bazhang | troll detected | 00:39 |
bazhang | is Polah offering suspect advice? | 00:39 |
bazhang | apt-get install gnome? | 00:40 |
pangolin | I would like to know who changed the topic in #ubuntu to Come in and swear all you like. We haven't heard enough how much Unity sucks. | 00:40 |
Flannel | pangolin: I believe that would be Canonical. | 00:44 |
ubottu | In ubottu, Logan_ said: !no, 11.10 is <alias> oneiric | 01:22 |
ubottu | In ubottu, Logan_ said: !oneiric =~ s/Download/| Download/ | 01:24 |
Myrtti | anyone awake? | 03:23 |
pangolin | yes | 03:23 |
Myrtti | nvz rings a huge bell. huge. | 03:23 |
Logan_ | IdleOne: See above. :P | 03:32 |
* Logan_ grumbles about rww not being here to answer his factoid requests. | 03:32 | |
pangolin | !11.10 | 03:33 |
ubottu | Ubuntu 11.10 (Oneiric Ocelot) is the current release of Ubuntu Download - Release Info: | 03:33 |
pangolin | !oneiric | 03:33 |
pangolin | ubottu: oneiric is <alias> 11.10 | 03:33 |
ubottu | But oneiric already means something else! | 03:33 |
pangolin | !unforget oneiric | 03:33 |
ubottu | Factoid oneiric wasn't deleted yet, pangolin | 03:33 |
pangolin | !oneiric | 03:33 |
ubottu | Ubuntu 11.10 (Oneiric Ocelot) is the current release of Ubuntu Download - Release Info: | 03:33 |
Myrtti | magic | 03:34 |
pangolin | !oneiric =~ s/Download/| Download/ | 03:34 |
ubottu | I'll remember that pangolin | 03:34 |
pangolin | !oneiric | 03:34 |
ubottu | Ubuntu 11.10 (Oneiric Ocelot) is the current release of Ubuntu | Download - Release Info: | 03:34 |
bazhang | sebsebseb is claiming that evolution is removed in oneiric | 04:37 |
pangolin | it was switched out for thunderbird | 04:37 |
pangolin | but still in the repos | 04:38 |
bazhang | but will not be removed if one already has it | 04:38 |
pangolin | shouldn't | 04:38 |
pangolin | a clean install will give you thunderbird | 04:39 |
bazhang | he's just saying random stuff without checking | 04:39 |
pangolin | an upgrade keeps what you have and funny enough upgrades it. | 04:39 |
bazhang | sacre bleu! | 04:39 |
pangolin | he reads all the blags and stuff, he knows! | 04:40 |
ikonia | Companion: can we help you ? | 08:18 |
Companion | naw just passing by :) | 08:18 |
ikonia | ok, please check the topic | 08:18 |
Companion | is it ok to idle here? :) | 08:18 |
ikonia | no | 08:19 |
Companion | ah alright | 08:19 |
* Companion hugs ikonia and leaves the channel | 08:19 | |
bazhang | whoops sorry | 13:18 |
oCean | nice teamwork! | 13:18 |
oCean | :) | 13:18 |
jussi | !puregnome | 16:34 |
ubottu | If you want to remove all !Kubuntu packages or !Xubuntu packages and have a default !Ubuntu system, follow the instructions here: | 16:34 |
jussi | is that still actually relevant now? | 16:34 |
jussi | ie, are the instructions still the same for unity etc | 16:34 |
knome | hmm. | 16:35 |
knome | !purexfce | 16:35 |
ubottu | If you want to remove all !KDE and !Gnome packages and have a default !Xubuntu system follow the instructions here « » | 16:35 |
pangolin | jussi: yes and no | 16:35 |
knome | "Note, this applies only to Ubuntu 11.10 (Oneiric)." | 16:35 |
Myrtti | interesting | 16:37 |
knome | if you ask me, ubuntu should incorporate something like this in the default installation. | 16:37 |
PerfM | Do I have to wait 3 months to be unbanned from ubuntu-offtopic too? | 17:57 |
PerfM | Cause that's pretty lame | 17:57 |
bazhang | "love shyness"? | 20:12 |
BarkingFish | Hi guys. Do you know if ubottu has any information about running your own mirror please? | 21:28 |
bazhang | !mirror | 21:28 |
ubottu | Ubuntu installation CDs can be downloaded from - Mirrors can be found at - PLEASE use the !torrents to download !Oneiric, and help keeping the servers' load low! | 21:28 |
BarkingFish | I tried that one first, bazhang | 21:29 |
oCean | and? | 21:29 |
BarkingFish | Just had a guy in #kubuntu asking about running his own mirror from free webhosting, I wanted something to point him at, like guidelines on setting up a mirror. | 21:29 |
BarkingFish | the !mirror command isn't really what I needed | 21:30 |
oCean | !newmirror | 21:31 |
ubottu | Interested in setting up a new mirror? See for more info. | 21:31 |
BarkingFish | perfect, thank you oCean :) | 21:31 |
oCean | welcome, don't forget to thank ubottu! | 21:32 |
BarkingFish | i would but it normally just tells me it's not intelligent... I'm in two minds about that :) | 21:32 |
oCean | !botsnack | 21:33 |
ubottu | Yum! Err, I mean, APT! | 21:33 |
BarkingFish | ah. | 21:33 |
oCean | :) | 21:33 |
BarkingFish | thank you ubottu :) | 21:33 |
BarkingFish | it normally mentions it's not intelligent... | 21:33 |
BarkingFish | never mind, I gave the guy what he needed, so cheers! | 21:34 |
=== ldunn_ is now known as ldunn | ||
bazhang | * [phiscibe] (~quassel@ uhuh repeatedly advertising his blog | 23:18 |
bazhang | gentoo64's advice for problems with Ubuntu: "use another distro" | 23:22 |
Flannel | bazhang: Have you talked to him about it? | 23:43 |
Flannel | mm, yes, yes you have. | 23:44 |
bazhang | Flannel, which one? there are currently about half a dozen people to chat with atm | 23:45 |
bazhang | <Phail_Quail> I voice my grievances in #Ubuntu-offtopic and I'm told that "I phail", and I am asked why this was sent there | 23:51 |
bazhang | I'm staying out of this. he's been asked half a dozen times to stop it. | 23:51 |
Flannel | I've already removed him from #ubuntu. | 23:51 |
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