2 again08:13
Math^anyone here using Xubuntu? I was wondering what calculator app it's using08:13
reisiogribouille: which do you want?08:13
dougglejust install gnome-shell08:13
douggleand then you dont need gnome 208:13
CodeWarok that wiki explains it .. apparently there is no server grade ARM hardware that is being used as a test vehicle08:13
gribouillereisio, In don't know. I just want to run X08:13
dougglei m not using unity on gnome 308:13
RichTUKffk27: why its no longer supported, add it yourself if you want it08:13
ffk27lol its still diffrent08:13
reisioCodeWar: it's much more popular for handhelds08:13
lightaMath^, what u mean by calculator something like scilab, mapple, matlab, or gnumeric ?08:13
Math^lighta, the one that comes by default in Xubuntu08:14
glitch-modCan anybody help me with this?  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/pulseaudio/+bug/87393808:14
ubottuUbuntu bug 873938 in pulseaudio (Ubuntu) "[Aspire 7551, Realtek ALC272X, Speaker, Internal] Pulseaudio fails to detect card" [Undecided,New]08:14
reisioCodeWar: and I wouldn't be surprised if most of Ubuntu's ARM support so far is from Debian08:14
manas_hi, I just upgraded to ubuntu 11.10 on my Sony Vaio, the touch pad doesnt work anymore???08:14
lightaMath^, gnumeric as I remenber, but idk if you talking the same thing as me, something to do spreedsheet ?08:14
tarzeaui'm surprised. the upgrade worked, and it's much better than natty!08:14
Math^lighta, I'll check, thnx :)08:14
tarzeaueven the netboot installer preseed configuration worked so far without ANY changes...08:15
dougglealot of people are having issues it seems. I m having a very small one with wine and audio.08:15
NoobSunTsu: hm...08:15
gribouillereisio, if I remove the nvidia driver, will X work with nouveau?08:15
reisiogribouille: didn't sound like you had the nvidia driver08:15
zeeroxcan't create /var/lib/dhcp3/dhclient.eth0.leases no such file or directory (could this be causing my internet to be disconnecting all the time).............08:16
reisiogribouille: grep EE /var/log/Xorg*08:16
SunTsuNoob: I have no idea, did you have errors while upgrading?08:16
reisiogribouille: http://dpaste.com/08:16
reisiojesus the irony...08:16
SunTsuzeerox: do you have /var/lib/dhcp3? If not create it08:16
NoobSunTsu: the power gone off... :X but its was on the downloads... and have checked...08:17
manas_can anyone help!!08:17
ntr0pyRichTUK: that is gnome3 fallback i think08:17
manas_mousepad not working eversince i upgraded to ubuntu 11.1008:17
SunTsuor change the dhcpd to use something under /var/run, where some dhcpd directory should exist08:17
SunTsuNoob: did you complete your installation?08:17
NoobSunTsu: yes08:18
faryshtaI am having wifi problems. http://www.reddit.com/comments/lbtx3/c2relit here is a copy of my lspci command.08:18
sirpengiis it just me or is there nothing to manage a screensaver in system-settings in 11.10?08:18
NoobSunTsu: rebooted all ok...08:18
SunTsuNoob: how?08:18
gribouillereisio, http://dpaste.com/634162/08:18
NoobSunTsu: the power goed off on the downloads...08:18
RichTUKntr0py: did you run that command?08:18
kuchikuso in the whole of linux there's only 2 network manager ?08:18
kuchikui mean app08:18
reisiogribouille: okay, can you sudo modprobe nvidia && sudo rmmod nouveau ?08:19
NoobSunTsu: i just turned on.. and the system checked what was left... and downloaded.. and then installed...08:19
reisiogribouille: and then check /etc/modules08:20
Math^meh, can't find it... anyone here using Xubuntu? I need to know what calculator app Xubuntu is using by default. :)08:20
zeeroxcan someone please look at http://dpaste.com/634164/ i am having big probs with my internet :[08:20
gribouillereisio, I'm not under oneiric now. I have to switch first08:20
reisiogribouille: what're you under?08:20
gribouillereisio, maverick08:20
reisioMath^: got a screenshot?08:20
RichTUKntr0py: you need to log out and select gnome classic, its no just gona auto do it after the command is finished in terminal08:20
ntr0pyRichTUK: no i searched in synaptic08:20
Math^reisi, ye hold on08:20
reisiogribouille: why do you have two installs...08:20
kountry_gentlemaI just upgraded to 11.10 & my webcam nor my dvd drive work.  My upgrade did not finished and said there was an error.08:20
SunTsuNoob: that sounds OK, could you please pastey ~/.xsession-errors08:20
NoobSunTsu: ive got some problems before... with the unity of the 11.04....08:20
bingopajamahello all08:20
reisiokountry_gentlema: what error?08:21
manas_Mousepad not working after upgrade to 11.1008:21
NoobSunTsu: how to..?08:21
reisiobingopajama: hi08:21
RichTUKntr0py: its the correct command, ytou need to run it in terminal08:21
Math^reisi, http://www.screenshots-archive.com/files/images/09_some_stuff2.png08:21
gribouillereisio, because I never upgrade to a new distribution. I don't want to break a working system08:21
Math^just saying "calculator" lol :p08:21
phlak_userzeerox:  this is mighty strange -> DHCPREQUEST of on eth0 to port 6708:21
SunTsuNoob: er, you open that file, copy it's content to http://goo.gl/ixcN908:21
bingopajamaanyone here know anything about vim and how it is used in setting up MTP on natty 11.04?08:21
kountry_gentlemaI don't remember exactly but It restarted and everything but my webcam and dvd drive seem to be working.08:22
reisiogribouille: it's funny, I think Ubuntu is the only distribution that has these sorts of upgrade issues :p08:22
phlak_userzeerox: what is your configuration? is your modem a transparent bridge? how are you setting up the Internet connection?08:22
reisiobingopajama: what?08:22
phlak_user!details | zeerox08:22
ubottuzeerox: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."08:22
znowI have a vm with ubuntu 11.04 running on auto eth0 - but I need to set a static IP aswell, so I can access it with putty from windows... I need to set it to, what should be the gateway and dns servers?08:22
ntr0pyRICHTUK: yes i installed gnome-shell but thats all that gnome3 crap...08:22
jennyhothi all08:22
bingopajamatrying to get mp3 player recognized by transformer on natty08:22
reisioMath^: 1min08:22
RichTUKntr0py: did you run that comman tho, its not the same thing08:23
bingopajamathe program transformer08:23
RichTUKgnome session fallback isnt gnome3 ntr0py08:23
phlak_userznow: depends on what the gateway and dns servers in your setup are08:23
calaveraFNcheese not working (segmentation fault) in 11.04 64bits. Anyone else?08:23
cousin_luigiRichTUK: it's not?:O08:23
cousin_luigiRichTUK: what is it then?08:23
ntr0pyRichTUK: gnome-session-fallback is the fallback mode of gnome308:23
znowphlak_user: hmm, well, dont know where to see the setup?08:24
douggleokay i m getting an issue with wine audio anyone know how to solve this error fixme:alsa:AudioClient_GetMixFormat Don't know what to do with 32 channels, pretending there's only 2 channels08:24
dc5alabingopajama, what has vim to do with that?08:24
cousin_luigidoes compiz use the alt-rightclick shortcut for anything?08:24
phlak_userznow: how are you trying to connect to the Internet?08:24
bingopajamaThats what i was hoping you could help me with08:24
RichTUKyes but it gives you the option of choosing gnome classic from the login menu08:24
faryshta_how do I know which is my wireless card?08:24
phlak_userfaryshta_: sudo lshw -C network08:24
znowphlak_user: well its a vm, but my laptop is on WLAN08:24
ntr0pyRichTUK: gnome classic is gnome308:25
bingopajamai was editing a command line in 51-android.rules08:25
jennyhothi all08:25
theotheronehello there. One program I was installing needed sdl, I didn;t really knew what it is, so I compiled it from sourde on their page. Now I have "sdl initialisation failed :No device" problem. Help :(08:25
reisiofaryshta_: it's the broadcom08:25
NoobSunTsu: er... how i open...? =/08:25
RichTUKyes but its not the full gime3 look, its more of a gnome 2 look, like it was on the last ubuntu release08:25
bingopajamaapparently transformer does not work in ubuntu without adding a command line08:25
faryshta_phlak_user: How do I differentiate the ethernet from the wifi?08:25
kountry_gentlemaIf your upgrade to 11.10 did not finish property is there a way to redo?08:26
faryshta_reisio isn't that the ethernet? Just asking I am not sure.08:26
ntr0pyRichTUK: yes i tried that and most of the old interface is missing in that mode08:26
icerootkountry_gentlema: sudo apt-get install -f08:26
SunTsuNoob: You might want to read something about linux basics....08:26
Noobyep.... =/08:26
phlak_userfaryshta_: generally ethX -> ethernet, wlanX->wifi08:27
reisiofaryshta_: both are broadcom08:27
cousin_luigiRichTUK: ok, but it's not an unmaintained codebase08:27
reisiofaryshta_: ethernet should use tg3, wireless ssb08:27
NoobSunTsu: ! i forgot to say.. i am on vissitors account... there is fine...08:27
NoobSunTsu: :X08:27
bingopajamaHas anyone here tried to access their mp3 player on natty through transformer?08:28
faryshta_phlak_user: 'sudo lshw -C network | grep wlan' trows nothing :(08:28
RichTUKntr0py: if you want the full gnome 2.32.1 then try here, https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/oneiric/i386/gnome-session/2.32.1-0ubuntu2008:28
kountry_gentlemaiceroot: I just did that and it said that I had 0 updates.08:28
phlak_userfaryshta_: just pastebin without grep08:28
faryshta_reisio: I think my wifi isn't plugged or something since I can't find it on the lspci.08:28
ntr0pyRichTUK: thank you08:28
zeeroxi have a internet setup with modem > switch > ubuntu server  and the ubuntu server is setup as my gateway, which 1 have 2 windows clients connecting to, i read the howtos on the ubuntu site for internet sharing....and here is my syslog http://dpaste.com/634164/08:29
reisiofaryshta_: you have a hardware wifi on/off switch on the side?08:29
zeeroxsorry if i reapeted as i just disconnected again wasnt sure if it went through08:29
dc5alabingopajama, if you are not used to vim / don't know the basics you can use a simpler text editor like nano08:29
bingopajamafor wireless try Wicd08:29
reisioMath^: dunno, don't recognize that08:29
znowphlak_user: http://www.myupload.dk/showfile/1018143533c2.png/08:29
icerootkountry_gentlema: what is the output of "cat /etc/issue" and what of "dpkg -l | grep -v ^ii"08:29
iceroot!paste | kountry_gentlema08:29
ubottukountry_gentlema: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.08:29
glitch-modis it ok to purge pulseaudio?08:29
reisioMath^: should be easy to find out via the package manager, though08:29
faryshta_reisio: yes, its unresponsive. It keep showing off no matter how many times I push it.08:29
bingopajamaok so vim is a text editor?08:30
reisiofaryshta_: well you do need the driver08:30
icerootbingopajama: yes08:30
icerootbingopajama: and not installed by default08:30
omega_123i have a problem when i start thunderbird i got a error "Your Thunderbird profile cannot be loaded. It may be missing or inaccessible."08:30
bingopajamai just installed it08:30
Math^reisio, yes true, but don't have Xubuntu installed atm :P08:30
Math^running Xfce tho08:30
dc5alabingopajama, yes but one that requires "training" ;)08:31
bingopajamai believe i had 2 edit files running at the same time08:31
reisioMath^: ask #xubuntu?08:31
zeeroxphlak_user: any suggestions?08:31
reisiofaryshta_: sudo modprobe ssb ?08:31
znowphlak_user: ? :)08:31
NoobSunTsu:  access denied ¬¬08:32
phlak_userznow: i saw that; what do you want to do now?08:32
mekwallOk, this is really pissing me off. Key-repeat when key is held down stops working all the time08:32
kountry_gentlemaiceroot: Ubuntu 11.10 \n \l08:32
bingopajamaCan you tell me what this line means? etc/udev/rules.d/51-android08:32
znowwell, it doesnt get internet connection, thats the prob :p08:32
mekwallWorks for a couple of minutes, but then I have to retick the damn setting.08:32
mekwallThis is in 11.10 btw.08:32
NoobSunTsu: there is "permissão negada" permission(?) denied...08:32
omega_123pls help when i start the thunderbird mail i got an error"Your Thunderbird profile cannot be loaded. It may be missing or inaccessible."08:32
phlak_userznow: can you pastebin the output of sudo route -n08:32
faryshta_reisio: phlak_user http://www.reddit.com/comments/lbtx3/c2relit here is the lspci and the lshw08:32
reisiobingopajama: it's probably instructions for what the system should do if an Android device is connected to your system08:33
znowphlak_user: sec08:33
kountry_gentlemaiceroot: My problem is my webcam and DVD drive no longer work after the upgrade.08:33
Math^reisio, lol good idea... didn't think of a #xubuntu channel08:33
reisiobingopajama: like potentially auto mounting, etc.08:33
SunTsuNoob: Sorry, please, read basics and learn them I won't take you by the hand08:33
faryshta_reisio: I did the modprobe ssb but nothing seems to change.08:33
bingopajama i am trying to mount a samsung device on to my natty08:34
NoobSunTsu: ok08:34
reisioyou said 6735b, not q08:34
phlak_userfaryshta_: you dont seem to have a wireless card/interface -> is it disabled in BIOS?08:34
faryshta_phlak_user: nope, I just checked on my last reboot.08:34
phlak_userfaryshta_: when was the last time it worked?08:34
znowphlak_user: http://www.myupload.dk/showfile/10181483b2a7.png/08:34
faryshta_two months ago.08:34
omega_123pls help when i start the thunderbird mail i got an error"Your Thunderbird profile cannot be loaded. It may be missing or inaccessible."08:34
faryshta_phlak_user:  two months ago.08:35
phlak_userfaryshta_: ?08:35
zeeroxthis is annoying disconnecting all the time :-[08:35
phlak_userznow: is the gateway? if so, are you able to ping it?08:35
faryshta_phlak_user: the last time my wifi worked was two months ago. I though it was because I was using fedora then.08:35
theotherone Hello. I'm using Ubuntu Natty. One program I compiled from source needed sdl to be compiled, I was kinda oblivious what does it do, so I compiled it from source. The program I wanted to compile started to see it, but now every programs which used sdl say "could not initialize sdl, no video device found" What to do?08:36
znowphlak_user: pings fine08:36
phlak_userznow: are you able to resolv using dig (dig www.yahoo.com)08:36
znowphlak_user: doesnt seem so :/08:37
phlak_userfaryshta_: all i can say that is the system hasnt detected a wifi card08:37
bingopajamaso i installed transformer under media/transformer but when i try to open it i get an error message saying "could not display media/transformer The file is of an unknown type08:37
dc5alatheotherone, you compiled SDL?08:37
reisiotheotherone: what program08:37
faryshta_phlak_user: So its a hardware issue?08:37
znowphlak_user: no servers could be reached08:37
phlak_userznow: what is the output of that command and also dig @ www.yahoo.com08:37
phlak_userfaryshta_: could be08:37
bingopajamaany thoughts as to why this is happening?08:37
znowphlak_user: sec08:37
faryshta_phlak_user: damn.08:37
faryshta_I will have to get a new wifi tomorrow.08:38
senecahi guys08:38
bingopajamahi =)08:38
phlak_userfaryshta_: what laptop is it?08:38
gribouillereisio, I'm back, on oneiric08:38
Henry01my desktop dont start any more. i have run the upgrade 11.04 to 11.10, and the desktop was exiting it self.08:38
senecaAnyone knows how ow to search in selectes files  a word, ex:i want search for preview word in all .js formatted files in a folder08:39
faryshta_compaq 6735b08:39
faryshta_phlak_user: compaq 6735b08:39
jetienHi. Does somebody knows how NTFS works? I've rescued a disk image of a 500GG hard disk, of which about 100MB (not at the beginning) could not be retrieved. When I now mount the image there no files found at all. How is this even possible when only a fraction of the data is missing?08:39
omega_123pls help when i start the thunderbird mail i got an error"Your Thunderbird profile cannot be loaded. It may be missing or inaccessible."08:39
omega_123wht to do08:39
reisiogribouille: ok08:39
phlak_userseneca: grep -r 'preview' /directory/to/be/searched/*.js08:40
znowphlak_user: one server could be reached, rest couldnt08:40
gribouillereisio, what should I do?08:40
phlak_userznow: ?08:40
znowphlak_user: it said 1 server found, but connection timed out08:40
faryshta_reisio: phlak_user let me reboot and recheck the bios.08:40
reisiogribouille: lsmod | egrep -i 'nvidia|nouveau'08:40
manas_Hi All, my mouse pad isn ot working ever since i upgraded08:40
phlak_userfaryshta_: ok08:40
reisiomanas_: touchpad08:41
phlak_userznow: what is the gateway? is it a PC or a dsl modem etc?08:41
znowa pc08:41
gribouillereisio, nouveau is loaded, but not nvidia08:41
znowim sitting on my laptop with Windows 7, that is connected to wifi. then I have the virtual machine with ubuntu which needs a static ip08:42
phlak_userznow: is it configured to forward requests from LAN etc? is NAT enabled on it?08:42
manas_yeah touchpad i mean :P08:42
reisiogribouille: sudo rmmod nouveau && sudo modprobe nvidia08:42
znowphlak_user: I got fine connection when the stuff was set to automatic, but when I wanted to change to a static ip, it fails08:42
Henry01how i can repair my desktop (unity). After the upgrade from 11.04 to 11.10 thedesktopdont start08:42
phlak_userznow: ah! the VM is on windows 7?08:42
crash1hdHey all if I have a 250gb hdd and I am going to install ubuntu onto it I was thinking 100mb efi / 40gb ntfs (for windows 7) / (250mb for /boot) and 8gb for swap (as I have 8gb of ram) the remaining for / but I was thinking of having a /home but have no idea how much do I give to / and how much do I give to /home?08:42
gribouillereisio, I can't remove nouveau, because it is used by other modules08:43
phlak_userznow: ok change it back to automatic; when it works, note down the gateway and DNS settings and the route and set it to be the same when you config it manually08:43
omega_123pls help guys when i start the thunderbird mail i got an error"Your Thunderbird profile cannot be loaded. It may be missing or inaccessible."08:43
bingopajamaI Love Ubuntu!08:43
dr_williscrash1hd:  10 to 20gb is good for / rest for home08:43
lightacrash1hd, are you planning to share /home with windows ?08:43
znowphlak_user: thanks ill try that out08:43
gribouillereisio, the message is : Module nouveau is in use08:44
dr_williscrash1hd:  a /boot/ is normally not needed these days also.08:44
crash1hdlighta, no just like the idea of being able to backup the / and the /home seperate08:44
bingopajamathanks for your help reisio and dc5ala have a good one08:44
phlak_useromega_123: open a terminal and check if .mozilla-thunderbird exists08:44
crash1hddr_willis, what was the logic?08:44
NoobSunTsu: men... its 5:44 morning here....08:44
crash1hdI have just always heard it was better08:44
NoobSunTsu: cya...08:44
dr_williscrash1hd:  old limits on lilo and other reasons08:44
crash1hdAlso curious what the benifit is to having /home seperate?08:45
NoobSunTsu: tnx for all ^^08:45
faryshtaphlak_user: reisio rechecked bios, it says wlan is activated.08:45
lightak well I'll suggest a new partition for /home anyway and yeah 20 for / and rest for home should be good, that what I did08:45
dr_williscrash1hd:  easier to bqckup and upgrade later08:45
dr_williscrash1hd:  or clean installs a lot easier08:45
gribouillereisio, in the column "Used by" for nouveau, there is "1". what does it mean?08:45
Henry01how i can repair my desktop (unity). After the upgrade from 11.04 to 11.10 thedesktopdont start. I have alredy tryed to restart the gdm by console but it doesnt change anything. And a restart dont work too08:45
crash1hdcause the are on seperate partitions08:46
phlak_userHenry01: can you select some other DE on login (after you enter username)08:46
lightahaving home separate is like asking the benefit of separate partition crash1hd imo. personally I used to setup that on ntfs to share it with windows08:46
dr_willisomega_123:  thers no need to msg people your question.08:46
phlak_useromega_123: do what?08:46
znowphlak_user: the gateway should be -_- that is set, now I can dig www.google.com08:47
crash1hdlighta, you would have /home on an ntfs partition?08:47
phlak_userznow: there you go :)08:47
znowphlak_user: and everything works, it seems, thank you sir!08:47
phlak_userznow: yw08:47
dr_willisyou cant put /home on a tfs08:47
Henry01phlak_user, sorry I dont understand what you meaning with DE08:47
lightaI used too when I was using both windows and linux frequently08:47
ojiiif i want to fsck a sd card (that i mounted via my android phone + disk mode + usb cable), do i have to unmount it first?08:47
crash1hdahh didnt know that08:47
omega_123check .mozilla-thunderbird08:47
omega_123how to do it08:47
phlak_userHenry01: Desktop Environment - Session Manager08:47
crash1hdok so why 20gb for / what goes on it?08:47
Engonyrhow do I restart Unity while keeping my programs running? It's behaving a little weirdly.08:48
dr_williscrash1hd:  the system/os ;)08:48
phlak_useromega_123: oh; did you open a terminal? and type ls -la .mozilla-thunderbird08:48
zeeroxi have a internet setup with modem > switch > ubuntu server, ubuntu server is setup as my gateway, which i have 2 windows clients connecting to, i read the howtos on the ubuntu site for internet sharing....and here is my syslog http://dpaste.com/634164/ everytime it does the renewal i get disconnected08:48
maybeq all08:48
gribouillereisio, are you still here?08:48
crash1hddr_willis, right so if all data is on the /home or elsewhere and since ubuntu takes up less then 3gb of space would it be safe to assume that 10gb would be plenty?08:48
lightawell /proc, /mnt, /var etc; all thing you wont necessarly play with08:49
Henry01phlak_user, if i start up there are notihning only the console where i see that all services starts up08:49
faryshtaHow do I make sure that a wifi card is getting noticed by the bios?08:49
maybehey, people08:49
maybehelp me pls08:49
Henry01phlak_user, i cant select anything08:49
rohdefmaybe: don't ask to ask just ask08:49
dr_williscrash1hd:  i suggest 20gb. i have filled up 10gb /  befor08:49
crash1hddr_willis, ok thats why I am asking cause I am trying to figure out what would fill it?08:49
cutiyari want upgrade from 10.04 to 11.10 , how to do it?08:49
crash1hddr_willis, just programs?08:49
phlak_userHenry01: oic, you mean theres no graphical login screen at all?08:50
dr_williscrash1hd:  tmp, vms cache...08:50
maybei'm new user Ubuntu08:50
Henry01phlak_user, yes08:50
phlak_userHenry01: what graphics hardware do you have?08:50
emdubanyone have a local ubuntu mirror?  i just updated my local mirror with oneiric stuff but am getting an error with some packages being missing when i try to do-release-upgrade... it's missing some main/binary-i386 files which seem to be on the mirror i slurped from but are not being mirrored for whatever reason when i run apt-mirror08:50
maybei want install driver's for HP Printer08:50
Henry01phlak_user, I look, amoment08:50
MeanEYECan anyone give me few pointers in optimizing Unity? Performance is really bad. Compiz use to work much better.08:51
maybeanton@ubuntu:~$ sh hplip-3.11.10.run08:51
maybeCreating directory hplip-3.11.1008:51
maybeVerifying archive integrity...Error in MD5 checksums: 61e645bd1d21e324dc34ad8c48f474e5 is different from 36f452c28c4295e675beb83bb3694c1f08:51
FloodBot1maybe: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.08:51
phlak_usermaybe: go to HP website and download HPLIP08:51
lightacrash1hd, most of them would be program yeah, really depend on your architecture, like if you wanna chroot or setup server some like todo /serv or /chroot while other will setup that as /home/chroot, idk if you get the point here08:51
crash1hddr_willis, ahh had not thought of vms you mean virtual machines?08:51
dr_willis!info hplip08:51
ubottuhplip (source: hplip): HP Linux Printing and Imaging System (HPLIP). In component main, is optional. Version 3.11.7-1ubuntu3 (oneiric), package size 82 kB, installed size 584 kB08:51
faryshtaHow do I make sure that a wifi card is getting noticed by the bios?08:51
maybei'm download this08:51
faryshtaphlak_user: what is hplib?08:51
dr_williscrash1hd:  yes08:51
crash1hddr_willis, ok :)08:51
phlak_userfaryshta: huh?08:51
dc5alamaybe, looks like a broken download?08:51
reisiogribouille: okay you probably need to blacklist nouveau in /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf and reboot08:52
dr_willismaybe:  use the one in the repos. not that  .run version08:52
horazhi all08:52
crash1hddr_willis, this system is mostly for deluge as its my main server which is being connected to from the atv with xbmc08:52
MeanEYECan anyone give me few pointers in optimizing Unity? Performance is really bad. Compiz use to work much better.08:52
reisioMeanEYE: got a graphics card?08:52
reisiohoraz: hi08:53
=== robonautwa is now known as zoom
MeanEYEreisio: Yes, drivers are installed and up to date. It's not a powerful graphics card but it's far better than other two Intels I have and compiz works on them like it should be.08:53
gribouillereisio, ok, I'll try that08:53
phlak_userMeanEYE: in 11.10?08:53
MeanEYEphlak_user: Yes.08:53
reisioMeanEYE: intel? :p08:53
phlak_userMeanEYE: you could install gnome-tweak-tool and play around with the settings08:54
MeanEYEreisio: Comparing. I have problems with nVidia, intell work like they should.08:54
reisioyeah because they do a lot less08:54
phlak_user!info gnome-tweak-tool08:54
MeanEYEphlak_user: I have no intention of installing half of gnome3 with it. Install requirements are 80MB.08:54
ubottugnome-tweak-tool (source: gnome-tweak-tool): tool to adjust advanced configuration settings for GNOME. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.2.0-0ubuntu1 (oneiric), package size 71 kB, installed size 656 kB08:54
reisiolike when you lobotomize people their brain issues go away08:54
=== abhinav is now known as Guest84918
faryshtaHow do I make sure that a wifi card is getting noticed by the bios?08:55
Henry01phlak_user, My card is a Nvidea GF 7600GT with 256m ddr308:55
reisiofaryshta: see if it works on the livecd08:55
=== zoom is now known as somit
phlak_userHenry01: ok08:55
vakDuring upgrade the screen got locked but my usual password is not accepted to unlock, wth?08:55
horazare there any guides on programs and procedures to create a perfect linux experience for visually impaired users? i heard of orca but more details and other options would be greatly appreciated. i'm not new to linux. tia08:55
MeanEYESo there's no advice you can give me?08:55
phlak_userMeanEYE: sorry08:56
StavaIm on 11.04 and apt-get dist-upgrade wont give me 11.10, whats up with that? :o08:56
reisiohoraz: are they impaired or blind?08:56
horazreisio: not blind,08:56
dr_willisStava:  thats not the right command to go to the next release08:56
MeanEYEI can't imagine what Canonical did so horribly bad that makes compiz require much stronger card than it use to only a release ago. Way to go!08:57
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade08:57
dc5alaStava, dist-upgrade is not what you think it is08:57
StavaI see08:57
Stavai'll read those articles then, thanks08:57
Henry01phlak_user, should I try to start with onboard graphics?08:57
phlak_userMeanEYE: thats not right; it works just fine on my EeePC ;)08:57
faryshtareisio: it didn't worked. At least the switch still showed off without being able to change that by pressing it.08:57
phlak_userHenry01: thats a start, yes08:57
dr_willisMeanEYE:  i would guess its more of a driver issue/bug then compiz changeing08:57
cutiyari want upgrade from 10.04 to 11.10 , how to do it?08:57
reisiofaryshta: ...what switch?08:57
=== Henry01 is now known as away|Henry01
emdubanyone know why do-release-upgrade would fail looking for i386 packages when upgrading an amd64 installation?08:58
dr_willis!upgrade | cutiyar08:58
ubottucutiyar: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade08:58
faryshtareisio: the on/off switch for the wifi.08:58
alkisgIf I statically configure my network in /etc/network/interfaces, and then unplug the ethernet cable, and re-plug it, should /etc/network/if-up.d events be generated?08:58
MeanEYEphlak_user: Well, I thought it was a driver issue, but it's not. I tried 2 different nVidia drivers, I tried both 32bit and 64bit versions of ubuntu.08:58
m4yerfaryshta: it should lshw and dmesg08:59
reisiofaryshta: I'm talking about the live CD08:59
MaMaGoodyhi, 11.10 bluetooth kb/mouse stop working.08:59
faryshtam4yer: which is the dmesg command?08:59
m4yerit should show up in lshw and dmesg ;)08:59
cutiyardr_willis, i want from 10.04 to 11.10 not one version upgrade08:59
crash1hddr_willis, lighta, Thankyou both :) installing now, have either of you used EFI? do you know if its worth it or not? I have a choice to have it or not08:59
phlak_useralkisg: yes08:59
MeanEYEdr_willis: I guess as much but that's nVidias driver. Perhaps installing the latest might help, or crash everything. It's a shame that weak Intel card on EeePC works 2x better than stupid nVidia.08:59
faryshtareisio: yes me too. When I was installing Oneric I tried to make the wifi work too.08:59
alkisgphlak_user: thank you, and any reason why they aren't? :-/08:59
reisiocrash1hd: doesn't get you anything09:00
dr_williscutiyar:  you do lts to lts or.. one version up at a time09:00
Da|Mummyshould i bugreport that autoupdate failed installing flash downloader?09:00
phlak_useralkisg: cant say without looking at o/p of dmesg when it is happening09:00
MeanEYECan someone direct me to nVidia divers ppa?09:00
ubottudmesg is a console command which outputs the kernel ring buffer - an important log for diagnosing problems in  Linux. Often when something errors with hardware it will result in additional lines reported which can be seen by running dmesg in a console.09:00
cutiyardr_willis, its 10.04 lts upgrading to 11.1009:00
alkisgphlak_user: thanks, I'll look at dmesg09:00
reisiofaryshta: did it work with an older version?09:01
dr_williscutiyar:  so you go 11.04 then to 11.1009:01
cutiyardr_willis, i have to upgrade to 10.10 >> 11.04>> 11.10?09:01
phlak_usercutiyar: or just burn a 11.10 CD and install09:01
dr_williscutiyar:  tahs what i have been saying09:01
crash1hdreisio, what do you mean I thought it sped up boot time?09:01
m4yerfaryshta: dmesg gives you _lots_ of informations ;) maybe its easier to find in lshw09:01
cutiyardr_willis, its takes too long not possiblle09:01
almoxarifeMeanEYE: ppa:ubuntu-x-swat/x-updates09:01
dr_williscutiyar:  do without i guess09:02
cutiyarphlak_user, if i did burn 11.10 ?09:02
MeanEYEalmoxarife: <3 thanks.09:02
cutiyardr_willis, what u mean?09:02
faryshtam4yer: http://www.reddit.com/r/linuxquestions/comments/lbtx3/bcm5xxx_driver_for_ubuntu/c2relit here is lshw and lspci outcome.09:02
gribouille2reisio, I did what you told me to do and rebooted, but nouveau is still loaded09:02
dr_williscutiyar:  you take the time  or  do a clean install09:03
cutiyardr_willis, how is clean install?09:03
dr_willisformat.. install09:03
phlak_usercutiyar: just boot from the cd you created and select install to hard disk09:03
artzrai search the repository to wacom ???09:03
cutiyarphlak_user, but the current will be deleted09:04
artzraits install on 11.0409:04
crash1hdreisio, can you expand on that? I was under the impression that it speeds up boot time?09:04
SunTsuDoes do-release-upgrade only do one release-upgrade at one time? Currently I'd like to use it to do a direct update from Maverick to Oneiric, but all it offers is natty09:04
=== away|Henry01 is now known as Henry01
phlak_usercutiyar: the normal thing to do is backup your documents (or home) folder to an external disk and then do a clean install09:04
MeanEYESunTsu: Yes, only one release at a time.09:04
m4yerfaryshta: I can only see wired their ...09:04
phlak_userSunTsu: thats the way it works09:05
cutiyarphlak_user, i know this method but i dont want this ,thanks.09:05
ksinkarhow does one install apache modules in ubuntu?09:05
almoxarifeartzra: what was the question?09:05
SunTsuMeanEYE, phlak_user: Thanks, damn, then this will be extra work09:05
_trinecan anyone help please I have just updated to 11.10 and now I can only log in as root09:05
faryshtareisio: yes it worked on ubuntu 10.04 but stoped working 2 months ago.09:05
phlak_userfaryshta: havent we been thro this earlier? your lshw and lspci *DO NOT* show wireless09:05
gentoo_drummercan i change the kernel config in ubuntu?09:05
reisioksinkar: with the package manager09:05
reisiofaryshta: with 10.04 still?09:05
artzraalmoxarife, thx i have found on 11.04 a good install of the wacom09:05
MeanEYESunTsu: Only LTS versions can update to next LTS and skip all the installations inbetween.09:05
gentoo_drummercan i change the kernel config on ubuntu?09:05
ksinkarreisio: thanks09:05
phlak_user_trine: what do you mean?09:05
mc_teodoes oneiric force you to use unity?09:06
reisiocrash1hd: boot time is pretty irrelevant, isn't it?09:06
phlak_usermc_teo: its the default DE09:06
faryshtaphlak_user: yes I know. I am just trying to find a way to know if its a bios issue or a hardware issue.09:06
gentoo_drummeri want to remove kernel drivers09:06
dc5ala_trine, what happens when you try as other user?09:06
phlak_userfaryshta: not by doing the same things over and over again09:06
faryshtareisio: no, it doesn't work with 10.04 anymore.09:06
crash1hdreisio, true but is that really the only advantage to it? So basically its not worth it then09:06
gribouille2reisio, I did what you told me to do and rebooted, but nouveau is still loaded09:06
mc_teophlak_user: yeah, but can you use classic desktop instead09:06
faryshtaphlak_user: do you know a way?09:07
ntr0pyHow can i install software in Kubuntu? all i get from muon is "This operation cannot continue since proper authorization was not provided"09:07
_trinephlak_user, it will not let me log in with my usual user name either when just clicking on the user name on the screen or using other user09:07
m4yerfaryshta: tried to find something in dmesg?09:07
phlak_user_trine: what do you mean by that? does it say authentication failure?09:07
phlak_userfaryshta: no dude09:07
_trinephlak_user, yes it says the passwd is not correct09:07
horazreisio: i found vinux, i'm trying it out now09:07
phlak_user_trine: did you change it?09:08
faryshtam4yer: dsmeg | grep wlan trow nothing. That is as far as I can think on how to search there.09:08
ksinkarreisio: but how do i identify the package?09:08
phlak_user_trine: login as root and change the password for normal user09:08
_trinephlak_user, I have even changed the passwd and it is still the same09:08
TengleOk, noob question. I just upgraded to Ubuntu 11.10. It looks like it dosent have ubuntu classic anymore, and that I am stuck with Unity. Have I missed someting? I find Unity realy hard to navigate. Anyone know how to reinstall regular Gnome?09:08
faryshtaphlak_user: :( no worries. Thanks dude.09:08
phlak_userfaryshta: yw09:08
reisiocrash1hd: "Q: What problem is the Forum trying to solve? A: Interest in EFI has been growing steadily, and the Promoter companies believe that broad adoption requires industry management and control." — http://www.uefi.org/about/09:08
_trinephlak_user, I have already tried that09:08
SunTsuThanks for the clarification, then I'll try doing two updates. Though I guess that this will end up in a mess09:08
phlak_user_trine: press ctl-alt-f1 and try loggin in09:08
faryshtaphlak_user: ¿?09:08
m|kaelhello i tried to install gnome-shell but after its installed and i pick it at login screen all graphics are wierd and the fonts are unreadable, did i do anything wrong with the installation? i executed "sudo apt-get install gnome-shell" did i miss anything?09:08
reisiocrash1hd: notice the lack of real answer? :p09:08
andynsomeone really messed up the bluetooth pairing in oneiric! the pairing password gets concatenated to the device name that is displayed on the remote device09:09
phlak_userfaryshta: you're welcome09:09
artzrai try to add repository of 11.0409:09
m4yerfaryshta: Wireless / wireless / $corporation of wlan-card-vendor(e.g. Intel)09:09
_trinephlak_user, yes that worked but I am only in a terminal09:09
arp-m4v que locura pasa aca09:09
faryshtam4yer: let me try.09:09
phlak_user_trine: this means that the authentication failure isnt the problem09:10
reisiocrash1hd: I don't suppose it will do you any harm to get the EFI model, though09:10
Henry01phlak_user, I have start, but it say since few minute "Booting system without full network configuration..." And nothin else he do09:10
artzraif this one is correct link ;;;sudo add-apt-repository ppa:tualatrix/ppa09:10
gribouille2in lsmod output, what what does it mean when there is a 1 in the "Used by" column?09:10
phlak_userHenry01: what did you do?09:10
MaMaGoodycan I get back the classic desktop? I tried 2d09:11
faryshtam4yer: nope :(09:11
Henry01phlak_user, I have my graphicalcard tuned out and started the system, nothing else09:11
MaMaGoodyor it's 2d unity now?09:11
faryshtam4yer: BCM showed the ethernet but nothing else.09:11
nomoaHi, with the 11.10 unity window switcher : Alt-Tab switch between "applications group", if I have multiple terminal windows it's very annoying because Alt-Tab doesn't switch to the last terminal window but to another application09:11
crash1hdreisio, well thats just it the mobo I have has EFI on it and I have learned alot about EFI, I also have learned that it can mess up too lol so I am not sure how much of a fan I am09:11
phlak_userHenry01: oh you used the on-board graphics?09:11
bazhang!notunity | MaMaGoody09:11
ubottuMaMaGoody: Ubuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions drowpdown. Using Natty? See !classic09:11
_trinephlak_user, is there a solution09:11
Henry01phlak_user, yes09:11
crash1hdreisio, without EFI at least you have a better chance of it booting09:11
reisiocrash1hd: it should boot :)09:11
MaMaGoodybazhang thanks!09:12
crash1hdreisio, I have no idea how to fix an EFI boot though09:12
phlak_usernomoa: its actually quite cool; if you have multiple terminal windows and hover over the icon during alt-tab; it will split and show you icons for the other terminal windows09:12
crash1hdreisio, like a non EFI boot hdd with ubuntu on it can be placed into another machine and still boot09:12
crash1hdreisio, with EFI it would have to be a machine that has EFI to make it boot09:13
l0lwutHas anyone had trouble logging in after the update? I get the splash window and then it just hangs on a black screen, I can start a window manager on screen :1 manually if I switch over to the terminal. tldr: I can't get to the login window on boot09:13
phlak_user_trine: without additional info, cant think of anything. did you try selecting a different Session?09:13
m4yerhm, faryshta, doesn't look that good ... I'm out of ideas ... (expect running through the whole ~1000 lines of dmesg and hoping, that you simply didn't come up with the right phrase to search)09:13
Henry01phlak_user, I can only witch to condole by presing ctrl + alt + F1 -F609:13
_trinephlak_user, the other thing it will not let me do is to change to clasic view either09:13
phlak_userHenry01: thats a start!09:13
Da|Mummynames slipping my mind, whats that better torrent app other then transmission?09:13
phlak_userDa|Mummy: deluge?09:13
faryshtam4yer: :P thanks09:13
gribouille2in lsmod output, what what does it mean when there is a 1 in the "Used by" column?09:14
Da|Mummyphlak_user, THX!09:14
dr_willisdozens of torrent apps09:14
m4yerfaryshta: maybe lspci09:14
nomoaphlak_user, yes, but when you work on 2 terminals it's cool to do a single Alt-Tab to switch between this 2 terminals, how can I do with 11.10?09:14
crash1hdreisio, I guess what I mean by that is when I go to boot ubuntu that is installed on a drive but was installed with EFI and I try to boot right from the drive without EFI it says that it cant find any os09:14
phlak_usernomoa: i just told you; wait over the single terminal icon; it will change to show you two windows09:15
zeeroxi have a internet setup with modem > switch > ubuntu server, ubuntu server is setup as my gateway, which i have 2 windows clients connecting to, i read the howtos on the ubuntu site for internet sharing....and here is my syslog http://dpaste.com/634164/ everytime it does the renewal i get disconnected09:15
reisiocrash1hd: I'd suspect configuration error first09:15
zeeroxi think its when it does the renewal anyway09:15
phlak_userzeerox: what ips are the windows clients getting?09:16
disseis it possible to encrypt the home folder at the desktop installation?09:16
scarleoHi. I'm having trouble booting after upgrade to 11.10, it says at boot Waiting for network configuration, then Waiting 60 more seconds, then Booting without network configuration and it never gets passed that screen09:16
crash1hdreisio, ok well it seems that when I install ubuntu with EFI it creates an ubuntu boot menu choice in the bios and if I dont use it then I cant boot from it09:16
zeeroxphlak_user: i assign the windows clients the ips09:16
grifo74one opinion about ubuntu 11.10?09:16
faryshtam4yer: tried that too. Didn't worked either :(09:16
grifo74give me09:16
zeeroxphlak_user: got the gateway set to the ubuntu server09:16
crash1hdreisio, so if for some reason I downgrade my bios and loose the ubuntu boot choice then the OS no longer can boot09:16
SunTsugrifo74: I wish there was only one09:16
m4yerfaryshta: then sorry... now im totally out of ideas ...09:16
nomoaphlak_user, ok thanks09:16
phlak_userzeerox: so what is disconnecting? the gateway?09:16
reisiocrash1hd: if you don't use the boot option you can't boot?  That doesn't sound so odd, does it?09:16
zeeroxyeah, just the past few days but i havnt changed nothing09:17
pasqoocan i not use unity while keeping gnome 3? i mean... i'd like to continue using gnome as it was before 11.04... with the bar on the top with the list of my opened apps etc09:17
nomoaphlak_user, just found Ctrl-Alt-Tab, it's actually what I want09:17
phlak_usernomoa: oh ok09:18
crash1hdreisio, no but if I install ubuntu without EFI then one doesnt need it to boot (I realize this is a moot point) but just seems like its another step in the process, which is why I was originally asking if it was worth it (and I guess trying to convince myself that its not)09:18
almoxarifezeerox: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ifupdown/+bug/840947 <-- that help?09:19
ubottuUbuntu bug 768171 in isc-dhcp (Ubuntu) "duplicate for #840947 /sbin/dhclient3 remains after all dhcp3 packages purged" [Undecided,Fix committed]09:19
zeeroxwell whats disconnecting is the net, i think it keeps redoing the dhcp... cause i can still ping the server09:19
reisiocrash1hd: ignoring the whole EFI domination monopoly thing09:19
zeeroxalmoxarife: thanks, ill have a look09:19
reisiocrash1hd: I see it rather as Unix vs Linux09:19
stimpieAfter upgrading to 11.10 I have a realy weird issue. When I use the compiz grid plugin to put applications all locations work execpt for the 'top right' position. <ctrl><alt><kp9> puts the window in the top position. The keymappings in ccsm are correct. Any one else has this problem?09:19
crash1hdreisio, right :)09:19
_trinephlak_user, it wont even let me boot to a recovery console from the log in page09:19
reisiocrash1hd: one is improved, but not in really amazing ways09:19
_trinephlak_user, using my own user name09:19
reisiocrash1hd: if I were assembling a box, I'd go with coreboot09:19
dc5ala_trine, another idea: maybe go to your console and try a stop lightdm and start gdm and see if you have same problem there09:20
crash1hdreisio, and there for probably not worth using09:20
phlak_userzeerox: from your pastebin, it appears that you dont have two network cards (one for WAN and one for LAN) hence the flip-flop of IP addresses09:20
phlak_user_trine: hmm09:20
faryshtam4yer: it was a hardware issue.09:20
reisiocrash1hd: well I guess if you really had a reason to use it, you'd know :p09:20
crash1hdreisio, true09:20
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faryshtam4yer: reisio phlak_user i solved it by getting a usb wifi. My internal wifi card seems to be useless now.09:20
phlak_userfaryshta: ok good for you!09:21
manas_HI All, my touchpad doesnt work after i upgraded to 11.1009:21
reisiofaryshta: it was rather sounding that way09:21
zeeroxphlak_user: i got 2 network cards in there tho :/09:22
reisiofaryshta: doesn't have bluetooth, does it?09:22
_trinephlak_user, it does allow a guest session09:22
phlak_user_trine: you need to look at some logs to see whats going on09:22
faryshtareisio: I don't think it has bluetooth.09:22
faryshtareisio: how can I know for sure? :P09:22
phlak_userzeerox: can you pastebin the output of sudo ifconfig09:22
reisiofaryshta: I don't think it does09:23
phlak_userfaryshta: did it come in a box? the label should tell you09:23
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phlak_usermanas_: try toggling the touchpad disable button/key sequence09:24
GijsKHow do I add a custom executable to the unity launcher in 11.10? I've googled but the general idea seems to be to use the 'Create Launcher' option from the desktop context menu, which no longer exists. :-\09:25
HalabundHello!  I'd like to know where is the executable search path for root set on an Ubuntu system.  For a root account the PATH from /etc/environment is not being picked up.  I'd like to know where that path that root sees is set.  It's not /etc/profile, not /root/.profile ...09:25
zeeroxphlak_user: http://pastebin.com/9j2t69Hg09:25
faryshtaphlak_user: reisio the box didn't mentioned bluetooth so I think it doesn't have it. Well guys thank you very much.09:25
faryshtaphlak_user: reisio I lost but I am happy because you were really helpful.09:25
phlak_userfaryshta: glad you worked things out09:26
phlak_userzeerox: what is the virbr0 interface doing?09:26
madurax86bluetooth can't send files it says "permission denied(13)"09:26
madurax86obex-client[5160]: Permission denied (13)09:26
alkisgphlak_user: I'm getting no messages in dmesg when I unplug/replug the cable, but I'm getting an entry from network manager in daemon.log about "unmanaged device found, state CONNECTED forced," and "info (eth0): carrier is now ON". Still the scripts in if-up.d don't get executed.09:27
zeeroxphlak_user: i aint sure how that popped up, its not in my interfaces file09:28
phlak_userzeerox: also, pl confirm that you have the cables connected correctly (cable from modem to eth0 and cable from LAN switch/AP into eth1)09:28
crash1hdreisio, thanks for the advice :)09:28
zeeroxyeah i do09:28
phlak_userzeerox: are both cables going into the same switch?09:28
zeeroxphlak_user: lol09:29
kindofabuzzis this a bug? open up system moniter, right click it, and you can't select any submenu, and causes launcher to not auto dissappear09:29
kindofabuzz11.10 btw09:29
phlak_userzeerox: im proud of my crystal ball09:29
zeeroxphlak_user: umm.... so what do i do with that virbr009:29
cousin_luigiWhat is the cleanest way for adding startup programs on gnome-classic?09:29
phlak_userzeerox: looks like a vm is running; leave it09:30
alkisgphlak_user: network manager also mentions this bug about state CONNECTED forced: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/firefox-3.0/+bug/191889 - maybe the fix there broke if-up.d for devices managed by /etc/network/interfaces?09:30
ubottuUbuntu bug 191889 in network-manager-applet (Ubuntu Hardy) "[MASTER] [WORKAROUND] "Offline Mode" feature fails to detect proper online state for networks that are managed outside of network manager." [High,Triaged]09:30
HalabundI just installed texlive from the texlive website (not with the package manager).  How can I add it to the executable search path so that it's visible for *all* users, including root (i.e. it works with sudo and sudo -s)?09:30
howlymowlyhi poeple..  short question:   after the upgrade my aptitude does not work anymore09:30
zeeroxphlak_user: isnt a vm virtual machine?09:31
phlak_userzeerox: yes09:31
howlymowlywhen doing "sudo aptitude upgrade" it says "$Resolving dependencies...09:31
howlymowly$Unable to resolve dependencies for the upgrade: no solution found. $Unable to safely resolve dependencies, try running with --full-resolver.09:31
madurax86bluetooth can't send files it says "permission denied(13)" i can recieve files09:31
zeeroxphlak_user: why would that be running?09:31
zeeroxsorry me noob09:31
howlymowlyif I use the --full-resolver option it tries to remove like 500 packages from my system09:31
stephnistill upgradind but if i leave my computer i come back it sleeps and the download stops why?09:32
howlymowlybut the "normal" update via apt-get works fine09:32
phlak_userzeerox: no idea; you should ask whoever installed that server09:32
zeeroxphlak_user: that was me :/09:32
cjsHow do I suspend from the command line in Ubuntu 11.10? Or is that still broken the way it was in 11.04?09:33
kindofabuzzstephni, because when a computer sleeps, the network is shut down09:33
andyhi everyone09:33
stephnii want it to stop how do ido it09:33
phlak_userzeerox: maybe you can read this -> http://forums.admon.org/linux-networking/5783-how-can-i-disable-remove-virbr0.html09:33
Andy80hi all09:33
cjsstephni: It's in the power management setup of system settings.09:34
minnillowhere is the release party again?09:34
dc5alaHalabund, you usually do such things in your shell startup file, any reason your not using the repo version?09:34
kindofabuzzstephni, look in your power settings and tell it to never sleep09:34
andyI am trying to access the advanced settings tool and it keeps crashing09:34
andyit says user-theme is not installed09:34
Andy80can someone please explain me this "funny" joke: yesterday I upgraded to Oneiric and this morning my GRUB had the "Debian" theme (there is the Debian logo too!). what the...?!09:34
andydo you know how to go about installingthat?09:35
Halabunddc5ala, the repo version is texlive 2009, shamefully old.  It doesn't have packages I need to compile my stuff I've been writing on Windows with MiKTeX.  Latest is texlive 2011.  If I do it in my shell startup file, it's only going to be set for myself, not for any other users.09:35
kindofabuzzcould someone try to reproduce this:on 11.10, open up system monitor, right click it, and you can't select any submenu, and causes launcher to not auto dissappear09:35
HalabundI think09:35
reisioAndy80: slapstick09:35
Andy80reisio: No packages found matching slapstick.09:36
* phlak_user is installing 11.10 on a Lenovo Ideapad S10-309:36
* reisio is looking for a coffee machine09:36
Halabunddc5ala, is there a global place I can set the path so it'll work for all normal users and for root (i.e. with sudo and sudo -s)?09:37
norbert_many icons are missing09:37
* phlak_user is pleased to note there is an option to "Upgrade" in the installer09:37
zeeroxthanks for ya help phlak_user09:37
phlak_userzeerox: yw09:38
kindofabuzzweird, now it works09:38
_trinephlak_user, do I stop lightdm with /etc/init.d/lightdm stop  ??09:38
phlak_user_trine: whats lightdm?09:38
madurax86bluetooth can't send files it says "permission denied(13)" i can recieve files09:38
phlak_usermadurax86: remote device might not be accepting?09:39
fowlhello all. i just installed windows and attempted to do the boot-repair stuff, but it only set up windows in the grub menu. how do i fully restore the old grub conf (my partition layout hasnt changed at all, so it should be fine)09:39
_trinephlak_user, sorry I thought it was you when it fact it was dc5ala who mentioned that09:39
madurax86phlak_user: its an android, i check it with another installation of 10.04 paired and it worked09:39
phlak_user_trine: np09:39
Raydiationare there gnome-shell spins available?09:40
phlak_usermadurax86: are you sending thro cli?09:40
_trinedc5ala, it looks like lightdm could be the problem09:40
dc5alaHalabund, where did you install it?09:40
madurax86phlak_user: no gnome3's interface, before i used xfce's but nothing works09:40
dc5ala_trine, gdm is working then?09:40
Henry01phlak_user, I tryed again with graphical card and it shows a loading screen with Ubuntu 11.04 with black background and Booting system without full network configuration, but I dont know what I can do. Should I try to reinstall the gdm?09:40
phlak_userHenry01: 11.04?09:41
Henry01phlak_user, It does only show that, and not more09:41
andyhas anyone received this error before?09:41
Halabunddc5ala, default location, somewhere inside /usr/local/texlive, it has its own bin directory there and told me to add it to the path.  I added it to /etc/environment, which makes it work for me as a user.  But I need to make it work for root so it can update and install latex packages09:41
andySettings schema 'org.gnome.shell.extensions.user-theme' is not installed09:41
_trinedc5ala, I dont know ,, do I stop lightdm with /etc/init.d/lightdm stop09:41
elacheche_anishey I have a big problem with LightDM09:41
_trinedc5ala, I see problems in dmesg with lightdm09:41
Henry01phlak_user, yes, but is upgradet to 11.10 but i dont know if it is finishd updatet because desktop was died09:42
phlak_userHenry01: then it probably didnt go through09:42
dc5alaHalabund, you could use the global bashrc in /etc for that, e.g. a line like PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/texlive/bin09:42
phlak_userHenry01: dead due to power outage?09:42
_trineelacheche_anis, I also seem to be having problems with lightdm09:42
dc5ala_trine, and have you tried to start gdm instead then to see if it has same problems?09:43
Henry01phlak_user, The desktop was at one time only black09:43
_trinedc5ala, I am not sure how to do that09:43
Henry01phlak_user, I havent change any setting since that09:44
phlak_userHenry01: did it ever boot after that?09:44
dc5ala_trine, after your did a "sudo stop lightdm" you can try "sudo start gdm" (haven't tried that but gdm is still on my system, see "sudo dpkg-reconfigure gdm")09:45
Halabunddc5ala, there's not /etc/bashrc, should I create it?  Or use /etc/.profile?  or /root/.profile ?  The reason I didn't want to use those is that those files are nto where the path is set for root.  I was wondering where exactly is the path set for root (as it's different from PATH for my user).  Also I don't understand why 'sudo echo $PATH' gives the PATH from /etc/environment, which has texlive; while 'sudo tlmgr' (the texlive package manager) doe09:45
Halabundrk.  There's something I really don't understand.  Also, 'sudo -s', then 'echo $PATH' gives a different path again from 'sudo echo $PATH'09:45
Henry01phlak_user, before i upgraded it had ever boot with the typical "pink" color09:46
dc5alaHalabund, i have a /etc/bash.bashrc, adding a path there is working for me09:46
Halabunddc5ala, oh, I have that one, will try09:46
Henry01phlak_user, it was how the screenshots, what at the ubuntu page09:47
phlak_userHenry01: from the liveCD?09:47
dc5alaHalabund, also have in mind sudo -i to initialize environment properly09:47
phlak_userHalabund: why would you need to run tex as root?09:48
Halabundphlak_user, to use the texlive package manager09:48
phlak_userHalabund: oh ok09:48
Henry01phlak_user, The system is installed since 6 months or longer and there cam yesterday a windows that asked, if i like to ugrade, I have done it with this graphical09:49
farciarz84pypy is not working under ubuntu 11.10 and this is your fault09:49
phlak_userHenry01: i understand; but I have a feeling that the upgrade did not go through09:49
dhruvasagarHi guys, I am just upgrading to 11.10, it gives me option between gdm & lightdm, I know gdm, but I want to know what's your recommendations !?09:50
Halabunddc5ala, oh, I didn't know about that.  I have never used linux as a desktop long-term, now I'm giving it a go again, and setting up the essentials (e.g. working tex with all the packages I have used on Windows)09:50
phlak_userdhruvasagar: someone else seems to have issues with lightdm09:50
dhruvasagarphlak_user: ok, is phlak still alive ?09:51
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MonkeyDust 09:51
phlak_userdhruvasagar: no idea; was many moons ago ;)09:51
dhruvasagarphlak_user: yea...many moons indeed :)09:52
zeeroxphlak_user: tried that site u told me about removing vm.... but yum aint installed... how do i go about changing the apt-get location so i can get this yum program?09:52
andyhas anyone else had problekms loading gnome-tweek-tool? I cant seem toopen it as it says extention.user-theme is not installed09:52
dc5alaHalabund, don't know the reason why TeX is in 2009 version but it probably is a good one ;)09:52
dhruvasagarphlak_user: backtrack killed it I suppose09:52
Henry01phlak_user, This is bad. The system simply goes neuzuinstalieren not so simple, it would take months to set up against it09:52
Robert-ohello i have upgrade kubuntu and now i have a error09:52
Robert-oin kmail09:52
Robert-oi can not start it09:52
Robert-okmail2(6581)/libakonadi Akonadi::SpecialCollectionsRequestJob::slotResult: Failed SpecialCollectionsRequestJob::slotResult "Unbekannter Fehler. (Fehler beim Einholen der Ressourcen-Sammlung.)"09:52
FloodBot1Robert-o: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.09:52
Henry01neuzuinstalieren= setting up new09:53
phlak_userzeerox: dont follow it blindly; yum is for fedora/redhat/centos like systems; just follow the logic09:53
emdubanyone know why do-release-upgrade would fail looking for i386 packages when upgrading an amd64 installation?09:53
zeeroxokie thankyou09:53
dhruvasagarRobert-o: can you translate it into english ? it's in German from what I can tell09:53
andyhas anyone else had problekms loading gnome-tweek-tool? I cant seem toopen it as it says extention.user-theme is not installed09:53
phlak_userHenry01: why did you click on upgrade?09:53
Robert-okmail2 (6581) / libakonadi Akonadi:: special collection request job:: slot Result: Failed special collection request job:: slot result. "unknown error (error in obtaining the resource collection.)"09:53
Halabunddc5ala, it lacks packages I've been using.  I don't want to manually install packages, it's a lot of trouble.  If you google, you'll see that many people complain about the old texlive in ubuntu and suggest installing the latest one.  sudo -i does the job, thanks!  I won't bother adding it to the path just for root :)09:54
phlak_userandy: i seem to be able to open it without issues09:54
Henry01phlak_user, I have read, that there are fixes and that it is stable09:55
andyphlask_user it says one of my extentions is not installed and it will not load09:55
dc5alaHalabund, no problem but take care of "return" statements there, it may end that script prematurely so add your path somewhere before any returns09:55
Henry01phlak_user, I using ubuntu since 2 or 3 years so I thoght it makes no proplems09:56
vakMy screen during update got locked and the password is not accepted for some reason -- why?09:56
agronholmhi, how do I install new themes for Oneiric? there are a lot of themes in /usr/share/themes, but I can only choose from four alternatives in the appearance settings09:57
agronholmtried unzipping the RadianceBlue GTK3 theme there but it does not appear in the list09:57
idefix! format09:58
ubottuFor help with partitioning a new install see: https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/switching/installing-partitioning.html - For partitioning programs see !GParted, !QtParted (!Kubuntu 8.10 and lower) or !PartitionManager (!Kubuntu 9.04 and up) - Other partitioning topics include !fstab !home and !swap09:58
andyphlak_user, this is the error i am receiving http://pastebin.com/hiEVjT7409:58
conntrackWhich IDS checks for tcp hijacking?09:58
phlak_userHenry01: I know; but upgrading on the day or release is a little risky on a production system09:58
Operaist2where should i go to complain about 11.10?09:58
ubottuThe /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions09:58
Henry01phlak_user, it is a only privacy system but I have changed so much to my costum09:59
phlak_userandy: where did you install it from?09:59
phlak_userHenry01:  can you run the installer again using a livecd?09:59
dc5alaOperaist2, want Shuttleworths phone number?09:59
phlak_userOperaist2: complain as in rant or have you found a bug?09:59
andyphlak_user, the extemtions or the application? I installed the application from ubuntu package manager10:00
Henry01phlak_user, what version? 11.04 or 11.10? I have that system alredy upgraded from 10.10 to 11.04. I must download the new disk first10:00
vibhav_Am I still muted?10:00
phlak_userHenry01: 11.1010:00
Henry01ok, I try10:00
=== vibhav_ is now known as vibhav
Henry01phlak_user, should I save first all data on a external hdd?10:01
phlak_userHenry01: that would save you a lot of heartbreak10:01
zimb0where are the settings to customice the panel in unity? i'm trying to change the mail settings10:02
Henry01phlak_user, ok, i am than back in 2 hours ore more10:02
agronholmdo the "reboot" and "shutdown" operations work for anybody here? they just log me off10:02
trexyjust upgraded to Oneiric Ocelot and my keyboard mappings have gone askew10:02
agronholmand in the login screen they do absolutely nothing10:02
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trexyis there some docs to help with fixing keyboard mappings?10:02
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phlak_usertrexy: is it language specific or custom?10:03
Operaist2i just want to know why updating to 11.10 causes half my stuff to not work, mess up my fonts, mess up my windows and unity is still a pile of fecal matter10:03
trexymy keyboard is English UK10:03
trexy- and should be straightforward10:03
trexybut the mapping of the @ key is is b0rked10:03
=== simpleirc435 is now known as lespaul124
agronholmOperaist2: I wiped my entire machine and did a clean install and it works somewhat better now10:04
zimb0i removed evolution and changed the preferred email client to thunderbird, but it has had no effect on the panel10:04
phlak_usertrexy: in dash home search for keyboard, select keyboard layout and add your layout to that screen10:04
dc5alaagronholm, had same problem yesterday, not sure for today ;)10:04
Ali_hi , anyone exprienced Gnome-Shell ? does it worth a try ?10:04
trexyhmm - I did that but english UK is showing Q instead of @10:05
agronholm*is it worth a try10:05
raph_aelhi, since upgrade to oneiric, ^F spwans a shell, which was not the case before, and is not very handy, any tips ? thanks10:05
trexyI'm also using synergy - however directly plugging in my keyboard also failed10:05
trexy(wonders why keyboard settings were not preserved in upgrade)10:06
eduardooDo you know some tool for watching logs via web ?10:06
babaiany idea when unity 4.24 sru0 will be available in the repos?10:06
Demicolon9Hi all! I was wondering: What handles the loading bar/image after the Grub2 selection screen and before the login screen?10:06
agronholmeduardoo: tried webmin yet?10:06
Demicolon9I can google the rest from there10:07
dc5alaraph_ael, checked keyboard shortcuts in system settings -> keyboard?10:07
phlak_usertrexy: try English (UK,Extended Winkeys), the layout picture seems to show @ with q10:07
fhtagnhowdy all! getting Failed to fetch http://pt.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/universe/g/gmp4/libgmp3c2_4.3.2+dfsg-2ubuntu1_i386.deb 403  Forbidden10:07
andywhat causes this issue please? Settings schema 'org.gnome.shell.extensions.user-theme' is not installed10:07
fhtagnwhen trying to upgrade to 11.10 (from 11.04)10:07
fhtagnseems to be https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/update-manager/+bug/87375710:07
ubottuUbuntu bug 873757 in update-manager (Ubuntu) "Failed to fetch http://pt.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/universe/g/gmp4/libgmp3c2_4.3.2+dfsg-2ubuntu1_amd64.deb 403 Forbidden" [Undecided,Confirmed]10:07
dc5alaraph_ael, for me it's on ctrl+alt+t10:07
phlak_userDemicolon9: Plymouth?10:07
fhtagncan't I just change the repository?10:08
Demicolon9phlak_user, Thanks a ton!10:08
trexyhmm - strange - it is working now10:08
trexyalthough I did a full reboot10:08
phlak_usertrexy: my magic wand did it :)10:08
phlak_userfhtagn: select a different mirror10:09
eduardooagronholm: thanks I'll try10:09
raph_aeldc5ala: i don't use unity, i use awesome, but awesome only accepts keybindings with meta key, so it's coming from elsewhere, but i don't know where10:09
raph_aeldc5ala: and thanks for helping10:09
fhtagnphlak_user: yes, but where? /etc/apt/sources.list ?10:10
phlak_userfhtagn: how did you launch the upgrade?10:10
scarleoHi, I can't boot unless I remove /var/run/dbus/pid every time, is there a fix to this problem?10:10
ljsoftnetfhtagn what do you mean by awesome?10:10
scarleoit's in Oneiric10:10
* phlak_user finished installing - rebooting now10:11
fhtagnphlak_user: lazy way: system, administration, update manager10:11
fhtagnljsoftnet: raph_ael said that10:11
phlak_userfhtagn: ok; so you could follow that way and go to software sources if you like10:11
fhtagnoh kk. Ty10:11
fhtagnforgot there was a settings there..10:12
raph_aelljsoftnet: http://awesome.naquadah.org/10:12
raph_aela tiling wm10:12
fhtagnusing Main Server now10:13
tokamcan I downgrade to ubuntu 11.4?10:14
TehDGMif you reinstall, yes10:14
rcmaehlHow do I get my backlight to stop flickering, It's not the backlight b/c it only starts when I try to adjust the brightness and then it's like something is randomly and rapidly changing the brightness when I try to change it10:15
joshua__Hey guys, I need some assistance.. I'm trying to completely wipe my hard drive from Ubuntu.  (Both Ubuntu, and my faulty install of windows 7)  Then reinstall from the disk I have made.  What's the easiest way to do this?10:15
sandra_G'day my fellow Ubuntu inmates :-)10:15
sandra_I trust everyone's day is off to a good start :-)10:15
rcmaehljoshua__: DBAN probably10:15
rcmaehlsandra_: what day off10:16
joshua__Software center?10:16
rcmaehljoshua__: it's an iso for a live cd10:16
fhtagnrcmaehl: isn't DBAN overkill..?10:16
greybackjoshua__, if you boot from the ubuntu cd, the installer should have an option to let you destroy everything on the hard drive, then install10:17
joshua__I can't figure out how to run that cd from Ubuntu.10:17
tokami was used to gnome 210:17
rcmaehlfhtagn: depends on the settings, you can use dban for just one wipe over10:17
greybackjoshua__, you need to reboot your computer with the CD in10:17
joshua__I tried that.10:17
zaapieloccupy #ubuntu until unity isn't the default anymore10:17
sandra_rcmaehl, well hello there ...but read what I said a bit more carefully :-)10:17
rcmaehldid you try a live usb?10:17
greybackjoshua__, and what happened (or didn't happen)?10:17
joshua__It jumps straight to the screen that asks whether I want to use windows 7 or Ubuntu, and then when you pick, it starts trying to boot the os.10:18
rcmaehlsandra_: oh XD10:18
sandra_rcmaehl, but even if your working I trust your day is off to a good start too :-)10:18
rcmaehlIt is10:18
fhtagnrcmaehl: nice, I always thought it was only as a last measure for maximum security.. nvm me, carry on then=)10:18
joshua__The only usb I have at the moment is an external hard drive.. could I use that?10:18
rigvedjoshua__: /var/cache/apt/archives/ <-- this folder contains all the packages that you have downloaded. backup this folder. then, after you reinstall, copy paste all the packages from your backed-up folder to the new /var/cache/apt/archives/ folder. Then, when you install applications, you will not need to download the packages again as they are already available in this folder.10:18
fhtagntrying to upgrade, "The server may be overloaded". Surprise10:19
rcmaehlfhtagn: O_O10:19
rigvedjoshua__: you need to set the BIOS to boot from the CD and not the hard disk.10:19
greybackjoshua__, so it didn't boot from the CD at all?10:19
joshua__Okay.  So now I just need to figure out how to get to the Bios... I haven't been able to ever since I set up the dual boot.10:19
joshua__No, not at all.10:20
agronholmwho uses CDs for this stuff in this day and age?10:20
hje841how do you downgrade gcc in natty?10:20
hje841I need 4.3.410:20
joshua__technically a dvd.. It should still work, shouldn't it?10:20
TehDGMagronholm: the music industry seems to be fond of it. i end up ripping them10:20
greybackjoshua__, yeah, you need to get booting from CD working. You'll need that to do the Ubuntu install anyway10:20
agronholmyeah but I mean, for installing ubuntu10:20
rcmaehlagronholm: I had to10:20
rcmaehlagronholm: when I didn't have a bootable usb10:21
greybackjoshua__, yes it should, as long as it burned correctly10:21
fhtagnhje841: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4152283/how-to-use-2-differents-versions-of-gcc-on-linux-ubuntu-and-force-make-to-use-one yay?10:21
agronholmyour system cannot boot from a thumbdrive?10:21
joshua__I was thinking maybe there was a way to wipe everything from the terminal, then I could reboot, and there would be no os to interfere with booting from the cd?10:21
scarleoHi, I can't boot Oneiric unless I remove /var/run/dbus/pid every time, is there a more permanent fix to this problem?10:21
greybackagronholm: mac users! :)10:21
rcmaehlagronholm: no I had no flash drive that the system would correctly boot from10:21
scarleoIt complains at boot about not finding network configuration10:21
greybackjoshua__, the OSes do not interfere with CD boot10:22
fhtagnjoshua__: as long as the BIOS picks up the optical drive, don't worry about the OS10:22
hje841fhtagn: but where do I get the older version?10:22
greybackjoshua__, I would concentrate on getting the DVD to boot10:22
rcmaehlThere IS a way to wipe EVERYTHING from terminal10:22
skulltipwas 11.10 just released?10:22
joshua__Okay.  How would I do that?10:22
rcmaehlBUT it's HIGHLY NOT Recommended10:22
zimb0i think i'm about to slip a mouse pad into my laptop bag, i'm at an airport wifi hotspot10:23
greybackjoshua__, first off, please check that you didn't burn a DVD which contains just one ISO file10:23
pimperleif i type "sudo -i" to spawn a root shell and hit ctrl-d on the password prompt, another password prompt pops up, which doesn't accept my user password. which password is it asking for?10:23
skulltipi've become lost in the distros10:23
s1scarleo: see comment #25 in this bug report https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/dbus/+bug/81144110:23
ubottuUbuntu bug 858122 in Release Notes for Ubuntu "duplicate for #811441 incomplete migration to /run (shutdown script order has been demolished)" [High,In progress]10:23
rcmaehlskulltip: yes 11.10 is just out10:23
Thomas___Hello. I have multi-homed system where eth0 is lan and eth1 is wan. There is internet connectivity through both, but via different   routes. When the system boots, I cannot connect to e.g. apache on the WAN interface dispite the fact it listens on *.80. If I   bring down eth0 I can, however. After bringing eth0 back up I can still access apache. There are no IPTables rules active (Policy:   accept). "What is wrong?". Where do I start 10:23
joshua__I did that.  It's a bunch of files.10:24
skulltipahh yayy10:24
joshua__And if all else fails, I have a windows 7 disk I could install if the Ubuntu disk doesn't work.10:24
fhtagnhje841: isn't it possible to apt-get a specific gcc?10:24
TehDGMor you could order a free disc10:24
joshua__At least long enough to download and burn another copy.10:24
Pin1sudo apt-get penis10:24
rcmaehlPin1: Really, you're that immature...10:24
eduardooagronholm: I'm looking rather for something available under ubuntu.10:24
TehDGMrcmaehl: ignore 'm10:24
rcmaehlThank you oCean10:24
hje841fhtagn: no idea10:25
greybackjoshua__, cool. You on PC right? Then watch your BIOS messages to see if there's a keystroke you can press to get a boot menu10:25
agronholmeduardoo: they have a .deb available10:25
tbfoneiric's new tab switch looks slick. but any chance to make it iterate the current workspace only?10:25
vakMy screen got locked during update and the password is not accepted for some reason -- why? (Text console works fine. /etc/issue ==> 11.10 already)10:25
=== Robert_ is now known as Guest63014
sandra_I was wondering if one of my fellow Ubuntu inmates could give me a hand and tell me how can I get the right click folder option "Open as Administrator " to work on Oneiric? That wonderful option works for me under Natty by simply selecting "nautilus-gksu" and then once selected logging out and back in and the "Open as Administrator" option is there, but not under Oneiric. Any ideas ? thanks.10:25
joshua__There was one before I set up the dual boot, but I've been looking for it ever since, and can't find one.10:25
Pinsudo apt-get vagina10:25
greybackjoshua__, it won't go away. Read http://superuser.com/questions/26649/configuring-bios-to-boot-from-disk-drive-before-hard-drive#2665210:25
joshua__I've tried holding F2, F4, F8, and F12, And I think Esc too10:25
tbfby "randomly" inserting apps from other workspaces, workspaces become quite useless10:25
g0bl1nafter 11.10 upgrade, postgresql related, anyone having this issue ? http://pastebin.com/uqG11Lxq10:26
head_victimSo anyone had much luck running 3d unity under virtualbox?10:26
scarleos1, Great, thanks I'll try it10:26
skulltip<same old dumb question with each release, is 11.10 good?10:26
agronholmg0bl1n: go adjust your shmmax10:26
rcmaehlhead_victim: I did once but I think that was just pure luck10:26
head_victimAll the windows I have keep disappearing and flickering about10:26
agronholmg0bl1n: seems like the upgrade replaced some settings10:26
head_victimWith the guest additions installed10:26
greybackjoshua__, usually the boot messages tell you what's the magic key. Watch carefully. F2, F11, Esc or Del are all possible anyway10:27
joshua__Oh, I'm having an error with permissions, that just started a few minutes ago when I was trying to figure out how to use Gparted.10:27
joshua__Any idea what I might've done? =/10:27
rcmaehlgreyback: it's f1 on my netbook10:27
fhtagnhj http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=gcc-4.310:27
rigvedjoshua__: boot into Windows and put the Ubuntu CD in. Then, after the program starts, it will ask you what you want to do. Select the option that lets you reboot the computer and install Ubuntu.10:27
greybackjoshua__, gparted will not touch the partition you have booted from.10:28
joshua__My windows installation isn't working.10:28
rcmaehlOh, bye guys, heading to work10:28
Trashihi guys. im missing skype in the 11.10 repository ... did they remove it from?10:28
joshua__After an update, I started getting the blue screen crash... That's why I'm trying to wipe it.10:28
sandra_rcmaehl, tc and have a good day at work.10:28
s1wa alykum assalam.10:28
fhtagnhje841: http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=gcc-4.3 so only lucid?10:28
MonkeyDustTrashi: skype is now property of MS10:28
sattu94unless it's running from a live CD.10:28
rcmaehlsandra_: thanks10:28
joshua__I have no clue what else to try... lol10:28
rigvedjoshua__: the CD will handle changing the BIOS boot order and let the Ubuntu CD start before any installed OS.10:28
rigvedjoshua__: ok.10:28
skulltipgoing to upgrade and annoyingly let you know how good it is :)10:29
Mmikeif unity can be disabled, then it's good :)10:29
joshua__I'll try it again, but I'm 90% sure that as soon as I click enter on the windows 7 option, I'll get a blue screen crash.10:29
rigvedjoshua__: do you want to wipe out Windows 7 AND Ubuntu or do you want to wipe out Windows 7 only?10:29
Mmikethat thing is usability-productivity killer :)10:29
hje841fhtagn: I might just compile it from source10:29
greybackjoshua__, get the cd to boot. You need it either way10:29
MonkeyDustMmike: then don't use it10:29
TrashiMonkeyDust: what do you mean exactly? ms? that big bad compancy with "soft" at the end?10:29
MonkeyDustTrashi: the same10:29
joshua__I want to wipe them both, and then reinstall ONLY Ubuntu (The disk I made has 11.10), and then later install Windows 7 into a VM.10:30
TrashiMonkeyDust: do you know a website or article to read more?10:30
rigvedjoshua__: ok. give it a try: boot the Ubuntu CD from Windows and let the CD handle rebooting etc.10:30
sandra_joshua, are you currently running a bootable usb or cd image of Ubuntu ?10:30
MmikeMonkeyDust, I am not, I just have to rant about it, hope you don't mind :)10:31
Luci4n0hello all10:31
GeoffSKlooking for advice on bluetooth/wacom tablet config (including just give up)10:31
MonkeyDustTrashi: google "skype micro***"10:32
jmp_i tried to erase my flash-disk from vmware running ubuntu 11.10 , job done, but it crashed and loged out to the terminal!!!, is it a vmware bug? or ubuntu bug?10:32
g0bl1nagronholm, I have no shmmax entrance in /etc/sysctl.conf, should I have ?10:32
sandra_joshua, just select the use entire hard drive option under Ubuntu install options list.10:32
agronholmg0bl1n: you should add one10:32
ntr0pyHow can i change subpixel rendering/hinting in Gnome3?10:32
g0bl1nagronholm, ok10:32
sandra_I was wondering if one of my fellow Ubuntu inmates could give me a hand and tell me how can I get the right click folder option "Open as Administrator " to work on Oneiric? That wonderful option works for me under Natty by simply selecting "nautilus-gksu" and then once selected logging out and back in and the "Open as Administrator" option is there, but not under Oneiric. Any ideas ? thanks.10:32
FreeWillynot gona ask for the best10:33
g0bl1nagronholm, weird, just got that after the pg_clusterupgrade from 8.4 to 9.110:33
FreeWillybut gona ask for suggestions for the most friendly to use ftp server software for ubuntu server, which is freeware10:33
jmp_agronholm: any idea about my problem?10:34
hexacodehow do i check what time it is from my terminal?10:34
SunTsusandra_: "inmate" is a curious term10:34
agronholmjmp_: no10:34
M0hihexacode: date -u  for UTC10:34
ntr0pyWhere can i set the fonts in Gnome3?10:34
hexacodethanks M0hi10:35
Thomas___Hello. I have multi-homed system where eth0 is lan and eth1 is wan. There is internet connectivity through both, but via different   routes. When the system boots, I cannot connect to e.g. apache on the WAN interface dispite the fact it listens on *.80. If I   bring down eth0 I can, however. After bringing eth0 back up I can still access apache. There are no IPTables rules active (Policy:   accept). "What is wrong?". Where do I start 10:35
sandra_SunTsu, just a bit of humor, if anyone would of told me a few months ago I'd be tinkering with inner workings of a OS I would of laughed and told them to lock me away w/the other inmates lol10:35
compdocsandra_, open a folder as admin? Never seen that as an option.10:35
vakever worst upgrade happened with Ubuntu to me! :(10:35
GrabbingStrawsHi, whereas there are analogical comparisons between social networks (here http://blog.ziggytek.com/2011/07/13/google-vs-facebook-vs-myspace/ ) where can I find something like this with Ubuntu and other OSes?10:36
