
=== akgraner` is now known as akgraner
bkerensapleia2: Tis official http://ubuntuone.com/4AiC97nxYmfe4UntqLxIyf03:05
zocloi have a cuestion03:07
zoclocould some one help me03:08
zocloi have problems starting ubuntu 11.1003:08
bkerensazoclo: Hi! Try #Ubuntu for support just type /join #ubuntu03:08
zoclohow i do that?03:08
zocloim new here03:09
bkerensaJust type: /join #Ubuntu03:09
seidoshey zoclo you may want to see if there is an ubuntu hour near you to go to03:27
zocloi live in Riverside Ca.03:30
bkerensazoclo: Check ubuntu-california.org for local events but also you can get help in #Ubuntu and try the California mailing list :D03:44
=== Faqtotum is now known as Guest82615
pleia2bkerensa: btw, we do offer support here, if no one can answer it we can forward them on14:02
pleia2I wouldn't send people to #ubuntu right away though14:02
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=== jamalta_ is now known as jamalta
bkerensapleia2: Ok didnt know since it was late :)17:36
=== Guest82615 is now known as Faqtotum
=== ryaxnb_ is now known as ryaxnb15

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