
reonanybody know if there is a menu editor in the works from upstream?10:40
beardygnomereon: I don't know, but have you tried alacarte?10:42
reonbeardygnome, I made the mistake of just installing it with all it's recommends and now I can't get rid of them, sigh!10:46
beardygnomei have switched my lightdm greeter from the unity one to the lightdm-gtk-greeter and now i can't login14:32
beardygnomeit just loops back to the greeter screen14:32
beardygnomeany ideas how to debug this?14:32
=== Soupermanito is now known as GridCube
GridCubeochosi, you here?15:57
ochosiGridCube: i'm leaving in fact16:00
ochosibut shoot16:00
GridCubewell im seeing a lot of broken icons16:00
ochosito the worst i'll read the backlog and answer tomorrow16:00
GridCubesee the >Clear chat...16:01
ochosiyeah, guess that specific headphone-icon is missing in elementary16:01
GridCubeim getting those on empathy as well16:01
GridCubeon the + and - symbols16:01
ochosiwhat you can try is extend the "Inherit=" line in elementary-xubuntu's index.theme file16:02
ochosii can look into this in more depth some other time, not today16:02
ochosithe question is in which icon themes those icons exist16:02
ochosiprobably "gnome"16:03
GridCubeoh, probably yes16:03
ochosielementary decided to drop quite a few icons16:03
GridCube:/ oh16:03
ochosiand they're focussing on their own OS/distro atm, so i guess at some point we'll have to start looking for something new16:03
GridCubewell i wanted to let you know16:03
GridCubei see16:03
ochosiwell, xchat is obviously using non-standard "+"-" icons16:04
ochosiotherwise they would appear, i'm rather sure16:04
knomeoh, ochosi is speaking16:04
ochosibut anyway, more time to speak about that another day16:04
ochosisee you everyone!16:04
GridCubesee you16:04
knomeyeah, i thought that was too good to be true.16:04
knomebah. i wonder where we are with canonical IS16:17
neighborleeHi ;),,quick question; Is xubuntu ( read a review which stated this but that was a yearish ago ) still mono free and is that meant to be forwarded onto future releases ? ;)16:49
knomeneighborlee, afaik it is. it's not a definitive goal to keep xubuntu mono-free, but since mono would bring up many dependencies and stuff, it's highly possible that it will not get included16:51
neighborleeI need more than 'possible'16:52
neighborleeI need to know its purposely gone16:52
neighborleemono is dangerous. as clearly stated by richard stalman of the FSF16:52
neighborleethats my reason basically16:53
neighborleeand why I was curious16:53
neighborleeothewise id have to goto fedora16:53
neighborleesorry to seem anal about it.but I have to know its meant to be gone on purpose ;)16:54
GridCubeits not16:54
madnickI doubt a moral stand is taken on the subject16:54
GridCubeif for some reason it is thinked to be nesesary it could get in, but its not probable16:55
Unit193Simple, sudo apt-get purge mono*   fixed16:55
knomeneighborlee, the only way to make sure your distro doesn't ever have mono is to create and maintain your own distro16:55
neighborleefedora already has16:56
neighborleethey agree apparently with richard stallman of FSF ;)16:56
neighborleeI was hoping xubuntu did too ;)16:56
neighborleehence the question :(16:56
madnickFedora even have tutorials on how to properly use Mono :P16:57
neighborleeyour missing the point my friend16:57
neighborleeI meant ,,mono or any mono app, not incuded by default16:57
neighborleeI dont care what someone installs later ;)16:57
knomeit's not a matter of heart for us. if you want to affect/make sure mono is not included, feel free to join the developer community and act16:57
neighborleeheart ?16:57
neighborleeim not talking about heart..16:58
neighborleeIm referencing facts16:58
neighborleeyou dont know who richard stallman , of the FSF is ?16:58