_trinewell I have tried but I cant get to boot to my normal user since upgrading to 11.10 it only allows me to boot to root10:36
vak2 notebooks are in unusable state10:36
MyrttiGrabbingStraws: how about you keep the offtopic at the designated channel?10:36
sandra_compdoc, it's alway's been available in Synaptic Package Manager :-)10:36
GrabbingStrawsMyrtti: close enough?10:37
GrabbingStrawsand Myrtti, they don't answer directly straight away, so i had hoped for better luck in here10:37
s1vak: you might wanna reboot and reset your USER password by booting to the recovery mode.10:37
sandra_compdoc, And by default in Linuxmint 11 :-)10:37
compdocwhy would you need the option to open a folder that way? for what purpose?10:37
M0hi!offtopic | GrabbingStraws10:37
ubottuGrabbingStraws: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!10:37
dc5ala_trine, still no luck? Have you manages to manually start gdm?10:38
* phlak_user can confirm that downloading the iso and booting off it and then installing after selecting "Upgrade" works fine; keeping Documents intact10:38
vaks1: I did reboot for one of those notebooks -- no graphics now, no networking. Ever worst update.10:38
rigvedsandra_: nautilus-gksu only allows opening files as admin, not folders, afaik.10:39
vaks1: but login in text mode works fine. I am still not sure if I could reboot the second notebook10:39
sandra_compdoc, I use it for a variety of reasons but ultimately and I know what I'm about to say is highly subjective but it's a very user friendly way to work with the contents of folders and files I've seen so far.10:39
noturbusinessDoes anybody here have Cr-48 and tried to update ubuntu on it?10:39
phlak_user_trine: i just discovered; lightdm is the default display manager for 11.1010:39
_trinedc5ala, when I do dpkg-reconfigure gdm it askes me if I want to change to gdm10:39
ntr0pyHow can i set BGRa subpixel rendering in ubuntu ?10:39
_trinedc5ala, and if I choose gdm it wont boot10:39
compdocsandra_, you want to be able to change/delete files as root?10:39
compdocin the folder?10:40
_trinedc5ala, so then I have to go back to lightdm10:40
dc5ala_trine, i will try it here on my machine then10:40
Alex90Morning all, is it just me or are the downloads in the software centre very slow today?10:40
_trinedc5ala, thank you10:40
ucenik09alo icko10:41
MonkeyDustAlex90: server overload, maybe?10:41
sandra_rigved, I'm sorry but that's inaccurate. Once you enable this option under 11.04 you can simply right moue click on a folder and the option "Open as Adminstrator" is there in the menu :-)10:41
ucenik09can some 1 tell me how to install wine10:41
s1vak: what graphics hardware those noebooks got! .. you might need to try one of 'em GRUB Parameters options.10:41
sandra_compdoc, yes basically that would be it .10:41
Alex90MonkeyDust: that's what I thought, I just wondered if anyone else had noticed10:41
ucenik25how can i install wine on ubuntu10:41
jrib!software | ucenik2510:41
ubottuucenik25: A general introduction to the ways software can be installed, removed and managed in Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoftwareManagement - See also !Packages, !Equivalents10:41
jrib!wine | ucenik2510:42
ubottuucenik25: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu10:42
MonkeyDustucenik25: sudo apt-get install wine10:42
compdocsandra_, you could:  gksudo nautilus10:42
ucenik25that way doesnt work10:42
jribucenik25: sure it does10:42
Alex90ucenik09: in terminal type "sudo apt-get install wine"10:42
ucenik09is some error10:42
ucenik25there is error i cant install it10:42
jribucenik09: share the error with us using http://paste.ubuntu.com10:42
MonkeyDustucenik25: type sudo apt-get install wine|pastebinit10:43
ntr0pyWhere can i set subpixel smoothing in Oneric to BGR???10:43
sandra_compdoc, Yes I could and discovered that option under Oneiric. But it's easier to right mouse click over a folder and have the option right there :-)10:43
ucenik25i cant install wine with sudo apt-get install wine10:44
jribucenik09: share the error with us using http://paste.ubuntu.com10:44
ucenik09This is a summary of all `failed' messages and warnings:10:44
ucenik09`pdfetex -ini  -jobname=latex -progname=latex -translate-file=cp227.tcx *latex.ini' possibly failed.10:44
ucenik09`pdfetex -ini  -jobname=pdflatex -progname=pdflatex -translate-file=cp227.tcx *pdflatex.ini' possibly failed.10:44
ucenik09fmtutil-sys failed. Output has been stored in:10:44
ucenik09  /tmp/tetex.format_creation.uXW32424/fmtutil-sys.log10:44
FloodBot1ucenik09: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.10:44
ucenik09Please include this file if you report a bug.10:44
mecoHow do I tell unrar to open an archive spanning several files?10:44
sandra_compdoc, if you ever get the chance to run LinuxMint 11 they have that feature and option working straight out of the box so to speak.10:44
ucenik25i cant install wineeeeeeeeeeeeeee10:44
M0hiawwee newnies10:44
jribucenik09: why did you paste in the channel after I asked you to use http://paste.ubuntu.com?  Go to that site and paste your command and the full output.  And stop repeating "I cant instale wine"; we've seen that.10:45
compdocsandra_, that would be handy - let me know if you discover a way10:45
sandra_compdoc, under 11.04 I had to add it in manually from Synaptic Package Manger.10:45
joshua__I almost didn't make it back.10:45
dc5ala_trine, i tried manually stop/start lightdm, gdm and kdm, all working here with logins ok10:45
jribmeco: unrar e firstone.rar10:45
joshua__That's a no go on booting to the disk through windows.10:45
mecojrib: But then it doesn't find the other files10:46
jribmeco: yes it does, just give it the first one in the series10:46
_trinedc5ala, can I PM you10:46
sandra_comdoc, I do see that as a selectable option to select once install Synaptic back in under Oneiric . But once I select it and reboot the option to "Open as Administrator" is not there *sigh*10:46
mecoThey're calle like fil.rar file2.rar and file3.rar. Perhaps i should rename them file.rar file.ra2 and file.ra3 or something?10:46
dc5ala_trine, maybe it's a graphical issue? I had problems with screen not refreshing properly yesterday (nvidia driver), didn't see what i was typing etc.10:47
jribmeco: how did you create them?10:47
sandra_wb joshua :-)10:47
joshua__I booted with the disk in, selected Windows 7, then it asked whether to run startup repair, or start normally.  I tried to start normally first, I saw the Windows loading bar for a fraction of a second, and then the screen turned blue for an instant, and then the computer restarted.10:47
sandra_joshua, did you read my comment to you ?10:47
mecojrib: I didn't vreate them. I downloaded them and now I'd like to open them.10:47
_trinedc5ala, I have the feeling it is graphical10:47
jribmeco: what are the actually named?10:47
joshua__Lol, thanks.10:47
joshua__Which one?  The wb?10:47
sandra_joshua, no lol10:48
mecojrib: "International College of Esoteric Studies.rar" "International College of Esoteric Studies 2.rar" "International College of Esoteric Studies 3.rar"10:48
sandra_you must of left before you read it10:48
joshua__Oh, what was it?10:48
sandra_joshua, you simply want to install Ubuntu at this point as your lone OS am I correct ?10:48
jribmeco: are you sure this is a multi-part archive and not just 3 archives?10:48
joshua__Yes.  I want to wipe everything as quickly and painlessly as possible.10:48
sandra_joshua, this is my recommendation for a painless way to to do this.10:49
mecojrib: Well, the last file in the first archive was incomplete so...10:49
joshua__At this point, I can't even browse the web on this Ubuntu installation.10:49
joshua__The browser is crashing as soon as it opens.10:49
sandra_joshua, do you have a usb key by chance available to you ?10:50
joshua__I have an external hard drive... Not an actual usb10:50
jribmeco: the naming scheme for split archives is usually filename.part1.rar, etc.  Have you tried just unraring those 3 files?10:50
jribmeco: the naming scheme for split archives is usually filename.part1.rar, etc.  Have you tried just unraring those 3 files individually?10:50
sandra_joshua, pity but be that as it may ...make sure you have a solid cd copy of Ubuntu 11.1010:51
sandra_joshua, by that I mean a version you have burned at say 4x speed..the slower the better.10:51
mecojrib: When I unrar the second file it starts out trying to extract the last file contained in the first archive and gives me an error messsage.10:51
joshua__I burned it at 6x.  That was the lowest option available.10:52
jribmeco: try renaming them how I described10:52
jribmeco: (and then extracting the first)10:52
sandra_joshua, once that is done boot up w/your live CD. When Ubuntu asks how you wish to install check the box that reads "Use entire disk"10:52
sandra_joshua, it may also say "Erase and use entire disk" choose that...10:53
joshua__I'm looking at the files on the disk.. There are folders titled "Boot", "Casper", "dists", "efi", "install", "isolinux", "pics", "pool", "preseed", and "ubuntu"10:53
joshua__Is this right?10:53
jribmeco: by the way, how did you install unrar?10:53
phlak_userjoshua__: yes10:53
joshua__How do I boot the cd? That's the problem I'm having.10:54
sandra_joshua, you have to select that once you are in Live CD mode.10:54
sandra_joshua, what system are you on ?10:54
joshua__Because of the way my system files are corrupted, I'm unable to boot from the cd, as far as I can tell.10:54
joshua__I'm on Ubuntu 11.04 right now.10:54
sandra_joshua, I mean what computer system are you on ?10:54
phlak_userjoshua__: you need to enable boot from CD in BIOS; most modern PCs allow you to select Boot Device at startup by pressing  either Esc or F1210:54
s1you can just upgrade from 11.04 to 11.10.10:55
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade10:55
mecojrib: Nice. with the correct renaming it went well.10:55
joshua__But I'm having issues... I don't have permissions that I should have, and my browser crashes when I open it.  I messed something up in trying to wipe the hard drive... Lol10:55
Calinouhow am I supposed to copy my /home folder on a external HDD? I can't copy on it, nor I can use sudo (broken sudo)10:55
phlak_userCalinou: use rsync10:55
phlak_user!rsync| Calinou10:55
ubottuCalinou: rsync is a fast remote file copy and synchronization program - For more see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/rsync10:55
sandra_joshua, phlak_user is correct on my HP-HDX-18-Notebook I have to press f9 to boot from CD or USB10:56
jribCalinou: why is sudo broken?10:56
BluesKajhiyas all10:56
Calinoueveryone is going to flame me... but chmodding 777 /usr/bin was never a good idea10:56
joshua__So, bios, then look for what?10:56
Calinoujust to install a dependancy, since ubuntu hadn't it10:56
sandra_joshua, that is why I asked what computer system you are currently using.10:56
s1hey B10:56
jribCalinou: use a live cd (probably a better option in this case) or try using recovery mode from the grub menu10:56
Tenkawaso.. anyone else run into issues with the re-routing of /var/run/*10:56
phlak_userjoshua__: start by describing make/model etc10:57
Calinoufine then, I have 11.10's iso and a DVD10:57
jribTenkawa: what does "re-routing of /var/run/*" /mean/?10:57
Calinou...I can use the live CD to copy stuff from /home to the external HDD? it works?10:57
joshua__It is a system that I built... I would have to describe every component.10:57
rigvedjoshua__: are you able to boot into Ubuntu and view the 11.10 CD from it?10:57
joshua__i'm in ubuntu now, and I can see the cd in the drive.10:57
sandra_joshua, no dear just tell me what mother board you put in your system please at this point.10:57
=== ojii is now known as ojii|lunch
Tenkawajrib: 11.10 started using /run/* instead of /var/run and I had a pretty interesting time setting symbolic links back up to keep dbus and plymouth from breaking10:58
joshua__Umm, hold on.   Let me see if I still have the manual.10:58
Luci4n0hey all .. is upgrading to 11.10 from 11.04 an option right now? or is reinstalling the only option?10:58
sammmmIs it just me or is apt-get update taking forever ATM?10:58
Luci4n0had some issues installing 11.10 from live cd10:58
Tenkawasammmm: I imagine the servers are pretty busy10:58
s1Calinou: yes,that should do it.10:58
phlak_userLuci4n0: there is an option to Upgrade even after you boot from CD/USB10:58
Calinouok then :)10:58
pureevolis it possible to downgrade back to 11.04? i upgraded to 11.10 last night and now about the only thing i can even open is firefox10:58
rigvedjoshua__: then, boot into 11.04 and then put the 11.10 CD in. It will ask you whether you want to upgrade. Click Yes. Then, see if 11.10 is working fine or not as compared to your 11.04.10:58
modemuserI'm having problems with installing the alternate version of 11.10. Any image I download seems to be broken, ie. checking the media in the installation menu shows an error. Any ideas?10:58
utilisateurhi all!10:58
sammmmTenkawa: Ah, I thought so. This usually happens when Ubuntu is released. :(10:58
sandra_Luci4n0, That's why I prefer to boot from a USB Key :-)10:59
Tenkawasammmm: yeah it took me forever yesterday10:59
Luci4n0phlak_user: ill give it a try .. thanks10:59
compdocis there a way to update qemu-kvm to version 0.15? Ubuntu 11.10 is still using 0.1410:59
WidgitHi, how do you update from 11.10B2 to RC?10:59
Calinouhearing problems with 11.10... should it work fine on most computers?10:59
Luci4n0sandra_: installing from usb key as well? and why?11:00
joshua__The motherboard manual says MSI P67A-C45/P67A-C43/P67S-C43/P67A-S4011:00
TenkawaCalinou: depends on the problems...11:00
rigvedcompdoc: check if there is a ppa for it or if there is a package in debian (testing/experimental) for it.11:00
rigvedjoshua__: then, boot into 11.04 and then put the 11.10 CD in. It will ask you whether you want to upgrade. Click Yes. Then, see if 11.10 is working fine or not as compared to your 11.04.11:00
pureevolis it possible to switch back to 11.04? or do i have to uninstall ubuntu completely and start completely over?11:00
daysmenAny love for kubuntu 11.10 or is it a miss11:00
sammmmdaysmen: Install Ubuntu then install KDE?11:00
daysmenim installing now just hope compiz is not a screw up11:00
sandra_compdoc, go to http://www.getdeb.net/welcome/ see if your program is there and just simply download it from there :-)11:00
celltechHow do I find out what type of ram I have?11:00
Tenkawamy biggest annoyance so far is the dramatic UI changes11:00
jribpureevol: the latter (but you can use backups of course)11:01
phlak_usercelltech: type?11:01
joshua__When I put the disk in Ubuntu, it asks "A volume with software packages has been detected.  Would you like to open it with the package manager"?11:01
rigvedWidgit: the upgrade should happen automatically.11:01
celltechddr sd11:01
daysmensammmm: im using kubuntu and have done for a while now11:01
celltechlike that11:01
sandra_Luci4n0, I find using live USB key makes for a smoother and faster installation is all :-)11:01
rigvedjoshua__: yes. open it.11:01
xpermentalso am i correct to assume that 11.10 is continuing with Unity as the default desktop environment?11:01
Tenkawaand does anyone know how to turn off this auto display dimming after a few seconds of idle11:01
daysmenbut have experienced major issues with compix and powermanagement11:01
Widgitdid a update-manager -d, came back with no update needed11:02
pureevolim new to ubuntu, only been using it for about a month. by chance did ubuntu make an auto back up and if so how do i find it to revert back to 11.04?11:02
rigvedjoshua__: does it ask you whether you want to upgrade to 11.10?11:02
quasar_tag on back of chip11:02
Luci4n0sandra_: ok .. i need a new usb key anyway, so might as well try .. thx11:02
phlak_userTenkawa: power management?11:02
Tenkawaphlak_user: yeah...looking now11:02
s1xpermental: correct.11:02
sandra_joshua, are you in the live CD environment right now ?11:02
joshua__Got an error message - "Failed to run synaptic --add-cdrom'/media/Ubuntu11.10amd64' as user root.  Unable to copy the user's Xauthorization file"11:02
rigvedpureevol: no. you need to re-install. there is no way back otherwise.11:03
away|Henry01short question: how can i copy my complete ubuntu froma livecd to an external hdd? It says you have not permissions to read it. But im using sudo11:03
pureevolso do i go back into windows and uninstall ubuntu? im using wubi11:03
dikiderajust to ask, but how can i connect to ubuntu 11.04 from windows 7's remote desktop connection11:03
xpermentalso is there a version where gnome is default like how the have for kubuntu(kde) and xubuntu(xfce)11:03
phlak_useraway|Henry01: just use startup disk creator11:03
jrib!nounity | xpermental11:03
ubottuxpermental: Ubuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions drowpdown. Using Natty? See !classic11:03
dikideraas in i have ssh access and i need to install AND configure11:04
dikiderasome way to access via remote desktop conn11:04
sandra_joshua, can you please answer my question ?11:04
jrib!vnc | dikidera11:04
ubottudikidera: VNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely.  It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX11:04
pureevolthis happens everytime i come to ubuntu. its so awesome then theres an update and then my pc runs like crap.......11:04
rigvedjoshua__: open up a terminal and type this: sudo apt-get dist-upgrade <-- make sure that your 11.10 CD is still in the drive.11:04
away|Henry01phlak_user, how do you mean? I am alredy in the live ubuntu11:04
phlak_userdikidera: you can use tightVNC from Windows and enable vino in Ubuntu11:04
CasWHmm, how can I remove the "dash home" button from that dock?11:04
joshua__I did.  I'm not in the environment.. I got an error message when I told it to open with the package manager.11:05
Tenkawathanks all.. need to relogin..11:05
rigvedjoshua__: The Official channel of Ubuntu Indian Team !~ http://www.ubuntu-in.info| Please chat in english so that  everyone can understand | Please observe the Ubuntu Code of Conduct | Natty Narwhal is here - http://www.ubuntu.com | please use  paste.ubuntu.com for pasting output | Ubuntu 11.10 (Oneiric Ocelot) Release Party Mumbai http://is.gd/XvD1Jr http://g.co/maps/wrnn711:05
rigvedjoshua__: sorry abt that :)11:05
sandra_joshua, darling please take a deep breath and tell me are you currently running Ubuntu off of the live CD at this time ?11:05
sandra_joshua, or running it off of your hard drive ?11:06
sattyhey guys, I just switched from fedora11:06
phlak_usersandra_: he still hasnt figured out how to boot from the CD11:06
joshua__Haha.  No problem. =)11:06
joshua__sandra, I'm running it off of my hard drive.11:06
sattyNow the problem is i am not able to configure my wifi11:06
rigvedjoshua__: well. i'm out of ideas. sorry.11:06
sandra_joshua, please boot off of your live CD and follow the previous instructions I gave you.11:07
joshua__rigved, I'm running that update now11:07
joshua__It's doing something11:07
sattyhow  to configure my wifi11:07
s1!wifi | satty11:07
ubottusatty: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs11:07
rigvedjoshua__: ok.11:07
spm_DragetI try to mount an samba share with mount -t cifs -o soft,gid..,uid... //blah/blah foo but it says only root can do this. Is there another way for a regular user to mount samba shares over console?11:08
rigvedsandra_: joshua__ is unable to get into his BIOS. so he cannot boot into the LiveCD.11:08
sandra_joshua, when you boot into the live CD version reinstall Ubuntu and select the option to use & earse the entire hard drive.11:08
away|Henry01oh I have a idea ih have a parted magiclive cd anywhere thanky you11:08
sandra_joshua, did you find your mother board manual ?11:08
sandra_rigved, oh I understand that's why I asked him who made his mother board.11:09
rigvedsandra_: ok.11:09
giuliahello, I just have upraded to Ubuntu 11.10. How can I suppress gnome-login-sound on login ?11:09
scarleoWhy does Oneiric want to remove gecko-mediaplayer and sun-java6-plugin when I try to uninstall chromium? I still have firefox and want those plugins11:09
joshua__sandra, I did.  It's model NO. MS-767311:09
joshua__rigved, still loading.11:10
sandra_oops we lost joshua I sure hope he doesn't wind up shooting his computer lol11:10
sandra_joshua, now look at your manual and find which key you have to press in order to access the boot menu options for your Mother board please.11:11
joshua__I was really hoping that there would be a simple terminal command that would write over every bit of data on my hard drive, and I could restart and be done with it... I guess life is never that simple.  =/11:11
icerootjoshua__: dd11:11
sandra_joshua, at this point you have to perform a clean install . Hang in there.11:12
jojo_hi any body can help me her11:12
sandra_joshua, is there any way you can get your hands on a USB key ?11:12
jojo_I am having a problem in samba...11:12
icerootjoshua__: boot a live-cd and use "sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=dev/sdX" (replace X with your drive) and remeber!! that will delete everything on that drive, so dont use the wrong one11:12
phlak_user!anybody| jojo_11:12
ubottujojo_: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.11:12
icerootjojo_: #samba11:13
dhruvasagarHi, I just upgraded to Ubuntu 11.04. My wireless has stopped working :(11:13
dikideraphlak_user:but how do i enable this vino and configure it from the command line?11:13
dhruvasagarSomething went seriously wrong with the upgrade, most of the icons in the system are simply missing and I can barely use it. Please don't tell me I made a huge mistake by upgrading...11:14
sandra_joshua, what slice of the globe do you call home ?11:14
phlak_userdikidera: type vino-preferences11:14
jojo_when i open my folder it says there cannout mount...11:14
joshua__sandra, I'm from one of the smallest "cities" in middle Tennessee.  Ha.11:15
rigvedjoshua__: yes. please check if you can find the key to enter into BIOS, as sandra_ suggests. Fresh install is always prferable to an upgrade.11:15
dhruvasagarCan anybody please help me!?11:15
=== ubuntu_ is now known as MonkeyDust
spm_DragetI try to mount an samba share with mount -t cifs -o soft,gid..,uid... //blah/blah foo but it says only root can do this. Is there another way for a regular user to mount samba shares over console?11:15
joshua__okay.  I found "Del" for setup Menu, and F11 for Boot Menu.11:15
joshua__Which do I need?11:16
rigvedjoshua__: F1111:16
s1 F1111:16
phlak_userjoshua__: F1111:16
dikideraphlak_user:i get (vino-preferences:1264): Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display:11:16
sandra_joshua, darling press F1111:16
jojo_we have same problem with samba11:16
emdubi have a reproducable do-release-upgrade crash, anyone know where i should send the logs?11:16
phlak_userdikidera: type it inside a gnome-terminal11:16
joshua__Okay.  And what do I need to look for when I get there?11:16
dikiderasorry cant phlak11:16
iceroot!bug | emdub11:16
ubottuemdub: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.11:16
dikiderai currently have only ssh access11:16
jojo_I want to share folder with my windows client...11:16
sandra_joshua, once you press f11 just select boot from CD .11:16
dikiderai.e just the command line11:16
iceroot!samba | jojo_11:17
ubottujojo_: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.11:17
sandra_joshua, and away you go :-)11:17
phlak_userdikidera: ok; install vncserver on the remote machine11:17
joshua__Okay.  If you don't hear from me again, assume it worked.  If I show up in here again tomorrow, that means it didn't.  Lol.11:17
dhruvasagarplease for got sakes someone say something...11:17
phlak_user!info tightvncserver| dikidera11:17
ubottu'dikidera' is not a valid distribution: hardy, hardy-backports, hardy-proposed, kubuntu-backports, kubuntu-experimental, kubuntu-updates, lucid, lucid-backports, lucid-proposed, maverick, maverick-backports, maverick-proposed, medibuntu, natty, natty-backports, natty-proposed, oneiric, oneiric-backports, oneiric-proposed, partner, stable, testing, unstable11:17
rigvedjoshua__: i can see now that you did not try F11 earlier. you tried F8 and then skipped to F12. ;)11:17
phlak_user!repear| dhruvasagar11:17
phlak_user!repeat| dhruvasagar11:17
ubottudhruvasagar: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/11:17
dhruvasagarwhere can I edit the gnome colors or fonts or icons ?11:18
joshua__Yeah, who picks an odd number for the bios menu?  Sheesh.11:18
dikidera Unable to locate package tightvnc11:18
dikiderai appended server and it found the package11:18
phlak_userdikidera: tightvncserver11:18
joshua__Thanks for all of the help guys.  Lets hope this works!11:18
dhruvasagar11.10 is the biggest mess I have ever seen11:18
sandra_joshua, btw you can also enter into the live Ubuntu session from CD and install Xchat and ask questions from there once you get into the live user mode :-)11:18
dhruvasagarI don't believe they've actually released this shit11:18
iceroot!language | dhruvasagar11:19
ubottudhruvasagar: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.11:19
jribdhruvasagar: please stick to support in this channel11:19
joshua__Oh, I have another issue with getting Unity to work, but I'll worry about that again when I get this situation cleaned up.11:19
s1dhruvasagar: what hardware graphic card you got there!  make sure it's active. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto11:19
joshua__You guys should be seeing me again.  =P11:19
dhruvasagars1 I am using nvidia, but I am quite sure that is working fine11:19
joshua__See ya.11:19
luisthey guys... i need to do this live usb to discover hardware on a machine and i found this project: http://sourceforge.net/projects/dhlu/files/ can anyone point me how do i use it? just format the pendrive with ext2 and copy all the files?11:19
sandra_joshua, good luck11:19
rigveddhruvasagar: 11.10 is an STS. if you want absolute stability, stick to the LTS.11:19
dhruvasagars1: yes that is active, I am saying that Ubuntu is missing ICONS, several of the menu or settings etc simply do not have icons!11:20
s1dhruvasagar: okay , is this after upgrade or a fresh install.11:20
dhruvasagarthe wireless is just not working, that I will trouble shoot, but what the f is this theme in gnome 3 ?11:20
dhruvasagarHow do I edit the theme ?11:20
dhruvasagars1: upgrade11:20
s1dhruvasagar: Ensure these packages are installed: gnome-icon-theme gnome-icon-theme-symbolic gnome-themes-standard (NOT gnome-themes, remove gnome-themes if its installed).11:21
dikideraphlak_user:i installed it, but how do i configure it?11:22
s1dhruvasagar: you may use gsettings or gnome tweak tool for themeing.11:22
dhruvasagars1: gnome-themes is installed, removing11:22
Thomas___luist: unetbootin.sourceforge.net - You select an ISO and a USB device, and get a bootable stick from it11:22
dhruvasagars1: ok first i'll install those packages11:22
phlak_userdikidera: man vncserver normally will set you on your way :)11:22
dikiderawell it seems the process is running11:24
s1dhruvasagar: Once you’ve upgraded all packages, make sure to *remove* gnome-accessibility-themes as it conflicts with gnome-themes-standard and if you have both installed, lightdm/GDM won’t theme well.11:24
dikiderahow do i kill it to reconfigure?11:24
dhruvasagarI had such a lovely dark theme in 11.04, why did the upgrade have to discard my themes !? and since when does ubuntu does not ship with even a single dark theme!? my eyes are freakin burning!11:24
dikiderai tried killall tightvnserver but no dice11:24
icerootdhruvasagar: download a theme you want11:24
szymon_ganyone has any idea, why alternate installer of newest ubuntu dosn't wanna install grub on /dev/md0?11:24
phlak_userdikidera: just type vncserver it will guide you thro the configuration11:24
dikiderano guiding11:25
dikideraall i get is11:25
dikidera"New 'X' desktop is ***:311:25
dikideraStarting applications specified in /root/.vnc/xstartup11:25
dikideraLog file is /root/.vnc/ip-***:3.log11:25
FloodBot1dikidera: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.11:25
phlak_userdikidera: ok now vncserver is up and on display 311:26
dikiderabut when i type the IP i cannot connect11:26
dhruvasagariceroot: can you help me with that ? some links / resources !?11:26
compdocdikidera, vino is for sharing the desktop - someone has to be logged in. vncserver is for logging in remotely, and doesnt require someone be logged into the console11:26
phlak_userdikidera: now you need to run a vnc client on the remote and select this server:3 to connect11:27
dikiderajust to ask but which port does the vnc server run on?11:27
dikideraso i can alow it11:27
compdoc5901 and up11:27
phlak_userdikidera: typically 590111:27
phlak_userdikidera: netstat -l11:28
ecthienderhello, i installed a software which got installed in the current directory. to make it a system-wide installation do i have to move it to a particular location?11:29
dikiderai am using tightvnc on windows as well11:29
phlak_userecthiender: yes; /usr/local/bin11:29
dikiderabut no connection is made at all11:29
ecthienderor can i just include the path in the PATH variable?11:29
ecthienderokay phlak_user11:29
compdocI never liked tightvnc11:29
compdocas a server11:29
compdocor even as a client11:30
phlak_userdikidera: did you specify display :3 ?11:30
dikiderahow would i specify that?11:30
knomei seem to have problem with /var/run moving to /run et cetera. anybody know how to fix this? (i'm on xubuntu, if that should make a difference)11:30
phlak_userdikidera: on your tightvnc client11:30
dikiderano such option to specify display11:31
dikideraall i have is a field to enter the ip address11:31
knomedikidera, add ::display# to the end of the ip11:31
phlak_userdikidera: just append :311:31
knomephlak_user, :: is port then? :)11:31
=== SomeoneWeirdAFK is now known as SomeoneWeird
dikiderastill nothing11:31
phlak_userdikidera: hang on: looking at screenshots in tightvnc.com site11:32
dikiderathought i think i know why i cant11:32
dikiderai am using amazon aws and they have this public DNS and private dns and private IP11:33
hexacodeanyone know a good backup program for ubuntu ? im running a web server and want to back up everything11:33
MasterOfDisasterknome: symlinking /var/run and /var/lock should work fine.11:33
phlak_userdikidera: oh; you need to attach an elastic IP11:33
dikiderai have connected via ssh to the public DNS but..the OS is running on the private IP11:33
knomeMasterOfDisaster, okay, i'll try that. thanks11:33
phlak_userhexacode: rsync11:33
dikideraphlak_user:more money i assume?11:33
hexacodethanks phlak_user11:33
phlak_userdikidera: yep; but its free in the Lite tier11:33
dikiderai am using hi-cpu medium11:34
phlak_userhexacode: but you might want something more fancy like bacula or amanda11:34
emdubare there any known issues with oneiric interface aliases?11:34
emdubalso this person is spamming: 04:34 [freenode] [lena(~tekdostum@] hi sex http://livecam.de.vc11:34
phlak_user!info bacula11:34
ubottubacula (source: bacula): network backup, recovery and verification - meta-package. In component main, is optional. Version 5.0.3-1ubuntu5 (oneiric), package size 1 kB, installed size 20 kB11:34
zetheroocan someone kick lena off please!!!11:35
riclashi guys i'm trying to upgrade my ubuntu but after all packages finish downloading i get a "failed to fetch libgmp3c2" with the whole link to it. should i just wait some hours and retry?11:35
compdocpoor lean11:35
zetheroothanks :)11:35
MonkeyDusthow do I add a desktop theme in Oneiric?11:35
oCeanemdub: zetheroo, you can use #ubuntu-ops for this, as not to repeat the spam in channel11:35
emdubanyway, after booting oneiric, my eth0:0 alias isn't coming up... did something change with this?11:35
phlak_userMonkeyDust: dash home - appearance11:35
MonkeyDustphlak_user: and there?11:36
emdubeverything looks proper in /etc/network/interfaces11:36
emduboCean: gotcha11:36
zetheroooCean: ok thanks11:36
szymon_gwhy was he kicked out o.O?11:36
phlak_userMonkeyDust: theres an option for theme selection; for more fine-grained control use gnome tweak tool11:36
dikideraok i will try to use the command line11:36
MonkeyDustphlak_user: lol11:36
Calinou_back, I'm on 11.10 live CD11:37
zetheroodownloading 10.10 torrent ... a bit slow ... 250kB/s ... I must be late ...11:37
Calinou_I still can't copy files to the external HDD. no option to format it either (the disk is almost empty, only a few mac files)11:37
phlak_userCalinou_: how/what are you doing?11:37
Calinou_reinstalling 11.10, removing 11.04 and 10.04 since I don't need them11:38
Calinou_I want to copy /home first to a external HDD11:38
Calinou_I'm on live cd right now11:38
phlak_userCalinou_: i meant how are you issuing the copy command?11:38
arandAre 11.04->11.10 ugrades set as autmatically suggested atm?11:38
Calinou_copying the /home folder, can't ctrl+v or click "paste" on the  external hdd (grayed out)11:38
compdocCalinou_, and you see your username folder in /home ?11:38
Calinou_yes, /home/calinou on the 11.04 partition11:39
ubuntu_Hi, just installed 11.10 on Thinkpad x121e. Install went fine but grub isn't working11:39
redmy ubuntu is a work PC, should I upgrade to 11.10?11:39
knomeMasterOfDisaster, btw, how are you supposed to symlink those while both locations already exist?11:39
compdocCalinou_, the external is mounted on the desktop?11:39
ubuntu_error message is: "error: invalid arch indipendent ELF magic11:39
phlak_userCalinou_: you should use gksu or gksudo to launch nautilus (or just use the commandline)11:40
Calinou_yes, it is mounted11:40
ubuntu_can anyone help?11:40
Calinou_since when you can use sudo on a live cd? :O11:40
head_victimHow similar is UNity 2d and 3d, is it just that one is prettier or are there actual functional differences?11:40
compdocyou do use sudo on live11:40
phlak_userCalinou_: just open a terminal and try it ;)11:40
dikideraanyone know how i can download this via git? https://github.com/Lolcust/Tenebrix-miner11:40
Calinou_"nautilus could not create folder..." works fine, but I get this error11:41
dikiderawhat do i issue in the command line?11:41
Calinou_dikidera: install the git packet, type "git clone <link to the git>"11:41
Calinou_to update the git, go inside using "cd foldername" then "git pull"11:41
=== martin__ is now known as abramart
dikideraCalinou_:thank you11:42
Calinou_!fr | utilisateur11:42
ubottuutilisateur: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.11:42
rcmaehlI need help. My backlight does some random rapid flickering (software caused b/c the brightness bar stays shown) when I try to change the brightness. The only way to stop it is to go to a TTY terminal.11:42
rcmaehlUbuntu 11.1011:42
rcmaehlI had this problem in 11.04 but it wasn't as bad11:42
phlak_userdikidera: or you could just click on download as zip file11:42
dikideraphlak_user:command line11:42
Calinou_so... is copying safe since I got "Could not create /root/.config/nautilus"?11:43
MasterOfDisasterknome: boot with init=/bin/bash appended to the kernel's cmdline, mount / read-write with 'mount / -o remount,rw', and remove /var/run/* and /var/lock/*.11:43
=== werdna_ is now known as dn4
dn4hey why is ubuntu considered not free11:43
rcmaehldn4: since when11:43
phlak_userdn4: huh?11:43
Calinou_ubuntu is free... and open source11:43
dn4since GNU v 2.011:43
dn4something about the kernel having code11:44
phlak_userdn4: pl take this to offtopic11:44
ubuntu_Anyone know anything about grub problems on UEFI11:44
dn4off topic?11:44
MonkeyDusthi, i'm Advanced Gnome Settings and can't find how to change the desktop theme - hints & tips?11:44
Calinou_I still used gksudo nautilus... can't copy files on the external HDD11:44
Calinou_"paste" is grayed out again11:44
varikonniemioh my god 11.10 seems to be a mess? i started the upgrade process and it wanted to fetch 1,3!?= gigs of data, so i cancelled it11:44
MonkeyDusti mean: hi, i'm Advanced Gnome Settings and can't find how to add a desktop theme - hints & tips?11:45
SwedeMikevarikonniemi: why would 1.3 gigs of data be weird?11:45
phlak_userCalinou_: just create a new folder inside the external HDD and then copy the files inside that11:45
lmjis anybody here?11:45
varikonnieminow i am dl.ing the image, and while waiting am reading expereinces from eg. omg ubuntu, and people seem to say it is a trainwreck. should i try mu luck, or just skip this upgrade till it matures?11:45
Calinou_however, with gksudo I can list files in a folder, where I couldn't without root nautilus11:45
rcmaehlI didn't have this problem till I installed a few hundred packages after upgrading to 11.10, I can pastebin a list of the packages if it'll help11:45
lmjanswer me!11:45
SwedeMike!hello | lmj11:46
Calinou_I *cannot* create folders on the external HDD11:46
varikonniemiSwedeMike, because i can get it in <700meg by clean install?11:46
phlak_user!anybody | lmj11:46
ubottulmj: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.11:46
oCeanrcmaehl: please don't crosspost your issue11:46
Calinou_not even on gksudo nautilus11:46
compdocCalinou_, it usually comes down to permissions11:46
SwedeMikevarikonniemi: that might not include everything you currently have installed.11:46
amerohello. how do i get 'show desktop' icon to show on unity bar?11:46
phlak_userCalinou_: what is the FS on the disk?11:46
zaytsevhi folks, I can't find the sha/md5 of the latest bunch of isos for 11.10 here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuHashes11:46
rcmaehloCean: I have found that crossposting my linux issues usually offers more solutions11:46
varikonniemiSwedeMike, i am not that worried about the amount, more about the horrible regressions i keep reading about11:46
zaytsevwhat am I missing? is there another canonical place to look for hashes?11:47
SwedeMikevarikonniemi: well, that's another issue, I'd bet that's not related to the 1.3 gigs.11:47
Calinou_how to see it, phlak_user?11:47
ubuntu_so no one got any ideas on this?11:47
Calinou_the first time it was used, it was on a mac11:47
varikonniemiis there any official canonical comment about the situation?11:47
s1zaytsev: not even in this link ..? http://mirror.anl.gov/pub/ubuntu-iso/CDs/11.10/MD5SUMS11:48
phlak_userCalinou_: typing mount in  a terminal should tell you11:48
Calinou_just "mount", nothing else? are you sure?11:48
phlak_userCalinou_: I am, dunno about you though ;)11:49
zaytsevs1: hmmm, thanks, that's better than nothing, but mac+amd64 is not there. maybe I can search for this file on the mirrors11:49
compdocCalinou_, open gparted or disk utility11:49
lmjI  am so excited ,you answer me ,in fact ,my english is not good! *-*11:49
compdocthat will tell you the FS11:49
zaytsevs1: I only knew about this wiki page, I thought this was the canonical reference. strange that I couldn't find the links on the download page11:49
Calinou_hmm... where is the disk utility? it isn't in system settings11:50
sandra_I wonder if joshua ever made it back ?11:50
zaytsev9153a03eaddb9bdd15686f4640a61403 *ubuntu-11.10-desktop-amd64+mac.iso <--- ok I am happy now :-)11:50
phlak_userCalinou_: that command would produce and output like this -> /dev/sda5 on / type ext411:51
phlak_userCalinou_: where you know that ext4 is the FS on /dev/sda511:51
squigi wonder if any one uses gtalk accounts with empathy on 10.04? we had a strange issue today where all of our contact details disapeared from accounts11:51
c_nickhow to find out currently logged in users on ubuntu 10.0411:51
sandra_Calinou, just type disk utility you will see it there :-)11:51
squigc_nick, who11:51
sandra_oops of course 1st click on the ubuntu logo on your unity dock lol11:51
dikiderahow do i get the system info11:52
dikiderai.e cpu and such?11:52
c_nicksquig, I have 2 users on my machine .. my uptime says 2 users too.. i want to find out if someone else is connected to my pc besides me or not11:52
Picic_nick: no, the command is 'who'11:52
s1zaytsev: yeah , if you noticed .. the hashes for 11.10 is not listed on that wiki/page yet. you might as well wanna look in the same page you Downloaded the iso from.11:52
squigc_nick, try the commans who or the command last11:52
Calinou_the external HDD *seems* to be ext411:53
Calinou_not 100% sure11:53
phlak_userdikidera: sudo lshw11:53
phlak_userCalinou_: if you pastebinit we might also try to guess11:54
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bourkeHi, can someone tell me how I can remove packages from a specific pool with reprepro?  The man page says 'remove codename package-names', but no reference to what pool to remove from..11:54
sandra_Calinou, Ext 4 is the default format for 11.1011:54
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sandra_Calinou, unless of course you chose another format when you installed 11.1011:54
Calinou_"Sans titre" is the name of the external HDD, btw, going to pastebin...11:54
phlak_usersandra_: he wants to check the fs on an external hdd11:55
masakjust upgraded Ubuntu. is there any way I can make Alt+Tab switch only between windows on the current desktop, not all desktops?11:55
sandra_phlak_user, oops sorry my bad :-)11:55
s1zaytsev: is it a DVD image or a CD one.!11:55
phlak_usermasak: someone else said ctl-alt-tab did that11:55
AdelmannHello, I have Ubuntu 11.04 + GnomeShell 2.x. Will GnomeShell be replaced after the update?11:55
phlak_usersandra_: np11:55
arandAre 11.04->11.10 ugrades set as autmatically suggested atm?11:56
swing_kidhey, anyone here who knows how to configure software raid on ubuntu server?11:56
rcmaehlwhere is any power related config stored?11:56
Calinou_Adelmann: you will probably have to reinstall it11:56
anAngelHello. How can i change grub to display verbosely what loads to see where exactly it hangs and stops loading the os? I upgraded from 11.04 to 11.10 earlier following this howto www.howtoforge.com/how-to-upgrade-ubuntu-11.04-natty-narwhal-to-11.10-oneiric-ocelot-desktop-and-server-p2 but after the restart and soon after selecting the new grub entry hdd activity stops and the monitor stays blank but working not sleeping in powersave mode11:56
phlak_userCalinou_: ok got it -> /dev/sdb3 on /media/Sans titre type hfsplus (ro,nosuid,nodev,uhelper=udisks) its hfsplus and mounted read-only11:57
Calinou_I never installed 11.10 yet, live cd for now11:57
Calinou_ok... how can I remove the read-only thing?11:57
masakphlak_user: not here; not by default, at least.11:57
compdochfsplus is apple, right?11:57
AcidX_I successfully configured an Apache2 webserver with SSL encryption but there are a few things that I don't understand. Anyone here who might be able to explain me some certificate-related stuff?11:57
phlak_usermasak: oh ok11:58
magik_guys help me with the network on ubuntu itś so damn slow (on windows 7 works perfekt) and it stops every 2 minuts and i have to exit the network and enter again ... :/ somebody knows how to fix this ?11:58
Calinou_AcidX_: don't ask to ask11:58
compdocdoes ubuntu support apple filesystems out of the box?11:58
arandCalinou_: So the no-title filesystem is HFS+ then, OSX fs.11:58
PiciAcidX_: This channel is rather busy due to the release, you may be better off asking in #httpd (apache's channel) today. :)11:58
phlak_userCalinou_: do you still have access to the Mac? if so, you need to turn off journalling and then mount it read-write11:58
AcidX_Pici: thanks11:59
s1 Pici cheers mate.. thanks for the "Gnome2" bot log adds , you saved the day! :-)11:59
Calinou_okay :) I have access to the mac11:59
phlak_usercompdoc: yes read-only11:59
Picis1: np :)11:59
Calinou_fine then... away for some time, thanks!11:59
phlak_userCalinou_: this might come in handy - http://superuser.com/questions/84446/how-to-mount-a-hfs-partition-in-ubuntu-as-read-write11:59
arandthe package hfsutils should allow rw hfs+ access.12:00
magik_somebody know the solucion of my problem ?12:00
Calinou_second question, is it possible to remove several partitions at a time when installing 11.10?12:00
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Calinou_I don't use 11.04 (once I'll copy the home/) nor 10.0412:00
phlak_userCalinou_: yes12:00
JadedJacobHi, I'm wanting to setup a pentium 2.4ghz box with 2GB of RAM as a internet router.12:00
Calinou_phlak_user: how can I do that? in the custom partitioning utility?12:01
JadedJacobI'm using an internal ADSL modem, is it possible to run the server with a GUI ?12:01
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phlak_userCalinou_: yes12:01
emdubargh oneiric seems so half baked :(12:02
MairusuHello, I made a mistake closing a gnolme-terminal while a dpkg config was running ( http://doc.ubuntu-fr.org/_media/lirc/info_modules.png?cache= )and now can't fix apt12:02
phlak_userJadedJacob: yes12:02
emdubeasily the most problems of any ubuntu release that i can remember in a long time12:02
JadedJacobOK cool.12:02
bhaveshIm trying to install Google Chrome from chrome.google.com on Ubuntu 11.10 but it says INTERNAL ERROR when I double click on the .deb12:02
JadedJacobI'll get started on it :)12:02
gribouilleif I install the nvidia driver, it blacklists the nouveau driver, but the nouveau driver is still loaded when I reboot, and prevents X from starting12:02
MairusuOh wait, the reboot fixed it.12:02
Calinou_on a mac, is it possible to format a HDD to put it as ext4 directly?12:02
bhaveshits a 64-bit version of the browser12:03
JadedJacobShould I install 10.04 LTS or 11.04?12:03
sandra_I was wondering if one of my fellow Ubuntu inmates could give me a hand and tell me how can I get the right click folder option "Open as Administrator " to work under Oneiric? That wonderful option works for me under Natty by simply selecting "nautilus-gksu" and then once selected logging out and back in and the "Open as Administrator" option is there, but not under Oneiric. Any ideas ? thanks.12:03
phlak_userCalinou_: youll have to ask the Mac ppl12:03
bhaveshJadedJacob, 11.10?12:03
Calinou_you mean 11.10, JadedJacob ?12:03
Calinou_afk now12:03
MrTAToadDoes anyone know how long it takes for an application to be reviewed for the Ubuntu App Store ?12:03
e75upgraded to 11.10, now when trying to load ubuntu, it always hangs after saying "starting timidity++ alsa emulation        ok".... so any one know what to do or where to start looking?12:03
JadedJacobi didn't know that 11.10 was out yet12:04
e75i can still switch to another terminal, explaining why i'm online right now.12:04
e75well whatever the new version. i don't really care about specifics12:04
sandra_phlak_user, could you kindly tell me if Joshua ever made it back ?12:04
phlak_usersandra_: havent seen him around yet :)12:05
anAngelanyone know which setting in /etc/default/grub need to be changed/added so it would display verbosely what loads when the os starts?12:05
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phlak_useranAngel: add "nosplash" and remove "quiet" i think12:06
c_nickok thanks12:06
anAngelphlak_user: thanks i will try it now12:07
popschis there somewhere an RSS feed for updates of the main oneiric repository?12:07
e75upgraded to 11.10, now when trying to load ubuntu, it always hangs after saying "starting timidity++ alsa emulation        ok".... so any one know what to do or where to start looking?12:08
Picipopsch: Theres the oneiric changes mailing list: https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/Oneiric-changes12:10
GirlyGirlASUS Eee PC 1005ha Seashell .... Function keys for screen off and touch pad off to not work in 11.10 ... the touchpad off was working in 11.0412:13
bhaveshGirlyGirl, Hey, I have that one too!12:14
popschThinkpad 420, touchpad-indicator is no longer working12:14
GirlyGirlbhavesh: Same problem12:14
phlak_userGirlyGirl: does Fn+F3 work?12:15
GirlyGirlphlak_user: no12:15
bhaveshGirlyGirl, Er, I still didnt try installing anything on it.. got it 2 days ago.. well whats the key for boot menu?12:15
GirlyGirlbhavesh: shift12:16
bhaveshGirlyGirl, ty12:16
e75upgraded to 11.10, now when trying to load ubuntu, it always hangs after saying "starting timidity++ alsa emulation        ok".... so any one know what to do or where to start looking?12:16
phlak_usersandra_: there appears to be a bug report and a fix reported for your issue -> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gksu/+bug/81738312:16
ubottuUbuntu bug 817383 in gksu (Ubuntu) "nautilus-gksu fails to work, needs a re-build to install libnautilus-gksu.so to /usr/lib/nautilus/extensions-3.0" [Undecided,Confirmed]12:16
e75yeah i'd google my problem, but i'm in china. i can only somewhat get hong kongs google service12:16
bhaveshwhy do I get internal error when I try to install Google Chrome .deb in Software Centre? Do I need to enable some repos?12:17
e75fuck this 11.10 upgrade. i wish i could punch a developer right now :(12:17
magik_someboody knows how to install madwifi?12:17
joeseppHello! I have a question about grep and regex. Is it ok to ask it here?12:17
oCeane75: control your language here, please12:17
sandra_phlak_user, you are life saver :-)12:17
GirlyGirl!language | e7512:17
ubottue75: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.12:17
lanfeust21hi, i have upgraded an ubuntu server from 9.10 to 10.04 but the server refuse to boot, the log are left untouched, any idea of what to check when in rescue mode ?12:17
JadedJacobI think I may have hit a wall.12:17
* e75 hugs GirlyGirl 12:17
knickHi guys, I just upgraded to 11.10 but I want to go back to the ubuntu-classic skin, how can I do that?12:17
Calinou_I still can't edit files inside... how do I format the disk drive to be ext4?12:18
Calinou_knick: log out, choose "GNOME classic"12:18
JadedJacobThere is almost no support for my internal ADSL modem, it's a 'alcatel speedtouch PCI'12:18
knickCalinou_, its not there12:18
phlak_userCalinou_: use some partition editor like Gparted and delete partitions, create new ones, format it as ext412:18
bhaveshGirlyGirl, Our netbook is 32 bit?12:18
Calinou_I guess you have to install gnome then12:18
ubottuGNOME is the default !desktop environment on Ubuntu up to 10.10 To install it from Kubuntu or Xubuntu, type « sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop » in a !terminal.12:18
GirlyGirlknick: Install gnome-shell ...then there will be an entry called gnome fallback ... that is similar to classic12:18
GirlyGirlbhavesh: Yes12:18
bhaveshGirlyGirl, k12:19
Calinou_how do I start gparted, phlak_user ? "gparted" in terminal?12:19
spacebug-after upgrade to 11.10 somehow my binding in irssi does not work nay more. ^W^C to close window. I have tried different terminals. There is the same irssi-config, same screen-config and same inputrc.12:19
phlak_userCalinou_: yes12:19
GirlyGirlbhavesh: Ubuntu 11.10 lags a bit on it, I would suggest Kubuntu on it that works like a charm12:19
bhaveshGirlyGirl, ok12:20
e75upgraded to 11.10, now when trying to load ubuntu, it always hangs after saying "starting timidity++ alsa emulation        ok".... so any one know what to do or where to start looking?12:20
MonkeyDustspacebug-: i use byobu-screen for irssi -- F6 to close a window12:20
patkulhey guys, after upgrading to oneiric, git doesn't work with smart http anymore.. looks like an encoding problem.. any ideaS?12:20
ubuntu__anybody here can help me?12:20
bhaveshGirlyGirl, Well did u try ubuntu gnome 3 shell on it? Thats not supposed to lag12:20
MonkeyDustspacebug-: to restore keybinding, type ctrl-A !12:20
sandra_phlak_user,thank you so much :-)12:20
Calinou_gksudo gparted or sudo gparted?12:20
e75does anyone know what 11.10 tries starting after timidity?12:20
GirlyGirlbhavesh: That is worse!12:20
phlak_usersandra_: did it work?12:20
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bhaveshGirlyGirl, lol12:21
e75everyone says - no we don't eclipse. just switch to a pirated version of windows or slackware.12:21
spacebug-MonkeyDust: restore them from what?12:21
e75hm, that's i'm thinking12:21
GirlyGirlbhavesh: Not that the netbook is slow ... GTK3 etc is still new12:21
ethanol11.10 broke dual screen :<12:21
e75i just see questions and no answers here :(12:21
MonkeyDustspacebug-: if the keybindings do not work12:21
sandra_phlak_user, I haven't tried it yet I'm still reading and soaking it in lol12:21
phlak_usersandra_: ok12:21
Maestr0just upgraded from 11.04 to 11.10 but now my Unity doesn't seem to want to start... reboots and --reset or --restart have no effect. Thoughts?12:21
GirlyGirlbhavesh: Anyways I actually prefer KDE even since before12:21
sandra_phlak_user, but you will be the 1st to know :-)12:21
phlak_usersandra_: tx :)12:22
bhaveshGirlyGirl, Well ive got a ASUS eee PC 900HA12:22
ubuntu__my computer hanged in middle of upgrading to 11.10 now it wont boot to graphical or console .i have access to live cd ,can i restore ubuntu to before or updateit from livecd11.04 ?12:22
bhaveshprobably it would be worser12:22
Calinou_phlak_user: should I use gksudo gparted or sudo gparted?12:22
bhaveshCalinou_, Anyone will do12:22
phlak_userCalinou_: both are fine12:22
GirlyGirlbhavesh: Ah yes that is very different than mine a lot slower12:22
sattu94Calinou_: gksudo is preferable,12:22
ubuntu__my computer hanged in middle of upgrading to 11.10 now it wont boot to graphical or console .i have access to live cd ,can i restore ubuntu to before or update it from livecd11.04 ?12:23
Calinou_ok then12:23
GirlyGirlbhavesh: 1st try Kubuntu, according to me it will be blazing fast ... if its not go with lubuntu12:23
bhaveshGirlyGirl, ok12:23
ubuntu__polz help12:23
sandra_ubuntu_I recommend you just go with a fresh install , at this point if you have a portable HD or USB key back up what you like and start from scratch.12:23
g3orgewhat's the unity min requirements in 11.10 ??12:24
sandra_it's less headaches at the end.12:24
Calinou_can't format it still12:24
Calinou_I formatted it on the mac on "extended mac os without journalling"12:24
Calinou_when right clicking it, "format to" is grayed out12:24
phlak_userCalinou_: not on the mac dude; on your Ubuntu LiveCD session12:25
xploit3ri install ubuntu in virtual box and i get "unity web player error" can anyone help me with it?12:25
sgs2_usrubuntu 11.10 bluetooth doesnt work anymore for transferring files to my phone12:25
sgs2_usrany idea why?12:25
lucian_hey who knows from where to change to gnomeclasic interface on ubuntu 11.1012:27
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Calinou_yes, I have formatted it on the mac12:27
Calinou_now I cannot format it on the linux, like I wasn't able to do before12:27
Calinou_how do I use this? http://packages.debian.org/sid/hfsprogs12:27
ubuntu__no other way?12:27
JadedJacobsorry, got disconnected.12:27
spacebug-MonkeyDust: still no go12:27
ubuntu__i want to keep my apps that i installed and i downloaded all the debs for update with a very slow connection12:27
arghxubuntu__: look in /var/cache/apt/archives/12:27
lucian_can anyone help me?12:28
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phlak_userCalinou_: is it so difficult to create new partitions in Ubuntu and then format?12:28
magik_lucian_ , with what ^^ ... depend =12:28
magik_lucian_: =)12:28
lucian_gnome-classic interface on 11.1012:28
lucian_from where12:28
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lucian_or how to do it from terminal?12:29
xploit3r i install ubuntu in virtual box and i get "unity web player error" can anyone help me with it?12:29
magik_there is no12:29
lucian_no gnome classic?12:29
magik_lucian_: there is no gnome-clasic in the ubuntu softwere update '12:29
magik_lucian_:  noo :D12:29
Calinou_can't create a new partition, "new" is grayed out12:30
magik_lucian_: look in center of software ubuntu12:30
Pici!notunity | lucian_ magik_12:30
ubottulucian_ magik_: Ubuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions drowpdown. Using Natty? See !classic12:30
arghxCalinou_: do you have free unallocated space on the disk?12:30
Calinou_6MB, ridiculous12:30
lucian_thx pici12:31
* phlak_user finds the gnome3 shell sexy!12:31
arghxCalinou_: if you have no free space, you obviouslycannot create a new partition. make some room and you can12:31
Calinou_I CAN make room easily12:31
phlak_userCalinou_: does it let you delete existing partitions?12:31
arghxthen do it12:31
Calinou_just, I need to reformat the external drive so I can copy /home on it12:31
craigbass1976I was in yesterday asking about firing up an app (thunderbird in my case) without having to log into the gui.  If I open up a terminal and su - to me, I get Error: cannot open display: :0.012:31
Calinou_only "Unmount", "Manage Flags" and "Information" can be done on the external drive12:32
phlak_usercraigbass1976: thats not possible12:32
arghxCalinou_: in what program are you trying to create  partition?12:32
MonkeyDustcraigbass1976: try ssh -Y to your local ip address and launch the app, it's how i do it12:32
Stanley00craigbass1976: It's impossible...12:32
ubuntu_can i get a list of installed apps in a system  from livecd?12:33
arghxclaw: so reate free, unallocated space there. either by deleting a partition or resizing an exsiting one12:33
craigbass1976MonkeyDust, that's funny..12:33
magik_can anybody helps with madwifi ?12:33
arghxubuntu_: chroot to the ubuntu installation and run "dpkg -l| grep ^ii"12:33
arghxmagik_: madwifi is years old. use ath5k and ath9k12:34
MonkeyDustcraigbass1976: syntax: ssh -Y [user]@[ip address] "[app]"12:34
arghxcraigbass1976: I doubt what MonkeyDust tells you is the solution to your problem.12:34
phlak_userMonkeyDust: huh?12:34
JadedJacobI'll run a liveCD of 11.10, see what it can tell me about my internal ADSL modem12:34
magik_arghx: ^^ i am using ath9k and ath5k but i am having a network problems12:34
ubuntu_<arghx: how?12:34
arghxmagik_: madwifi won't solve your problem12:34
magik_arghx: so very much people told me to install madwifi and i dont know how12:35
craigbass1976MonkeyDust, I was thinking ssh -l me -XC localhost and it worked.  That's how I've been doing stuff over the network.  I hadn't thought of localhost though...12:35
Calinou_found why, wasn't selecting the right partition!12:35
arghxubuntu_: sudo chroot <ath to your mounted ubuntu installation>  and gthen the command from above12:35
magik_arghx: on windows 7 i had a perfect k¡connection ...12:35
MonkeyDustcraigbass1976: if it works, it works, thumb up12:35
Calinou_I still can't reformat the main partition on the HDD12:35
magik_arghx: so can u help me install it ?12:36
Calinou_only a 31 kb partition,12:36
arghxmagik_: no we cannot help people install windows 712:36
brauliobohello all. does anybody knows how to hack even lower lcd brightness levels? i really need a darker screen, and I know that I possible (due to an old bios bug). i run on a intel gma 3150 and asus 1215n. maybe force it in sysfs, or patch the acpi driver?12:36
magik_arghx: install madwifi o.o !12:36
GirlyGirlmagik_: #windows will help you12:36
magik_arghx:  i will never go back to windows !!!12:37
arghxmagik_: no. since madwifi cannot work under ubuntu anymore. there is no version for it for current linux kernels12:37
arghxmagik_: madwifi is not the solution to your problem12:37
magik_arghx:  and that why ?12:37
Calinou_so what, phlak_user... can't edit the main (186GB) partition, only a 31kb one. I'm on the right disk this time12:37
magik_arghx:  so can you tell me the solucion =) ?12:38
arghxCalinou_: is the main partition unmounted or is it mounted in your current bootup?12:38
Calinou_it's a external, mounted HDD12:38
Calinou_should I unmount it? I don't use it12:38
magik_arghx: i have to install something or :S ?12:38
Nova685i need help with my printer setup, after i installed 11.10 from 11.04 i can no longer add network printers12:38
arghxCalinou_: unmount it if you want to work on its partition table12:38
bhaveshanyone using google chrome..?12:38
siouX_update crashing the system ?12:39
arghx!anyone | bhavesh12:39
ubottubhavesh: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.12:39
Calinou_yes, bhavesh, me, but not now... installing 11.1012:39
ubuntu_<arghx>: is there anyway to update my installed system from livecd?12:39
Stanley00ubuntu_: no,12:39
Stanley00ubuntu_: use alternate cd or via internet...12:39
bhaveshI cannot install it on Ubuntu 11.10.. Software centre says "Internal Error"12:39
ubuntu_<Stanley00>: even with chroot?12:39
arghxubuntu_: yes. chroot again and apt-get dist-upgrade12:39
Calinou_formatting the partition to ext4... thanks :)12:40
greybackbrauliobo: Could try "xbacklight" or else dig into /sys/class/backlight/....12:40
magik_Calinou_: i think you have to add / wich is the root .. and linux cant works without it ^^12:40
Nova685is printer probing broke in 11.10? i cant seem to find network printers since i upgraded12:40
AngeloHi! I'm new at ubuntu, could I help for the new release? I could packaging...12:40
ubuntu_\<arghx:it gives too many error most of them have to do with  /dev/null12:41
magik_Calinou_: then it should be etx4 / =)12:41
arghxubuntu_: what does?12:41
Stanley00bhavesh: try install using apt-get, it will show more info if something went wrong.12:41
arghxubuntu_: you bind mount /dev/ then inside your chroot12:42
bhaveshI have a deb, how can I install it using apt-get?12:42
Calinou_hmm, I can't mount the external HDD anymore12:42
=== sburjan_ is now known as sburjan`
arghxbhavesh: you cannot. use dpkg -i <file.deb> instead. via sudo of course12:42
Calinou_found why12:42
wooterbhavesh, sudo dpkg -i file.deb12:42
magik_Calinou_: sudo apt-get install gparted12:42
Stanley00bhavesh: ah, so you are going to install chome, not chromium, then use dpkg -i /path/to/file.deb12:42
ubuntu_<arghx:<Err http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ oneiric/main qdbus amd64 4:4.7.4-0ubuntu812:42
ubuntu_  Something wicked happened resolving 'archive.ubuntu.com:http' (-5 - No address associated with hostname)12:42
magik_Calinou_: gksudo gparted12:42
Calinou_now, I have "lost+found" folder on the new partition... seems to work12:43
magik_Calinou_: and when you finish restart12:43
Calinou_still read only, I'll try with gksudo nautilus12:43
wootersouth africa, fuck yeah12:43
Nova685is printer probing broke in 11.10? i cant seem to find network printers since i upgraded12:43
magik_Calinou_: ^^12:43
arghx!repeat | Nova68512:43
ubottuNova685: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/12:43
DaraelFor some reason, qdbus a) has itself, without a version qualifier, in its Conflicts: line, b) thus won't install and c) prompts apt to try to resolve this by removing something in the region of ninety packages.  What gives?12:43
arghxNova685: and doing a much better error description would increase your chances of help a lot too12:43
Calinou_I can edit stuff inside with gksudo... the  disk is empty, it only contained hidden mac files before anyway12:44
Calinou_time to copy I guess12:44
e75if i put the ubuntu image on a flash drive, can i reupgrade my 11.10 installation? it's broken and won't load into X.12:44
Nova685error is it doesnt even see anything...the old 11.04 could and installed i made the mistake of removing it to try to fix color scheme12:44
Calinou_wb, phlak_user12:44
magik_Calinou_: i guess :D ..12:44
Nova685and now cant readd it12:44
e75if i put the ubuntu image on a flash drive, can i reupgrade my 11.10 installation? it's broken and won't load into X. (while keeping my files and software installations intact)12:44
magik_Calinou_: i have to go =)12:44
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arghxMeubuntu: stop it please12:45
ubuntu_<arghx>: so now what?12:45
magik_Calinou_: no problem =)12:45
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brauliobogreyback: will try that12:45
phlak_userCalinou_: tx12:45
phlak_usersandra_: i tried the fix and it works now :)12:46
Calinou_pasting 52.7 GB of files, 170000 files... :o12:46
phlak_userCalinou_: great!12:46
brauliobogreyback: well, it returns 0.000, that is, already on the minimum12:46
Calinou_is the swap automatically created when you install ubuntu 11.10? since I'll remove everything on the current disk once the /home is copied12:46
e75i upgraded from 11.04 to 11.10 but the upgrade went haywire, as in it locked up the interface when it wanted me to clean out the old files according to the update manager. so i just had to reboot. now i can't even load into X. i can switch terminals, and come here, but thats about it. dmesg, syslog, boot, etc logs don't have any useful information why it's hanging12:46
sandra_phlak_user, what version of the fix did you implement ?12:47
Calinou_also, 11.10 is scaring me according to people here :/12:47
phlak_usersandra_: i just did that copy thingy12:47
arghxe75: use a apt-get dis-upgrade12:47
bhavesh_Stanley00, Terminal says Errors were encountered while processing:12:47
bhavesh_ after "processing triggers for mandb"12:47
Andrilhello all12:47
Nova685<~regretting upgradign to 11.1012:47
DaraelFor some reason, qdbus in Oneiric (which a /tonne/ of stuff seems to depend on) a) has itself, without a version qualifier, in its Conflicts: line, b) thus won't install and c) prompts apt to try to resolve this by removing something in the region of ninety packages.  What gives?12:47
menomchi, I just upgraded my laptop to oneiric but I'm having a trouble with network manager and the wifi network of my office. it's called "101" but after adding it  the conneccection says SSID = "e", and then it spawns a new "101 %d" each time... all with bad SSID12:48
arghxbhavesh_: tell us the FIRST error, not the last one. if you don't know, pastebin the full output12:48
arghxbhavesh_: into a pastebin of course12:48
s1Nova685: why!12:48
Stanley00bhavesh_: can you pastebin ALL the message? and did you use sudo before the command?12:48
bhavesh_Stanley00, yea wait a sec12:48
e75arghx: already tried that. still hanging. last message i get while the o.s. is trying to load up unto X is starting timidity    ok. and then nothing more.12:48
Nova685energy managment SUX in 11.10 and printers no longer work12:48
dhruvasagarHi, how do I increase the number of workspaces in Ubuntu 11.10 ?12:48
sandra_phlak_user, do you mean you implemented this fix "sudo cp /usr/lib/nautilus/extensions-2.0/libnautilus-gksu.so /usr/lib/nautilus/extensions-3.0/"12:48
Andriljust installed 11.10 and receiving "Checking Battery State" error - any help12:48
aliboHello, when I updated my system there was an error and now I have a broken system that does not boot. I guess my mirror was not comletely updated yet. sudo dpkg --configure -a gives me a lot of dependency errors and at the end it outputs: Processing was halted because there were too many errors.12:48
phlak_usersandra_: yes; logged out and then logged in again12:49
Calinou_dhruvasagar: look in the settings, it should be there12:49
Stanley00dhruvasagar: install ccsm and you can set it there12:49
Calinou_if you use gnome fallback right click the workspaces icon12:49
arghxalibo: the first error is what is important, not the last12:49
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bhavesh_Stanley00, arghx : http://pastebin.com/e2rq9ErE12:49
brauliobogreyback: everything on 0 already, need to set lower...12:49
dhruvasagarStanley00: ccsm ? I don't see that package12:49
sandra_phlak_user, let me know if you experience any glitches please.12:50
dhruvasagarCompiz is not working with 11:1012:50
aliboarghx: while updating it said exiting with error 127.12:50
Stanley00dhruvasagar: it's compizconfig-system-manager12:50
dhruvasagarCalinou_: settings ? no there is nothing relevant thing unders settings for number of workspaces12:50
s1Nova685: I'm not sure what do you mean by "energy managment" , but what about the printers issue!?12:50
dhruvasagarStanley00: compiz is not working12:50
arghxalibo: I told you the FIRST error. not the last.12:50
sandra_brb fellow Ubuntu inmates.12:50
arghxbhavesh_: see line 7 and 8. and install the package it moans about12:51
bhavesh_So I need to first install all those missing packages ? libnss..?12:51
arghxbhavesh_: yes12:51
Nova685s1: i mean the battery life got cut in half on my laptop the instant i installed 11.10 cause 11.04 had better management12:51
aliboarghx: This was the first one. Sorry it was not while updating but doing the distro update/upgrade (don't know exact term for it)12:51
wide_awakehi, I've got a stupid question: how can I find out wtf is playing music, listed as "ALSA plug-in [npviewer.bin]" in Sound Preferences?12:51
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squigwide_awake, thats a website12:52
dhruvasagarCompiz settings manager is not working in 11.10, can someone help me ?12:52
wide_awakesquig, I can't find anything obvious in any open browser tabs :-/12:52
s1Nova685: Ah , then there must be a reason for that , don't you think! :-)12:52
wide_awakenormally I'm not this dumb, I swear12:52
Stanley00!notwork | dhruvasagar12:52
excedereShould I be concerned that the upgrade tool couldn't add any of the ssl certificates?12:52
enchiladoSlightly annoying problem; Nautilus crashes every time I open it. Anyone know about this?12:52
e75hmm. seems the 11.10 uninstall flgrx. now X won't start... ??? now what?12:52
camil_does anyone know how to display the fonts to use with a terminal12:53
Stanley00!not work | dhruvasagar12:53
phlak_userenchilado: launch it from a terminal and see if you get any errors12:53
camil_fc-list just gives a list12:53
camil_i don't know how to put in .Xdefaults12:53
Nova685s1: ya ive yet to find spind down hd in the power management and the processor is nonstop activity in 11.10 where it wasnt in 11.0412:53
aliboarghx: I would like to know if disabling Immediate-Configure is a good idea in this case?12:53
enchiladophlak_user: I get this, over and over: (nautilus:3149): GLib-GObject-CRITICAL **: g_value_get_object: assertion `G_VALUE_HOLDS_OBJECT (value)' failed12:53
camil_for example : -*-courier-medium-r-*--22-*-*-*-m-*-iso8859-1 (one that works)12:54
s1Nova685: you still can setup that in 11.10 , no!12:54
crebrohas anyone updated to 11.10 yet?12:54
Nova685s1: not that ive found yet12:54
enchiladophlak_user: and then GLib-GIO-ERROR **: Settings schema 'org.gnome.nautilus.preferences' does not contain a key named 'preview-sound'12:54
e75crebro: tried to12:54
camil_but how to change the name if i don't know the other fonts' exact name12:54
crebrooh tried to ?12:54
bfreisMy old, GNOME 2, keyboard shortcuts are not working on GNOME Shell! I used to have mod4+e to open my home folder, but now mod4+e simply inserts "e" in the current text field (if I press mod4+e+e then it inserts an "e" and then opens the home folder)12:54
s1crebro: i have.12:54
arghxalibo: no it is not the first one, and you cannot disable debconf12:54
crebro@s1 how is it ?12:54
Stanley00dhruvasagar: can you be more specific?12:54
phlak_userbfreis: you can go to keyboard settings and check if the shortcuts are still present12:55
e75crebro: it uninstalled my display driver i'm guessing and now the GUI can't start up because I don't have any display driver to run off of? I could be wrong in my assumption though.12:55
bhavesh_arghx, installing those packages automatically installed Google Chrome :) ty12:55
Andrilcrebro: yes - but i can't tell you because i am stuck with "Checking Battery State" error :(12:55
crebrotry "startx" command12:55
Nova685s1: im also getting a kick outa how much the new battery calculations are wrong, atleast 11.04 didnt bother telling since it couldnt figure it out this one tells w/e it wants and is still wrong12:55
s1crebro: excellent , at least for me.12:55
crebroso there are quite a bit of bugs.12:55
bfreisphlak_user, I've configured all of them, the behaviour is exactly what I described12:55
e75crebro: already tried. "no screens found". no driver to work with.12:56
enchiladophlak_user: yeah, hundreds of errors. There are others as well, seemingly going farther than I can scroll back. A lot of them are the same. :/12:56
Andrilnothin but more eror12:56
arghxe75: nvidia or fglrx? if so, move your xorg.conf files) out of the way and you can run X again12:56
neo84Hi All, need help12:56
enchiladoneo84: it's probably best just to state your problem; if someone can help, they probably will.12:57
crebroi am about to upgrade in 3 hrs.12:57
MonkeyDustwhat's the trick to activate html 5 in FF, again?12:57
e75arghx: well it seems 11.10 removed the flgrx drivers. i think my system runs off of ati drivers though? could be wrong there though and it be nvidia12:57
enchiladoneo84: if no one knows what the problem is, they won't be able to help :P12:57
phlak_userenchilado: gsettings should help you12:57
bfreisDamn, I shouldn't have installed Ubuntu 11.10... the user interface sucks hard!12:57
e75crebro: cross your fingers then12:57
s1Andril: stack some where booting up ..!12:57
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Nova685so back to the original question is the printer probe broke cause i cant see printers even though i know there there and active12:57
neo84I have installed kubuntu-desktop, now I want to remove it, but when I do aptitude remove . It gives this error : $ sudo aptitude remove kubuntu-desktop12:57
neo84[sudo] password for varunvyas:12:57
neo84E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'sudo dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem.12:57
arghxe75: it did not remove fglrx unless you installed them the wrong way12:57
bfreisAll my customizations are gone!12:57
bfreisAnd impossible to recreate them!12:57
Andrilyes and need help - please12:57
arghxe75: and lspci -nn will tell you what videocard you have12:58
arghxlspci -nn |grep -i vga12:58
e75arghx: yeah, ati video card12:58
arghxAndril: then state your actual problem or you never will get help12:58
Andrils1: upon booting a fresh install i am stuck at "Checking Battery State"12:59
enchiladophlak_user: oh?12:59
neo84I stated error now :)12:59
dhruvasagarStanley00: nothing happens on changing anything in compiz settings manager12:59
aliboarghx: These are the errors occuring: http://pastebin.com/iSw2FDSV12:59
Stanley00dhruvasagar: like what setting?12:59
bastidrazorFlannel: i did not know this.12:59
dhruvasagarStanley00: any setting!12:59
Andrilall worked fine with previous configuration was using 10.04.3 fine12:59
bastidrazorFlannel: err.. wrong channel12:59
e75arghx: nah. i was using the 11.04 upgrade manager. well my screensaver kicked on and then the upgrade manager conflicted with it. when it asked me if i wanted to remove the old obsolete packages i couldn't act and just had to reboot since the screen was locked without taking any input. when i rebooted, now X won't start. xorg.0.log tells me it cannot find flgrx12:59
dhruvasagarStanley00: like trying to enable window wobbly effets13:00
DaraelFor some reason, qdbus in Oneiric (which is a dependency of libqt4-dbus, which is in turn a dependency of /loads/ of things) a) has itself, without a version qualifier, in its Conflicts: line, b) thus won't install and c) prompts apt to try to resolve this by removing something in the region of ninety packages.  What gives?13:00
aliboarghx: If you could give me a pointer about how to work on it, I would be happy.13:00
keanuAlright, I'm pretty confused13:00
e75arghx: also i think i have a vague memory of the package manager wanting to remove flgrx or upgrade it or something13:00
Stanley00dhruvasagar: window wobby? I dont know about that? maybe relogin or restart will help...13:01
keanuUpgraded to 11.10 last night, and mid upgrade, my wifi (AR9285 card) disconnected and wouldn't reconnect13:01
dhruvasagarStanley00: wobbly, it's one of the effects that makes windows wobble when you move them13:01
phlak_userenchilado: try this gsettings reset-recursively org.gnome.nautilus.preferences13:01
dhruvasagarStanley00: I have relogged in at least a dozen times since I upgraded to 11.1013:01
sandra_phlak_user, I tried that solution but unfortunately for me when I right mouse click on a file i wish to open as administrator the nautilus box disappears does this happen to you ?13:02
e75is there a package for flgrx?13:02
phlak_usersandra_: no; it shows "Open As Administrator" way down in the list13:02
Andrili need help to resolve this error upon booting a fresh install i am stuck at "Checking Battery State"13:02
Stanley00dhruvasagar: hmm, I dont know how well unity work with compiz. at least add more work space work, isnt it?13:02
keanuUpgrade completed, rebooted, and still nothing.  the network's detected, but dmesg shows: wlan0: deauthenticating from 00:26:cb:17:bd:41 by local choice (reason=3)13:02
Gnoyhello! I have just install nvdia driver in 11.10, but now I can't change the brightness. it How to fix it?13:02
dhruvasagarStanley00: but where do I add them ? There is no option for adding workspaces I searched and also did an advanced search13:03
sandra_phlak_user have you tried opening system file folder with it yet ?13:03
crebroi am sorry if this is a stupid question. everyone here is on ubuntuforums.org and do they use their real forum usernames.13:03
keanuI can tether through my phone fine, but can't connect to my home wifi network.  Rebooted router and laptop, tried older kernels, etc. No luck13:03
Stanley00dhruvasagar: just a sec, I need a search :d13:03
phlak_usersandra_: yes; i opened /etc/apt/sources.list; edited it and saved it successfull13:03
phlak_usersandra_: successfully*13:03
dhruvasagarStanley00: ok13:03
e75well fglrx isn't uninstalled. i've just been typing it wrong the entire time. so i'm guessing just a .conf issue? hmm13:04
Stanley00dhruvasagar: It's in general opition,13:04
Stanley00dhruvasagar: the last tab as I see it13:04
enchiladophlak_user: same errors :/13:04
dhruvasagarStanley00: ok found it13:04
sandra_phlak_user, well I'm so glad it worked for you it's buggy for me I wonder if there is a way to undo it  ?13:04
dhruvasagarStanley00: thanks, I was search for 'workspace'13:04
s1Andril: i'd try one of those GRUB paratmeter options.13:04
Stanley00dhruvasagar: :D13:04
neo84<enchilado>  any idea friend13:04
sandra_let me give it another try13:04
phlak_usersandra_: just remove the copied .so13:05
dhruvasagarStanley00: somehow now even wobbly windows seems to be working! I love that effect :D13:05
phlak_usersandra_: uninstall nautilus-gksu and reinstall it13:05
=== determinology is now known as DETERMINOLOGY
bfreisholy crap, gnome shell is soooo buggy!13:05
Stanley00dhruvasagar: glad it works :))13:05
dhruvasagarStanley00: thanks, you should try it too, it's in extras :D13:06
sandra_I will try that13:06
sandra_phlak_user, I will try that brb hope this works lol13:06
sandra_*crossing my figners*13:06
Stanley00dhruvasagar: thanks, I will look at it.13:06
drapedupI actually kind of like unity as my HTPC interface.13:06
drapedupIs that bad?13:06
phlak_usersandra_: atb13:07
jiohdidrapedup, the way of the future13:07
DETERMINOLOGYStill wondering how do you get wobbly windows to work..I pretty much got everything else i wanted set up on 11.10 just cant get the extra tweaks to work13:07
