
wgrantarand: Should be updated in an hour or so.00:00
wgrantari-tczew, who is no longer here.00:00
tumbleweedLaney: played around with ubuntu_upload_history a little this evening: http://people.ubuntu.com/~stefanor/upload_activity/00:09
tumbleweedmore universe uploads than I expected00:09
tumbleweedwould be interesting to compare canonical vs community uploads :P00:09
sladentumbleweed: indeedy00:39
MaximLevitskyI notice that both avidemux and gddcontrol disappeared from ubuntu repos03:17
MaximLevitskylaunchpad does they that they are in 10.0403:17
MaximLevitskyis there a problem with main server or what?03:18
wgrantMaximLevitsky: Disappeared how?03:19
MaximLevitskyI don't have it in apt cache03:19
MaximLevitskyI updated it and that doesn't help03:19
wgrantAh, it was removed because it fails to build.03:19
ubottuUbuntu bug 831096 in avidemux (Ubuntu) "avidemux version 1:2.5.4-0ubuntu7 failed to build in oneiric" [High,Triaged]03:20
MaximLevitskyI am sorry that I ask here, its not 100% ontopic03:20
MaximLevitskyApt-get doesn't let me install it03:20
MaximLevitskyAnd I am quite sure I have everything right here03:20
MaximLevitskyMaybe a problem with servers?03:20
wgrantRight, it was removed because it no longer builds successfully.03:20
MaximLevitskyAnd i guess gddccontrol too :-(03:21
MaximLevitskyIt has optional gnome-panel applet03:21
MaximLevitskyIts really sad as I use it often03:22
MaximLevitskyI know its not maintained03:22
wgrantIt was also removed, as it's a GNOME 2 panel applet.03:22
MaximLevitskynope, its not an applet03:22
MaximLevitskyit has optional applet03:22
wgrant"old gnome-panel 2 applet, unmaintained"03:22
MaximLevitskyapp itself is normal gnome2 app03:23
wgrantHm, let's see...03:23
MaximLevitskyIt controls lots of monitors03:24
MaximLevitskySad that nobody maintains it03:24
MaximLevitskyMaybe I should...03:25
wgrantLooks like it could reasonably be revived if someone ports/removes the GNOME 2 dep from it.03:25
MaximLevitskyI'll take a look03:25
MaximLevitskywgrant: and last question03:46
MaximLevitskywhat about KDE3 libraries?03:46
MaximLevitskyI suspect they got removed too?03:46
wgrantMaximLevitsky: I'm not sure about the KDE situation, sorry. But Qt3 is still around.03:52
MaximLevitskykdelibs4 got removed, that what I see03:53
MaximLevitskyand I have app (kscope) also abadoned that I use very often03:54
MaximLevitskyI compiled it from source03:54
MaximLevitskySorry for trolling, but peoples say that windows breaks support for apps, and linux not... So much for that....03:56
sladenMaximLevitsky: sorry, I can't quite follow.  What's the question?03:58
MaximLevitskyubuntu 10.04 removed some packages03:58
wgrant11.10, you mean?03:58
MaximLevitskyincluding as I see kde3 libraries03:59
wgrantkdelibs was last in 11.04.03:59
MaximLevitskybut why?03:59
wgrant(also, Windows has probably the best backward application compatibility of any operating system... I don't see many people saying otherwise)03:59
MaximLevitskywgrant: agree. sorry for trolling :-)03:59
MaximLevitskyAnyway, please consider not removing support for legacy apps04:00
wgrantBug #79451304:00
ubottuLaunchpad bug 794513 in kdewebdev-kde3 (Ubuntu) "Please remove kdelibs and kdewebdev-kde3 from the archive" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/79451304:00
wgrantIIRC we moved to KDE4 3 years ago now...04:00
MaximLevitskyAgreed, but there are always apps that aren't ported04:01
wgrantAnd upstream dropped support for all that *long* ago.04:01
MaximLevitskyGTk1 I think is still included04:01
wgrantThere's only so much that it's practical for distributions to do, once upstream drops support.04:01
MaximLevitskyor at least was for such long time04:01
wgrantI believe libgtk1.2 was kept around mostly because there were proprietary applications that used it.04:02
wgrantApplications that could not be ported.04:03
wgrantWhereas, for KDE3 apps, it's more that nobody can be bothered to port them in the three years that they have been using deprecated libraries.04:03
MaximLevitskywgrant: but even if app is open source who has time to port it?04:03
MaximLevitskykscope was abadoned I know04:03
MaximLevitskybut its only IDE with sane browsing support04:04
MaximLevitskyI use it for all developing04:04
wgrantIf KDE upstream maintained the KDE3 libraries then we might have kept them around.04:04
MaximLevitskyBut why there is need to maintain it?04:05
MaximLevitskythe package from 10.04 does work just fine04:05
wgrantPackages fail to build due to toolchain changes, or need security fixes, or whatever.04:05
