
claydohwee http://kubuntuforums.net/forums/index.php?action=dlattach;topic=3118745.0;attach=8877;image00:02
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IceMatroXare you guys working on a reg fix for the AMD FX-8150?05:00
dtchenIceMatroX: more context, please?05:05
IceMatroXsome dude posted on his blog that the kubuntu guys where working on a reg fix for the new AMD processors05:07
IceMatroXso is this in the works?05:15
MatroXanyone here?05:25
* afiestas was looking at rekonq announcement when he wondered, what QtWebkit version is kubuntu using?08:55
* afiestas got surprised, 2.2 !!08:55
afiestasgreat work !08:55
=== Jonno_ is now known as Jonno
apacheloggerafiestas_: didn't you fix bug 872098 at uds?11:41
ubottuLaunchpad bug 872098 in kde-workspace (Ubuntu) "KDE (Kubuntu) doesn't show shutdown option when launched by lightdm" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/87209811:41
yofelapachelogger: do you know who could look at bug 875660?11:45
ubottuLaunchpad bug 875660 in pulseaudio (Ubuntu) "PA and knotify startup race leads to wrong device selection" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/87566011:45
afiestas_apachelogger: yes, it should be fixed11:46
afiestas_if lightdm didn't broke it11:46
yofelapachelogger: can I go and ping him? And where should the bug on bugs.kde.org go?11:46
apacheloggeryes you can, yes it should11:47
apacheloggerit actually is likely a phonon issue11:47
apacheloggerunless configured otherwise phonon's pulse integration will make the selection11:47
apacheloggerso I'd guess that the pulse kde device module thing is not loaded in time for knotify to start doing things, leading to PA-less knotify which then of course uses alsa based device selection which ends up in a mess11:48
apacheloggerafiestas_: seems robert broke it again then11:49
ulyssesI got a strange open file dialog sometimes: http://people.ubuntu.com/~ulysses/filedialog.png11:51
apacheloggerthat is11:52
apacheloggeras if the fontmatrix was wrong or something11:53
apacheloggerulysses: maybe ask in #kde if they have seen this sort of issue before11:53
* apachelogger would think that it is either an issue in dolphin, kdelibs or qt11:54
ulysseskdelibs or qt, it's in lokalize11:54
ulyssesI can't reproduce in Kate11:56
apacheloggercan you reproduce it everytime with lokalize?11:57
apacheloggeralso you are probably right, the filedialog probably does not use the dolphin kpart ^^11:57
ulyssesNo, it's total random11:57
apacheloggerkdelibs or qt it is11:59
ulyssesNo answer in #kde yet12:01
apacheloggerproblem is we cannot even check whether it is qt because qt's file open dialog does not do line breaks it seems12:14
apacheloggerit only elides 12:14
apacheloggeroh my12:14
apacheloggerulysses: try with a different style than oxygen12:14
apacheloggerulysses: and with a different font than ubuntu12:14
apacheloggerif you can still reproduce the issue we at least know that the problem is not with those two things12:15
ulyssesapachelogger: I changed the plasma them and the font, the issue remains12:20
apacheloggerulysses: oh, not plasma, the widget style12:23
apacheloggerto plastique perferrably12:23
* apachelogger likes how one review of 11.10 complains about the usage of raster before it was stable12:24
apacheloggerfun fact is: raster has been the reference rendering method for Qt for ages12:24
apachelogger4.4 or something12:24
ulyssesno change, with Plastique I can still reproduce12:24
* yofel hasn't gotten any raster issues in 11.10 at all12:26
apacheloggeryofel: because there aren't any :P12:34
yofelgood ;)12:34
apacheloggerpeople just like to sounds smart by saying things that are wrong but appear very informed to others who do not know that they are wrong :S12:35
apacheloggerulysses: also after reboot? (plastique + font other than ubuntu)12:35
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ulyssesmaybe later, I'll go to Szeged soon12:36
apacheloggerkubotu: map szeged, hu12:47