enchiladoneo84: I don't actually know, but it sounds like a dpkg process was cancelled/crashed and you need to reset it so it works again; did you run the suggested command?13:07
dhruvasagarStanley00: btw, would you happen to know / understand what13:07
keanuupdate on wifi issue: I shut down network-manager and manually used iwconfig to connect to the wifi network.  It worked (although it's not something I'd prefer to do each time I connect)13:07
neo84enchilado : Yes, i did13:08
drapedupjiohdi: I just upgraded my htpc from 11.04 to 11.10 and I like it. It's working very well as my HTPC setup. Nothing like using irssi on my 62" tv13:08
neo84Now I am trying it with synaptic13:08
dhruvasagarStanley00: what 'Alt+`' key is doing ? I used this key combination for a different thing in the past, now I can't use it anymore, the core system is supposedly doing something with it, it just highlights (borders) the current window, I don't understand what the f it is13:08
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jiohdidrapedup, ipad and other pad users will find it very familiar... I prefer openbox, but I am old :)13:08
qinkeanu: If it is psk, just edit: /etc/network/interfaces13:09
keanuOh, forgot to mention that - it's an open network13:09
celltechWould server 11.04 work just like regular 11.0413:09
Stanley00dhruvasagar: It depend on what exactly key combination. can you give an example?13:09
Andrils1: i am a noob - and screwed till the http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&cd=13&ved=0CCoQFjACOAo&url=http%3A%2F%2Fmarkmail.org%2Fmessage%2Fwyhn754g52bwwivf&ei=GDSYTo7lDueMsAKh2t3vBA&usg=AFQjCNGFkue9AINXSZKHO3_lpuPRKY1xOA is fixed - there are countless remedies and none work13:09
qinkeanu: Same think (from setting point of view)13:10
qinAndril: try goo.gl to shorten links13:10
dhruvasagarStanley00: Alt+` that's the key combination I am talking about.13:10
craigbass1976MonkeyDust, I run the  ssh -Y [user]@[ip address] "[app]" and it's fine.  I'd like a shell script to do it that I can launch with an icon.  Is it possible for the terminal to just close when I shut whatever app I started?13:10
neo84enchilado: That's stuck too :(13:10
albertoHello everyone13:11
Andrilsorry it was a copy and paste error13:11
mxhello there, hello to you too, alberto13:11
albertoHow are you all?13:11
drapedupis there a remote desktop/vnc server/client that is fast enough over gigabit wired ethernet to stream 1080p+ video?13:12
enchiladoneo84: Hrm. Well, as I said, I can't really help... good luck with that :/13:12
mxfine, thank you. yourself ?13:12
drapedupxrdp is not doing it for me. I tried nx, but it didn't work the way I wanted it to either13:12
neo84enchilado: :|13:12
albertoFine too, thank you.13:12
phlak_userdrapedup: why would you use vnc to do that?13:12
mxgreat (:13:12
Stanley00dhruvasagar: wow, it make me switching through app window13:12
qindrapedup: vlc is designed for streaming13:12
dhruvasagarStanley00: it opens some sort of window with apps, but further pressing of Alt+` isn't doing anything13:13
Stanley00dhruvasagar: say, if you have 2 window of xchat, you will go through that 2 windows via ALT+` :D13:13
drapedupphlak_user: I just want to know if it's possible.13:13
albertoHas any of you already installed Ubuntu 11.10?13:13
phlak_useralberto: yes13:13
dhruvasagarStanley00: Oh My!13:13
mxweekend is close again, the sun is shining (at least here), so everything is alright!13:13
albertoI guess everybody's asking the same question but... Will we ever be able to go back to Gnome 2?13:13
dhruvasagarStanley00: I was hitting my head on the walls trying to figure out what the hell it is...13:13
dhruvasagarStanley00: well at least my key combination is being used for a good purpose...13:13
SPeku_why cant i find netbeans in software center? i have ubuntu 11.1013:14
Stanley00dhruvasagar: thanks for that suggest, I have found that combination for along time =))13:14
zipR4NDhi all, just installed 11.10, having problems with samba domain logons13:14
F1skri get this error when running the version of deluge that comes with 11.10: http://pastie.org/2694712 what could cause this?13:14
zipR4NDi guess the problem is the conversation from gdm to lightdm13:15
albert_hi, i want to install ubuntu via debootstrap. that runs fine. however, is there an easy way to do all the rest of the setup, ie. automatic configuring of fstab, etc, just like the original setup would do?13:15
zipR4NDhow do i configure lightdm for samba domain logons & Home dir export from pdc?13:15
kaolc2Hey. I'm having trouble with networking under Ubuntu. Basically, any Windows boxes or phones that connect to my wireless network work "out of the box", but for some reason I am not getting the DNS server correctly set under my connection - it's getting set to 192168.0.1? Which I suspect is the problem. I manually set it to Google's, and upon reconnecting I got on IRC somehow, but websites still don't work. Any suggestions?13:15
dhruvasagarStanley00: :)13:16
phlak_userkaolc2: using network-manager?13:16
kaolc2phlak_user: Yes13:16
albertoI guess everybody's asking the same question but... Will we ever be able to go back to Gnome 2?13:16
kaolc2I have no experience with manually setting everything up, shame on me13:16
drapedupKallunki: that IP should be the address of your network gateway13:16
drapedupKallunki: oops nick typo, sorry13:16
Daraelalberto: Nope.  Upstream dropped it, and Ubuntu hasn't the resources to maintain a fock.13:17
BurpsHi : under hardy, why does "openssl req -batch [] -passin pass:foo" keeps askign me to "Enter PEM pass phrase" (while it doesn't with the other regular debian I have ..)13:17
deebee_!gnome2 | alberto13:17
ubottualberto: The GNOME Foundation has ceased support for GNOME 2, and as such it is not in Ubuntu 11.10 (Oneiric Ocelot). See !notunity for an alternative desktop experience.13:17
bazhang!notunity | alberto13:17
ubottualberto: Ubuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions drowpdown. Using Natty? See !classic13:17
mydogsnameisrudyalbert_,  yes install 11.0413:17
kuchikui now can connect to the internet using the command " pon dsl-provider" is there an app that allow me to connect wihout using the command ?13:18
scotty73SPeku_: Netbeans -> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/netbeans/+bug/82275313:18
ubottuUbuntu bug 822753 in netbeans (Ubuntu) "Please remove netbeans package from Ubuntu Oneiric universe repo" [Undecided,Fix released]13:18
albert_mydogsnameisrudy: what do you mean? why? I just need to configure fstab, etc13:18
PastulioHello everybody!13:18
kaolc2so now I've manually set my DNS to and as I said, IRC loaded, but websites don13:19
deebee_albert_: He's confusing you with alberto13:19
mydogsnameisrudyalbert_,  sorry that was for alberto13:19
celltechSo I take it no one knows if ubuntu server 11.04 can be substituted for regular 11.0413:19
tomodachianyone else noticed that there are no "icons" after the upgrade?13:20
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PastulioWhere is the samba init script located on ubuntu? I looked for smbd and samba in /etc/init.d/ but can't find it.13:20
Daraelcelltech: Ubuntu Server uses the same repositories, but installs a different kernel by default, and a few things like that.13:20
deebee_celltech: You can use Ubuntu Server as a desktop OS, but the default kernel is optimised for server based tasks, and the GUI isn't installed by default13:20
Henry01I must restart... Ic ome back in few minutes.13:20
celltechI might wanna do that. cause it requires less ram to run13:20
wolfricwhat's the deal with the new ubuntu. how do i resize the toolbars at the bottom/top of the page on "ubuntu classic" aka gnome13:20
wolfricthere's no right click13:21
s1Andril: can you get to a Console/tty at that point!13:21
celltechos 11.04 is 348mb and server 11.04 is only 12813:21
phlak_usercelltech: thats because it doesnt have the display manager/desktop environment/office productivity suite/sound+media/graphics packages etc13:22
PastulioI have a clean install of Ubuntu 11.04 amd 64. I have configured my /etc/samba/smb.conf file, but I am unable to find the startup script in ubuntu.13:22
PastulioDoes anybody know where this is located?13:22
celltechhmmm... would i be able to instal sound and video?13:22
phlak_usercelltech: you can install whatever you want13:23
celltechSo server is just a bare stripped down version of desktop. and I can put in only what I want and use? :D13:23
deebee_Pastulio: startup scripts are usually located in /etc/init.d/ . If you'd like to start/stop a service, just use the service command, "sudo service samaba start"13:23
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Daraelcelltech: No.  It uses a different kernel.  Use the alternate CD, or mini.iso, to do a minimal install.13:24
albertoIs it possible to use Compiz with Gnome 3?13:24
celltechYeah cause I just want normal desktop, sound, video playback. and my VM... I don't use all the other stuff13:24
celltechThere's so much I don't need13:24
Flanneldeebee_, Pastulio: daemon is smbd, so: sudo restart smbd (and apparently sudo restart nmbd) (https://help.ubuntu.com/11.04/serverguide/C/samba-fileserver.html)13:25
Pastuliodeebee_, I've looked for "samba" and "smbd" in /etc/init.d, but I cant find it. "service samba start" or "service smbd start" return "unrecognised service"13:25
Daraelcelltech: mini.iso has the advantage that it's about fifteen megs, and downloads the latest version of all packages from the server, so if there's been package updates one doesn't have to download the old versions that may be on the CD.13:25
deebee_Darael: Do as Darael suggested and use one of the alternate install CDs, rather than going for server13:25
Daraeldeebee_: Uh... :P13:26
celltechNice. Does 11.10 have mini.iso?13:26
Pastuliodeebee_, I am however running the desktop edition, but samba should be installed by default (configuring now via putty)13:26
celltechI have a thumbdrive and I'm willing to update :)13:26
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Daraelcelltech: Almost certainly.13:26
deebee_Flannel: I was guessing on the daemon name :)13:26
bfreisHow can I remove an application from the "Activities" suggestions when I type something? The actual problem is: when I open "Activities" and type "emacs", the first suggestion is "Emacs (text)", so I have to reach the "down" key to select "Emacs (X11)", which is really annoying13:26
ironhalikHello, is there a way to make the lancher autohide? CCSM and ubuntu plugin seems to fail now13:26
Andrils1: yes i can13:26
celltechSee I love linux and os upgrades cause all my media, pics, and music stay intact. You don't lose anything... and the OS upgrades13:27
PastulioThis is pretty confusing13:27
Daraelcelltech: yes, it does. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD13:27
bfreisUntil yesterday, with 11.04, I used "Gnome-do", which used to learn my preferences... the Activities windows simply ignores my choices and keeps suggesting me the wrong things13:27
Mjolinoranyone tell me how to remove 11.10 back to 11.04 without reinstalling13:27
bastidrazorMjolinor: you can not downgrade.13:27
Andrils1: trying a reinstall - if that doesn't work i am going to do like the masses and revert back to LTS13:27
sandra_phlak_user, well my nautilus is broken and I can't even get into the system file in order to remove the command we typed in lol13:27
celltechSo the steps to getting 11.10 mini would be? cause I'd love to save disk space, and bare minimum instal13:28
Mjolinorso its a reinstall then13:28
bastidrazorMjolinor: that it is.13:28
deebee_Pastulio: Have you double checked to make sure the package is installed? "dpkg -l | grep samba" (or whatever the package name is)13:28
Mjolinorok, anyone knwo wehn it will be fixed so it works?13:28
phlak_usersandra_: cant you get into a terminal?13:28
PastulioApparently samba was not installed by default on ubuntu desktop13:28
Pastuliodeebee_, I just apt-get installed it and now it works13:28
keanuqin, I think there's a NetworkManager regression of https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/network-manager/+bug/82426013:28
ubottuUbuntu bug 824260 in network-manager (Ubuntu) "Network Manager fails to connect to, or create a wireless connection for, an all-numeric SSID" [Medium,Triaged]13:28
phlak_usersandra_: i can guide you on commandline13:28
s1Andril: nice , and have you tried one of those steps taking in this but .. https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/lightdm/+bug/81664613:28
sandra_oh I can get into terminal I just don't know how to remove that command via the terminal.13:28
ubottuUbuntu bug 816646 in lightdm (Ubuntu) "no log in screen due to lightdm greeter not being installed" [Medium,Fix released]13:28
deebee_Pastulio: glad you got it sorted :)13:28
Flannelcelltech: mini iso vs alternate iso won't save any "disk space" (well, except the six hundred megs or whatnot of the ISO that you download originally)13:28
cba123I just upgraded to 11.10 from 11.04, and the only issue I seem to be having is the theming looks odd.  http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/510/screenshot003rd.png/ it happened in 11.04, but I'd just do "killall nautilus" and it'd fix.  Isn't working here.  Any advice?13:28
Pastuliodeebee_, weird that all the directories were already created though, figured it would be installed. Thanks for the help13:28
sandra_phlak_user, I have the terminal open13:29
Su-GeI just installed ubuntu 11.10 on my laptop, but the Document Manager "Nautilus" keeps crash with error, "Segment fault". Anyone has the same problem with me?13:29
phlak_usersandra_: type this -> sudo apt-get remove nautilus-gksu13:29
s1Andril: if you going to reinstall .. GRUB paramteres worth a try.13:29
riclasis it possible to change the upgrade repo? my upgrade is failing because of a 403 forbidden on a package...13:29
keanuI started NetworkManager with --no-daemon and have the same error messages as listed in that ticket13:29
andyHey guys, im using gnome3 and realised the panel at the bottom does not show all my applications.Is there any way to add that?13:29
keanus/ticket/bug report/13:29
Mjolinorcan soemone tell me where the applications are now in 11.10?13:29
s1lemm now if you going to.13:30
celltechahh crap. does VirtualBox have a chat?13:30
celltechI need to increase the allowed disk space and I don't know how to do that13:30
Pastuliocellardoor, #vbox13:30
phlak_userMjolinor: inside dash home, second icon at the bottom13:30
sandra_phlak_user, okay done anything else I need to type in at this point ?13:30
deebee_riclas: If you're using Update Manager, just click the "Settings..." button at the bottom13:31
airtonixandy: panel at the bottom? it's not supposed to show all your applications13:31
phlak_usersandra_: just type nautilus to confirm its working fine13:31
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Mjolinorgese soem improvements these, from menu group applicatins you now have at least 10 mouse clicks to get where you want to go13:31
airtonixandy: unless i'm mistaken it's like the notification area from gnome213:31
phlak_userMjolinor: no need to click; just type in the search bar13:32
andyairtonix, ok I thought I may do as I saw other had that. (in screenshops), its got allarm clock and removable devices at the mo13:32
Mjolinorgreast that, could jsut remove X and type what i wnat in a terminal;13:32
airtonixandy: mind showing me the screenshot?13:32
riclasty deebee_13:32
airtonixandy: is it cba123s screenshot?13:33
sandra_phlak_user, sadly nautilus is not working w/out errors now.13:33
andyairtonix, ill find one quick, not sure with your last question13:33
Semtexdoes anyone know what is the diffrence between gnome-shell and gnome-session-fallback ?13:33
phlak_usersandra_: what are the errors?13:33
Emmanuel_ChanelI cannot install wine on 11.10...13:33
Mjolinorany help wuith that13:33
sandra_phlak_user, I clicked on file and nautilus box disapeared on me again lol13:33
MjolinorI dont have an option to select GNOME classic on my login screen13:34
Pici!notunity | Mjolinor13:34
ubottuMjolinor: Ubuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions drowpdown. Using Natty? See !classic13:34
Emmanuel_ChanelWhen I try to install it, apt-get tries to delete important packages...13:34
phlak_usersandra_: were there any errors on the terminal from where you launched nautilus?13:34
SemtexMjolinor, it is there13:34
sandra_lol looks like I'm going to have reload 11.1013:34
Semtexits the cog icon13:34
MonkeyDustMjolinor: unity is the bug, mint is the solution13:34
FireRailzHi. I currently have 11.04 installed via Wubi. Is there a way I can make another seperate installation of 11.10 usind wubi so I can tripple boot Windows, 11.04, and then 11.10?13:35
arghxEmmanuel_Chanel: where do you get wine from?13:35
Emmanuel_Chaneloops... I should say aptitude... apt-get doesn't when I see...13:35
ellis_Hi, does anyone know if there will be dependency errors in 11.04 if I remove some of the packaged software after install? e,g banshee, bluetooth etc13:35
jiltdilhi what happend to cheese? It's not working good13:35
sandra_phlak_user,(nautilus:2147): Gtk-CRITICAL **: gtk_action_set_visible: assertion `GTK_IS_ACTION (action)' failed13:35
Emmanuel_ChanelI don't really know. default...13:35
arghxEmmanuel_Chanel: aptitude and apt-get use the same repos. exact same13:35
phlak_usersandra_: anything after that? like segmentation fault?13:36
Semtexbut I would like to know what is the diffrence between gnome-shell and gnome-session-fallback ?13:36
Luci4n0goodnight all .. bye13:36
arghxEmmanuel_Chanel: apt-cache policy <wine package>13:36
Calinou_try to use the PPA Emmanuel_Chanel13:36
enchiladoLuci4n0: bye!13:36
Calinou_Semtex: fallback == gnome 2, classic13:36
Calinou_shell == gnome 3 or whatever13:36
freshinstallHi, I've just installed 11.10, all I get is a message "Mountall: disconnected from Plymouth"  Any suggestions?13:36
sgs2_usranyone here has solution to bluetooth problem?13:36
sgs2_usrcan't transfer file13:37
Semtexthanks Calinou_13:37
puffWhen is the next LTS release of Ubuntu coming out?13:37
xranbypuff:  in about 6 months13:37
arghxpuff: in april13:37
Semtexwhich one should I use if I want to stay with the 'ubuntu classic style'?13:37
andyairtonix, here are some screenshots http://live.gnome.org/GnomeShell/Screenshots the applications seem to be at the bottom right13:37
pokkerfaceubuntu 11.10 cant delete icons in the top bar using gnome classic13:37
sean-wDoes anyone know why flash-plugininstaller still uses nspluginwrapper with flash 11 on amd64?13:37
freshinstallSemtex, install gnome-panel then choose "gnome classic"13:37
AndrilS1: reinstalled and it booted - but i didn't check the 2 options in the beginning - so it seems to be the 3rd party items producing the error13:37
jiltdilcheese is giving bluish redish line , how to fix this?13:37
sandra_let me reboot I shall return13:37
xranbySemtex: if you install gnome-session  then you will also get a gnome "classic" login option13:38
Semtexyeah I also get that with gnome-shell and gnome-session-fallback ?13:38
puffarghx: Thanks.  I'm on 10.4 LTS but apparently my hardware (thinpad t520 with optimus/nvidia) has significant issues that need a more recent install.13:38
pokkerfacehow do you delete configure the top bar in ubuntu 11.10 using gnome classic?13:38
Semtexjust wondering which is the best one13:38
cutiyarmy new ubuntu does not turn off , just go to lock screen13:38
Semtexpokkerface: alt and right click13:38
phlak_userSemtex: if you want to save on screen real-estate; unity is the way to go13:39
jiltdilAny one have issue with webcam cheese?13:39
pokkerfaceSemtex do you play cod?13:39
Calinou_!ot | pokkerface13:39
ubottupokkerface: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!13:39
Semtexpokkerface: no why?13:39
pokkerfaceyour name13:39
Semtexphlak_user: I have a 22" monitor and 32" tv in dual screen13:39
SemtexI have enough screen estate!13:39
phlak_userSemtex: you surely do :)13:40
Mjolinorwhat  11.10 needs is a rename, it shoudl be called windows13:40
pokkerfacewhy does evolution is not integrated to the right of the bar in gnome classic? is it possible to add it?13:40
sean-wWhat command do I use to re enable my 3rd party repos after the dist-upgrade?13:40
SemtexMjolinor: did you find the gnome classic option?13:40
phlak_userpokkerface: evolution is not the default email client in 11.10; its thunderbird13:41
e75every time i try starting X, I get failed to load module flgrx. module does not exist. it's installed though and i even loaded it up with modprobe. then i get "no screens found".13:41
airtonixandy: yeah that's the notification area13:41
cutiyarmy new ubuntu does not turn off , just go to lock screen13:41
ntr0pyhow can i set subpixel rendering in Gnome3?13:41
MjolinorI iwll shortly, I keep haiving teo use hte on off button to shut it down as the kboard and mouse stop working13:41
arghxe75: dpkg -l |grep fglrx13:41
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sandra_phlak_user, unfortunately nautilus is now busted lol13:41
andyairtonix, what applications should appear there?13:41
airtonixandy: there is in fact a gnome3 extension to have that positioned in the top right if you want13:41
pokkerfacephlak_user: ok, but if i configure thunderbird, does it appearon the right at the top bar?13:41
=== whoever is now known as Guest30504
gnotarashello all. I want to download all the released updates (in deb package format) for a specific Ubuntu release. I want to store them in an external storage device and create local repository to use in a situation that internet access is not available.13:42
airtonixandy: typcially any application that has a notification icon13:42
sandra_phlak_user, what video card are you currently using ?13:42
pokkerfacei had the mail there in 11.0413:42
e75arghx: yeah, it didn't list anything13:42
DaraelSince I upgraded to Oneiric, all buttons and dropdowns in the various config boxes are unreadable - white text on a very-light-grey background - in all themes but the High Contrast ones.13:42
jiltdilHi can anyone  fixed  cheese ?13:42
xranbypokkerface: yes i will appear in the mail menu13:42
gnotarascould anyone give some insight about which directories contain the updates?13:42
andyairtonix, I thought many of my applications would be down there but there not13:42
airtonixandy: and i notice each empathy chat session with a user has an individual icon too13:42
phlak_usersandra_: its onboard (whatever comes with the EEEPC 1005H)13:42
xranbypokkerface: also if you recive a mail you will get a notification top right13:42
gnotarasi have experience with redhat based distror, but no experience with debian/ubuntu13:42
arghxe75: then I don't think you have any drivers for radeons from amd installed at all13:42
arghxgnotaras: which updates where?13:43
pokkerfacewhy unity for a desktop????????????? only tell me that13:43
zastaphdoes 11.04 upgrade to 11.10 with sudo apt-get upgrade ?13:43
andyairtonix i literally just have to applications down there and would like my chat one and some others like my music player13:43
pokkerfaceit would be ok for a tablet nothin else13:43
phlak_usersandra_: and have also installed 11.10 on a lenovo ideapad s10-313:43
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sandra_phlak_user, it looks like I'm going to have to reload 11.10 *sigh*13:43
gnotarasarghx: want to download the updated deb packages13:43
arghxgnotaras: all packages you download are in /var/cache/apt/archives/  but you should look into apt-cacher-ng, apt-proxy or similar13:43
airtonixandy: you don't "put" applications there manually13:43
phlak_usersandra_: why would you do that? just reinstall nautilus-gksu and try13:43
Mjolinorcheers for hte help, got a sort of recognisable desktop now. Just need to find how to do the things that have changed13:44
sandra_I did13:44
sandra_it's still not working13:44
Semtexzastaph: no you need to do dist-upgrade13:44
e75arghx: i've made sure fglrx is installed. modprobe -l even shows it loaded. or is flgrx just a generic driver? if so, not to bug, but do you know how to get ahold of ati drivers from cli?13:44
phlak_usersandra_: you removed; did you install?13:44
andyairtonix,i thought I may need to setup notifications for certain apps13:44
deebee_gnotaras: You can download the alternate CD iso and then run /media/cdrom/cdromupgrade and select "no" to using the network13:44
sandra_yes I did13:44
JadedJacobjust found a driver cd for my internal adsl modem, it says 'linux drivers, 2.4.16 and 2.2.7'13:44
Stanley00zastaph: dont know, but update-manager  will13:44
Mjolinorthink maybe it's time to move onto soemthing else, its a shame really. I havent used any other OS on any computer since version 613:44
s1Andril: Cheers buddy .. Glad it worked for you this time , well done. / i've never check those 3rd party boxs.13:44
zastaphSemtex, and then I will have the same product as if I installed 11.10 from scratch?13:44
gnotarasarghx: no. i need to go to an ftp site and download them. eg: ftp://ftp.ntua.gr/pub/linux/ubuntu/13:44
JadedJacobI assume that's the kernel versions.13:44
FireRailzCan I keep my wubi installed 11.04 and install an additional installation of 11.10 thats seperate from my 11.04?13:44
andyairtonix, lol. I will leave it then, thanks.13:45
Mjolinorif it aint broke, don't fix it is a good lesson for Ubuntu developers I think13:45
Semtexzastaph: if the upgrade works correctly then yes13:45
gnotarasdeebee_: where do i find a dvd with the updates so as to do the ``cdromupgrade`` ?13:45
phlak_usersandra_: can you run nautilus -c in a terminal (self check)13:45
deebee_gnotaras: 2 seconds13:45
zastaphCurrently I run Ubuntu in vbox on windows host.. I didn't notice Wubi until now.. how do they compare? is it a custom virtualization engine?13:45
Emmanuel_Chanelarghx and Calinou: I could install wine by apt-get with no trouble... I don't know why aptitude occurs the problem...13:45
arghxe75: if there is no package at all installed which has "fglrx" as part of the name then the drivers are not installed. and you said there'd be none13:45
arghxEmmanuel_Chanel: what problem exactly?13:46
arghx!errors | Emmanuel_Chanel13:46
ubottuEmmanuel_Chanel: If you have problems or errors, you will need to describe/paste them. Please use the !pastebin for errors that cannot be quoted in a single IRC message13:46
freshinstallHi, I've just installed 11.10, all I get is a message "Mountall: disconnected from Plymouth"   X does not start - Any suggestions?13:46
gnotarasdeebee_, arghx: thanks folks13:46
Semtexzastaph: no idea13:46
Daraelzastaph: No, it isn't - it installs to a filesystem in a file on one's Windows partition.13:46
deebee_gnotaras: Grab the appropriate ISO with "alternate" in the name from this page http://www.ubuntu.com/download/ubuntu/alternative-download13:46
arghxfreshinstall: can you log in? can you run startx?13:46
pokkerface11.04 was much faster than this13:46
airtonixandy: http://www.webupd8.org/2011/10/official-gnome-shell-extensions.html13:46
gnotarasdeebee_: ok...13:46
Daraelzastaph: When Ubuntu is running, after a Wubi install, Windows is not, but it's done in such a way that repartitioning the drive is not necessary.13:46
freshinstallarghx, yeah, startx works13:47
e75arghx: yeah, but fglrx is installed. i've reinstalled it just to maybe see if it'd fix a broken .conf file somewhere maybe.f13:47
zastaphDarael, ah so its actually dual boot?13:47
longBreast big,13:47
deebee_gnotaras: depending on whether you're running 32 or 64 bit13:47
carstenHey, just upgraded to 10.11 and somehow youtube flickers like an insane, guess it's flash or sound problem, anyone has same problem? (Chrome browser)13:47
arghxe75: how exactly did you reinstall it?13:47
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neo84Hi, I have uninstalled Kbuntu, still after boot i can see kbuntu sceen13:47
ubottuSamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.13:47
andyairtonix, thanks.I have banshee on there now. I just turned on notifications13:47
deebee_gnotaras: Use the torrents if you want a faster download13:47
andyairtonix, i will have a look at extentions :)13:47
arghxe75: and reinstalling will NEVER fix config files if they are broken13:47
sandra_phlak_user, root@HP-HDX-18-Notebook-PC:~/Desktop# nautilus13:48
sandra_Initializing nautilus-gdu extension13:48
sandra_** Message: Initializing gksu extension...13:48
sandra_Initializing nautilus-open-terminal extension13:48
sandra_** (nautilus:2263): DEBUG: Syncdaemon not running, waiting for it to start in NameOwnerChanged13:48
sandra_Nautilus-Share-Message: Called "net usershare info" but it failed: 'net usershare' returned error 255: net usershare: cannot open usershare directory /var/lib/samba/usershares. Error No such file or directory13:48
FloodBot1sandra_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.13:48
arghxneo84: what is your bootloader?13:48
Daraelzastaph: It's not the usual method of dual-booting, which requires partitioning the hard drive, but yes.  In effect.  There are a couple of minor issues that make it preferable to do a "proper" dual-boot if one is sufficiently confident.13:48
e75arghx: sudo apt-get install --reinstall flgrx13:48
neo84how o check13:48
deebee_gnotaras: use these instructions once you have the CD - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OneiricUpgrades#Upgrading_Using_the_Alternate_CD.2BAC8-DVD13:48
airtonixzastaph: a wubi install of ubuntu is reliant on the health of your windows ntfs partition... just something to think about (it actually makes use of grubs ability to load from other places than real partitions i think)13:48
carstenAnyone has problems with youtube after install 10.11 ?13:48
neo84arghx: how to check13:48
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.13:49
sandra_opps did I do something wrong ?13:49
gnotarasdeebee_: maybe i didn't word it properly. I need to download the released updates that are not part of specific release. For instance, I need to download all the updates of the official 11.04 release13:49
zastaphi would prefer the grub way too.. wubi sounds a bit like a hack :)13:49
arghxneo84: where do you "see" kubuntu then?13:49
zambai have huge problems with my desktop after upgrading to ubuntu 11.10.. first of, i use alt + f1, alt + f2, alt + f3 and so on to switch between workspaces13:49
zipR4NDanyone can help me with samba domain logons+exported user homes on lightdm ? can't get it to work in 11.1013:49
carstensandra - read what ubottu says, paste.ubuntu.com13:49
arghxzastaph: it is. many people in here don't support wubi for a reason13:49
sandra_phlak_user, I hope that read out helps.13:49
e75arghx: modprobe -l |grep fglrx even shows fglrx =S13:49
phlak_usersandra_: you needed to use pastebin :)13:49
airtonixzipR4ND: are you followin a guide on hwo to do that ?13:49
phlak_usersandra_: also, why are you logged in as root?13:49
neo84argx : after boot when login page comes13:50
deebee_gnotaras: what are you actually trying to acheive though?13:50
arghxe75: that's the kernel driver only. which is only a very very small part of the driver. check your Xorg.0.log when it fails to run13:50
zastaphbut so far Ubuntu runs fine in vbox.. but for my next computer I'll consider leaving Ubuntu as host, and windows as virtualized environment.. the problem is still gaming though.. I don't thinK I can use a windows license for both virtualization and native13:50
SqueebHi, i've updated to 11.10, re-installed the NVIDIA drivers and even though I can see that Xorg is using the 'nvidia' driver and checked that nvidia is listed in lsmod, the UI is practically unusable13:50
zipR4NDairtonix: no, i have working configs for pam, nss and gdm, but in 11.04 its broken13:50
arghxe75: and what's in your xorg.conf or xorg.conf.d/ ?13:50
gnotarasupdate a ubuntu installation without internet connection13:50
SqueebI downloaded mesa-utils and ran glxgears only to find that I'm getting about 2FP S13:50
zambai've switched to gnome classic, but all my terminals insist on having a menubar, even though the preferences says they shouldn't have13:50
mediat0rwhat's the name of the default graphical sound manager on ubuntu?13:50
sandra_phlak_user, it happens in root and regular user mode13:50
airtonixzipR4ND: ok just curious.13:50
Squeebanybody having the same issue?13:50
deebee_gnotaras: As in update from 11.04 to 11.10?13:50
FireRailzdoes anyone know where i can find formation on installing a second wubi installed version of ubuntu i have 11.04 it works fine im nervous on upgrading i want to install 11.10 fresh alongside windows, and 11.0413:50
arghxSqueeb: reinstalled the drivers from where?13:51
zipR4NDdoes anyone no something about this lighdm?13:51
airtonixzipR4ND: you could use the webkit lightdm engine and make an ajax login13:51
Andrils1: thanks13:51
jiltdilCheese is not working well , the pic quality is very bad  and it has greenish and some redish line .How to fix this?13:51
Efrinis it possible to have top bar in ubuntu in the bottom?13:51
Squeebarghx: at first via aptitude13:51
airtonixzipR4ND: with jquery13:51
phlak_usersandra_: the errors that you seem to be getting are referring to some samba shares13:51
Squeebthen removed and tried via nvidia's direct download13:51
neo84arghx : i installed kbuntu-desktop13:51
zipR4NDairtonix: why?13:51
airtonixzipR4ND: just an option13:51
Squeebsame issue on both13:51
zipR4NDairtonix: my logons work, just it seems not to mount the user homes13:51
anAngelhello. how can i check logs or something why ubuntu hangs on startup/initialization?13:51
Daraelzastaph: One can use a Windows licence for one machine at a time.  If it's an OEM licence, for one machine ever.  A VM is, for this purpose, a different machine to native.13:51
zipR4NDfrom the samba pdc13:51
gnotarasdeebee_: no. just update it. I m not looking to upgrade to the new release13:51
e75arghx: yeah xorg.0.log shows the same information. "fglrx does not exist; return 0" "no screens found"13:51
deebee_gnotaras: or are you wanting to apply the latest security/bug fix updates without switching release?13:51
phlak_usersandra_: can you pastebin the output as a normal user when you type nautilus -c?13:51
gnotarasdeebee_: exactly that13:52
arghxe75: hence you have fglrx not installed13:52
phlak_user!pastebin | sandra_13:52
ubottusandra_: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.13:52
airtonixzipR4ND: i assume you are asking in #samba ?13:52
sandra_phlak_user, looks like there is a reload in my immediate future lol13:52
e75arghx: then how would i go about installing it?13:52
Squeebarghx: Xorg appears to be using 50% cpu13:52
gnotarasdeebee_: is this possible to download the security updates for 11.04?13:52
Squeebit's like it's ignoring nvidia all together13:52
zipR4NDairtonix: no, it's a lightdm problem13:52
cutiyarany help?13:52
zipR4NDi can login my users on the console without problems13:52
Nierosall i've been hearing about lately is probelsm with lightdm13:52
zastaphDarael, so.. with non-OEM windows's its possible to run it both virtualized and native? it'll pass authentication on both?13:52
galewolfHello!  My upgrade to 11.10 failed with many instances of the following error, followed by "system could be in an unusable state".  Any suggestions? "dpkg: error: configuration error: /etc/dpkg/dpkg.cfg.d/multiarch:1: unknown option 'foreign-architecture'"13:53
arghxe75: like any other package. name is "fglrx". e.g. use apt-get13:53
anAngelbrb to try to restart the router once again13:53
Daraelzastaph: With a retail licence, one is still supposed to have it installed on only one machine at a time.13:53
deebee_gnotaras: I'm not sure to be honest. It's not something I've done. Apologies for mis-understanding your question13:53
arghxSqueeb: I don't support nvidia.com packages (neither does this channel afaik). they break your distro13:53
s1win 1413:53
arghxSqueeb: I suggest you ask nvidia. channel #nvidia13:53
Squeebarghx: even the ones packaged with ubuntu?13:53
e75arghx: ... i've already done that, several times. apt-get install fglrx.13:53
arghxgnotaras: of course it is dowable13:53
airtonixzastaph: ? there is no virtualisation with wubi occuring13:53
arghxe75: dpkg -l fglrx13:53
zastaphI think gaming is preventing many people from going full Ubuntu :)13:54
arghxSqueeb: what nvidia chip do you have?13:54
gnotarasdeebee_: no no. probably I worded it poorly. Thanks for the info though., I had no idea about that cdromupdate feature. ;)13:54
s1Err, zipR4ND .. you meant " lightdm " , not lighdm.13:54
neo84argx : to unistall i did aptitude remove kbuntu-desktop13:54
zipR4NDs1: yes,13:54
zastaphairtonix, no wasnt talking about wubi in that context13:54
deebee_gnotaras: would this section have any tips that may help - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingSoftware#Installing_packages_without_an_Internet_connection13:54
arghxneo84: that's only a virtual package. uninstall the kdebase* package(s) for example13:54
Daraelzastaph: To some extent, I concur.  Unfortunately, there's little we can do about it.  We could get more games - but we've got /loads/ already, and more all the time.13:55
Nierosso, I've done a full repair/ update/ etc etc and for some reason unity still isn't behaving properly.  I don't get a sidebar launcher, or the normal top bar.13:55
gnotarasarghx: which directory has them. i am confused13:55
Nieroseverything works in a round about way13:55
Nierosbut my basic interface is crippled13:55
e75arghx: yeah it shows fglrx13:55
gnotarasdeebee_: thanks that will probably help me a lot .13:55
arghxgnotaras: which directory has what?13:55
Squeebso is anyone else seeing this massive *lag* with the UI?13:55
Nierosanyone point me in the right direction to see what I can do? even if it's just the right questions to ask.13:55
gnotarasarghx: the security updates mate :)13:55
DaraelSince I upgraded to Oneiric, all buttons and dropdowns in the various config boxes are unreadable - white text on a very-light-grey background - in Ambiance, Radiance, /and/ but the High Contrast ones are usable.  Problem is, /they/ are ugly.13:56
osmosisDid a clean install of 11.04 on my samsung series 9.  Trying to boot, just see my screen flashing active and inactive over and over. nothing appears on screen, just black. I think its EFI related. Any suggestions?13:56
arghxgnotaras: here for example: http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/natty-security/13:56
Nierososmosis: if you do a ctrl+alt + 1 do you get a shell?13:56
andyIs there a way to get a mail notification in the gnome shell notification area?13:57
zipR4NDoh, sorry, just teaching someone irc13:57
phlak_userNieros: osmosis ctl+alt-f113:57
arghxgnotaras: for what you want I suggest you look into apt-cacher-ng or apt-proxy and the like, but your choice13:57
gnotarasdeebee_: very helpful document. thanks13:57
osmosisno shell.  i never get grub or anything. i see the disk access light going. appears to be some sort of loop13:58
osmosisi hear the system fan going on and off as well as if it is restarting13:58
irocksuhi are there any good resources on ubuntu update management?13:58
gnotarasarghx: but the actual deb packages are not there. Just metadata. This is different that what I expected. Please let me read the docs deebee_ pointed me at and I'll report back13:58
Squeebgod this is unusable13:58
deebee_gnotaras: I make no claims that it's good or correct advice, having not done it before :)13:58
Squeebwhat happened?13:58
Nierosso it's stuck in a reboot loop- have you tried to do a grub repair? or booted a live disc to look at it13:58
Squeebif I drag a window across my screen, it literally hangs for a few seconds13:58
osmosisNielsen, not sure what to look for. Its a clean install. Dont know what would need to be repaired13:59
irocksusuppose an administrator wants to update certain packages on one machine and distribute this change afterwards to all other computers... how would he do that?13:59
phlak_userirocksu: aptoncd13:59
ubottuAPTonCD is a tool with a graphical interface which allows you to create one or more CDs or DVDs with all of the packages you've downloaded via apt-get or aptitude, creating a removable repository that you can use on other computers - See also !offline13:59
arghxgnotaras: or that one :)14:00
gnotarasarghx: deebee_: this is probably the solution: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGet/Offline/Repository14:00
qjcganyone know if there have been changes to preseeding in 11.10?14:00
deebee_gnotaras: also see the suggestion that phlak_user just made to irocksu for another idea :)14:00
irocksuphlak_user: i will look into that14:00
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto14:00
gnotarasdeebee_: interesting too. thanks14:01
pokkerfacei 11.04 i had integrated the mail all the time... how can i do this in 11.10?14:01
DaraelSince I upgraded to Oneiric, all buttons and dropdowns in the various config boxes are unreadable - white text on a very-light-grey background - in Ambiance, Radiance, /and/ but the High Contrast ones are usable.  Problem is, /they/ are ugly.  Any ideas how I can get those elements looking as they ought to?14:01
pokkerfaceseems that i have to have opened thunderbird to be notified with new mail14:01
SqueebSince I upgraded to Oneiric, world war has broken out14:01
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deebee_Darael: I don't know for sure, but gnome-tweak-tool may provide you with some extra options to tweak that may allow you to fix it14:02
CompanionSqueeb, I blame you!14:02
s1zipR4ND: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LightDM14:02
jiltdilCheese is showing image in bad manner , blueish and rediah type how to fix this?14:02
=== lanchoa is now known as wiseqnet
Daraeldeebee_: I'll look into it.  Thanks.14:02
Squeebwasn't me, I just clicked on the friendly "Upgrade now, nothing will go wrong" button14:02
Squeeband now all hell's broken loose14:03
TheProfHello - Hope everyone is well.  I'm running 11.04 and I wanted to set up a common shared folder among all the users on my computer so they can read and write to it. What's the correct way to do so please?14:03
s1LightDM , didn't make it to the bot yet.14:03
freshinstallwell the answer to my question was <alt> <f1> - log in as root, startx, remove nvidia proprietary driver and reboot. x started ok.  machine is HP elitebook 8540p FYI.14:03
freshinstallhave a good night/day ppl14:03
Squeeblightdm definitely seems like hatred14:03
Squeebpure evil14:03
JadedJacobHi, if setup correctly is Linux kernel 2.4.16 secure?14:03
TheProfSqueeb, no bot response for sharing?14:04
popschdid anyone get the shoutcast plugin to work with rhythmbox? http://code.google.com/p/rhythmbox-shoutcast/wiki/HOWTO_Install14:04
Squeebit's probably14:04
Squeebjust easier to make a folder and chmod it 77714:04
computer_So is there a fix for a Laptop fan being full on all the time with 11.10?14:04
pokkerfaceis it possible to integrate email to the top bar at the right in gnome classic 11.10 ?seems that i have to have opened thunderbird to be notified with new mail14:04
TheProfSqueeb, it's a closed network so that might work.  Just create a shortcut on the desktops to that folder?14:04
Squeebyou want them to have a shared desktop ?14:05
phlak_userJadedJacob: define secure14:05
* Companion riddles on Squeeb 14:05
PiciTheProf: Create a folder somewhere, and set group ownership so that all of the users that you want to use it are in that same group.14:05
DaraelJadedJacob: The only completely secure computer is encased in concrete with no connections to anything.  However, it may be worth looking up "linux 2.4.16 known security issues" - if nothing turns up, then assume it's reasonably secure.14:05
TheProfSqueeb, not shared desktop - just a link to the folder from their desktop14:05
jattwhich is the best way of installing gnome 3 in maverick?14:06
SqueebWahayyy.. I appear to be in some sort of business with the graphics problem14:06
SqueebSwitch to GDM instead of lightdm14:06
Squeebre-install nvidia-17314:06
TheProfPici, OK so all my users are part of the group 'teachers' so I just assign the group's +R+W to teachers correct?14:06
Squeebchoose Ubuntu-2D14:06
deebee_Darael: what if I have a really big hammer? :)14:06
SqueebTheProf: yes14:06
p1l0tOneric Ocelot is Owesome! This old computer does better with the 2D mode though. Cant wait to load it on my netbook at full bore!14:06
tsaknorrisi need more assistance to autologin with xubuntu ( ihave ubuntu also but i want that xubuntu is first one)14:06
Squeebmkdir -p /some/shared/dir && chown -R :teachers /some/shared/dir && chmod -R g+ws /home/shared/dir14:07
artzrasearch to install Card ATI Radeon HD 5450  on kernel 3.0.0-0300rc214:07
scotty^p1lOt - The Unity interface is better than it was in Natty Narwhal?14:07
Squeebstickybit (+s) will make sure any new dirs created inherit the group14:07
galewolfupgrade to 11.10 failed with many instances of the following error "dpkg: error: configuration error: /etc/dpkg/dpkg.cfg.d/multiarch:1: unknown option 'foreign-architecture'" Any suggestions?14:08
artzraSqueeb : BadRequest (invalid request code or no such operation)14:08
TheProfSqueeb, OK I will check the sticky bit also.14:09
TheProfPici - thanks.14:09
scotty^The Radeon 5450 should run well on kernel 2.6.38 - it certainly does from the Natty Live CD14:09
SqueebTheProf: yea it's useful for inherting group permissions if you're not using some fancy ACL filesystem addon14:09
Daraeldeebee_: Then thou wilt damage the machine.  Besides, I never specified that was the /only/ security.14:09
scotty^If u want to use a 3.0 kernel u should use final or 3.01 instead of rc214:09
artzraok i try again14:09
deebee_Darael: Loosen up, I'm kidding :)14:10
JadedJacobDarael: thank you14:10
SqueebOk, yep .. using "Ubuntu" as your window manager seems to destroy graphics14:10
SqueebUbuntu 2D works14:10
Daraeldeebee_: I know.  I'm rather enjoying the idea of someone trying to break into the concrete block with an enormous hammer right now :P14:10
deebee_Darael: :)14:10
xuser1has ubun 11.10 gnome instaled by default?14:11
Squeebxuser1: yea14:11
xuser1ubuntu 11.10 have unity and gnome?14:11
Daraelxuser1: Not gnome2, since that's no longer supported.  But gnome3 is there.14:11
livingdaylightcan someone tell me what is the best screencapture for Ubuntu/linux? most like jing are windows-only compatible14:11
xuser1in know gnome 314:12
Darael!best | livingdaylight, thou shouldst be familiar with this one by now...14:12
ubottulivingdaylight, thou shouldst be familiar with this one by now...: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.14:12
xuser1but can i select to boot into gnome 3 ?14:12
zambawhere's the list of locales that should be generated?14:12
bbrandonUsing 11.10, is there anyway I can get the taskbar to look more like the one in 11.04?14:12
inzzzhi guys, is there a way to never hide the launcher, even when maximizing a window?14:13
livingdaylightDoes anyone know of any screencapture apps compatibel with Ubuntu/linux ?14:13
ntr0py11.10 is badly broken and wont fix14:14
MikeChelenlivingdaylight: recordmydesktop14:14
coz_livingdaylight,  there is  gtk-recordmydesktop14:14
Daraelbbrandon: If thou art looking for the ones that were also in older versions, which is to say the bars across the top and bottom, then thou shouldst install the gnome-panel package and use Gnome Fallback for thy session.14:14
xuser1livingdaylight: yes recordmydesktop14:14
artzraok i have not unisntall before !!!!14:14
livingdaylightis that a screencapture tool for copy and pasting screenshots?14:14
Daraelntr0py: Take it to -offtopic, please.  This is a support channel.14:14
MikeChelenlivingdaylight: oh actually that is for video14:14
coz_livingdaylight,  have  you pressed  "printscreen"  it should give you a screenshot14:15
Daraelntr0py: If I misread that, my apologies.14:15
xuser1just press print screen  key and it takes a screenshot14:15
MikeChelenlivingdaylight: try shutter if you want a dedicated app14:15
livingdaylightcoz_, yes, not the default ubuntu one... that saves to Desktop. I want something I can copy and paste14:15
coz_livingdaylight,  mm... let me check for other apps hold on14:16
MikeChelenlivingdaylight: why?14:16
livingdaylightMikeChelen, coz I share screen shots all day14:16
gumboCan I upgrade ubuntu from the .iso? if so, how?14:16
livingdaylightand saving them to Desktop is tedious14:16
coz_livingdaylight,  look at   "shutter"14:16
livingdaylightshutter, ok14:16
Stanley00!upgrade | gumbo14:16
ubottugumbo: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade14:16
Squeeblol 11.10 has so many bugs14:17
MikeChelenlivingdaylight: why using copy+paste?14:17
DaraelSince I upgraded to Oneiric, all buttons and dropdowns in the various config boxes are unreadable - white text on a very-light-grey background - in Ambiance, Radiance, /and/ but the High Contrast ones are usable.  Problem is, /they/ are ugly.  Any ideas how I can get those elements looking as they ought to?  I've tried gnome-tweak-tool but it doesn't have a suitable option.14:17
livingdaylightMikeChelen, to share14:17
xxiaodoes ubuntu-one support browser access like dropbox?14:17
gumboubottu: thanks14:17
ubottuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)14:17
Daraelxxiao: Yes, indeed, it does.  http://one.ubuntu.com14:17
PastulioDoes anybody know which service to reset on a windows machine to require reauthentication with samba?14:17
xxiaodon't want to install client on all the machines14:18
MikeChelenlivingdaylight: how are you sharing them that requires copy+paste? why saving the file to desktop not working14:18
Pastuliohave done some googling, but found nothing so far14:18
MikeChelen*why is14:18
xxiaoDarael: it's not obvious from their document though. thanks14:18
livingdaylightMikeChelen, sving to desktop just to then upload is time-consuming. Plus people prefer having a link they can opoen14:19
livingdaylightsharing over IM14:19
mfilipeI don't understand. why doesn't my unity hibernate?14:19
shadow_Xhow can i add repo. of ubuntu 11.04?14:19
shadow_Xrepositories i mean14:20
_trine.Xauthorityis empty14:20
_trinein johng14:20
Daraelshadow_X: Couldst thou clarify?  Dost thou desire to add the Natty repos to some other system, or to add a repository to Natty?14:20
xuser1livingdaylight: instant messaging?14:20
MikeChelenlivingdaylight: oh ok, you could try pointing the default save directory to a dropbox/ubuntuone public directory and then sharing that link directly14:20
Daraelshadow_X: If the former, what other system and why?14:20
livingdaylightxuser1, yes14:20
livingdaylightMikeChelen, too slow14:20
osmosisNielsen, im booted off the live usb now. Any ideas what I can troubleshoot?14:20
shadow_Xfor other apps to be updated because they are so outdated :D14:21
MikeChelenlivingdaylight: are you pasting the pic into the im or sending a link in the im?14:21
livingdaylightsending a link14:21
MikeChelenlivingdaylight: it would be the same number of clicks then. in each case you press some button for screenshot, then copy+paste a link14:22
osmosisgparted shows a fat16 (efi)  and an ext4, and an unknown (swap)14:22
Daraelshadow_X: Using a repository from one release with a different release is likely to cause trouble.  Why not just upgrade to Natty?  Or even to Oneiric...14:22
xxiaomy ubuntuone experience did not go well, authorize code did not go through(timeout), i am having a hard time to just login14:22
* cce is unable to start unity-2d-panel14:22
cceunity-2d-panel: [FATAL] Settings schema 'com.canonical.Unity2d.Panel' is not installed14:22
cceAny ideas?14:22
livingdaylightMikeChelen, no14:22
shadow_Xi don't want to upgrade because it's bloody time consuming for my netbook14:22
xxiaoon the other hand if canonical can do this one job well, see as good as dropbox, it will be super successful along14:22
MikeChelenxuser1: that is basically what i was suggesting except using dropbox/ubuntuone instead of sshfs14:23
lvhHi! Are there Ubuntu packages for node.js/npm anywhere I can/should use?14:23
shadow_Xi just want to update and upgrade the apps i use the most14:23
xxiao504 Gateway Time-out --- it's a shame--- bye ubuntu one14:23
xopeycce: can you manually install unity-2d-panel again with a force command?14:23
ccexopey: how do you do that?14:24
MikeChelenlvh: probably better off to clone npm from git14:24
troydmi have created a pool using mkfs.btrfs -L pool1 -d raid1 -m raid1 /dev/sdb /dev/sdc out of 2 2Gig devices14:24
troydmwhy is that it creates a pool of size 4 gigs14:24
Daraelshadow_X: As is say, using a repository from a later release on an earlier one is a) asking for trouble and b) highly unsupported.  Look into the existence of backports PPAs for the apps in question instead.14:24
ccexoepy: I'm kinda new to linux (old FreeBSD head)14:25
scarleoHi, I can no longer mount my nfs share in Oneiric, it mounted fine in Natty. What can I do?14:25
MrSassyPantsok, so xboard doesn't work, any other chess apps?14:25
cceapt-get -f install unity-2d-panel doesn't fix it14:25
matrix3000Does anyone have any good Ubuntu Cloud information14:25
cutiyarhow to upgrade from 10.10 to 11.04 with usb Disk?14:25
Daraeltroydm: Not that thou wilt /definitely/ not get an answer to that in here, but one might be forthcoming rather faster in #btrfs.14:26
livingdaylightMikeChelen, http://clip2net.com/s/1eZn414:26
scarleoI just get a access denied by server, but it works just fine on another computer14:26
waringhi, just got a new dell vostro 3550, trying to setup ubuntu lucid, but unable to find drivers14:26
Daraelcce: apt-get reinstall unity-2d-panel, perhaps?  Just an idea.14:26
waringany pointers?14:26
troydmDarael: thx14:26
xuser1livingdaylight:  if you want share screenshots via IM . why you do not use photosharing from your im client?14:27
galewolfCan someone help with an Oneiric upgrade failure?14:27
livingdaylightoh, boy14:27
scarleowaring, what drivers? Is something not working?14:27
TUBiiis it possible that 11.10 desctop torrent is not working?? im not a n00b, i used to DL from there, and its from the official site!14:27
livingdaylightis skype IM?14:27
cceDarael: "Invalid operation reinstall"14:27
waringscarleo, need driver for display, wireless14:27
Daraelcce: apt-get --reinstall install, then.14:28
Daraelgalewolf: The way we work in here is that we ask thee to describe the issue in reasonable detail, and then someone who thinks they can deal with that particular issue will respond.  Please give more info.14:28
cceDarael: ok, that re-installed it, but same error message14:28
xuser1yes i thinkskype is im14:28
galewolfupgrade to 11.10 failed with many instances of the following error "dpkg: error: configuration error: /etc/dpkg/dpkg.cfg.d/multiarch:1: unknown option 'foreign-architecture'" Any suggestions?14:28
cceunity-2d-panel: [FATAL] Settings schema 'com.canonical.Unity2d.Panel' is not installed14:28
scarleowarfaren, why? What is the problem?14:28
livingdaylightI just need a good screen capture client that is compatible with Linux, not 100 other ways I could do it instead. Jing would be nice, but its not available to Linux users. I will try Shutter - thanks everyone.14:29
ntr0pyWhere can i set subpixel order for font rendering?14:29
Daraelcce: Hmm, dunno then.  I would have thought that might have done the schema install, but it must be meant to come from elsewhere.  Sorry, no idea.14:29
scarleowaring, does it not work after install?14:29
shadow_XDarael: just give me what i ask :D i will only try, how could i add the repos of natty to my meverick?14:29
livingdaylightxuser1, its not just about the screen capture its what I can do with it. like draw, make shapes, and write notes...14:29
=== Robert_ is now known as Guest7195
SqueebI seem to have lost my "logout" menu in the top right hand corne14:30
Squeebalong with the clock14:30
waringscarleo: my display sucks right now, not able to increase it to the screen's full resolution, need the driver for that14:30
Squeeband all the other stuff that was there14:30
Squeebhow do I bring it back?14:30
xuser1you can add some effects in videoeditor14:30
waringscarleo: wireless not working at all though14:30
PastulioDoes anybody know how to clear smb credentials on a windows machine?14:30
waringdoesn't show in ifconfig, iwconfig14:30
xuser1a screen capture app is just for screen rec.14:30
PastulioI remember having to reset a service, but can't remember which14:31
Pastuliobeen on google for some time now14:31
scarleowaring, Did you try this: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution14:31
bauditsIm new to ubuntu. I tried to checkout some files from CVS. But i get a:  "cvs checkout: failed to obtain history lock in repository ....." error. can anyone explain it to me?14:31
Daraelshadow_X: Add a new entry for a repository (the Software Sources tool can be launched from the Software Centre, or edit /etc/apt/sources.list) with "natty" instead of "maverick" wherever it appears.  However, thou wilt /not/ get support for this if thou goest ahead with it.  Just a warning.14:31
cceDarael: ok, so I'm up a creek without a paddle then with unity-2d-panel14:31
wcchandleranybody run ubuntu friendly on 11.10?14:31
cutiyarhow to upgrade from 10.10 to 11.04 with usb Disk?14:32
wcchandlercan it run from live disk?14:32
TUBiitorrent from ubuntu.com is NOT working! pls help14:32
* cce wonders how to list package dependendies, perhaps if I re-installed the panel's dependencies?14:32
scarleowaring, what model is your NIC?14:32
shadow_Xdarael: thanks pal,, but how about by terminal?14:32
Daraelcutiyar: Use the USB-creator, or similar, to get the Alternate CD on a USB stick, and then do a cdromupgrade.  One moment...14:32
Daraelshadow_X: sudoedit /etc/apt/sources.list and do much the same thing.14:32
xuser1 Darael: unetbootin14:33
EfrinIs it possible to use gnome 2.x in ubuntu 11.10?14:33
Daraelxuser1: That works.  Not my issue, though :)14:33
waringscarleo, lspci | grep Network  gives the output : Network controller: Intel Corporation Device 008a (rev 34)14:33
cutiyarDarael, i burned Desktop 11.04 not Alternate to burn , then i can upgrade from booting?14:33
Daraelcutiyar: No, the Desktop CD cannot be used to run an upgrade, short of reinstalling over the top.14:34
genii-aroundntr0py: Probably there is some setting you can make in /etc/fonts/fonts.conf14:34
sanu01guys how to install gnome 3.2 in ubuntu 11.10? will it break my system if i install it?14:34
kuchikuanyone know how to permanently override my dsl dns server ?14:34
Squeebkuchiku: edit our /etc/resolv.conf14:34
Squeebyour *14:34
tsaknorrismaybe i could just sudo update-rc-d -f lightdm remove....14:34
Pici!gnome2 | Efrin14:34
ubottuEfrin: The GNOME Foundation has ceased support for GNOME 2, and as such it is not in Ubuntu 11.10 (Oneiric Ocelot). See !notunity for an alternative desktop experience.14:34
randomseedmfilipe hibernate and suspend both fail?14:34
tsaknorrislet see :)14:35
compdockuchiku, you using dhcp to set the address?14:35
sajimonEffex: not supported, maybe if You build it Yourself, but an amount of work required makes it not worthy, better stick with 11.0414:35
Henry01thank you all, i come tomorrow back, I saving my data; that take much time14:35
cutiyarDarael, But i think if i selected Alternate will loks like command line upgrade14:35
xuser1i .m trynh ubu 11.10 from usb right now !!! bye14:35
nixmaniackI'm not able to get Gnome 3, I'm getting Fallback, what should I do?14:35
Daraelcutiyar: There's a tool that can be run from the CD, even in GUI mode, that will do the upgrade.  But one requires the Alternate CD image, or the DVD image, to use it - it's not on the Desktop CD.14:35
Efrin<ubottu>  too bad, because I cant really configure gnome 3 and unity :/14:35
tsaknorrisubuntu should have option people who doesnt want to use unity. it would be cool. no you dont have choice :D14:36
TUBiiofficial .torrent is not working... :(14:36
kuchikusqueed after edit it , once reboot it will get the default frm my isp and overwrited the one that i previously wrote14:36
ntr0pygenii-around: yes but that file should not be edited (according to its header), and ~/.fonts.conf is not honored... gnome-tweak-tool has no option for bgr subpixel ordering... im REALLY frustrated with that Gnome3 crap14:36
Daraeltsaknorris: There's /plenty/ of options, but upstream gnome dropped support for gnome2 and we haven't the resources to fork it, so that particular one is gone.  However...14:36
waringscarleo: you there?14:36
cutiyarDarael, ok when i burned Alternate .iso to usb-disk , and bnooting can do upgrade?14:36
Darael!notunity | tsaknorris14:36
ubottutsaknorris: Ubuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions drowpdown. Using Natty? See !classic14:36
Efrinubottu: the biggest problem for me is that I can't have bars from top on the bottom or right side of the screen14:37
ubottuEfrin: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)14:37
thiebaudetsaknorris dont they have a choice at the log in screen?14:37
Efrinoh :P14:37
thiebaudeunity, classic gnome etc14:37
kuchikucompdoc i'm using the pppd way to setup my dsl and the dns server is set to get from isp14:37
Daraelcutiyar: Don't even need to bood from it.  Plug it in, and there's a "cdromupgrade" file on it.  Run that, and it'll give the upgrader.14:37
dpcan anyone tell me why e16 was removed from 11.10?14:37
tsaknorristhiebaude, lol there isnt anymore "classic"14:37
thiebaudeahh ok thanks14:37
genii-aroundntr0py: I think the file in home directory would be just .fonts and not .fonts.conf14:37
cutiyarDarael, ok i will test it now14:38
tsaknorrisDarael, yup! bitty that they dont support other choices. only that unity14:38
itaihi, if i did apt-get remove , can i still find the deb on my computer somehwere ?14:38
Squeebhow can I reset unity so that it works?14:38
thiebaudehmm, thought it was about choice14:38
Yyhaell!ask | Squeeb14:38
ubottuSqueeb: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience14:38
SqueebYea, I did ask a question14:39
Squeebthanks for that.14:39
YyhaellSqueeb: Read the part concerning more detail, please. =)14:39
scarleowarfaren, on the phone, brb14:39
Squeebwhich part?14:39
bauditsIm new to ubuntu. I tried to checkout some files from CVS. But i get a:  "cvs checkout: failed to obtain history lock in repository ....." error. can anyone help me with this error or tell me where to look or ask?14:39
waringok..waiting here14:39
Daraeltsaknorris: So because they don't have the resources to officially support lots of DEs, they aren't offering a choice, even though one can install them anyway and the community gives pretty good support?14:39
cutiyarDarael, i burned Desktop .iso also there is cdromupgrade but i click it just open the file14:39
YyhaellSqueeb: reviewing it I can now see that it has been revised. =? Sorry for that! Can you please provide more information?14:39
scarleowaring, , on the phone, brb14:40
SqueebOk so I had some trouble with the nvidia-173 drivers, (now fixed).. however, If I start up in Ubuntu-2d I get the left menu bar and the icons in the top right hand menubar14:40
Squeebhowever, if i start up in normal "Ubuntu" I get no icons at the top right and nothing at the left.14:40
nailoxhi. can anyone help me with installing phpmyadmin on ubuntu server? i followed the howto in help.ubunto.com but I get page not found14:40
Squeebno clock, no logout menu ..14:40
Squeebno ability to add things to the menu14:40
Squeebcan't right click on it etc..14:41
randomseedmfilipe hibernate and suspend both fail?14:41
YyhaellSqueeb: is this 11.04 or 11.10?14:41
SqueebAll I can see is "File Edit View Go Bookmarks and Help"14:41
ntr0pygenii-around: no effect and it seems gnome-shell just uses grayscale rendering... maybe this is also broken (besides the whole interface idea)...14:41
nailoxhi. can anyone help me with installing phpmyadmin on ubuntu server? i followed the howto in help.ubunto.com but I get page not found14:41
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mfiliperandomseed, no, suspend works. I found out my problem... swap wasn't set :P14:41
YyhaellSqueeb: I've been having problems with it too! =P The price you pay for installing a new release at launch, I suppose. One moment while I take a look! =D14:41
asdkkjlkjaGuys I still have smth like http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1748091 with Intel driver, joined the launchpad bug but can't find it now14:41
waringscarleo: ok, will reboot and brb14:41
SqueebYyhaell: I think I found a fix14:42
Squeebbut it makes everything slow again14:42
Squeebunity --reset14:42
dhruvasagarAlt+Tab in ubuntu 11.10 is current showing me apps/windows from all workspaces, I want alt+tab to show apps/windows only from the current workspace. What's the point of having multiple workspaces if alt+tab is going to show you all of the apps anyways!?14:42
kuchikuhow to permanently overwrite adsl dns server for my internet connection14:42
Squeebunfortunatly it's so slow that it makes the WM unusable14:42
Squeebseems to be a huge problem with Unithy14:42
SqueebUnity *14:42
YyhaellSqueeb: is this a new(er) machine? (Though, it shouldn't have to be...)14:43
SqueebIt was fine in 10.0414:43
Squeebor was I running 11.0414:43
itaialso, can someone help with a command that will look for a chrome package in all my directories14:43
kuchikuwhy oh why linux has to make it so hard to change such simple stuff14:43
SqueebI dunno14:43
FloodBot1Squeeb: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.14:43
Squeebwhichever one was before14:43
Squeebkuchiku: it's free.14:43
SqueebGo figure.14:43
dhruvasagaranyone ?!14:43
YyhaellSqueeb: 11.04 was the one before this one. =) I am sorry to hear that you're having such an issue with Unity! Have you considered simply applying Gnome3?14:43
galewolfupgrade to 11.10 failed with many instances of the following error "dpkg: error: configuration error: /etc/dpkg/dpkg.cfg.d/multiarch:1: unknown option 'foreign-architecture'" Any suggestions?14:44
Squeebhmm, I've not14:44
Yyhaellkuchiku: That's not a Linux problem, that's an Ubuntu issue.14:44
kuchikuanyone here know the answer to the ultimate question ?14:44
Squeebmight give that a shot14:44
Daraelkuchiku: Well, thou couldst click the network connection icon, go Edit Connections..., and edit the relevant connection's IPV4 settings - set it to DHCP - Addresses Only, and then input the DNS server overrides.14:44
ffk27i'm having a issue at unity to14:44
SqueebOh crap yea! they replaced gnome with this unity stuff didn't they?14:44
dhruvasagarkuchiku: 42!?14:44
varikonniemiwhat caused the horrible boot times in ubuntu 9.10 ? it seems like impossible to make a system boot over 5x slower than the previous 9.4 release?14:44
YyhaellSqueeb: I'm considering that myself. I loathe Unity, to be honest.14:44
Squeebinstalling gnome314:44
Daraelkuchiku: The one of Life, the Universe, and Everything?  It /was/ 42, but it may have changed.14:44
Squeebwill report back14:44
cablopi am willing to move to another thing14:44
=== SomeoneWeird is now known as SomeoneWeirdAFK
cabloptat gnome 3 and that nity things are in the way of my work14:44
timinghow do I print in black and white ?14:45
kuchikuwhat 42 ?14:45
waringscarleo: I am back14:45
Yyhaelltiming: From Libreoffice?14:45
kuchikuwhat is it ?14:45
dhruvasagarkuchiku: you need to build a much more powerfull supercomputer for that and it will take about 3 millions years to computer and answer it for you14:45
randomseedmfilipe, no problem, no sweat14:46
cablopkuchiku it is a joke and now becomming a meme14:46
timingYyhaell: no, pdf reader14:46
kuchikusagar what did u meant by 4214:46
shelest`dhruvasagar: 42 obviously.14:46
cablopdamn, gnome 3 has no screensaver?14:46
kuchikutell me quick14:46
Daraelkuchiku: 42 was, in the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy series, by Douglas Adams, the Answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything.  Of course, nobody knew the Question, so it didn't make much sense.  But this is off-topic.14:46
ubottuGnome 3 is not currently supported on Ubuntu. A PPA for natty is available at https://launchpad.net/~gnome3-team/+archive/gnome3 but these packages are EXPERIMENTAL and UNSTABLE, will break Unity and possibly other parts of your system, and cannot be downgraded safely.14:46
timingYyhaell: evince14:46
Squeeb^^ wut14:46
Yyhaelldhruvasagar: Will that computer be running Ubuntu? If not, then it's not an Ubuntu topic! =P14:46
Yyhaelltiming: Then I'm not sure. Sorry!14:46
DaraelSqueeb: The bot's out of date.  It happens sometimes.14:46
Squeebah *14:46
scarleowaring, try installing these packages but with your kernel number: http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=10694483&postcount=914:46
dhruvasagarkuchiku: refer HHGTTG14:46
genii-aroundntr0py: From looking at /etc/fonts/fonts.conf and the manpage for fonts.conf... it seems to look in the directory ~/.fonts/    probably for the local fonts.conf14:46
dhruvasagarYyhaell: surem why not :D14:46
kuchikuooooooooooooh the funny hitchiker guide , i like that movie and i like that girl14:46
jattso what gnome version is in 11.10?14:46
dhruvasagaranyone familiar with my problem ?14:46
Daraeljatt: It's gnome3.14:47
cablopYyhaell: by definition that computer is running with other computers inside and some of them on ubuntu14:47
Daraeljatt: It's Unity by default, though, rather than Gnome Shell.14:47
jattwhy did ubottu said gnome 3 is not currently supported by ubuntu?14:47
dhruvasagarany help would be appreciated!14:47
Daraeljatt: As I said.  The bot's out of date.  It happens sometimes.14:47
Yyhaelljatt: The bot is out of date - as stated above, it happens sometimes.14:47
ubottuUbuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions drowpdown. Using Natty? See !classic14:47
nixmaniackI'm not getting Full Gnome 3, instead I'm getting Fallback mode? What should I do?14:47
dpcan anyone tell me why e16 was removed from 11.10?14:47
cablophow can i create multiple workspaces in unity?14:47
waringscarleo: ok, will install14:48
kuchikupreviously i installed a type of network manager it has this signal icon on the systray to show u your connection status14:48
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
waringscarleo: and about the display?14:48
YyhaellUbuntu! You used to be such a cool, user-friendly OS! What happened?!14:48
cablopis there no kubuntu channel?14:48
th_unity happened14:48
Squeebok, installing gnome-shell14:48
Squeebseems easier14:48
Daraelcablop: There is indeed a #kubuntu channel.14:48
scarleowaring, did you try what the link i sent said?14:48
kuchikubut the problem wilth tis app is that when my connectin is unstable going on and off the app wont work and rquired reboot14:48
th_Squeeb: if you have ati, don't bother :-)14:48
=== ubuntu_user_liny is now known as Kearlin
Squeebth_: nvidia14:48
th_Squeeb: lucky you14:49
Squeebunity = fail on nvidia14:49
Squeebso use that on Ati :P14:49
dpSqueeb: s/ on nvidia//;14:49
th_should work fine on both?14:49
Squeebdp lol14:49
waringscarleo: yes, i ran 'xrandr' and the options it gave me were only 800x600 and 1024x76814:49
th_http://askubuntu.com/questions/38028/performance-being-really-choppy-with-ati-drivers this might concern both cards though14:49
th_as it's nothing driver related, really14:49
th_just stupid vsync defaults in compiz14:49
igormorgadohi all14:50
SqueebSeriously though, everytime unity makes an appearence, everybody cries14:50
Squeebso why do people keep persuing it?14:50
kuchikuwhat happen if android expend to desktop ?14:50
igormorgadomy bt keyboard is being recognized as a core pointer, any tips14:50
ffk27lets all use debian14:50
DaraelSqueeb: Because the claim that "everybody cries" is selection bias.  One only /hears/ the people who cry.  Most of the people who like it don't say anything.14:50
Squeebthen we won't be able to bleeding edge software everything :P14:50
PiciLets stay on-topic here.14:50
ntr0pygenii-around: so its ~/.fonts/fonts.conf14:50
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!14:51
ubottuError: Bug #856882 is a duplicate of bug #837354, but it is private (https://launchpad.net/bugs/837354)14:51
DanaGArgh, that's so aggravating.14:51
DanaGMakes the bug report useless.14:51
DanaGDuplicate of a private bug.  Great.14:51
genii-aroundntr0py: Likely, yes. The /etc/fonts/fonts.conf also mentions a "local.conf" but frustratingly not where that is to be found14:51
Squeebright *eases into Gnome*14:51
Squeebwtf.. is that.14:52
SqueebROUND CORNERS?!14:52
DanaGUnity is nice, but if you actually want this supposed "tablet" interface to be actually useful on a tablet, it needs an onscreen keyboard.14:52
dhruvasagarkuchiku: you need to build a much more powerfull supercomputer for that and it will take about 3 millions years to computer and answer it for you14:52
ntr0pygenii-around: i have ~/.fonts.conf as well as ~/.fonts/.fonts.conf and it wont change anything ...14:52
DanaGAnd preferably good pen input, as well.14:53
dhruvasagarAlt+Tab in ubuntu 11.10 is current showing me apps/windows from all workspaces, I want alt+tab to show apps/windows only from the current workspace. What's the point of having multiple workspaces if alt+tab is going to show you all of the apps anyways!?14:53
=== shi-tianlong is now known as tianlong
DaraelDanaG: The on-screen keyboard is there, AIUI, but good pen input is, admittedly, lacking.  Feel free to contribute it :P14:53
=== tianlong is now known as shi-tianlong
tommiboyhello there14:53
genii-aroundntr0py: ~/.fonts/fonts.conf    rather than ~/.fonts/.fonts.conf    eg: no dot in front of fonts.conf14:54
=== tommiboy is now known as Eiertschik
osmosisfigured it out14:54
DanaGntr0py: is it /etc/fonts/ ?14:54
kuchikucan ubuntu install on a tablet pc ?14:54
cutiyarDarael, the file cdromupgrade just open in text editor nothing else14:54
* cousin_luigi can't resize windows on gnome-classic14:54
Eiertschikis anyone familiar with partition tables and sector sizes of usb flash drive?14:54
kuchikuis there a version of ubuntu available for that14:54
DanaGDarael: assuming you didn't have a keyboard, how would you open the on-screen keyboard?14:54
coz_kuchiku,   it definitly s hould work on tablet14:54
DaraelDanaG: My memory is that there's an option at the login screen.  ICBW.14:54
davfI've change to gnome-shell in 11.10. How do I move the close button to the right14:55
davfleft I mean14:55
DanaGThankfully, this tablet I have here is a pen-only convertible tablet, not a touch-only keyboardless tablet.14:55
coz_kuchiku,  the interface alone is designed for that14:55
kuchikuit doesn't seems like touchable :)14:55
randomseeddhruvasagar, yeah, and your porn url in firefox shows up even though quickly flipped to a new desktop *oops*14:55
Eiertschiki somehow managed to trick both windows and ubuntu to think that a 2GB usb drive has 3.4GB capacity14:55
reisioEiertschik: worthwhile use of time14:55
Eiertschikordinary formatting doesn't change anyhting14:55
coz_kuchiku,  ah I see,, mm  not sure about that ,, although I believe it should have touch capability,, I dont have a tablet here to test however14:55
ubottuGNOME 3 is the desktop environment on which Unity is based.  To use GNOME Shell instead of Unity, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool". GNOME 3 is not supported under Natty, and may break your system if installed from alternate sources.14:55
DaraelEiertschik: Sure it isn't really a 4G stick, possibly mislabelled?14:56
randomseeddhruvasagar, I hate that14:56
Eiertschikno - it was 2GB before i started tinkering with it14:56
=== shi-tianlong is now known as cablop
cutiyarDarael, i burned Desktop .iso also there is cdromupgrade but i click it just open the file14:56
Eiertschikat first i formatted it to exFAT, but my laptop was unable to boot from it14:56
genii-aroundntr0py: Have you ran fc-cache after changing the font files?14:57
cousin_luigiSqueeb: was that for me?14:57
WhiskeyAnyone relly good guru on Ubuntu here :D14:57
Eiertschikthe i tried encrypted FAT - didn't work either14:57
reisioSqueeb: my favorite part of that is how it doesn't say what gnome shell is :p14:57
saeftlhi. what is the difference between libnss-ldap ("NSS module for using LDAP as a naming service") and libnss-ldapd ("NSS module for using LDAP as a naming service") ?14:57
Whiskeygot problem whjit the BNC14:57
Whiskeygot problem whjit the VNC14:57
Eiertschikand when i reformatted it to plain FAT it showed up as 3.7GB device14:57
Daraelcutiyar: I did /say/ that cdromupgrade only works from the Alternate CD.  I can't be blamed when people refuse to listen.14:57
PiciWhiskey: Is it the same problem that was listed in the release notes?14:57
reisiosaeftl: d usually denotes a daemon14:58
Whiskeyi have not relly readed it so men prob not no14:58
cutiyarDarael, i did it what u said i also had Alternate and burned it myu usb disk14:58
saeftlreisio: how is a daemon involved with querying an ldap server?14:58
WhiskeyI don´t get it14:58
kuchikuhonestly i think ubuntu future is bleak it doesnt seems to going any where , windows 8 evolve , ios and android leading14:59
DanaGhmm, once you hide onboard, you can't unhide it.14:59
WhiskeyIm a Windows users, i can start the computer and connect to RDP14:59
Daraelcutiyar: Well, in that case, it may be necessary to open a terminal, cd to the CD, and run ./cdromupgrade.  It should still run in the graphical updater.14:59
SqueebWindow Managers are starting to get forceful with their layouts14:59
SqueebEdit the menubar? NOT TODAY!!!14:59
Whiskeybut on linux i need to have the user logged in to connect to it,,, it most be away to run the VNC as service so user don+t need to be logged in14:59
cutiyarDarael, its too many times i said its USB DIsck not cd14:59
Daraelcutiyar: Then cd to the /usb/ location.  The instruction still applies.15:00
WhiskeyAnyone know how?15:00
cutiyarDarael, how? i opened this file just it open it with text-editor15:00
taisai love the new integration of deja dup, thank you, ubuntu developers15:01
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ubottuUbuntu bug 275450 in onboard (Ubuntu) "menu items missing on fresh install of Ubuntu" [High,Triaged]15:01
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PiciWhiskey: Its a bit more complicated, but there are instructions here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNC and here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNC/Servers#x11vnc-before-login15:01
ShappyHello o/15:02
Daraelcutiyar: As I said.  It may be necessary to open a terminal, cd to /media/<something>, and run ./cdromupgrade.  It should be reasonably obvious what <something> is.  Alternatively, if double-clicking the cdromupgrade file gives an intermediate popup, giving the option of "run", "run in terminal", and "Display", choose "run" instead of "display".15:02
