
=== akgraner` is now known as akgraner
Fudgehi regarding lucid, does 10.04.3  have speakup kernels?04:49
dtchenFudge: it should; see `modinfo speakup`04:52
Fudgedtchen  im preparing to update vinux build scripts for lucid and wondered if we will still need to install speakup_source for every new kernel or if lucid has been updated with speakup in kernel, so not currently on a lucid system04:57
Fudgehope explained clear :)04:57
dtchenFudge: it looks like you'll need to continue installing speakup_source05:04
dtchenFudge: (at least my cursory grep of the configs in ubuntu-lucid.git/debian* doesn't show it enabled)05:04
Fudgedtchen  thank you for taking the time to look mate05:06
FudgeI guess its not that simple to request it being included in kernels for 10.4.405:07
dtchenFudge: true, but there are lts-backport-natty and lts-backport-oneiric branches, too05:09
Fudgeah yes ofc, that makes things easy, just enable those repos and fetch a enw kernel?05:12
Fudgesorry, new loL hope u can  read typonees dtchen 05:12
sgs2_usris there something wrong with kernel 3.0 which breaks the bluetooth file transfer?05:18
dtchenFudge: e.g., http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=lts-backport-natty&searchon=names&suite=lucid&section=all05:25
nusch_Hi, I've just upgraded from 4GB RAM to 8GB on x86_64 kubuntu system. Kernel started to be extremally slow - every tty line lasts 20x times slower than on previous config. I logs I see a lot of "RCU detected CPU 0 stall". Where I can start debug the problem or what's more info you need? 11:15
nusch_also I have SysRq Call trace, which I rewriten from screen, what could be done with that ? It's in a form of hex bytes, should I decode it to asm opcodes or binary grep kernel or modules for occurence of that stream ?11:51
ghostcubehi folks anything new about this one here14:50
ubot2Launchpad bug 859075 in linux "Oneiric does not shutdown" [Undecided,Invalid]14:50
ghostcubehmmm got a soloution for kde as it seems15:19
ghostcubei commented the bug15:19
random42is it possible for the kernel to drop request even after disabling the tcp_syncookies ?16:38
random42I am getting "TCP: Possible SYN flooding on port 64271. Dropping request."16:38
random42the port in question happens to be my torrent port16:38
random42and I used to get "... sending syncookies" in the syslog16:38
ohsixtheres syncookies and then theres the max syn backlog16:42
ohsixwhich here is 204816:42
random42sorry, I had to restart because of a nasty xserver-video-driver bug16:46
random42did anyone respond to my query?16:46
random42hmm, never mind, I am going over to #deluge for this, but if you want to know whats the issue you can look at http://forum.deluge-torrent.org/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=3622716:56
=== kloeri_ is now known as kloeri

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