
phiscibeHEY  im working a bug and fix list for the new distro, http://paste.ubuntu.com/709068/00:09
phiscibebut now i gotta have food, starving latter00:10
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Guest31176what happened to the emerald package in 11.10?00:52
well_laid_lawn!info emerald00:58
ubottuPackage emerald does not exist in oneiric00:58
Guest31176it was removed from the 11.10 repos00:58
SmokinGuns1982hello everyone01:25
alricu_i ve got a problem01:51
alricu_my problem is when i try to install ubuntu 11.10 and hit enter to "try ubuntu, it does not let me go forward, it shows me a black screen and no more!!!!01:51
alricu_kubuntu 11.1001:52
subdudeHi everyone, I hoping someone can help me,  my kubuntu 11.04 machine keeps trying to contact an unknown website. sending a few packets every 10 or so seconds, I've viewed this happening in etherape and wireshark but cannot track down which process is responsible02:04
avihayalricu_: there should be an alternate CD, you can try that02:07
avihaysubdude: what's the site/ip02:07
subdudewhois says nexuscreation.com but I can't browse there02:08
alricu_avihay: yes there is a laternate cd, but the problem is: suposse that i can install  with this cd, how can i solution the balck screen later?02:10
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avihaysubdude: whois: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/709162/02:11
subdudeavihay thanks, is kubuntu trying to connect to a cloud then??? maybe driven by ubuntuone or something02:14
avihayalricu_: you don't know if there will be a black screen after02:14
alricu_mmm good point!! but i always have the same problem and i always  solved it with modeset, now it doesnt work"!!!02:16
avihaysubdude: I don't know, all I know is that that company is a registered company in the UK. I don't know if it has any conection with canonical, and depending how high you wanna go up the paranoia chain, that could be an infected computer in a global zombie network02:16
avihayalricu_: sounds like a driver issue. sit on the fence, or grab a cheep USB storage and install on it02:17
alricu_i did it!!! but didnt work!02:18
alricu_it shows teh same black screen02:18
avihayis it a normal install or a netbootui?02:19
alricu_normal install02:19
avihaywell, you didn't give enough details to give a direction as to where to start02:20
subdudeavihay: guess i was paranoid enough to format everything and reinstall, but then it kept happening.  I'll download a fresh copy and give that a try, my current cd came from a UK magazine02:20
alricu_when i try to install ubuntu 11.10 and hit enter to "try ubuntu" or "install", it does not let me go forward, it shows me a black screen and no more!!!!02:21
subdudeavihay thanks for your time, have a great day, gonna switch off and reinstall02:22
avihayget an alternate CD, try to install to a USB device if you don't want to touch your current system, see if the installed system is fine or not02:23
avihayor maybe, before that02:24
avihaytry to drop to a console, read the dmessage output02:24
avihaytry to restart x02:24
avihayfrom my expirience, live system tend to be quirky, and a normal install usually works better02:25
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Guest14346how do i get firefox as my wbbroser02:44
eristikophilesanyone upgrade to 11.10?02:50
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joshw15just upgraded to 11.10. What can I do to get the "back arrow" back in the Kickoff menu?03:12
darrikHey, I installed kubuntu on my brothers laptop a while ago, and after he struggled to adapt, he reinstalled XP. Both in the fresh XP install and Kubuntu Install, the wireless isn't working properly. Is there a way some how Kubuntu damaged his wireless03:13
sagacidoes kubuntu/kde se compiz03:37
darthanubisno, but it can if you want03:38
LINKSWORD2Oh, shame. Darkwing Duck isn't around.03:51
LINKSWORD2OK, guys. I'm in a bit of a pickle. I'm running Kubuntu 10.04, and I'm not able to upgrade to Kubuntu 10.10. I've had this problem before, regarding the source for the upgrade, but I don't remember how to fix it.03:55
LINKSWORD2Nevermind. Found it.03:57
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sagacihow do you go about installing language packs for kubuntu, the list in the available language packs is only American English and British English when I also know there's en_AU, Australian English04:28
westyvwGimp cant install missing dependencies. Anyone else?04:40
sagaciwestyvw: fine here04:45
westyvwalright i will give it a try again04:45
westyvwinteresting that worked, last time i selected it from muon pakage, this time from muon software center.04:46
sagacii apt-getted04:47
westyvwi should do that too, i am too interested in playing with the new tools, but soon04:49
westyvwill pass a text list to apt04:49
spawn57hi, I'm trying to get my user account to mount a samba share.  It mounts fine, but the permissions aren't right, it's root.root.. and I want root.users.  When i mount using root the permissions are root.users like I want it.  the options i use in fstab is : users,noauto,umask=0775,uid=sunil,gid=media,credentials=/etc/.creds,_netdev05:51
venkiI messed up with kubuntu fonts06:03
venkiI need to re-install and restore default fonts06:03
venkiI have been googlign around for some time06:03
venkicould not find anything..06:03
venkican you please tell me how do i do it?06:03
venkii need to re-install all fonts..06:04
raykeloalguien habla español ??06:05
venkican anyone guide me please..06:05
GirlyGirlvenki: Go in System Settings > Application Appearance and set font default06:10
venkii tried that06:11
venkii installed some non-free fonts (windows 7 fonts)06:11
GirlyGirlvenki: It doesn't work for restarted applications?06:11
venkiafter that everything got messed up..06:11
venkiGirlyGirl: Nop06:11
GirlyGirlvenki: Just set a different font for all entries ... then change it back then06:12
venkiGirlyGirl: I tried doing it.. It seems not to be working.. I checked the /usr/..../fonts directory06:12
GirlyGirlvenki: If you want to reset the entire KDE to defaults, open konsole and "rm -rf .kde" ... note you will lose all kde settings06:13
venkiGirlyGirl: I tried that as well :)06:13
venkiGirlyGirl: I see that the folder does not have the default font directories at all06:13
venkiI removed off those fonts :(06:14
venkiGirlyGirl: now i need to re-install all KDE fonts again06:14
venkiGirlyGirl: I am on kubuntu 11:1006:14
venkiGirlyGirl: I tried googling around.. did not find anything :(06:15
kingh3mpHey everybody. I'm having problems with the Muon Package Manger and system updates provided through Muon.06:16
kingh3mpPastebin link: http://paste.ubuntu.com/70928106:16
GirlyGirlvenki: "sudo apt-get remove ttf-freefont kubuntu-default-settings kubuntu-default-netbook-settings" then "sudo apt-get install kubuntu-default-settings kubuntu-default-netbook-settings"06:19
venkitrying it right away..06:19
venkii am not using a netbook..06:19
GirlyGirlsorry sencond command should be "sudo apt-get install ttf-freefont sudo apt-get install kubuntu-default-settings kubuntu-default-netbook-settings"06:20
GirlyGirlleave the netbook anyways06:20
venkidoing it right away06:20
kingh3mpKubuntu 11.10 running KDE 4.706:20
venkiGirlyGirl: I ran the commands..06:22
venkido i have to restart?06:22
kingh3mpPerhaps I should have said that I'm running Kubuntu 11.10 with KDE 4.7. The rest of my problem is on the pastebin link: http://paste.ubuntu.com/70928106:22
GirlyGirlvenki: logout and login06:22
GirlyGirlkingh3mp: Change the server to main server and refresh repos06:23
kingh3mpGirlyGirl: To what should I be changing the server? ie. Which URL or whatever?06:23
GirlyGirlkingh3mp: Alt + F2 "muon-updater" Settings menu > Configure software source ... change Server for united states combobox to main server06:24
kingh3mpthat was intresting06:26
GirlyGirlkingh3mp: did it work?06:26
phiscibehow goes the bug wars?06:27
kingh3mphyper speed lol06:27
kingh3mpbut yess it worked06:27
kingh3mpthank you06:28
GirlyGirlkingh3mp: You're welcome06:28
kingh3mpi like kubuntu06:29
kingh3mpand yet occassionaly my laptop dissagrees with it but that is a different story06:30
GirlyGirlkingh3mp: What problems do you have specifically06:32
kingh3mprandom things06:32
kingh3mplike battery is fried ram is low06:33
kingh3mpso any op system lags occasionaly06:33
kingh3mpwireless card is starting to act up cant decide if its software or hard ware06:34
GirlyGirlkingh3mp: Alt + F2 "oxygen-settings" disable animations06:35
GirlyGirlHow old is this pc exactly06:35
kingh3mpso far my kubuntu problems have been fix able updates going bezerk or not working music transfer from device to device small stuff otherwise06:36
lenWhat's holding up KDE 4.7.2 from the starndard repos? I was very surprised Oneric wasn't released with it.06:36
GirlyGirllen: Ubuntu's "update qulaity system" ... but I kind of disagree with their policy too06:36
GirlyGirlkingh3mp: What laptop model is it06:37
kingh3mphp pavillion dv-1000 entertainmentnotebook06:37
kingh3mporiginaly ran on xp op system06:38
GirlyGirlkingh3mp: You did the "oxygen-settings" stuff06:38
kingh3mpnot yet06:39
GirlyGirlkingh3mp: Also ntoe if you install "kubuntu-low-fat-settings" it optimises it for slower systems06:40
kingh3mpi did the oxygen settings06:42
lenWell, considering the monthy releases are bugfixes only ( when only the number after 2nd decimal point is incremented), I don't know whey they aren't always released into the main repos shortly after they're released.06:42
GirlyGirlkingh3mp: If desktop effects are slow ... consider disabling them06:43
kingh3mpim gonna watch my laptop for a bit b4 i decide weather or not to look into the kubuntu low fat ill note the thought though06:44
kingh3mpi was thinking too06:44
kingh3mpif i need to is there a way to downgrade to a earlier version of kubuntu06:45
GirlyGirlkingh3mp: That would not be wise to do06:45
GirlyGirlkingh3mp: You might even see a performance regression06:45
kingh3mpwell im off for a bit thanks for the help06:46
lenkingh3mp, If you have you're home directory on it's one partition you could always just reinstall the older version and you'll still retain all your data and settings.   It is best practice to always install home to it's own partion rather that just doing the default install.06:49
lenyour home partition06:49
lenOh, I guess king was gone before I even responded :)06:51
jamil_1hi all I get crash on each restart: http://paste.ubuntu.com/709305/06:54
GirlyGirllen: Besides apart from KDE3 EOL releases, oneiric will perform the best compared to others06:58
rectec794613Can somebody help me out with this? I'm running Kubuntu 11.04 with KDE 4.7.1. The widgets from the Dashboard recently disappeared, however I can tell they're still running in the background because the Google Translate widget complains about how it needs a network connection when I disconnect. How can I remove these widgets if I can't X them out from their menus?06:59
rectec794613Could be the cause of my performance loss also...07:03
lenGirlyGirl,  I never said most people would ever want to downgrade under normal conditions, but sometimes unusual situations do arise.  I believe that support for some old hardware was dropped  from the kernel when from the to 3.0.  If you happen to still be using that requires and older kernel, it is probably easier to downgrade to a previous version of Kubuntu than to try to run Oneiric on the older series kernel it was never tested with.07:04
lenI seem to be making a lot of typos, and even omitting whole words that are in my head, but just don't make it out my fingers.07:06
lenrecte79461,  You lost ALL the  widgets, on the panel, but not the panel itself?07:10
rectec794613I lost all that were on the dashboard. Panel's still intact. Don't know about the desktop because I didn't have any widgets on it. All the widgets that I had on the dashboard still have the checkmark next to them in the add widgets menu.07:12
rectec794613I tried messing around with the kde-plasma-desktop file (not exactly sure what it's called) to see if I could remove the widgets from the list, but it was too confusing.07:15
metelliushas anyone actually gotten nepomuk/strigi to do anything useful? I have tried it on every release since 4.4, but it never manages to index my files or give any useful results07:16
metelliusnow it switches between giving me completely unrelated results or no results at all07:16
lenWell, if it's really messed up, and you don't mind reconstructing it the way you like, you would always just rename the .kde directory, to get a fresh config.  Then if you want to undo for some reason, you can just copy .kde.old (or whatever you called it) back to .kde07:18
rectec794613metellius: I don't find it very useful. I turned semantic desktop off and limited it's memory usage to minimum07:18
rectec794613wow cat just walked over keyboard -_-07:18
metelliusit seems to rely on the idea that people can actually categorize their files07:19
lenI should use that as my excuse.  Nodboy would know I don't have a cat.  :)07:19
rectec794613Not useful unless you search daily.07:19
rectec794613cat climbs through the window and walks over the keyboard almost every day07:20
rectec794613ok back on topic07:20
metelliusbut I have previously come to love features that I at first overlooked in kde, so I really want to give it a shot07:20
metelliusI'm just so disappointed that it can't even do the basics right07:20
rectec794613len: I'll look through the directory and see if I can find the plasmoids folder07:21
rectec794613metellius: yeah nepomuk and akonadi. Why have a system-wide password storage service if firefox does it all for you?07:22
lenI've edited them directly before to fix problems like you're having, but sometime it just turns out to be faster to just repopulate the default kde config.07:22
metelliusI don't agree on akonadi though, having an abstraction taking care of mail and contacts actually makes a lot of sense for having multiple programs use the same data07:23
metelliusI just find the whole nepomuk idea that "all information can and should be searchable!" kind of over the top07:24
rectec794613metellius: yeah i agree it may be useful for some people but for me, I only type passwords in ff and thunderbird, it's not too much to handle07:24
rectec794613found a plasmoids folder, but I think it's just config07:26
lenIt's good in theory but ads layers of complication without much practical use for most users.07:26
rectec794613should be optional...07:27
rectec794613if I delete the .kde directory, that would mean all my kde settings, downloaded widgets, themes, etc. would be gone right? Isn't that a little overkill?07:31
rectec794613changing my name...07:35
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=== rectec is now known as Rectec
Rectecmetellius: Nepomuk's backup tool could be useful, although I prefer Kbackup07:38
metelliusmost of the nepomuk stuff floats around "could be useful"07:38
Rectecmetellius: that's basically it's motto lol. "Could be useful"07:39
Rectecmetellius: but nobody really has the incentive to actually use it07:39
Graf_WesterholtI've never used Nepomuk either.07:40
RectecI hate programs that root themselves deep into the system, making it difficult to completely remove without breaking something.07:41
Rectecyou still there len?07:42
effchencan i found complete themes for kde plasma?07:44
effchene.g. a dark one07:44
Recteceffchen: System Settings>Workspace Appearance>Desktop Theme07:45
katsrcwhy doesn't dolphin auto refresh?07:45
Rectecoxygen is good07:45
RectecGive the "Get New Themes" button a try also07:45
Recteckatsrc: wouldn't that break concentration and slow the system?07:46
effchenRectec: thx07:46
katsrcRectec: i don't how much resource it would consume07:46
katsrcWindows XP does it07:46
katsrcit would make sense to do it during copy/moving files07:47
Recteckatsrc: might've disabled because it flickers07:47
katsrcsummon the dolphin to refresh everytime there's file change in the directory07:48
Recteckatsrc: would be beneficial but they probably didn't implement it for a reason07:48
katsrcRectec: it's suppose to be fixed https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=20736107:48
ubottuKDE bug 207361 in general "KIO is failing to detect file(filelist) changes with Kernel 2 6 31 (inotify reimplementation)" [Normal,Resolved: fixed]07:48
Recteckatsrc: what version of KDE?07:49
katsrcthe fix was from 4.407:49
Recteclemme see if I have the problem too07:50
Rectecno I don't...07:52
RectecI would purge and reinstall dolphin07:52
Rectecsudo apt-get --purge -remove dolphin07:52
Rectecsudo apt-get install dolphin07:53
Rectecgood luck07:54
Rectechow'd it go?07:55
Rectecheh we all have our problems... len?! where are you?07:56
katsrci'm still waiting for the folder to complete moving07:59
katsrcthen i'll do the purge/reinstall07:59
Rectecknow how to delete widgets without X'ing them out?08:00
Rectecgot this problem08:00
RectecCan somebody help me out with this? I'm running Kubuntu 11.04 with KDE 4.7.1. The widgets from the Dashboard recently disappeared, however I can tell they're still running in the background because the Google Translate widget complains about how it needs a network connection when I disconnect. How can I remove these widgets if I can't X them out from their menus?08:00
katsrcRectec: have you tried killing plasma-desktop and restarting it?08:03
Recteckatsrc: I think so but I don't think it deletes widgets. 1 sec08:04
katsrcRectec: they should reappear, and you can cross them out08:04
Recteckatsrc: nope. Besides, doesn't the plasma-desktop process technically restart on reboot?08:06
phiscibeRectec:  do u have dual monitors08:06
Rectecphiscibe: no just 4 desktops, and I've opened the dashboard for each one08:06
phiscibewel you probably got 8 desktops IF you activated any activies08:07
phiscibethose activities keep on going till u close me08:07
phiscibecloew them that is08:07
phiscibe8 effective desktops, 4each actitity is sorta klike a desktop08:08
Recteclol now I can't even open the dash08:08
phiscibehey man its the same but diferent...i sound like cheech and hcong08:08
GirlyGirlkatsrc: Rectec: Never "killall plasma-desktop" use "kquitapp plasma-desktop" instead08:08
Rectecphiscibe: lol. I can open it now, and there's still nothing there. The widgets are still presumably open.08:09
=== Lux_ is now known as Guest67583
phiscibesome where in the seetings are settings on what to show in  your task  manager, from all desktops from minimized and i THINK all activities , but you got that little  tool box in the top corner use it to change activities and  each on u have goes off in to som eunknow land and continue s to compute, delte some, makes a muddle mess hwne you avhe twoo screens difren pae alyout on tow screen sfor 4 virtuald desktoops and actives thrown in to confus08:11
Guest67583i have a problem with kubuntu!08:11
phiscibei cant tyupe for crap tonight, i swithced keyboards this one feels like hammering nails08:11
phiscibecan u get a right click context menu08:12
phiscibetry alt A to get to activiti4s for alt D08:12
phiscibealt A or alt D jezz08:13
Rectecsorry trying to catch up lol08:13
phiscibeu gonna keep us in suspense guest6708:13
RectecI was reading the output of plasma-desktop08:13
phiscibethose activities will stick in the persitant user state, they come back after reboot08:14
phiscibeif you can right click u can add panel, add the default one08:16
Rectecphiscibe: I'm confused now. I put the pc in sleep mode to see if Google Translate would but me, but nothing showed. However there's still checkmarks in the add activities menu08:16
phiscibealso make sure your page layout is desktop as that is where the default panel is probably hanging out, but it could be in the others08:16