Daraelcutiyar: Even if run from the terminal, it should still run the GUI upgrader.15:02
ShappyI was wondering if using Ubuntu live cd what application should I use to clone an internal 750GB HDD as it is into an image and save it back from and external HDD later15:03
august33anybody get ubuntu to work w/ ios515:03
ShappyLike... clone with the boot sectors and stuff15:03
reisioaugust33: ?15:03
MrMindhi folks, I have a mpb 13" 2011 and I want to install ubuntu 11.10 on it... I find these http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/ page with speciall iso files for mac, should I use this iso files instead of the orginal?15:03
DaraelShappy: The standard recommendation for that seems to be clonezilla.  No experience with it myself.15:03
Nierosshappy: I *think* gparted can do it.15:03
NierosI could be wrong though15:04
august33reisio: iphone15:04
ShappyI need a reliable solution15:04
reisioaugust33: what about iphone15:04
ikoniaaugust33: what are you talking about -15:04
ShappyData loss is inacceptable15:04
SuhelAnyone know's how to disable nvidia graphics card15:04
DaraelShappy: Alternatively, if the backup location has more than 750G of free space, use dd.15:04
ShappyDarael, the backup device has 2TB free space15:04
cutiyarDarael, i cd to Usb but it say ./vdromupgrade not found15:04
DaraelShappy: Then dd or clonezilla will do the job.15:04
NierosI do love clonezilla15:05
SuhelShappy you can easily backup your data,  what is your problem anyway15:05
reisioSuhel: pop it out15:05
Daraelcutiyar: Perhaps that's because of the v where there should be a c?15:05
ShappySuhel, my problem is mainly I'm a windows person but I don't want to trust my data on in when it comes to backing up. The HDD will be replaced.15:05
SuhelResIo if I would had desktop I would had15:05
zastaphafter upgrading and rebooting the Ubuntu stays on screen with 5 red dots below.. maybe its just loading really long15:05
august33i'm talking about getting ios5 to work w/ rythmbox etc.15:05
cutiyarDarael, no i typed write on the terminal15:05
reisioShappy: full image backups are inefficient, just dd the MBR and tar up or rdiff-backup your files15:05
reisioI wouldn't even bother with the MBR, easy to reinstall that stuff15:06
SuhelShappy you want to install ubuntu without data loss?15:06
ntr0pygenii-around: fc-cache does not change it either15:06
DaraelShappy: dd will produce a bit-for-bit copy, but with no error checking.  clonezilla is smarter, I believe, but I couldn't comment due to not having used it.15:06
designbybeckUbuntu 11.10 + ATI Drivers = FAIL15:06
th_just gnome-shell is fail15:07
Squeebgnome-shell --replace15:07
designbybeckI have tried everyway to install ATI Video dirvers and nothing worked15:07
Squeebmakes it fast again15:07
ShappySuhel, no, I want to use backup my currently NTFS file system (with a w7 and a wubi on it) using ubuntu live cd but I'm a newbie when it comes to using ubuntu for such thing15:07
Adyethsis there a way to make the fonts in the bar across the top of the screen in Oneiric antialiased and not look so ugly? Everywhere else looks great except there.15:07
reisioShappy: ah15:07
th_additional drivers > click install? worked fine on my 687015:07
designbybeckth_ it fails to install them15:07
douggleby default wine uses alsa or pulseaudio?15:07
th_not for me15:08
reisioShappy: all you need: https://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Migrate_Windows#HardDiskSupport http://mark.koli.ch/2009/05/howto-whole-disk-backups-with-dd-gzip-and-p7zip.html15:08
bbbenjigot a question. ive never run into this before15:08
designbybeckDell Studio 17 Radon Moblity HD 4000 series15:08
bbbenjiwhen i try to install ubunut 11.10 it doesnt recognize any of my partitions15:08
ShappyCheckin' the links, thanks15:08
bbbenjineither does gparted15:08
josipHello, I have a funny problem with ubuntu 11.10. If I put the cursor in the lower-right corner the systems freezes a bit. It would have been very funny if it weren't true. Anyone?15:08
reisioShappy: the first URI covers something you can do to make it easier to run your Windows install in a VM later on should you want to15:08
bbbenjiand i have 4, ntfs, ext3, swap and another ntfs15:08
bbbenjianyone able to help me out?15:08
reisioShappy: and the second is your standard dd imaging15:08
SuhelShappy why don't you use windows itself for backing up? Hell lotsa backing apps available15:08
reisioSuhel: why not drive a bigwheel to work15:09
jiltdilHI any one have issue with bad pic quality in cheese15:09
bbbenjiunable to find an answer online15:09
cutiyarDarael, i can to upgrade when booting it?15:09
Suhelreisio: lol15:09
reisiojiltdil: what makes you think it's bad15:09
Daraelcutiyar: I'm sorry, thou shalt have to find someone else to assist.15:10
ShappySuhel, I want to like... "mirror" the current hdd's content so when I replace the HDD with another but exactly the same model al I have to do is feed the data back and have everything as it was15:10
jiltdilreisio: Actually the pic is like greenish and redish line also  awkward colour15:10
ubottuUbuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions drowpdown. Using Natty? See !classic15:10
ShappyI'm not sure I want to trust such task on windows15:10
Squeeburgh, what is this obsession with MASSIVE fonts!15:10
cutiyarDarael, thanks15:10
kenanbany ubuntu 11.10 users around that somehow achieved to reassign movement key?15:10
jiltdilreisio: can you help me fixing this15:11
reisioSqueeb: that's what happens when you let women run things :p15:11
kenanbit conflicts with some other software, but this time there is no easy place to reassign alt to super as movement key for windows15:11
reisiokenanb: do what?15:11
reisiojiltdil: fixing what?15:11
DaraelSince I upgraded to Oneiric, all buttons and dropdowns in the various config boxes are unreadable - white text on a very-light-grey background - in Ambiance, Radiance, /and/ but the High Contrast ones are usable.  Problem is, /they/ are ugly.  Any ideas how I can get those elements looking as they ought to?  I've tried gnome-tweak-tool, and changing the GTK+ tool to Greybird solves it but causes /other/ elements to look ...15:11
SuhelShappy as others suggested cloneZilla would be ideal, trust me windows ain't that lame lol you can trust it15:11
Darael... out-of-place.15:12
jiltdilreisio: the pic in cheese is looking like greenish line on it15:12
reisiojiltdil: and you think that isn't just what your camera outputs?15:12
kenanbreisio: there was movement keys option under preferences>windows tab in system settings that has the option to assign movement key to super, now there isn't15:12
ShappySuhel, hehh... I had my experiences with it that's why it's hard15:12
jiltdilreisio: no my camera is HD15:13
kenanbso when i alt+rmb window menu of blender pops up instead of some blender specific operator15:13
jiltdilreisio: also this problem didn't occur with me in 11.0415:13
* vox is thinking of rolling back to 11.0415:13
SuhelShappy I got one idea, why not get a cable to attach your harddrive to your new computer and copy things? Search the internet for it :-)15:13
josipHello, I have a funny problem with ubuntu 11.10. If I put the cursor in the lower-right corner the system freezes a bit. It would have been very funny if it weren't true. Anyone?15:14
bbbenjianyone able to help me out? gparted isnt recognizing my partitions. screenshot: http://i53.tinypic.com/s5z6n4.png15:14
voxnot being able to have aplets in the top bar is bad bad bad bad bad15:14
cutiyarDarael, i got it , i typed sh ./cdromupgrade not just ./cdromupgrade15:14
rad_sci_guyHello.  Anyone having 11.10 update problem where the shutdown takes a very long time.  I've updated 3 different computers (desktop, laptop, netbook) and all three hang when the shutdown is trying to kill all processes.  It takes a few minutes before computer shuts off.15:14
Squeebjosip: which window manager are you using? Unity, Unity-2d, GNOME-shell?15:14
josipSqueeb: unity15:14
ShappySuhel, the computer will be sent to service, the data will be erased from it, I won't have two 750GB HDDs present the same time15:14
josipI should have mentioned that15:14
KBentley57When I install the latest CCC from amd I can't reboot into the log on screen, only a purple splash, followed by a black screen.  Upon rebooting into the recovery, I can select "resume boot normally" and it boots fine.  Any ideas?15:14
Daraelcutiyar: Ah, it must not have been set executable.  Glad to hear it's working.15:14
Squeebjosip: is anything else slow? windows moving around, etc..15:14
insomnia_gha installed 11.10, i'm sure you guys are hearing alot about issues; So i was curious as how to undo the update since it's bloated and runs shoddily15:14
reisiobbbenji: what makes you think you have partitions15:14
WhiskeyHow to allow RDP/VNC connection when no used are logged in?15:15
cutiyarDarael, thank u15:15
bbbenjibecause i have windows on one15:15
zastaphupdate seems to have broken my Ubuntu.. all I see is the Ubuntu logo with 5 red dots under it.. could it be thinking/loading for more than 10-15 minutes?15:15
josipno, just when I put the mouse there it freezes for a second15:15
bbbenjiand a bunch of data on another15:15
brian_my sounds stopped working on 11.10, it was working before a reboot...can anyone give some troubleshooting tips....im new to linux15:15
Squeebzastaph: Xorg hasn't started properly15:15
bbbenjireisio: and i can boot windows just fine and see the 4 partitions i have via minitool15:15
SuhelShappy go for clonezilla... hmmm let me search the internet though brb15:15
Squeebjosip: hmm, if you leave the mouse there, does anything show up?15:16
=== waremperor is now known as kycka
ShappyI'm reading reisio's link15:16
reisiobbbenji: how big is this disk?15:16
Squeebhow rare, try booting into the Unity-2D session15:16
Squeeband see if it still does it15:16
MaMaGoodyhi, anyone know why pidgin's silc is gone in 11.10?15:16
DaraelSince I upgraded to Oneiric, all buttons and dropdowns in the various config boxes are unreadable unless currently selected - white text on a very-light-grey background - in Ambiance, Radiance, /and/ Adwaita.  Any ideas how I can get those elements looking as they ought to?  I've tried gnome-tweak-tool, and changing the GTK+ theme to Greybird solves it but causes /other/ elements to look out-of-place.15:16
insomnia_same issue here brian_15:16
reisioShappy: skip clonezilla, with it you will be completely in the dark as to how it is making your backup and how it is restoring it15:16
reisioLufti_oO: hi15:16
justaAs i am sure I am not the first. Hereby a 'Oneiric SUCKS'+1 notice15:16
rad_sci_guyHello.  Anyone having 11.10 update problem where the shutdown takes a very long time.  I've updated 3 different computers (desktop, laptop, netbook) and all three hang when the shutdown is trying to kill all processes.  It takes a few minutes before computer shuts off.15:17
Nieros11.10 outright broke my system :D15:17
jiltdillook how the pic is looking by cheese15:17
Squeebrad_sci_guy: log out, ctrl-alt+F2 to get into a console15:17
Lufti_oOI've problems with the texlive latex packages. I've installed the texlive-full and texlife-latex-extra package but the latex compiler still throws an error "! LaTeX Error: File `glossary.sty' not found" when I use the "glossary" package.15:17
Lufti_oOany idea?15:17
justaNieros: same here. Next to the 'Unity is like smoking Crack'15:17
Squeebrad_sci_guy: log in as root and `service lightdm stop`15:17
Squeebrad_sci_guy: then `shutdown` and see where it hangs15:17
fmauro17:17 < jiltdil> http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/263/20111014204556.jpg/15:18
fmauro17:17 < jiltdil> http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/263/20111014204556.jpg/15:18
fmauro17:17 < jiltdil> http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/263/20111014204556.jpg/15:18
Squeebthat should allow you to see which process is hanging15:18
FloodBot1fmauro: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.15:18
zastaphSqueeb, what do I do? try to reboot?15:18
brian_maybe the gnome shell broke the sound?15:18
Squeebzastaph: either reboot or shutdown commands will do15:18
insomnia_holy crap everyone is having problems15:18
Squeebinsomnia_: pretty much15:18
SuhelShaggy its clonezilla all over the place lol15:18
insomnia_11.10= poop15:18
reisiofmauro: neat15:19
SuhelDinner time bye guys15:19
justaSloppy focus (focus follows mouse); where to enable/restore that ?15:19
brian_well the sound was working at one point, just a matter of getting it to work again15:19
Twilohow can i disable Unity - awful :-(15:19
jiltdilreisio : look the pixeles  http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/263/20111014204556.jpg/15:19
jattinsomnia_: why15:19
SqueebTwilo: best way I've found so far is to install gnome-shell15:19
TwiloSqueeb: ok15:19
SqueebTwilo: although not perfect, it's *almost* as good as the old desktop15:19
insomnia_too buggy15:19
reisiojiltdil: yup, that's weird15:20
justaI'm planning to start a ppa for gnome2 desktop for 11.10...15:20
justaand will pledge money on it.15:20
jattgnome2 is the past15:20
jiltdilreisio: so any idea how to fix this?15:20
jattforget about it15:20
justaDon't care.15:20
bbbenjireisio: fdisk shows all my paritions but ubuntu 11.10 install and gparted do not see them15:20
jattgnome3 is the present and the future15:20
zastaphSqueeb, seems to be stuck again after shutdown15:21
justaFine; but the 'way to work with Gnome3' is almost as bad as Unity15:21
lenbustthis libc6 situation confuses me: http://paste.ubuntu.com/708054/15:21
lenbusthow do I resolve the unmet dependecy?15:21
justaIt's not 'better'; it's just wildly different15:21
WhiskeyNo one relly know any answer to that question?15:21
jattyou can always install xfce15:21
KBentley57should I be able to remove .debs that were previously installed, and doing:  sudo dpkg --purge *.deb?15:21
KBentley57*by doing15:21
Egbert9e9jatt: what's up with gnome in 11.10? I've heard it's all Unity now and the gnome present is half of what it was?15:21
justaand an amount of flexibility and choices get taken away with each iteration till it's something like an iPhone15:21
balooohi everyone.  I was looking for a good tutorial on how to setup a virtualization enviorment on an ubuntu 11 server.  I ideally want to spin up  file based virtual machines of various distros (ubuntu, centos, redhat).  Can anyone point me in the right direction.  So far my best resource is: http://tinyurl.com/6xstlu815:21
venik212How do I get more themes for ubuntu 11.10?  I hate the few that come with it.  B4 I was able to choose among several nice ones from the desktop configuration, but no  more..15:21
Egbert9e9jatt: I'm still downloading the packages needed to upgrade15:22
jattI don't know dude I am upgrading at this very moment but some people seem to be annoyed by 11.1015:22
jattI as hoping gnome 3 would be a cool thing to see15:22
Squeebzastaph: at what point though15:22
Squeebyou should have seen the shutdown in progress15:22
reisiobbbenji: that happens sometimes15:22
dweezEgbert9e9, you can install Gnome 3 by sudo apt-get install gnome-shell15:22
reisiobbbenji: what is it you want to do?15:22
Egbert9e9dweez: that's all?15:22
jattso are you saying gnome 3 sucks as much as unity?15:22
dweezwell, that gets you started15:22
Egbert9e9dweez: is it equivalent to "ubuntu-desktop"?15:23
brian_so no one else has broken sound other than insomnia and i?15:23
dweezjatt, not as much as Unity15:23
dweezI like it a bit better15:23
kuchikui like ubuntu wallpaper change periodically15:23
reisiobalooo: kvm is a good start15:23
bbbenjireisio: i would like to install ubuntu 11.10 alongside windows, but i have i cant define which partition i want to install to since it doesnt see them15:23
OerHeksbrian_, broken sound after upgrade ?15:23
dweezEgbert9e9, I can't say if it's a equivalent or not as I don't know enough about either to make the comparison15:23
zastaphSqueeb, i run it in vbox .. it stops booting after 15-20 secs15:23
insomnia_yup, right after i rebooted15:23
zastaphthen no more HDD activity15:23
brian_im not sure if it happened immediately after the gnome-shell install15:23
reisiobbbenji: put a file 'thisOne' on the partition you want to use from Windows15:24
OerHeksbrian_, remove ~/.pulse & reboot15:24
Egbert9e9I mean, is the "gnome-shell" package equivalent to the package "ubuntu-desktop"15:24
brian_i tried that as well15:24
reisiobbbenji: then when you mount it from the live OS you'll know it's the right one15:24
Egbert9e9dweez: okay15:24
surroundhello everybody15:24
brian_and reinstalled pulse15:24
lyndon 15:24
lyndon 15:24
FloodBot1lyndon: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.15:24
lyndon 15:24
baloooreisio: yes but will following / reading up on KVM allow me to setup centos / redhat virtual machines?15:24
dweezlyndon, type /part15:24
jattubuntu-desktop is a meta-package15:24
TheProfPici, I was able to create the shared folder and now the users can write and read but can't delete any files.  How can they delete a file? Thank you.15:24
bbbenjireisio: the problem is the installed doesnt see any partitions at all! it only see the disk as a whole. id have no problem identifying which partition i want to install to if i could see them15:24
DanaGI actually like Unity better than Gnome-Shell.15:24
reisiobalooo: yup15:25
bbbenjihttp://i53.tinypic.com/s5z6n4.png screenshot of what gparted shows15:25
dweezgnome-shell had several dependencies included but I don't know if, in general, it was a "meta package" or not15:25
surroundi am able to use my laptop as a speakerphone using bluetooth in WIndows , how to do it in UBuntu 11.0415:25
DanaGJust needs some fixes to things.15:25
baloooreisio: do you have a good tutorial you can point me to?15:25
reisiobbbenji: that's gparted, you said fdisk works15:25
insomnia_how do i downgrade to 11.04?15:25
ubottuGNOME is the default !desktop environment on Ubuntu up to 10.10 To install it from Kubuntu or Xubuntu, type « sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop » in a !terminal.15:25
DanaGLike: press super+w quickly.15:25
DanaGPress it again quickly.15:25
reisiobalooo: for how to use kvm/libvirt/etc. for exactly what you want?15:25
bbbenjiyes, fdisk sees the partitions, but the installer doesnt either15:25
reisiobalooo: nope; maybe someone in ##linux has15:25
bbbenjireisio: so i cant define which partition i want to install to15:26
baloooreisio: thanks15:26
surround i am able to use my laptop as a speakerphone using bluetooth in WIndows , how to do it in ubuntu 11.0415:26
reisiobbbenji: if you setup a partition from fdisk that might change15:26
SqueebRight, Final verdict15:27
lars4Hi, can anyone help me with a networking problem?15:27
Squeeb11.10 is WRONG15:27
bbbenjireisio: i will try that. heres a screenshot of fdisk and installer: http://i55.tinypic.com/2u5s5fq.png15:27
dweezjatt and Egbert9e9, this is basically what I followed to install Gnome3 ==> http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-install-gnome-shell-in-ubuntu-11-10-oneiric-ocelot.html15:27
Tenkawa11.10 definitely has hiccups15:27
reisiolars4: not until you explain it15:27
brian_what the command to remove the entire pulse directory?15:27
lars4reisio: I upgraded to oneiric desktop and DNS resolving is no longer working15:28
reisiobbbenji: interesting15:28
reisiobbbenji: maybe if you use the "alternate" install image, it has an "expert" mode, IIRC15:28
jattTenkawa: like what15:28
reisiolars4: tell the channel15:28
complexity mogrify -resize '800x600' "$i";, why won't that go through15:28
lars4reisio: what do you mean?15:29
complexityit just keeps freezing, i'm trying to mass replace size of some images15:29
bbbenjireisio: oh great! thats what i need. thanks15:29
surroundi am using my laptop as speakerphone using bluetooth in WIndows , how to do it Ubuntu 11.0415:30
zastaphSqueeb, under known issues it says: Users of VMWare Workstation 8 or VMWare Player may experience boot problems .. and i use vbox15:30
DaraelSince I upgraded to Oneiric, all buttons and dropdowns in the various config boxes are unreadable unless currently selected - white text on a very-light-grey background - in Ambiance, Radiance, /and/ Adwaita.  Any ideas how I can get those elements looking as they ought to?  I've tried gnome-tweak-tool, and changing the GTK+ theme to Greybird solves it but causes /other/ elements to look out-of-place.15:30
brian_oerheks i get > after that command15:31
Squeebzastaph: as far as you've mentioned so far you've not had a boot problem15:31
reisioDarael: the problem is with the default theme set?15:31
Squeebjust a shutdown problem15:31
th0rcomplexity: I think "$I" will be interpreted literally15:31
surroundi am able to use my laptop as a speakerphone using bluetooth in WIndows , how to do it in ubuntu 11.0415:32
* Tenkawa just wishes he could have the window manager back from natty just as is15:32
jiltdilGuys help me to fix my cheese problem15:32
lars4After upgrading to oneiric DNS resolving is no longer working. Just IP's work file.15:32
complexityth0r, meaning, i tried without quotes and still no luck?15:32
Tenkawalars4: you check your resolv.conf and nsswitch.conf files?15:32
Daraelreisio: Happens with Ambiance, Radiance and Adwaita.  Buttons and dropdowns have very similar text and background colours.  I'm /sure/ it can't be intended, because the background colour is so much lighter than the /window/ background colour.15:32
surroundi am able to use my laptop as a speakerphone using bluetooth in WIndows , how to do it in ubuntu 11.0415:33
w47331i have an issue with my graphics not working correctly. Im new to linux and am confussed as to what to ask...any help to clear this up?15:33
reisisurround: please ask only once; if someone knows, you'll be answered15:33
th0rcomplexity: I just got it to work with no quotes, double or single. So try taking out all the quotes and see what happens15:34
* jiltdil oh God 11.10 fixes the big bugs but now small things appeared with bugs that was not in 11.0415:34
godzukiw47331: What's happening?15:34
anom001what small things?15:34
jiltdilanom001: like cheese15:35
reisiobabati: hi15:35
mang0I have a couple of questions about Oneiric; What are the changes? Is it worth updating? (from 11.04)15:35
babatineed help with ubuntu15:35
babaticould anyone help me pleas15:36
Darael!help | babati15:36
ubottubabati: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience15:36
w47331my video freezes when it trys to diag it says no support for texture found.DTX texture compression not required.15:36
reisiomang0: it's always worth updating software, assuming you have the time to fix any issues you might encounter15:36
lauratikai just upgrade to ocelotl but my gnome shell is gone... em i forced now to use unity?15:36
anom001jiltdil: yeah- that wasn't working for me on the 10.04 version, did on 11.04- we'll have to see if it stops working for me.15:36
reisiolauratika: no you aren't15:36
babatii need help removing Ubuntu and installing Windows XP. But when I boot in BIOS, it asks me for "current" password, I wrote root password and also changed it many times but still won't let me in. How can I bypass or get the password for it?15:37
meowsusHey everyone15:37
sigandersonmy clock in kde disappeared, does this sound new?15:37
jiltdilanom001:  it was working fine on 11.0415:37
Daraellauratika: Shouldn't be.  It may be necessary to install the gnome-shell package again, but it'll work.15:37
Squeeblol .. will this work? sed -i 's/oneiric/natty/g' /etc/apt/sources.list && aptitude update15:37
lauratikadarael via ubuntu software15:37
brian_after i removed pulse audio now it shows no audio devices15:37
gbaconThe upgrade to 11.10 on my laptop went badly (booted once this morning, but freezes now). I downloaded the live CD and am trying to repair, but I don't see an obvious repair option. I tried "Upgrade 11.10 to 11.10," but got nervous when it asked me for my login credentials.15:37
Daraellauratika: Well, personally I'd pull up a terminal and do a "sudo apt-get install gnome-shell", but it should be in the Software Centre too.15:37
w47331thats what i have15:38
babatii need help removing Ubuntu and installing Windows XP. But when I boot in BIOS, it asks me for "current" password, I wrote root password and also changed it many times but still won't let me in. How can I bypass or get the password for it?15:38
lauratikadarael: thanx a lot15:38
* jiltdil My experience with every ubuntu version that it works better after almot one month of release 15:38
meowsusWhen switching between my virtual terminal (ctrl-alt-F1) and desktop mode, desktop mode hangs for about a minute. Black screen, I can move the cursor a bit, but I have to wait for everything to show itself and it's rather annoying. I'm running Oneiric and just upgraded last night.15:38
reisiSqueeb: i've once had to do a distribution upgrade that way once an upgrade failed... let's just say that your mileage may vary :)15:38
SqueebI'm downgradeing15:38
Ady1963Just installed Ubuntu 11.10, fed up with Unity already, how do i install KDE desktop, without install Kubuntu from Terminal15:38
brian_is there another option than pulse audio to get my system sound back?15:39
Daraelbabati: the BIOS password is nothing to do with Ubuntu.  However, if thou dost not need whatever settings are in thy BIOS, thou canst open the case and remove the CMOS battery to reset the BIOS, including its password.15:39
meowsusAdy1963: sudo aptitude install kubuntu-desktop15:39
insomnia_to downgrade you need to DoD your hdd15:39
reisiSqueeb: hmm good point.. wouldn't recommend it though15:39
complexityth0r, that will work recursively?15:39
SmartTowelhow do i change the preferred applications in 11.10?  i can't find it anywhere.  i want my Terminator back!15:39
oCeanSqueeb: downgrading is explicitly not supported and may break your system.15:39
Ady1963meowsus: won't that brand everything KuBuntu?15:39
SqueeboCean: it can't be much more broken than it is at the moment15:39
Daraelmeowsus: I've stopped suggesting people use aptitude 'cos it's got all sorts of dependency-resolution problems in Oneiric due to not supporting multiarch.15:40
mang0reisio: Okay, thanks.15:40
reisiobrian_: pulse is extra on top of the ordinary sound system, ALSA, technically you can remove it15:40
tomaszuuuuHi all! Have one question. I use Ubuntu 11.10 with GNOME3 and standard theme - Adwaita. In this theme, some windows aps are in grey color and some in black, like totem, picture viewer etc. Could i do the same think with terminal? I want it with black panels15:40
th0rcomplexity: I think so, but I am no bash guru. If it doesn't work, either add an 'echo $i' so you can see the filename it is looking for, or program a fixed filename to see if it works15:40
oCeanSqueeb: in that case opt for a reinstall15:40
EClaessonI recently upgraded to 11.10. Is there any way to restore it to show me the "Gnome Classic" as it were in 11.04? I have installed gnome-shell, and logged in with "Gnome Classic" but there still is very different15:40
reisioSqueeb: only a temporary solution15:40
babatianyone can answer my question15:40
meowsusAdy1963: ... yes, but Kubuntu is just Ubuntu with KDE...15:40
gbaconcan I repair a broken upgrade from the 11.10 live CD?15:40
reisiobabati: I can answer your question, yes, and just did15:40
Darael!notunity | EClaesson - especially the gnome-panel bit of this15:40
ubottuEClaesson - especially the gnome-panel bit of this: Ubuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions drowpdown. Using Natty? See !classic15:40
Ady1963no probs, many thanks15:40
babatisry, could you repeat, my xchat closed tiself15:40
th0rcomplexity: I suspect the problem might be how you are defining $i, not the mogrify commandline15:41
Daraelbabati: the BIOS password is nothing to do with Ubuntu.  However, if thou dost not need whatever settings are in thy BIOS, thou canst open the case and remove the CMOS battery to reset the BIOS, including its password.15:41
SmartTowelhow do i change the preferred applications in 11.10?15:41
Tenkawaclassic looks so much different though in 11.10 than even natty15:41
babatiwhat is CMOS battery?15:41
SmartTowelim using gnome and 11.1015:41
tomaszuuuuHi all! Have one question. I use Ubuntu 11.10 with GNOME3 and standard theme - Adwaita. In this theme, some windows aps are in grey color and some in black, like totem, picture viewer etc. Could i do the same think with terminal? I want it with black panels15:41
babatimy os is installed long time ago, and it wasn't me who installed it.15:41
babatii know nothing about it therefore15:41
babatii am using ubuntu 7.0415:41
SmartTowel@tomazzuuu, have u been able to change ur preferred applications?15:41
meowsusAdy1963: it all works the same. U-buntu prefers Gnome applications, Ku-buntu prefers KDE applications Xu-buntu prefers XFCE applications15:42
jiltdilbabati: if u forgot ur bios password  you can  bypass it by bios cleanup it is a s/w15:42
Daraelbabati: It's nothing to do with the OS.  There's a password on the BIOS, which is lower-level, and without it it'll take opening the case to get at the BIOS settings.15:42
reisioAdwaita?  Wow, some name15:42
oCean!upgrade | babati that version is no longer supported, you will have to upgrade15:42
ubottubabati that version is no longer supported, you will have to upgrade: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade15:42
SmartTowel@tomaszuuu, how did u do it in 11.10?  this default terminal is lame.15:42
jiltdilbabati: no need to pull jumper from battery , it's now old day method15:42
jattubuntu 7.0415:42
donofrio11.10 release - b43 cannot get 4306 rev3 firmware to load?15:42
DaraeloCean: babati is wanting to move to WinXP, it would seem.15:42
brian_reisio how can i reinstall alsa maybe that will fix my broken sound?15:42
SmartToweli want to switch it to terminator.15:42
Squeebtime to format15:42
Tenkawaam I missing something or can you not change the default session type on the login screen?15:42
babatiyeah, so there's no way to get the BIOS pass?15:42
FloodBot1Squeeb: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.15:42
tomaszuuuui use gnome315:42
reisiobabati: please explain what it is you think the "BIOS" is15:42
oCeanSqueeb: control your language here15:42
Darael!ohmy | Squeeb15:42
ubottuSqueeb: Please remember that all Ubuntu IRC channels share the same attitude of providing friendly and polite interaction with all users of all ages and cultures. Basically, this means no foul language and no abuse towards others.15:43
reisioSqueeb: ...15:43
babatithe BIOS is when the pc boots, i press DEL15:43
Squeeblol .. spam from so many bots15:43
babatiand then it asks for a password.15:43
reisioSqueeb: the only reason to format is if you want to wipe all your data for security reasons15:43
babatiwhich i never set one neither know it :/15:43
reisiobabati: okay15:43
rob25Hello, everyone. I have installed from 11.04 to 11.10 and it seems that even though I am connected to the internet, I cannot use the internet without painfully slow speeds. Anyone know a solution to this?15:43
Tenkawaevery login it changes the session back to ubuntu15:43
reisiobabati: why is it you want to access the BIOS15:43
Squeebreisio: ?15:43
babaticause i want to set boot from CD.15:43
reisioSqueeb: ?15:43
babatiso i can install windows xp, since ubuntu 7.04 is way too old and my dad bought me a CD key15:43
meowsusrob25: have you checked Additional Drivers?15:43
donofriob43 anyone use it?15:43
bhaveshIm trying to install ubuntu 10.10 in my Asus EEE pc 900HA but in "Allocate drive space" it gives me only two options "Erase and use entire" or specify manually.. where is install alongside another OS..?15:43
donofriowith 11.1015:43
reisiobabati: you don't want to just upgrade Ubuntu?15:44
rob25meowsus: It seems that when I tried to do that, it says there aren't any available.15:44
vafiedbabati: are you using a desktop ?15:44
reisiobhavesh: specify manually15:44
tomaszuuuuHi all! Have one question. I use Ubuntu 11.10 with GNOME3 and standard theme - Adwaita. In this theme, some windows aps are in grey color and some in black, like totem, picture viewer etc. Could i do the same think with terminal? I want it with black panels15:44
meowsusrob25: Wifi or Wired?15:44
babatiyes, desktop15:44
Daraelbhavesh: The partition scheme is such that it can't auto-calculate a side-by-side install.  Thou wilt have to specify manually.15:44
rob25meowsus: Wifi.15:44
jiltdilbabati:  i have already told u the method to bypass bios15:44
babatisorry didn't read too many people talking, could you repeat?15:44
mang0I've got a few themes and dock and custom stuff installed. If I update to Oneiric will I lose those themes?15:45
softcodertrying to upgrade from 11.04 to 11.10 64 bit15:45
meowsusrob25: do you have the hwinfo package installed?15:45
softcoderduring update i get:15:45
Daraelbhavesh: The most likely reason for this is that there are four primary partitions already in place, in which case one will have to go.15:45
softcoderW:Failed to fetch cdrom://Ubuntu 11.10 _Oneiric Ocelot_ - Release amd64 (20111012)/dists/oneiric/Release  Unable to find expected entry 'restricted/binary-i386/Packages' in Release file (Wrong sources.list entry or malformed file)15:45
venik212How do I get more themes for ubuntu 11.10?  I hate the few that come with it.  B4 I was able to choose among several nice ones from the desktop configuration, but no  more..15:45
rob25meowsus: Not sure, how would I obtain it if I didn't have it.15:45
a7i3nI have a t400 laptop. Up until now the key to turn off the touchpad has worked. Now broken. Anyone know how to fix this?15:45
jiltdilbabati: if u forgot ur bios password  you can  bypass it by bios cleanup it is a s/w, pulling jumper from battery is now an old method and sometimes risky15:45
softcoderany ideas?15:45
rob25mewosus: *?15:45
softcoderalso: , W:Failed to fetch cdrom://Ubuntu 11.10 _Oneiric Ocelot_ - Release amd64 (20111012)/dists/oneiric/main/binary-i386/Packages  Please use apt-cdrom to make this CD-ROM recognized by APT. apt-get update cannot be used to add new CD-ROMs15:45
bhaveshDarael, ok15:45
donofrio4306 broadcom does anyone have a fix for tinyurl.com/b43-not-working-in-11-1015:45
babatiwhat is s/w ? and how can i access bios cleanupo15:45
softcoderthe burned ISO is in my cdrom15:45
vafiedbabati: open your desktop look at the motherboard and find the batery next to the battery you will find a jumper switch positions as indicated on the motherboard15:46
Daraelbhavesh: The other possibility is that the installer can't make enough space by resizing existing partitions.15:46
morsedl3mang0: i have, so far, lost all themes.  i suspect i can add them back, using gnome-tweak, but so far have not done that.  it seems that oneiric, by default, only handles the default themes included with the distro. :(15:46
reisiojiltdil: what's the homepage?15:46
tomaszuuuumang0 - home folder is untouchable15:46
reisio'bios cleanup' you may as well say 'eat at joes'15:46
bhaveshDarael, Its showing Unknown for one partition15:46
bhaveshFile system: unknown15:46
mne Hi. During system bootup, I would like to mount a number of encrypted disks. The key for the first disk should come from the entered passphrase, whereas the keys for the subsequent disks should be stored on the first encrypted disks. How can I realize this ? Just adding everything to /etc/crypttab will obviously not do it as at the time crypttab is read, the first cryptodisk is not mounted yet.15:46
babatiis there other way to reset it, without opening the motherboard?15:46
Daraelbhavesh: I wouldn't know, I'm afraid.15:47
bhaveshDarael, and what does PE flag stand for? in gparteD?15:47
softcoderis there a better place for 11.10 support?15:47
meowsusrob25: open a terminal and run "sudo aptitude install hwinfo"15:47
vafiedbabati: it is really easy and only need to open your desktop case15:47
mang0morsedl3: OIC. I'm not sure if I want to upgrade or not :/15:47
nytek_Anybody having trouble with their system when upgrading to 11.10?15:47
GotischHello, i am using the fallback gnome desktop and when using alt-tab to get the switcher i just get one window displayed in it even though there are multiple. the swicher app also looks very different it just has an application icon with the title below it.15:47
babatidesktop case?15:47
rob25meowsus: It's telling me aptitude: command not found15:48
babatiu mean motherboard?15:48
donofrioanyone use broadcom 4306 with ubuntu 11.10?15:48
nytek_rob25: sudo apt-get install aptitude15:48
reisiomne: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RcLocalHowto15:48
babatithe problem is that my father has locked the motherboard and he's away from home for a few weeks15:48
Gotischit pops up even though i have disable it in the keyboard shortcuts15:48
swaroopI tried the live cd on my acer aspire 4736 laptop, but it showed a blank screen. So i again booted with nomodeset and it was working fine. So I guess it is taking vesa driver. But i want support for intel GMA 4500MHD chipset. Is it possible?15:48
swat_upgraded to oneiric and the networking applet has gone walkabout in unity :-/15:48
meowsusrob25: try "sudo apt-get install hwinfo" (i'm an aptitude user, they work very similarly)15:48
vafiedbabati: http://www.computerhope.com/issues/ch000235.htm15:48
PastulioLivebabati, not doing anything immorral are we? :p15:48
cutiyari cant SHut down my ubu tu 11.1015:48
rob25meowsus: Already started install aptitude, but it's going at a painfully slow speed.15:49
jiltdilcutiyar: open terminal use sudo init 0 :)15:49
meowsusrob25: sorry about that, you can Ctrl-C it if you want15:49
mnereisi, if I add an init script that mounts the disk, I would also subvert the regular ubuntu mounting process.15:49
meowsusYou want hwinfo, not specifically aptitude15:49
rob25meowsus: Alright, I'll do that and try the command above.15:49
donofriofwcutter not working unsupported?15:49
cutiyarjiltdil, why its happenning how to fix?15:50
morsedl3mang0: it wasn't particularly pleasant for me, so you may wish to wait a bit.  i opt'd to upgrade from natty instead of fresh install, which might have been better.  the switch from /var/run to /run caused several problems during upgrade (no X / GUI, no networking because system-dbus-socket or somesuch wasn't found -- i had to manually move the old contents of /var/run into /run, and then symlink /var/run to /run and /var/lock to15:50
bhaveshOne of my drives is flagged hidden,lba what would it possibly mean?15:50
softcoderhelp with a simple upgrade to 11.10 ??15:50
mnereisi, Thus my script would do an incompatible and non-standard way of checking and mounting the disk. I would prefer a standard way that is compatible with the ubuntu bootup process15:50
donofrio*anyone* use a notebook with ubuntu 11.10 like say dell d830 its got a broadcom 4306 chip in it and I need firmware15:50
jiltdilcutiyar: no idea dude but i think after some days these bugs will be recovered , need to install one more time after some days15:50
rob25Is it just me or have other people been getting wifi problems with the new update?15:51
ubottuHelp with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx15:51
donofriorob25 - me me15:51
BloomzCould anyone help me please? I have just tried to update Ubuntu but I hadn't realised my hard drive had ran out of space. Half way through the install I made some space but after the Reboot I can no longer get past the login screen even though I'm intering the correct password.15:51
mang0morsedl3: Bah, too much work. I'm perfectly happy with 11.04, was just thinking about the pros/cons of updating :) thanks15:51
cutiyarjiltdil, ok i thought its mine only15:51
reisiomne: rc.local is pretty standard, I don't see the problem15:51
wcchandlerdual booters -- i'm looking to roll win7 and ubuntu side by side.  Is it best interest to run wubi inside a win7 install?  or just partition manually?15:51
govatentDoes anyone use AIM with empathy? I am having an issue on my clean 11.10 install adding my account.15:51
rob25donofrio: It's weird, mine was working before 11.1015:51
jiltdilcutiyar: i got these problems with my 11.0415:51
reisiowcchandler: manually15:51
rob25donofrio: I'm installing a package now that will hopefull fix it, though.15:51
reisiowcchandler: which is to say, leave space for Ubuntu15:51
zelharHello. After upgrading to 11.10 I have Xorg maxing out core cpu and after some idle time instead of Xorg it is powernapd that's maxing core cpu15:51
donofrioexactly like this linke tinyurl.com/b43-not-working-in-11-1015:51
meowsusrob25: hwinfo will just give me details on the card itself15:52
urlin2uwcchandler, wubi is not for longtime use make sure you backup windows nomatter the install.15:52
donofrioI did that too what package?15:52
gbacongack, boot is now dropping me into initramfs shell15:52
meowsuswell, us*15:52
usertwoi have just installed 11.10 and nautilus is incredibly slow (13 minutes to open). I have tried some of the online fixes but no change. Is there a light fast alternative available quickly from the repositories. I only use file managers to copy files to / from usb.15:52
morsedl3mang0: I must say, though, the system seems faster to boot and to run faster, which i imagine is due to linux kernel 3.0.  however, it's also know that kernel 3.0 presently consumes about 30% more power, which can be undesireable for laptops/netbooks (alttough there is any easy temporary workaround)15:52
wcchandlershould I partition before a win7 install or shrink the partition down after an install?15:52
JeremyFishCakesusertwo: thunar is nice15:52
reisiowcchandler: partitioning beforehand will be safer and less time consuming15:52
reisiowcchandler: assuming you haven't yet installed Windows15:52
gbaconI tried booting an older Linux kernel (default is 3.0), but I landed in initramfs there too15:52
rob25meowsus: Oh, I see.15:52
meowsus(hardware info)15:53
=== JEEBcz is now known as JEEB
mang0morsedl3: Interesting. What about CPU and RAM usage?15:53
rob25meowsus: I'm not very good when it comes to stuff on the terminal...15:53
bhaveshOne of my Partition is LBA = Logical Block Addressing, is it safe to format it.?15:53
rob25meowsus: I15:53
rob25mewosus: *I'm looking at about 5b per second here15:53
urlin2uwcchandler, partition windows from windows it has a disc managment device, rember no more than 4 primaries per hd or 3 primaries and one extended, and make sure you know if it is a gpt or not.15:53
meowsusrob25: i wasn't either, man. The more I used the WDM the more I realized that i could do things way faster with Terminal, but i enjoy working in a desktop envrionment...15:53
donofrioanyone else useing 11.10 with broadcom chips needing firmware for 4306 rev3 wireless card15:53
meowsus:O jeepers!15:53
meowsusrob25: is this an internal card that came with the computer, ie. a laptop wireless nic card15:54
mnereisio, suppose you're booting up your system. Then from time to time, fsck will be run and you will see a nice bar indicating how much is already done. Also it will display something like "^C to cancel fsck". However, if I do that will my script, I can not use this15:54
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donofriomeowsus, yes its built in for me15:54
donofrioas well15:54
rob25meowsus: It's a laptop, so it basically just a wireless card that I'm just stuck with15:54
usertwoJeremyFishCakes: can i just uninstall nautilus and install thunar without any problems? (i didnt see thunar in synaptic)15:54
meowsusrob25: not necessarily, but it should be fine15:54
meowsusIt's probably just a weirdo driver issue15:54
urlin2uwcchandler, others can help I gotta go to a class.15:55
donofriomeowsus, well its a firmware issue15:55
rob25meowsus: It's been working before 11.10, I'm not quite sure what made it break.15:55
reisiomne: naturally, because that happens before filesystems are mounted, before the OS is running fully, before even your first encrypted filesystem is loaded after you type in a password15:55
rob25meowsus: It's also been working on my 10.04 install.15:55
JeremyFishCakesusertwo, you should be able to sudo apt-get install thunar15:55
freshinstallHey ubuntu team, why do you treat every release like it's for a bunch of people that are new to it, killing off features and adding them with disregard for what people are used to using? :-)15:55
morsedl3mang0: across the board seems good if not better, especially cpu.  i have 12gig ram, so i don't often worry about ram, but i can say that, with unity, firefox, thunderbird, terminator, and xchat2, skype,dropbox, and the usual unity indicators  being the only things open right now, system is only using 2.6GB of that 12GB.15:55
usertwomorsedl3: i am using an asus 1500ah netbook which may explain why 11.10 is so slow. what is the temp workaround you mentioned?15:55
RockyDdhi, guys.15:55
JadedJacobwhere is terminal in 11.10?15:56
JeremyFishCakesusertwo, you can remove nautilus but you could also just set thunar as the default, and put it in the launcher15:56
RockyDdDoes 'dpkg -l' list all the packages I installed in the system?15:56
donofriomeowsus - do you have b43?15:56
freshinstallRockyDd, yep15:56
reisiofreshinstall: it's the nature of commercial organizations to be insane15:56
meowsusdonofrio: broadcom drivers are us15:56
freshinstallreisio, at the other end of the spectrum is suse enterprise desktop, that is stuck in the 90s :-)15:56
meowsusdonofrio: don't you mean bcm43?15:57
RockyDdBut, why some package is in that list, but when I try to remove it, says ' the package is not installed' ? freshinstall15:57
morsedl3usertwo: hold on a sec, trying to find url...15:57
cutiyarafter every booting under thw ubuntu logo say waiting for network configuration and takes too long to load system.15:57
axisysi have three chrome window .. how do I pick one in unity? it is alwasy default to the first chrome window15:57
donofriomeowsus, - cool so how do I get my 4306 rev 3 card working it ways its missing .fw files15:57
reisiofreshinstall: to be fair, "enterprise" is code for "only for using software that hasn't changed in decades"15:57
mnereisio, exactly, and that's the problem. Is there a way to maybe store the key somewhere else than on the filesystem ? Maybe in an encrypted part of the LUKS header of the first disk ?15:57
reisiobut yeah15:57
mang0morsedl3: I was just wonding in about it because I have a awful comp; 1.46GHz CPU and 1GB ram. You see, I am saving up for a new comp but I'm 14 with no job (atm) so it's gonna take a while!15:57
morsedl3usertwo: see "longer battery life" at http://www.webupd8.org/2011/10/things-to-tweak-after-installing-ubuntu.html15:57
reisiomne: you can do anything you want with software15:57
meowsusdonofrio: Are you using.... oh what's that called... ndiswrapper or something?15:57
freshinstallRockyDd, try apt-cache search <packagename>* <- note the star on the end of that15:58
reisiomne: but your scheme relies on you entering that first password if I'm not mistaken15:58
Gotischhttp://imageshack.us/f/233/201110141753341920x1200.png/ <- this is how the taskswitcher looks, it only shows two windows even though there are many more and in keyboard shortcuts it is completly disabled. where can i find its settings?15:58
donofriomeowsus, tried to follow steps here tinyurl.com/623zrth15:58
reisiomne: have to wait for that no matter what15:58
donofriomeowsus, but it didn't work15:58
donofriono - no ndis aaaarrrrhhhh15:58
cutiyarafter every booting under thw ubuntu logo say waiting for network configuration and takes too long to load system.15:58
mnereisio, yep. but /etc/crypttab is processed sequentially. So at the time the second disk is processed, the first one is already set up15:58
freshinstallwhat are the gnome guys smoking that they think the new panel is an improvement?? :-)15:59
usertwomorsedl3: thanks...reading now15:59
freshinstallwhere are all the frikkin features!?15:59
SmartTowelhow so i change my PREFERRED APPLICATIONS in ubuntu 11.10?15:59
freshinstallme going to try kde4 - it can't be worse15:59
RockyDdfreshinstall: yeah, there are 2 items listed. so?15:59
morsedl3mang0: you might do better with lubuntu for the time being, then15:59
chiarahi i have a problem with ... hdmi and ndvidia. I have desktop pc ...15:59
reisiomne: so what's the problem15:59
donofriomeowsus - see what I mean - the issue is documented here tinyurl.com/b43-do-not-work-on 11-1016:00
freshinstallRockyDd, so try entering one of those instead of what you tried that failed16:00
mang0morsedl3: 11.04 runs like a dream, so it's all good :).16:00
RockyDdok, thanks, freshinstall16:00
ronugh. I just upgraded to 11.10, however I can't seem to be able to login from the gui. if I open a console, everything is fine. if I use the gui, the windows goes black, kinda blinks and then returns to the main login window. any suggestions?16:01
sianhulopeople, how do i boot my computer from an usb with bios?16:01
morsedl3mang0: check.  then you might actually find 11.10 be somewhat better.  hard do know for sure, though, until you actully try.  why not d/l the live cd and and boot from cd to give it a try (will not alter your HD unless you want it to)16:01
erinis 60c normal for a laptop processor ?16:01
donofriomeowsus, you still about?16:01
meowsusdonofrio: I guess your not the PM type... The drivers for which were just in Additional Drivers16:02
donofriodoes anyone else know why b4306 is non-working16:02
mnereisio, I don't know if it is possible at all to use keys in the LUKS header as keys for other disks16:02
meowsusHave you installed those?16:02
neo84Hi all16:02
morsedl3ron: i had the same problem.  did you fresh install or upgrade16:02
meowsusPrivate Message16:02
ronmorsedl3: upgrade.16:02
meowsusFor some reason my XChat is not highlighting my name like it should16:02
SmartTowelhow do i change the default applications in ubuntu?  i want to change the program for the terminal.  can someone just answer real quick plz.16:02
freshinstallron, i had problems with the nvidia driver16:02
mang0morsedl3: Yeah, that's a good idea, but I've not got a lot of CD's so I'd rather do it via terminal than liveCD. Ofc, it's possible though. I'll just stick with .04 for now though :P16:02
freshinstallhad to kill it to get this thing to boot up properly - it's an HP elitebook - ron16:03
neo84After upgreading to 11.10, my launcher stop comming and all the icons gone from start pane. also al+f2 i s  not working . your help will be much appriciated16:03
morsedl3ron: it might be related to system dbus errors.  this futzed for me during upgrade and i could not get networking nor display to work (ati fglx drivers).16:03
cutiyarhow to terminal console while booting to enter Fsck to fix , because its not turnning on16:03
donofriomeowsus, I fingured everyone could befit from the info (plus xchat is *not* konversation)16:03
morsedl3ron: look for system dbus / cannot connect to dbus errors in /var/log/syslog.16:03
mnereisio, from what I can see in the cryptsetup man page, there is no way to obtain keys from the LUKS header16:03
freshinstallerin, 60c is OK16:03
reisiomne: ask ##linux16:04
freshinstallnot cool, but 90c is hot16:04
ronfreshinstall, morsedl3 : okay, that's possible. I'm on ion, so the nvidia drivers could be at fault. okay, let me check the logs.16:04
cutiyarhow to terminal console while booting to enter Fsck to fix , because its not turnning on16:04
morsedl3ron: if you find that, then what worked for me might work for you.  boot into recovery mode, choose the option to remount filesystems as read-write (default recovery now mounts the root filesystem readonly).16:04
erinfreshinstall, but running xchat only on xfwm? might be dust in side im thinking need canned air.16:04
donofriomeowsus, I'm on PM16:05
freshinstallron i did this -> sudo su -, set root password (passwd), <alt><f1> -> login as root, startx, remove prop. drivers, reboot, all good :-)16:05
debgHi all, anyone knows how to setup dual boot Windows 7 and ubuntu on an UEFI based Bios16:05
freshinstallron, oh, alt-f1 was the first thing (or ctrl-alt-f1)16:05
ronfreshinstall: did you reinstall the prop. drivers afterall?16:05
erindebg, whats a uefi bios?16:05
freshinstallron, no16:05
ronfreshinstall: I think I need those :-/16:06
morsedl3ron: then, as root user, 'mv /var/run/* /run; mv /var/lock/* /run/lock; rm -rf /var/run; rm -rf /var/lock; ln -s /run /var/run; ln -s /run/lock /var/lock'.16:06
reisioerin: a thing16:06
morsedl3ron: then reboot and see if you get your X back16:06
graingerterin: there is no such thing as a uefi bios16:06
graingertit's a uefi16:06
shayeI am used to mint, it seems I cant get my inspiron 1501 to hook wirelessly to ubuntu 11.10??? help.16:06
freshinstallerin, should clean out heatsinks yearly, esp if you use it on fabric/have a dusty room/have intakes on the underside16:06
graingertuefi replaced bios16:06
debgyes, uefi based laptop ,16:06
graingertshaye: what does that mean?16:06
shayeI loaded the brodcom driver but can not get hooked to a wireless network16:07
graingertshaye: laptops can't hook wirelessly to operating systems so that's WAD16:07
fVckingmaniapeople I have a problem with postfix + clamsmtp this is the error log I get from postfix "" 11:56:44 mail October 14 postfix / master [3592]: fatal: bind port 10025: Address already in use ""16:07
erinfreshinstall, well getting all the way to the sink its self isn't an option since it's a laptop and super complicated to take apart/back together so hopefully I can get canned air hose in the vent pretty far.16:07
shayeyes it did hook with mint16:07
zikalifyhi did an upgrade using 11.10 disc, looked at my software sources and only ones ticked are 'independent' and 'independent (source code)' can someone help me via pm?16:07
freshinstallerin, use your vacuum cleaner16:08
shayewith mint i needed a wired connection to load restricted drivers then it worked16:08
erinfreshinstall, like a shopvac hose on the bottom fan?16:08
pistocan someone explain me what has replaced the synaptic package manager and most importantly how the heck I run it16:08
freshinstallerin, suck on the intake, so the dust travels back in the direction it came from - if you blow it you'll just send it deeper inside ;-)16:08
graingertshaye: no it didn't. it connected to a wireless network. Your laptop did not, however, hook wirelessly with mint"16:08
reisiopisto: 'software center', IIRC16:08
Reaperso is there no ubuntu classic? or is it called 2d?16:08
graingertshaye: did you try running jocky-gtk16:08
graingertReaper: gnome-classic is available16:09
erinfreshinstall, so the back vent or the bottom fan? im guessing the back vent is the intake ?16:09
shayeno i am not knowing this16:09
airtonixany idea how to handle nautilus-scripts with nautilus3 ?16:09
Reaperhow do you get to it?16:09
graingertshaye: okay well have you got a connection?16:09
SqueebHai Reaper16:09
fVckingmaniapisto, you got to install  it!16:09
graingertshaye: and how did you "load the brodcom drivers"16:09
freshinstallerin, umm depends on the model.  thinkpads suck from the back16:09
shayeyes, wired16:09
reisioReaper: there's gnome-shell (GNOME 3) / gnome-tweak-tool / gnome-panel16:09
erinfreshinstall, HP16:09
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SqueebMaybe you're a different Reaper than I know16:09
freshinstallerin, elitebooks suck from underside16:09
Reaperyeah I think so lol16:09
graingertshaye: run jocky-gtk16:09
shayeit gave me an optio to activate the driver16:10
morsedl3has anyone had problems with software-center breaking after upgrading (not fresh install)?  no matter what i try, software-center gets stuck in a loop, continually prompting to repair the catalog.  relatedly, update-notifier reports BrokenCount: > 0 and shows an alert and recommends running apt-get.  However, i have NO dependency issues with the apt system from the command line.  apt-get -f install shows no problems, 0 packages he16:10
morsedl3ld, to upgrade, to remove, etc.  i've also tried dpkg --configure -a, but no joy.16:10
Reaperthanx reisio16:10
shayestand by please16:10
graingertshaye: run lsusb and pastebin the output16:10
fritsch!pastebin | shaye16:10
ubottushaye: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.16:10
shayethis talk i do not understand16:10
sianhulosomebody knows how to boot with an usb by grub?16:10
TRiderI have problems installing ubuntu. I get error 22 i think during the ''grab process''.16:10
* freshinstall never understood why make a *lap*top try to breathe from underside16:11
jochenh_hey! if I start my installed 11.10 the monitor shows: "Mode not supported", so I cannot start anything. Please help!16:11
wadJust upgraded to 11.10, but there seems to be no way to set up the screensavers anymore... where did it go?16:11
graingertshaye: pastebin the output of the command "lsusb" and send me the link16:12
joe2371Hello, folks.16:12
pagan0neanyone know how to get nautilus setback up with a "up" button? upgraded to 11.10 and installed gnome because i dont like unity16:12
graingertshaye: please tag me when you talk to me so I can see you have responded16:12
morsedl3wad: http://www.webupd8.org/2011/10/things-to-tweak-after-installing-ubuntu.html might help, it talks about no screen savers in gnome, although i'm not sure if that also applies to unity16:12
wadmorsedl3, thanks!16:13
shayei am sorry i do not understnd16:13
morsedl3wad: np16:13
ronfreshinstall, morsedl3: apparently, if I try to log in as a different user, it works fine. any idea?16:13
joe2371So... Oneric...16:13
morsedl3ron: hmmm... not sure.  have you tried logging in using unity2d?16:13
joe2371Anyone know how to get a working toolchain in 11.10?16:14
morsedl3ron: (just to see if perhaps it's compiz related)16:14
ronmorsedl3: let me check16:14
douggleHi can anyone tell me what is the best way to replace alsa?  wine is crashing  every time initialize an audio connection16:14
ronmorsedl3: nope, doesn't work.16:14
freshinstallron, left over settings?  dunno.16:14
trbI am trying to add a file to the etc/udev/rules.d location and it is denying me permission how can I do this?16:15
reisiodouggle: better to fix Wine16:15
TRiderI have problems installing ubuntu. I get error 22 i think during the ''grab process''.16:15
chiarahi i have a problem with ... hdmi and ndvidia. I have desktop pc ...16:15
reisiodouggle: or instead use an app that is native16:15
graingertdouggle: try using OpenAL16:15
jakemphow do I get shell scripts to run from my dash?16:15
reisiojakemp: same way you do with any other shell16:15
Guest80177I've installed Gnome themes through applet - the problem is the theme is installed only for 1 user. I'd like to make it global. But I'm not sure what I need to copy to have all components which I've installed (borders, buttons, icons)16:15
freshinstallwow I'm FURIOUS I'm being forced into learning a new UI.16:15
reisiofreshinstall: you aren't16:15
douggleyou arent being forced into anything. i m not using unity.16:16
freshinstallreisio, any ideas how to install gnome2? :-)16:16
MonkeyDustfreshinstall: why? if you don't like, use something else, it's what i do16:16
douggleuse gnome-shell16:16
tommisfreshinstall, you are not forced16:16
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serengetihello :) I've installed gnome shell in oneiric and everything works well, apart from one thing: when I browse applications in the overlay, most apps are duplicated. For example, there are 2 entries for Firefox, one with a nice icon from the icon from the icon theme, and the other with some low-res image. Any ideas?16:16
tommisserengeti, it is a bug16:16
freshinstalli'm more referring to gnome than ubuntu16:17
morsedl3anyone having problems with WOL after upgrade?  it was working fine in Natty, but now, no matter what i do, it won't work.16:17
jakempreisio, I have already made it executable, but when I open it in the dash, it opens the script in gedit.16:17
tommisi heard someone had the same problem16:17
ronthe odd thing is that the guest session works fine. so it must be something wrong with my user profile.16:17
jochenh_Hey! If I start my fresh installed, the Monitor says: "Mode not supported" , it doesn't load anything, please help!16:17
morsedl3ron: k16:17
reisiojakemp: when you do what?16:17
majdekalelis there any tool for ubuntu to trim audio ???16:17
shayei do not see an option to hook wirelessly?16:17
roncan anyone think of a way to fix it (other than creating a new user)?16:17
pagan0neanyone have any idea how to get nautilus to have a "up" button again, navigation sucks now16:17
serengetitommis: ok, I guess I'll look for the bug report16:17
reisiofreshinstall: just use gnome-shell with gnome-panel16:17
graingertdouggle: yeah upgrade to latest PPA wine16:17
reisiomajdekalel: trim?16:17
sianhulopeople, i want to boot from my pendrive by grub, what i have to do?16:17
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dougglei ll try that16:18
graingertdouggle: they have good audio support16:18
majdekalelcut audio16:18
Reaperack! lol must get back to classic ubuntu look16:18
jakempreisio, when I type in the name of the script and hit enter in the dash16:18
majdekalelsplit or cut or trim16:18
neo84Help friends16:18
neo84 After upgreading to 11.10, my launcher stop comming and all the icons gone from start pane. also al+f2 i s  not working . your help will be much appriciated16:18
craigbass1976Anyone ever ran adobe connect on ubuntu?16:18
MonkeyDustsianhulo: use unetbootin, it's wahat i do16:18
sandstromWhat can I do if top shows too much information? (a ton of processes, starting at pid 1..~150) http://pastie.org/269563416:18
jochenh_majdekalel: audacity16:18
morsedl3ron: anything in syslog or .xsession-errors (in your homedir) thats revealing?16:18
majdekalelok thank you i will try it16:18
sianhuloMonkeyDust, that's for booting by the BIOS, i want to boot by GRUB16:18
nixmaniackwhich connection manager is default in 11.10? I have messed up with ConnMan and Network Manger. how do I restore it16:19
trbI am trying to add a file to the etc/udev/rules.d location and it is denying me permission how can I do this?16:19
MonkeyDustsianhulo: unetbootin can put the live iso into grub, it's how i'm here as we speak16:19
trbThe file is simply this... File name 98-bispirate.rules  and contains this statement... SUBSYSTEM=="tty", ATTRS{serial}=="A5005D8K", GROUP="users", MODE="0660", SYMLINK+="buspirate"16:19
dougglei m a try using wine 1.2 since i m using 1.3.2816:19
TRiderubuntu only runs on live cd. I install on a hard disk with no partitions and get error 22 in the grab process.Can anyone help ?16:19
ronmorsedl3: I'll check. god I hate unity.16:19
graingertdouggle: 1.3.30 has openal16:20
sianhuloMonkeyDust, but the question is "how"16:20
trbthe directory denys me permission16:20
bngreisio: its bbbenji. alternative .iso doesnt see my partitions either:(16:20
morsedl3ron: also: are you using default or proprietary nvidia drivers?16:20
bahamashello. can i ask questions about ubuntu one here?16:20
MonkeyDustsianhulo: in unetbootin, choose "harddrive" instead of "USB stick"16:20
ronmorsedl3: afair, proprietary.16:20
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bngyes bahamas16:20
reisiobahamas: remains to be seen16:20
DX099hello, all i lost my sudoers file... it's just gone... i tought it was in some backup but it wasn't... is there any way to recreate it ?16:20
djskiddmsg nickserv identify derp16:21
sianhuloMonkeyDust, but imean, how to make grub to work with it16:21
bahamasreisio: what does that mean?16:21
Guest52750i used to be able to back up all my system debs from /var/cache/apt/archives, but they're not all there anymore, just a few... where where they moved to?16:21
MonkeyDustsianhulo: are you familiar with unetbootin?16:21
sianhulogrub support USB because someone helped me with that a year ago or so,but now i have the deafult configuration of grub16:21
freshinstallok gnome3 is ok :-) I get it now, just need to avoid "gnome classic" as it's not.16:21
trbI am trying to add a file to the etc/udev/rules.d location and it is denying me permission how can I do this?16:21
graingertDX099: do you know if you lost anything else?16:21
reisiobahamas: just what it means16:21
nixmaniackwhich connection manager is default in 11.10? I have messed up with ConnMan and Network Manager. how do I restore it?16:21
reisiotrb: sudo16:22
bngtrb: do it as sudo16:22
sianhuloMonkeyDust, i've used it, but just with BIOS not for booting by GRUB16:22
graingertDX099: it's safest to copy your homedir and then re-install16:22
morsedl3ron: you may want to remove those and just try the non-proprietary drivers, just to see if that works.  if so, then simply 'apt-get purge'-ing the properietary drivers and then re-installing that might work (at least, that worked for me when going from lucid to natty)16:22
trbhow does that work16:22
djskiddah I need an offtopic chat16:22
bnganyone know why ubuntu installer and gparted dont see my partitions while fdisk does?16:22
djskiddinterested anyone?16:22
trbwhat would be the terminal command16:22
DX099graingert, i wanted to avoid this...16:22
trbsudo ?16:22
dr_willistrb:  you gain root rights via sudo. correct16:23
MonkeyDustsianhulo: choose the live iso you want, then below: choose harddisk, it's self explanatory16:23
bngsudo mv file /etc/udev/rules.d16:23
freshinstallbng, that's why it's good to use "try" instead of "install" so you can call up a shell and look at those things....16:23
toumboExcelent work on oneiric!!!!! :D16:23
DX099graingert, thx anyway16:23
MonkeyDustsianhulo: then go back to grub and choose unetbootin16:23
MattsycoHey all, how do I unpack/run a .run file?16:23
dr_willisMattsyco:  what is it exactly?16:23
nixmaniackwhich connection manager is default in 11.10? I have messed up with ConnMan and Network Manger. how do I restore it16:23
graingertDX099: if you lost sudoers you probably lost a lot more16:23
bngfreshinstall: youre talking about booting into live cd? thats how i figured out fdisk sees the partitions, but im not sure how to diagnose the problem16:24
sianhuloMonkeyDust,  YES, but i want to boot by grub not by BIOS, my BIOS doesn't support it(and it's supposed to)so, i want to boot by GRUb that I know works16:24
trbI'm sorry I have colied some sudo commands off the internet and they have worked but I don't know how to move the file from my home trb directory to the etc/udev'rules.d directory  what would be the sudo command?16:24
ronmorsedl3: can you help me a bit more with the apt-get purge command? I'm not sure how to find the nvidia drivers in order to purge those.16:24
sianhuloMonkeyDust, the problem is that if i don't change nothing, grub wont know unetbootin is in there16:24
bngfreshinstall: ive tried the alternative .iso as well. doesnt recognize either16:24
Mattsycoone of the games from the humblebundle dr_willis16:24
edbiansianhulo: the computer turns on, bios takes over, bios hands things over to grub, grub hands things over to the OS.  YOu cannot skip the bios with efi or something16:24
freshinstallbng, yep, that's a weird one.  if you don't care then just use "entire disk" otherwise *proceed very carefully* :-)16:24
MonkeyDustsianhulo: that's how i do by grub, can't say about BIOS, maybe someone else can help :)16:25
dr_willisMattsyco:  chmod +x foo.run, then ./foo.run16:25
bngfreshinstall: thats the thing:( i have two partitions i do not want to lose16:25
ronmorsedl3: I also checked the .xsession-error file, and I don't think the log is related to the problem. it's last entry is from about an hour ago and since I've tried logging in a few times.16:25
morsedl3ron: worst case, you may just have to backup your homedir, create a new account, and then moving everything over to the new account *except* your "dotfiles" (i.e., /home/ron/.*').  then, manually move over your dotfiles, excluding .gconf* .gnome* .cache* and the like -- anything that seems system / desktop related.  i had to do this from lucid to natty -- it was a bit of a pain, but it was actually good to clean out some of the "c16:25
morsedl3rud" in my dotfiles.16:25
neo84 After upgreading to 11.10, my launcher stop comming and all the icons gone from start pane. also al+f2 i s  not working . your help will be much appriciated16:25
sianhuloMonkeyDust, I mean to use GRUB, however GRUB wont know it is unetbootin itself16:25
Guest52750where does it save all the deb files? used to be in /var/cache/apt/archives, but that only contains a few.16:25
TRiderubuntu only runs on live cd. I install on a hard disk with no partitions and get error 22 in the grab process.Can anyone help ? It was working 2 days ago. plz help16:25
Mattsycodr_willis: thanks, I will give it a try16:26
sianhuloat least mine16:26
ronmorsedl3: yeah, I'd rather do that only as a last resort ;)16:26
B0g4r7Ah yes, I got the 11.10 upgrade notice thing today.  So I had one question about 11.10: Is it still possible to turn off Unity in 11.10?16:26
morsedl3ron: k.  it sounds like you there's some leftover config issue.  first, though, you might try 'rm -rf /home/ron/.cache' (while not logged into X) -- that's helped me in the past, too.16:26
samlhey, i upgraded to 11.10 ..  can I disable gnome and use openbox only?16:26
dr_willissaml:  yes16:26
trbthe book I have is junk and cant explain evn the simplist command of moving a directory16:26
edbianB0g4r7: yes, but gnome2 is gone16:26
djskiddAnyone know how I can get VirtualDJ to work under ubuntu? (ahem, http://www.virtualdj.com)16:26
edbiansaml: sure16:26
samlhow can i do so? i modified /etc/init/gdm.conf   to stop on runlevel 216:27
dr_willis!cli | trb16:27
ubottutrb: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal or type in it: man intro16:27
samlmy idea is to boot to console.. and execute startx  and put openbox on .xinitrc16:27
dr_willissaml:  ubuntu dosent use runlevels...16:27
Squeebsaml: /etc/inittab ?16:27
B0g4r7edbian, er, so if I disable Unity I'll be left with...what then?  Just an X Server?16:27
dr_willis!text | saml16:27
ubottusaml: To start your system in text-only mode append 'text' (without the quotes) to the kernel line in the grub menu. You can access the grub menu by pressing Esc (Grub legacy) or Shift (Grub2) during boot. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions#Text%20Mode16:27
Guest52750saml, disbale, or uninstall? it would be rather easy to just install openbox, and then log out, and choose openbox in the options on the bottom right.16:27
edbiansaml: sudo apt-get remove ubuntu-desktop (and install something else of course)16:27
shayei have actavated the brodcom driver in ubuntu 11.10 and still do not have a wireless option ??16:27
morsedl3ron: to find the packages, just run 'dpkg -l | grep -i nvidia' -- the package names should be in the resulting list16:27
edbianB0g4r7: gnome3 by default.  But you can install others16:27
Phr3d13ccsm keeps crashing with segmentation faults, how do i fix it?16:27
samlGuest52750, choosing Openbox on lightdm does not work..16:28
B0g4r7edbian, hmm...thanks.  I think I'll install in a VM before blindly upgrading important systems.16:28
samli mean.. i can't login with choosing openbox only.. i need to chose Gnome/Openbox16:28
Guest52750where is the debs saved now? couldnt find it in /var/cache/apt/archives16:28
edbianB0g4r7: sounds good :)16:28
Guest52750saml, does it just not show you the option, or?16:28
edbianGuest52750: I think a system upgrade it clears that cache16:28
dr_willissaml:  you could make a simple openbox session  openbox.desktop file for the xdm to use16:28
edbianGuest52750: so they'll accumulate as you install things again16:28
Guest52750edbian, no system upgrade performed.16:28
samldr_willis, how can i do that? just touch the file?16:29
edbianGuest52750: did you run apt-get clean or aptitude autoclean or something?16:29
nemoHey. Quick question.  Does Ubuntu 11.10 include GTK Broadway?16:29
Guest52750edbian, no.16:29
dr_willissaml:  look at the gnome.desktop file for an example16:29
o_salm: try "openbox --replace" in terminal16:29
samland gvim is funky16:29
cousin_luigiIs there a way to avoid UFW polluting the syslog?16:29
donofrio***B43*** 11.10 - does anyone have a working command for the 4306 rev3 card?16:29
edbianGuest52750: i'm not sure, that's where they go though :)16:29
edbiandonofrio: i have that card, I can get it working16:30
edbiandonofrio: I can not help you right now.  Wanna meet up later?16:30
Mattsycook, have an Error message saying libglade-2.0.so.0: wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS64      the 0's have dots in them16:30
Guest52750edbian, thanks for the info. this used to work on the other verisons, i.e. 10.04 and 10.10. i wish it would not clean things out, my net speed is sloooow.16:30
samlwhere is gnome.desktop located?16:30
zastaphcan someone help me to get Ubuntu working after I upgraded 11.04 to 11.10 in virtualbox? its just stuck at the Ubuntu logo when starting up now, no disk activity after a while16:30
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edbianGuest52750: maybe the disk if ull?16:30
dr_willissaml:  try 'locate gnome.desktop'16:30
donofrioedbian, PM me how to get it working16:31
edbiandonofrio: I do not have time.  I'm leaving in 1 minute.  I can help you later.16:31
Guest52750edbian, no, it's a 320gb disk with 8gb used. LOL. thanks for the help though... over and out from hylian :)16:31
donofrioany urls before you go?16:31
morsedl3ron: removing .gconfd/saved_state has also helped me clear up such problems in the past...16:31
ronmorsedl3: okay, the .cache deletion didn't help. purging the nvidia drivers.16:31
sianhulopeople, i have a hp pavilion laptop, wifi doesn't work(neither ethernet)16:31
edbiandonofrio: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx16:32
ronmorsedl3: btw, I really appreciate the help.16:32
edbianGuest53835: I know you! :D  cya16:32
fooIf you saw these errors, and then your system froze, what would you do? http://pastebin.com/eft4M7jq16:32
rafalzainstalowałem sobie xubuntu 11.1016:33
oCean!pl | rafal16:33
ubotturafal: Na tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl.16:33
frewsxcvis there any reason why ubuntu hasn't updated their releases in their rsync mirror?16:34
Phr3d13ccsm keeps crashing with segmentation faults - http://pastie.org/269573616:35
IppatsuManHi all. I am using the Broadcom STA driver for my BCM4312. I moved from US to Europe, and my card does not recognize WiFi network on channels 12 and 13. Apparently, you can switch to Europe regulations and access those channels by running "iw reg set DE" (for Germany), but the Broadcom driver does not recognize it. Any hint on how to fix this?16:35
dougglethat did it with the wine swap16:35
ronmorsedl3: okay, I may have messed up :p16:35
[]Tsukasa[]Samba: how can i configure the share so windows doesn't need any user account to login with. in smb.conf I have masks set to 777 and guest ok16:35
TRiderubuntu only runs on live cd. I install on a hard disk with no partitions and get error 22 in the grab process.Can anyone help ? It was working 2 days ago. plz help16:36
morsedl3ron: sure thing.  i have to log off irc now, but if you get really stuck, shoot an email to dm at dougmorse dot org and i'll see if can't help further.  btw, the "key" dotfiles you might want to move at of the way (e.g., move .gconf .gconf-keepme) are .gconf, .gconfd, .cache, .config, .dbus, .compiz*, .gnome*, and perhaps .X* and .xinitrc (if you have one).16:36
morsedl3ron: uh-oh.  what's up?16:36
sgs2_usrhow do i configure the lcd brightness in ubuntu 11.10?16:36
Phr3d13ccsm keeps crashing with segmentation faults - http://pastie.org/269573616:37
ronmorsedl3: I may have purged too much. my tv now shows weird lines :p I can still ssh to the machine. reinstalling the drivers now, but it'll take a while. thanks for the help, I'll follow your suggestions.16:37
genii-around[]Tsukasa[]: You probably also want then something like map to guest = bad user16:38
trb_I'm sorry I got disconnected from xchat please help16:38
trb_I am trying to add a file to the etc/udev/rules.d location and it is denying me permission how can I do this16:38
llutztrb_: sudo cp file /etc/udev/rules.d/16:38
Phr3d13trb_, gksudo gedit etc/udev/rules.d16:39
llutztrb_: sudo nano /etc/udev/rules.d/yourrules.rules16:39
dr_willistrb_:  you allready have the file made?16:39
bngpico > nano16:39
morsedl3ron: k.  yeah, i should have mentioned that -- sometimes removing drivers causes all of X11 (xorg stuff) to be removed, which is not what you want.  you can recover from that, though, simply by reinstalling xorg, xserver-xorg, xserver-org-core and the like.16:39
favilaanyway to disable lock screen after suspend  using Ocelot16:39
trb_The file is simply this... File name yes the file is in the home trb directory16:40
c_smithmy sound is not coming out, even on login, I looked in the hardware tab of the sound app, there were no devices listed, can someone help me here? I do have an intel sound device in this laptop.16:40
conntrackGive me a cup and string anyday16:40
trb_The file is simply this... File name 98-bispirate.rules  and contains this statement... SUBSYSTEM=="tty", ATTRS{serial}=="A5005D8K", GROUP="users", MODE="0660", SYMLINK+="buspirate"16:40
Tuttinghamcan i join any normal irc channel?16:40
morsedl3ron: most my machines are ati right now (ugh -- i don't recommend; if find nvidia to be much better w. linux support).16:40
reisioTuttingham: why couldn't you16:40
llutztrb_: sudo cp  ~trb/98-bispirate.rules /etc/udev/rules.d/16:40
c_smithTuttingham, not the #ubuntu-release-party channel.16:40
dr_willisHmm. The installer is a bit missleading i notice.. Im installing ubuntu to a seperate hard drive. and its saying 'replace windows 7 with ubuntu'  it shouldent be touching windows 7 at all. :) its on the OTHER hard drive16:40
sgs2_usrmy HP EliteBook 8540w laptop lcd brightness control does not remember the setting, how do I fix that?16:40
samlwhich log do I look at?  I have /usr/share/xsessions/openbox.desktop   but when I select Openbox.. It comes back to login screen16:40
samlI want to use openbox only.16:41
trb_let me give it a try...16:41
reisiodr_willis: sep-a-rate16:41
samlI did apt-get remove ubuntu-desktop16:41
ronmorsedl3: hmm, any idea where I can get an exact list of xorg stuff to install?16:41
=== faz_ is now known as faz
c_smithdid I phrase my question right?16:41
dr_willisreisio:  i-dont-care :)16:42
c_smithtried to give all the information I had.16:42
djskiddHow can I get my PGP key?16:42
reisiodr_willis: I noticed16:42
=== victorp_ is now known as victorp
djskiddAhem, OpenPGP key?16:42
morsedl3ron: i would think installing xorg and xserver-xorg would trigger all the necessary dependencies as well.16:42
sgs2_usris this the right channle to ask specific question on Ubuntu 11.10?16:42
c_smithdjskidd, do you mean OpenPGP key or GPG key?16:42
TRiderubuntu only runs on live cd. I install on a hard disk with no partitions and get error 22 in the grab process.Can anyone help ? It was working 2 days ago. plz help16:43