sladenMaximLevitsky: if an application is important, somebody will port or maintain it.  The problem comes when nobody maintains it (in which case it's not being used much)04:05
wgrantFor most FOSS applications it's not a problem, because someone will care enough to port it.04:05
wgrantApparently that's not the case for kscope.04:06
MaximLevitskyThere was attempt for Qt4 version, but it didn't work out04:06
alkisgIf I want a package of mine to be more compatible with Debian, I'd better use sysv init.d scripts and not upstart, right? Or should I have different packages for Debian/Ubuntu?06:05
sladenalkisg: it sounds like you're not relying on any of the advanced features of upstart, in which case, just install sysV init.d scripts06:14
alkisgMy upstart jobs now starts on (filesystem and started networking), so will do, thank you :)06:14
sladenalkisg: if you were /relying/ on upstart, then you'd be using functionality that would not be possible to replicate in init.d scripts (* without basically reimplementing upstart)06:15
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Laneytumbleweed: cool!09:59
Laneymaybe it could also show the freeze dates?10:00
tumbleweedyeah, I was also thinking that10:01
Laneyi started to write the lplib importer10:01
Laneybut then i got bogged down parsing the changelog and urgh10:01
tumbleweedyou can steal the bug closing regex from lp10:02
Laneyi was just using vendor profiles to get launchpad-bugs-fixed10:02
* tumbleweed finishes making http://qa.ubuntuwire.org/oldmerges/ prettier and faster10:03
tumbleweedah yeah if you are parsing .changes files, you can do that10:03
tumbleweedyou'll miss bugs closed in lp by syncs, though10:03
Laneydpkg-parsechangelog gives you it too10:04
tumbleweedoh, I see10:04
* tumbleweed doesn't want to even think about how slow an initial import will be10:05
LaneyI didn't consider doing that10:05
alkisgI'm getting "update-rc.d: warning: /etc/init.d/epoptes-client missing LSB information" when I install my package that contains this sysvinit script, any hints? http://paste.ubuntu.com/709472/10:21
alkisgHmm it seemed like a temporary error, I somehow had some dpkg-new entries in init.d/10:29
gesermicahg_: is bug #670659 still valid or is this fixed in the current FTBFS pages?12:46
ubottuLaunchpad bug 670659 in FTBFS Report "Show FTBFS per packageset" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/67065912:46
tumbleweedgeser: just busy working on incorporating my historical graph into the FTBFS page (at the end of the page, rather than on a separate page)12:47
tumbleweedLaney: I added some milestones http://people.ubuntu.com/~stefanor/upload_activity/12:47
gesertumbleweed: I didn't had time yet to review your MP. Does it work with the multi-archive support of the script?12:48
tumbleweedgeser: haven't looked at all. Also, with the current state of the MP, it just spits out JSON, but doesn't generate the (previously static) html page that draws the graph12:49
tumbleweedLaney: for oneiric, it looks suspiciously like it's including syncs before DIF. I tried to exclude that with WHERE signed_by != 'N/A'. That's about the best I can do, right?12:51
gesertumbleweed: you could put the static files directly into the top-directory (I should probably move the css and the .js files there too and let the source link point to the LP project now that it exists)12:52
tumbleweedmy merge will update the source link12:52
tumbleweedproblem with the static pages as they stand is that we need to generate one per release12:53
tumbleweedalso, I don't think having that many graphs is useful. One, with the right configuration options, should suffice12:53
gesercould the graph be updated through JS to load the matching JSON data file?12:56
tumbleweedwell, right now you can add and remove series. I'll ad a dropdown to select architecture http://corelli.tumbleweed.org.za/ubuntu-qa/qa-ftbfs/oneiric-historical.html instead of one graph per arch12:57
tumbleweedit can all come from one json file12:57
jtaylorthat page does nto work with opera :(12:58
tumbleweedjtaylor: any idea why?12:58
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tumbleweedgeser: actually, I'll probably just dump the json into the generated html12:59
jtaylorwhat happened on sep 1? :)13:00
tumbleweeddon't know13:01
tumbleweedthe logs didn't show anything unuual13:02
jtaylorthis is the error I'm getting with opera http://paste.ubuntu.com/709642/13:02
tumbleweedjtaylor: fixed?13:05
jtayloryes thanks13:05
alkisgSo my problem (much) above seems to be that dh_installinit makes symlinks in init.d for upstart jobs, but it doesn't remove them before upgrading. So to migrate my app from upstart to sysvinit I had to put a preinst script and remove the symlinks manually :(13:21