kerloiHi all. Does anyone know how to completely format an usb disk (included its MBR)08:17
phiscibeformat is usually complete enough08:18
kerloiI used gparted but I still have some error when mounting the disk08:18
phiscibebut if you have the cia coming to look at it, better use a torch08:18
GirlyGirlRectec: To reset plasma to defaults ... go to the .kde/share/config/ folder and delete ann files in the form plasma-***-rc08:18
kerloiphiscibe: My goal is not specifically to erase the data but :)08:19
phiscibehow many activies do u have08:19
phiscibewhat file system are you using on the usb kerloi08:19
Rectechold on trying to find a solution for kerloi atm08:19
phiscibesome usb drives just flat refues any thing, (for not good reason) other than fat 3208:20
jamil_1any ony: http://paste.ubuntu.com/709305/08:20
phiscibefor no good reason i meant08:20
kerloiThe kernel only detect /dev/sdb and /dev/sdb1 which is correct ... But kde indicate two drives08:20
kerloiAnd failed to mount it08:20
jamil_1kerloi: tried this: sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /media/xxx   ?08:22
kerloiOk that's weird. Here is the complete story : I used dd to copy an iso on that disk to boot with it. Now /dev/sdb is a real partition I can mount it, it contain a linux.08:22
phiscibeso jamil_1 when it hits kinit, it just craps out08:23
kerloibut now I want to delete everything to use it as a classic usb hd ...08:23
jamil_1phiscibe: yup, I was told to install the debug symbols and I did so08:24
jamil_1libntrack is most probably the culprit but dont know how to fix it08:25
phiscibeso kerloi why cant you reformt it08:25
phiscibedoesst kde auto mount the usb when u stick it in? plug it up and look itn /mnt or /media08:26
RectecGirlyGirl: ok I think it fixed it, but I'm gonna need to do some customizing.08:26
kerloiphiscibe: Well /dev/sdb can be mounted and contain a linux but /dev/sdb1 cant08:28
phiscibethe sysem usualy puts removable media like that in /mnt  (mount)  or in /media  /cdrom for optical08:29
phiscibeplug it and and do fdisk -l08:30
phiscibeyour mount command is bare also, missing paramaters08:30
phiscibewas it ever mounted under /dev/sdb1?08:31
phiscibefdisk -l08:32
phiscibesometimes i dont know if im in bash or term ugg08:32
phiscibeoh it problably must be sudo fdisk -l08:32
phiscibe mount [-fnrsvw] [-o option[,option]...]  device|dirsyntax08:33
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kerloiphiscibe: Yes I'm able to mount and use fdisk. But the problem is that /dev/sdb actually contain 698Mo of data (and I'm not forgetting any number it is /dev/sdb)08:35
kerloiI want to suppress this area08:35
Rectecthanks for the help guys08:35
RectecI'm off08:35
kerloiThat's fine I just dd /dev/zero to /dev/sdb on the whole disk08:37
eristikophilesw00t running 11.10 now :)08:37
eristikophilesi find out the o/s has a new version, a couple hours later, i'm running it. XD the beauty of k/ubuntu08:37
phiscibeok you can manualy mount with the mount command like mount -ntfs /dev/sdbc /home/afolderthatexists08:39
phiscibebvut if u have fstab entries it might prevent mounting to the same place08:39
phiscibeto mount everything in fstab its mount -a i think08:39
well_laid_lawnI like the verbose option with mount   sudo mount -av08:40
phiscibeeristikophiles: you suck08:41
phiscibei cant even get itthe upgrade to start lol08:41
eristikophilesi'm doing my netbook now lol08:42
phiscibeand your done, dont tel l  jamil_1 thats one fuld install08:42
eristikophilesbut if it makes you feel better, my netbook had errors earlier and i had to restart the process after fixing dpkg08:42
phiscibeii know why it wont start, but i have four machiins and i am in no hurry08:42
phiscibe   im got a bad case of rethinkitis08:43
phiscibei got but hung in some rooms for saying this, but looking hard at windows08:44
eristikophileswell, it remembered my settings and i don't think there's anything broken :)08:44
eristikophileswhy, do you game, or use big-name apps that're only on windows?08:44
phiscibei need higher end vector based software raster image prossors and ploter/vinyl cutter programs08:44
phiscibeplus the games08:44
eristikophilesi like the model that says: 'it takes longer to set up, but won't break' better than the model that says 'it's easy but breaks all the time'08:45
phiscibeamdi dont have time or want to deal with a dead liunx for 3 days08:45
eristikophileswell, get a game box for that. but for graphics, you may actually be better off with a mac08:45
phiscibemacs cosst too much imho, but they do have adobe, and illustrator wouldc be what i would need, however, i sspent recently about a year working in coreal draw every day...its hard to uturn08:46
eristikophilesheh coreldraw huh?08:47
phiscibeif i go linux inkscape will have to work, a must08:47
phiscibeand its verson .48 somthing, for years08:47
eristikophilesi learned that back in high school, never once encountered a box that actually had it or a job-type thing i needed it for08:47
eristikophileslearned photoshop randomly later08:47
eristikophiles(i'd use gimpshop on ubuntu)08:47
phiscibemust be vector based not raster08:47
eristikophilesstill, illustrator *shrug*08:47
phiscibeunder linux that is inkscape-top of the heap, under neath are xara skencil, kdraw, sk108:48
phiscibea few others08:48
phiscibeand ther is NO linux equiv to flexi sign or flexi sign pro08:49
eristikophilesin any windows your memory allocation and so on will be much less efficient08:49
phiscibeso im rethinking08:49
eristikophilesthis is why macs are actually worth it for graphic, video, or audio08:49
phiscibenot alway true, corel and illustrator are direct x 10 accelerated08:49
eristikophilesyeah but your CPU and memory will be hogged by system crap before it gets to the apps you want08:49
phiscibeflash its flat better under windows, not linux fault all the way as its closed driver, but the sorry state of open gl and xorg dont help08:50
eristikophilesosx is basically bsd-like and is light. it also has the same apps windows does. if this is your job, it's like getting good tools and really may be worth it08:50
eristikophileshonestly the only stuff windows is really truly better at (besides games) are the big office apps08:51
phiscibebut then again if I could get a workable effiecnt affordable workflow in linx, shit i could franchise, chared 300,00 to join08:51
eristikophileslike, proprietary apps used by big corps within offices, or things like autocad, or GIS software08:51
phiscibethere  is one thing too windows is far better at08:52
phiscibenot changing08:52
phiscibeits not a moving target08:52
well_laid_lawnphiscibe: try ##windows08:53
phiscibeyou know im discussing computing and real facts, and what is doable and not08:53
phiscibethat is germain08:53
phiscibeim not denograting anything08:53
well_laid_lawnit's not relevant to the /topic08:53
jamil_1well_laid_lawn: here is something on topic: http://paste.ubuntu.com/709305/08:54
eristikophileswell_laid_lawn- i'm trying to recommend better alternatives here, you're not helping08:54
well_laid_lawn!tab | eristikophiles08:54
ubottueristikophiles: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.08:54
phiscibeget off your high horse and take it on a date, and IT IS TOPIC WHEN  you use one platform to debug another its just a tool, join # red hammer s cause eh alone see blue ones here08:54
well_laid_lawnthere I helped08:54
well_laid_lawnphiscibe: you don't get to pic the topic08:55
eristikophilesphiscibe- really, go for it. make your awesome linux workflow08:55
phiscibe and that is also a reason im and rethinkg, the linux culture, just a doulbe s's i know cuase im a big onetoo08:55
eristikophilesi don't see any true reason to prefer windows to *nix- but osx may be good for you08:55
=== sburjan_ is now known as sburjan`
phiscibewhy we love the bloody turning machines is a myster, as is love08:56
eristikophileswell_laid_lawn- btw not only did i already know the tab trick, how are you so sure that it'll work on anyone's irc client?08:56
eristikophilesit's not always a feature, not always on08:56
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eristikophilesphiscibe- you mean turing? .. turning?08:56
phiscibehave you evern printed a 40 foot banner or cut vinyl for a fleet of semis to be wraped, using inkscape08:56
well_laid_lawneristikophiles: try typing wel and hitting the tab key08:56
eristikophileswhat, you think i've been typing your name before this? lol08:57
phiscibei cant tyope new keyboard, need teh old one back08:57
eristikophilesway too long08:57
eristikophiles..i meant, there are users who will do it and it won't work08:57
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well_laid_lawneristikophiles: the way you're doing it isn't working08:57
eristikophileswell_laid_lawn- well_laid_lawn well_laid_lawn well_laid_lawn well_laid_lawn08:57
well_laid_lawnwith the - on the end08:58
eristikophiles:) sure is08:58
smwSo, does kde plan to rethink the desktop like unity or gnome-shell?08:58
eristikophilesi have it add that on purpose08:58
phiscibebut just becaseeu i speak truly about the problems using the nearess analogy dosnt make it off topic, it makes it blind censorship becuse i hate the truth kill the messanger ignore the problem08:58
eristikophilesi prefer the - to direct at someone, not :08:58
phiscibefor example i have on=e old machine, uses i915 intel driver08:59
phiscibebuggy as hell08:59
phiscibebug reports for same issues go back years08:59
phiscibeworkd for 15 not problem in xp08:59
phiscibethat is a diangnostic readlity when you are toubleshoting08:59
eristikophilesphiscibe- well, if you have finicky hardware that's a bit different08:59
eristikophilespersonally, i've found that most hw works fine with most stuff, but it's when you get strange hw that's far out of mainstream, or when you get shitty pre-made hw, then it's bad09:00
phiscibeno the harddware is fine, just have to change the software is my point,09:00
eristikophileslike using a compaq or dell with linux might lead to bugs (bad hw makers), or getting some random off-brand hd09:00
eristikophilesultimately, all hw needs to have drivers written09:00
well_laid_lawnhow is this about kubuntu support?09:00
eristikophilesthe more common the hw, the more likely it'll have driver support09:01
eristikophilessupport? it has to be support too?09:01
eristikophilesi'm just talking about o/s-hw development in general terms now09:01
phiscibehow can people try to get to the solutikon if they drop a load in their diapes when you point out a fact using the other nearest software alalogy they fill their diaper,  lets discuss weather, but dont meantion wind09:02
eristikophileslet's discuss only weather support. do you need help hurricane-proofing your house? cool. if there's no hurricane though, we can't talk about houses.09:02
phiscibeworse its not even a concious though, u can make scripot do it and have out kick censorship, get the torches kill the hertic09:03
phiscibethe mssanger09:03
well_laid_lawnyou mention diapers but not kubuntu...09:03
well_laid_lawn!topic | phiscibe09:03
ubottuphiscibe: Please read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic09:03
eristikophilesmetaphorically, kubuntu *is* the diapers09:03
phiscibeyou know kick me out know cause ifeeeel rightiuos09:03
phiscibeclash of the assholes09:04
eristikophilesi like that the trigger includes the name, which causes the bot to add the name. way to go with the redundant info as a feature09:04
phiscibegot a script for god sake to aid in the obstifacation of the discussion09:04
eristikophilesphiscibe- but seriously. i think you can find good *nix solutions to your issues09:04
eristikophilesyou don't need windows, what you need is a system that you build just for rendering09:04
eristikophilesif you want, dualboot it for the games09:04
phiscibeok how when i describe the problem every one wets thei panties09:04
eristikophilesor just build a different game box (with wintendo) :)09:05
eristikophilesi didn't wet my panties09:05
eristikophilesi addressed your concern with input about other possibilities09:05
eristikophilesanyway, if you can't get a FOSS solution going, then go with osx. it's still *nix, which is better than windows09:05
phiscibei sayu there is none, show me hwer, ithen they get scaared, (fear) that may6be ther is not, and it conflicts with wor;d  view, time fo flee, (buthead leaves chanel) or attack, (dwadd kicks buthead)09:06
eristikophiles(windows, in my opinion, actively holds back the world of computing from progress while also making tons of money for stuff that could be essentially free)09:06
phiscibeits not even about performance, and p4 with a better feature set, will be worth a i7 with none09:07
phiscibethe cream of Vector graphcis in linux is inkscape, it has been below a 1.0 release for uyears09:07
phiscibei am willing to give myself to the project to commit i am passionate too, but i am surrond by dumb aszz09:08
phiscibeid like to see a solution but pretened ther is not a problm wtf09:09
phiscibeapple is the new microsft, worse in evey way09:09
phiscibeas pripriotery as they come but you know open source and free beer is great but so is capitlism09:10
phiscibemicrosft made familes for lots of people09:10
phiscibeso are we still off topic or hs our world view expaned or do we bring on the clowns, (marching dictators with +_op)09:12
GillesME:Erreur, pkgProblemResolver when I upgrade from 11.03 to 11.1009:16
ForgeAusuh what do I do if muon has stopped? it seems to have frozen configuring libboost-filesystem1.46.1 package09:16
blackflagHello all , I upgraded to 11.10 an padevchooser is missing. Where can I get it? I need it for hearing sound over network....09:26
blackflagCan someone help?09:26
well_laid_lawn!info padevchooser09:27
ubottuPackage padevchooser does not exist in oneiric09:27
well_laid_lawn!find padevchooser09:27
ubottuPackage/file padevchooser does not exist in oneiric09:27
blackflaghmm, thanks! That means I have no longer music... hmmm09:28
Peace-blackflag: you mean the pulse stuff?09:29
Peace-blackflag: if yes you can do sudo apt-get install pavucontrol  paprefs  paman09:29
* Peace- doesn't use that stuff09:29
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blackflaghmm okay installation successful but no padevchooser09:33
Peace-blackflag: wait09:34
jamil_1nobody? http://paste.ubuntu.com/709419/09:35
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Peace-blackflag: btw , while i am searching ... are you sure you can't set the stuff on suystemsettings ?09:36
blackflagyes, I tried, can not find any usefull setting09:41
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ciszhello, can someone helpy me with Enemy Territory?10:12
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progre55hi guys. I've been having a couple of problems after updating to oneiric. first off, even though my task-manager settings says max 1 row, I get two rows when I open more than 3 apps. any suggestions, please?10:46
progre55also, I have problems with sound.. sometimes it works, sometimes doesnt10:46
eristikophiles"Ray's guitar broke"10:56
oxymoronHow do I enabled sound if Gstreamer and VLC backend in Phonon does not work? I tried with install Xine, but nothing happens and I cannot change backend to xine in Phnon settings :S10:59
ionutI just installed KUBUNTU11:02
jxjlgood afternoon, is there any way how to lock panel height in new kubuntu? my problem is, that after each reboot, panel gets smaller and smaller11:03
well_laid_lawnI wonder if that is session management gone wrong11:05
eristikophilesmy upgrade from natty to oneiric on the netbook broke somewhere, and it says it's completed when i try to re-run the updater, and lsb_release -a says it's running oneiric. only, no reboot happened, and also i can't get online, and running dpkg --configure -a returns an error (stuck at flashplugin-downloader, saying that it can't resolve server. other tests also show i can't get online (plugged into LAN) .. any ideas?11:05
eristikophilesi could d/l the installer for that program and see if it keeps going afterwards, but not sure if that's a solution11:05
jxjlso should i set session management not to remember anything and start new session?11:05
oxymorontry to do apt-get update and then sudo apt-get upgrade11:07
eristikophilesoxymoron- i can't d/l anything because it's knocked offline11:07
oxymoroneristikophiles: Worked for me, I got stuck with some weird fawltyness with Flash, today it worked.11:07
eristikophilesdhclient is just hanging11:07
oxymoroneristikophiles: Doesnt internet work?11:07
Mamarokoxymoron: he is online, hence it does11:08
eristikophilesno, this is on another box11:08
oxymoronMamarok: Haha lol, yes of course xD11:08
eristikophilesi'm upgrading a netbook11:08
Mamarokeristikophiles: download the missing packages to that box and install them from a USB stick?11:09
oxymoroneristikophiles: Do you use wired or wifi internet?11:09
oxymoroneristikophiles: Not sure if its faster, but if you have time just copy home folder etc you want. Afterwards you just do a clean installl ;)11:09
oxymoronHow do I enabled sound if Gstreamer and VLC backend in Phonon does not work? I tried with install Xine, but nothing happens and I cannot change backend to xine in Phnon settings :S11:11
oxymorontried remove gstreamer-pulseaudio, no change.11:12
oxymoronTHOUGh now my HDMI first time works finally :D I managed to get sound once, but then it didnt anymore :P11:12
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=== Guest87880 is now known as Girly-Girl
oxymoronhow to error check sound?11:13
jamil_1eristikophiles: what is output of  ifconfig -a11:13
eristikophilesoxymoron- i plugged the netbook into LAN for the upgrade11:13
eristikophilesit's way faster11:13
oxymoronexcept alsamixer, muted etc, already tried that11:13
eristikophilesjamil_1- eth0 shows tons of dropped packets and errors11:13
oxymoroneristikophiles: Yeah, but I mean instead of trying to fix it manually. Just remove everything and do clean install of 11.10 ;)11:14
eristikophilesin fact, the gui network manager shows a graph of in/out data but also says it can't get an IP11:14
oxymoroneristikophiles: LAN cable usually never fails in Linux.11:14
eristikophileswell, i have a totally separate partition for my datacache11:14
eristikophilesi could do a clean install11:14
Girly-Girlionut: Welcome then11:15
eristikophilesbut i'd lose all my settings and layout11:15
oxymoroneristikophiles: I had some issued myself with networkmanager, but that was wifi problem.11:15
eristikophilesnot to mention all the apps11:15
eristikophilesthat i have installed11:15
eristikophilesmy wifi has been quirky but it works11:15
eristikophiles..though not now, in my half-upgraded state11:15
oxymoroneristikophiles: you could save settings and layout. I do not know how to backup apps though. Would be nice with backup exporting settings and all apps :D11:16
eristikophilesfun fact: i tried copying the needed install file by flash drive. somehow, the flash drive loses the file!11:16
jxjlhm, it wasn't because of session management I set i to start clean session, unlocked panel, set the correct size, locked panel , logged out and back in, and panel is smaller, when I repeat it, I end with 10 px panel, BTW where the panel configuration is saved?11:16
oxymoroneristikophiles: Maybe didnt unmount USB stick?11:16
eristikophilesyeah apparently that was it11:18
eristikophilesi'm used to just yanking 'em out so long as no write operations are involved. must remember to safely unmount from now on11:18
eristikophilesoxymoron- there should be a system-app for that in k/ubuntu11:19
eristikophilesto backup settings and apps11:19
Girly-Girloxymoron: Don't know if you sent a reply or got my message as my connection dropped11:19