EfrinI have ubuntu 11.10 a try and really I cant work with unity and gnome3. Are there any ubuntu-like distros with simple GUI (gnome 2) or something?16:43
Efrini gave*16:43
samlwith 11.10,  can I go back to classic gnome?16:43
snikkerjust a curiosity, why Ubuntu was released yesterday, instead of the 20 of October as scheduled?16:43
ronmorsedl3: they're already installed :-/16:43
samli don't want unity16:43
dr_willisTRider:  the phrase 'install on a hard drive with no parittions' seems.. weird.. if you are installint to a hard drive. you make partitions to install to...16:43
djskiddLaunchpad says OpenPGP, but says to use a GPG command16:43
morsedl3ron: you might also need to specifically ask for the ubuntu-disto nvidia driver, which i would think is xserver-xorg-video-nvidia16:43
ronmorsedl3: I really don't want to keep you waiting.16:43
Efrinsaml: it has classic gnome - but "non editable"16:43
c_smithsnikker, yesterday was  the .scheduled day16:44
Picidjskidd: they're interchangable.16:44
dr_willissaml:  theres other desktops you can install, or tweak and roll your own16:44
samli don't understand.. i want compiz, unity  out.16:44
djskiddOkay, so how do I get it so I can sign the Ubuntu code of conduct so I can be op?16:44
morsedl3ron: no worries.  i'll stay online, i just might be a bit slower to respond.  i don't have to be anywhere, just need to focus on writing... :)16:44
Tuttinghamso is there a way to join channels using this client or not?16:44
snikkerc_smith: but the scheduled day, wasn't the 20 or the 23? or i'm wrong?16:44
ronmorsedl3: a book? :)16:44
c_smithheh, "I can fix anything, i have root!" should be "I can break everything, I have root!"16:45
jdoeI'm trying to install 11.10 on a machine with an nvidia graphics card, but as soon as hit "install ubuntu" from the cd, the screen goes blank and the system goes unresponsive. The nomodeset option doesn't seem to help. Any suggestions?16:45
morsedl3ron: dissertation work.16:45
ronmorsedl3: even worse! good luck :)16:45
morsedl3ron: :)16:45
c_smithsnikker, no, 20th and 23rd are both wrong, it was always set for the 13th.16:45
dr_willissaml:  last i noticed. when i isntalled openbox, or fluxbox, or icewm, or others.. they added a entry to the login GDM/whateverDM menus. If they dont. You can make your own. Or make a .xinitrc or .xsession file and just go to the console and use 'startx' to run exactly what you want16:45
TRiderok probably you re right. I install it using the standard process and I get error 22. Could it be a HD problem ?16:45
trb_I am getting this statement?16:45
trb_trb@trb-desktop:~$ sudo cp  ~trb/98-bispirate.rules /etc/udev/rules.d/16:45
trb_cp: cannot stat `/home/trb/98-bispirate.rules': No such file or director16:45
dr_willistrb_:  you need a ~/ for the path...16:45
snikkerc_smith: ok, i remember bad16:45
llutztrb_: then its not in trbs home16:45
samldr_willis, i have openbox entry.. when i select.. it goes back to login screen16:45
dr_willistrb_:  or dont use the full path.16:45
dr_willissaml:  file a bug.16:46
c_smithis there anyone here who can help me with, *ahem* my lack of audio?16:46
dr_willissaml:  try  the .xsession/startx method see if theres any errors16:46
trb_let me fool with it16:46
ronmorsedl3: can't find the package you suggested. trying o look around.16:46
morsedl3ron: have u installed apt-cache?16:46
Timo__hi. is it possible to make an persistent home? my laptop cant boot from usb :(16:46
samldr_willis, how do I get to the prompt?  grub  text kernel option is the only way?16:46
Tuttinghamcan anyone tell me?16:46
ronmorsedl3: of course!16:46
morsedl3ron: 'apt-cache search nvidia' should help16:46
ronmorsedl3: what is it? :p16:47
dr_willissaml:  thats the easiest way16:47
dr_willis!text | saml16:47
ubottusaml: To start your system in text-only mode append 'text' (without the quotes) to the kernel line in the grub menu. You can access the grub menu by pressing Esc (Grub legacy) or Shift (Grub2) during boot. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions#Text%20Mode16:47
ActionParsnipc_smith: what is the output of: wget -O alsa-info.sh http://www.alsa-project.org/alsa-info.sh; chmod +x ./alsa-info.sh; ./alsa-info.sh16:47
ronmorsedl3: I see.. nice.16:47
donofriob43 - 4306 rev 3 11.10 need help getting it working tinyurl.com/b43-not-working-in-11-1016:47
ronmorsedl3: you silly you. it was xserver-xorg-video-nv16:47
kallisti5is it just me or does ubuntu not just "work" on almost any machines like it used to?  I have HP workstations, Dell desktops, Dell laptops, Acer netbooks, Radeon HD 4xxx, Intel extreme, Nvidia... and *NONE* of them just work. Unity graphics corruption, Gnome 3 graphics corruption, lots of failing16:47
c_smithheh, I came across that trying to figure it out myself, let me pastebin the contents.16:47
JukkenI just downloaded Ubuntu 11.10....when the desktop and install-thingy comes up - all the colors are totally out of whack...can't even read what the installation says... any ideas?16:47
ronmorsedl3: which apparently is already installed :-/16:48
ActionParsnipc_smith: the command makes a link if you select to upload to the server ;)16:48
dr_willisJukken:  your video card/chipset is what?16:48
morsedl3ron: yep.  apt-cache and apt-file are very helpful.  apt-file lets you search in reverse, e.g., if i want to know what package installed /etc/motd, i run 'apt-file search /etc/motd'16:48
c_smithcool, I'll do that,16:48
reisioJukken: nvidia? :)16:48
ronmorsedl3: nice. I'll try to remember that.16:48
samlwhat file do I edit for grub?  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 is too long16:48
JukkenGeforce 6800 ultra  ...workes fine in anything else16:48
broxihello, im looking for help installing 11.10 please16:48
f0x09is there any sftp client for xubuntu like that one for ubuntu connect to server16:49
reisiosaml: read the bit about 40_custom16:49
ActionParsnipsaml: what do you want to achieve?16:49
harryrichardsonbroxi: what kind of help?16:49
samlreisio, thanks16:49
ActionParsnipf0x09: filezilla will do it16:49
c_smithmy ALSA info: http://www.alsa-project.org/db/?f=9317914ac35303a318344856677c1f22217cf00c16:49
samlActionParsnip, text boot16:49
morsedl3ron: so, are you at least back to where you re: at least logging in under a new account works?16:49
trb_YES YES!!!  after I corrected some spellin... sudo cp  ~trb/98-buspirate.rules /etc/udev/rules.d/16:49
dr_willissaml:  at the grub menu, you edit a line, and do like it said.. append 'text' to the end of the kernel line.. 'quiet nosplash text'16:49
ActionParsnipsaml: add the boot option:   text16:49
ronmorsedl3: nope. still no display.16:49
dr_willissaml:  or if you want it perment you eidt the grub config files in /etc/default like the docs say16:49
usertwoi installed thunar as an alternative to nautilus and its also extremely slow, so i guess i have some other issues with file management. anyone any ideas? i tried most of the online tricks for nautilus but no effect16:49
morsedl3ron: hmm... but that had been working, correct?16:49
tutt_i'm using a diffrent client now16:49
trb_Now hopefully the file simply this... File name 98-bispirate.rules  and contains this statement... SUBSYSTEM=="tty", ATTRS{serial}=="A5005D8K", GROUP="users", MODE="0660", SYMLINK+="buspirate16:49
reisiousertwo: tricks?16:49
broxiim having problems with what seems to be my nvidia card, wont boot to login16:50
trb_Will work16:50
morsedl3ron: i.e., with a new account (not your existing one)16:50
ronmorsedl3: before the nvidia purging havoc? sure.16:50
c_smithfunny thing is, my audio card doesn't appear in my sound menu16:50
usertwoeverything else works well but file management hangs16:50
llutztrb_: you should learn to use bash-completion (tab completion)16:50
ActionParsnipc_smith: ok and what is the issue?16:50
harryrichardsonbroxi: are you getting any errors, do you get booted into a command line, do you get a kernel panic?16:50
ronmorsedl3: sec, I have a hunch.16:50
trb_Yess Yess now that I corrected some spellinng the file is showing up in that dir16:50
morsedl3ron: k.16:50
dr_willis!tab | trb_16:51
broxino harryrichardson it stops at checking battery state16:51
ubottutrb_: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.16:51
trb_sudo cp  ~trb/98-buspirate.rules /etc/udev/rules.d/16:51
tutt_oops caps16:51
dr_willistrb_:  thats wrong... its NOT ~trb   it could be ~/trb/16:51
sauroman_is there any pe files explorer for windows?16:51
ronmorsedl3: okay, rebooting. the machine is also my irc bouncer, so I'll be d/c.16:51
llutzdr_willis: you're wrong16:51
llutzdr_willis: ~trb or /home/trb16:51
morsedl3ron: k.16:51
dr_willisyea 2 more typos make a wronger one :)16:51
dougglei guess it was just an issue with that particular build of wine because i didnt even have to do the open al thing16:51
dr_willisi corrected him earlier..16:51
c_smithActionParsnip, simple: I have no audio even in login, and my audio device doesn't appear.16:52
trb_it was buspirate not bispirate  stupid syntax16:52
JukkenAnyone have any ideas what to do...can hardly see anything at the installation...it's all messed up16:52
dr_willisi never use the ~ shortcut :) i find it causes to many issues16:52
ActionParsnipc_smith: add:    options snd-hda-intel enable_msi=1      to /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf16:52
ActionParsnipdr_willis: could use $HOME instead;)16:52
llutzdr_willis: i always use ~ because you don't have to fiddle with pathes :)16:52
tutt_i'm begging anyone to tell me how to join channels16:52
fooIf you saw these errors, and then your system froze, what would you do? http://pastebin.com/eft4M7jq16:52
dr_willishe dosent need ~ or /home/whatever  he seems to be in trb :)16:53
TRiderubuntu only runs on live cd. I install on a hard disk  and get error 22 in the grab process.Can anyone help ? 2 days ago I got a kernel panic message and had to reinstall. can anyone plw help ?16:53
trb_I hope the file does what its supposed to do... The file is simply this... File name 98-buspirate.rules  and contains thisuu statement... SUBSYSTEM=="tty", ATTRS{serial}=="A5005D8K", GROUP="users", MODE="0660", SYMLINK+="buspirate"16:53
llutztrb_: sudo udevadm control --reload-rules               and test it16:53
tutt_trb_  can ubuntu linux get java?16:53
wamMy quodlibet doesn't recognize the forward/backward multimedia keys of my keyboard anymore in oneiric. quodlibed worked in natty with it's dbus plugin. Is there anything I can do?16:54
trb_I'm an idiot I know but thanks everyone16:54
lauratikaim using ubuntu 10.10 with gnome clasic but cant find system menu any ideas where is it?16:54
morsedl3tutt_: see http://www.webupd8.org/2011/10/things-to-tweak-after-installing-ubuntu.html16:54
c_smithk, brb, gonna test to see if that fix works16:54
ActionParsnipTRider: try booting to the liveCD and reinstall grub from there16:54
natschilHello... my download speeds for updating to oneiric seem very slow, and im thinking they might be for everybody.... so just in case you guys here don't know about it, I'd like to point y'all to apt-p2p :D16:54
dr_willismorsedl3:  that url seems to have answers to 90% of the questions ive seen asked today.16:54
ActionParsnipTRider: http://www.google.co.uk/url?sa=t&source=web&cd=1&ved=0CB4QFjAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.omgubuntu.co.uk%2F2011%2F09%2Flive-usb-sticking-grub-2-video%2F&ei=XGmYTqlsyMPxA5qDzLgF&usg=AFQjCNHyQcVGbvSKW1itkyQ4_Amoz20c_Q16:55
morsedl3dr_willis: yup :)16:55
lauratikaplease anyone?16:55
ActionParsnipnatschil: I use apt-fast here, works a treat16:55
ActionParsnip!panels | lauratika16:55
ubottulauratika: To reset the GNOME panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »16:55
natschilActionParsnip: ooh, didn't know about that. let me google it.16:55
TRiderok I will try that. Thanks16:55
trb_yes I must reload rules ok it took the statement sudo udevadm control --reload-rules16:56
trb_now how do I check16:56
nerikoGood morning/afternoon everyone. I upgraded to ubuntu 11.04 yesterday, and now I have no wireless. It's as if my wifi is permanently turned off. Will someone help me, please?16:56
chiarahi i have problem with hdmi audio with nvidia card16:56
ActionParsnipneriko: can you pastebin the output of:16:56
chiaraplease help ...16:56
ActionParsnipneriko: sudo lshw -C network; lsb_release -a; sudo rfkill list16:56
c_smithokay, the fix did nothing.16:56
c_smithstill no sound.16:57
ActionParsnipc_smith: did you reboot to test?16:57
lauratikaubottu: didnt work16:57
dr_willislauratika:  ubottu  is the channel robot. :)16:57
c_smithand furthermore: no sound on even bootup.16:57
ActionParsnipc_smith: ok you are basically looking for lines like that to add to the file, relating to your system model16:57
lauratikadr_willis... sorry16:57
dr_willislauratika:  apologize to the robot? :)16:58
ActionParsnipc_smith: as the option does nothing, I suggest you remove it16:58
lauratikasorry buddy bot16:58
natschilActionParsnip: apt-p2p seems better as the more people use it, the faster it gets.16:58
lauratikaim polite16:58
nerikoSilly question, how do I pastebin?16:58
ActionParsnipnatschil: I see16:58
lauratika :D16:58
dr_willisneriko:  use the pastebinit command is one way16:58
lauratikajust kiddiing16:58
chiarahi i have problem with hdmi audio with nvidia card - i have 11.10  - descktop pc16:58
lauratikaany help any one?16:58
ronmorsedl3: my apt-get download speed is horrible. trying to switch mirrors.16:58
usertwonow thunar hangs too16:58
natschilron: try apt-p2p :)16:59
dr_willislauratika:  theres some config/system menu under the top right power button.. i recall.16:59
c_smithbleh, can't remember the file I edited.... hate it when this happens.16:59
natschilron: and then my download speed might speed up too :)16:59
ronnatschil: what's that? :)16:59
* ron laughs16:59
ActionParsnipc_smith: try:   options snd-hda-intel model=hp-m4 enable_msi=1       reboot to apply, then System>Preferences>Sound and change first 4 options to ALSA ← couldn't do this part there was no first 4 options 16:59
natschilron: it's kind of like bittorrent for apt-get I think16:59
ronnatschil: the name kinda suggests it, yeah.16:59
ActionParsnipc_smith: use the up cursor to review old commands16:59
ActionParsnipnatschil: will try it too16:59
morsedl3ron: yeah, it seems ubuntu servers are more swapped 2day then yesterday.  you may want to try apt-p2p -- folks here are talking about it being faster16:59
morsedl3ron: typo: "swamped"17:00
B0g4r7chiara, I just got HDMI audio to work the other day myself, using Nvidia Ion.  For me, the "magic command" from this page did the trick: http://www.minimyth.org/forum/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=269917:00
jlebarI opened up the compiz manager, clicked "preferences", and my shell crashed.  Even after a restart, the "Ubuntu" shell doesn't work (Ubuntu 2D does).  How do I recover from this?17:00
Gotischcan i switch the panel to the right side of the screen? it doesnt seem to be affected by the reveal mode seetting in compiz config17:00
c_smithknew there had to be a function in Terminal to do that, just didn't know how.17:00
lauratikahow do i access the shortcut and change the theme in gnome classic if there is no system menu?17:00
ronless than 10k/s :-/17:01
chiaraB0g4r7 i'm going to read17:01
hagusI had ubuntu 10.4 and was in the midst of an internet upgrade to 10.10 when the thing stopped at configuring cups.  I switched off and now it stops before I get to the sign-in dialog.17:01
hagusAny hint as to what I should do now?17:01
dr_willislauratika:  you can access the gnome-settings tool via the unity panel i belive..  or command line. but i dont recall its exact name.. and there is some setting menu on the menu you get when you click the top right power button icon i recall.17:01
hagusI am using my son's machine to connect17:01
ActionParsnipc_smith: now you do17:01
qolswho is the american food-person with a biiiig round white smiling head and a top hat17:01
usertwohow do i kill thunar. it wont quit from the side menu17:01
dr_willisusertwo:  killall thunar      perhaps.17:02
Timo__is it possible to install and/or save preferences on an usb stick?17:02
maulanaam need make some radio online on my ubuntu can i ?17:02
hagusHave I jiggered my setup completely?  I have a wubi installation.17:02
dr_willisTimo__:  you can do a full install to a usb, or a live-setup+persistant save file.17:02
chiaraB0g4r7  i must get you the result?17:02
ActionParsnipmaulana: shotcast  maybe17:02
Reaperid burn 11.10 to a disk and do a fresh install hagus17:02
lauratikadr_willis you are rigth under the power button but cant find shorcuts or themes17:02
hagusWill I lose my data, Reaper?17:02
Timo__dr_willis, laptop is from 2006...no usb install :(17:03
dr_willislauratika:  this is 11.10 or 11.04 ?17:03
c_smithrebooting to test, brb with results17:03
ronnatschil: geh, not sure how to use it.17:03
hagusgrr :( nm17:03
lauratikabrand new oneric17:03
maulanaActionParsnip, how are you bro... shotcast like winnap paket ?17:03
usertwokillall thunar says no process found. ps lists only bash and ps17:03
sgs2_usrhow do i enable encryption to my home folder if during installation i have not selected it?17:03
dr_willislauratika:  then there is none. :) you use that gnome-tweak tool in the repos.. see the webupd8 blog url for tweaking 11.1017:03
ActionParsnipmaulana: its a way to broadcast stuff is all I know, check it out, see if its what you need17:03
dr_willissee http://www.webupd8.org/2011/10/things-to-tweak-after-installing-ubuntu.html17:03
chiaraB0g4r7  i don't have this sound card17:03
Reaperit did the same to my laptop but I have most of my stuff in ubuntu one so it didnt matter17:03
hagusThanks, Reaper, though it was not what I hoped you would say :)17:04
ActionParsnipusertwo: can you give the output of:  ps -ef | grep -i thun | grep -v grep17:04
Reaperyeah, it does suck.17:04
nerikoActionParsnip, thanks for the assist. the paste addy is http://pastebin.com/cFhbazfA17:04
Reaperbut hang out here maby someone else has a better idea17:04
ronnatschil: does it automagically affect apt-get?17:04
lauratikahmmmm thanx17:04
Dougie187Has anyone linked against libgfortran3 in 11.10?17:04
ActionParsnipneriko: so your issue is with the ethernet?17:05
nerikoNo, the wireless. I have my ethernet cable connected so I can access xchat17:05
maulanaActionParsnip, can i used my desktop ubuntu :) that used for school brotha17:05
nerikoMy wireless won't even show up17:05
ActionParsnipneriko: seems to not be detected? If you run:  dmesg | less    do you see the device mentioned?17:05
mr_danielWant to download new Ubuntu 11.04. Is there any reason why the download recommends the 32-Bit version instead of the 64-Bit version? http://www.ubuntu.com/download/ubuntu/download17:06
hagusMy upgrade from 10.04 to 10.10 crashed.  Is there a way of completing the upgrade short of making a new installation of 10.10?17:06
morsedl3for what it's worth: i diagnosed why software-center wasn't working for me.  somehow the upgrade from natty to oneiric messed up the permissions on /etc/dpkg/dpkg.cfg.d/ and /etc/dpkg/dpkg.cfg.d/multiarch.  once corrected (mode 755 and 644, respectively), software-center stopped getting stuck in a loop with a repair message and i could again use it to install packages etc.17:06
trenchmr_daniel: what kind of hardware you got?17:06
dr_willismr_daniel:  'idiot proofing' - if you know enogh to know what 64bit is.. and your machine supports it.. id say go for 64bit17:06
natschilron: no, you need to install it and then replace http:// with http://localhost:9977/17:06
morsedl3now am just trying to get WOL to work again. :)17:07
mr_danieltrench: 64 bit17:07
dr_willismr_daniel:  if some one with no idea what 64bit even means.. then well. thats why they reccomend 32bit.17:07
mr_danieldr_willis: ok, then I'll stick to 64 bit17:07
ronnatschil: replace it where?17:07
trenchmr_daniel: then download 6417:07
mr_danielok, I understand,17:07
zastaphim in the recovery console of ubuntu, how can I debug whats preventing my ubuntu from booting properly (halting at Ubuntu logo) after upgrading to 11.10 ?17:07
natschilron: in /etc/apt/sources.list (or I think that's all that you need to do)17:07
ronnatschil: will check it out. thanks.17:07
natschilron: gotta go, google it there are usage instructions somewhere17:07
natschilron: thanks to you :)17:07
ReaperAre the desktop themes called that or something else. Like the classic ubuntu, is that called a desktop?17:08
usertwoActionParsnip: it gives two numbers, which are probably thunar and empathy (this chat) how do i know which one is thunar?17:08
frigohai #ubuntu, i installed 11.10 last night, and now it wont boot, it hangs at "checking battery state"17:08
dr_willisReaper:  11.10 uses gnome 3 themes now.17:08
nerikoNo. I have a Ralink(?) wireless17:08
Reapercool, what are the themes?17:08
dr_willisfrigo:  i saw a posting on that error on the webupd8.org blog site i recall.17:08
nerikoThere was a fix for 10.10 with the same issue, but I haven't been able to find one for 11.04 yet17:08
hagusDid I say 10.04 to 10.10.  I meant 11.04 to 11.10.  I am senile and panicky :)17:08
ReaperI have the regular and 2d17:08
dr_willisReaper:  no idea. theres several out.  not many installed by default. and you need the gnome-tweak tool to enable them17:09
frigoyeah, i saw fixes for 10.10, but none for 1117:09
dr_willistweaking yoru themes and stuff - check 0--->  see http://www.webupd8.org/2011/10/things-to-tweak-after-installing-ubuntu.html17:09
ActionParsnipusertwo: can you pastebin the text please17:09
Reaperk thanx ill check for the tool17:09
c_smithstill nothing. no sound, and no 4 options.17:09
ActionParsnipdr_willis: shame the java ppa violates the java licensing17:09
dr_willisActionParsnip:  shame oracle has stuck such a ... well.. i dont even start that rant... :)17:10
c_smith'tis frustrating me beyond belief.17:10
ActionParsnipdr_willis: just helping users not violate licensing ;);)17:10
dr_willisI think orcal has violated the users.. :)17:10
ActionParsnipc_smith: you'll find other suck options online dude17:10
feisarhi, I just installed 10.10 on a ppc machine the apt-get install b43-fwcutter but it hasn't sorted out my wifi card as I'm sure previous versions did, can anyone help?17:11
c_smithcool, I'll try that.17:11
morsedl3ron: this might help: http://bredsaal.dk/installing-apt-p2p-on-ubuntu  (again, though, i've never used apt-p2p)17:11
ronmorsedl3: *nod*17:11
nerikoIf it helps, Action, my Wifi button light is stuck on Red17:12
TorbenBetaCan I still use the classical Desktop, if I upgrade to 11.10?17:13
dr_willisTorbenBeta:  gnome-shell has some fallback mode.. but its not the old classic desktop - its close i hear17:14
ubottuTo start your system in text-only mode append 'text' (without the quotes) to the kernel line in the grub menu. You can access the grub menu by pressing Esc (Grub legacy) or Shift (Grub2) during boot. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions#Text%20Mode17:14
samlon that page, there's no "text"17:14
samli can't search for "text" on that page17:14
usertwoActionParsnip: http://pastebin.com/XHaqKzjx17:14
TorbenBetadr_willis: I can't use the one I have in 11.04, if I upgrade to 11.10?17:15
dr_willisTorbenBeta:  no.17:15
melodosanyone here?17:15
kallisti5melodos: check out #debian for help installing debian17:15
kallisti5melodos: it's better then ubuntu :D17:15
melodoskallisti5, why?17:15
taisahi there, does anybody know how to install bibus in ubuntu 11.10? Python dependencies are not met, because of following error: bibus: Depends: python (>= 2.7.1-0ubuntu2) but 2.7.2-7ubuntu2 is installed.17:16
kallisti5melodos: it actually works on a wide range of hardware17:16
ActionParsnipusertwo: that's just the ps running, there. There is no thunar running afaik17:16
melodoskallisti5, i used the alternative command line installation, it's awesome now, could even be faster than debian with xfce so far17:16
kallisti5melodos: and doesn't have unity17:16
jerothPlease tell me there is a way to install gnome2 on 11.10?17:16
ActionParsniptaisa: is there a bug reported?17:16
sianhulopeople, i want to add a line to grub2, i want to boot from my usb, what i have to do?17:16
kallisti5jeroth: gnome classic is gnome 217:16
reisiojeroth: doesn't need to be, you can install gnome-shell and gnome-panel17:16
ActionParsnipjeroth: there is a fork called 'mate'   it may break things but you are free to try. All your own risk if you break stuff17:17
jerothawesome :)17:17
hagusI am able to login at the command line of whatever remains of my 'upgrade' to 11.10.  Is there anything that I could do to save the situation from here?17:17
melodoskallisti5, i just need to get my ipw3945 and the debian method wont work on ubuntu, probably because of different repos.. how do i add it manually?17:17
taisaActionParsnip: yes, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/bibus/+bug/84917417:17
ubottuUbuntu bug 849174 in bibus (Ubuntu) "Bibus is not installable in Oneiric (depends on python<2.7)" [Undecided,Confirmed]17:17
sianhulosomebody knows?17:17
hagusI used ctr-alt-f417:17
djskiddCan you believe you can make your own channel on freenode? It's true! Try /join <yourname>17:17
kallisti5melodos: no clue. why not go back to debian? :D17:17
ActionParsniptaisa: then when the bug is closed, it will be installable17:17
ActionParsnipdjskidd: yes, the server supports channel spawning...17:18
usertwoActionParsnip: the thunar window is right in the middle of the screen. i will just try the 'windows trick' (reboot!!!)17:18
melodoskallisti5, debian only for server usage for now17:18
andres__hay alguna chica17:18
nemoDoes Ubuntu 11.10 include GTK Broadway?17:18
sgs2_usrhow do i enable encryption to my home folder if during installation i have not selected it?17:18
kallisti5melodos: ah.  it is a good server os17:18
melodoskallisti5, the best17:18
melodoskallisti5, cuz of the stable packages17:18
kallisti5melodos: i just couldn't take ubuntu gnome 3 / unity crashing on every freaking video card out there :)17:18
hagusDoes the fact that I am able to login using ctrl-alt-f4 signify that I might be able to save my upgrade?17:19
melodoskallisti5, as i said, using a clean command line install with xfce4.. it runs better than debian, kernel is really optimised well17:19
ActionParsnipkallisti5: then use XFCE, KDE or LXDE.....17:19
kallisti5melodos: xfce4 is pretty good17:19
jazzg4Need a little help  with new  Ubuntu disro  can not install  chrome or picasa at all it seem the package installer has been removed17:19
donofriohow do I troubleshoot a vpn session?17:19
petohi .. how can i make wallpaper slideshow  ? :)17:20
`sudo_kill_1_-9`i need to speak with ubuntu group contact17:20
ActionParsnipjazzg4: sudo apt-get install chromium-browser    will give the browser17:20
dr_willisjazzg4:  install gdebi, or use command line, a .deb file is supposed to open with the software center by default i belive.17:20
kallisti5ActionParsnip: the default desktop shouldn't crash though :)  i have 100's of systems that I have to upgrade that were running ubuntu at work17:20
`sudo_kill_1_-9`an op on #ubuntu-ru is abusing operator powers17:20
sianhulohow to boot with usb by grub2?someone?17:20
`sudo_kill_1_-9`it just bans people for nothing17:20
ActionParsnipkallisti5: install Kubuntu and you will get KDE. Default means nothing17:20
kallisti5ActionParsnip: reall don't feel like installing xfce across them.. so to debian we go17:20
sambroshow do i edit the top and bottom menu bars in ubuntu 11.10 (gnome)?? right-clicking doesn't do anything17:20
ActionParsnipSudoKing: then advise in #ubuntu-ops17:20
nytek_peto: there is a slideshow screensaver17:20
kallisti5ActionParsnip: eh. at thay point why not get away from Shuttleworth and his crapbuntu?17:20
ActionParsnipkallisti5: thats sad, change release for the sake of a changable part of the OS.17:21
hagusIf I can login using ctrl-alt-f4, is there a chance that I can save my ubuntu 11.10 upgrade?17:21
kallisti5ActionParsnip: i know i sound like a troll.. but i *really* can't stand unity17:21
StavaSo i resized a window with the border-snap feature and the entire window is now like a 2px wide, 20px high border. I can't resize it and restarting the application restore it's size. What should I do?17:21
petonytek_: and where can i find it?17:21
dr_willishagus:  totally depends on whats broken.17:21
ActionParsnipkallisti5: don't use it then, you don't have to use unity...17:21
kallisti5ActionParsnip: i *really* tried to like it.. but just too much movement for the sake of movement17:21
hagusWhat could I do to see if I can get any further?17:21
ardithoxhaguys I have a  sound problem17:22
kallisti5ActionParsnip: i know.. I'd rather use gnome 3.. but it's even unstable under ubuntu17:22
ActionParsnipkallisti5: LXDE frontend is largely unchaned in years..17:22
hagusAt the moment, that is all that I have been able to do - is login17:22
hagusDo not know what to try next17:22
kallisti5ActionParsnip: keep getting strange bleeding colors and stuff17:22
dr_willisHmm. I found gnome-3 and gnome-shell worked decently well during beta.17:22
ActionParsnipkallisti5: you can use gnome apps in KDE you know...17:22
Andy80how can I know wich package modified my GRUB configuration? Since this morning I've the Debian logo on my GRUB -.- this is not funny since I didn't request it....17:22
kallisti5ActionParsnip: yeah but kde is kinda not my thing :)17:22
hagusAny suggestions as to what I might try, dr_willis?17:23
kallisti5ActionParsnip: i'm not running linux to use windows :D17:23
ActionParsnipkallisti5: or XFCE, or fluxbox, or openbox.Lots to choose from. Gnome is not the only option17:23
Calinou_hi... updated to 11.1017:23
kallisti5ActionParsnip: yup.  but at that point why not just run debian?17:23
Calinou_botting stops to a console screen, "Stopping Userspace bootsplash"17:23
kallisti5ActionParsnip: the best part of ubuntu was it just worked17:23
ActionParsnipkallisti5: i like the ubuntu community, I'm also an ubuntu member17:23
Calinou_took me HOURS to install 11.10...17:24
ActionParsnipkallisti5: its always just worked here17:24
Calinou_a non working 11.10.17:24
kallisti5Calinou_: thats prob just a slow mirrot17:24
ActionParsnipCalinou_: what doesn't work?17:24
Calinou_no GUI17:24
ActionParsnipCalinou_: do you get the login screen?17:24
Calinou_just a console, nothing writable17:24
hagusIs there a way in which I can proceed beyond a mere login?17:24
ActionParsnipCalinou_: do you use proprietary video drivers?17:25
Calinou_no... just "starting/stopping" messages17:25
Calinou_I don't know? first time I boot 11.1017:25
Calinou_using nvidia 9600M17:25
ardithoxhacan someone help with my sound problem!17:25
pagan0nethe min/max/close buttons at the top of my windows have defaulted to the RIGHT like they were pre 10.4, i got used to them being on the LEFT, i have tried changing the settings in gconf-editor under apps>metacity>general   and changed it FROM menu:minimize,maximize,close TO minimize,maximize,close:menu logged out and back in, and their still on the RIGHT, where has this setting moved to?17:26
ActionParsnipCalinou_: but you upgraded from natty, right?17:26
Calinou_my homd folder is on a external HDD17:26
melodosanyone knows how the default ubuntu installation picks up the proprietary drivers and downloads them?17:26
ActionParsnipCalinou_: so a clean install? You may want the boot option:   nouveau.blacklist=117:26
kallisti5ActionParsnip: I use to use Ubuntu because the package selection was *awesome* and for desktops at work, home, etc it just worked. no hardware issues, fast as hell.  but If i have to work around bugs and tweak the crap out of Ubuntu 11.04+ to get it useable.. it's just a bandaid.  I get to the point of anger using Ubuntu now which makes me feel pretty bummed out.17:26
tetsuo--hello, im getting this error when updating from 11.04 to 11.10 Dist-upgrade failed: 'E:Error, pkgProblemResolver::Resolve generated breaks, this may be caused by held packages.' main.log http://paste.ubuntu.com/708124/ apt.log http://paste.ubuntu.com/708125/  << What can i do to fix it?17:26
Calinou_(currently plugged hdd, made sure to boot to the internal hdd)17:26
ActionParsnipkallisti5: installing a new DE is hardly tweaking17:27
Calinou_no GRUB screen - only ubuntu 11.10 installed17:27
ActionParsnipCalinou_: hold shift at boot17:27
kallisti5ActionParsnip: have you seen the gnome 2 fallback?17:27
Calinou_ok then...17:27
kallisti5ActionParsnip: it looks empty by default.. no ubuntu polish17:27
ActionParsnipkallisti5: I don't use gnome much, not done so in years17:27
kallisti5ActionParsnip: ah.17:27
ActionParsnipkallisti5: too slow17:28
kallisti5ActionParsnip: I may look at KDE again.. but my normal preference is Gnome or xfce17:28
Calinou_no... still the purple screen, "GRUB loading" appeared at one moment though17:28
neo84 After upgreading to 11.10, my launcher stop comming and all the icons gone from start pane. also al+f2 i s  not working . your help will be much appriciated17:28
kallisti5ActionParsnip: anyway.. i *really* do hope things get better. I17:28
Calinou_the console is back. automatic crash report generation failed, everything else is ok17:28
kallisti5ActionParsnip: 'm not holding my breath though17:28
ActionParsnipkallisti5: i've use LXDE the last 5/6 years, gone back to my kde roots on this lappy17:28
wildc4rdEvening all, general consensus for 11.10 for basic 'desktop' use, before I click yes17:29
neo84Please help,  After upgreading to 11.10, my launcher stop comming and all the icons gone from start pane. also al+f2 i s  not working . your help will be much appriciated17:29
kallisti5wildc4rd: sucks :P17:29
pagan0newildc4rd, its different, if you dont like change dont click yes17:29
kallisti5pagan0ne: +117:29
Calinou_I guess I will install 11.9417:29
meta-coderWhat are the main differences between KDE, Gnome and Xfce?17:29
Calinou_for nothing. :(17:29
wildc4rdI didn't like Unity, does that count? lol17:29
sgs2_usrCalinou_: does this exist??17:29
bamestnik_Hello, I've an actual TiVo are there any tools I can use to upload/stream content to the TiVo?17:30
pagan0newildc4rd, it will reinstall unity and uninstall gnome when you upgrade17:30
ActionParsnipwildc4rd: works fine here17:30
pagan0newildc4rd, and the new gnome you can reinstall in 11.10 is way different than the old gnome, nautilus is different and things just dont work as expected for me17:30
ActionParsnipmeta-coder: different apps by default, different resources used.17:30
Calinou_what option to use actionparsnip?17:30
Calinou_grub works!17:30
=== Emmanuel_Chanel_ is now known as Emmanuel_Chanel
ActionParsnipCalinou_: nouveau.blacklist=117:31
pagan0nethe min/max/close buttons at the top of my windows have defaulted to the RIGHT like they were pre 10.4, i got used to them being on the LEFT, i have tried changing the settings in gconf-editor under apps>metacity>general   and changed it FROM menu:minimize,maximize,close TO minimize,maximize,close:menu logged out and back in, and their still on the RIGHT, where has this setting moved to?17:31
Calinou_on a new line?17:31
bfigi'm having trouble with my microphone17:31
bfighow can i do to test it? my alsamixer is not showing anything17:31
meta-coderActionParsnip, What among them is more popular among developers?17:32
MonkeyDust!details| bfig17:32
ubottubfig: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."17:32
ActionParsnipbfig: sound recorder is in a default install17:32
ActionParsnipmeta-coder: all, you can also run kde apps in gnome and vice-versa17:32
ge0rge04What is the difference between  the (version current) and (version current-updates) of the NVIDIA driver that shows up in the additional drivers window?17:32
Calinou_I used to not blacklist nouveau before. Still does not boot17:33
Calinou_"stopping Userspace bootsplash"17:33
ActionParsnip!nomodeset | Calinou_17:33
ubottuCalinou_: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter17:33
rubyplusplusAnyone know what the google integration does in 11.10?17:33
bfigsorry for the vague question. I'm running 11.04, i run alsamixer from the console and instead of volume bars i get a -00- S/PIDF and no way to see the volume bars17:34
Calinou_does nomodeset allow me to use 3d games...?17:34
rubyplusplusI kind of thought it would set up the empathy/thunderbird/calendar type sync, but I had to set all of that up manually.17:34
ActionParsnipCalinou_: you'll just need it til you can get the proprietary driver installed17:35
ActionParsnipCalinou_: do you have web access in network root console?17:36
douggleis there a tool to convert from wubi to a physical install17:36
Calinou_"previousclinux versions" in grub17:36
Calinou_the 11.10 uses linux 3.017:36
bamestnik_meta-coder: KDE, IMHO, has a lot more color then Gnome.  Xfce is more like a traditional Unix GUI.17:37
Calinou_does using a older linux fixes that?17:37
neo84 I realy hatet 11.1017:37
ge0rge04can somebody answer my question too, please?17:37
neo84it messed up with my system17:37
elluzubuntu 11.10 travando muito...17:37
ActionParsnipdouggle: http://askubuntu.com/questions/635/how-to-convert-wubi-install-into-regular-install    I'd just reinstall17:37
eolo999hi, i use xmonad as wm and it seems that the package xmonad-contrib is not present even if it is mentioned on packages.ubuntu.com? anyone knows something about it?17:38
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elluzalguém fala Português-BR???17:39
pagan0nefound it!, can anyone tell me why the setting in gconf-edit for the position of the min/max/close buttons was moved from 'apps.metacity.general'  to 'desktop.gnome.shell.windows'? the button_layout?17:39
Pici!br | elluz17:39
ubottuelluz: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.17:39
TRideron startup i get a terminal screen with GRUB_ infront. I have ubuntu already installed. what can I do ?17:39
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Calinou_wow, system works with old linux versions... YAY17:40
Calinou_thanks anyway guys17:40
ActionParsnipTRider: boot to the liveCD and chroot to the installed OS, then run:  sudo update-grub17:40
luca_dear friends which is the version of gnome on ubuntu 11.10??17:40
Calinou_2 if you use gnome fallback17:41
Calinou_aka. old gnome17:41
luca_how can i chech gnome version??17:41
pagan0neluca_ 11.10 uninstalls gnome and installs unity, however you can reinstall gnome, which i have done myself its the new gnome-shell which is woah confusing to people used to 'old gnome'17:41
Calinou_like 10.10 and prior17:41
Piciluca_, Calinou_: There is no gnome2 in 11.1017:41
Piciluca_, Calinou_: There is a GNOME3-fallback mode that looks somewhat like gnome2 though.17:42
TRiderwhat is chroot to the installed OS17:42
luca_Pci, gnome 3 or gnome 2?17:42
luca_how can i check the gnome version??17:43
Pici!gnome2 | luca_17:43
ubottuluca_: The GNOME Foundation has ceased support for GNOME 2, and as such it is not in Ubuntu 11.10 (Oneiric Ocelot). See !notunity for an alternative desktop experience.17:43
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pagan0neluca_, 11.10 allows you to install gnome 3, but comes with unity instead17:43
Picipagan0ne: Unity is a shell for gnome3. It just isn't gnome-shell.17:44
RingZer0which is more lightweight for a desktop env: Xfce or Lxde?17:44
luca_But I had gnome 2 also in the previous version17:44
pagan0nePici, wow, that makes things even more confusing x.x17:44
Calinou_does gnome 3 limit FPS to 52? like gnome2 + effects do?17:44
PiciCalinou_: I don't know.17:44
luca_so the gnome version is the same in ubuntu 11.04 and in 11.1017:44
RingZer0how difficult is it to install a separate desktop environment like Lxde on the regular 11.10 distro?17:45
luca_nothing has changed17:45
Piciluca_: No, thats not what I said.17:45
eolo999oops, forgot to mention that i just upgraded to oneiric17:45
ActionParsnipRingZer0: same as any other package17:45
luca_Pici you said that the version is the same17:45
h00kpagan0ne: Ubuntu comes with Gnome 3.2 and uses Unity as a shell.  Gnome-shell is an alternative to Unity that sits on Gnome 3.2 as well17:45
RingZer0ActionParsnip: i cannot believe apt is so good at resolving dependancies17:46
ActionParsnipRingZer0: not hard at all. For xfce: sudo apt-get install xfce4  for lxde: sudo apt-get install lxde    and so on17:46
Piciluca_: The GNOME Foundation has ceased support for GNOME 2, and as such it is not in Ubuntu 11.10. GNOME 3 is the desktop environment on which Unity is based and that is what ships as the default desktop environment in 11.1017:46
ActionParsnipRingZer0: it needs to be ;)17:46
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RingZer0lol, remember pkgtool ... first time i used was with an early version of slackware17:46
pagan0neh00k, i get it, but it doesnt make it any less confusing, its nice that things are extensible in this manner though.17:46
paparentHey all ! I just upgraded to 11.10. but now my wifi is pretty buggy.. it's intermittent and unusable. my card is atheros.. is there any thing to? known issue?17:47
RingZer0POSTIX systems are really evolving into game-changing players in the OS market17:47
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famgodis there a way I can stop using pulseaudio and use alsa?17:48
luca_Pci: you mean that we have something of Gnome 3 and something of Gnome 2?17:48
ActionParsnippaparent: when the link drops, run:   dmesg | less    may give clues17:48
wrigglehi.. i did a ssh tunnel to my vps, but i cant install any package on it via apt-get install.. it says unable to locate package. how to fix that?17:48
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ChrisGagnonwriggle: did you run 'apt-get update' first?17:49
blockycan someone help me get gnome-shell running? I'm using 11.10 32 bit on a virtual box (windows 7 host) and it defaults to the gnome2 type fallback17:49
fmaurofamgod: yes there are seveal guides to remove pulseaudio completely17:49
wriggleoh no, i forgot.17:49
wrigglethanks lol17:49
blockyalso I have enabled 3d acceleration on my virtual machine and installed the addons17:50
rdeggesHi all--quick question. I'm trying to install chrome on 11.10 64-bit. I downloaded the package from google.com/chrome (as usual), but when I open it in the software center to install, I get the error: "Internal Error The file "/path/to/google-chrome-stable_current_amd64.deb couldn't be opened."17:50
bfigi'm having trouble with sound in general. can somebody help me a bit? i haven't been able to use the microphone ever. in windows it works without doing anything17:50
rdeggesAm I missing something here?17:50
bfig(ubuntu 11.04 fully updated)17:50
khussein78_how can i connect l2tp/ipsec VPN from ubuntu ?17:50
rdeggesI'm downloading it via firefox to ~/Downloads, so it's not in a weird directory or anything17:50
fmaurordegges: you could try installing it directly with dpkg -i17:51
rdeggesfmauro: ok, might as well17:51
luca_Is better gnome shell than the version we use on ubuntu 11.10??17:51
wriggleit working now. thanks ChrisGagnon17:51
coloniahi somebody knows some program to audio?17:52
morsedl3khussein78_: network-manager might work.  vpn -> cisco uses ipsec i believe17:52
coloniasomeone speaks portuguese?17:52
pangolin!br | colonia17:52
ubottucolonia: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.17:52
pc01some one speak spanish17:52
llutz!pt | colonia17:52
h00k!es | pc0117:52
ubottupc01: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.17:52
TehAndrewRyani have serious issues with ccc on ubuntu 11.1017:52
coloniaola meu cara17:52
khussein78_i see in vpn just pptp how can i download plugin17:53
morsedl3khussein78_: openvpn might also do ipsec...17:53
TehAndrewRyanthe control center crashes when i try to change my desktop size17:53
luca_we have Unity as shell for gnome environment17:53
TehAndrewRyani'm also using 2 monitors and can't choose "Extended desktop", because then it crashes when i press Apply17:53
luca_like in the version 11.0417:53
ibqndoes 11.10 come with gnome 3.2?17:54
morsedl3khussein78_: i believe 'sudo apt-get install vpnc' will get it for you.17:54
luca_I don't know how to check the version of gnome but i think it's gnome 217:54
luca_also in this version17:54
TehAndrewRyanso how do i fix the crashing catalyst control center?17:55
sianhulopeople, somebody know how to boot from a usb( bootable usb, no an .ISO) by using grub?17:55
khussein78_morsedl3,  i will try it17:55
bfigsianhulo, doubt that can be done. you can boot using your bios boot menu probably17:55
Pici!zh | joelikeubuntu17:55
ubottujoelikeubuntu: 如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw17:55
vinceNijaho :)17:55
morsedl3khussein78_: scratch that... i think you need package network-manager-vpnc and perhaps network-manager-vpnc-gnome17:55
sianhulobfig, my bios doesn't support it, and yes, grub can do it because i did it a year ago or so, but now i have deafult configuration of grub17:56
lucidguylooking for a new Enterprise class backup application.  Mainly Linux and Vmware environment. Suggestions?17:56
joelikeubuntuuboottu  谢谢!17:56
luca_gnome 3 is more elegant17:56
morsedl3khussein78_: if you run 'sudo apt-cache search network-manager', you'll see the available plugins.  if you don't have apt-cache, install it first.17:57
wriggleis it possible to get tor via apt-get install? since apt-get install tor is not working17:57
fmauro!rsync | lucidguy17:57
ubottulucidguy: rsync is a fast remote file copy and synchronization program - For more see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/rsync17:57
morsedl3khussein78_: openvpn also works from the command line / cli and is configured with files in /etc, but that's a bit more involved (yet more flexible)17:57
nsahooHi, I am trying to figure out if the version of ubuntu I am running is suited for NUMA architecture17:58
TehAndrewRyancatalyst, crashing, unable to configure my monitors.. help?17:58
TheCowboyIt said my upgrade completed with errors, where can I find the error log to see what didn't install? And is there a way to see what packages were upgraded, removed, no longer supported, etc?17:59
nsahoothe uname -a has this "3.0.0-12-generic #20-Ubuntu SMP"17:59
TheCowboy(Though the upgrade seems to be working fine.)17:59
luca_anyway if u want you can install gnome 3 shell on ubuntu 11.1017:59
luca_sudo apt-get install gnome-shell17:59
luca_I'm trying17:59
nsahooso, is it not optimal for NUMA, only SMP?17:59
luca_I hope it will be stable18:00
tanathcan anyone tell me why alt+tab doesn't work after upgrading?18:00
morsedl3khussein78_: scratch that again re: openvpn.  does not support ipsec, although you can tunnel ipsec over it (probably not what you want)18:00
tetsuo--hello, im getting this error when updating from 11.04 to 11.10 Dist-upgrade failed: 'E:Error, pkgProblemResolver::Resolve generated breaks, this may be caused by held packages.' main.log http://paste.ubuntu.com/708124/ apt.log http://paste.ubuntu.com/708125/  << What can i do to fix it?18:00
tanathit's not listed in Keyboard at all, but i did enable it in compiz. still not working18:00
fmaurolucidguy: In the corporate environment I work in we do rsync of all the data to a ZFS server that creates daily snapshots18:00
tew88I've just installed 11.10. When in the live environment, everything worked fine. When booting from the hdd, however, the Ubuntu splash screen disappears and I'm left with just text status messages. I suspect my Nvidia drivers. What can I do to get this working?18:01
morsedl3khussein78_: see also: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPSecHowTo18:01
TehAndrewRyan19:58] <TehAndrewRyan> catalyst, crashing, unable to configure my monitors.. help?18:01
khussein78_morsedl3, vpnc  offer me just cisco compatable ipsec18:02
khussein78_i need to connect o xl2tpd VPN server18:02
usertwowhen i open a file using an application (eg: libreoffice) what does it invoke to handle the file management (nautilus?). i can work with files and folders extremely quickly when using applications, but when i try to open nautilus directly to manage files in folders, it works extremely slowly (13 minutes to open). how can i improve this (other than using the cl for managing files)18:02
morsedl3khussein78_: yes, likely.18:03
KearlinHi, I got a grub error of "no such device" followed by my disk uuid. I have check it in the Live environment, and is correct, the output of ls in "grub rescue>" is (hd0). And I can't ls content of it. I have tried to re-install grub in a live environment. What could be the error?18:03
morsedl3khussein78_: hmm... am not familiar with xl2tpd... again, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPSecHowTo might be a good starting point.18:03
wriggledoes anyone know how to install tor via terminal? apt-get install is not working18:04
zatanHi can anyone help me here? I have just update ubuntu in to 11.10 and I am having some issues, I cant install any packages please take a look at pastebin : http://pastebin.com/Gv39Gqvk18:04
Kearlinwriggle: what package are you trying to install?18:05
calamarihi.. is there still a recovery mode with grub2? I no longer get the grub menu18:05
fmaurousertwo: I had a similar issue with nautilus, but it only took so long to open the home folder, the rest worked smoothly18:05
RingZer0looks like the ubuntu server caps sending at 5MB/s18:05
llutzwriggle: https://www.torproject.org/docs/debian.html.en18:05
tew88Nvidia graphics problem. Can anyone assist? Fresh install of 11.10 won't boot into graphics mode.18:05
RingZer0tew88: i just got a kernal panic, same thing i think18:05
RingZer0"revertted to text mode"18:06
KearlinCould anyone help me on the grub problem?18:06
TehAndrewRyan19:58] <TehAndrewRyan> catalyst, crashing, unable to configure my monitors.. help?18:06
wrigglemeh llutz, that is not working18:06
fmauro!repeat | TehAndrewRyan18:06
ubottuTehAndrewRyan: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/18:06
llutz!work | wriggle18:06
ubottuwriggle: Doesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.18:06
tew88RingZer0: Ah. Glad I'm not alone. Have you found any solutions?18:06
determinologyWhats a kernel panic?18:07
determinologyIve never seen it happen18:07
morsedl3khussein78_: it looks like archlinux has some info on xl2tpd, both server and client configuration, which might help: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/L2TP/IPsec_VPN_client_setup#xl2tpd18:07
wrigglewhen i do apt-get install tor i get as reply: Package tor is not available, but is referred to by another package.18:07
wriggleThis may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or18:07
wriggleis only available from another source18:07
RingZer0tew88: not yet18:07
calamariwriggle: might need to apt-get update18:07
wriggleis it possible to get tor via wget?18:07
usertwofmauro: i have that problem with all folders, not just the home folder once it as opened. i even installed thunar as an alternative file manager and that was the same, so it makes me think i have some underlying file management issue.18:07
llutzwriggle: you added torproject to your sources? i guess you'll have to wait until they update it to oneiric18:07
wrigglehow do i do that llutz?18:08
llutzwriggle: https://www.torproject.org/docs/debian.html.en     READ this18:08
khussein78_i also just found same link18:08
llutzwriggle: "option two: ...."18:08
fmaurousertwo: sounds like it, can't help though as my problem was nautilus-related18:08
tew88RingZer0: I'll keep you posted if I find anything. If you could do the same, that'd be great =)18:08
khussein78_i am will check it18:08
wrigglewoops, my fault. sry.18:08
rootadminhi everyone i need source code for ARP so how can i get that ???18:09
Islamdoes any body know how to install google earth on ubuntu 11.10 ? I downloaded it from google.com "google-earth-stable_current_i386.deb" but its not installing by the software center, how can I install it ?18:09
llutz!source | rootadmin18:09
ubotturootadmin: You can easily fetch a package's source with apt-get. See: http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/apt-howto/ch-sourcehandling.en.html18:09
calamarifound an answer: To get the boot menu to show, you have to hold down the Shift key during bootup.18:09
morsedl3ron: any luck?  don't want to leave you worse off than you were...18:09
ronmorsedl3: well, I'm in the process of redownloading the nvidia drivers.18:09
TehAndrewRyanhentai? someone?18:10
rootadminbut i require source code for address resolution protocol18:10
rootadminto know how it is done in ubuntu18:10
llutzrootadmin: kernel-sources18:10
rootadmincan you explain it little more18:11
rhizmoearp is like 30 years old, the source is not hard to find.18:11
rhizmoeif not 3518:11
mongorootadmin apt-get source image-linux18:11
ubuntu_userAnyone having problems in clicking buttons in version 11.10 ?18:12
RobotBothey. after upgrading to 11.10 it removed workrave from the repositories so i've been trying to compile it but there is no make file in the workrave folder. can anyone help with this?18:12
llama-linuxAnyone here using tiling window managers?18:12
llama-linuxhaving some issues18:12
morsedl3ron: gotcha.  i'm kind of surprised they weren't in your apt cache (/var/cache/apt/archives).  unless you ran 'apt-get clean', all the debs you d/l'd for the upgrade should still be there.18:12
llutzrootadmin: information about arp-sources should be contained in the kernel-sources18:12
Islam does any body know how to install google earth on ubuntu 11.10 ? I downloaded it from google.com "google-earth-stable_current_i386.deb" but its not installing by the software center, how can I install it ?18:12
ronmorsedl3: I may have at one point or another.18:12
junioHi all18:12
ubuntu_userAnyone having problems in clicking buttons in version 11.10 ?18:13
llutzrootadmin:  .../net/ipv4/arp.c18:13
morsedl3ron: check18:13
rootadminmongo i am getting this error Unable to find a source package for image-linux18:13
rhizmoerootadmin: http://www.freebsd.org/cgi/cvsweb.cgi/src/usr.sbin/arp/ ...not a very "root" question, tho18:13
openbeesnick viky18:14
ubuntu_userI have problems with grub, I get "out of range" when the PC starts and I have to blindly press enter to boot Ubuntu.18:14
ChaorainI'm having a problem live booting 11.10, I posted my problem here, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=1134180718:14
joe040288ubuntu_user, you can change the boot resolution be installing startupmanager18:15
ubuntu_userThanks joe!18:15
carabascan i somehow alt-tab between windows of active virtual desktop only instead of all opened windows?18:15
carabas11.10 unity18:15
llutz!info linux-source18:15
ubottulinux-source (source: linux-meta): Linux kernel source with Ubuntu patches. In component main, is optional. Version (oneiric), package size 2 kB, installed size 32 kB (Only available for i386 amd64 all armel powerpc)18:15
llutzrootadmin: ^^18:15
=== Lonewolf is now known as Guest71013
joe040288hey im having a problem switching to the command line with CTRL-ALT-F118:15
rostayobI have two problems with gnome 3: 1) I can't scroll anymore with the middle button of my trackpoint, 2) on the terminal I always have the toolbar even if I unchecked "show menubar" in the preferences18:15
LABcrabHello!  Where is a changelog for Ubuntu?  Will it melt my face off?18:15
joe040288the screen still shows the same image as what X is showing18:16
KNUBBIGHey, I just upgraded to 11.10 and instlaled gnome-shell. I have some serious graphical glitches, I had them as well with gs compiled from source some months ago. Any idea?18:16
AnNo3Hi! After updating my laptop to 11.10 it stopped detecting microphones!18:16
Islam does any body know how to install google earth on ubuntu 11.10 ? I downloaded it from google.com "google-earth-stable_current_i386.deb" but its not installing by the software center, how can I install it ?18:16
tanathKNUBBIG, me too18:17
gigasofthow to restart ubuntu unitu gui from terminall18:17
joe040288Islam, you cant install it from the software center18:17
Nova685hit shutdown its in the same window18:17
AnNo3gigasoft: setsid unity18:17
Tixoscan someone tell me how to jack in unity?18:17
joe040288Islam, you have to install it from bash18:17
tanathgigasoft, try 'unity --reset'18:17
KNUBBIGtanath: have you resolved it?18:17
Islamjoe040288: how ?18:18
Tixoswhats the GNOME3 shell package?18:18
DaraelTixos: gnome-shell18:18
AnNo3Islam: go to the folder the deb package is in and run this command in terminal: dpkg -i FILENAME18:18
Tixosis there any taskbar mod for unity/gnome3 ?18:18
ubuntu_userhow do i star a terminal in unity?18:18
AnNo3Islam: as root, so with sudo in front of it18:19
campeeis there a way to unbind the start/super key as the button that launches the menu in unity?18:19
Tixoslol ubuntu_user !!18:19
tanathKNUBBIG, nope. i suspect driver issues18:19
KNUBBIGubuntu_user: press super key and search for terminal18:19
graingertIslam: are you on x86 or x86_6418:19
KNUBBIGtanath: You using an ATI/AMD card?18:19
ubuntu_userTixos: :)18:19
`sudo_kill_1_-9`Islam isn't good religion btw18:19
DaraelTixos: No, but for a gnome2-like interface, install the gnome-panel package.18:19
Tixosubuntu_user: how do i turn my computer on in unity ??18:19
tanathKNUBBIG, yes18:19
rhizmoe`sudo_kill_1_-9`: shush, kid18:19
KNUBBIGtanath: okey, me too18:19
ubuntu_userTixos: I'm quite lost18:19
tanath`sudo_kill_1_-9`, is there a good one? :P18:19
`sudo_kill_1_-9`rhizmoe: you use islam too?18:19
Tixoshmm, Darael i much prefer Gnome2 yes, purely for speed of changing window18:20
`sudo_kill_1_-9`tanath: of course no18:20
`sudo_kill_1_-9`religions suck18:20
`sudo_kill_1_-9`they are for weak lazy people18:20
ubuntu_userKNUBBIG: Thanks.18:20
rhizmoe`sudo_kill_1_-9`: your nick has bad syntax, too18:20
Tixosbut i want to progress now18:20
jamil_1Hi all, my system is refusing to boot beyond the blue kubuntu screen after I upgraded to 11.1018:20
`sudo_kill_1_-9`who just want to receive 'gifts' for doing nothing18:20
Darael`sudo_kill_1_-9`: Even if true (and I see no evidence that it's worse than any other), that sort of comment is not welcome here.18:20
TixosGNOME3 + unity, is far too slow, it seems gnome3 makes it slightly quicker to change window18:20
tanath`sudo_kill_1_-9`, now that's ignorant18:20
`sudo_kill_1_-9`Darael: so is his nick18:20
rhizmoekb is fine with me18:20
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!18:20
tetsuo--hello, im getting this error when updating from 11.04 to 11.10 Dist-upgrade failed: 'E:Error, pkgProblemResolver::Resolve generated breaks, this may be caused by held packages.' main.log http://paste.ubuntu.com/708124/ apt.log http://paste.ubuntu.com/708125/  << What can i do to fix it?18:20
`sudo_kill_1_-9`he may drive people into islam with it18:20
Reaperso can you find different themes in the software center?18:20
Islam`sudo_kill_1_-9`: thats not the place to discuss a religion topics, plus its racist to say so !18:20
joe040288i agree this is not a place to discuse religon18:20
Myrttimove on18:21
`sudo_kill_1_-9`Islam: so change your nick then18:21
`sudo_kill_1_-9`your nick is quite religious18:21
=== Tixos is now known as christian
AnNo3Upgrading to 11.10 has made my system unable to detect a microphone. Any help, please?18:21
gigasoftthanks fouks18:21
rhizmoesilence this jerk18:21
christianed sheeran ftw18:21
wriggleif i edit a file via vi how can i save the changes and exit?18:21
Islamthats my NAME !!!18:21
=== christian is now known as Guest47781
Darael`sudo_kill_1_-9`: Yes, and it's not a problem to have such a nick.  What /is/ a problem is to make comments about it.  If the nick in question was making a comment of some kind, that might be different.18:21
Guest47781wriggle: what editor are you using ?18:21
`sudo_kill_1_-9`ok my name is Buddhism then18:21
=== Guest47781 is now known as Tixios
=== Tixios is now known as Tixos
mongowriggle: ZZ18:21
rhizmoe-v pls18:22
ubuntu_userAnyone having issues on clicking buttons in Unity?18:22
Islam`sudo_kill_1_-9` : thats my real name !18:22
Tixosterminal isnt a text editor wriggle lol18:22
joe040288any 1 have any idea why when i try to ctrl-alt-f1 it doesnt show the command line just the same image as w/e was on X18:22
trismrostayob: for your second problem, it seems to be an issue with appmenu and gnome-terminal interactly badly. as a workaround I uninstalled the appmenu packages (appmenu-gtk and indicator-appmenu at least) and the menubar will stay hidden if you uncheck it in the profile preferences18:22
jamil_1anyone ?18:22
trismrostayob: I'll see if I can find the bug report18:22
Tixoswriggle: use try 'nano'18:22
joe040288ubuntu_user, do you mean the bottons dont work or there slow what?18:22
Tixosto write changed = cntl  +  o18:22
KNUBBIGI just upgraded to 11.10 and instlaled gnome-shell. I have some serious graphical glitches, I had them as well with gs compiled from source some months ago. Any idea?18:22
`sudo_kill_1_-9`Islam: i would hate to be born with such name, omg18:23
Gotischanyone knows how i can change the settings of the notification area in awn? the internet says to right click on it but that just does nothing for me18:23
tanath`sudo_kill_1_-9`, so what if he has a religious name? that's not gonna 'infect' others. and even if you find it offensive.. so what? people don't have the right to not be offended18:23
AnNo3`sudo_kill_1_-9`: Just stop. Stop being disrespectful18:23
DaraelTixos: Back on topic, for more information on the gnome-2-like interface...18:23
Islam`sudo_kill_1_-9`: thanx Hitlar18:23
Darael!notunity | Tixos18:23
ubottuTixos: Ubuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions drowpdown. Using Natty? See !classic18:23
`sudo_kill_1_-9`tanath: i don't offend anyone18:23
Tixosyes Darael i tried this in beta218:23
ubuntu_userjoe040288: I click on them and they don't work, I have to use TAB to focus them and press ENTER.18:23
Tixosbut it failed terribly18:23
AnNo3`sudo_kill_1_-9`: You do, by trying to enforce your beliefs on them18:23
MyrttiMove On To Ubuntu Support, Please.18:23
DaraelIt's /probably/ been fixed for releas, Tixos18:24
Tixosi will retry. then search for a custom plugin for some sort of taskbar18:24
llama-linuxkill dash nine18:24
wrigglemeh, it says in the bottom left recording.. how can i exit and safe the changes lol18:24
Tixos/probably/ :P18:24
tle_Is there a way to install sun-jdk and netbeans on Ubuntu 11.10? I don't see it in the repos and the official bundle installer downloaded form oracle doesn't work either18:24
Tixoswriggle: what editor are you using ....18:24
KNUBBIGMyrtti: Ubuntu Support? What is that?18:24
mercury^Hey. Since I installed 11.10, my .gtkrc-2.0 has no effect18:24
rhizmoetle_: can you elaborate on "doesn't work?"18:24
llama-linuxKILL DASH NINE,18:24
llama-linuxNo more CPU time.18:24
llama-linuxI run KILL DASH NINE,18:24
llama-linuxAnd your process is mine.18:24
llama-linuxI run KILL DASH NINE,18:24
FloodBot1llama-linux: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.18:24
tanath`sudo_kill_1_-9`, i meant to imply you don't get to complain about being offended by a religious nick or anything else18:24
joe040288ubuntu_user, hmmm honestly i have no idea lol hopefully some 1 with more experiance will be able to help you18:24
wriggleas i told you.. i edited the /etc/apt/sources.list via terminal18:25
wrigglenow i want to exit it lol18:25
NisstyreI would tend to disagree with that viewpoint18:25
Tixosand as i told YOU what editor?18:25
tle_rheilling, throws an unhandled exception before displaying the install wizard18:25
ubuntu_usernp joe18:25
Tixosit varies from editor to editor cmon...18:25
tanath`sudo_kill_1_-9`, and i beg to differ. you did say something offensive (the comment i said was ignorant)18:25
wrigglei only have ssh acces to that machine18:25
wrigglehow  can i check it lol..18:25
Myrttiabsolute last warning, for EVERYONE.18:25
Tixoswhat are you putting infront of the file to edit ??18:25
Tixosvi ? nano?18:25
h00ktanath, `sudo_kill_1_-9`: move on.18:25
Tixosto exit18:25
KNUBBIGTixos: depends on your flavor :)18:25
ronmorsedl3: okay, got back to the original state :)18:26
ronmorsedl3: there's gui, can't login :)18:26
Tixosits a bit easier when you answer questions you are given wriggle!18:26
mercury^The contents of my .gtkrc-2.0 are: gtk-scrolled-window-placement = top-right18:26
wrigglei would answer them i didnt know how to check which editor18:26
mercury^I do not know whether that entry has no effect anymore or whether the file is ignored now.18:27
Tixostbh, you should be doing anything on linux, if you dont know what vi is18:27
zen_monkeyhi, is there a particular star alignment that may make my natty sloooow...?18:27
campeecan i change what key i want to use for the super key in unity?18:27
Tixosgood luck18:27
Tixosyes campee, look in global shortcuts18:27
morsedl3ron: hmm... seems like progress.  can't log in with original account or new, empty account?18:28
campeeTixos: where's that?18:28
Tixossearch in dash18:28
campeei did. nothing found18:28
wrigglehm :q doesnt get me out it says "no write since last change"18:28
ronmorsedl3: guest session logins fine.18:29
Tixoswriggle: now you know what editor you are using18:29
zen_monkeywell actually to avoid confusion...18:29
Tixosyou can read the manual18:29
uofm49426will bttv still work in 11.1018:29
rhizmoewhere is the sound control panel? typing "sound" into dash doesn't bring anything up.18:29
kaolc2I'm having problems getting Internet access on Ubuntu. Any other machines I try (windows based) work out of the box. My problem is that when I connect, I will have connectivity and ability to load sites for about 5-10 seconds and then it will permanently drop until I reconnect to the wireless network. I also had to set up the DNS manually as the default ones received didn't work ( - any suggestions? I would greatly appre18:29
Tixoswriggle type this 'man vi'18:29
morsedl3ron: how about a new user (i.e, not your original account, but also not guest account)?18:29
zen_monkeythis issue am experiencing is with pidgin and switching between desktops18:29
phibxrrhizmoe, click the sound-icon in the panel and click sound-settings.18:29
ronmorsedl3: that would require creating a new user :p18:29
aboSamoorhow can I initiate compiz from the tty ?18:29
rhizmoephibxr: no sound icon since upgrading.18:29
zen_monkeychat window stalls and some times for quiete a bit frozen18:29
rhizmoes/no/i don't have a/18:30
trismwriggle: if the file was changed, but you don't want to write those changed, you need to :q! instead of just :q18:30
morsedl3ron: as root, you should be able to run 'adduser ron-test ron-test'18:30
phibxrrhizmoe, then something likely went wrong. i actually find sound when i search for it in dash. :/18:30
ronmorsedl3: *nod*18:30
morsedl3ron: or 'sudo adduser ...'18:30
trismwriggle: or :wq to write the changes and then quit18:30
rhizmoeyes, "something likely went wrong." i'm sure that has something to do with missing icons as well.18:30
AmgineQuery: Will the Ubuntu 11.10 'Oneiric Ocelot' replace my kubuntu installation with non-kde?18:31
wrigglethanks trism18:31
rhizmoei.e. in the icon bar, for terminal and drive icons.18:31
wriggle:wq helped18:31
tle_anyone know how to install sun-jdk on Ubuntu 11.10?18:31
morsedl3ron: you might have to run 'sudo addgroup ron-test' before running adduser with ron-test as the group (second option)18:31
Tixoswriggle: you will get further by using google, than asking simple questions in here18:31
nibalizerIs anyone else having trouble with the oneric netinstall images?18:32
rhizmoeok, to avoid more stumpers, how do i (re)install the sound applet?18:32
=== Odd-rationale_ is now known as Odd-rationale
OnkelTemHi all. I'm running Ubuntu 11.04, and cheese video record is slow to unusable even on low-res. Any ideas? Is it possible to configure gstreamer somehow (if the fault is on its side)18:32
ohzieHey guys. Every once in a while Totem just freezes. I'm not sure how to diagnose the issue, let alone fix it. Any suggestions?18:32
jamil_1Hi all, my system is refusing to boot beyond the blue kubuntu screen after I upgraded to 11.1018:32
nibalizerI've pxe'd 2 different boxes with them and it just freezes up on me durring networking detection, can't even ctrl+alt+f318:32
Tixosjamil_1: i doubt kubuntu is supported here18:33
repl1cantanyone know where in the heck Chrome stores it's wallpaper when you set it as your desktop?18:33
Tixoslets try gnome3 then :)18:34
prouterPlease help, I pressed, "control+t" instead of "control+alt+t" to get the terminal up in 11.10 and now there is a massive white window open I cant close.  What is it?18:34
jamil_1Tixos: hmm...heading to #kubuntu though I dont think issue is kubuntu specific18:34
pertutatishi, I have a problem: I can't upgrade to 11.10 from 11.04. It say "Could not download the release notes"18:35
choronzonhello. I just updated to 11.10 from 11.04 and now flash is broken. I'm using 64 bits version. flash works for the most part, but on a few websites where I have to give it permision to use webcam and/or mic, I can't click the buttons. any ideas?18:35
kaolc2_I am having problems getting internet access on Ubuntu. Any other machines I try (windows based) work out of the box. My problem is that when I connect, I will have connectivity and ability to load sites for about 5-10 seconds and then it will permanently drop until I reconnect to the wireless network. I also had to set up the DNS manually as the detault ones received didn't work ( - any suggestions? I would greatly appre18:35
rhizmoeprouter: dunno, but alt-f4 should help18:35
rhizmoepertutatis: probably overloaded18:35
skulltipwelll i upgraded and a few windowed opengl games aren't tearing or jerking anymore, i guess they can improve unity/compiz18:35
prouterOMG rhizmoe 11.10 fixed the terminal bell issue18:35
pertutatisrhizmoe: so what can I do?18:36
rhizmoefor the servers being overloaded? wait.18:36
rhizmoetry downloading the torrent18:36
rhizmoeand going from there18:36
skulltipthen openarena caused it to crap out with whitewash, had to do a hard reboot18:36
ronmorsedl3: okay, a newly created user logs in fine.18:37
rhizmoehm, so what has replaced gnome-volume-control-applet18:37
ronmorsedl3: so something must be messed up with my account.18:37
pertutatisrhizmoe: sorry! I get it now, ok! I may wait, no problem ;) thank you18:37
choronzonanother issue after uprading, my webcam image looks black and white. with some shades of color here and there. and its mic doesn't work. logitech e2500. it worked perfectly up until last night when I made the mistake of upgrading :(18:37
morsedl3ron: along those lines, yes.  i've run into that a lot in ubuntu upgrades (although i only started with ubuntu at 9.04 or so)18:38
trismrhizmoe: in unity, indicator-sound has replaced gnome-volume-control-applet18:38
skulltipif i've already preorded oilrush, is there way to get it through the software center without 'buying'?18:39
ronmorsedl3: well, I started with 10.11 :p I think..18:39
rhizmoetrism: thanks, i'll see if that works.18:39
TixosDarael: gnome-shell is totally screwed18:39
Tixosis it simply that package that needs installing, or any other modifications to be made?18:39
choronzonthe whole release looks pretty screwed to me18:39
morsedl3ron: i'd suggest that you first remove $HOME/.gconfd/saved_state and rm -rf $HOME/.cache -- those two have been the source of a lot of various problems for me.  remove them from ssh and then try again logging graphically18:39
Tixoschoronzon: i agree, what the hell is going on18:40
morsedl3ron: or rather "under ssh session"18:40
Tixosgnome3 crashed in beta2, i reported bugs, not fixed..18:40
choronzonthat's what you get from upgrading at the first day I guess18:40
ejvlet me get this straight, your webcam doesn't work after upgrading to an unstable release, and you're surprised?18:40
rustyshacklefordmy box is overheating. Hot enough where the heat sink on the graphics card will burn. hot enough to cause fragmentation when the box runs. Hot enough to where sudo commands will stop working. Hot enough to make the internet unuseable. Hot. Too hot. What could one do to reasonably solve this18:40
rhizmoetrism: no indicator-applet in any bin directory18:40
Tixosman, i waited 5 days with a freshly built PC, for the release, to save me reinstalling, as im running a fully encrypted system18:41
ronmorsedl3: umm, oops.18:41
rhizmoeer, indicator-sound. i have telepathy-indicator only18:41
Tixosrustyshackleford: buy a better case with more fans18:41
ronmorsedl3: I deleted the whole .gconfd dir :-/18:41
Tixos#hardware go here18:41
grzesiek_hi, i have a question: how to add unity session i the login screen?18:41
neo84Hi, I have insalled ubuntu 11.10 and o configure uniy installed compiz, I am not sure what I did, Now luancher is not comming and also I am not able to edit panes18:41
rhizmoerustyshackleford: stop overclocking18:41
trismrhizmoe: indicator-sound (and all indicators) are installed to libexecdir, which in this case would be /usr/lib/indicator-sound18:42
morsedl3ron: if that doesn't work, the remove than again and then also mv .gconf, .config, .local, and .gnome* to some other directory (e.g., mkdir /home/ron/dotfiles-moved/) and then trying logging in graphically.18:42
Aquaguyhey, how can I upgrade from 11.04 to 11.10 from terminal?18:42
Tixosare the devs trying to force us to use unity, by screwing up the gnome-shell package?18:42
rhizmoetrism: that seems slightly counterintuitive18:42
rhizmoebut thanks :)18:42
rustyshacklefordrhiz I don't *think* I have. certainly not purposefully. Bios settings are standard, i believe. I'm operating with the case open. That should cool?18:42
morsedl3ron: (typo: ...remove _them_ again...)18:42
morsedl3ron: oh, no worries.  i've never seen .gconfd ever have any files other than saved_state, so you should be fine.18:43
cazicrepo init -u https://github.com/SalvageMod/salvage.git -b gingerbread18:43
cazic/usr/bin/repo: line 1: syntax error near unexpected token `newline'18:43
cazic/usr/bin/repo: line 1: `<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//IETF//DTD HTML 2.0//EN">'18:43
cazici keep getting that error why ?18:43
PriceChildThe new Ubuntu font looks odd.18:43
FlannelAquaguy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OneiricUpgrades#Network_Upgrade_for_Ubuntu_Servers_.28Recommended.29 (Read the full page for upgrade notes and things, but that's the specific section)18:43
Gunz4MiPPlehow to get the gnome panel back18:43
tle_Does anyone know how to install sun-jdk on Ubuntu 11.10? It seems to be missing from the repos18:43
Tixosman screw unity18:43
Tixosgive me gnome PLEASE18:43
Gunz4MiPPlethis gnome shell panell is 2/3 of my screen!18:43
TixosGunz4MiPPle: its totally screwed for me too....18:44
Flannelcazic: Looks like that repo is either not there, or misconfigured.  Talk to the SalvageMod folks, or the git folks (#git).18:44
choronzonlol it sounds like everyone its having so much fun with this release.18:44
Aquaguyhey, how can I upgrade from 11.04 to 11.10 from terminal?18:44
usertwotle_: http://www.webupd8.org/2011/10/things-to-tweak-after-installing-ubuntu.html18:44
grzesiek_hi, i have a question: how to add unity session i the login screen?18:44
Gunz4MiPPleTixos: i just want the old panel in gnome shell18:44
FlannelAquaguy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OneiricUpgrades#Network_Upgrade_for_Ubuntu_Servers_.28Recommended.29 (Read the full page for upgrade notes and things, but that's the specific section)18:44
trismrhizmoe: but that is just the dbus service (not required for an indicator), the actual indicator code is loaded from /usr/lib/indicators3/6/ (or whatever the path is in the current libindicator version)18:44
Gunz4MiPPleor gnome classic rather18:44
ronmorsedl3: okay, moved all those. still no joy.18:44
cazicok thanks flannel18:44
dr_willisim allready sick of people wanting the old gnome. :)18:44
AquaguyFlannel, I pasted the same by mistake, sorry haha18:45
morsedl3ron: of course, backing up your entire homedir is a good idea before going further (i always do before any upgrade).  if it's too large, then at least backup all your dot-files and dot-directories. :)18:45
morsedl3ron: same effect -- blank screen after logging in?18:45
pointIs the Ubuntu Classic desktop included in 11.10, before I upgrade?18:45
cazicthat git channel wont let me talk =( lol18:45
Tixospoint:  NO18:45
dr_willispoint:  the old classic desktop is not.. Gnome-3 has a similer fallback mode.18:45
usertworustyshackleford: http://www.webupd8.org/2011/06/linux-kernel-power-issue-fix.html18:45
AquaguyIt is not an ubuntu server, is desktop, but I dont know why after it asks me for the password it does nothing.18:45
ronmorsedl3: it blinks to black and after about 2 seconds goes back to the login screen.18:45
dr_willispoint:  but its not gnome218:45
tetsuo--hello, im getting this error when updating from 11.04 to 11.10 Dist-upgrade failed: 'E:Error, pkgProblemResolver::Resolve generated breaks, this may be caused by held packages.' main.log http://paste.ubuntu.com/708124/ apt.log http://paste.ubuntu.com/708125/  << What can i do to fix it?18:45
Gunz4MiPPleno point18:45
Tixosgnome packages are screwed18:45
grzesiek_hi, i have a question: how to add unity session in the login screen?18:46
Tixosi guess they want us to use unity18:46
pointUnity only?  What is the Gnome-3 fallback?18:46
Tixoswe screw that18:46
Gunz4MiPPlepoint, if you want the normal working gnome desktop then dont upgrade18:46
dr_willisTixos:  they want to promote unity.. correct.18:46
Tixos+! ^18:46
dr_willisor use gnome-shell18:46
rhizmoetrism: and the sound indicator stuff is there, and indicator-sound-service is indeed running. no volume control icon/menu, though18:46
Tixoswell it blows,18:46
Tixosgnome-shell is screwed18:46
pointI have an older machine that doesn't support Unity.  Will the machine just break?18:46
Gunz4MiPPlegnome shell takes up 3/4 of my screeen!18:46
dr_willisTixos:  this is support channel - not a complaint channel..18:46
Tixosive posted for support18:47
nvzso I am doing a kinda rube goldberg install here, I dont have anything to boot with other than PXE and debian lenny is already on the system.. so I got the ubuntu install pxe booted, and shrunk the 150gb debian partition down to the minimum size of 40.7gb, and wanted to mount both drives and copy the /home from the debian onto the larger new partition and overwrite the debian partition as the new ubuntu root..18:47
Chipzzztetsuo--: aptitude has a dependency resolver that may help you... it seems more thorough than apt-get's18:47
Gunz4MiPPleno pint it will go to 2d unity18:47
dgtlhi there18:47
nvzmain problem is I dont know how to do this from the busybox18:47
