
binarymutanton gish?00:14
binarymutantidk how :/00:15
cyberangerhow's it going everyone01:48
binarymutantgood and u01:48
wrsthey cyberanger, binarymutant, going well01:49
* cyberanger yawns01:56
cyberangergood but nearing the end of the day thank god01:56
cyberangerlong day01:56
wrstcyberanger: been busy?01:57
cyberangerwrst: busy enough, I suppose01:58
wrstsounds like too busy01:58
cyberangertrying to find a cheap (say $0.00) project, but keep filling the list with more of the fat wallet type01:58
cyberangergranted, the fat wallet type is more challenging, due to the hardware role too01:59
cyberangerand I don't own the hardware for building a passive radar station, or my own celluar tower01:59
binarymutantcyberanger: software project: $001:59
wrstfat wallet... ahh we can all dream :)02:00
binarymutantlottery dreaming here :D02:00
cyberangerbinarymutant: hardware to run software project on >$0 (and I've not found anything that's pure software to try lately, well, any that aren't done in 5 seconds, within my current capibilites)02:00
binarymutantcyberanger: time to break out a new language's howto02:01
binarymutantlua is fun :D02:01
cyberangerwrst: well, opossed to super-skinny (cobweb-filled) wallet02:01
cyberangerbinarymutant: oh, lottery oh boy, I'd be set for life02:02
binarymutantya that's why keep playing (and losing) :D02:02
cyberangerI learned how to win, step one, ignore lottery advertisements, step two, ignore lottery, step three, count your lottery budget, step four .... step five Profit?!?02:04
binarymutantcollect underpants..profit!02:04
* cyberanger is slightly curious here, hands binarymutant a pair02:05
binarymutantcyberanger: you do know where that saying came from... right?02:05
cyberangerbinarymutant: it's been around so long, can't say I know the original bit02:05
binarymutant"step four .... step five profit" = South Park underpants gnomes02:05
binarymutant:D :D02:06
cyberangerthat's right (however, considering the amount of south park paradoies & satires, wasn't sure if that was literally the original bit)02:06
cyberangeryeah, not much for south park, but I've caught the good stuff, "two days before the day after tommorow" the ADHD ep with everyone on ritilin & ritilout02:07
cyberangerand that bit above too02:08
binarymutantneither am I, but I did catch that epi02:08
cyberanger(but when I saw the south park bit, that whole bit had been going on for months, so again, didn't know that, cool)02:09
cyberangerbinarymutant: that why you like luakit?02:11
binarymutantthat's why I want to like luakit02:11
binarymutantthat browser segfaults waaay too much for actual use02:11
binarymutantbut it is still alpha02:12
* cyberanger knows of his next project now02:14
* binarymutant is interested to know02:14
cyberangerbuild a javascript site with one goal, segfault luakit, then add some rewrite rules to apache & squid, be intresting at Phreaknic02:15
binarymutantflash destroys luakit02:16
binarymutantand there's a bug where closing one window instance closes them all02:17
binarymutantboth are hair pullingly annoying02:17
cyberangersecond one is simple then, javascript to close the window02:19
cyberangerwouldn't hurt to run flash first, cover the bases02:19
binarymutantmight work idk02:19
cyberangerwhen it comes to crashing things, it's sorta like throwing play doh againt the wall over & over02:22
cyberangersooner or later something sticks02:23
wrsthowdy chris458502:40
chris4585hey wrst02:42
chris4585how are you today?02:42
wrstgood chris4585, you?02:43
chris4585I'm alright, a bit bored though02:43
wrstchris4585: cyberanger can solve that for you i'm sure02:43
chris4585I'm sure he probably could02:44
wrstha ha yeah, i'm trying out kde on arch at the moment02:45
chris4585oh, is it on a laptop?02:45