Girly-Girloxymoron: Were you the one who was unhappy with the "no back button" in the KDE launcher?11:19
eristikophiles*shrug* whatever11:19
eristikophilesi'll see if i can fix this now11:19
eristikophilesif not, i'll consider a wipe11:19
eristikophilesanyone know off the top of their head how to redirect dpkg to install from a local source?11:20
eristikophilesor apt?11:20
oxymoronGirly-Girl: Hehe yes ...11:20
jamil_1eristikophiles: dpkg -i packagename11:20
Girly-Girleristikophiles: What is the issue a broken update? try "sudo apt-get install -f"11:20
oxymoroneristikophiles: Really what system app is that? :O11:20
oxymoronGirly-Girl: You maybe know how to fix my sound btw? :P11:21
jamil_1what is wrong with ntrack11:21
Girly-Girloxymoron: If you want to try a different launcher "sudo apt-get intsall plasma-widget-lancelot"  ... then add widget "lancelot" to your taskbar .... its an official alternative for kmenu by kde developers11:22
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oxymoronGirly-Girl: Already tried Lancelot, but maybe the dev cycle accelerated ... and fixed all issues :P11:22
Girly-Girloxymoron: When did you try it?11:23
oxymoronDo not remember last time, maybe around KDE 4.5 release11:23
Girly-Girloxymoron: Its quite different now ... maybe worth another try11:24
eristikophilesbah. this tactic isn't working. targeting the .tar.gz with dpkg -i doesn't work, neither does unpacking and targeting the .so file11:24
eristikophilesis there another file within the container that i could target?11:24
Girly-Girleristikophiles: What are you trying to install?11:25
jamil_1eristikophiles: dpkg -i is for *.deb11:25
eristikophileswell, the file that dpkg was trying to fetch was a tar.gz11:25
oxymoronGirly-Girl: Hmm not sure if I like it better, but I give it a go :) What I do not like is that KDE start button in left bottom corner DO NOT resize when I change height on bottom panel xD I want it BIGGGGGGGGGGGGG :D11:26
eristikophilesi see the errors saying that it wants .deb files now too11:27
Girly-Girloxymoron: Right click on the launcher and click configure ... then set a larger icon11:27
eristikophileswhy the hell can't adobe get with it and release proper linux shit?11:27
oxymoronGirly-Girl: I want vector icon?11:27
InadaptadoOh, hell, no, I don't want infinite Adobe updates in Linux too11:27
Girly-Girloxymoron: Also your xDDDDDDDD , :d, :p is annoying on a support channel please stop with that11:27
InadaptadoMorning, btw11:28
oxymoronGirly-Girl: I will try to stop11:28
Girly-Girleristikophiles: You are trying to install flash player update?11:28
oxymoronFlash player update works now, didnt yesterday11:28
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oxymoronis there any app btw to send screenshots directly to imagebin?11:30
eristikophilesGirly-Girl- i'm trying to upgrade from natty to oneiric, but it broke in the middle, and now it won't get online, and i can't fix dpkg because it gets stuck not-downloading a file that isn't even a .deb file. i hate adobe. i seriously do.11:30
InadaptadoI had problems too. Sent everything to hell, formated and installed fresh at the end11:31
eristikophilesInadaptado- what i'd really like is for some smart person to create something that does what flash does but so much better and FOSS that no one ever uses flash on a site ever again11:31
Girly-Girleristikophiles: Ok that means it is failing whille unpacking a deb that is configured to download a .gz archive11:31
eristikophilesi could. it'd just be a minor pan11:31
InadaptadoI think you mean HTML5. Just give it time11:31
Girly-Girleristikophiles: You have not rebooted?11:32
eristikophilesGirly-Girl- no i'm afraid if i do the box won't start11:32
eristikophilesit literally told me "this may mean your system will be unusable"11:32
Girly-Girleristikophiles: Are you using ethernet or wlan?11:32
eristikophileswhile the upgrade failed11:32
eristikophilesi plugged it into LAN11:32
eristikophilesmuch faster11:32
Girly-Girleristikophiles: The upgrade is proceeding now or is it stalled11:33
InadaptadoThat's the same problem I had. Bollocks, it worked okay. But the updates didn't11:33
oxymoronGirly-Girl: http://wstaw.org/m/2011/10/16/plasma-desktopBz1582.jpg loon at that, on KDE icon and size of the rest. I overdid the size of course, to show that it does not work and never did.11:33
eristikophilesno, it says "upgrade completed" (even though when it first failed, it also gave me a long warning)11:33
Girly-Girleristikophiles: Ok, open terminal and type "sudo apt-get install -f"11:33
eristikophileswhat's -f do?11:34
InadaptadoHeh, I had to do the same. So it is not just me, somebody botched the updates11:34
eristikophilesnm looked it up11:34
eristikophileshaha error code 111:34
Girly-Girleristikophiles: What output exactly?11:35
eristikophilestwo packages are broken: flashplugin-downloader:i386, and flashplugin-installer11:35
eristikophilesboth adobe's little turds11:35
InadaptadoWhat a surprise11:35
eristikophilesyeah, i already saw this from dpkg output11:35
Girly-Girleristikophiles: Does it attempt to fix this11:35
eristikophilesi tried to install the first one manually, didn't work since it's not a .deb but a tar.gz11:35
eristikophilesno, i can't get online so it fails to d/l from canonical.org11:36
eristikophileser, .com11:36
Girly-Girleristikophiles: Both packages are made by canonical, not adobe they are simply scripts to download the plugin11:36
eristikophilesbut also the target files are tar.gz anyway! ;p11:36
eristikophileswell, where would i get the .deb files to actually install from local?11:37
eristikophilesi have to move 'em over with a flash drive11:37
Girly-Girleristikophiles: You said you plugged in ethernet? doesn't that work?11:37
eristikophilesi was using LAN for the upgrade11:37
eristikophilesafter the first failure, it hasn't worked11:37
eristikophilesdhclient hangs, ifconfig shows tons of dropped packets in Rx11:37
oxymoroni guess some lan/dhcp packages were broken in the install.11:37
eristikophilesbrowser won't connect anywhere11:37
eristikophilesbut i mean,  i figure it can't restore the package db without fixing these 2 packages11:38
Girly-Girleristikophiles: Try entering manual configuration in kde network manager11:38
eristikophilesi'm using a terminal :)11:38
oxymoronNot sure which packages they are, but if possible I should use USb stick, hen copy the required packageges and resintall them or maybe reconfigure with dpkg11:38
Girly-Girleristikophiles: Is there no wlan on this pc?11:38
oxymorondpkg --reconfigure network-manager for isntance.11:39
eristikophilesGirly-Girl- how would that help?11:40
oxymoronanyway, could someone try to help me with my sound? need some tips how to make it work again, without fresh install of Kubntu please :P11:40
Girly-Girleristikophiles: Ok since both packages are dummy packages and only launch scripts run "sudo apt-get remove flashplugin-downloader flashplugin-installer"11:40
jamil_1oxymoron: what is your sound device ?11:40
jamil_1oxymoron: intel ?11:41
oxymoronjamil_1: Not quite sure, but some default Intel HDA or similar.11:41
jamil_1oxymoron: you can find this from lspci11:41
oxymoronjamil_1: 00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 6 Series/C200 Series Chipset Family High Definition Audio Controller (rev 04)11:41
jamil_1oxymoron: and you machine is ?11:41
Girly-Girleristikophiles: it will not help11:41
jamil_1oxymoron: laptio11:41
jamil_1*latop ?11:41
jamil_1oxymoron: model ?11:42
Girly-Girleristikophiles: Have you run "sudo apt-get remove flashplugin-downloader flashplugin-installer"?11:42
oxymoronjamil_1: I managed to get sound to hdmi once, but that on a bug when Phonon settings showed all sound output stream options and I could try them all.11:42
oxymoronjamil_1: Uhm Acer Timeline X 3830T11:42
eristikophilesno that sounds a bit drastic, but i guess it can't really hurt11:42
jamil_1oxymoron: currently not sound at all ?11:43
Girly-Girloxymoron: Make sure the correct phonon backend is selectes in multimidea in sys settings11:43
oxymoronjamil_1: it worked before, it crashed after I upgraded to 11.10 and my libxine was removed. Last time it didnt work either, then install xine and it worked. Now I CANNOT install Xine at all ...11:43
Girly-Girleristikophiles: Its not ... they are dummy packages11:43
oxymoronjamil_1: Nope, no sound at all.11:43
Girly-Girleristikophiles: You can safely remove then and reinstall later11:43
jamil_1oxymoron: what cant you install xine ?11:43
oxymoronGirly-Girl: Neither Gstreamer or VLC works. And Xine Backend isnt available even though it is installed.11:43
InadaptadoI think a fresh install wouldn't take as long :D11:44
oxymoronjamil_1: I can isntall libxine, kde-config-phonon-xine, but I cannot pick xine as backend streamer in Phonon11:44
oxymoronjamil_1: I was available todo that earlier before 11.10 ...11:44
eristikophileshuh, it removed them. but also it says some 40-odd packages aren't needed and wants me to apt-get autoremove11:44
eristikophiles..not sure if those were leftover from the upgrade or what11:44
Girly-Girloxymoron: "sudo killall pulseaudio" ... then open terminal "rm -rf .pulse" then restart11:45
InadaptadoThere's a fair amount of changes,it may be11:45
Girly-Girleristikophiles: Yes do "sudo apt-get autoremove"11:45
oxymoronjamil_1: What bothers me is that EVERY SINGLE time I upgraded Kubuntu it crashed my Audio settings.11:45
InadaptadoHear hear11:45
eristikophilesok, i suspect this will help clean the mess either way11:45
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oxymoronjamil_1: On different PC configurations of course, bot laptops and desktops11:45
Guest95119hi who can help me?11:45
jamil_1oxymoron: same here11:45
Girly-Girleristikophiles: Done?11:46
InadaptadoThat's why I did a fresh install. Which kind of regret by now11:46
eristikophilesno, it's gonna take a minute for all those11:46
jamil_1oxymoron: have you tried following this link: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto11:46
jamil_1oxymoron: this works for me almost every time11:46
InadaptadoGuest95119: What's the matter?11:47
oxymoronjamil_1: I really do not understand what they are doing, Gstreamer SUCKS and always done, never ever worked for me. VLC I do not know what it does, but do not work. It is quite sad, I thought Phonon should affect this with abstract layer with fallbacks. But that doesnt help if not ANY backend work xD11:47
InadaptadoBluesKaj: hi11:47
eristikophilesoxymoron- i like dragonplayer myself11:48
oxymoronjamil_1: Yeah I have tried that, but I would rather skip that if possible, hate manually configure config files.11:48
BluesKajhi Inadaptado11:48
eristikophilesVLC became buggy and didn't work with all the vid file formats i have11:48
Girly-Girloxymoron: did you try "sudo killall pulseaudio" ... then open terminal "rm -rf .pulse" then restart?11:48
eristikophilesGirly-Girl- ok it's done now11:48
oxymoroneristikophiles: Dragon player is a media player, not what we discuss :P I do not like it though, prefer kaffeine, VLC or amarok, depending on what I shoul do.11:48
oxymoronGirly-Girl: Yes, but what you mean restart? Reboot?11:49
InadaptadoVLC is a bit annoying right now, I hope it doesn't last long11:49
Girly-Girloxymoron: yes11:49
oxymoronGirly-Girl: Well I havent done that yet, do that now. brb11:49
Guest95119i installed kubuntu 11.10 with live cd and a connection to internet.i selected updates from third partes during the installation but at 90% of installation all freeze.i reboot and the system run well without problem..could i have any issue??11:49
sagaciso do I install the fglrx driver in Additional drivers or the same thing, but with post-release updates?11:49
Girly-Girleristikophiles: sudo apt-get dist-upgrade11:49
eristikophilesi've gotten sick of music players that keep library data and attempt to manage files. they all keep getting buggy and not working. i used juk for some time, but then it developed bugs, then atunes, that got buggy too. finally reverted to audacious because of its simple winamp-like model11:49
eristikophilesyou want me to just do it in terminal?11:50
Girly-Girleristikophiles: yes11:50
eristikophilesit's done11:50
eristikophilesit touched 0 packages11:50
Girly-Girleristikophiles: Ok now "nano /etc/apt/sources.lst11:51
eristikophilesew nano?11:51
eristikophilesi like vi for system files11:51
Girly-Girleristikophiles: ok whatever we are just viewing it11:51
InadaptadoGuest95119: We were discussing that same thing right now, try "sudo apt-get install -f", see what happens11:51
Anubishow do i prevent grun to display a graphic screen instead of console screen ?11:51
oxymoronGirly-Girl: Sorry, didnt work :/11:51
Girly-GirlInadaptado: That will not help for desktop ubiquity installs11:52
eristikophilesthen why not cat | less? .. anyway, it was empty and it *made* a new file11:52
oxymoronGirly-Girl: I though removed pulseaudio from Gstreamer, so it shouldnt run at all.11:52
eristikophilesoh because it's .list11:52
InadaptadoOh, my bad11:52
InadaptadoSometimes I forget I have a laptop11:52
Guest95119sorry for my question but i never used IRC channel and i don't hnow how it runs...you are discussing about installation freezing or video drivers?11:53
InadaptadoActually both11:53
eristikophilesyeah Girly-Girl i have just about every normal part enabled11:53
eristikophilesincluding multiverse / universe and extras11:53
oxymoronGirly-Girl: it is quite fun, earlier on previous releases alsa was problem and installed pulseaudio to make amarok sound work. Then someone break it ... and had to install xine all the time. Then some dumbass decided upgrade process should remove xine packages so I need to fix it again. But this time it doesnt work ...11:53
Girly-Girleristikophiles: does it say oneiric ?11:53
eristikophileson everything but backports which is natty and is commented out anyway11:54
Girly-Girl!language | oxymoron11:54
ubottuoxymoron: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.11:54
oxymoronGirly-Girl: Sorry, I am just so tired of Reconfigure Kubuntu all the time, especially sound that should work out of the box no matter of sound card chip.11:54
InadaptadoGuest95119: Have you tried updating again?11:55
Girly-Girloxymoron: "sudo apt-get purge alsa-base alsa-utils pulseaudio pulseaudio-utils" then "sudo apt-get install alsa-base alsa-utils pulseaudio pulseaudio-utils"11:55
Girly-Girleristikophiles: Ok, you are in a tty?11:55
eristikophileszsh on kterminal11:56
eristikophileser, konsole11:56
Girly-Girleristikophiles: You have a GUI running?11:56
eristikophilesyeah it's in kde still11:56
eristikophileslike i said, i haven't left the environment because i'm afraid it'll break itself trying to do so11:57
eristikophileswho knows what-all updated and what didn't11:57
Guest95119i dont' know how..in general the system is ok but for example when i try to activate video driver for my graphic card there are no changings...for example if i select advanced desktop effects their doesn' t work11:57
Girly-Girleristikophiles: Ok, in terminal "sudo ifdown -a" then "sudo ifup -a"11:57
oxymoronGirly-Girl: That remove kubuntu-desktop and kubuntu-netbook? :S11:57
Girly-Girloxymoron: No problem11:58
Girly-Girloxymoron: They are dummy packages not a complete package11:58
oxymoronGirly-Girl: Alright :)11:58
InadaptadoGuest95119:  Go to muon package manager (use the search bar on the start menu) and click 'full-upgrade'11:58
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eristikophileswoah. never heard of those11:59
BluesKajoxymoron, make sure your audio module  is listed as 'options snd_nameofmodule index=0' in /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf . This setting makes the audio module for your card the systemwide default or Card 0 . To find the right module do , lsmod | grep snd , then a do, sudo modprobe snd_nameofmodule , then sudo alsa force-reload11:59
Guest95119i'll try11:59
eristikophilesheh, neat11:59
eristikophilesi always just use dhclient to reset network connection11:59
Girly-Girleristikophiles: Is the network working now?11:59
oxymoronBluesKaj: is there any single one command to do that? :D12:00
oxymoronBluesKaj: Or maybe bash script.12:00
eristikophilesifconfig reports tons of collisions and dropped packets still12:01
InadaptadoI may have froze guest's computer. Oh, well, at least I tried12:01
eristikophiles..the dropped packets are steadily increasing12:01
BluesKajoxymoron, not that I know of , it's not real difficult if you just do the steps one by one12:01
eristikophilesand there is no IP addressed12:01
eristikophilestrying sudo dhclient eth012:01
oxymorongreat now HDMI doesnt work :S it worked when I rebooted computer. But when reached desktop, it doesnt work anymore. Try to replug the connection, but still not owkr.12:02
BluesKajoxymoron, just try it12:02
oxymoronBluesKaj: No, but I do not want to need to do it. In Windows as uI have to compare with this time, you never need to manually edit its config files.12:02
Girly-Girleristikophiles: /etc/init.d/networking restart12:03
InadaptadoSpeaking of Muon, am I the only one that, no matter what you search, always get12:05
Girly-Girleristikophiles: sorry "sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart"12:05
Inadaptado*gets the same results at the beginning?12:05
BluesKajoxymoron, if you don't want to follow advice , then stop complaining and taking up room in the chat, at least try to fix your problem first.12:05
oxymoronBluesKaj: Which one? http://pastebin.com/YDHZ7w7Z12:05
Inadaptadopeace_: hola12:05
oxymoronBluesKaj: Alright, trying now.12:06
burazrockInadaptado now i'm under kubuntu.i try sudo apt-get install -f but there are no problems..so even if the installation stops at 90% there are no problems?12:06
Girly-Girlburazrock: Upgrade or fresh install?12:07
BluesKajoxymoron, snd_hda_intel12:07
burazrockGirly-Girl:fresh install12:07
eristikophilesfirst it says it's deprecated, then runs anyway.. says [OK] at the end of the one line, which just says "reconfiguring network interfaces"12:08
oxymoronsnd_hda_intel is not in alsa base config file options?12:08
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eristikophilesalso, ifconfig is unchanged (still shows increasing numbers of bad packets)12:09
eristikophileserrors, dropped, overruns12:09
eristikophiles..for Tx as well as Rx oddly12:09
eristikophilesit's like it keeps trying to get data, and gets back data, but none of it is resolved properly12:09
InadaptadoEuhh... I don't know what the last 10% of the installation does. Cleanup? In that case there shouldn't be any problem12:10
oxymoronBluesKaj: No one has index=012:10
eristikophilesdhclient still hangs12:10
Girly-Girlburazrock: Run "sudo apt-get remove kubuntu-desktop" then "sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop"12:10
BluesKajoxymoron, in  in /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf  ,type this , options snd_hda_intel index=012:11
burazrockGirly-Girl: this script disinstall kwin and reinstall it?12:11
Peace-BluesKaj: :)12:11
jamil_1ubottu: any change you know something: http://paste.ubuntu.com/709419/12:11
ubottujamil_1: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)12:12
BluesKajhi Peace-12:12
oxymoronBluesKaj: Yes, did all steps, next?12:12
Girly-GirlBluesKaj: ok12:12
Girly-Girlburazrock: ok12:13
Girly-GirlBluesKaj: Sorry wrong person12:13
BluesKajoxymoron , sudo modprobe  snd_hda_intel12:13
burazrockthese are the packets after sudo apt-get isntall -f  screen-resolution-extra libgomp1 python-central gcc-4.6 libquadmath0 gcc12:13
burazrock  nvidia-settings-updates dkms libc6-dev linux-libc-dev patch manpages-dev12:13
burazrock  libc-dev-bi12:13
oxymoronBluesKaj: yes did that and force.reload12:13
Girly-Girlburazrock: yes its fine12:13
jamil_1eristikophiles: whats the output of: sudo route -n12:13