* apachelogger gets the feeling that using a netbook while it is upgrading is a bad idea12:47
ulysseshave to go, see you later12:48
ghostcubeany info why kubuntu does not power off in kernel 3.x ? like postet here14:53
ubottuUbuntu bug 859075 in upstart "Oneiric does not shutdown" [Undecided,New]14:53
yofelshuts down fine here14:53
* yofel goes reading the bug14:53
debfxghostcube: what does system settings -> login screen -> shutdown -> halt say?15:06
ghostcubemoment pls15:06
debfxI had a similar problem after upgrading to a kde 4.7 beta version that set a wrong halt command15:07
debfxghostcube: it should be "/sbin/shutdown -h -P now"15:07
ghostcubeok i will change it15:07
debfxghostcube: have you upgraded from natty to oneiric final or before the release?15:08
ghostcubeas final came out15:09
ghostcubenot beta15:09
yofelto 4.7 before 4.7.0 ?15:09
ghostcubeyes i get 4.7.0 from ppa15:09
ghostcubethen did an upgrade to omeiric15:09
ghostcubemaybe this should be as a comment inside the bug report?15:12
ghostcubeso everyone noticing this can check this command?15:12
yofelit is fixed in 4.7.2, but those that already have a wrong command set will probably have to change it by hand15:14
ghostcubewill leave it as comment then15:14
yofelghostcube: actually it's fixed in 4.7.1 too15:15
ghostcubehmm i pull the kde updates from the ppa could be its just there since this time.15:16
ghostcubebut as some other  noticing its for them the same situation15:16
ghostcubeso its better to check for this, as to use this shortvut workarround15:17
ulyssesapachelogger: I tried to reproduce the open file dialog issue on the train with Plastique and Ubuntu font, but I can't16:22
apacheloggerulysses: sounds very related to oxygen then17:16
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ulyssesapachelogger: I guess too17:16
BarkingFishAha! One of the people I wanted to speak to is here at least :)  ximion - have you got a couple of minutes to spare please? I'm trying to get hold of the source to packagekit and kpackagekit, and I understand you were the packager.  Do you still have copies of the source files please?17:20
yofelBarkingFish: you can fetch the archive source with 'apt-get source <package>'17:22
BarkingFisher, no I can't.  It wants to send me apper instead, which I don't want.  I want the source to kpackagekit prior to the dist upgrade - i.e, before it broke17:23
yofelBarkingFish: install ubuntu-dev-tools -> pull-lp-source kpackagekit natty17:24
BarkingFishok, doing that now.  I need to set up my kit again anyhow, generate some new keys, etc17:25
BarkingFishkpackagekit will make a return :P17:26
BarkingFishi practically guarantee it :)17:26
yofeltalk to dantti first what can be improved in apper17:27
yofelyou don't usually resurrect legacy software ;)17:28
BarkingFishi may not resurrect it, I may just do enough to make it work locally, yofel.  17:29
BarkingFishit'd be nice to have it back, since i now have 3 progs doing the job of one where they were altogether before17:29
ximionBarkingFish: why exactly do you want kpackagekit back?17:34
ximionit is really legacy software17:34
ximionit won't even compile without many modifications17:35
ximione.g. you would have to port it to packagekit-qt2 first17:35
ximionbetter improve Apper, dantti is always open to new suggestions17:35
ulyssesiirc Apper == KPackageKit, right? just renamed and improved17:36
BarkingFishximion, I wanted kpackagekit back because I found apper didn't have the same inbuilt functionality that kpackagekit had - instead of using the one program to install software, get my updates and deal with the software sources, I'm now using three individual progs to do the same job.17:36
BarkingFishit's a matter of integrating the original functionality of kpackagekit into apper. If that can be done, kpackagekit can stay buried.17:37
ximionulysses: yes - Apper ist the non-technical, user-friendly name of KPackageKit17:38
ximionBarkingFish: it's still one program...17:38
ximionthe Apper KCM17:38
ximionthis tool can handle updates, software sources and packages :)17:38