chris4585I always had a wifi problem on arch for some reason02:45
wrstyeah on a laptop, never any issues for me chris4585, even one laptop with broadcom02:46
wrstit was a pain but once it worked it was solid02:46
chris4585I still don't like it, it looks good but its just too much02:48
wrstthey are really doing a nice job with it,but its still not gnome02:49
binarymutantbroadcom is open source now :D02:50
binarymutantfor awhile now02:50
wrstyeah binarymutant but... card i had was still a beast02:50
binarymutantshould be fine these days02:51
wrstbinarymutant: wasnt' 3 months ago02:51
wrstin ubuntu had to use the broadcom proprietary driver  also02:52
binarymutantnot the one in the kernel?02:52
wrstno, and the card still requires firmware i think that may have been the deal02:53
binarymutantall my dell's have broadcoms, they work great for the longest time02:54
wrstbroadcom 4312 fairly common card02:54
johnhaitasany php/mysql coders looking for work?15:59
binarymutantwish I was that good at php ^16:03
johnhaitasbinarymutant: you can be16:05
johnhaitasbinarymutant: you are a talented programmer ... you could easily shift languages16:06
johnhaitasgenerally concepts apply in some way in all languages16:06
johnhaitasthe difference is usually syntax and capabilities16:06
binarymutantI've used php before, it's a fun-big lang. I just don't feel like I'm talented enough to apply to programming positions16:09
johnhaitasbinarymutant: with that outlook - you never will be ;)16:30
binarymutantspeaking of programming and boredom17:36
binarymutantI'm should make a url scraping bot that uploads to a website - seen in other channels17:37
* Unit193 thinks he saw an irssi script for that17:39
binarymutantI'd like to push urls to ubuntu-tennessee.org17:39
* Unit193 thinks he shouldn't post links then17:40
binarymutantnah it'd be okay17:40
binarymutantgive new users a taste of what we're into :D17:40
Unit193I already PMd, didn't like me ;)18:00
binarymutant- under construction -  :D18:01
binarymutanttry !help in here pls18:10
ubotuTNUnit193: help topics: 10 core modules: auth, basics, config, filters, httputil, irclog, remote, unicode, userdata, wordlist; 82 plugins: alias, autoop, autorejoin, azgame, bans, bash, botsnack, cal, chanserv, chucknorris, debug, deepthoughts, delicious, dice, dict, digg, dns, eightball, excuse, factoids, figlet, forecast, fortune, freshmeat, geoip, googlefight, greet, grouphug, hangman, hl2, host, imdb, insult, iplookup, karma,18:11
ubotuTNkeywords, lart, lastfm, linkbot, markov, math, modes, nickrecover, nickserv, note, poll, q, quiz, quote, reaction, realm, remind, remotectl, ri, roshambo, rot, roulette, rss, salut, script, search, sed, seen, shiritori, slashdot, spell, spotify, theyfightcrime, threat, topic, translator, tube, tumblr, twitter, uno, urban, url, usermodes, weather, wheeloffortune, wserver, youtube (help <topic> for more info)18:11
Unit193rbot still :D18:11
binarymutantvery much18:11
Unit193Yep, I know what a few of the commands look like ;D18:12
* cyberanger sees a return of an old bot, that bot is really people shy18:24
binarymutantupdating it, taking out uneeded plugins, pushing in old plugins, et.c18:25
Unit193Yes, he doesn't like my PMs :(18:25
binarymutantstop trying to change the core config :P18:26
Unit193Hey, I just asked to look at the rss info :D18:26
Unit193sed and remote are some good ones18:27
cyberangerman, one more site using silverlight, ugh18:28
binarymutantcyberanger: which site?18:31
cyberangerminor for here, but minor league hockey nonetheless (my hometown team included)18:32
* cyberanger wanted to try and add it to boxee, but that's probally even more a pain18:33
cyberangerubotuTN: hi18:33
cyberangerbinarymutant: that I agree, why use moonlight18:34