burazrockcan i clean these packets ?12:13
Girly-Girlburazrock: yes12:14
eristikophilesjust shows some headers on a table, no data12:14
eristikophilesDestination   Gateway  and so on12:15
BluesKajoxymoron, you might need to reboot if your audio isn't working yet , make sure your Card 0 is default in phonon devices , pass the cursor over the devices to find it12:15
jamil_1eristikophiles: thats why packets are dropped12:15
Girly-Girleristikophiles: what does "ifconfig" show12:15
burazrocki try to understand if i'm only one that have problem with freezing of installation and video driver12:15
jamil_1eristikophiles: ifconfig eth0 shows an ip or not ?12:16
InadaptadoYou are not, burazrock, I had problems both upgrading and installing fresh12:16
Girly-Girloxymoron: "sudo apt-get install pavucontrol"12:16
oxymoronBluesKaj: I only have ONE in phonon devices.12:16
ghabitHello. Help! Just installed kubuntu, and I have no sound12:17
eristikophilesoddly, it shows an ipv6 address but no ipv4 one12:17
eristikophilesfor eth012:17
ghabitcannot listen music12:17
ghabitcannot look video, but I can hear system sounds.12:17
BluesKajoxymoron, I would reboot12:17
oxymoronghabit: Lol, welcome to the club :D12:17
Girly-Girlghabit: Fresh install?12:17
ghabitoxymoron: Do you have only system sounds also? ^)12:17
ghabitGirly-Girl: yep, just installed12:17
oxymoronghabit: Nope, no sound at all.12:17
jamil_1eristikophiles: eth0 is up ?12:17
ghabitI have 'brinnngg' when i'm deleting something.12:17
oxymoronBluesKaj: Yeah I try with another reboot.12:18
eristikophilesno, as far as i can tell, it's not12:18
eristikophilesi also can't seem to reach my router's IP12:18
Girly-Girlghabit: Where do you not have sound?12:18
jamil_1eristikophiles: I meant does ifconfig eth0 show UP somewhere ?12:18
burazrockGirly-Girl after installing kubuntu-desktop what i should do?12:18
ghabitGirly-Girl: you just highlighed me, and I heared the quassel's sound.12:18
ghabitGirly-Girl: but amarok cannot give me sound12:18
ghabityoutube also12:18
eristikophilesyeah there's an entry for it12:19
Girly-Girlghabit: Ok, Go in system settings > Multimedia12:19
Girly-Girlghabit: Under phonon, move the prfered device for multimedia etc to the correct entry12:19
jamil_1eristikophiles: whats the out put if you do: sudo dhclient eth012:20
Girly-Girlburazrock: Nothing its fine now12:20
eristikophilesjamil_1- it just hangs12:20
ghabitGirly-Girl: well, i can see phonon options. But where is prefered device? I can see pulse audio only.12:20
jamil_1eristikophiles: not output ?12:20
eristikophilesno output. i had to kill the processes in order to stop it.. the one time i actually waited like 10 minutes for it to finish, still no output, just dropped back to command line12:20
oxymoronBluesKaj: Nope, still doesnt work :S12:20
burazrockGirly-Girl sorry for my question but what problem i resolved with this installation?12:20
jamil_1eristikophiles: are you sure dhcp server is running somewhere ?12:21
Girly-Girlghabit: click the phone first12:21
eristikophileswell yeah, i'm on the same router for this box12:21
eristikophiles..which is very evidently online (and i just upgraded it to oneiric too.. and it's fine lol)12:21
ghabitGirly-Girl: phone?12:21
burazrockInadaptado, ave you got problems during installation or after?12:21
Girly-Girlburazrock: nothing, its just a security mesure in case something was wrong it would have been fixed12:21
BluesKajoxymoron, which player , VLC ?12:21
oxymoronBluesKaj: ONLY sound device I can see it Interal Audio, Anlog stereo12:21
eristikophilesin fact it was surprisingly easy. when i rebooted after the process, things just popped back like always12:21
Girly-Girlghabit: phonon12:21
oxymoronBluesKaj: No system sound, no sound in VLC or anywhere.12:21
eristikophiles..of course my poor ol' eee is giving me issues though12:22
Girly-Girloxymoron: "sudo apt-get install pavucontrol" then launch "pavucontrol"12:22
ghabitGirly-Girl: phonon, and i have there only 'pulseaudio audioserver'12:22
oxymoronThe most ODD now, is that my HDMI works in shutdown adn upstart process of laptop, but not in desktop environment? :D12:22
Inadaptadoburazrock: During, some packages wouldn't upgrade/download12:23
BluesKajoxymoron, ok , purge pulse audio , then reload alsa again12:23
Girly-Girlghabit: hit test on the playback device12:23
eristikophilesGirly-Girl- do you suppose that i really have upgraded to oneiric as lsb_release -a indicates, or is that not true?12:23
ghabitGirly-Girl: silence on test.12:23
Girly-Girleristikophiles: You have upgraded12:24
eristikophilesit seems like there must be a way to clean up the package db without the net12:24
ghabitbut I can hear the quassel's sound.12:24
ghabitactually, kde's sounds.12:24
eristikophilesok, so it's just a broken package db without a broken kernel or anything i guess12:24
eristikophiles..it didn't reboot btw.. but it wants me to now12:24
oxymoronGirly-Girl: pavucontrol didnt help :/12:24
BluesKajoxymoron,  sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get -y --reinstall install alsa-base alsa-utils; killall pulseaudio; rm -r ~/.pulse*12:25
Girly-Girloxymoron: Can you control settings there?12:25
oxymoronGirly-Girl: Yes.12:25
burazrockGirly-Girl:oh good but there is another problem with my graphica card.. i have a geforce g105m.after installation some effect works fine automatically, but when i activate proprietary drivers when i active effects at right of screen opens a window of error and a list of effects that cannot apply12:25
oxymoronGirly-Girl: Trying different settings but nothing helps.12:25
eristikophilesGirly-Girl- i should note that prior to upgrading to natty, my LAN *and* wifi were broken12:26
burazrockInadaptado: is like my installation..probably there are server problems..12:26
ttedihello, I installed kubuntu 11.10 on my lenovo e325. the installer finished without any errors, but the computer always boots into windows (doesn't display a boot menu)12:26
InadaptadoYeah, well, those things happens in the first days of a new release12:26
ghabitGirly-Girl: should I just try to reboot?12:27
Girly-Girlghabit: ok12:27
eristikophilesmy LAN did work in like 9.04 i think, then i broke it trying to mess with firewall software (which i uninstalled but it didn't unbreak it). LAN worked again after 10.04, then 11.04 allowed me to use wifi finally but only after i plugged into LAN and then inputted the wifi passhex12:27
eristikophilesonce it was connected to wifi on top of LAN, i unplugged and wifi kept working12:27
eristikophilesso really i have no clue wtf is wrong with this netbook in terms of drivers and stuff, but i do know it's crazy12:28
oxymoronSoon I give up, how hard should it be to fix HDMI with audio and video, and audio at all on a laptop.12:28
eristikophilesi had hoped 11.10 would lead to yet more improvements, but alas it's just re-broken the damn thing12:28
Girly-Girleristikophiles: Reboot the system and try12:28
InadaptadoI haven't been able to use wifi properly until this release. So far at least.12:28
eristikophilesi guess..12:28
eristikophilesyou think there's a chance it'll not boot right?12:28
oxymoronThere is some heavy improvements in 11.10, but some things is unfortunatly broken12:29
eristikophilesi could probably still copy over some stuff into the data partition12:29
synrodahi all12:29
synrodacan you help me12:29
Inadaptadottedi: Did you let the installer to chose the partitions and such?12:29
synrodaHow do I can install emerald in ubuntu 11.10?12:29
ghabitGirly-Girl: highlight me please now.12:30
ttediInadaptado: yes, I let him automatically install into unpartitioned space12:30
ghabitI can hear music!12:30
ttediInadaptado: the e325 uses uefi, possibly that has to do with the problem12:30
oxymoronas latest release dropbox does not work at all as well. Not sure why, but I get permission error all the time even though I did chown on my dropbox folder.12:30
ghabitGirly-Girl: now I can hear amarok, but cannot hear quassel ^(12:30
InadaptadoIt could be, yes12:30
oxymoronghabit: Do you manage to get sound work?12:30
ghabitHm. Now I have all the sounds!12:31
Girly-Girlghabit: quassel only makes noice when inactive12:31
ghabitoxymoron: yep.12:31
ghabitI have it working now12:31
ubottuemerald is an obsolete window decorator for compiz. It's unsupported and unmaintained, making issues with it very hard to diagnose and fix. There are no known, supported alternatives.12:31
oxymoronghabit: What did you do? I do not get it work at all ::S12:31
eristikophilesok well, fortunately my netbook is set up with a data partition that holds nearly all the important stuff, and i copied over the few essential files that weren't on there already from /home12:32
eristikophilesso i should be ok now12:32
BluesKajoxymoron, did you remove pulseaudio ?12:32
ghabitoxymoron: well, actually sound now is 'noisy'12:32
ghabitI think some software problem12:32
ghabitlooks like software mixing is bad.12:32
spacebug-where can I found new skins for the "analog clock widget"? And hod do I install them?12:32
oxymoronBluesKaj: Yeah.12:33
ghabitAlso I cannot setup my 5.1. sound system12:33
oxymoronghabit: I do not get any sound at all :S using Intel HDA card.12:33
eristikophiles..ok, it's loaded up seemingly ok. kde starting up12:33
Inadaptadospacebug-: opendesktop.org12:33
oxymoronHow do I restore to 11.04?12:34
spacebug-Inadaptado: thx12:34
oxymoronrollback all sound things.12:34
Girly-Girlspacebug-: kde-look.org .... also in System Settings, workspace appearance plasma themes there is a downloader built in kde12:34
Girly-Girloxymoron: You cannot12:35
ghabitWhere the software installer @ kubuntu?12:35
InadaptadoIt is Muon now, ghabit12:35
BluesKajoxymoron, ,did it ever occur to you to do some research on your own ...you might find it very educational , instead of ranting in here whenever you have a problem12:36
ghabitInadaptado: thx!12:36
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
InadaptadoThere's a package installer and a software centre. I'm not quite fond of either12:36
ghabitHm, ubuntu's one is better ^)12:36
ghabitlast question. How to make kubuntu not default OS @ grub?12:37
oxymoronBluesKaj: Yeah, I google all the time ;)12:37
InadaptadoWell, you'll have to edit GRUB12:38
eristikophilesyay! it's working and i'm back online12:38
Girly-Girleristikophiles: Good12:38
eristikophilesok so, best thing now would be sudo apt-get i guess?12:38
eristikophilesor run dpkg first?12:38
eristikophiles--configure -a?12:38
Girly-Girleristikophiles: sudo apt-get install -f"12:38
spacebug-Girly-Girl: tnx12:39
BluesKajoxymoron, which backend in phonon,?12:39
Girly-Girleristikophiles: sudo apt-get install "flashplugin-downloader flashplugin-installer"12:39
oxymoronBluesKaj: I am not lazy and just sit here and wait for all the answers. I ask as I cannot found anything on google as the problem is to new for any solutions on google ...12:40
eristikophilesinstall -f didn't have to do anything ,finished clean12:40
oxymoronBluesKaj: Currently gstreamer.12:40
Girly-Girleristikophiles: then finally sudo apt-get dist-upgrade and "sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop"12:40
oxymoronBluesKaj: and now I completly removed all pulseaudio from computer.12:40
oxymoronBluesKaj: I want to use Xine as backend in phonon, but I cannot.12:40
BluesKaj!intelhda | oxymoron12:40
ubottuoxymoron: For fixing your Intel HDA sound this page has useful information https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto12:40
eristikophilesyeah it's working now12:41
spacebug-loading providers failed :(12:41
eristikophilesinstalling all manner of junk lol12:41
burazrockproblem with my graphica card.. i have a geforce g105m.after installation some effect works fine automatically,suddenly i activate proprietary drivers and then i turned on advanced effects. at right of screen instanctly opens a window of error and a list of effects that cannot apply..and also after GRUB doesn't appear "kubuntu" but only blue horizontal lines...what i can do?12:41
eristikophiles(after the flashplugin command) .. and btw, those " broke it :)12:41
eristikophilesit only works without them12:41
oxymoronBluesKaj: I apparently use "Conexant CX20588" as codec? :S12:42
BluesKajit's not a real audio codec '12:43
eristikophilesok, flash installed12:43
Girly-Girloxymoron: type this in terminal as it is "sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-audio-dev/ppa; sudo apt-get update;sudo apt-get dist-upgrade; sudo apt-get install linux-sound-base alsa-base alsa-utils linux-image-`uname -r` linux-alsa-driver-modules-$(uname -r) libasound2; sudo apt-get -y --reinstall install linux-sound-base alsa-base alsa-utils linux-image-`uname -r` linux-alsa-driver-modules-$(uname -r)  libasound2; killall pulseaudio; rm -r ~/.pulse*"12:43
Inadaptadoburazrock:  Nvidia drivers do not always support advanced effects. About GRUB, it happened to me at first, but after a few reboots it fixed itself12:44
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oxymoronGirly-Girl: Wowo, where did you find that command? :O12:44
Girly-Girloxymoron: I made it12:44
eristikophilesGirly-Girl- ok, so, i did the dist-upgrade one, didn't touch any packages. the kubuntu-desktop one did likewise, saying "the installed desktop is the latest version"12:45
burazrockInadaptado the problem is that after installation some effects works (with standard drivers) but now,after activate and deactivate does't work nothing...12:45
Girly-Girleristikophiles: Ok its fine then ... check your kde version should be 4.7.112:45
oxymoronGirly-Girl: Uhm, did work to add ubuntu-audio-dev? Source does not exist when updating.12:45
oxymoronGirly-Girl: Ambigous, kudos to yuo :)12:46
dnivrahello. I am using kubuntu 11.10-upgraded from 11.04 on a sony vaio laptop recently. My touchpad isn't working. How can I make it work? It worked fine in the previous version..12:47
eristikophilesok, this is odd. i ran the muon software center.. under the installed software part, i search for zsh (noticed it was missing when i scanned the scroll) and it's not there. but of course i can see man zsh in terminal, and i'm running zsh :)12:47
BluesKajburazrock, what nvidia card and which driver ?12:47
Inadaptadoburazrock: I couldn't say then. Nonetheless, I couldn't use advanced effects at all on the previous version12:47
eristikophilesand yeah KDE is 4.7.112:47
yofeleristikophiles: zsh is not an application - thus it won't show up in the SC, use the package manager12:48
eristikophilesyeah i was curious what the difference would be12:48
BluesKajbur nm the card , i see itt now , but which driver12:48
eristikophilesit appears it's as i suspected. the package manager is the real thing, the "software center" is for noobs12:48
yofeleristikophiles: well, in short, yes12:48
Girly-Girloxymoron: Try this then "sudo apt-get update;sudo apt-get dist-upgrade; sudo apt-get install linux-sound-base alsa-base alsa-utils linux-image-`uname -r` linux-alsa-driver-modules-$(uname -r) libasound2; sudo apt-get -y --reinstall install linux-sound-base alsa-base alsa-utils linux-image-`uname -r` linux-alsa-driver-modules-$(uname -r)  libasound2; killall pulseaudio; rm -r ~/.pulse*"12:49
InadaptadoI just remembered, when I tried to upgrade Apper was also installed, but not in the fresh installation12:49
eristikophileswhy must they do this?12:49
eristikophilesi guess maybe so people can't break their installs. but.. *shrug*12:49
burazrockBluesKaj: nvidia geforce g105m and drivers about 28012:49
BluesKajburazrock,is that your nvidia-current  version ?12:50
eristikophilesok so, while googling earlier i ran across some mention of a package that helps cut down on CPU usage and such12:50
eristikophilesanyone know what that is?12:50
eristikophiles(i'd like to use it on this ol' i386 box)12:50
InadaptadoThat rings a bell12:51
Girly-Girleristikophiles: kubuntu-low-fat-settings12:51
burazrockBluesKaj: i tried to activate nvidia current and also driver post release12:51
InadaptadoOh, yeah, that, I saw it yesterday. Anybody knows if it works?12:51
eristikophilesahh yes12:51
eristikophilesi couldn't re-find it12:51
FloodBotK2eristikophiles: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.12:51
FloodBotK1eristikophiles: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.12:51
InadaptadoWow, you pissed both floodbots12:52
jamil_1yofel here is the http://paste.ubuntu.com/709419/ after I installed kde debug package12:52
BluesKajtried , burazrock ? the nvidia should have auto updated during the upgrade12:52
eristikophilesi like muon already12:52
eristikophilesit's like synaptic but for kde XD12:53
InadaptadoIt still needs some workaround12:53
burazrockBluesKaj: i installed fresh12:53
BluesKajeristikophiles, I still prefer synaptic as a reference12:53
BluesKajburazrock, did you use jockey to install the "recommended driver"12:54
=== filiphe is now known as ugglan91
burazrockBluesKaj: i think yes..the program that is in start if you write driver12:54
Girly-Girloxymoron: Sorted?12:55
InadaptadoIn my installation there are two Nvidia drivers, a 'post-updates' version and a 'current' version. Related?12:55
oxymoronBluesKaj: Several time something asks me that sound card is detected removed, should I permently forget it. I say yes, could that affect and why and how?12:56
oxymoronGirly-Girl: No unfortunatly not :/12:56
oxymoronGirly-Girl: This time though I get a list of all available units in settings for sound card :P12:56
CenbeIs there a way to reduce the transparency of widgets? I find this distracting: http://lyonlabs.org/transparency.png12:57
eristikophilesi uninstalled synaptic. muon does exactly what i used it for. :)12:58
InadaptadoInstall a different theme, Cenbe12:58
oxymoronThe most annoying is that I have no control of what system does with config files. Seems like it broke itself by removing things.12:59
Girly-GirlCenbe: Use a differnent plasma theme12:59
eristikophileshm. how do i actually config the low-fat stuff?12:59
InadaptadoCenbe: I use Slim Glow. Still transparent, but not that much12:59
eristikophilesugh. transparency drives me nuts. i prefer opaque backgrounds. preferably black, or at least dark.13:00
eristikophilesif i could get everything to be amber on black, i'd be happy (but only some apps, like xchat here, can do it)13:00
BluesKajoxymoron, that depends on whether you want to use pulseaudio , because alsa is driver and it sees all those options , whereas with pulseaudio you probly just see the pulseaudio soundserver link to the driver , which is usually only 1  or 2 options13:00
Girly-Girleristikophiles: "sudo apt-get install kubuntu-low-fat-settings"13:01
eristikophilesGirly-Girl- i already used muon to install it13:01
InadaptadoI'm kind of disappointed on Oneiric artwork. Really don't like the icons.13:01
eristikophilesi mean like, is there a config. apropos low-fat returns nothing13:01
Girly-Girleristikophiles: That's it13:01
Girly-Girleristikophiles: No its a bunch of settings, re login and it will take effect ... an additional boost run "oxygen-settings" and disable animations13:02
eristikophilesi already have animations off13:02
oxymoronThen I wonder if someone can explain why HDMI only works when I am not in desktop environment? :S It works on boot process, even before computers screen output :O13:02
eristikophilesanyway i'm not using oxygen at all13:03
eristikophilesi use a theme called tragedy13:03
InadaptadoI think I'm gonna keep it full fat, it's not like I'm using my graphic card for anything else13:03
eristikophilessome goth no doubt named it (it's based on a black-bg)13:03
Girly-Girloxymoron: Can't you do a fresh install13:03
oxymoronIt worked one time, then I rebooted when HDMI was in. Then after the boot it works in boot process, but when reached login screen it does not work anymore :S13:03