geserwhy do you migrate from upstart to sysvinit?13:23
alkisg(09:05:02 πμ) alkisg: If I want a package of mine to be more compatible with Debian, I'd better use sysv init.d scripts and not upstart, right? Or should I have different packages for Debian/Ubuntu?13:23
alkisgMainly for debian compatibility13:23
stgraberalkisg: you can have both in your package. debian/<binary package name>.init is for sysvinit and debian/<binary package name>.upstart is for upstart13:24
stgraberalkisg: that way you can provide both, you'll have sysvinit on Debian and Upstart on Ubuntu13:24
alkisgstgraber: yes, but I can't have one package for both distros13:24
geserif it's not to much work provide both a sysvinit and upstart file. If I'm not mistaken Debian's dh_installinit will install the sysvinit and Ubuntu's dh_installinit prefers the upstart file13:24
stgraberalkisg: indeed, but all the packages get rebuilt when syncing from Debian, so that's not a problem13:25
stgraberalkisg: assuming you plan on actually uploading that package to Debian13:25
alkisgAny downsides for providing only a sysvinit script?13:25
geserso this is for an external repository?13:25
alkisgCurrently it's being built on launchpad and uploaded on a PPA13:25
stgraberif that's for a PPA/external repository, I'd suggest building two separate packages. If that's for actual archive upload, then provide both in debian/ and let the Debian and Ubuntu builders do the needed magic13:26
alkisgI want to try if the same .deb works on debian, so that I can minimize the things I need to do for each release (now I only click on a recipe)13:26
alkisgstgraber: Ubuntu won't be running both script on boot, right? Only the upstart one...13:26
alkisg(the sysvinit and the upstart one)13:27
stgraberalkisg: if the sysvinit script is a symlink autogenerated by the builder, then it'll only start it once13:27
geseralkisg: only one will get installed during package building by dh_installinit13:27
alkisgAh, so dh_installinit is clever and only takes the upstart one13:27
stgraberalkisg: if your binary package contains both a valid (non-symlink) sysvinit script + and upstart job, then both will start13:27
alkisgThank you guys13:27
alkisgstgraber: the main reason I include a sysvinit/upstart script anyway, is because ltsp clients don't receive an if-up event, so I'll remove it completely if/once we fix that part in ltsp...13:29
alkisgSo I only use that script to fake an if-up event13:29
* tumbleweed doesn't quite get the ARB poll. We are selecting 3 from 3?13:32
stgraberalkisg: ah, yeah, not quite sure I want to fix that "bug" to be honest ;) as quite a lot of stuff can get triggered by the if-up event that we always handle another way13:32
stgrabertumbleweed: yeah, that's a bit weird ;) it's basically some kind of confirmation vote but with no way of selecting "I don't want him" :)13:32
stgraberanyway, got to run, flight is boarding!13:32
tumbleweedstgraber: yeah, it either needs a NOTA or more applicants13:32
alkisgstgraber: I think we only handle ntpdate, and it doesn't matter much if it gets called a second time. E.g: avahi-autoipd  avahi-daemon  ethtool  ntpdate  openssh-server  postfix  upstart  wireless  wpasupplicant13:33
alkisgLet's think about it at BTS13:33
alkisgIt might even be better to remove our ntpdate handling13:34
alkisg(as it's even ran synchronously now)13:34
Laneyyou get publication records when a new series is initialised from an old one13:44
tumbleweedgeser: done: http://people.ubuntuwire.org/~stefanor/lp-ftbfs-report/historical14:45
geserlooks great14:46
geserwill it do the right thing also when used on the archive rebuilds?14:47
tumbleweedhaven't tested that :P14:47
geserdoes it list all package sets with a current count > 0 or also those which had in the past at least one FTBFS? (or even all available package sets?)14:48
tumbleweedevery time it runs, it records the packages with failed builds in a per-series-per-archive sqlite db14:49
tumbleweedthen it mines that db to produce aggregate failures per packageset per arch per day14:50
tumbleweedyeah it just lists all package sets that appear in the data, so >0 failures14:50
gesersome cosmetic issues: can you configure the min step size and min value of the y-axis? try selecting only xubuntu or mythbuntu or utouch or netbook14:52
tumbleweedright, I think we need to include 0s everywhere14:52
geserI guess adding "yaxis: { min: 0; minTickSize: 1;}" would solve it15:00
tumbleweedthat still wouldn't be quite right15:04
geserthere is nothing like -1 FTBFS or a fraction of a FTBFS (0.5 FTBFS)15:06