ximionthere aren't three programs17:38
ximionGNOME-PackageKit does this, but not Apper...17:39
BarkingFishSo, where are the button links in the interface? 17:39
BarkingFishMy primary concern is that transitioning from kpackagekit as I knew it, to apper as it is now, without the same UI, is sort of odd.17:40
yofelximion: how do you open software-properties-kde from apper17:40
yofelah, nvm17:41
yofelpossible - but rather hard to find17:41
BarkingFishwhich it shouldn't be, yofel 17:41
BarkingFishthis was the issue with kmail2 - the old interface worked, the new one using akonadi and nepomuk was hardly user friendly. This is no different.17:42
ximionmatter of taste, IMO17:42
BarkingFishit's a matter of "can a new user find it without having to ask for help?", ximion 17:42
ximionbut it's better to modify the interface of Apper as you need than taking KPK as starting point for a new PK-based package manager17:42
BarkingFishand the answer would be "no" at this point :)17:43
ximionuser sees "Updates" in the main field, and can click on it17:43
ximionsome applies to installed software17:43
ximiononly the settings are a little bit harder to find17:43
BarkingFishand again, they shouldn't be.  apper would be perfect with the minor modification of putting those 3, easy to spot links back on the left side of the UI.17:44
yofelIMO it was a better UI layout too17:45
yofelthe current one feels a bit... cramped17:45
BarkingFishit's all shoved into one small space you have to go looking for stuff in.17:45
BarkingFishyofel, remember the "edit origins" button I was looking for last night?17:46
BarkingFishI *just* found it17:46
BarkingFishmain UI, click on the spanner in the top right, click settings, select Software origins17:47
yofelyeah, I only found it just now too17:48
BarkingFishThis is what I should have been able to do direct from the old UI links - not go hunting for it17:48
yofelas I searched through apper too when you asked17:48
yofeland back then I never realized there's a little wrench in the corner17:48
BarkingFishI'll catch dantti at some point, or maybe file this on launchpad as a wish17:48
* yofel isn't a fan of icon-less buttons AND not a fan of text-less buttons unless they're huge17:48
BarkingFishit needs doing, even if only for the sake of user friendliness. You shouldn't need to look for it, it should be visible "on impact"17:49
ximionBarkingFish, yofel: The reason to change the layout was to remove the "dead space" of the bug icon bar on the left and make more space available for package & application display17:53
ximionbut you really should talk to dantti about this17:53
ximionmaybe he can do something for Apper 0.7.217:54
BarkingFishWe can only hope, ximion :)17:54
ximionfor me, the new layout works - but I knew where every option was, so you might be right ^^17:54
BarkingFishwell this is much fun.  I've filled out a wish on the kde bugzilla, and it won't submit :)18:02
BarkingFishnever mind, it's gone through18:04
BarkingFishyofel, https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=28420918:04
ubottuKDE bug 284209 in general "Functions need to be easier to find in apper" [Wishlist,Unconfirmed]18:04
Kottizenwhen I change desktop background I can either load my own picture or get one from kde-look.org; how does the communication between my desktop and kde-look.org work? I'd like to start an own site for that purpose, but offer faster downloads, no ads and no "This refers to an HTML page. Would you like to visit it?"-messages - how would I integrate it with KDE/Kubuntu?18:19
apacheloggerKottizen: http://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Specifications/open-collaboration-services18:27
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Kottizenapachelogger: thanks18:44
yofelapachelogger: did you ever finish fixing kgamma?19:01
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cure_Hi :) i was wondering about the rumor that windows 7 need´s some registry patch so Bulldozer can perform 40-70% faster is this true ?20:06