knomei do know, but that's got nothing to do with this.16:58
neighborleeof course it does16:58
neighborleehe specificallay says to 'avoid mono'16:58
neighborleepretty clear ;)16:58
GridCubehe says many things16:59
neighborleebut anyway..this isn't a arguement..its fact16:59
knomehe is entitled to is opinion16:59
neighborleehe is a foss leader16:59
neighborleefaik ;)16:59
* GridCube shrugs16:59
knomehe doesn't lead xubuntu16:59
neighborleeI surmised that ;)16:59
neighborleeok thx for info16:59
knomeno problem.17:00
GridCubemy country has the biggest worldwide system for giving free computers to school students, stallman said it was EVEEL because it came whit dual boot linux/717:00
GridCubethat simple thing says many things about stallman17:00
neighborleeexcuse me ?17:02
neighborleeGridCube, ie ?17:02
knomeneighborlee, GridCube: #xubuntu-offtopic please, if you want to continue17:03
=== micahg_ is now known as micahg
knomemadnick, good job there getting the fellow silent :P17:29
* micahg would've said that the Ubuntu Tech Board has approved of mono, so any derivative is free to include it (it's in the repositories...)17:31
Unit193For the record, this is the second derivative he's bothered17:32
micahgUnit193: if it gets trollish, you could mention it to the IRC council17:33
knomeUnit193, ugh. if you don't mind, tell that in -ops-team17:33
knomemicahg, council too, but -ops(-team) first, much faster response17:33
knomemicahg, and people can do something for the issue too17:33
Unit193knome: Do I have to? They are scary...17:34
Unit193micahg: No worse than here/offtopic17:35
knomeUnit193, they aren't :)17:35
micahgknome: sorry, that's what I meant (no caffeine yet today)17:40
knomemicahg, hehe, np17:40
Unit193knome , micahg: Thanks17:41
knomeUnit193, np :)17:42
knomeUnit193, thank you17:42
Unit193I searched, it was 2011-09-2717:46
knomethe previous attack?17:46
Unit193Not as highkey afaict17:48
Unit193Worse here, but I'll read it again :P17:54
marcus_hello 20:24
marcus_some1 here?20:25
marcus_Maybe you can help me with a problem I got with xubuntu 11.1020:26
madnick#xubuntu is for support, there are more people to help there :)20:26
marcus_but if no one answers I need to look somewhere else for help :-)20:27
Unit193Next on the list would be either #ubuntu or #ubuntu-beginners20:27
madnick(i was not in #xubuntu, sorry)20:27
marcus_okay so the problem is this: if I try to mount or open an audio-cd thunar tells me: could not mount audio-cd and place could not be mounted 20:29
marcus_in ubuntu 10.10 this is possible20:29
marcus_got no clue ?20:32
Unit193Well, I hardly ever use CDs, but remote filesystems give an error then they work20:33
madnickwell, whats the filesystem of an audio cd?20:34
madnickbug 15952720:34
ubottuLaunchpad bug 176507 in network-config (Ubuntu) "duplicate for #159527 [hardy] RTL8185L driver not working" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17650720:34
madnickbug 15962720:34
ubottuLaunchpad bug 159627 in thunar (Ubuntu) "Audio CD will not mount" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/15962720:34
marcus_dont know what filesystem an audio-cd has20:35
marcus_okay I will read this launchpad thind20:35
madnickIt was fixed in natty it says20:36
madnickI cannot test it myself20:36
madnick(don't have any audio cd's)20:37
marcus_you can burn one and then try it :-)20:38
Unit193Oneiric is current (Hard to think)20:39
marcus_to me it seems it is not fixed20:39
mr_pouitit's fixed in thunar >= 1.2, when you have the needed gvfs modules installed20:40
mr_pouit(probably gvfs-backends)20:41
marcus_gvfs do I get them via synaptics packet manager ?20:41
marcus_yes I got it20:44
marcus_it works20:44
marcus_thank you20:45

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