[01:44] kids asleep, finally - now back [09:21] Morning [09:27] Morning. [09:37] 0/ [09:39] Whats up? [09:39] Going to the store? [09:40] shortly [09:40] then to PACS [09:41] ooh pacs [09:43] today jedijf is going to do his best to break Teddy's old laptop :P [09:44] which shouldn't be to hard for him :-D [09:45] Maybe I should come see if someone can make my touchscreen work :/ [09:46] that someone would be jedijf [09:46] he could just make it worse [09:46] he is known for that [09:46] but he does manager to fix things every once on a while [09:49] heh :p [09:50] with him you always take your chances ;-) [09:56] he's not as bad as it sounds [09:57] a lot of it is a running joke [09:57] but as he will tell you himself, he learns by breaking things [09:57] time to go shopping [10:00] have fun. [10:26] JonathanD: i have a few of my own to try [10:27] touchscreens? [10:27] JonathanD: i did google some interesting stuff specifically for yours [10:27] I wasn't finding much of use on google yesterday. [10:27] jedijf: of course, I left it at work, too. so I probably can't do anything til monday. [10:27] does it work with pen [10:27] unless I go get it. [10:27] jedijf: nope [10:29] if i have a chance i find that link and you can try on monday, have to prepare for pacs, finish reapproval app [10:29] too much to do [10:30] kk [10:30] take care :) [10:30] its reported to work automagically with 9.04 [10:30] it did work with 9.04 [10:30] iirc [10:31] works presently with the windows dev thing, too. [10:31] quite the early conversations this morning [10:31] So I know it's functional. [10:32] hi InHisName1 [10:32] This is when the REAL work gets done. [10:32] Hi, I got my HP touchPad a couple of weeks earlier than they promised. [10:33] sweet. [10:33] I have no wireless so it is not activated yet. [10:33] oh you were mentioning that [10:33] Hope I can do that at Giant at PACS today. [10:33] InHisName1: go to pacs! [10:33] yes [10:33] tehre [10:33] problem solved [10:34] And if you can't get it to work bring it to me and I'll activate it and give it back to you next year. [10:34] maybe. Cept for using it at home, remember no wireless yet. [10:34] Does it function without wifi? [10:34] 'next year' ? [10:34] [10:34] as in, I'll use it for a year, then give tit to you. [10:34] the apps should function once activated. [10:34] *it [10:35] as long as they don't need internet to function. [10:35] makes sense. [10:35] tit ? [10:35] *it [10:37] I've been browsing for wireless routers and found a pretty decent one that has refurb pricing on eBay that's MUCH better than best new prices. [10:37] Wait? [10:38] all you need is a router? [10:38] No - need wireless access point. [10:38] want a few cat5 1gig sockets. [10:39] someones awake bbl8tr [10:42] wow, whomever, just went back to bed. No whooping noises or anything. I have a bit more time. [11:55] goede morgen [15:30] Greetings All! [15:30] hello musetux [15:31] jedijf: Nat Mechs was a cool joint. It was nice to meet you. and thanks for all the info! [15:32] /249 [15:33] yeah, they did a nice job handling the crowd, and it wasn't too loud to carry a conversation [15:48] musetux: it awesome to have you! [17:49] jedijf: btw http://princessleia.com/journal/?p=5157 [23:48] pleia2: i saw earlier ty