tspgsome one got probrelms with  the new version and phpmyadmin???13:03
oxymoronGirly-Girl: Sure i guess, it just take to long time :/13:03
InadaptadoNot longer than its taking you do this, oxymoron13:04
Girly-Girloxymoron: Backup your home folder, documents, desktop, pictures, videos and paste them back13:04
BluesKajoxymoron, pastebin your alsamixer settings13:04
oxymoronInadaptado: Not install process, but to download to USB stick, backup all data etc.13:04
oxymoronBluesKaj: Where is the alsamixer settings?13:05
tspgsome one got probrelms with  the new version and phpmyadmin? thx13:05
InadaptadoYou can do it in an hour (well, depending on how much you have on the Home folder, of course)13:05
oxymoronGirly-Girl: Yeah I guess it goes faster, I do not have anything else todo today anyway xD13:05
eristikophilesGirly-Girl- you've been really helpful btw, thanks a lot13:05
eristikophiles(and others too)13:05
* Inadaptado bows at Girly-Girl and BluesKaj13:06
oxymoronInadaptado: Not much in home folder really. It just is so anooying to reinstall eclipse with all settings, remember all apps I installed, fix wine again etc.13:06
BluesKajoxymoron, in the terminal type , alsamixer13:06
Inadaptadooxymoron: Point taken13:06
oxymoronInadaptado: But sure I can do it. I just hate that I need to do it every single time I upgrade to "stable" version.13:07
InadaptadoTo be honest, I wasn't planning to do a fresh install... until I noticed I had no sound :D13:08
oxymoronInadaptado: Other OSes at least make a backup of everything, EVEN app data and settings. Then upgrade it, then put verything back WITHOUT any config complications.13:08
oxymoronInadaptado: lol13:08
BluesKajoxymoron, ?13:08
oxymoronBluesKaj: Yes I am in alsamixer, then? system info?13:08
Girly-Girl!lol | oxymoron13:09
ubottuoxymoron: Please don't use "LOL" and "OMG" and so forth on a regular basis. This is IRC, not IM, and using those lines on their own is not required, and it is rather annoying to the rest of the people in the channel; thanks.13:09
BluesKajoxymoron, screen shot . and pastebin13:09
oxymoronBluesKaj: http://wstaw.org/m/2011/10/16/plasma-desktopDj1638.jpg13:10
larsivikmail seems to be broken after the update - anyone know/seen anything?13:10
larsivi*broken for me13:10
Girly-Girllarsivi: As in migrate fails?13:11
Girly-Girllarsivi: http://bit.ly/o841iy13:11
larsiviGirly-Girl: started with that, yes13:11
oxymoronYeah, seem to be a lot of broken things. Is anyone test releases before releasing them? :S If something not work, remove the new thing and stick with the old.13:11
BluesKajoxymoron, your speaker out put ctle is muted "M" , use the "M" key to unmute it.13:11
oxymoronBluesKaj: Youre kidding? :D13:12
oxymoronBluesKaj: Or which channel you mean is muted?13:12
InadaptadoWhen I tried to upgrade I got an error message every time I logged in, asking me for an email account I never set13:12
BluesKajdid you not know about the Mute ? ,..the speaker control, oxymoron13:13
OerHeksMM = muted, 00 is open13:13
oxymoronBluesKaj: No mute on the PCM as Kmix do not show muted. But spekaer muted i didnt now.13:13
BluesKajoxymoron, did you unmute it ?13:14
eristikophileslulz. apologies but that is hilarious (that the sound was just muted) .. i've been there too (similar issues)13:14
eristikophiles..anyway, time to reboot this box for the low-fat goodness13:14
oxymoronBluesKaj: lol yes, now it seems to work :S13:14
oxymoronBluesKaj: Seriously I have never muted the speaker.13:14
* Girly-Girl is litterally rolling on the floor laughing13:15
oxymoronOerHeks: yes I know that mm is muted ;)13:15
* BluesKaj should have asked about this before ...dunno why some ctrls are muted by default after upgrades , but that is the case with some cards13:15
InadaptadoLunch time. Later.13:16
oxymoronmaster always was umuted, as I thought was main thing. Speaker muted though, which Kmix and so never shown me.13:16
oxymoronBluesKaj: If I know that before I would have noticed earlier :P13:16
BluesKajoxymoron, always check alsamixer after an upgrade ...it's not your fault13:16
Girly-GirlBluesKaj: oxymoron Mine was mutted after a fresh install ...  ALC audio though ... Speaker was muted , main was on and headphone was on13:16
oxymoronBluesKaj: Alright, well good to know :) Hopefully nothing is broken after everything with alsa-base config, modprobe and purging pulseaudio.13:17
BluesKajGirly-Girl, yup, I encountered this with my other linuxbox, the linout was muted13:17
oxymoronGirly-Girl: Well I noticed main/master was muted, as you notice in right bottom corner with kmix. But that does not take in counter that spekaer is muted. Checked alsamixer several times, but never accoruage to me that speaker was muted :P13:18
oxymoronNext problem, HDMI video output :D13:18
BluesKajoxymoron, if you have probs without pulseaudio , then just reinstall it13:18
oxymoronBluesKaj: Seems to work now without it and I never needed pulseaudio, so better not to have it I guess :D13:18
BluesKajoxymoron, ok good13:19
jamil_1why is my wireless tab disabled in Netwrok Connections ? http://imagebin.org/17930713:19
Girly-GirlBluesKaj: oxymoron: Not installing pulseaudio now migh cause issues on the next upgrade, better put it back13:19
oxymoronGirly-Girl: Why?13:20
tolkachwell, the netbook (this is eristik) is working fine now13:20
BluesKajGirly-Girl, i doubt that , since PA is installed by default during upgrade to the new OS13:20
Girly-Girljamil_1: In the network manager plasmoid, in the tray uncheck and check the "enable wireless option"13:21
larsiviGirly-Girl: thanks13:22
oxymoronAnyway, thanks for all help, BluesKaj, Girly-Girl :) I am a pain in the ass sometimes :D13:22
Girly-Girl!language | oxymoron13:23
ubottuoxymoron: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.13:23
BluesKajoxymoron, remember , always check alsamixer first :)13:23
oxymoronNow I just want to know why KDe does not send any HDMI signal to my TV device in the desktop. Though HDMI works as said multiple times already, when not in KDE.13:23
oxymoronBluesKaj: Will do :)13:23
eristikophilesalright, back up..13:23
eristikophilesso hopefully low-fat is running now13:23
oxymoronGirly-Girl: I can type pita next time ;)13:23
eristikophiles(i did a full reboot)13:23
BluesKajoxymoron, check you hdmi ctrl in alsamixer :)13:24
Girly-Girleristikophiles: Disable desktop effects too if you find them slow13:24
=== Girly-Girl is now known as GirlyGirl
eristikophilesi had most of them off before13:25
eristikophilesunless it randomly re-enables them13:25
oxymoronBluesKaj: Well the sound isnt the problem, it is the video output.13:25
GirlyGirloxymoron: What graphic card is this?13:26
oxymoronGirlyGirl: Intel HD 3000 I think, latest integrated one.13:26
oxymoronGirlyGirl: it works on boots and reboots, when I am not inside KDE, HDMI video works ... Then it worked ONE TIME inside KDE. but when I rebooted it didnt work anymore :(13:27
GirlyGirloxymoron: Plug it in, System Settings > Display and Monitors13:27
oxymoronGirlyGirl: First time EVER I got HDMI working in Kubuntu.13:27
oxymoronGirlyGirl: yes, been there done that. HDMI clones my first display LSDVP113:27
eristikophileshm. says nepomuk indexing agents have been disabled.13:27
eristikophilesthat's just file-search stuff right?13:27
oxymoronGirlyGirl: Share outputs doesnt work13:28
GirlyGirloxymoron: What does the multiple monitors screen show13:28
oxymoronGirlyGirl: That HDMI should be on top of my laptops sreen. It is like all otputs goes to laptop screen13:28
oxymoronHDMI on top of LSDVP1.13:29
oxymoronIf I identy outputs, HDMI1 and LSDVP1 shows both on laptop screen, even thoguh HDMi should be cloned of LVDSP113:29
GirlyGirloxymoron: You want an extended desktop or a clone?13:30
oxymoronGirlyGirl: I want same picture on both TV and laptop. When watch movie it doesnt matter, as long as I see picture on TV.13:31
oxymoronWhich should be main output, should they share output etc?13:31
george__hello. I've updated to kubuntu 11.10 and it was fine, but today, for some reason, sound stopped working! Help, please?13:32
jamil_1GirlyGirl: I have just added the network management plasmoid in the panle13:33
jamil_1but it is an ugly red cross13:33
BluesKajjamil_1, wifi or ethernet?13:34
jamil_1BluesKaj: I currently connect from terminal13:34
jamil_1sudo wpa_supplicant -Dwext -iwlan0 -cwpa.conf && dhclient wlan013:35
BluesKajjamil_1, ok , that string looks right with wpa_supplicant  ...whynot just use it in a script in startup & shautdown13:37
jamil_1BluesKaj: before upgrade I didn't have to anything and it just worked why now ?13:37
BluesKajdamn network manager interferes with wpa_supplicant akfaik13:37
jamil_1also I think issue is not that simple13:38
BluesKajjamil_1, why NM ?13:38
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mneptokBluesKaj: because New Mexico rocks!13:38
oxymoronHmm it seems like my HDMI cable glitched ...13:39
oxymoronBut last thing is that the sound should be on HDMI now, not on my PC, how to fix?13:39
BluesKajok jamil_1 , I used wpa_supplicant for a while as well, but I didn't have NM installed ...thast was in 10.04 tho ..things may have changed since .13:40
yofeljamil_1: if you _can_ use wpa_supplicant that means network-manager isn't running13:40
yofeland the plasma applet needs it13:40
jamil_1yofel: yup13:41
jamil_1here is my dmesg: http://paste.ubuntu.com/709678/13:41
jamil_1you can see many instances of killing and spawning of network manager13:41
BluesKajoxymoron, like I said earlier, did you check HDMI Ctrl in alsamixer ?13:42
oxymoronBluesKaj: There is not HDMI Ctrl in alsamixer?13:42
jamil_1also the crash report I get after every restart: http://paste.ubuntu.com/709419/13:42
BluesKajoxymoron, in alsamixer , F5 . that shows all ctrls13:43
yofeljamil_1: what are the permissions on /usr/sbin/NetworkManager ?13:43
jamil_1-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 863512 2011-10-07 01:09 /usr/sbin/NetworkManager13:45
yofelhm, that's fine..13:45
oxymoronBluesKaj: I changed volume on HDMI, nothing changes. Only hear sound on speakers in laptop.13:46
yofeljamil_1: anything more descriptive in /var/log/syslog?13:46
BluesKajoxymoron, I see your auto-mute is enabled in alsamixer , disable it13:47
oxymoronBluesKaj: how to disable it? :)13:48
BluesKajthe up and down arrow keys13:48
jamil_1yofel: Oct 16 18:27:59 jamil-laptop kernel: [   46.012566] init: network-manager main process (1408) terminated with status 12713:48
oxymoronBluesKaj: Not sure, but now it seems it play on both laptop and TV :D13:49
oxymoronBluesKaj: Nope, just laptop still.13:49
oxymorongah its so close13:50
yofeljamil_1: what do you get when you run 'sudo NetworkManager' ?13:50
BluesKajoxymoron, is the hdmi outputs listed in phonon devices13:50
jamil_1yofel: Failed to read classid file: Object not found13:51
oxymoronBluesKaj: Yes I tried that, but when testing it it plays HDMI output on laptop :P13:51
yofeljamil_1: can you reinstall network-manager and try again?13:51
oxymoronBluesKaj: Maybe install pulseaudio again? :D13:51
BluesKajoxymoron, wait13:51
zeltakhya guys. i have some rules for specific apps to open in specific desktops. does anyone know how to make a rule for all other aps with no rules to open in the first desktop?13:52
jamil_1yofel: same error even after reinstalling13:54
BluesKajoxymoron, did you try s/pdif output to the tv , are there coax or toslink connections on the laptoip and tv ?13:54
oxymoronBluesKaj: Nope, only HDMI.13:54
BluesKajok try pulseaudio , but install pavucontrol too13:55
oxymoronBluesKaj: Sure ;)13:56
* BluesKaj is not a PA fan but has to use it for webaudio content , otherwise I can live without it .13:58
george__Don't know if that helps, but audio was working fine apter the update, but it has just stopped working this morning...13:59
yofeljamil_1: and that's all you get?13:59
jamil_1yofel: yup13:59
* GirlyGirl has never had any issues with pulseaudio since lucid and up13:59
yofeljamil_1: and after you run sudo NetworkManger, 'echo $?' returns 127?14:00
BluesKajgeorge__, check alsamixer in the terminal , you may ahve mute "M" turned on14:00
jamil_1yofel: not its 014:00
oxymoronBluesKaj: I cannot change devices in pavucontrol, doesnt find any14:00
yofeljamil_1: what does 'sudo service network-manager start' say?14:01
oxymoronBluesKaj: Yeah now it works :D14:01
jamil_1yofel: it says: network-manager start/running, process 528514:01
BluesKajGirlyGirl, PA is a soundserver that's required for some cards to work / link webaudio to alsa ...dunno why flash audio doesn't link to alsa like it's designed to14:01
yofeljamil_1: any errors at the bottom of dmesg now?14:02
oxymoronBluesKaj: I though need to change it manually in pavucontrol. Shouldnt hdmi automaticly change to both hdmi output and audio output?14:02
BluesKaji still think phonon is half baked as well14:02
jamil_1yofel: [ 2050.093482] init: network-manager main process (5339) terminated with status 12714:02
jamil_1[ 2050.093512] init: network-manager respawning too fast, stopped14:03
BluesKajoxymoron, dunno , sorry14:03
george__BluesKaj: Thanks! It was just like you've said. But I feel stupid for being so easy to solve it. Anyway, I didn't change anything, how it was mute in the first place?14:03
yofeljamil_1: try to purge nm and installing it again14:03
GirlyGirljamil_1: Are permissions correct on network-manager?14:03
jamil_1GirlyGirl: -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 863512 2011-10-07 01:09 /usr/sbin/NetworkManager14:03
yofelGirlyGirl: on /usr/sbin/NetworkManager yes14:03
darthanubisanyone noticing miro crashing amarok just by starting miro?14:04
oxymoronBluesKaj: anyway thanks :) Now it at least work, even if it doesnt work good, it works :P14:04
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jamil_1yofel: purging.....14:04
BluesKajgeorge__, for some reason the devs in their infinite wisdom choose to have alsa muted when a new OS is installed14:04
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george__BluesKaj: I see. Well, thanks anyway. Maybe that should be rethink, or at least users should be warned. There a lot of users, specially the new ones,  that doesn't even know irc exists.14:07
GirlyGirljamil_1: sudo dpkg-reconfigure network-manager14:07
* yofel never had sound muted after install...14:07
BluesKajgeorge__, np , hope you enjoy kubuntu:)14:07
jamil_1GirlyGirl: currently purging and reinstalling network-manager14:08
george__BluesKaj: Enjoying since 2010 ;)14:08
* GirlyGirl always has only PCM muted after installs on one particular PC14:09
jamil_1yofel: done purging and installing14:09
yofelstill erroring outß14:09
jamil_1yofel: should I sude NetworkManager ?14:10
yofelnope, start the service14:10
jamil_1yofel: network-manager start/running, process 690514:11
yofeland dmesg?14:11
jamil_1yofel: echo $? is 014:11
jamil_1yofel: dmesg: [ 2601.097829] init: network-manager main process (6963) terminated with status 12714:11
jamil_1[ 2601.097859] init: network-manager respawning too fast, stopped14:11
yofelGirlyGirl: any ideas? ^14:12
GirlyGirljamil_1: This is a fresh install?14:12
jamil_1GirlyGirl: nope, upgrade14:13
jamil_1GirlyGirl: Everything was working fine before14:13
GirlyGirljamil_1: What network card driver does it use14:16
jamil_1GirlyGirl: for wireless ?14:17
jamil_1GirlyGirl: ath5k14:17
jamil_1and I guess r8169 for ethernet14:18
jamil_1GirlyGirl: I dont think driver is the issue14:20
jamil_1GirlyGirl: most probably some old library lurking somewhere14:21
GirlyGirljamil_1: I found a similar bug on launchpad for r8178 module14:21
yofelhm, now I'm only guessing, but anything in /etc/network/interfaces ?14:21
jamil_1yofel: /etc/network/interfaces contains:14:22
jamil_1auto lo14:22
jamil_1iface lo inet loopback14:22
GirlyGirljamil_1: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/network-manager/+bug/83013 see the comments ... but its a very old report14:22
ubottuUbuntu bug 78255 in linux (Ubuntu) "duplicate for #83013 [2.6.20-12] rtl8180 gone missing." [Undecided,Fix released]14:22
yofeljamil_1: ok, nothing unusual then14:22
jamil_1GirlyGirl: I have RTL8101E/RTL8102E for ethernet14:23
darthanubisanyone want to try to reporduce a bug for me?14:23
KillJoykubuntu oneric its vry very good kubuntu distro14:23
jamil_1darthanubis: sure though bewarned I my version already has too many bugs14:24
darthanubisThats cool14:24
darthanubisStarting Miro while Amarok has DAAP extention enabled crashes Amarok14:24
darthanubisInstall Miro14:24
jamil_1darthanubis: I have miro but it doesn't run for another reason :P14:25
darthanubishave amaraok running, playing nothing, just running, and have the daap extention enabled14:25
GirlyGirljamil_1: Could you test a live cd and check if the same nm issue persists in live session?14:25
darthanubisjamil_1: does it crash or just not start at all? And did you every have it instal before? Is this a clean install?14:25
GirlyGirlSaddly broken upgrades are a problem for all varriants every release14:26
jamil_1GirlyGirl: I dont have a liveCD around but I am pretty sure culprit is the upgrade to 11.1014:27
jamil_1darthanubis: check this http://paste.ubuntu.com/709748/14:28
GirlyGirljamil_1: sudo dpkg-reconfigure network-manager14:28
darthanubisjamil_1: thats all you get?14:28
jamil_1darthanubis: yup14:29
darthanubisjamil_1: is that a clean install?14:29
jamil_1darthanubis: oops I missed some stuff14:30
Kottizenhi, where's the Software Center in Kubuntu 11.10? I know I can install "kpackagekit" and get it, but has it moved or something?14:30
darthanubisKottizen: it is now muon, its in the menu14:31
GirlyGirlKottizen: its called muon14:31
jamil_1darthanubis: no its very old install14:32
Kottizenoh I see, thank you14:32
Kottizenwhy is that btw?14:32
Kottizen(found it)14:32
darthanubisjamil_1: backup and delete ~./miro14:32
jamil_1GirlyGirl: dpkg-reconfigure has not apparent effect14:32
jamil_1darthanubis: here is the complete error: http://paste.ubuntu.com/709755/14:32
darthanubisjamil_1: backup and delete ~./miro14:33
jamil_1darthanubis: here you go: http://paste.ubuntu.com/709758/14:34
darthanubisjamil_1: backup and delete ~./miro14:34
jamil_1darthanubis: after rm -rf ~/.miro14:34
darthanubisjamil_1: looks like we are getting somewhere14:35
jamil_1darthanubis: really ?14:36
jamil_1darthanubis: I have been at the same place for last 2-3 days14:36
Valerie_Just upgraded to 11.10.   Can't get emails using KMail.    I think it hasn't got my password.  Can't find where to put it even though I have been into settings..      Can anybody help me?14:36
darthanubisjamil_1: everything looks good until it tries to load the themes14:37
GirlyGirlValerie_: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/FAQ14:37
GirlyGirlValerie_:  sorry http://bit.ly/o841iy14:37
jamil_1darthanubis: hmm...14:39
Valerie_Thank you GirlyGirl.    I weill try that.      Little bit of a novice.    Sometimes don't understand the answers on those sites14:39
GirlyGirlValerie_: 11.10 has a new version of kmail that has issues with migration from the old14:40
Valerie_So I have discovered.    I got a message to say to it manually .14:40
Valerie_do it I mean14:40
darthanubisjamil_1: what version of miro is that?14:41
jamil_1darthanubis: Miro (3.5.1)14:41
darthanubisjamil_1: update that version14:42
darthanubisthe latest is 4.0314:42
darthanubisjamil_1: what version of Kubuntu are you on?14:42
jamil_1darthanubis: 11.1014:42
jamil_1darthanubis: I haven't used miro in a while14:42
darthanubisjamil_1: 11.10 has miro 4.03 by default14:43
jamil_1darthanubis: because it doesn't support proxy nor does uses the native DE's proxy settings14:43
darthanubisI don't understand how your system is 11.10 but miro is the old version?14:43
jamil_1darthanubis: hmm....magic of upgrade14:43
darthanubisjamil_1: sudo aptitude update14:43