morsedl3ron: hmmm... sounds like X or something is crashing.  that should be logged in .xsession-errors.  try 'less /home/ron/.xsession-errors' and start at the end of the file and pgup from there to find any errors and lmk if you see anything potentially helpful.18:47
Tixosdr_willis: i posted in beta2 release18:47
Tixosand its still not working18:47
tetsuo--Chipzzz:  how can i invoke it?18:47
dr_willistheres some mention of the classic like gnome 3 thing at --> http://www.webupd8.org/2011/10/things-to-tweak-after-installing-ubuntu.html18:47
Gunz4MiPPleits like O#U18:47
dgtldo we have VDPAU support for all relevant applications in Oneiric Ocelot?18:47
dr_willisTixos:  i have no idea what problem you are even talking about.18:47
Chipzzzsudo aptitude in a terminal window18:48
tle_usako, thank you!18:48
grzesiek_   hi, i have a question: how to add unity session in the login screen?18:48
ronmorsedl3: the file was last modified about 3 hours ago.18:48
trismrhizmoe: very odd18:48
Tixosi was told to install gnome-shell, yet when i change to this shell, it doesnt even load and forces me to use the power button..18:48
tetsuo--Chipzzz:  oknow what?18:48
Tixosno, my machine isnt at fault18:48
morsedl3ron: k, that's odd.  at least some informational message should be logged there, which suggests that perhaps X isn't even starting or is segfault18:49
nvzhmm maybe I should've chosen expert mode install18:49
pointI think it's time to switch distros.  Ubuntu is becoming too much like commercial software.18:49
mfilipeis normal the dash stays back of windows?18:49
Chipzzztetsuo--: press 'e'18:49
pdg1i can't find information for known issues. on both computers i updated to 11.10 the nic doesn't work18:49
ronmorsedl3: this is my directory structure.. maybe you'll find something odd: http://pastebin.com/hcN6aBuw18:49
morsedl3ron: segfaulting.  nothing telling in /var/log/syslog ?18:49
Tixospoint: dont tempt me!18:49
dr_willismfilipe:  ive seen it get confused and do that.18:50
YxvenI'm trying to install 11.10 on a new machine. It posts, but it never gets to the GRUB menu. I've tried kubuntu twice, and ubuntu twice with the same result using the guided setup using the whole drive18:50
Tixosim fine with ubuntu, but ubuntu looses too much time for me in changing windows so i cant use it18:50
Tixosand now i cant even change shell!18:50
tetsuo--Chipzzz: i press "e' but nothing happens18:50
dr_willisgnome shell worked for me great in beta. setting up a new box now. time to see how well it works now.18:50
=== Calinou is now known as Calinou_
vakhi all18:50
skulltipno offense, but gnome 3 is what unity is striving to be.. just sayin18:50
nvzTixos: unity is crap.. looks like that stupid shit Win8 is going to do... I use the classic interface18:50
okCPU_\join #nginx18:50
nvzand if gnome 3 is like that, then I dont even wanna see it18:51
CompanionI thought #ubuntu-offopic might like  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xCDLLHibTtU18:51
h00knvz: please keep the language clean18:51
Tixosi cant use classic, (gnome2) or gnome318:51
dr_willisgnome-3 is very much a work in progress also.  a year from now. i bet both will be very  much improved.18:51
Companionwrong chan :s18:51
hansg01is this the official channel for oneiric?18:51
Tixossjhell doesnt even load18:51
FloodBot1Companion: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.18:51
Chipzzztetsuo--: then you have no unresolved dependencies... sorry... onward and upward :)18:51
morsedl3ron: yep.  you have a recent "core" file, which means something is faulting -- probably with a segfault, and that's causing a core file to be written.  is the time aroudn 17:47 where you are located (or, more precisely, on your machine)?18:51
dougglei m using classic as well18:51
h00khansg01: this would be it.18:51
Gunz4MiPPleclassic is still gnome shell18:51
Calinou_hi, now ubuntu 11.04 works fine, however: when I log off to switch to gnome fallback, there's a console with "Checking battery state [OK]" nothing else18:51
skulltipfor me gnome 3 was much nicer but had the lag with opengl games, had to switch to classic, openbox, etc18:51
vakMy screen got locked during upgrade, but password is not accepted anymore for unclear reason -- any help how to let update to finish?18:51
tetsuo--Chipzzz: i only have the unresolved dependencies during the upgrade, in normal state nothing wrong18:51
Tixos11.04's gnome2 shell was fine18:51
choronzonflash buttons have become unclickable after upgrading to 11.10. using 64 bits version here. any ideas? thanks18:51
ronmorsedl3: Fri Oct 14 20:51:43 IST 2011 <-- current time on the machine.18:52
* Companion hits FloodBot1 with a freshly used **** and hits FloodBot1 again with a ****** and make sure FloodBot1 ends in a ****18:52
Tixosdr_willis: if you insist it works fine, can you help me debug ?18:52
nac-godfatherHow come when I set the permissions of a folder to root/non-executable; it is still accessible via apache2 server?  I don't want to move my symlink, but yet want to hide or password protect a folder from my webserver...18:52
ikoniaCompanion: if you have to star out words, don't use them please18:52
c2tarunare there any applications in java language in ubuntu or kubuntu?18:52
popschhow can I turn off the notification of what music is playing in banshee?18:52
hansg01i am currently using fedora and oneiric18:52
dr_willischoronzon:  ages ago there was a similer issue.  and some work arounds like holding down the shift key as you clicked, or compiz tweaks.. but not seen it mentioned lately.18:52
Companionikonia, I preffer wildcards so people can use their imagination for one day18:52
dr_willisTixos:  im just now installing on my new desktop. my other beta box has been headless for 2 weeks. :)18:53
ikoniaCompanion: ok - I'll make myself clear "if you have to use stars for words, DON'T use them"18:53
hansg01i screwed the bootloader and nw only fedora is able to boot18:53
ejvyou guys *knew* ubuntu was moving toward unity and dropping gnome2 support, don't complain, just use Mint instead18:53
hansg01and no bootloader is displayed18:53
morsedl3ron: also, i've not seen an .nvidia-settings-rc before, and you have one.  try moving that out of the way (i.e., to a different directory or to .nvidia-settings-rc-keepme)18:53
nac-godfatherAlso, would like to enable a shutdown, sleep, and wake buttons on my new keyboard, but seems a little involved (online tutorials)18:53
dr_willisIf you perfer an old-skool type desktop - Lubuntu is very very nicely done.18:53
Tixosdr_willis: ok, no idea whats up, it was the same on beta for me, and that was on another machine...18:53
pdg1does anyone know of an issue with 11.10 and network cards?18:53
nac-godfatherLubuntu ha!18:53
Guest78537hi can anyone help me fix a massive problem please? I did the dist-upgrade today and now I have an error on boot "Warning: Cannot open ConsoleKit session: Unable to open session: Failed to connect to socket /var/run/dbus/system_bus_socket: Connection Refused. I'm in big trouble, please help!??18:53
Chipzzztetsuo--: Sorry, that was the only suggestion that popped into my mind18:53
ejvor xubuntu or kubuntu or lubuntu or any other variant18:53
nac-godfathergimma a break18:53
Companionikonia, not to piss you off but it coulda been 'fish' or 'haring' too :)18:53
TixosF*** lubuntu18:53
Companionuh oh18:54
vyshayhow do i set my preffered application for opening urls ?18:54
ikoniaCompanion: if you have to use stars to hide words - don't use them. Clear ?18:54
Companionikonia, can I PM you for a bit?18:54
ikoniaCompanion: sure18:54
trismvyshay: in oneiric? System Settings/System Info/Default Applications18:54
ronmorsedl3: still no joy. I feel like I'm tk18:55
Calinou_when I log off to switch to gnome fallback, there's a console with "Checking battery state [OK]"; nothing else. how am I supposed to use it? and also, how to I use "previous linux versions"'s 11.04 by default? I have to hold shift to use GRUB every time to boot the coorect system, not the failed one...18:55
ronmorsedl3: still no joy. I feel like I'm taking up too much of your time :-/18:55
morsedl3ron: you might also try moving .compiz out of the way.  probably best to change one thing at a time so we can pinpoint the exact problem.  that way, you can move all your other dot-files and dot-directories back into place, excluding the problematic one, so as to have the least impact.18:55
vyshaytrism: there it is! thanks18:55
dr_willisChecking out my new install.. Just noticed the Overlay Scrollbars do not seem to be working for firefox.  :)18:55
nac-godfathershould it really take over 4 hours to move a 18GB iso file to an external HD?18:55
KearlinCan anyone help on my booting problem?18:56
nac-godfathersure, what's the problem18:56
Guest78537if anyone can please help, i've just got a blank black screen and a mouse in kubuntu after doing the dist-upgrade this morning? please help18:56
ikonia!wtf > nac-godfather18:56
ubottunac-godfather, please see my private message18:56
morsedl3ron: no worries re: time.  i multitask pretty well. :)18:56
edbiannac-godfather, probably through usb18:56
nac-godfatherwill do18:56
ronmorsedl3: didn't realize you're a woman.18:56
ejv!wtf > ejv18:56
ubottuejv, please see my private message18:56
KearlinI freshly installed ubuntu 11.10, and I get grub error with no such device18:56
usertwoKearlin: try the other foot?18:56
morsedl3ron: :) man with woman's blood (really). :)18:56
hansg01how can i get the bootloader re installed18:56
ejvah *giggle*18:57
nac-godfathergrub, grub2, syslinux, ?18:57
ronmorsedl3: not sure I wanna know ;)18:57
h00k!grub2 | hansg01 there's recover instructions, here18:57
morsedl3ron: bone marrow transplant recipient, and donor was a woman.  so i bleed XX chromosomes. :)18:57
nsahooanyone familiar with NUMA setup?18:57
The_BROSHow to delete user applet from bottom panel?18:57
h00k!ot | morsedl3, ron18:57
KearlinI think it's grub2, the default with ubuntu, right?18:57
edbianhansg01, sudo grub-install /dev/sda   (assuming hdd sda) but you also need to mount and boot boot-directory at your mounted /18:57
rhizmoewell i guess it's no volume control for me. any ideas of mailing lists or anything else where i would be able to find out if this ever gets fixed?18:57
ubottuhansg01 there's recover instructions, here: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)18:57
ubottumorsedl3, ron: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!18:57
ejvhansg01: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2#Reinstalling_GRUB218:57
edbianhansg01, Do you have the system booting or are you booting a live CD trying to fix an install18:57
ronmorsedl3: moved. not enough.18:58
svs1Hi mates, I was just wondering if there's any group supporting or maintaining the Mate Desktop Project for Ubuntu, Unity really sucks18:58
Bearcathello folks. I just attempted an update from [something] to 10.10 which failed. During the package install, when it was going to overwrite the updater config file, it got an error 12 and crapped out. Now, when i go into the upgrade manager, it wants to upgrade to 11.11. My question is: Should i reboot before doing this upgrade (and risk a non-starting system or just do the upgrade?18:58
rhizmoesvs1: if so, they're probably in their own channel18:58
morsedl3ron: and same behavior?18:58
KearlinYes, I have tried that. It reports no error. However, it still doesn't work.18:58
DarsVaedahi, is gwibber extendable (like with google+ or reddit or such)?18:58
ronmorsedl3: but of course.18:58
choronzondr_willis, thanks. compiz was the issue. I logged back into using unity 2D and now flash buttons are clickable again18:58
hansg01edbian: i m currently on fedora and want the ubuntu bootloader bck18:58
kaolc2_I am having problems getting internet access on Ubuntu. Any other machines I try (windows based) work out of the box. My problem is that when I connect, I will have connectivity and ability to load sites for about 5-10 seconds and then it will permanently drop until I reconnect to the wireless network. I also had to set up the DNS manually as the detault ones received didn't work ( - any suggestions? I would greatly appre18:58
ronmorsedl3: what about the .dbus dir?18:59
dr_willischoronzon:  sounds like an old bug reappearing.. :)18:59
przemek__hello is this support channel?18:59
The_BROSHow to delete user applet but not to delete switch-ico?18:59
morsedl3ron: yes, try that one.18:59
nac-godfatherIt's never really advisable to upgrade via synaptic, just reinstall (backup etc).18:59
mobalit is possible to disable - not delete - the nouveau driver?18:59
ejvyes the topic says official ubuntu support channel :p18:59
rhizmoekaolc2_: don't tell us you haven't checked your log files18:59
edbianhansg01, ubuntu and fedora are both using grub2, so maybe we can just edit the grub2 you have installed to be able to boot both.  How's that sound?18:59
choronzondr_willis, do you remember if there is a workaround for it? i'll try googling it18:59
dr_willisThe_BROS:  a lot of tweaks here -> http://www.webupd8.org/2011/10/things-to-tweak-after-installing-ubuntu.html18:59
kaolc2_rhizmoe: Which log files?18:59
rhizmoekaolc2_: all of them18:59
Bearcatnac-godfather: that was at me?18:59
rhizmoekaolc2_: /var/log/*18:59
dr_willischoronzon:  there were a dozen + differnt tweaks and work arounds i recall.18:59
nac-godfatherOMG! Yeah, forgot about that stupid nouveau driver, pain i;nt he18:59
kaolc2_rhizmoe: Got a link that explains which specifically?19:00
usertwotwo questions (simple, but I dont know the answers!).1. how can i get my name to highlight here when some sends me a response? 2. what is the command to quit!?19:00
dr_willisNouveau is actually working for me in 11.10 :)19:00
rhizmoekaolc2_: nope19:00
KearlinI posted my boot info script output at this post. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=186015819:00
kaolc2_rhizmoe: Then you didn19:00
hansg01edbian: yeah thats kewl i am using fedora 15 but i didnt saw ne bootloader as such directly fedora gets booted19:00
dr_willisusertwo:  thats a feature of your irc client.. and  normally its /quit19:00
kaolc2_didn't help at all19:00
nac-godfatherwhat is working?  Showing your desktop?  Who really wants that crappy driver anyways?19:00
The_BROSdr_willis: no I want to tweak 10.04 LTS19:00
Bearcatnac-godfather: thanks!19:00
mobalit is working for me too, but i need nvidia dev driver...19:00
morsedl3ron: but, dbus errors should be showing up in /var/log/syslog... have you checked that logfile recently?  it's quite odd that _nothing_ relevant is being logged there.  is the date/time of your "core" file changing to something more recent?  if so, it might be that the crash is happening even before calls to syslog can be made.19:00
nac-godfathercan't believe it's installed by default19:00
=== RAT is now known as Guest64352
rhizmoekaolc2_: well, we now know that you don't check your log files. that's helpful.19:00
jamil_1Hi all, my pc is not booting because it cant find the compatible driver for nvidia card19:01
edbianhansg01, in fedora: sudo update-grub    (make sure it outputs stuff about finding ubuntu)19:01
berefeirawhere do we leave tips to ubuntu devs for next upgrade?19:01
dr_willisThe_BROS:   id have to say hit up google/. and askubuntu and the forums. should be plenty of hits on it.19:01
kaolc2_rhizmoe: I19:01
ubottuPost your ideas for Ubuntu at http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com and vote for the ones you like!19:01
kaolc2_rhizmoe: Sorry, bad keyboard. I'll read them now.19:01
przemek__my update from 11.04 to 11.10 failed a little. I lost end part because of xorg/gnome crash. so the part which I chose to remove old and unsupported packages i missed. is there a way to remove old no longer supported packages? my 11.10 runs smoothly :)19:01
nac-godfatherAnyone here got any 64 bit media plugins working in firefox?19:01
morsedl3ron: also, check /var/log/Xorg.log and related files for errors19:01
nac-godfatherCan't seem to get anything that'll play avi's to work19:01
hansg01edbian: i tried this earlier but command not found19:02
dr_willisnac-godfather:  got a url to such an avi?   could be the codec of the avi thats the issue19:02
ghostnik11hi I have a quick question I want to install Ubuntu 11.10 on a Compaq presario c700 but for some reason the keyboard for laptop don't work when I try to install, does anyone have clue why b/c right now I am booting Ubuntu 8.10 off my external hard drive right now and the keyboard Camden mouse is suddenly working19:02
edbianhansg01, hang on19:03
nac-godfatherYeah, I have one embedded within my own webserver which should play directly19:03
lucadear friends where can we see the packages in ubuntu 11.10?19:03
kaolc2_rhizmoe: I do not see anything relevant in any logs. What do you suggest now?19:03
mfilipewhy does the dash behind windows?19:03
paranoid_ndroidI was upgrading to the last ubuntu and my net got down. I tried to log out but it restarted. Now it does not boot, what to do?19:03
mfilipewhy is the dash behind windows?*19:03
przemek__luca, sudo synaptic19:03
ronmorsedl3: okay, I copied the syslog aside, and tail -f it. tried logging in, and nothing was written to it.19:03
edbianhansg01, http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/fedora-35/making-fedora-15a-grub-recognize-other-distros-874137/   read this.  Ask around in the fedora forum.  They're probably more familiar with this problem.19:03
morsedl3ron: bwah, can't believe i forgot this one: try moving .themes out of the way.19:03
dr_willismfilipe:  it dosent come above when you mouse over to the left?19:04
cwillumfilipe, bugs;  you might try enabling -proposed19:04
przemek__is there a way to clean old unwanted packages form previous release after upgrade?19:04
przemek__from not form :)19:04
cwillumfilipe, I believe that one should be mostly fixed, and an general update is forthcoming19:04
ronmorsedl3: nice guess. didn't work.19:04
morsedl3ron: try .themes, and try tail -f on your Xorg.log file19:04
lucaprzmeek: thank you very much I put it in my launcher19:04
lauratikaok, im using new ocelotl, under gnome classic and for some reason windows decoration is not been respected by compiz, i only have opera windowless any idea why this behaviour?19:05
sarkis_hey guys, so i upgraded to 11.10, do i want the additional nvidia drivers from current or current-update?19:05
przemek__luca, you must heve this in menu/panel as synaptic package manager as well.19:05
sarkis_which one is newer?19:05
lucadear friends can you install gnome 3 in ubuntu 11.10?19:05
beingjohnmsarkis_: current-update is newer. They both are VERY BUGGY though.19:05
ronmorsedl3: nothing is written.19:06
beingjohnmor maybe that is Unity being very buggy19:06
Amozluca, apt-get install gnome-shell, i suppose that's what you want?19:06
ronmorsedl3: wait.19:06
sarkis_cool thanks19:06
lucaI'd like to install gnome 319:06
luisthow do i create a new pool with reprepro?19:06
kaolc2_My wireless connectivity is dropping after 10 seconds of being connected. Reconnecting gives me another approximate 10 seconds with net. I can't ping google, but I can ping my router. The same network works on all other boxes. My hardware works with all other networks. What do you guys suggest?19:06
lucawhich of you installed it?19:06
xauthkaolc2: checked /var/log/syslog yet?19:07
przemek__i'm just after upgrade luca19:07
ronmorsedl3: aha!19:07
morsedl3ron: find something?19:07
lucaprzmeek_: did you install gnome 3?19:07
Amozluca, I've got gnome-shell and gnome 3 running19:08
mobalit is impossible to disable nouveau19:08
zastaphseems to me that Unity now works without 3D acceleration in 11.1019:08
mobalmust to delete...19:08
lucaAmoz: is gnome 3 stable?19:08
nibalizermobal: nouveau can be removed19:08
Amozluca, yes19:08
h00kluca: yes.19:08
mobalis gnome 3 stable...19:08
mobalnew unity uses tooo19:08
kaolc2_xauth: Reading now, thank you.19:08
rhizmoekaolc2_: what does /var/log/syslog say about your dhcp?19:08
hansg01how to make use of ubuntu bootloader and not fedora's?19:09
nibalizermobal: use `echo 0 > /sys/class/vtconsole/vtcon1/bind`19:09
lucawhich is the command to install gnome 3 on ubuntu 11.10?19:09
nibalizerthen rmmod nouveau19:09
lucaor the package?19:09
h00kluca: Gnome 3 is installed on 11.10 by default.19:09
lauratikaanyone please??19:09
nac-godfatheryeah, I can give a list of my installed packages related to nouveau, which I removed to get nvidia driver working.19:09
nac-godfatherwith CUDA19:09
Amozluca, I supposed you're talking about Gnome Shell, apt-get install gnome-shell19:09
lucah00k: gnome 3 isn't installed by default who told you that?19:10
rhizmoehow is it that there's no link from ubuntu brainstorm to the main ubuntu site?19:10
Guest64352I need HELP about the new version upgrade. I was installing the upgrade when my computer when an electricity break shuttle down my computer. I can't log no more onto my system, i m afraid all my data Is lost!Please give some indication to retrieve my informations.............19:10
nibalizernac-godfather: http://nouveau.freedesktop.org/wiki/KernelModeSetting and look at Deactivating KMS19:10
h00kluca: yes it is. The release notes say so. Don't confuse gnome-shell with Unity.19:10
przemek__ok, bye see you soon.19:10
rhizmoeGuest64352: boot to live cd19:10
copproI there.19:10
coppro*Hi there.19:10
ronmorsedl3: sec, going to reboot.19:10
EdmundHi, I was trying to make audio work over hdmi and couldnt so resorted to upgrading the alsa modules via ppa. on reboot though it seems it messed up grub, there was an 'error 15, file not found'. I've booted up a live cd several times and tried several ta ot seog tsuj utorials but it still wont work. the only difference is it now doesnt say file not found but19:10
cwilluh00k, I think you meant "don't confuse gnome-shell with gnome3"19:11
lucah00k: so we have gnome 3 with unity?19:11
nac-godfathernibalizer, yeah, non of that should be necessary19:11
copproDoes anyone know what volume and power tray applets are in the oneric repositories? The GNOME ones were removed19:11
copproI'm not using Unity or Plasma. I need a real tray applet19:11
morsedl3ron: k19:11
h00kluca: 11.10 is Gnome 3.2 with Unity running as the shell. Gnome-shell is an alternate to Unity.19:11
kaolc2_rhizmoe: Not that much.. I19:11
lucawhich is better gnome shell or unity?19:11
h00k!best | luca19:12
ubottuluca: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.19:12
pangolinluca: try them and you decide19:12
Amozluca, which is better, pizza or pasta?19:12
kaolc2_rhizmoe: Stupid keyboard again. I don't see any useful information in there, some DHCPACKs, offers and requests19:12
feynnhello. i want to edit a file with vi but i can only read. whats the command to change that?19:12
dr_willisfeynn:  where/what file is it?19:12
blkperlfeynn: sudo vi19:12
nibalizerEdmund: sudo19:12
Edmundgoes to a grub prompt. one important thing i've noticed is that I made a boot partition on install which it was using before- now I've tried to re-install grub though.. and told it which partition to use, etc, is I've now got a /boot direcory in my linux partition..so maybe its writing to the wrong place when I configure it?19:12
feynnim root but i can still only read it19:12
PolahHow can I remove entries from the GNOME shell applications? I have duplicates of many programs, one with a high quality image and on with a low quality pixelated image. Additionally, how can I remove ~/Downloads and ~/Documents and so on from the file browser sidebar?19:12
tobygoogle a basic vi tutorial, feynn19:12
nibalizerfeynn: then :wq!19:12
nibalizerwith the exclamation point19:12
nibalizerthat means you mean it19:13
tobyyou need to enter interactive mode or append/insert/edit/whetever mode19:13
mrjackhi everyone, if, in a new clean ubuntu install, I select the existing home folder to be the default home of the new install without formating it, is there any danger for my data there ?19:13
Edmundyes I used sudo19:13
Amozmrjack, shouldn't be19:13
cwillufeynn, if a file is marked -w for everything, vim will still warn;  nibalizer gave the correct incantation19:13
kaolc2_rhizmoe: "canceled DHCPv4 transaction, DHCP client pid 7037" related?19:13
dr_willismrjack:  you mean existing home Partition? if you tell it to not format.. then the data shoul dbe safe.. but i woul dmake backups in any case19:13
Amozmrjack, just use the same filesystem19:13
cwillunote that if you're editing sudoers directly, you're asking for trouble :p19:14
feynnthanks everyone. working now19:14
nac-godfathersudo visudo19:14
Amozreal men just use nano19:14
nibalizerAmoz: no, wrong19:14
nac-godfatherI like to change my user id to 0 as well so I'm equal to root!19:14
blkperlnac-godfather: sudo su -19:14
Edmundwhen I try find /grub/stage1, as  the tuts says to, it cant be found- despite it all working before from the boot partition. it can only be found in /boot/grub/stage1.. and then all thesetup and stuff works. but it should be writing to the boot partition not /boot in my linux partition19:14
Amoznibalizer, emacs?19:14
h00knac-godfather: that's a bad idea.19:15
nac-godfatherwoot!  Anyone wanna try and root my system?  good luck http://mcurran-exploit.dyndns.org19:15
mrjackAmoz: @dr_w thanks !19:15
h00knac-godfather: please do not advertise in here.19:15
Guest64352The new Ubuntu version upgrade has been iterrupted by a system shutdown, Now I  can't log no more onto my system, i m afraid all my data Is lost!Please give some indications.........19:15
samlhey,  is booting cached?  I tried to text boot.. but gdm still starts19:15
Edmund(I'm using 10.10)19:15
blkperlcan some kick Guest64352 he's clearly a troll19:15
ghostnik11are there viruses that affect the computer keyboard19:15
Guest64352Hows that a troll...19:16
dweezblkperl, how is he a troll?19:16
Guest64352just trying to figure out what going on with my messy system.19:16
NUllZer0good evening people :)19:16
Kearlinusertwo: the other foot?19:16
blkperldweez: spamming the same thing over and over again19:16
ronmorsedl3: http://pastebin.com/QP4h9rda <-- maybe you could make something out of it.19:16
dweezthat's not troll-like, that's nub-like19:16
blkperlGuest64352: we already told boot to a live cd19:16
dweezGuest64352, type /nick <newnick>19:16
h00k!noob | dweez19:16
ubottudweez: Acronyms or statements like noob, jfgi, stfu, or rtfm are not welcome in this channel. Period.19:16
dweezh00k, sorry, no offense meant19:17
Beretoneiric nicely booted me to an empty desktop, no unity, no bar, nothing19:17
Guest64352to i need to reinstall?19:17
samlhow can I reboot computer frmo the beginnging.. it looks like ubuntu just restores from  hibernation?19:17
pavanhello everyone, I'm new to ubuntu, just installed 11.10 on dell xps, I have a datacard and no other means to connect to net, I tried connecting to net by plugging in the device and entered my username and password, but I'm unable to connect to internet, is there any way19:17
samlbootoptions in grub aren't taken into account19:17
dweezBeret, cany you go to another TTY and log in?19:17
mobalhow can i shut down X in ubuntu 11.10?19:17
Guest64352 /nick <newnick>19:18
samlI'm using 11.1019:18
nibalizermobal: service gdm stop19:18
siddharthasahuhi everyone!!19:18
dweezsaml, sudo shutdown -r now19:18
trismnibalizer: probably lightdm, which is the default in 11.10, but same idea19:18
mobalnot really... ubuntu 11.10 using lightdm19:18
mobalgdm unrecognized...19:18
samldweez, i did many times.. still gdm comes up19:18
Beretdweez, done, I'm running unity --reset now19:18
samli did  e  on grub menu.. and made sure  text is put in the kernel option19:18
Beretit seems to be stuck on "Initializing composite options?done"19:19
mama58ciao a tutti19:19
simplebluewhats a good program for making music?19:19
morsedl3ron: hmm... nothing terribly telling there.19:19
Beretactually that did it19:19
BeretI have my desktop back19:19
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».19:19
ronmorsedl3: this is exciting :)19:19
adv_anyone on compiz? i have 2 problems. 1. alt+tab won't work anymore 2. i cant click on the 2nd workspace19:19
pangolin!it | mama5819:19
ubottumama58: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)19:19
siddharthasahuthe super + D shortcut for minimizing all windows does not work currently on Ubuntu 11.10 x64...is there an alternate way??19:19
zelozelossimpleblue, audasity (however u spell it) is good for editing music19:19
morsedl3ron: indeed. :)19:19
dweezsaml, if you don't want to boot into the GUI you need to change your startup level.  I know how to do it with inittab but can't remember how to do it with the rc.XXXX stuff19:19
ronmorsedl3: I'm just about ready to start burning the machine :)19:20
pangolin!nox | saml19:20
ubottusaml: To start your system in text-only mode append 'text' (without the quotes) to the kernel line in the grub menu. You can access the grub menu by pressing Esc (Grub legacy) or Shift (Grub2) during boot. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions#Text%20Mode19:20
zelozelossimpleblue, the ubuntu studio has a bunch of stuff thoug19:20
lauratikadoes anyone had any luck using no windows under compiz in windows manager on 11.10?19:20
simplebluei wanted something that is able to make drum beats and add keyboard..19:20
samlpangolin, that's what i did19:20
morsedl3ron: i'm afraid we're getting to the point where tracking down the problem might be more trouble than working around it.19:20
=== point is now known as point_
dpanyone know of something like smtm that is console based?19:20
Beretdweez, so I fixed it, but do you know if there's a log anywhere to see what failed?19:20
zelozeloslauratika, i eventually got it going w cube compiz and expo whats up?19:20
simplebluezelozelos, i just wanted to try the one program, but a whole studio19:20
EpsiHi there, I appear to be stuck with this bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-keyring/+bug/820485 . No solution is listed on that page, I was wondering if there was a known workaround on here at all.19:20
ubottuUbuntu bug 820485 in gnome-keyring (Ubuntu Oneiric) "ubiquity stops installation at 'Configuring target system'" [Critical,Fix released]19:20
simplebluei used a good program before but forgot what it was called19:21
johnfni'm having reallly serious problems with ubuntu 11.10. all my desktop icons disappear whenever i try to open a folder (oh yeah, and the folder doesn't open either). seems to be a pretty unity /graphics problem i'm guessing - any tips?19:21
korsakof1Hi! Is it a good idea to turn on the "unattended-upgrades" package with the reboot option at true on my production servers?19:21
mama58ciao a tutti19:21
zelozelossimpleblue, ubuntu studio is a flavor like kubuntu, cept its still with gnome and xfce (i think xfce its been a while)19:21
ronmorsedl3: it's really puzzling though.19:21
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».19:21
morsedl3ron: i ran into this upgrading from 9.10 to 10.04.  spent a lot of time trying to track down the problem and, in the end, simply re-populating the dot-files and dot-directories a handful at a time resolved things most effectively.19:21
lordjjWhat's a good PDF creator for Ubuntu?19:21
simpleblueits too much for me to download zelozelos19:21
pavanhello everyone, I'm new to ubuntu, just installed 11.10 on dell xps, I have a datacard and no other means to connect to net, I tried connecting to net by plugging in the device and entered my username and password, but I'm unable to connect to internet, is there any way19:22
morsedl3ron: it is puzzling, and drove me nuts that i couldn't track it down, and i do this stuff for a living (well, used to, anyway).19:22
lauratikazelozelos: im trying to use the browser windlowless but aint working19:22
dweezBeret, you can check in /var/log and look at dmesg or maybe Xorg.0.log19:22
ronmorsedl3: quick question, how do I ls sorted on modification date? :p19:22
zelozelossimpleblue, all the programs offered with the studio are available by them selves as well19:22
Edmundhi, anyone have any experience with GRUB- it just goes to a prompt and the list is gone. I tried to reinstall but it has made a /boot/ in my linux partition, whereas before I had a seperate partition. I've told it the root and setup, etc and its said its worked..but still just goes to a prompt19:23
morsedl3ron: so, i'd say try this: move *all* of your dotfiles and dotdirs out of the way and try logging in that way.19:23
morsedl3ron: ls -lt for by date19:23
mecoHow can I listen to spotify with ubuntu?19:23
zelozeloslauratika, never tried that but let me take a look at ccsm for a sec n see how it would do it19:23
simplebluei'll check the ubuntu studio out then and find which one it was, thanks19:23
xanguameco: download spotify and run it with wine19:23
KearlinEdmund: what is the prompt you get?19:23
PlowjobI have this issue, where whenever I play something (Youtube, banshee mediaplayer) the playrate is twice as fast as it should be and no sound is being played. Video playback works tho.19:24
dweezmeco, maybe this ==> http://www.spotify.com/us/blog/archives/2010/07/12/linux/19:24
xanguameco: if you have a pay account you can download the native client19:24
mobalthis new release blows my head :D19:24
KearlinEdmund: I think I have a similar problem.19:24
mecoI don't have wine. Doesn't that use very much resources?19:24
alkshello, unity is not starting. How could i turn it on?19:24
lordjjAnyone know a good PDF editor?19:24
Edmunda 'grub>' prompt..or something like that.. the same as if you run grub from the terminal19:24
mobalit is impossible to stop x server lol19:24
yeatsmobal: what commands are you trying that aren't working?19:25
KearlinI think my case is worse it's a "grub rescue>"19:25
dweezmobal, the sudo service lightdm stop didn't work?19:25
simplebluei think the program might have been ardour19:25
Beretso I really can't set my own font size? :)19:25
=== jelatta is now known as jelatta_away
lucadear friends how can you use php on ubuntu 11.10?19:25
dweezmobal, are you just trying to get it to stop booting up into GUI?19:25
lauratikazelozelos:great thanx man... by the way im using this commmand "& !name=opera"19:25
trismBeret: install gnome-tweak-tool and you can configure the default fonts19:25
yeats!php | luca19:25
ubottuluca: PHP is an HTML-embedded scripting language. A command-line only version can be installed in Ubuntu with the "php5-cli" package. See also !lamp for integrated server PHP. The Ubuntu server PHP5 guide is found at https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/php5.html19:25
xanguaBeret: saw post about pimping 11.10 on webupd8 and omg!ubuntu! blogs19:26
pavanhello anyone here who can help my data card problem19:26
mobaldweez: i want to install nvidia dev driver19:26
mobalbut now i try in recovery mode19:26
dweez ah19:26
rhizmoeso, how can i get the sound control applet to show in unity?19:26
Jordan_U!grub2 | Edmund19:26
ubottuEdmund: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)19:26
Edmundanyone know if there is a GRUB specific IRC channel, this place is a bit busy to go into detail19:26
=== jelatta_away is now known as jelatta
xangua!alis | Edmund19:27
ubottuEdmund: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu*19:27
Jordan_UEdmund: #grub19:27
morsedl3ron: if that works, then you can start moving the dotfiles and dotdirs back into place (i.e., back into /home/ron, presumably), starting with the least likely culprits first (e.g., .adobe, .viminfo, etc.) and _not_ moving back ones that will be automatically recreated anyway (e.g., .cache, .thumbnails, etc.)19:27
dweezmobal, have you tried going to another TTY and then doing the sudo service lightdm stop?19:27
EdmundJordan_U: Thanks19:27
OryonHi everyone, i just wanted to install Ubuntu 10.04 LTS Netbook Edition on my new Asus eeePC 1011, i used USB creator, but when i tried to boot, it said that :could not read image19:27
jamil_1Hi all, my pc is not booting because it cant find the compatible driver for nvidia card.19:27
mobali tried19:28
mobali got blank black screen19:28
mobaland nothing else19:28
ronmorsedl3: well, what do you know.. that worked.19:28
yeatsOryon: did you md5sum the ISO you downloaded?19:28
dweezmobal, what TTY?19:28
mobalbut devdriver installer said i still have working x server19:28
lwizardlHi I just got a popup for 11.10 upgrade and need to know something before I do it. I was reading that Unity was now the only option and you can not go back to the traditional style desktop. Is that true ?19:28
jamil_1I dont have the internet connection at the console either so I cant install the driver from apt19:28
dweezTry TTY219:28
Kearlinubottu: I have tried the steps on that page, I still got the problem.19:28
ubottuKearlin: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)19:28
Oryonyeats: Umm i dont know, who should i do that? i just used USB creator with the standard settings19:28
Jordan_UEdmund: You're welcome.19:29
yeats!md5sum | Oryon19:29
ubottuOryon: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows19:29
* rhizmoe is gonna see if gnome-shell fixes myriad unity problems19:29
dgtldo we have VDPAU support for all relevant applications in Oneiric Ocelot?19:29
morsedl3ron: super!  not surprised.  if guest and new users can log in to X ok, then you should be able to as well with dotfiles and dotdirs out of the way.  iow, i would have been pretty surprised if it didn't work.19:29
mobalblack nothing :(19:29
zelozeloslauratika, you want to be able to have no window with out being full screen right? you can force fullscreen, placement, and a whole other host of things to windows but theres no option to not draw the window decoration for a particular window..at least not that i see19:29
EdmundI have followed a couple of different restore grub tutorials and it looks like it works with succesful message. then wehn I reboot its still just the grub prompt..19:29
xangua!nounity | lwizardl19:29
ubottulwizardl: Ubuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions drowpdown. Using Natty? See !classic19:29
Companionikonia, is on a banning spree19:30
yeatsOryon: a couple of common reasons that happens: 1) corrupted disk image (which md5sum checks) or 2) bad USB drive19:30
Jordan_UEdmund: Most likely because you followed tutorials for grub legacy.19:30
dr_willisHmm. GNome shell seems to be working fine for me on this new install.. but i forget who was having issues earlier...19:30
Oryonyeats: thanks19:30
Companionikonia, <3?19:30
zelozeloslauratika, however there is a way to not have window decorations while using opera, just uncheck the window decor19:30
lauratikazelozelos: no actually i want to have no windows in full mode... but inly the broswser19:31
lwizardlxangua, Yeah I am using Natty and did switch to classic and just wanted to know if that would still work which you just gave me what I needed thanks :)19:31
ronmorsedl3: well, I guess I'll just bring back only the dot dirs of apps I really use.19:31
tdm4anyone know if INtel 845G chipset is a lost cause in X now? Only VESA works, I think the driver/modules are blacklisted. I saw possible patches/fix maybe for Oneiric19:31
zelozeloslauratika, that would look kewl but i dont thnk theres a way to do that19:31
ikoniaCompanion: what ?19:31
feynnif i download files with wget, where are they usually saved?19:31
Companionikonia, nvm :$19:31
trismfeynn: the current directory19:31
lauratikai been doing that all other versions of ubuntu19:31
Edmundyes, and then followed one for grub2. but still the same error. something I'm not sure of though... is when I do it from this ubuntu live cd- how do I make it save to the boot partition, and how do I know the update-grub is affecting mt hdd and not stuff in the live linux on ram?19:32
morsedl3ron: sounds like a plan.  like i said, it's what i had to do not long ago.  a pain, but actually good to clean out the crud and all.19:32
ubottuThe default interface in Ubuntu 11.04 is !Unity. To switch back to regular !GNOME: log out, click your username, click the Session box at the bottom of the screen, and select "Ubuntu Classic".For 11.10, see !notunity19:32
mobali think dev driver is idiot caus kernel 3.019:32
ronmorsedl3: just copied .znc and .xbmc for now. I think those are enough for me. don't recognize anything else in the list that looks interesting.19:32
johnfnall of my desktop icons reliably disappear when i open a folder. any help? :/19:33
lwizardlI am saving both those !'s for later use when i do the upgrade.19:33
distorxany vim guru here?19:33
johnfndistorx, #vim? :p19:33
dr_willisdistorx:  better to ask the actual question.19:33
lauratikazelozelos: please go to windows decoration and input this on the field that says decoration windows "& !name=opera"19:34
distorxhow do i disable a specific plugin in my vimrc file?19:34
mobalsee ya guys19:34
morsedl3ron: you'll want .sabnzbd if you're still using that, and you'll probably want .mozilla back in place for firefox/thunderbird, if you use those19:34
morsedl3ron: .ssh dir is important as well19:34
ronmorsedl3: nah, sabnzbd runs on my nas now, and well, I guess I can bring .mozilla back though browsing on the tv is a pain. will copy the .ssh19:35
keyboardtalkI accidentally deleted a folder from a FAT32 usb drive. Is there any software for ubuntu that can recover these files?19:35
omeoneI emptied my password. Now I can't use sudo. Is there a solution?19:36
ronmorsedl3: could the .qt be evil?19:36
dr_willisomeone:  boot live cd, chroot in, set password19:37
zelozeloslauratika, oh, it helps to have oprera..rofl19:38
esteevengood evening. I have a fresh install of 11.10 but there are no tty consoles. Are they disabled by default?19:38
morsedl3ron: might be.  i believe 11.10 included a notable jump forward in qt, as well as usage of qt within unity interface.19:38
morsedl3ron: ... increasing, that is.19:38
TheCowboykeyboardtalk, search the ubuntu software center for undelete fat19:38
ronmorsedl3: well, I'll try loading up into xmbc now.. see if it works.19:38
EpsiHi there, I appear to be stuck with this bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-keyring/+bug/820485 . No solution is listed on that page, I was wondering if there was a known workaround on here at all.19:38
ubottuUbuntu bug 820485 in gnome-keyring (Ubuntu Oneiric) "ubiquity stops installation at 'Configuring target system'" [Critical,Fix released]19:38
ambro718Is the 11.04->11.10 upgrade actually supposed to work, or was that upgrade dialog that popped up a joke?19:38
billytwowillydid you guys do something weird to the nobody user in 11.10? samba config from 11.04 isn't working anymore and it seems to be because it maps guest to user nobody19:38
gribouillecan someone explain to me why the kernel keeps loading the nouveau module, while I blacklisted it?19:38
Oryonyeats: now i checked the md5sum, its totaly fine, and i think the usb is fine as well, cause it recognises it at the boot, sais: syslinux 4.01 debian-20100714 EDD Copyright (C) 1994-2010 H. Peter Anvin et al Unknown keyworld in configuration file: gfxboot vesamenu.c32:not a COM32R image19:39
omeonedr_willis: thanks19:39
ambro718After I said that I *do* want the upgrade, it asked me for the root password, than failed horribly with something along "sudo: the underlying autorization mechanism does not allow this action".19:39
YokiWhy does not the website lubuntu.net?19:39
YokiWhy does not the website lubuntu.net?19:39
Yokinot work19:39
lauratikazealozealos try with any browser19:40
morsedl3ron: as long as you don't restore too many dotfiles/dotdirs at once, and check each handful as you go by logging off and then back on, you should be fine and/or easily able to rollback something that cause the black screen again.19:40
lauratikano worries19:40
th0rYoki: it works for me19:40
lucadear friends can you use apache and php on ubuntu??19:40
kaolc2_rhizmoe: It turns out that vmware player was auto bridging the connection which made everything fail for reasons unknown to me. Either way, thanks for mentioning the syslogs, I learned something useful today!19:40
zelozeloslauratika, ok i think what you want is    "  (any) | !(class=opera)  "19:40
fritschluca: yes i can19:40
th0rYoki: it redirects to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu19:41
lucafritsch: how??19:41
fritschluca: just install apache2 and php stuff19:41
OryonHi, i wanted to install ubuntu11.04 netbook edition on my asus eeepc 1011 but when i boot i get an error i checked the md5sum, its totaly fine, and i think the usb is fine as well, cause it recognises it at the boot, sais: syslinux 4.01 debian-20100714 EDD Copyright (C) 1994-2010 H. Peter Anvin et al Unknown keyworld in configuration file: gfxboot vesamenu.c32:not a COM32R image19:41
Yokino redirect! where original site?19:41
ambro718"Failed to run /tmp/update-manager-KEzKxA/oneiric as user root.19:41
ambro718The underlying authorization mechanism (sudo) does not allow you to run this program. Contact the system administrator."19:41
fritschluca: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP19:41
PlowjobI have this issue after updating ubuntu, where whenever I play something (Youtube, banshee mediaplayer) the playrate is twice as fast as it should be and no sound is being played. Video playback works tho.19:42
lordjjAny alternative for Desktop Zoom without having compiz?19:42
fritschluca: should be enough to install apache2 and libapache2-mod-php519:42
ronmorsedl3: okay, logged in into XBMC successfully. finally can watch a movie and relax. I'll play around with the dotfiles later on. again, thanks for all the help and patience. greatly appreciated. shall I transfer money to your paypal account? ;)19:42
binaryflowHello everyone! I am running an Inspiron Duo touch screen enabled netbook. EVERYTHING was working fine in 11.04. After upgrading to 11.10 the mouse touchpad has stopped working. Any thoughts on how to bring it back to life?19:42
gabbysmokeshi can someone help me with  an issue im encountering regarding intense battery consumption ?19:42
YokiNo one can help me?19:43
morsedl3ron: probably best to stay away from restoring these dirs, though: .compiz, .gconf, .gconfd, .gnome*, .icons, .themes, .dbus, .gvfs, .kde19:43
gabbysmokesmy battery is dying intensely fast and im loisn glike 2-3% every minute19:43
keyboardtalkTheCowboy: Thank you very much!19:43
ambro718also, last time I tried the distribution upgrade, it failed mid way for some weird reason and left the system unusable19:43
ronmorsedl3: will do (or don't, for that matter).19:43
gabbysmokeshas anyone else encounterted such a problem?19:43
OryonHi, i wanted to install ubuntu11.04 netbook edition on my asus eeepc 1011 but when i boot i get an error i checked the md5sum, its totaly fine, and i think the usb is fine as well, cause it recognises it at the boot, sais: syslinux 4.01 debian-20100714 EDD Copyright (C) 1994-2010 H. Peter Anvin et al Unknown keyworld in configuration file: gfxboot vesamenu.c32:not a COM32R image19:43
morsedl3ron: no worries, just glad i could help.  i know what it's like to be stuck without video or networking, and it's always helpful to have someone to bounce ideas off of.19:43
mrdebare you all happy with the 1110 ubuntu19:44
ronmorsedl3: *nod* good luck with your writing :)19:44
morsedl3ron: thanks, sounds good!  be well --doug19:44
ljsoftnetOryon i dont think ubuntu 11.04 netbook edition is still supported19:45
gabbysmokesi have an intense power regression with 10.10, just wanting to see if anyone else had the same problem19:45
pdg12mrdeb: i'm having a lot of issues with network cards :(19:45
Oryonljsoftnet: 10.04 LTS, it should be, but what do you suggest  for a netbook?19:45
melodosgibson sg or lp jr?19:45
dr_willisOryon:  lubuntu is made with low end systems in mind.19:46
zelozeloslauratika, ok what you will have to do in order to do it that way is add every window to be decorated, and leaving Opear out will work...i think but not sure its supposed to be worked that way good luck19:46
ljsoftnetOryon im using xubuntu on this netbook19:46
melodosljsoftnet, or you could grab the ubuntu alter iso and install lxde..19:47
zelozeloslauratika, it needs to have "and, or and NOT" or skip or whatever you know what i mean to exclude this particular window, id or name19:47
crash1hdwhere are all the icons stored?19:47
paranoid_ndroidI was upgrading to the last ubuntu and my net got down. I tried to log out but it restarted. Now it does not boot, what to do?19:47
ljsoftnetmelodos im good with xubuntu but without compositing19:47
zelozeloscrash1hd, usr/share/ somewhere19:47
melodosljsoftnet, if you truly need a lightweight system, ubuntu alter iso with openbox or lxde would be great19:48
crash1hdzelozelos, thanks :)19:48
tetsuo--hello, the quota for one user was full, but even after deleing his account and remaking it quota tool says his quota is full19:48
tetsuo--how can fix this?19:48
sudiptais it safe to install gnome-shell in ubuntu 11.10???19:48
Reaperis there a short cut key to switch active desktops on 11.10?19:48
dr_willissudipta:  its working here.19:49
ljsoftnetmelodos ok19:49
neeteexHello @ll, I migrated from 11.04 to 11.10 and I just can't start mysql service anymore. uninstalled, re-installed, I still get "start: Job failed to start"19:49
crash1hdReaper, windows key s19:49
Jordan_Usudipta: Yes.19:50
sudiptadr_willis:i have got some problems....dont know whether it is due to shell or not19:50
neeteexAnyone knows what I can do to start mysql on ubuntu 11.10 ?19:50
Reapercool thank you !19:50
ambro718whenever I want to start something privileged from a GUI (such as Synaptic), after I type my password, I get "The underlying authorization mechanism (sudo) does not allow you to run this program. Contact the system administrator.".19:50
ambro718I think this may have something to do with me installing Ubuntu by hand with debootstrap instead of the installer, and I didn't configure something that would've been done by the installed. How do I configure sudo to allow this?19:50
[_miT_]neeteex: sudo /etc/init.d/mysql start?19:50
sudiptadr_willis:after installing it nautilus starts to crash19:50
[_miT_]neeteex: er, it might be mysql-server19:50
gabbysmokesdoes anyone else encounter intense power consumption on their laptops using ubuntu 10.10?19:51
neeteex[_miT_], I did sudo /etc/init.d/mysql start19:51
leftistif i upgrade from  11.04 to what is current, can i keep this classic interface? or am i forced to conform to the new default interface?19:51
[_miT_]neeteex: then it should be running, did it return with an error?19:51
Phr3d13ccsm keeps crashing with segmentation faults - http://pastie.org/269573619:51
ocmsRzrhi all, I have two questions: How do I specify a window manager different from unity2d in 11.10. and is it possible to create an installation usb without root access if the drive is already bootable?19:51
naftilos76hi everyone, has anybody tried 11.10 yet?19:51
neeteexI got start: Job failed to start19:51
OryonIf i want to use an USB stick for booting, what typ should i chose what i format it? FAT, or EXT?19:51
tetsuo--gabbysmokes: thre are several powerconsumption regressions in the kernel19:51
lucai've installed the two packages19:51
dr_willissudipta:  the webupd8 blog site has a list of tweaks. I seem to recall they mentioning some nautilus crash bug19:51
[_miT_]neeteex: check /var/log/mysql.err19:51
zelozelosleftist, as always you can have which ever you want19:51
lucaand now?19:51
gabbysmokestetsuo: is there any fix arounds?19:52
pdg12does anyone have any idea where i should start troubleshooting network issues?19:52
leftistzelozelos is there an option in prefs somewhere?19:52
[_miT_]neeteex: or /var/log/mysql.log19:52
sudipta<dr_willis>can u give me the link?19:52
zastaphhow do I get my 4 workspaces back from 11.04, now im using 11.10 with Unity19:52
dr_willissudipta:  webupd8   is the site19:52
[_miT_]pdg12: ping? lol19:52
leftistheck man i really prefer hoary :D19:52
OryonIf i want to use an USB stick for booting, what typ should i chose what i format it? FAT, or EXT?19:52
leftisti just cant get wireless to bind :D19:52
copproDoes anyone know what volume and power tray applets are in the oneric repositories? The GNOME ones were removed. I need a real tray applet; not a Plasma/Unity widget.19:52
dr_willisOryon:  what tool are you using to make the usb bootable?19:52
zelozelosleftist, when login in select ubuntu classic, just keep in mind gnome is no longer supported from what i gather19:53
[_miT_]Oryon: format to FAT and either use unetbooin to install a distro on it or use the USBBoot program built into Ubuntu19:53
Oryondr_willis: standard usb creator,19:53
tetsuo--gabbysmokes: http://www.phoronix.com/vr.php?view=1649619:53
s3r3n1t7I'm trying to get up a site to site VPN connection with openvpn and the connection itself is coming up from what I can see in the log files. However, from the 2 lans behind the 2 vms making the connections, there's no way to access the other subnet. From what I can see, there's no return path and google tells me I should add an iroute to the client config directory file. Is there an easy way to check if that file is being read by the other vm?19:53
pdg12[_miT_]: no wired or wireless connection19:53
dr_willisOryon:  it can format it. normally its fat16 or 3219:53
neeteex[_miT_], those files are empty19:53
[_miT_]pdg12: did you check Additional Drivers?19:53
leftistgnome is not supported?19:53
[_miT_]neeteex: reinstall the mysql packages, something went wrong19:53
dr_willisI think the phrase 'gnome is not supported' was incorrect... :)19:53
zelozelosleftist, as in gnome is no longer being updated or developed i think19:54
dr_willisunity is running on top of gnome319:54
dr_willisgnome-2 is being phased out..19:54
gabbysmokestetsuo: thank you very much!19:54
zelozelosleftist, dr_willis has it right19:54
leftistwow so gnome lost the war then19:54
rhizmoeso, installing either gnome-shell or gnome-tweak-tool solved my missing cog/sound/dash icon problems19:54
kuchikuwho know how to use gimp ? i select a red foreground color but when drawing with pen it turn out grey19:54
jtomasrlhow can i plat .m4a files on ubuntu?19:54
kuchikuwhat's the problem19:54
whitmanWhere's the font size settings in Oneiric?19:54
=== kaolc2 is now known as randomname221212
rhizmoekuchiku: wrong channel19:54
Edistodamn this 11.10 is slowing up like crazy19:55
rhizmoeit's a bit laggy19:55
[_miT_]Edisto: really? it noticed it was WAY faster19:55
dr_williskuchiku:  sounds like some sort of 'selection mask' to me. theres some good video tutorials out for gimp.19:55
[_miT_]11.04 was slower for me19:55
[_miT_]11.10 is hauling ass now19:55
pdg12[_miT_]: it's only showing nvidia graphics drivers... and the recomended one is already active19:55
[_miT_]pdg12: you may want to check the network troubleshooting wiki19:56
ocmsRzrdoes anyone know how to make an installation usb without root access?19:56
dr_willisHmm. its showing my nvidia driver/reccomended is in use also.. but.. like i never told it to do that. :)19:56
transhello everyone19:56
[_miT_]pdg12: they have steps such as 'lshw' and 'lsusb' to identify your hardware19:56
transcan anybody tell me how to connect reliance data card to 11.1019:56
[_miT_]pdg12: sorry bud, im a noob :(19:56
wereverhi! I have a problem after upgrade from 11.04 top 11.10, starting commands say "no suitable module for running kernel", any reccomendation to fix it??? thanks folks!!!19:56
pdg12okay... i'll hunt around for a wiki of sorts19:56
m6mmixHello, is raid disabled on all LTS versions or only for desktop edition?19:56
softcoderupgrade to 11.1019:56
softcodernow when i compile my open source progrject i get:19:57
softcoderLinking CXX executable ../../../mk/linux/megaglest19:57
softcoder/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lrtmp19:57
softcodercollect2: ld returned 1 exit status19:57
mecoI just installed Spotify.exe but I can't find the file. What's the command for that?19:57
softcoderanhy idea what this is?19:57
softcoderusing cmake then make19:57
maedoxAny ideas how I can change the font size in Unity? In 11.04 it was under Appearance, but it is nowhere to be found!?19:57
[_miT_]meco: i run a really horrible find cmd (this is not correct, but it works for me) cd to /19:57
rhizmoemail app in system applet seems to still be looking for evolution19:58
[_miT_]meco: sudo find . -name 'spotify.exe'19:58
mecook :-)19:58
sudiptadr_willis:got it...thanks a lot19:58
[_miT_]meco: but in all honesty, it should be in ~/Downloads19:58
whitmanmaedox, I just asked the same question, looks like you have to install a seperate app to change it (http://www.installubuntulinux.com/2011/09/howto-change-system-font-sizes-in.html) which imo is crazy19:58
lucadear friends, how can u write in php on ubuntu 11.10??19:59
=== Mud is now known as Guest55974
lucawhich programs do you use? Eclipse?19:59
tdm4vim :)19:59
wereverhi! I have a problem after upgrade from 11.04 top 11.10, starting commands say "no suitable module for running kernel", and starting get freezed,  any reccomendation to fix it??? thanks folks!!!19:59
MonkeyDustluca: leafpad19:59
neeteex[_miT_], I did uninstall and re-install mysql, to no avail, see http://pastebin.archlinux.fr/43431119:59
maedoxwhitman: Thank you! That is indeed stupid beyond words. What happened to Ubuntu? It turned into sh** in no time at all!19:59
lucaleafpad? what is it?' something like eclipse?20:00
softcoderLinking CXX executable ../../../mk/linux/megaglest20:00
softcoder/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lrtmp20:00
softcodercollect2: ld returned 1 exit status20:00
rhizmoeis there supposed to be a new desktop switcher?20:00
C-S-BI keep on getting an error on boot that it failed to check my home partition (btfs)20:00
[_miT_]neeteex: i dont know how to debug mysql20:00
ubiMikeGood evening :)20:00
[_miT_]neeteex: i would check the logs tho20:00
rhizmoei should say: workplace switcher20:00
[_miT_]neeteex: /var/log/dmesg /var/log/syslog20:00
[_miT_]neeteex: check the mysql.err and mysql.log again20:00
* mstevens is hating the fecking vanishing scrollbars20:00
wereverjust having a problem after upgrade from 11.04 to 11.10, starting commands say "no suitable module for running kernel", and starting goes freezed,  any reccomendation to fix it??? thanks folks!!!20:01
Kingsyok, I am trying to upgrade. but it says it I need more space on my /boot parition.. I think I made the mistake of only allocating 100MB to my boot parition.. is there an easy way to free up space? or allocate more without formatting?20:01
sianhulopeople, i want to boot with an usb by grub because my BIOS doesn't support it, how do i do it?(i already have a bootable usb)20:01
ubiMikemstevens, you will get used to those. I kinda like them for my web-design hours. Don't move the boxes around..20:01
=== chris_ is now known as Guest17506
Guest17506updates screwed up, how can i reinstall all packages part of ubuntu-desktop20:01
[_miT_]Guest17506: sudo dpkg-reconfigure ubuntu-desktop (Maybe)20:02
mstevensubiMike: you sort of have to grab randomly they they don't work right20:02
dysocoIs there any Hamachi like software easy to use for a friend who is new to Linux ? That also works in Windows20:02
yeatswerever: have you rebooted since upgrading?20:02
[_miT_]Guest17506: i dont know what im talking about tho,  would wait for someone to answer20:02
[_miT_]dysoco: i have hmaachi running on linux :/20:02
wereveryeats yes20:02
zebulonhey, i just repartioned my /dev/sda2 to increase the space from 20, to 100gigs, but ubuntu no longer boots20:02
yeatswerever: just ruling out the obvious ;-)20:02
Guest17506[_miT_] thx i'll try in the meantime :)20:02
zebulon...what was the grub command to fix that again?20:02
dysoco_miT_: Do I install it by apt-get ?20:03
wereveryeats: ok20:03
[_miT_]dysoco: http://timashley.me/node/27620:03
[_miT_]dysoco: scroll down to hamachi20:03
yeatsGuest17506: please define "updates screwed up"... can you pastebin the errors you're getting?20:03
ubiMikeCan anyone help me with some short explanation on how to download a driver for my integrated Intel GMA 965 ? I have a git repository link but I have no idea how to download my driver from it.20:03
TRiderI try to chroot on a live cd ubuntu. I try to install dchroot debootstrap and get full of errors. Then I try apt-get update and get a bunch of errors as well. What can I do ?20:03
crash1hdwhere did they move ~/.local/share/applications to in 11.10?20:03
[_miT_]dysoco: i have it installed on all my linux servers, laptop and desktops20:03
=== Andrew_ is now known as Wamphyri
[_miT_]dysoco: im also using this free VPN from japan, im probably going to put it into my next video tutorial20:04
Wamphyrihas anyone managed to install uguntu 11.10 on a 890FXA-GD70?20:04
TRiderI try to chroot on a live cd ubuntu. I try to install dchroot debootstrap and get full of errors. Then I try apt-get update and get a bunch of errors as well. What can I do ?20:04
dysocook, thank you20:04
CompanionAny one watched jupiter last night?20:05
xangua!anyone | Wamphyri20:05
ubottuWamphyri: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.20:05
Companionwrong chan >.>20:05
dysocoages I don't enter here, now I use Arch :P20:05
ubottuPlease give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."20:05
_trine2 computers upgraded to 11.10 2 computers not now working20:05
ubiMikeI have this link for a git repository - git://anongit.freedesktop.org/git/xorg/driver/xf86-video-intel20:05
Guest17506yeats, i got hickups during installation, couldn log in. turned out unity wasn't installed. now after installing ubuntu-desktop with aptitude i can log in but miss the all the menues in the top menu bar (logout, clock, notification center etc. and the menues to launch applications) so i'd like to start over installing all the desktop packages.20:05
rhizmoeugh, no categories in software center? why is there so much flattening of item organization in 11.10?20:05
ubiMikeI'm supposed to download my driver from there but I am not aware how to do that.20:05
yeats!details | _trine20:05
ubottu_trine: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."20:05
Wamphyriuhmm ok issue 890FXA-GD70 ubuntu 11.10  installs fine but won't boot afterwards20:06
organixpearSo what's the consensus on 11.10? I'm downloading it right now...20:06
[_miT_]organixpear: love it20:06
rhizmoemy opinion is to wait a week or two if you can20:06
Guest17506yeats, colord was the last package i remember that caused trouble during upgrade20:06
mstevensorganixpear: I still hate unity20:06
[_miT_]organixpear: for some reason, it runs faster than 11.04 did on my desktop20:06
[_miT_]mstevens: so did i, until i learned the keyboard shortcuts20:06
_trineyeats on the first computer it lets me boot into root and any new user i have added but not my own user20:06
yeatsGuest17506: you could *try* 'sudo apt-get install --reinstall ubuntu-desktop', but since ubuntu-desktop is a metapackage, that may not work20:06
[_miT_]mstevens: now i catch myself doing the shortcuts on my windows servers :/20:07
mstevens[_miT_]: it won't let me run more than 1 xtetrm20:07
nesteamy sound was working fine in 11.04 but since I upgraded to 11.10 there is no sound20:07
organixpearI'm dl'ng the server edition. I'm not a fan of unity either...so in theory server won't come witha desktop and I can install gnome3 instead?20:07
yeats_trine: what happens when you try?20:07
nesteaany ideas?20:07
[_miT_]mstevens: i dont run xterm20:07
_trineyeats, on the second computer it trys to boot but stops with the message waiting for network configuration20:07
Guest17506yeats, did a reinstall through synaptic. did only touch one packages. so i search for a command like. reinstall all packages part of the metapackage ubuntu-desktop i guess :)20:07
ikoniaorganixpear: you can do that on the desktop20:07
xanguaorganixpear: unity runs on top of gnome20:07
yeats_trine: let's do one at a time ;-)20:07
ikoniaorganixpear: if you're using a deskop....download the desktop version20:08
ubottuUbuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions drowpdown. Using Natty? See !classic20:08
xanguaso no sence in what you say, if you only want linux shell organixpear20:08
_trineyeats, on the first computer when i try to log in it looks as though it is going to work then just comes back asking me to log in again20:08
TRiderI try to chroot on a live cd ubuntu. I try to install dchroot debootstrap and get full of errors. Then I try apt-get update and get a bunch of errors as well. What can I do ?20:08
seliteAfter insatalling Ubuntu on my PC I could automatically connect to the internet with just plugging the ethernet cable. However, now I can't. Can anyone please help?20:08
ubiMikeHave you tried turning it off and on again ?20:09
yeatsGuest17506: okay... well try this:  create a new user and try to log in as the new user - if it works, you know it's something in your old config that's keeping unity, etc. from working20:09
* ubiMike lol'd.20:09
seliteubiMike: Yeah I tried20:09
nesteamy sound was working fine in 11.04 but since I upgraded to 11.10 there is no sound and I can't get it going again.20:09
Wamphyrii install ubuntu 11.10 fine a MSI 890FXA-GD70 w/rator 72g drive, but after successfully installing it fails to boot and stalls out on a black screen. num lock key is non responsive, any suggestions?20:09
Guest17506yeats, good i dear. respect btw how you handle all those requests here!20:09
seliteAfter insatalling Ubuntu on my PC I could automatically connect to the internet with just plugging the ethernet cable. However, now I can't. Can anyone please help?20:09
Griz64Is there a 'desktop sharing' app on the livecd that can be started so i can log on with a n00b to assist him with a grub issue?20:09
neurochromeSooooooo, where's Mozilla's 'prism' in the latest version of 'buntu?20:10
ubiMikeWamphyri, press enter ?20:10
spikebikeI've been working on getting rid of glboal menu as mentioned at: http://www.webupd8.org/2011/03/disable-appmenu-global-menu-in-ubuntu.html20:10
yeats_trine: but you said you're able to create a new user and log in and it works?20:10
crash1hdOk does anyone know where ubuntu 11.10 stores the icons on the left bar? in 11.04 unity it was ~/.user/share/applications but that folder does not exsist?20:10
LemonAidselite: did you check to see if you have the same configuration for your eth0 as before ?20:10
_trineyeats yes20:10
yeatsGuest17506: thanks ;-)20:10
seliteLemonAid: No20:10
spikebikeFrom what I can tell ubuntu hacked gnome-terminal to ignore the show menubar by default setting20:10
seliteLemonAid: How do I do that?20:10
WamphyriubiMike, if num lock key is non response what will enter do? yes i get the kernal selection page but both the regular kernel and rescue kernal won't boot20:10
Guest17506yeats, a little tough to log out without a menu. i'll go for a reboot. thanks god i have a second machine at hand for this chat.20:10
wereverhaving problems with "flashplugin" packakes during upgrade process, any of heared about problems with this packakes during upgrade to 11.10?20:11
tetsuo--one of my users has reached his quota limit, however his home folder only contains 2mb of data (the limit is 50GB) how can i make the quota function report the correct amount of data used??20:11
spikebikeUnity isn't half bad once you disable global menu and disable click to focus20:11
LemonAidselite: type "ifconfig" at the terminal, without the quotes. See if you have the same ip address/netmask/gateway20:11
ubiMikeWamphyri,  no idea, dude. I just read somewhere today about black screens and "Just press enter.." advice under it.20:11
_trineyeats, I am using the first computer now but in a new user20:11
yeats_trine: try this: in a terminal, do 'sudo mv /home/<yourusername> /home/<yourusername>.orig', then try to log in as yourself20:11
_trineyeats, so I have most of my own stuff missing20:11
WamphyriubiMike, ahh ok sorry then. thought you where firing off a smart a$$ comment :p20:11
wereverhaving problems with "flashplugin" packakes during upgrade process, any of heared about problems with this packakes during upgrade to 11.10?20:11
Matt_Can someone help my install Ubuntu on my machine? I've installed it on two other machines with no problem, but am having a whole bunch of problems on my new laptop. I am running an AMD Radeon HD 6620G graphics card!20:12
yeats_trine: then you can copy over the files/settings you need one at a time20:12
Marc_je vais avoir besoins de vvous20:12
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* ubiMike -.-20:13
Kingsycan someone give me some help on what I can delete in my /boot partition and what I cant?20:13
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Guest17506yeats, what irc programm are you using to keep track?20:13
rhizmoei'm watching jorge castro's unity howto and i can't help but notice that i don't have the default Places in my dash20:13
guntbert!fr | proffima20:13
ubottuproffima: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.20:13
proffimaok guntbert20:13
wereverhaving problems with "flashplugin" packakes during upgrade process, any of heared about problems with this packakes during upgrade to 11.10?20:13
proffimai will need some help with the update20:13
yeatsGuest17506: I use irssi and am ignoring joins/parts/quits20:13
proffimasince i have installed it i don't have wifi20:14
ubiMikeI had the same problem.20:14
Guest17506yeats, btw found advice how to reinstall a metapackage's dependencies https://gourgi.wordpress.com/2009/09/27/re-install-ubuntu-desktop-metapackage-and-reinstall-its-dependencies/20:14
ubiMikeJust ignore it.20:14
yeatsGuest17506: great!20:14
TRiderI try to chroot on a live cd ubuntu. I try to install dchroot debootstrap and get full of errors. Then I try apt-get update and get a bunch of errors as well. What can I do ?20:14
[_miT_]proffima: i had to reboot for my wifi to work again20:14
wereverubimake: but after reboot I have problems to start the GUI, maybe my problem is not related with flashplugni packages then20:14
wereverubimike: but after reboot I have problems to start the GUI, maybe my problem is not related with flashplugni packages then20:15
proffima[_miT_], i had try that20:15
proffima[_miT_],  but it doesn't work20:15
tetsuo--could a quota full problem be caused by journal entries made by ext4 ?20:15
[_miT_]proffima: during the upgrade it killed my wifi, but it came back when i restarted20:15
* [_miT_] shrugs20:15
proffimais there any known problem with the RT300 of ratlink ?20:15
Kingsycan someone give me some help on what I can delete in my /boot partition and what I cant?20:15
[_miT_]proffima: did you check if its under Additional Drivers?20:15
ubiMikewerever  hardware is pretty tricky.20:15
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selite_After insatalling Ubuntu on my PC I could automatically connect to the internet with just plugging the ethernet cable. However, now I can't. Can anyone please help?20:16
proffimai checked that [_miT_]  there is additionnal drivers but they are'nt used20:16
[_miT_]selite_: type ifconfig from terminal and check for eth20:16
proffimai just don't know whye20:16
[_miT_]proffima: have you tried to install them?20:16
TRiderme neither20:16
Wamphyrihas anyone seen any problems with amd x6 cpu's? or an abunance or memory?20:16
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znowhow can I shutdown a daemon?20:17
selite_[_miT_]: Yeah I typed.20:17
[_miT_]znow: /etc/init.d/appname20:17
proffima[_miT_], but it sait that they are installed but not used20:17
ejvok you typed, what did it say...20:17
[_miT_]znow: er, add stop to the end of that20:17
genii-aroundKingsy: You probably shouldn't be manually deleting anything in there. Remove obsolete kernels through the package manager and it will automatically clean that directory out20:17
[_miT_]proffima: weird.20:17
proffima[_miT_], yep20:17
znow[_miT_]: thanks20:17
TRiderI try to chroot on a live cd ubuntu. I try to install dchroot debootstrap and get full of errors. Then I try apt-get update and get a bunch of errors as well. What can I do ?20:17
Kingsygenii-around: you can do that through the package manager? how?20:17
selite_[_miT_]: It said a lot of things it's kinda long.20:18
[_miT_]znow: so if i wanted to stop bind9 DNS server daemon, i would type sudo /etc/init.d/bind9 stop20:18
znow[_miT_]: if I want to stop by a pid?20:18
[_miT_]znow: you can also start it with the same cmd, just replace stop with start20:18
[_miT_]znow: i only know how to kill by pid, lol20:18
[_miT_]selite_: thats what she said?20:18
nathanelcan anyone post their output for cat /etc/system-release20:18
znowoh my bad, sorry ;)20:18
[_miT_]selite_: do you see eth anywhere?20:18
ejvselite_: use a pastebin service and give us the information20:18
[_miT_]+1 ejv20:19
selite_[_miT_]: Yeah I see eth0.20:19
Beretdoes anyone know what to remove from your home directory to completely nuke all unity/gnome/desktop settings?20:19
[_miT_]forgot about pastebin20:19
[_miT_]selite_: is the cable plugged in?20:19
nathanelcan anyone post their output for 'cat /etc/system-release'?20:19
selite_[_miT_]: Yeah I typed.20:19
znow[_miT_]: no cmd found20:19
AchillionHey all. I have a problem with a friend's laptop. He was doing an upgrade from 10.04 to 10.10 and it crashed during the process. After a reboot the computer wouldn't boot into gnome but he could access a terminal. Since we were talking over the phone, at first I thought it was during some package updates and told him to do a "check" and then finish the updates. Now I'm here (have it in front of me), the computer wont boot into gnome at startup but i20:19
Achillionf I "startx" it starts normally (though, no hardware graphics).20:19
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[_miT_]selite_: type: sudo dhclient eth020:19
crash1hdreisio, you around?20:19
Achillion(sorry for the spam)20:19
selite_[_miT_]: Yeah the ethernet cable is plugged in when I go connect it tries to connect and stops.20:19
[_miT_]znow: what are you running?20:19
anditosanI need help connecting to a server thorugh nautilus20:19
spikebikeHrm, anyone know how to keep unity from overriding gnome-terminal --hide-menubar?20:19
dikideraHi all20:19
dikiderai would like to know20:19
znow[_miT_]: a thin webserver20:19
[_miT_]selite_: type: sudo dhclient eth020:19
dikiderawhat possible options are there for the gcc compiler's -march switch?20:20
meerkatswhat way do you recommend to update to 11.10? update manager or creating a live cd?20:20
genii-aroundKingsy: If you see in boot for instance an old kernel version with a file like: vmlinuz-2.6.22-2-generic   then remove the package linux-image-2.6.22-2-generic, possibly also linux-headers-2.6.22-2-generic20:20
nathanelcan anyone post their output for 'cat /etc/system-release'?20:20
douggleis it possible to enable tapzones for a synaptics touchpad?20:20
wereverhow can I force my pc to login into ubuntu recovery mode if grub is not showed at start?20:20
ejvwhen are people going to figure out that quality of support is a function of the quality of information given to us... *sigh*20:20
crash1hdmeerkats, update manager20:20
selite_[_miT_]: Yeah I typed20:20
guntbertwerever: press <shift> during boot20:20
selite_[_miT_]: It just waits.20:20
ejvdikidera: use native20:20
[_miT_]selite_: then its not grabbing an ip address from your network. i would check your dhcp server (i.e. router)20:21
raggerzzdoes anyone know how to revert to the old natty graphic settings/properties? i have an old compaq with an older graphics card20:21
nathanelcan anyone post their output for 'cat /etc/system-release'?20:21
wereverI tried but didnt work I just upgraded from 11.04 to 11.1020:21
Wamphyrii install ubuntu 11.10 fine a MSI 890FXA-GD70 w/rator 72g drive, but after successfully installing it fails to boot and stalls out on a black screen. num lock key is non responsive, any suggestions? and the only way i could install is if i disabled acpi20:21
wereverguntbert: I tried but didnt work I just upgraded from 11.04 to 11.1020:21
meerkatscrash1hd, how many hours could it take? Last time i did so it was like 7 hours...20:21
selite_[_miT_]: What should I check?20:21
LemonAidselite_ : are you under a router ?20:21
Naughwerever use a live cd...20:21
selite_LemonAid: Yes20:21
fwestlightdm won't let me ldap users login20:21
crash1hdmeerkats, I did it last night and it took about 5hrs or so20:21
ejvWamphyri: toggle ide/raid/ahci mode? check boot priority? etc.20:21
mang0Hm, I've just been prompted to update to 11.10...do I click upgrade or not!20:22
crash1hdmeerkats, servers are probably being slammed by people20:22
[_miT_]mang0: only if you want to :)20:22
LemonAidselite_: private20:22
kajeI'm trying to allow a user to execute "sudo blkid" without a password. I've added this line to the sudoers file: joe ALL= NOPASSWD: /sbin/blkid      But, it still is prompting me for a password. Anyone see my mistake?20:22
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wereverNaugh: ok..I trying too but live USB for 11.10 isnt working as 11.04 should it20:22
mang0and is there a way to "downgrade" back to 11.04 if I don't like 11.10?20:22
[_miT_]kaje: first mistake is sudo without a password ;)20:22
meerkatscrash1hd, Wamphyri , I wouldnt like to experience the problems werever and Wamphyri are having20:22
Wamphyriejv, all  have is enabled disabled boot priority is cd/dvd, raptor, remaining hd's20:22
kajeI know the risks… it is just for the blkid command20:22
guntbertwerever: I'll have to try, right now I have no bootable 10.10 machine - be sure to press <shift> right after the bios message from your system20:22
mang0[_miT_]: Yeah but I don't know if I want to or not! :P20:22
fritschmang0: nope :-)20:23
[_miT_]mang0: i did, its pretty nice20:23
raggerzzdoes anyone know how to revert to the old natty graphic settings/properties? i have an old compaq with an older graphics card...20:23
nathanelcan anyone post their output for 'cat /etc/system-release'?20:23
[_miT_]mang0: although it seems a lot of ppl are having issues :/20:23
mang0fritsch: And why is that?20:23
crash1hdmeerkats, well I personally started by downloading the iso and making a usb stick20:23
Wamphyrimeerkats, its almost amusing i could install debian 1.3 on a p200 with my eyes closed :p20:23
[_miT_]mang0: IF IT AINT BROKE DONT FIX IT20:23
wereverguntbert: kk..I will try one more time thanks20:23
tdm4raggerzz: what chipset is the card?20:23
mang0[_miT_]: Very true!20:23
mang0[_miT_]: Perhaps I'll wait :P20:23
crash1hdmeerkats, then I mounted it to see if I would have any issue and then went back (after doing a backup of what I already had) and did the update-manager20:23
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raggerzzits a AMD Sempron. I just need to revert the settings to 11.0420:24
crash1hdmeerkats, if you have the extra drive do a full backup of root (always recommended)20:24
crash1hdwith any update20:24
AchillionGnome requires "startx" on startup. How do I set it to start automatically?20:24
