
CyberKnetare there any known issues with lirc upgrading from natty to oneiric?01:21
CyberKnetmy remote doesn't work after I allowed ubuntu to upgrade to oneiric01:22
CyberKnetmythfrontend logs say it's using /dev/lircd and the appropriate configuration file01:22
CyberKnetirw shows keypresses01:27
CyberKnetbut mythfrontend isn't using them01:28
CyberKnetdid the progid change for myth from mythtv ??01:32
CyberKnetvlc also isn't working - but honestly I never tried it before.01:39
CyberKnetugh. and I can't get lircd to accept a -L or --logfile parameter01:48
CyberKnetman page shows it exists... but it sure doesn't work.01:49
SuccessSo i thought i installed mythbuntu-desktop right, i left, came back, asks some questions, seems to be done, not really sure, notifications went away, but so did unity so i did alt f1 to see terminal ran unity, gave me failish bar at the top cant see open windows or anything assume its done and restart to try to go in to mythbuntu, i select option but instead of signing in it just flashes and goes no where, so in effort to05:32
Successuse my computer i just go to ubuntu and here i am, so how do i get mythbuntu to work05:32
[R]this isn't #mythbuntu05:42
Successwell how get just mythtv then and mythbuntu points here05:43
[R]oh wait05:45
[R]it tis05:45
[R]installing mythbuntu-desktop probably makes it unhappy05:45
Successhttp://pastebin.com/HN5SQp4H thats errpr05:46
Zinn[pastebin.com] -Title-: An unhandlable error occured -Message-: There seems to be a pro - Pastebin.com05:46
Successmakes what unhappy05:47
[R]wait, did you install mythbuntu on an existing install, or did you use the mythbuntu cd?05:47
Successon existing install...05:47
[R]yeah, you probably made it unhappy05:47
Successimonnormal gnome3unity ubuntu05:47
Successhow not make it unhappy05:48
[R]why would you install mythbuntu-desktop on an existing install to begin with?05:48
Successbecause i like gnome305:48
[R]ok... and?05:48
[R]mythbuntu-desktop is gonna install xfce05:49
Successdude just how make it work05:49
[R]i dunno, you probably broke it05:49
Successwow thanks05:50
SuccessMythTV backend setup isnt working, thts the message i gave you05:50
SuccessMythTV Backend Setup on ubuntu isnt working05:51
[R]first you say you cant log in, then you paste some random python error, then you say setup isnt working05:52
[R]make up your mind05:52
SuccessI am on ubuntu. I tried to install mythbuntu-desktop. Seemed to install, (my very first post after the hey) that didn't work, shows up on sessions, but can't login. Second I tried to install the backend setup, that didnt work, thats the random python error i showed you05:55
[R]one little snippet of a python error from "installing the backend setup" means nothing05:55
Successmake something work05:57
Successoh there we go i started doing something lamp and it appeared to continue install of myth06:03
superm1mrand, interesting, i didn't realize that do-release-upgrade doesn't detect that it needs --mode=desktop internally08:58
superm1if that's the root cause to all these problems, we should get that resolved08:58
superm1now if this is actually just a bunch of people who manually removed mythbuntu-desktop, that's another story08:58
qwebirc47642Does any one have diskless working with 11.10? I have been using it successfully for several years, but with 11.10 am having problems with nbd.  [ 5.073687] nbd0: Wrong magic (0x25609513)11:02
patdk-lapI gave up on diskless in 10.0411:40
patdk-lapand have switched to iscsi diskless11:40
qwebirc47642any particular reason?  Do you have any instructions you followed to get iscsi working?11:43
patdk-lapnot really, pretty simple11:44
patdk-lapinsert cd, select iscsi disk, install11:44
qwebirc47642do you have a separate image per front end?11:44
qwebirc47642bummer, I have 4 front ends.  Love the way diskless overlays a master image with a unionfs of local changes.  Only one image to upgrade/keep in sync11:45
patdk-lapI manage a few hundred ubuntu servers11:45
patdk-lapso management of 4 frontends is nothing11:45
qwebirc47642any thoughts on the nbd magic number error.  nbd just seems broken in 11.10.  I can't even get nbd-client to mount on the localhost11:54
mrandsuperm1: *shrug* I don't know if a missing -m desktop was the cause or not.13:28

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