Svpernova09 | If anyone is in the West TN area, feel free to drop by Midsouth Makers tomorrow noon to 1, we'll be playing with the new release 11.10 | 00:15 |
Svpernova09 | the address is 2203 Freemont Rd. Memphis, TN 38114 | 00:15 |
Svpernova09 | Nothing too formal. I'll have copies on hand if you want to upgrade / install. | 00:15 |
wrst | cool Svpernova09 | 00:28 |
wrst | Unit193: that's neat stuff | 00:29 |
Unit193 | Back to normal :) | 00:31 |
wrst | cli for you Unit193 :) | 00:34 |
Unit193 | I get more colors in irssi :P | 00:36 |
wrst | ha ha | 00:37 |
vychune | johnhaitas: o/ | 02:34 |
johnhaitas | hey man | 02:34 |
vychune | had a situation, otherwise i would have answered back on FB | 02:34 |
vychune | my capatcha for freenode was barium salt :/ | 02:35 |
vychune | the formula not the words:C7H7O2N4 | 02:35 |
johnhaitas | no worries | 02:38 |
johnhaitas | i have no idea what that means | 02:38 |
johnhaitas | barium salt captcha | 02:38 |
vychune | ok lol | 02:41 |
wrst | vychune: you need a real irc client ;) | 02:42 |
vychune | i have one | 02:42 |
vychune | im not at home | 02:43 |
wrst | but the webchat does work pretty well, i just close the winder all the time :) | 02:43 |
vychune | lol | 02:43 |
Unit193 | xchat @ ;) | 02:43 |
binarymutant | salt as in hash? | 02:43 |
chris4585 | hey everyone | 02:44 |
binarymutant | hey chris4585 | 02:44 |
wrst | hey chris4585 | 02:44 |
chris4585 | how is everyone | 02:45 |
chris4585 | ? | 02:45 |
vychune | sup chris4585 | 02:45 |
vychune | im stressed | 02:45 |
binarymutant | Sanctuary is on so great :D | 02:45 |
chris4585 | need to beat the crap out of some watermelons? | 02:45 |
vychune | ? | 02:45 |
chris4585 | binarymutant, the song? | 02:45 |
Unit193 | binarymutant: +1 | 02:45 |
Unit193 | binarymutant: I'll get it later :D | 02:45 |
binarymutant | chris4585: the show | 02:45 |
chris4585 | oh nvm I was thinking of something else, never heard of that show | 02:46 |
vychune | chris4585: syfy | 02:46 |
binarymutant | ^^ | 02:46 |
chris4585 | ah | 02:46 |
Unit193 | Amanda Tapping | 02:46 |
binarymutant | ^^ | 02:46 |
chris4585 | woops | 02:47 |
chris4585 | lol I accidentally suspended | 02:47 |
chris4585 | I think I'm still connected | 02:47 |
binarymutant | oo and Walking Dead on sunday makes this whole weekend great :D :D :D | 02:47 |
binarymutant | chris4585: you are still connected | 02:48 |
chris4585 | lol | 02:48 |
chris4585 | meant to go into system settings.. | 02:48 |
vychune | lol | 02:48 |
chris4585 | so I really didn't realize until after 11.10 came out that it was released... | 02:49 |
chris4585 | it somehow feels really early this year | 02:50 |
wrst | chris4585: i thought it was a little earlier in october than usual | 02:50 |
vychune | chris4585: ikr | 02:50 |
chris4585 | yeah, I don't expect it until the end of the month | 02:50 |
binarymutant | it's not out yet I don't think | 02:50 |
chris4585 | but I mean I'm on it... updated to it but didn't realize lol | 02:50 |
binarymutant | not until 11.10 ? | 02:50 |
binarymutant | or is it read Euro-like? | 02:51 |
chris4585 | year.month | 02:51 |
binarymutant | ah I thought month day | 02:51 |
binarymutant | :D | 02:51 |
chris4585 | lol | 02:51 |
chris4585 | I think I'll do a fresh install out of pure boredom | 02:52 |
binarymutant | it's decent on my hardware | 02:52 |
chris4585 | I can't wait for my heatsink to come in the mail.. but somehow I don't think that will fix my issue | 02:52 |
wrst | chris4585: its unity, but it doesn't suck | 02:53 |
chris4585 | wrst, unity needs one thing to not be broke, a menu, and I will be happy | 02:53 |
Unit193 | Lubuntu worked for me, so did Xubuntu ;) | 02:54 |
wrst | chris4585: its ok but no gnome shell yet | 02:54 |
vychune | going home bbl | 02:55 |
chris4585 | agreed, | 02:55 |
wrst | chris4585: i'm playing with kde at the moment | 02:57 |
Unit193 | Debian | 02:57 |
Unit193 | ? | 02:57 |
johnhaitas | so is anyone here going to be able to attend the ubuntu 11.10 release party here in nashville? | 02:57 |
binarymutant | :( not me | 02:58 |
Unit193 | Nope | 03:01 |
johnhaitas | :/ | 03:15 |
binarymutant | wompwomp | 03:16 |
binarymutant | party online? | 03:16 |
Unit193 | #ubuntu-release-party is closed (And full of trolls) | 03:16 |
vychune | back | 03:33 |
binarymutant | wb | 03:33 |
vychune | my lag is high as heck | 03:35 |
vychune | average_guy: whats good dude? | 03:35 |
average_guy | hola | 03:36 |
average_guy | How r yu tonight vychune? | 03:37 |
vychune | stressed | 03:37 |
vychune | but ok | 03:37 |
average_guy | rut row | 03:37 |
vychune | just left a terrible living situation that just got much worse | 03:37 |
vychune | LOL | 03:37 |
average_guy | ew, been there | 03:38 |
average_guy | r you ok? I mean, you DO have a place? | 03:38 |
average_guy | It's getting close to the wrong time of year to be homeless | 03:39 |
