
trakinasis there a mway to connect to the internet without the nm try icon?00:07
lcbhi. do you know how can i add an application as 'autostart'? Just add a symlink to home/user/.config/autostart ?00:13
lcbyes. tested and works00:21
tzhuangdoes anyone have scim working with googlepinying here?00:25
tzhuangi installed scim according to these instructions http://code.google.com/p/scim-googlepinyin/00:26
tzhuangbut i can't seem to be able to input chinse00:26
trakinastzhuang: I dont. cant help you. sorry!00:28
trakinaswhy booting lubuntu on VirtualBox is so slow? Have I missed anything?00:33
tzhuanghow can you minimize tbird to tray in lubuntu00:37
trakinastzhuang: I think you need to install a plugin for that00:38
tzhuangtrakinas: any idea what plugin?00:44
tioxSound has me confused. I was under the impression I could have sound from headphones only come out of headphones, but it seems this is not the case if I use alsamixer.00:44
tioxAm I stuck with this issue, or is there a way to fix the audio so when I plug a set of headphones, in, the speakers shut off and the headphones are the only devices accepting input?00:46
trakinastzhuang: i think there is one called AllTray, where you can put any program on the systray00:46
trakinassee if you find it on synaptic00:46
tzhuangtrakinas: i see it00:48
tzhuangtrakinas: but it doesn't list LXDE as supported D:00:48
trakinastzhuang: well, you can try it.00:48
tzhuangtrakinas: hmm have you tried it?00:49
tzhuangtrakinas: rebooting brb00:49
trakinastiox: I really can't help you. In general, when I plug a phone, there  is no sound from the speakers.00:59
trakinastiox: and I never really played around with "phone"/"mixer" output01:00
tioxAny answer is as good as no answer I guess.01:10
penguinnerdSo, anybody know what's up with lubuntu.net? It's redirecting me to the ubuntu wiki entry.01:56
penguinnerdIs anybody around?02:02
phillwpenguinnerd: yes there is some one about02:02
penguinnerdOh, hello.02:02
penguinnerdSo, do you know what's going on with lubuntu.net?02:03
penguinnerdIt redirects me to the ubuntu wiki.02:03
phillwpenguinnerd: the server for lubuntu.net was overloaded, so it was re-directed to the lubuntu area on the Canonical servers (which are also under immense strain)02:03
penguinnerdOh. That was my theory, but I wasn't sure. Thanks much.02:04
phillwI'm just trying to arrange back up server band width for lubuntu.net02:04
hulakaIs there some way to make desktop icons smaller? [Lubuntu 11.10]08:43
l33_wouldnt be opensource if you couldnt ;)08:44
hulakaWell I realise that ... but HOW you do it08:45
stlsainthulaka: hrm, should have options via open box menu08:48
hulakaNo, OpenBox has no settings considering desktop icons08:50
l33_you have to make your own desktop/icon theme08:51
l33_but dont ask me how, i dont know that08:51
hulakadamn, linux is always so problematic for me08:52
l33_it seems to be problematic, but in the ende its easier as any other operating system i guess08:52
l33_be happy, you can change the desktop theme08:52
hulakathen maybe you have an idea why some fonts on some software look so damn small?08:53
l33_i dont know how, but there are some articles in the net on how to make you own icon theme for ubuntu08:53
l33_no, havent noticed  that here, that some fonts are small08:53
l33_i had this problem years ago with windows xp08:53
hulakaLibreoffice looks really shitty, fonts are so tiny, especially navigator panel08:53
l33_there the problem was, that i had a small screen resolution08:53
l33_so, everything needed to be small to fit into the screen08:54
l33_looking now at libre office08:54
l33_here its normal size in libre office ( icons and fonts)08:54
l33_you can optimize the toolbar of libre office08:56
hulakaI have 1280x1024 resolution, don't know if it's "small"08:56
l33_its allright08:56
l33_in the toolbar click on customize08:57
hulakaI don't see how that's helpful08:59
hulakaBut basically it's not just Libre09:00
hulakaIt's some certain software09:00
hulakaEven certain websites09:00
hulakawhile other are ok09:00
hulakaand system fonts (like in system menu) are ok09:01