fritschmang0: downgrading is much more complex than upgrading20:25
tdm4raggerzz: no I mean the graphics card20:25
meerkatscrash1hd,  extra drive? I dont have any20:25
mang0fritsch: I guessed that, and as [_miT_] said, people are having lots of issues. I guess I'll just wait :P20:25
pjs__hi, can anyone tell me how to set up unity so that I can open more than one terminal at a time?20:25
raggerzzoh yeah sorry...im not sure nor do i know how to check20:25
dnils"ask me later" doesn't work.20:25
xanguapjs__: control+alt+T to open terminal ;)20:26
dnilswhen upgrading20:26
fritschmang0: jep - 11.10 is no fun at all at the moment20:26
spikebikepjs__: or middle click on termina20:26
fritschmang0: there were some good fixes which came into proposed, they made life easier20:26
crash1hdmeerkats, ahh well then its always a risk without backup20:26
Naughhow to you set the refresh rate in ubuntu 11.10? there is no such thing in "System Settings->Displays"20:26
pjs__middle-click does the job, cheers20:26
crash1hdmeerkats, but personally I didnt have any issues20:26
mang0fritsch: Oic20:26
crash1hdmeerkats, or should I say minor issues20:27
dnilshey guys, there might be an issue in the upgrade prompt. "Ask Me Later" doesn't work, it simply doesn't react.20:27
raggerzzany idea?20:27
meerkatsi see20:27
crash1hdmeerkats, I had to plug in my lcd monitor to get it to boot as my old crt couldnt hack it20:27
* yeats is not having any problems with 11.10 on 2 separate computers20:27
lucahow can you write in php on ubuntu 11.10??20:28
wereveri think i have kernel problems, maybe related with virtual box, I am not sure, any toughts? I upgraded from 11.01 to 11.1020:28
yeatsNaugh: search "display" in the unity menu20:28
[_miT_]luca: like what editor to use?20:29
lucayes for instance20:29
lucaeditor and compiler20:29
zastaphwith Unity in 11.10 if I move a window to my second monitor, the menu that is now glued to the top of the screen is lost.. it only displays when the window is on monitor one20:29
[_miT_]luca: im partial to this one -> http://bluefish.openoffice.nl/index.html20:29
tdm4raggerzz: lspci20:29
StereocaulonJust switched to oneiric. I have difficulty liking it. Ubuntu keeps obsessing over low disk space on two of my partitions, even if I tick "Don't show any more warnings for this files system" This worked perfectly in Natty20:29
[_miT_]luca: i dont know if it compiles, but ive never heard of someone compiling php ;/20:29
lucai want the easiest20:29
spikebikezastaph: global menu is so broken I recommend removing it: http://www.webupd8.org/2011/03/disable-appmenu-global-menu-in-ubuntu.html20:30
wereverany ideas how to fix kernel on 11.10? I have access to tty console only20:30
lucawhich one do you use?20:30
tdm4raggerzz: lspci | grep VGA20:30
yeatsluca: try asking in ##php - this channel is for Ubuntu support20:30
Naughyeats: I know where it`s but i don<t see the option...20:30
polterhey peeps, how do I change fonts in Ubuntu 11.10?20:30
[_miT_]polter: apperance20:30
polter[_miT_], I have it open, but I seem to be stupid or something, because I can't see it20:31
fwestgreat, lightdm and gdm can no longer let ldap users auth20:31
raggerzzthis is what i got; 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS] 661/741/760 PCI/AGP or 662/761Gx PCIE VGA Display Adapter20:31
[_miT_]polter: the last tab, forget its name20:31
[_miT_]polter: im not on my buntu box at the mo20:31
wereverany ideas how to fix kernel on 11.10? I have access to tty console only20:31
polter[_miT_], ubuntu 11.10 has no tabs in appearance20:32
Stereocaulonfwest, use xdm for that, or even KDM20:32
fritschwerever: what is wrong with your kernel?20:32
vltwerever: Then the kernel seems to run fine ;-)20:32
fwestStereocaulon, really? you have the same problem too?20:32
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[_miT_]polter: i opened it yesterday and it had the tabs at the top20:32
fritschvlt: hehehe, ack20:32
dnils[0p4n SSH 0day for s4l3]20:32
polternope it's not in here20:32
BeretCan someone tell me what to remove from my home directory to completely nuke all unity/gnome/desktop settings? An upgrade to Oneiric has left me with a non-functional desktop that even unity --reset doesn't fix.20:33
xanguapolter: [_miT_] check omgubuntu and webupd8 blogs to pimp oneiric ;)20:33
Stereocaulonfwest, no, but in my corporate environment using LTSP we use xdm which will query our LDAP servers20:33
yeats!l33t | dnils20:33
ubottudnils: 1337 i5 n1gh-inc0mpr3h3n5ib13 70 u5 n00bs, 4nd n0b0dy c4r35 if UR 4 1337 h4x0r. Giv3 i7 4 r357.20:33
tdm4raggerzz: dpkg -l | grep xserver-xorg-video-sis20:33
fwestStereocaulon, gdm has worked for years with ldap20:33
dnilsyeats: dude! just chillax.20:33
[_miT_]xangua: was just about to suggest that :)20:33
polterxangua, thanks, but I don't really consider changning fonts "pimping"20:33
sianhulo people, i want to boot with an usb by grub because my BIOS doesn't support it, how do i do it?(i already have a bootable usb)20:34
rapt_join gattaka20:34
nsahoohi, anyone familiar with NUMA?20:34
rapt_j gatakka20:34
spikebikensahoo: ya20:34
Stereocaulonfwest, right, but it seems Canonical has kannabalized it now to remove any advantages to their beta product ldm20:34
nesteaTrying to get my audio to work, worked fine with a fresh install of 11.04 but when I had it upgrade to 11.10 it quit, and I can't figure out why20:34
raggerzztdm4: this is what i got: ii  xserver-xorg-video-sis 1:0.10.3-3   X.Org X server -- SiS display driver ii  xserver-xorg-video-sisusb              1:0.9.4-2  X.Org X server -- SiS USB display driver20:34
=== dnils is now known as al3l54h
wereverfritsch vlt:  after upgrade GUI is not starting and I have following error "no suitable module for running kernel" and some times and [FAIL] msg in red color20:34
nsahoonsahoo: ?20:34
fwestStereocaulon, xdm is not the fix20:34
[_miT_]nestea: my upgrade had alsa errors, i hope my sound works when i get home20:34
tdm4raggerzz: and X won't start up?20:35
Wamphyriok so ubuntu 11.10 shouldn't have any delema's wish a amd 1100T or 16g ram right? and it'll reconize ati 5700 as well?20:35
fritschwerever: the fail comes from daemons while starting20:35
nesteawell, looking at the stuff, it seems to have not found the hardware for it20:35
fritschwerever: check /var/log/Xorg.0.log20:35
nesteaso how can I get ubuntu to look for new hardware20:35
nsahoospikebike: do i have to use any special version of ubuntu/linux to take full advantage of NUMA architecture?20:35
fritschto have a look what is happening20:35
raggerzztdm4: nope, like i said, its a 2000 i think with no upgrades20:35
fritschnestea: it does automatically while starting20:35
spikebikensahoo: no, well current is good since it's a moving target20:35
Stereocaulonfwest, well, we use xdm in our company to login to LDAP. Heck, it even uses Ubuntu 10.04 for it's software repository20:35
fritschnestea: every device is recognized by the kernel and modules are loarded20:35
wereverfritsch: ok20:36
nesteaso why is my audio hardware not being loaded?20:36
nesteait loaded fine in 11.0420:36
tdm4raggerzz: can you pastebin your /var/log/Xorg.0.log ?20:36
yeats!sound | nestea20:36
ubottunestea: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.20:36
al3l54hit have gone full derp20:36
nsahoospikebike: right now the standard distribution seems to suggest it is for SMP, is it good to take advantage of NUMA?20:36
Wamphyrinestea, do you see your sound device in dmesg?20:36
Stereocaulonfwest, granted our corporate image is a *heavily* modified Ubuntu 10.04 suitable for ltsp.20:36
fwestStereocaulon, it is nothing to do with xdm/gdm etc20:37
spikebikensahoo: ya, you might need an apt-get or two to get some of the tools, depending on what you are doing.  But the standard SMP kernels have numa support20:37
tdm4I think most sound problems are down to the fact that pulseaudio exists :D20:37
dougglehow does one disable the screen going black after say 15 minutes of idle? its not in the power options20:37
Wamphyridouggle, screen saver settings?20:37
nesteai don't see my device20:37
al3l54hdouggle: screensaver?20:37
Stereocaulonfwest, no? Just browse this article here: http://www.junauza.com/2011/05/ubuntu-1110-oneiric-ocelot-features.html20:37
nsahoospikebike: meaning, the operating system will automatically assign memory closest to the cpu that is running the task? excuse me, I am relatively new to the NUMA area.20:37
Stereocaulonfwest, pay attention to 2. LightDM replaces GDM20:38
dougglei found it it was under screens not screensaver.20:38
Wamphyrinestea, i would guess then that the module for your sound device isn't loaded20:38
TRiderWhere can I find chroot.conf ?20:38
raggerzztdm4: in Natty it told me i couldnt run parts of unity and auto reset itself. yes i can20:38
spikebikensahoo: well there are defaults, but programs that worry about it specifically can control it directly if needed.  Numactl is a command line version of similar20:38
sianhulomy bios doesn't support usb booting, which is the way to boot it by GRUB2?20:38
wereverfritsch: I never opened Xorg.0.log before, but I found this line: "FATAL ERROR: no screens found", what do you think? its relevant?20:38
martiertHi, is there an official mirror with skype for 11.10?20:38
tdm4raggerzz: thanks20:39
fwestStereocaulon, its the xsession process that is the issue not the manager20:39
rhizmoemartiert: get the torrent20:39
martiertor any mirror at all20:39
rhizmoeis there a way for me to switch the mail applet from evolution to thunderbird?20:39
xanguamartiert: you can download skype from partner repos or skype.com20:39
nsahoospikebike: I checked numactl. I guess, I don't want to worry about it (but, i do worry about it .. paradoxically). Just want the OS to take care of assigning the memory to the job in the most efficient way.20:40
xanguarhizmoe: oneiric uses thunderbird for the mail indicator20:40
fritschwerever: try to remove /etc/X11/xorg.conf20:40
fritschwerever: sudo mv /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf-bak20:40
martierthow do I activate the partner repo?20:40
fritschwerever: and reboot20:40
raggerzztdm4: ok i got the file. pastebin? sorry, havent done this before20:40
wereverfritsch:ok I will backp it,,,yes thanks20:40
RichardoHellp all!20:40
tdm4raggerzz: one sec20:41
auronandace!partner | martiert20:41
ubottumartiert: Canonical's partner repositories provide packages a location for software vendors to publish applications. The repo itself can be added by running this in a !terminal: « sudo add-apt-repository "deb http://archive.canonical.com/ $(lsb_release -sc) partner" »20:41
genii-around!details | Richardo20:41
ubottuRichardo: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."20:41
Stereocaulonfwest, I see, but you will still need a suitable hook from the *dm into that xsession that offers the options necessary to login with LDAP20:41
RichardoSorry, meant to say hello20:41
spikebikensahoo: it just works... of course it involved guesswork, so it's an approximation.  But the kernel has a good idea of NUMA related variable for all current released archictures.  Some of the unannounced chips require some tweaks... like bulldozer20:41
RichardoBut I´ll start now20:41
tdm4raggerzz: go to http://pastebin.com/ and paste the entire Xorg.0.log to it.. then submit it and give me the link to the pastebin.com20:41
nsahoospikebike: just curious, why does the uname -a command still shows *** SMP *** in it when it is adept at both SMP and NUMA architecture.20:41
RichardoI am running Ubuntu 11.1020:41
fwestStereocaulon, hook?20:41
tdm4raggerzz: that way you can show me your Xorg.0.log without spamming the channel or PM :)20:41
tmp_userHey guys. 11.10 trouble here. So my sound has always worked ever since the days of 10.04 but now it doesn't. I can find the device that I use in the hardware tab of the sound settings and I can test the sound and hear it from there so I know that it recognises the hardware and is able to use it. HOWEVER this device will NOT show up in the Output tab thus I have no sound. Any idea how I might fix this?20:41
raggerzztdm4: oh ok one sec20:41
RichardoI am unable to connect to the internet via WIFI20:42
spikebikensahoo: ya, it's called SMP, but in reality almost all SMPs today are numa20:42
nsahoospikebike: ok. thanks. any idea whether I should set the BIOS to NUMA or SMP?20:42
guntbert!enter | Richardo20:42
Richardothe same way i was unable to when i first installed 10.0420:42
ubottuRichardo: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!20:42
rapt_hi all20:42
spikebikensahoo: numa20:42
Stereocaulonfwest, well yes, an interface. Nvm.20:42
guntbertrapt_: hi,  Do you have an ubuntu support question?20:42
nsahoospikebike: ok20:42
=== rzyz is now known as trois_1
Wamphyrilol guntbert  has all the answers but no answers to questions :p20:43
fritschwerever: the last command was to backup20:43
raggerzztdm4: http://pastebin.com/H6M0SrdE20:43
fwestStereocaulon, so pam_ldap configured and working isn't good enough eh?20:43
geartrooperhow may I disable alt + rmb so a window does not pop up in blender?20:43
=== sysadamin is now known as sysadamin|away
binspaceHow do I configure the workspace switcher in 11.10?20:44
Wamphyriis there a fix for the ehci issues?20:44
albert_hi, how can i use passwd on ubuntu 11.10 ?20:45
Stereocaulonfwest, nope, if the *dm does not offer an interface to select that option it's not. At the time we were introducing ltsp this was an issue with gdm, so we had to switch to xdm instead. This might be totally outdated right now. I have not done any research on login screens since we introduced ltsp 3 years ago.20:46
RichardoHello all. Sorry for using enter as punctuation. Here, I´ll have another go. I just updated to Ubuntu 11.10. I am unable to connect to the internet via WIFI the same way i was unable to when i first installed 10.04. In previous updates this was never an issue. Currently I have no connection to the internet via an ethernet cable and can only access it through another computer. Is there any way of remedying this situation as I am now? 20:46
Wamphyrialbert_, sudo20:46
albert_because, it doesn't work. when i do it as root, it doesnt recognice the password in unity20:46
albert_Wamphyri: i cannot use sudo because it asks for a password and it doesnt accept the password which was previosly set by passwd20:46
guntbertalbert_: what are you trying to do?20:46
albert_guntbert: setting a password20:46
tdm4raggerzz: odd.. according to Xorg.0.log it should be functioning correctly20:46
Wamphyrialbert_, your using like this right     sudo passwd username  ?20:47
TRiderWhenever I try to install something I get 404 Not found error. can someone help ?20:47
Wamphyrior if your su - into root20:47
albert_yea, it first asks for the password for sudo20:47
binspaceIt seems like I cannot right click the workspace switcher in unity. http://www.xinotes.org/notes/note/978/20:47
martianIf I wanted to manually install a binary application, where would be the 'right' place to put it?20:47
ActionParsnipalbert_: sudo doesn't give any feedback, just keep typing20:47
guntbertalbert_: you can set the password of your own user just with passwd20:47
Wamphyrijust passwd username20:47
Flannelalbert_: Are you trying to set your own password? orsomeone elses?20:47
albert_su also asks for a password20:47
albert_passwd also asks for the current password20:47
binspaceand I can't find documentation on how to change the configuration of the workspace switcher20:47
albert_Flannel: my  own20:47
ActionParsnipalbert_: su will always fail (if you are su'ing to root)20:47
KittyGirlI just upgraded to the new Ubuntu version and now i've no sound. :(20:47
raggerzztdm4: sorry if i wasnt clear before. it is working but is so slow that i would like to revert the settings20:47
Flannelalbert_: You don't need sudo then, just `passwd`.20:47
tdm4raggerzz: ah wait.. DRI disabled here20:48
wereverfritsch: I renamed this log file and I have same problema after reboot, additionaly I noted this msg when my starting screen goes frezzed "no mpm apache installed " or something similar20:48
ActionParsnipalbert_: just type your user password for sudo , it will work20:48
albert_Flannel: that also asks for the current password20:48
tdm4yeah that would make Unity not work20:48
tdm4you'll need to disable Unity20:48
Flannelalbert_: Yes.  Do you not know your current password?20:48
Flannelalbert_: (you didn't mention this, if that's the case)20:48
KittyGirlI just upgraded to the new Ubuntu version and now i've no sound. :(20:48
softcoderfyi is users try to compile cmake projects and get errors about missing rtmp20:48
TimLoalhi all, just installed ubuntu on my other laptop, I've just moved to linux and first need to setup a vpn, but don't have a clue how, yet.  Can anyone help me?20:48
albert_Flannel: i previosly set one via passwd (as root, via chroot from another system). but it doesnt accept that one20:48
softcoderthey hneed to run:20:48
softcodersudo apt-get install librtmp-dev20:48
jdjbmedinai am updating now to the 11.1020:48
TRiderWhenever I try to install something I get 404 Not found error. can someone help ?20:48
albert_the VT0 console accepts it, though20:48
tdm4raggerzz: yeah without DRI, it will be excruciatingly slow20:48
KittyGirlsorry for the repeat.20:48
albert_i am currently logged in there as root20:48
albert_and tried to reset it via passwd20:49
Flannelalbert_: Er... if you set... ah.20:49
albert_but it still doesnt accept it in unity20:49
logi01hi, after i delete a 700MB cd-rw with brasero nautilus tells me that the cd-rw only has a size of 6.1MB?20:49
raggerzztdm4: yes, so ive found...so any ideas on how to disable unity in 11.10?20:49
Flannelalbert_: You really shouldn't be running a GUI as root.20:49
albert_no, i am logged in as a user in the GUI20:49
StereocaulonIs there a good tutorial for Gnome2 afficionados, like me with Q & A's about alternatives to the uncluttered interface that Gnome presented? A sort of Switching from Gnome2 to Unity document? I am having a difficult time to adapt here, even though Unity does look visually appealing. In terms of workflow, it leaves me confounded right now20:49
Flannelalbert_: by "doesn't accept it" you mean you can't log in as root from gdm?20:49
albert_Flannel: all apps which asks for password dont accept the password20:50
devishif i choose blank disk option in brasero to burn a rw dvd then will it erase the earler data and then burn it??20:50
Flannelalbert_: That's asking for the user password, not the root password.  This is using sudo, not su.20:50
guest15987Hi, I am running live cd of the new ubuntu and I cant connect using DHCP, only manual settings works (somewhat). Also reconnecting freeze my ddwrt router. (under windows DHCP works fine and the router is prety stable)20:50
albert_Flannel: i.e., system settings, etc20:50
albert_Flannel: yea, and sudo also doesnt work20:50
albert_it also doesnt accept the password20:50
tdm4[   651.086] (II) AIGLX: Screen 0 is not DRI2 capable20:50
tdm4[   651.086] (II) AIGLX: Screen 0 is not DRI capable20:50
scorinitronI just started using ubuntu I'm using 11.04 I want to start learning the terminal...is their another OS I can go to that's a little more complicated than ubuntu but something I can still learn from20:51
tdm4wonder why it didn't like that.. weird20:51
Flannelalbert_: Alright, that's not related to unity at all.  So, lets back up and make sure we're on te same page, since this has gone all over the place.20:51
naftilos76Does anyone see any bugs in 11.10?20:51
Wamphyrii successfully install ubuntu 11.10 onto my desktop but when it reboots it locks up and becomes non resposive at a black screen after i select either the resuce kernel or regular kernel20:51
Wamphyriany suggestions?20:51
StereocaulonI'd like to try another Desktop Manager, but I do want one where I can easily find all my applications20:51
albert_maybe there is another way to set the password, despite passwd? because, when set via passwd <user>, it doesnt work20:51
ubiMikeGood evening, again :)20:51
Flannelalbert_: You think you may have a root password set.  You're logged in as a regular user, trying to sudo, and after typing that regular user's password at the password prompt, you get an error.20:51
raggerzztdm4: in 11.04 i was not using unity and liked it. i just need to disable it correct?20:52
albert_Flannel: yes exactly20:52
rapt_Good evening20:52
TimLoal<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<    >>>>>>>>>>>>>  Hey I'm a microsoft head for 20+ years i'm moving ove, defecting if you will, I was hoping that some of you would be intrested in welcomming a new user.  Pm me if you are.20:52
guntbert!nomodeset | Wamphyri20:52
ubottuWamphyri: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter20:52
Flannelalbert_: Alright.  Have you done any tweaking of your sudoers file or anything like that?20:52
reisiguest15987: is this with the latest 11.10?20:52
guntbert!ot | TimLoal20:53
ubottuTimLoal: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!20:53
albert_Flannel: no. i setup the system via debootstrap20:53
donpdonpwhere can i change the number of virtual desktops?20:53
albert_and installed ubuntu-desktop20:53
albert_nothing more so far20:53
OryonIs there any ways to boot an OS without a USB/CD/any external drives?20:53
Flannelalbert_: Does sudo give you an error? or just the "that's not your password" message?20:53
Wamphyriguntbert, ok well i have tried with and without that option, whats your next suggestion?20:53
raggerzzdoes anyone know how to disable unity in 11.10?20:54
donpdonpOryon: not sure what you're asking. the OS has to come from somewhere20:54
albert_Flannel: yes, something authentication failed20:54
scorinitronI wanna have the skills of a hacker without being illigea20:54
ubottuUbuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions drowpdown. Using Natty? See !classic20:54
Oryondonpdonp:i mean i want to install it from my HDD into my HDD:)20:54
scorinitronI wanna be a master at terminal where do I start20:54
guntbertWamphyri: how did you try and what were the results?20:54
donpdonpOryon: oh. not that i know of20:54
Flannelalbert_: open a terminal as your regular user and type 'groups', what does it return?20:54
xangua!terminal | scorinitron20:54
ubottuscorinitron: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome), K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE), or Menu -> Accessories -> LXTerminal (LXDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal20:54
ubiMikescorinitron, hackers are not illegal. Google and Read 'Hacker's Manual'.20:55
StereocaulonOryon, well, yes, by flashing the bootrom to look for a netimage. That is the way that terminals or Nettops work.20:55
albert_Flannel: well, sudo says password incorrect, actually20:55
RichardoHi guys, any help on my afore mentioned issue would be much appreciated =D20:55
OryonStereocaulon: And maybe with unetbootin?20:55
pznhow can I get the starttime of a process? in debian "stat /proc/NNN" shows it. however in ubuntu, this does not work as expected. how to do?20:55
oceantypehello since upgrade to 11.10 my wifi doesnt work anymore whar can i do?20:55
xulliWhat backup utility would you recommend for backing up entire linux partition ?20:55
nicofsCan someone help me get my dvb to work? It's a TerraTec Cynergy Hybrid XE, according to linuxtv.org it is supported if the appropriate firmware is used. I copied that to /lib/firmware - but no program recognizes a dvb device...20:55
donpdonpwhere is the setting for number of workspaces/desktops?20:55
albert_Flannel: <username> users20:55
raggerzzubiMike: yes?20:55
wereverany ideas how to fix kernel on 11.10? I have access to tty console only20:55
ubiMike!nounity | raggerzz20:55
ubotturaggerzz: Ubuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions drowpdown. Using Natty? See !classic20:55
ubiMikeread :)20:55
xanguaxulli: oneiric comes with one backup tool default now20:55
ibizamanxangua: dd ?20:55
raggerzzahh...oops guess i missed that! Thanks!20:56
geartrooperI installed compiz, moved the alt key control, and now the display on the left has disappeared!20:56
xanguawerever: to fix what¿ do we have to guess¿20:56
raggerzzubottu: Thank You!20:56
Flannelalbert_: Alright.  That could be your problem, if you do infact have a default sudoers.  You need that user to be in the 'admin' group.  (`adduser username admin` will solve that)20:56
wereverxangua: I already guessing whats happening20:56
xullixangua: that sounds great but I was wondering if I could backup my system before I go into the upgrade :)20:56
pcsapkotaHello guys ..I am new in ubuntu...please help me what we can use to access blocked sites20:56
StereocaulonOryon, well, you will need a medium to start booting from, lookup your BIOS/ UEFI options if you see something like netboot/ PXE or something like that. You will need a suitable server in your LAN that provides the loadable image though20:57
LjLpcsapkota: tried Tor?20:57
KittyGirlI just upgraded to the new Ubuntu version and now i've no sound. :(20:57
donpdonpOryon: usb drives are cheap.20:57
pcsapkotai tried it but its not working20:57
Flannelalbert_: One thing that makes me a little curious about your sudoers file is usually you'd get a "user not in sudoers, this will be reported" or whatnot type error if you don't have permission to use sudo.20:57
Stereocaulondonpdonp, I think Oryon's box does not have the option to boot from USB20:57
wereverxangua: just having a problem after upgrade from 11.04 to 11.10, starting commands say "no suitable module for running kernel", and starting goes freezed, I man no GUI is showed, any reccomendation to fix it??? thanks folks!!!20:57
naftilos76is there anyone that does not have problems after upgrading?20:57
Richardoubottu, fancy helping me out? Pretty please20:57
ubottuRichardo: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:57
xbbKittyGirl, are you speakers turned on? Check if sound is muted in volume control.20:58
Oryondonpdonp: i just bought one, and when i try to install any Ubuntu OS from it, it gives me an error like 32r not an image file20:58
LjLpcsapkota: have you installed both Tor and Privoxy? (or Vidalia, not sure what's used these days, i'm stuck in the past) - also, you need to set the proxy in your browser20:58
donpdonpOryon: known bug. it actually works anyways20:58
ubiMikenaftilos76, there are lot of people with no problems... mostly complains. :)20:58
KittyGirlxbb: Hey i use a well working transmitter.20:58
albert_Flannel: yea, you are right. didnt even thought of that. but there is another strange error, not sure if related20:58
Oryondonpdonp: than who can i boot?20:58
donpdonpOryon: choose an image, i think tab will give a list20:58
albert_Flannel: host ubuntu not found20:58
KittyGirland yes my surround system is turned on.20:58
antibodyhi all I have a huge problem ever since I installed 11.11(I installed while in beta) it used to work after the upgrade..but in a moment gdm and lightdm stopped working kdm work as well as startx.  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nvidia-graphics-drivers/+bug/860050 this is the bug....so what I ask is... when I do remove --purge lightdm gdm what other /etc files I can remove?20:58
ubottuUbuntu bug 860050 in nvidia-graphics-drivers (Ubuntu) "LightDM comes back to greeter after login in and "nvidia" logo" [Undecided,Confirmed]20:58
xulliDoes anyone know about a backup utility to backup entire linux partition ?20:58
donpdonpOryon: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=173763720:59
albert_Flannel: sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu20:59
paranoid_ndroidI was upgrading to the last ubuntu and my net got down. I tried to log out but it restarted. Now it does not boot, what to do?20:59
Flannelalbert_: That would be related, yes.  You need to make sure your /etc/hosts and /etc/hostname are in order.20:59
Flannel!hostname | albert_20:59
ubottualbert_: Use hostname <somehostname> to set the hostname, or to do it permanently: edit /etc/hosts to include BOTH the old and new hostname and then change /etc/hostname to the new one. WARNING! Make sure that your current hostname and /etc/hosts match, otherwise sudo may not work properly.20:59
scorinitronubottu is kinda like an NPC20:59
ubottuscorinitron: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:59
xbbKittyGirl, check if mute is on, this gets me all the time.20:59
paranoid_ndroidI was upgrading to the last ubuntu and my net got down. I tried to log out but it restarted. Now it does not boot, what to do?20:59
pcsapkota@LjL  how to set proxy ?20:59
albert_ah yea20:59
tleeonlyquestion I upgraded to the new Ubuntu 11.10 i can no longer use my printer and my printer is a Lexmark x5650 I need help20:59
scorinitronubottu u suck lol20:59
ubottuscorinitron: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:59
Oryondonpdonp: the ISO file is not corrupt, i checked md5sum, and tryed 3 different versions20:59
KittyGirlxbb: It's not.20:59
antibodyparanoid_ndroid, what happends in the boot?20:59
donpdonpOryon: yes. the link says what to do21:00
scorinitronubottu your a broken record XD (I know he's a bot it's just funny)21:00
ubottuscorinitron: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)21:00
antibodyparanoid_ndroid, try to do recovery boot and do dpkg --configure -a21:00
Flannelscorinitron: Please stop harassing her.21:00
albert_Flannel: are there any tools which would do the rest of the system setup? because i just did debootstrap, installed the base system, a linux kernel and grub and made it bootable, not much else so far. i wonder what else i am missing21:00
wereverhow to force 11.10 to show grub?, I need to logon on recovery nmode and pressing shift msg "grub loading..." is displayed but grub is not showed21:00
scorinitronFlannel: Why...She's stupid she said it her self XD21:00
Oryondonpdonp: only says taht the image was corrupt, and redownloading helped him21:00
raggerzzone other thing...im using dazzle dvc 100 and i cannot get any capture video or audio. Any ideas?21:00
Oryondonpdonp: but it dont helps me:(21:00
ubiMikeFlannel, HER?!21:00
ubiMikeubottu, is a she ?21:00
ubottuubiMike: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)21:00
donpdonpOryon: 'Try entering "Help" at the prompt.'21:01
* ubiMike is puzzled..21:01
xbbKittyGirl, check in Preferences -> Sound maybe something is off there21:01
scorinitronflannel: lol It's a girl?21:01
StereocaulonOryon, did you check the boot options in your BIOS/ UEFI?21:01
scorinitronUbottu are you a girl?21:01
ubottuscorinitron: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)21:01
ubottuyes, I can confirm I am a female bot :)21:01
guntbert!gender | scorinitron21:01
ubottuscorinitron: please see above21:01
wereverguys, how can I force 11.10 to show grub or entering recovery mode ?, when pressing shift msg "grub loading..." is displayed but grub is not showed21:01
donpdonpwerever: did you try the other shift key21:01
KittyGirlxbb: I'm an IT technician meaning i do all these checks before talking into this channel.21:01
Flannelscorinitron: And please help keep the noise in this channel to a minimum, there's 1700 people in here.  Thanks.21:01
paranoid_ndroidhow can I insert unicode characters in the recovery text session?21:01
ubottuyes, I can confirm I am a female bot :)21:01
OryonStereocaulon: yes ofc, it boots the linux, recognises the usb as well, sais that name peter Av something, but right after it gives the error21:01
scorinitronFlannel: srry21:02
Edistohmmm... i think i just found a bug21:02
wereverdonpdonp: I dont remeber, trying again, thanks21:02
raggerzzDazzle dvc 100 help? 11.10?21:02
xbbKittyGirl, I don't know your background, can't assume your level of expertise :)21:02
Edistoi went into compiz and clicked preferences and my menus disapeared with the unity on the side21:02
Edistoi can't see anything but windows right now21:02
KittyGirlxbb: I know that's why i said this to you.21:02
auronandace!bugs | Edisto21:02
ubottuEdisto: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.21:02
guntbert!bug | Edisto21:02
KittyGirlI know Windows an awful lot more than Ubuntu. :)21:03
raggerzzEdisto: log out and re sign in. it worked for me21:03
Flannelalbert_: I don't know of one, no.  ubuntu-standard, ubuntu-minimal, ubuntu-desktop would give you all the packages you need.  Normal users have a littany of groups they're in by default.  You could concievably use Users and Groups (the GUI) to help figure those out.21:03
oceantypehello since 11.10 my wifi is not working anymore what can i do? http://pastebin.kubuntu-de.org/32821:03
Edistohow do i log out using the keyboard command?21:03
KittyGirlxbb: Should my ALSA Mixer need updating?21:03
xbbKittyGirl, don't know. Hard to tell.21:03
KittyGirlno no no it can't be that.21:03
KittyGirlIt was working before the upgrade.21:03
raggerzzEdisto: Ctl+Alt+L then log out all the way21:04
KittyGirlxbb: So what could it be?21:04
xbbKittyGirl, don't know. Never really had problem with sound.21:04
xbbKittyGirl, Sorry...21:04
Edistothanks... it is still gone though =|21:04
ubiMikeI've found myself through a long Google search, driver for my integrated video card Intel GMA 965. There are several suggested git repositories, but I have no clue how to operate with them and how to install my driver. Suggestions ?http://intellinuxgraphics.org/2011Q3.html21:04
Edistooh log out all the way ok21:04
donpdonpOryon: the link wasnt the best description but i had the same error and the usb drive was actually fine - ignoring the error and choosing a system image to boot worked21:04
nocilisEdisto try Alt-F1 if you can't see to click21:04
xbbMay be someone else can help21:04
KittyGirlDoes anyone else know the answer to my question?21:04
C-S-BI keep on getting an error on boot that it failed to check my home partition (btfs)21:04
wereverdonpdonp: tried with otgher shift key without sucess21:05
donpdonpwerever: weird. is the keyboard plugged in :)21:05
raggerzzEdisto: did you try restarting? that should fix it if all else fails21:05
ikoniaKittyGirl: what is your question ?21:05
Edistointeresting i log back in and now the desktop is black21:05
nocilisKittyGirl i assume you've tried alsamixer21:05
wereverguys, how can I force 11.10 to show grub or entering recovery mode ?, when pressing shift left or shift right msg "grub loading..." is displayed but grub is not showed, keyboard is working fine on bios, etc21:05
Edistogoing to restart21:05
xbbKittyGirl, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=184555521:05
nocilisEdisto good luck21:05
xbbKittyGirl, and http://www.google.com/search?gcx=w&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8&q=ubuntu+11.10+no+sound21:06
douggleso synaptic tapzones is it possible?21:06
wereverone more try, guys, how can I enter recovery mode or repair mode on 11.10 I have a live cd, and I trying to repair my 11.10 main hd installation??21:07
raggerzzEdisto: Lemme know if it works!21:07
albert___Flannel: still doesnt work. user is in almost all groups now. hostname is set correctly. hosts is also fixed. i can resolve the hostname21:07
ikoniawerever: you can select recovery mode from the grub menu21:07
albert___Flannel: sudo doesnt report any errors, despite wrong password21:07
wereverikonia: from live cd 11.10?21:07
ubuntuUser822May somebody help me troubleshoot my problem with the installation of 11.10 on an Atom powered netbook?21:07
th0rdouggle: synclient?21:07
nociliswerever are you trying to get the files off or repair it completely?21:07
werevernocilis: not sure what is the problem maybe repair completely21:08
ikoniawerever: no, you enter livecd from your grub options of your normal install, or you treat the livecd as a recovery mode21:08
ubiMikeIs there anyone in possession of the knowledge about git repositories and how am I to download my driver from one ?21:08
nociliswerever what is the problem?21:08
nociliswerever it won't boot?21:08
ikoniaubiMike: just explain your problem21:09
werevernocilis: just having a problem after upgrade from 11.04 to 11.10, starting commands say "no suitable module for running kernel", and starting goes freezed, I man no GUI is showed21:09
ubiMikeI've found myself through a long Google search, driver for my integrated video card Intel GMA 965. There are several suggested git repositories, but I have no clue how to operate with them and how to install my driver. Suggestions ? http://intellinuxgraphics.org/2011Q3.html21:09
ikoniaubiMike: the intel card should work fine, you don't need to download anything21:09
nociliswerever have you read this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=940001 ?21:10
ubiMikeikonia, it's not recognized by the system.21:10
Stereocaulonwerever, use the alternative installer CD which has a text interface. That one does have a repair mode in singleuser mode21:10
ikoniaubiMike: what makes you think that ?21:10
soreauubiMike: Graphics drivers are basically in two parts. You have the kernel space drivers and you have the userspace components such as X drivers and mesa (the 3D part)21:10
nociliswerever sounds like it is mostly a virtualbox problem, same for you?21:10
raggerzzubiMike: ok i downloaded everything but when i run the tweak tool it show nothing under shell extensions...and i get an error with the shell theme...21:10
tleeonlyhelp I upgraded and now my lexmark x5650 no longer prints21:10
soreauubiMike: Maybe you should start by explaining what problem you're having in the first place and what version of ubuntu you're using21:11
rhizmoeugh, is the stuff i can't find gone, or just hidden? preferred applications, for instance.21:11
raggerzzEdisto: is it working for you?21:11
Edistowoah.... i can't see my unity bar nor an application menu or the top right panel options21:11
ubiMikeWhen I go to System Info and choose Graphics - there it says: Driver - Unknown. I have lots of CPU loads while I'm not doing anything in particular.21:11
ikoniaubiMike: don't worry about that21:11
Edistonah i cant see aynthing but file edit view go bookmarks and help21:12
Edistoand some windows21:12
ikoniaubiMike: is your xorg (gui) system up and running ?21:12
raggerzzEdisto: Hmmm...thats wierd21:12
albert___Flannel: ah, damn, sorry for confusion. we had different keyboard layouts everywhere...21:12
soreaurhizmoe: Try gnome-default-applications-properties21:12
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dendodgeIf I upgrade to 11.10, can I keep GNOME2? (I may be in a minority, but I hate Unity with a passion.)21:12
ikoniadendodge: no21:12
werevernocilis: I have virtualbox, and maybe it is a virtual box problem I read some common problems with that and the post you shared me iis very close to my situation, thanks! trying now21:12
xbbdendodge, no :(21:12
ubottuUbuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions drowpdown. Using Natty? See !classic21:12
dendodgeThen I'll stick to 11.04. Forever.21:12
nociliswerever no problem21:12
rhizmoesoreau: command not found21:12
nociliswerever good luck21:12
xbbdendodge, you and me21:12
soreaurhizmoe: What version of ubuntu/gnome?21:12
ubiMikeMy OS is Ubuntu 11.10. And yes my GUI is up and running, but it's laggy and annoying. ikonia soreau21:13
rhizmoethis is 11.10/g321:13
samlhey..   from recovery kernel,  how can I bring up network?21:13
samli tried  start networking    ifup eth021:13
andrilvery easy ? i am trying to get the Tweaks tab in nautilus 10.04.3 - can someone help21:13
soreauubiMike: Have you tried a non-unity or classic gnome session?21:13
ikoniasoreau: you or me ?21:13
Edistohmmm... is there a way to roll back like windows to installation?21:13
Edistothis is super jacked i can't do anything unless i type it into terminal21:14
ubottuAttempting to downgrade to an older Ubuntu version is explicitly not supported and may break your system.21:14
nocilisEdisto what did you do exactly?21:14
Mysteryhi guys21:14
soreauikonia: pardon?21:14
andrili rolled back to 10.04.3 with a fresh install :)21:14
ubiMikesoreau, it was pretty much the same. After upgrading from 11.04 to 11.10 Gnome session disappeared from the log in screen.21:14
ubuntuUser822When I install 11.10 from a stick on my MSI Wind U115 (Atom powered netbook) and "install to harddisk" i get: init: lightdm main process (2894) terminated with status 1   and nothing happens anymore21:14
ikoniasoreau: didn't want to overlap21:14
raggerzzEdisto: did you try sudo apt-get upgrade?21:14
Edistoi went into compiz and hit preferences then the unity panel disappeared with the top bar... all i could see is the desktop21:15
soreauubiMike: Have you tried unity 2D session?21:15
ubiMikeI'm using it at the moment.21:15
andrils1: you there?21:15
nocilisEdisto maybe try picking a different window manager at login?21:15
nocilisEdisto or what raggerzz said21:15
MysteryI have set-up a Ubuntu server with email forwarding on some email accounts. It seems to forward "some" emails especially if they come from within the server, but it doesn't forward emails coming from other sources. Could someone help me look into the issue?21:15
soreauubiMike: Have you checked if there is any particular process using excessive resources?21:15
nicofsCan someone help me get my dvb to work? It's a TerraTec Cynergy Hybrid XE, according to linuxtv.org it is supported if the appropriate firmware is used. I copied that to /lib/firmware - but no program recognizes a dvb device...21:16
=== PriceChild is now known as vio
usr13!dvd | nicofs21:16
ubottunicofs: Ubuntu's default installation and repositories do not include packages needed to play commercial DVDs for legal reasons. For information on adding them, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/PlayingDVDs | For information on the legalities involved, see the "DVD" section of https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats21:16
soreaunicofs: Did you load the kernel driver for it?21:16
=== vio is now known as PriceChild
nicofsusr13, dvb... television21:16
soreauusr13: He said dvb, not dvd21:16
Morgzanyone had luck decrypting an encrypted home folder?21:16
Edistoit's messing it up even worse when i try to log out and back in21:17
samlifconfig shows nothing21:17
samlhow can I start networking?21:17
enavHello i do really want to understand why my LAMP server creates files under the ownership root21:17
ubiMikesoreau, well apart from Google Chrome - with 13 tabs - and compiz with 80mb of ram - nothing else.21:17
MysteryI have set-up a Ubuntu server with email forwarding on some email accounts. It seems to forward "some" emails especially if they come from within the server, but it doesn't forward emails coming from other sources. Could someone help me look into the issue?21:17
usr13saml: service netwrok start21:17
samlusr13: thanks21:17
Flannelalbert___: hah.  Well, I'm glad you figured it out :)21:17
soreauubiMike: Try disabling compiz by running 'metacity --replace'21:17
ubiMikesoreau, I'm really worried about that driver - uknown. Is it normal ?21:17
ubiMikeAlright... just a sec.21:17
nicofssoreau, how would i do that?21:17
raggerzzEdisto: no luck with upgrade?21:17
Edistono its all 021:18
soreauubiMike: It's fine. Instead, check the output of lshw21:18
soreauubiMike: You should be using the intel driver21:18
soreauubiMike: i91521:18
ubuntuUser821When I install 11.10 from a stick on my MSI Wind U115 (Atom powered netbook) and "install to harddisk" i get: init: lightdm main process (2894) terminated with status 1   and nothing happens anymore, any ideas what to do? (this happens after about 1 minute after starting the installation)21:18
raggerzzEdisto: can you try update the upgrade?21:18
soreaunicofs: Can you show the line from lspci for the device?21:18
Morgzenav - isn't that a umask issue?21:18
ZappyI would try my wind but it is sort of fried XD21:19
paranoid_ndroidI'm trying to create a startup disk, i insert a blanck USB drive, I choose the image and then nothing happens, the create button is greyed out21:19
nicofssoreau, "Bus 001 Device 011: ID 0ccd:0086 TerraTec Electronic GmbH"21:19
scarleoHow can I set different screen power off times for on battery vs plugged in in Oneiric?21:19
enavMorgz: what?21:19
samli did service networking start21:19
samlbut no good21:19
nicofssoreau, it's lsusb...21:19
usr13saml: lspci |grep net21:19
samli'm on recovery console21:19
Edistostill all 021:19
samlusr13: sec21:19
soreaunicofs: ah..21:19
raggerzzWhat do you mean "all 0"?21:20
Edisto"0 upgraded, 0 newly isntalled, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded"21:20
PriceChildIn 11.10, how do I choose my default browser?21:20
usr13saml: Is  your network interface card identified and showing in the output of lspci ?   If so, what does it say?21:20
samlusr13: broadcom corporation netextreme bcm5764m21:20
nocilisubuntuUser821: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?s=68ee1dcd59862c8fa215905219ca0d7c&t=1473177&page=221:21
bluejeansummerJust upgraded my workstation to 11.10 today, and it seems to have broken. I can't login.21:21
usr13saml: Wired or Wireless?21:21
Morgzenav - I'm not familiar with it, but umask sets the default file creation permissions from my understanding, maybe good place to start?21:21
samli can't boot using normal kernel.. so i'm using recovery kernel in grub221:21
samlusr13: wired21:21
Stereocaulonsaml, try sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart instead21:21
nocilisubuntuUser821 looks like you can't have weird characters in the computer name21:21
usr13saml: iwconfig   #Does it show it?21:21
samli think i'm on single user mode21:21
samli'm root21:21
soreaunicofs: After plugging the device in, does 'dmesg|tail' show anything of interest?21:21
Edistoi'm goin to try to restart 1 more time then reinstall21:21
bluejeansummerWhen I try to login, the screen flashes to black and then goes back to the login screen.21:22
usr13saml:  Yes, as Stereocaulon says, restart networking21:22
raggerzzEdisto: sorry, ive got nothing. do you have another computer?21:22
Edistois there a keyboard command to restart so i don't have to hit button?21:22
Edistoyeah i'm afraid to install 11.10 on my laptop21:22
sudiptahi....i have a problem with gnome shell in 11.10...it does not work with the graphics driver of my nvidia card...the screen freezees21:22
Stereocaulonsaml, I don't know if you are automatically root, even while in single user mode...21:22
nicofssoreau, "usb 1-10: new high speed USB device using ehci_hcd and address 12"21:22
usr13Edisto: Ctrl-Alt-F6  and then  Ctrl-Alt-Delete21:23
raggerzzEdisto: can you make a live usb with Natty (11.04) on it?21:23
mkultraubuntu 11.10 has major problems21:23
mkultra11.04 has problems too lol21:23
Stereocaulonmkultra, please specify...21:23
samlthere are two kernels in grub menu.. first is normal one.. second one says (recovery mode)21:23
mkultraxfce specific problems21:23
samli can only boot to that recovery mode kernel21:23
mkultraworkplace switchers broken21:23
samland i can drop to root shell21:23
mkultracompiz is broken in 11,1021:23
CruzRi just updated to oneiric21:23
Stereocaulonmkultra, that would be Xubuntu specific problems, no?21:23
samland i can't restart networking  or using /etc/init.d/networking..21:24
samlit just brings up  lo   but no eth021:24
samlusually, i have eth021:24
usr13saml /etc/init.d/networking start21:24
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mkultraim running ubuntu + xfce meta, not xubuntu21:24
CruzRbut nautilus crashes whenever i try to open a bookmarked directory21:24
axisyslogin screen shows all valid users.. how do I change that where you have to type the username to login?21:24
samlusr13: same thing.. i tried both21:24
CruzRany suggestions?21:25
usr13saml: You are in recovery mode?  Why?21:25
Stereocaulonsaml, does your network card even show up when you enter lspci | grep -i network?21:25
usr13Stereocaulon: Yes, he said it did21:25
samlStereocaulon: yes21:25
usr1316:22 < saml> usr13: broadcom corporation netextreme bcm5764m21:25
samlusr13: i cannot boot normally21:25
sudiptahi....i have a problem with gnome shell in 11.10...it does not work with the graphics driver of my nvidia card...the screen freezes21:26
PriceChildHow do I chose the default browser in 11.10 ?21:26
Edistoit's a no go i'm just going to reinstall21:26
usr13saml: What happens when you try to boot normal?21:26
Stereocaulonusr13, saml, thanks for the reply, I guess I missed that before as this channel is quite buisy right now...21:26
brontosaurusrexis dock still customized via compiz settings in 10.11?21:26
Edistounless someone can telle mw is there a way to make my top right menu options reappear21:26
oneunderI am having some issues after an upgrade to 11.10.  Shown here: http://www.reddit.com/r/Ubuntu/comments/lc2r3/odd_wine_issue_after_upgrade/21:26
Stereocaulonsudipta, which GPU are you using?21:26
soreaunico1038: Looks like it's a trident chipset..21:26
brontosaurusrexthe unity dock21:26
Edistotelle mw = tell me21:26
samlusr13: screen flashes.. it's not kernel panic i think.. i can sometimes get Ctrl+Alt+Delete to reboot.. sometimes i have to hard shutdown21:27
oneunderAt first I thought it was a Wine issue.  Not it seems that I cannot run a program, as it cannot see that the program exists.21:27
raggerzzEdisto: try running gnome-panel21:27
oneunderThank you for your help21:27
soreaunicofs: Looks like it's a trident chipset.. does 'lsmod|grep tm6000' show anything?21:27
launchHi, i've upgraded to 11.10 via 11.04 and i install gnome-shell, then now i have 3 new choice, Gnome, Gnome Classic, Gnome Classic no effect. I choose Gnome and i feel ok with the new design, but now when i try to relog into gnome it load a mixture of both the classic and the new. any idea how to fix problem like that?21:27
usr13saml: screen flashes?  What color?21:27
samlusr13: i mean   blinks21:28
mkultrasudipta, go to admin settings > additional drivers and install 3rd party nvidia driver.21:28
Stereocaulonsaml, so just off/ on, no specific color...21:28
usr13saml: If you boot normal, can you go to tty6 ??    (Ctrl-Alt-F6)21:28
sudiptaStereocaulon:nVidia Corporation G72 [GeForce 7300 SE/7200 GS] (rev a1)]21:28
nicofssoreau, no, nothing there - but i just found a page instructing me to manually compile v4l-dvb...21:28
ReaperI dl'ed the classic gnome but when i select it, it still loads 11.1021:29
samloh ifconfig eth0 up brought it up21:29
Reaperanyone else have that?21:29
launchReaper, lol me is the inverse21:29
soreaunicofs: Try 'sudo modprobe tm6000'21:29
launchIt always load the classic21:29
sudipta<mkultra>i have done that...the problem is shell freezes after installation..work otherwise21:29
samlhow can i get ip? dhcpclient?21:29
soreaunicofs: This should load the kernel module21:29
usr13saml: yes21:29
usr13saml: sudo dhclient21:29
nocilislaunch that might be because your graphics can't handle the new?21:29
Stereocaulonsudipta, your screen "froze", so you can't do what mkultra suggests, or can you?21:29
usr13saml: sudo dhclient eth021:29
launchnocilis, no, its was working the first time21:29
mkultrasudipta, install lxterminal / xfce4-terminal from synaptic, there are several other shells21:29
Jimbo99hi everyone.  problem:  after doing an upgrade from 11.04 to 11.10 akonadi loads 20+ instances of itself and dbus-daemon is sitting at 70% cpu utilization.  i need help taming this upgrade.21:29
raggerzzlaunch: how did you choose gnome?21:29
launchraggerzz, i install gnome-shell21:30
Reaperlaunch way what?21:30
Edistook that worked raggerz21:30
Reaperlaunch *say21:30
raggerzzlaunch: as did i. but it wont allow me to choose21:30
launchReaper, you upgrade via 11.04?21:30
raggerzzEdisto: no problem21:30
usr13saml: Is this a fresh install of 11.10?    Or...?21:30
Reaperlaunch nah I did a fresh install21:30
radixdoes sun-java6 exist for 11.10?21:30
launchraggerzz, i only do sudo apt-get install gnome-shell and reboot21:30
sudipta<mkultra>that is not a solution of my problem21:30
soreaunicofs: v4l is just an X driver (video for linux)21:31
wereverhow can I enable internet from command line on ubuntu?, my device is eth021:31
sudipta<mkultra>i want to get shell working21:31
raggerzzlaunch: ahh...the all important reboot21:31
soreaunicofs: You shouldn't need to build it21:31
nicofssoreau, nothing happens - by which i mean the terminal stalls and i don't go back to a prompt...21:31
mkultrayeah, im telling you to use an alternative shell instead of gnome-terminal21:31
Edistothx much =D so lets see... how do i reenable unity now?21:31
sudipta<Stereocaulon>no..i cant...i have installed it from unity session21:31
StereocaulonDoes anyone know how to exclude "downloable" programs that clutter my Dash right now?21:31
mkultraif gnome terminal is broke, give xfce4-terminal or lxterminal a try if your in a serious pinch21:31
raggerzzEdisto: reboot? or try !nounity and edit your settings21:32
soreaunicofs: Well that's not particularly good.. try rebooting with the device plugged in, check lsmod for tm6000 then if it's not loaded, try loading it again with modprobe21:32
nocilismkultra or you could ctrl-alt-121:32
ubottuUbuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions drowpdown. Using Natty? See !classic21:32
launchpersonnly i dont hate unity except tilda do not work properly within it21:32
StereocaulonDoes anyone know how to exclude "downloadable" programs that clutter my Dash right now?21:32
raggerzzlaunch: i just dont have a fast enough processor to run it21:32
Reaperso whats the gnome shell do?21:32
mkultrayes that also works nocilis, but xfce4-terminal will run under gnome and accepts paste from websites where alt ctl f1 doesnt21:32
nicofssoreau, it just came back - maybe it needed a moment...21:32
Promethesthis Gnome Fallback Mode is very limited, you even cannot modify or add anything to toolbars21:33
launchraggerzz, even with unity 2d?21:33
soreaunicofs: Ok now check 'dmesg|tail' for messages21:33
Raelithhi all, im having an issue with unbuntu 11.10 do i post here or a support channel?21:33
raggerzzlaunch: a very very old computer...21:33
wereverhow can I enable internet from command line on ubuntu?, my device is eth0 I tried sudo dhclient eth0 and is not working, of course ethernet cable is connected21:33
mkultraReaper, press alt + f2 and type "gnome-terminal" no "" marks and run it will show u what gnome terminal does21:33
sarkis_hey guys im having major sound issues with ubuntu 11.10 and SoundBlaster X-Fi card.. any workaround yet??21:33
launchraggerzz, ok21:33
nicofssoreau, looks good - will check my tv program21:33
intangirmy dash menu wont open, i click it, or hit start button, and its not poping out, it did before21:33
usr13werever: Does your router have DHCP server running?21:34
Reapermkultra cool thanx21:34
wereverusr13 yes21:34
todoHI Hi all21:34
launchraggerzz, http://library.gnome.org/users/gnome-help/stable/fallback-mode.html.en21:34
usr13werever: sudo dhclient eth0  should do it.  If not try:21:34
intangirwow pretty much anything you can do on ubunty comes to a screeeeeching halt when you cant open the damn dash menu.. wtf21:35
usr13sudo dhcpd eth021:35
guest-PUiBlNj #ubuntu-it21:35
todoI have a problem with dell wifi on oneiric can someone help?21:35
mkultraintangir,  not true, alt + f2 = run dialog and you can go from there21:35
nicofssoreau, or not... "no dvb device found"... dmesg: http://paste.ubuntu.com/708223/21:35
=== guest-PUiBlN is now known as lelebart_as_gues
raggerzzintangir: can you run terminal?21:35
=== lelebart_as_gues is now known as lelebart_guest
mkultrai can run terminal, but i have omitted dash previously in favor of bash21:36
RaelithI'm having the following problem: my new Ubuntu 11.10 hangs at the ubuntu splash screen (i am on a live usb atmo) and from what i can figure out, the fallback graphics arent loading21:36
Jimbo99can anyone help me with dbus-daemon taking a high amount of cpu utilization--started after upgrading from 11.04 to 11.1021:36
soreaunicofs: That actually looks good.. try different programs to open the device like.. dvb.. lemme see21:36
usr13werever: sudo dhcpcd eth021:36
intangirmkultra: wrong, alt-f2 does nothing, it looks like its trying to open dash, but it doesnt work21:36
usr13werever: Does that work?21:37
bluejeansummerI can't login after upgrading to 11.10. Details here; http://askubuntu.com/questions/66482/cant-login-after-installing-11-1021:37
wereverusr13 trying21:37
todoI have a problem with dell wifi  driver being recognised on oneiric can someone help please?21:37
janisozaurhello, the totem application seems to have installed itself as a default folder handler, how can i change that?21:37
clay-I'm thinking of switching from FreeNAS to ubuntu server - will i be able to mount my UFS drives without wanting my head to explode?21:37
wereverusr13 command not found21:37
Jimbo99does  your head explode easily?21:38
soreaunicofs: Try installing dvb-apps and running dvbscan or so21:38
lelebart_guesthi, i just upgraded from 11.04 to 11.10, but i cannot login, i'm usign the guest account right now, what i missed?21:38
usr13werever: What happens when you do sudo dhclient eth0  ?21:38
usr13werever: timeout?21:39
jriblelebart_guest: what happens when you attempt to login?21:39
ubottuUbuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions drowpdown. Using Natty? See !classic21:39
binspaceanybody know how to configure the workspace switcher?21:39
soreaunicofs: Another program you might try is mythtv21:39
mkultradash = shell interpretor21:39
wereverusr13 yes timeout21:39
ubottuThe default interface in Ubuntu 11.04 is !Unity. To switch back to regular !GNOME: log out, click your username, click the Session box at the bottom of the screen, and select "Ubuntu Classic".For 11.10, see !notunity21:39
nicofssoreau, meTV doesn't work - frontent to dvbscan failes... will try myth21:40
ubottuUbuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions drowpdown. Using Natty? See !classic21:40
Jimbo99please stop spamming ubottu21:40
popschwow. banshee has some serious memory leaks. I just killed the process when it required 1.4GB of memory21:40
lelebart_guestjrgp, i see for few seconds some code, then i'm "redirect" to the login - sorry for my bad english21:40
ubiMikeJimbo99, sorry.. I was reading it again :)21:40
Jimbo99does anyone know how to get dbus-daemon from chewing up cpu cycles?21:40
ubiMikeWasn't on purpose.21:40
jriblelebart_guest: can you login at a tty?21:40
nicofssoreau, mythtv runs into dependency problems and can't be installed...21:41
soreaunicofs: Do you have a video0 device node in /dev somewhere? find /dev -name '*video0*21:41
usr13werever: Try unplugging the cat5 cable while watching for the light to go out, (on the router, as well as the NIC's own indicator light), plug and unplug and see if those lights go on and off.21:41
soreaunicofs: erm.. find /dev -name '*video0*'21:41
Stereocaulonpopsch, whoa, that's some drip indeed.21:41
coaboahi. Is there a way to store a snapshot of an vm without interupting opertion (eg. server) thx21:41
lelebart_guestjrib, i didn't try.. ctrl+f1, i'm right?21:41
Raelithanyone have any idea how or why the fallback graphics arent loading on a ubuntu 11.10 startup? i'm left hanging with a splash screen21:41
coaboausing qemu21:41
jriblelebart_guest: ctrl-alt-f121:41
popschI just restarted banshee and it's already up at 120MB again and increasing...21:42
nicofssoreau, /dev/video021:42
oremjI just installed ubuntu 11.10 and am new to unity. I want to create a simple launcher on the left side bar, which will open a terminal and run command. is that possible/21:42
lelebart_guestjrib, thanks, i'll try right now21:42
usr13Raelith: What does the spalsh screen look like?21:42
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Stereocaulonpopsch, then switch to another music player and report the issue if not already done21:42
soreaunicofs: That's a good sign though you'll have to find a program that can recognize it (or tell whatever program where to find it)21:42
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Edistoahhh cool... thanks again raggerz21:42
lelebart_guestjrib, yes, i can login - i'm logged in tty121:43
popschStereocaulon, I used rhythmbox, but they changed the API and now the shoutcast plugin doesn't work anymore21:43
mkultrapopsch are you using banshee for video or audio?  use vlc 4 video audacious 4 audio21:43
mkultraim listing to shoutcast alex jones on audacious right now21:43
Raelithusr13: its just the purple splash with the 5 dots. i have been around the houses and tried a verbose startup and there it said that the fallback graphics failed to start21:43
usr13oremj: When you click on the programs icon, you can type in gnome-terminal  and soon as you get to unique part, it will come up and will stay as favorite app21:43
popschI use it to listen to audio only21:43
soreaunicofs: The other thing is, you might have to tell X to load the v4l2 module21:44
nicofsIs there any good program to watch TV apart from mythtv?21:44
popschI know vlc, but it doesn't list all the audio channels21:44
mkultrayour using it to find audio channels?21:44
Edistois there a way to make gnome3 my default instead of having to run gnome-shell in terminal all the time?21:44
usr13Raelith: Ctrl-Alt-F6  #Does that take you to console screen?21:44
Raelithmy system depends on the fallback as i only have a lowly nvidia gts 45021:44
Edistoyes it does21:44
usr13Raelith: Actually, if you hit Esc key, it will get rid of slash screen21:45
erkan^Where can I found "paneel", i use Gnome Classic for Ubuntu 11.10 now?21:45
usr13Raelith: And you can see messages telling you what is happening.21:45
jrib!nounity | erkan^21:45
ubottuerkan^: Ubuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions drowpdown. Using Natty? See !classic21:45
soreauerkan^: gnome-panel?21:45
soreauerkan^: I believe you have to install and run it21:45
oremjusr13: I figured out how to add gnome-terminal to my side bar, but I want a special launcher to run gnome-terminal -e "somecommand" --geometry=125x16+0+021:45
usr13Raelith: .... which should show helpful info.21:45
nicofssoreau, how do i do that?21:45
Raelithno it didnt before i'll reboot and try quickly - i only saw the messages after the 3rd or 4th attempt when i disabled the splash and quiet modes in grub21:45
erkan^i will try, soreau21:45
soreaunicofs: Might have to enable it via xorg.conf21:46
lazarus_anyonw know of any blog management apps21:46
lelebart_guestjrib, yes, i can login - i'm logged in tty121:46
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Raelithusr13: i'll reboot and try both esc and ctrl alt f621:46
jriblelebart_guest: read your ~/.xsession-errors (or pastebinit if you want me to look)21:46
erkan^soreau, they said that is already installed gnome-panel21:46
pdg12werever: were you having issues with your network card?21:46
usr13oremj: http://askubuntu.com/questions/13758/how-can-i-edit-create-new-launcher-items-in-unity-by-hand21:46
brontosaurusrexlazarus_, what do you mean?21:47
erkan^I can not click panel21:47
=== pdg12 is now known as pdg1
soreauerkan^: Try running it then21:47
wereverusr13 lights are completely off21:47
murpleMonths ago I tried removing Unity and installing Gnome3 instead. Since that time I have not been able to successfully log into Ubuntu. I've tried removing/reinstalling various things and following various guides online to no avail. Could someone perhaps give me some pointers and adivse as to where to look and what I can do to get Ubuntu to boot?21:47
erkan^ gnome-panel21:47
erkan^Cannot register the panel shell: there is already one running.21:47
usr13oremj: right click your desktop, select Create Launcher...21:47
wereverpdg12 yes I am trying to get online trought command line using tty console to fix my ubuntu 11.10 installation21:47
usr13werever: Try another cable.21:48
oremjusr13: "Create Launcher" isn't in the right click menu21:48
designbybeckthere is no way to change the icons smaller in unity? no Compiz settings installed by default?21:48
wereverusr13 ok21:48
mkultrasynaptic says i dont have gnome installed21:48
designbybeckWill things break if i try to install CCSM?21:48
scarleoHow can I set different screen power off times for on battery vs plugged in in Oneiric?21:48
usr13oremj:  http://askubuntu.com/questions/13758/how-can-i-edit-create-new-launcher-items-in-unity-by-hand21:48
pdg1werever: i'm having some similar issues... by chance it's not connecting to any wired connection? or are you trying to connect to wireless?21:48
mkultrano ccsm works21:48
mkultraso does fusion icon21:49
Edistois there like a compiz for the gnome3 so you can edit its settings?21:49
nicofssoreau, sorry, don't know how...21:49
Edistodont use ccsm!!! i just screwed my comp by just hitting preferences on it21:49
designbybeckso i should be able to edit unity bar/icon sizes in ccsm mkultra  ?21:49
usr13pdg1: He is wired and it's not lighting up when he plugs in cable, (at either end I assume).21:49
Edistoit took away the top menu bar and the unity bar and didnt come back when i even restarted21:49
TimLoalGot a problem:<<<  Just launched LibreOffice Writer for the first time, typed some stuff and made some spelling mistakes and although autospellcheck is enabled, it doesn't pull any up, even with a manual spell check   ?????21:49
soreaunicofs: You might have to read some dvb/v4l wiki's but you shouldn't have to build anything afaik21:49
mkultrathat would be unity specific in its options21:49
murpleCan anyone help me to boot into Ubuntu, I seem to have screwed things up.21:49
soreaunicofs: Everything should be there, you just have to load it and set it up properly21:49
mkultralol @ this mess21:50
usr13murple: Won't boot?  What happens?21:50
designbybeckthanks mkultra , i just didn't want to break unity!21:50
usr13!grub2 | murple21:50
ubottumurple: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)21:50
mkultrai would be more concerned about unity breaking the base system to be honest21:50
murpleusr13: For the longest time it stalled after "Startin timidity ALSA emulation" or something similar21:50
murpleusr13: I don't believe it has anything to do with Grub. It starts loading Ubuntu and all sorts of "components". Then stalls at some point.21:51
nicofssoreau, still confused - and by now i have missed even the program after the program i wanted to watch - so i might as well go to bed... and use windows next time... sometimes the effort is just not worth the benefit...21:51
wereverpdg1 I am not tried to wireless yet, cause I am on coommand line only21:51
murpleusr13: To try to fix it I ran sudo apt-get remove timidity21:51
usr13murple: Oh, so it does start to boot but stalls while "starting timiditly ALSA emulation"?21:51
murpleusr13: So now it stalls after something different (I believe the last message has something to do with anachronistic cron or something...21:51
soreaunicofs: Never approach a computer thinking 'I will do this quickly' ;)21:51
wereverone more try, guys, how can I enter recovery mode or repair mode on 11.10 I have a live cd, and I trying to repair my 11.10 main hd installation??21:51
cau2just installed Ubuntu 11.10 and first had to install gnome cause apparently "desktop system" no longer includes gnome,and now my system menu is gone and I can't right click my panel to edit my panels..the clock is in the center not where I want it..cant anyone help?21:52
murpleusr13: Right, I'll reboot again to check where it stalls now, I've been trying at this for an hour now...21:52
joshua__Hey guys, I just installed a fresh install of Ubuntu 11.10, and am having trouble getting my dual monitors up and running again.  (only one works)  I'm using an relatively new NVIDIA Graphics card.  Can anyone offer any advice?21:52
nicofssoreau, i started 2 hours before the program... and windows worked withind 20 minutes...21:52
murpleusr13: It's an intel imac by the way, Ubuntu used to work fine until I followed a guide online on how to remove unity and install gnome 321:53
DeltaEpsilonI like the new release so far21:53
jmcshello, I've just upgraded to ubuntu 11.10 and now I can't login in my account in both Unity and Unity 2d but the guest account is working fine, is there any way I can find what's causing this?21:53
mike9863I just updated to 11.10 and I cannot login to my user. the error I get is "could not update ICEauthority file in /home/mike/.ICEauthority. Can anyone help? I can't access my system at all.21:53
cau2joshua__: I'd imagine the first step would be to go to the additional driver in the system settings and install the nvidia drivers, then just goto the monitors and turn the other one on21:53
TimLoalGot a problem:<<<  Just launched LibreOffice Writer for the first time, typed some stuff and made some spelling mistakes and although autospellcheck is enabled, it doesn't pull any up, even with a manual spell check   ?????     PM me if you can help21:53
pdg1werever: that's kinda what i was going to try aswell21:53
Monsterwizardcan someone recommend me a good book for learning linux?21:54
Monsterwizardas a begineer?21:54
cau2jmcs: one possibility is that you do not have access to your home dir21:54
jribmike9863: check permissions on that file (you can login at tty1 accessed by pressing ctrl-alt-f1; note you can return to X by pressing ctrl-alt-f7)21:54
leftistcan you backout an upgrade?21:54
sarkis_hey guys anyone figure out how to fix sound on ubuntu 11.10 yet?21:54
murpleusr13: Starting CUPS... starting postfix..., peech-dispatcher, pulseaudio configured for per-user sessions..., pache2, could not reliably determine the server's fully qalified domain name, using ::1 for servername, starting web server apache2, starting MySQL server [OK]. Then it's all black.21:54
jribMonsterwizard: http://help.ubuntu.com21:54
sarkis_i have choppy sound coming out of my SoundBlaster X-Fi21:54
jribleftist: how far are you?21:54
leftisti have not done anything yet i am just looking at the issues encountered so far21:55
CromoZoneXDoes Ubuntu 11.10 support Optimus Technology on Laptops?21:55
leftisti am on 11.04 still21:55
jrib!downgrade | leftist21:55
ubottuleftist: Attempting to downgrade to an older Ubuntu version is explicitly not supported and may break your system.21:55
leftistyeah most definately.21:55
leftistwell let me just update and deal with what i have to deal with :D21:55
leftisthere i go :D21:55
mike9863irib: it says that the directory doesn't exist21:56
jmcscau2: I have the same permissions I had before, I can login and work in the virtual terminals just fine, I just can't login in unity21:56
joshua__cau2, I have already gone into Additional Drivers, originally the "NVIDIA Accelerated graphics driver (version current) [Recommended]" Was installed and activated.  I tried activating the other one - "NVIDIA accelerated graphics driver (post-release updates) (version current-updates)", and it downloaded, installed, and activated (in favor of the recommended one) after a restart.  I still can't get the other monitor on.  How should I21:56
joshua__go about trying to activate the other monitor?21:56
murpleusr13: Are you still with me? I posted the entire boot process above.21:56
zakwilsonWhy would gnome-settings-daemon be reading 2MB/s from my hard drive for minutes on end?21:56
jribmike9863: what did you type?21:56
mkultraleftist, a bunch of stuffs broken on 11.10, go with 10.1021:56
zambawhere do i adjust the font settings in ubuntu 11.10?21:56
usr13murple: Was on the phone.  Let me see...21:56
cau2jmcs: well I know nothing about unity other than it sucks and is a really dumb idea21:56
leftistmkultra i am already at 11.0421:57
olmariI think in 11.10 (server) /etc/network/interfaces is somehwo flaved... or infra around it21:57
magn3tswhy is banshee so god awful? I use it, it freezes on close, every time. I delete all of it's settings, ONLY import my music, and it closes silently and keeps blaring my music with no way to stop it. This is absurd.21:57
whitmanHow do I remove the 'Evolution' entry in the notification area drop down after an upgrade from 11.04?21:57
jer065211.04 works fine but I have doubts for 11.1021:57
murpleusr13: Thanks a lot, may suddenly dissapear if a baby nearby requires attention...21:57
mike9863cd /home/mike/.ICEauthority21:57
olmariI define eth1 and eth1:1 and only one of them gets really "be there"21:57
magn3tsjer0652, random statement?21:57
olmariifconfig shows only one of them21:57
olmarino both21:57
mkultraleftist, leave it @ 11.04 4 your own good lol21:57
cau2joshua__: well normally you'd do that in the nvidia settings or monitor settings, but personally I'm having a LOT of issues here cause I didnt even know 11.10 was out much less that I was installing it just now..heh21:58
jer0652wel thoughts about upgrading to 11.10 vs 10.1021:58
leftisthaha mkultra21:58
olmaribut still if I command "ifup eth1:1" it says "already configured"21:58
sarkis_am i the only one experiencing really bad sound issues after upgrading to 11.10?21:58
leftistyeah i will just stick with this until i get another drive to replace in this laptop to play with.21:58
mkultraleave it @ 10.10 lol21:58
joshua__cau2, the "Detect Displays" button within the Display dialogue box doesn't do anything.21:58
jribmike9863: try « ls -ld » instead of « cd »21:58
magn3tsjer0652, why would you upgrade to 10.10?21:58
magn3tswhat are you on now?21:58
usr13murple: Ctrl-Alt-F6   #Does that do anything?21:58
cau2joshua__: idk... cant even find that dialog myself.. cant help you further.. I'm a debian guy.. this release stuff before its stable is a nightmare to me21:59
leftisti suspect there are some microsoft programmers involved sabotaging the whole ubuntu effort like they did with Reactos.21:59
HeGuruolmari: why do you need eth1:1? If you need to add additional IP try "ip addr add " as that the now preferred method21:59
jer0652magn3ts: I'm on 11.0421:59
murpleusr13: bring me to login, same as ctrl+alt+f3 I believe?21:59
lauratikacant change icons on 11.10 using gnome classic... using humanity icon set show only part of the icons changed...21:59
usr13murple: Are you in a day-care?21:59
CromoZoneX Does Ubuntu 11.10 support Optimus Technology on Laptops?21:59
mkultra11.04 isnt as broken as 11.1021:59
olmariHeGuru: for Tvix and ultimately for diffirent MTU for it...21:59
murpleusr13: Haha, now, just a regular father.21:59
leftistyeah mkultra21:59
murpleusr13: now=no.21:59
usr13murple: Good.  look at the output of  dmesg  for clues21:59
olmariHeGuru: but it's _broken_... it has been working until now21:59
mike9863jrib: oh I see it's a file. do you know what permissions it needs?21:59
sarkis_this shit is embarassing21:59
jer0652mmkultra: my point exactly22:00
magn3tsmkultra, what is broken in 10.10?22:00
jribmike9863: which does it currently have?22:00
magn3tsmkultra, s/10.10/11.10/22:00
olmariHeGuru: there is even gazillion tutorials to do stuff just like that22:00
uglyandstupidhi all22:00
magn3tsmkultra, also, awesome nick.22:00
JDog2pt0Anybody run into it any user extension problem with gnome 3.2?22:00
joshua__cau2, I just typed monitor into the search box (top link on the shortcut bar to the left, and the clicked on the "Display" button.22:00
murpleusr13: I'm a bit of a noob, I type dmesg and a mile long list flashes on the screen. The last last reads EXT4-FS (SDA2) remounted. Opts...22:00
uglyandstupidTo install classic gnome should i install gnome-panel or gnome-session-fallback ?22:00
BlueProtomanCan anyone help me?  I've finally installed Ubuntu, and got it running, but after downloading a graphics driver and running sudo nvidia-xconfig my installation won't boot to the desktop; I can access a shell, but that's it.22:00
mkultra10.10 just has package management issues and they are rare22:00
murpleusr13: brb22:00
joshua__Does anyone know if there is a NVIDIA irc chat?22:00
BlueProtomanjoshua__: Yes, #nvidia22:01
cau2CromoZoneX: that has nothing to do with ubuntu, near as I can tell its a function of the card and its driver.. if nvidia supports it so does any operating system that uses their driver22:01
usr13Opts... ?22:01
joshua__okay, thanks.22:01
olmariHeGuru: and even if "ip darr add", to where I specify it? to get it be at boot22:01
Max229How do I upgrade to Ubuntu 11.10 from command line?22:01
mkultra11.10 has problems with experiemental xfce packages experimental compiz packages broken emerald22:01
Raelithhi usr13 none of those methods worked. still leaves me hanging22:01
marwany tips on how to stop X from locking  lightdm (or vice versa) to 100% core use?22:01
MasterOfDisasterMax229: do-release-upgrade22:01
=== sarkis_ is now known as sako
HeGuruolmari: you can add it to /etc/network/interfaces in the main interface using "up ip addr add ..."22:01
usr13murple: dmesg | pastebinit22:01
CromoZoneXcau2, you see it's a problem, nvidia didn't released anu driver for linux based machines that supports optimus Technology22:01
jer0652I guess for the comments I made a good decision NOT to upgrade to 11.1022:02
Edistodisappearing unity bar is a new feature right?22:02
olmariHeGuru: mm well... I can try that22:02
leftistwhat is the command apt-get update install ?22:02
mike9863jrib: it says -rw------- 1 mike mike 19946 2011-10-14 09:25 /home/mike/.ICEauthority22:02
cau2joshua__: I already ditched unity its someones mentally challenged crackpot idea that died of lonliness.. and in gnome I can't get my system menu or edit any of the panel applets22:02
leftisti have not updated in over a month22:02
leftistor 222:02
cau2CromoZoneX: then you already know the answer to your question22:02
jribmike9863: try just renaming the file, it should get recreated22:02
CromoZoneXToo sad...22:02
usr13Raelith: Where are you at with it now?22:02
pdg1holy sweet stuff... i got it to work somehow22:02
TimLoalMan its sad.  I love Ubuntu, but i hate the ignorance of linux people.  I'm left as usual with the only option of RTFM, but i don't have a manual.  This is why xinux will never be mainstream, whcih is criminal on your part!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!22:03
pdg1but i can't connect to google... internal network works tho22:03
cau2CromoZoneX: sounds like a crock to me anyhow... like unplugging cell phone chargers to save the planet and the electric bill22:03
murpleusr13: pastebinit is not installed and I can't install it at the moment since Ubuntu doesn't seem to have connected to my WIFI.22:03
jrib!ot | TimLoal22:03
ubottuTimLoal: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!22:03
pdg1TimLoal: you mad?22:03
mkultraTimLoal, whats ur problem?22:03
leftistsudo apt-get update22:03
MasterOfDisasterUpon reboot, resolv.conf is always empty, but the files in /etc/resolv.conf.d/ contain the appropriate details.22:03
usr13murple: iwconfig22:03
Raelithusr13: its just locks at the splash screen still and doesnt seem to recognise keyboard. none of the lock key lights light up22:03
erkan^I cannot click "panel add" , soreau )-:22:04
Edistothats a damn shame i found what went wrong =D22:04