darthanubisor sudo apt0get update14:44
darthanubisor sudo apt-get update14:44
darthanubisjamil_1: then do a sudo apt-get dist-upgrade14:44
darthanubisyour system is not fully upgraded me thinks14:44
darthanubisI hope you have a seperate /home partition?14:44
jamil_1darthanubis: it says: No packages will be installed, upgraded, or removed.14:45
jamil_1darthanubis: I wish I had separate /home :(14:45
darthanubisALWAYS have a seperate /home partition14:46
darthanubisat the least14:46
jamil_1darthanubis: very true14:46
darthanubisjamil_1: sudo apt-get purge miro14:46
GirlyGirljamil_1: sudo apt-get purge miro14:46
GirlyGirlthen install14:46
jamil_1you both are not same person right ?14:47
darthanubisjamil_1: I'm now suspect of your repos? What package manager are you using?14:47
jamil_1darthanubis: none14:47
darthanubisjamil_1: she is just reading my mind and types faster14:47
darthanubisjamil_1: I'd go with synaptic14:47
jamil_1darthanubis: may be she is a bot :)14:47
GirlyGirlVerry funny14:48
darthanubisjamil_1: make sure your repos are in fact oneric14:48
jamil_1sudo apt-get purge miro says Package miro is not installed, so not removed14:48
darthanubisas I expected14:48
GirlyGirljamil_1: the just "sudo apt-get install miro"14:48
darthanubispastebin your /etc/apt/source.list14:48
jamil_1darthanubis: here it is: http://paste.ubuntu.com/709774/14:49
darthanubislooks good there14:50
darthanubisjamil_1: have you installed miro per GG?14:51
jamil_1darthanubis: doing so14:51
GirlyGirljamil_1: Best way to pake sure it is clean, after install, do a purge then install again14:55
darthanubisGirlyGirl: how if the system does not know it is even installed. We just tried that?14:55
GirlyGirldarthanubis: I mean install it, then purge it, then install it again14:56
darthanubisI know, but what will that do for his 3.xx version? You think it will wipe it all?14:57
GirlyGirldarthanubis: yes they go in the same directory I think14:57
Kottizenwhen I plugged in my HDMI cable and preferred it over the internal speaker, I hear no sound and both Spotify and Amarok play all songs in 10x speed (by looking at the "jump to" bar) - how do I fix this?14:57
Kottizenin Kubuntu 11.04 there were no problems14:58
darthanubisKottizen: is that an ATI card?14:58
Kottizenmy graphics card?14:58
darthanubissorry I thought your hdmi port was on the graphics card14:58
Kottizenoh, might be, I have no idea14:59
Kottizenthis is a laptop - http://pastebin.com/p9dP7tuV14:59
darthanubisyou're the second person I have seen report fast sound14:59
jamil_1srry my internet connecition is f**d up14:59
Kottizenyeah I guess it's on my video card then14:59
darthanubisjamil_1: you got some serious issues over there my friend;)14:59
darthanubisKottizen: ATI?14:59
jamil_1darthanubis: care to explain ?14:59
Kottizendarthanubis: yes15:00
darthanubisjamil_1: you say your upgrade is borked, internet connection...what else?15:00
Kottizendarthanubis: should I report it somewhere or has that already been done?15:00
darthanubisKottizen: So you make case number two...I'm just trying to narrow it down. Try installing the ATI drivers. Configure your sound in the sound module in system preferences.15:01
darthanubisKottizen: I'm not sure yet15:01
Kottizendarthanubis: I'll see if ATI has anything15:02
darthanubisKottizen: you should be able to do it from within KDE15:03
GirlyGirljamil_1: If you can do a fresh install, it might be wise... Ubuntu and varriants upgrade system is definitely not perfect (even windows has trouble sometimes) ... espescially when you use 3rd party repos chances of conflict is even greater15:03
darthanubisKottizen: type jockey in the menu15:03
Kottizenthere are two inactivated drivers according to "jockey-kde" - I'll activate one of them15:03
darthanubisKottizen: there you go15:03
Kottizendarthanubis: anyone you can recommend, or should I guess? http://wstaw.org/m/2011/10/16/plasma-desktopNa1578.jpg15:04
darthanubisKottizen: top one15:04
Kottizenok, sec then15:04
jamil_1GirlyGirl: fresh install would be the last thing I'd do15:05
Kottizendarthanubis: that solved it - cheers!15:12
Kottizenalso you don't happen to know where in the settings I can make the fonts look smoother? I did it two years ago but I can't remember how15:12
SunTsuer, "do-release-upgrade" "No new release found" - I'm running Maverick, what could be broken? I'd finally would like to upgrade to natty and from there to oneiric15:16
SunTsuor should I be asking this on #ubuntu?15:16
KottizenSunTsu: if possible, reinstall the whole system15:17
SunTsuKottizen: I did some test-upgrades in vbox and it worked quite fine. The only thing that's stopping me is that do-release-upgrade doesn't think that there are new releases15:18
KottizenSunTsu: go to the Upgrade Manager and try to see if "LTS only" is selected15:19
Kottizenif so, change that15:19
dambrowhello all need help15:21
SunTsuKottizen: Thanks, I set it to "no upgrades"15:21
SunTsuOK, let's see if it works now15:21
KottizenSunTsu: no, set it to the third option15:21
Kottizennot "no upgrades" nor "only LTSes"15:21
Kottizendambrow: what's your question?15:22
SunTsuKottizen: I mean "it was set to"15:22
KottizenSunTsu: oh ok15:22
dambrowi have installed kubuntu but i have a problem with my lan connection it keeps saying that its connected then not then is and so on is there a driver i can download and install i dont have this problem with windows and normal ubuntu so why kubuntu15:23
Kottizendambrow: press ALT + F2 and type: jockey-kde15:24
dambrowi am in windows atm15:24
Kottizenoh - are we talking about a wireless network connection or a wired network connection?15:24
Kottizendambrow: do you get internet at all, for short periods of time?15:26
dambrowits a realtek PCIe gbe family controller if that help15:26
dambrowand no no internet at all15:26
BluesKajdambrow, in the terminal , sudo dhclient eth015:26
KottizenI got a similar one, so that's odd15:26
Kottizendambrow: have you made any changes to "Wired connection 1" (the default one)?15:27
dambrowwell i changed it from dhcp to maual thinking that it was getting the wrong setting but even with the right settings it does the same thing15:27
jamil_1GirlyGirl: Well I had change of heart15:28
jamil_1GirlyGirl: may be I should do a fresh install15:29
BluesKajdambrow, do you mean you disabled knetwork manager/15:29
dambrowno just dchp15:29
BluesKajdambrow,you need dhcp with network manager to establish the connection to your router/modem15:30
dambrowbut with that on it does the same thing no internet15:31
jamil_1how do you list all your partitions in terminal15:31
BluesKajdambrow, can you run the command i posted earlier , sudo dhclient eth0 , that will give your pc an IP with the router.15:33
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GirlyGirljamil_1:  sudo fdisk -l /dev/sda15:33
jamil_1GirlyGirl: oh yes...thanks15:33
dambrowok i be back in a min to report status15:33
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=== Guest62169 is now known as DTrebacz
jamil_1where do chrome and firefox store user data ?15:38
jamil_1like bookmarks15:38
mirrakorprobably in ~/.somethingsomething15:39
mirrakorjamil_1: I can look it up for you, for firefox, but unfortunately I don't have chrome15:39
jamil_1mirrakor: I'd appreciate it15:40
mirrakorjamil_1: ~/.mozilla/15:40
DTrebaczMy upgrade to 11.10 failed, the only way I can get my machine to boot is to not load the 3.0 kernel. IS there a way to remove and rebuild the 3.0 kernel?15:40
jamil_1DTrebacz: what happens if you boot 3.015:41
mirrakorjamil_1: and it's sub dirs, for example bookmarks are in .mozilla/firefox/<yourprofile-consistingofaweirdstringwithlettersandnumbers>/bookmarksbackup/bookmarks*15:42
licensedmy firefox it's too slow on kubuntu 11.10.. anybody haves same issue?15:43
DTrebaczI get a login screen afetr a very long time. Eventually KDE will create at least two crshes. If I drop to the terminal, I don't even have any network coneectivity.15:43
Kottizenin which file are the settings of Dolphin stored?15:44
Peace-licensed: here no15:44
Peace-Kottizen: for each user or only for the current user?15:44
jamil_1DTrebacz: why not post your dmesg and /var/log/syslog15:45
KottizenPeace-: the bookmarks, but I found them, thanks :)15:46
Peace-Kottizen: btw here there is http://nowardev.wordpress.com/usefull-link-for-kubuntu-and-multimedia-stuff/setkubuntuproperly/15:47
KottizenPeace-: nice thanks15:48
GirlyGirlDTrebacz: What graphic card is this?15:49
merlin1991can I select a different mirror for the kubuntu live installer somehow?15:50
DTrebaczNvidia GeForce 6150LE15:51
GirlyGirlDTrebacz: Have you installed a binary driver from the nvidia website in the past?15:52
DTrebaczYes I did a couple years ago. Since then I've been on the 280.13 driver from Ubunutu15:53
GirlyGirlDTrebacz: Reinstall the drivers and it should work fine15:54
jcgsHi, what is adding a default panel supposed to do in plasma? For some reason it just causes plasma to crash on my system :(15:54
BluesKajDTrebacz, the card uses the nvidia-current recommended driver in kmenu>apps>system>additional drivers15:56
DTrebaczBluesKaj, Yes I'm using nvidia-current now15:57
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BluesKajDTrebacz, the 3.0 kernel drops to a prompt ?15:59
=== Guest72517 is now known as Girly-Girl
jcgsmerlin1991: I seem to remember you can, but I can't seem to be able to check16:03
DTrebaczBluesKaj, No it does eventually actually brings up a login screen. If I login KDE crashes. If I switch to TTY4 -my machine has no network communication.16:03
jcgsmerlin1991: Why does it matter? do you have one relly nearby you wnat to use?16:03
Girly-GirlDTrebacz: Are there errors in "dmesg" under kernel 3.016:04
DTrebaczLooking at the syslog there are a lot of messages like "Oct 16 08:41:53 AMD-ubuntu modem-manager[933]: Could not get the system bus. Make sure the message bus daemon is running! Message: Failed to connect to socket /var/run/dbus/system_bus_socket: Connection refused"16:05
mirrakoris there a command to search for orphaned packages?16:06
mirrakornvm, sorry :)16:07
BluesKajDTrebacz, what about the recovery kernel , did you try "repair broken packages" in the dialog ?16:08
jcgsmirrakor, what do you mean by orphaned packages? ones with no dependencies on them?16:10
darthanubisKottizen: great!16:10
DTrebaczBluesKaj, When I tried to use the recovery kernel (first time) I didn't see any options -just got dropped to a root prompt (I think). I was expecting something different, so I went back to the previous kernel and it booted fine (IRCing on it now).16:10
mirrakorjcgs: yes, say I install package X, which during it's installation depended on Y, and now I remove package X, will Y still be installed?16:11
BluesKajDTrebacz, odd... the recovery is supposed give some options in a dialog16:12
jcgsmirrakor, it depends it package Y is marked "automatically installed". if it is, then if no other packages depending on it are installed then it gets uninstalled. if not, then no16:13
DTrebaczBluesKaj, Thanks for the suggestions -I'll try it one more time and pay better attention -at least I know my machine isn't completely borked and have a workaround16:14
BluesKajDTrebacz, there maybe a workaround with the 3.0 kernel in /etc/default/grub nomodeset after "quiet splash"16:16
BluesKajDTrebacz, have you heard of that one ?16:17
DTrebaczBluesKaj, No I haven't - the more I'm looking at my syslog during the boots, it does sound like an nvidia issue.16:19
jcgsmirrakor: have you tried using aptitude? I find it a pretty wasy way of seeing what happens if you install/uninstall packages. However it is a terminal program with a slightly weird interface :S16:21
DTrebaczHere is some relevant lines from the syslog: http://paste.kde.org/134425/16:21
BluesKajDTrebacz, in default grub , the "quiet splash" becomes "quiet splash nomodeset" or just "nomodeset" , depends what works for your setup16:23
BluesKajyup DTrebacz,  looks like the nvidia driver isn't loading16:25
DTrebaczBluesKaj, thanks will try that on next reboot. Unfortunately I can't experiemnt right now I have some other processes running on the machine that I don't want to stop.16:26
BluesKajDTrebacz, right16:26
DTrebaczBluesKaj, So if the nvidia driver is not "loading" -or failing when it tries. What is the the solution?16:27
BluesKajDTrebacz, what I posted above about default grub, run sudo nano /etc/default/grub at the tty prompt and edit the line quiet splash as I posted above.16:29
DTrebaczBluesKaj - great thanks for your help!16:31
BluesKajDTrebacz, well, thank me if it works :)16:31
DTrebaczBluesKaj, will do.16:32
InadaptadoIs anybody else having troubles with Chrome sync?16:35
SnowhogKubuntu 11.10, amd64, laptop, KDE 4.7.1, LibreOffice 3.4.3. Tool Tip text color isn't observing the system color setting for tool tip text -- it's defaulting to black, and the default background color is black, which is of course, a problem. Changing system color for tool tip text to any other color isn't being recognized by LO, although changing background color for tool tip is. Anyone else seeing this?16:36
InadaptadoYou may be right16:42
InadaptadoMine is not defaulting to black, but I think it's because of my colour scheme. So maybe the scheme is overriding that setting16:44
SnowhogInadaptado: What color scheme are you using?16:44
InadaptadoChrome. I like grayish colours. Matches my life.16:45
InadaptadoSo nobody is having problems with Chrome Sync? I was so convinced it was their fault, and not mine...16:48
BluesKajInadaptado, is/are the other pc(s) that chrome is synching with turned on16:52
BluesKajInadaptado, I have to ask16:53
InadaptadoNot at the moment. I have a dual boot and used to sync my Chrome in Windows with my Chromium in Kubuntu. Then Chrome in Windows started to fail, so I unistalled it16:54
InadaptadoI then installed Oneiric fresh, so installed Chromium again. It won't even connect. Tried installing Chrome in Windows again, fresh. It won't connect either16:55
InadaptadoStupid me, I didn't keep a copy of my more recent bookmarks because... well, that's what Sync was supposed to be about. So I can't stop syncing and erasing the data from Google's server like they suggest in the forum16:56
=== jonah is now known as Guest84547
Guest84547hi everyone, since upgrading to 11.10 on ubuntu/kubuntu I have lost my wireless on my desktop and notebook computers. could anyone please help me fix it? thanks17:00
InadaptadoThat's... weird. Did you install Oneiric in both?17:03
jamil_1Guest84547: what is your wireless card model ?17:06
Guest84547jamil_1: it's the intel n 1000 i believe17:08
jamil_1Guest84547: can you spot it in lspci ?17:08
Guest84547jamil_1: yes it's showing up as: 02:00.0 Network controller: Intel Corporation Centrino Wireless-N 100017:11
jamil_1Guest84547: what is the output of: lsmod | grep iwl17:14
Guest84547jamil_1: iwlagn 273937 0, mac80211 272785 1, iwlagn cfg80211 172392 2 iwlagn,mac8021117:15
jamil_1Guest84547: good17:16
Guest84547jamil_1: is that good?17:16
jamil_1Guest84547: type: ifconfig wlan017:16
jamil_1Guest84547: means you donot have driver issue17:16
Guest84547jamil_1: ok so what should I do to get it working?17:17
jamil_1Guest84547:  output should contain up some where17:17
jamil_1Guest84547: follow along17:17
jamil_1Guest84547: type: ifconfig wlan017:17
jamil_1Guest84547: output should contain "UP" some where17:18
Guest84547jamil_1: yes it says: "UP BROADCAST MULTICAST  MTU:1500  Metric:1"17:18
jamil_1Guest84547: ok, now try: iwlist wlan0 scan17:19
jamil_1Guest84547: it should show connections available17:19
Guest84547jamil_1: it says wlan0     No scan results17:20
jamil_1Guest84547: add sudo in the beginning17:21
jamil_1though it shouldn' tmatter17:21
Guest84547jamil_1: ok got a fair bit of output from that with details of my connection etc i'm wanting to connect to.17:21
Guest84547jamil_1: it's an o2 router17:22
jamil_1Guest84547: it has the router listed that you want to connect to ?17:22
Guest84547jamil_1: yes it's got it17:22
jamil_1Guest84547: it shoud contain essid as the name of connection you usually connect17:22
Guest84547jamil_1: yeah got that17:22
clashingwaveHello all I'm running Kubuntu 11.10 And I can't get kubuntu to auto connect to my 5G Connection on my router on start up but it auto connects to the 2.5G connection just fine at start up, is there a way to fix this?17:23
jamil_1Guest84547: connection uses encryption like wpa etc ?17:23
Guest84547jamil_1: yes, uses wpa/wpa2 passphrase17:23
jamil_1Guest84547: oka17:24
Guest84547jamil_1: currently network manager in kubuntu tries to connect and gets stuck at authentication17:24
jamil_1Guest84547: does it say unable to authenticate or what ?17:24
BluesKajjamil_1, a suggestion ..wicd17:25
Guest84547jamil_1: erm i'll just check by clicking it and let you know17:25
BluesKajerr Guest84547 . wicd17:25
Guest84547BluesKaj: just tried wicd but it comes back with bad password. although i didn't try removed knetwork manager etc17:25
Guest84547jamil_1: it's getting stuck for a long time on "configuring interface" then it ends up stuck on "waiting for authorization"17:26
BluesKajGuest84547, ok , nm is just disabled by wicd , so if you removed ir then nm should work after a reboot17:26
BluesKajor do what it did previously17:27
Guest84547BluesKaj: so i should install wicd and reboot?17:27
BluesKajGuest84547, it's worth a try ...won't hurt anything17:28
Guest84547BluesKaj: it looks like either can't authenticate...17:28
Guest84547jamil_1: what do you think jamil_1?17:28
jamil_1Guest84547: you can check about authentication by disabling nm/wicd and connecting from commandline17:29
Guest84547jamil_1: ok how do i connect from commandline?17:29
jamil_1Guest84547: make sure network manager is not running17:30
jamil_1Guest84547: try: service network-manager stop17:30
Guest84547jamil_1: ok but will that cut my ethernet connection that i'm talking to you on?17:30
jamil_1Guest84547: yup17:31
jamil_1Guest84547: may be try connecting without disabling nm17:31
jamil_1letsee what happens17:31
Guest84547jamil_1: ok17:31
jamil_1Guest84547: try: wpa_passphrase <networkname> <passphrase>    > pass.conf17:32
BluesKajthat's if his router uses wpa17:33
jamil_1BluesKaj: Guest84547 earlier told so17:33
Guest84547jamil_1: ok done that, it says network { loads of info}17:35
Guest84547jamil_1: how do i know if it's connected?17:35
jamil_1any body has used kde uplasmoid ?17:35
jamil_1Guest84547: ok, now you should have a pass.conf file in current directory17:36
Guest84547jamil_1: oh no i had to knock that > pass.conf bit off the end as I got an error.17:36
Guest84547jamil_1: ok done it again, seems to have worked17:37
jamil_1Guest84547: you a pass.conf file now ?17:37
Guest84547jamil_1: yes and it's got the connection details in it17:38
jamil_1Guest84547: good17:38
jamil_1Guest84547: try: wpa_supplicant -Dwext -iwlan0 -cpass.conf17:38
Guest84547jamil_1: ioctl[SIOCSIWENCODEEXT]: Invalid argument17:40
jamil_1Guest84547: add sudo in the beginning if it complains17:40
Guest84547jamil_1: it's giving a load of errors17:40
jamil_1Guest84547: even with sudo ?17:40
Guest84547jamil_1: ^CCTRL-EVENT-TERMINATING - signal 2 received17:40
Guest84547jamil_1: yeah17:40
Guest84547jamil_1: even with sudo...17:40
Guest84547jamil_1: without sudo it doesn't get as far, and with sudo it connect and then unconnects and errors (or so it seems, I don't really understand what it means)17:41
jamil_1Guest84547: can you paste errors somewhere17:41
Guest84547jamil_1: ok 1 sec17:41
Guest84547jamil_1: http://pastebin.ca/209052417:43
jamil_1Guest84547: just a sec17:47
Guest84547jamil_1: ok thanks jamil17:47
MeanderingCodeI hate to say this, but I'm having the most trouble I've had configuring a linux distro since 2005 :(17:49
jamil_1Guest84547: add -dd at the end of previous command to get verbose output17:51
