
=== naka is now known as Guest32589
DrakmorHey guys, I've been trying to get ubuntu studio 10.04 working for the last couple of hours and its not working out. The install was okay, but I have no ethernet connection (though I did during the install), and only my usb headset is detected  but not my integrated soundcard. Anyone have any ideas why?00:44
DrakmorI've dug around all over but nothing I found worked :/00:45
texaswriterUbuntu studio's networking interface any different then Ubuntu's?00:52
DrakmorI honestly have no idea... I've only used kubuntu prior to this00:53
DrakmorI tried a fresh install of ubuntu 10.04 as well00:53
Drakmorbut got the same thing00:53
Drakmorit definitely had networking during the install though- it said it was downloading things00:53
texaswriterSo: 1) notebook/desktop/etc and any specifics about 2) type of internet connection; 3) pastebin the results of ifconfig00:58
Drakmordesktop- i7 2600k, nvidia 560ti, asus z68-v pro, pretty sure its broadband00:59
Drakmorto get the paste, I'd have to reboot, but all it gives me is lo and lo loopback something00:59
Drakmorone second01:00
Drakmoriface lo inet loopback is the other oen01:00
texaswriterpastebin the results, you might have to type them.01:00
Drakmorbe back in a few01:01
Drakmorthere ya go01:05
texaswriterwhoops can you try ifconfig -a01:12
texaswriterand these commands01:12
texaswriterIt's getting rare that wireless doesn't work right outside of the box, but i've never had ethernet not work.01:14
Drakmoryeah, I was sorta surprised. I would try a newer version, but 10.04 is apparently the most recent version with some form of realtime kernel01:15
DrakmorI'll try that01:16
texaswriterif you can see that website, trouble shoot through that... otherwise, your problem should be similar to any Ubuntu (not kde) network problem (as in Gnome)01:16
texaswriteralso, it may be you need to google your motherboard and see if drivers are provided for mobo.01:17
DrakmorI'm on the same computer right now, just on kubuntu 11.0401:18
Drakmorso they definitely exist....01:18
Drakmornwo that I finished reading that page and the one it linked to, how does that help me? Those seem to be drivers specific to that model of netbook.01:19
texaswriter@Ddrakmor, print out or save the page and try the sequence of commands on the first post. yeah, sorry, just checking for something obvious, i'm no expert, just usually solved01:20
Drakmoroh, so just add the eth0 lines to the file like the op did?01:21
texaswritermake sure to backup your file first, but yes01:21
Drakmorokay, thanks01:21
Drakmorbe back in  a few01:21
texaswriterbackup the original first, then try.01:22
Drakmordoing that now01:22
Drakmorokay, didn't work. I'll give you an output pastebin in a secondf01:29
texaswriterokay, when you reboot, eth0 shouldn't be around.. so pastebin these commands: lspci; sudo lshw -C network01:33
texaswriteryou can post it here, but should probably also post it on ubuntuforums.org01:34
DrakmorI was reading around earlier though and I thought I saw something saying the 11.04 release has a lowlatency kernel... you know anything about that? If its true I can just install that, because all of my research points to the 10.04 version being the one with the network issues01:35
texaswriteryou mean 11.10?01:35
Drakmorthere's 11.10 of studio already?01:35
texaswriterit uses xfce. i'm testing it in vb right now01:35
texaswritergoogle ubuntustudio 11.1001:36
Drakmorooh, that'd be nice... I dislike gnome immensly01:36
texaswriterit should bring up a link to a .ubuntu site01:36
DrakmorI'm cool with using it as long as it has some sort of low latency/ realtime kernel01:36
Drakmorcuz I'm planning to do a lot of audio recording and mixing01:36
texaswritercool. there are download link and release notes01:36
Drakmor"Excitingly, this kernel should allow users to set irq priorities, which means a real time kernel is no longer required for this task!"01:37
texaswriterI think you have to select "xfce" or something when logging in after upgrading (or installing). I've been told. It's updating right now.01:37
DrakmorI'm pretty new to all this latency stuff.... what does that mean?01:37