l33_first, as it is opensource, i would guess you can change everything09:02
l33_on ubuntu, some configurations arent stored in text files, most are stored in nomral textfiles09:02
l33_so editing them shouldnt be the problem09:02
hulakayes well, but by default it all should be ok09:02
hulakabefore I had Ubuntu 11.04 and it was all right09:03
l33_here, i am usin lastes lubuntu, an di dont see a difference concerning the size of fonts and icons compared to other operating systems09:03
hulakathen I don't know what's wrong ...09:03
l33_i really dont know09:03
l33_are you using an nvidia graphics card?09:03
l33_are you using the drivers that were installed with lubuntu or do you use nvidia drivers( from nvidia homepage)09:04
l33_here, really, with lubuntu 11.10 everything is as normal: no small icons09:05
l33_so, i guess, it has something to do with how lubuntu is configured on your system09:05
hulakaIcons are ok09:05
l33_maybe, as a test, just change easily the desktop theme09:05
hulakaFonts are too small on some software09:06
hulakasimple as that09:06
hulakaIt's 64 bit though ... maybe something is not the best supported yet09:07
hulakaI don't know09:07
l33_i do have a workaround for you09:07
l33_go ro libre office09:08
l33_then menu tools go to options09:08
l33_then under view there you can change the scaling09:08
l33_try 130 %09:09
l33_and i think i do have a even better work around for you09:09
l33_just change the screen resolution09:09
l33_under lubuntu start menu go to display settings09:09
l33_and change the resolution to a lower value09:10
hulakait's not the case ...09:11
l33_these work-arounds are working here and helping getting bigger icons and fonts on lubunt 11.10 amd6409:11
hulakayea well, but like I'm saying there problem only with SOME stuff09:11
hulakachanging resolution changes everything09:11
hulakaso the stuff that actually was allright, isn't when changing resolution09:12
l33_okay, i guess libre office is still running with java09:12
hulakascaling - well, it also makes everything bigger09:12
hulakaand basically libreoffice fonts also look ... disorted or something09:12
hulakathey're not clean09:13
hulakaso even if I change scaling - it's looks bad09:13
hulakajesus ... maybe I'm just too demanding09:13
hulakaand that's the main problem xD09:13
l33_you can try to use the opensource nvidia drivers that comes with lubuntu09:13
l33_i dont know how small some icons or fonts are09:14
l33_but you can easily change them09:14
l33_i dont know how, but you really should find out easily09:14
l33_have to go now09:14
l33_c ya laters ;)09:14
l33_good luck09:15
=== Mkaysi|ZNC is now known as Mkaysi
hulakais there some way to take a screenshot in lubuntu?09:32
hulaka[besides "scrot" command in terminal]09:32
hulakacould someone help me?09:41
ardianHi is there any battery widget or something ?10:27
=== zmijunkie_ is now known as zmijunkie
ahmaI came here to thank devs. Like newest lubuntu more than ubuntu. =) Even I have Intel i3 and 4GB ram.14:22
silverlightningI like lubuntu too14:24
silverlightningahma: sometimes Ubuntu behaves very sluggish for no known reason, I suspect driver trouble if specs are with in the 2 GHz zpu and 2GB ram14:25
ahmaIt is faster to use imo (read: functionality)14:25
silverlightningoh yes, at least right away. I suppose it depends on what you get used to14:26
silverlightningI initially went for lubuntu because I had a laptop with minimal specs that I wanted to keep alive14:27
silverlightningit seems ubuntu is best with dual core 2GHz and up14:27
ahmaMe 2 (256ram)14:27
silverlightninglubuntu runs on 700MHz,14:28
silverlightningor even less14:28
silverlightning700 is what I have on the old one14:28
ahmaBut lubuntu seems to be just a bit faster with 4GB ram laptop too14:28
silverlightningyes, I installed 11.04 on both computers, even though the new handles ubuntu fine14:29
silverlightningI really need the old laptop to run fine14:30
silverlightningI can't buy a new one right now14:30
silverlightningI really don't need a new one either, silly to give the old one up when it works fine14:30