vychune | oh not me | 03:42 |
vychune | a friend of mine | 03:43 |
vychune | but your right | 03:43 |
average_guy | well, thats good | 03:43 |
average_guy | for you anyway | 03:43 |
vychune | yeah | 03:44 |
vychune | My buddy though, is close to the edge | 03:45 |
vychune | in more ways than one | 03:45 |
vychune | night guys | 04:07 |
chris4585 | woot I got my heatsink off after using a hair dryer, it wasn't so bad, but it was almost like a magical moment when it did come off | 04:34 |
binarymutant | :D | 04:42 |
binarymutant | wait wait - huh? | 04:42 |
binarymutant | you used heat to get a heatsink off? Doesn't that seem... wrong? | 04:43 |
chris4585 | lol binarymutant | 04:45 |
chris4585 | no, the number one suggestions from forums is heat it up so the paste becomes more liquid | 04:45 |
chris4585 | which seems to work | 04:45 |
chris4585 | although the heatsink was pretty hot lol | 04:45 |
binarymutant | that's funny | 04:45 |
chris4585 | it is a bit ironic | 04:46 |
binarymutant | ya | 04:46 |
binarymutant | but it works :D | 04:46 |
chris4585 | the other suggestion is to put it in a freezer for a bit so the paste becomes brittle | 04:46 |
chris4585 | I didn't like that idea | 04:46 |
binarymutant | just pulling it off didn't work? | 04:46 |
chris4585 | nope, it was almost fused together, it was that bad | 04:47 |
binarymutant | daang | 04:47 |
* chris4585 waits patiently for UPS to arrive | 04:47 | |
chris4585 | lol if you leave the ubuntu installer hanging it reads "ready when you are..." | 05:57 |
Unit193 | Yep | 05:57 |
=== johnhaitas changed the topic of #ubuntu-us-tn to: Welcome to the Ubuntu Tennessee Team IRC Channel | Ubuntu 11.10 Release Party in Nashville Fri, Oct 28 @ 6:30PM CDT - see for more info | Next Meeting: Nov. 3 @ 7:30PM CDT/8:30 PM EDT | Please add agenda items to the LoCo Directory Meeting Page located here: | ||
johnhaitas | shortened those urls | 16:48 |
cosmicpizza | hi there | 16:49 |
binarymutant | daang this channel is quiet on the weekends. Ya'll must have lives :P | 20:08 |
Unit193 | Nope, I was here all night just about | 20:08 |
binarymutant | :D | 20:09 |
Unit193 | 'til about 10am | 20:09 |
binarymutant | jeeze, you just woke up then :P | 20:09 |
Unit193 | Sat, 15 Oct 2011 16:10:58 -0400 | 20:10 |
Unit193 | Nope, done quite a few things already | 20:11 |
binarymutant | whoa | 20:11 |
binarymutant | <-- passed out early | 20:11 |
Unit193 | Short nap at best | 20:12 |
Unit193 | Just me and pianobar (And a little gish and whatnot) | 20:12 |
binarymutant | gish? to google! | 20:13 |
binarymutant | game or album? | 20:13 |
Unit193 | 2011-10-06 20:23 < binarymutant> idk what gish is but pastebin it | 20:14 |
Unit193 | Game | 20:14 |
binarymutant | ah | 20:15 |
binarymutant | I do remember that now | 20:15 |
Unit193 | It's just great | 20:15 |
binarymutant | downloading now | 20:16 |
Unit193 | Now I just need to grab me some oneiric sources.list to finish up :D | 20:16 |
johnhaitas | binarymutant: what up | 20:16 |
binarymutant | nothing much :D | 20:17 |
binarymutant | killing time | 20:17 |
* cyberanger hands binarymutant a bigger gun | 20:17 | |
binarymutant | lol | 20:18 |
binarymutant | the images in the gish demo are hilarious | 20:18 |
Unit193 | Crap, you're going to make me start up again >_< | 20:19 |
Unit193 | ;) | 20:19 |
binarymutant | lvl2: now I'm just confused :/ | 20:22 |
Unit193 | Demo? | 20:24 |
Unit193 | Here, let me look | 20:24 |
binarymutant | ya but I got it | 20:24 |
binarymutant | it only took 5 minutes :D | 20:25 |
binarymutant | I died :( | 20:27 |
binarymutant | fun game | 20:27 |
Unit193 | Yep, I have full :D | 20:28 |
binarymutant | daang | 20:30 |
Unit193 | Heavy can keep you safe when you would otherwise die :D | 20:30 |
binarymutant | I have a some issues with paying for software, just can't bring myself to do it. Not even donations | 20:30 |
johnhaitas | binarymutant: have you developed software that other people use? | 20:33 |
Unit193 | Not even this one? (It was part of the HumbleIndiBumdle) | 20:34 |
binarymutant | johnhaitas: Unit193 nope | 20:36 |
johnhaitas | binarymutant: maybe you'd feel different after writing software that other people use? | 20:36 |
binarymutant | probably not | 20:37 |
binarymutant | Instead of wanting people to buy the software, use the software as a promotional tool for employment :D | 20:37 |
binarymutant | but I don't expect feature requests to be written for me | 20:39 |
binarymutant | johnhaitas: how much is an LOC worth? :D | 20:45 |
johnhaitas | LOC? | 20:46 |
binarymutant | line of code | 20:46 |
binarymutant | really? | 20:51 |
* Unit193 pizza | 21:02 | |
binarymutant | mediawiki isn't searching right... :/ | 21:56 |
binarymutant | nvm just needed to rebuildall | 22:08 |
Unit193 | binarymutant: You need to try the "cube" custom level | 23:58 |
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