texaswriterMine is updating right now, so if you stay on for a few more minutes, I'll let you know how rebooting after update goes.01:37
Drakmorokay, will do01:38
texaswriterhrrm, not gets hung up on screen after update, not sure if it is updating or encrypted home folder.01:44
trojanerPTwellcome to amateur soft aka open sourc01:45
texaswriterwell that's not blatant trolling. well, actually the encrypted home folder works very well. I had noticed it borks it though when01:47
Drakmoroh well, I'll give it a try01:47
texaswriterit borks it when doing a dist-upgrade01:47
DrakmorI'm not going to keep futzing around with this broken install :P01:47
texaswriterhappened to me before, had a home folder encrypted and it wasn't usable after a dist-upgrade. probably some simple bug01:47
Drakmoryeah, I tried that option once and things broke.... now that I'm on a desktop, its not nearly as big of a deal anywyas01:48
=== Guest32589 is now known as naka
texaswriteryeah, just as easy to encrypt an individual file... encryption used to bork on WIndows boxes all the time, and they were unrecoverable.01:48
trojanerPTtry AVlinux01:49
trojanerPTthis one is bsed on DEBIAN the cradle of UBUNTU01:50
Drakmor@texaswriter any luck?01:59
texaswriterlol, naw, gonna update my system!!! lol02:01
Drakmorokay, have fun ;)02:05
DrakmorI'm doing the same as soon as it dl's02:05
texaswritereh, i just got cold feet... test this coming week.. don't have time to reinstall everything02:06
texaswriterlol, good luck!!02:06
texaswriterlemme know how it goes please02:06
Drakmoronce I get to the text based installer with no distractions I guess I'll have no choice but to do some homework XD02:07
Drakmoroh well, at least I'll get it done02:07
Drakmorhow much longer will you be online? It took a good hour to install last time...02:08
Drakmorand wow, the download failed.... time to try again02:08
Drakmor@trojaner have you contributed one serious remark to this channel that doesn't involve trolling or bashing ubuntu/ opensource software?02:09
trojanerPTi hardlly said anything on this channel02:11
trojanerPTby the way this isnt twiter02:12
texaswriterall a matter of preference02:12
texaswriterno big deal. anyways, Drakmore, probalby a cleane install will be better than an upgrade, as long as you are backedup02:13
trojanerPTthat person was having trouble i just gave him an option thats acctually was open source02:13
trojanerPTubuntu studio is GPL?02:14
texaswriterspam alert02:14
texaswriterDebian/GNULinux comes with no guarantee so neither does AV Linux. I accept no responsibility for any hardware/software malfunctions or data loss resulting from it's use. It is important to note that AV Linux is not GPL and contains software that is not open-source and is distributed under a special licensing arrangement with the original developers, re-distributing AV Linux is a violation of this license. AV Linux al02:14
texaswriterso contains Multimedia Codecs that may be under patent in certain countries, it is the users responsibility to know the law as it applies to their own respective country before downloading or installing.02:14
texaswriterUbuntu studio is free and open source02:15
Drakmoryeah, I'm not going to say anything else to him02:15
trojanerPTso what if its not GPL02:15
Drakmoras soon as this downloads I'll be just installing it in the broken install's partition02:15
trojanerPTits better02:15
texaswritermatter of opinion. GPL and not open source would stop me from using.02:16
DrakmorI have never stopped to check about this liscensing stuff....02:17
trojanerPTbecause you are using it fro work in a enterprisee?02:17
trojanerPTtexaswriter: i got news for you02:18
trojanerPTubuntustudio isnt GPL02:18
texaswritertrojanerPT: I didn't say it was. I said that avlinux IS NOT GPL and is also NOT open source, and also contains proprietary parts.02:19
texaswriterBecause of these, and in my opinion (since it is a free world), I will choose not to use it.02:19
trojanerPTso does ubuntu studio02:19
texaswriterI can take an operating system that has no proprietary elements and enable them myself.02:19