murpleusr13: no wireless extensions22:04
pdg1werever: you get yours working yet?22:04
soreauerkan^: What do you mean?22:04
erkan^I want add panel, soreau22:04
erkan^for gnome classic22:04
erkan^but that is another22:04
mkultralol @ ignorance of linux people, youve clearly never built linux from scratch, or delt with their devs22:04
Edistosome how the ubuntu unity plugin got disabled and it was unchecked in ccsm22:04
usr13I have to go next door for a few minutes.  Sorry, but I'll be back in 10min or so...22:04
soreauerkan^: You mean add another panel?22:04
MasterOfDisasterRunning 'stop network-interface INTERFACE=<if> ; start network-interface INTERFACE=<if>' generates a working resolv.conf22:04
cau2CromoZoneX: in other words it does nothing, they're just selling you and idea.. a hippie tree hugging idea22:04
CromoZoneXWell, i guess i'm back to windows until nvidia will release linux based drivers for optimus technology22:04
cau2have fun with that22:05
murpleusr13: How can I work with dmesg, I think that's where I should be looking to find the error......22:05
erkan^example "mededelingen"22:05
murpleusr13: okay....22:05
BlueProtomanCan anyone help me?  I've finally installed Ubuntu, and got it running, but after downloading a graphics driver and running sudo nvidia-xconfig my installation won't boot to the desktop; I can access a shell, but that's it.  I'm given an activity log of various things, and one of them fails; Stopping automatic crash report generation.22:05
erkan^that is dutch word22:05
MasterOfDisasterBlueProtoman: nopaste /var/log/Xorg.0.log22:05
TimLoalmkultra i've just converted from 'other os's' loaded the default word processor and it dosent spell check!  LibreOffice Writer22:05
cau2and unplug your cell phone charger when not charging it too.. cause lord knows you don'twant something that cost $0.14 a month if it was actively charging 24/7 using 0.00001% of that much when you;'re not using it22:05
marwany tips on how to stop lightdm from using 100% cpu?22:06
BlueProtomanMasterOfDisaster: OK, hold on.22:06
erkan^exampel announcement22:06
erkan^*example :P22:06
mkultraTimLoal, alt + f2 run "gksu synaptic" search 4 and install gedit then search 4 and install gtkspell22:06
mkultrathen gedits settings might need a "spell check" setting ticked but my gedit spell checks everything22:06
cau2ugh.. I'm seriously considering reinstalling 11.04 cause this is just making me mad... gnome panel is horridly broken22:07
mkultragedit also supports code syntax highlighting22:07
BlueProtomanMasterOfDisaster: Nopaste is not installed.22:07
jribcau2: are you sure it's not meant to be?22:07
TimLoalpdg1  why do you ask? dose it get lonely being mad my yourself?  I'm not mad i just know too much ;) it can seem mad to those with less info22:07
mkultracau2,  xfce works well for 11.04 give it a try22:07
magn3tswho on god's green earth *wants* gnome-panel22:07
cau2jrib: meant to not be configurable and missing one of the menus?22:07
mkultraxfce pannel works on 11.10 even22:07
cau2mkultra: this isnt my computer and even if it was I dont like xfce and neither do the people who use it22:07
pdg1TimLoal: I'm trollin' :p22:07
jribcau2: I remember reading that would be really limited.  No idea if that's what was decided22:07
MasterOfDisasterBlueProtoman: from the topic: "Pastes to http://goo.gl/ixcN9"22:08
pdg1that's all lol22:08
cau2they're used to gnome22:08
mkultramy xfce is prettier than gnome wants to be22:08
cau2this isnt a matter of prettier its a matter of being the same22:08
BlueProtomanMasterOfDisaster: I can't type all of that, and I can't paste it either, different computer.22:08
mike9863jrib: okay I renamed it but I'm still getting the same error when I try to login. no new .ICEauthority file was created22:08
danopia<Edisto> disappearing unity bar is a new feature right?22:09
jribmike9863: what's the full error?  Also check ~/.xsession-errors22:09
brontosaurusrexcau2, i think you would need to install gnome 2 series, not sure if its possible...22:09
magn3tsI'd love to know why global menu feels the need to hang out ALL THE TIME, even when unity isn't running.22:09
magn3tsThat's a question I'm sure I won't get an answer to, toher than, it's a "feature".22:09
BlueProtomanMasterOfDisaster: The one line that gives me "fail" is starting automatic crash report generation.22:10
mkultrahttp://img683.imageshack.us/img683/4010/darksideo.jpg < xfce = win22:10
jpjacobsHi! Unity 3D stopped working after upgrade to Oneiric. But it does work for the guest account. How do I fix my config?22:10
cau2brontosaurusrex: if gnome 3 removed all functionality of the panel, they needto be shot, stabbed, burned at the stake, then peed on and forced to remove gnome-panel entirely and never allowed to program again22:10
MasterOfDisasterBlueProtoman: copy it to a usb stick and paste it from the host you're typing from...22:10
magn3tsmkultra, thats the most hideous thing I've ever seen22:10
TimLoalmkultra: I press alt f2 do the search then it asks for my password and dose nothing22:10
mike9863jrib: The error I get is "could not update ICEauthority file in /home/mike/.ICEauthority22:10
BlueProtomanMasterOfDisaster: I don't know how.22:10
BlueProtomanI'm new to Linux.22:11
MasterOfDisasterBlueProtoman: -> query?22:11
murpleusr13: Let me know when you get back. perhaps it would be easier to chat in private.22:11
mkultragksu synaptic?22:11
brontosaurusrexcau2, thats one of the reasons i will stay away from ubuntu for a while (or other gnome3 distros...)22:11
jribmike9863: can you pastebin ~/.xsession-errors?22:11
BlueProtomanMasterOfDisaster: query is not installed.  I'm just trying to be able to boot to the desktop.22:11
TimLoalpdg1 we don't need or want trolls round here, but if you want to fight it out in the bushes, i'll show you how big my club is ;)22:11
cau2brontosaurusrex: yeah well considering I just did an install a few days ago I didnt know I was installing this to begin with..22:12
mkultraTimLoal,  try alt + f2 "gnome-terminal" then sudo synaptic22:12
jpjacobsUnity simply does not start (or crashes instantly at logon) ...22:12
cau2brontosaurusrex: but nobody and I mean nobody wants panel applets they cant even move.. I got a f'n clock right in the middle and there are no controls to move it22:12
VxQeIs there a way to clear/disable recent items in unity/gnome3?22:13
tomanhello guys, i really need your help. I need to change the movement key from alt in ubuntu 11.10 and i cant find where to do it. On older versions of ubuntu the menu i am looking for looked like that: http://bfo.com/blog/images/UbuntuWindowPref.png   Can anyone help me, please?22:13
TimLoalmkultra: it's found it but seems disabled, clicking dose nothing22:13
brontosaurusrexcau2, thats actually debatable imho, but probably more suited for #ubuntu-offtopic22:14
sakoanyone have a workaround yet for the sound issues in ubuntu?"22:14
mkultrasound?  my 11.10 sound works fine22:14
cau2I see nothing debatable about all this panel space (wasted space)22:14
jribmike9863: also, what does « ls -ld / /home /home/mike » return?22:15
cau2or about removing countless features from something that worked just fine22:15
brontosaurusrexcau2, for me the easy way out would be to install docky and synapse and see if i can get used to the left dock ...22:15
cau2and having the nerve to call it the same name22:15
MrHobohey, could anyone help me, basically I upgraded from 11.04 to 11.10, now when i log into a ubuntu or gnome-shell session it takes about 40 seconds longer then it should, doesn't in KDE, looked in the logs and can see no problem there, made a new user and once again no problem, so must be something with my user :(22:15
pmnullcan anyone tell me why this bash command has bad syntax as it keeps telling me22:16
pmnullcat /etc/snort/rules/icmp.rules alert icmp any any -> any any ( msg:"ICMP Packet"; sid:477; rev:3;)22:16
cau2I seriously want to physically harm someone if they think this is a good idea.. cause I just wasted 3 hours installing this just to have to remove ubuntu because I can't make it look or work anything like it was working to begin with22:16
pmnullits to do with the bracket apparantley22:16
Kingsyok guys, I have just upgraded to 11.10 and it says I have no valid internet connections. It is a wired connection, however under edit connections -> Wired connections its blank22:16
jribcau2: please stick to support in this channel22:16
Kingsyif I add my own then I can add it ok.. but ubuntu doesnt seem to want to use the new connection22:17
TimLoalmkultra is it possible i need to be in admin mode? not that i know what i'm talking about, but it seems like i dont have rights?22:17
Kingsywhat am I doing wrong?22:17
pmnullneone help with that command syntax22:17
mkultraubuntu is ultra ugly by default22:17
DontKnwMuchI have two interfaces, eth0 with and eth1 which is IPTV from my provider, I need to add a route to make them both work at the same time... and I am lost...22:17
cau2I'm leaving this channel because there is no support going on..people are just telling me to use something else rahter than any constructive help on how to resolve the issue at hand22:17
jribpmnull: umm, what's the command you are  typing?22:17
SetiAmongod what a disaster22:17
tomanhello guys, i really need your help. I need to change the movement key from alt in ubuntu 11.10 and i cant find where to do it. On older versions of ubuntu the menu i am looking for looked like that: http://bfo.com/blog/images/UbuntuWindowPref.png   Can anyone help me, please?22:17
mkultraTimLoal gksu = gtk sudo....  terminal doesnt need elevated privileges22:17
pmnullcat /etc/snort/rules/icmp.rules alert icmp any any -> any any ( msg:"ICMP Packet"; sid:477; rev:3;)22:17
tomani really need your help22:18
BlueProtomancau2: Ironic, isn't it?22:18
SetiAmonafter all that time updating my system was a disaster so i had to download and install 11.10 fresh now i have other problems22:18
cau2BlueProtoman: heh, not really... I actually expected it..22:18
TimLoalcau2 there are people who can help but its a bussy channel22:18
pmnullfrom http://www.thegeekstuff.com/2010/08/snort-tutorial/22:18
mkultramany routes to the same path cau2, dont be stubborn22:18
SetiAmonCan someone here help me with unity bar showing up on the wrong monitor?it keeps showing up on my seconardy monitor instead of my primary monitor22:18
jribcau2: I have no clue what your issue is.  I'm just seeing you rant, which isn't productive at all.  Not only does it mean you aren't getting a fresh set of eyes on your issue, it means you're also making it less likely that someone else gets help.  So please stop.  If you want help, just state your actual issue (on one line with relevant details in a pastebin)22:18
BlueProtomancau2: Still ironic given that this is both an official support channel AND one for a theoretically amazing community.22:18
binspaceis it possible to configure the workspace switcher in unity?22:19
pmnullless of the theoretically pls22:19
binspaceor are we stuck with a 2x2 grid?22:19
mkultralarge community, not amazing22:19
jbarketAnyone having trouble with Ubuntu Software Center after upgrading to 11.10? I click install, and it does nothing. Kind of changes Free to Installing for a microsecond, then nothing. No install, no error22:19
jbarketbinspace, install the compiz settings manager and you can change it. i do 1x4 personally22:19
VxQeMine works.22:19
mkultraand yeah im stuck with 2x2 grid on xfce but not on gnome / ubuntu22:19
olmariHeGuru: hmm... I think it is even done as is !22:19
VegarI upgraded from 11.04 to 11.10, and now everything is broken22:19
pmnulltheoretically amazing is a contradiction in existential realities22:19
SetiAmonI really don't like Unity so far its very cumbersome,ineffecient,how is gnome 3 compared to gnome 2?22:19
binspacejbarket: Thank you!22:19
VegarWIFI doesn't work, I am "Not authorized" to mount USB devices22:19
pmnullbad syntax pls22:19
olmariHeGuru: ip route shows it, while ifconfig doesn't22:19
mkultraright click window manager and select 4 x 122:19
jrib!nounity | SetiAmon22:19
ubottuSetiAmon: Ubuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions drowpdown. Using Natty? See !classic22:19
Vegarwhat can I do?22:20
SetiAmonVegar:yeah same i had to do a fresh install.still problems22:20
pmnullcome on come on22:20
olmariHeGuru: I mean by setting it in /e/n/interfaces22:20
Vegarubuntu has really failed this time22:20
mike9863jrib: http://pastebin.com/8EHKWvj822:20
SetiAmonThanks jrib22:20
joshua__Does anyone here know if Ubuntu 11.10 supports my graphics card?  I ran lspci -v and this is the output for the graphics card: http://pastebin.com/hkJZZnXG22:20
pmnulldo u work for windows22:20
VegarSetiAmon: it seems like policykit is broken somehow22:20
jribpmnull: that tutorial has commands preceded by #.  The line you see after it is the output the person received from the command.22:20
cau2BlueProtoman: yeah well I've been using and supporting debian on freenode for over 12 years... and hating ubuntu for about 5 or so I guess.. but I've been realizing it is a bit more easy for new and stupid people,so I've been trying to embrace it.. but not having much luck as things are always horridly broken and nobody knows how to fix things that arent dead simple22:20
pmnullim an idiot22:20
FloodBot1pmnull: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.22:20
jribpmnull: :)22:20
cau2here is a simple question then, is ubuntu 11.10 actually using gnome 3.0?22:20
joshua__Supports dual monitors for my graphics card, that is.22:20
olmariHeGuru: I'd only then hope someday this method would show alias IP on ifconfig too somewhere .. :/22:21
pmnullta ta22:21
jribcau2: gnome 3 with unity as the shell22:21
TimLoalmkultra ok.  hmm.  I'm a BUSY professional, which is why i want a decent OS, but no spellcheck out of the box and neeing to install other bits to get something to work that should from the get go, is ruff.  If i was one of the 80% of computer users who know diddely squat about computers i'd have rebooted back to windows by now22:21
jribmike9863: also, what does « ls -ld / /home /home/mike » return?22:21
wereverhow can I enter recovery mode or grub2 on 11.10, pressing shift isnt working22:21
cau2cause if thats the case I have two options, reinstall with natty, or wait a few days and hope these issues can be fixed by upgrade22:21
HeGuruolmari: ip addr should show you all IPs22:21
MrHobohmmm anyone? :(, i find ubuntu more difficult then gentoo sometimes :p22:21
mike9863also / and /home say 25 root and 4 root. and /home/mike says 85 mike22:21
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cau2jrib: I did ap[t-get install gnome and logged in using ubuntu classic, so there is no unity involved that I'm aware of22:21
olmariHeGuru: sure it does... but it's not the same...22:21
jribmike9863: can you pastebin full output?22:22
SetiAmonCan someone tell me why unity is supposed to be more "efficient" it seems like it makes everything 1000X slower and inefficient compared to gnome222:22
magn3tsCan someone tell me what the purpose is of the terminal dialog box in the ubuntu instaler?22:22
TimLoalis there a distro that i can get that has all this done?  mkultra or anyone22:22
magn3tsIt's two lines tall.22:22
mike9863jrib: it's difficult because I'm on my phone.22:22
mkultraTimLoal, aspell my bad....22:22
magn3tsIt's the most useless UI element I've possibly every seen.22:22
jribTimLoal: what is "all this"?22:22
cau2not that I will really know if there are updates because I have no notification area, no system menu.. nothing on this panel.. ugh..22:22
mkultrawas gtkspell on my hand built linux distro ;-)22:22
* cau2 wanders off and contemplates resintalling with natty22:23
jribcau2: honestly, I would suggest trying xfce if you don't like gnome-shell or unity22:23
mkultrayou also need to install a language specific dictionary22:23
jribcau2: as someone said the other day, xfce is the new gnome 222:23
fhtagnso "Ubuntu 2D" is "Unity 2D" =(22:23
brontosaurusrexTimLoal, what exactly do you need?22:23
cau2jrib: well I will kep that in mind.. but this isnt my decision.. its not my computer..22:23
TimLoalmkultra can you run me the full command again as this channel flows fast and my irc client isn't the best22:24
mkultraill pm22:24
usr13SetiAmon: Maybe you are confusing efficiency with resource conservation.  If you want to conserve resources, try xfce422:24
jribmike9863: what's the first column then?  The "rwx stuff"22:24
cau2jrib: and the only issue here is that the panel is screwed up and I cant move the clock to the left where it belongs and there is no system menu next to places to access the preferences and stuff22:24
usr13I'm back22:24
cau2near as I can tell you'd have to be completely illiterate and mentally challenged to have intentially removed these features22:24
* cau2 notes his spelling and laughs22:25
TimLoalbrontosaurusrex jrb all this is an ubunto equilivent of windows with office(with all the usual bits already installed)22:25
mike9863jrib: each one says drwxr-xr-x22:25
brontosaurusrexTimLoal, what are the usual bits?22:26
mkultraTimLoal, sudo apt-get install aspell aspell-en22:26
jribcau2: try holding alt or super (not sure) and right click on the panel.  Does that do anything?22:26
mkultraif ru spek engrish22:26
jribmike9863: what's the output of « mount » for the partition your /home is on?22:26
lelebarthi, i cannot logged in after upgrading to 11.10 to 11.04, this solved for me. hth. http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/ubuntu-63/ubuntu-11-10-cannot-login-and-cannot-shut-down-907558/#post449841022:26
SetiAmonusr13:opposite,I thought it would utilize more of my 3D card but frankly,its unimpressive.Were is the 3D with unity? what are the effects?and no gnome 2 was much more effeicient and customizable this unity thing reminds me of KDE were i have to treck threw menu's makes everything much slower.oh well its just a UI i'll get rid of it22:26
jribmike9863: actually scratch that; we've already ruled that out22:26
lelebart*from 11.04 ^^'22:26
mkultralelebart, alt + f2 run "gksu halt" no "" marks ;-)22:27
tangosorry for help in italian lenguage?22:27
mkultratango, use translate.google.com22:27
garthsince my last update when I close Firefox then try to open it again it give me an error saying firefox is running. Has anyone else had this happen.22:27
epkugelmassUnity systray issue: using the whitelist ['all'] and restarting does nothing22:27
mkultragarth i have a tutorial 4 that22:27
mkultragarth, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=183689022:28
wereverwhere is recovery mode on 11.10 ?22:29
MrHobonever mind, fixed my own problem :D, deleted .gnome2, .conf and .gconfd and now it logs in straight away22:29
kezzawd Hi22:29
garthukutra thank you will give it a llok.22:29
mkultraits buried in that thread garth....22:29
jribmike9863: I don't know.  It doesn't seem to be a permissions issue22:30
jribmike9863: see if the issue persists on a new user account22:30
SetiAmonBefore i ditch unity can someone tell me were is the effects in this thing?I mean what does it do that required installing my drivers?i can't tell the difference between it and unity 2D22:30
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keith-linux1122is their anyway to tone down the visual effects in Unity22:30
SetiAmonkeith-linux1122: What effects?22:30
mike9863jrib: how can I make a new user account through CLI?22:30
keith-linux1122like windows fading in and out22:30
jaxkeith-linux1122 - install compwiz settings manager22:31
SetiAmonI don't see any compiz style effects or anything like compiz22:31
jribmike9863: sudo adduser USERNAME22:31
SetiAmonhmm weird i don't have that22:31
epkugelmassWhen I click on the indicators, they don't stay open. Any reason why?22:31
qmanjr5How do I check which display driver I'm currently using?22:31
epkugelmassAll I did was turn off click to focus.22:31
SetiAmonadditional drivers22:31
qmanjr5where at, SetiAmon ?22:31
usr13qmanjr5: cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log22:31
qmanjr5Oh :P22:31
SetiAmonhah you have to go to dash and type it in.thats were i installedm y nvidia drivers.also check display22:32
louis__hey guys i just installed 11.10 it is works great very nice improvements :)22:32
mike9863jrib: Same issue. also I've noticed that the login screen looks like the one from 11.04 and not the new one I've seen previews of. could these issues be related?22:33
qmanjr511.10 has a new login screen?22:33
frigoi feel i shouldnt have upgraded ubuntu to 11.1022:33
frigoits ruining my life22:33
louis__yeah it has new login screen22:33
berglundfrigo, why is that?22:33
jribmike9863: hmm, interesting that a fresh new user.  I have to go now though22:34
frigoat frist it wouldnt want to boot the window manager, i upgraded packadges and now i have the gui buts its super slow22:34
mike9863jrib: okay thanks for your help22:34
wereverhelp plz, at starting ubuntu 11.10 its freezing andI have no GUI22:34
cordovalUID of script "/usr/share/phpmyadmin/index.php" is smaller than min_uid22:35
cordovalI am getting this hmm22:35
bbigras__My trackpad just stopped working. Should I report a bug against the 'xserver-xorg-input-synaptics' package or 'gnome-settings-daemon'?22:35
cordovalafter ubuntu upgrade22:35
SetiAmoneverything "fails to install" on this darn thing afk22:35
frigowerever: does it hang at checking battery state ?22:35
whitmanIs there any way to keep the global app menu visible rather than just on hover?22:35
wereverfrigo! yes!!22:35
frigowerever: i had/has the same problem22:35
wereverfrigo! uuuuuu I thought you have the solution! hehehehee22:35
louis__setiamon did you upgrade? i have the same issue first but after upgrade all good22:35
frigowerever: i fixed it by uprading packages and running dpkg22:36
frigowerever: but then it made the computer super slow22:36
frigoi dont understand22:36
fhtagnwtf happened to right click context menu? (just upgraded to 11.10, ditched 'Ubuntu 2D' aka 'Unity 2D' and trying 'GNOME Classic' aka GNOME3)22:37
vyshayi have a thinkpad with a WiFi Link 5300 wireless adaptor.  afer upgrading, network connection over wireless is dramatically slower, like 95 percent slower.  what am i doing wrong ?22:37
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mike9863Can anyone else assist me? I just upgraded to 11.10 and when I try to login it gives me an error that states: "could not update .ICEauthority file /home/mike/.ICEauthority. Also the login screen is the old one from 11.04 instead of the new one.22:38
magn3tsno offense, but how was so little testing done with ubuntu software center that no one caught it is unable to even open the chromium.debs?22:38
fhtagni can't edit the menubar on top.. /facepalm22:38
escottfhtagn, gnome classic is not gnome 3 there is a gnome 3 fallback mode which looks like old gnome 2 but is very different under the hood22:38
escottmike9863, to get the new login screen you would need to install lightdm, you are likely using gdm. check the permissions on your .ICEauthority file22:39
fhtagngnome 3 fallback was dubbed GNOME Classic, i believe, no?22:39
fhtagn(I am just using the name I read upon the login screen)22:39
escottfhtagn, it might be called classic but its not the same classic as the 11.04 classic22:40
louis__gnome 3 is ok just needs more config UI... I guess22:40
fhtagnyeah, trying to find what I can change...22:41
jaxI personally prefer 10.10 with docky22:41
mike9863escott: I tried making the permissions 777 and I still get the error.22:41
oneunderI am having an odd problem with running applications.  I just upgraded to 11.10 from 11.04.  My issue can be found here: http://www.reddit.com/r/Ubuntu/comments/lc2r3/odd_wine_issue_after_upgrade/22:42
oneunderHelp would be much appreciated.  Thank you.22:42
magn3tsmike9863, are you the owner of the file?22:42
magn3tsalso, I'm not sure making it 777 is the best course of action22:42
epkugelmassI simply cannot get the systray to ever show anything, even with the whitelist!22:42
TimLoalhow do i get out of a ctrl+alt+f2 text command prompt?22:43
escottmike9863, who owns the file?22:43
oneunderctrl alt f722:43
emorrisTimLoal, Alt+F722:43
mike9863magn3ts: yes22:44
TimLoaltop marks @ oneunder and emorris :)22:44
magn3tsin place upgrades22:44
magn3tsdont know why ppl do them22:44
mguyTimLoal: those are called 'virtual consoles'22:45
boberthi there, I was wondering if there's a quick way to determine what version of ubuntu is on a bootable usb drive, without booting it22:45
SetiAmonah Gnome-shell SOoooOOoo much better then unity22:45
quentin_So uh. I just activated the latest nVidia driver in Additional Drivers...a.nd when I rebooted and logged in.....the toolbar thing wasn't work. I couldn't click on anything. Now I'm in the recovery concole on IRSSI, 'cause I can't do anything else.22:45
oneundermagn3ts, I now agree with that.22:45
=== bryan is now known as PunkUnity
magn3tsubuntu now ships without a way to modify metacity theme, gtk+ theme, cursor theme, icon theme, font size, font family.22:45
mguyquentin_: Remove what you just did22:45
PunkUnityi am currently updating to 11.10 and have a question or 222:45
SetiAmonquentin_: Hmm when i activated my drivers unity and everythinf displayed on the wrong screen.now i just installed Gnome-shell and everything is working fine22:46
magn3tsand the only tool to do so isn't even in the friggin repos.22:46
StevenWIs this the right channel to ask questions about the 11.10 update?22:46
jaxstevenW: yes22:46
mguyquentin_: Find it with 'dpkg --get-selections' and removei t22:46
TimLoalmguy its a prompt, don;t expect me to know your mothers middle name when i've only just met you!22:46
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mguyquentin_: you might want to put a 'grep nvidia' or something after that22:47
StevenWCool. My issue is that syntax highlighting language specs I added to gedit are no longer working.22:47
kurt-usaI havent done any interactive shell scripting in a while, but i have the need now. It seems like last time i used "expect", but noticed its not installed by default on ubuntu. is there a more popular way to do interactive scripts?22:47
PunkUnityi am wondering when it says some third party packages will be removed22:47
mguyTimLoal: Hey, the first time hit that key on accident I thought I logged otu!22:47
PunkUnityduring the 11.10 upgrade from .0422:47
PunkUnityis that like medibuntu?22:48
beingjohnmI've got the latest nvidia driver enabled. Does anybody else have a problem with the workspace switcher? On my second screen it leaves artifacts when it zooms and I can't click on it. Works fine on my primary screen.22:48
PunkUnityor all of the ones i have like my themes and such?22:48
c_smithhey, I'm having problems compiling gtkpod 2.1.0 from source (need to for m4v support), it stops with an error in make, the error is: http://paste.ubuntu.com/708259/22:48
bobertnvm answered my own question22:48
louis__someone knows how to change fonts, colors in gnome 3? is it needs extension or... ?22:48
kcjc_smith, Did ./configure give any errors?22:49
jaxstevenw: are the specs still in /usr/share/gtksourceview-2.0/language-specs/22:50
StevenWjax: yes22:51
alcyfolks, I just did an upgrade to 11.10 on a thinkpad x200, and the boot process seems to hang at a msg : 'ext 4 remount...'22:51
c_smithkcj, no, ./configure gave no errors, it's make I'm having problems with.22:51
StevenWjax: this is what I am missing, to be specific: http://www.jpfleury.net/logiciels/gedit-mediawiki.php22:51
c_smithcan't go onto sudo make install without make succeeding.22:51
TimLoalmguy is this the Ubunto that is : "Super-fast, easy to use", "Ubuntu does everything you need it to" ?22:52
mkultrai wrote that for ubuntu 10.10, 11.10 dont like it22:53
PunkUnityplease link em to the more general chat for the ubuntu chan someone22:53
kcjc_smith, I'll try it myself and see what happens.22:53
epkugelmassAnyone know anything about getting the systray to work in unity?22:53
TimLoalwell i need it to not waste my presious time/life solving stuff that i need to solve real problems, to get paid!22:53
jaxstevenw: I wonder if your config file is screwed - have u tried renaming it to test?22:53
vyshayanyone eelse notice their intel wireless now sucks in most recent ubuntu?22:54
c_smithI'll try that.22:54
SetiAmonCompiz on gnome Shell.No wobbly windows?22:54
fhtagn(and I can't believe there is no 'leave a message' at the lockscreen) =(22:54
TimLoalvyshay: how can i get an older ubuntu, it seems like this one is imature22:54
qmanjr5Phew, I got it workin' again.22:55
kcjc_smith, Download link?22:55
mkultraok timloal i fixed my systems spell check....22:55
MonkeyDustTimLoal: oldreleases.com22:55
qmanjr5Is there a way to get like, desktop widgets?22:55
c_smithkcj, for gtkpod version I have?22:55
samlhey, how can I change dm?   instead of gdm, i want to use lxdm22:55
qmanjr5For like, weather and the time and such?22:55
kcjc_smith, Yes.22:55
samlis there a command for chaning default dm?22:55
jaxvyshay: My Intel wireless is fine in 11.1022:55
mike9863magn3ts: mike owns the file22:55
vyshaymine is significantly slower.  it makes me sd22:55
mguyvyshay: sucks as it doesn't show up or is really slow22:55
MonkeyDustTimLoal: http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/releases/22:55
vyshayrealyl slow22:56
SetiAmonHey question22:56
LasersHey answer22:56
magn3tsmike9863, and that is the user you are right now, right? type "whoami" to make sure.22:56
vyshayit was definitely much faster in previous version22:56
c_smithkcj, http://sourceforge.net/projects/gtkpod/files/gtkpod/gtkpod-2.1.0/gtkpod-2.1.0.tar.gz/download?source=files22:56
mkultraTimLoal,  gedit edit prefrences then plugins then install spell check.....  then go to TOOLS and select highlight spelling errors22:56
zaapielfuck unity22:56
zaapielwhos with me?22:56
mkultrafuck unity22:56
zaapielright on22:56
SetiAmonI installed Compiz settlings manager and enabled wobbly windows and ZOOM but they are not working? can someone inform me how to get effects working?22:56
n-iCewhat's the name of the package to configurate all the compiz effects?22:56
SetiAmonI agree22:56
zaapieloccupy #ubuntu till they change it22:56
SetiAmonUnity is trash22:56
ubottuPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.22:56
n-iCeHost 'nice-VGN-CS170FJ', running Linux 3.0.0-12-generic-pae - Cpu0: Intel 800 MHz Cpu1: Intel 800 MHz; Up: 14 min; Users: 2; Load: 0.15; Free: [Mem: 1044/3893 Mio] [Swap: 3962/3962 Mio] [/: 277662/296554 Mio] [/media/Torroella: 266/969 Mio]; Vpenis: 219.3 cm;22:56
mike9863magn3ts: yes22:56
PunkUnityi like unity22:56
jaxvyshay: what intel wireless do you have? Mine is  Intel Corporation PRO/Wireless 2200BG - seems fine22:57
zaapieli hate unity22:57
zaapieli am the 99%22:57
n-iCeI can get used to Unity22:57
n-iCewhat's the name of the package to configurate all the compiz effects?22:57
SetiAmongnome Shell is good so far except compiz effects are not working22:57
MrHoboPunkUnity, it should be just medibuntu and the like :), however with the switch to gtk3 I don't expect a lot of your themes will work anyway :(22:57
MonkeyDustSetiAmon: i use kde or linux mint, because i don't like unity, no reason to rant22:57
SetiAmonccsm n-iCe but i just installed it and tried it22:57
magn3tsn-iCe, compizconfig-settings-manager22:57
n-iCethanks magn3ts22:57
magn3tsSetiAmon, yeah... uh, gnome-shell doesn't use unity lol22:57
PunkUnityMrHobo what is the link for the other chat?22:57
MrHoboPunkUnity, and also some that are just not used by the system, should give a list to look through22:57
vyshayjax: I have WiFi Link 5300 wireless adaptor22:58
MHzI have just installed the 11.10 hoping my nVidia card will work properly and still even after the non-free drivers >>> gives me VERY low resolution, Help Please!22:58
lunitikSetiAmon: Gnome-shell uses mutter not compiz22:58
=== lol is now known as douche
garthmkultra must be doing something wrong could not find the thread you posted22:58
SetiAmonmutter ? never heard of it how do i access that configuration for mutter22:58
anomn-iCe: Ubuntu Tweak also lets you make wobbly windows22:58
magn3tsSetiAmon, you don't.22:58
PunkUnitydont remember what gtk3 is really but i am guessing there are themes for it22:58
lunitikunity and compiz are not the same thing though... unity is a shell that happens to use the window manager compiz22:58
SetiAmonmagn3ts:  then how do i get ZOOM or such?22:59
jaxTo be honest I'm sticking with 10.10 and Docky.22:59
magn3tsSetiAmon, yeah, you don't.22:59
MonkeyDustfreedom also means: freedom to not use something you don't like22:59
n-iCeanom: I was looking for compizconfig-settings-manager22:59
MrHoboPunkUnity, there are a few :), not many yet though :(22:59
alcyfolks, just upgraded to 11.10 on a thinkpad x200, and the boot process hangs at 'ext 4 remount...', any clue how to fix this ?22:59
n-iCedon't you think guys Unity is pretty much like ios ?22:59
forceflowanybody using screen/byobu on 11.10?22:59
SetiAmonmagn3ts: I'm sure there has to be a way to get such effects they are too essential.22:59
PunkUnitynot a big deal, i just like my Dawn theme22:59
MrHobo..I like unity on this release actually22:59
MHzanyone can help me with my NVidia and the 11.10, show low resolution even after the drivers installed22:59
lunitikSetiAmon: dconf-editor I think has some... mutter is metacity ported to clutter, metacity is what the fall ball window manager was in older version of ubuntu22:59
forceflowWhen using irssi in screen/byobu on 11.10, it seems the status bar that byobu places gets repeated several times on screen - which is annoying.23:00
mkultragarth what thread did you need?23:00
llama-linuxI'm using tmux and i3 right now, should I go to Tiling Anonymous?23:00
magn3tsSetiAmon, they don't exist, they haven't been built for mutter.23:00
PunkUnityi pretty much just like screwing with my computer costantly and changing and experiment\23:00
lunitikSetiAmon: Gnome really doesn't like customizations though...23:00
MHzany guide or text as I have looked and they did not help me that much really :(23:00
jaxMhz: sorry, I haven't tested with nvidia yet23:00
PunkUnityanyone can tell me what the channel is called for the regular general chat for ubutnu?23:00
magn3tsJust like I can't tweak the GTK color preferences anymore.23:00
magn3tsIt's GNOME2 and feature-removal all over again.23:00
emorrisPunkUnity, #ubuntu-offtopic23:00
PunkUnityohhhh, derrr23:00
PunkUnitylol ty23:00
oneunderI am having problems executing programs.  The program is installed, will auto complete, whereis finds it, but when I go to run it, I get "No such file or directory"23:00
emorrisPunkUnity, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList :-)23:01
oneunderany one have any thoughts?23:01
oneunderthis happens with Ubuntu installed via Synaptic and packages I have installed from a script23:01
garthmkultra you say thread 1836890 had init how to correct firefox not shuting down when closed23:01
lunitikoneunder: is it in your PATH?23:01
mkultraok ill post the exact thread23:01
magn3tsWow. And Ctrl+T on your desktop wrecks it.23:01
n-iCeanyone knows the name of the window effect that you move the mouse to a corner and all thr windows goes small and you can select any?23:01
c_smithkcj, need any more info?23:01
PunkUnityty very much emorris i will book that23:01
magn3tsJust... amazing.23:01
magn3tsThe things that are wrong here aren't even bugs. They're just ignored glaring problems.23:01
kcjc_smith, Nope, playing with it now.23:01
anomWhere's the restart button in 11.10?23:02
MHzoneunder, have you added the path to your environment?23:02
jaxI would recommend a clean install to 11.10 - not an upgrade23:02
famgodis there a tool for mutter like the compiz-settings manager?  cuz when I run mutter the only effect I can see is when minimizing/opening a window23:02
magn3tsHey guys. Go to your desktop and hit "CTRL+T"23:02
oneunderdoesn't matter I guess. I can be in the directory.  Say, Wine for instance.  When I run Wine, I get that error.  If I go to the usr/local/bin, and run it from there, it still does not work.23:02
jaxanom: under shutdown23:02
mkultrait installs a script and the command the script installs is "killfirefox"23:02
n-iCeanyone knows the name of the window effect that you move the mouse to a corner and all thr windows goes small and you can select any?23:02
lunitikmagn3ts: do you want to tell people what it does first?23:02
mkultraor killseamonkey23:02
oneundersome more information23:03
magn3tslunitik, I wish I knew what this is.23:03
SoobNauceUpdate manager wants me to go to package manager to fix lilypad, but package manager says dpkg broke.  How screwed am I, and how would I go about fixing this?23:03
MHzoneunder, does not work with the same error?23:03
SoobNauceI don't even use lilypad :(23:03
MeQuerSatThis is the first release of Ubuntu that actually runs very nicely on my (new) laptop23:03
josefigwhere does the alt+f2 look for ? I mean If I try alt+f2 "gvim" doesn't work, but If I try on console works, where is the directory ?23:03
MeQuerSatProps to the devs ;)23:03
mike9863I just upgraded to 11.10 and when I try to login it gives me an error that states: "Could not update .ICEauthority file /home/mike/.ICEauthority"23:03
Lasersmkultra: Why can't you use "killall firefox" -- It seems to be much easier than downloading a script?23:03
mkultraits a kill -923:03
MHzthat' weired, sorry o_O23:03
garthmkultra thank you just what I needed23:04
mkultrakill -9 echo ps ax | grep proc number style command or something similar23:04
bthorntonhey e'eryone, I'm trying to upgrade from 11.04 --> 11.10 and am getting about a ~200 kB/s download (on a 16 Mbit connection). Is it possible to choose a different mirror when upgrading with the upgrader? (It never asked me which mirror...)23:04
oneunderYea, its really weird.   Not really that happy about it, but that is what I get for doing a unplace upgrade.23:04
qmanjr5Is there a way to add a folder to the sidebar?23:04
TimLoalmkultra thanks, i've shut down my ubuntu laptop.  I'll check it out in the PM.  Thanks for your support!23:04
mkultraubuntu noobs dont know wtf ps aux is let alone kill process flags ;-)23:04
emorrismkultra, that script kills (not terminates gracefully) any process with 'firefox' anywhere in its name, not just firefox!23:04
SoobNauceuh, what ctrl+T do?23:04
mkultracorrect emorris23:04
almoxarifemkultra: that a question?23:05
SoobNauceor did*23:05
MHzAnyone running ubuntu with nVidia?23:05
oneunderI aM23:05
MHznVidia GFX?23:05
emorrismkultra, what about a process which has the word firefox in its name, but isn't firefox?23:05
mkultrano i have no questions, i am linux god23:05
MHzoneunder, good how is the resolution?23:05
TimLoalmkultra lol23:05
mkultraemorris it should change its name23:05
llama-linuxanyone know how to change your wallpaper in i3?23:06
oneunderIts a GTX260, running dual monitors at 1280x102423:06
emorrismkultra, and what's wrong with killall -9 firefox ?23:06
oneunderso, good....i guess23:06
SetiAmonSo anyhow. there are no settings in gnome3? no graphical effects yet? NO Desktop ZOOM?23:06
mkultrakillall -9 is new to me, its not distro agnostic23:06
MrHoboMHz, running on a 9400m here on my mbp, 1440x900 :D23:07
MHzoneunder, why mine runs only with 680x840 with the drivers and does not get that resolution? :'(23:07
qmanjr5Is there a way to add a folder to the sidebar?23:07
emorrismkultra, it's in practically every linux distro23:07
mkultraa linux from scratch distro user could install that firefox kill script23:07
MHzMrHobo, oneunder I am running with N550-Ti23:07
oneunderAnd you are changing the resultion using the nvidia-settings, and running that as root??23:07
lunitikmkultra: ctrl+t is nautilus shortcut for new tab...23:07
n-iCeanyone knows the name of the window effect that you move the mouse to a corner and all thr windows goes small and you can select any?23:07
oneunderexpose i think23:08
lunitikmkultra: It does not install anything, I don't know how you came up with that.23:08
MHzoneunder, it does make the screen looks weired and I need to scroll it like I am having a small monitor. Even that I have 23inch LCD23:08
llama-linuxmeh, I'll just install feh23:08
kcjc_smith, Sorry this is taking a while.23:08
lunitikmkultra: why it works on the desktop I have no idea, but there you are.23:08
anomthere is no restart under shutdown for 11.10..23:08
MarbleArch*sighs* Updated from 11.04 and of course lost sound again and cant remember what I did last time. Anyone up for a little handholding?23:08
oneunderdont know man.  you activated them through ubuntu, and not downloading the .sh from nvidia?23:08
MHzoneunder, funny thing is, safe graphical mode gives me a better resolution :))23:09
lunitikanom: yes there is... you have you click on shut down though and then choose restart in the dialog that comes up23:09
c_smithkcj, it's okay, gonna try to eat as quick as I can so I can get back quick. dinner.23:09
almoxarifen-iCe: the really simple one that comes with 'ubuntu-tweak' is the one I use23:09
oneunderare you sure that it is using the nvidia driver and not noveau? (or whatever that is)23:09
grkbloodhow do you make all of the icon colors in the launcher uniform like this? http://images.4chan.org/wg/src/1318516632587.png23:09
sternamirrored: http://bou.si/4c/1318516632587.png23:09
n-iCealmoxarife: what do you mean23:09
MHzoneunder, yeah it is that phreaking noveau thinggie ... can't get rid of it. VERY annoying :'(23:10
mkultrakillall -9 firefox does work for ubuntu, not for other distros, some distros require the process id23:10
=== bazhang_ is now known as bazhang
MHzoneunder, i will try to restart now after installing the drivers from the Ubuntu repo.s23:11
mkultralunitik its ctrl + F223:11
SharkMonkeyWhy does chrome update so often in the repositories?23:11
emorrismkultra, pidof ?23:11
mkultranot ctrl t23:11
oneunderi would put the nouveau in the blacklist23:11
mkultraprocess id of firefox to kill 9 it, see slackware 1223:11
MHzBRB .. wish me luck23:11
MHzwill reboot23:11
lunitikmkultra: that does nothing at all here.23:11
almoxarifeSharkMonkey: you chose the 'nightly' ppa?23:11
spacebug-how come libreoffice (when opening a file from like nautilus) does not show up in the launcher/task switcher?23:12
mkultrai mean alt + f2, yes ctrl + t is new tab in many progs23:13
firmevatoi am on nightly and just got my chromium updated as well23:13
SoobNauceLilypond is causing my apt to break.  "E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)"23:13
urlin2uspacebug-, the left panel is that what you mean?23:14
anomwhere is the restart again? clicking on the shutdown... shutdown my computer.23:14
SetiAmonAnyone know why firefox keeps opening up on my secondary monitor?23:14
murpleusr13: you still there?23:14
mkultraalt + f2 "gksu halt" run to shut down23:14
mkultrawrite it down, easy as pie23:14
spacebug-urlin2u: yes23:14
urlin2uspacebug-, what release, what desktop?23:14
anomi know the command "shutdown -r now" but I'm just curious23:15
spacebug-11.10 unity23:15
SoobNauceThis is where you tell me to go to ##linux, and where ##linux tells me to go to #debian and where #debian tells me to go to #ubuntu23:15
SuperNoeManhow do i echo colors to the terminal23:15
urlin2uspacebug-, do you have libreo already in the panel?23:15
SoobNaucei just want to speed this runaround up a bit so I can get in like 2 cycles of doing absolutely nothing before dinner23:15
spacebug-urlin2u: no23:15
mkultrayes shutdown -h now = halt23:15
mkultrashutdown -r now = reboot23:15
almoxarifeanom: right click offers up one set of choices and left click another?23:15
Mike98631Is there any reason why after upgrading to Ubuntu 11.10, my theme, icon settings, font settings and wallpaper have been changed to default settings?23:15
urlin2uspacebug-, hm are you sure now libroeffice icon anywhere?23:16
sebsebsebMike98631: probably23:16
urlin2unow=no spacebug-23:16
sebsebsebMike98631: even if you were using Unity in 11.04, well that was going on top of Gnome 2, and so23:16
murpleWhen Windows doesn't boot right, I reboot in SAFE MODE. Does Ubuntu have a similar feature? I'm having trouble booting into Ubuntu.23:16
spacebug-urlin2u: yes. And it does not even show when using alt+tab23:16
anomwell, i guess i'll just use terminal for now to reboot23:16
sebsebseb!gnome2 | Mike9863123:16
ubottuMike98631: The GNOME Foundation has ceased support for GNOME 2, and as such it is not in Ubuntu 11.10 (Oneiric Ocelot). See !notunity for an alternative desktop experience.23:16
sebsebsebMike98631: when you upgraded you upgraded to Gnome 3.223:16
spacebug-but the program is up and running wuth my document23:17
sebsebsebMike98631: just without Gnome Shell by default since Unity23:17
urlin2uspacebug-, strange not sure really.23:17
emorrismurple, hold down shift when booting, and when  the grub menu appears, choose recovery mode :-)23:17
spacebug-urlin2u: ok23:17
Mike98631sebsebseb: Okay I see. I guess I'll have to redo everything now :P23:17
murpleemorris: Damn I wish someone would have told me that months/hours ago....23:17
SetiAmoneventhough gnome3 is much better then unity i still think gnome 2 was better23:17
sebsebseb!nounity | Mike9863123:17
ubottuMike98631: Ubuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions drowpdown. Using Natty? See !classic23:17
murpleemorris: I'll definetly try that right away...23:17
MHzhi again23:17
SetiAmonbrb rebooting23:17
sebsebsebMike98631: so yep on defaults for 11.1023:18
emorrismurple, one of those things :-p23:18
MHzoneunder, how do u run nvidia settings as a root?23:18
SoobNauceWho do I go to for help with dpkg under ubuntu 11.10?23:18
grkbloodhow do you change the colors on the icons in the unity launcher to all be the same?23:18
oneunder...  open a terminal and sudo nvidia-settings23:19
rachodamn gnome-shell just rocks! sry Canonical, Unity just isn't on *that* level23:19
mkultraMHz, alt + f2 "gksu /usr/bin/nvidia-settings" no "" marks23:19
SetiAmonwhy isn't there a shutdown option?23:19
murpleemorris: That didn't change much. I held down both Shift keys during reboot. It reads Starting postfix mail... starting web server apache2.23:19
sebsebsebracho: Why use Shell in Ubuntu then? heh heh :D23:19
SetiAmonwere is shutdown option23:19
mkultramake a desktop?23:19
murpleemorris: No menu. Is it possible I don't have grub?23:20
urlin2ugrkblood, doesn't the picture have a link to the icon setup.23:20
emorrismurple, do it as soon as you turn the computer on, before the first purple screen appears23:20
mkultraneed su mode to see shutdown its in sbin23:20
themillSoobNauce: if you actually post the information in a pastebin as suggested then people might have a chance of helping. And the full output would be handy -- you mistyped the name of the package 4 times now so the real output would be much better to see.23:20
mkultraits not in the users path23:20
fhtagnracho: any idea on how I can edit the size of the top and bottom bars?23:20
murpleemorris: I'm pretty sure i did, will try again...23:20
grkbloodurlin2u, nop323:20
urlin2ugrkblood, asking here is probably not going to figure it out, who is to say it is legit.23:20
rachosebsebseb, cuz im using Fedora :) I've forgotten Ubuntu long time ago -> Linux racho 3.1.0-0.rc9.git0.0.fc16.x86_64 #1 SMP Wed Oct 5 15:30:54 UTC 2011 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux23:20
SoobNaucethemill: oddly enough I'm in the middle of apt-get install -f >> txt but it's hanging and I don't know why23:20
emorrismurple, wait, did you install using a cd or wubi?23:21
sebsebsebracho: ok nice :)23:21
grkbloodis there a room dedicated to unity?23:21
sebsebsebgrkblood: nope23:21
SoobNaucethe actual command I used was "sudo apt-get install -f >>f.txt"23:21
Raelithusr13: hi i got my issue sorted. it was the nvidia drivers23:21
sebsebsebgrkblood: howver you can ask UNity questions here23:21
emorrisSoobNauce, it's probably waiting for a response from you. Do ...install -f | tee f.txt      insteaf of >>f.txt so you can see the output :-)23:22
murpleemorris: CD. Long time ago. Then upgraded to 11.04 or 11.10. I only have ubuntu on my computer, so it's possible I don't have grub at all?23:22
SoobNauceoh for fuck's sake, it was prompting me to press Y23:22
grkbloodsebsebseb, is there a way to change the colors of the icons in the unity launcher to be the same, something like a greyscale23:22
oneunderI fixed my issue.  On my 64-bit machine, it seems that the 32-bit interpretor did not get installed correctly (to run 32 bit programs).  So I ran: sudo aptitude reinstall libc6-i386.  That worked and my problem is resolved.  Thank you23:22
ZanzacarI was wondering if I logged into my server via a SSH shell and I started the 11.10 upgrade through SSH and I close SSH does that mean it is going to stop the upgrade?23:22
themillSoobNauce: yes, tee...23:22
oneunderZanzacar, I do believe so23:23
emorrisSoobNauce, or tee -a  if you want to append. tee prints everything to the terminal *and* the fire23:23
murpleemorris: The problem started when I tried to remove Unity and install Gnome3 instead. I followed a guide on the web and after that I can't boot into Ubuntu.23:23
murpleemorris: I need to gain access to Ubuntu so I can somehow fix Unity/Gnome....23:23
MHzthank you mkultra and oneunder23:23
mkultraZanzacar,  do the install command and add a space and a & ampersand23:23
emorrismurple, you should definitely have grub, Ubuntu has always used it23:23
sebsebsebgrkblood:  don't think so23:23
oneunderThat do it for you?23:23
MHzBRB another restart :)23:23
mkultraif u wanna thank me mail a joint =D23:23
murpleemorris: I have no idea, how would I check if it's installed from the console?23:23
emorrismurple, what is the sequence of events when you turn your pc on?23:23
Zanzacarmkultra: what does that do? run it in the background?23:24
mkultrayes background Zanzacar23:24
urlin2umurple, you don't remove unity to install gnome 3 post that link.23:24
MHzmkultra, i am having one now .. will share if i manage to get back :)23:24
Raelithif anyone cant boot into ubuntu and it just stuck on the splash screen chances are it might be the graphics drivers. i just had to uninstall my nvidia ones23:24
Zanzacarmkultra: thanks, does that go for any command? I could download a file or something and use that same syntax?23:24
emorrismurple, if Ubuntu even starts to boot, you have grub :-)23:24
mkultrayes any command Zanzacar23:24
mkultraappease the linux gods with space amp ;-)23:24
mkultrayeah Zanzacar , wget fuglyurl.com/file.txt &23:25
Zanzacarmkultra: I plan to, I always like to understand more so that in future instances I can answer the question for someone else or dont need to ask again haha23:25
murpleemorris: it's an imac. so. white screen. -> question mark folder (osx thing) -> purple screen -> ubuntu logo -> white text on black screen. (starting cups, starting web server apache2). -> HANGS.23:25
mkultralinux from scratch manuals helped me alot23:25
Zanzacarmkultra: Linux from scratch I will check that out, I am sure I can find it through a google search.23:26
ZanzacarI have only been on linux for about 2 months maybe 3 so I am always learning.23:26
murpleurlin2u: I did this a long time ago. I may be mixing up Unity with something else, I mean the window manager alternative to Gnome which was introduced in a recent ubuntu release. Ubiquity perhaps?23:26
mkultragoogle any command space linux from scratch23:26
launchHi, i downloaded 11.04 and i use xfce. there is no taskbar and no dock.23:26
ZanzacarI thought pipes were amazing23:26
urlin2umurple, compiz?23:26
freshinstallwhere have the panel configuration options gone in gnome?23:26
murpleemorris: Did you get the boot sequence I wrote above?23:27
Zanzacarmkultra: Thanks I am out of here off to upgrade23:27
murpleurlin2u: no...23:27
mkultralaunch you gotta go into the xfce preferences for panel to expand it from zero / add a panel23:27
emorrismurple, yeah, that purple screen is where the grub menu should appear if you are holding shift23:27
mkultraremove / upgrade docky 4 xfce ;-)23:27
launchmkultra: thanks!!23:27
emorrismurple, although I don't know if it's different for a mac23:27
xannenHow do I restart unity desktop, c.f. sudo service gdm restart?23:27
leftistmkultra you still here?23:27
murpleemorris: I see.....23:27
launchmkultra: what you mean for the dock23:28
dzuphow buggy is 11.01 if i disire to upgrade from 10.01 ?23:28
C1sM0Hello everybody! I was installing Ubuntu-restricted-extras at the end when ask if you accept the fonts from micro$oft I close that windows by mistake now I want to use the font in Libre office but I do not see them23:28
emorrisxannen, replace 'gdm' with 'lightdm'23:28
murpleurlin2u: I definetly mean Unity, it's an alternative to the Gnome window manager right??23:28
em2000Please help me. How to change resolution in 11.10. I have done it before by putting xrandr newmode,addmode etc.in /etc/gdm/Init/Default, now it is gone.23:28
leftisti made a mistake i am running 10.10. i remember now that i didnt dig that new interface for 11.x23:28
leftistmy bad23:28
leftistthank god :D23:28
mkultradocky = linux version of osx's dock23:28
Raelithmurple: are you hanging at the splash screen too?23:28
emorrismurple, I'm googling...23:28
themillSoobNauce: http://raphaelhertzog.com/2011/06/27/deciphering-one-of-dpkgs-weirdest-errors-short-read-on-buffer-copy/23:28
murpleIf I have grub, I should be able to edit the startup parameter to start Ubuntu in Recovery Mode or whatever it's called right? How could that be done?23:28
SoobNauceI have a bad feeling about this23:28
urlin2umurple, not sure I understand you gnome 2 aqnd 3 and unity are desktops, ethier metacity or compiz are the stock managers.23:29
mkultrahttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1819085  no ppa for 11.1023:29
mkultraalt + f2 docky &23:29
murpleRaelith: Which splash screen do you mean? It gangs when the white text on black background... where ubuntu lists everything it's starting up. Oddly, seems to be a little different on each boot.23:29
SoobNauceoh for fuck's--  apt-get clean is actually a required thing23:29
pangolin!language | SoobNauce23:29
ubottuSoobNauce: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.23:29
bazhangSoobNauce, no cursing here23:29
SoobNaucebazhang: Noted, and noted.23:30
SoobNauceI didn't know apt-get clean was a thing, I thought it just happened whenever apt-get install happened23:30
Tomfoolery123Can sombody help me out with installing a new theme?23:30
scarleodzup: versions are 10.10 11.04 11.1023:30
murpleurlin2u: I'm only refering to the "desktops" then. Unity and gnome.23:30
murpleurlin2u: I tried uninstalling unity and installing gnome 3 instead.23:30
Tomfoolery123I would say I'm new to ubuntu but really I'm just... crap23:30
murpleurlin2u: now I cannot boot into ubuntu since months.23:30
Raelithmurple: i just had to resolve an issue where i couldnt get past the spalsh screen with the ubuntu logo and 5 dots23:30
urlin2umurple, you need the exact app names to really get herlp.23:30
scarleodzup: not buggy at all, much better I'd say23:30
mkultrai joined ubuntu to help new people with my LFS powers23:31
Tomfoolery123? :(23:31
murpleurlin2u: I uninstalled Unity and tried installing Gnome3, isn't that "exact enough"?23:31
bazhangmkultra, lets stay on topic please23:31
murpleRaelith: I see.23:31
Fudgedoes lucid still ship with openoffice? or libreoffice now23:31
Raelithwhat is the issue you are having?23:31
urlin2umurple, you don't do that that is the problem reinstall unity.23:31
mkultrar u op bazhang?23:31
murpleurlin2u: Besides regardless of how I screwed up Ubuntu, I'm now only trying to boot into it to be able to try to fix it. But that's prooving to be an impossible tas.23:32
GridCubewhere do i add -no-install-recommends on apt-get install?23:32
bazhangmkultra, it's not important; no need for the excessive commentary please23:32
em2000How can i change resolution in 11.10? I have no xorg.conf23:32
Mike98631Is there anyway to downgrade back to 11.04?23:32
murpleurlin2u: I would, but I can't get my internet connection to work from the console only.23:32
YxvenI'm trying to debug why my ubuntu black screens after the grub. I'm following this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1743535 It has me booting into nosplash screen verbose text mode so it's now spamming my screen with text faster than I can read it before black screening. How do I read the text?23:32
Tomfoolery123Raelith, can you help me? I'm trying to install a new theme I just downloaded23:32
murpleurlin2u: so I don't think that's possible. I'll give it a shot, sudo apt-get install unity right?23:32
bazhangTomfoolery123, whats the link23:32
sebsebseb!downgrade | Mike9863123:32
ubottuMike98631: Attempting to downgrade to an older Ubuntu version is explicitly not supported and may break your system.23:32
sebsebsebMike98631: Why do you want to downgrade?23:32
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freshinstallMike98631, not really, even if they claim there is a way 96% sure you'll end up with fubar23:32
Tomfoolery123bazhang, you mean to the theme?23:33
bazhangTomfoolery123, yes23:33
urlin2umurple, lots of unknown ere, any link that told you to was wrong or you were using one for the wrong release, which I believe you have not indentified yours is.23:33
SoobNaucethemill: Thank you for the help.23:33
Mike98631Actually I can't even see those replies. It's not letting me scroll down.23:33
RaelithTomfoolery123: there should be an option in the desktop settings to change the theme23:33
murpleurlin2u: Understood. It'sa long time ago so I have no idea which website I was reading.23:33
Tomfoolery123bazhang, http://linux.softpedia.com/get/Desktop-Environment/Themes/MurrinaMissy-41306.shtml23:33
FudgeGridCube  those flags are used with apt-get/aptitude23:33
murpleurlin2u: I tried installing Unity and it says Unity is already at the newest version, so that may not be my problem afterall.23:34
freshinstallBring on the "how to downgrade to gnome2 in ubuntu 11.10" blog post23:34
murpleurlin2u: I would just like to "get into Ubuntu" somehow......23:34
sebsebseb!gnome2 | freshinstall23:34
ubottufreshinstall: The GNOME Foundation has ceased support for GNOME 2, and as such it is not in Ubuntu 11.10 (Oneiric Ocelot). See !notunity for an alternative desktop experience.23:34
Tomfoolery123Raelith, I know how to change the theme to one already in the themey bit, i'm just trying to get the one I downloaded into the themy box23:34
murpleurlin2u: Isn't there a way to "reset the desktop" somehow.23:34
urlin2umurple, I assume the apt-get unity is correct23:34
GridCubeFudge, i know thats why i asked where on the apt-get install line it goes23:34
Tomfoolery123God I sound like a moron...23:34
murpleurlin2u: what do you mean?23:34
FudgeGridCube  does it matter?23:34
urlin2umurple, when you have unity installed it s unity --reset23:34
themillSoobNauce: if that solves it, you should be somewhat worried about your hard drive.23:34
bazhang!notunity | freshinstall23:35
Tomfoolery123I just wanted a pink them :(23:35
ubottufreshinstall: Ubuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions drowpdown. Using Natty? See !classic23:35
fhtagnhow was I supposed to guess that to edit the top and bottom bars in gnome3 fallback I have to press Alt before right click? =(23:35
GridCubeFudge, i guess because its now working23:35
bazhangTomfoolery123, still waiting for the link to resolve23:35
Fudgebefore the package name i guess23:35
Tomfoolery123bazhang, http://linux.softpedia.com/get/Desktop-Environment/Themes/MurrinaMissy-41306.shtml I just sent it you didn't i?23:35
murpleurlin2u: Wouldn't it be great if that solved all my troubles....23:35
murpleurlin2u: rebooting...23:35
Tomfoolery123bazhang, there it is anyhows23:35
urlin2ubazhang, I believe they removed unity and installed gnome shell.23:35
bazhangTomfoolery123, yes, waiting for it to resolve23:35
Tomfoolery123what do you mean resolve?23:36
sgs2_usranyone here has luck getting Camfrog working on Ubuntu 11.10?23:36
mdlueckAnyone ever heard of Ubuntu 10.04.3 both x86 and x64 able to do "something" to the drive during installation which prevents the system POST at reboot?23:36
Tomfoolery123Man anytime I step into a linux forum I feel like an idiot... Blah23:36
murpleurlin2u: Same..... hangs after "Starting MySQL Server"23:36
Tomfoolery123bazhang, what do you mean resolve?23:36
Zanzacarmkultra: Sorry to bother you again, I did what you recommended and it appears to have worked but how do I know if it is working?\23:36
mdlueckOnly wiping the front of the drive using another system restores ability for said system to POST23:37
bazhangTomfoolery123, the link is not returning anything yet. please be patient23:37
frofireanyone know if it's possible to customize a livecd and have it have java and some other stuff pre-installed?23:37
Zanzacarmkultra: I have top up and running trying to see if there is anything that might hint me to it running like higher load etc but no dice really23:37
freshinstallsebsebseb, yeah I know, it's stupid imho, gnome2 could be used for at least another year23:37
bazhang!remaster | frofire23:37
ubottufrofire: Interested in remastering the Ubuntu !LiveCD or !Alternate installer? See: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallCDCustomization - Or use tools such as http://uck.sourceforge.net/ or http://linux.dell.com/wiki/index.php/DRU_Disc_Remastering_Utility23:37
emorrismurple, did you manage to get it booting?23:37
Zanzacarfrofire: I believ eyou need to create your own.23:37
urlin2umurple, can you get to the root net cli or desktop from recovery to reinstall unty?23:37
Tomfoolery123bazhang, oh, ok. Sorry.23:37
murpleurlin2u: On every reboot it reads "pache2: Could not reliably determine the server's fully qualified domain name, using ::1 for ServerName".Could that in any way be related to my boot-problems.23:37
Raelithfrofire: i usually use fedora so i can ay yes. with regards to ubuntu im sure there is a way with their custom building kit23:38
murpleemorris: No, unfortunately not. I thought unity --reset would do the tric, but didn't help.23:38
sebsebsebfreshinstall: well some distributiosn are actsaully going to hold on to Gnome 2 as long as they can23:38
freshinstallbazhang, thanks for that, just looked at gnome-tweak-tool, it's got none of the features I liked in gnome - system monitor23:38
sebsebsebfreshinstall: two come to mind, altough one of them hasn't sorted that out yet23:38
urlin2umurple, not sure when it comes to boot problems I have specifuc skilss not associated with removing a desktop your not supposed to.23:38
sebsebsebfreshinstall: however I agree, they could have supported Gnome 2 in 11.10 as well realy23:38
murpleurlin2u: not sure what you mean. I hit ctrl+alt+ f3 or f6 and get access to the console23:38
rachosebsebseb, i think that's mint only23:38
mkultraZanzacar, its a zombie process doing nothing23:38
urlin2umurple, at te console have u=you tried the unity reinstall?23:39
vyshayscreenshot of me wasting my whole day on new ubuntu: http://i.imgur.com/24Av1.jpg23:39
c_smithkcj, any luck?23:39
murpleurlin2u: I believe so. It said I had the newest version.23:39
freshinstallsebsebseb, it's annoying how ubuntu keep pitching to the n00b crowd, I've been using gnome for 10+ years, and am VERY used to it, it's a real pain for me to change now, having used it the same way for so long (all day every day)23:39
emorrismurple, I read a bug where the shift key wasn't bringing up the grub menu on some machines; one suggestion was repeatedly pressing shift instead of holding it. Don't know if you wanted to try that?23:39
kcjc_smith, Not really.23:39
murpleurlin2u: I did sudo apt-get install Unity23:39
EearslyaEvery time I try to install any OS, including Ubuntu 10.04, I always get an I/O error on my hard drive. Is it just shot and I need a new one?23:39
murpleemorris: Sure thing. Thanks.23:39
bazhangsebsebseb, freshinstall chit chat in #ubuntu-offtopic please23:39
freshinstallsebsebseb, I'll adapt, but it's a waste of time23:39
sebsebsebbazhang: yeah was about to say23:39
Zanzacarmkultra: if its a zombie process doing nothing then... will it update? haha23:39
psychogeniushello i have problem i will modify dump file with sed command i will find string and than replace characters after this string and do this in hex. i try: sed ' s/\x35\xF4................./\x25\x25\x25\x25\x25\x25\x25\x25\x25\x25\x25/g' file > file.new23:40
psychogenius but it dont work23:40
Raelithmurple: what graphics card do you use btw?23:40
mdlueckEearslya: Ask SpinRite for a second opinion23:40
sebsebsebfreshinstall: racho  Come to #ubuntu-offtopic I want to continue this chat there23:40
mkultrait will keep memory tied up, but not chew on processor23:40
MeQuerSatEearslya, do you have the money for a SSD?23:40
Eearslyamdlueck: SpinRite?23:40
freshinstallbazhang, not chit chat, just replying to replies :-)23:40
EearslyaMeQuerSat: Nope.23:40
MeQuerSatEearslya, aw, too bad23:40
bazhangfreshinstall, please take it to the chat channel, thanks23:40
murpleRaelith: I'm not sure as it's an iMac, I believe perhaps it's something "Radeon"...23:41
mdlueckEearslya: http://www.grc.com/23:41
freshinstallMHz, yep23:41
puddleshello! would anyone be able to help me with an annoying problem?23:41
murpleemorris: I tried repeatedly hitting both shift keys during the entire boot cycle, but no Grub menu showed up.23:41
urlin2umurple, what did you have working you tried to i8nstall gnome 3 the problem here is you have done things which are not advised and are not realy sure of what you have done all together, look at it  our point of view.23:41
bazhangpuddles, first ask the channel23:41
MHzmay I add  ... I HATE NVIDIA with ubuntu23:41
Raelithok, im just asking because i couldnt boot into my fresh install due to an issue with my nvidia drivers so i had to uninstall them23:41
bazhangMHz, not the place for it.23:41
MeQuerSatmurple, thats because you should hit Escape23:42
murpleMeQuerSat: I'll try that then.23:42
pirlohi, does anyone know how to install Oracle Express 11g Release 2 on Ubuntu 64-bit ?23:42
puddleswhat do you mean ask the channel?23:42
Eearslyamdlueck: So I'd have to buy it?23:42
MHzbazhang, that has been said ...23:42
bazhangpuddles, ask your support question here please23:42
MHzGuys I need a real help getting my display setup with ubuntu 11.10 with nVidia 550GTX23:42
famgoduhmm, i sorta screwed my unity / compiz interface while I was playing around with the compiz settings manager thingy.....is there a way I can reinstall unity/compiz to the defaults?23:42
mdlueckEearslya: Yes it is paid software. Best software I know of to check our HDD's..23:42
Eearslyamdlueck: Well, I should mention I really can't buy anything.23:43
murpleurlin2u: I'm something of a linux noob so for me solving this problem is extremely difficult, I'm only looking for some help from people who are more knowledgeable than myself. I can't ask for anything more....23:43
mdlueckEearslya: Then I suppose you are not getting another drive either, if that is the case... (shrug)23:43
EearslyaI've tried Windows XP and 7, and Ubuntu 10.04. All of them fail in the middle of file copying.23:43
MHzmkultra, you sound helpful to me :) can u point me to some direction to get the nShita setup with ubuntu 11.10 :))23:44
bazhangmurple, you installed gnome3 on 11.04 from the PPA?23:44
EearslyaExcept Ubuntu 10.04 failed during formatting, actually.23:44
mdlueckEearslya: Quite possible I guess23:44
urlin2umurple, no problem, but what is important is not oecking at stuff, and remembering exactly what you have done, this is relevant no matter what the OS is.23:44
RaelithMHz whats the problem?23:44
Mary123_what is the difference between installing Xubuntu and installing XFCE ?????23:45
murplebazhang: I'm not quite sure about that.23:45
EearslyaSo I guess I have to get a USB drive to install the OS onto.23:45
MHzRaelith, the resolutions are not properly recognized. I have LCD 23inch with nVidia n550GTX and the screen works properly in the 800x600 mode o_O23:45
bluezguyI'm having trouble getting my new bluetooth keyboard with touchpad to install on ubuntu 11.1023:46
urlin2umurple, so try to gather what you have done and prganize it rather then posting I get this what do I do know so it is more cohesive I guess my message is. Not everyone of us can decipher every error without some back info.23:46
bluezguywhat's a good tool to set it up? I've downloaded blueman23:46
MeQuerSatMHz: you have the latest Ubuntu?23:46
MHzRaelith, otherwise on higher resol. i need to go deep left to say go to the chat I con on the top, deep down to type on xChat23:47
MeQuerSatif so, open Search and type "Displays"23:47
murpleMeQuerSat: By the way, repeatedly hitting the Esc key during reboot didn't bring up a Grub menu either.23:47
MHzMeQuerSat, I have it yeah and the drivers from the driver update app23:47
mkultramhz alt + f2 /usr/bin/python /usr/bin/jockey-gtk23:47
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MoLE_murple, try holding down the left shift key after rebooting, that should bring up the grub2 menu23:47
kcjc_smith, I can't figure it out.23:47
MeQuerSatMHz, there is only 800x600 in the list of resolutions?23:47
murpleurlin2u: Hmm. Not sure quite how to put this. I simply following a guide online on how to get rid of Unity (which I didn't like) and install Gnome 3 (Which I hoped I would like). After that I'm incapable of booting into Ubuntu.23:48
c_smithkcj, does it compile for you?23:48
MHzmkultra, what do I need with that if I may ask?23:48
mkultramight have to run that as alt + f2 gksu /usr/bin/jockey-gtk23:48
MeQuerSatI actually like unity23:48
Fudgewhat kernel is lucid on at the moment, 10.04.323:48
murpleMoLE_: I tried holding both the left and right at the same time, will now reboot and only hold left shift.23:48
mkultrait changes your nvidia driver mhz23:48
kcjc_smith, Nope, same issue your having.23:48
MHzMeQuerSat, i have other resol.s however the display does not fit with it23:48
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robin0800murple, have found on some systems only the right shift works23:48
c_smithmight be something with the ubuntu gtk3, then23:49
MeQuerSatCan you explain?23:49
MeQuerSat"does not fit"23:49
urlin2umurple, if you had a link to that it would help, without it it is irrelevant to be honest as, it sounds like info on doing this on another release before even Natty or Oneiric.23:49
murplerobin0800: will try all combinations of shift23:49
c_smithcould this be counted as a bug?23:49
mkultralucid is 2.6 branch, 11 is 3 i thinks23:50
c_smiththe reason I ask is that it apparently compiled on build servers, because the package is in the repos at the same version.23:50
murpleurlin2u: lsb_release -a says I have Ubuntu 11.04 natty23:50
kcjc_smith, Maybe.23:50
Polahmkultra: Kernel? Only 11.10 is 3.0, 11.04 is 2.6 or 2.823:50
Wamphyrihas anyone successfully installed ubuntu with usb3 enabled?23:50
Mary123_hello there!!  what is the difference between installing Xubuntu and installing XFCE ?23:50
urlin2umurple, I think bazhang had a good quesition on the ppa for gnome 3 you probably did that if you used a pre oneiric guide mistakenly.23:51
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richickleevening - has anyone succesfully got a Radeon 6850 to work in 11.10?23:51
richicklewith the fglrx drivers, not default (mesa?)23:51
PolahMary123_: Xubuntu has XFCE as the default environment, installing XFCE after installing with another default environment or none at all is no different.23:51
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urlin2umurple, you don't install gnome 3 in natty as well it will break it.23:51
murpleurlin2u: That I added a custom (faulty) repository to install gnome 3 from?23:51
murpleurlin2u: How so?23:51
MHzmkultra, I assume u wanted me to run that in console. So, I did Alt + F2 and typed that and it did saygtk could not be intialized23:52
mdlueckWhat is the correct "base" project to log something specific to Lucid / 10.04 against? I always loose track of how to log against the base OS.23:52
MHz*gtk could not be intialized23:52
Mary123_Polah: I had ubuntu and I installed XFCE. NOw on log on there are TWO more options.. XFCE session and Xubuntu.. what is the differemce now?23:52
urlin2umurple, only you would know, what is on this install anywaty?23:52
murpleurlin2u: http://blog.sudobits.com/2011/04/26/how-to-install-gnome-3-on-ubuntu-11-04/23:52
mkultrayes console / terminal23:52
MrBosssomeone use a draftsight in 11.10 ?23:52
mkultraalt + f2 runs commands, no debug display23:53
PolahMary123_: Strange, I imagine they're the same though.23:53
jtomasrlhow do i change my theme config on ubuntu 11.10 with unity?23:53
murpleurlin2u: I spent a long time configuring apache and some web server scripts.23:53
Mary123_Polah: well.. they're kinda the same.. different bars, colours and desktop background23:53
MrBosslibxcb-render-util0 - i can't install with apt-get23:53
kcjc_smith, Still there?23:53
bazhangmurple, no way forward with that.23:53
urlin2umurple, I would try the ppa purge on that page, this channel always advised against gnome 3 in natty no matter what what a web page says.23:54
c_smithkcj, Si23:54
PolahMary123_: They should both be using Xfce so they should be fairly identical, just different default settings most likely.23:54
murplebazhang: What do you mean?23:54
boldfilterNot a fan of 11.10 how do I revert back to 11.0423:54
angela-hello in ubuntu-nl is averyone add sleap is the mittle of tjh night in the netherlands23:54
Stanley00jtomasrl: Try Appearance23:54
urlin2uboldfilter, reinstall23:54
kcjc_smith, Did you get my pm?23:54
bazhangmurple, completely unsupported and breaks things.  backup and reinstall23:54
Mary123_Polah: I see... but why two option on log instead of one ?23:54
MHzmkultra, those are the proprietary drivers, I have them installed already, Even the one it should be for 3D support23:54
boldfilterman, that sucks23:54
jtomasrlStanley00: not there23:54
boldfilterwhy does unity suck so much23:55
c_smithwait there it is23:55
robin0800jtomasrl, use gnome-tweak-tool23:55
bazhangboldfilter, thats not a support question23:55
kcjboldfilter, Because.23:55
boldfilteroops, sry23:55
urlin2uboldfilter, unity is in 11.04 as well right, and the classic desktop23:55
victor__does anyone know why compiz refuses to let me set certain options?:23:55
PolahMary123_: No idea. Fairies maybe.23:55
Mary123_Polah: hahahahaha   Aye23:55
urlin2uvictor__, certain options details man.23:55
Stanley00jtomasrl: It's there, at the bottom-right, as in my case23:55
murplebazhang: oh.... so there's no point in bothering you fine folks any longer you mean? I should just roll over and play dead.... he..23:55
boldfilterI cant seem to get gnome like it was in 11.0423:56
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mkultraMHz, pm23:56
boldfilterIs it because its Gnome 3 now?23:56
Polahboldfilter: GNOME in 11.04 was gnome2, are you on 11.10 now?23:56
murpleurlin2u: it says ppa-purge is an unnown command23:56
boldfilterYes Sir23:56
jtomasrlStanley00: I can change the theme, but not the theme options23:56
nsahooIn 11.10 I can't reduce the unity launcher icon size using ccsm, the change does not take effect23:56
boldfilterCan I install Gnome 2 in 11.1023:56
Polahboldfilter: With GNOME3 on 11.10, on the log on screen click the cog next to your username and select "GNOME Classic", you'll get an interface slightly closer to the GNOME2 panels sysem23:56
bazhangmurple, even that 3rd party blog post says very clearly it is unadvisable and unsupported. same goes here. so yes, a reinstall.23:56
urlin2umurple, I think bazhang advice was best, that s what I would do.23:56
c_smithkcj, are you getting my replies to your PM?23:56
murpleurlin2u bazhang I do feel like I have found out exactly what the problem is at least.23:56
haddock_did anyone get postler to run under the new Ubuntu ? still nessesaty to compile Webkit ?23:56
Polahboldfilter: Yes, probably, but GNOME2 is no longer officially supported by the GNOME team23:57
Stanley00jtomasrl: ah, I see, maybe gnome-tweak-tool will23:57
urlin2umurple, probably.23:57
richickleevening - has anyone succesfully got a Radeon 6850 to work in 11.10 with the fglrx drivers?23:57
murplebazhang: I'm not sure that's the blog I followed, but it seems that warning was later added ....23:57
haddock_weird thing is that Postler is in the sofware center, but obviously It wont work23:57
boldfilterThanks Polah23:57
murpleokay okay okay....23:57
murpleI'm screwed.23:57
puddlesok, my problem is that ubuntu isn't detecting my graphics and doesn't allow me to output to an external monitor (im on a laptop). However it detected I had NVIDIA graphics and i was able to install the 3rd party drivers. System info still says graphics: unknown    ?23:57
murpleWell, thanks for the assitance urlin2u bazhang emorris usr13 ......23:57
bazhang!notunity | boldfilter23:57
ubottuboldfilter: Ubuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions drowpdown. Using Natty? See !classic23:57
Polahboldfilter: It's not exactly the same as the GNOME2 panels, but it's close. IF you do want panels like that then you'll probably want to consider switching to KDE or LXDE or something23:57
DrecondiusAnybody sucessfully connect wirelessly in ubuntu 11.10? I can connect with kubuntu but the actual os is too buggy on my machine due to kde.23:57
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murpleI hope I didn't ruin everyone's day.... .. : )23:58
JaredMWI just upgraded to Ubuntu 11.10 and when I did so, the taskbar and topbar both disappeared.23:58
sebsebsebJaredMW: yep23:58
Polahmurple: DId you try ppa-purge?23:58
urlin2umurple, nah it is all good. :D23:58
sebsebseb!gnome2 | JaredMW23:58
ubottuJaredMW: The GNOME Foundation has ceased support for GNOME 2, and as such it is not in Ubuntu 11.10 (Oneiric Ocelot). See !notunity for an alternative desktop experience.23:58
Polahmurple: And install it first?23:58
murplePolah: Yes, it said unknown command.23:58
JaredMWubottu: I understand that Gnome disappeared, but NOTHING is here. I can't access anything.23:58
ubottuJaredMW: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)23:58
Polahmurple: You need to install it with apt, then run it.23:58
JaredMWThe only thing I can get to is the file directory. From there I was able to open some applications by opening an associated file. But it's not just that the interface has changed. I literally can't find any way to access a menu or program tree.23:59
murplePolah: oh I didn't think abou tthat..... that sounds like a plan then. install ppa-purge, then run ppa-purge....23:59
DrecondiusAnybody connect wirelessly in Ubuntu 11.10, I can connect in Kubuntu but not Ubuntu and I need help.23:59

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