BarkingFishcure_, this isn't a windows channel, maybe you could try ##windows20:07
cure_yes okey im sorry i was told to come here and ask :D20:09
cure_but thanks anyway20:09
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BarkingFishcure_, who told you to come here and ask?20:17
BarkingFishWe don't and never have dealt with windows, this channel is only for the development of a linux distribution called Kubuntu20:18
sheytanapachelogger: i used your pic in my adress book for a screenshot on my blog. Is that bad? 20:19
cure_yes okey i didint know better :) 20:20
BarkingFishthat thread mentions nothing about windows 7 :)20:20
cure_no i was wondering about the bulldozer :) not windows 7 i just put that in my fyrst question20:21
BarkingFishin that case, it was just confusing :)20:21
BarkingFishYou came and mentioned windows 7, i thought you wanted to know for windows 7...20:21
BarkingFishI would have no idea about the AMD bulldozer in Kubuntu, so I'll hand that up to the rest of the devs :)  Anyone else have any ideas?20:22
cure_no just over all :) thank you 20:22
=== Jon_Severinsson is now known as Jonno_
BarkingFishThis could be interesting, devs - and I could do with some advice.  How do you file a bug on a package when you don't know what the package is which you need to file a bug against??? :)21:03
BarkingFishAllow me to explain - there is a user in #kubuntu who is unable to run alsactl store 0 on his sound card, gets told that Home directory /home/george isn't his.  I just tried the same command here and got the same response.21:04
kyofela) common sense b) guessing c) thinking hard and guessing again21:04
BarkingFishI've seen several people over the last day or two in oneiric with this very issue.  But I don't know whether it's a fault with alsactl, with the permissions settings, something else...21:05
kyofelBarkingFish: sudo alsactl... or without sudo?21:06
BarkingFishwith sudo21:06
BarkingFishwithout sudo you get cannot open /var/lib/asound.state - Permission denied21:06
kyofeltrue, confirmed21:06
BarkingFishto be exact, you get: alsactl: save_state:1547: Cannot open /var/lib/alsa/asound.state for writing: Permission denied21:07
kyofelBarkingFish: workaround: sudo -i -> then run alsactl store 0 as root21:07
BarkingFishNo protocol specified21:08
BarkingFishxcb_connection_has_error() returned true21:08
kyofelnote: I have no idea what that is actually supposed to do21:08
BarkingFishwhat, the alsactl command?21:10
BarkingFishor sudo -i?21:10
kyofelalsactl store 021:11
BarkingFishright, it stores the last state of the soundcard at 0 - volume, muted channels, etc21:11
BarkingFishand restores them next time you use the soundcard21:12
BarkingFishSo at least we know it's happening - I'll file it as a bug on the launchpad and we can go from there.21:14
apacheloggersheytan: technically I could sue you :P21:43
apacheloggerbut as long as it is a pic of me nakkid I won't  :P21:44
sheytanapachelogger: thank you!21:45
sheytanbtw, nothing came out from my cover :(21:45
apacheloggeralso I do not understand the blog language so I couldn't know if you write something nice in addition to violating my copyright on my own picture :P21:45
apacheloggersheytan: cover?21:46
apacheloggerwhat cover? where cover? what for? where to? how so?21:46
* apachelogger should be in bed21:46
sheytanIt's a nice article about google and kontact :)21:46
sheytancd cover for kubuntu21:46
sheytani sent it to you :(21:46
apacheloggeroh, what mail?21:47
apacheloggerdon't you know that you are supposed to tell me when you send something by mail because apachelogger never reads mails unless he gets told to? :P21:48
sheytanapachelogger: i sent a link to it, here, on kubuntu-devel and to you on priv21:48
sheytanand pinged you couple of times21:48
apacheloggerI only see a pink pyth0rn in the query21:49
* apachelogger does not know what to do with the cover21:49
apacheloggersheytan: what do you want to do with the cover?21:49