texaswriterubuntu studio can be redistributed, AV linux clearly states if you look at the above post from their privacy link that it cann not be redistributed02:20
trojanerPTubuntu studio is NON GPL02:20
trojanerPTare you deaf?02:20
texaswriterI never said it was.02:20
texaswriternot even once.02:20
trojanerPTyou seem to have a problem with AVlinux because it was NON GPL02:21
trojanerPTbut have no problem with02:21
trojanerPTubuntu studio that is also NON GPL02:22
texaswriterNO, my LOGICAL statement was that because it was non-GPL, not open source, AND  (logical and of these three items) not redistributable, I will pass.02:22
texaswriterLogical and02:22
nakatw explained himself pretty clearly02:22
DrakmorI think he had an issue with the fact that you were posting it here while bashing ubuntu and being rather trollish02:22
trojanerPTso he was making it up02:23
holsteinhey guys02:23
trojanerPTdamn LIER02:23
holsteinwhats going on?02:23
texaswriteroh my, can I not be more clear02:23
Drakmorwe're being trolled by trojaner02:23
Drakmorto put it bluntly02:23
holsteinin order for the pacakges to be included, they must be free02:23
trojanerPTthats what you get for trying to help out02:23
holsteinthats why nvidia drivers for example arent included trojanerPT02:24
texaswritertrojanerPT: you seem to be misunderstanding me. My statement about AVLinux had absolutely nothing to do with UbuntuStudio.02:24
Drakmortexas and I were talking about some issues with installing studio and trojaner hops on and laughs at us for using ubuntu and then starts trying to convince us to use avlinux02:24
trojanerPTaclinus is better IMO02:24
Drakmorcase in point02:25
Drakmorits no problem you think that, its just that this is an ubuntu irc if you haven't noticed02:25
holsteinAVlinux is quite different02:25
texaswriterOkay, so you keep bringing that up, but it only had to do AVLinux. Avlinux is non-GPL (this has nothing to do with ubuntustudio), Avlinux is not open source, avlinux contains licensed, proprietary components, avlinux is not redistributable.   If you choose to use AVLinux, that's your choice. But my statement was, imo, I won't use because of those reasons.  because ubuntustudio is free, open source, and redistributabl02:25
holsteinneither are better02:25
holsteini like how AVlinux is live02:26
holsteinubuntustudio will be doing that next release hopefully02:26
texaswriterchoice is good.02:28
holsteini suggest AVLinux as a live CD quite often02:29
texaswriterholstein: nothing wrong with that. I personally believe distro should let the user decide on picking up the proprietary elements, this way if a corporation wants to go after someone, they have to go after every one of the users (which is essentially impossible since they wouldn't know who they are), not just one website (which might be easy to take down with a cease/desist order, aka FUD)02:37
holsteinsure, i agree02:38
holsteinthats why ubuntu cant include certain things02:38
Drakmorokay, got the iso02:40
Drakmorwish me luck installing02:41
DrakmorI'll be back hopefully soon with a report02:41
texaswriterokay good luck02:41
plain-userHi! Can anyone help me with the setup of my computer to do sound?03:38
holsteinplain-user: it should just do sound out of the box03:39
plain-userholstein, Hi! Yes, it does to some extend...03:40
holsteinplain-user: lets try and take a small step03:40
holsteinwhats the issue?03:40
holsteinyou have sound?03:40
plain-userYes, i have sound.03:40
plain-userI don;t know where to start. you said learn to use jack with both my soundcards. I can't figure it out. for now i'm just using gui sound manager to switch outputs for skyle vs playing music.03:41
holsteinthats fine03:41
holsteinif it works, it works :)03:42
plain-userif it is too complicated to work with two cards, i already accepted the fact i shall use external card and hold the microphone in hands.03:42
holsteinwell, maybe you just do that for a while03:43
plain-userok, i'm happy to do that. i go and restart now and disable the internal card in bios.03:44
holsteinyeah, thats what i would do03:44
plain-usercan I come back and perhaps, work out some applications with you, please?03:44
holsteinyou can try03:45
holsteinim about to crash03:45
holsteinbut, i'll be back soon03:45
