
allu2Is ubuntuone suppose to download files i already have?11:02
allu2i added my computer to ubuntu one which had already synced my music folder from the last installation containing the same files, yet now it started to "download" all the files again even tough they exist in the folder11:03
allu2also the sync between my eepc and desktop computer doesn't seem to be working, system monitor reports my upload and download are near 0kb/s on both devices, yet i get more then once every 5 mins announcement of how 172 files are being downloaded and few uploaded11:06
allu2ubuntuone panel says syncronicing..11:07
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allu2now after around 5 hours since "start of syncing" of the files i already have totalling around 400mb the number of downloads from 172 files has dropped to 140 files.. my connections are 8mb/1mb whats wrong?15:16
dobeyallu2: it sounds like maybe you're getting disconnected/reconnected a lot, perhaps partly due to enormous increase in usage from ubuntu 11.10 just being released15:42
Belboz99hey all, is there a problem with the OpenID?16:02
Belboz99I get the following when logging in on the website one.ubuntu.com:16:02
Belboz99opps, BTW, this channel isn't listed there ^^16:03
Belboz99OpenID discovery error: HTTP Response status from identity URL host is not 200. Got status 50316:03
Belboz99that's what I get when I select "login" at one.ubuntu.com, using Google Chrome on Windows 7 (64bit)16:04
Belboz99unless I'm forgetting my password (which is possible) I can't login using the Windows client either16:05
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dobeyBelboz99: looks like there might be a problem with the Ubuntu SSO server (not u1 itself)16:19
MrGeneralHello dear friends.  The command "u1sdtool --waiting-content | wc -l" tells me there are 490 files waiting to be sync. However, ubuntu one is not syncing it, it took lots of time to sync a few mb (its not internet issue though). I believe something is broken even if I manually start the sync it wont sync.16:19
dobeyMrGeneral: you are probably constantly getting disconnected. seems to be some issue with the auth server; probably some pieces of the whole are getting bombarded after the ubuntu 11.10 release. trying to poke ops to look at it. sorry for any inconvenience16:23
MrGeneralYeah maybe dobey, it might be the issue. Is it happening with you as well?16:26
MrGeneralI don't know who are the ops though :P16:26
MrGeneralYou might be right dobey. I see the message "syncronizing 490 files" several times16:27
MrGeneralit appears im getting connecting and then disconnected, gosh I really need this sorted out <.<16:27
dobeyMrGeneral: i am bugging ops :)16:27
MrGeneralThank you dobey, really :-)16:27
dobeyMrGeneral: try u1sdtool -d, wait a few seconds, then try u1sdtool -c again, and let me know if it's working for you, please16:28
dobeyBelboz99: you should be able to log in on one.ubuntu.com again now16:28
MrGeneralI'll try that, one second dobey.16:30
MrGeneralok done that dobey16:30
MrGeneralnothing happened :-P16:30
dobeyMrGeneral: it didn't connect?16:31
dobeywhat does u1sdtool -s say?16:31
MrGeneralone second dobey , I'll pastebin16:32
MrGeneraldobey, http://pastebin.com/v9DX1Q4q16:32
MrGeneralit keeps displaying m, 490 files are being sync16:34
dobeyMrGeneral: hrmm, do you have a file named ~/.cache/ubuntuone/log/syncdaemon-exceptions.log ?16:34
MrGenerala small ballon appears , like16:34
MrGeneralI'll check that one second16:34
dobeyit's continually dropping connection :(16:34
MrGeneralnop, I dont have that fle16:34
MrGeneralyeah dobey , it seems like16:34
MrGeneraldobey, o.O just seen some interesting logs16:35
MrGeneraldobey, http://pastebin.com/pPm2frBN16:35
dobeyMrGeneral: ok, there should be some info in syncdaemon.log detailing the problem16:35
dobeyah, bugger.16:35
MrGeneralsomething about ssl cert <.<16:35
dobeyyeah, it's an erroneous error, but due to a problem on the server :(16:36
MrGeneralI'm seeing some logs atm16:36
MrGeneralill delete the session id tho16:37
dobeydelete the session id?16:37
MrGeneralyeah, I deleted the session id from the pastebin16:37