epimethhi guys.... lost my network manager on update to oneric... how do I get it back?  thanks!17:52
=== Girly-Girl is now known as GirlyGirl
DaskreechMeanderingCode: What's going on?17:52
Daskreechhi GirlyGirl17:53
GirlyGirlDaskreech: hi17:53
MeanderingCodeIntel video won't support compositing and multiarch is messing w/ apt's ability to get and install packages17:53
MeanderingCodenot sure what's it's innards are, but i'm on a 64bit install and it's supposed to facilitate the use of 32bit binaries17:54
MeanderingCode(11.10 shipped w/ it)17:54
Daskreech>_> ok so what are you installing that's messing up things?17:54
MeanderingCodexserver- and libgl1- stuff17:55
MeanderingCodetrying to reinstall drivers, mesa, and xorg stuff17:55
Guest84547jamil_1: ok i'll pastebin it, there's loads of it though17:55
jamil_1Guest84547: good17:56
MeanderingCodeand apt-get is giving me errors about "no file name for..."17:56
DaskreechSo I guess the intel video is the core of the problem :)17:56
MeanderingCodeyes, i think it is17:56
MeanderingCodeso much for vendor support for open source :/  I hear nvidia has taken leaps and bounds since the vendor decided linux was worthwhile17:57
DaskreechThough I'll say if getting shiny compositing to work is all the problem you are having then you must have had a grand time since 2005 :)17:57
Guest84547jamil_1: actually it's still running, i don't know if it's gonna stop...17:57
MeanderingCodei have...ever since i gave up broadcom for atheros wifi cards :)17:57
DaskreechMeanderingCode: Depends. THey are still closed for the code and releases so it's "support"17:57
epimethanybody know how to run the new network manager?17:58
epimethI can't seem to find it and have no idea what its called17:58
DaskreechMeanderingCode: Ha ha Funny cause broadcom is part of the LInux Foundation now. Hopefully good things will come of that. They have started shipping open drivers in Linux 3.x kernel17:58
Daskreechepimeth: is it installed?17:58
MeanderingCodei'll probably be dropping in and out as X get's restarted17:58
epimethYea... I haven't had a problem with broadcom cards in years...17:58
jamil_1Guest84547: ctrl-c it if it is still running17:58
epimethDaskreech: I have no idea17:58
DaskreechMeanderingCode: No problem You can probably just log in here from the command line17:59
epimethI just updated to oneric and have no network manager17:59
MeanderingCodeWow.  Lot's of vendors changing their tunes, eh?17:59
Guest84547jamil_1: http://pastebin.ca/209052917:59
=== winut_ is now known as winut
epimethDaskreech: so do you know what the new netman is called?18:01
Daskreechepimeth: Shouldn't be a new one18:01
Daskreechshould just be A network management plasmoid18:02
epimethDaskreech: I don18:02
Guest84547jamil_1: http://pastebin.ca/209052918:03
epimethDaskreech: I don't get it... the widget menu says its installed but I don't see it!18:03
Guest84547jamil_1: sorry didnt mean to paste that twice18:03
DaskreechEp5iloN: do you have a system tray?18:03
Daskreechepimeth: Do you hav a system tray?18:03
Daskreechsorry Ep5iloN18:03
epimethDaskreech: yea I have it... I double clicked the widget in the "add widgets" menu and it popped up.  thanks for listening :-)18:04
epimetha note on what Meandering was saying:   Ever since Dell started selling systems with ubuntu driver support has increased dramatically.... I was thrilled when I heard they were going to do that18:05
Daskreechepimeth: wonderful :)18:05
jamil_1Guest84547: you are trying to connect to: O2wirelessECBC7B18:07
Guest84547jamil_1: yes that's right18:07
jamil_1Guest84547: in the log there are lines:18:07
jamil_10: 00:26:44:ec:bc:7b ssid='O2wirelessECBC7B' wpa_ie_len=22 rsn_ie_len=20 caps=0x1118:08
jamil_1   skip - blacklisted18:08
epimethMeanderingCode: Its not so much that vendors are changing their tune as much as Dell has really stepped up.  Ever since they decided to start selling systems with ubuntu preinstalled driver support has increased drastically18:08
Guest84547jamil_1: ahh so something is blacklisted that shouldn't be?18:08
jamil_1Guest84547: open the pass.conf file in an editor18:08
MeanderingCodeepimeth: does Dell still do that?  That's great if they're sticking w/ it18:08
jamil_1Guest84547: and add line above ssid="xx"  scan_ssid=118:09
jamil_1Guest84547: not sure what blacklisted means18:09
adarshajoisai'm kinda new to kubuntu. I'm used to the windows+E button to open explorer in windows. is there a way to assign a keyboard shortcut to open dolphin?18:12
vadraoHi all, I have a acer laptop and it comes with 2 graphics cards (onboard intel one and external Nvidia one). I would like to use Nvidia driver. Coulsd you please let me know how I can go about doing this. Thank18:13
epimethMeanderingCode: as far as I know, yes... I think its on select systems only as they expand driver support18:13
MeanderingCodemy problem is that i've developed such a specific workflow w/ shortcuts and features in compiz over the years that i'm taking a sizable productivity hit when i give it up :(  I'll have to re-learn and rebuild in another WM18:14
Guest84547jamil_1: ok done that, now what? ssid=1 is that right, there's lots of wifi connections in my building?18:14
MeanderingCodeepimeth: sweet18:14
epimethadarshajoisa: I'm pretty sure its alt+k, but if you just hit alt+f2 you get a smart "run" dialog18:14
epimethadarshajoisa: it autocompletes and lists all of the matching programs as you type18:14
jamil_1Guest84547: now try to connect again and post the output18:14
jamil_1Guest84547: it was scan_ssid=118:15
epimethadarshajoisa: personally I almost never touch the mouse except for in a game18:15
Guest84547jamil_1: http://pastebin.ca/209053618:15
adarshajoisaepimeth, thanks! and yeah, i'm too lazy to touch the mouse. :)18:15
jamil_1Guest84547: your ssid should be the network name or specifically essid18:16
adarshajoisaepimeth: btw, alt+k doesn't seem to work18:16
Daskreechadarshajoisa: alt+F2 and dolp or your path work for me. You should be able to assign a shortcut key in global shortcuts I think18:18
Daskreechor at least Kmenuedit18:18
adarshajoisaDaskreech: thanks! i could assign a shortcut key in kmenuedit18:19
adarshajoisanow life'll be a lot easier ;)18:19
Daskreechadarshajoisa: :)18:20
MeanderingCodeWhat i don't get is why compositing works for kde/plasma (since i moved to xorg-edgers-ppa), but compiz crashes18:21
epimethadios boys!  thanks Daskreech18:21
Guest84547jamil_1: http://pastebin.ca/209053818:21
MeanderingCodemore importantly: is there something wrong w/ my setup that's causing ever apt-get install to warn me that it cannot authenticate packages??18:21
MeanderingCodethis is a fresh install, kept home dir (except .kde)18:22
jamil_1Guest84547: ur pass.conf is still not right18:22
jamil_1it should be like this:18:23
jamil_1        ssid="mynetwork"18:23
jamil_1        #psk="123418:23
jamil_1        psk=ee9a5cd2e36d4056464787fdb24c7b9168fea5d9050711c5fc44cf322569e4e18:23
FloodBotK2jamil_1: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.18:23
FloodBotK1jamil_1: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.18:23
saulushow can I switch my primary bluetooth device from the built-in to the bluetooth-usb-dongle?18:25
Guest84547jamil_1: http://pastebin.ca/209054018:26
spacebug-is there a widget for the panel to show my "bookmarks" I've made in Dolphin?18:37
raindogI can not get Kmail to work properly with any imap account.  I have started from scratch and still nothing.18:45
raindogI've read that others are having the same issue.18:47
BluesKajstuff to do ...BBL18:48
raindogI have deleted all relevant config files to start over from scratch with no luck.18:48
raindogAny suggestions?18:48
Guest84547jamil_1: hi what do you make of the last pastebin output?18:53
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Daskreechraindog: checked in #kontact ?18:59
raindogDaskreech: Not yet.  I will try that.18:59
adarshajoisawhen i start kmail, it gives an error: "Failed to fetch the resource collection." and exits. how to fix this?19:01
raindogadarshajoisa: Check this out.  https://wiki.kubuntu.org/OneiricOcelot/Final/Kubuntu/Kmail219:03
Kottizenwhat's the equivalent to pressing ALT + SHIFT + F12 in a terminal?19:06
adarshajoisaraindog: the bug tracker contains a comment asking me to open akonadi console and type in some stuff. but i can't find akonadi console. (it doesn't appear when i type in the start menu search box) where can i find it?19:10
raindogyou can install it from your package manager.19:10
technobeebuzzin1join #kubuntu19:17
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flyleafi installed kubuntu from  a dvd i didnt have internet at the time on the machine now i do and i need to update my entire install is that sudo apt-get update ?19:30
yoshi_Hi ALL19:31
OerHeksflyleaf, sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade19:31
yoshi_i have problem with my kubuntu 11:1019:32
flyleafso either or ? what does && mean19:32
yoshi_i'm canot instal my graphic card driver19:32
OerHekswith && you can perform a double command on one single line19:33
yoshi_after instal my graphic shel have got crash19:33
yoshi_sry for my english but i'm not god on19:34
flyleafoh ok kewl thanks i had already did the update so i just did the second command  i have 2 more ?'s and im done how do i remove something  i think its sudo rm then what i want to remove and my other ? is whats the diff in the 2 commands u gave me update and upgrade19:35
yoshi_any 1 know how can i instal my graphic drive on AMD Radeon 6260hd apu c-5019:36
_pingu10.04  how can i show the internet symbol in the control panel again?19:37
yoshi_any 1 can help my with my problem19:37
oravaany luck with getting banshee working with kubuntu 11.10? :P19:40
yoshi_anything not worked on my kubuntu 11:1019:40
yoshi_i thing . kubuntu 11:10 is suck19:40
BarkingFish_pingu, by "internet symbol", do you mean the little ethernet or wifi symbol which used to sit in the system tray?19:41
BarkingFishyoshi_, instead of simply saying it sucks, be specific. If stuff doesn't work, ask here about it, or file a bug.19:41
BarkingFishyoshi_, instead of simply saying it sucks, be specific. If stuff doesn't work, ask here about it, or file a bug.19:42
BarkingFishwell if you're gonna keep leaving when I try and talk to you, how can I help you? next!19:42
* BarkingFish bangs his head on his desk19:43
yoshi_then my problem is19:43
_pinguBarkingFish: I'am missing my WLAn symbol, VPN symbol, update manager symbol19:43
raindogyoshi_:   check this out  http://kubuntuforums.net/forums/index.php?topic=3117159.019:44
yoshi_when i instal drive for my AMD Radeon 6250HD APU-c50 my graphic shel got crash19:44
yoshi_on ubuntu i haven't this problem19:44
BarkingFishraindog, try dealing with yoshi_ please, I'll take _pingu since I'd already moved onto him :)19:44
raindogBarkingFish: I'll try.  :)19:45
BarkingFish_pingu, the symbol you need on your system tray would be network manager, that deals with the wlan and VPN - if you right click on the panel, and select panel options - then pick add widgets from the next menu, you'll find network manager in there.19:46
BarkingFishif your panel is locked, _pingu - simply click unlock widgets before you start doing the above :)19:47
yoshi_i find nothing what help me :(19:47
_pinguBarkingFish: its not locked19:47
BarkingFishok, then go ahead with what I told you above - from right clicking on the panel, _pingu19:48
raindogyoshi_:  Under " 2.c.  Proprietary ("non-free") Video Drivers"19:48
raindogyoshi_: http://kubuntuforums.net/forums/index.php?topic=3117178.019:48
yoshi_on this site is write what to do when i got crash19:51
kbroulikhow can I turn off that annoying "distribution upgrade available: oneiric 11.10" that kpackagekit issues every minute19:51
yoshi_i know it but i don't know how instal drive wil i'm no get crash19:51
flyleafhow do i add stuff to the desktop folder like konsole19:52
flyleafits not a drag and drop thing i know19:53
yoshi_I have god question "Who is form Poland"19:53
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raindogyoshi_: The link I sent you has the information.  Look under Method 3 step 2.19:53
_pinguBarkingFish: I can't find the network manager19:54
yoshi_raindog i read this19:54
BarkingFish_pingu, The icon you want is one with a large blue N on it, marked Network Management19:55
BarkingFishif you don't see that one, it may be possible you don't have it installed19:55
yoshi_but on this web site is information "What to do when i got crash" no how instal wil i no get chrash19:55
_pinguBarkingFish: i saw it before. suddenly it was away. clicked wrong with my mouse..19:56
OerHekskbroulik, set your update sources to never.19:56
BarkingFishmaybe you have accidentally moved the icon somewhere else.19:57
raindogyoshi_: "when i instal drive for my AMD Radeon 6250HD APU-c50 my graphic shel got crash"  The information I linked to is for the problem you stated.19:57
chaituGreetings All. I have kubuntu 11.04 and am happy with it. Was wondering,do we have any security updates for teh latest version? or can someone please list the uses of new distro version?19:57
raindogyoshi_: You need to be more specific for me to assist you.19:57
yoshi_how can i tell you this19:58
_pinguBarkingFish: cant see it19:58
CenbeHow can I get text values in addition to the graphs on the system monitor widget?19:58
kbroulikwell I will definitly upgrade to 11.10 but I am just too lazy right now *g* and I don't live here where this PC is anymore, so the notebook is running oneiric since beta2 and the main pc… well… it's being run down xD19:59
BarkingFish_pingu, ok, give me one moment and I'll see if I can find the right file for you, it's possible you've not got it installed19:59
yoshi_i used this comand "sudo chmod +x xxx.run"     <- xxx.run is my driver20:00
_pinguBarkingFish: but if it is not installed, why did I saw it before my wrong click?20:00
yoshi_sudo sh ~/xxx.run20:00
chaituumnn anyone? please? what are the uses of the latest version? am on 11.04..sorry but am kinda new to linux and not sure if I *have* to upgrade20:00
yoshi_when driver instaled, my graphic shel got chrash20:01
BarkingFish_pingu, I have no idea.  You could check you have it by opening konsole, and typing sudo apt-get install network-manager,20:01
BarkingFishchaitu, you never have to upgrade, unless the version you're using comes to its end of life20:02
BarkingFishfor Long term releases, that's 3 years, chaitu20:02
chaituBarkingFish: Thanks a ton. Was concerned about security updates and stuff..20:02
chaitugreat.. I have to know what does the latest version have that I dont right now I guess..then I can make a move20:03
BarkingFishI don't know exactly how long we support the regular releases for, chaitu - the release cycle is normally every 6 months, i.e 2 per year, april and october20:03
_pinguBarkingFish: its installed20:03
BarkingFishjust try to start it from konsole, _pingu, see if the icon appears20:04
BarkingFishskip that, you can't.20:04
chaituthanks BarkingFish. Have a good day. Will check online what's the difference of the updates in the latest version.20:04
chaituBarkingFish: one quick question before I go. I get a popup saying new version is available, is it ok to update that way? or do I have to download iso to ensure my data is safe?20:05
BarkingFishGuys - I could do with a little help here for _pingu - we're trying to get the network manager icon back in their system tray - but it's not in the plasma widgets at all. Any ideas what we can do?20:05
BarkingFishchaitu, personally, I found the upgrade through the popup not reliable, i went via a terminal and did do-release-upgrade20:06
BarkingFishbut make sure you back up everything before you do anything, chaitu :)20:06
chaituok sure..will do.20:07
BarkingFishgood luck :)20:07
chaituBarkingFish: I thought you can install the network manager widget? by right clicking on the panel and add widget?20:07
BarkingFishchaitu, we tried that, the widget isn't there20:08
BarkingFishi told _pingu which to look for, the widget marked Network Management, with the big blue N on it, and they say it's not in the list20:08
chaituhow about installing a network manager applet? I see it in software kit20:09
metelliusdoes the kill krunner plugin actually work for anyone? there is supposedly a trigger word, "kill" by default, but it has never worked for me20:10
metelliusnothing happens20:10
BarkingFish!info nmapplet20:10
ubottuPackage nmapplet does not exist in oneiric20:10
BarkingFish!info plasma-widget-networkmanagement20:11
ubottuplasma-widget-networkmanagement (source: networkmanagement): Network Management widget for KDE Plasma workspaces. In component main, is optional. Version 0.9~svngit.nm09.20110610.0c83d8-0ubuntu5 (oneiric), package size 847 kB, installed size 3592 kB20:11
BarkingFish_pingu, are you still about?20:11
DaskreechKottizen: hrrm you can use qdbus I think to simulate alt+shift+F1220:12
_pinguBarkingFish: yes20:12
BarkingFishif so, go back to your konsole and type: sudo apt-get install plasma-widget-networkmanagement20:12
chaituaight time to hit bed. Thanks BarkingFish. have a good one.20:12
BarkingFishnp chaitu, good night :)20:12
Daskreechadarshajoisa: You can press alt+F2 and type akonadi console20:12
_pinguBarkingFish: The following packages block the update: network-manager-kde20:13
KottizenDaskreech: I found a nifty script :)20:14
BarkingFish_pingu, which version of kubuntu are you on?20:14
DaskreechKottizen: can you pastebin i?20:14
KottizenDaskreech: http://matilda.kottnet.net/archive/scripts/UNIX/disableeffects.sh.txt20:14
_pinguBarkingFish: how can i check that? use kub. 10.0420:14
BarkingFishAh.  Guys, what was the codename for 10.04? Was it Lucid?20:15
rorkyes, 10.04 is lucid20:15
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BarkingFishthanks rork :)20:15
BarkingFish!info plasma-widget-networkmanagement lucid20:15
ubottuplasma-widget-networkmanagement (source: plasma-widget-networkmanagement): Network Management widget for KDE4 Plasma. In component main, is optional. Version 0.9~svn1112085-0ubuntu4 (lucid), package size 95 kB, installed size 296 kB20:15
BarkingFishhm.  I don't know why that package would block the plasma widget, _pingu - I'm running 11.10 here, I've no idea on the earlier releases, I didn't join till Natty.20:16
DaskreechKottizen: You can't pres alt+shift+F12 ?20:17
KottizenDaskreech: I can, but I'd like it to do it automatically20:17
_pinguBarkingFish: ok, thanks. i'll try it tomorrow again. need sleep now. many thanks for your friendly help!20:18
_pingugood night20:18
DaskreechKottizen: kwin can turn off compositing automatically for an application20:19
KottizenDaskreech: how?20:19
=== LINKSWORD2 is now known as kingh3mp
DaskreechKottizen: alt=F3 -> Advanced -> Special application settings -> Appearance and Fixes20:20
DaskreechBut a script works as well :)20:20
KottizenDaskreech: thank you :)20:20
kingh3mphey guys i've got a big problem20:20
kingh3mpi've got my laptop here, and the mouse isnt working20:21
Snowhogkingh3mp: uplugged and replugged it yet?20:21
kingh3mpSnowhog: it's a laptop. built-in touchpad20:21
Snowhogkingh3mp: That isn't a mouse then. Makes a difference.20:22
* kingh3mp facepalm20:22
Snowhogkingh3mp: Laptop make and model?20:22
simulationshas anyone done the upgrade natty 11.04 - any issues so far ?20:22
kingh3mpHP Pavilion DV-100020:22
kingh3mpsimulations: Yeah. It's pretty good. One of the best Kubuntu distro's I've seen.20:23
Snowhogkingh3mp: Do you by chance have a mouse plugged in?20:23
kingh3mpSnowhog: nope20:23
Snowhogkingh3mp: Okay. I have an HP Pavilion g7 and mine works, although I have it configured through Synaptiks to be disabled when a mouse is plugged in. Have you installed Synaptiks?20:25
jmichaelxkubuntu 10.10... the nightmare never ends20:25