silverlightningit is fun to make an old laptop run again too14:32
ahmaI must say that my other (old laptop) computer does not run fine with lubuntu, but enough fine to surf internet etc.14:32
silverlightningI see14:33
silverlightningwhat specs do you have?14:33
silverlightningI have a really old laptop, with new hard drive, and some new ram, which I got cheaply on ebay14:34
silverlightningI bought 1GB ram, but I suppose 512MB is the beneficial peek on this laptop14:35
ahma1400MHZ Pentium, 240MB ram14:35
silverlightningand lubuntu runs fine with everything, except flash is a bit jerky, but there are ways about it14:36
silverlightningoh, your computer would be like new with 1 or 2 GB ram14:36
silverlightningit really should run fine with everything,14:37
ahmaNah, it runs enough fine. And newer know when motherboard or anything else will be dead14:37
silverlightningwhat model do you have ahma?14:38
silverlightningyour computer should be faster than mine, noticeably14:38
ahmaFujitsu Siemens pro amilo V200014:38
silverlightninghey, my laptop was new in 2001, it is a handme down lol14:39
ahmaMaybe it runs, but I think it does not run 'fine'14:39
silverlightningmother boards can last a looooooooooooong time,14:40
ahmaYes,but HP G62 seems to run. "Fine"14:40
silverlightningfor me fine is; boots reasonably quickly, runs with no hangups or issues, applications launches reasonably quickly too14:40
silverlightningyou are right, there are no guarantees with old hardware, but in my experience, minor fixes and repairs have been worth it.14:41
silverlightningHps are very solid in my experience14:42
ahmaWhen I need specs, I use newer laptop. Only sometimes using that old one.14:42
silverlightningI have noticed buntu and lubuntu run lighter and faster on systems with less specs than others, which is odd14:43
silverlightningThis old packard bell has lasted for ever, and the main reason why I still have it is it has rescued me many times. it still runs fine14:44
silverlightningahma: does your hard drive come out fine in system profiler and benchmark?14:45
silverlightningor, no disk utility I mean14:45
ahmaSome things are missing14:46
silverlightningold computer can't compare to new cpu's and hd graphics14:46
silverlightningbut your cpu is pretty up to standard still14:46
silverlightningram is not14:46
ahmaYes I know14:47
silverlightninghave you ran htop?14:47
silverlightningin terminal14:47
silverlightningwhat does it show?14:47
ahmaCan't remember14:47
silverlightningrun it then ; )14:49
silverlightningand make a screen shot14:49
ahmaWith this Samsung Galaxy S?14:49
ahmaXD I'm using phone right now14:50
ahmaLove that Fujitsu Siemens at panel14:52
silverlightningI was checking what kind of computer and ram it would take14:53
silverlightningit should be easy and low price14:53
silverlightningbut if you really don't use the laptop much at all14:54
silverlightningI haven't done much alterations after install14:55
silverlightningonly added a few applications14:56
silverlightninga bit odd memory is that low?14:58
silverlightningthis laptop with 700MHz exceeds 250MB in jumps with launch of anything, but hardly ever exceeds much above 300-35015:00
silverlightningahma, I think your old system would utilize 512MH RAM much the same way, even more15:01
silverlightninghave your laptop been looted for ram at one point?15:02
silverlightningthis laptop is my lubuntu/linux test and try15:05
silverlightningI work on a Vista computer 2.7GHz processor, and 3GB RAM, it is much the same as this old computer with regards to speed.15:09
silverlightningWindows 7 is better on the same system15:09
silverlightningI haven't noticed much improvement in 64 bit computers when it comes to regular applications I use15:11
IbisAnyone having issues installing Lubuntu 11.10 from a CD by any chance?15:19
IbisI can not run lubuntu and see LIVE desktop. It drops to shell after it fails to load it's GUI.15:20
silverlightningI installed 11.10 from cd15:24
silverlightningit booted fine in two different laptops15:24