binarymutantdoes the install not work with silverlight?18:34
Unit193Awww... ubotuTN doesn't have the greet plugin :(18:36
binarymutantit'll be all up and running tonight, hopefully I can start on the url scraper/uploader tonight too18:37
Unit193So, if I link to http://google .com  will it pickup?18:37
cyberangerbinarymutant: you mean install microsoft silverlight on linux or moonlight on linux (dunno if it works, not paid to find out fully)18:38
binarymutantya and upload it to a site18:38
binarymutantcyberanger: the silverlight page installs moonlight. didn't work for me though18:38
cyberangersilverlight page redirects to mono'18:38
cyberangers moonlight page18:39
binarymutantand it didn't work18:39
cyberangerand from there I close out & use the repo18:39
binarymutant!lp 118:45
ubotuTNbinarymutant: [1] Microsoft has a majority market share https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/118:45
cyberanger!lp 18856418:48
ubotuTNcyberanger: [188564] Build also packages for Debian in PPA's https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/18856418:48
cyberangerthat intrests me more18:48
cyberangerno code of conduct, shame18:50
Unit193We can do whatever we like? \o/18:50
* cyberanger likes the idea, kicks Unit193 for it ;-)18:51
binarymutant!package rbot18:51
ubotuTNbinarymutant: No package found18:51
binarymutantwah, this is going to take forever18:51
cyberanger!package ubuntu-desktop18:52
binarymutantah it was using jaunty lol18:52
binarymutantworks now18:52
cyberangerlol, wow18:54
cyberanger!package ubuntu-desktop18:54
ubotuTNcyberanger: http://packages.ubuntu.com/oneiric/ubuntu-desktop18:54
cyberanger!package lubuntu-desktop18:54
ubotuTNcyberanger: http://packages.ubuntu.com/oneiric/lubuntu-desktop18:54
cyberanger^ more my style18:54
cyberanger!package pianobar18:54
ubotuTNcyberanger: http://packages.ubuntu.com/oneiric/pianobar18:54
* Unit193 installs Lubuntu 11.10 for cyberanger 18:55
* cyberanger uninstall's Unit193's efforts and reinstalls debian testing with lxde ;-)18:55
binarymutantblahblah blah coc?19:01
ubotuTNbinarymutant: The Ubuntu Code of Conduct to which we ask all Ubuntu users to adhere can be found at http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct/19:01
binarymutantk I'm done for now19:01
binarymutantit's where :D19:02
binarymutant!where infocop41119:02
* binarymutant shoots ubotuTN 19:02
cyberangerbinarymutant: was kinda hoping it'd say something like "That's my master"19:02
cyberangerbinarymutant: that's not ubotuTN's fault, fails with cloaks19:02
cyberangerno hostname to trace19:03
binarymutantthe where plugin won't work anymore, I need to scrape a different site since we no longer use the wiki for that stuff19:13
binarymutant!where binarymutant19:13
ubotuTNChristopher Lunsford(chrispluns, binarymutant), Knoxville, TN, Ubuntu, Debian19:13
cyberangerbinarymutant: thought where was geoip based19:14
cyberanger!where chris458519:14
ubotuTNcyberanger: Chris Talley aka chris4585.19:14
cyberanger!where cyberanger19:14
cyberanger!where infocop41119:14
binarymutantit uses this page: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TennesseeTeam/Members19:15
binarymutantfor now19:15
binarymutantwhat's a good page to replace it?19:16
binarymutanta more current page of members19:16
Unit193LP I would think, but that wouldn't be as helpful19:16
binarymutantya lp would be difficult19:19
Unit193launchpadlib :P19:19
binarymutantif they have ruby bindings for it19:20
binarymutantI guess I could execute the random launchpad programs through rbot...19:24
binarymutantthat might work ^^19:24
wrstbinarymutant: a bot??? :)19:24
wrstubotuTN: hello19:24
ubotuTNwrst: hi!19:24
wrstubotuTN: !help19:25
wrstubotuTN: help19:25