OerHeksoh i love to hear your complaints, jmichaelx ..20:26
jmichaelxOerHeks: excellent, because i have some big ones20:27
kingh3mpSnowhog: can I chat with you one-on-one?20:27
Snowhogkingh3mp: Sure20:27
jmichaelxOerHeks: audio.... this whole phonon+pulseaudio business is completely and utterly dysfunctional20:28
jmichaelxOerHeks: i cannot even open phono settings...it just crashes20:29
simulationswhat is the difference bw different distros e.g fedora and ubuntu - when u can use any desktop u want ..20:29
simulationsor ubuntu and kubuntu - the kernel is the same rite20:29
george__BluesKaj: Hey, you helped me earlier with my sound being muted on alsamixer. The problem is that every time I login, it's muted again and I have to correct it! How do I fix that?20:30
OerHeksjmichaelx, you tried a lot of solutions, and if i remember right, it was a mute issue ? maybe you need te reinstall to get it working again ?20:30
jmichaelxOerHeks: a mute issue? no. it is a combination of issues, and i am not convinced a reinstallation will fix it20:31
jmichaelxOerHeks: i can get audio working.... but each time i do, it does not work when i reboot20:32
jmichaelxand phonon crashes and crashes and crashes20:33
raindogsimulations: regarding ubuntu/kubuntu, yes same kernel, but different desktop environments .20:33
george__jmichaelx:same here! kubuntu sound stopped working each time I reboot!20:34
kyofeljmichaelx: you might find kde bug 284176 interesting20:35
ubottuKDE bug 284176 in general "knotify4 v pulseaudio startup race" [Normal,Unconfirmed] http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=28417620:35
OerHeksmy upgrade gave no sound too, all i had to do is to remove ~/.pulse and all is working great20:35
Daskreechjmichaelx: What's the fix that you are employing20:36
DaskreechWell work around it's obviously not a fix20:36
jmichaelxOerHeks: i have already done that a few times.... i think once it helped, but upon rebooting i was back to square one20:37
jmichaelxDaskreech: i don't know where to start... i have fixed audio 4 or 5 times, but when i reboot, it is broken again20:37
Daskreechstart at where you fix it20:38
jmichaelxDaskreech: on a funny and odd note, i just rebooted, and this time audio is working lol.... but i would bet money it will not work the next time i reboot20:39
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Daskreechjmichaelx: Kash? :-)20:39
ScottyKOn a 104Gb drive, how big should /swap be? (Computer has 4GB of RAM)20:39
BluesKajgeorge__, setup alsamixer to your liking , then run ' alsactl store ' in the terminal20:40
jmichaelxDaskreech: i do not even remember what all i have done. the first time, i was able to go into phonon setting, and all my devices were listed. it has set my webcam mic as the system-wide default audio device (LOL). i set everything to the correct audio devices, and things worked20:40
jmichaelxDaskreech: then i rebooted. audio was again broken. go to phonon settings, it will not open.20:41
Daskreechjmichaelx: yeah that would probably be a Pulseaudio thing. It has strange timing ideas about device initilzation20:41
george__BluesKaj: $ alsactl store20:41
george__alsactl: save_state:1547: Cannot open /var/lib/alsa/asound.state for writing: Permission denied20:41
BarkingFishScottyK, the normal rule for arranging how much swap to set aside is thus: If you have less than 2GB of RAM, you set your swap the same size - if you have over 2GB of RAM, your swap should be at least 2GB, up to same size as the available RAM20:42
jmichaelxDaskreech: yofel told me about 'kcmshell4 phonon'... that helped... i was able to get into phonon settings (that has not worked since20:42
george__BluesKaj: sudo alsactl store: Home directory /home/george not ours20:42
george__BluesKaj: ?20:42
SJrHow do I block Kubuntu from prompting me constantly to upgrade?20:43
jmichaelxDaskreech: on a possible odd note, i tried just ditching pulseaudio... which i have had to do on other machines at various times in the past, but without pulse i was not able to get audio working at all20:43
ScottyKBarkingFish - Thanks!20:43
jmichaelxi put pulse back in place, and audio began working again.... until i rebooted20:44
vadraoHi all, I have a acer laptop and it comes with 2 graphics cards (onboard intel one and external Nvidia one). I would like to use Nvidia driver where as ubuntu has recognized and is running intel one. Could you please let me know how I can go about doing this. Thanks20:44
BarkingFishSJr, press ALT+F2 and type software-properties-kde20:44
Daskreechjmichaelx: try kcmshell kcm_phonon20:45
Daskreechjmichaelx: try kcmshell4 kcm_phonon20:45
BarkingFishwhen the program opens, click the Updates tab, and right at the bottom, you see "Notify me of a new Ubuntu version" - change the dropdown next to that, to "Never" and click OK20:45
jmichaelxDaskreech: ty... although momentarily audio is working, but i am scared to touch anything. it seems that even opening phonon settings crews things up20:46
BluesKajgeorge__, I'm not sure about that message ...seen it before with other commands , but I don't know what to do or whether it affects the command20:46
jmichaelxDaskreech: or alternately fixes things temporarily, if audio is already screwed up upone rebooting20:46
Daskreechjmichaelx: what started this?20:47
BluesKajjmichaelx, what player ?20:47
jmichaelxBluesKaj: every player20:47
george__BluesKaj: That was probably one of the weirdest messages terminal returned me...20:48
jmichaelxDaskreech: it started after upgrading to oneiric20:48
BarkingFishgeorge__, could you pastebin please, the output of ls -al from your home directory?20:48
DaskreechBarkingFish: sure you don't mean /home ?20:48
Daskreechjmichaelx: Yum. I guess you tried a back up of pulse settings20:49
BarkingFishi mean the directory at /home/george, Daskreech20:49
jmichaelxBluesKaj: i tend to use moc and mplayer from the command line a lot for audio... as well as amarok, vlc, xbmc, etc etc etc20:49
DaskreechBarkingFish: Ok jsutchecking20:49
george__BarkingFish:Here you go http://pastie.org/270784820:49
jmichaelxDaskreech: i did not back up .pulse before upgrading, although i do have a backup of .pulse from immediately after upgrading20:50
Daskreechjmichaelx: That will have to do I suppose20:50
jmichaelxDaskreech: i am not sure why i would put that back, though... it didn't work20:50
Daskreechjmichaelx: Known problems versus unknown fixes20:51
* mweijts biw20:51
jmichaelxDaskreech: well, i may give that a shot the next time i reboot, since audio probably will not work then20:52
BarkingFishgeorge__, could you go up one directory to /home, and tell me what the perms are on your personal directory please?20:52
BarkingFishit'll only be a one line paste, so you're quite safe to put it here20:52
jmichaelxDaskreech: by the way, at one point, when i was having problems, the only way i could get things working was by selecting the correct device in pavu.... NOTHING else would work... not phono settings, not kmix, nor anything else i trie20:53
george__BarkingFish:Home → root, my personal folder → george20:54
jmichaelxDaskreech: why do audio devices sometimes ahow up in phonon settings, and sometimes only 'pulseaudio server'?20:54
BarkingFishright, what are the actual permissions on it? as in the bit using rwx at the start of the line, george__?20:55
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george__BarkingFish:Sorry, don't know what to do to check this.20:55
BarkingFishin the konsole, george__ - type cd /home - then when you're in there, again type ls -al20:56
* BluesKaj wonders about the lack of a .asoundrc file , whether that could be a problem on 11.1020:56
BarkingFishyou should see something like this, george__ - drwxr-xr-x 36 thor thor 4096 2011-10-16 21:45 thor20:56
jmichaelxBluesKaj: interesting20:57
Daskreechjmichaelx: pulseaudio takes alot longer than the rest of the system to register devices (and it does it in a kind of haphazard way but that's another thing) so if it takes too long phonon will register it itself20:57
BluesKajgeorge__, intelhda ?, jmichaelx ?20:57
george__BarkingFish:yep, HDA Intel20:58
jmichaelxBluesKaj:  ?20:58
BarkingFishI think we're getting wires crossed here.20:58
BluesKajjmichaelx, intelhda ?20:58
BarkingFishgeorge__, the permissions on your home directory are correct, 755 or rwxr-xr-x20:58
BarkingFishthe permissions on the files in your home directory are also spot on, so I'm mystified as to why you're getting told the directory isn't yours20:59
george__BarkingFish: Oh...20:59
jmichaelxBluesKaj: i am using (an apparently USB) C-Media audio adapter20:59
BluesKajjmichaelx, what's your sound card kernel module ?  lsmod grep | snd21:01
tonymci have a strange problem21:01
tonymci have duplicate packages in my apt repository21:01
jmichaelxBluesKaj: one factor that causes problems...as Daskreech was indicating, is the whole thing of dealing with multiple audio devices. i have nvidia hdmi audio (which i'm not using), my webcam mic, and this USB C-Media audio, which is *supposed* to be my primary audio device21:01
tonymclots of them21:01
BarkingFishGuys - this looks like a bug.  I also have george__'s problem - I just tried to alsactl store 0 and got - Home directory /home/thor not ours.21:02
george__BarkingFish: !21:02
tonymci have disabled all sources except main and cleared all the caches i could find21:02
jmichaelxBluesKaj: snd_hda_codec         104802  2 snd_hda_codec_hdmi,snd_hda_intel21:03
tonymcthose duplicate packages list some packages as unavailable while these packages are perfectly available from a second copy of the package21:03
BluesKajjmichaelx, ok , I have a similar problem ..had to black list the onboard card in favour of the pci m-audio .21:03
jmichaelxBluesKaj: hmm, blacklisting my nvidia hdmi audio is one thing i had not considered...21:05
jmichaelxBluesKaj: i do think it is really bad that it would frequently want to make what it clearly identifies as a microphone my default audio device21:05
Daskreechjmichaelx: You could jump into #pulseaudio and see if they have a simple solution to your situation21:06
DaskreechTHough me thinks they will likely just tell you that kubuntu sucks and stop using phonon >_>21:06
jmichaelxDaskreech: i do not have time atm, but ty... i will ask there the next time this issue arises (which i assume will be soon)21:06
BluesKajjmichaelx, kdesudo dolphin /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf21:07
BluesKajalt+f2 ^21:07
Daskreechthough I have heard some people just mv ~/.pulse on update to 11.10 and it fixes stuff21:07
jmichaelxDaskreech: everywhere a person goes, one hears 'kubuntu sucks, quit using it'21:07
Daskreechbut I don't know what issues they were having so ...21:07
Daskreechjmichaelx: I know. a bit annoying21:07
jmichaelxDaskreech: i actaully feel that kubuntu is doing much better, considering what it has to work with. i feel the opposite, however, about KDE21:08
Daskreechjmichaelx: I suppose you don't want to elaborate on that?21:09
jmichaelxDaskreech: lol21:09
BluesKajDaskreech, i'm somewhat disappointed that we have so many sound issues , this should have been sorted out long ago and it's still with us21:09
jmichaelxDaskreech: i have elablorated a lot on that, in many places... but KDE has very major quality control issues21:09
DaskreechHmm I seem to have the opposite issues21:10
DaskreechMy sound never stops working no matter what happens21:10
jmichaelxDaskreech: my sound never stops working on a few machines, and is a frequent issue on a few others21:10
Daskreech I've had the computer running at 68 load and everything froze up including the network and Keyboard21:10
Daskreech Still had music playing though :)21:10
Daskreechthe issues I've had have almost always been pulseaudio so I don't know that I can be too upset with KDE for that21:11
jmichaelxDaskreech: i have a desktop here that has the exact same motherboard (same onboard audio) as my workstation at work (i built both of them)... the PC at work runs kubuntu, and i always have audio issues. the PC here at home runs gentoo, and never has audio problems. both run KDE21:12
DaskreechOooh gentoo :)21:12
jmichaelxDaskreech: don't ant to get into the whole religious debate, but my appreciation for gentoo does nothing but grow over time21:13
BluesKajDaskreech, I never used pulseaudio til I installed a m-audio pci soundcard which obviously needs it to link alsa to webaudio content in flash and other webaudio players and plugins21:13
jmichaelxBluesKaj: overall, i hate pulseaudio.... but it is admittedly nice, WHEN it works21:14
DaskreechBluesKaj: Pulseaudio isn't terrible it's just a bit much for a solution inserting itself inbetween other solution layers21:14
Daskreechjmichaelx: +121:15
BluesKajthe alsa driver is incomplete with the m-audio card . it needs the pulseaudio sound server21:15
DaskreechHopefully they can push it far enough that you forget it's there to hate21:15
jmichaelxBluesKaj: that may be the case with the C-Media card... i was unable yesterday to get it working at all yesterday without pulse21:15
BluesKajDaskreech, jmichaelx , I just need the digital stream s/pdif /pcm to the coax out so pulse doesn't distort the the sound just passes it thru21:16
Daskreechjmichaelx: re: debate the F in FOSS should be a core aspect if it works for you then fantastic :)21:18
BluesKajjmichaelx, do you have an .asoundrc file in /home , probly not ..I would investigate the C-media module and a setting in.asoundrc . It may settle your problems21:18
jmichaelxBluesKaj: i have two machines at this desk, one with onboard inet audio, and the other is the one i have been describing.... i just checked, and neither has .asoundrc21:20
jmichaelxonboard intel* audio...21:21
BluesKajjmichaelx, , i had to create an .asoundrc file for stability , even with pulseaudio in the mix .. scroll down til you ind the .asoundrc file reference ,http://www.alsa-project.org/main/index.php/Matrix:Module-hda-intel21:24
new2netI've really done it >.<, I completely wrecked all of the mysql settings. How can I remove mysql (using dkpg or apt-get maybe?) and reinstall it forcing it to remove old files and add new ones (defaults)?21:43
BluesKajnew2net, purge  perhaps , but what about the data?21:45
Daskreechnew2net: you can use purge with apt-get from the command line21:45
new2netBluesKaj, I am actually recovering data from a previous install (so my idb and frm files are set aside)21:45
Daskreechnew2net: though I would recommend backing up what you have now21:45
new2netDaskreech, well I have backed up what I have... The Ocelot upgrade failed and I reinstalled Natty.21:46
new2netDaskreech, BluesKaj, when I reinstall it doesn't readd the default directories /var/lib/mysql/* and /etc/mysql/*21:48
new2netoh.... mysql_install_db maybe21:50
jxjlgood evening is there any way how to minimize all windows on kde desktop (not to se them as show desktop)? my problem is that when I use show desktop and then change activity, all windows pop up back21:57
kingh3mpSnowhog: Hey, i'm back21:57
Snowhogkingh3mp: How is the touchpad now?21:58
kingh3mpWorking fine. Ultra-sensitive, though. lol21:58
Snowhogkingh3mp: Install synaptiks and you can configure the touchpad behavior.21:58
kingh3mpsudo apt-get install synaptiks ??21:59
Snowhogkingh3mp: I always choose not to bring in unneccessary packages, so I use: sudo apt-get install package_name --no-install-recommends22:00
Daskreechjxjl: hmm not sure I'd ask in #plasma (or #kwin) but I think it's just a side effect of the illusion22:00
new2netDaskreech, sudo apt-get --purge remove mysql-server-5.1 && sudo apt-get --reinstall install mysql-server-5.1    -- is what I needed22:01
Daskreechnew2net: yep22:01
kingh3mpIt's too bad you can't install multiple packages at the same time.22:01
new2netDaskreech, Have any idea what to do with these .FRM and ibdata files?22:01
Snowhogkingh3mp: You can.22:01
kingh3mpNope, not really. Whenever you try running an install and there's already one running, the system yells at you.22:02
jxjlDaskreech: and isn't there any way how to really minimize window (the same way as when I click on minimize button) from shell script?22:03
SnowhogYou don't do it by multiple sudo apt-gets; you just include the additional packages on the same command: sudo apt-get install package1 package2 package3 ...22:03
kingh3mpOh? Interesting.22:03
Snowhogkingh3mp: See man apt-get22:03
Daskreechjxjl: of coruse there is22:03
kingh3mpSo if I wanted to install synaptiks, then upgrade the system...22:03
Daskreechqdbus kwin22:03
kingh3mpsudo apt-get install synaptiks do-release upgrade ??22:04
Snowhogkingh3mp: No. Private chat?22:04
kingh3mpgo ahead22:04
littlegirlHey there, if I try to run sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart I get this message: "Running /etc/init.d/networking restart is deprecated because it may not again enable some interfaces" and then it says "Reconfiguring network interfaces...". What is the correct new command?22:06
Daskreechhi littlegirl22:06
jxjlDaskreech: where can i find some namual how to control kwin trough qdbus?22:06
littlegirlDaskreech: Hey there. (:22:07
littlegirlDaskreech: I'm trying to update my more popular pages with correct up-to-date information. (:22:07
Daskreechjxjl: try typing qdbus by itself it will tell you all the things you can query22:07
Daskreechjxjl: then mayb qdbus | grep kwin22:07
jxjlDaskreech: thank you, I'll try to play with it22:08
Daskreechjxjl: it allows you to discover methods etc22:08
Daskreechlittlegirl: Lovely ^_^22:08
Daskreechlittlegirl: I think it's service22:12
littlegirlApparently the new command is sudo service network-manager restart  (:22:12
kyofelit is22:12
littlegirlCool, thanks. Someone probably should have added that to the error message that comes up when you try the old way. (:22:13
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littlegirlI may be back tonight. You all have fun. (:22:15
* Daskreech goes off to have fun as instructed22:15
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barxoolhi. I am extracting a tar.gz with tar, but the result is a directory that belongs to a user that does not exist on the system. See http://pastebin.com/NWBVP2BF23:18
barxoolCan someone explain this ?23:18
=== DaemonFC` is now known as DaemonFC
Snowhogbarxool: Why try to install xchat from a downloaded tarball when it's available for installation in the package manager?23:22
barxoolSnowhog: i was trying to understand what the "./configure" was doing...23:25
jmichaelxbarxool: Snowhog is just wondering why you are wanting to compile xchat23:26
Snowhogbarxool: Okay, but I don't see what user you are thinking is there. /tmp is a temporary file system folder.23:27
barxoolI don't understand why the directory xchat-2.8.8 does not belong to root, since tar was executed by root23:28
Snowhogbarxool: It is owned by root. Who do you think owns it? The pastbin doesn't show another user.23:29
barxooldo you see 500:500 for  xchat-2.8.8/ ?23:30
barxoolxchat-2.8.8.tar.bz2 has root:root23:30
barxooland xchat-2.8.8/ has 500:50023:31
Snowhogbarxool: Ah, okay. Who knows what/how the 'packager' of that particular tarball did things.23:31
TheEvilPhoenixsome tarballs include permission settings for the extracted foleeers/files23:31
barxoolok  !23:32
TheEvilPhoenixyou can chown the foloder though23:32
TheEvilPhoenixand give it back to root23:32
TheEvilPhoenixoh god, my typing fails today23:32
SnowhogTheEvilPhoenix: But why at that point in the config process --everything is still being done in /tmp -- the final process hasn't completed.23:33
TheEvilPhoenixoh if its in /tmp, then its irrelevant23:33
* TheEvilPhoenix was reading a different thing from the aforementioned text23:34
TheEvilPhoenixblame my ZNC for not logging right >.>23:34
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