silverlightningibis, I have had that in Ubuntu, some gaphic cards have problems with drivers, and boot up to a black screen after the first bootup menue choices15:26
manueehi all, first time installing lubuntu here i have a problem15:26
manueei fresh boot it after installing, and I dont see anythinng, just a black screen no mouse nor anything15:26
manueeas if x didnt start or somethign15:26
silverlightningno signs of grub or anything?15:27
manueei boot, see the typical bios stuf, then black15:27
manueei can alt f1 and login fine15:27
silverlightningsomething went wrong with install15:28
manueei dont see any weird messages on restarting lxdm15:28
silverlightninghmm, but what15:28
manueeon the X log i see no screens  found15:28
silverlightningin a terminal like environment ?15:29
manueethats proabbly why... strange because using the llive cd i could see everything working fine15:29
manueeyeah in the terminal runing sudo tail /var/log/Xorg.0.log15:29
manuee(im an ubuntu user for some years)15:30
manueejust on this laptop im sick of it being sluguish =)15:30
silverlightninglubuntu usually behaves much like ubuntu for me, but better on some hardware15:30
silverlightninglubuntu is considerably lighter and faster15:31
manueethats what im hoping15:31
silverlightningmanuee: , you verified file checksum, on download, and disk health before install?15:32
manueenanoing the x log file i see Failed to load the NVIDIA kernel module!15:32
silverlightningah, driver issue?15:32
manueelooks like nvidia drivers arent working for some reason yeh15:32
manueei didnt silverlightning nope15:32
silverlightningbut very odd they worked in live cd?15:33
Ibissilverlightning: I didn't have this problem in lubuntu 11.04 :S           I'll get lts then, It doesn't need to be new or fancy. I use this as a computer rescue disk.15:33
manueeyeh it worked fine15:33
silverlightningwhen I have had graphic driver issues, I could not get to live cd15:33
manueedunno if it was using them or what but it was working15:33
manueeyeh same here15:33
silverlightningdo you still have the download file, and location of dowload ?15:34
silverlightningwould be easy to get the md5 sum checked15:34
silverlightningIbis, then it should not be video card driver problem15:35
silverlightningI'm not sure what changes they have made with driver packages,15:36
manueei stil have the dl file yeh15:37
manueei believe i chose NL to dl from15:37
manueeno wait15:37
silverlightningif you can get to the md5 sum, it should be listed on the down load site15:37
manueei downloaded the torrent silverlightning15:37
silverlightningthen you probably have a folder or note with the check sum15:38
silverlightningooh, direct download link15:39
manueei used the torrent from this page https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu15:39
silverlightningyou did get iso only, or additional info?15:39
manueeno md5 there15:39
manueeiso only15:39
SAKKEDhow can i install lubuntu with WUBI?15:40
silverlightningregular 32 bit?15:40
silverlightningor 64?15:40
silverlightningsorry, I mean manuee15:41
manueei think i should try reinstalling nvidia15:41
silverlightningwhich might be tricky, and you shouldn't have to really15:41
SAKKEDi DLed lubuntu image15:42
SAKKEDand it has wubi15:42
silverlightningmanuee, check you dowload folder15:42
manueeyeh only the iso image there silverlightning15:43
silverlightningSAKKED: isn't that just default installation in CD?15:44
silverlightningas opposed to the alternative with out, for very minimal specs15:44
silverlightningmenuee, anyhow, if you run disk health check, in install menue, it is enought15:45
silverlightningmanuee, I have had quirks on install, and after a second attempt it has worked fine15:46
manueethanks silverlightning15:47
manueeill try that if reinstalling nvidia doesnt work15:47
silverlightningif it comes out right, the disk is fine at least15:47
silverlightningthere are often some really clever guys here15:48
silverlightningat least one or one and a half15:48
manueeheheh =)15:50
manueei might try installing the drivers from the nvidia page15:50
manueewhen i had ubuntu on this machine thats what i had runing15:50
