
=== micahg_ is now known as micahg
dgroosalkisg: time to try what you mentioned yesterday, about using the epoptes directly on a fatclient and not via ltsp-remoteapps?18:43
alkisgHi dgroos, hm....18:44
alkisgNo - we've done some related changes, but we're not finished yet,18:47
dgroosI just finished installing epoptes on the other server as well, and thought that it would be good if the 2 teachers at that school only saw their own clients--that was the purpose of this technique (as well as faster performance)?18:47
alkisgand I'd like to have them finished so that I could do what you want with a couple of lines18:47
alkisg(now it would need e.g. 10 lines in 3 different files)18:47
alkisgNo, that would be "groupping"18:48
alkisgIf you see the screenshot in the site, it's actually a mockup18:48
dgroosThere isn't a big rush from my end so that's fine.18:48
alkisgThe left pane doesn't exist in epoptes 0.2, it'll be there in 0.418:48
alkisgThere, you'll see all the autodetected computers18:48
alkisgThen, you'd right click and create a group called "dgroos_class"18:48
alkisgYou'd drag from the autodetected computers the computers that belong in that class, and that would be saved in your user config file18:49
dgroosI see.18:49
alkisgThe other teacher would do the same, so you'd be seeing only your class18:49
alkisg(no more filtering needed)18:49
alkisgYou'll be able to create as many groups as you want, but "autodetected computers" will always be there18:50
dgroosHow many classrooms are currently using v. .2?18:51
alkisgNo idea, schools here will probably continue with sch-scripts until 12.04 arrives, where sch-scripts there won't have classroom monitoring anymore18:52
alkisgIt'll only be a set of scripts like gnome-controlc-center18:52
alkisgAnd they don't care about i18n, and they've already set up their labs, so until then epoptes will mostly be tested by non-greek users18:53
dgroossch-scripts will contain the lab set-up and server maintenance functions for Greek schools in your program?18:54
dgroosWhen you say 250 schools, is that in your district/region or is it an affiliation of like-minded schools? (could be both of course :))18:55
alkisgThey are schools that decided to adopt "our" solution of sch-scripts/ubuntu/ltsp18:56
alkisgEach school can decide by itself what it wants to use, there's no central policy for enforcing specific installations...18:57
alkisgOnly guidelines are given (that's what the team I'm in does, writes guides etc)18:57
alkisg(less that half of the schools show up on the map, that too is voluntary)18:58
dgroosFocus is on technology--any component team working on related pedagogy?  (and any way to change that map to english labels :))18:58
dgroosNice and nice.18:58
alkisgWe have lots of teams that focus on pedagogy, but the technical + pedagogical teams usually don't mix up :)19:00
* alkisg has been in 3-4 pedagogical teams and 1 technical team so far19:01
alkisgany way to change that map to english labels => no, unfortunately each school just writes its name there, it's not maintained by someone19:03
dgroosRight, I was referring to the Shulman, technology-pedagogy-content knowledge perspective. http://www.tpck.org/19:03
dgroosOK, I guess I just need to learn Greek.  Or brush up on my google-translate skills :)19:04
alkisgHehe in a 350h seminar I'm doing these months they mentioned tpck a couple of weeks ago19:05
alkisgdgroos: you're just supposed to glance at some pins there, not read the map :)19:05
dgroosI know--always diving in :)  Looking for political boundaries on the map and can guess at some names pretty well but...19:09

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