tumbleweedthe problem is that we are not displaynig data points where we know there were 0 failures15:07
tumbleweedI do agree about adding those options, though15:07
geserah, that's an other issue15:07
geserI was just looking at the y-axis15:07
tumbleweedgeser: there. My js-fu isn't great, took me a while...15:38
tumbleweedand regenerated my demo15:49
Rhondahuhm, my neighbour called me for upgrade issues to oneiric - and now I'm stuck. :)15:53
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micahggeser: I think it's fixed now17:17
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Laneythe lplib method is rather annoying19:41
nigelbto do what?19:43
Laneylist uploads19:43
nigelbI'm tempted to suggest screen scraping, but people will shoot me for that.19:44
ajmitchnigelb: yes, you would be shot for that19:51
ajmitchLaney: that's ugly19:51
ajmitchisn't there something in python-debian you can use instead of calling out to dpkg-parsechangelog?19:51
nigelbajmitch: I know. Which is why I was careful not to suggest.19:51
Laneyfix it?19:52
ajmitch"patches welcome"19:52
ajmitchor get nigelb to add something to the API so you don't have to do this19:52
Laneyi filed a bug asking for them to expose the changelog url19:52
nigelbdrat, should keep a low profile of my lp hacking :P19:52
Laneythat would be nice19:52
ajmitchnigelb: too late for that19:53
Laneyand the closed bugs, indeed19:53
nigelbBut then, I'm careful not to touch Soyuz.19:53
ajmitchso you still have a tenuous grasp on sanity?19:53
nigelbMostly I like solving UI things that irritate me.19:53
nigelbLike the the one about mouseovering a bug and getting the bug title.19:54
nigelbThat's my proudest fix :D19:54
Laneyi definitely looked at python-debian19:54
Laneysome reason it didnt do what i wanted19:54
Laneycurrently mainly need a way to ignore the spphs that you get when intialising a new release19:55
Laneyany ideas?19:55
* ajmitch hasn't dealt with that part of lplib19:56
nigelbNeither have I.19:58
gesernigelb: beware, you might get hired if you work to much on LP, happened to wgrant :)19:58
nigelbgeser: haha, I'll take that as positive outcome :P19:59
tumbleweedLaney: I guess you have no choice but to keep track of versions you've already visited20:04
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tumbleweedLaney: for ubuntu upload history, can't you get changes files in the vast majority of cases?20:05
Laneyi am searching for Published spphs with the same version20:05
Laneyseems like it would be easier to just use the same method for everything20:05
nigelbI suggest asking wgrant in the morning. He'd know better than all of us.20:05
nigelb(in *his* morning)20:05
ajmitchit is his morning, just 7AM there20:05
nigelbOh right. Timezones. Gah.20:06
ajmitchyeah, wonderful things20:06
ajmitchmeans that I'm already at work on a monday morning now :(20:06
nigelbaww :(20:07
Laneyerm, well I think it works, but it is pretty much the slowest thing ever21:35
ajmitchhow long does it take to run?21:37
ajmitchand are you tracking what you've checked in the past, so that you don't have to look up all of precise-changes for every run?21:37
Laneythat is why we have created_since_date21:40
Laneyoh it's not that bad if you give it a more recent date21:42
ajmitchgoing to run it from a cron job locally, or do you want to put it somewhere like qa.ubuntuwire.org?21:43
Laneyi'll run it on samosa21:45
Laneyif they install lplib for me21:45
ajmitchuseful if you need access to udd as well, I guess21:46
Laneygiven that importing into udd is the whole point, seems to make sense21:47
ajmitchthe one advantage of ubuntuwire is that it's about 3ms away from LP21:48
tumbleweedLaney: I see you've just NMUed hp-ppd which is at the top of oldmerges (thanks to the NMU versions being lower than the ubuntu one). I hope you'll merge it :)21:49
tumbleweedajmitch: yeah, it is impressively quick for lplib21:49
Laneyerm erm erm21:49
udienztumbleweed, i think xmem need to sync instead of merge22:42
udienzbug 87603222:42
ubottuLaunchpad bug 876032 in xmem (Ubuntu) "Please sync xmem 1.20-27.1 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/87603222:42
tumbleweedudienz: agreed22:46
udienzdoes only rebuild package is approved to -proposed/-updates?23:24
udienzbug 873984 seems like proftpd-dfsg need to rebuild again cureent openssl23:25
ubottuLaunchpad bug 873984 in proftpd-dfsg (Ubuntu) "mod_tls and mod_sftp broken (need rebuild)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/87398423:25
micahgudienz: if the package is currently broke, sure23:26

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