sheytanapachelogger: sometime ago you showed me a oneiric todo, where was madsheytan: do kubuntu cd cover, which i didn't know about. So i said i will anyway and i did. Then it got all released.21:50
apacheloggersheytan: I do very much believe that this should have been done at least 1 week prior to release21:51
sheytanlet me atleast show it to ya :)21:51
apacheloggerthe cover is primarily used on the CDs canonical sells in the shop and sends to locos21:52
sheytani did it few days before21:52
apacheloggeroh well21:52
apacheloggersheytan: try getting in touch with the canonical design team21:52
apacheloggerthey will know all about it21:52
sheytanapachelogger: leave it for next relelase :)21:52
apacheloggersheytan: even so I'd contact canonical design *now* and find out what to do and just about when the gfx need to be done21:53
apacheloggerthat way we can make sure it gets done in time and forwarded to the right people at the right time21:54
apacheloggersheytan: https://launchpad.net/~canonical-ux/+members21:55
apacheloggertry anyone from here21:55
sheytani will, but not today :)21:55
apacheloggersheytan: do you ahve the graphics at hand?21:55
apacheloggercause I am about to go back to bed, so you'd better hurry showing them to me :P21:56
sheytanapachelogger: i bet you'll wait :D21:56
apacheloggervery nice21:59
* sheytan is glad :)21:59
apacheloggersheytan: though, a backgroundish thing behind the kubuntu text would be even better21:59
apacheloggerright now kubuntu and the circle have a bit of a contrast war going on21:59
sheytanill tune it for the next release22:00
sheytaneven started a list with things that i'm worried about and how to fix it :)22:00
sheytanwhere's the  upcoming uds?22:00
apacheloggeroh, btw, I can tell you for sure that a back design is necessary etc22:00
sheytani mean where will be22:00
apacheloggeralso see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DIYMarketing#A11.10_artwork22:00
sheytanwhat ya mean with 'backdesign'?22:00
apacheloggerback of the cd cover22:01
apacheloggernext uds is in orlando22:01
sheytanalready got it :)22:01
apacheloggerthe uds in may is not yet decided22:01
apachelogger(though I reckon chances are it is going to be in budapest)22:01
apacheloggerwhich is very healthy for my wallet22:02
apachelogger-> be22:02
* kyofel is off to bed too22:03
sheytanto far22:03
sheytangermany or czech would be perfect for me22:03
sheytanor poland ;d22:03
sheytanthen i could come with my car22:03
kyofelbudapest isn't that much further...22:04
sheytanit's like 700km from my place22:05
sheytanhow long does uds take?22:05
kyofela week22:06
kyofeland I drove ~600KM to get to the desktop summit this year22:06
sheytanlike 7 days?22:06
kyofelhm, more like 5 IIRC22:07
sheytanbut how come it's in may, when ubuntu gets released in april?22:07
kyofelsheytan: it's always 2-3 weeks post-release22:07
sheytanwhich means 2-3 after relelase?22:08
sheytanso the upcoming one should be like in december not may next year?22:09
kyofelsheytan: may next year is UDS for 12.1022:09
kyofeluds-p is22:09
ubottuThe Ubuntu Developer Summit will be held between 31 October and 4 November in Orlando, Florida - See http://uds.ubuntu.com/ for more details22:09
sheytanoh, so US, no, thank you :)22:09
sheytanmaybe next time22:10
kyofelI hope I'll be able to make it to UDS-Q, but we'll see22:10
sheytankyofel whats the difference between uds and uds-q?22:11
kyofelsheytan: q = whatever name sabdfl comes up for 12.1022:12
sheytanapachelogger: http://img37.imageshack.us/img37/2121/back2ot.jpg22:16
* kyofel hugs yofel22:18
cure_does anyone here know if this is true http://i54.tinypic.com/b54m0y.png ?22:40
Daskreechcure_: What's that from?23:10
cure_thats from overclockers23:11
cure_last night23:11
cure_overclock.net im sorry23:12
DaskreechWell they have a 8 core AMD playing with I'll sign up :)23:13
cure_im not sure if this is right but i realy hope so23:14
cure_there are no benchmarks yet23:15

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