manueecant remember i fthey were necessary though15:50
manueeit was on 10.04 though who knows15:50
silverlightningwhich really should be the same driver in lubuntu15:50
Ibissilverlightning: It's even affecting a great computer my friend uses. No problem running regular Ubuntu from USB. But running lubuntu from CD is .... ... .. . . -.-15:52
silverlightninghmm, Ibis you ran the disk health function at boot up?15:53
silverlightning in cd I mean15:53
silverlightningif it comes out all right, I'll bet it is graphic driver issues15:59
silverlightningbut since ubuntu works, I don't see why it should be,hmm16:01
Ibissilverlightning: Two perfect downloads actually. Although there is a chance of slight messups. I didn't run check sum. I did downloaded ONCE each on two different operating systems. Two different paths. And two different folders/directory.16:03
IbisI could at least run a checksum today while I still can.16:04
IbisAm I the only one with this issue?16:04
silverlightningI don't think check sum matters, as longs as health check comes out fine16:04
silverlightningnot sure Ibis, manuee have something related, but might be different still16:05
silverlightningin the ubuntu room, some have had simillar install issues16:05
willcookehowdy folks.  Trying out lubuntu 11.10 in place of xubuntu for my mythtv frontend.  I'm trying to map the power key on my remote (keycode 142) to s3 suspend the box.  On XFCE I would map this through the keyboard settings tool.  Is there an equivalent?16:07
silverlightningopen box config?16:09
willcookesilverlightning, not that I can find16:09
willcookeI expect there is a nice generic way of mapping xevents to scripts, but my Google foo is weak16:12
SAKKEDIf i install with wubi its not same installation as default desktop16:12
SAKKEDwubi installs it into windows16:12
SAKKEDtheres no option for lubuntu16:13
SAKKEDwhen i run wubi16:13
SAKKEDUbuntu Xubuntu Kubuntu and mythubuntu16:13
SAKKEDare options16:13
SAKKEDand im talking about Lubuntu DVD :D16:14
manueeyay i has lubuntu runing properly16:15
manueesilverlightning, purging  nvidia* and reinstalling nvidia-common worked for me16:15
manueei had 173 installed16:16
silverlightningeither some mess up during install, or it doesn't work with all nvida cards16:16
manueei now have version current16:16
manueei wont touch it now just in case16:16
silverlightningI had something similar with a radeon driver once16:16
manueeneed to get this laptop ready for tomorrow work16:16
silverlightninglots that needs attention ?16:17
silverlightningwith me it's rather simple I need full office, printer and web to work and I am pretty much set16:18
manueeyeh i need lamp stack, and vpn config runing16:18
silverlightningI suppose you have to fix vpn at work, where there is any16:19
silverlightningvpn worked straight away for me luckily16:19
silverlightningjust minor settings16:19
silverlightningthese days it is nice with social medias to run efficient, and all the flash, java, streams to work is a must16:20
silverlightningI need a break16:24
SAKKEDhey guys?!?16:30
SAKKEDany1 installed thru wubi?16:30
silverlightningit is very dormant here, you might find someone clever with wubi in the ubuntu channel, it should be much the same16:32
silverlightningor just check in now and then SAKKED16:33
SAKKEDor maybe i should make normal Lubuntu install16:35
SAKKEDcause looks like wubi doesnt suppot lubuntu16:35
silverlightningI see16:37
=== micahg_ is now known as micahg
manueeungh phpmyadmin is not in the repos?17:20
manueecant be17:20
manueeow wait let me refresh17:21
KM0201it should be17:21
KM0201i remember installing it a long time ago.17:21
Ibismanuee: You'll need to add some sourced. Then apt-get update17:22
manueeyeh thnx i had changed my default mirror...17:23
manueeand needed to update indeed17:23
silverlightninghas anyone got around to use Gnome player?17:34
silverlightningI have a small issue; when i change screen size to larger, frame gets larger, but picture inside stay the same17:35
silverlightningIf I right click on picture, and choose "full screen" it works, but sort of separately from the rest17:36
