
=== akgraner` is now known as akgraner
czajkowskialoha 09:31
locodir-userI'm looking for person who be able to help me with native translation. Is here anyone who is under 18 and coming from UK?13:14
head_victimlocodir-user: if you're looking specifically for someone under 18 you might try #ubuntu-youth13:45
head_victimOr the #ubuntu-uk channel13:45
mhall119locodir-user: why do you need someone under 18 for a translation?13:47
locodir-usermhall119: I'm sorry I mean someno who is older than 1813:52
zeus-sudoVebuenos dias 15:49
akgranerhey if you are now using Ubuntu 11.10 can you run system testing and submit your system to Ubuntu Friendly :-)  let me know if you need more information and I'll get you the HOw to participate links17:41
akgranerwe need some more submissions17:42
akgranerUbuntu Friendly is now in Beta :-)17:42
akgranerand we have a Web Site and stuff too - If you run into issues or have comments please file  bugs as well :-)  Please and Thank you! --akgraner17:43

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