ubotuTNwrst: help topics: 10 core modules: auth, basics, config, filters, httputil, irclog, remote, unicode, userdata, wordlist; 4 plugins: keywords, lp, packages, where (help <topic> for more info)19:25
Unit193Awwww.... No sed19:26
wrsthowdy ubotuTN19:26
wrstuhh howdy Unit193 :)19:26
binarymutantno excess, Unit193 what's the sed plugin do?19:26
Unit193Howdy wrst, a few get redirected to ubot4 too19:27
Unit193binarymutant: Nothing much, more of a funny thing19:27
binarymutantubotuTN: howdy19:29
* binarymutant crush bot19:29
binarymutantoh well.19:30
binarymutantnot everyone uses the same irc nick and lp username :(19:38
* cyberanger hands binarymutant a specially modified Sig P229R, fires high velocity silver bullets that generate a NNEMP, good for vampires, zombies and the occasional stupid bot19:41
* cyberanger would not point that weapon at a terminator however19:42
binarymutantblah coc?19:56
binarymutantshould I upgrade to precise?19:59
Unit193Upgrade to Pangolin? Isn't it a little early?20:01
binarymutantmaybe, but everything should already be synced20:01
binarymutantfrom Debian unstable20:01
binarymutanteek plymouth crash is the first bug, nevermind20:03
binarymutant!lp 55374520:04
ubotuTNbinarymutant: [553745] plymouthd crashed with SIGSEGV in ply_event_loop_process_pending_events() https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/55374520:04
binarymutant!tell binarymutant about coc20:05
ubotuTNokay, I told binarymutant: (coc) The Ubuntu Code of Conduct to which we ask all Ubuntu users to adhere can be found at http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct/20:05
binarymutantthat's pointless20:06
ubotuTNbinarymutant: The guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines20:06
binarymutantidk how to get rid of the question mark in the keyword lookup20:07
Unit193Works for one20:08
ubotuTNUnit193: The Ops team does not take applications. When we want more Ops20:08
Unit193Heh, changed since then20:09
binarymutantyes and it's a dump a >2yr old db20:09
binarymutantof a*20:09
Unit193Doesn't matter, some are changed weekly :P20:11
cyberangerthink I've finally worked out my most critical bug with tor20:12
cyberangerUnit193: blog post to follow ;-)20:12
ubotuTN[binarymutant] "Welcome to the Ubuntu Tennessee channel"20:13
Unit193cyberanger: Public post this time? ;)20:14
binarymutantpost it in here :D20:16
* wrst_hello waits for greeting20:17
Unit193wrst_hello: Only preset nicks20:17
binarymutantjust took it out20:17
wrst_hellowell that's not nice :P20:17
Unit193wrst_hello: Hello20:17
wrst_hellohello :)20:17
wrst_hellothat makes me feel better20:17
binarymutantI thought it would be spammy since the topic says "welcome[...]"20:17
Unit193People in TN read the topic? :o20:18
binarymutantapparently I do :D20:18
wrstUnit193: some of us have more than one tooth also20:18
binarymutant^^ upperclass :P20:18
wrstha ha20:19
binarymutant^^^ insurance :P20:19
binarymutantwrst: greet or no greet?20:19
Unit193Cyber does a good job of that ;)20:26
wrstha ha i don't know binarymutant some might think the bot is real?20:28
chris4585lol I like how I filled out my details20:30
binarymutantchris4585: on what?20:30
binarymutant!where chris458520:30
ubotuTNbinarymutant: Chris Talley aka chris4585.20:30
chris4585I did it a loooong time ago20:30
chris4585I'm not sure why it says my name though20:31
binarymutantchris4585: you might have put it into the wiki and forgot about it20:32
binarymutantboo hiss, I figured out why my website's php doesn't work: they don't allow fopen :(20:56
binarymutantWalking Dead?23:41
Unit193Why did our cyberanger go?23:49
binarymutantdon't know :/23:50
binarymutantmore important stuff to do?23:50
* Unit193 wonders what he's doing around now23:50
binarymutanttracking planes :D23:51

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