silverlightninga bit odd17:36
silverlightningnow mplayer runs in black, sound but no picture17:39
silverlightninghi mark7617:39
silverlightningare you in lubuntu?17:39
mark76Hi ho silverlightning17:39
silverlightninghave you used mplayer lately?17:39
mark76I'm not at the moment. Why?17:39
silverlightningI open mplayer, it runs some times, with picture, sometimes only audio17:40
mark76Hang on17:40
silverlightningI can right click in a black mpayer screen, withing the window, and choose "full screen", picture appears17:40
silverlightningis this gui trouble? or just mplayer?17:41
mark76Apparently Mplayer doesn't like .mov files17:41
silverlightningoh I see17:41
silverlightningthis was a tv download, from a torrent17:42
silverlightningjust to test the new lubuntu17:42
mark76Which file extension?17:42
silverlightningthey all end with .avi?17:42
mark76Have you tried them in another media player?17:44
silverlightningno, only the default one17:44
silverlightningI can send folder to a external storage, and test in vlc17:44
mark76Well I don't have any .avi files17:44
silverlightningI'm trying to keep this laptop rather minimal with apps17:45
silverlightningI see17:45
silverlightningproperties show avi video17:45
silverlightningthe other computer would be xp I have available now17:46
silverlightningmplayer is good isn't it?17:47
silverlightningI haven't found any better really, just different,17:47
silverlightningvlc was nice too, but not developers doesn't seem to like it much17:47
silverlightningI did however lol17:48
mark76Yeah, mplayer's okay. Though I tend to use xine mire17:48
silverlightningmark76:  do you ever send folders in irc?17:49
silverlightningor data17:49
silverlightningI might try xine again17:49
silverlightningI see17:49
silverlightningI just noticed this plugin in pidgin17:49
bioterrorDCC requires ports opened17:49
mark76I don't think you can send files in irc17:50
mark76No, apparently you can17:50
silverlightningit works17:50
mark76I do know you can't send them in xmpp17:51
silverlightningyou have a dog17:51
silverlightningI used to17:51
mark76Not mine17:51
mark76My friend's17:51
silverlightning: )17:52
silverlightningis it an mplayer issue or a lxde issue?17:53
mark76I wish my nose wasn't so stuffed all the time17:53
mark76No idea. Send me a small .avi file17:54
mark76Just a minute or so17:54
silverlightningnot sure I know how to17:54
mark76Right click on my name in this window and choose Send File from the menu17:54
silverlightningdo you get anything on your end?17:56
silverlightningare you in pigin?17:57
silverlightningyou might have to mark of in the plugin setting17:57
silverlightningnot sure17:57
mark76Do it again17:59
silverlightningnow I ended up with two18:00
silverlightningnot sure how to start it?18:02
mark76Start what?18:02
bioterrorSun20:49 <bioterror> DCC requires ports opened18:02
silverlightningyou know, the action where you are sent a "accept data transfer" thing18:03
silverlightningmark just sent me a picture18:03
silverlightningworks one way at least18:03
mark76Ah right18:03
silverlightningI'm afraid I don't know how to set port open18:04
silverlightningit shows open in torrent client18:04
silverlightningnot sure in pigin18:04
silverlightningnever mind18:05
mark76Search me18:06
mark76Apparently I can send them but I can't receive18:06
bioterrorthat's becouse of NAT?18:06
silverlightningor I can receive but not send?18:06
mark76Send me something bodhizazen18:07
* bodhizazen sends mark76 some popcorn18:07
SAKKEDwhats the difference between alternate and desktop?18:08
bioterrorSAKKED, alternate is a text based installer18:08
mark76Alternate is SOOOO 90s :p18:08
bodhizazenalternate is for install only, has a more robust installer18:08
bioterroralternate works ;)18:08
bodhizazenand a few more options (encryption)18:08
bodhizazendesktop runs "live" desktop and installs as well18:08
SAKKEDi want to install lubuntu to my old laptop18:09
SAKKEDand im going to use only lubuntu18:09
SAKKEDnot windows18:09
SAKKEDso ?18:09
SAKKEDalternate or dektop?18:09