holsteinand you can try #opensourcemucians if its dead here03:45
holstein #opensourcemusicians03:45
plain-userwell, sleep don't wait for me then. i be right back anyway03:45
plain-userthanks i am there listening already03:45
holsteinplain-user: cool :)03:45
holsteinif i miss you, good luck and good nite03:46
plain-userok, skype works.03:52
l33_in the release informations about ubuntu-studio 11.10 it is said, that the new ubuntu-studio uses the generic ubuntu kernel07:17
l33_is the rtirq script installed ?07:17
l33_i mean are there any differences (except some installed software packagaes) between ubuntu 11.10 and ubuntu-studio 11.1007:18
steve__anyone in here now?07:26
l33_doesnt seem so, do it ?07:28
l33_bye steve07:50
=== mammig is now known as toto
=== toto is now known as mammig
cousin_luigiWhen is 11.10 due?13:03
trojanerPTany one using dream studio?13:53
Drakmorhey, this works on all versions of natty, not just studio natty right? https://launchpad.net/~abogani/+archive/ppa14:14
holsteinDrakmor: right14:27
holsteinubuntu = ubuntustudio14:27
Drakmorokay, thats what I though. I've never messed around with different kernels so I wasn't sure.14:27
DrakmorThis technically is off topic I guess, but how do I get the new kernel to show up in grub? I installed it and its not appearing...14:27
holsteinDrakmor: i use lots of them14:27
holsteinDrakmor: maybe you just added the ppa and didnt install the pacakges?14:28
DrakmorI definitely installed them,, and they appear to be in the grub.cfg14:28
Drakmorlemme reboot now that I've rebuilt it14:28
holsteinDrakmor: OH... maybe its this simple14:28
holsteinsudo update-grub14:28
holsteinthat should be triggered though14:28
holsteintheres nothing special, it should 'just work'14:28
Drakmorokay, let me reboot and I'll let you know.14:29
Drakmorno go14:31
Drakmorif I pastebin it, could you take a look at my grub.cfg? I have the feeling this has something to do with me trying to dual boot studio14:32
Drakmorall my grub screen shows is linux 2.6.32-21 preempt (studio)14:32
Drakmor2.6.38-10, and 2.6.38-8 (both generic), as well as the recovery modes for each kernel14:33
holsteinDrakmor: you'll need to run sudo update-grub from the install that is 'in charge' of grub14:33
holsteini have several installs on a test machine14:34
holstein10.04 was the first14:34
holsteinthen, when i added, i *didnt* install grub14:34
Drakmorokay, I'm not sure which one is the main...14:34
DrakmorI installed kubuntu 11.04 first14:34
holsteinso, from the other testing ones, i update kernels, they dont show14:34
Drakmorthen dual booted studio 11.0414:34
holsteini go back to 10.0414:34
holsteinsudo update-grub and all is well14:34
Drakmorif I just remove the studio partition will it break grub?14:35
holsteinDrakmor: its a hard drive14:35
holsteinthings break14:35
holsteini would back up, and do what you got to do14:35
holsteinit shouldng14:35
Drakmorthey're both on the same hdd :/14:35
holsteinbut recovering grub is easy14:35
Drakmorperfect, thanks14:36
holsteini would get the hard drive the way i want it with gparted, the restore grub14:36
holstein*if needed14:36
Drakmorso I can delete the studio partition, then do that correct?14:36
holsteinDrakmor: well, like i said, back up your data14:37
holsteinyou never know14:37
Drakmorbut that's the procedure?14:37
holsteinmoving, deleting, resizing like that can break things14:37
holsteinand for no good reason14:37
holsteinDrakmor: but, ideally, yeah14:37
DrakmorThis is the first time I've mucked around with dualbooting, sorry I'm so imcompetent.... but okay14:37
holsteinit *should* be that easy14:37
DrakmorI shall try that14:37
holsteinDrakmor: yeah, i just recently sorted it out14:38
Drakmorbe back in  a few hopefully14:38
holsteinon that test machine i mentioned14:38
holsteini wiped and moved and restored14:38
holsteinjuggled some things on purpose to learn14:38
holsteinthat was my experience14:38
Arjunhey i just want to know if i can install any package on ubuntu which can install all the studio materials for me, so i dont need to keep two distributions for different work...15:50

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