MrGeneralof those logs16:37
dobeythat log looks like it connected ok16:38
MrGeneralyep, its showing 2 more line16:38
MrGeneral2011-10-16 17:37:13,761 - ubuntuone.SyncDaemon.ActionQueue - INFO - The request 'list_volumes' finished OK.16:38
MrGeneral2011-10-16 17:38:04,364 - ubuntuone.SyncDaemon.InteractionInterfaces - WARNING - called waiting_content - this method is deprecated, use 'waiting' instead16:38
MrGeneralI highly doubt its gonna work tho :-P16:38
MrGeneralok it started the queue, just like the other time16:38
dobeywell, hopefully it will work for a while :)16:38
MrGeneral2011-10-16 17:38:28,108 - ubuntuone.SyncDaemon.Main - NOTE - ---- MARK (state: <State: 'QUEUE_MANAGER'  (queues WORKING  connection 'With User With Network')>; queue: 490; hash: 0) ----16:38
MrGeneralI doubt dobey16:38
MrGeneralI think that I'm just going to get the same ssl error :-P16:39
MrGeneralyep, got owned dobey , error appeared :-P16:42
dobeyok, well i have poked ops about it, so hopefully will be working again soon16:43
MrGeneralJust sent you a notice containing a few more personal logs dobey16:44
MrGeneralPass them those logs :-)16:44
MrGeneralI hope they'll be useful16:44
MrGeneralqueue is smaller, it seems I downloaded one file at least hahaha16:45
dobeythe logs aren't necessary16:47
MrGeneralalright dobey16:49
dobeyMrGeneral: is it still failing with the SSL error?17:00
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MrGeneralone sec dobey17:18
MrGeneralI turned my vpn on17:18
MrGeneralIt's just "Waiting" dobey17:21
MrGeneral2011-10-16 18:19:30,210 - ubuntuone.SyncDaemon.DBus - INFO - connect: credential request was successful, pushing SYS_USER_CONNECT.17:21
MrGeneral2011-10-16 18:19:59,550 - ubuntuone.SyncDaemon - WARNING - Please don't run the syncdaemon as root.17:21
MrGeneral2011-10-16 18:20:28,108 - ubuntuone.SyncDaemon.Main - NOTE - ---- MARK (state: <State: 'WAITING'  (queues WORKING  connection 'With User With Network')>; queue: 479; hash: 0) ----17:21
MrGeneralim getting some more logs17:21
dobeyMrGeneral: ok, sounds like it is working on stuff.17:22
dobeymight be a little slow, but should hopefully be ok now :)17:22
MrGeneraldobey, http://pastebin.com/sCbtnynx17:23
MrGeneralI doubt tho17:23
MrGeneraldid they tell you its fixed?17:23
dobeywell it seems to work here, so want to verify it's still happening17:29
MrGeneralsure dobey , I'll be checking17:46
MrGeneral011-10-16 18:47:00,505 - ubuntuone.SyncDaemon.StorageClient - INFO - Connection lost, reason: [Failure instance: Traceback (failure with no frames): <class 'OpenSSL.SSL.Error'>: [('SSL routines', 'SSL3_READ_BYTES', 'ssl handshake failure')]17:47
MrGeneral2011-10-16 18:47:00,506 - ubuntuone.SyncDaemon.ActionQueue - INFO - The request 'protocol_version' failed with the error: [('SSL routines', 'SSL3_READ_BYTES', 'ssl handshake failure')]17:47
MrGeneralI'm still getting connection failures dobey , it's not fixed17:51
MrGeneralit seems they fixed it dobey18:10
MrGeneralfinally downloaded all files :-P18:10
MrGeneralthanks for your help dobey18:11
dobeysure. glad it's working for you again. sorry it went bad for a bit :)18:11
dobeyand i have to go now anyway :)18:11
MrGeneralno problem at all, issues happen to everyone18:11
MrGeneralsure, take care18:11
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allu2dobey: heh finally it got synced, just took 9 hours to sync 480mb i already had :P18:56
allu2Does ubuntu one have mecanism to see if the files its going to download already exist in the system?19:03
dobeyallu2: yes, it rescans the local files before downloading. it compares the hashes of local files, against those on the server, and then resolves the differences (downloads or uploads files appropriately)19:08
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31NAAE8ZNhola, am attempting to configure UbuntuOne posteri the upgrade to Ubuntu 11.10. Can anybody assist por favor?20:34
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RaHorachtyIt pertains configuration, though there does not appear to be a configuration area20:35

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