bodhizazendon't let us hold you back =)18:09
bodhizazeneither SAKKED18:09
bodhizazenif you have to ask, I would say desktop18:10
KM0201if your machine will work w/ the desktop (ie, it's not very old/low on ram) use the desktop CD18:10
mark76Have you attempted to send me a file bioterror?18:10
KM0201the alt cd isn't hard, but it can be intimidating if you've never used it before.18:10
bioterrormark76, yes I have18:10
SAKKEDthat laptop have 512mb ram and 2.4GHZ processor18:10
mark76And I received no notification that a file was being offered18:10
bodhizazenif lubuntu does not work for you, try slitaz or tinycore18:11
mark76So, it must be at my end18:11
bioterrorI would not suggest tinycore18:11
SAKKEDwhich one shuold i use?18:11
bodhizazenwhy not ?18:11
bodhizazenSAKKED, lubuntu first, slitaz second18:11
SAKKEDi mean alternate install or dekstop?18:12
bodhizazeneither SAKKED18:12
silverlightningI can send to a user in a different channel18:12
mark76Well I've no idea why I can't receive files in irc18:13
silverlightninggo to plugin18:13
silverlightningmark off for the top one18:14
mark76Which one? There are millions of them18:14
silverlightningonly 1818:14
mark76You're going to have to be more specific18:14
mark76Try it now18:14
silverlightningaccept out transfer or something like that18:15
mark76I'm still not getting it18:16
mark76You couldn't find a smaller one!?18:17
silverlightningsorry, only size18:17
silverlightningtv show18:17
mark76That's going to take hours18:18
silverlightningonly half it seems18:18
silverlightningor 20 min18:18
mark76We'll see18:18
wxldang remind me never to install another network manager. that was a pain in the brain18:19
tarvidlubuntu-11.10-desktop-i386.iso brings up the install language selection screen18:21
tarvidselect english18:22
tarviddown arrow to install18:22
tarvidflashing cursor in the upper left corner18:22
tarvidwhat to do?18:22
silverlightningmove cursor to down arrow?18:22
mark7612% uploaded18:23
silverlightningor is mouse acting up?18:23
KM0201it's probably still loading, if all he sees is a cursor in the upper right18:23
tarvidcursor in upper left gone, now blank screen18:24
wxlis there a reason people suggest editing keybindings in lubuntu-rc.xml rather than using xbindkeys?18:25
tarvidlubuntu-11.10-alternate-i386.iso says Undefined video mode number:314 and then lays there dead18:25
wxluse expert install mode and check the correct video mode maybe18:26
tarvidnever get that far18:27
wxlat boot18:27
tarvidhow does one do that?18:28
silverlightning1/4 transfered18:28
tarvidISOLINUX starts, then message18:28
wxltarvid: restart and watch for the boot menu that says something about hitting install or expert install or something or other18:28
wxluse expert install18:28
wxlit will automatically assume install if you do nothing18:29
tarvidNow have a Lubuntu splash screen, maybe I should let it go for an hour or two18:30
tarvidOld Dell 2400 1.7Ghz, 1GB RAM18:30
silverlightningshould run anything fine, lubuntu windows 718:31
tarvidb;ue and white dots keep advancing18:32
mark76Anything except Ubuntu 11:10, silverlightning :p18:39
bioterrorubuntu 11:10, is that a new part in bible? :)18:39
mark76You need a full gig to run 11:1018:40
wxlit's right after revelations18:40
wxla full gig???18:40
wxlwow that's huge18:40
wxl(compared to the 20 or so windows 7 wants)18:40
silverlightningfull gig?18:41
mark76I only have 1 gigabyte of memory. Than a quarter of that goes to graphics :(18:41
wxloh you meant memory18:41
silverlightningyou think you could benefit from 2GB?18:42
silverlightningwhich really should be a easy upgrade18:43
mark76Okay. I tried playing that file you sent me in mplayer and all I get is the soundtrack18:43
wxlmemory is always a great upgrade imho18:43
mark76Works fine in Xine18:44
bioterrorsomeone can come and pickup 4GB of 1333MHz DDR3 for a 15 euros ;)18:44
silverlightningmark76, try right click in mplayer window, then choose full screen18:45
silverlightningare you in xine mark76?18:46
mark76Where's the full screen option?18:47
silverlightningit's in mplayer18:47
mark76I can't see it18:47
silverlightningit's odd, this comes from a torrent with tons of recommendations18:47
silverlightningok withing the black mplayer window, running with audio, right click, then full screen18:48
silverlightningand works on the xp laptop18:48
silverlightningin vlc18:48
mark76I don't have that option in my version18:48
silverlightningwhat? are we in the same lubuntu?18:49
mark76Mplayer should be the same in all desktops18:49
mark76Send me a screenshot of your mplayer menu18:49
gazraHello, can someone please help me? I¿m trying to install lubuntu 10.10 with dual-boot on a computer that has W7 already. I have tried everything and it just doens't work, I'm wondering if there is an error in the installation images.18:49
mark76Nope, it doesn't work18:51
mark76Useless piece of cr*p18:52
mark76I'd use XIne if I were you18:52
mark76Xine works fine18:53
gazraUps I meant Lubuntu 11.1018:54
silverlightningI can't make it take pic18:54
silverlightningtoo much with film running?18:55
gazraAnyone could please give me any clue, I have read a lot of howtos and followed several, it doesn't work18:55
gazraI even tried to manually change the boot flag and install the boot manager in the partition of Linux, and I get missing operating System18:55
gazraNo one?18:59
silverlightningmark76: daft really, I cannot make screen shot with mplayer open, but I am just right clicking in mplayer window19:00
silverlightninggazra, you choose only / for flagging, not /boot19:01
silverlightninglubuntu does the rest usually19:01
silverlightninggazra, you did try to boot the live cd, and reinstall boot with the boot repair stuff. There is a guide that show how to install the app from terminal in live cd, to fix it19:02
mark76It's probably a bug silverlightning19:06
silverlightningmight get fixed then19:07
silverlightningwonder if it is mplayer or lxcde19:08
gazrasilverlightning, I have tried to reinstall the whole thing from scratch, with no success19:08
mark76It's mplayer19:08
silverlightningor windows manger, I can never tell the difference19:08
silverlightningI see19:08
gazrasilverlightning, can you send me the link for the how to install the app from Terminal in Live CD?19:08
silverlightningoh, maybe wait19:08
silverlightningthis is the best bootloader fuction,19:13
silverlightningthere was another ubuntu help guide, but i can't find it19:13
silverlightningbut it is the same bootloader, and the one recommended for lubuntu19:13
silverlightninggazra: after terminal install it will appear in the menu19:14
silverlightningwith a wrench icon like the picture there19:15
silverlightningfount it https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Boot-Repair19:17
silverlightningthat is the official guide I think19:17
silverlightningand the one that worked for me19:17
SAKKEDhad to DL alternate because i have only 650mb disc :D19:22
SAKKEDis it hard to install from alternate cd?19:22
silverlightningnot sure19:23
silverlightningI think I installed with the 592MB image, just regular install19:30
RaitoYagamiSomebody help me, how I configure the bluetooth device?20:35
ubot5For instructions on how to set up bluetooth, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup20:36
RaitoYagamiI don't know how to access it. I followed this instructions https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup20:40
RaitoYagamiHow I insert the applet indicator bluetooth?20:45
tarvidNow I get login timed out after 60 seconds.20:45
SAKKEDsoon i haz lubuntu20:49
IbisSAKKED: Did it worked out?21:11
SAKKEDi just burned it to DVD21:20
bioterrorI have tinycore on a DVD somewhere :D21:21
bioterrorburn 30MB image to 4GB disc21:21
phillwSAKKED: if your computer has ethernet connection, you can always use the minimal install route. It downloads just enough to kick ubuntu into terminal mode, then you add Lubuntu from the internet.21:47
trakinashi guys. I have no apps on my Desktop Session Settings22:29
trakinashow do I add them there? I guess this is blocking my network manager from starting22:30

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